#get out my machete and battle with time again
an-inky-fingered-lass · 7 months
illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs
A collection of non-chronological moments from a different sort of happy ending. Family feels, pointless fluff, and important conversations. Rated G.
Read on ao3.
chapter 1 -- strawberry-stealing squirrel
May blinked contentedly at him, lit up with warm lamplight. “Hm.” 
Coulson got into bed beside her, slow and aching. There was warmth in that too, somehow. May curled up, setting her head against his shoulder, her weight solid and still somehow light against his side. She wasn’t actually reading any more, just flipping idly through pages. 
There was moonlight fading gently through the curtains. It was like they could see all the world’s stars out on the porch, most nights -- but it was chilly out there on this one. The stars would still be there tomorrow.  
“You tired?” 
May’s voice was soft. She was in better shape than he was, these days, because of course she was, but the hot water bottle half-tangled in blankets said she ached, too. 
“Mm. A little.” 
Tired meant something kind of different, these days. It was the years weighing down his bones, the way everything was somehow going so much faster the more they slowed down. It was a good feeling, most days, the way certain kinds of melancholy wrap around you like a blanket. 
May hummed again. 
“How are you feeling?” 
That slight shift of her weight was surprise. May leaned over to put her book down before she answered, switching off the lamp. She still insisted on sleeping on the side by the door, still carried those old specialist reflexes; unlikely reaction times and the almost cat-like effortlessness to it. He’d lost most of that to those months of deterioration, years ago; but the vigilance, the automatic, constant analysis was still there. They still went people-watching every once in a while, mostly to watch the world go by and be judgy old people in peace (May zeroed in on every leather ensemble that passed and ran background checks on stores instead of people, these days). They’d fought their wars.
May moved slower these days, limped more days than she didn’t, but she could still take Yo-yo’s entire STRIKE team. She didn’t teach much any more, but Yo-yo still wheedled her out to do demonstrations every once in a while. She said it kept the youngsters in their place. 
Phil got to spend every day beside her steadiness, steadfast as the mountains, and that was as safe as he could ever ask to be. 
“A squirrel stole all the strawberries off the plant,” May stated, as she curled up beside him again. Coulson wrapped long arms around her as she huffed, one arm draped warm over his belly. “All three of them.” 
Phil jostled them both with a startled laugh. “That does not answer the question.” 
“I feel like the squirrel.” May told the darkness, and also him, prim and matter-of-fact. The drowsiness in her voice was getting thicker by the moment. “Like I stole something nice and I’m happy about it.” 
Phil was outright belly-laughing by then, trying to get the blanket untangled from around his ankles without having to sit up to tug at it. So much for philosophizing. May lifted her head in annoyance at all the jostling, dropped her cheek back on his chest once he paused to gasp for breath. 
“Ask me how I’m doing next time,” she muttered, mostly asleep already. “ Please. ” 
“Ohohoho, like hell. You, Melinda May, just told me you feel like a strawberry-stealing squirrel. I am never asking you anything other than how are you feeling ever again.” 
There was no answer. May could feign sleep as well as anyone -- better, actually, since she’d finally trained herself to stagger the length of each exhale so you couldn’t crack the rhythm by counting to it. Phil lay still for a long minute, grinning into the darkness, just listening to the quiet snuffle of her peaceful breathing.
She might actually just be asleep.
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thebunnednun · 14 days
Whispers of the Heart Dracule Mihawk x Fm! Reader (Part 4)
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I do not own the artwork its by: @xuchuan25 Tell them they're amazing y'all!
Chapter 4 in the building y'all!!!! I just needed to see my Buggy.
Part 1 can be found: Here
Part 2 is right: Here
Part 3: Right over yonder
Don't be afraid to send me any requests my loves and if you are waiting for the next installment I have another Mihawk story:
*Shadows of the Blade (Dracule Mihawk x Assassin reader)
If you like sexy swordplay and themes of overcoming trauma then this is the story for you!. If you wanna skip to the good stuff try chapter 3.
You've been Dracule Mihawk's personal maid and housekeeper for what feels like an eternity. Let's cut to the chase – you're a badass, sweetheart. Sexy, cool, and confident, with a reputation that precedes you. Been friends with the stoic man for eons by now.
Everyone knows you or knows of you, and it's not just because you keep Mihawk's castle running like a well-oiled machine.
So what happens when you develop feelings for your old friend and boss?
What does he do when he comes home to find you in his room without your panties?
Also, muneca-chan= baby doll
________________Chapter 4: A Clown's Counsel___________________
"Everything is going to be fine," you murmur softly, your voice echoing faintly into the open air. 
Your heart pounds with a mixture of excitement and nervousness as you stand alone in the vast, empty waters of the ocean. With a determined expression, you whisper reassuring words to yourself, trying to quell the rising tide of anxiety.
"You've locked down the castle securely. You just need to make this quick trip and return before Mihawk, Perona, and Zoro even realize you're gone." Taking a deep breath, you glance around the dimly lit deck one last time before turning your attention to your bag.
With meticulous care, you rummage through its contents, double-checking that you have everything you need for your journey. Each item holds a significance, a memory of past adventures and encounters that fuels your determination.
'I am a pirate queen of all the oceans. I was raised on an island in the Grand line and chose to live a life of peace. I can fucking sail a boat!'
After hanging up with Shanks last night, you decided to get up and moving if you were going to make your trip in time. Mihawk rarely ever sent word of his return home, unless he wanted a specific dinner and wine waiting for him.
You knew you'd have anywhere from a few days to two months before you saw him again. With a long sigh, you held your face in your hands for a moment of calm. 
The weather had turned for the worst overnight leaving you to sail the nearby waters in the middle of a rain storm. But, you honestly didn't mind one bit. It reminded you of your home island and like the homesick tall-child you were, you stood there on your little boat without a jacket or umbrella.
Call you crazy, but you wished for it to rain harder so all the confusing emotions inside you could be washed away somehow. Looking behind you, your eyes caught the slight glimmer of two familiar objects looking out of the bag behind you.
"Mhm," walking over, you reached inside, allowing your fingers to grasp the handle of two familiar old friends. The golden ridges caught the light from your dimming lantern.
Two identical machetes gleamed back at you, a parting gift from your mother. Your native tongue etched into the blade, they possessed a soft hum, almost whispering out to you. The temptation to harness your belt on and feel them resting on your hips again was almost irresistible. But instead, you drew your bag closed over them and set it down once more.
Constantly fighting for your life and the life of your crew mates was not something you missed about the old life. Yes, battles of honor were fun and sometimes even lead to creating new friends, however, there were too many attempts of pure murder. 
As a caption, you very much followed Gold Rodgers example of what a pirate should be. However, you also believed in not looking for fights. Now, you weren't out of practice by any means, Mihawk would never allow that.
But you could feel yourself adjust instantly to this old way of living and it kinda bothered you. However, resisting the temptation let you know that you were still you. 
You really have come so far in life. <3
Satisfied that you are well-prepared, you make your way to the shores of a nearby island, your footsteps echoing softly in the silence of the night. As you reach the edge of the water, you pause, your gaze scanning the horizon with a sense of anticipation.
Knowing that discretion is key, you reach into your bag once more, retrieving a carefully crafted cloak. The rumors of your death would fool the general public, but not other pirates or worse- fame hungry pirate captions.
You disappeared under the deck for a moment to find an old mirror. Then with practiced precision, you transform your appearance, concealing your identity behind a clever facade. As you adjust the final details of your disguise, you feel a surge of confidence wash over you. A small smile reaches your lips before a giggle slips out.
'Shanks would love this.'
With your transformation complete, you set off along the shoreline, your eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of activity. This island was Buggy's last known location, and you are determined to find him. Every step brings you closer to your goal, your senses heightened with anticipation.
'Now or never.'
As you navigate the sandy shores, the salty breeze caresses your cheeks, invigorating your spirit with a sense of adventure. The moon hangs low in the sky, casting a soft glow upon the landscape, guiding your way through the darkness.
With each passing moment, your anticipation grows, fueled by the promise of reunion and the thrill of the unknown. Your senses are sharp, attuned to the subtlest of sounds and movements, as you scan the surroundings for any sign of life.
And then, in the distance, you catch a glimpse of movement—a flicker of movement amidst the shadows.
A big top. 
Without a second thought, you take off running in that direction. Unworried about the rain, you can barely hear the sound of your feet hitting the muddy ground over your pounding heart. Your breath quickens with excitement as you draw closer, your footsteps quickening with each stride.
"No you fucking shit head, it's WRONG!"
"Found you!"
Finally reaching the tent, you poked inside to see where that lovable asshole was. Ducking under the bleachers, you watched as a tall familiar figure threw a barrage of insults at some huddled performers. Several freaks were passing and going throughout the chaos to practice their acts and hone their talents. 
Amidst a flurry of activity, stood Buggy, his presence commanding attention amidst the chaos. You pause for a moment, watching him rehearse with his performers, a fond smile playing at the corners of your lips.
"If you can't get the lion to dance by this Friday, I am going to eat him. I don't give a FUCK how chewy he is!"
There stood a timid man with an animal that cowered before the infamous caption of the East Blue.
Ever the drama queen, Buggy's appearance was as flamboyant and eccentric as ever. He stood tall and proud, his colorful attire adorned with sequins and feathers that shimmered in the light. His hair, a riotous explosion of bright blue curls, framed his face in wild abandon, adding to his larger-than-life persona. His eyes, usually twinkling with mischief and charm, were now almost bloodshot and darted around the room, taking in every detail with a keen sense of curiosity. 
You can't help but chuckle at Buggy's theatrics, a familiar warmth spreading through your chest at the sight of him. Despite his bombastic demeanor, you know there's a soft side to him that few ever see.
As the chaos around him continues, you take a moment to compose yourself before stepping out from your hiding spot. With a mischievous grin, you call out to him in a teasing tone:
"Now that's not nice and you know it." 
Buggy's head snaps up at the sound of your voice, "We're closed right now!"
"Oh, this dumbass." You roll your eyes under the hood before pulling it from your head. His eyes widening in surprise before a wide grin splits his face. Without a moment's hesitation, he strides forward, his arms open wide in welcome.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite troublemaker," he replies, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. With a dramatic flourish, he strides over to you, sweeping you into a tight hug that almost knocks the breath out of you.
Finding yourself unable to keep your composer, you giggle into the chest of the shockingly 6'5 man and snuggle into his chest to quil the ache in your heart, returning his embrace with just as much intensity.
"How've you been, sis?" he asks, his voice filled with genuine concern as he pulls back to look at you, his hands resting on the apples of your cheeks.
You relish in the familiar comfort of his presence. "Oh, you know, same old same old," you reply, trying to play it cool despite the category 8 hurricane of emotions swirling within you. "Just thought I'd drop by and say hello."
Buggy quirks an eyebrow at your casual tone, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh really? Or is there something else on your mind?" he teases, giving your left cheek a playful pinch with his fingers.
You roll your eyes, unable to suppress a laugh at his antics. "Maybe a little bit of both," you admit, your voice softening as you meet his gaze.
"I've missed you, Buggy. It's been too long."
Buggy's expression softens, his eyes reflecting the sincerity of your words. "I've missed you too, [Name]," he replies, his voice gentle as he squeezes your shoulders affectionately. "But something tells me there's more to this visit than just catching up."
You let out a sigh, knowing you can't hide anything from Buggy. "You know me too well," you admit, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "There's something I need to talk to you about."
As Buggy's eyebrows furrow in concern, his gaze searching yours for any hint of distress, you take a deep breath, gathering the courage to confide in him. "What's wrong?" he asks, his voice filled with genuine concern.
You glance briefly at his performers, then lock eyes with Buggy again, a sense of urgency gripping your heart. "Got a place where we can chat in private?" you inquire, your voice barely above a whisper.
Buggy's expression flickers to something fierce, a glint of determination in his sea-green eyes as he analyzes you. Without a word, he stands tall, his shoulders squared, commanding the attention of his crew.
"Everyone is to keep performing," he announces firmly, his voice cutting through the air like a whip. "And when I come back, that lion better know how to tap dance or I'm making good on my promise!" His crew responds with a chorus of "Eye Sir's!" before Buggy ushers you away, leading you to a different part of the tent.
With swift efficiency, he pushes you inside a dressing room adorned with a star, the blue clown's symbol adorning the door. As you step inside, the door closes behind you with a soft click, enveloping you in a cocoon of privacy.
Taking a moment to collect your thoughts, you brace yourself for the conversation ahead, knowing that Buggy's keen intuition will leave no stone unturned. As you await his prompting, you can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for his unwavering support, even in the face of your deepest secrets.
The dressing room is a small, cozy space adorned with whimsical decorations that reflect the flamboyant nature of its occupants. The walls are painted a soothing shade of sky blue, with colorful streamers cascading from the ceiling, adding a playful touch to the atmosphere.
In one corner of the room, a vanity table sits adorned with an assortment of makeup and accessories, its surface gleaming under the soft glow of a dim lamp. A large mirror framed in ornate gold stands at the center, reflecting the room's eclectic charm.
Against the opposite wall, a row of hooks holds an array of costumes, each garment more vibrant and extravagant than the last. Sequins sparkle in the light, and feathers flutter gently as if caught in an unseen breeze.
In the center of the room, a plush red armchair beckons invitingly, its cushions adorned with polka dots in varying shades of blue. A small side table sits nearby, stacked with magazines and trinkets, offering a glimpse into the eclectic tastes of its occupants. The air is tinged with the faint scent of powder and perfume, a lingering reminder of the performers who call this space their own.
Despite its small size, the dressing room exudes an undeniable sense of warmth and camaraderie, a sanctuary where secrets are shared and dreams take flight.
Walking over to the vanity, you plucked a familiar red lipstick off the dresser before turning it in your fingers. "Ya know, I used to hate when you'd steal my lipstick," Buggy joked softly, crossing his arms over the swell of his chest. 
Upon hearing his words, your fingers instinctively squeeze the familiar red lipstick perched on the edge of the dresser. You hold it tighter, feeling its smooth texture against your skin, a sense of nostalgia washing over you. Looking up in the vanity mirror, you make eye contact with Buggy. His eyes sparkle with fond memories, a playful glint dancing in their depths.
You chuckle softly at his remark, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you remember the countless times you had playfully raided his makeup collection. "Well, you always did have the best shade of red," you tease back, your voice laced with affection.
Setting the lipstick back down on the vanity, you turn to face Buggy, the warmth of his presence filling the room. Despite the gravity of the conversation looming between you, his easy demeanor brings a sense of comfort, grounding you in the present moment. 
(You know shits bad when you gotta go to the crazy killer pirate clown for advice and comfort. Love and life advice at that!)
As you lean against the vanity, the soft glow of the lamp casting a warm hue across your features, you find yourself lost in a moment of quiet contemplation. Memories of past adventures with Buggy flood your mind, each one a vibrant snapshot of the bond you share.
"You know," Buggy begins, his tone softening as he meets your gaze, "I've missed having you around. Things just haven't been the same without your antics to liven up the place."
His words stir something deep within you, a mixture of gratitude and longing intertwining in your heart. Despite the passage of time and the distance between you, the connection you share with Buggy remains steadfast, a beacon of light in the darkness.
"I've missed you too," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper.
"It's been lonely without you."
A flicker of sadness crosses Buggy's features, his gaze softening with empathy. "I know, sweetheart," he says gently, reaching out to gently brush a stray lock of hair from your face. "But you're here now, and that's all that matters." You gently grasp the back of his hand that cradles your face. Almost afraid that you'll wake up in that cold and empty castle again. The warmth of Buggy's palm anchors you to the human world.
In that moment, as you stand together in the quiet intimacy of the dressing room, you are reminded of the strength of your bond with Buggy. Through thick and thin, laughter and tears, you know that he will always be there for you, ready to offer his support and unwavering friendship.
No matter the situation, you'd always been there to defend Buggy and build each other's esteem up. Even Mihawk knew not to slip up when talking about the Flashy Jester if he didn't want to be shanked again. 
Speaking of Mihawk-
"So, you gonna tell me why you showed up all of a sudden instead of sending a letter or are we gonna stand here quietly together?" His voice snapping you out of your thoughts with the buzz of its low tone.
"Don't get me wrong muneca-chan, I love seeing you." He softly muses, stepping closer towards you until he pulled the stool from under the vanity out and sits you on it before dropping into his own red chair. 
"But something tells me there's more to this visit than just catching up."
You let out a sigh, knowing you can't hide anything from Buggy. "You know me too well," you admit, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "There's something really important I need to talk to you about. Shanks already knows before he called me last night, stop making that face, and you can't tell anyone else under any circumstances!"
Buggy's eyebrows furrow in concern, his gaze searching yours for any hint of distress. "What's wrong?" he asks, his voice filled with genuine concern.
Taking a deep breath, you gather your thoughts before speaking. "It's about love," you begin, your voice barely above a whisper. "I... I think I have feelings for someone, Buggy."
"I think I'm in love."
Buggy's eyes widen in surprise, his expression shifting from concern to understanding.
"Ah, love," he murmurs, his voice soft with sympathy. "Love can be a tricky thing, especially when it comes to matters of the heart."
You nod, grateful for his understanding. "I just don't know what to do," you admit, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "I'm torn between staying here and following my heart."
Buggy places a comforting hand on your shoulder, his touch grounding you in the midst of your turmoil. "Listen to me, [Name]," he says, his voice gentle yet firm. "You can't let fear hold you back from pursuing what makes you happy. If you have feelings for someone, then you owe it to yourself to explore them, regardless of the outcome."
You take in his words, feeling a sense of clarity wash over you. "Thank you, Buggy," you say softly, your voice filled with gratitude. "I needed to hear that."
Buggy gives you a reassuring smile, his eyes sparkling with warmth. "Anytime, sis," he replies, giving your shoulder a comforting squeeze.
"Now, let's hear who the lucky one is!" 
Your smile stiffens before you whisper out quietly. Buggy frowns and leans closer from his chair.
"What's that, starshine?" 
As you gather your thoughts, the weight of your confession is lingering heavy in the air. Buggy's concern deepens, his brow furrowing as he leans in closer, his eyes searching yours for any sign of hesitation.
With a sigh, you summon the courage to speak, your voice barely above a whisper. "It's... it's Mihawk," you confess, your words hanging in the air like a delicate thread.
Buggy's eyes widen in surprise, his expression a mixture of shock and understanding. "Mihawk?" he repeats, his voice tinged with disbelief.
"As in, Dracule Mihawk?"
You nod slowly, feeling a sense of relief wash over you as the truth finally comes to light. "Yes, Mihawk," you confirm, your voice steady despite the turmoil raging within you. "I... I think I'm in love with him."
Buggy's initial reaction catches you off guard. His eyebrows shoot up in surprise, and for a moment, a look of concern flashes across his face. "Wait, hold on a second," he says, his voice tinged with disbelief.
"Are you serious?"
You nod, feeling a pang of uncertainty creeping in. "Yes, Buggy," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper. "I know it sounds crazy, but... I think I might be in love with him."
Buggy's expression darkens, his features contorting into a mixture of shock and concern. "Are you feeling okay?" he asks, his voice laced with worry. "I mean, have you been feeling sick or something?"
You shake your head, a sense of frustration bubbling up within you. "No, Buggy, I'm not sick," you retort, a hint of irritation seeping into your tone. "I'm serious about this."
Buggy lets out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through his wild blue hair. "Look, muneca-chan," he begins, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "This isn't something to take lightly. Mihawk is... well, he's not exactly the most approachable guy, you know? And besides, he's your boss, for crying out loud!"
You feel a surge of defiance rising within you. "I know all of that, Buggy," you say firmly, your voice unwavering. "But I can't help how I feel."
Buggy's frustration mounts, and suddenly he's popping his hands off in a fit of anger.
"Has he been trying to feel up on you? OW- OKAY! PUT THE PALLET DOWN THAT ONE WAS EXPENSIVE!" 
While you were holding his makeup hostage, the clown was now rubbing where his hair brush had struck his pectoral. Slowly, you sat back down in the chair as he regarded you like a wild hellcat. A pit of dread now knotted your stomach. 
"I'm not joking Buggy, I need thoughts!" 
"And prayers, you're gonna need them with that eagle- NOT THE FUCKING FACE!" You lobbed a jar of hair cream at him before breaking down in the vanity stool. "Don't be an ass okay! I didn't say anything about you and Shanks!" You gasped, hoping that your voice wouldn't crack any further. 
The weight of your words hangs heavily in the air, and you realize just how much you've been holding back. "I... I'm sorry," you stammer, guilt washing over you as hot, fat tears slip from the corners of your eyes.
Before you can even register it, Buggy has crossed the room in a few quick strides and scooped you up into his strong arms, returning to his chair and settling you onto his lap like a small child.
With your face pressed into his striped shirt, you let the dam burst, unleashing all the pent-up tears you've been holding back. Buggy's hand runs soothingly over your back, cradling your head to his chest as he murmurs comforting words.
Reaching into his sleeve, he pulls out a ridiculously long handkerchief, prompting some weak laughter from you despite your tears.
"You've been doing that corny ass joke since we were kids," you sniffle, gingerly wiping your nose before he tosses the hanky into the wastebasket.
"Yeah, well, it still gets a laugh outta ya, so I'ma keep on with it," Buggy replies with a soft smile. He gazes down at you with those piercing eyes of his, scanning your face with a mixture of concern and affection.
Buggy lets out another exasperated sigh, his frustration evident but tempered by genuine worry. "Look, muneca-chan, I get it," he says, his voice gentler now. "Love can make you do crazy things, feel crazy things. But you need to be careful. Mihawk... he's a complicated guy. He's got a lot of walls up, and he's not exactly known for being... well, open-hearted. I know you guys are friends and I was shocked he let you stay with him. But love is a whole different ball game."
You nod, feeling a bit more grounded by his words and presence. "I know he's complicated, Buggy," you say, your voice steadier now. "But I can't help how I feel. I just needed to tell someone, to get it off my chest."
Buggy holds you a little tighter, his grip reassuring. "Well, you've told me now, and we'll figure this out together," he promises. "Just don't go making any rash decisions, okay? Take your time, think things through. And remember, no matter what happens, you've got me in your corner."
His words, laced with both caution and encouragement, bring a small but genuine smile to your face. "Thank you, Buggy," you whisper, leaning into his embrace. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Anytime, starshine," he replies softly, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. "We'll get through this, one step at a time." He wipes the tears from your face with his warm thumbs, "But promise me you'll be careful, okay? I don't want to see you get hurt."
You can see the genuine concern in Buggy's eyes, and it touches your heart. Despite his gruff exterior, you know that he cares deeply for you, and his protective instincts are kicking in full force.
You nod, grateful for his understanding. "I just don't know what to do," you admit, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "I'm torn between staying here and following my heart."
Buggy places a comforting hand on your shoulder, his touch grounding you in the midst of your turmoil. "Listen to me, sis," he says, his voice gentle yet firm. "You can't let fear hold you back from pursuing what makes you happy. If you have feelings for Mihawk, then you owe it to yourself to explore them, regardless of the outcome." Your eyes glance over his right pec, knowing what picture was hidden inside that pocket. 
"But here's the thing about love, [Name]. It's not always easy to understand, and it's certainly not always convenient. But when you find someone who makes your heart skip a beat, someone who makes you feel alive in a way you've never felt before, well, you'd be a fool not to hold onto that with both hands."
Buggy's gaze softens, his features morphing into a look of genuine empathy. "Love is a complicated thing," he murmurs, his voice filled with compassion. "But if Mihawk is the one who holds your heart, then you owe it to yourself to pursue those feelings."
He gives you a reassuring smile, his eyes reflecting the depth of his friendship and loyalty. "You'll figure it out, sis," he says, his voice filled with confidence. "And remember, I'll always be here for you, no matter what."
His words struck a chord deep within you, resonating with the turmoil of emotions that had been swirling inside you since Mihawk's departure. Suddenly, everything seemed to fall into place, the confusion and uncertainty giving way to a newfound clarity. Buggy gives you a reassuring smile, his eyes sparkling with warmth.
"Anytime, [Name]," he replies, giving your shoulder a comforting squeeze.
You nod, grateful for Buggy's understanding and support. "Thank you, Buggy," you whisper softly , a sense of gratitude flooding your heart. "I needed to hear that."
As you stand wrapped in Buggy's embrace, you feel a sense of relief wash over you. His arms are strong and comforting, a reminder of the unwavering bond you share. But as he pulls back, a toothy grin spreads across his face, and you catch a glimpse of a familiar, sinister gleam in his eyes.
"And if he fucks up," Buggy says, his voice low and menacing, "there's gonna be one less Warlord in the sea."
The way he says it sends a shiver down your spine, and you can't help but chuckle nervously. Buggy's expression is a mix of protective determination and a hint of madness that you've come to recognize over the years. His blue curls frame his face, giving him an almost theatrical appearance, but you know better than to underestimate the seriousness behind his words.
His gaze sharpens, and for a moment, the room seems to grow darker as he continues. "I mean it, muneca-chan. Mihawk might be a badass with that big-ass sword of his, but he's no match for my flashy tricks. One wrong move, and I'll make sure he regrets it."
Buggy's eyes glint with a dangerous intensity, and you can tell that his big-brother instincts are in overdrive. Despite his eccentricities, you know that he would go to great lengths to ensure your happiness and safety. You reach out to place a hand on his arm, squeezing gently to remind him that you appreciate his concern.
"I know you would, Buggy," you say softly, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "But let's hope it doesn't come to that. I just needed to talk to someone who understands."
Buggy's expression softens at your words, the sinister edge fading as he looks at you with genuine affection. "Yeah, yeah," he mutters, rolling his eyes playfully. "Just remember, I'm always here for you, no matter what."
With that, he pulls you into another tight hug, his embrace warm and reassuring. You know that no matter what challenges lie ahead, you'll always have Buggy by your side, ready to offer his unwavering support and friendship—even if it means taking on a Warlord of the sea.
"I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Probably live a very boring and un-flashy life."
"Oh no~, what a nightmare, HEY!"
He flashed you a smile as you held your recently pinched side. 
"Now, let's get you set up to spend the night. We've got a lot to catch up on." 
And that wraps up chapter 4 of this series. Oh I am going to make you all work for 'that' delicious chapter.~
Part 5 is now posted.
At the time of this being posted, 5/19/2024, there is a poll ongoing for what, you, the lovely readers, would love to be called. Be sure to cast your votes!!
Make sure you check out the a03 account by the same name. Everything I have posted here is there in chronological order. I also have a few Buggy the Clown x Reader's posted in the masterlist! Give it a read if you please!
Be sure to check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don’t be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
I promise I bite~
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
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nanomooselet · 4 months
My Brother's Keeper (VI)
You may have noticed that I didn't extensively discuss Rollo, Livio, or Legato, which is maybe odd considering they are (and pretty blatantly so) parallels or foils to Wolfwood and the twins. And it's mostly because I'm trying not to let this damn thing become even longer (it was supposed to be three parts. Three. It's clocked out at seven, and that's after I took a machete to it to stop it becoming eight. Goddamnit) and I did already go on about all of them in the episodes they appeared.
It's also because at this point, Wolfwood's story (for the moment) is done. When he makes the choice to leave July and Vash behind, that's the end, and the reason he returns actually isn't about him at all. The narrative focus is instead on Meryl and Zazie, making sure we know what both have to say about this. It's good to know Zazie's displeased by this turn of events and very unlikely to ever again believe a word Knives says. (Humans will eat your planet just like they did their own and real quick Imma use Vash to eat the planet myself first sorry-not-sorry BYE WORMS.) It's sweet that Meryl's love of Vash didn't result in her death by Knives's jealousy, as it did for Rem and nearly did for Luida.
Nick's concerns, however, have always been limited to the orphanage and Livio, and their fates are both now out of his hands.
Everything always comes back to the twins, in the end. I think in this analysis I've come to understand the key to Stampede, which is that almost nothing in it is only about the thing it seems to be about. It's always also in some way about the twins.
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Wolfwood's part in Stampede is about how he was Knives's weapon and became Vash's follower. He goes from being Nicholas the Punisher full time, a walking dead man carrying his own tombstone, to being Nicholas D. Wolfwood, the awkward, scruffy, snarky dweeb who cares for his family with his whole heart and lives to see a kinder world. Inevitably he has been scarred and stained with blood - he remains the one who killed all those people on the cult's orders, and he'll bear the cross for them. But he's no longer limited to killing in order to save. There's a new path for him to follow.
It starts with doing what Vash would do: getting out of there while he still can before everything explodes. He just happens to scoop Meryl up as he's fleeing. When the twin angels ascend to do battle, the best place for mortals to be is anywhere but nearby.
He wasn't going to rescue Vash, and he never could have. Protecting Vash was the task Knives gave him, and that was out of an complete absence of respect for Vash as a person, a competent adult, a being of unimaginable power, an independent-thinking-individual-who-isn't-exactly-like-Knives etc. The very last fucking thing Vash needs is to wake up in the care of another paternalistic "older" brother - not that I believe Wolfwood would ever treat him the way Knives does, but frankly I can see why neither would want to take the risk.
(Also increasingly sure Knives is bsing about being the older twin. It's like how Wolfwood really is still a kid, and he acts like one, and honestly I think Vash treats him like one. Those startlingly fond, adoring expressions that blow you away a little bit? They're What Vash Is Like Always About Everyone. But especially kids. He's like that about Meryl, too, just less overtly.)
If anything, Vash saved Wolfwood. So Nick realises he has to survive, when before he kinda just wanted to die. He's no longer permitted some dumbfuck last stand. Fighting Knives is crazy and impossible, so let the impossible crazy man take care of it. It's his field of expertise. Love and peace ya'll. Woowoo's out.
Two things, however. The reason, in the manga, that Wolfwood didn't return to Hopeland (until he did), and the reason, in the manga, Chapel has none of the narrative's sympathy (not even Vash really gives a fuck when Wolfwood snaps his neck, and Chapel was already in a wheelchair at the time. I remember a bookclub post that declared God hates Chapel. I'm a layperson, but I'd call that theologically sound).
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I mean, there are multiple reasons, but the most relevant is that in the manga, this evil-minded wrinkly fuck trained Wolfwood to kill. Wolfwood believed that being a killer rendered him unfit to ever again return home, until the day Chapel launched a direct assault on the orphanage using Razlo and Livio, revenge upon Wolfwood for taking up another cause - being Vash's friend - when his sole loyalty and purpose was supposed to be in death. He's disgusted that Wolfwood let Vash's ideals blunt his edge when previously he was near-"perfect".
I can't tell you what shape these events will take. But I can tell you they're still in the future. Stampede is a prologue, and the final phase has not arrived. Wolfwood's beginning is complete. His real story is yet to come. And I don't think he's forgiven himself for fulfilling the contract, even if Vash has.
The angel's eye, the Eye of Michael, still watches.
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(And only the angel's? We'll see.)
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Anyway, back to the twins.
(Part I)
(Part II)
(Part III)
(Part IV)
(Part V)
(Part VII)
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canyonkingdom · 3 months
on top
cw: ooc
tw: swearing
The good-for-nothing citizens of Broomstown were fortunately not in trouble, and the rescue team can finally have some time for themselves. All alone.
Oh, well, it's not as bad as last time.
Once again proven wrong when Poli walked into the room with a can of gas in his left hand. He seemed to not give a shit about the dire consequences of his actions and gave even less of a shit when he accidentally tilted his can to Roy. The firetruck gasped in utter shock.
"Dude, what the fuck?" Roy shouted, desperately wiping off the gas on his frame. You could've used a towel, but no, hands are way better.
"You got in the way, asshole," Poli said callously. Helly then walks in with an AK-47- wait, an AK-47?
Poli and Roy looked at him with horror. Poli drops his can of gas. "PUT THAT DOWN-"
Helly uncharacteristically shoots the gun, pointing it at the calendar. His resting bitch face didn't budge. Poli dodged and Roy miraculously skims himself out of the situation.
"DUDE!" Roy screamed at Helly. "Didn't we tell you literally this morning not to use any of the weapons-"
Suddenly, Jin bursts through the room. Her laugh was deafening, and a machine gun was in her hands. The gun was pointed at the roof. Poli and Roy screamed.
"This is not normal." Poli muttered. No shit, Sherlock.
"There's nothing to do!" Jin shrieks as the ceiling filled with roles. Music to my ears.
"We're gonna spend a fortune on reparations-"
Jin threw Roy a machete, which didn't help as it landed on the ground helplessly.
"Let's gang up on Poli!" Helly suddenly shouted. All faces turned the police car.
"Woah, woah, woah!" Poli said defensively, backing up against the doorway. "Who said that-"
"Let's just get on with it," Jin said.
Wait, what-
Poli ran for his life as gun sounds and metal clunking filled his ears.
Not as bad as last time, they said.
Poli makes his way out of the room. The hallways confuse him.
Then he thought.
Think faster bitch three idiots are literally ganging up on you-
"Alright! Alright! I'm going to the storage room!" Poli shouted. Footsteps get closer.
"It's him!"
Poli drives faster.
He transformed and stared at the door to the storage room. What a great time to stare into nothingness when you're being hunted down. Eventually, Poli shakes out of his trance and opened the door.
Weapons all around.
Poli zoned out. Only a glowing purple light shown.
"it's about time."
"Why are we doing this again?"
Roy was a pussy for cowering behind the two far superior human and helicopter holding weapons that could bust your fucking ass.
"The author made us do it, man." Jin replied in a joking manner.
The trio saw a purple light emitting from the storage room.
What a great way to loathe.
"We're fucked." Helly said.
Suddenly, the ground started shaking like hell. Glass started breaking.
"What's happening?" Roy's naivete said, terrified.
Jin kept laughing like a maniac as she reloaded her gun. "He actually used it! Fuck!"
Poli, unnaturally swift, zoomed through the hallways. In his hands, there it was-
The Immortal gun.
"Oh God no." Helly muttered, "He's possessed."
"Dude!" Roy butted in, the machete in his hands almost swinging to the helicopter. "He literally owns the thing, we all know what happens when-"
"I'm on the top of the world!" A purplish laser shot out from his immortal gun. Amber and Helly dodge as they reload their own weapons. But Roy screamed as the laser shot through his face.
"AHHH- WHAT THE FUCK-" Roy started glowing in purple, dropping his machete as he floated in the air, still screaming horribly.
"Is... is that what it's supposed to do-"
Poli then shot the gun to an unobservant Helly.
Jin watched as her two allies went fuck that shit and left her with a rogue Poli.
"Let's battle." Poli said to the remaining person.
Jin hissed as he pointed her gun at the robocar. "Will do-"
Helly screamed like he was in pain. "Why am I in hell?"
What did the bitch just say.
"Are you stupid?" Poli laughed, but it will never replicate Jin's amazing evil laugh.
"Yes you are." Wads of bullets shot at the car.
Amber returned from Cleany's fiasco over an irremovable stain spot she sighed as she drove into the gate of the headquarters with her eyes closed, blissfully unaware of the chaos the team had created.
"I'm ba-" she opened her eyes to the burning remains of the headquarters.
They are all gonna die, aren't they?
this is for @light-everything-in-pink
the crack is not cracking lmao
and idk how the immortal gun is supposed to work so-
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redheadedwhat · 2 years
The First Meeting
So, this is sort of a prequel to a story I have brewing. The story is more of a mishmash of ideas, but I’m trying to write it. Any comments or helpful critiques are welcome since I didn’t have anyone to beta.
----- It was September 1983, the beginning of Eddie Munson’s senior year. So far 1983 had not been great, but he was determined to make ‘84 his year. He had been minding his own business in Bio class, trying to take a few notes or at the very least make it look like he was paying attention. Unfortunately, that got old quickly so to alleviate his boredom he began to draw in the margins of his notebook, eventually settling on a pretty badass picture of Michael Myers stabbing Jason Vorhees. He’d been putting the finishing touches on his masterpiece when a voice next to him snapped him out of his stupor.
“That’s disgusting.”
He looked to the side to see the girl he shared his lab table with intently looking at his drawing. Before he could fire off a witty reply she continued,
“You really think Myers would beat Jason? Machete trumps knife every time, dude.”
“Marry me,” he blurted out before he could stop himself. He didn’t mean to say it, he was just a bit shocked. He had been so sure that he was going to get in trouble for grossing out his seatmate on the first day of class that when she actually knew the movies he was referencing his relief and excitement made him go temporarily insane.
The girl tilted her head to the side as if she was actually considering his proposition. “I don’t think that’s legal.”
“I’m Eddie,” he grinned, amused with her response and still somewhat shocked that he hadn’t scared her off.
She finally looked up from his drawing to give him an answering smile back, “Minnie.”
“Like the mouse?” Eddie asked, his mouth still working quicker than his brain.
“It’s a nickname for Amelia.” The girl explained, her attention now focused on her notebook where she had started her own drawing.
“How do you get Minnie from Amelia?”
“I don’t know.” She shrugged, “I wasn’t consulted during the naming process.”
“Well, I think I like Mouse better.” He decided.
Minnie just shrugged again, her attention firmly on drawing her own Michael vs. Jason battle.
Eddie leaned in a bit closer, grin still firmly on his face. “Since marriage is off the table, you’re now officially my new best friend. Sorry, I don’t make the rules.”
She glanced up at his amused face briefly before nodding in agreement which made Eddie grin even wider. This was definitely going to be his year.
I wasn’t sure if I wanted to keep this separate or put it with the other chapter I have, but I couldn’t make it work and I have no one to bounce ideas off of so I just chucked it up here to see how it goes I guess!
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cranberryvishnu · 1 year
Cranberry - With Bloody Tom and the Coffin Riders... VII
The sprint to the building I had selected for myself was not far - but the deep snow made it feel like a bad dream. 
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It was the feeling of running with desperate urgency, yet not moving in accordance with my efforts.
I slogged past the locals who had agreed to help in the resistance - but they were woefully unprepared for what was happening. Some of them had pitchforks!
Really?! Pitchforks?! 
We are not pursuing Frankenstein’s monster here! This is a battle for our lives and we have villagers from a Mary Shelly novel assisting us?!
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Rubble from ruined buildings littered the dirty snow filled streets mingling with the bright, arterial blood spray and bodies of the unfortunate.
Finally, I reached the structure - it had a low overhanging roof above the front door. Without breaking stride, I leapt up onto a nearby wagon and used it to spring up to the roof.
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It creaked ominously under my weight but didn’t break as I lightly ran up the large, pointed roof. From here I was able to get a better view of what we were up against.
I raised my binoculars up to get a better look -  it was not good. We were hemmed in on three sides with the snowy tree-covered mountains at our backs.
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Out by the creek, I could see Eli. He was holding something half submerged in the water… it was something - large… it was… hard to see. Then I watched as he pulled a dead enemy up out of the frozen creek by the collar of his coat. 
I could even see the expression of horror frozen on the dead bandit’s face. 
Then - faster than I would have thought possible - Eli whisked the body around like a rag doll and used it as a shield to block a hail of arrows fired from the hillside. The shafts seemed to sprout from the dead man’s body as they struck his chest. 
Casting the dead man aside, Eli drew his Lancaster and fired a series of thunderous shots with deadly accuracy. I could see the antagonists on the hill flail and scramble as they were cut down. 
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Behind him about twenty five yards away I saw two bandits break from the cover of the treeline to rush him. They had large, razor sharp machetes drawn and I was not sure that Eli was aware of them.
I snapped my Carcano to my shoulder, sighted briefly and fired - the CRACK, CRACK  tore across the valley - and that act - it woke something up in me.
Like a bubble of ancient vapor from the bottom of a swamp, the memory floated to the surface of my mind.
As I watched the two villains drop loosely to the ground, I was reminded of the way my little ragdolls would flop onto the floor when play time was over and I was called away by my mother and father to tea. 
Just squeeze the trigger once… plop. Twice…plop.
Time for tea.
In the distance I could see Eli was aware of my assistance. He looked my way and tipped his hat, then ran towards another attacking group further to the east.
Maybe he did not need my help. Maybe he would have seen them in time... Maybe not.
I did not have time to think about that - out of the corner of my eye I could see three horsemen approaching. Again, I sighted briefly and fired directly into the chest of the first horse in the trio.
The poor beast went down in a flailing heap, causing the other two riders behind to crash and tumble into a screaming, thrashing chaotic pile.
Three more headshots - three more puffs of pink mist spattering the snow - three more rag dolls lifeless - I felt the heady rush of focus - I knew… I knew I could not miss!
Three more targets by the tree line! Without a thought - I was firing.
Three more headless puppets staggering in mindless circles as they spiraled to the bloody ground with their strings cut.
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If I see you, then you are dead!
I heard a shot ring out right behind me - 
As I turned to face my attacker - a brigand with a machete who fell across me knocking me to the ground!
I moved swiftly to shove him aside before he… he was already dead!?
There was a smoking hole in the center of his back. Thick, bright oxygenated blood was pumping out of the fatal wound.
I looked left - right… then I looked to the street below and saw…
“Bloody TOM! Thank you - you saved m-”
Bloody Tom didn’t seem in a chatty mood as he responded.
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“If you’ve GOTTA be on that fuckin’ roof Cranny - then - watch your damn back!”
As if to emphasize his point he cycled another round into his Lancaster and… and I don’t know how he did this - but without seeming to look, he swung his gun at a 90 degree angle and [BANG!] blew a large hole clean through the skull of an invader who had been taking aim at him from behind a supply crate. 
I saw two more bandits panic and dash away from that position - I felt that excited rush as I brought them into scope - they were so close, and I could feel their fear - it tasted delicious! 
They didn’t have a chance. It was like hitting the side of a barn with the side of a barn… 
CRACKABOOM! CRACKABOOM! Two more floppy little dolls in the snow.
I moved to the highest point on the roof and took refuge behind the chimney as I scanned the open ground beyond the creek looking for Mr. Grimfrost.
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I'm sorry I've not posted in a bit. Here's a quick run down:
Official moving day is this Saturday (Nov 5).
Vin is acting 110% afool and has decided to treat me the way he treats all women in placesof authority... except I don't stand for it & have a spine & refuse to back down. His current thing is acting like I've not said anything and thus not doing as he is asked or repeating a question until L says something. He also says a lot of stuff to me (usually indirectly) with an absurd amount of malice. For example, he will act like he is saying something to Ari, but he looks directly at me & the content is something he thinks will hurt or upset me. I give no reaction at this point because the last time I raised my voice, he legit laughed in my face.
(Side note: Grandmama, if you are watching me from some afterlife THIS RIGHT HERE IS WHY I NEVER GAVE THE SPAWN SIBLINGS. I was done and now... this.)
I had 5 loads of laundry that became my Sisyphus's boulder for 4 days. I washed and folded them... then broken glass got all over them. I washed them... then they were strewn across the dirty kitchen table. I cried. I washed them AGAIN but folded and put them awayas each load was dried.
I'm on day 4 of an epic battle with ants in the kitchen & kids' bathroom. We are all 99% sure they started in Vin's room because he is a slob and he sneaks food into his room at night. We are having to take drastic measures in the form of putting a bike lock on the fridge & cabinets as well as setting up cameras in the kitchem & hallway for at night. I've had to wipe out 100s upon 100s of ants. And there's always more. I'm getting a quote from an exterminator today.
The weather has been fucking me up.
Halloween was fun. We trick or treated. Vin was Jason (but had his machete taken almost immediately for hitting his sister), Ari was Winifred Sanderson, and Zel was a corpse bride. I wore my regular clothes and was called a witch multiple times (dope) and L was an 80s hockey fan via a vintage hockey jersey...?
Friday we are going on a real in public date to see Cabaret at the local community theater.
L has casually mentioned wanting to marry me/get old together no less than once a day. Or he just says something like "when we retire..." or "once the kids are grown..." It's adorable. I love it.
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sashi-ya · 3 years
HI @sashi-ya I was waiting for this event to open up again 🥰🥰🥰 thank you so much!! Can I please request a NSFW Koby. Female S/O is a swords woman who helps Koby protect the Dressrosa royals from the pirates but then gets injured on the process so Koby is worried which turns to passion. Koby worshipping her. Oral, fingering, rough, losing control, multiple orgasm. Please and thank you so much ☺️
Hi babe!! Of course! It's the first time I write something with Koby so I hope you like it! I think it turned out good, I tried to stick as much as I could to the canon characteristics of Koby but with a spicy twist!. Thank u for requesting and your support!! ♥
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🔥NSFW ~ Koby x F! Reader ~ My Captain
a/n: first time I write for Koby! I hope I didn't fucked up with the way I portraited this shy hot marine.
tw: violence. blood. rough sex. injured reader. oral sex. fingering. praising. unprotected sex.
wc: 2.1K for some reason it turned out to be longer than I expected (almost 700 words of background story, I'm so sorry)
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The pink haired marine captain usually stutters while you talk to him. Maybe it really shows how in love with him you are, maybe he is just really shy.
You see him speaking with Rebecca, the lovely princess of Dressrosa. Apparently Monkey D. Luffy has been the only conversation topic you have heard from him, and you are getting a little annoyed. But, even so, you decide to join them anyway.
“Princess. Captain” you salute both of them. When looking at Koby, you bow by taking your hand to your forehead. He widens his eyes and nervously, bows back. Rebbeca stops talking about Luffy and changes -thank God- topics. “(Name) you use two swords, right?” she asks. “Yes! I do!” you smile at her showing the katanas tied on each side of your hips.
“She has mastered the art of nitoryuu” Helmeppo says while approaching you on the deck of the Royal Dressrosa ship, “The Prodence”. Koby looks at him, he seems really nervous. And suddenly his eyes turn red. You follow. Koby and you stand side by side. His fist up in the air, your katanas ready to slice whatever enemies are about to attack the royals under your care.
All of a sudden more than twenty pirates jump from underwater to your ship. They laugh at you with their dirty mouths. Soon you realize all of them have the Kurohige pirates tattoo on their chest. “These aren’t easy enemies” you whisper, back-to-back with Koby. White justice capes pressed.
Helmeppo has taken the princess to a safer place and is ready to join the battle. You have already sliced more than five pirates. Koby has hit some more. Yet, one of them directly attacks your captain, so you jump in front of him to protect him. Both of your katanas block the attack from a huge machete.
“(Name)!” Koby shouts. “(Name) move!!” Helmeppo screams. The machete has been a great distraction, and while you get your arms up, your torso gets completely exposed to another pirate. He shoots a gun towards you. But your captain is strong and fast enough to push you by snatching you from your arm, allowing the bullet just to graze part of your ribs.
You fall to the ground, blood sprouting from your side. It hurts, but luckily it hasn’t been a deathly injury. But Koby doesn’t know it yet, and he turns into fire when your white shirt gets quickly stained with crimson vital fluid. “YOU HAVE HURT MY… MY VICE CAPTAIN!” he shouts, and his fist gets covered in dark hard matter. Armor Haki to the face of each one of the pirates.
In a minute, all of them lay over the dock. Some unconscious, some spitting blood. The few teeth they still had, are now all scattered over the floor. “You disgusting pirates, you are nothing like true pirates. You are just scum!” you see him shouting at them, while Helmeppo takes you inside.
Viola takes care of your wounds instantly, and even if you are feeling ok. Just a light sore on your side she suggests staying on Dressrosa for some days before setting sail again. “Luckily, we are no more than an hour from arriving at home, you will be ok” she says, smiling so kindly.
The door opens with a slam, Koby’s hand covered in blood and a completely desperate face. “(Name)! I’m so sorry! Are you ok?” he shouts, running to your side. You smile, he looks so manly and worried about your wellbeing. A handsome captain who has fought for you…
“I’m ok, Captain! It was just a scratch!” you say, but he is not taking it and instead kneels on the ground next to you. Glossy eyes when looking at your scratches, the blood-stained shirt. The ripped white cape that rests over the floor.
An hour later you are already being taken outside the ship towards the royal palace. The sunflower field welcomes you again, and the summer island seems as lively as every day.
Once you have been properly treated, Koby bends repeatedly to thank the doctor at the door of your room. He stays there for the rest of the day, never entering once as he has been notified you are only wearing bandages.
But the night comes, and you get really thirsty. So, you stretch in order to reach a glass of water but the scratch on your skin makes you squirm and whine in pain. “Damn!”. In a moment Koby is already inside your room, running towards you. “(Name)! Are you ok? Do you need the doctor?” he asks, panting.
You giggle and turn back to the bed. “I’m ok, captain. I was just trying to reach for a glass of water” you say. “Right, let me help you” Coby tells you and grabs the glass. He takes it to your mouth and even if you are able to drink it on your own, you just let the poor man help you.
“Do you need anything else, (Name)? Just tell me, please” he says. “I’m ok Koby, but… do you mind staying with me tonight?” you ask, a little shy. He takes air and widens his eyes. “Yes, of course” Koby mumbles. “Thanks, Captain”.
He sits on your side and after some chatting you fall asleep. But somethings wakes you up…
You hear on your dreams the voice of your captain, softly whispering. “I’m… sorry (name). It hurts to see you like this. It must have been me, not you. Why did you put yourself in front of me?”. A barely sensed graze on the side of your cut eyebrow and the words that make you open your eyes straight away…
“I… wish I could find the courage to tell you how much I love you… Luffy was right, I’m still a crybaby”.
“You are not a coward, Captain. You just told me” you whisper. The man freezes in place, sunglasses falling from his head to his eyes. He quickly takes them off and a flooding number of unintelligible words escape his mouth. You grab his arm in a comforting way and pull him softly towards you.
Coby looks at you, lips separated, breathing hard. His eyes go from yours to your lips. And you just smile as he approaches them. And in just a second your mouths pressed. Shy kisses turn into tongues that playfully dance with each other in a steamy making out session. “Captain, I want you…” you whisper, showing him the bed so he could hop on it. “Are you… are you sure?” he asks, aware of your condition. “I am, come here”.
You move to the side while Coby quickly takes his coat and lets it over the chair. He jumps next to you, and softly holds your face. Noses pressing, both smiling. It seems as if the two of you have been waiting for this for so, so long. “Captain…” you mumble. “Don’t call me captain…” he whispers. “Koby…” you say. He looks so happy with your lips pronouncing his name…
A new kissing session starts, he is careful with your injured side. His hands go up and down your back, yours around his neck, playing with some strands of pink hair on the back of his head. And his shyness slowly but surely goes away, and while his lips travel all around your neck and collar bones, he praises every single aspect of you. “Your skin is so soft”. “Your perfume, your scent I can’t get enough”. “You are perfect”.
His sweet kisses all over your skin, and even over the gauze that covers your breasts. The little patches of skin in between the medical material are where Koby places more pecks. And little by little he goes down on you. Your stomach flesh spasms when the tip of his tongue traces wet circles all around. The increasing roughness of his actions turns you more and more on. He started as you were made of crystal, but the accumulated hunger for you is making him lose any type of control.
His finger takes your underwear in a single motion, revealing your wet sex to him. He licks his lips and takes off his glasses and bandana before pouncing into you. His soft pink locks of hair fall over his face, the X scar over his forehead and a sharp mandible drives you crazy.
“Koby… you are so hot” you moan while his index finger goes up and down on the slit of your core. He smirks so sexily; with a confidence you haven’t seen ever before in him. And while fixing his eyes on yours, he sticks his tongue out and licks you up.
You throw your head back, moaning. Your thighs want to close, but Koby buries his hands on them just to keep them spread. He bites the inside of your legs, leaving several marks on each side. “I think I’m gonna let you suffocate me in between these thighs, so perfect”. You bite your lip; he is absolutely a different person. The little shy captain is now such a man…
And he sticks one finger, and then another one inside you. His mouth sucks your clit, his tongue plays with your arousal liquids forming strings with it and showing you how naughty he is becoming. And he is doing it just for you, just to fuck you. And you just whine, hands pulling from his hair as he worships your pussy. You pray for all Dressrosa kingdom not to hear you moaning his name, yet at this point you are not really sure about it.
The tip of his fingers hit your g spot, he goes violently up and down, inside out, pressing your lower belly more and more. You just lose control, your spasm as your captain's fingers and tongue do wonders to you. “K… fuck… K-oby I’m coming…” you tell him. “Come for me, I want you to come as many times as you can” he orders you. “Come for your captain”.
“Yes, Captain. My Captain”
You arch your back, as you hit climax pulling from his hair as you do so. Koby enjoys the taste of your orgasm and doesn’t let you rest for a single second. He kneels in bed, you despite being in pain sit and help him rip his clothes off. Several past scars garnish a naked delicious body. A body he has always covered in front of you. You thank the gods to be able to finally witness such perfect anatomy. Marked abs that end on a perfect V. V that marks the path to paradise with a slight happy trail. Your feet pulling his trousers down. His member, erect, rock hard frees himself from the clothing. Dripping precum, ready to fuck you so hard.
His arms on each side of your head, dick lingering over your lower belly. Sights fixed, biting lips. Intense aura around both of you, not sure if that’s Haki or just desire. Either way, it feels strong, so strong.
“Fuck me, Captain. Do it now”.
And hell he does.
Koby smirks at you and attacks your mouth. He bites your lip and pulls from it, while guiding his dick to your entrance. At first he grazes his gland with your clit, you moan while he got your lip trapped in between his teeth. Mixing precum and arousal fluids, all of a sudden inside he goes. Really deep, so hard and rough.
Your legs snake around his waist as a response. Your hills buried on the strong small of his back as he pumps inside you. Fast, violently. Losing control of himself, forgetting about your injuries.
Rough thrusts that make you come, not once, but twice. Nonstop. All night long. A tremendous endurance, he hasn’t come yet just so you could orgasm more and more.
But even him has its limits, and those are four simple words that slip from your mouth… “fill me up, Captain”. And because he is there to worship and serve his goddess, he gives the most amazing last thrusts until you come once again, and he follows you. Filling you up, so good and warm. Seed spilling from your insides to the bed.
He flops next to you, all sweaty and agitated. You bring him closer so his head rests over your bandaged breasts. “I…” he blushes realizing how much he has lost control a few minutes ago. “Koby, I knew you were hiding something” you whisper.
“What? I wasn’t” he stutters. “Oh yes, yes you were. Have you seen how good you just fucked me?” you say, laughing. The poor pink haired guy closes his eyes and buries his face on your chest. “Stop it…”.
“Oh, by the way… I’m in love with you too, Captain” ... ♥~
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mio-parasite · 3 years
❤️ Monsters in Latin America ❤️
Hello very good dear community of monsters lovers how are you? I hope you do well and if not I hope that your day will improve so that everything goes well.
I want to introduce you to some (not all as there are too many) lovely monsters of Latin America, I want to spread a little about my own culture and expand the repertoire of monsters to love, care for... Etc, I hope you like this bit Latin American story any questions you have about these creatures can contact me.
And I want to apologize if my English is very bad
Well without further ado, I introduce you to these lovely monsters from Latin America.
El Athrathrao o Basilisco
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It is born in a henhouse, from a small round egg of coarse and rough cascara, of grayish white color, called lloilloy egg or lloe egg, which according to legend is believed to be laid and incubated by a rooster. If this egg is not removed, within a few weeks it will become a basilisco.
In the daytime, the basilisk chilote hides under the house of the owner of the henhouse, and at night he would come out of his hiding place while all the people sleep. At that time he would emit a hypnotic chant similar to cockcrow, which would cause people to stay asleep. After singing, he would go into the rooms to be able to feed himself, absorbing the breath and sucking the saliva of those who sleep. The affected person would lose the desire to eat, so he or she would get thinner and thinner, and his or her face would become pale. With the passage of time, a strong and persistent cough would appear and his breathing becomes more and more difficult, and finally he dies. The same thing happens with every one of the inhabitants of the house.
La Pincoya
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She is a mermaid of extraordinary beauty (with a slightly tanned white complexion and blond hair), whose job is to protect the sea, sow it and rescue the castaways.
When the pincoya dances facing the ocean, it is warning that there will be an abundance of fish and shellfish. And when you do it looking toward the coast, there will be shortages.
To be favored by it, one must be content; That is why the fishermen are accompanied by happy friends.
It is also said that if you fish or shellfish a lot in one place, the pincoya gets angry and leaves that area, which then becomes sterile. The pincoya is sometimes accompanied by her husband, the pincoya.
The mermaid lived in a huge cave and used to swim in the lagoon and the puchanquin river. From the rocks, with a whistle, he made emerge from the bottom of the waters a solid trunk of gold, which he climbed to comb his golden hair. Sometimes, during the night, he would sing haunted love songs, which no one could resist.
In addition, many people sought the woman for favors, until she disappeared from the place. It is believed that it was called cuada from the huelde lagoon to bring prosperity and abundance to distant beaches.
Since then, the waters took on the dark color they have today, and although many have tried to imitate the siren's whistle, the golden trunk is still submerged waiting for its owner.
El Muqui / Muki
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The muki, or anchancho, is a goblin in the mythology of the central andes in Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia; Which is characterized by being a miner and, as such, its existence is limited to the underground space: the muqui lives inside the mine.
Its name comes from the quechua "murik" (" he who asphyxiates "). However, 'muki' also means' humidity ', so it is said to also appear in places where there is water. From puno to cajamarca, passing through pasco and Arequipa, the descriptions of this creature are always the same: it is of small stature, does not exceed half a meter. Their favorite victims are unbaptized children, whom they hide in FIG and banana trees to make one of them.
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Piwicheñ is a Mapuche voice that means "to dry people", this mythological creature is better known as Pihuchén, Piuchén or Piguchen.
It generally has the appearance of a flying snake, emitting high-pitched whistles. But also its changing appearance has something of a human, snake, bird, fish, quadruped, frog and bat. It is usually covered with grass, bushes and twisted cylinders, like hooked horns. It produces a substance so irritating that when it is transmitted through the air or water, it causes skin eruptions very similar to scabies.
It has incredible longevity, its wings grow when it has reached its mature age, in old age it transforms into a bird the size of a rooster or a young turkey, equally bloodthirsty. It has such a powerful force that it can topple large trees and raise gigantic waves that wreck ships.
He is used to living in lakes and rivers, where his presence causes panic, those who have the misfortune to contemplate him will soon die. At other times, he petrifies his victims with his intense gaze, and then sucks their blood.
Trentren Vilu y Caicai Vilu
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Trentren vilu (terrestrial snake) and caicai vilu (sea snake) are two colossal and powerful snakes that have the ability to cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions (trentren) and tsunamis and floods (caicai).
Legend has it that one day caicai awoke from his sleep and, seeing how ungrateful men were to the sea that gave them so much resources, unleashed his fury and used his tail to cause tsunamis and flood the earth as punishment. Trentrain, however, came to the aid of the terrestrial creatures and saved those he could on his back to put in the hills, those he could not save he turned into birds, fish and Marine mammals and drowned in sumpall. Caicai, for his part, did not stop and raised the waters even higher, to which he responded by raising the hills even higher.
Seeing this challenge, caicai attacked trentrum, thus beginning a Titanic battle that lasted for a long time until they finally ran out of strength.
By the end of the battle, the geography had changed, resulting in the numerous islands and canals of southern Chile.
Exhausted and defeated, caicai returned to sleep, leaving millalobo as ruler of the seas. For his part, trentrum also went to sleep.
However, with the passage of time, the men became ungrateful again, also causing the displeasure of trentin, who from time to time moves in his sleep causing earthquakes and eruptions, while caicai by moving his tail causes tsunamis.
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Tiger man or leopard-man, this being is a character known in northeastern Argentina and the great chaco, this arises from the great adoration of a sorcerer towards these animals and is based on the metamorphosis from human to beast, or the reverse.
The transformation of the sorcerer begins with the use of a jaguar leather and a sauma with hen's feathers. And that because of these they were given the power to shed their skins and transform into a creature half jaguar and half human. Later, they go hunting and after eating their prey they return to their human form performing the same procedure.
He is extremely aggressive and only eats human flesh, from mule or cow, he liked to loot ranches and he liked to force young women to clean it. The only way to escape from his escape is to manage to remove his hide and spit in his face because they are blind and vulnerable to attack, after death they return to their human form. This must be accompanied by bullets or machetes that are blessed but this is not all - you must behead him after killing him to make sure he does not come back to life.
La Fiura
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She has the appearance of a disgusting woman, with large breasts and tiny stature (40 to 50 cm) and long black hair. Her face has hideous features, with sparkling eyes that are almost hidden behind her huge nose. Her limbs are thin and hooked, and she has the ability to lengthen and twist them in all directions by nervously moving the misshapen fingers of her huge hands. She wears red clothes, and uses to adopt strange postures and hideous grimaces with her face.
It is said that he wanders in the woods and sneaks through the bushes, in search of the fruit of the thorny chauras, which he eats gluttonously; and people can tell that the Fiura has passed through a place by observing the depositions it leaves on the protruding roots of large trees. It is also said that taking great care, it can be observed when she carefully combs her hair with a highly polished crystal or silver comb that shines in the sun's rays, while bathing in small lakes. After bathing, she sits on the moss, and remains naked for hours or goes to dance on the scraps. It is characterized by possessing superhuman strength and by the ability to make use of the stench of its breath to twist or break the limbs of animals or people who observe it; her power being such that she can have her effects at a distance.
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The millalobo (golden Wolf) is a creature resembling a newt, with the upper part of a man and the lower part of a sea Wolf. The millalobo was born from the union between a woman and a sea Wolf which saved her from drowning during the mythical battle between trentrain vilu and caicai vilu.
Millalobo is the most powerful being of the seas after caicai, who chose him to rule the seas on his behalf.
According to chilota legend it is said that upon seeing him, caicai decided that he was a creature of his liking and chose him to delegate his power and rest after his battle with trentrain.
Millalobo lives on the seabed and rules with his family, his wife huenchula and their three children; The pincoya, the pincoy, and the mermaid chilota. Various mythological sea creatures are under his command and help him in his tasks, which range from planting and caring for the development of shellfish and fish, to managing the Marine climate; In addition to guiding and caring for the dead produced by the sea.
Millalobo is said to be the creator of the caleuche and the evil creatures of the seas also pay him respect.
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A story about many things, but mostly about the love between mothers and daughters, through the generations: born and chosen, lost and found.
The wind picked up, bright leaves sighing against the baby blue of a breakable sky. Daisy glanced across at May’s still profile. 
“I’ll walk with you?” 
May glanced at her -- was that a flicker of surprise? -- and nodded. 
Coulson didn’t say anything, as they got out of the car. She saw them exchange a glance, brief and loaded and steady, familiar; May took the lead, hiking up the hilly ground. The flowers in her hand were splotches of color, her dark jeans and old leather jacket standing out stark against well-tended green. Daisy fell into step at her shoulder. 
She’d known that May came here every once in a while. Not often. May hadn’t asked them to come along this time as much as she’d made it clear she didn’t mind if they did. 
Daisy had negotiated her way into getting May to delegate some of her workload for the first time a few years ago, when there wasn't time for anything and May was busily pretending she wasn’t running herself ragged, trying to do a million things at once. She’d ended up on the phone with a list of florists local to various states, who’d made knowing aaah sounds when she said she was speaking on behalf of Melinda May. Lilies and roses, arrangements she didn’t even have to specify; she’d been handed a scrap of paper at least twenty years old, May’s spiky handwriting unchanged and the specifics unthinking in a way that told Daisy this had been routine for a very long time. 
They came to a stop; Daisy's breath stuttered slowly out of her lungs, in spite of herself. 
Continue reading on ao3.
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klbwriting · 3 years
Unexpected Allies - Chapter 19
Fandom: Six of Crows
Pairing: Kaz/female!Reader
Summary: Just...sorry
Notes: This was just the worst
Taglist:  @mcntsee @amwitherspoon @cxlpxrnia @fcvcritecrime​ @aysegust​ @sagewrites111​ @spawn0fsatan​ @itsemy01 @thedelusionreaderbitch
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It took nearly another week for the Shu army to arrive, a day after that the Frejdans arrived and Kaz felt his plan falling into place.  He had told Jesper that the next morning he had to make sure that Y/N was away from the Darkling, get her out of the Little Palace.  He promised chaos so that the sharpshooter would have an easier time getting her out.  Kaz didn't what would happen next but he knew there was no other way to get her to save Ravka like she wanted.  The Darkling would never stop, only Y/N could stop him.  Inej noticed his mood getting darker as the day before the start of the war ended.  She sat next to him by one of the fires and waited for him to acknowledge her. "Its going to hurt her," he said softly.  Inej nodded. "You are doing something noble Kaz, it has to be the end of the world," she said.  Kaz sighed and shook his head. "What have I become?" he said, leaning his head to his cane.  Inej reached out and gently placed a hand on his shoulder.  He noticed once again that touch wasn't bothering him much anymore.  He could thank Y/N for that, but of course he couldn't.  He knew she liked what he sent her, Jesper reported that she wore the necklace everyday, but that still didn't make him feel better for what happened.  After tomorrow who knew if he'd ever get to apologize to her.  He didn't have a contingency plan, if this didn't work it was all over.  He stood finally.   "Kaz, you're a good man," Inej said.  He glared at her.  "That look doesn't quite scare me as much as it used to."  He scowled and walked away but secretly he was pleased.  He could be both a ruthless killer and a good man.  He hoped this would be enough.  
Y/N wasn't sure when the fighting started.  She was woken up by the Darkling himself coming into her room and dragging her from bed, pulling her into the hall where she heard shouting and saw Grisha running everywhere.  Jesper came running and handed the Darkling a saber made of steel.   "Thank you Fahey, take Y/N to the roof, I am going to take care of Mal before dealing with the rest of the resistance," he said, face full of rage.   Y/N felt genuine fear as her chain was given to Jesper.  Jesper was about to take off when another Fabrikator joined them.  "Make sure they get there Rege."  He nodded and followed them.  They turned towards the roof but stopped just short of the stairs.  Rege ran up a few steps before realizing they stopped.  He turned, about to yell when a loud bang rang out and he collapsed, a small hole bleeding from his front.   "The kefta, they're bullet proof..." Y/N said, turning to Jesper.  He winked at her. "I may have been working on something fun just for the Grisha," he said.  She smiled at him.  He took the chain and shackles off her but wasn't able to remove the collar.  "Come on, let's go, Kaz told me to get you out of here." "Jes, what if he gets killed...I can't lose Kaz..." she said as they headed through another of her tunnels towards the east side of the palace.  They could flank on that side, take some of the Grisha by surprise.  Jesper stopped just before the went out the door. " Y/N, I promise you that you will see Kaz again.  You'll be with him by the end of the day, I swear it on my guns," he said.  She nodded and hugged him again.  "Now let's kill the Darkling, you know to use a machete?"  He held out the weapon that was leaning on the wall, ready for her.  She took it and nodded.   "He remembered it was my specialty," she said and Jesper nodded as they exited and ran out.  Most of the Grisha on this side of the palace were distracted by the Frejdans that were attacking so Jesper and Y/N slid into the action easily.   Y/N was quite capable of handling herself without her powers but she couldn't deny that the weakness she felt from not using them was taking a toll on her fighting.  She kept having to remind herself of what she was fighting for to keep going.  She kept an eye on Jesper, and he on her, working together to make their way to the center of the fight where the Darkling was commanding a small group of shadow creatures, clearly trying to get to Mal.  Mal was commanding the resistance fighters well, shooting his rifle and taking out anyone in his way, Matthias was using his druskelle training to keep the Grisha at bay, looking like a true warrior.  Jesper caught sight of Wylan throwing bombs from behind a garden wall and he started to make his way over there.  Inej had somehow climbed to the roof and was taking out Grisha along the torrents, the Inferni firing from above dropping to the ground, throats slit before they fell.  The only person Y/N couldn't see was Kaz.  She was trying to keep an eye out, hoping he stayed  back, had planned the attack and let the others take their time to battle.  She didn't want to be powerless to protect him.   The Darkling was approaching Mal so Y/N fought harder than she had before, getting to her brother in arms and facing off against the creatures the Darkling made, striking them down with the Grisha made steel they held.  It seemed to reflect the actual sunlight in such a way that it destroyed the shadows, making the Darkling create more instead of just making them reform.   "Glad you could join us," Mal said as he shot a creature behind her.   Y/N turned and sliced a Grisha before they use the wind against her friend.  "Is that collar still a problem?" "Yes, I can't use my powers at all with  it," she said.  "And the Fabrikator disappeared before I could get him to take it off." "O we've been handling it, Kaz and Nina have figured something out with him," he said.  She almost stopped but then a Grisha hit her with a water sprout and she swiped out, taking off the Grisha's arm.   "Kaz is here?" she asked.  Mal shook his head. "No, they're hoping you can do this yourself," he said.  Suddenly the Darkling was there, swatting Mal aside, sending him off with his  creatures. "Mal!" Y/N screamed before the Darkling was on her, hand around her neck. "I see that you tried to trick me puppy...but now I think you've shown how useless you really are," he said, throwing her to the ground and moving to cut her.   "STOP!" she heard his voice and turned.  So did the Darkling.  He finished the cut and Kaz fell.  Suddenly everything stopped for Y/N. "KAZ!" she screamed.  She looked at the Darkling and screamed out her agony and the collar broke.  She felt everything rising in her, all her pain and anger came out, darkness engulfing everyone.  Only she and the Darkling were here now, facing each other.   "Impossible...how did you..." She started firing fire at him, no gloves needed, the fire just appearing.  She shot wind at him, knocking him back.  Tears were stinging her cheeks, creatures trying to tear her apart but she felt none of it.  She was shattered, her soul destroyed, what did she have holding her back now?  The Darkling looked at her in awe as she squeezed her fist.  He was able to  send a creature to knock her off balance.  He dove at her and she pushed a tide against him, throwing him to the side. "This is the power you have...you are so strong.  Your love is dead, give in, this darkness is who you are.  Imagine if I could teach you how to truly use this power," he said.   Y/N stopped for a moment and the Darkling rose, watching her. "I am darkness, but I'm not just darkness," she said.   "But you should be, Y/N, imagine what we can do together, we can take the world and make it how we want it," he said, approaching her, taking her face in his hands.   Y/N slid the hidden knife from her sleeve, another gift from Kaz.  She stabbed up, aiming between the ribs where he had shown her, making sure to pierce the heart. "I want Kaz in my world," she said, pushing the dagger further up, the tip poking out the other side.  She yanked it out and the Darkling fell dead to the ground.  She fell to her knees, the darkness still all around, it was spreading.  This Fold she was creating was going to keep going unless she pulled it back.  But how could she?  What reason was there for light anymore?  Kaz was dead, why should everyone else get to live.   " Y/N, this isn't you," she heard his voice in her head.  "This, this is my darkness.  Well, at least, the darkness I thought was in me.  You brought out the light in me." "I can't Kaz...what is the point of light if you won't be there when I bring it back?" she whispered. "The point love, is that someone has to lead the Dregs, are you going to let Jesper do that?  Or Inej?  God Jesper would never have money for them to eat and Inej is going to disperse them to be a diplomat now," he said.  She laughed and felt some light struggling to come out.  "I love you Y/N, just remember that, I love you for being the light in my life, don't let me down.  Don't give up on me."   "I love you too Kaz," she said to the darkness.  She fell to her knees as she pulled back the dark and released the light.  The fighting had stopped, no one sure what had happened.  Once the light was back it took only seconds for the Second Army to see that their commander was not only dead but now they were outnumbered.  They fled.  The resistance stopped, looking at Y/N on the ground.  She let out a strangled sob as she crawled to Kaz's body.   " Y/N..." Mal said, moving to pull her away.  She shoved him back. "Please...Kaz please!" she begged even though she knew there was nothing to be done.  The cut had hit home.  She leaned over his face, forehead to his as she sobbed on him.   " Y/N...I'm so sorry," she heard Jesper say. "You promised!" she yelled at him.   "I know...I...I'm just sorry." Inej came over then, putting her arms around Y/N who finally fell to sit back.  Jesper joined Inej in hugging her. "I'm so sorry for this Y/N," Inej whispered, "so sorry."
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doopy-n-loopy · 3 years
Your content is super spicy, I love it! Here's my question- what would Christian Brutal Sniper be like as a yandere? Very violent and obsessive, I'm guessing. NSFW headcanons, pls!
Oh my god you've unlocked SO many memories for me
I had to look some of the videos up again cause I forgot what his personality was like
Yan!CBS (TF2) × Reader headcannons
// gore, violence, obsessive tendancies, stalking, objectification, n oncon, just yandere shit in general
CBS probably saw you on the battlefield at first. I'd like to assume you're an enemy (apart of BLU) so it would make it much more interesting. When you and your team kidnapped you, he held a grudge against you and your team but for you he felt more... Like desire almost. He wasn't too sure what it meant but it didn't take him long to figure out. When he came back to life, he killed everyone but you. He made sure to play mind games with you and scare you more than half to death by leaving dead bodies everywhere
He didn't kidnap you at first since he liked to draw out your mental suffering, seeing him decapitate your team mates in front of you
CBS doesn't harm you too badly, at times he'll trace his machete over your skin to draw blood and whimpers from you or slap you but nothing that leaves a permanent mark on your body
To him you are precious, not in the way that he loves you though, no, he could care less about your well being. But in the way that he sees you as an item that he owns.
He doesn't care about the team mates around him, he warns them that if they hurt you he'll kill them himself, usually leaving you mostly unscathed during battles
When CBS got tired of only seeing you once in awhile, that's when he decided to kidnap you. Not without Spy's help, of course
After being kidnapped, he barely pays attention to you unless if he wants to pleasure himself. That means you usually miss out on meals, if spy wasn't there you would probably starve
He threatens you with his machete and other weapons he has so you don't leave
You are an object for his pleasure, a toy to be played with, so of course he's not going to respect your boundaries and force himself on you
At times he'll mess with your sanity and force you to sit on his lap and compliment him, he'll also make you beg for the things he wants to do to you
After you've been kidnapped, he'll be much more violent. Leaving marks all over your body by hitting you, biting you, etc. not only to mark you as his but to make you pay for doing this to him. It is your fault you made him feel this way, after all
Expect hands to be all over your ass and crotch most of the time he's around
You better hope that when he sees you he's tired because as I said, when he pays attention to you that's only because he wants to pleasure himself. And CBS isn't gentle with how he treats you, he's very rough with sex and it can leave you crying and unable to walk for several days, even bleeding in some cases (which Spy has to treat to make sure you don't get an infection or die even)
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Alright so that's all! I'm gonna be honest, I wasn't expecting someone to bring up CBS in my asks so lol that was a trip down memory lane! Either way, this was very fun to write! You can request anything again💕
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dotthings · 3 years
Dean Winchester
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Dean’s heart, all it contains, is the most powerful weapon he has and he doesn’t know it. When he loves he loves big and he loves fiercely and he cares so deeply, in different relationships and in different ways. The scope of his capacity to love isn’t something he’s aware of, he just feels, he just acts.
Dean doesn’t see all the things he himself is, or how those who love him see him.
Dean inspires strong love and devotion in others towards him and doesn’t understand the depth that this happens, or how, or why.
Dean is nurturing and yet he is so much more than a nurturer.
Dean’s a warrior. But wielding a rock salt shotgun and a machete, being his father’s blunt instrument, isn’t all he is.
Dean uses strategy and sigils, experience and lore, and appeals to the goodness within beings to fight evil as much as he uses weapons.
Dean’s into metal and classic rock and his big muscle car and cultivates a persona of the cool rebel tough guy yet he’s a massive geek who has Scooby-Doo underwear, has watched all the Trek, digs horror movies as a way to decompress and gain mental control over the real horrors he has to fight, and wears silly socks.
Dean is a fierce badass who has been to both Hell and Purgatory multiple times and radiates cool and has dark shadowy spaces in him, deep fears and anger and immense hurt and pain and he is the softest, kindest, forgiving, cuddly, adorkable, uncertain, vulnerable, sweet marshmallow nerd.
Dean’s been an adoptive dad to so many kids and wants to be a dad, doesn’t realize how he already is. He talks to them with respect, understands their fears, protects them, guides them, recognizing their competencies and resourcefulness.
Dean sees the potential in people. Their goodness. Who they could become. Their ability to be courageous. He believes in them when they don’t believe in themselves.
Dean’s a trickster, a charmer, a con artist, a hustler, he’s been a fireman, an FBI agent, a park ranger, a PA, a construction worker, and is excellent at all of it.
Dean hasn’t learned how to play guitar but holds the secret that he knows how to sing well.
Dean’s great at engineering and made his own EMF meter and is great at fixing cars, rigging traps, outsmarting his opponents.
Dean is deeply insecure and weighed down by deep self-loathing yet his sense of self is a powerful force that sometimes battles with his insecurities and fears. 
Dean inspires others as an innate leader, an anchor, a big brother, a role model, the steady rock in the storm.
Dean sometimes is the storm.
Dean will smart-mouth at enemies where he is massively out-powered, especially when he is out-powered, while his heart’s hammering in his chest and he’s frightened but his inner fire is unstoppable.
Dean’s used to living on the road, in bad motel rooms, in his car, yet savors the shelter and stability of great water pressure, his memory foam mattress, the safety and comfort of the bunker, in no small part because the bunker can shelter and protect all those he loves, his blood family and his found family, when needed.
Dean explodes feelings all over the place all the time with his heart blazing on his sleeve and he’s the actual worst at maintaining the no-chick-flick-moments facade. He avoids and tries to hide as long as he can, yet he shows love freely, he shows it often in action but he also uses his words. The feeble attempt at repression is how he copes with the torrent of his own intense big emotions.
Dean’s immensely brave yet deeply frightened, most of all of losing those he loves, and of failing to save people in general, but also he is scared he is not loved, at the same time he is scared to see how much he is loved. 
Dean’s scared of becoming something he doesn’t want to be yet also at times needs to escape into being something different, to have the weights lifted for a time.
Dean thinks he’s doomed yet has so much capacity for hope.
Dean mostly has hope for others but sometimes, sometimes, hope for himself, hope in his own goodness, for his own potentials. He finds purpose in saving people and fending off monsters but he wants more than just that, he has yearnings and wishes outside of that sense of duty. He has hope that maybe he can pursue some of the things he wants, find out what else he is, and that maybe he won’t have to die young on a hunt, where his only happy ending is someone else’s. That he can have his own.
Dean keeps breaking free of every attempt to confine him, to label him, the roles his father tried to limit him to, that Heaven and Hell wanted him to dance in, that God himself wanted him to play. 
Dean knows that joy is an act of defiance, he knows how to savor things, because life can be brutal.
Dean refuses to give up. He keeps getting up again and again after the hurt, keeps loving despite the fear of loss, keeps putting one foot in front of the other and keeps trying to do good.
(screencap by screencapped.net, my edit)
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brennamonette-blog · 2 years
The Wyvern (Raiden and OC-Platonic) (PT.1)
"Raiden? Come on buddy, answer me! Raiden!!" The screen says about the thirtieth time. "Ugh! Goddamn Gekko's! They keep surrounding me and ambushing me!" I have been playing this game for about 2 hours now and every time I die I get more and more furious at the game and its ridiculous levels and camera angles. "Crack!" Outside my window the sky lights up and screams out, warning us about danger. "Allison, turn off the Playstation and get some candles!" Dad yells from downstairs, excited. He has missed thunderstorms in New Brunswick, so Dad and I usually go outside and watch with some popcorn. We were originally from Ontario where thunderstorms were very common and very entertaining. "Will do!" I sweep my short platinum blonde hair out of my round face, revealing my annoyed and tired green eyes. Getting up, bringing the controller towards the console, I look out the window and stare at the sky. "Sigh, I wish that world was real." Suddenly, a power surge circulated around the house, lights flickering and electricity surged through the controller and the Playstation, a bright light omits from them and fills my vision, blacking me out.
Raiden's POV
After finally defeating the Metal Gear Ray and looking over at the carnage of N'mani's bodyguards' bodies scattered on the ground. "Shit." I curse under my breath. "Raiden hurry, he is getting away!" Boris yells into the codex. "On it!" I start sprinting towards the cyborg's radar, some military personnel start crowding the train tracks on which the cyborg is on. "Dammit." the military see me and they let me pass. Using my ninja run, I slide around the corner, jump onto the side of a building and barely make it on the train. "He heading for the front of the train! After him!" Boris says on the codex. I start running, trying to catch up with N'mani. "Raiden, an unidentified Tiltrotor is headed your way. Keep an eye out for it." I finally see the terrorists. ' Another cyborg? Great. Reinforcements maybe.'
"Prime minister!" I yell out to N'mani, who is being chained up by the cyborg from earlier. The cyborg smiles and says "Ha, too late, too late hero. I won't be needing my little shield here any longer." He puts his high-frequency machete at N'mani's throat. "Stop!" I reach out, but he grabs N'mani's throat, "What about all the good things war has done for us? Why don't we ever hear speeches about that? Jobs, technology, a common purpose..." The other cyborg yawns audibly. "Raiden, forget me. Stop him." N'mani chokes out, the cyborg drops him and grabs his head. "You ain't listenin'..." He chops the chains, letting N'mani fall to the ground. I run up by my blade meets the Marusama blade of the other cyborg. "Mind if I cut in?" He says. My attention draws back to the cyborg with the machete, he holds N'mani up and he yells "All we're saying is... give war a chance!" smiling, he brings his blade through N'mani's stomach. Killing him instantly. "No!" I yell and he throws his corpse off the train. I hear loud helicopter sounds and a ladder comes down. "Get out of my way!" I yell at the other cyborg and slash but he parries my blow, sending me back.
"He's all yours, Sam." The original cyborg grabs the ladder and gets pulled up into the helicopter. The cyborg named "Sam" gets his marusama ready for battle. "Let's go." He says, I smile  and get my robotic eye interface out, scanning him. "Now now. Don't be shy." Sam taunts. I slash at him and after a few rounds, I finally get him, he jumps up onto a crate and sighs. "Hmm, Mightier then the pen after all." Then he jumps off and strikes, making me fall. "Fool." Sam blurts out. Our swords clash and he says. "Self-taught and not half bad. Still..." He knocks me down and taunts. "Your technique lacks something..." He jumps onto the side of the tunnel and strikes. "Pathetic." Our swords clash once again. "Now I see... You deny your weapon its purpose." He strikes a nerve from my past. 'No, he can't know about that! Shit!' Sam sees my vulnerability and takes his chance to cut my eye from its socket.
Holding my socket, he continues to taunt, "It yearns to bathe in the blood of your enemies but you hold it back." I look up at him and say "No." I get up and hold up my sword. "My sword is a tool of justice." Sam's nerve gets visibly struck but he turns his high frequency blade, runs up and cuts my arm off. Stumbling and coughing up blood I yell, "Shit! Not again!" Sam kicks me and Boris calls me on the codex. "Raiden! Are you alright?! You're almost clear of the tunnel! Just hang on!" Sam kicks me one more time and I stumble off the train, holding on for dear life using my right arm. "This is what happens when you bring a tool to a swordfight. This is over." Sam raises his sword to strike but we get out of the tunnel. "Lucky devil..." "Kept you waiting, ah?" bullets fly and Sam jumps onto the ladder, flying away. But in the air, I see a figure, figure falling very fast. As I adjust my eye, the figure is an unconscious female with citizen clothes. By instinct, I jump and catch her midair, when we land, I lay her down. "What the hell? How the hell did you get here?" I say before passing out due to bloodloss.
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scp-10000 · 3 years
Coal Fighting Hermits
(Keep in mind this is all just personas.  Myself and The Hermits aren’t fighting in real life.  Also, my minesona’s a half dragon, half eldritch horror who solves most of her problems by bitting, scratching, and slapping them with her bone tail.)  I’m joining this quick trend started by @shadeswift99.  Let’s go.  Time for a bored and combative lizard to fight some Hermits.
Bdubs: Yeah he’s a feral man like two seconds from snapping, and he has 3 knives and a machete under his shirt.  I’ve made worse decisions.  10/10 Would fight.  5/10 I’m sure it’d be even enough for it to be fun.
Cubfan: You see, I wouldn’t be able to fight him.  I’d lunge at him, and using his Vex Magic, he’d rob me, and teleport far away before I even lay a claw on him; doesn’t even matter if I only have 5 cool bones and 50 shiny rocks, bastard’d steal’um to spite me and bail.  10/10 Would fight to get all my stuff back.  1/10 I’m not getting my stuff back.
DocM: Draconic Eldritch Abomination vs Buff Creeper Cyborg Man with a Rocket Launcher Arm.  That sounds like a dumb action movie, and I live for it.  I’d only fight Doc if someone was recording it, cause even if I lose, it’d be entertaining as all hell.  10/10 Would fight.  1/10 I sure as hell ain’t winning, lets be real.
Etho: Cryptid who likes dropping anvils.  Sounds like a fun fight.  8/10 Would fight if bored.  2/10 Probably would only win if Etho got bored mid fight and just left.
False: The Queen of Hearts, Heads, and Body Parts.  I’d definitely fight her if I wanna die, but knowing my luck, the univers’ll have her spare me as punishment for all my sins.  10/10 Would totally die.  6/10 I’d be disappointed if I live.
Grian: Now, half the fandom’s like “gRiAn HaS sHoRt FeRaL eNeRgY,” which I’ll admit he probably does; problem is I’m 5′7, so that ain’t gonna help him.  Now Grian is also a good ambusher, which probably would help him because I’m shite at finding targets I’ve lost track of.  If I lose track of Grian in this fight, he’d totally be able to ambush me.  6/10 It’s not one I really think’d be fun.  4/10 Eh.
Hypno: No, I will not fight the vibing man.  1/10 Not unless I need this for the main quest or something.  5/10 I’m guessing it’d probably be even.
Impusle: No, I’m not going after the vibing totem man either.  1/10 Dude probably has a hotbar full of totems.  6/10 Again, totems.
Iskall: For some odd reason, I get the feeling if I attack Iskall, it’d eventually turn into him seeing how bad a fighter I truly am, and he’ll end up trying to teach me.  10/10 I’m not passing up an opportunity to be taught.  4/10 Even at my best, I’d still have a lot to learn.
Jevin: Bitting, scratching and tail slapping’d probably split him into an army of smaller, angry Jevins, and I’m not dealing with that. 1/10 No.  1/10 No.
Joe: I wouldn’t fight this man, but I would bring him to Cleo in case she wanted to take his knee caps.  10/10 What if Cleo needs his kneecaps?  10/10 I’mm’a get Cleo those kneecaps.
Keralis: My claws are too curved to just poke him in the eyes.  Besides, it’d probably be more fun to watch him struggle and squirm like he did when Etho tried to kill him.  8/10 Would fight.  5/10  Losing would probably be me getting bored and leaving Papa K alone.
Mumbo: Unlike half the fandom, I don’t see Mumbo as a lanky boy.  He also does Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and I don’t, so that’s gonna be a fight.  Granted, Mumbo’s a giant, non-confrontational dork, so that makes my choice harder.  5/10 Would I even fight him?  5/10 I’d probably stand a chance.
Rendog: Yeah, my brain doesn’t short circuit when I run into horny.  At best it’s acknowledged when I’m not set on murder.  7/10 I might ask him to square up if I’m bored.  5/10 Might be an even fight.
Scar: Same situation as Cub, but not at the same time?  Let me explain.  There’s a chance he’ll cast the same spell as Cub, but there’s also a chance he’ll forget to, and I can get a swipe on him before...well have yall seen that video where a dog attacks a kid on a bike, and then the cat comes out to mess up the dog?  Imagine I’m the dog, Scar’s the kid, and Jellie’s the cat, and you’ll know how well that fight’ll go.  0/10 No.  0/10 No.
Stress: This girl can carry massive pumpkins halfway across the server on one strength potion.  I’d fight her just to see how far she can yeet me.  10/10 For the yeet.  4/10 If she doesn’t yeet me, it might not go well.
Tango: This man builds massive minigames, and wrangles ravagers.  I more feel like I’d get trapped in a moving maze to fight ravagers for like half an hour before he gets bored watching me struggle.  9/10 It’d be a fun way to spend an afternoon.  4/10 Doesn’t mean I’m good at fighting ravagers without full iron armor.
TFC: I respect the man of the earth too much to fight him.  1/10 No.  1/10 No.
Vintage Beef: The blood on his apron does not override his vibing man vibe.  1/10 No.  5/10 If I must, I feel like I’d have a fair shot.
Wels: He’d probaby come up with some sick diss track lyrics on the fly... and then have to teach me how to rap battle after I say “I don’t get it.”  1/10 I don’t think this’d even qualify as a fight.  3/10 I feel like my poetry skills are lacking.
xB: Another vibe man.  No, I shall not fight him.  1/10 No.  5/10 I probably could do decent if I had to.
Xisuma: I’d attack him thinking since he’s a bee, one sting and he’s done, only for him to use his formal Doom Guy Training:tm: to body slam me so hard I’m banned from the server.  10/10 For the meme.  1/10 I’m not avoiding that body slam.
Zedaph: You all are thinking “Funny contraption man can’t fight,” when from what I remember of @lyraeon and I talking about the subject once is in PvP, Zed’ll run at you swinging and screaming.  To me, this is a more fair assessment of Zed’s abilities, and is what I’m going off of when thinking about if I’d fight him.  Thought, I probably won’t attack if he’s working on something.  5/10 Right now, he’s the only vibing man I might actually consider fighting?  5/10 Might be an even fight.
Zombie Cleo: She won’t fight me.  Instead she’ll convince me to let her set up an army of living armor stands to fight.  I would not attack her cause she’d give me more stuff to fight when I’m bored and combative.  1/10 No, I’m not fighting my supplyer.  1/10 If she decided to sick an army of armor stands on me, I’d probably lose.
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therapyforrent · 3 years
The Moment Sam Winchester Fell In Love With You
Pairing: Sam Winchester X Reader
Character Count: 3833
Warnings: None
Requested by: @deascheck
This world was cruel. So very, very cruel. It felt like everyday good, innocent people were getting torn to shreds. Good honest people who truly didn’t deserve the evil that the dark had bestowed on them. After all, what did they do wrong?
But this world was also very beautiful.
In the rarity of a moment's peace, there was a small moment when everything was still. A moment where the sun captured the warm glow of the trees, casting the country in a glowing yellow making everything look enchanted, like it was crafted straight out of a storybook. Sam decided that those moments, those moments when he really thinks he can hear the Earth moving, those moments made it all worth it. After all, after everything Sam, Dean and Cas have done, don’t they deserve a little moment of peace? A moment that reminded them what they were fighting for? Surely, this moment, right here, this was one of them.
A warm breath of fresh air when you came into their lives. It felt like Sam was getting the wind knocked out of him when he saw you. Hair messy and unkempt, blood drenching your being, fresh from a hunt. You assured him and the others that this is one of lesser days you’ve had and apologized for the mess and the smell. However, Sam thought you were breathtaking.
Surely, the person in front of him wasn’t real.
But you were.
You were so very, very real and Sam was so very thankful. Sam watched you from that moment on, your motions so fluid and calculated, it made Dean and him look like children. Sam truly has never seen a person so cunning, so fresh for the battle. Your witty charm and charisma was one of those things that made people want to be around you. Including Sam. Especially Sam. Sam was never one to beat around the bush but when it came to you, Sam found himself lost, like a little school boy all over again. Sam chuckled at the thought, rubbing his head in an act of embarrassment. He was a grown man after all. He’s killed more things than most people could dream about and here he was, getting flustered over you. But that’s just it. That’s all it took. A smile there, a hand lingering too long for its own good, just trying to remember what your skin felt like.
It was soft.
Right now was the most important moment Sam had to offer. As you stood there, breath huffing in the cool air, clouds forming around you from the heat leaving your body, Sam swore you never looked better.
There was a look in your eye.
A look that told everyone that they should either fear you or get on your good side. Sam wondered what it was like to be on the receiving end of that look but Sam knew he would never find out. There was no way, heaven or hell, God or Lucifer, good or evil, Sam swore he wasn’t gonna leave your side. It was in this moment as you stood there, carrying the gun in one hand and machete in the other, that Sam finally made a mental commitment. Sam finally learned that it was you he had been waiting for; longing for this whole time. Sure, Sam had thought highly of you the moment you two had met.
But this was different.
It was like someone had flipped a switch in his brain and suddenly it all made sense. It was time for Sam to finally voice his emotions and feelings, throwing all caution in the wind.
This was the moment little Sammy Winchester fell in love with you.
AN: My first request! Thank you so much for the request and for the wait! I'm so sorry it took so long things are still in the mix right now with my phone and wifi. Plus my sister started college so I had to help her move into her dorm. It's also my birthday this week, so a lot of stuff happening right now. But I'm so happy right now, no lie. I'm very grateful for the opportunity to share my writing and I hope you enjoyed it. Please remember to like, reblog and follow for more writings in the future. Requests are currently opened so send them my way!
*All works are reserved and owned by TherapyForRent. Any reposting/alternating/ distributing the works without permission is prohibited.*
#supernatural #spn #team free will #sam winchester #sam winchester x reader #dean winchester #castiel #TherapyForRent #RentYourTherapy
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