galina · 26 days
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Dreaming of this island still
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tommydashwood · 12 days
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philoursmars · 1 month
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Hier le 8 mai, la flamme olympique venue de Grèce arrive dans une de ses anciennes colonies phocéennes, Massalia !
Alors, posté au Mont Rose, j''admire le Belem, porteur de la flamme...
Le voici, accompagné de la parade navale, longeant les côtes de Montredon, avec au loin le Phare du Planier !
L'ensemble se dirigera ensuite vers l'île Maïre pour revenir au Frioul...
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marievinay · 6 months
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Copyright 2023 Marie Vinay
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likerirah · 1 year
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⛱️🌊☀️Dakar,  Mykonos , Marseille and Barcelone
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objetivoreggaeton · 2 years
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Nicki Nicole lanza 'Frío', una canción con un vídeo súper futurista
«‘Frío’ representa una nueva etapa para mí», comparte Nicki. «Es una canción y un vídeo súper futurista, que muestra un lado diferente que quería que la gente escuchara desde hace tiempo. Aunque esta canción es muy veraniega, siempre hay algo del frío que me va a gustar».
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lezarkyeahyeah · 2 years
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Iles du Frioul, Marseille 2022
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tryphonioda · 2 years
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#marseille #frioul #sunset https://www.instagram.com/p/CiSFo_grAkN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jeanfrancoisrey · 7 months
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Les îles du Frioul…
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your-dandy-king · 3 months
@askgeneralduroc - ARE YOU OKAY? That awful ginger man didn't crush you, did he? *hugs Duroc to his chest and pets him*. Let's take you back to Bessie, he'll make sure everything's alright!
Oh, my god, I've got such a headache ... ugh.
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eudaimonia83 · 9 months
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Chateau d’If (inspiration for The Count of Monte Cristo) and Iles du Frioul, Marseille harbor 🇫🇷
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marionsinspirations · 25 days
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le-brave-des-braves · 3 months
Hi Ney!!! ^7^
Are you okay? How are you feeling now?
I'm so sorry, I was struggling with uh... The N man to stop sending me letters, that I didn't notice what was going on!!! T-T
I promise one of these day I will invite you to my house and make you have a whole lazy day just for yourself to enjoy and relax!!! ò^ó
Duroc, dear.
I will be fine. Although, I admit that I’m feeling mildly intoxicated, hah. It’s actually so relaxing. I just miss flying but the pain is gone. Actually, all the pain is gone.
If you have any kind of issues with that asshole, feel free to relocate here for a while. I will be honoured to see the little Hélène and I’m okay with meeting your family too. Seriously, I need something to distract me from my staff who are acting like idiots again.
Levavasseur looked at me and started to cry today. Crap, doesn’t he know that I can’t die from my injuries? Even if I did, I wouldn’t be dead yet.
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philoursmars · 1 month
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Hier le 8 mai, la flamme olympique venue de Grèce arrive dans une de ses anciennes colonies phocéennes, Massalia !
Alors, posté au Mont Rose, j'attends le Belem, porteur de la flamme...
Côté rade Nord, il apparaît enfin.
Puis, après avoir passé les îles d'Endoume, le voilà côté rade Sud, longeant la Corniche Kennedy. Les bateaux de la parade navale l'attendent sagement au large des îles du Frioul.
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microcosme11 · 2 years
Description of Duroc’s character
The next morning, I was with the Duke of Frioul (Duroc); we talked about the successes at the beginning of the campaign, and we expressed great regret at the loss of Marshal Bessières. I will never forget the last words of this conversation: “This is going on too long,” he said, “We will all be killed.” A few days later he was fatally struck by a stray cannonball, as the Duke of Istria had been. He lived for a few hours, taking with him the consolation of having witnessed the deep sorrow of the Emperor, who only left him after his urgent pleading. I place among the most important losses Napoleon could have, that of the Grand Marshal, Duke of Frioul. He was barely forty years old when he perished. His figure was fine and not without elegance: his face was animated with bright and fresh colors: his countenance was grave, austere, even icy, when he listened to a person against whom he was prejudiced, but pleasant and gentle in the opposite case. In general, he was an observer because he was cold and serious. He naturally had the tact of propriety, and absolutely refused to do anything he thought would harm that. Discretion and firmness were the first elements of his character. He established the order of his service in a fixed, positive and invariable manner: reserved, due to the advantage of his position, to his personal qualities, and, to his immense credit, he never took pride in it; he lived for devotion: all other considerations disappeared. He was familiar with the smallest and most elevated details of the palace's civil and military administration: his work was always clear, always easy. Rigid observer of the regulations he had adopted for the emperor, he knew how to demand of others the same observance, and never compromised with negligence and forgetfulness. He loved the arts, he honored talent; and although he could have surrendered himself without fear to his wise and enlightened taste, he was directed only by the relation which the productions of genius could have with the glory of the emperor. Access to his apartments, always difficult, was never so for famous men who could contribute to the splendor of Napoleon's reign. Nobody has better known the tastes and character of this prince than himself, and exercised over him a more marked and sustained influence: the peculiar thing was that the emperor himself recognized this influence and did not seek to escape it. The just mind and sagacity of the Duke of Frioul always prevented him from clashing head-on with Napoleon's first actions, which were sometimes too quick and too hasty; a few hours later he would divert the effects. His aim was always to preserve useful and devoted subjects: he wished to make the emperor loved and to reinforce public opinion; but perhaps he disdained a little too much on his own account to make a title for himself recognized by those whom he obliged in return, and who often ignored him. One constant truth is that Napoleon never held a secret from him, while he kept secrets from everyone, even from the Prince of Neufchâtel [Berthier]. Duroc was the conscience of Napoleon, who explained to him his reasons for discontent like a litigant desirous of obtaining the suffrage of his judge. This arrangement did as much honor to one as to the other.
Mémoires anecdotiques sur l'interieur de Palais de Napoléon V.2, by Bausset-Roquefort
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echo-s-land · 9 months
@unhonestlymirror i need to go to sleep
This was halfly popularize
Let's start off with Angyalistan and Užupis, since I don't have anything to add to what you already know about them x)
+only thing I added is the infinity symbol under Angyalistan's bc I felt like it+had to find a way to nod to the concept of horizon/infinity
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Next are Mùnegu (Monaco in Eng, Italian, and everyday life French, Monègue in older French, Mónegue in Occitan) and Andorra (Andorre in French):
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while she indeed depends on France for military defense, she's very much capable and doesn't rely on him for everything! (dammit!) - she's quite rich (altho the fact she doesn't have many citizens must help)
seem to have a relationship with the Holy German Empire, Spain Kingdom and Italian kingdoms but it made my head hurt with how much dates there are) - gained independence from Genoa in 1247, independence from Holy German Empire in 1524 and becomes a protectorate of the Spanish Kingdom until 1641 where Mùnegu becomes a protectorate of the French Kingdom, then becomes a protectorate of the Sardinia Kingdom from 1815 to 1860. In 1918, becomes a sort of protectorate of France anew
During WW2 scared to be invaded by Italians, went to ask (then Vichy) France what to do to which France replied 'just let them'. So Mùnegu was occupied by Italians in 1942 and then by German in 1943. Helped to deport Jews
christian, catholic (freedom of religion for the people, but the State is still catholic)
abortion became legal (2019) but it's still a mess so the women are encouraged to go to France, Italy or another country where it's legal and less of a mess
Speaks Monegascan/Monegasque, French, then Italian (and English for business ofc)
tried to draw her more 'classy' and organized (?) I still haven't understood the purpose of the hairstyle she canonically has
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Actually much more closer to Spain (and Portugal), part of the Iberian Peninsula
For an old reason, both French's government representative (nowadays, the President) and the bishop of Urgell in Catalonia in Spain are ruling over Andorra as co-prince (since 1607)
Has been around since at least the X-XI century
got annexed by the French Empire from 1812 to 1814
His territory has remained unchanged since 1278
Speaks Catalan, then Spanish and Portuguese and then French (but less)
He wasn't invited to the Versailles Treaty so he was officially at war with Germany between 1914 and 1958
during both World Wars and their aftermaths was used as a way to cross the French-Spain border by lots of different people for different reasons (deserters, nazis, Jews, Spanish people fleeing Spain...)
Abortions are illegal (so you have to go to France or Spain to have them)
christian catholic
legend says that Charlemagne gave Andorra a charter
(+Andorra is in the middle of nowhere in the Pyrenees)
is to France and Spain what Liechtenstein is to Switzerland - but they care less about him than Switzerland can care about Liechtenstein
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It's kinda hard to talk about Aigues-Mortes because the micronation was created in 2011 but the city has been around for several centuries
'Aigues-Mortes' literally means 'Dead Waters' (reference to the fact there are several ponds and swamps in Aigues-Mortes and around the city. The bodies of water stay still)
In 1248, Louis IX named the city 'Bona per Forsa' ('Good despite fate'?) after the inhabitants' request but the name Aquae Mortuae, later Aigues-Mortes will stay
After the Revolution in 1789, the city changed its name to 'Port Pellier' but once again, the name didn't stick around
August 1893: 'Italian slaughter.' (7 deaths, 50 injured, not a single culprit will be sentenced). Biggest slaughter of immigrants in French contemporary history
More about the micronation now!: motto can be translated as 'Love thy neighbor and steal/drink their wine!' - says her religion to be 'Catalcoolisme' ('Catalcoholism'; play of word between 'Catholicism' and 'alcoholism' I suppose); worship rosé (type of wine)
Was created when two friends got drunk (drinking rosé, ofc)
Looks up to Monaco; wants to become like Monaco (hence why she tries to dress up with the same type of clothes Monaco dresses with (classy) and why I made her dyed her brown hair in blonde)
has the French south accent!
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was ruled by Genoa from 1284 to 1755 (fought for independence from 1729 to 1755). Became a Republic until France annexed Corsica in 1769
several historical ties with (what is nowadays) Italy
Got a bad reputation bc of FNLC (National Liberation Front of Corsica) mostly. From 1974 to 2014, the nationalist group bombed (public buildings, banks..), made several armed robberies, as well as aggravated assaults and murders/assassinations against French symbol and government and advocated for independence + presence of organized crime
renowned for her beauty
bonds with Breizh over France+luxury tourism destroying their lands and their languages dying out
otherwise doesn't have any ill intention toward continental French people (if you're respectful with her, she'll be respectful with you)
is known to have a strong sense of community/family
isn't going to scream at every opportunity she gets that Napoleon (Napoleone Buonaparte) was Corsican but she's never going to forget it+little pride
wants more independence from France but numbers show that Corsican people do not wish for full independence
occupied by Italy and Germany during WW2; first French territory to be freed
mainly catholic
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Already talked about him!
he's the one where you have to have a permit to wear flip-flop lol
Drink respect women juice everyday
insolent but never insulting
doesn't like the heat (he is a bit tan because he is in the south of France but tries his best to stay in places where there's no sun) (most than likely carries a mini-ventilator around and stays indoors+carries a sunshade/parasol outside)
Prankster with calm energy
hates unnecessary commotion/noise (also hates the necessary one but understand it)
has the French south accent!
Was Naple's at first (until the XIVth century where he went from Frenchman's control to Frenchman's control; until he eventually became part of France)
Micronation since 2011
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Created in 1947 as a joke by a prefect and a hotelier (in a abbey?)
at the border with Switzerland
anthem is written in old patois/dialect which France can barely understand
it seems like the dialect has been dying since the last century so I don't know if he can still speak it? Probably has an accent
organizes a sport competition every year (mountain biking, kayaking, running..)
Dracystan and Anthophilia are next! They were both created in 2020 so I made them quite young+They were the only newly micronation that had enough personality for me to work with them - which means France has about 20+ children (but they're 1 or 2 dimensional? kinda ghosts? how would they (not having a defined identity) be portrayed in hetalia/how can they be personified)
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does a lot of clean-ups and gardening; carries gardening and clean-up tools around
any person loitering will be sanctioned/sentenced to remove stinging nettles with their bare hands. it's the law
loves fairy tails! It is said that Once upon a time, the king of Dracystan turned into a frog
gave him frog pins (+ didn't draw it here but he has a frog hat, you know the ones!)
being honest, i thought about The Little Prince while drawing him so that's why he got a scarf and a fox on his overall-
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SYMMETRY. insects love symmetry, Anthophilia loves insects, so she wears symmetrical clothes and keeps her hair symmetrical too + you can't see it since I didn't color but she's wearing nails polish (orange-red-black-red-orange on each hand))
particularity cares about bees, but also butterflies, bumblebees, birds, nectarivore mammals...
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