#sea witchcraft
itzayahuatlmermaid · 7 months
I just woke up at 7 am exactly w a weird feeling, then a few minutes later my whole room is rumbling and I can hear the glass in my window rattling. It lasted about a minute or two. I actually thought there was an earthquake for a few minutes there. But no, just Space-X launching their "Super Heavy" rocket, the "most powerful launch vehicle ever built', about 25 minutes away from my home. I cannot even describe how much I hate Space-X for all that they've done to my community and the environment in which we live. Musk has inflicted SEVERE and unforgivable harm upon land extremely diverse in plant and animal species (we have the 2nd highest concentration of wildlife next to Everglades!!), has made sea turtle nesting sites unsafe and unusable for the turtles, and is encouraging the gentrification of our culturally unique border community. Not to mention, the land which he disrespects so blatantly is occupied by the Carrizo Comecrudo tribe and is extremely significant to the indigenous peoples of this region. My own ancestors relied on this coastal environment for nourishment and safety, and it has always been a source of peace and love for my family and myself.
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I was able to get more clip-on earrings recently, so I made a bunch of new pairs!! <|:D
I made some with wire-wrapped shells, green sea glass I found at the beach, little flocked bears, and pinwheel beads. I also wire-wrapped a set of dice and a matching necklace :)
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sea-witchb1tch · 9 months
my pocket altar to Amphitrite
this is probably the only time I’ll post photos of a full altar and that’s because I felt called to share. Amphitrite isn’t as well known as other deities of the Greek pantheon so I think sharing is caring in this instance. The only thing that isn’t pictured is the divination tool I use to speak with the Lady Amphitrite.
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I repurposed an altoids tin for this pocket altar. I energetically cleansed it and placed items that I felt called by Amphitrite to put inside. I have some shells I collected from the beach, sand mixed with sea salt, an aquamarine crystal, a devotional candle, small incense sticks and a doily as an altar cloth.
I also decorated the inside with some sea imagery and I made a small paper standee to act as a stand in for a statue/figure.
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little-heathen-bunny · 10 months
I'm looking for blogs to follow. I know I already made a post like this, but it's been a while, my dash is fairly dead, and theres so many gross bigots its hard to find good blogs. Please like/reblog post about any of the following:***
Norse polytheism/norse paganism
Especially Freyr, Odin, Njord, Ran, Loki, and/or Skadi
Norse mythology
Sea witchcraft
Techno witchcraft
Sigil witchcraft
Hedge witchcraft
Kitchen witchcraft
Hearth witchcraft
Working with the fae
Hellenic polytheism
Greek mythology
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iridescent-witch-life · 10 months
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📷 emmagriffinwitch
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hiswitchcraft · 1 year
do you have any sea witch resources by any chance? if not that’s fine
I didn't have any saved but I found some just for you! I haven't proofread everything here, so remember to always take what you read with a grain of salt, critically think and cross reference.
Sea Witch Resources
Sea & Water Witch Resources on the Web
Sea Magic References
Witchcraft for the Sea Witch
Sea Witch: Harnessing the Power of the Ocean
Sea Witchery Ideas
Charm Bags: Sea Witch Style
Animals in Sea Witchcraft
Songs in Sea Witchcraft
Tips for Landlocked Sea Witches
Working with the Tide
Katla's Ocean Waves Spell Jar
Also this website/personal blog is under construction and I have no idea how long it's been that way but it looks cool and may be something to keep an eye on?
I feel like concepts like "sea witch" are a relatively new thing so a lot of what I found tends to be shorter, online inspiration unfortunately. But it's something!
Also reminder, you guys can ask me for resources anytime. I'm more likely to get back to you through messages, but I do my best either way.
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will-o-the-witch · 12 days
Sea/ocean witches- what are some of your favorite ways to use seashells in your work? I just got back from the beach.
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caduceussky · 11 months
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digital altar/devotional work to the ocean 🌊🤍
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psychopomp-recital · 1 month
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Let’s talk about working with the Water Element; divination, magical waters, workings and cultivating a relationship with it and its spirits.
🎶Sharing my experiences and thoughts, don’t rely on just this make your own experiences and thoughts.🎶
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How do I grow my relationship with Water itself?
Begin opening yourself up to it more and incorporating it into your daily life. When I began building my relationship with it this is what I did:
To be done over a months period
Washed my hands & face with cold water when waking up and letting them air dry as much as possible.
Brushing out my hair and braiding it, picturing my hair flowing like a river with every movement of my fingers.
Beginning my day by intentionally drinking a glass of water, sitting down to really appreciate it and how it aides your body. I like cold water because you can easier feel it flow through you, I also like charging it beforehand.
Visit as many water sources as possible during this period. I am lucky enough to live by the pacific ocean and I would go and swim in it everyday to cultivate my relationship. However, if that is inaccessible for you there’s options such as sitting by a public pool, taking a bath, standing in the rain, eating your lunch by a river, etc.
While you’re spending time with water just talk to it. Tell it stories, sing it songs, ask it questions, water is living and it longs for a connection.
Record your progress throughout the month either in written journal entries, scrapbooking, or digital trackers. Just have a way for you to look back at how you’ve changed during this period.
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Examples of Magic that can include water:
research topics
Magical or Blessed Waters
Baneful Folk Workings
Release / Banishing Spells
Water Plant Workings
Elemental Spirit Magic
Death Work
Charged Sprays
Travel Magic
Weather / Storm Magic
Shell Magic (like crystal magic)
Carromancy (wax in water)
Magical Baths / Showers
Glamour Magic
And Much More...
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What can I benefit from working with water?
Regardless on where you are from, what path of life you are following or anything else we are connected by our need for water. It is not only our connection to other humans but our connection to the natural world as well. It makes up 3/4 of our planet and 60% of your body. You can get a better understanding of yourself just by going back to that fundamental need to sustain yourself with water as a life-force. The element itself is well known to be a very introspective force and most spirits representing or associated are similar (spg). When you are inviting it into your home you are inviting that connection and energy in too.
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Water takes life without discrimination, just as it gives life. Working within that provides a confidence and at least in my experience a sense of balance within ones self. If you are feeling like you are being tossed by the path of life, as if you are a lone ship at a storming sea, this might be your sign to stop fighting the current and start moving with it. If you can make the waves move at your asking then what is there to stop you.
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hy·dro·man·cy /ˈhīdrəˌmansē/
divination by means of signs derived from the appearance of water and its movement.
Some argue this is the first form of scrying Hydromancy is a very useful tool. It can be done with natural bodies of water, or things like tubs, cups and bowls. It can be frustrating to begin so this is how I would begin if I were you: (works better with an established connection to water)
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Go somewhere quiet and still, I prefer outside at night but do what is safe and comfortable for you.
Prepare your space and yourself however you normally would set the tone for a divination reading. Some choose to say a blessing prayer, drink a divination tea blend, or anoint themselves with particular salve or oil. I will usually ritually prepare myself (let me know if you want me to go more into this).
In a shallow dark colored bowl (or scrying bowl), pour your preferred water of choice. I usually go with waning moon water.
Relax and begin to gaze into the water. Let yourself open up to messages. Sometimes it comes as scenes of images, or a shape or even words that can come through.
Write down anything you receive to interpret later on.
If you are struggling try this ritual but use the light of a candle or the moon to interpret those shapes. Or meditate with the bowl and pour it out onto the ground and scry the shape it leaves behind.
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Magical Associations
✦ Death & Life ✦ Duality ✦ Change ✦ Rage ✦ Grief ✦ Peace ✦ Creation ✦ The Moon ✦ Ice ✦ Emotions ✦ Mental Health ✦ Cleansing / Purification ✦ Storms ✦ Distaster ✦ Dreams ✦ Cancer / Scorpio / Pisces ✦ Psychic Abilities ✦ Shape-shifters ✦ Travel ✦ Corrosion
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Irish Divine Beings Associated
✦ Brigid (keening mother & keeper of the sacred well) ✦ Boann (river personification) ✦ Aengus (The Young Son) ✦ Lir (sea personification) ✦ Manannán mac Lir (son of the sea)
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Sea witchcraft
Sea witchcraft, also known as sea magic or ocean witchcraft, is a type of witchcraft that is centered around the sea and its energies. It is a form of nature-based spirituality that draws upon the elements of water, air, and earth, and the rhythms of the tides and the moon. Sea witches may focus on healing, divination, or protection, as well as working with sea creatures and the spirits of the ocean.
Here are some key practices and beliefs associated with sea witchcraft:
Connection to the Sea: Sea witches believe in the power of the ocean and its ability to heal and transform. They may feel a deep connection to the sea, and incorporate its energies into their daily practice.
Working with Water: Water is a central element in sea witchcraft, and sea witches may work with it in a variety of ways, such as using sea water in rituals, collecting rainwater for use in spells, or working with water crystals or gemstones.
Moon Magic: The phases of the moon and its connection to the tides is an important aspect of sea witchcraft. Sea witches may perform rituals or spells during specific moon phases, and use lunar correspondences in their practice.
Sea Creatures: Sea witches may work with the spirits of sea creatures, such as dolphins, whales, and sea turtles. They may also use shells, coral, or other oceanic items in their spellwork.
Protection Magic: Because the ocean can be dangerous and unpredictable, sea witches may focus on protection magic, using spells or charms to ward off negative energies or to protect sailors and fishermen.
Divination: Sea witches may use various forms of divination to gain insights and guidance, such as tarot, runes, or sea shell readings.
Weather Magic: The sea and the weather are closely connected, and sea witches may work with the energies of storms, wind, and rain. They may perform rituals to calm storms or to bring rain during droughts.
Sea witchcraft can be practiced both on land and at sea. Some sea witches may work by the ocean, incorporating natural items like shells, driftwood, and seaweed into their practice, while others may incorporate the essence of the sea into their practice by using items like sea salt, seashells, or sea-themed decor in their homes.
Sea witchcraft is a beautiful and powerful way to connect with the energies of the ocean and nature, and to deepen your spiritual practice.
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nehalenniaspeil · 5 months
— Welcome 🌞⛲🍀
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Hello Pagan Tumblr!
My name's Artemisia, and i've been walking a pagan path for 5 years. Here's a list of traditions/deities/ways that i'm working with :)
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I. My Paths
· Avalonian tradition
· Celtic polytheism
· Hellenic/Roman polytheism
· Norse polytheism
II. My ways of Witchcraft
· Bath witchcraft
· Crystal witchcraft
· Elemental witchcraft
· Green witchcraft
· Hearth witchcraft
· Kitchen witchcraft
· Ogham
· Sacred wells & springs
· Sea witchcraft
· Sun witchcraft
· Swamp witchcraft
· Water witchcraft
· Weather witchcraft
III. Deities & spirits
· Airmed
· Andraste
· Ataegina
· Brigid
· Coventina
· Elen of the Ways
· Epona
· Eriu
· Gráinne
· Gwenhwyfar
· Lady of the Lake
· Lugh
· Medb
· Morgan Le Fay
· Nantosuelta
· Nehalennia
· Nemetona (Arnemetia)
· Nimue
· Rhiannon
· Rosmerta
· Sequana
· Sirona
· Sulis Minerva
· Baldr
· Eir
· Eostre
· Freyja
· Frigga
· Hlín
· Idunna
· Óðinn
· Rán
· Sunna (Sól)
· Thor
· Valkyrjur
· Amphitrite (Salacia)
· Aphrodite (Venus)
· Artemis
· Asklepios
· Eos
· Flora
· Fortuna
· Juno
· Jupiter (Zeus)
· Salus (Hygieia)
· Mars
· Minerva
· Neptuno (Poseidon)
· Pax
· Pomona
· Proserpina
· Sol Invictus
· Vesta (Hestia)
· Lady of the Fountain
· Lady of the Lake
· Melusine
· Mermaids
· Naiads
· Nereids
· Oceanides
· Sisters of Avalon
· Spring/well spirits
· Undines
· Valkyrjur
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itzayahuatlmermaid · 7 months
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May your ancestral communications be clear and healing these Dias de Los Muertos 🤍 I did some cleansing work last night using a space cleansing chime candle I make. The candle is made with beeswax, soy wax, and Sage, Patchouli, Bergamot, and Lavender essential oils. I dressed it with Lemon essential oil and the herbs I used. The intentional herbs that I chose to help cleanse and balance my space while inviting forward and honoring my ancestors include Itzayahuatl, Rosemary, Mugwort, Cinnamon, and Jasmine. I also used small chunks of pink Himalayan salt to represent the 4 directions, so my intention would flow clearly through each direction 🌊 I cleansed my spellwork plate beforehand with Agua de Florida, Copal, and Palo Santo to invite warm and loving energies. I also cleansed myself with the Copal and Palo Santo 💗
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somnambulant-seraphim · 2 months
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Went on a trip to the beach recently, it was such a nice cloudy day :-]
I actually found some sea glass this time! ☆˚₊·o(>ω<)o·₊˚☆ I've never found sea glass myself before, the beaches I live near aren't really "good" beaches for that. The pieces I found are very small, and not all of them are quite weathered enough, but I'm happy with them! :)
I also got some oyster shells (coffee-dyed now), a cockle shell, and some gastropod shells. I finished some necklaces too: a four-leaf clover penny pendant and a wire-wrapped ammonite, both with a mix of wooden, metal, glass and plastic beads.
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sea-witchb1tch · 8 months
Being a neurodivergent or mentally ill witch…
Let’s admit it, a lot of the most popular witch tips out there are very centered around neurotypical brains. Sitting down in complete silence to meditate for hours? Dedicating time to sitting down and reading? Having a set schedule everyday for witchcraft? It’s just not realistic for everyone, especially those that can experience executive dysfunction due to neurodivergence or mental illness. For me personally I experience ADHD and compulsions due to anxiety, and listening to the wrong witchy advice in the past caused me a lot of discomfort and anxiety in my life. I thought if I did something the wrong way an evil spirit would take me, or I felt like a failure because I can’t sit still and meditate for long periods of time. Witchcraft is for everybody and I want people to stop witch-shaming those of us who just have to do things a different way in order to achieve our spiritual goals. I get a lot of my information through podcasts and audiobooks as opposed to sitting and reading. I meditate while doing a craft I enjoy and put magickal energy into my art. There is no one size fits all way to do witchcraft.
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mylordposeidon · 3 days
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Oh, How I love Him dearly. This book contains prayers, junk journaling dedciated to him, Hymns, etc. I might make a masterpost on what to put in a deity journal and how i've done it for the Tamer of Horses! Tell me if that's something you all would like <3
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undyne-the-sea-witch · 8 months
"How does one practice as a sea witch?": An open dialogue
Hello! Something I've been thinking about today is, what does it mean to be a sea witch? Namely, what does one's practice look like as a sea witch?
🐚 What tool(s), ingredient(s), and/or magical actions does a sea witch use in spells?
🐠 What deity(ies), if any, does a sea witch use in their practice?
🫧 Do their visualization(s) and meditations involve sounds of the ocean, music that invokes imagery of the sea, viewing pictures or videos of the ocean, holding seashells or other items collected from previous beach visits?
🐡 Do sea witches invoke just the powers of the sea in their craft, or any body(ies) of water?
💧 Does one look to just the ocean for one's power, or things related to the ocean like sea creatures, seaweed, etc.?
These are the questions that inspired this post! I'd love to hear from other sea witches what their practices look like. If you're a sea witch, feel free to share however much or however little of your sea witchcraft you'd like. 💙
To ease us into things, I'll start with my own craft:
🌊 Whenever I'm feeling decalibrated, or if I know a full moon is coming up, I go to the beach! I'm lucky to live close by, so I make the trip whenever I can. Nothing has made me feel more powerful as a with than dancing under the full moon light on the beach and hearing the waves crash fervently onto the shore.
🌊 I collect items from the beach whenever I can - mainly seashells, driftwood, and sand. I thank the ocean for whatever I collect, and I make sure to pick up any trash I see while I'm collecting as a way of giving back!
🌊 When gathering energy, I'll imagine I'm underwater sitting on the sea floor, and I have a small bubble in my hands. As I chant, I imagine the bubble growing bigger until there's enough energy inside it to envelope me inside it.
🌊 I invoke the power of the sea (and water in general) when casting spells.
🌊 I write runes or sigils on seashells.
🌊 I keep seashells and a vial of sand on my altar. The seashell is nice to hold during meditations.
🌊 I use sand in my cauldron when I'm burning incense or spell ingredients.
🌊 I have a mermaid-themed tarot deck! I connected with it right away & it has yet to steer me wrong in any reading.
🌊 I made a playlist on Spotify with songs that remind me of the water! Some songs contain bubbles, ocean waves, and sea life sound effects, which is so so so useful when I'm meditating.
I'm excited to hear from my fellow sea witches what they do in their practices! And I hope this post helps anyone tinkering with the idea of sea witchcraft! 😊
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