lunariamv · 4 months
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Doom Stones is a horror visual novel/adventure game created with RPG Maker 2000. The game style is inspired from Charon/Nekofuji Kaoru.
Yuuka, a shy and softspoken girl, loses herself when her best friend Souta passes away. One day, she's given a chance to redo the night his life was taken. Perhaps this time, she'll save him.
This is an authentic serious charon-esque game following the formula, presented by me.
⚠️ Before venturing into any of my works, please heed my disclaimer/rules;; I don't want obstructive people engaging with me or my content.
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⚠️Disclaimer ⚠️
⚠️This game contains violent and grotesque depictions, as well as dark themes. Please do not play the game if you are sensitive to this type of material. ⚠️
⚠️Rating: 17+ ⚠️
⚠️Separate fiction from reality + Separate art from the artist -- I do not condone any dark content/themes depicted in my works. Any works done in fiction should not be adapted to real life. ⚠️
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❖ Download link
❖ Mirror link
RPG Maker 2000 RTP is required for the game to run. Download link here and in the readme file.
(Chrome or windows may block usage of these programs, but these are safe to ignore.)
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Platform and Troubleshooting
The game's engine only works for windows, but EasyRPG can used in it's place. May not be perfect. Instructions in the readme file.
Further troubleshooting instructions are in the readme file. Expect possible errors or the game never running at all, since RPG Maker 2000 is outdated software.
Gameplay Notes
❖ The game is a horror adventure rpg with 8 endings in total. A spoiler-free guide to the different endings is in the readme. (Video Walkthrough here)
Usage Notes
Do not edit, repost, or sell assets from the game without permission!!
Fanworks and videos of the content are allowed, but do not directly use assets from the game to make them. (YT Thumbnails are fine, but modifying the game to post or claim assets as your own is not.)
My email is here, and in the readme for comments and concerns. Please only contact me if there are mild errors such as spelling. Do not contact me regarding troubleshooting errors. Go through the readme instructions, but expect that the game might not work, since RPG Maker 2000 is outdated.
♡ Games Masterlist
♡ Blog (with extra game info)
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cryptidrei · 2 months
This game came out in 1997, and ever since no other game has ever come close to matching the sheer dopamine hit you get from blowing up like a group of zombies with dynamite.
(This is from the Fleshed Out custom campaing)
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jade-mod · 1 year
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An absolutely stunning piece of Farmers Jade and Petunia I commissioned from the extremely talented @asleepyy !!
Love your art style and cute scenes and really felt like you’d do great with these two (especially after your enthusiastic response to me sharing my own art of them!~) , and I couldn’t be happier with the result!  Thank you so much again, this is just what I needed < 3 
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myhousedotwad · 5 months
I'm fooling around on BeepBox for some sfx and bg music for an RPG project I'm working on and I just like really need you to hear how hard it struggled to play this little item received jingle when I set it to the wrong instrument
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saltylenpai · 2 years
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bf and i with that dinkum swag
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bladeydp · 3 days
I only learned about this shameful affair a few months after the release of Fake Worlds End in late 2023. In this post, I will describe what happened and my subjective opinion of lunariamv as an active domestic Charon fan on the Internet.
First let's understand who lunariamv is. lunariamv is an online game maker (active on Tumblr and tiktok) who has been reviled by charon fans overseas for pirated charon games. lunariamv started out as a painter, but one day he started to imitate charon's games. At first, it was just the imitation of the painting style, and then gradually began to copy the original. lunariamv's Doom Stones is a direct copy of charon's Makoto Mobius. Not long ago, lunariamv copied Mikoto Nikki again.
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Now let's talk about my personal feelings
My favorite charon character is Mikio from Makoto Mobius. I've only been active on Twitter for six months now. The first time I saw the Doom Stones CG I naively thought it was some unfinished work by charon. And then I was misled, like an idiot, and I posted it on Twitter. Later, under the explanation of the Internet fans, I found that what I saw was something contrary to heaven. (I ended up deleting that tweet because it was disgusting to think of copycat stuff as a family thing) and lunariamv drew Mikio as a man...
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lunariamv, don't you get it? The decision to change the original in order to make it look less identical is disgusting...)
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(" I don't Want People Who are hindering Me to Interact with Me "is like a thief declaring that he is stealing from people around him and not to stop him.) He claims to be artistic and aesthetic without any consideration for anything else, like A saying to B: "I like your dress, but you will be mediocre without it, so I will get the same dress as you." Let me make my position clear: I do not oppose those who learn from charon's painting style, and the later development of painting style depends on the reference in the early stage. But isn't it a little cheeky to copy the plot? lunariamv claims to be a charon fan, but she would rather draw a fan map of her own game than a fan map of charon's own character. In addition, lunariamv's early works were found to have been copied by overseas charon fans.
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Like Matsuri? That's right, because lunariamv doesn't make people.
However, lunariamv explained the plagiarism: "I didn't do it intentionally, it was just for fun."
One day I robbed your house of every penny left, and when I finally tell you, "I didn't mean to rob your house, it was just for fun," you will be happy.
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Why are you calling this guy Mikio? You probably know that I like Mikio, and I think you're getting back at me and the other Charon fans, right? lunariamv, I should have known you had no shame.
And this guy is trying to mislead his uninformed fans by branding his game as a Charon game.
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lunariamv posted a video of herself playing the game she copied from Charon on YouTube. lunariamv's YouTube account:
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I argued with him in the comments section of YouTube and was met with sophistry:
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Even if you have no business purpose, no intention of making a profit, but you have done such a reckless thing, especially against the Charon group, lunariamv, I just want to ask you, is your conscience being eaten by a dog? You don't talk back to other fans, you don't talk back to me, you use the law as a shield when I'm judging, do you really think the world revolves around you?
So I went to tumblr to argue with this asshole. Continue to expose this guy's evil deeds under this guy's blog, and then he responded to me like this:
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Who gave you the courage to be a thief and scold me for exposing your ugly face? First: No one listens to your guile, your guile is against ethics. Second, other fans are helping me. I only look at the facts. Third: I am 18 years old. I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child and had symptoms of delusional disorder. But I'm not retarded. I think lunariamv's comments have violated my right to personal dignity, mocking me as childish, retarded, and incapable of respecting others. No, have you ever respected other fans who come to you to talk to you alone? (There are private messages from overseas fans about how this guy's stolen work compares to the original, but this guy doesn't reply) Do you respect Charon? You're talking about respect here?
Not only was I scolded, but lunariamv wrote a short essay in order to "repay" my exposure:
The original link:
(I have three requirements for you :1. Stop infringing 2. Delete the works that involve plagiarism 3. A public apology to Charon makes it spam?)Stop using the law as an excuse. I've seen that too many times before, "I don't take Inspiration as my own," and when you posted your last rip-off and shamelessly called it original, how did I tweet it back at you?
Just because you acknowledge and praise the original work doesn't mean you can copy it, but if you acknowledge and praise the renovation of my home, you can pick the door lock of my home? What bandit logic...) How can you proudly compare yourself to everything in the world? A: Do you think in other people's shoes? Don't you ignore other fans when they explain to you calmly? In my private letter to you, I just repeatedly emphasized my three demands. Did I verbally attack you? Isn't it true that you plagiarized? (" I'll Take Criticism with a grain of Salt, "and then you posted this quibbling essay.)
"You want the same thing as Charon, Please don't expect it," Then you don't fucking get involved with Charon, you can't be original? Your work is too misleading, and some Charon fans who don't know the truth have begun to defend you, really fucking "Congratulations, congratulations" ah)(you have violated the bottom line of Charon and Charon fans again and again, my evaluation is either apologize or delete the number roll, pretend what big tail Wolf)
This guy played Fake Worlds End and still insists he didn't plagiarize, knowing Charon went through a plagiarism scandal and still plagiarized, so it's a little cheeky to defend herself, right?
By the way, this guy is already copying mix ore.
Finally, I gave it to lunariamv with one of our famous Chinese poems. Anyway, that guy doesn't understand the broad and profound Chinese culture.
あなたは少し能力と度胸があるならば、私の郵便受けに来て私のフィードバックを探します:[email protected]
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hellahellastoned · 1 month
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sprucewoodmpreg · 5 months
thank u vault hunters for the iskall and etho podcast ^_^
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askadvancewars · 4 months
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"You've built 150 neotanks! You're the one!"
The translators were having fun that day. This is a likely reference to the character "Neo" from the Matrix series being "The One".
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vertighostt · 1 year
Sudowoodo running after me like its trying to kiLL me--WHAT THE HECK!!!!
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lunariamv · 7 months
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idk what aesthetic is this but its mine
i love rpg maker 2000 sm T-T
but because its old it also has a few drawbacks
for one, its really hard to work with
♤ rpg maker 2000 uses a dated graphics api (directdraw) which microsoft gradually overtime stopped adding to their versions of directX, so now newer computers and graphics cards can't support it; so if you want the authentic look of rpgm2000 you have to have an older version of directX, or an older graphics card that supports it
thats why you might get directdraw error
my pc cant run my own games ;-; i have to downgrade my video card or use virtual machines LOL
i hate companies sm
♤ its also just hard to work with because its picky with the files it takes. for graphics it only allows for bmps and pngs, but they have to be in 8 bit color palette (256) or else it just wont show up;; for me i have to use a converter for all my images to work ;-;
the same goes for audio, it can be mp3, but if its not right it'll crash, so i stick to .wav or .midis
♤ rpgm2000 is also a little bit more limited in its capabilities, compared to the later versions with scripting and stuff, but i really like the simplicity. it means i have to be creative and make workarounds for the things i want to do;;
but other than that its really fun ^^ i found the assets that charon and other rpg maker games used and it looks super authentic
i even found the same music for games like ib, mad father, and dsp games I WAS LIKE YOOOO IS THAT OLD DOLL???? MAD FATHER MUSIC??? WITCHS HOUSE???
i feel so boss listening to midi files until my vlc player crashes
♤ and not to jump ahead but i was rlly curious how dsp made their maps and graphics so i decided to dissect wadanohara and was surprised;; they mostly used backgrounds with decoration tiles as opposed to making whole maps with tilesets; ngl thats smart.....
but ya rpg maker era soon
i wanted to have three games because two of them are satirical/parody and i wanted at least one serious authentic charon game and its pretty good so far :>>
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cryptidrei · 5 months
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jade-mod · 5 months
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Looking back on this year I got a lot more art done than I thought! With at least 51 complete pieces finished (excluding additional unfinished sketches!) that's almost one a week! (Though it was a bit more heavily loaded towards the end of the year, with half of them being completed in fall of this year)
Aster got the most attention with 12 pieces: Agarona was next with 6. Ula got 3, and Jade&Petunia 2. (The rest of the Phandelver team showed up at least thrice, Curse of Strahd and Axia crews at least twice each, and Trit's Thorne twice as well!)
I'm hoping to get momentum back going into the new year, and keep it up! D&D in particular has been a great inspiration!
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confirmedcannibal · 4 days
Thyinking um going to program some gamestuffs :3 while drinkiing
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ossuary-overflow · 1 year
Introductory Soundscape.
Hi. This is the beginning of Ossuary Overflow, a blog in which I’ll be writing something everyday for the duration of the summer. Mostly stuff for RPGs. Why do this? I just wanted to challenge myself to write a lot. Besides, it’s a good way to archive gamestuff and sorta use the void as a springboard for thoughts. So, what will the stuff here be like? It will mostly be ponderings upon game mechanics, hopefully. Maybe a few rules revisions and other ideas. Some setting stuff, monsters, magic items and perhaps fiction should also be expected. I’ll try to do stuff in the vein of hex culture, False Machine and Prismatic Wasteland. However, looking at some of my past writings and my prep notes, it will likely turn out like monster manual sewn from pants. This... project(?) will properly start on July the third.
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mnstrcndy · 3 years
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Gettin overzealous with my personal project. Gettin ambitious.
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