#witchcraft community
visiodeii · 2 days
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even after the storm, His sun shines
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amor-areia · 1 day
Hey petals~🩷
I created this devotee account because I want to connect with other devotees through this app and I can’t wait to hear about your experiences with deity work!!!🌊🦪
I was just wondering today how grateful I am to Lady Aphrodite because of her presence in my life. She literally has my back and is protecting me from negative shit as hard as she can and I'm just so happy to be her devotee. I also wanted to tell you guys random things that are connected to her and me:
🩷 I was obsessed with her since I was a child, I always collected seashells and kept them on my shelves.
🩷 I smile every time if I think about how many times doves were literally walking on my windowsill when I just woke up. There was a time when I opened my eyes and the dove was staring at me and I was like: What the actual fuck is happening? Hah. Apparently, she tried to reach out to me.
🩷 I always loved Aphrodite, that was the name that stuck out to me the most when I first heard about Greek Mythology. When I was in Greece a few years ago, I had to tell my family that I bought Aphrodite’s statue for my grandma (even though it was for me). I don’t even know why I told them that, I was just so insecure!
🩷 I remember that I lit a candle and I was talking to her (statue) so many times when I felt lonely. I suddenly felt like I became more calm and I was just so grateful for that feeling.
🩷 Few years ago when my aunt was in Greece, she said she bought me a present. I was so surprised when she came home with an Aphrodite T-shirt that my jaw literally dropped. My uncle said that he wanted me to get a Hades shirt but my aunt had a feeling that said no, they have to get me the Aphrodite one and I was so happy! I consider this a sign, because my aunt doesn’t really like it when I wear something „girl like”
🩷 I was really insecure in my body (I’m not that skinny), but since I started working with her, my confidence went up. I still have a long way to go but I’m just happy that I can be a baddie and I feel comfortable in my skin.
🩷 I also feel her presence when I do my skin-care routine. Or when I take a bath and l light a candle.
🩷 When I look into the mirror, I always blow a kiss for myself and I really think Aphrodite is proud of me when I do this. I deserve the best and she wants the best for me!
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enchantedwitchling · 2 days
Embracing the First Signs of Spring: A Witch's Guide to Imbolc.
As the chill of winter begins to recede and the first signs of spring emerge, we celebrate Imbolc, also known as Brigid’s Day. This sacred festival marks the midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, symbolizing hope, renewal, and the stirring of new life. Let’s explore the essence of Imbolc, how witches honor this festival, and discover rituals, spells, and traditions to celebrate the awakening of the Earth.
What is Imbolc?
Imbolc, celebrated on February 1st or 2nd, is a time of purification, light, and rebirth. It honors the goddess Brigid, who is associated with fire, healing, poetry, and fertility. Imbolc signifies the first stirrings of spring, as the Earth begins to awaken from its winter slumber.
How Do Witches Celebrate Imbolc?
Witches celebrate Imbolc by lighting candles, performing purification rituals, and welcoming the returning light. It’s a time to set intentions, cleanse the home, and prepare for the new growth of spring.
Rituals and Spells for Imbolc:
🕯️ Candle Lighting Ceremony: Light candles throughout your home to honour the returning light. As you light each candle, set intentions for the coming months.
🌿 Brigid’s Cross: Craft a Brigid’s Cross from reeds, wheat, or straw. Hang it in your home for protection and blessings throughout the year.
🔥 Fire Rituals: Perform fire rituals to invoke the energy of Brigid. Safely light a fire in your hearth or a fireproof bowl, focusing on purification and renewal.
💧 Cleansing Bath: Take a ritual bath with herbs like rosemary, lavender, and thyme to cleanse your body and spirit. Visualize releasing old energies and welcoming new beginnings.
🌱 Planting Seeds: Plant seeds indoors to symbolize new growth. As you plant, focus on the intentions you wish to cultivate in the coming months.
Imbolc and Sacred Symbols
🔥 Fire and Light: Central symbols of Imbolc, representing purification, inspiration, and the returning light. Incorporate candles, lanterns, and fires into your celebrations.
🌸 Snowdrops and Early Blooms: Symbolizing hope and the first signs of spring. Use these flowers to decorate your altar or home.
🕯️ Brigid’s Cross: A powerful symbol of protection and blessings. Craft one to honor the goddess and invite her blessings into your home.
🌿 Milk and Dairy: Traditionally associated with Imbolc, representing nourishment and fertility. Include dairy products in your Imbolc feast or offerings.
Other Imbolc Traditions
🧹 Spring Cleaning: Cleanse your home of stagnant winter energy. Open windows, sweep out old dust, and cleanse your space with smoke or essential oils.
🎨 Creative Expression: Honor Brigid, the goddess of creativity, by engaging in artistic activities like writing, painting, or crafting.
🥣 Feasting: Share a meal with loved ones, featuring dairy products, seeds, and early spring greens. Celebrate the abundance and nourishment of the Earth.
Imbolc is a time to honor the stirring of life within the Earth and within ourselves. It’s a celebration of light, hope, and new beginnings. Whether through rituals, spells, or simply appreciating the subtle signs of spring, Imbolc offers a moment to connect deeply with the cycles of nature and the promise of renewal. As we celebrate Imbolc, may the light of Brigid guide you, may your intentions flourish, and may the awakening Earth inspire your spirit.
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whimsigothwitch · 2 months
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Ostara (March 19-21)
Ostara is this week, with this sabbat we celebrate the beginning of spring and perfect balance between night and day. The winter months are officially over, and from now on everything will bloom and get warmer 🌞
Correspondences for Ostara: Symbols | Eggs, seeds, flowers, hare Colors | Pastel colors, green, yellow, pink, white Spells | Fertility, growth, balance, purification and abundance Crystals | Amethyst, clear quartz, lapis lazuli, rose quartz, jasper Herbs and flowers | Lavender, tulips, rose, daffodils, lily’s Foods | Eggs, breads (hot cross buns), cake, chocolate, seeds, fruits How to celebrate | Baking, dying or painting eggs, planting seeds (woth intention), nature walks, spring cleaning.
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thejournallo · 3 months
Witchcraft Basics Masterlist!
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Witchcraft Basics and Giggles:
Everything to know before you start! The various practices The Tools healing, protecting, and grounding. shielding and banishing herbs,oils and crystals.| Herbs | Oils | Crystals the sabbatsthe Elements astrology + astrology calendar spells, hexes and curses energy manipulation the various entitis Divination tool Symbology Shadow Work
more master lists!
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breelandwalker · 6 months
Witchcraft Book Recommendation Lists
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(Reposting again bc tumblr turned off the reblogs on the original wtf. From an answer to an inquiry in the witchcraft tags. Decided to repost for anyone else who might need it.)
Here’s the post I made with recommendations for green witchcraft and plant magic. The list includes magical resources and accompanying practical texts on botany, herbology, and medicinal plants.
Here’s the post I made with recommendations for general witchcraft study, including practical sources on the history of modern witchcraft. (In particular, I recommend Margot Adler’s “Drawing Down The Moon” and Ronald Hutton’s “The Triumph of the Moon” for information about the modern movement.)
Here’s a recent photo of my personal library, if you’re looking for a general list of titles to check out.
Here’s the post I made with a list of JSTOR articles I’ve found that relate to witchcraft, witch trials, folk magic, occult beliefs, superstition, and the history surrounding all of them. It’s not exhaustive, but it’s pretty comprehensive.
And here are a couple of masterlists of podcast episodes that deal with witchcraft, witch trials, the history of witchcraft-related beliefs, and resources for fact-checking and debunking misconceptions and misinformation commonly found in witchcraft spaces.
(Also I have published a few books on practical secular witchcraft, if you’re interested….)
You can also find additional recommendations in the "book recs" and "witchy books" tags on my blog.
Hope this helps!
(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
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magic doesn’t have to be complicated. rub an essential oil on a candle and light it. that person who’s been annoying you? write their name on a piece of paper and freeze it. fill a bowl with saltwater to cleanse your room. find a rock, imagine that it’s whatever you want to banish from your life, and throw it really hard into the street (…don’t hit a car). make a wish on a dandelion or a birthday candle. drink some lemonade for cleansing and positivity. tie a colored ribbon around your bedpost or doorknob. put some flowers on your nightstand.
a spell isn’t more effective just because it involves a bunch of ingredients and incantations and details.
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starsofdarknebula · 2 months
Speaking to me is a privilege And you do not have privileges
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lunar-witches · 7 months
✨ Creating Your Grimoire ✨
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In the realm of witchcraft and the arcane arts, a grimoire is a sacred vessel—a repository for your magical knowledge, spells, and experiences. To create your very own grimoire is to embark on a magical journey, a testament to your personal growth and a reflection of your unique spiritual path. With each page, you breathe life into a magical world that is uniquely yours. 🌙📜🔮
So, let us delve into the mystic arts and learn how to craft your very own grimoire, a treasured companion on your magical journey:
✨ 1. Choose Your Tools: Begin by selecting a journal or a notebook that resonates with you. It could be leather-bound, handcrafted, or a simple, beautifully designed book. Let your intuition guide you.
✨ 2. Dedicate Your Grimoire: Before you start filling its pages, dedicate your grimoire to your magical practice. Create a ceremony or ritual that signifies its importance in your spiritual journey.
✨ 3. Organize Your Content: Decide on the sections or categories for your grimoire. Common sections include spells, herbs, crystals, divination, moon phases, and personal reflections. Organizing your content will make it easier to reference.
✨ 4. Decorate with Intention: Use art, symbols, and colors that hold significance in your practice. Incorporate symbols, runes, and illustrations that resonate with your magical path. Each stroke of your pen can carry intention.
✨ 5. Record Your Spells and Rituals: Document your spells and rituals with care. Include ingredients, steps, and the outcomes. Personalize them to make them your own and infuse them with your energy.
✨ 6. Herbal and Crystal Wisdom: Devote sections to the properties and uses of herbs and crystals. Describe their magical associations and how to work with them in your spells and rituals.
✨ 7. Lunar and Planetary Magic: Dedicate pages to the phases of the moon and the influence of planetary energies. Include your observations and experiences with these celestial guides.
✨ 8. Divination and Tarot: Share your insights about divination methods like tarot, runes, or scrying. Document your readings and interpretations.
✨ 9. Dream and Meditation Journal: Dedicate a portion to dream and meditation experiences. Record your visions, insights, and messages received during your spiritual journeys.
✨ 10. Personal Reflections: Your grimoire is not just a book of facts but a record of your spiritual evolution. Write about your experiences, your magical progress, and how your practice has shaped you.
✨ 11. Protection and Secrecy: Consider creating a page or section dedicated to protective spells or enchantments to safeguard the contents of your grimoire.
✨ 12. Regularly Update: Your grimoire is a living, evolving document. As you learn, grow, and experience, continue to add to its pages and update your knowledge.
As you craft your grimoire, remember that it is a reflection of your unique connection to the magical world. With each entry, you breathe life into your practice, making it a powerful, personalized tool for your mystical journey. May your grimoire be a testament to your magical evolution, a record of your discoveries, and a key to the secrets of the universe.
📜🔮✨ Blessed be, as you embark on this enchanting journey of grimoire creation. 📜🔮✨
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theinvitedrider · 11 days
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grey-sorcery · 7 months
New to witchcraft? Awesome! Here's some things that you should avoid:
Divine [insert gender] or Sacred [insert gender]
Wicca (Especially "Wicca is ancient" bs)
Anything from Lewellyn Publishing
Visualization used as if it was energy work
Godphoning (talking to a deity for someone else, especially when it's non-consensual)
Spirit Animals
Spirit Shops
Spirit impreg
"Raising/higher Vibrations"
Contemporary/Western Reiki
New Age / Age of Aquarius
"Ascended Masters"
"Reptilians" (Aliens/pre-human terrestrials)
Emerald Tablets
New Thought
Anything related to Aleister Crowley
The Kybalion
"One True Way"
Witchcraft requiring a womb
"Men can't be witches" (Especially if they include trans women in this statement)
The Law of Attraction/Assumption
Spells purely with correspondences (Most spell candles/jars)
Appropriation (Dreamcatchers, Lilith, "Qabalah" or non-Jewish Kabbalah, Chakras, Kundalini, Yoga, Western Druidry, White Sage, voodoo, Hoodoo, etc outside of appropriate cultural context.)
"Black" or "White" magic
"Fae Council"
Claims of being a changeling
"Witchcraft requires sacrifice"
"Blood magic makes spells more powerful"
Reality Shifting
Magic/theology that requires self-harm
"Coven" (Especially if it's online)
If you see anyone endorsing anything on this list that is highlighted red, BLOCK THEM immediately.
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luciferianchild · 2 months
Lord Lucifer, the Morningstar
What does he like
when you read non-fiction to him
when you show him you have been doing your skincare, and doing new make-up looks
he loves receiving flowers such as roses, lavender and lilacs
he loves receiving artworks, such as drawing, self-written music and crafts
Food offerings that he particularly likes
blackberries, lavender, honey
cakes, pastries, cookies
fruits, lemons
olive oil
wines such as red, white and sweet wines
gold foods
You should leave your offerings on your altar for 15 minutes or a few hours. Remove before rotting, and give back to nature. You can bury them. Never throw them away.
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sea-witchb1tch · 9 months
my pocket altar to Amphitrite
this is probably the only time I’ll post photos of a full altar and that’s because I felt called to share. Amphitrite isn’t as well known as other deities of the Greek pantheon so I think sharing is caring in this instance. The only thing that isn’t pictured is the divination tool I use to speak with the Lady Amphitrite.
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I repurposed an altoids tin for this pocket altar. I energetically cleansed it and placed items that I felt called by Amphitrite to put inside. I have some shells I collected from the beach, sand mixed with sea salt, an aquamarine crystal, a devotional candle, small incense sticks and a doily as an altar cloth.
I also decorated the inside with some sea imagery and I made a small paper standee to act as a stand in for a statue/figure.
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enchantedwitchling · 8 months
The Power of Intuition: Developing Your Psychic Abilities.
Intuition is a powerful gift that we all possess. It's the inner knowing, the gut feeling, the psychic sense that guides us. Whether you're new to exploring your intuitive abilities or looking to enhance them, here are some exercises and tips to help you tap into the magic of your own intuition.
1. Meditation for Clarity 🧘‍♂️🌌
Take time each day to meditate. Clear your mind, focus on your breath, and allow your intuition to surface. The more you practice, the more in tune you become with your inner wisdom.
2. Trust Your Gut Feeling 🤔💭
Start small by listening to your gut instincts in everyday situations. Trust that inner voice when making decisions. Over time, this will strengthen your intuitive muscle.
3. Tarot and Oracle Cards 🔮🃏
Experiment with divination tools like Tarot or Oracle cards. These can be excellent tools for honing your intuitive skills. Draw a card daily and interpret its message based on your intuition.
4. Dream Journaling 🌙📓
Keep a dream journal by your bedside. Record your dreams as soon as you wake up. Often, dreams contain intuitive insights and symbolism that can be deciphered over time.
5. Practice Empathy and Active Listening 👂❤️
Empathize with others and practice active listening. Tuning into their emotions and thoughts can help you fine-tune your intuitive abilities.
6. Nature Connection 🌿🌳
Spend time in nature. The natural world has its own intuitive energy. Take walks, sit quietly, and observe. Nature can amplify your intuitive senses.
7. Develop Your Third Eye Chakra 🧘‍♀️👁️
Work on balancing and opening your third eye chakra through meditation and visualization exercises. This energy center is often associated with intuition.
8. Trust the Process 🌟🌈
Remember, developing intuition takes time and patience. Trust in your own unique journey. Your intuition is like a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it becomes.
9. Seek Guidance 🤝🌠
Consider seeking guidance from experienced intuitives or psychics. They can offer insights and techniques based on their own experiences.
10. Keep a Journal of Intuitive Experiences 📔✨
Document your intuitive experiences in a journal. This helps you track your progress and learn from your insights.
Your intuition is a valuable compass on your life's journey. Embrace it, nurture it, and allow it to illuminate your path. The more you connect with your intuition, the more you'll discover the profound wisdom that resides within you.
Embrace the magic of your intuition, and let it lead you toward a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.
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whimsigothwitch · 2 months
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Blessed Ostara
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thejournallo · 3 months
Explain the basic: Energy manipulation
Disclaimer: in this chapter you are going to learn the physical and spiritual meaning of energy! Everything I will talk about is information that I got from books and sites online and even videos on YouTube. In my years of practice, I learned as much as I could out of curiosity and what works best for me. I suggest you do the same by learning as much as you can on your own (I will be here making posts teaching this kind of stuff) from multiple sources.
tags: @koda-manifesting
As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). if you are intrested in more method check the masterlist!
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When it comes to energy manipulation, we have to remember the 12 laws of the universe!  According to these laws, we are all connected; everyone vibrates at different rates, and energy is always changing! We can use the knowledge that those laws gave us to manipulate the energy that is around us in different aspects. Before we start to talk about what energy manipulation is, let's learn what energy is, even in a more scientific aspect.
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"Energy" is often referred to as the life force or spiritual power that flows through all living things and the universe itself. People who practice witchcraft often work with this energy to bring about desired changes in their lives or the world around them. This energy is believed to be manipulable through various practices such as rituals, spells, meditation, and visualization.of course Different traditions and practitioners may have their own specific beliefs and terminology surrounding energy, but it is generally understood to be a fundamental aspect of the spiritual and metaphysical realms of witchcraft.
manipulating energy: 
More often than not, we manipulate this energy, which can happen on a daily basis without our knowledge. In a more visual explanation, we are surrounded by a bubble. Bubble = spiritual energy. When we go out and do our daily things and have our daily experiences, we give some piece of bubble. Energy manipulation is understood if we are using our bubble, understood when we have to use it and use it to our own advantage. for example, "If I feel this kind of bad feeling from a person, I will use a piece of my bubble to protect myself." I used my spiritual energy to protect myself from negativity.
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Energy is defined as the capacity to do work or produce heat. It exists in various forms such as kinetic energy (the energy of motion), potential energy (stored energy), thermal energy (the energy associated with temperature), chemical energy (energy stored in the bonds of chemical compounds), electromagnetic energy (energy carried by light and other electromagnetic waves), and many others.
The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transformed from one form to another. This means that the total energy within a closed system remains constant over time, even as it may change from one form to another.
Energy plays a fundamental role in all physical processes and is a central concept in fields such as physics, chemistry, and engineering. It's a crucial aspect of understanding the behavior of matter and the interactions between different systems in the universe.
Why am I talking about physical energy?
because we can use physical energy to practice witchcraft. Let me give you another visual example.  We are going on a walk to feel relaxed and release some tense energy. We are using kinetic energy to protect our peace.  It is all in the intention and the mindset when you use this kind of physical manipulation; even lighting a candle before a spell means using thermal energy to protect the space. (I'm saying protection as an example.) You can do pretty much anything; a walk can equal aboundance if that's what you want.
It is a bit uncomfortable for me to talk about this, but it has to be said. Carnal acts like sex or masturbation can also be used to manipulate energy, and it is a whole practice in itself called red magic, where you use the build-up energy of the orgasm and the peak release to put your intention in the world. The tricky part is to actually concentrate on your intention until you release it. 
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