#gilly lopez x reader
volvaofowls · 2 months
Mayans crushing on/ being infatuated with a younger reader
This is my first time writing for Mayans. I know there are many fans of the show but I feel like there is not enough people writing for it and showing it love.  
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Note:  I roughly guessed what the guys ages would be at the beginning of the series based on their apperance and actors' ages. I would love to know how old you think they are!
Bishop – 49  
Taza – 62  
Tranq – 44  
Riz – 37  
Creeper – 41  
Gilly – 36  
Coco – 34  
Angel – 30  
Ez – 26 
Bishop – He didn’t have any qualms about his attraction to you in the beginning. Walking up to you when you were at the clubhouse and flirting with you, saying it was good to see you around. He didn't think too much about it, he likes the way he feels when you are responding to him in a positive way. Bishop lies to himself, he doesn’t purposefully seek you out in the crowd, but Taza points it out for him - "Don't worry Prez, your girl is outside, having a smoke with Gilly". - And that phrase hits him; the fact that someone has noticed his interest in you, and more so called you "his girl" - that spreads warmth in his chest. He wants you to be his girl, but he is not sure how you feel about it. Sure you reciprocate his attention, smile at him and spend more time with him than other members of MC, but it doesn't mean you want anything more with him than friendship. The age gap is large, Bishop could be your father; and the potential comments that would follow make him shrudder, yet the thought of you in his arms makes him think that he could deal with being the butt of the jokes for some time.
Taza – Taza thought that love is not for him anymore. But the familiar butterflies are starting to dance in his belly again when you laugh at his joke. He loves the feeling of it, but the moment he realises it he gets scared. He is not ready for it, he didn’t think it is possible, he is too old and commited too many sins to be rewarded with these emotions. Taza wonders what he can possibly offer you? His life is filled with violence and loneliness.But then he takes out his phone and sees your name across the screen Che thinks that maybe he can give it a try.  
Tranq – Tranq is a rough man, for the majority of his life he had only his mother and the club. He is "El Pacificador", a giant of a man, always in the epicentre of fights. Even though he is not the loudest and meanest in the club he thinks he might be too imposing for you, scare you away. Let alone the fact that he is in his 40's. Still, when he is next to you Hank’s increased heart beat drowns out the doubts. Against his wishes the softer side of him comes out. The way you lean on Tranq's shoulder when you are tipsy, or when you ask specifically for his help with your car makes him feel special, and he never wants to let go of this feeling. Quite the opposite, he feels insatiable, he is hungry for your affection and Hank wants more of it. He is not a greedy man, he shares everything in life with his club, but you are someone Hank wants to keep all to himself.
Riz – Michael has been disillusioned with life long ago, many people in his life shunned him; only in the brotherhood of Mayans did he find the solace. Riz craves love, family and companionship is something he always secretly wanted. Maybe that's why he was always a ladies man - trying to fill a void in his life with someone, something. When he met you for the first time, it was hard to avert his eyes from you. You were like the smell of rain in summer before the thunder strikes, Riz felt that when you stepped into the clubhouse you brought change with you, and it was just for him, and he welcomes this feeling with an open heart.
Riz knows he likes what he is seeing and he wants you to like him as well. He just needs his chance to prove that he can make it work, and he does what he does best, trying to smooth talk you. Offering you a drink and showering in compliments. He wants you to have a good time with him, he sure does with you. Once you jokingly called him an "old man", Riz quickly shot back that he prefers "daddy" instead, laughing at your shy expression. Age is not a problem for him, not when it comes to you and what the two of you could have, and he is willing to show it to you.
Creeper – Creeper didn’t really think that romantic love was for him. Since childhood there was nothing but darkness staining his life, like he is punished for doing something in his past life and can never repent. So Neron never expects gifts from live; he takes, but only gives. He gives his loyalty and time to his club and he gives his love to you, Creeper doesn't feel like he is allowed to receive any back from you.
Neron feels disgusted with himself and his want for you. You are almost too clean for him, Creeper doesn't have the right to mess you up. He tries to avoid you, but it’s as if you are always seeking him out, sipping on water with him at the parties, forgoing the alcohol. All the time you are asking him about his tattoos, and one time while planning your own you reach out and touch his forearm where a faces of women are depicted. Neron feels burned, but its amazing, he wants to keep your hands there, on him, interested in him. He is scared of rejection, he wants your love, he is ready to trade anything in his poor life in order to be yours.
Gilly – Gilly is know for “disarming” ladies, but it was a shock to him when you swooped into his heart and disarmed him. This young woman, too young for him comes and can out-do him in telling dirty jokes? Who are you? And you are playfully offering to arm-wrestle him, losing instantly. But he loves it, he feels like a teenager again, trying to show off infront of you. You have him wrapped around your finger and you don't even realise it. Other guys are teasing him in good fun, but when one day Coco jokes “you better act up brother or all the younger ones will steal her from under your old nose” Gilly laughs with him but it makes him think “oh shit…. I don’t wanna lose her to anyone”.
Coco – He was a little apprehensive at first about his feelings for you. You have less of an age difference with Letty than with him. He thinks that what he is feeling for you is wrong, even if you are a grown person. Coco always tried to stay away from the things that he cares for, it’s easier that way, he doesn't hurt anyone but only himself that way. You are precious to him, you care for him and Letty seems to like you. He already made all the guys in the club aware that he is interested in you and not to treat you badly. When members from other charters come and you are there, he makes sure to be near you or to keep an eye on you. You should be treated with the outmost respect and gentleness. Gentleness is a funny word for Coco; mainly because nothing in his life is, but he wants to learn it for you.
Angel – Angel stopped caring what other people think long time ago. He feels like he always has to prove himself to others and its never enough. So when you praise him, Angel can't even stop himself, he is floored. You think he is amazing, and you support him when he has a bad day. You are younger, but he feels like he has to look up to you. You are showing him the way of how to live life without being afraid of rejection. Angel thought he is brave, but he relearns the defenition of it when he is with you. He doesn't see the age gap between you as a boundary, because there is so much you bring to his life. And Angel wants for the first time in his life too repay that affection, he wants to make it his mission to worship you and elevate you. You are his guardian angel.
Ez – He hasn't been lucky in love, EZ knows he falls in love fast and hard, but with you he feels like he is falling even harder. Even though your age gap is not too big, he feels like you have whole life ahead of you, he doesn't want you to be tied to him. There is so much you could be doing, travelling, things that EZ cannot join you on. But he is aching for you to choose him over everything else, although he will never admit it, as it will be too selfish. It feels like his life is fixable when you are together and he doesn’t have to just survive anymore, with you he can live.
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cositapreciosa · 5 months
Serve, love & protect
Bodyguard!Gilbert 'Gilly' Lopez x reader, the usual for the show, 1584 words
a/n : bodyguard au cause we love them tropes
Tagging my Gilly people @narcolini @drabbles-mc <3
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‘’ You lied to me. ‘’
‘’ I did. ‘’
‘’ Are you even dating me or is this all a big joke too? ‘’
He sighs, and suddenly the big SUV feels too small for the both of them. The cracked glass across the windshield makes it hard to see, the busted window in the back letting the wind whistle between his ears.
‘’ I… ‘’
His tongue rolls in his mouth, he doesn’t know what to say. On one side, he shouldn’t tell you, admit that he likes you, not when your dad had been clear about that in the contract. All means necessary, don’t fall in love. On the other, how couldn’t he, when you had been so kind, so charming since the beginning, why wouldn’t he want to date you?
‘’ Don’t. ‘’ You answer back, sinking into your seat. ‘’ I don’t want to know. ‘’
He had done lots of business with your dad before, a strong man with piercing eyes, sharp suits. That is where the offer came from, between gun trades and small talk. Got a babysitting job for you, Gilly, easy work, easy cash. More like a bodyguard job, a dumbass bodyguard job with actual danger, guns and wounds. Your dad had told him you wouldn’t be easily convinced, that to ensure your safety he would have to be less traditional, less leather and handgun, more friend, even closer if needed. And he did, even if he knew it wasn’t part of the plan, letting you run your fingers through his beard, sharing the same side of the bed, he just couldn’t say no.
‘’ Listen, baby, I- ‘’
‘’ Don’t- oh my god, Gilly what the fuck is wrong with you?! ‘’
Your hands are tight, gripping the door handle as he takes a sharp left. You turn to face him.
‘’ Stop it, it’s over! Don’t ‘baby’ me, don’t… ‘’ you gesticulate around, hands flying, ‘’ Just stop. ‘’
You raise your palms to your eyes, pressing, muttering things he can’t understand. He can sense your distress, he knows you now, better than anyone, more than your father would like him to probably. It has been months since you two had been together now, good months, the best ones for him this year. It was an easy job at first too, simply because you never were a primary target, just one that they would try to hit if deals went wrong. Being the child of a gun lord usually came with a fair share of barrels pointing back, and, from what he had seen from you when bullets eventually started flying, staying low and away from the windows, this whole routine was old news to you.
‘’ Please don’t be mad, I can explain. ‘’ He tries again.
You scoff, and he watches as you squint your eyes at him. It makes him feel small in his seat.
‘’ I don’t think you can, Gilly. Save your breath. ‘’
The car is colder now that the sun has gone down and he watches the wind wrap around your hair, lets the breeze bring goosebumps to his arms. He knows the two of you are too exposed, in this beat-up car, bullet holes on each side. It pains him that he knows the only place you will truly be safe is at your dad’s house, and he has to bring you there, not the club, not his house, not anywhere else. Drop you off, collect his hazard pay and leave. Leave you and hope you will answer his texts, even if he something tells him you probably won't.
He takes a left turn, fast, into a poorly lit backstreet, almost propelling you against your window side. The breaks get pressed just as fast, and you have to brace yourself with your hands on the dash.
‘’ Have you gone mad?! Did they hit you on the head or something?! ‘’
Gilly turns off the car and pivotes to you, bringing his arm up to wrap the back of your seat, caging you in.
‘’ I can explain. ‘’ Let me, please.
He is observing you, the frown between your brows, the anger in your eyes, the dried blood on the side of your face. It is superficial, really, barely a scratch, but he has to hold himself back from reaching out, move your chin to the side so he can get a better look. He breathes your name as the overhead lights dim out, leaving the two of you in the dark, pleading. He can smell your perfume, hear the shakiness in your breath.
‘’ Okay, whatever. ‘’
You cross your arms around your chest. Even in the darkness, he knows you are watching him, waiting.
‘’ I like you, I do. ‘’ He starts, ‘’ I wasn’t supposed to, though, we just needed to be friends, you know? So I could make sure you were safe. ‘’ But I failed.
‘’ My dad hired you. ‘’
‘’ He did. ‘’
Your shadow moves, moving to the side to lay your head on the headrest. Your voice is soft, going through the motions, exhausted. You must be tired, the rest of the adrenaline dripping out of you in waves.
‘’ Do you work for him, selling the guns and stuff? ‘’
‘’ More like with him, I’m in a motorcycle club. ‘’
We buy them, he could have said, sell some back if they ever come across a nice shipment from god knows where, but he doesn’t. You are smart, you get it.
‘’ You’re used to getting shot a lot. ‘’ It is not a question, more like a fact, piecing the information together.
‘’ You could say that. ‘’
He holds his free hand out, and you take it, his warm fingers taking in your cold ones. He can tell you have softened up, put down the axe.
‘’ You really like me? ‘’
‘’ I do, very much. ‘’
You squeeze his hand, gently, even though he can’t see, he knows you are pursing your lips, biting the inside of your cheek. You move gently, twisting between your seat and the cup holder, leaning down and pressing your cheek on his shoulder. He can feel your body relax into his.
‘’ Can we go home now? I want a hot shower. ‘’
‘’ I know you do, baby, we’ll be there soon. ‘’
He lets you nuzzle into in shirt, caressing your hair with his free hand. He starts the car, driving back up to the main street. He doesn’t have the guts to tell you you are going home alone tonight, that there is no way in hell your dad will let you sleep somewhere else.
To his surprise, you don’t put much of a fight when you notice the gates around your dad’s house, or when he says your name into the intercom so you can be let in, but you are a smart one, of course, you picked it up. The nuances, the conflict inside of him, how he couldn’t get out of the car at first, couldn’t let go of your arm when people started pouring out the house. I’m good, Gilly, you whispered to him, thank you. And so he listens, he lets go, picks up his cash and leaves.
A week passes, a long one, of mindless thinking, passing time, putting cars on the lift and then bringing them down. He hears about you at Templo one morning, barely a sentence, something about your dad catching the guys, how business between him and the Mayans has been booming since then. Thanks, Gilly. Good job, man. The military training finally paying off, uh? He nods and smiles, but he doesn’t ask about you. He tries to play it low, make it seem like he is not taking the biggest hit of his life.
When he gets home that afternoon, something is different, maybe it is the way the grass is bent where it usually isn’t, how the doormat is slightly crooked, but it is you sitting at the diner table that makes him stop in his tracks.
His hand is still on the gun at the back of his waist, his other tight on the door handle when you wave at him, a small smile on your lips. Your hair is slightly shorter, different, and you are wearing too many layers for the California heat. You speak first.
‘’ Hey, baby… ‘’
Gilly lets go of the handle at his back and closes the door behind him. Baby. Baby. You stand up before he can talk back, nervously taking a few steps towards him.
‘’ We were on lockdown, I couldn’t call, I couldn’t leave. ‘’ Your fingers are pulling at threads on your jeans pocket. ‘’ I’m sorry, Gilly. ‘’
He melts, there is nothing else he can do. His arms find their way naturally around you, one hand on your head, pushing your cheek against his chest. He knows you can feel his heart beating in your ear, hear the relief that comes out of him with a sigh. There is no hesitation when you hug back, warm fingers griping at his cut.
‘’ I will never lie again, I swear. ‘’
You laugh, and it makes him squeeze tighter.
‘’ It’s alright, only for good reasons from now on, okay? ‘’
Okay, he will. Protecting you will be a full-time job now, maybe not the small contract he thought he was going into, something different, something warm and meaningful—soft, loved.
The most pleasant job in the world.
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ravennaortiz · 5 months
Mayans Christmas 2023 Masterlist
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The complete list of stories are listed under the cut! Thank you to all who have read and enjoyed this project!
12/1- Northern Lights with Creeper
12/2- Wrapping Presents with Coco
12/3- Candy Cane with Manny
12/4- Secret Santa with Angel
12/5- Christmas Sweater with Bishop
12/6- Mistletoe with Guero
12/7- Fireplace with Bottles
12/8- Snowman with gilly
12/9- All I want with Creeper
12/10- Hot Chocolate with Coco
12/11- Tree Hunting with Manny
12/12- Tree Decorating with Bishop
12/13- Naughty List with Angel
12/14- Christmas Cookies with Creeper
12/15- Ice Skating with Gilly
12/16- Snow Angel with Bottles
12/17- Christmas Lights with Guero
12/18- Snowed in with Coco
12/19- Sledding with Angel
12/20- Frosty with Guero
12/21- Gingerbread House with Bishop
12/22- Snowflakes with Manny
12/23- Santa Baby with Gilly
12/24- Christmas Eve with Guero
12/25- Christmas Day with Coco
12/26- Call Me Holly with Creeper
12/27- Snowball with Angel
12/28- Cold Toes with Guero
12/29- Elf with Bishop
12/30- Blanket Fort with Manny
12/31- New Year, New Me with Coco
Bonus Stories!!!!!
Candy Cane Follow Up
Snowman Follow Up
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rosielou94 · 8 months
Special Someone - Gilly Lopez - Reader
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A/N: I think Gilly is such an underrated character and there aren't many fics about him, so here's the start a new series I've got planned.
Warnings: Angst, friends to lovers (kind of), Reader is full of self-doubt, Reader cheated on by ex.
Words: 2,017
Your eyes were red from crying, your mouth numb from the pint of ice cream you’d forced down yourself in an attempt to cheer yourself up, and the episode of Friends where Ross drinks all the margaritas was playing on your TV. Usually, this episode had you laughing out loud, but today you weren’t finding much funny.
The call had come about 2 hours earlier, your ex telling you he was ending things. You felt so stupid, you’d seen this coming from a mile away when he started pulling away, dropping out of dates last minute and being extra secretive with his phone. “Who is she?” you’d asked her, your throat tight with tears you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of shedding. “You don’t know her,” he said, the smile on his face visible in his voice. He was enjoying this, the sick fuck. Everyone had warned you about him, but you were so tired of being alone, you forced yourself to believe he was a good man. He didn't even have the decency to break up with you face to face! You heard the laughter of a woman in the background, the sound of lips against skin. This son of a bitch! You ended the call there and then, not needing to hear what happened next.
You blamed yourself, really. You knew what he was like, but all your friends from high school were getting married and starting families, and you were still renting a tiny apartment owned by an old college roommate’s uncle, approaching your 30’s and painfully aware your biological clock was ticking. Your ex had been handsome, and charismatic, and he’d promised you the world, and you stupidly believed him. Maybe you’d just get a couple of cats, resign yourself to the life of a spinster and take up knitting. This failed relationship was the last in a very long line and you were tired of being taken advantage of.
Just as you were hauling yourself off the sofa for more ice cream, your phone lit up, and Gilly’s name popped up. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself as you saw the goofy picture of him that you’d set as his profile picture flash across your phone screen. You could do with hearing a friendly voice. “Hey Gilly” you said, you voice hoarse from crying. “What’s up? Has something happened?” Gilly’s concerned tone was evidence of how well this man knew you. Certainly, better than you knew yourself. “Nothin’,” you lied, “I was just napping. How’re you?” “You’re a liar, but sure,” Gilly could read you like a fucking book. “You still coming to the party tonight?” Shit! You’d completely forgotten about the cook-out at the Club House tonight. You’d told Gilly you’d go weeks ago, but now as you sat in your ice-cream stained pyjamas, your face red and puffy from crying, you didn’t feel like partying. “Oh, umm…” you racked your brain, thinking of an excuse to use. “Great!” Gilly didn’t give you time to bail out, sensing you needed this night as much as the MC did. “I’ll pick you up at 7.” The line went dead, and you let out a loud sigh. Guess I’m going to a party.
At 7pm on the dot, Gilly turned up at your apartment. This man was impeccable with his time keeping. You were still running around your apartment with one Doc Marten on, trying desperately to find the other. Your green satin dress already had a stain on from the glass of wine you’d poured yourself while you were getting ready, and God knows where your leather jacket was. Gilly watched you with amusement from the doorway. He’d already spotted your Doc Marten half sticking out from underneath your sofa, and your leather jacket was crumpled underneath the dozen scatter cushions you had stacked on your armchair. Stepping forward, he grabbed the shoe and jacket, pressing them gently into your hands. “Just breathe,” he smiled, taking in your flushed appearance. You thought you looked a mess, but to Gilly, you looked beautiful. Hell, you could be wearing a potato sack and he’d still think you were the most beautiful woman. He could tell from the empty ice-cream pots, and the fact that Friends was playing on the TV that something had happened, and he would bet money that it had to do with that dickhead of a boyfriend. You were too good for that waste of space, and Gilly wanted nothing more than to take the piece of shit far out into the desert where no one would find him. But he cared about you too much to do anything like that. He’d peacefully said his part when you first got together with the sleazebag, but he knew that saying or doing anything more would just push you away. Your shoe on and your jacket slung over your shoulders, you puffed out a breath of air and smiled. “Ready. Sorry for the delay.” “You look amazing. It’s gonna be a good night, ok?” Gilly affectionately kissed the top of your head and handed you a spare bike helmet. “Let’s go.”
As you rode through the streets of Santo Padre, the warm summer air blowing your hair in tendrils behind you, your arms gripped round Gilly’s waist, you couldn’t help but notice the strength of this man. He smelled of cologne, leather and fresh laundry and you relaxed against his broad frame, feeling content. Pulling into the Club House, the party was already in full flow, the smell of BBQ wafting through the warm evening air. Your stomach grumbled, despite the 400 pints of ice-cream you’d consumed that afternoon, and you were already eyeing up the burgers Riz was flipping. Gilly pressed a beer into your hand and held out a chair for you. He sat down next to you, his hulking frame barely fitting in the camping chair. “You wanna talk about it?” He asked quietly, taking a swig of beer. “We broke up,” you whispered, your voice cracking with emotion. “I knew it was coming.” A choking sob escaped you and quickly took a gulp of your beer, refusing to cry again. “I was an idiot,” you mumbled, picking at a loose thread on your dress. “No.” Gilly shook his head firmly. “The only idiot is that asshole. You’re funny, and smart, and kind, and so beautiful. You were way too good for that guy.” “You think so?” You smiled, looking up at your friend. His eyes were so kind, his smile so broad and genuine. He pulled you in close, planting a soft kiss on the top of your head. “I know so.” Gilly laughed as your stomach let out an all-mighty rumble again. “Come on, let’s grab you some food before you die of starvation.”
A few hours later, Gilly watched you and Letty chatting around the fire pit. You were laughing hard, your cheeks flushed from the heat of the fire and the beers you’d been drinking. You looked so happy, so carefree, and Gilly wished you could always be this way. You had demons; hell, everyone at this fucking party did, but Gilly so badly wanted to take them away. You didn’t deserve any of the shit that had happened to you over the years and seeing you smile was the sweetest thing. “Close your mouth and quit staring. You look like a fucking predator.” Bishop clipped Gilly round the ear, knocking him from his trance. “Nah man-,” Gilly started, embarrassed he’d been caught out. “Just go talk to her,” Bishop said, his arm around the waist of a girl who’d been trying to get Gilly’s attention for most of the night. After numerous failed attempts to seduce him, she’d moved on to Bishop, who’d only been too happy to pick up the pieces. Spurred on by the many drinks he’d had that night, and a good hard shove in the back from Bishop, Gilly headed over to you.
“Hey, you having a good night?” Gilly approached you, his palms sweaty, feeling like a nervous teenager. He aways felt like this around you; giddy, but scared shitless in case he made a fool of himself. “Hey,” you stood up and pulled him into a hug, “thank you for making me come tonight. It’s been really great, and I feel so much better.” Gilly’s heart swelled as you spoke, pulling you in for an even tighter hug. You squealed as he span you around, your feet lifting off the floor in the process. He set you back down, the both of you breathless and laughing. “Can I talk to you for a second?” he said, resisting the urge to move the strand of hair that had that had stuck itself to your lip gloss. “Sure, is everything ok?” You looked at him quizzically as you headed to a quiet spot away from the party. Gilly grabbed you both another beer, cracking the top off one and handing it to you. You stood under one of the street lights, the fluorescent bulb basking your hair and face in an orange hue. Gilly took in your full lips, the way that satin dress hugged your perfect curves and knew he had to say something, to tell you how he felt before the moment had gone. He couldn’t risk losing you again. But he also knew that you needed time to find yourself, to figure out who you were and what you wanted. Gilly would never pressure you into anything you weren’t 100% comfortable with, but he’d spent years loving you from a distance and tonight he needed to tell you. Thank God the shot of tequila he’d done earlier was starting to take effect.
“Listen, I gotta tell you something.” Gilly rubbed the back of his neck and looked up at the star filled sky, wondering where to begin. You were looking at him questioningly, but you stayed silent as he searched for the right words. “Gilly,” you laughed nervously when he still didn't speak, “you’re freaking me out.” “When you told me you’d broken up with that dickhead, I was so happy, I can’t put it in to words,” Gilly said, “he was such an asshole, and that fire that you have in your eyes, it was gone when he was around. I was happy that he couldn’t hurt you anymore, that he couldn’t make you feel worthless anymore, but I was happy too because…” he paused, searching for the right words. “I was happy because every moment I spend around you is so incredible, I never want it to end. You’re amazing, you’re so special and you deserve to find someone just as special.” “Gilly,” you whispered, your eyes bright with tears. You gently squeezed his arm and when he spoke next, his voice was thick with emotion. “I care about you, a lot. I’ve spent so many years watching you fight your way through whatever shit is thrown at you. You’re so strong, you’re stronger than you know, and I admire the hell out of you. I think you should take time, get to know yourself again, and heal from what that asshole did to you. But when you feel up to it, I’d love to take you out on a date.” Gilly was breathless, from nerves and adrenaline, trying to get a read on your face. You were usually like an open book, but right now he couldn’t tell what the fuck you were thinking. Your eyes searched his, a single tear running down your cheek. You wiped it away and held your hand against this cheek, his beard scratchy under your soft palm. “I’d like that,” you smiled, taking his hand in yours and squeezing it. Gilly, your gentle giant. He’d been in front of you all along. You were both smiling at each other, neither wanting the moment to end, but not sure what to do next.
Eventually, Gilly slung his arms around your shoulder, leading you back to the party. He took one last look up at the night sky with its millions of shining stars and hoped that one day, maybe, he could be your Special Someone.
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drabbles-mc · 3 months
Gilly Lopez x GN!Reader
Warnings: 18+, fluff
With the help of This Prompt List by @creativepromptsforwriting and my trusty Wheel of Names with every character I’ve ever written for, I’m aiming to write a fic in 500 words or less every day of March. We’ll see how far we get!
Prompt: daydream
Word Count: 100
A/N: i love Gilly. i miss him. i have to get back to my stories for him.
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The happy, peaceful life that you and Gilly had settled into was something that he didn’t ever think he could have. Even if he was told that he could ask for anything, he wouldn’t have been so bold as to ask for you, for what you’d given him.
The realization would catch him off-guard and leave him unable to do anything but watch you in awe.
This time, you caught him staring and smiled. “What’re you daydreaming about over there?”
He chuckled past the lump in his throat, emotions bubbling up from his chest, happiness that felt too easy. “Nothin’.”
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imagineredwood · 1 year
“I was hoping you’d say that.”
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Request: imagine for Gilly being into a girl that works at a bar and trying his hardest to get her attention. Secretly she’s had a crush on him the whole time
Pairing: Gilly Lopez x female reader
Warnings: Shitty men, derogatory language 
Word count: 1,031
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You smiled immediately as soon as you saw the wall of a man saunter into your bar. You looked down and willed the smile to go away but it was easier said than done. The muscles in your face were being puppeteered by your heart and weren't relaxing easily enough for your liking. Even still, you managed to have a straight face on by the time Gilly got to the counter. He placed himself off to the corner as he always did, the other two in tow as per usual. It was Angel who complained first as they took their seats. 
"Don't know why you always wanna come here instead of staying at the clubhouse. It ain't even that good here."
Gilly rolled his eyes and forced himself to look around, already having spotted you but not wanting to make it obvious. Typically Coco and Angel would go off to play a game of pool or chat-up girls, but they were tired tonight, the desert having taken a toll on them. So they sat beside their friend and waited, making small talk. Gilly entertained them, but they knew him well enough to notice how his eyes lit up at something passed them. They both turned and saw you walking towards their end of the bar and shared knowing smiles, Angel's hand rough as he pushed and squeezed at Gilly's shoulder. 
"Ahhhhh, now I see." 
Gilly scoffed and rolled his arm roughly, tossing off Angel's hand right as you stopped in front of them. He offered up a cheesy smile and you returned it before nodding toward Angel and Coco. 
"How are you guys doing?"
You didn't pay too much mind to Gilly, as usual, not wanting to blow his head up. You also didn't fully trust him, or any of the men in your bar really. It always felt like they had ulterior motives and at the end of the day, you were here because it was your job. You had a crush on Gilly, that much was certain, but you had seen how the others went after a new girl every time they came in and while Gilly's focus always seemed to be on you, you were pretty sure it was because you feigned not having interest. You figured he just enjoyed the chase and was happy to play a game of hard-to-get. You didn't feel like being a prize or notch on a bedpost. 
Yet here he was again, eyes on you. 
You took their orders and then poured their drinks, making sure to move around the bar, refilling for all of your patrons, not just the ones in kuttes. At some point, he had given up the act of trying to impress you with his pool skills. He had gone home with enough money to pay rent plenty of times, and it hadn't ever seemed to really matter to you. He'd gone to the ends of the earth to impress you and get your attention, yet nothing had really worked. 
It was the sound of fingers snapping that got your attention, your head turning to follow the sound. There you found a middle-aged man with his hand still up, a permanent scowl etched into his features. 
"Bout damn time. Running around here worried about cleaning the counter when you should be worried about getting my order."
His tone was harsh, his scratchy voice even more so and you forced a tight smile, answering him while still not being a doormat. 
"You wouldn't want to sit at a dirty bar, now would you?"
You were still professional while letting a slight edge into your voice, but the interaction had caught Gilly's attention, his eyes on the man who scoffed and leaned back in his seat. 
"I don't wanna sit at a bar with no drink either, now come on. Get me a beer."
Your eye twitched but you held it together, not unused to shitty demanding men. Reaching over to the fridge, you grabbed him a beer and popped the top, handing it over. 
You attempted to walk off to the other side then but he just wouldn't quit, his grating voice sounding out again. 
"I'd enjoy it more if it didn't take 6 years to get, bitch." 
You turned slowly, ready to speak up for yourself when you saw Gilly stand from his seat and calmly walk over to the man. He placed his hand on the back of his neck and squeezed, the shirt collar scrunched up in his grasp. The man winced and tried to turn and get a look at him but Gilly was already leaning down, mouth close to his ear. He spoke quietly, not nearly loud enough for you to hear what he said, but the way the man's eyes widened, it must've not been nice. You looked over at Angel and Coco, both of which were simply watching with entertained smiles. 
And then just like that, Gilly was releasing the man. He backed off and you watched as the man hurriedly dug into his pocket, pulling out a crumpled wad of cash and handing it over to you, his voice shaky. 
"Sorry about that, ma'am. Won't happen again, I promise. I apologize for my behavior."
Your eyes narrowed as you looked at him, never once having seen any manners from him. He was leaving quickly then, stumbling over his own feet as he tried to leave the bar. Grabbing your tips, you looked back at Gilly, who was now back in his seat, the anger from before slowly dissipating. 
"Thank you."
You let your smile from before come out now, eyes twinkling as you looked at him. His smile returned too, the boys getting up and going off to the jukebox to give you guys some privacy.
"You're welcome. I wasn't just going to let him talk to you like that."
You nodded, the Mayan finally getting your attention and approval. Glancing at the clock, you read the time and looked back at him. 
"I get off in about 25 minutes. Maybe we could hang out?"
Gilly's smile was all teeth as he nodded enthusiastically. 
"I was hoping you'd say that."
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General taglist
@piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @gemini0410 @woahitslucyylu @my-rosegold-soul @that-chick212 @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl @elcococruz @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast @iambabyharry @svintsandghosts @starrynite7114 @saturnsaree @multiyfandomgirl40 @destynelseclipsa @sadeyesgf @queenbeered @iamthegraham @emoengelfurleben @all-the-boys-to-the-yard @otomefromtheheart @rosieposie0624 @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @beeroses @weirdosandhopelessromantics @kola95 @black-repunzel99 @xonickibaby @cruzwalters @myakai13 @mrsstevenbuchananstark @lyly00 @kaystacks17 @cole-winchester  @alexxavicry @kaykaysuh @savagemickey03  @fanfic-n-tabulous   @gangstaliciou06 @carma-fanficaddict​  @xbloodyxangelx​
Mayans MC taglist
@dazzledamazon  @abunnykisses @briana-mishell24 @angelreyesgirl @wrcn9fvlcver @peaches009 @capt-canadian @thesandbeneathmytoes @krysiewithak @darklingveracruz @appropriate-writers-name @cind-in-real-life @blessedboo @montanaraed @kkim120 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @emoengelfurleben @blowmymbackout @abby-splace @kola95 @black-repunzel99 @redpoodlern @xonickibaby @myakai13
@cruzwalters @yosoynicolexo @mrsstevenbuchananstark @danimals1096 @po3ticb3auty @lyly00 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @kaykaysuh @angel-121 @fanfic-n-tabulous @90sisthenew80s @lovelytricia @carma-fanficaddict
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the-hinky-panda · 4 months
The Gin Blossom: Part III
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Warning: Mention of PTSD, survivor guilt, and suicide.
The night had been going so well. 
You had stuck around Santo Padre for the last week. There were no festivals during that week that you had signed up for and the idea of catching up with Songbird and Riz sounded like a nice break. However, you found your time spent helping Jo and Songbird decorate the outside bar space for a wedding reception that was happening Saturday. Coco and Stitches had apparently eloped and this was their punishment: an evening of elegance and celebration with their closest friends. 
If this was how their esteemed friends were treated, well…it was a good sign of a healthy community. You have to admit, meeting the variety of people in the MC and their significant others, you understand why Songbird has settled here, has made friends with these people. And they seem to have fully accepted you into their ranks. No one stands on ceremony. If you’re going to be part of the group, you’ll stick around. If not, you’re free to go. The honest and direct acceptance is something you only ever came across in the Marines. 
This is a true brotherhood. 
Your days are spent stringing lights, arranging flowers and candles for centerpieces and the evenings are spent with Gilly. He comes to Jo’s bar since you’re staying in your airstream that’s still parked behind the venue. You have a few beers, swap war stories, and subtly flirt. You like him, much more than you thought you would. He’s resilient, funny, and kind. You like his sarcastic sense of humor, and the ease of conversation. You could fall for him, seriously fall for him, and you haven’t felt that way since Dylan. It gives you hope for a second chance of happiness, for finding a true home.
When he asked you to accompany him to the reception on Saturday, you didn’t even have to think about it. You had enlisted Songbird’s help in choosing a dress for the occasion. Normally you wouldn’t care. Fashion was never something important to you. But you felt like this mattered, this was important. And you didn’t want to throw away a chance at finding your second chance. 
The dress was a simple, over the head shift that was a blend of greens, blues, and golds, that brushes right above your knees. Songbird dug out a pair of gold sandals that lace up your calves. She must get the same feeling that you do, that this is some kind of turning point. She fixes your hair, a mix of twists and braids. On the short walk from your trailer to the bar, Songbird picks one of the papery-thin cactus blossoms, a vivid magenta bloom, and tucks it into one of the twists by your ear. 
You can’t help but feel a twinge of guilt as you greet Gilly by the entrance of the reception area. It feels selfish, wanting this second chance. You were adopted by a power couple when you were three. Pulled out of a meth house in Chicago, hiding under a kitchen table clutching a bag of McDonald’s fries and chicken nuggets and handed to a four star Army general and a corporate lawyer. You went right into the Marines after high school graduation, married a Gunnery Sergeant, and thought you had your happily ever after. 
That is until everything went completely off the rails. 
And brings you back to your current situation. 
You had a lovely time at the wedding reception. Eating, drinking, and dancing with Gilly. You enjoyed being close to him, held by him, and when he leaned in close during the slow dance and asked if you wanted to get out of here, you didn’t hesitate to answer yes. But now he’s holding the passenger door of his truck open for you and terror roots you to the spot. 
This is not how you saw this situation going. 
Gilly knows a PTSD episode when he sees one, and the look on your face tells him something terrible has happened in a vehicle’s passenger seat. He automatically switches into rescue mode and shuts the truck door. The sound is enough to snap you back from whatever traumatic experience you were reliving. 
“I’m sorry-” 
“No,” he interrupts you. “Don’t be sorry.” 
He can see you’re trembling so he takes your elbow and guides you towards the back of the truck, dropping the tailgate. Your eyes land on all the things that he and Riz had collected for this evening: blankets, pillows, a cooler. So much for it being a surprise now. He grabs a blanket and spreads it out on the tailgate before helping you up on the makeshift seat. A few deep breaths later, you give him a shaky smile. 
“Were you trying to seduce me this evening, Mr. Lopez?” Your voice is still trembling but you’re regaining your footing. 
“Who says I’m giving up on the seduction?” 
You laugh shortly and your shoulders start to relax. It’s a good start. But he sees you’re still struggling to find your words. You’re brave. You’re a marine. And you do end up capturing those elusive words. 
“Remember I told you about my husband, Dylan?” 
Gilly nods. “Yeah. You said he died a couple years ago.” But you never said how and pieces are starting to fall into place. “Car accident?” 
You nod your head. 
He’s heard a lot of stories, far too many of them, of vets coming home and within six months, slamming their cars into trees or motorcycles into ditches. The thought had crossed his mind a time or two if he was being honest. But something always stopped him. The hope that something was going to come along and make it all worth it. “He did it on purpose?” 
“Yeah.” You rub a thumb over your Marine tattoo. “Except I was in the car with him.” 
“Fuck.” The word is out of his mouth before he can stop it. “God, I’m so sorry.” 
“There were warning signs. Events that lead up to that night but…” you trail off, a whole other story behind that revelation. “I tried to pull the wheel so the car would stay on the road but…he punched me in the face. Knocked me out. The doctors say that’s what saved my life.” 
“Being limp at impact.” 
“I was in a coma for a month. They weren’t sure I was going to come out of it. But I did. And then found out Dylan didn’t make it. By the time I was released from the hospital, and could face getting back into a car, grass had already grown over his grave.” 
PTSD. Survivor’s guilt. Grief at not being able to do enough. Gilly knows these feelings all too well. He rests his hand over yours and you immediately slide your fingers between his. “You know, even if you did recognize all the signs, that wouldn’t have stopped him.” 
“I know.” You squeeze his hand. “I know that now.” 
They sit in silence together, hands entwined, and listening to the music from the reception drift over to them. It’s soothing and after a few moments of sitting together like this, he decides on how to move forward. Gilly takes out the keys to his truck and holds them out to you. 
“Whatever you want to do this evening, you’re in the driver’s seat. You’ll always have the driver’s seat when you’re with me.” 
You look at the keys with wide-eyed surprise and then your gaze shifts to the supplies in the back of the truck. “Well, it seems a shame to let such a lovely seduction go to waste. And it has been a while for me. But,” you sigh dramatically. “I’m afraid I don’t know where a good location for such an event would be.” 
“Lucky for you, I happen to know how to get there and will be more than happy to provide directions.” 
You take the keys from him, leaning forward and kissing him briefly. “Well then, let’s not waste any more time.”
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band--psycho · 7 months
New Character Update
So there's a few characters that I've been meaning to write for, I have a few ideas of my own but I would love to get some requests for them!!
The new character are:
LT. Simon 'Ghost' Riley - Modern Warfare
CPT. John Price - Modern Warfare
Alucard (Adrian Tepes)- Castlevania
Treveor Belmont - Castlevania
Gilber 'Gilly' Lopez - Mayans M.C
Hank Loza - Mayans M.C
Angel Reyes- Mayans M.C
Nestor Oceteva - Mayans M.C
As I said before I would love to get some requests for any of the characters above (the requests can be fluffly, angsty, smutty, or a mixture of all of them if you wish).
I will be continuing to post the stories for my 3.6k drabble challenge in the mean time so stay tuned for those as well!
Thank you all for your continued support! 💛
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Hi and for the love of God hello 👋🏼 after going back and forth i’ve decided to try my hand at writing for the mayans boys and the sons we all know and love! Please feel free to hit up my ask box <3
Requests: Open
who i write for:
- Mayans MC
• Angel Reyes
• Ez Reyes
• Coco Cruz
• Nestor Oceteva
• Neron “Creeper” Vargas
• Bishop Losa
• Hank Loza
• Gilly Lopez
• Michael “Riz” Ariza
- Sons Of Anarchy
• Jax Teller
• Juice Ortiz
• Opie Winston
• Happy Lowman
• Herman Kozik
• Filip “Chibs” Telford
• Alexander “Tig” Trager
What i take requests for:
• Headcanons
• Preferences
• Would includes
• Most likely to’s
What i don’t take requests for:
• Smut
• Self harm of any kind - talking about the reader having a mental illness is fine but i’m not comfortable writing about them harming themselves
• Reader being related to any of the characters
• Toxic relationships - We’re all about healthy, loving relationships in this house!
any gifs used are not mine!
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Four Roads to Heavenly Hell - An EZ Reyes/Reader, Angel Reyes/Reader, Bishop Losa/Reader & Gilly Lopez/Reader One Shot Story.
So yes, this is a beast of a one shot and I am absolutely knackered after writing it, lmfao! I’m posting and going to SLEEP! My brain aches! Enjoy, besties!
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Words - 4,216
Warnings - FILTHY smut below the cut, four dudes running train on reader, minors DNI!
You told him to be careful.
You begged him not to get out of the car and give them attitude.  
He didn’t listen, which is what led to this, sitting around a large table within the clubhouse of the Mayans MC, four stern looking members glowering right at your boyfriend, the president sitting at the head of the table, his eyes combing over your boyfriend, his VP standing behind him, a large gun jammed against the side of his neck.  
“All of this could have been avoided,” the handsome man begins, picking up his shot of tequila and sinking it, continuing to stare dangerously. “I think you know that now, don’t you?”  
Your boyfriend is silent, the VP pushing his gun harder against his neck. “Answer him.”
“Yes, yes I do.”  
“Not only do you cut us off, then fuck with us, trying to knock two of my guys off their bikes, but then, you don’t even have the sense to apologise and drive off. Nope, you had to try and act like the tough guy, likely showing off in front of your girlfriend. At least she had the sense to tell you to leave it alone and just apologise. It’s a shame you didn’t listen to anything other than your ego. For that, we’re gonna punish you.”
Hearing that causes a chill of frost to surge through your veins, the president noticing your body stiffen, his eyes moving from your boyfriend as he looks at you, smiling widely suddenly, his tongue wetting his top lip as his eyes sweep over you. The action makes you settle a little, but still, your brain is speeding through all of the scenarios likely to befall your boyfriend as punishment. None of them are good, because nothing good comes from fucking with a bunch of outlaws.  
“No, no, please, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry,” your boyfriend begins, the president laughing darkly, his perfect, white teeth gleaming in the low light of the room.
“Oh, now you’re sorry, huh?”
The tallest of them, a gorgeous man with raven black hair snorts softly, pouring himself a shot of tequila and sinking it. “They always are, a half hour too late.”
“Any thoughts, EZ?” the VP asks, shifting his weight to the other foot, the gun still pressed firmly.  
The handsome man leans back in his chair, running two fingers over the corners of his moustache and down over his chin, his nails scratching at the short, nearly trimmed hair there as his eyes once again flit to you. “I do, Bish.” He rises from his seat, slowly walking around the table until he reaches you, extending his hand. “Come on.”
“No,” you immediately sob, beginning to quiver with fear.  
“Please, please!” your boyfriend pleads. “Don’t hurt her, she didn’t do anything!”
The president turns to him. “I know she didn’t do anything, and I’m not going to hurt her.” Glancing back at you, he jerks his head back softly. “C’mon, baby. Nothing bad will happen. I swear to you.”  
You still don’t believe him despite his reassurance, being led around to the head of the table, his big hands bracketing your waist and lifting you up, seating you atop the shiny wood. You’re still shaking, wondering what is about to happen, your fate now tied in with your boyfriend’s punishment, it would seem. Your eyes dart over to him, but this time, you’re angry. Angry that because of his actions, you are the one who’ll be paying the price. All because he had to be an asshole. 
“Hey.” A gentle hand touches to your cheek, turning your head. “Look at me, there you go. I meant it, nothing bad is gonna happen to you, I swear it. Your boyfriend, though? He’ll wish he never fucked with us, after he’s watched me lay you back on this table and fuck you right in front of him.”  
“No! Please don’t do that, don’t rape my girlfriend!” he squeals, getting up, the VP’s hand cuffing his shoulder and pushing him back down into his seat. EZ turns to him, beginning to grin.  
“I’m not gonna rape her, bro. I ain’t that kind of man. Believe me, your girl will consent.” You get the distinct impression that something worse will befall your boyfriend if you don’t, but yet when he focuses on you once more, the way he looks at you evokes a pleasant bloom in your tummy. “You hear that, beautiful? Told you, nothing bad will happen, I want you to know that, alright?”  
You nod, yet you’re still terrified.  
“My name’s EZ, and you?”
He grins, reaching to stroke your neck, his mouth nearing your ear. “Pretty name for a pretty girl.” His lips land in a soft kiss against the side of your neck, his tongue touching in a featherlight lick, another kiss following. “Relax, querida. I promise, I’ll make sure you love every last second of this.” His hands touch to your legs, the action making you jump. “Shhh, don’t be nervous.” Another kiss presses your throat, the hands resting on your thighs coaxing them to part gradually, yours grasped on the edge of the table in a white-knuckle grip.
You glance at your boyfriend, his face a picture of horror and disbelief, EZ turning your head back to him. “Just look at me, baby girl. Yeah, that’s it.” His mouth then meets yours softly, the kiss chaste to begin with, his body moving between your thighs, the action which prompts it to deepen, your lips parting, allowing the intrusion of his tongue into your mouth to press and roll against yours.
Warming to it, your hands slacken their grip, enjoying the way he kisses you, although it throws up conflict, feeling your boyfriend’s stare boring into the side of your head, not wanting to let yourself get carried away, not wishing to hurt his feelings any more than they already will be at being forced to watch another man have sex with you. However, a little voice in a far-flung corner of your mind whispers to you, telling you that if he got you into this mess, in a situation that truly could have resulted in you being hurt, then why not enjoy yourself a little?  
Letting go of the table, you rest your hands to his chest, stroking, the feeling of hard muscles beneath causing heat to mist at your apex, your legs wrapping around him, his hands clutching at the soft of your thighs as he moans faintly against your tongue.  
“Yeah, you want me, don’t you?” he whispers quietly, his hands coming to stroke your face as you bite your lip, your eyes giving him all the permission he seeks as he reaches beneath your dress, grasping your undies and pulling them off.  
“She didn’t say yes! She didn’t!” your boyfriend protests, EZ rapidly drawing his gun as he lunges forward.  
“Yeah, she did. Now, you sit down and watch me take care of her. You never know, you might learn something.” His words are cocky, and a little part of you wants to laugh, EZ seeing it in you as he grins, putting his gun away and kissing you wantonly, grasping your dress and pulling it over your head, your bra cast off with equal swift deftness. You’re shy of being nude in front of four men you’ve never met before, until their words make you settle instantly.
“Damn, that’s a beautiful body,” the tall guy with the black hair praises, his eyes raking over you, the big, bald man he’s talking and drinking with giving you an equally approving look.  
“Beautiful tits, querida.” He winks, throwing back a shot, he and the black-haired guy continuing to converse quietly as your focus returns to EZ, who kisses your neck, murmuring in your ear, exalting your beauty before he sits down, shuffling the chair closer to table, pulling your body near to the edge. He spreads your thighs, taking a look at you closely, the hunger in his eyes burning before he dips his head, kissing your pubic mound a few times, his tongue rolling through your folds.  
A soft exclamation flutters from your throat, the warmth of his tongue instantly searing, your pulse quickening when you hear him rumble a quiet moan. Each lick parts the petals of your cunt, and when his tongue seeks your clit, you whimper, wet warmth circling slowly, his lips gently closing to suck, alternating until the noises he draws from you louden, your cadence sweet as he laps at the nectar of you.
You can feel the horrified stare of your boyfriend as he watches you enjoying it, but you don’t dare turn your head to view it, or let him see the desire in your eyes, stirred by the man who currently has a mouthful of your pussy, his tongue laying long, slow licks against you, driving cool fire over your very bones.  
“Mmm, right there?” he asks, a flat lick making your clit bounce.
“Ahh, yes!” you cry, panting, your hands reaching to grasp his head, your hips rising off the table, EZ continuing delighting you with those firm licks, the sizzle of sensation sharp rooted and twisting a coil within you, your bud swelling against the unrelenting heat of his mouth.  
He pauses for a second, kissing your inner thigh before turning his head. “Does she moan this pretty for you, bro?” Every man in the room who isn’t your boyfriend laughs, EZ looking up at you with a wink before continuing to lick you like you are ripe, summer fruit, his talented mouth working the bliss potently as your back arches, your nails dragging his scalp, unsure whether it’s too much or not enough.  
He conjures little bursts of magic to snap down your spine, grinning against your soaking folds as his tongue becomes rapid at your bud, forcing a wail from you, glimmers rolling through your walls, walls that beg to feel his cock parting, such is the absolute splendour of his mouth upon you.  
“Oh god, that feels so fucking good!” you can’t help but grit, EZ emerging from between your legs, licking the gloss of your arousal from his lips, grinning as he unbuckles his jeans.
“I’d have eaten you all night long, querida, but fuck. I gotta be inside that pretty little pussy right now.” He pulls a condom from his kutte, slipping his jeans and boxers to his thighs, a long, thick cock springing free. Your eyes light up as you watch him roll the condom on, excited at the fact this is the first big dick you’ve gotten to enjoy in a while, EZ moving between your legs and kissing you with smouldering heat.
The bulbous head of him snags at your opening before gliding in, a gasp fluttering over your lips as your tongue battles with his, drawing a sumptuous groan from him as you yield to his length, sheathing him well, his strokes slow and contained, pushing you back against the table, his hands holding your legs spread as he watches your wet little hole swallowing his cock whole.  
Your nerves sing in symphony as he spreads you, dragging your walls with biting pleasure, the pressure of him within you perfect, your mouth falling open. Little cries leave your throat, EZ’s hands sliding down over your nakedness to grasp your thighs, holding you as he begins to rail you against the table, a few more inches of him slipping in as your cunt becomes wetter and more supple against the deep punch of him.  
You tremble as lightning crackles beneath your skin, the pleasure searing right to your marrow, his dark eyes fixed on you as he smiles, watching you falling apart for him. “Yeah, look at you, enjoying the fuck out of my dick.” His turns to look at your boyfriend, smirking widely. “And all you had to do was admit you’re a dickless jackass and apologise, and you’d have saved yourself all this. Although, I’m pretty sure your lady is glad you didn’t right now.”  
And as you feel him speed up, his hands clutched tight upon your thighs, you are glad, because god, the way he fucks you. He leaves you wanting more as your bodies race to culmination, his thrusts becoming staccato as he grits curses, his eyes closing tightly as he pounds into you, a torrid chill of heat flooding your veins as you wail, coming hard around the rapidity of his cock as it jerks and spills, leaving you breathless.
“You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” he pants, pulling you up to kiss you, gently sliding from within the trembling clasp of your cunt, pulling the condom off and rearranging himself back into his jeans and boxers, noting the hunger in your kisses.
“Uh huh,” you gasp, giggling softly.
“Didn’t quite dampen your fire though, did it?” You shake your head, kissing him again. “Anyone else want a crack at this insatiable little thing?”  
“Oh yeah,” the man to your left immediately speaks, EZ giving you one last kiss before trading places with him.  
“Have at it, Bish.” He then sits down to the side of the table, not obscuring your boyfriend’s view. “Damn, your girl has a fuckin’ sweet pussy. I’d apologise if me and my guys are gonna wreck sex with you for her one by one, but nah. You deserve it.” While EZ laughs at the look he’s given in return, your attentions are captured by the gorgeous guy before you, his smirk entertained.  
“Well, ain’t you gorgeous, sweetheart,” he rumbles, pulling his cock out, whistling to EZ sharply and holding out his hand. The president roots around in his kutte and passes him a condom, Bish nodding in thanks, pulling it on and parting your thighs wider before he sinks himself into you with a grunt, his head dipping to lay kisses over your chest as you sigh with gratification. He isn’t as big as EZ, but god, what a beautiful cock. “Mmm, I’m gonna enjoy this.”  
Your body moulds to his, the leather of his kutte offering delicious friction as your pebbled nipples rub against it, one hand clutching the table, the other wrapping around his neck as you meet his thrusts, bouncing against him, the roll of your hips taking him all the way up into you. Each thick vein gives the most incredible stimulation as your walls clench around him, your tongues entwined as you pant against one another, your nails raking at the nape of his neck.  
“Yeah, fuck me.” You purr, and oh, how he does. You’re two amazing cocks past even noticing that your boyfriend is still in the room, continuing to look on in disbelief, seeing you getting so into it. Your eyes couldn’t be torn away from the lustful intensity that Bish stares at you with, though, not for anything, his teeth biting your lower lip between magmatic kisses, his big, rough hands kneading your tits as his hips rock into you, fucking into the sodden clasp of your cunt with hard snaps.
He has you cresting with a scream, your nails ripping at the back of his neck as he lines you up only to topple you completely, his cock twitching through each raspy grunt, resting his forehead to yours as he grins.  
“Damn, that girl can take a fuckin’ pounding, shit!” the guy with the black hair remarks, raising an eyebrow, winking at you. “Oh, honey, you gon’ get it hard when you get to me.”  
The huge bald guy snorts. “Yeah, you goin’ last, homie. You ain’t ruining her with the widower maker you got in your pants.”  
He smirks, sinking a shot. “Don’t be jealous, Gilly.”
Your eyebrows flutter. “Widower maker? Should I be scared?”
“Yes,” comes the joint reply of EZ, Bish and Gilly.  Immediately, you look back at him, watching him grin as he scratches his beard.  
“Yeah... you won’t be able to stand up after I’m done.” The wink he follows it with has your stomach rolling over pleasantly, but you’re too preoccupied by Gilly moving to you to give it much more thought, being handed a shot before he lowers his head to suck your nipples with a hungry groan, his mouth finding yours, kissing you with the kind of skill that makes your pulse throb, his hand sliding down your body, thumb pressing against your clit and beginning to circle.  
Sparks crackle through you as you suck his tongue, your arousal gleaming once more at the fresh contact against your aching bundle, while you look over at EZ and raise your eyebrows.  
“Jesus fucking Christ, what am I, a goddamned vending machine?” His mutter has you giggling, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a handful of condoms, scattering them on the table. “Something tells me you’re gonna use all of them with us, am I right?”  
Picking one up, you rip it open with your teeth. “Oh yeah. Unless big guy over there ruins me, but even then, we got all night.”  
You boyfriend sits up, a spluttered exclamation of ‘What?’ leaving his mouth, EZ pressing his boot to his chest and shoving him back in his chair. “Yeah, I doubt she’s still your girl, mano. Still don’t mean you get to leave, though.” The guys laugh as you pull the condom from the packet, Gilly letting his jeans fall as you eye his cock, placing the little roll of latex against your lips, and then hopping off the table to roll it down over him with your mouth.  
“How’d you want me, big fella?” you purr, kissing the side of his tattooed throat once you’ve straightened again.  
“Turn over, ass up.” You oblige, his big hand striking your cheeks in turn before he pulls you back, pressing your entrance and shunting forward, filling you instantly. There’s no slow build with him, he’s ravenous from the get-go, pounding into you as he spanks your ass, the wide drag of his cock sending pulses through your walls, the coil within you beginning to wind on itself like an angry serpent as you cry out.  
His hands grip your hips hard, his fingertips pressing into your bones as a slight tilt of his hips sends him a fraction deeper, hitting something within you that has you pulsing around him as your thighs quiver, sweat slick over your spine as you begin to pant hard, looking over at the gorgeous guy who is set to finish you, making a motion with your finger.  
“C’mere,” you pant, watching him sink a mouthful of tequila from the bottle before he saunters over, seating himself on the table and lying back, his head beneath yours. “Couldn’t wait.” Leaning to him, you begin to kiss, those kisses like honey dripping over a blade, sweet and sharp, full of longing. He’s the one you’ve had your eye on from the beginning, hoping that somehow, once your nerves had calmed, things would end up how they have and eventually, you’d get to enjoy him as well.  
Your body is sore and tired, but you’re far from done being passed around like some kind of outlaw fuck toy, Gilly spanking your ass hard as he moves into you like a piston, your kisses with the man below you gaining heat as you stroke his neck, one of his hands moving to fist in your hair as he moans into your mouth.  
“Don’t you fuckin’ be distracting her up there, Angel,” Gilly pants, a particularly hard shunt into you making you whine helplessly, lightning flickering your spine.  
“Nah, bro. Just being soft with her before I fucking break her goddamned back.” And his name is Angel? Seems much more demonic than his name would suggest, his mouth returning to yours, his other hand playing with your tits as your inner walls begin to clamp onto the cock splitting you wide, milking Gilly of his release as yours floods through you, the tingles lapping in waves right to your fingers and toes.  
As soon as he’s slid from within you, Angel hauls himself onto the table properly, his big body covering yours, your hands savage at him, yanking in his hair, nails clawing at his neck, unfastening the buttons of his shirt rapidly, needing to feel male flesh against yours, since the other three remained almost fully clothed. His chest is a feast of well-defined muscles and smooth skin, his weight crushing your body to the hard wood beneath you, his kisses predatory, your hands slipping between you to unfasten his belt.  
“Yeah, want me to ruin you, beautiful?”
Your head dips, your teeth biting his neck where the short hair of his beard trails to. “Yes. Right now.”
Your demand is met by another blazing kiss, his hand reaching out and snatching a condom from the table, tongue licking between your tits as he moves back to his feet. You move after him with hunger, unzipping his jeans, your hand delving within to grasp what you can see bulging through the black denim, your mouth falling open. Your fingers don’t even close around it, and when you run your hand up to the head...
“Holy shit, where does it end?!”  
Your exclamation has the guy's guffawing.
“Told you,” Gilly nods. “Widower maker.”
“I think we’ve proved our point, so we’ll get rid of the distraction for you, sweetheart,” Bishop then speaks, hauling your boyfriend out of the chair he’s been held at gunpoint in, snorting with laughter. “Not that he’s been much of one with us here to take care of you, pretty girl.”  
You don’t even turn around, Angel shedding the rest of his clothes before pulling the condom on, a shiver running through him as he watches you stroking your clit, bringing your wet fingers to his mouth and sliding them over his beautiful lips. He sucks them, biting down hard before picking you up, and then literally dropping you down on what can only be described as a third leg. Wow.  
You stretch around him, your mouth falling open as he secures a strong arm around your waist, his other free to lay hard, repetitive spanks against your ass as he begins to bounce you on the hugest cock you’ve ever had inside of you, hanging onto him as you wail, muted only by his mouth returning to yours, kissing you with unbridled want.  
Each spank of his hand hurts, your body tender already from the three men who came before him, but your nerves sparking like he’s the first, glimmers shocking you, dancing upon your bones, mingling with your very marrow, Angel moving rapidly to cage you against the nearest wall, his hands slipping down to grip your thighs as he ploughs into you savagely. Oh god. He’s a beast, his groans all grit and sin as he lays bites along your jaw, his cock so heavy in you, you feel as if you’re taking an entire storm within, thunder rolling through your groin as he pounds you until you scream.
He slows a little then, letting you enjoy the humongous length of him dragging your walls, lighting you up, your soaking cunt fluttering on him as he rolls his hips up into you in slow, delicious rhythm, tongue circling with yours.  
“Fuck, you take a dick so goddamned well, querida.”  
Why yes, even you yourself are impressed at how well you’ve managed so far that evening, definitely glad that he was the last in line, because boy, you know you’ll be ruined after him. His groans are long and heated as a bonfire of pleasure crackles up your spine, Angel beginning to arrow into you faster once more. You can feel his abs tensing against you, his pubic bone grinding against your clit, sending a hail of pleasure pelting beneath your skin, your kisses messy and filthily indulgent as smoky groans temper the air.  
Your veins are warmed by the unrelenting, sharp waves of pleasure as you both chase the swell of release, your body sweat slick and heaving into his, until you feel it winding like a summer tempest, and when it hits, cracking through you like ice over a frozen lake, Angel railing into you with a string of expletives as he follows you into tumbling, surging bliss.  
“Yeah, yeah you were right,” you pant, your head thudding back against the wall. “You ruined me. I need a drink, a shower and a nap.”
He carries you back over to the table, gently lifting you from his cock and seating you upon the cum stained wood, pulling the condom off as he catches your eyes in a gaze. “I can make all three of those things happen for you.”  
You started out the night being scared of where you’d end up because of the Mayans. By 2am, you’re shower fresh and in bed curled around the one who wrecked you in the sweetest way possible. The other three, they were amazing, wonderful, hot as hell encounters, but never to be enjoyed again. Why? Because Angel doesn’t actually let you leave his house until you tell him you’re his girl.  
It’s perhaps not a story you plan on telling your grandchildren, but definitely one you’ll never forget.
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cositapreciosa · 1 year
By the fire
Gilbert 'Gilly' Lopez x gn!reader, (legit no warnings pure fluff) 661 words
a/n : super duper self induglent Gilly fic cause I can and I did? Life is wild. Take it and eat it my child.
Tagging my number one fans in my Gilly delusion @narcolini @drabbles-mc
As always it's the fictional, not the real deal, enjoy xx (do I have to add this for Mayans too or? Plz don't kiss people who shot people? You get it.)
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‘’ It’s cold. ‘’
‘’ Hm. ‘’ Is all he says, ‘’ I told you to bring a jacket. ‘’
You are tucking yourself into his side, cold fingers weaving their way underneath his kut and then his blouse, seeking the warmth of his skin. Maybe Gilly did tell you to pack an extra jacket earlier and maybe you had said something between the lines of ‘not needing his input’, either way, you knew he would never say no to your hands on his chest, no matter how cold. You press closer to him, grateful that he doesn’t move away even though he is scolding you. It had been a nice day and accepting Coco’s invitation to enjoy a bonfire at his house after dinner had been an easy yes.
‘’ I know… ‘’ you purr back, ‘’ Can’t I just touch my husband because I love him? ‘’
You press your chin on his shoulder, feeling the leather against your skin. He scoffs, pulling the bench the two of you are sitting on slightly closer to the fire.
‘’ Yeah, right. You’re just pulling the husband card because you know I’ll allow it. ‘’
You know he is smiling even though you can’t see his face. You had figured out a long time ago that he had trouble saying no to you, mostly because he didn’t mind it that much, even when he liked to pretend he did. You can hear Coco on your left, telling one of those stories he has told time and time again, smell the marshmallows Letty is roasting on the other side. You love nights like these, when the stress seems to melt away from their shoulders, leaving their tough personalities on the front porch.
‘’ Yo. Stop doing the disgusting married people shit. You’re not even listening to the story. ‘’
‘’ We already know the story, Coco, you won’t shut up about it. ‘’
Letty laughs at Gilly’s response, adding something about being called out on it for once. Before you know it, they are throwing marshmallows at each other, flying over the fire. You smile behind Gilly’s shoulder, a sweet barely missing your head.
‘’ Sorry, Coco, it’s cold is all. I didn’t listen to the big man when he told me to bring a jacket. ‘’
‘’ I can grab you a blanket inside or something. ‘’
You feel Gilly’s hands wrap around your elbows, pulling and bringing you even further into his back, his warmth.
‘’ Nah man, it’s all good. Got it covered. ‘’
He shrugs his shoulders, like it’s nothing, and you are brought into the movement with him. You know he likes it, loves it, even when he jokes it’s part of the deal and that he has to do it because you ask him to. You poke one finger at his rib.
‘’ Look at you all disgusting and married. ‘’
He mocks your sentence back to you and you feel his arm moves under your chin. ‘’ You want to stay warm yes or no? ‘’
‘’ Yes, please. ‘’
How he keeps his heat while you always stay cold is a never-ending mystery. Coco goes back to his story, the same one he was telling before being interrupted. You are gently warming up your hands, fingers sprawled across his hot skin. Gilly turns to you, his nose brushing yours.
‘’ Better? ‘’ He whispers, not daring to interrupt Coco once more.
You nod against his cheek, his stubble scratching your nose as you press a soft kiss where his skin peaks over his collar. You can feel the steady beat of his heart under your palm, smell his aftershave and those mints he eats to cover the cigarettes.
‘’ See, ‘’ Coco stops once again. You catch him rolling his eyes, a smile pulling at his lips as he looks over at Letty, a finger waving towards the both of you, ‘’ Disgusting married people shit. ‘’
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ravennaortiz · 3 months
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Summary: After recently rekindling your love for one another the two of you navigate a surprise. This takes place after The One.
TW: child death, high risk pregnancy, brief mention/implication of termination.
Tag List: @darqchilddaydreamz
Gilly was sitting at a table in the clubhouse laughing and playing cards with Coco and Angel when you walked in. One look at your red rimmed eyes and mascara streaked face had his smile wiped completely off his face. It never failed to amaze you how fast the bear of a man moved. He had you in his arms quicker than your brain could process anything.
"Are you hurt? What is wrong?" demanded Gilly in hushed whispers as he held you tightly to him. You shook as the tears started to cascade down your raw cheeks again. You never imagined this moment to be anything but happiness, butterfly and rainbows, but life had already played a cruel trick on you once before. Every time you moved your mouth to speak only a strangled sob escaped.
"Here sit" offered Angel as he pulled a chair over to where the two of you stood. Gilly nodded his thanks as he eased you gently into the chair as he knelt in front of it too look at you. Gently he lifted your chin so that your eyes met his worried ones. Glancing over his shoulder you could see the rest of the club was watching. Ready to go to battle if Gilly gave the signal.
Digging in your pocket you pulled out a box. Gilly watched you and his eyes caught on the word pregnancy and his heart faltered before looking back to your face. When you simply nodded he let out a shaky breath as he worked to get anything to come out of his mouth. "I love you. We will figure this out" he finally stated gently but firmly as he buried his face in your lap.
He couldn't believe he had put you in this position. He should have been more careful. He knew the risk of pregnancy for you was life threatening. How could he be so stupid he thought to himself as he held you tighter. He couldn't lose you. Not after he had just gotten you back.
A few days later the two of you sat holding hands while you processed what the doctor had told you. You felt so overwhelmed and scared as you tried not to dissolve into a puddle of panic on the floor.
The news was as expected. You would be extremely high risk given your history. Not to mention the damage done to your heart with your first pregnancy with your precious Sofia gave you the potential to drop dead at any time. Even if you made it through the pregnancy, labor would be the next issue. You would have to have a C-section, the doctor wouldn't want to risk the strain of a long labor and delivery.
If you were being honest your worries were less about if you survived and more if your child would. Could you stomach another devastating loss? Could you live with yourself if this child died? Would you be selfish to continue on? If you terminated this pregnancy you were denying the man next to you a chance at a child. What if he didn't want to be with you anymore? You felt like you were losing someone no matter what choice you made.
"Mi Corazon. Whatever you want. I will support no matter what. I'm not going anywhere ever again." stated Gilly as he squeezed your hand. He could feel and see the storm brewing in your mind. You were such a sweet and loving soul and he knew this was weighing heavily on you. He couldn't deny he would love another chance at building a family with you. If that meant you wouldn't survive though he could live without it because he knew he could never live without you.
"I would like to try Gilly" you whispered as tears welled in your eyes as you turned to face him. "I love you so much. I'm scared but I feel this is the right thing to do.
Gilly swallowed hard as he nodded. "I love you too. We will be scared together then" he replied trying to be light hearted but you could see through it.
"Morning Mama Kay." stated Gilly as he knelt next to your mothers tombstone with his weekly flower bouquet. He was silent for several minutes as he set to cleaning up the gravesite.
"I don't know what to say. The last few months have been a blur. I know you are watching over us though. Keeping your arms wrapped tightly around your baby girl." started Gilly as he felt tears pool in his eyes.
"I'm always amazed at how easily she accepts challenges head on. She is so damn brave and I can't get over how lucky I am. I haven't told her yet but I'm still terrified I'm going to wake up one morning and find her dead. Get a call and be told she has died." sobbed Gilly as he cried openly.
"I know that isn't the way to live. I'm trying to keep it together because I don't wanna add any stress to her. You raised a true solider Mama Kay, but I know you know that" stated Gilly with a small chuckle as a breeze whipped around him.
"We decided to wait until birth to find out the sex. I am secretly hoping its a sweet little girl though between us. I'll be happy of course if its a boy, but the world deserves more women like you and your daughter in it" he added before wiping his eyes and leaning forward to kiss the gravestone. After a couple minutes he got up and made his way back to his bike too head back home.
"What's happening?" demanded Gilly as his heart pounded in his chest as he heard machines start to alarm. The grip of of your hand in his released as he watched your eyes flutter closed. "Dad. We're going to have you step out okay?" comforted a nurse as she escorted him from you as he watched the doctor give orders. Tears sprung to his eyes as he let the nurse pull him out of the OR. He dropped to his knees and prayed in the hall as people bustled in and out. The cry of your new born baby couldn't even bring comfort to his aching heart.
Gilly knelt next to the tiny bear tombstone like he had been doing every week since he had found out about his sweet Sofia. The little angel he never got to know. "Good morning my sweet angel" he murmured as he tidied up the gravesite. "Your momma is doing well. Shes sorry she couldn't make it." continued Gilly as he smiled softly. "But I brought your little sister today." he added as he picked up his newborn from her car seat. "She's named after you and your grandmother. "Katiana this is your big sister Sofiana. She is your guardian angel and will always look after you." murmured Gilly as he rocked Katiana in his arms as he knelt in the grass.
Gilly sat in silence as he considered how truly blessed he was to have you. That your mama had helped him and brought you two back together. That you had given him to beautiful little girls. One an angel up above and the other an angel walking earth. He closed his eyes as he felt the gentle child like hand on his face. He smiled as he heard the baby coo and giggle at something he could not see. Lucky. He was lucky he thought.
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imagininghim · 1 year
Drunk Dialling
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A/N: I have heard the song Dial Drunk by Noah Kahan so much on Tik Tok lately. Everytime I hear it I picture Ez, so of course I had to make a story about it.
I hope you enjoy!
Like, comment, reblog!
~~ Flashback ~~
"Swear Ez, it's always the same with you!" She screamed at me, continuing to throw her clothes in a suitcase.
"Mi amour, please we can talk about this!" I said taking ahold of her wrist in attempt to stop her from packing.
"No! It's always the same with you! Club this, Angel that! When is it gonna be me?" She said pulling her wrist from my grasp. I stood there speechless, unsure of what to say. With a sigh, she threw the last of her clothes into the suitcase and zipped it up. "That's what I thought, goodbye Ezekiel." And with that, she picked up the suitcase and walked out the door.
I stayed there and watched her walk out, hoping I would wake up from this nightmare.
~~ End of flashback ~~
It was a regular Friday night at the club, we had been throwing another party. I was sitting at the bar alone, sipping on my fourth or fifth beer of the night when Angel approached me.
"When are you gonna stop sulking little bro? It's been a year, it's time to let her go." With a scoff, I picked up my beer and chugged the rest of it. Signalling the prospect to bring me another as Angel let out a sigh.
"I'm not sulking, I'm just not in a party kind of mood." I said simply.
"You're never in the mood for anything anymore. When are you gonna go back to being your old self again?" I scoffed back at him before taking my beer off the bar and making my way through the crowd. Hearing angel call my name, I ignored it and continued out through the door.
When I got outside, I took a seat on top of the stairs before chugging the rest of my beer and throwing away the empty bottle, the sound of glass shattering in the distance. I pulled my phone out of my jeans and began scrolling through my camera roll and looking at all the pictures of her and I.
Lost in my thoughts, I didn't hear the door open and Angel come out.
"You wanna talk about it?" He said, taking the seat beside me on the steps. With a sigh, I slip my phone back into my pocket.
"I miss her." Staring straight ahead, I could feel Angel's eyes on me.
"I know you do, but you can't beat yourself up over it. It's been a year, it's time to move on! Fuck some other bitches and forget her!" I felt anger begin to boil up inside as I stood up and made my down the steps.
"You don't get it!" I snapped. With a sigh, Angel stood up and made his way down the steps and in front of me.
"What don't I get Ez? Huh?!" He snapped back poking at my chest. "It's been a year Ez, she's not coming back! You made your choice, it was her or the club and I know it hurts but you gotta let her fucking go. Ever since she left, all you've been doing is drowning your sorrows in a goddamn bottle instead of moving on!" Anger ran through my veins as I pushed against Angel.
"I can't! Why can't you get that?!" I screamed back at him. "It's not that fucking easy, I love her! Not a goddamn day goes by that I don't see her face, I look for her everywhere I go! I didn't even try to stop her." I felt tears begin forming in my eyes, "I jus- I just let her go, I let her walk out." Angel stared at me in silence. "Why did I let her go?"
"Come on, let's go back inside and forget this." I shook my head before walking past him and over to the steps.
"You go on without me." I said taking a seat. "I'll be in later." Without taking another look at Angel, I heard him let out a sigh before making his way up the steps and back into the club.
As the door closed shut, I pulled out my phone and went into my contacts. Hauling up her contact, I hovered my finger over her number, contemplating on making that call.
Letting the alcohol speak for me, I pressed down on the screen before pulling the phone up to my ear and hearing it ring.
ring... ring... ring... "Hey you reached (Y/N), leave a message and I'll call you back!"
"... Uh, hey... It's Ez... I just wanted to say... I miss you." And with that I hung up the phone. I rubbed my hand over my face, wondering if I was making a mistake leaving her a voicemail. Would she even listen to it? Or would she delete it and pretend I never called?
A million thought swirled around my head as I sat on the steps, the feeling of little wet droplets falling on my skin tore me away from my thoughts.
I let out a sigh, standing up and getting ready to head back into the club when I felt a vibration in my pocket.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)" Flashed across my screen. I slid my finger across the screen, answering the call and placing it against my ear.
"Ez... I miss you too..."
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A Gentle Kind Of Love Masterlist
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Comment if you want to be tagged or follow #a gentle kind of love.
Mayans MC Masterlist
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Contains: Fluff, angst, longing, pining and yearning, Angel being a shit-stirrer, Manny being dumb, cats, violence, mentions of drugs and drug addiction, shooting and death, Canche, smut. There will be more, and I'll do my best to tag chapter by chapter, please don't hesitate to tell me if I've missed something.
Any mature chapters will be marked per Tumblr's community labels, you will need them turned to show to see them. 
More than one emoji dictates how graphic it is. Smut💦 Angst😨 Fluff ❤ Violence🔪 Gore🤢 Medical/forensic💉 Triggering material🚩
You and Coco meet overseas when you are doing aid work. When you move to Santo Padre to settle down, your life changes forever when you and Manny strike up a friendship.
Part One - Oh Hello❤❤😨
Part Two - There's Gotta Be Some Butterflies Somewhere.😨❤❤
Part Three - Been Known in is Aching😨❤😨❤
Part Four - On Yearning❤😨😨
Part Five - Like Real People Do😨❤😨❤
Part Six - I Adore You😨❤💦
Epilogue - Fell in Love with the Fire Long Ago❤💦❤💦
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drabbles-mc · 1 year
Weekend Getaway
Gilly Lopez x F!Reader
For @the-slumberparty's June Challenge: beach, sundress, "There's someone in the house!"
Warnings: 18+, language, alcohol, slight steam
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: I figured I was due to give Gilly a little fluff since I'm gonna be putting the man Thru It in my series for him lmao. Enjoy some little vacation sweetness with the man who is taking over my whole brain 😌
General Mayans Taglist: @buckybarneshairpullingkink @paintballkid711 @queenbeered @kelpies-shed @gemini0410 @mijagif @amorestevens @garbinge @justreblogginfics @rosieposie0624 @choochoo284 @littlekittymeow @proceduralpassion @artemiseamoon @nessmc @withmyteeth @crowfootwrites @beardburnsupersoldiers @winchestershiresauce @frattsparty @fanfic-n-tabulous @justazzi @darqchilddaydreamz @danzer8705 @camelia35 @cositapreciosa @narcolini (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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You could hear the sound of the waves crashing from where you stood in the kitchen. The sliding glass door of the house that you’d rented for a long weekend getaway had a few steps just on the other side, but those steps were the only things separating you from the sand. The house was back far enough so that high tide wouldn’t reach you, but it also wasn’t going to take much effort at all to get to the point where the water would be washing over your feet.
Along with the sound of the waves, you could also hear the whoops and hollers of all the men that were out on the sand. Someone had set up a volleyball net and once it was up, none of them had come back to the house except to grab more drinks to bring out. You didn’t mind it—the break was hard earned, for everyone. The fact that so many of them had jumped on board with the idea of getting away for a weekend now that everything had calmed down a bit was shocking to you. It was nothing short of a miracle that you all had managed to get two houses right next to each other, letting you be neighbors on the beach.
You’d retreated back to the house you were staying in to shower and change after a swim in the ocean. Nothing would be as funny to you as the number of bikers who refused to get in the water because they were convinced they were going to be devoured by sharks. The same men who would willingly and without hesitation go into a gun-fight, wouldn’t go in the water past the waist of their swim-trunks. Gilly had gone with you, and you could tell by the look on EZ’s face that he would eventually dive in before the day was out, if for no other reason than Gaby dragging him in, but the rest of them kept their feet on the dry sand. The overly competitive games of volleyball kept them distracted enough.
Once you had managed to get as much sand off you as possible, you dried off, throwing on a simple, casual sundress instead. The only plans you had until dinner now revolved around plopping on a deck chair with a drink and a book. You’d be able to listen to and watch all of the shenanigans unfold without getting hit with any of the sand that was getting kicked up. You also wouldn’t be roped into something that was more than you bargained for by having to tag into the game. You had watched it happen to Creeper’s wife, but luckily she was competitive enough to hang with the best of them, much to Angel’s demise.
You were half-listening to the controlled chaos outside as you opened the fridge. Once the cool air hit you, your quest for something to make drinks with was instantly forgotten. Your eyes were wandering over everything in front of you, but you weren’t really registering any of it. It wasn’t until you heard heavy footsteps barging through the door and laughter that was too loud to mean anything good that you snapped out of your daze.
Coco was dripping wet, trying his best to look angry but failing at it miserably as he trekked through the house. You had to assume that his state had everything to do with Angel and Gilly who were walking in right behind him, nearly doubled over from laughter.
“Do I wanna know?” you asked with a chuckle as you grabbed a water bottle and shut the fridge door, deciding that drink-making could wait until the chaos crew had left the room.
Coco paused for long enough to explain the situation to you, water dripping from the curls that were now starting to fall out of whatever mess of a bun situation he’d tried to strap them up in. “These motherfuckers,” he gestured to Angel and Gilly, laughing when he saw they were still laughing, “threw me in the fuckin’ ocean.” He hastily pushed a stray lock of hair out of his face. “Like they wanna see me get torn apart by a shark or somethin’.”
“In our defense,” Angel said, fighting hard not to descend back into a fit of laughter, “we said whoever cost their team the next point was gettin’ tossed.” He sniffed, a smirk on his face. “Gotta up your game, bro.”
Coco laughed and shook his head. “Fuck you.”
You were shaking your head at all of them, unable to do anything else besides that as you tried to hold your amusement in the best you could. Taking a deep breath, you couldn’t suppress your grin as you looked at Coco. “Why don’t you go shower, or at least find a towel so you don’t keep dripping all over the beach house floor.”
He turned and started walking deeper into the house to where his room was. “Blame those—”
“I know,” you called after him, cutting him off with a laugh, “it’s all their fault, Coco.” Once you got your giggling under control, you turned back to Angel and Gilly. “Why don’t you give him a break and go terrorize EZ instead.”
“Psh,” Angel pushed his damp hair back, smoothing it as best he could given that the ocean had stripped all the product out of it, “don’t gotta tell me twice.” He clapped Gilly on the shoulder before turning around and heading back to the beach.
You looked at Gilly expectantly, thinking that he was going to turn and leave with a similar type of comment about wanting to go give grief so someone else on the beach. Instead, though, he stood there and stared at you, a smile on his face as he lingered in the doorway.
A soft chuckle slipped out of you as you watched him watching you. Twisting the top off the water bottle in your hand, you took a long drink before finally saying, “You good?”
His smile grew wider as he laughed. “I’m good, yea.”
“Need something?” You tilted the water bottle in his direction. “Drink?”
He shook his head as he stepped all the way into the house. He slid the screen door shut behind him before walking over to where you were standing. “I’m good,” he repeated, smile still on his face as his eyes traveled up and down your body.
“You sure?” You chuckled, something about the look in his eyes still knocking the wind out of you even though you’d lost count of the number of times you’d seen it at this point. “Looks like you might need something.”
“You always had this?” he asked, fully knowing the answer as he reached forward and ran his fingertips over the skirt of your dress.
“No,” you said with a smirk starting to pull at your lips. “Got it for the trip.” It was your turn to ask questions that you already had the answers to. “Like it?”
He nodded with no hesitation, eyes lingering everywhere longer than they needed to as his gaze made it back up to your face. “Looks good.”
You smiled, trying to sound nonchalant despite the heat creeping up your neck and into your cheeks. “Glad you approve.”
He chuckled at your choice of words, the way you phrased it as though there had ever been a time when Gilly didn’t love whatever you put on. Sure, he made more than enough comments about how you didn’t really have to wear much of anything at his place, but that had nothing to actually do with your choice in clothing.
Suddenly he was pressed up against you, chest to chest, hands slithering around until they were resting on the small of your back. He smelled like salt water and the slightest hint of body wash that was still clinging to him. You smiled, palm resting flat against his chest. A few stray droplets that were still lingering on his skin melded into yours as well.
“Your team is gonna start wondering where you are,” you joked. Despite your words being so casual, your tone gave away the fact that the proximity was doing more to you than you wanted to admit.
He shrugged, a smirk tugging at his lips. “They’ll figure it out.”
You laughed, rolling your eyes as you tried to get your wandering thoughts under control. That task would’ve been easier to complete if Gilly’s hands hadn’t been wandering as well. His hands slid down from the small of your back until the tips of his fingers were grazing against the backs of your thighs. You leaned back slightly, hands resting on the edge of the counter.
“Gilly…” you chuckled as you said it, but there was still a hint of warning in your tone.
He laughed as he leaned in closer to you, erasing the tiny sliver of space that had been left between you. “What?” he asked, feigning innocence as he pressed a kiss to your jaw.
You rolled your eyes, knowing that for your sanity’s sake you should push him away but you couldn’t make yourself do it. “Don’t ask like you don’t know.”
Both of you were laughing at that for a moment before he caught your lips with his. You smiled into the kiss at first, the way that it started off soft and sweet. You could still feel the rumble of his laughter as his mouth moved with yours. You brought one hand up to rest in the spot where his neck met his shoulder, applying just the slightest bit of pressure to bring him closer to you.
He took the action to be an invitation, apparently. You felt his hands grip tighter onto you and you knew immediately what was coming. You pushed up with your hand that was still on the edge of the counter, allowing him to set you up on it. Your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, pulling the two of you as close together as you could manage. His hands slid down from your hips until they were resting on top of your thighs. You couldn’t fight the smile off your face while you kissed him, feeling the way he was slowly but surely sliding up the hem of your skirt.
“Gilly,” you said, his name accompanied by a breathless laugh as you pulled your lips off of his.
“Yea?” he said it like he had no idea what could possibly be giving you pause.
You set your hands on top of his to stop him, shaking your head. “Stop,” you told him, trying to make your whisper sound harsh but failing as you continued to laugh.
“Stop what?” he played dumb, hands continuing to wander.
“There’s someone in the house!” you whisper-shouted, laughter still shining through as you tried to swat his hands away. “It’s not the time or—”
“Coco is gonna be pouting for at least—”
“And the rest of your friends who keep traipsing in and out of here? Stealing all your beer?” you asked, smiling as your forehead came to rest against his.
He chuckled as his hand grazed along the inside of your thigh. “We could be quick.”
You rolled your eyes with a smile. Shaking your head at him, you said, “One, I don’t wanna be quick.” You kissed his cheek. “And two, I’ve got no interest in getting caught. I don’t need the guys knowing me like that,” you added with a laugh.
It got him to laugh. More importantly, it got his hands to still for a moment as he considered what you were saying.
You took the hesitation as a win. Wrapping your hand around his forearm, you repositioned his hands so that they were resting on your hips again, over the fabric of your dress instead of under it. “How about,” you leaned back just slightly so that you could see his eyes, “we finish this later,” you kissed him softly on the lips, “and I’ll make it worth the wait?”
He laughed, sighing as his head dropped back so that he was staring at the ceiling for a moment. “You’re the devil sometimes, you know that?”
You laughed as you cupped his face, tracing your thumb along his cheek for a moment before your hands dropped back into your laugh. “You started it.”
He rolled his eyes, shaking his head at you even though he knew you were right. “Whatever,” he said as he laughed.
You hopped down off the counter as he stepped away. Reaching out, you managed to tangle your fingers with his before he stepped too far away. “Hey.” You pulled him back to you, or rather, you pulled yourself closer to him. He looked at you, eyebrows raised waiting for whatever you were going to say next. You laughed, tilting your head so that you could steal another quick kiss before saying, “I love you.”
His smile grew a little wider. “Yea,” he tried his best to sound sarcastic but the look in his eyes gave him away, “I love you too.” He took another step towards the door that led back outside. “Remember that later.”
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imagineredwood · 5 months
Gilly’s girlfriend sucking his thumb?
I think it would catch him off guard for a bit. He'd wonder if you were trying to initiate something more but when he saw that it wasn't sexual, I think he'd probably just accept it. He might tease you very gently, but also want to find out more about it; if it's a comfort thing, if you do it often, how long, etc. I think he might still be playful with it because he still finds it very different, but i think he'd be open and accepting in the end. Just would take a bit more getting used to than some of the others.
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