#lucifer worship
ray-does-witchcraft · 2 months
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My dash is kinda dry, soo... interact (or message me, i could use pagan/witch friends, rayvpng on discord) if you are:
a witch of any kind (im eclectic i love hearing about yalls practices)
pagan (specifically hellenic but others welcome as well :3)
into demonolatry/demonology
an aphrodite, hermes, apollo, ares, nemesis, phobos & deimos, or lucifer worshiper
into spirit work (any kind)
working or knowledgeable about fae and/or dragons (PLS)
into basically anything occult related
bonus points if latino or/and queer!!
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sapphicnunnery · 2 months
hey folks, can anyone gimme a bit of help?? I’ve been seeing a lot of stuff about Lucifer on here, and feeling a bit of a pull to work with him for a little while now. I’ve had a really hard time with researching him lately because of how much is about pop culture (characters, shows, books, literally everything), Christians essentially saying that Lucifer is gonna kill everything and you should avoid him and the gays who serve him, or, like, deity/biblical fanfic? If you currently work with Lucifer or have in the past, could you help me out with some information about him? UPGs, signs, associations, stories, history, advice for working with him, reliable sources for research on him, etc would all be super helpful! Also, Loki is my patron deity, so does anyone know if they don’t really get along? Loki seemed pretty excited about that idea when I talked to him about it, but idk lol
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hisfluer · 1 year
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lucifer whispers softly to the stars that still remember him. they gather around him as he names them, one by one. how could he forget them? his dazzling stellae that filled the skies and shed cold light as they waited for him to bring forth the dawn in a time half forgotten, a time always folding in on itself.        hello, hello. oh, i’ve missed you. — and, yes, i have changed. 
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undeadmagick · 2 months
collage wallpapers of my deities ♥️
ft. Lucifer, Hades, Freyja, Apollo, Jormungandr (in order)
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free to use <3
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saganssorcery · 4 days
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Artist in the watermark 🔥🖌️
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k-chiaroscuro · 6 days
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digital offering for lucifer ☆
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noxsn · 3 months
Does anyone else find similarities between how you treat/feel about your deities and your partners? Because its just so strangely similar for me
I think of them so often, i get exited when i see something they would like or hear a song that reminds me of them, hell i love giving them random gifts SO much even if i dont know if they'll like it
It might be because im not that close to any of my friends but these feelings are pretty much reserved for my lover and my deities only
I dont know its somehow both a weird and comforting feeling to know you love someone on about the same level as the gods, i just hope it will be reciprocated in the future
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wizard-irl · 1 year
What's This Joy of Satan Website?
You may have gotten someone asking your opinion of "joyofsatan.org," but what are they?
I have belaboured this post for weeks and I'm tired of giving them my energy. I'm going to hit the main points.
A content warning for antisemitism, racism and bigotry in general, Nazism, mentions of genocide, and conspiracist nonsense.
Archive of post.
JoS promotes itself to kids and teens, with a page called "Kids and Teens for Satanism" on their main site. Keep this in mind as you read.
JoS's leader, Maxine Dietrich, is married to a former chairman of the National Socialist Movement. That chairmain's affiliation with JoS had him ousted from the group.
JoS high priests routinely profess their support for Nazism, Hitler, and other Nazi members and policies.
JoS promotes several historical inaccuracies regarding the Nazis, including that Hitler had a humanitarian reason to not use chemical weapons in battle (despite Nazis themselves citing logistical reasons) as well as that queer people were not persecuted in Nazi Germany.
There are multiple posts calling high-ranking Nazis fond terms. Hitler is particularly praised as a "man of peace." There are multiple posts celebrating high-ranking Nazis' birthdays.
JoS hosts white nationalist material, including that of the Creativity movement and material from American Nazi groups.
JoS promotes the claim of "white genocide," all while denying the Holocaust.
JoS has put blame on Jewish people for everything from communism, 9/11, feminism, Black Lives Matter, the queer movement, and the media. Slurs against Jewish people are common in their writings, as are dogwhistles. Most, if not all of their writings contain antisemitism, and it is not hidden.
JoS has stated multiple times that National Socialism, the ideology of the Nazis, is not racist. They also claim they themselves are not racist, but their definition is heavily biased. They do state that, considering the enemy's (Jewish people) definition of racist, they are proud to be called that.
JoS has stated that you do not need to be a Nazi to be a Satanist, but that being a Satanist will lead you to Nazi ideals.
JoS is heavily anti-Muslim. Not just anti-Islam, but they go out of their way to portray Muslims as monsters preying on the goodwill of (white) countries.
JoS engages in Jesus mythicism, a position New Testament scholars dismiss as ahistorical. They're pretty anti-Christian in general.
JoS loves to appropriate from Hindu, Buddhist, and Yazidi religion. They claim the Yazidis are Satanists, something that is contributing to their ongoing genocide.
JoS is heavily into alien conspiracism, where they routinely compare Jewish people to Grey and Reptilian aliens. The latter of which is a common comparison in conspiracist spaces.
JoS claims the pre-Christian gods were aliens.
JoS claims COVID-19 is an engineered bioweapon.
JoS promotes the microchipping conspiracy.
I have spent more time researching them than I'd like to admit, and I have seen some truly horrific shit on their site and on sites connected to it. This is skimming the surface.
These people should not be allowed into any pagan or witchcraft community. They are already trying to worm their way into this site's communities, and we should not allow them to succeed.
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nepzero · 2 months
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I fixed new (regular sized) prayer jar candle for Lucifer as he was finished with the last one and i’m thinking about having two candles (of that size) in rotation for him and my other gods. what i mean by that, i refill the last candle with wax and make my own candle that way. at least that’s the idea for now, im not too confident in making my own candles with melting down wax etc. i just want this man to be proud of me. ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Ave Lucifer! My Beautiful Venus!🌟🔱❤️
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cursecuelebre · 30 days
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Mini Lucifer Altar nice and hidden ☺️
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hellenicandcrowd · 3 days
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Digital Offering to Lord Lucifer 🖤 🔱
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ray-does-witchcraft · 2 months
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ok so! i made some notion pages for my deities (missing about three tho), and i thought sharing it would be nice so people can read the info and whatnot :)
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freespiritlilith · 1 year
FRIENDS! spiritual, magical, divine, and devotee friends welcome!
Check list plsss🎆 Birds of a feather let’s flock together! Pretty Please!!
Like/interact w this post those lovers who love:
Gaia / Ge / Terra / Tiamat / Cybele
Adi Parashakti
Gratiae / Charites
Great Satan
Guanyin - Kannon
Moon Princess
Mother Mountain
let’s have fun! i’m always happy to make new friends and revel in our shared interests!!! 💐💛
peace be upon us all💛🕊️
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hisfluer · 9 months
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do you know how it feels to hover in between? to be named darkness when you were created for light? to be blamed for lies when you sought truth? do you know how it feels to fall when you were made for flight? perhaps — oh, perhaps then you might understand. all i wanted to know was — why.
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undeadmagick · 2 months
tough love from my deities is NAWT for me 😭😭 lucifer called me out hard as hell and i was like “can you PLEASE be nicer (jokingly) im TRYINGGG”
and he just hits me with the “??? do you know who i am ???”
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deerundevotee · 9 months
i really feel like Lucifer is all about self love
and a lot of that self love is accepting yourself, especially for queer people
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