#hermes deity
royal-wren · 24 hours
In honor of Pride, I'm going to list a few Hellenic deities to think of more actively during this time
Aphrodite: Historically known to be intersex and trans, especially under the name Aphroditos. Not to mention as a goddess of love, that means all kinds of love and expressions of it. Everyone in the LGBT+ umbrella can turn to her without worry.
Apollon: He is known for epithets like the Unshorn, and for literally wearing feminine clothing for the time.
Artemis: Known for embracing masculinity and more masculine traits like her interests, mannerisms, and appearance (attire). Also known to be aro/ace spec.
Athene: Most know her to lean more toward masculinity, but she's more an equal mix of both masculine and feminine (nonbinary by human terms). Also known to be aro/ace spec and wlw as well.
Dionysos: Like Apollon, is known for wearing feminine clothing for the time and occasionally a feminine appearance to match. Embracing the unconventional and what lies outside of society's standards and mentalities is his thing, and it shows with epithets like Androgynos.
Hekate: A goddess of the liminal (everything in between), boundaries, and transitions, of paths and crossroads (which are more than physical ones).
Hera: As a goddess of women, that includes every kind of woman no matter what, there is no room to try and exclude anyone from that. She's also a goddess of marriage and one to lean on for rights on that matter.
Hermes: A god of the liminal, the god of transitions, boundaries, paths, and roads, and a god of romantic unions, the god of fire - the literal and figurative sparks that ensue as a god of friction, a weigher of love like Aphrodite. Before the late Classical and Hellenistic periods was also known to be aro/ace spec as outside of cultic unions, a majority of his immortal (and deity) children are goddesses as well, and he has two nonbinary (one intersex) children, Palaistra and Hermaphroditos, and occasionally the father of Eros either by Aphrodite or Artemis (and no this is real, you're just not ready for this conversation on this information).
Leto: In worship, she has the cult epithet Phystiê (the Grafter) that relates to a myth of her helping Leukippe transition at the wishes of his mother to avoid death. With the grafter epithet, she has a festival in her honor, Ekdysia (Stripping (Festival)). One of her sacred animals is the Ichneumon (Egyptian Mongoose), which was known to be both male and female in an individual member of the species.
Palaistra: The goddess of wrestling and daughter of Hermes is nonbinary, being both genders at once and neither at the same time
The Erotes: It kind of goes without saying that they should be here for a month of love, identity, and acceptance.
The Kharites: As goddesses of joy, merriment, and festivity/celebration, it feels as essential to have them here as the Erotes are. During Pride, they will lift your spirits and cause you to cheer.
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assistedbytherats · 18 hours
How me (a Hermes devotee) tries working with Aphrodite
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thrashkink-coven · 6 hours
special channeled message from Lord Hermes:
Hermes devotees, Lord Hermes is going to GET YOU if you don’t have a meal before practicing. You can’t hide that headache from him he KNOWS! and he just wants you to take care of yourself!!!
Hermes: your hands are shaking
me: oh… I’m just… so excited to see you 😅
Hermes: you lying bitch go make yourself a sandwich RIGHT NOW
Me: 🏃‍♂️💨
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yourwitchybrother · 3 days
How Their Energies Feel
When Apollo checks in, which is frequent, he feels very warm. He feels like the perfect warmth on a summer day. Not too overwhelming, unless I haven't noticed him yet. He feels like the soft embrace of a lover, telling you that everything is going to work out in the end.
When Bacchus checks in, which is mostly in times of distress or hysteria, he feels a little unhinged. Like a slightly impulsive friend who you feel like you should keep an eye on but you know has your back. He feels like your friend who offers to key your exes car after a nasty breakup.
When Neptune checks in, which is rather infrequent, he feels like a confused, oddly hip uncle. He doesn't keep up with the current trends, references don't land and he is strictly business. But he's also a fan of the occasional joke or lighthearted conversation.
When Mercury checks in, which is infrequent, I feel a rush. It's like when you and your best friend meet up and you know shenanigans are going to occur. Lots of energy. But he can snap into a rather serious demeanor at the drop of the hat if needed.
When Venus checks in, which is usually when I do my makeup or do my curls, she feels like a friend on Facetime. Like I could tell her anything and she would be understanding. She feels like a childhood friend. Judgement-free, zero off-limits topics.
When Hypnos checks in, which I'm finding is nightly, it feels like I'm having a sleepover. Both of us sleepy, exhausted even, fighting off he temptation of sleep to stay up and talk. Talk about life, and philosophy. And then I fall asleep and he keeps me safe.
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deadpan-whistled · 1 day
Hello All
My name is Dylan and I am a Hellenistic and Norse pagan! I am 19, transgender (he/him), bisexual, autistic and mentally ill.
I am devoted to Freyr (Norse) and Apollo (Hellenism)
I am a godspouse of Freyr!
I have very intimate relationships with Apollo, Dionysus, and Hermes
I also worship Ares and Loki! They are like older brothers to me!
I honor Zeus, Hestia, and Athena actively
I also am a witch!
If you have any questions for me, feel free to ask!
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the-purvashadha · 3 months
When you step into sunlight, you honor Apollo. When you admire the moon, you honor Artemis. When you admire cloud shapes, you honor Hera. When you smell petrichor, you honor Zeus. When you laugh at a joke, you honor Hermes. When your body twitches to dance at a particularly upbeat music, you honor Dinoysus. When you enjoy the first bite of your breakfast, you honor Demeter. When you choose your peace over any conflict, you honor Athena. When you warm yourself up by sheltering yourself in blanket, you honor Hestia. When you listen to Ocean sounds, you honor Poseidon. When you smell flowers, you honor Persephone. When you admire the coolness of first day of Autumn, you honor Hades. When you wear your favourite jewellery, you honor Hephaestus. When you smile, you honor Aphrodite. When you exercise, you honor Ares. When you light a torch in a dark room, you honor Hekate.
Your body is a shrine to Gods, your being an act of devotion for them. You, by yourself, are enough for them.
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khaire-traveler · 7 months
Isn't it actually so beautiful that deities take the time to try and guide and teach us? How wonderful is it that they care for us so deeply that they'd share their wisdom, knowledge, and insight so freely? I think a deity's love is something to be cherished, and I cherish this. 🧡✨
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matustheus · 4 months
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Hermes and his Lightning McQueen sneakers KACHOW
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i think the fastest and most effective prayer to any God in an emergency is just "[insert name], please help me". specifics are good in like, formal situations, but let me tell you: i parked my car in mud which froze overnight (temps in my area dropped from 50 degrees fahrenheit down to about 10 degrees with windchill), and after trying for almost a full hour to get my car unstuck from the mud, i just stared vacantly to the sky and said "Hermes, please help." and wouldn't you know it, about three minutes later my car's wheels somehow managed to gain traction and the frozen mud around them loosened enough to actually allow me to back out.
i have more thoughts on this whole (very good) incident namely involving a tiktok by olympianbutch on invocations (not tagging him because i'm not writing that essay yet), the power of the names of the Gods, and how the Gods are very, very, very good. but it's almost 3am and my brain is potatoes, so we'll post that all some other time :)
for now, i'll give a simple thank You Hermes for getting me unstuck from the mud <3
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ray-does-witchcraft · 2 months
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My dash is kinda dry, soo... interact (or message me, i could use pagan/witch friends, rayvpng on discord) if you are:
a witch of any kind (im eclectic i love hearing about yalls practices)
pagan (specifically hellenic but others welcome as well :3)
into demonolatry/demonology
an aphrodite, hermes, apollo, ares, nemesis, phobos & deimos, or lucifer worshiper
into spirit work (any kind)
working or knowledgeable about fae and/or dragons (PLS)
into basically anything occult related
bonus points if latino or/and queer!!
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assistedbytherats · 2 months
Committing piracy as a devotional act to Hermes
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vdoes · 4 months
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Hermes Khthonios guiding lost souls...I like to think it would be comforting to see him help you on your way to the other side.
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nothoughtsgayboy · 3 months
I hear Hermes in the noise of a train when it stops in front of my platform.
I hear Apollo in the loud bass line in a song.
I hear Poseidon in the snorting of horses as they go past a car.
I hear Dionysus in the laughter coming from the bars.
I hear Ares in the noises of pride parades and protests.
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thewhisperofzagreus · 5 months
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Allegorical figure of Hermes on the portal of the building on Komenského Square in Czech Republic. Photo by Peter Zelizňák
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teovebal · 3 months
I'm a Hermes devotee of course i don't know how to drive
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khaire-traveler · 2 months
🪽 Subtle Hermes Worship 📨
Keeping a journal of letters addressed to Hermes; you can also use a code name for him, such as "diary", if needed
Keeping a picture of him in your wallet
Collecting coins and shiny objects
Writing letters to friends or loved ones who live far away
Writing stories and poems
Having imagery of feathers, wings, turtles, or hares around (feathers and wings are especially good in a Christian household)
Having rabbit, turtle, sheep, hawk, or ram stuffed animals
Wearing jewelry that reminds you of him; a caduceus necklace is extremely easy to find online and is often associated with other things but is still a major symbol of Hermes
Having a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
Dedicating any morning drinks to him (coffee, tea, energy drinks, etc.)
Participating in any sport
Making a list of jokes or quotes that make you laugh
Making a list of good memories
Watching comedians, live or online
Engaging in activities that bring you joy
Spending time with loved ones
Spending time with pets and bonding with them
Volunteering at a homeless or animal shelter
Honoring deceased loved ones, including pets
"Borrowing" things from big corporations
Setting money aside to save if/when possible
Exploring new places you've never been
Supporting small businesses
Taking a walk
Learning non-obvious forms of divination (cartomancy, shufflomancy, pyromancy, etc.)
Keeping a dream journal
Exercising if able; get some movement throughout the day
Creating something with your hands or imagination (writing, drawing, carving, something inventive and creative)
Donating items you no longer need
Buying a meal for someone who needs one
Showing kindness towards your fellow human
Making a list of things that made you happy throughout the day and that you're looking forward to
Carrying a good luck charm on you; keep a lucky coin
Collecting souvenirs from new places, even just the next town over
If you have a car or bike, show it some love
Be kind to animals; feed neighborhood dogs, cats, birds, etc.
Volunteer at an animal shelter or farm; volunteer at a homeless shelter
May add more later! This is my list of discreet ways to worship Hermes, so far. Please enjoy, and take care! 🧡
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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