laurenlush12 · 1 month
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It’s not that big, right?
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lukesfatties · 1 month
I can’t be the only one that appreciates a nice face gain right? 🔥
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(Teapot, Bbw Bonnie, ivannabbw, Bbw Chloe, Penelopejade)
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elenafeedee · 2 months
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The queen 👑 and her throne queen 👑
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ladyadephagia · 5 months
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Gonna miss her 💞
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jayaury · 6 months
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You don't remember getting married.
But you must have. The gorgeous purple woman in your kitchen says she's your wife.
Says that she loves you.
Says that good husbands don't ask questions. They're just sugar sweet.
Sweet as the cupcakes she feeds you.
Sweet as the cherry lipstick you taste as she kisses you.
Sweet as the icing you lick off her fingers as she strokes you.
Adores you.
Feeds you wonderful, oozing chocolate from the pan.
Never mind her horns.
Never mind the glow of her eyes.
Good husbands don't question.
They just get nice and happy and full. Nice and dopey and sweet.
Good husbands don't question.
Good husbands just eat.
And obey their pretty wives.
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chubbyhottstuff · 17 days
DM IS OPENED!!!!! 🔥 🔥🔥
SHALL WE???? 🥘 🍱 🍟🍖🍗🌭🥓🥞🌮🥯
See how squishy it is? 😉 👉🏻👈🏻💕
LMK if you want to see a little more 😉🤭
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laurenlush12 · 1 month
biggest bounces!
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somnolentdipso · 26 days
A honest Glimpse
Let’s be honest ok: You’ve let go of yaself just don’t you see the extra cellulite when ya look down at your massive mound of blubber. Hearing your greedy wails for more and to hear how much you enjoy my works! I just adore your new body to be honest. So doughy and flabby I just wanna grab and pinch your rolls as I stuff decadent treats for you and your gluttonous consumption. Just feel yourself getting heavier and fatter…so much fatter to the point that you breathe heavily into that just excites me to be honest.
So grab a 3rd bowl full or and whole plate and chow down. Don’t
stop until you’re groaning from the pain and ache your stomach may get. Then I’d love to come and rub your lethargic gut and perhaps even a bit more.
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ladyadephagia · 6 months
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🩷🐽🩷 250 lbs
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newkatzkafe2023 · 5 months
What if Y/N acted like Homer Simpson?
Good Lord😳😳😳
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(Lmk Wukong) I don't think it was a ever good idea for you to the meet in the first place. He met you at pigsy's noodle shop where everyone was Stairing at you as you ate what seems to be 28 bowls of noodles And then you went to order another one. That was the final straw which got you kicked out
Monkey (Y/N): I paid for those noodles and they should let me finish eating them!!!😠
Wukong got a closer look at you And saw that you were a female monkey a yellow plus size one. Which was oddly cute for you you had a white sundress on and some blue boots. Wukong found himself blushing at your appearance And continue to quietly observe you until your attention turned to him.
Monkey (Y/N): Hey Sunflower wanna go to Moe's with Me my treat😘😘😘
Soft and bold I guess one drink with you wouldn't hurt
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(NR Wukong) He was just strolling Bye until somebody flew out of a bar window. Would scared the crap out of him he done red inside to see What was the commotion Just so he can see a bunch of unconscious bodies and this
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A chubby yellow female monkey strangling a random demon. That just raises so many questions by itself but he just Waited until you were done
Monkey (Y/N) I'll teach you to waste beer Especially my beer 🍺 🤬🤬🤬🤬
He didn't know what to make of this. But he found you to be cute. As soon as you were done, you will stomp out of the bar going next door to a dumpling shop And begin to eat your emotions he quietly followed you and asked if you were ok. She turned to look at him with soy sauce dripping down her lip
Monkey (Y/N) never better Cutie😁😋
You were the cutest chubby puzzle he's ever seen and he's gonna solve you whether you like it or not.
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(Mk Reborn Wukong) He fighting some more demon again but he was alone. He saw a chubby female monkey laying watse to the group of demons herself.
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His jaw was touching the floor. He never seen anybody that big moves so fast. But when he stiff the air for a minute he smelled booze??? Wait your fight like this and your drunk?! He hates to admit it but that's impressive. After your mini Massacre you pull out what appears to be some noodle like what??? When you turn to him and ask where you can get some beer, He has never been so confused in his life.
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(HIB Wukong) Ok you guys actually go way back. You met eating peaches together before he challenged Buddha and got seal under the mountain. When Liuer released him to he said he would help if the went to fine you. He wasn't even sure if you were around anymore until he saw a familiar yellow figure eating peaches in the Distance. As usual you were always eating something until he made his presence known to you. When you turn, there was tears rolling down your eyes as you ran up to him and embraced him in a Hawk. Telling him that you miss him very much It have so much to catch up on. But first he has to introduce you to Liuer.
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(Netflix Wukong) when he first came to be you took it Initiative to take care of him. You freakin hated how the other monkeys treated him. So you took him right under your wing. You made sure he was happy healthy and safe and Patched up his Bruises when he gets into tussles with other demons. You were incredibly worried about him Well he was starting A battle with the jade emperor and the dragon king. But you felt that he would be just fine but When you heard that he was going to be sealed under the mountain for 500 years you decided to Pack your supplies and be sealed under there with him. Just so he's not alone for a long time You have no Idea how much he loves you huh? From The very beginning you were there for him at his Worse and you were there for him at his best Safe to say he was made just for you.
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Feel Free to Reblog😇👍
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meep9898 · 1 month
PoV: Thessalia, 800lbs, stuffing you so she's no longer the fat one-
AU in which Thessalia got isekai’d to Earth without losing her powers and easily took control of it.
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Transported to an entirely different dimension against her will, Queen Thessalia Shiador of Muspelheim found no meaningful opposition nor resistance to her plans of conquest. Mana and magic, while mentioned in folktales aplenty, had apparently never been manifested by anyone. Legendary and powerful companies of heroes who would rise to vanquish great evils had been relegated to a thing of yore. Absolutely nothing stood in her way! Therefore, the demoness easily took over the entire planet, overthrowing all kinds of governments and monarchies, becoming Earth’s sole ruler, and keeping most of humanity oppressed with a tight metaphorical yoke around its insignificant neck.
It is important to emphasize “most of humanity”, for there were a few select amongst her subjects which Thessalia kept around as counselors, ‘administrators’ of certain territories, and/or playthings. Specifically, those humans which had shown her some amount of kindness without knowing her true intentions, or those which had explained earthling concepts that were entirely foreign to the one-time-dimensional traveler. You would find yourself amid those ‘fortunate’ souls, being the one chosen to be betrothed to your imposed Goddess.
The majority of humans had never laid eyes upon Thessalia, yet there were many artistic depictions of their Queen, all of which portrayed the tyrant as someone with a perfectly svelte body that possessed assets that would stir envy in most women, with porcelain skin adorning her delicate face and limbs, along with a cascade of magenta hair flowing in the wind, always located in elegant scenarios, holding graceful poses.
However, you are aware of the truth, for you have seen Thessalia plenty of times to have fully memorized each and every last detail of her image.
In reality, Thessalia’s demise hadn’t come from any form of rebellion or war. Instead, it came from something within herself: A perpetual hunger and an ever-increasing addiction to this realm’s junk food. With absolutely nothing left to do after victoriously conquering all of Earth and delegating others who would ensure that order was kept, all the demoness ever did was sit her butt on her iron throne and eat, eat, drink, eat, drink, drink, eat, eat, and eat some more, consuming every last bite, inhaling every crumb, and gulping down each drop. As the years passed, this obviously led the Queen into obesity, leaving her currently standing (not that she could really properly stand for long anymore) at a jaw-dropping eight hundred pounds.
That morning, you are called to Thessalia’s living quarters in order to make some finals arrangements for your upcoming wedding. As usual, you find the demoness’ rear parked atop her throne while she audibly gorges on the greasiest cheeseburger you have ever seen, and you can’t help but stare in awe at the impressive display of gluttony that was happening right in front of you, taking in every detail of her image from head to toe.
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Strands of magenta hair stick to her sweaty forehead. In fact, every inch of your Queen is drenched with a thin film of perspiration, soaking her royal gowns. The pinkette’s jowls jiggle with every bite she takes, huffing as she attempts to cram the entire beef patty between her grease-stained lips in one go. Grease and condiments roll down her wobbling pair of chins, which are thick enough to engulf the entirety of her neck. Some droplets were lucky enough to continue their journey towards the tyrant’s comparatively petite chest, forever to be lost in her cleavage. Speaking of her chest, each glistening breast is the size of her head, barely contained by her dress’ cups and splitting to the sides in order to give way to the colossal belly where they rest. Her gloriously bloated midsection is conformed of three rolls; the upper one, mostly hidden by her pendulous bust; the middle one and biggest of all, adorned with the cutest cavernous navel, and the third and lowest one, which hangs all the way to her knees and flairs outwards to form a fluffy pair of hips, constricted between the armrests of her throne. Moving lower, you’ll find what can still be seen of her tremendously meaty legs, their inner side slick with sweat and always remaining apart thanks to the might of her cascading gut. Finally, there’s the real royal seat, Thessalia’s ass, a pair of gelatinous globes covered in cellulite, round and ample enough to be partly seen from the front.
A few seconds go by in which only the sounds of ravenous chewing, breathless moans, and metal creaking fill the room. Then, having her ‘snack’ come to a sudden stop, your Goddess points a pudgy finger at you, her flabby bicep slapping against her sides.
“It ish shee…Haaah…my beloved…BWOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAARRRRRRPPPPPPPPPppphhh!!! Hah… Shou hash taken eonsh to get to me…Wha’ took shee sho long?! Hu-UUUUUUUUUuuuUUUUAAAAaaAARRRP-mph! Never mind…Now that shou ish here…Hnnngh…I have a little shurprise for shee…Hoo…”
Before you even have a chance to bow in order to greet and reaffirm your loyalty to your future wife, a pair of hands take hold of each of your arms and drag you to a nearby seat. They wrap tight, leathery straps around your wrists and ankles and they hook a strange device you had never seen before to your mouth. With a snap of Thessalia’s fingers, one of the royal guards that placed the contraption on you pulls a lever, and soon, a cold, creamy, and heavy liquid flows into your gullet. At first, the substance goes in slowly, giving you enough time to breathe and enjoy its flavor.
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“HAAAAHAAAAHA-HAAAAAUUUUuuuuurrrp! Sho eashy to trick! Shou musht know…if shou are to be my partner…I, ash Queen, musht be the beautiful and elegant one, right? Shomeone hash to be…Huff, huff…more decadent than me…Phew… more gluttonoush than me…Sho that all the attenshion ish focushed on them…And that, my preshioush, ish shee! When all of my shubjectsh look at shee, all they’ll see is a living blob…a ushelessh pile of lard, sho heavy and helplessh, they’ll…Haaanggh…completely forget about my shize! HAAAAHAAAAHAAA-AAAAOOOOOoooouuuUUOOORRRRRRPH!”
It isn’t long before you feel the tube pumping melted ice-cream into you that much faster. Each gulp, take another portion of your strength away, replacing your muscles with pure lard. You feel yourself going from thin, to flabby, to portly, to chubby, to fat, to straight up obese, teetering on the brink of immobility. You desperately want to release yourself from your constraints, but all you can do is jiggle and bounce in place. Your arms fall to your sides, burdened by hundreds upon hundreds of cumbersome pounds.
Threads rip and buttons pop, turned into tatters, leaving your fat frame entirely exposed before Thessalia’s eyes. She snickers and licks her plush lips, impressed by your enormity. Your seat collapses under your weight, sending splinters flying all over the room. Even the straps that kept you trapped snap, freeing your limbs. You can finally release yourself from that heinous trap, you can escape, forget about your wedding and leave everything behind, never to see the demoness’ face ever again, but…you can’t, and, even if you could, you don’t want to. Not anymore.
Your brain is enveloped by fog, all your thoughts fading away, the creamy liquid filling your mind too. You continue gulping, and gulping, and gulping, and gulping, and gulping, enamored by the feast your Queen has so kindly offered you. You want to keep gaining and growing until you outgrow Thessalia’s weight, until you outgrow the throne room, the entire castle! Maybe, you want to keep drinking until you outgrow the kingdom too, succumbing to the fatness, drowning in your own rolls. Why did it take you so long to get so fat for the one you’ve always loved? If only Thessalia had turned you into a living blimp much sooner…
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You think to yourself ‘Yes, my beloved Queen. I’ll be the best hog for you.’
This is your final thought. From now on, thinking is out of the way. All you can do, all you want to do for the rest of your life, is grow for Thessalia…
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laurenlush12 · 1 month
new VIDEO on Curvage 🥵
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somnolentdipso · 23 days
Pleasant Porker
Admire the glint from the glazing of the donuts as they cool down in front of you. Smelling the aromas meld those lovely scents to gather to bring a real hogs true intentions out. Feel your gut rumbling in the presence of what you would call morsels yet others call it a grand feast.
Chowing down the meals and stacking the plates so high just for me to come back and serve you some more. Seeing you chow down and even expanding as the days go by… ha you’ll be a blue ribbon pig in no time haha
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circle-girls-tower · 6 months
gluttonygirls Millia, wondering if it’s okay to ask her if she can buy appetite enhancers from her-
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"If you've got something to ask me, do it. And I've been around long enough to know when people want to ask me something. So, come on."
Such a menacing presence from someone shorter than her.
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gainprincess · 10 months
My Baobhan accidentally waddling over and tripping on top of your Perceval-
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"Ooof- My apologies, my lady. Are you alright?"
Of course, she's caught immediately by the massive man, who smiles as he holds her gently and waits for her to regain her balance. He has no regard for her weight, or her demeanor, or anything; He just wants to make sure she's alright.
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"I'd hate to have caused you harm."
That smile is like a blinding lightning bolt-
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