#ghost knight
lrndvs 8 months
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Knightober 08: Ghost
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lacebird 2 years
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#the most iconic duo fight me
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best-childhood-book 10 months
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domjordanillustration 6 months
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ghost knight
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vivi-blue 8 months
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PizzaTober2023 - Day 18: Pizzascare
Uff...this one took forever...and I couldn't finish it sooner because life stressed the heck outta me again. Oh well.
I took this as nice practice to draw some enemies and also had some fun with shading. And of course a movie-like picture owo
Enjoy! owo
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enemylv1 8 months
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Kirbtober day 8 -Enemy
I will try to tag them all and please tell me if I mess up some name
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melanovia 6 months
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sapphirestarz11art 1 year
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Once upon a time, there was a young squire who had a strong desire to be a knight. With each and every day, he strived to become the best knight he could be, and had wonderful friends and family who supported him. Although one day, he learned of his body losing it's color and starting to float about. His body could turn invisible and phase through walls, and this horrified the Squire. His mental state slowly spiraled, as a golden orb whispered honey-sweet words to encourage him; to protect him, to guide him... only to lead him astray. The Squire's heart darkened once the Golden Orb whispered that he failed to save his dear sister, and all hope he held was turned into insanity and fear. The Squire's form shifted into a ghostly knight aflame, donning a golden helm, haunting the castle where he once passed... waiting in the forest and fog that shrouds it.
This is a MegaMan Battle Network OC piece of one of my NetOps, Ashton Atherstone (in a BN tabletop RPG), who is actually a ghost and ends up becoming a Dark NetOp out of despair and heartbreak. With the help of his friends and his sister, Ashton is able to turn back to normal! And this was inspired by a foggy trip home on New Year鈥檚 Day! I know this won鈥檛 do as well as the Battle Network fan art I鈥檝e made, although I hope people enjoy it regardless! Twitter Link:聽https://twitter.com/SapphireStarz11/status/1634248989447954436?s=20
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kaos-mass 2 years
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Spooky Kirby enemies
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theloversbox 2 years
Before (2017) and After (2022, Now), involving my character, Asa the Ghost Knight. I created him from @seventhsanctumshorts-blog and also used reference to armor. I also used a pose from ThePoseArchives from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for a more dynamic and fluid pose and Asa turned out much better!
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lacebird 1 year
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MIDNIGHT SONS | a concept
Doctor Strange calls on Robbie Reyes and Marc Spector to be a part of his new team...
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best-childhood-book 5 months
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papajoolia 5 months
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drew my roommate's cat as a knight for her for christmas, his name is ghost pepper
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Mini Book Reviews Again
The Cargo from Neira by Alys Clare, book 5 of the Gabriel Taverner series - Been a little while since I read one of this series because I was all caught up to publication, but I don't think that's going to matter now because it felt like this was the last book in the series. If so, it was a fitting sendoff, and a good mystery with a decent little happy ending for all involved. These books aren't sweeping epics or anything groundbreaking, but if you feel like you'd like 250-page historical mysteries then this is as good a place to start as any.
Inkheart by Cornelia Funke, book 1 of the Inkworld series (of which there's apparently going to be a new book of this year?!?!) - Read this literally over a decade ago and decided to reread it now and god I'm glad I did; for starters, this book captures the joy of reading and love of books so well it's unbelievable. Second; it's just a really good story. I know it's part of a trilogy but honestly you could read it as a standalone if you wanted. Funke is a brilliant storyteller, and even though it's a kids book it's perfect for adult fans of fantasy too.
The Owl Service by Alan Garner - I'm not going to lie, this one was a bit odd in terms of language and sentence structure, but once you get past all that... the story is even weirder. It's sort of exploring one of the stories of the Mabinogion about Lleu Llaw Gyfes and Blodeuwedd, and I just thought it was a really interesting take on it. You see all of these re-explorations of Greek and Roman myths going on at the moment, and for some reason I've never thought to look into similar things going on with Welsh stories, but honestly this one was brilliant, if a bit mad.
Into the Fog by Alexia Muelle-Rushbrook, book 3 of The Minority Rule trilogy - Plagued by a lot of the things I didn't like about the previous two books; supposedly childfree main character gets pregnant and loves it; "xyz system is wrong and immoral and can't work but oh thank goodness it worked for me". I'm not a fan. The ending was also a naff copout, I felt, because half the point of this book was that the government shouldn't get to control your life, and the protagonist kind of ended the series by saying agreeing with that, but only because the goal the government was trying to achieve by controlling everyone will end up being achieved anyway if they stop, implying that if that wasn't the case then controlling everyone would be the correct choice to make.
Unrest by Michelle Harrison - Another reread from when I was younger. It really freaked me out at the time, but didn't have quite the same impact as an adult, partly because I'm not as easily spooked now, and partly because I remembered what happened. Still, I'd recommend it to any young horror fans. I've enjoyed it even the second time around; Michelle Harrison is an excellent author.
Blue Bloods by Melissa De La Cruz, book 1 of the Blue Bloods series - Listen. Listen. This book is trash. It's kind of unbelievably rubbish. But I love it so damn much. It's from the Twilight era, this one being published in 2006, and it shows. It's hastily written, highly problematic, and seems to be a combination of Twilight and Fallen by Lauren Kate because the vampires in this book are actually angels. Like I said, it's trash and bonkers but I enjoy it because I'm trash and bonkers.
Ghost Knight by Cornelia Funke - I don't have much to say about this one really. My mum bought it for me off a charity book table for 50p so I read it even though it's definitely aimed at like... 7 year olds? It was okay. I prefer books with more substance but it was good for what it was and I have since passed it on to an actual seven year old.
Unwell Women by Elinor Cleghorn - A depressing read in all honesty; like you know the medical world is awful to women, but you never quite realise the extent of that, and it's crazy to see it all laid out there in black and white. I know it's not the world's most accurate account of the medical history of women, and some liberties have been taken to make it more dramatic in places, but I feel it should be appreciated for the spotlight it managed to help put on women's health.
The Spook's Revenge by Joseph Delaney, book 13 of the Spooks series - One hell of an ending to the series I'll tell you that. I do wish it had spent less time and effort setting up the next series however; I feel like sewing the seeds for a spinoff is fine, but if you do that too much in a final novel then it detracts from the main story and can make the ending feel a bit hollow because you know the victory won't last. Still, I enjoyed it, and I'm very glad to have come back to this series.
The Secret Chapter by Genevieve Cogman, book 6 of the Invisible Library series - So this one is a heist book. I really enjoyed it. One thing I enjoy about this series is how each book is still introducing new characters and having new adventures. There's obviously overarching plot and you shouldn't read them out of order, but you probably could if you didn't mind missing out on the background stuff. Really, Cogman's books are just a very fun time.
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prismit 1 year
to any nonbinary people reading this, never forget:
you can collect SOUL by striking enemies. once enough SOUL is collected, you can hold B to focus SOUL and regain health.
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