#ginkgo trees
geopsych · 7 months
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That time of year when the ginkgos are laying down the golden carpet.
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atlasandacamera · 3 months
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Kumamoto, Japan
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theroadtofairyland · 2 years
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Lost Thoughts
Watercolor on Black Paper
2022, 22"x 30"
Ginkgo biloba Tree
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constructbreakdown · 5 months
Super Illegal Entertainment System (autumn vibes edition)
Retropie/Bacotera emulator splashscreen for retro videogames. This one features a Japanese pixel street in autumn.
Make sure you grab a coat before leaving the house.
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karin0punx · 1 year
Autumn in Tokyo
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Tokyo, Japan.
Tokyo, December 2022.
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maisonnushiattic · 6 months
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The ginkgo trees in the park are beautiful✨
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infestedguest · 1 year
The other day in my botany lab our instructor called ginkgo trees “trans icons.”
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motherfuckingcat · 2 years
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whoever's house this is, I'm moving in.
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zegalba · 7 months
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A 1400-year-old Ginkgo tree found within the walls of the Gu Guanyin Buddhist Temple, in the Zhongnan Mountains region of China.
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geopsych · 7 months
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I haven’t come close to doing enough ginkgo content this year so here are more images of their glory including with a rose and some chrysanthemums. The most esteemed residents of my little town.
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atlasandacamera · 3 months
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Fukuoka, Japan
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yuko-a7 · 2 years
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localplaguenurse · 11 months
Now I come into your ask with my usual deranged horniness//HIT
You've done the wifey seeing their past self bc ley line anomalies but consider.... wifey meeting past Morax
Do I want wifey to be sandwiched by Morax and Zhongli and this is my excuse? .....Maybe
wasxdfcghvhjbj but fr imagine past Morax being like, so this is life after winning the archon war (or even retiring from archonhood) hmmm and being so smitten with wifey like damn future me scored I want them <3
(Wifey can barely handle ONE Morax let alone two)
This has not been beta read. Also read prev leylines fic for context because I'm treating this as a part two.
Few mortals travel to Guili Plains these days. It's been a few decades since blood was last shed here, as it's been a few decades since the end of Liyue's Archon War. By now, new plant life has already begun to prosper, though the land still bares noticeable scars.
You're fortunate enough that your body is still youthful, if only because the body of a twenty-one year old can walk off a rough trip better than a fifty-three year old's. The grass is lush enough that any old cuts in the ground are obscured, making for some pretty frequent tripping hazards. You're glad you wore your painting attire, as it would kill you to get grass and mud stains in your nicer clothes.
You've talked with Morax a handful of times about Guili Plains, notably if he was comfortable with you or your children exploring it as you know this place holds a lot of his memories, good and bad. He has told you he is okay with you exploring, so long as you're careful and let him know when you'll be back. You've yet to have any issue with his conditions, save for maybe being careful, but it's not your fault that there are so many hidden cracks and gashes that you always stumble at least once when you visit.
Picking your various pencils and brushes up out of the grass, you look up and pause.
Of course you recognize the figure ahead of you, resting next to a large boulder. What shocks you, though, is the state he's in. The white of Morax's cloak is stained red, as is the tip of the polearm propped up next to him. You freeze up, a hand covering your mouth, before you quickly make your way over to him. What is he doing here. Why is there blood? How much of it is his? What happened?
His head snaps in your direction, and something about the harshness in his face stops you in your tracks. He's never given you this look, not once. You've seen him upset and angry but not like this. He stands up, and when he steps forward, he towers above you.
He tilts his head, and though he seems irritated over your intrusion, he also seems... confused?
You snap out of it and step forward, grabbing one of his arms. "What happened? Are you okay?"
He pulls his hand back immediately, taking a step back. He stares at you, almost bewildered, before a smirk cracks across his face.
"Aren't you a bold little mortal..."
The growl in his tone sends a shiver up your spine. You open your mouth to say something, but then you absorb his words.
Bold little mortal.
You two have been married for going on thirty years now, and have had a brood of five children now. He doesn't refer to you as a "mortal," but by a slew of more endearing pet names. Not only that, but he's never taken an almost patronizing tone with you like this.
It clicks.
This isn't your Morax.
Well, not yet. You have a flashback to the incident at the monastery, where you had comforted your former self. To have Morax first and foremost not recognize you, but also refer to you as a little mortal is indication enough of this. Not only that, you can see he has fewer scars on is body, and the ones he does have seem fresher. Whatever happened at the monastery is happening again.
Morax leans down, seemingly amused by your bewilderment. "Hm? Oh, has the cat caught your tongue, or however you mortals use that phrase? You were so confident in approaching me, so what's changed?"
You clear your throat, and you consider how you want to phrase this explanation. I mean, this is just a memory of Morax, seemingly. You don't have to interact with him, but you also want to.
You figure it's better to get this out of the way.
"I'm your wife."
Morax tilts his head back and quite literally roars with laughter. You feel it thundering in your chest as he hollers. He wipes a tear from his eye, still chuckling, before he grins down at you.
"You are quite possibly the most confident or most foolish mortal I've yet to meet," he says, "and I truly must thank you. I haven't heard a joke like that in years."
You sigh, turn around, and move your hair away from your neck to expose the mark he left there. "I don't quite know how to explain this," you tell him, "or why you are here, but you're a younger version of my husband, and I am your future wife." You let your hair back down and turn to him. "W-We got married near the end of the Archon War, and you claimed me maybe a year later."
Morax looks you over, analyzing your attire, your figure. He circles you, like a wolf sizing up its prey, taking in every detail of your appearance.
"While I admit that you are a rather pretty little thing," he purrs, "I hope you take no offence when I ask why I would marry a mortal woman."
"There's a small village, it's maybe a week's travel north from Mt. Tianheng," you explain, "it has an even smaller monastery. It has an orchard full of ginkgo trees and a shrine dedicated to you. There's a seal put in place to keep the village safe from demons and the Archon War."
Morax pauses.
You continue. "The shrine was broken, and since I was shrine caretaker, the blame was put on me. My abbess..." You look down at your feet. "My abbess gave me to you as payment to fix the seal... You... You would later on kill her for mistreating me all my life."
"... How?"
"You turned her to stone," you say, "and then shattered her body like pottery."
"Hm... I admit, that does seem like something I would have done," he says, "and your knowledge on the shrine lends credence to your story. Still, I have difficulty believing you could be my little wife."
"Why is that?"
He chuckles. "You're very small compared to me. Most mortals have difficulty handling my... form, so I highly doubt you would fare well..."
You blush, but find yourself chuckling with him. You cross your arms. "Considering I've given you five children, I think I handle you very well."
It's Morax's turn to be surprised. "Five...?"
"The last pregnancy was twins," you tell him. "We have two sons, three daughters. They called you baba, and some of them still do. Our oldest, Yānjiáng, calls you father nowadays."
"You gave me... five children?"
"I can show you the stretchmarks."
Morax's face is void of emotion as he considers your words. He stares at your face, looking for any sign of dishonesty or perhaps delusion. Surely, you must be delusional, approaching the Warrior God like this, with no fear and claiming to be his future wife and mother to his five children. He doesn't find any, which is even more bewildering.
After a moment, he smiles. There's still something slightly mocking to it, as though he thinks you're lying, but there's a softness to his expression as he regards you.
"You weave an interesting and truly unbelievable story, little mortal," he states, lifting you chin with clawed fingers, "though I must admit, I'm intrigued. I suppose I will have to find you in the future to see if your story holds any merit."
Morax leans down to kiss your forehead. When his lips disappear, so does he, along with his bloodied polearm. You touch your forehead, and still feel his lips lingering on the skin.
The encounter leaves you with artist's block, simply unable to focus on recreating the scenery. You gather your thoughts and things, and begin to head home. You weigh in your head if you want to tell your Morax about the encounter, if he'll believe you at all. You know he trusts you, but that's still a strange claim to make.
... You're definitely going to ask him to do the growl voice more, though.
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mimeticspace · 7 months
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Ginkgo Tree 🍂 800 years old and the second largest in Korea 🌾 Bangye-ri, Wonju, Korea, Courtesy of @im0gil
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skyward-floored · 6 months
Another Incredibles au fic... sort of a little character study? I suppose it could be that. I just started writing the other day and this came out, so it’s not much, but I figured it would be a shame not to post it. Maybe someone will like it.
Set when Sky and Warriors are preteens, and Time is a fairly-young adult. Little warning for implied past character death.
Warriors walked slowly along the path he was following, his scarf trailing behind him as late afternoon light filtered past. It had been a bit of a detour to head here instead of straight home after school, and his legs were growing tired, but he’d been needing to come here for weeks, and finally had the time to today.
Warriors didn’t stop until the path curved, and he found himself at a tree with fan-shaped leaves that had begun to spread themselves across the ground.
There was a stone beneath it’s branches, and Warriors knelt beside it, gently brushing off the yellow leaves that had fallen on top. His hands brushed the letters carved into the stone, and he leaned back, smiling a little.
“Hey, Mom.”
A few moments of silence ticked by, and his smile faded, Warriors folding his hands in his lap as he exhaled.
“Um... I know I haven’t visited in a while, I’m sorry. Things have been kind of crazy lately. Time got in some trouble, and it was... a lot of stuff happened.”
He cleared his throat, and adjusted his scarf, shaking off the little flakes of ice that had begun to form on his fingers.
“We’re all doing okay now, though,” he continued, watching a leaf fall. “Time’s still kinda worried about me and Sky, even though we keep telling him we’re fine. He’s been sort of... clingy. But even though he’s been clingy, we finally convinced him to let us go out with him, so that’s been pretty great. We’ve already stopped some villains.
“Um... oh right, he hasn’t yet, but Time is totally going to propose soon. When he isn’t worrying over me and Sky, he’s acting almost giddy, it’s been so weird. He’s been so weird lately.”
Warriors huffed out a little laugh, then looked at the stone again, his smile slipping away.
“He really loves Malon. And I think you’d love her too Mom. I... wish you could meet her. We all do.”
He breathed out slowly, scratching his arm.
“I guess that’s pretty much it. I’m doing fine, in case you were wondering. Mostly just training with my powers. I figured out I can do really sharp icicle things if I focus really hard, so I’ve been trying to get better at that. I’ve also been working on making little stuff out of ice, but that’s not super useful...”
Warriors trailed off as a few leaves fluttered down around him, a weight much heavier than leaves weighing on his chest.
He closed his eyes.
“I miss you Mom. I... hope you’re proud of me. I’m trying.”
A leaf landed on Warriors’ head then, and he picked it up, running a thumb along it’s veins.
After a moment he raised his head, and let go of the leaf, conjuring some ice in his hands. He focused for several minutes, tongue slightly sticking out as he molded the ice in his hold, and slowly a flower appeared in his hands, made of pure ice. It was a little crude, and lacked the detail that Warriors would have preferred, but it would have to be good enough.
“I’ll come visit again soon,” he promised quietly, setting the flower at the base of the stone. “I have to go now though, or Time and Sky’ll worry. Even though I’ll be fine, and have powers to defend me, but you know. Time especially doesn’t need more stress.”
Warriors leaned back as a gust of wind blew some leaves past the stone in front of him, and he gently thumbed over the words again.
Then he breathed out, and got to his feet, noting that the late afternoon had trickled into evening while he’d been sitting. The leaves of the tree looked more orange now then yellow, and he tucked one in his pocket as it drifted by.
“I love you Mom. I’ll see you later.”
Warriors looked at the stone one more time, then gave a tiny smile, turning away and walking back down the path he’d come up.
A thin dusting of frost trailed behind him on the grass.
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