cellray · 9 months
Pretty Pink Patterns
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Pretty Pink Patterns make you sleepy.~
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Pretty Pink Patterns make you Hypnotized.
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Pretty Pink Patterns make you Sleepy.
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Pretty Pink Patterns make you Hypnotized.
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Pretty Pink Patterns make you Sleepy.
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Pretty Pink Patterns make you Hypnotized.
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Pretty Pink Patterns make you Sleepy.
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Pretty Pink Patterns make you Hypnotized.
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Pretty Pink Patterns made you Sleepy.
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Pretty Pink Patterns got you Hypnotized.
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Sleepy Hypnotized dolls Reblog
Sleepy hypnotized dolls Repeat:
Pretty Pink Patterns make me Sleepy
Pretty Pink Patterns make me Hypnotized
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ybon-paramoux · 4 months
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The Pendulum Principle
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spellbounddraws · 7 months
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Hypnovember Day 12 - Crystal
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sabertoothwalrus · 2 years
I’m getting a degree in animation
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lushloops · 11 months
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magickkate · 3 months
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Magicians! Whether you're drawn to tarot cards, crystal balls, or pendulums, there's a divination method out there for everyone. Let's dive into this long post about divination and explore everything you need to know to get started! 🌟
🃏 Tarot Cards:
History: Tarot cards have a rich history dating back to the 15th century, originally used for playing card games. Over time, they evolved into a powerful tool for divination and spiritual insight.
Early Origins: Tarot cards likely originated in the 15th century in Europe, possibly in Italy or France. The earliest known tarot decks were hand-painted luxury items commissioned by wealthy families. These early decks, such as the Visconti-Sforza Tarot and the Tarot de Marseille, were not intended for divination but rather for playing card games similar to modern-day bridges. Tarot as a Divinatory Tool: By the 18th century, tarot cards began to be used for divination and spiritual purposes. Influential occultists and mystics, such as Antoine Court de Gébelin and Etteilla, popularized the idea that tarot cards held hidden esoteric meanings and could be used for fortune-telling and self-discovery. The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot: One of the most iconic and influential tarot decks is the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, first published in 1910 by occultist Arthur Edward Waite and artist Pamela Colman Smith. This deck introduced innovative imagery and symbolism, including illustrated scenes on the minor arcana cards, which revolutionized the way tarot was interpreted and understood. Tarot in Modern Occultism: In the 20th century, tarot experienced a resurgence in popularity within the occult and New Age communities. Influential figures such as Aleister Crowley and Carl Jung explored the psychological and symbolic significance of tarot, further cementing its place as a tool for spiritual insight and personal growth. Tarot Today: Today, tarot continues to thrive as a popular tool for divination, meditation, and self-reflection. There are countless tarot decks available, ranging from traditional to modern, each with its unique artwork and symbolism. Tarot readers use the cards to explore themes such as love, career, spirituality, and personal development.
💭 Uses: Tarot cards offer guidance, clarity, and introspection. Each card carries its symbolism and meaning, allowing you to tap into your intuition and explore past, present, and future energies.
🃏 Divination: This is perhaps the most well-known use of tarot cards. Divination involves using the cards to gain insight into a specific question or situation. Tarot readers interpret the symbolism and imagery of the cards to provide guidance, clarity, and potential outcomes. Divination readings can focus on various aspects of life, including love, career, relationships, and spiritual growth. 🔍 Self-Reflection and Insight: Tarot cards can serve as powerful tools for self-reflection and introspection. By pulling cards and reflecting on their meanings, individuals can gain insights into their thoughts, emotions, and subconscious mind. Tarot readings can help illuminate patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that may be influencing their lives, allowing for personal growth and transformation. 📖 Decision-Making and Problem-Solving: Tarot cards can be used to help make decisions or solve problems. Individuals can consult the cards for guidance and clarity when faced with a dilemma or uncertainty. Tarot readings can provide different perspectives, highlight potential obstacles or opportunities, and help individuals make more informed choices. 💭 Journaling and Creative Expression: Some people use tarot cards as prompts for journaling or creative expression. They may pull a card each day and write about how its symbolism relates to their experiences, emotions, or goals. Tarot cards can inspire creative projects, artwork, poetry, or storytelling by tapping into the archetypal imagery and themes depicted in the cards. 🙏 Spiritual Development and Meditation: Tarot cards can be incorporated into spiritual practices and meditation routines. Some individuals use tarot cards as focal points for meditation, gazing at the imagery to quiet the mind and deepen their connection to their intuition or spiritual guides. Tarot readings can also be used as part of ritual ceremonies or spiritual rituals to invoke specific energies or intentions. 🌟 Relationship Building and Communication: Tarot cards can be used to build deeper connections and facilitate communication in relationships. Couples or friends may use tarot cards to explore their dynamics, deepen their understanding of each other, and foster open and honest communication. Tarot readings can provide a shared language for discussing feelings, desires, and aspirations. 🧘Manifestation and Goal Setting: Some people use tarot cards as tools for manifestation and goal setting. They may pull cards to clarify their intentions, visualize their desires, and identify action steps to manifest their goals. Tarot readings can help individuals align their thoughts, beliefs, and actions with their desires, empowering them to change their lives positively.
Do's: Trust your intuition, keep an open mind, and approach each reading with respect and reverence.
✅ Set Clear Intentions: Before conducting a tarot reading, take a moment to set clear intentions for the session. Focus on the specific questions or areas of your life you'd like to explore and the guidance you're seeking from the cards. ✅ Cultivate a Sacred Space: Create a sacred and peaceful environment for your tarot readings. Light candles, burn incense or play soft music to enhance the ambiance and set the mood for your practice. ✅ Trust Your Intuition: Tarot readings are as much about intuition as they are about interpretation. Trust your instincts and the messages you receive from the cards. Pay attention to your inner voice and how the cards resonate with your feelings and experiences. ✅ Respect the Cards: Treat your tarot cards with care and respect. Store them in a protective pouch or box when not in use, and avoid handling them with dirty or oily hands. Regularly cleanse and consecrate your cards to maintain their energy and integrity. ✅ Practice Regularly: Like any skill, tarot reading requires practice and dedication. Commit to practicing regularly, even if it's just pulling a daily card or conducting readings for friends and family. The more you work with the cards, the deeper your connection and understanding will become. ✅ Journal Your Readings: Keep a tarot journal to record your readings, interpretations, and insights. Reflect on the messages you receive from the cards and how they resonate with your life. Journaling can help you track your progress, identify patterns, and deepen your understanding of the cards. ✅ Seek Learning and Growth: Tarot is a lifelong journey of learning and exploration. Invest in books, courses, or workshops to deepen your knowledge of tarot symbolism, spreads, and techniques. Surround yourself with a supportive community of fellow tarot enthusiasts to share insights and experiences.
Don'ts: Avoid reading for yourself when in a highly emotional state or seeking answers to overly specific questions. Remember, the cards provide guidance, not concrete predictions.
❌ Don't Read When Emotionally Distressed: Avoid conducting tarot readings when you are feeling highly emotional, anxious, or distressed. Emotions can cloud your judgment and intuition, leading to inaccurate readings or misinterpretations of the cards. Don't Rely Solely on the Cards: While tarot cards can offer valuable insights and guidance, they should not be seen as infallible or deterministic. Use your judgment, common sense, and critical thinking skills when interpreting the cards and making decisions based on their guidance. ❌ Don't Read for Others Without Permission: Always seek permission before conducting a tarot reading for someone else. Respect their boundaries and privacy, and refrain from prying into sensitive or personal matters without their consent. Don't Give Unsolicited Advice: Tarot readings are not a substitute for professional advice or therapy. Avoid giving unsolicited advice or making predictions about someone else's future, especially if it could cause harm or distress. ❌ Don't Fear Negative Cards: Every tarot deck contains cards with both positive and challenging symbolism. Don't be afraid of so-called "negative" cards like the Death or Tower card. Instead, embrace them as opportunities for growth, transformation, and new beginnings. ❌ Don't Ignore Your Intuition: If something doesn't feel right during a tarot reading, trust your intuition and proceed with caution. Take breaks when needed, and don't push yourself to continue if you're feeling uncomfortable or overwhelmed. ❌ Don't Become Obsessive: While tarot can be a valuable tool for self-reflection and insight, avoid becoming overly reliant on the cards or obsessed with seeking answers to every question or concern. Balance your tarot practice with other forms of self-care, mindfulness, and spiritual exploration.
🔮Crystal Ball Scrying:
History: Crystal ball scrying dates back to ancient civilizations, including ancient Egypt and Celtic cultures. It involves gazing into a crystal ball to receive visions or insights.
📜 Ancient Roots: The practice of scrying dates back thousands of years and can be found in cultures across the globe. Ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Druids all had forms of divination involving reflective surfaces or natural objects. These practices often involved seeking guidance from spirits, deities, or ancestors through the act of gazing into a reflective medium. 🏛️ Medieval Europe: Crystal ball scrying gained popularity during the Middle Ages in Europe, particularly among alchemists, astrologers, and mystics. It was believed that certain stones, such as quartz crystals, possessed mystical properties and could serve as conduits for receiving divine or spiritual messages. Crystal balls became associated with the concept of the "scrying mirror," a tool for accessing hidden knowledge and insights beyond the physical realm. ⏳ Renaissance and Occult Revival: During the Renaissance and the occult revival of the 19th century, crystal ball scrying experienced a resurgence of interest among mystics, occultists, and spiritual seekers. Influential figures such as John Dee, Edward Kelley, and Aleister Crowley explored the practice of scrying as a means of contacting spirits, exploring the subconscious mind, and gaining occult knowledge. 🌍 Victorian Era and Spiritualism: Crystal ball scrying gained popularity during the Victorian era, particularly within the spiritualist movement. Mediums and psychics used crystal balls as tools for communicating with the spirit world and conducting seances. The crystal ball became synonymous with the image of the "fortune-teller" or "gypsy" depicted in popular culture and folklore. 📚 Modern Practice: Today, crystal ball scrying continues to be practiced by psychics, mediums, and individuals interested in divination and spiritual exploration. While traditional crystal balls made of quartz or glass are still used, practitioners may also use other reflective surfaces such as mirrors, black obsidian, or bowls of water. Crystal ball scrying is often incorporated into rituals, meditation practices, or psychic readings as a means of accessing intuitive insights and guidance.
Uses: Crystal ball scrying is a powerful method for accessing the subconscious mind and receiving intuitive guidance. It can be used for divination, meditation, and spiritual exploration.
🔮 Divination: The primary use of crystal ball scrying is for divination, or gaining insight into past, present, or future events. By gazing into the crystal ball and allowing the mind to relax and enter a meditative state, practitioners may receive intuitive impressions, symbols, or visions that provide guidance, clarity, and understanding. Crystal ball readings can address a wide range of questions or concerns, including love, career, health, and spiritual growth. 💬 Personal Reflection: Crystal ball scrying can be used for personal reflection and introspection. By gazing into the crystal ball and allowing thoughts and images to arise spontaneously, individuals can gain insights into their emotions, beliefs, and subconscious minds. Crystal ball scrying can help individuals explore their innermost thoughts, fears, and desires, leading to greater self-awareness and personal growth. 🙏 Spiritual Exploration: Crystal ball scrying can serve as a tool for spiritual exploration and connection. Some practitioners use the crystal ball to commune with spirit guides, angels, or ancestors, seeking wisdom, guidance, and inspiration from the spiritual realm. Crystal ball scrying can facilitate a deeper connection to one's intuition, higher self, or spiritual allies, fostering a sense of inner peace, alignment, and purpose. Problem-Solving and Decision-Making: Crystal ball scrying can be used as a tool for problem-solving and decision-making. By focusing on a specific question or dilemma and gazing into the crystal ball, individuals may receive insights, solutions, or alternative perspectives that help them make informed choices or overcome obstacles in their lives. Crystal ball scrying can provide clarity, direction, and confidence when facing difficult decisions or challenges. 💡 Energy Healing: Some practitioners use crystal ball scrying as part of energy healing or therapeutic practices. By incorporating the crystal ball into meditation or visualization, individuals can channel healing energy and intention through the crystal, promoting relaxation, balance, and harmony on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Crystal ball scrying can enhance the healing process and support overall well-being and vitality. 🌟 Ritual and Ceremony: Crystal ball scrying can be incorporated into ritual and ceremonial practices as a means of invoking spiritual energies, setting intentions, or communing with the divine. Some traditions use the crystal ball as a focal point for meditation, prayer, or spellcasting, harnessing its reflective properties to amplify intention and manifest desired outcomes. Crystal ball scrying can enhance the sacredness and potency of ritual practices, deepening the practitioner's connection to the divine and the unseen realms.
Do's: Create a sacred space, cleanse your crystal ball before use, and practice relaxation techniques to quiet the mind.
✅ Prepare Your Space: Create a calm and sacred space for your scrying practice. Dim the lights, burn incense or candles, and eliminate distractions to create an environment conducive to relaxation and focus. ✅ Cleanse and Charge Your Crystal Ball: Before each scrying session, cleanse your crystal ball to remove any negative or stagnant energies it may have absorbed. You can cleanse it with smoke (such as herb bundles of cedar, garden sage, or rosemary), sound (using a singing bowl or bell), or by placing it under running water. Once cleansed, charge the crystal ball with your intention or positive energy. ✅ Set Clear Intentions: Clarify your intentions before beginning your scrying session. Think about the questions or areas of your life you'd like to explore and focus your energy and attention on receiving guidance and insights from the crystal ball. ✅ Relax and Clear Your Mind: Relax your body and mind before gazing into the crystal ball. Practice deep breathing or meditation techniques to quiet your thoughts and enter a receptive state of awareness. Release any expectations or preconceived notions, allowing yourself to be open to whatever messages or images may arise. ✅ Trust Your Intuition: Trust your inner guidance and intuition during the scrying process. Pay attention to any impressions, feelings, or images that come to you as you gaze into the crystal ball. Trust that the messages you receive are meaningful and relevant to your journey. ✅ Journal Your Insights: Keep a journal to record your scrying experiences, insights, and interpretations. Writing down your impressions can help you track patterns, themes, and symbols that emerge over time, deepening your understanding of the messages received from the crystal ball.
Don'ts: Avoid forcing visions or expecting immediate results. Patience and practice are key when it comes to crystal ball scrying.
❌ Force the Process: Avoid trying to force or control the scrying process. Allow the images and impressions to arise naturally, without imposing your will or expectations onto the experience. Trust that the messages will come to you in their own time and in their way. ❌ Scry When Emotionally Distressed: Refrain from scrying when you're feeling highly emotional, anxious, or stressed. Strong emotions can cloud your judgment and intuition, making it difficult to receive clear and accurate guidance from the crystal ball. ❌ Obsess Over Negative Images: If you encounter negative or unsettling images during your scrying session, don't dwell on them or become fixated on their meaning. Instead, acknowledge the images and release them with love and compassion. Focus on inviting positive and uplifting energy into your space. Interpret Too Literally: Avoid interpreting the images or symbols in the crystal ball too literally. Instead, focus on the overall feeling or message conveyed by the imagery. Allow your intuition to guide you in discerning the deeper meaning behind the symbols and their relevance to your life. ❌ Compare Your Experience to Others: Every scrying experience is unique to the individual. Avoid comparing your experience to that of others or seeking validation from external sources. Trust in your insights and interpretations, knowing that you are the ultimate authority on your spiritual journey. ❌ Overuse or Depend Solely on the Crystal Ball: While crystal ball scrying can be a valuable tool for spiritual growth and insight, avoid becoming overly reliant on the crystal ball or using it as a crutch. Balance your scrying practice with other forms of divination, meditation, and self-reflection to maintain a holistic approach to your spiritual development.
⚖️ Pendulum Divination:
History: Pendulum divination has been used for centuries to seek answers and guidance from the subconscious mind. It involves suspending a pendulum over a surface and interpreting its movements.
📜 Ancient Origins: Dowsing, the broader term encompassing pendulum divination, has ancient roots and is believed to have originated independently in different cultures. Archaeological evidence suggests that dowsing tools, such as forked branches or rods, were used by ancient civilizations for locating water sources, minerals, and other hidden resources. Dowsing was often practiced by individuals known as "water witches" or "diviners" who possessed a special sensitivity to subtle energies or vibrations in the earth. 🏛️ Historical References: References to dowsing can be found in historical texts and records dating back thousands of years. For example, ancient Egyptian texts describe the use of dowsing rods for finding water and minerals, while ancient Chinese texts mention the use of divining rods for locating underground sources of water. Dowsing was also practiced by European cultures during the Middle Ages and Renaissance periods, where it was used for everything from locating buried treasure to identifying witches. ⏳ Renaissance and Enlightenment: During the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods, dowsing experienced a resurgence of interest and popularity among scholars, scientists, and natural philosophers. Figures such as Leonardo da Vinci, Sir Isaac Newton, and Paracelsus explored the phenomenon of dowsing and its potential applications in various fields. Dowsing was studied alongside other forms of natural philosophy and was often associated with concepts of magnetism, subtle energies, and the human psyche. 🌍 19th Century and Spiritualism: In the 19th century, dowsing became closely associated with the spiritualist movement, which emphasized communication with the spirit world and exploration of psychic phenomena. Mediums and psychics used pendulums as tools for divination, communication with spirits, and accessing intuitive insights. Pendulum divination was integrated into seances, spiritual healing practices, and other spiritualist rituals as a means of receiving guidance and validation from the unseen realms. 📚 Modern Practice: Today, pendulum divination remains a popular and widely practiced form of divination, utilized by people of various spiritual and cultural backgrounds. Pendulums come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials, including metal, wood, and crystal. Practitioners use pendulums for a wide range of purposes, including divination, decision-making, energy healing, and spiritual exploration. Pendulum divination is often integrated into holistic healing modalities such as Reiki, chakra balancing, and aura cleansing, as well as used in conjunction with other forms of divination such as tarot cards or astrology.
Uses: Pendulums can be used for yes/no questions, dowsing, and accessing intuitive knowledge. They are versatile tools for divination and spiritual exploration.
⚖️ Answering Questions: One of the primary uses of pendulum divination is to seek answers to questions. By asking yes/no questions and observing the movement of the pendulum, practitioners can receive guidance and insight into various aspects of their lives, including relationships, careers, health, and spiritual matters. Pendulum divination can provide clarity and direction when faced with difficult decisions or uncertainties. 🕰️ Decision-Making: Pendulum divination can be a helpful tool for making decisions. Practitioners can use the pendulum to weigh different options, evaluate potential outcomes, and determine the best course of action. By tuning into their intuition and allowing the pendulum to guide them, individuals can make more informed choices that align with their highest good. 💫 Problem-Solving: Pendulum divination can assist in problem-solving and troubleshooting. By focusing on a specific issue or challenge and asking targeted questions, practitioners can uncover underlying causes, identify solutions, and overcome obstacles more effectively. Pendulum divination can reveal hidden insights and perspectives that may not be immediately apparent, leading to creative solutions and breakthroughs. 🌀 Aura and Energy Work: Pendulum divination can be incorporated into energy healing and aura work. Practitioners can use the pendulum to detect and assess subtle energy patterns, blockages, or imbalances within the body's energy field. By observing the movement of the pendulum, individuals can identify areas of tension or stagnation and channel healing energy to restore balance and harmony on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. 🌈 Personal Growth and Self-Discovery: Pendulum divination can serve as a tool for personal growth and self-discovery. By asking questions related to inner thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, individuals can gain insight into their subconscious mind and explore areas of self-improvement and healing. Pendulum divination can help individuals uncover limiting beliefs, release emotional blocks, and cultivate greater self-awareness and empowerment. 🌟Spiritual Exploration: Pendulum divination can be used for spiritual exploration and connection. Practitioners can use the pendulum to communicate with spirit guides, angels, or higher consciousness, seeking guidance, wisdom, and support from the spiritual realms. Pendulum divination can deepen one's connection to the divine and facilitate a greater sense of trust, faith, and alignment with universal energies.
Do's: Establish clear communication with your pendulum, ask concise questions, and trust the answers you receive.
✅ Set Clear Intentions: Before beginning a pendulum divination session, take a moment to set clear intentions for the process. Clarify the questions or areas of your life you'd like to explore and the guidance you're seeking from the pendulum. Focus your energy and attention on receiving clear and accurate answers. ✅ Choose a Suitable Pendulum: Select a pendulum that resonates with you energetically and feels comfortable to use. Pendulums come in various shapes, sizes, and materials, so choose one that feels intuitively right for you. You may also choose to cleanse and consecrate your pendulum before using it to remove any previous energies and imbue it with your intention. ✅ Establish Clear Communication: Before beginning your divination session, establish clear communication with your pendulum. Hold the pendulum in your hand and ask it to show you a clear and accurate response for "yes" and "no" movements. Observe how the pendulum responds to different questions and affirmations, trusting the movements as indications of intuitive guidance. ✅ Practice Grounding and Centering: Ground and center yourself before engaging in pendulum divination. Take a few deep breaths, visualize roots extending from your body into the earth, and imagine yourself surrounded by a protective bubble of light. Grounding helps to stabilize your energy and enhance your connection to the pendulum and your intuition. ✅ Trust Your Intuition: Trust your inner guidance and intuition throughout the pendulum divination process. Pay attention to any intuitive impressions, feelings, or insights that arise as you work with the pendulum. Trust that the messages you receive are meaningful and relevant to your situation, even if they may not always align with your expectations. ✅ Maintain Respect and Ethical Conduct: Treat the pendulum with respect and reverence as a sacred tool for divination. Approach the process with sincerity, honesty, and integrity, refraining from asking frivolous or inappropriate questions. Avoid using pendulum divination to manipulate or control others or to pry into sensitive or private matters without their consent.
Don'ts: Avoid relying solely on the pendulum for major life decisions or asking questions that are too vague or ambiguous.
❌ Don't Engage When Emotionally Distressed: Avoid engaging in pendulum divination when you're feeling highly emotional, anxious, or stressed. Strong emotions can cloud your judgment and intuition, leading to inaccurate or unreliable readings. Wait until you're in a calm and centered state before using the pendulum for divination. ❌ Don't Rely Solely on the Pendulum: While the pendulum can be a valuable tool for accessing intuitive guidance, avoid becoming overly reliant on it or using it as a substitute for your inner wisdom. Use the pendulum as a complementary tool alongside your intuition, critical thinking skills, and common sense when making decisions or seeking guidance. ❌ Don't Forget to Ground and Close: After completing a pendulum divination session, remember to ground yourself and close your energy. Thank the pendulum for its guidance and assistance, and express gratitude for the insights received. Release any residual energy or attachments and return to a grounded state of awareness before continuing with your day. ❌ Don't Obsess Over Negative Outcomes: If you receive a negative or unsettling response from the pendulum, don't dwell on it or become overly fixated on the outcome. Remember that pendulum divination is a tool for guidance and insight, not a predictor of fixed outcomes. Trust that the messages you receive are meant to serve your highest good and empower you to make informed choices. ❌ Don't Compare Your Results to Others: Every individual's experience with pendulum divination is unique. Avoid comparing your results or interpretations to those of others, as each person's energy, intuition, and circumstances are different. Trust in your intuition and interpretation of the pendulum's movements, knowing that you are the ultimate authority on your spiritual journey.
There are other modalities that I haven't covered in depth. Let's touch a bit on each of these main ones:
Scrying: Scrying is a broad term encompassing various divinatory practices involving gazing into reflective surfaces or mediums to receive insights or visions. In addition to crystal ball scrying, other forms of scrying include using mirrors, water, fire, smoke, or black mirrors to access intuitive guidance and symbolic imagery. I touched on specifically crystal ball scrying, but there are many other types of scrying to fit your needs, the basics are mostly the same.
Astrology: Astrology is the study of celestial bodies' positions and movements to interpret their influence on human affairs and natural phenomena. Astrologers use birth charts, horoscopes, and planetary alignments to provide insights into personality traits, life events, and compatibility.
Numerology: Numerology is the study of numbers and their symbolic meanings. Numerologists analyze numbers associated with names, birthdates, and events to uncover insights into personality, life paths, and potential outcomes. Numerology can involve calculations such as life path numbers, destiny numbers, and personal year cycles.
Palmistry: Palmistry is the practice of reading the lines, shapes, and markings on the palms of the hands to gain insight into personality traits, life events, and potential future outcomes. Palmists examine features such as palm lines (e.g., heart line, head line), mounts, and finger shapes to provide interpretations.
Runes: Runes are ancient symbols used in divination, originating from Germanic and Norse cultures. Runecasters typically use sets of carved stones or wooden tiles inscribed with runic symbols. By casting or drawing runes and interpreting their positions and meanings, practitioners can gain insights into various aspects of life and decision-making.
Tea Leaf Reading (Tasseography): Tasseography is the practice of interpreting patterns and symbols formed by tea leaves at the bottom of a cup or vessel. Practitioners observe the shapes, lines, and arrangements of the tea leaves to provide insights into future events, emotions, and outcomes.
Cartomancy: Cartomancy is the practice of using regular playing cards or specialized decks (other than tarot cards) for divination purposes. Practitioners interpret the suits, numbers, and symbols on the cards to provide insights into past, present, or future events and circumstances.
Dream Interpretation: Dream interpretation involves analyzing the symbols, themes, and emotions present in dreams to gain insights into the dreamer's subconscious mind and waking life. Dream interpreters use various techniques and frameworks to interpret dreams and uncover their meanings and messages.
I primarily use tarot and pendulum divination as well as black mirror scrying, however, the basic understanding of many types of divination can allow you to become a well-rounded practitioner.
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khaire-traveler · 2 years
Divination Masterpost
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"A Huge Tarot Masterpost" info
"Four Ways To Read Tarot Reversals" interpretation
"Tarot Tips" info
"Yes/No Tips" interpretation
"The Ultimate Yes/No Tarot Guide" interpretation
"Tarot & Oracle Spreads" spreads
"Tarot Technique: Dominant Energy" info
"Tarot Basics" info
"Tarot & Oracle Spreads Masterpost" spreads
"Tarot Tips For Beginners" info
"How To Read Tarot For Yourself" info
"How To Get The Most Out Of A General Spread" info
"How To Achieve Truthful Tarot Readings" info
"How To Get Yourself Back Into Tarot/To Do More Tarot" info
"Introduction To Tarot" info
"How & When To Cleanse Your Tarot Cards" info
"Tarot Card Meanings Masterpost" interpretation
"Tarot Major Arcana" info
Other Divination Methods
"Divination101: Pendulums" info
"Pendulum Basics" info
"Pendulum Tips" info
"Introduction To Cartomancy" info
"Cartomancy ABC Guide" info
"Types Of Divination" info
"Windvexer's Divination Masterpost" info
"Divination Masterpost" info
"Another Divination Masterpost" info
"How To Do Shufflemancy" info
"How To Make & Read Your Own Osteomancy Set" article link info
"How To Read Playing Cards" info & interpretation
"Playing Card Suit Meanings" interpretation
"Quick Reference For Cartomancy" interpretation
"Major Differences: Tarot vs. Playing Cards" info
"Major Arcana For Playing Cards" info
"When To Consult Divination" tip
"Osteomancy Masterpost" list
"Scrying: Witchcraft 101" info
"Introduction To Pyromancy" info (couldn't find other posts)
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charcharrealsmooth · 2 months
I just had my first interaction with a deity through the pendulum and it was great, being able to talk to Hermes and have a response I can interpret easily was nice (I'm still working on interpretting cards in cartomancy), He's only communicated with me through songs so far (which has meant a lot)
So far Hermes is the only deity I have gotten signs from or communicated much with (that I know of, I'm oblivious to a lot of things He is just very direct with me in my experience)
Long story short, Hermes is awesome and I'm so happy that I've finally gotten to use my pendulum to talk to Him :DDD
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witchrealms · 2 months
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Types of divination
Divination refers to the practice of seeking knowledge or insight about the future or hidden information through supernatural or mystical means. There are numerous types of divination found across cultures and traditions.
Here are some of the commonly known ones:
Astrology: Astrology involves interpreting the positions and movements of celestial bodies to gain insight into human affairs and predict future events.
Tarot Reading: Tarot cards are used to gain insight into the past, present, and future events or to explore various aspects of a person's life.
Palmistry: Palmistry, also known as chiromancy, involves analyzing the lines, shapes, and markings on a person's hand to make predictions about their life, personality, and future.
Numerology: Numerology is based on the belief that numbers hold symbolic meanings and can be used to gain insight into a person's character, talents, and future events.
Runes: Runes are ancient Germanic alphabet symbols that are used for divination. They are typically engraved on small stones or wooden tiles, and the reader interprets their meanings based on their arrangement.
Scrying: Scrying involves gazing into a reflective surface, such as a crystal ball, a mirror, or water, to receive visions or insights about the past, present, or future.
Tea Leaf Reading: Also known as tasseography, this method involves interpreting patterns and symbols formed by tea leaves in a cup to gain insights or make predictions.
Pendulum Dowsing: Pendulum dowsing uses a weighted object, often a crystal or metal pendant, suspended from a string or chain. The movement of the pendulum is interpreted to answer yes or no questions or to provide guidance.
Ouija Board: Ouija boards are flat boards marked with letters, numbers, and symbols. Participants place their hands on a small planchette and ask questions, believing that spirits will guide the movement of the planchette to spell out answers.
These are just a few examples of divination practices. It's important to note that the effectiveness and interpretation of divination methods vary widely, and their validity is often a matter of personal belief or cultural tradition.
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4gifs · 1 year
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A science lesson by Neil deGrasse Tyson
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cellray · 11 months
Watch the sway.
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So easy to have you focus.~ 🤍 A simple swaying pendulum And a commanding tone And you're instantly focused.
Watch the sway.
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It's easy to follow my words. To follow my pretty pendulum. To follow my flow. Because you love to
Follow the sway.
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You love these, don't you? Nod your pretty little head. Admiring my cute pendulums. I made them for sweet little toys like you.~♥
Admire the sway.~
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So much effort put into these little animations. Making them simple, easy, and fun to stare at! For simple, easy, and fun toys like you. So be simple. Be easy. Be fun!
Stare at the sway.
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As the colors deepen. As your mind goes deeper. As your thoughts fade. As you succumb to the sway.
Surrender to the sway.
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Letting your empty head be filled with the colors. Just the pretty colors. Just the pretty sway. Just fall.
Fall for the sway.
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As the bright colors fill your mind. Fun colors keep you silly. Silly colors keep you ditzy. Ditzy colors keep you dizzy.
Dumb for the sway.
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Deeper. Blanker. Dizzier. Dumber. It's good to be mesmerized. It's normal to be hypnotized. This is your natural place.
Deep for the sway.
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You love this. You're enamored by how I capture your mind. It's gotten to an extreme point. And you're too deep in to stop it.
Lose to the sway.
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You've gone so deep. It feels so good. You've lost so much. It feels so good.
Mesmerized by the sway
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You're my adorable toy. My mesmerized puppet. My cute pet. My hypnotized doll.
Hypnotized by the sway.
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There is no turning back. You're Mine to control. Just let go. Be the toy you're meant to be.~
Controlled by the sway.
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You obediently share, for all to see. You blankly repeat, for all to read. "Watch the sway. I must obey." Reblog. Repeat. Recite. Relapse.~
Obey the sway.
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debora-goth · 3 months
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journeytomonkiekid · 2 years
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CH 5 (Pendulum) - Page 45 Previous || Next
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aesethewitch · 12 days
Divination Troubleshooting
One of the more difficult aspects of divination, I think, is working out what to do when things don’t work the way they’re supposed to. When you’ve done everything technically right, there’s a chance you still won’t get answers that you can interpret, that make sense, or that are correct. If you have an occasional problem with divination, that’s totally normal — nothing will work 100% of the time. But when it happens consistently, it might be time to do a little troubleshooting.
This post is far from a complete list of possible problems. I’ve spent many years trying (and failing at) different forms of divination, so these are things I’ve personally run into and the things I consider when troubleshooting.
The basic format of this post is the form of problem, a short description of what the problem looks like, possible causes for the problem, and multiple suggested solutions for each cause. These recommendations are fairly general and non-exhaustive. You may find that you need to employ multiple solutions before the problem resolves, and you may find that none of these proposed solutions solve the issue you’re having. Some listed problems are specific to a particular tool, but most are applicable to more than one type.
Sometimes, determining the cause of your issue can be difficult. It can take a good amount of discernment to figure out, so don’t feel discouraged if you can’t fix the problem on the first try!
Unclear Answers
You’ve drawn your cards, cast your charms, selected your runes, and… it makes no sense, or maybe the answers you receive are too vague to be useful.
Cause: Lack of practice or familiarity with the tool Solutions:
Perform practice readings with the tool
Study the guidebook, if you have one, to determine whether there are additional meanings to glean
Look up potential alternate meanings to the individual cards/runes, or consider another perspective (Three of Swords not always meaning heartbreak, for example)
Ask for a second opinion by taking a picture of the reading and sending it to like-minded practitioners who would be willing to help you interpret
Request a reading from a more seasoned diviner to confirm the information you’re able to glean from your own reading (if you do this, I would suggest letting them know that you’re seeking clarity from a divination you did for yourself)
Cause: No thoughts, head empty (brain fog, sudden blanking, fatigue, etc.) Solutions:
Set it aside and come back to it later with fresh eyes
Do grounding or energizing exercises before redoing the divination
Take care of your mundane needs (drink water, eat something, sleep, take medicines, go outside/get fresh air, etc.) and then return to it
Ask for a second opinion
Write down what you can understand and return to it later to check your interpretation and/or reinterpret it
Cause: The question was poorly worded, or you’re asking the wrong question Solutions:
Reword the question
Ask a different question related to the situation
Consider whether the answer given is to another question or another facet of the situation
Ask the tool, spirits, deities, etc. what you should be focusing on, if not the question you’re asking
Ask follow-up questions to clarify specifics
Cause: The tool isn’t suited to the question you’re asking Solutions:
Try a different tool
Reword the question to suit the tool better
Request a reading from someone else (if you only use one type of tool)
Cause: Stagnant energy is lingering on or around the tool Solutions:
Cleanse the tool and any containers you keep the tool in
Reshuffle, shake, etc. thoroughly before attempting to divine again
Allow the tool to “rest” so it can “cool off” and lose some of the stuck-on energy
Cause: Missing context or information Solutions:
Write down what you can understand for now and come back in a few days/weeks to see if it makes more sense
Walk away and come back to it in an hour to see if new details come to mind
Work on phrasing your questions to account for information you don’t actively know
Cause: One single card is standing out, not meshing with the rest of the reading Solutions:
Let the querent know it’s a confusing card, explain what it typically means, and allow them to offer clarification or possible meanings to it
Decide ahead of time what you will do with cards like this and what they could possibly mean, so that when they come up, you can seamlessly deal with them
Disregard the rogue card entirely
Allow the card to stand on its own, almost like a separate reading within the existing reading; redraw for the position if doing a spread
Consider alternative or unorthodox meanings to the card, especially if it’s in an odd position in a spread:
The card may be referring to another question or situation; if so, set it aside and consider doing a separate divination with that card as a focus
The card may indicate a particular person; determine who it may be and what their impact is on the overall situation
The card may be a message from a spirit, related or unrelated to the situation; set it aside and consider doing a separate divination to see the full message
The card may indicate an unexpected element, upheaval, discomfort, or mismatched priorities; the interpretation largely depends on the card and position
Wrong Answers
You thought you had it, but the divination ended up being completely wrong. One time is normal, but consistently very wrong divinations are less so.
Cause: Lack of practice or familiarity with the tool Solutions:
Perform practice readings, either with actual questions, hypothetical scenarios, or no prompt at all to work on weaving meanings together and identifying messages/symbolism
Ask others if you can practice your divination with them to get more practical experience
Study the guidebook (if there is one) or other guides and articles on the tool to determine whether you missed a meaning, theme, or detail that would have made the reading more accurate
Study how you asked the question, performed the divination, and interpreted the output to see what may have gone wrong, if anything
Cause: The tool you’re using isn’t suited to you Solutions:
Try a different type of tool
If using tarot or oracle cards, try a deck with different imagery
If using tarot, try a deck based on a different system (Thoth vs. Rider-Waite-Smith, for example)
Cause: You’ve asked the same question too many times in a short period, and now the readings are so muddied nothing is accurate Solutions:
Take a break from divining on the question or topic
Consider the answers you’ve already gotten and determine which is the likeliest to be true (or untrue)
Ask a different question
Cause: Misleading or incorrect phrasing and information from the querent Solutions:
Clarify the situation with the querent
Before beginning the divination, let the querent know that they need to be honest with you or results may not be correct
Rephrase the question or prompt to be more honest about the situation
Cause: Blockages or disruption between you and the divination target Solutions:
Ask the querent to temporarily allow you through their protections
Cast a spell to break through the barrier/blockage before trying the divination again (note that if the barrier is a purposeful protection against prying eyes, there may be consequences to busting through)
Request spirit assistance with breaking through the blockage
Ground yourself and clear away any blockages or reluctance within yourself to see and understand the truth
Accept that the target person doesn’t want you divining about them
Cause: The question was poorly worded for the tool you’re using Solutions:
Try a different tool better suited to the type of question you’re asking (pendulums for yes/no, magpie oracle for general life readings, tarot for advice, etc.)
Reword the question to suit the tool
Practice asking better divination questions overall (proper wording, understanding the tool’s capabilities, etc.)
Conflicting Answers
When you do separate readings on the same topic and get different answers, it can be confusing! Which one do you believe? Which will actually come true?
Cause: You’ve asked the same question too many times Solutions:
 Take a break from divining on the topic or question
Consider the answers you’ve already gotten and determine which is the likeliest to be true (or untrue)
Ask something else, either relating to the situation or not
Cause: Circumstances have changed radically since you last divined on the situation Solutions:
Divine on what’s changed and how it’s caused the shift
If the change is undesirable, ask how you can get back on track to the future you want
Compare the readings to see if you can determine the links between them
Cause: The future is mutable, and there are separate, very different possibilities branching out around the situation Solutions:
Divine about the causes of each outcome already gathered to see what’s causing the vast difference in readings
If there are many people involved, do smaller, more specific divinations to determine their impact on the future
Accept that you may not get to know the future perfectly
Ask instead how you can attain the future you actually want, rather than what may happen
Always Exhausted Afterwards
After doing divination, you feel absolutely drained of energy. Whether that’s physical, emotional, or spiritual energy, when it happens often, it can be discouraging and make you want to never do divination again!
Cause: Your energy is depleting naturally Solutions:
Do smaller divinations
Only perform one divination in a single sitting, rather than attempting several back to back
Request assistance from spirits to boost your own energy or borrow theirs for the reading
Eat a nourishing meal beforehand and have a snack afterwards
Cause: The querent, tool, spirits, etc., involved are draining your energy Solutions:
Bolster your area’s protections with a focus on keeping your energy to yourself
Wear something like a veil or other protective clothing, jewelry, or accessories during the divination to prevent the drain
Do a grounding exercise beforehand to center your focus and keep your energy to yourself
Pause the divination if you start feeling yourself draining to refresh and protect your energy
If working with spirits which are draining you as part of a deal (whether spoken or unspoken), make a physical offering instead of an energetic one
Practice energy work to learn how to better contain your energy so that it isn’t as free for the taking
Cause: You didn’t have the energy to begin with, but divined anyways Solutions:
Request a reading from a trusted source
Seek ways to boost your energy before beginning
Take care of your mundane needs before performing divination (eat something, drink water, take a nap, get some fresh air)
Spirits Aren’t Coming Through or Assisting
You’ve invited spirits to the table, but it doesn’t seem like they’ve got a hand in the divination results you’re getting.
Cause: You haven’t made an offering equivalent in value to what you’re asking for Solutions:
Set out an offering before starting if you haven’t already
Determine what the spirits might want other that what you’ve already offered
Offer something more personalized to the particular spirit
Make a sacrifice, rather than a simple offering (give up the last cookie, lay a piece of meaningful jewelry on their altar, etc.)
Cause: The spirits think you aren’t ready to know the answers you’re looking for Solutions:
Seek answers from another source
Wait a while and try again later
Ask a different question
Cause: The spirits you’re trying to contact aren’t immediately available/answering Solutions:
Call on the spirits before you start divining and let them know what you’re doing and why
Perform the divination at their sacred space, if possible
If working in an animist sense, “wake up” or “activate” your deck’s spirit in some way before beginning (knocking, speaking to it, etc.)
Cause: Another spirit is interrupting Solutions:
Ask the intruding spirit to back off (for now or forever, that’s up to you)
Perform a banishing if the spirit is unwelcome and will not leave when asked
Find out what the interrupting spirit wants and either decline or fulfill their request
End the divination and come back to it later on
Pendulum Won’t Swing Consistently
The pendulum swings willy-nilly with little to no rhyme or reason, providing no clear answers.
Cause: The cord, chain, string, or other material isn’t long enough Solutions:
Replace it with a longer cord, chain, string, etc.
Use a different pendulum
Create your own pendulum using a length of string (or twine, etc.) and a crystal, stone, pendant, coin, or other relatively heavy item
Cause: The pendulum itself isn’t heavy enough, or it’s an uneven shape Solutions:
Replace the pendulum with a pointed stone, crystal, or piece of glass Thread other, heavier beads, charms, crystals, stones, etc., onto the pendulum’s cord/chain
Cause: Your source for answers isn’t working with you Solutions:
If working based on your own intuition, do a grounding exercise and try again
If working with spirits, make an offering or see whether the spirits are present before trying again
Cause: There’s a breeze making it swing Solutions:
Wait until the wind dies down
Move indoors to try again
Close windows, turn off fans, and turn off air conditioners in the immediate area
Cause: The energy in your area is causing interference Solutions:
Perform a cleansing of the area to clear out excess energy
Banish any rogue spirits hanging around who are messing with the pendulum on purpose
Perform a ritual to calm the energy around you, like soothing a storm or lulling the wind to sleep for the duration of your divination
Keep Dropping Cards
Dropping your whole deck of cards may be an issue with grip strength, clumsiness, or joint bendiness… or, it may be a sign of an underlying issue or message.
Cause: The deck is too large or cumbersome to hold and shuffle easily Solutions:
Try another, smaller deck of tarot cards
Try a deck with standard card shapes (round or very large cards are personally super hard to shuffle neatly)
Ignore jumping or dropped cards, and only take cards you consciously draw
Cause: The shuffle itself is difficult Solutions:
Try another method of shuffling
Practice shuffling with regular playing cards, then with the deck you want to be using (this makes a fun fidget while watching shows)
If all shuffling is difficult, spread out the cards on a flat surface and mix them together before putting them back into a pile and drawing accordingly
Cause: The spirit(s) you’re communicating with don’t want to provide answers right now Solutions:
Provide an offering or payment for services rendered (especially if you haven’t in a while)
Take a break and try again later
Investigate the root cause of their reluctance and plan accordingly
Never Feels “Right” to Stop Shuffling or to Pull a Card
You’re shuffling. And shuffling. And… shuffling. You’re waiting for a sign to stop and pull cards, and it just never comes.
Cause: Your brain and/or intuitive thinking is exhausted Solutions:
Take a break from divination and other magical practices
Do a grounding exercise to reconnect with your intuitive thoughts and try again
Replenish your energy by eating something, drinking water, having a nap, and otherwise taking care of your mundane needs before trying again
Cause: You aren’t meant to know the answer to the question you’ve asked Solutions:
Ask a different, related question to see if you can get answers
Try again in a few days
Try a different divination tool (different tools can provide different answers with varying levels of detail)
Failing troubleshooting, accept that you can’t know everything that’s ahead and simply plan accordingly (magically and mundanely)
Cause: Blockage between you and the target of the question Solutions:
Cast a spell to break through the barrier/blockage before trying the divination again (note that if the barrier is a purposeful protection against prying eyes, there may be consequences to busting through)
Determine whether there are missing details about the situation that may help break through
Request spirit intervention to get around the blockage
Ground yourself and clear away any blockages or reluctance within yourself to see and understand the truth
Accept that the target person doesn’t want you to divine about them
If the reading is about a situation, a spell of “true seeing” or clarity may help
Cause: The querent isn’t being fully honest about their question (misleading phrasing, leaving out information that would impact the reading) Solutions:
Clarify the situation with the querent
If divining for yourself, consider all facets of the situation and question before rewording it more clearly and honestly
Talk or journal about the situation before beginning to get as much information as possible
Cause: The spirits you rely on for divination have declined to provide answers Solutions:
Ask why they aren’t answering
Try again later
Try another divination tool
Use another source for answers, such as the universe on the whole or your own deeper intuitive self
Reword the question to be more specific or general, depending
Cause: Something about the cards or shuffle themselves isn’t right Solutions:
Try another shuffle/pull method (spread out cards and pull at random, create piles and take the top of each, etc.)
Try a different deck of cards
Try another type of divination tool
Give the deck a cleanse
Look for a way to “wake up” or “activate” the cards
Too Many Jumpers
Even if you read tarot like I do with all jumpers, having a ton of cards leap out at once can be daunting — and even annoying, if it keeps happening consistently.
Cause: Your deck is too large for your hands, or it’s an odd shape (circular, non-standard number of cards, above-average card size, thick card stock) Solutions:
Try a deck with fewer cards or a more standard shape and paper weight
Create your own deck of cards that fits more securely in your hands
Try a digital deck of cards
Disregard jumping cards completely and only accept cards you’re pulling on purpose
Cause: More possibilities or details about the situation need to be brought to light than expected Solutions:
Try another spread to accommodate the jumpers
Ditch the spread altogether and read the cards as they fall instead
Treat the jumping cards as amendments or extra information about the card whose position you’re drawing for (for example, if drawing for a “Self” position and you get two jumpers before pulling your card in your usual fashion, the two jumpers modify the Official Card)
Cause: Spirits are interfering with the reading Solutions:
Cleanse the area or banish the offending spirits if they’re not ones you’ve welcomed into the space
Request that they chill the heck out and not throw any (or as many) jumping cards
Make an offering to quell their mischief
Pay attention to why they’re acting this way; if you’re not sure, ask for their reasons
Applicable to Now, Not Later
Your reading describes your situation as it is right now with perfect clarity, but it doesn’t reveal anything new or give insights into the future.
Cause: Your current talent lies in revealing the present Solutions:
Practice with readings explicitly about the immediate future
Practice targeting a specific moment in the future, such as a particular future month’s events
Fine-tune your questions to specifically request information you don’t know
Employ spirits or deities to expand your abilities to encompass the future
Try another tool or supplement your reading with another tool
Cause: The question or prompt is too open or general Solutions:
Ask a more specific, carefully worded question
Ask what you mean, rather than a general question around the situation (“What do I need to know about my relationship with X?” vs. “What do I need to know about my love life?”)
Cause: There will be little to no change in the timeframe you’re asking about Solutions:
Expand the range of time you’re asking about
Choose a time further in the future (next year instead of next month, for example)
Make an active choice to change the future if you’re dissatisfied with things as they appear to be now
Can’t Get into the “Right Headspace” for Divination
You’ve sat down and have your tools ready, but you just can’t get into the zone.
Cause: Your environment is distracting Solutions:
Move to a quieter location where you can focus more
Perform a grounding exercise to shut out distractions and focus on your divination
Wear headphones and play music that will help you focus (I suggest unobtrusive music without lyrics, so that it doesn’t impact your interpretations; personally, I use crackly fireside sounds over lo-fi beats)
Cause: Your environment isn’t inspiring you to get into the right headspace Solutions:
Create a space specifically for performing divination, whether permanent or temporary
Curate an aesthetic for your divination space with candles, crystals, plants, divination cloths, and other things that are meaningful to you
Go for a walk in a place that does inspire you and perform a divination there, if possible (cemeteries, parks, museums, rivers, etc.); if not possible to do divination there, absorb as much of the inspiring energy as you can and carry it back to your divination location
Cause: You don’t have the energy for it right now Solutions:
Focus on replenishing your energy with food, water, sleep, and other self-care tasks before divining
Request assistance from spirits to boost or borrow energy
Request a divination from someone else
Cause: You just aren’t in the mood for it Solutions:
Create a ritual that will help you get into your desired headspace for divination (putting on specific accessories, preparing your space, calling on spirits, etc.)
Request a divination from someone else
Walk away and come back to it when you feel more motivated
Scroll through others’ divination posts, watch a video, or listen to a podcast to get inspired to do your own divination
Again, there are countless possible issues and even further countless possible solutions to those issues. In general, walking away for a while, having a rest, practicing asking questions, and becoming more familiar with your tool over time will be the best tools in your belt. And if you can’t find a solution on your own, there’s no shame in crowdsourcing ideas for fixes! Ask your friends, your favorite witchy blogger, your Discord servermates, make a public post for others to comment on, or otherwise reach out. The best ideas often come from conversation.
Feel free to drop questions in the reblogs, replies, or my ask box if you’d like to ask me in particular about your divination troubles! I’m always happy to help out where I can. And if I’ve got no clue, one of my followers or mutuals might have a thought to share!
If you enjoyed this post or my other work, consider tossing a couple dollars in my tip jar! (And check out my commissions for custom spellwork and tarot readings!) Everything goes toward keeping me and my partner afloat on our bills, so it’s very much appreciated!
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secretcatholicwitch · 7 months
Christopagan Spell List Masterpost: 11/17/23
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💫Casting circle ritual:
Call and Releasing the Elements/Quarters
Call and Releasing God and Mary
🌒🌕🌘Esbats ritual:
🐺Wolf Moon
❄️Snow Moon
🐛🐦‍⬛Worm/Crow Moon
🌷Pink/Seed moon
Blessing places:
🖼️House Blessing sigil
🏡House Blessing
Alter Blessing (Coming Soon)
Blessing objects:
📒Spell Book Blessing
🪄Wand/Staff Blessing
🌌Tarot Card Blessing
⚖️Pendulum Blessing
💧Celestial Water
🪴Harvesting Plants And Enchantment
✝️Protective Enchantment: from evil 
👨��‍💻Lord, I need a job
💤St. Dymphna sachet for sleep (NEW)
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