#geto x yn
grartsss · 3 months
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Geto’s DM: babe, I miss you
Twitter: GRARTSS
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slttygeto · 7 months
note: reader knows a bit of french, very self indulgent.
teacher and twin girls dad! suguru who doesn’t watch his mouth around his 11 month old twin girls and ends up saying a curse word. you’re out on a little much needed shopping spree and told him you’ll be back in a bit, but now he wishes to just flee the country because he knows he’s in trouble.
“fuhck!” one of his baby girls repeats after him and all color is drained from his face.
“no no baby-“
“fuck fuck-“ the other twin joins her sister and suguru has to hold his head in his hands as he watches the chaos unfold before him. he needs them to learn another word, or find a word similar to the curse word to avoid getting in trouble with you—oh! he knows what to do.
fuck is similar to a french word you taught him…phoque…the animal, yeah! yeah you’d totally buy that!
“i’m back!” you announce as you open the door and the sound of your babies squealing and crying as they try to crawl towards you makes your heart swell.
“oh pretty girls, did you miss me? I thought you loved papa!” you pick both of them up with so much ease—11 months of learning how to do things when suguru wasn’t around truly paid off.
“hi baby,” suguru emerges from the kitchen with an apron around his waist and you giggle at how small it is before pecking his lips.
“hey there, you look so attractive,” you tease your husband and he rolls his eyes as he tries to take one of your baby girls from you, but she clings onto you and your jaw slightly drops.
“this is new! yesterday you refused to come to me,” you tease your little girl before pecking her check—not without doing the same to your other baby girl of course.
“dada fuhck!”
suguru watches as your smile drops and your head whips toward him and he cannot believe that he shivers at your stare. your husband has seen every side of you, but becoming a mother has definitely made you 10 times scarier (and more attractive).
“oh you know, I turned on the TV and there was this french channel that had a documentary about animals and stuff—“
“you don’t even understand french.” shit, you weren’t buying it.
“but you do! and apparently, our girls got that from you—“
“suguru.” you say sternly and he slowly starts to accept his faith.
“chat!” “meoww,” the little interaction between your twin girls is unexpected. the random french coming out of their mouths makes you a bit confused, but suguru doesn’t care—it seems like you’re buying his story.
“that’s…cat in french—okay, but out of every animal they chose to say seal?” you sigh a little and suguru kisses your forehead.
“it’s okay, we can teach them other words like… bonjour?”
“hm, might as well do it.”
thank god you believed his bullshit of a story.
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2023: all works belong to @ slttygeto. do not repost my works on any other platofrm.
—💭 if you like this, leave me a tip!
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stsgluver · 4 months
when geto was a student, his favourite time of the day was night. specifically around 9pm, once you had finished your training and late night studying, knocking three times on his door in a specific pattern so he knew it was you. he was forced to wait until after the third knock to open the door, to pretend like he hadn't stood by the door for the last ten minutes waiting for you.
at some point, he always ended up sitting on the floor in front of you. your legs would be swung over his shoulders as he lightly ran his fingers up and down the skin of your bare thighs. you would be gently combing his hair, detangling the black strands he kept tucked away neatly in his bun throughout the day.
geto was usually quiet by now, half asleep as your fingers massaged the base of his head. you were still babbling about whatever drama that had happened at kyoto and he would try his best to be engaged but you never prompted him to say anything more than ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘oh my god did she really?’
“look at how pretty you look.” his eyes would flutter open at the sound of your voice and your phone would be inches from his face, camera facing him. he’d be smiling wide, thanking you for your services (there had been occasions when you’d used bright pink bobbles to plait his hair) but his eyes would be on your figure in the back the entire time.
he’d give you a kiss then, maybe two or three more after that just to show his appreciation. then he’d pull back his covers and hold you close beneath them, grateful that the two of you had made it through another day together alive.
as an adult, his answer was still the same. night was the only time of day when the stars would be visible above him, your star always shining the brightest.
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seiwas · 6 months
suguru looks at you and thinks he could tell you everything.
it's tempting—how you hold his gaze when others normally avoid it. anyone else and their eyes dart away immediately, blurring him into the background. not with you though; with you, he exists in central focus.
there's a strand of your hair that's fallen out of place, and he reaches to tuck it behind your ear, quickly. it's a trick, a sleight of hand that conceals the tremble of his fingertips.
(your breath hitches when he grazes your cheek.)
the noise in the cafe is a symphony of indistinct chatter and soft alternative folk music, with ceramics clinking as the constant underlying beat. none of it is supposed to go together, but it carries the ambiance in its harmony.
he leans in closer when you speak.
you continue your story, off on a tangent already; his head tilts to the side, a finger to his temple as he nods along, lips curling at the edges fondly. this same look has made others nervous, flustered, but you seem unfazed; meeting him eye-to-eye overtly.
which isn't normal.
and if he's being truly honest with himself, none of this—what he's doing, thinking, how he's feeling—is normal.
suguru believes in secrets, that some things are better kept to himself.
but, it's one look into your eyes, at the way you regard him so unlike everybody else that has him wondering how you'd react if he tells you you look pretty instead of nice today—how you are pretty much a frequent visitor to his thoughts lately.
(you talk and talk and talk because you can never tell what he's thinking—mysterious smile matched with an unnerving stare is a combination too deadly.)
he doesn't do 'brunches'—it's either a late breakfast or an early lunch, pick one—yet he finds himself seated in a cafe at 10:27 a.m., having one with you.
the lock to his chest has been tampered with; if he dusts it off, he'll find your fingerprints, left behind unknowingly. you are innocent until proven guilty, but his lips, usually shut tight, are now slowly unzipping; it's you, the root of all this.
if he tells you he likes looking at you—might always want to—would you consider having another brunch with him? to stay longer in that suspended in-between of breakfast and lunch time?
(you blink, suguru still leaned in, listening.)
(if you tuck a strand of his hair behind his ear, will his breath hitch just the same?)
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for @rinniessance; a lil birthday gift for you angie bby! (i might be a lil early posting this... oop!) i've never written sugu but wanted to try for you 🥹 ily you beautiful soul!! (not a birthday fic itself but i hope i gave a decent characterisation of him! 🥺)
thank you notes: @mysugu @soumies for helping me try to figure this man out 😭
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comments, tags, and reblogs are greatly appreciated ♡
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todorokies · 3 months
cherry blossoms, tarot cards & chamomile - suguru geto
contents: sfw, fluff, meet-cute at book store, fem!reader, strangers to potential lovers, mentions of curses & whatnot, tarot cards reading,, 1.5k words.
a/n: this one goes out to the hopeless romantics who wanna fall in love in a bookstore aka me (we hear & see you)
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spring has sprung as one would say. the pale snow that covered the ground has melted away, which in turn allows the freshly cut grass to flourish.
cherry blossoms had recently littered the streets alongside the sidewalks, with each petal engaging in a unique twirl that fluttered like a dragonfly before angelically collapsing on the concrete.
with spring came along new missions suguru would have to endure either by himself or with his trusted friend —and nuisance— satoru. as curse energy that once accumulated during the toughest season gets released during the warmer seasons.
today was different however, the pair had been sent into town to retrieve a relic from the past of jujutsu history; a two thousand year old book that slipped out of the archives and has been rumoured to be contained in a bookstore hidden in the nooks of jimbocho.
“the warm breeze outside might fix the low oxygen levels in your heads.” yaga sarcastically reasons when satoru made his complaints about the origins of the mission known.
the raven haired sorcerer reprimanded his tone but expressed his concerns in a more diligent manner. anyone with half a brain would know it would take many decades to successfully pawn through each and every bookshop in the jimbocho district for a specific book, that neither of them even have the slightest clue as of what it looks like.
nonetheless, they were shooed off campus with a pat on the back and a simple: “you’ll know it when you see it—or rather feel it.”
suguru now navigated through the busy streets alone, —his white haired companion taking off a few hours ago on his own journey— with both hands in his pockets taking in the simplicities of life that surrounded him while keeping his eyes sharp for any unusual curse energy.
each corner he’d turn the storefronts would be filled with colourful book spines neatly lined adjacent to one another. the harsh sound of crimped sandpaper occasionally made its presence known when a costomer would flip through the pages.
a bitter earthly aroma tangoed with the wind. one would simply scrunch their nose up and turn the other way but for suguru, the olden smell of books filled him with comfort.
elderly couples hand in hand, a few children accompanied by their parents, and the complementary store cats that would linger in the isles or be found curled up on a random stack of books.
after roaming about and checking a few stores for their recent inventory stock, suguru oddly felt inclined towards a particular store that was larger than the others.
he enters, a ring of a bell from above signals his arrival. immediately, the smell of different assortments of tea wafts in and lingers in his nose.
a café combined with a bookstore…that’s definitely convenient. he eyes the ‘ring for assistance’ bell that rest apon the main counter, he lightly scoffs before ringing it.
“how many times do i have to tell your ass, no, you can’t conduct a séance he—” you round the tight, abelit, breathable corner to face the person it seems you weren’t expecting. you slightly jump back in a frightened manner then regain your composure, or more so, your customer service demeanour.
“my apologies! business is slow today and i thought a rather persistent costomer had came back. do you need help with a book or would you like to order something?” you enunciate your words with care, trying to not let any vocal cracks slip as you fiddle with your colourful apron which is a rather stark contrast from your all black work uniform. 
suguru would pride himself as goal oriented man. the kind demands of asking to take a look at your recent stocks to see if the cursed book has fallen onto your shelves nearly wavers past his lips but the faint smell of his favourite tea clouds his better judgement.
“yes, i’d take chamomile tea with honey please.”
“coming right up!” you popped the ‘p’, scurrying off into the back to prepare his choice of beverage. alone with his thoughts again, suguru observed his surroundings with more caution.
the store has a whimsical charm to it. different array of ambiance lighting scattered throughout the establishment, vintage burgundy rugs made an appearance here and there, a few wooden chairs cushioned by velvet and a long couch that looks as if it has been passed down through many generations.
a sturdy coffee table in the middle and of course, the probably hundreds of thousands books neatly tucked in the shelves.
he wonders if you run this big place by yourself, must be a hassle if you do. he also wonders why a séance was mentioned by you in an irritated tone. maybe it could connect to his current mission? he plans on subtly bringing the topic up.
“one chamomile with honey!” you cheerfully announce handing over his mug. you don’t miss the way your heart skips a few beats when your fingers accidentally brush against his.
suguru nods his head to express his thanks. while digging for his wallet he brings up what’s been on his mind, “what was that séance you were talking about before?” he lightheartedly inquires.
you cautiously look over your shoulders and nibble on your bottom lip, as if you were scared someone might hear, “nothing too serious i suppose. these past few days business has plummeted cause there’s been talk about how this place is haunted.”
a small beat passes.
“which it isn’t by the way! just some silly stuff kids say when they wanna get under uncle daichi’s skin,” you grimace.
you then go on a bit of a tangent about how the alleged “hauntings” started a few weeks ago, just about the same time you gotten a new inventory restock. books would fly off shelves, unnerving whispers can be heard, lights would flicker and the atmosphere would turn unsettling.
suguru is unfazed yet intrigued by this, he calmly listens as his sharp eyes never leaves your face. he notices how animated your expressions are when retelling the events; you talk heartily with your hands as well as your voice that creates a certain bass to match your feelings.
he hums as he takes a slip from his mug, “can you show me the known hotspot for these hauntings?” you nod eagerly and swiftly move from your spot at the front desk to the back of the store.
yaga wasn’t kidding when he said he’d be able to feel the cursed book, as the cursed energy in the air multiples a tenfold when they step into the secluded part of the store the lighting couldn’t reach. he wonders how a cursed object this powerful was able to conceal itself from being spotted for so long.
suguru plucks the hefty grimoire off the shelf, small dust particles flying in its wake, “i’d like to purchase this one.” you look at him as if he grew an extra pair of eyes, but quickly shrug off any confusion and lead him back to the front of the store to cash him out.
as you progress his payment you feel conflicted about letting this particular stranger go so soon. holding him up for a few minutes couldn’t hurt, right?
“uhh.. wait, with each purchase a tarot card reading is offered free of charge. would you like to know what the future potentially has in store for you?”
suguru presses his lips in a thin line and sighs. he doesn’t have time for this and doesn’t believe in cards beholding a hidden future, however he is a sorcerer and just bought a book that would be a danger to society if not soon contained. raining on other peoples parade simply isn’t his forte.
he softly smiles with his eyes turning into crescent moons, “hit me.”
you try to conceal your excitement as you bring out a deck bound together by a rubber band. you start shuffling until four different cards slip out of the deck.
death, judegment, eight of cups, and the lovers.
“intresting…don’t be too alarmed by the death card, it could indicate the decay of a friendship that doesn’t hinder towards your beliefs or an troublesome habit finally coming to an end.”
you continue, “judement and eight of cups go hand in hand as your new calls for action may put certain things into perspective for you, as this chosen path may lead to dissatisfaction.”
“and finally, the lovers card is the nice light at the end of the tunnel. someone you can confine in and pour your heart out to; tarot cards can be interpreted in millions of ways so, take what i say with a grain of salt.” you smile as you put the cards away to bid the stranger farewell.
suguru stares astonished absorbing this information, you’re good. he’ll give you that. “well..thanks for the reading and the tea, have a great day.”
and just like that, he turns his back to leave until he stops just in front of the door. “oh, and i can assure you the ‘hauntings’ should come to an end now.” he smirks and waves you goodbye.
you smile until he fully leaves which is when the realization hits that you didn’t even get the chance to get his name, you frown and groan into your palms.
maybe he’ll swing by again…hopefully.
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reblogs & feedback is extremely appreciated !! <3
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miyatcha · 6 months
paper cranes | suguru geto
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naw...its so lowk quality. oh welll :( | fluff | suguru is a canon manspreader LMFAOO
you catch suguru geto folding paper cranes- and that’s the first time you meet him. he sits in the middle of the bench as if he owns the whole thing, a stack of patterned origami paper with a paperweight on top on the side. 
it’s spring, and against the blooming flowers, you think he’s the prettiest boy you’ve ever seen. 
“you’re taking an awful lot of space on that bench.” your teasing tone snaps him out of his concentrated task, quick to grab the paper and scoot to one side. 
“sorry- bad habit.” he’s sheepish, and instead of manspreading like before, he sits upright, fumbling with the craft in his hands. you laugh at him, taking a seat on the other side. 
“what’s got you folding cranes in a park?” you take in the stranger next to you.
“helps me take my mind off things. and you?” he glances up, and his dark eyes meet your gaze. 
the stranger raises an eyebrow, and you realize you haven’t responded. “reading- and maybe some drawing. I don’t know yet.”
you sit down beside him, not really sure how to continue the conversation, but thankfully, there’s nothing between the two of you that makes things awkward. 
“what are you reading?” showing him the cover of the slice of life/romance book you were halfway through, he smiles. “the ending is worth it, don’t worry.” 
“you’ve read it?” 
he nods, placing the crane in his bag. “i might’ve reread it a couple times.” 
your interest in him grows the more you find out about him. “really? i’ve heard it’s a sad ending.” 
he hums, lost in thought. “well, yes, it’s sad- but good. do you think the main characters should stay together?”
you pause for a moment, mulling over his question. while you were a sucker for happy endings, it just wouldn’t make sense with the type of people they were. 
“no. she was going in a different direction than him- even if they were good for each other, they wouldn’t be happy. so does this mean they don’t end up together?” he shrugs, finishing another crane and adding it to his growing pile. “are you making the cranes for anything?” you change the subject. 
i don’t have the cranes for anything specific, no, but they’re pretty, aren’t they?” he holds a finished one in his palm, with meticulous folds at every edge. you nod, and he smiles, satisfied.
"do you know how to make any?"
"it's honestly been so long- i might know a few steps, but that's it."
he pauses, smoothing over the crane's neck. "i'll teach you the next time i see you around." it's his signal to leave, and as he gathers his things, you finish the page of the book you were reading. when you feel the seat shift, you glance up at the stranger, hoping that deep down, something more would happen.
"it was nice to meeting you..." you realize. “i never got your name.”
“suguru geto. you?” the boy smiles, and his eyes crinkle at the edges.
“___ ___.” you wave to him, ready to tell your friends all about the encounter with the pretty stranger.
when he's no longer in sight, you notice a green crane on the seat, and you’re quick to pick it up and search for him, but he’s disappeared. 
you fold down the wings for him, and find something written on the flaps. it’s his number. 
‘call or text :)’
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giasfolklore · 7 months
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“i just wanna be one of your girls tonight.”
꒰ synopsis ꒱ྀི with the need to stand up for working overtime and still not getting paid enough you were challenged to talk to the chief of the medical department but things took a wild turn there and guess what? It wasn’t just talking.
୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ note: posting today about my cutie!! this is all just porn with plot tbh not proofread
꒰ content warnings ꒱ྀི nsfw (17+), fem!reader, praise, dom!geto, oral (f! recieving), pussy drunk geto, rushed, unprotected sex, porn with plot.
。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。
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I imagined trudging into his office and slamming the door shut. Before he could ask me what I was doing, I’d take of my shirt. Then I’d walk over and sit on him, and kiss him. Let him remove my bra. He’d have a hand on my back and the other on the back of my head. That way I couldn’t back out. I’d pull off his shirt and work with his belt.
Once the fly was down he’d carry me onto his desk, and we’d work together to push off all the papers. Then he’d pull out his cock, and quickly pull down my underwear. He’d be so horny that my panties would only be at my knees and he’d penetrate.
Then he’d pump as hard as he could and I’d moan as loud as I wanted to. Who cares who hears? I’d squeeze the cum out of him. It would be something that seemed perpetual. And, no, there’s no part where I imagine us putting our clothes back on. We wouldn’t. Instead, we’d try some more; on the floor, me sitting on him, me against the wall. We’d fuck our brains out.
These scenes repeated and altered themselves in my mind as I bit into my sandwich.
“… right, y/n?”
I turn suddenly, “I’m sorry, what?”
“Our overtime. It’s unfair,” Paris said.
“Yeah,” Ashley agreed, “We’re overworked and underpaid.” As she continued her speech, the other nurses were nodding their heads and making affirmative noises. “They should stop letting the doctors get off so easy. Otherwise, pay us more or hire more of us. Now who’s gonna’ march into the chief’s office and tell him?”
“Not me,” Paris shook her head, “It’s a lost cause. He’s too busy with his divorce and whatnot.”
“I’ll do it,” I said without thinking. They all began to laugh.
“You?” Ashley said in disbelief.
“Yeah, no offense, y/n, but you’re not exactly the type who wins arguments,” Paris said.
Another girl, I forgot her name, said, “Yeah, what’re you going to do?” She began to mock me; put her hands behind her back, looked down at the ground, and wiggled her feet, “Umm… sir… C-c-could you please…” She didn’t even finish. They all laughed once more.
I stood up and threw my sandwich onto the table. “Oh yeah? Watch me.”
I could feel their wide-eyed stares as I marched down the hall. What was I doing? What am I thinking?
That was stupid of me to ask. Of course I know what I’m thinking. The circumstances were perfect. I was thinking to get some, that’s what. This was my chance. I had an excuse to go down to his office.
But when I got there, I choked.
“Hi, y/n,” he said absentmindedly, looking down at his papers. “What do you need?”
“Well, I…” I tried to remember bits and pieces of Ashley’s speech, “We work overtime, and we’re not getting paid enough, and you should pay us more, and hire more nurses, and… Wait, that’s not…” I slammed my forehead with my palm.
Smooth, Tiffany. Smooth. That was definitely sexy. How could he resist you now? Coward.
Suddenly, I thought of kissing him. I imagined him undressing me. I couldn’t think of a good argument. My clit had an itch that only his cock could scratch. It was warm, tingly and empty.
“ y/n-”
“I’m not taking ‘no’ for an answer,” I barked out, and immediately regretted it.
Overly demanding nurse equals mistress with whip? There are just some lines I can’t cross.
Geto looked up at me. He stood up and said, “Why should I? What will I get out of it? What are you willing to give me in return?”
This is your chance. Make it sexy. Seduce him.
I walked up to him until our faces were only a few inches away. I looked into his eyes and said, “Anything.”
He looked into my eyes, and then down the length of my body. Was he finally noticing me as a woman? Was he sizing me up? Was he looking at my boobs? I sure hoped so.
“On your knees,” he said.
“W-what?” I stuttered.
“You said you’d do anything, right? On your knees,” he demanded.
This wasn’t going the way I planned it, but I had to learn to be flexible if I wanted him to take me seriously. So I got on my hands and knees. Then Ken proceeded to walk around me. I assumed the worst as I heard him shut the door and unzip his fly.
Before I knew it, his cock was right in my face. It was fully awake. White and its tip almost touching my nose.
“Suck me,” he demanded.
Well, at least it’s not anal sex, I rationalized. So I opened my mouth and put his cock in. I tried to move my tongue around, but suddenly his hand was at the back of my head. He jerked my head forward, “Suck me.” Now it was stuck down my throat, and I couldn’t breathe. I began to choke, but he didn’t care. He started pumping, with his hand still at the back of my head, and the tip of his dick was hammering on the back of my throat. I thought I was going to puke.
Before I knew it, Geto was pumping even harder and he began moaning. Then I felt something slimy slide down. I swallowed. The moment he pulled out I started to cough. I ran out of the office as fast as I could.
I hid inside a bathroom stall, ashamed. This wasn’t supposed to happen. It was supposed to be romantic. It was supposed to be a moment where he finally saw me as a sexy, independent and confident woman. But all he needed was to jerk off.
No, c’mon. That was a good thing. I must have gotten his attention. I went out of the stall and looked at myself in the mirror. I washed my face so it wouldn’t seem too puffy. I traced the dark circles under my eyes from all the overtime. That’s sexy, right? The implication of long, sleepless nights, doing unspeakable things from the cover of night-time ‘til the break of dawn. I let my long raven hair out of its bun and shook my head a slightly to give it a messy, bedhead look, to give the idea that I was rolling around in a bed… with someone else. Then I looked at my uniform… Not much I could do in this area… Except maybe…
I went back into the stall and I removed my undershirt. Then I went back to the mirror. Now the silhouette of my black bra was more visible. In fact, the top edges of the cups were peeking out of the collar. Okay. Now I could go back outside.
I walked down the halls and went back to my regular duties. I was both excited and nervous for when the chief would see me again. This was a big hospital, but I knew he was going to look for me.
Before I knew it there was a tap on my shoulder and a sheepish Geto when I turned.
“Can I talk to you for a second?” he asked.
“Sure,” I smiled.
My heart was beating fast as we turned the corner. As we passed the janitor’s closet, I saw an opportunity. I was breaking a lot of personal boundaries today, so what was one more? I opened the door and pulled him in.
“I thought we might need a little privacy for this,” I explained as I closed the door.
“I’m sorry,” he began. “What I asked of you was inappropriate and out of line.”
“Don’t be sorry,” I slowly moved towards him, in an attempt to sound seductive. “I’d do it again, if you wanted.” I very slowly pulled off my shirt. Then I placed my arms around his neck and pushed my crotch up against his, “How about right now?”
Surprisingly enough we began kissing, and it was like I couldn’t pull him close enough to me. I ran my fingers through his hair as the stubble on his chin scratched on my skin. His fingers traced a line from the nape of my neck down to the small of my back, sending shivers down my spine. I felt his dick harden against my cunt, and I began to undo his belt. He pulled off his shirt, and I pressed my chest against his and began kissing him some more.
I was so hot my leg was starting to vibrate. Geto suddenly pulled away, “I think that’s your phone.”
“Oh.” Oh.
As I was about to read my text, he said, “Listen. I really want to make it up to you. Do you want to have dinner tonight?”
I smiled, “Yeah, I’d like that.” I bent down to reach for my shirt when he suddenly said,
“Can I see them?”
I got up slowly and turned to face him. I moved closer, and he unhooked my bra. I let it fall onto the floor, and he stared at them as he placed both hands on each of them. Then he looked up at me and cupped my face. We began kissing again. Only, this time, we did it much slower. But both our phones buzzed, so it was time to go.
We helped each other dress and went on with our duties. But I couldn’t concentrate. I needed more. I wanted his penis inside my vagina. It was screaming for it, involuntarily contracting throughout the day. I was even tempted to sneak a masturbation session in a bathroom stall. But I controlled myself. I told myself that it would be nothing compared to the real thing. It was the only thing that got me through the day.
When I finally finished my shift, I went home, took a shower, and got dressed. He picked me up at 8 and took me to a restaurant. It was really fancy, too. We sat in an where the seats formed a semi-circle with the open side facing out into the rest of the restaurant. The entire thing was padded with soft material. We sat almost beside each other.
The first thing we ordered was wine. Lots of it. We started talking about anything and everything. Then the subject moved to his divorce.
“My wife is very dominating and controlling,” he was explaining. “She knows what she wants, but she doesn’t care about the consequences.”
“Well, that’s better than being shy and quiet, isn’t it?” I laughed then looked down.
“No,” he put a finger on my chin and made me face him, “I get to learn new things about you. Especially after today.”
“Well,” I slid a little closer to him, “maybe after dinner you’ll get to discover more.” I rubbed my leg up and down his.
“Why wait?” he leaned in closer and began kissing me, sliding his leg up my thigh. I was a little startled when I felt a tug on my panties. I lifted myself up a little so he could pull them off easily. Thank god the table cloths were long. With my underwear on the ground, he began to squeeze my cunt and I gave out a slight moan. Then with his other hand, he rubbed my back in such a way that my bra became undone once again. I moved in closer and put a hand on his crotch, gently squeezing his dick, which started getting harder. Soon his finger was in, and I moaned even louder.
But I was aware that we were in a public place.
I pulled away and said, “Wait five minutes, then follow.” I pushed my underwear under the table cloth and got up. With a spring in my step I went to the unisex bathroom and didn’t lock it.
Five minutes seemed like forever when Geto finally came in. He locked the door behind him. I pulled off his blazer. He put his hands on my butt and pulled me in. We kissed and I pulled of his tie. He unzipped my dress and, as it fell to the floor, my bra dangled on my arms. As I unbuttoned his shirt, he took of his belt. I pulled it off and he unzipped his fly only to reveal a pair of boxers. Out of frustration, I pushed him to the wall, pulled down his boxers enough to expose his penis and then pushed it in. When its tip hit my cervix I let out a loud moan.
With his hands back on my butt he began pushing me in and in and in. With my arms snaked around his neck I sucked on his tongue as hard as I could, almost biting it a couple of times. He pulled away and kissed my neck, and I was caught off-guard. I almost yelled.
He then pushed me backwards, his penis falling out. I threw myself at him and kissed him again. He pulled down the toilet seat cover and sat down. I sat on top of him and couldn’t stop sighing. I pumped and bent backwards so he could kiss my breasts. Then he began to suck my nipples and I sucked on his neck.
He reached for my butt again and began to pull me in so hard his penis hammered onto my cervix, and I couldn’t help it. I could feel my insides contracting as hard as they could, and he began to moan as well. I was sure he was coming, and that I was, too. My patience served me well. This was a million times better than masturbating.
Then his pulling me in slowed down, and our bodies were pressed against each other the whole time. I lay my head on his shoulder, and he lay his on mine. We were both panting.
“Did you like it?” he asked.
“Yeah,” I exhaled. “You?”
“You were so wet,” he sighed. Then he pulled away to look into my eyes, “You’re so sexy.”
“You were really hot,” I was still panting. “Discover enough?”
“Well,” I gave him a peck on the lips, “if we go over to my place, you’ll see a lot more.”
“How about actually having dinner first?” he joked.
I chuckled, “Sure. That, too.”
I very gently got off him and picked up my bra. As I put my dress on, I turned my back to him and said, “Could you help me with this?”
“Sure,” he said, and his hand slipped down and squeezed each butt-cheek once first. Then he zipped it up.
I turned around to help him with his tie. When I was done, I pulled him in closer and asked, “You sure you don’t want another round?”
“I’d love it,” he kissed me. “But I think people are waiting to use the bathroom.”
“But we’re using it,” I put my arms around him again.
He placed his hand on my hips, “Later.”
“Okay,” I kissed him, then let go. “Wait five minutes.”
I unlocked the door and went out and walked back to our table. I tried to very discretely put my underwear back on. But when Geto came back, he slipped his hand under my dress again, and frowned when he felt cotton.
“Why’d you put it back on?” he asked. I shrugged. “Leave it off. I want to touch you,” he began to pull it down again.
“So you’ll touch it, but you won’t use it?” I whispered in his ear.
“Later,” he smiled, then kissed me. “I like just being next to you.”
I felt blood rushing to my cheeks. “Well, I like being near you, too.”
I slid closer so I could lay my head on his shoulder. He put an arm around me and pulled me in for a side hug. This was nice; an unexpected turn of events, if you were to base it from how it began. But I was elated. Tired, but not really. I felt confident. I felt like a woman.
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arsheyee · 4 months
Geto x Y/N: Bad Boy Biker Geto
Sooo I saw a fantastic fan art by this amazing artist and I wrote I geto smut
@polariae that bad boy geto fanart him with a bike inspired me to write this fanfic on geto. Truth is I got horny 🫣🫣
Word count : 1.3k words
This was the fanart
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Hope you all enjoy and become horny
It is a bit long 😅😅😅 about 1333 words long but it is worth it. Got carried away while writing it blacked out and finished it at 3 am
TW: rough sex and name calling daddy specifically
You were frustrated. You weren’t ignored or neglected. You know you weren’t. Geto dotes on you like you are a princess and gives you his undivided attention always.
Maybe you were just being selfish.
“Why don’t you stay home tonight?” You whined, rubbing your body against his just slightly.
He knew what you were doing because he picked you up easily, holding you at eye level so your legs wrapped around his waist and your hands moved into his long hair.
I’m supposed to get there in ten minutes.” He pecked on your lips.
But as you kissed him, you didn’t seem to take that into account. Usually, he was in this position, seducing you while you were the voice of reason. But now it was switched.
“But daddy…” You whined again and at the sound of that word leaving your mouth, Geto cursed under his breath.
“It’s been so long. Wouldn’t you rather stay home and fuck my pussy.”
Your hand was already gripping him through his pants, rubbing over his pants already.
“I’ve been so wet all these days.”
“Y/N…” Geto said your name like it was a curse.
You took hold of his hand and pushed it underneath the flimsy dress you were wearing.
He was able to directly feel both the fact that you weren’t wearing any panties and, that you were wet.
Soaking actually…
“You can do whatever you want.”
Your sweet voice almost snapped his sanity.
“Please. My fingers don’t fuck me as hard as you do.”
He instantly had an image of you spread out on his bed with your fingers deep inside your soaking cunt.
Fingering your clit calling him out.
That snapped his self-control. It drove him wild but it was a good thing. That’s how you wanted him.
He pushed you on the bed and got on top of you.
You were already rubbing your thighs together. You want him deep the friction was not enough.
He swiped his fingers lightly over your clit making you squeal.
“Ahh~ please daddy more”
Focusing on your tits and in between your legs.
“Whatever the fuck I want?” He said, even his voice was more hoarse, rougher. And all you could do was nod.
“Shit, you’re so fucking wet.” He hissed, “Just because I haven’t fucked you in a week? Are you really that fucking needy?”
Yes, he was right you were like a bitch in heat. You wanted him so deep inside you. You were so sensitive from how horny you’d been for so long, imagining his fingers, his cock, his tongue…anything.
You were whining just by how his fingers explored your pussy and clit. By the time he’d inserted two of his big fingers into you gasped, eyes closed, mouth open, and back arching. Your legs moved to close involuntarily but Geto’s hands kept your legs in place by your inner thighs. If anything, spreading them open even more.
“Keep your fucking legs open.”
You felt a sharp slap against your inner thigh when you tried to close your legs. “It’s too much, I ca—I can’t— daddy please ” And yet there you were, hips rolling against his palm to feel the heel of his hand rubbing against your clit.
“Yes oh my God. I’m gonna c—”
But then his fingers were gone, leaving your sloppy cunt empty and clenching around nothing.
“Daddy why pleas—”
You were cut off as his digits went in your mouth. You sucked on them
“Daddy is gonna fuck your tight pussy.”
You could only feel your need for him grow deeper and hotter in your belly, making you wetter and your bare pussy trying to find friction uselessly even with just the air.
Your mouth was watering by the time he shoved his pants and boxer briefs off and you finally had his pretty, hard cock in front of you. Finally. Despite how much he had tried to convince himself of his restraint, his tip was oozing precum already.
Geto climbed over you, pushing your legs further into your chest, effectively folding you in a mating press.
You felt so open. Your hole was clenching around nothing. And it was burning. You brain was short-circuiting and all you could think was Your Daddy Geto
“Ahhh~ ohhh ~ ohmf… daddy…”
Moans pours out your lips as he enters you. The size stung but it felt so hot.
His cock was spreading you open, you could feel him rubbing against your walls, feel every inch of him as he reached deeply into you. Your pussy was taking him in greedily, through his big size that had him looking almost squeezed inside of your small hole. He barely fit.
You were addicted to him.
Especially when his balls slapped against your ass, especially when his weight on you as he drilled into you in a harsh pace had you almost unable to breathe.
Only furthered by his big hand wrapping around your throat,
“Is this what you fucking wanted?”
You could only moan in response to him.
“Can’t use your words baby. “ he smirked and darkly chuckled.
“Ah ah ah Daddy Daddy ohh right theeeerree…. “ You moaned as he hit you g-spot.
There was a sense of incoherence to your voice when you clung to him. “Keep fucking your pussy, daddy, please.” You were dizzy. But it felt so good. “Missed you so much.”
“D-daddy… Ahh Yes yes yeeesss I am going to cum” Don’t stop daddy please daddy” you begged him. And he obliged to your begging by giving you exactly what you wanted.
You put your hand in between the both you you to rub you aching clit. He smacked your hand growling “Don’t fucking touch my pussy. It’s mine. Only mine.”
He ran a hand down to rub at your clit,“Yeah? Feel good? You’re doing so good for me, princess.”
“Taking me so well this pussy is the best.”
“Fuck I’m gonna—” His eyes closed for a second but he watched to make sure he wasn’t hurting you despite your pleads of harder! fuck me harder daddy.
Yes Daddy I ahh~ cumming”
“Cum baby cum you can do it. Do it for Daddy. That’s right, make a mess for me.”
Your eyes were still dazed as his cock hit just the right place deep inside of you. And again and again. He was so good.
He leaned down and kissed your lips, it wasn’t a heavy kiss but it wasn’t a light peck either.
You came so hard you had to pull away from the kiss.
“Ahhhh~” “Fuck baby” he exclaimed as you let out a long moan. He also came along with you.
When he pulled away, he also finally left his position on top of you, pulling out and watching the way his cum stayed filling you up. The white remnants of his cream pie covering your pussy, the physical representation of his tainting.
You lay there on the mattress catching your breath.
“How’s my girl doing?”
But you didn’t answer him, just gave a slightly dopey-sounding giggle and curled up beside him. All he did was wrap his arms around you and keep you there, his lips near your ear. Sometimes he whispered sweet nothings but your fuzzy brain couldn’t focus on those soft words. Picking up soft murmurs of my pretty girl, always so beautiful, my sweet baby.
Are you okay?” He asked and smiled when you nodded.
“Do you need anything?” He again waited until you shook your head.
You let yourself be laid nearly on top of him, your head resting on his chest.
“Thanks for staying home with me. That was so good. It was exactly what I wanted. I just didn’t expect…” You laughed weakly.
You sounded so exhausted, mentally and physically. He didn’t blame you.
“I love you too, princess. Let’s get some sleep. You need to rest. I’m staying home tomorrow night too.”
He felt his cold heart come alive when you whispered a small ‘yay’ just as you drifted off.
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fushigurostoy · 2 months
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˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ VIXYR ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
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like & rt to be added to taglist!
taglist: @gojoster @random-gaylien @shidousmainluvr @yuuuumii @blushmimi @ukiyoeangel @box-time @z4yneism @y6rina @l1lyp4ds
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megumimania · 9 months
Hey!! I love ur jjk writing and I was wondering if I could ask for Geto! Some fluff with his s/o and instead of nobody noticing his struggle, his s/o does and helps him though his hard time and then we never get a KFC heartbreak 😀 anyways thanks sm for all ur works they are great!
tysm anon and i love this idea sm!! hope i did it justice!! 🩷
warnings: angst to fluff, geto is my roman empire, geto deserves the world sorry!
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there’s something off with your boyfriend and it’s bothering you.
over the past few weeks, your usually loving and caring boyfriend has become more distant and subdued. he’s still affectionate but you can tell it lacks the same loving sentiment that it once had. it’s like hes doing it out of obligation, not love. you’ve asked shoko and gojo but it seems like they haven’t noticed anything either, which makes you feel like you’re overthinking this, but there’s something that keeps telling you that whatever geto is going through is much more worse than being in a bad funk.
he barely talks to you anymore, often replying in grunts or little notes he sticks around the place, he barely eats and the signs of it are evident, his uniform being less flattering and his face becoming more gaunt. when you try to raise your concerns, he dismisses them instantly, often saying something along the lines of ‘im fine’ and ‘I’m not even that hungry anyways’ whilst kissing your cheeks as if that is supposed to calm down your anxieties about him. you’re currently losing the man you love right now, watching him waste away in front of you, while the world looks on.
you currently feel like you live in two separate worlds from each other, despite you both being in each other’s spaces all the time. it’s driving you insane how estranged you’ve become these past weeks, it’s like you’re living with a stranger. until one night you finally decide to bite the bullet.
“suguru, we need to talk.” you pat the space next to you, inviting him to join you on the couch. he does so reluctantly, taking a deep breath as he does so. “yes my love?” he says, playing with a loose string of clothing on your shirt.
“are you okay?” you finally ask. he stills for a moment and you’re hoping that he doesn’t take it the wrong way and shut you out of his life. geto’s shoulders finally relax as a strangled sob escapes his lips, “i watched her die right in front of me, y/n.” he puts his head in his hands as he tries to collect himself. “every time i close my eyes i see that moment—it was my job to protect her and i failed, y/n!”
“it’s never was and it will never be your fault, you’re just a kid.” you pull him into a hug, gently stroking his hair. geto crumbles under your touch and for the first time in weeks, all the dark thoughts racing through his head come to a standstill. it seems that the grief and anguish that came with losing riko renders him speechless, as he cries in your arms for what seems like hours. “you did what you could and that is enough.” you gently reassure him.
eventually he pulls away, eyes puffy and bloodshot from crying. “‘m sorry.” he murmurs, wiping his tears away. “i didn’t mean to mess up your shirt.” you take his hands into yours, looking into his eyes. “thats the least of my worries right now, i worry about you suguru, you don’t sleep or eat and it terrifies me that one day i’ll wake up and you’ll be—” ,you blink rapidly trying to stop your tears from falling, “gone.”
suguru’s heart lurches at the thought of that, of him being gone and you being left to pick up the pieces all on your own. so he wills himself to try—for his sake and your own, and so he does because he stupidly realises that is what love is about, the constant support and love that you’ll always have for one another which never wavers, no matter how many times be tried to keep you at arms length in order to protect you.
so he lets you wash his hair, his hair tangled and matted from weeks of not washing it, he lets you feed him, despite his protests. the intimacy of it all makes him realise how lucky he is to have someone like you in his life, that makes the unbearable days much more bearable.
and for first time in weeks, suguru geto goes to bed as a somewhat happy man.
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grartsss · 3 months
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Please let me suck that dick 😬
This was like chapter 206 or something after kenjaku vs Yuki
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slttygeto · 8 months
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synopsis: as geto's girlfriend at jujutsu high and a teacher yourself, ijichi knew that he would never be able to have you. that the stolen glances towards your thighs during the car rides, your sweet smiles that had his cock straining were just embarrassing him. lucky him, you've always had a soft spot for sweet, harmless ijichi.
tags: teacher!suguru, driver!ijichi, fem!reader, established relationship, smut.
c.w: fem!dom!reader, only switches with suguru, sub!ijichi, pussy drunk! ijichi, cunnilingus, blowjob, cumshots<3, ijichi cums on your face hehe, praise (directed towards ijichi mostly), suguru watches you two, protective sex.
word count: 2,6k
note: i've had this on my mind all day, i literally started the draft before classes started and i just finished it. and for the record, i know that these two have never interacted before, but i love the idea of pussy drunk ijichi and possessive suguru<3. have fun!
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geto was not fond of the idea. in fact, he couldn’t understand where it came from and why you’d suggest it in the first place.
“it’s just for fun baby,” you traced a finger down his chest while your other hand held his tightly. “there’s no harm in having some fun, no?”
there was truly no harm in having some fun, but when the fun included another man, a man whom he didn’t know that well to trust with touching you—or rather letting you touch him, suguru was a bit hesitant.
you lead suguru inside the other man’s bedroom with a blindfold covering his eyes and sit him down on one of the arm chairs there. your boyfriend patiently waits on the chair until you remove the blindfold and—fuck, were you a treat.
“sugu,” you start before pressing a kiss to the corner of his lips. “do you love me, sugu?” the man obviously does, and since words weren’t his forte at times like these, he proceeds to grab onto your ass and pull you closer to him, showing the man on his bed that even after this, after whatever was about to go down—you will always be his, and his only.
“more than words could ever show, princess,” he leans in and presses a kiss to your bare torso. your fingers run through his hair, a coy smile dancing on your lips.
“then sit back and watch, hm?”
throughout the past three years of being a teacher at jujutsu high, Ijichi has always thought that you were gorgeous, stunning—a little tease. he would always turn red at your compliments and hide his face whenever you and suguru would share a small moment of intimacy in the back of his car. his eyes would rake over your bare legs, traveling up towards your thighs before his eyes would lock with suguru’s icy cold ones through the rearview mirror and his blood runs cold.
so you can imagine ijichi’s surprise (and embarrassment) when you told him that you were aware of his perverted and shy stares, and that you liked them in a way. your hand placed on his cheek in a gentle manner before telling him.
“I asked suguru if I could play with you while he watches, he agreed.”
which leads him to where he is at the moment, in the bedroom of his apartment laid out, bare and vulnerable to your hungry gaze all while suguru sat in the corner of the room on a chair, manspread with a stare that could only be described as threatening.
your choice of clothes was very playful too, and ijichi could feel his cock strain against his boxers when he watched you grab one of his blouses to wrap it around your half naked body.
“smells like you, ijichi,” you said in a soft voice, taking a whiff of his perfume–his smell before flashing him a smile. “i like it.”
“oh please,” he whimpers out when you start to unbutton the blouse slowly, and you slowly straddle him with your hands braced on his flushed, heaving chest.
“please? please what?” your finger traces his hardened nipples, traveling down towards his stomach where he clenches his abs at the ticklish feeling. your pussy sat right on his hardened member, giving him more than enough reasons to buck up his hips and make you scold him.
“no,” you slowly get off of him and your hand grabs his hardened cock through his boxers. “not yet, mhm?”
this was a different side of you that suguru has never seen before. you were always so pliant, so obedient and easily submissive to his touch, his voice and his ministrations. to be able to make a man fold like this for you, use that voice on him and render him a weeping mess beneath you—suguru wasn’t sure whether he liked it or not.
your fingers tug at the elastic band of ijichi’s boxers and you pull them down. his cock springs free, and you bite your lip at how shy and embarrassed he gets from your stares. the tip is red and angry, leaking white liquid and you can’t help but lean down and give the tip and kittenish, experimental lick that has the man in glasses gasp in surprise.
“you taste so good,” your hand wraps around the base and you squeeze his cock, causing him to gasp and look down at you. “is this what you imagined? when you kept staring at my thighs all the time,”
he hesitates for a second, eyes locking with suguru’s who seems to be palming himself at the sight of your ass so perked up, your body arched over the bed to reach ijichi. the men lock eyes and ijichi gulps when suguru’s gaze hardens at your question.
noticing how the man melting under your touch suddenly quieted down, you look over your shoulder towards your boyfriend and give him a pout.
“suguru, don’t be mean.”
“am not, sweet girl,” he replies in his sweet voice.
“you’re scaring him,” your hand starts to stroke his cock, and ijichi can no longer keep his noises in as he bucks up his hips and grips onto the pillow underneath his head. “how can he fuck me if you’re staring at him like that?”
suguru’s entire demeanor shifts at the mention of ijichi fucking you. he is about to refuse first, tell you that there was no way that another man will be inside you in his presence but he stops when he sees you turn around and engulf ijichi’s cock inside your mouth. you bob your head up and down just like how you do it on his cock, your fingers wrap around the base and squeeze and your free hand fondles with his balls just like how you do it when you give him head.
ijichi’s flushed cheeks and sweaty forehead become something so interesting to you because you can’t stop staring at him. there is something so fascinating about a man falling apart under your touch and making you feel in control—you like the feeling.
ijichi’s hands shyly rest on top of your head, and it seems as though suguru needs to remind him of what he is doing.
“careful.” but before ijichi can remove his hands, your hand wraps around one of his wrists and keep it on your head, pushing his fingers to grip your hair.
you release his cock from your mouth with a “pop” sound and your tongue trails all over that one prominent vein.
“suguru is so mean, isn’t he?” you mumble against his cock, and your boyfriend shoots you a warning stare that you can’t even see.
“darling,” he starts but you cut him off.
“don’t worry,” you whisper against ijichi’s cock before planting a sweet kiss to the tip of his cock. “I’m not as mean as him, I can be as sweet as you imagine me to be,” you grin against the skin and he starts shivering in anticipation.
“i-imagine you?”
“oh, come on pretty boy,” you kiss his inner thighs gently. “you think I don’t know?”
to which ijichi shakes his head. you reach to grab his hand from your hair and kiss the palm first before licking between his fingers, all the way up to the pad of them—and then you start sucking them.
the man watches in awe as you give his fingers the same treatment you were giving his cock a few moments ago, and it twitches in your hand.
you let go of his fingers with a smile.
“you fuck your fist stupid to the thought of me, don’t you?” oh god. his abs twitch again, and he can barely look you in the eyes when you give his pretty cock another kiss.
“don’t be shy,” you purr. “I like it when a pretty boy like you is desperate.”
out of all the things that you imagined would go down, this was not it. not that you were complaining.
you sit back on your knees, surprise evident on your face as your fingers touch your cheeks, nose and finally your lips. you flash a red ijichi a smile before licking the cum off of your lips.
“you like it when someone talks you through it, huh?”
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry–“ he tries to grab a tissue to clean your face, but a deep voice interrupts him.
“leave it.” you pout as you turn to face suguru, but your lips part when you see that he stood up from his chair and was walking towards you, his looming figure making you submit so easily for him and almost melt on the mattress and between ijichi’s spread out legs.
your boyfriend grabs your chin and pulls out a napkin, wiping your face so gently that you melt under his touch. the man laid on the bed watches with wide eyes at the difference in your demeanor, how one moment you were handling him with so much confidence and now you were melting under your boyfriend’s touch.
“he needs to get hard again to fuck you, right?” suguru mumbles against your lips and you nod before pulling him into a deep kiss. you don’t care that the position is uncomfortable, nor that the man watching you two make out has never even seen you kiss in public beside a couple of pecks because you always liked to keep things “private”.
he watches as suguru gropes your ass cheeks and slowly undresses you from the blouse, his touch leaving goosebumps on your skin and you moan against his lips. your hand reaches down towards ijichi’s calf and he’s startled that the attention is back on him.
giving suguru one last kiss, you push him softly back towards the chair.
“eat me out, ijichi. think you can do that?” he nods mindlessly, almost dumbly and you give him a grin. you expect him to pull you on his face but when he flips you two over and catches you by surprise, the gasp leaving your lips quickly turns into a moan when he buries his nose in your clothed cunt.
“oh fuck,” he pushes your legs towards your chest, fingers pulling your panties down to reveal the sweet cunt he’s been dying to taste.
“does it smell good?” and ijichi’s eyes almost roll to the back of his head when his tongue gets to taste your pussy for the first time.
“pussy got him acting dumb,” suguru comments from his spot, hand fisting his cock slowly. despite not being the biggest fan of the situation, there was something strangely exciting about watching a man devour your pussy so hungrily. he knew ijichi wanted you, he knew why he wanted you—but only suguru got to have you. for ijichi to lose his mind at the taste only and not at the way your pussy usually sucks his cock in and milks it—yeah, the desperation was hot.
“b-be nice to him,” you try to say through moans, head thrown back when his tongue kept licking at your clit. he sucks on the bed, saliva and arousal mixing together and leaking down your thighs and on the towel laid out underneath you. your fingers grip his hair and push him closer to your pussy where you grind on his face, your sweet sounds filling the room.
suguru was fixated on your wet pussy, fisting his cock to the same rhythm as ijichi licking and sucking at your clit, the sight of your boyfriend being so lost in his pleasure had you bursting and cumming on the man’s mouth with a loud whine.
ijichi lets you ride out his orgasm, trembling fingers soothing your thighs and calming you down in a hushed voice.
“so good,” you whisper out loud. “y-you were so good,” your hand wraps around his jaw and you caress his cheek with your thumb. he melts against your touch but quickly regains his composure before reaching towards his night stand to grab a condom.
“mmm, so desperate to fill me up? even though you just ate me out?”
“i-it’s so wet,” he stutters out, wrapping the condom on his hardened cock.
“all for you, baby,”
“watch it.” suguru warns you and halts his movements when he hears you talk to him like that, eyes shooting daggers at the man aligning the tip of his dick with your folds. and you bite your lip, totally ignoring him and holding your legs to your chest before giggling when the man slipped with his dick and nudged your clit.
“it’s so wet,” you say in awe and he finally pushes inside.
your legs wrap around his waist and pull him close towards you. you let him fuck inside you for a few moments, letting him relish in that moment of having a bit of control before you start to fuck up into him and he has to pause his movements not to cum so quickly like earlier.
“what’s the matter, pretty boy?” your arms wrap around his neck to pull him closer to you. “pussy got you dumb already?”
suguru sees that ijichi is so close to kissing you, but before he can even intervene, you press your index finger to his lips and give him a kiss on his cheek.
“sorry, I only kiss my boyfriend.”
you keep fucking up into him, fingers grabbing onto the back of ijichi’s head and pulling at the hair there. you squeeze around him and coo softly in his ear.
“you are doing so good for me, you know?” “never had a pretty boy fuck me this desperately,” “are you close? cum for me, make me proud.”
the last one seems to hit him hard, because he soon has to hold himself up on the pillow under your head and let out soft, desperate noises as he empties himself into the condom. your fingers start rubbing at your clit at the sight, moaning softly into his ear to give you a helping hand.
but before ijichi can react, he is not too roughly pushed away from you and he watches with wide eyes as suguru hooks his arms under your legs and pulls you towards the edge of the bed.
“leaving my girl unsatisfied,” he mumbles in disapproval before attaching his lips to your clit.
“o-oh! suguru!” your hands immediately fly down to his hair.
“watch and learn.” suguru eats you out and fingers you until you are a weeping mess on the man’s bed. he could care less that the man was only a few inches away, mind focused on the way you smell like another man, and how he has to get rid of this smell.
“this is,” a kiss to your clit. “how you eat,” then another to your folds. “pussy properly.” and then back on your clit.
he spits and kisses your pussy with so much passion, strong arms holding you open for him until you cum around him hard. your eyelids feel heavy, hands reaching towards ijichi to caress his thigh, comfort him and tell him that he did a good job but sleep gets the best of you and you pass out on the bed with the two men hovering over you.
it’s a little quiet for a bit but suguru quickly lifts you up to clean you, dress you up before driving back home.
“tell her…tell her I said thank you.” ijichi calls out from his bedroom, watching as your boyfriend carried you to the guest bathroom.
“I will. go clean yourself up, okay?”
one thing suguru knew, he never wanted to do this ever again.
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2023: all works belong to @ slttygeto. do not repost my works on any other platofrm.
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stsgluver · 4 months
𝐀 𝐇𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐘 — gojo satoru, geto suguru
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synopsis. what better way to spend a hot summer's day than in your best friend's basement smoking?
wc. 1.5k
tags. mdni nsfw themes, suggestive, gojo x yn x geto, also implied x shoko, no real established relationships apart from shoko x utahime everyone just likes to mess around, smoking, implied sub!gojo
a/n. happy early valentines!! Gojo's coming back tomorrow I feel it
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the basement was foggy and hot, a distinct smell in the air as you, geto and gojo passed a blunt between the three of you. you’d hidden in the dimly lit basement to escape the heatwave outside, cold towels discarded on the centre table once they’d reached room temperature.
geto sat with his legs spread, blunt between his lips as he tilted his head back and took a hit. the veins on his outstretched arm became more prominent as he lightly gripped the back of the sofa right by your head.
you swallowed thickly at the sight of the small beads of sweat that dripped down the side of his neck. he had tied his hair up to stop it from sticking to his skin but that had only made him look more attractive. your thighs subconsciously squeezed together at the thought of him between your legs, fingers entangled in his bun pushing him closer and–
“give me some.” his words were demanding, yet gojo looked anything but – peering up at geto through half-lidded eyes. 
you sat on the other half of the sofa with geto, legs across his, relegating gojo to sit by himself on the floor. initially he’d been sat by the table, though with each hit and pass of the blunt he’d inched forward till now when he was between geto’s spread legs, hands loosely wrapped around your calves as he balanced himself. 
geto seemed to consider his words for a moment, his lips pulling up into a smirk at the sight of gojo already. he’d always been the lightweight of the three of you, eyes bloodshot and words slurring after only a few tokes. the lack of air conditioning in geto’s basement only added to his dishevelled look – his glasses were long forgotten somewhere and his hair was clinging to his forehead.
“no,” the younger male shook his head, earning a whine from gojo, “you’ve had enough.” 
with a light chuckle, geto held out the blunt in your direction instead. you gladly accepted, leaning forward to take it from between his fingertips, the brush of your skin against his sending a rush of warmth through your body. 
geto’s arm that had been on the back of the sofa moved forward so that he could push your damp hair back from your face. his touch was barely felt and yet you still found yourself trying to lean in for more.
“please,” gojo’s cerulean eyes were focused on you now, darting between your lips as you blew out a cloud of smoke, and then the low cut neck of your top. he was on the verge of begging and he wasn’t sure what for anymore.
he was also always the first of you to crack, turning an innocent smoking session into a hot mess of intertwined limbs and breathless moans. he would blush about it later on, when geto would tease him for not being able to keep it in his pants for more than five minutes (like he hadn’t been counting the minutes until gojo broke so he could have his way with him).
you, unlike geto, submitted to gojo’s demands far too quickly nearly every single time. he was so pretty looking up at you, fingers drawing circles along your skin as they inched further up and along your thighs in an effort to distract himself from the tightening in his pants. if he was sober, he’d realise that the warmth of your skin beneath his fingers was only igniting the spark further. especially given the fact he’d barely been able to look away from you when you’d first come down into the basement with geto’s top on and skimpy shorts. 
but he wasn’t sober and being this close to you just felt so good.
“come here,” you curled your index finger towards yourself in a ‘come hither’ motion and gojo obediently shuffled forward. instead of settled back onto his heels as he had been before geto, he rested his weight on his knees making himself several inches taller than you – even being sat up.
you took another hit from the blunt, passing it back to geto who’s hands had replaced gojo’s on your thighs. brushing your fingers through gojo’s overgrown undercut, you gently tugged him down and his lips parted without command. he knew what you were going to do. your eyes never left his as you blew the smoke from your mouth into his and he swore if he didn’t close them soon he’d come untouched.
closing the gap between the two of you, you let out a pleased hum as gojo kissed you back, tongue almost instantly coming out to swipe against your lower lip. everything was always fast paced with him and he didn’t deviate from his usual behaviour as his nimble fingers tried to ease themself beneath your top.
“shoko’s going to be pissed we’re doing this without her.” geto’s voice was so casual, like he wasn’t aching just as much as gojo at the sight of the two of you shamelessly making out in front of him. his hand squeezed around your thigh once when you didn’t respond, too enraptured in gojo’s touch.
“not our fault she’s running late,” you countered, pulling back from gojo to take in a much needed breath. geto’s dropped the blunt by now, and he took the chance to pull you from gojo and onto his lap properly. your knees settled either side of him and he lifted his hip to meet yours, a gasp leaving your mouth at the rough contact.
if the room wasn’t already sweltering beforehand, it definitely was now and the thin layers of clothes between the three of you were becoming increasingly uncomfortable. 
“she’s missing out,” geto ducked his head down to yours. he was more methodical in his kisses, always leaving you wanting more and god did you want more. you could feel him beneath you and, though he appeared calm and collected, the iron grip on your hips was testament to his deteriorating self control.
the sofa dipped as gojo took his place next to geto, the older male desperate for attention as he pressed sloppy kisses to the side of geto’s neck. geto smiled against your lips, one of his hands leaving your body to press gojo closer by his lower back. the response was automatic, a pleased sigh from gojo as he left purple bruises along geto’s tanned skin.
“you’re so pathetic,” geto murmured to gojo.
you ran your finger across geto’s bottom lip, “stop, you know he loves that.” 
“you don’t say,” geto cocked a brow, tongue poking out to lick the tip of your finger. gojo pulled back from him, lips swollen despite having spent more time kissing geto’s neck than he had been you. he was grinning, a tent in his sweats clear, loving the way you two spoke about him. 
“jesus christ.” 
light flooded the room as the door to the basement opened and shoko appeared at the top. in her hand was a bag of cold drinks from the corner shop between her’s and geto’s houses and behind her was her girlfriend, utahime. “can you guys not go one day without fucking around with each other?”
you laughed at shoko’s complaining, as if she wasn’t usually the one on her knees. sliding off of geto’s lap, eyes darting down to his visible arousal, you stood up stretching your arms above your head. 
“you’re just mad we didn’t wait.” you blew her a kiss, stealing the bag once she made it to the bottom of the stairs. shoko grumbled but didn’t deny it, grabbing one the blunts off of the table that geto had rolled when you’d first come downstairs. taking out two pepsi cans for yourself and gojo, you dropped the plastic bag onto the table.
shoko took a seat on the adjacent sofa, pulling utahime down onto her lap. “give me that,” she held out her hand for the yellow lighter she knew geto had in his pocket so she could light the blunt in her hand. she took a few hits before passing the lighter and blunt back to geto.
“look, i’m always down for two more to join,” gojo shrugged as you took a seat next to him, curling your legs beneath yourself and tucking into his side. his arm slipped round your shoulder, his fingers brushing against your skin.
“whore,” geto elbowed his side. utahime was still relatively new to your little group… she wasn’t yet to be an active member of all the extra activities you liked to partake in.
“look at yourself,” the white haired male’s hand slid across geto’s thighs to where he was so obviously still desperate to be touched. geto let out a small grunt, narrowing his eyes at gojo’s teasing.
“ieiri, i’d be careful,” you nodded your head towards the blue haired on shoko’s laps, cheeks flushed a deep red, “your girlfriend seemed to like the idea of that.”
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seiwas · 5 months
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₊˚⊹。 —let's play it again | geto suguru
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wc: 1.6k
summary: you don’t see why this good thing should end, so you negotiate. 
contains: implied f!reader but no pronouns used, non-curse!au, fuckboy!suguru, vague descriptions of sex
a/n: a part 2 to fuckboy!suguru inspired by those reels/tiktoks of couples capturing confessions in photo booths 🥺 + an early birthday gift for @irisintheafterglow!! he's a lil softie in this one 🥺 i hope you like it my dear iris!!
part 1 <- you are here
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There’s a reason why Suguru always wins—
At the slightest indication of a loss, he withdraws, slipping out at just the right time before it’s considered a forfeit. 
In this game with you, he removes himself quietly, like a ghost haunting your memories. It’s the day after the seventh time he’s spent the night when he cuts contact. Calls, texts, everything. 
You don’t understand any of it; what you had was good—messages you can’t stop replying to, scratches down the length of his spine, fingers threading through the silk strands of his hair; that kind of good. You don’t see why it should end, don’t want it to. 
So you negotiate. 
Bundled up in your favorite coat and the scarf he never returned for, you corner him in the crisp chill of an autumn afternoon. He’s wearing that damn leather jacket again, black turtleneck high to hide his skin from what you hope is the cold and not from you. 
His gaze continues to reel you in, obsidian pools you could sink into. He still smells of apple and tonka bean; you know the cedarwood won’t hit until he’s walked away, trailing the air he passes through. 
There is so much you know about the man in front of you, how he hides his surprise by clenching his jaw; Suguru’s tell is never his eyes, it’s his lips—its sudden movements, the lift of a smirk down to the constriction of his throat.
“Did I do something wrong?” you ask, brows furrowed and arms crossed, a little anxious.
“Not at all.”
He swallows his lies every time he utters them, does it twice when he’s nervous. 
His Adam's apple bobs two times. 
(He doesn’t tell you your mistake: that you made it so easy to want mornings and nights spent entirely with you). 
So, you negotiate a rematch; a deal to go back to the way things were. 
If by the end of the next six months, neither of you want anything to do with the other, he wins and you’ll never speak to him again. But if you win—
He agrees.
(If he nips it at the bud, proves there isn’t anything more to this feeling and gets over you before he ever has to, then it’s a whole world of pain he’s avoiding—a whole web of attachment he’s never been used to making). 
The rematch finds you learning a new side to Suguru.
He’s still charming, eyes dark and voice honey smooth when he speaks. His hands still know you best between your sheets, grabbing hold of your hips and molding you as he squeezes the flesh when you reach your peak.
There’s still freshly made tea sitting on the kitchen counter when you wake the morning after, its temperature the perfect warmth you know he’s mastered. Dinners are still your favorite, and he continues to lean in instead of asking you to speak louder.
Your contact is in his favorites, everyone else unanswered. 
He’s still the same Suguru, except—
The apples of his cheeks flush warm pink when you call him cute instead of handsome; he stutters the first time he sees you dressed up for the new year countdown. And when he lingers those few seconds before kissing you, you swear you catch the corners of his lips curve up into a small smile. 
He stays awake for a bit after sex. You know because you feel him next to you, finger feather light as it trails down the slope of your nose to your lips; then he kisses your forehead, completely innocent, pure, as if he wasn’t just inside you. 
It’s a softness to him he’s never shown you before, less mysterious and more genuine. 
You learn that he keeps mementos and photos all over his room, either aesthetically displayed or safely tucked inside boxes; that he holds onto the things that remind him of the people he’s let in his life, even when they’re gone—especially when they are.
He loves snacking, biscuits with tea especially, nuts second, and fruits third. When he reaches over one afternoon, cracker pinched between his fingers to feed you so casually, you freeze momentarily. 
But you shake it off quickly, biting it from his fingertips while you smile brightly. The Suguru you know always looks at you directly, but this one coughs before blinking one time too many. 
He swallows twice.
(The voice in his head tells him this’ll do the trick; he’s bared himself to you, mr. mysterious and cool signed out and replaced with none other than just plain Suguru). 
—you like him even more now, you think. 
On the fifth month of this whole ordeal, you bring Suguru to a photobooth. 
You figure that if he wins, at least he’ll have this remembrance of you.
It’s old fashioned, one of those booths that only print in black and white—a time capsule of nostalgia, a place that feels of love captured through stills in time. 
You tell him it’s a late birthday gift from you, a last hurrah for your cutest winter outfits. The end of a season before a new one begins. 
Velvet slips through your fingers as you push the curtain to the side, and you bow your head to step in with Suguru close behind. The set-up is fairly simple: a bench, the camera, a touch screen to keep it modernized. You can take a total of eight shots, to be printed later into two strips of four—one for you and one for him, you figure. 
It’s a bit cramped when you settle into the seat, soft cushion sinking further once Suguru follows next to you; for a man over 6 feet, dressed loosely in wide pants and layers of blazers, you’re surprised he even managed to squeeze himself to fit in this tiny space. 
You zip your jacket up until the collar, fleece tickling the corners of your fingertips. The earmuffs you’re wearing act as a perfect statement piece while simultaneously keeping your hair from flying.
It’s a bit unsettling, but Suguru’s been quiet since you got here—watching, observing. 
(Even while you’re setting up the timer, suggesting poses he’s nodding off to, he focuses on you entirely, tilting his head subconsciously.
You’ve been heavy on his mind lately—all the little things about you he can’t help but notice more intently. 
You must be the sun’s lover, how your eyes seem to reflect every beam of it, warming him even in the winter. He’ll never understand what you mean when you say you hate how your hair looks in the morning, baby hairs sticking up and curling around the edges of your forehead; to him, you always look lovely. There’s honesty, in every breath and word you give him—something he’s not used to, something he isn’t well versed in. 
Since giving this another shot, he’s tried to shake you off, put down his front to show you a Suguru so far from the one you know, from the one that first attracted you—all in the hopes of you dropping him. 
Of you conceding to make him win. 
But he’s realizing—
You call him cute when he’s only ever been handsome. And you laugh at his jokes, all the good but especially the bad ones too; you’ve been complicit to one or two pranks on Satoru. Sometimes at night, he clings onto your body, tucking you within him and draping his leg across your hip bone—he’s a human furnace but you let him engulf you entirely. 
He doesn’t expect you to remember that he loves soba, that he’s dreamt of perfecting all forms of martial arts since he was seven. He doesn’t expect you to remember that he prefers hot showers, so he can step out on the tiles to feel contrast so strikingly cold. 
You shouldn’t know this much about him, and yet you do. 
—there’s no one else he’s been this genuine with. 
So when you peer at him smiling, earmuffs resting cozily by your ears, his eyes soften, face relaxing as the corners of his lips curve up into a small grin. 
He says it, mouth forming the syllables around his words. You tilt your head, confused, eyebrows furrowing because you can’t hear him. 
His hand reaches for you, pushing your earmuffs to slide down the back of your head. It lands to rest around your neck.
“You win.” he says, loud enough to fill the space of the booth. 
You still don’t quite get it, brow raised in puzzlement. 
So he grabs your hand, interlacing his fingers with yours before he repeats himself again.
“I said, you win.” 
And the look on your face when it registers, how your eyes glisten like glints on a sunshower; how you give him the prettiest smile that has his heart running for miles. 
He’s confident he’ll always remember this version of you, thankful that he has evidence of it as the camera goes off into another—
Tears well up in your lash line; one blink and they’ll fall. You’re smiling so hard he wonders if your cheeks are hurting, if you’ll want him to massage them the way you smooth out the knots between his shoulder blades. 
Your hands remove themselves from his, only to replace the heat on his face.
Then you kiss him, lips crashing onto his. you taste of pomegranate—the lip gloss he can’t resist. 
His hand finds its way around your waist, spreading itself to support your back as he dips you, pressing against you harder. While his fingers slot themselves in the junction between your ear and jaw, your hands fall to his chest, gripping the lapels of his blazer. 
Lips smacking, sliding. A breathy smile. 
When you part, his forehead rests against yours, the proximity holding you nose-to-nose. 
Suguru’s never felt this kind of peace—he hopes the camera captures it, how contentment looks on his face in moments like this with you. 
You step out of the photobooth hand-in-hand, collecting the photo strips from the dispenser; it’s your souvenir after all, a tangible evidence to remind you of the deal you made—
—if you win, he’s yours.
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thank you notes: @mididoodles for helping me through this 🥺 + @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat for all the support always!! + @mysugu @soumies bc when i think of sugu i think of u both... 🤧
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comments, tags, and reblogs are greatly appreciated ♡
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todorokies · 7 months
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including: satoru gojo, suguru geto, yuuji itadori, megumi fushiguro
contents: nothing but fluff with some crack (?) & two horror movie namedrops
a/n: this is a bit rough cus i just wanted to put something out for the 31st but happy halloween everyone!
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☆ . . . satoru loves going above and beyond for any project he subjects himself to, always finding efficient ways to add on little fun or niche details for him to be fully satisfied with the results which is why he opts to choosing a pumpkin that would be considered comically larger than the rest in the patch.
you scold him, going on about how inconvenient it is for not only you two but for the workers as well. he simply scoffs, shutting down your concerns by saying,“the bigger the better, baby!”
embarrassment fuels your body as you watch three of the field patch workers hassle with effort to strap the enormous round pumpkin onto a truck for it to be taken home. you glance over at satoru, seeing nothing but specks of light in his eyes with a beaming smile that shines so bright. you could seriously choke him right now.
miraculously, after getting the pumpkin through the door of his home, the carving starts. he changes his mind about the design at least three times even asking you to pitch in for some expertise. after an hour later, you’d come to the conclusion that there’s no way a creative design could be easily done with such huge material; opting to just do a simple smiling face (much to satoru’s dismay.)
☆ . . . suguru had cleared his schedule beforehand for this day, dressing nanako and mimiko warmly for a cool autumn afternoon with you. the day consists of corn mazes, trying candy apples, buying the girls their halloween costumes, and of course, picking pumpkins to carve later in the evening.
the faint dialogue from the movie coraline plays in the background as laughter fills the joyous air. you and suguru provide assistance to nanako and mimiko with their creation while simultaneously giving them the chance to takeover their craft at anytime.
nanako chooses to do a hello kitty design, whereas mimiko did a standard jack-o-lantern face replacing the triangular eyes with hearts. suguru’s pumpkin on the other hand is etched with beautiful meticulous swirls and stars covered from bottom to top.
after the tiresome evening you both put the girls to bed, kissing them goodnight and tucking them in gently. suguru proceeds to then use four flameless candles to light up the pumpkins and put them on the pouch while you set up a new movie; the conjuring.
☆ . . . yuuji is filled with absolute glee when you agree to carve pumpkins with him. he can’t help but fondly smile to himself watching your bottom lip find solace between your teeth whilst your brows furrowed in concentration as you attempt to push your tool through the thick layers.
somwhere along the line, the slimy guts that once reside in a separate bowl, is playful getting tossed around in a war that not one of you can remember who initiated it.
fits of giggles and attempted hushed footsteps behind pieces of furniture can be heard, with not a single care in the world of the eventual mess that you’ll have to clean up. yuuji doesn’t mind though so long as he can be by your side during it.
the fight calms down, the pumpkins get finished, the mess is cleaned up and the two of you are snuggled up in his bed watching a nightmare on elm street. with him providing you comfort whenever the jumpscares get a bit too frightening.
☆ . . . megumi actually prefers to paint pumpkins rather than carve them. his reasoning being that painting provides him an artistic range that pumpkins ironically don’t, however, that doesn’t stop him from indulging in the activity to spend quality time with you.
sitting opposite from each other with old newspapers spread out on the wooden floors of his dorm room, megumi softly dips his thin paintbrush in the white acrylic paint forming tiny ghosts on the surface.
he steals a couple of glances from you and when your eyes finally met his own, his heart skips a few beats with a small pout on his lips once he feels blush creeping up his face. you turn over the pumpkin you were working on and megumi’s mouth slightly agapes.
it’s a person? or something resembling of a person with spiky hair. megumi groans once he figures out you carved —or at least attempted— a portrait of him. he snickers then reassures you that you tried your best, soon setting aside his painted pumpkin he picks up a new one getting ready to carve you a portrait of yourself.
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reblogs & feedback is extremely appreciated !! <3
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cursedkeyboard · 4 months
PATIENCE ● Tutor!Geto Suguru & Student!Reader
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You've been struggling with school for the past month, in more ways than one, and your parents finally decide to hire a tutor to help you with your exams. Despite your hesitation, Suguru seems to be hell bent on helping you with more than just studying.
Pairings: Platonic tutor!Suguru & Student!Reader
Warning: NOT beta nor proofread! Expect mistakes!
Let's say school is kicking your ass, high school or college, doesn't matter, you are getting your ass kicked anyway
Pulling all-nighters, skipping meals, watching youtube study hacks, you tried it all but only succeeded in making yourself utterly exhausted
Your parents, watching you get more and more desperate and no closer to achieving your academic goal, finally decide to hire a tutor to help you
The tutor? Suguru Geto, of course
At first, you were wary of the handsome guy
C'mon, now, a handsome young man in his early twenties, already busy with college and a side job, just decided to pick up another gig as a private tutor?
No one could be that smart, handsome, and kind
But after the very first day, you were proven wrong
Suguru was unlike anyone you ever met, unlike any teacher you ever had the distaste of knowing
He was patient and understanding, decided that the two of you should talk and get to know each other first before any lessons
Which, although you were a little awkward and shy, helped so much
Getting to know him allowed you to relax and learn a couple of things about the seemingly flawless man
Suguru hates bitter food, likes the smell of flowers though he is allergic to them, and has a best friend with the brightest eyes known to man
That, you doubted, but it was fascinating to watch his eyes soften when he spoke about that friend
Once you two found a good rhythm, you found yourself more comfortable sharing your struggles with him
The subjects you couldn't get, the teachers who never really helped, the exhaustion and anxiety
Suguru, to your surprise, related
He opened up about how he also doesn't get things right away, always has to study for hours on end, and sometimes skipped a couple of meals on accident when he found himself struggling with something
Which helped you relax
To know someone as smart as him also struggles like you allowed the tight coil of shame in your chest unwind slowly
He told you, with a soft gaze and gentle words, that you might just be forcing yourself too hard to understand the entire subject rather than working the small kinks here and there that caused the entire thing to sound nonsensical to your brain
You were skeptical
Of course you here, you'd been studying for weeks without any reward, but Suguru sounded so hopeful and kind that you couldn't help but give in
And so you two started studying for a couple of hours every two days
Now, three weeks later
A couple of days before your not-so-dreaded-anymore exam
You find yourself gliding through the exercises
It makes sense, and every time Suguru smiles at you, ruffling your hair with a proud laugh when you finish yet another paper easily, you feel an all-consuming warmth in your chest
You aren't a fuck up, you're not a failure or dumb
You just needed someone who took time and was patient with you
Suguru didn't force you to study a certain way, he worked with you to find the best way to allow you to understand the problems
And when he found it, he adapted to it
He encouraged you after every correct answer and soothed your worries when you found yourself struggling with anything
Shoulder pats, hair ruffles, his terrible candy
Sometimes, when he found you with red rimmed eyes and eyebags, he'd tell you to lady on your bed, him on your desk, and you two would just talk for an hour until you relaxed
"There's no point forcing yourself to study if your brain is too full of other worries, sweetheart. We can start when you feel better."
Seriously, the guy is the best
Suguru, unlike so many teachers and professors out there, understands that every person's learning experience is unique to them, and made sure to understand how yours worked
He never called you slow or acted frustrated
He would repeat the same explanation ten times over if you needed it
And now, as he praises you once again for effortlessly finishing the exercise sheet he'd prepared, you think you really should ask your parents to hire him as a full-time private tutor
You just hope he will confess to his so called best friend soon
The best friend he talks about every study session
For all his genius, Suguru sure is slow when it comes to romance
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