#gone wrong
theartingace · 7 months
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By lamp and moonlight we saw them, but what we saw wasn't quite what should be
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mrwavellswaps · 3 months
The Embodiment Of His Desire
“Aww what? I only get one wish? Aren’t you supposed to give me like three or something?” Klara sighed as she looked up at the magical genie before her. She’d summoned him accidentally when she stumbled across an old artefact that was stored away in her grandfather’s basement.
The genie rolled his eyes. “Yes you only get one. This isn’t a movie you know.” The genie twirled around Klara. Like most depictions of genies, his upper body was that of a fit man while his lower body was no more than a cloud of smoke that connected him to the strange artefact he came from. He had deep red skin and a twirly mustache that made him look somewhat similar to a few depictions of Lucifer. Though he didn’t look nearly as threatening thankfully.
“Okay well if I only get one wish then…” Klara thought for a moment but it didn’t take long for her to decide. “I wish that Chris Kellerton, the hot guy from my university, would fall in love with me.” She asked with hopefulness. She’d had her eyes on Chris from the moment she saw him. He was her dream man from head to toe. Perfect in every way from his body to his face, the way he spoke to the way he treated people. She wanted him so badly. And yet he didn’t seem the least bit interested in her. He was nice to her for sure but he always treated her like a friend and nothing more. Well Klara wanted more.
Unfortunately the Genie tutted and wagged his finger. “No can do. I can’t force somebody to love you. Or more accurately I won’t. I don’t like messing with people’s feelings in that way.” He explained, watching as a look of disappointment quickly overtook Klara’s face. “However. I can propose something else that may give you the result you desire. Instead of forcing him to love you, I can instead change your identity and the way you look so that you become the embodiment of Chris’ desires. You’ll have to give up your old life but I have almost no doubt Chris will fall for you afterwards. How does that sound?”
Klara had to ponder on it for a moment. Was she really willing to give up everything she knew including the way she looked for this man? It would be a massive commitment in so many ways. But soon enough she made her choice.
“Yes. Do it. Anything to have Chris be mine.” She said at last. “I wish that I was the embodiment of Chris Kellerman’s desires!” She stated boldly with a mixed look of both excitement and nervousness.
The genie smirked down at the young woman who still had no idea what she was in for. But that was for her to find out. “Well then. Your wish is granted.” His voice echoed through the basement as he snapped his fingers. Immediately Klara was wrapped up in a pillar of smokey magic as the genie returned to the artefact once more.
Klara had no idea what was happening. All she could see was a storm of red mist swirling around her like a vortex that was too thick to look through. All she could do was take a deep breath and trust in the genie as her body began to change.
The first thing she noticed was her legs and torso getting longer. She’d been quite a short woman before so maybe that was part of the reason Chris didn’t like her. Maybe he was into taller girls, she thought. Her former height of 4’11” continued to increase up and up. Every time she thought it was about to stop it simply kept going until finally she reached a staggering height of dead on 6 foot. Even taller than Chris!
Her muscles were next. She could feel her arms and legs begin to grow stronger as they gradually expanded. By this point Klara was starting to assume that maybe Chris was into muscle mommy’s or something because soon enough she looked jacked! Having started to rip apart her clothes slightly that were already being stretched to their limits after her height increase. Strong abs carved into her stomach, thick looking legs and some of the brawniest looking arms she’d ever seen on a woman. She wasn’t sure how exactly to feel about it. She never imagined getting into this kind of shape but if this is what Chris was into then…
But the changes didn’t stop.
Klara began to squirm uncomfortably as a strange indescribable sensation took over her groin. She reached down into her panties just in time for her eyes to widen at the feeling of a small nub pushing its way out of her vagina. It was tiny at first but it continued to push its small mushroom head out of her pussy, followed swiftly by a shaft that was growing thicker by the second. Her pussy began to close itself up but not before two small testicles could slip their way through as well. Klara couldn’t believe it. She had a cock and balls!? And they were still growing! A substantial bulge began to form in her panties as her new dick grew up to a very impressive 8 inches with enough girth that she could’ve put any of her former lovers to shame with it. Not to mention her new balls growing so fat that she could practically feel the mass amount of testosterone being churned inside them.
That was the turning point. With the new penis and testicles hanging between her legs, Klara’s DNA was being completely altered. More specifically the XX chromosomes inside of her were swiftly being mutated into XY chromosomes instead. Suddenly the changes being made to her form were no longer limited by her female form as Klara was about to find out.
Almost immediately her body began to lose its feminine form. Her curves disappearing in favour of further definition to the new muscle she’d gained. Everything from her waist to her butt lost its female look as they grew to a more masculine shape. Following this her hands and feet grew multiple sizes bigger, especially her feet, until they looked meaty and clumsy. Nothing like the delicate appendages she once had. However that was nowhere near as shocking as having to watch her breasts melt away. Her nipples shrinking to much more modest size as the tits she’d grown used to weighting her down quickly vanish into nothing more than a flat muscular chest.
After that her muscles began to feel strange again. They were pulsing as if they were preparing for something. But Klara didn’t have time to focus on that right now as her face started to morph. Her hair was first to recede into a short masculine cut before her features began to change dramatically. Gone was the soft and delicate face of a woman as her jaw widened, nose broadened, eyes shifted to a more masculine shape. Everything about her face morphing until it looked manly as fuck! And to top it all off, she felt a sudden itch across her jaw as a short full beard sprouted and decorated her new face perfectly while the lump in her throat enlarged to give her a much deeper, huskier voice.
Klara hardly even had time to comprehend the feeling of her new facial hair before suddenly her veins began to bulge across her entire body. That pulsing in her muscles from before heating up to an entirely new level as she began to hulk out once again! Now that her body was no longer restrained by its female form and hormones, her body packed on more muscle than she could ever have imagined!
Her arms being first and foremost as her biceps and triceps exploded to ridiculous sizes that meant even the slightest movement would cause them to bulge in some way and in turn flooding them with a level of strength she could never have dreamed of before. This was soon followed by her shoulders and back expanding rapidly and widening her physique to an even more wildly masculine shape that would no doubt make it difficult to fit through doors from now on. Naturally her chest was next as her pecs pumped up to an enormous degree, almost to where it felt like she had breasts again. Only this time they were solid slabs of pure manly muscle the size of fucking watermelons! And yet despite her now gigantic size, her body still somehow managed to hold onto the abs it’d carved earlier and allowed them to grow even larger across her stomach. By this point her shirt had been completely ripped to shreds and by the looks of things, the rest of her clothes weren’t going to last much longer either.
Of course her lower body was next and it didn’t take long for her new male ass to start plumping up some more until it was a nice thick muscle butt crafted from years of training. But last and certainly not least was her legs. And to say they hulked out would be an understatement. Klara couldn’t help letting out a long deep groan as her quads and hamstrings bulked and thickened into massive trunks leaving her with thighs that could crush a head with ease. Even her calves boomed with new muscle until they looked harder than steel.
Klara was left panting heavily after such an intense transformation. Finally the intense pulsing sensation that’d been rocketing through her body moments ago was starting to subside, finally giving her a chance to realise that her pants and underwear were completely gone. Leaving her stood completely naked with her new cock and balls swinging in this enormous muscle tank of a body that she could hardly even comprehend right now. But just then as the vortex continued to swirl around her, so did the tattered remains of her old clothes.
The remains of her shirt reformed around Klara’s bulky new body, only this time as a large black tank top instead that did well to show off her new physique. Her destroyed pants and underwear did the same as they formed around her body as large jockstrap to hold her new junk in place as well as a new pair of grey gym shorts to match her tank top. Even a black cap materialised itself on her head. Finally ending with her old shoes and socks reforming into a comfortable pair of gym socks and sneakers that actually fit her massive new feet.
Before Klara even had a chance to reorient herself, the pillar of smoke twisting around her vanished in an instant. Only now she wasn’t in her grandfather's basement anymore. Instead she was now standing in the middle of a gym! She glanced around a little to quickly discover that it was the local gym she’d been to a couple of times but she still couldn’t help but feel light headed as her brain tried desperately to play catch up.
Klara looked down at her hands. Flipping them back and forth as she inspected the sheer size of them. Her gaze then wandered up her gigantic forearms and towards the enormous biceps she now adorned. Then looking down in bewilderment to see her pecs pressing tightly against her new tank top. It didn’t seem real and yet… it was.
When she turned around to see her reflection for the first time in one of the gym’s many wall mirrors, Klara’s mouth hung open in shock. She shouldn’t have been surprised but actually seeing the image of a massive bodybuilder dude being reflected back at her in a mirror took her breath away. She had no idea how to react. Only staring on in awe for a good few moments as she drank in her reflection.
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Though after a few moments she couldn’t help but flex a little out of curiosity. Starting with her arms of course. Squeezing those super sized biceps a little and watching as both her muscles and veins bulge with power. Just the sheer magnitude of her arms was overwhelming. Yet as mesmerising as her giant arms were, her attention couldn’t help shifting to her pecs. She cupped them with both hands, feeling the heft and weight of the muscle. These new muscle tits were even bigger than her regular tits and they had a completely different feel to them. She could squeeze and enjoy groping them but in an instant she could flex them and they’d become rock hard. Speaking of rock hard…
“Ughhhg… Rrghhg…” Klara grumbled and squirmed slightly as her new cock started to get excited. She didn’t know how to stop it and before long blood was pumping at a rapid rate into her new member, forcing it to thicken up to its full size. She very quickly came to realise how uncomfortable public erections were as her growing dick strained against her shorts and jockstrap. She tried her best to hide it from anyone around but it wasn’t an easy task with his well endowed she was now. And that’s when she saw him. Chris. Working out from across the gym and seemingly glancing at her.
That was it. Her cock was in high gear now as it pulsed and bucked with excitement at the sight of her crush. Some guys from around the gym had already begun to notice how strange Klara was acting and were giving her strange looks which caused her to go red with embarrassment. Luckily however she spied the doors to the changing rooms not far away. Without a moment’s hesitation she stumbled awkwardly over towards them, trying to get used to the balls between her legs as well as the pulsing erection. She almost went into the women’s changing room at first before quickly realising that wouldn’t be a good idea…
As soon as she reached the changing rooms, Klara hobbled into the bathroom with her new third leg threatening to burst out at any second. Luckily they were private single bathrooms allowing her to lock the door and breathe a sigh of relief.
Immediately she found the sink mirror and stared at herself once again in disbelief. Inspecting her new features and touching her beard. It was by all accounts completely insane! But that didn’t stop her from dropping her shorts and jockstraps moments later to finally let her giant new sick spring free. Gasping a little as it smacked against her abs ferociously. So this is what it felt like to be hard? Jesus… It felt like she had a steel pipe between her legs!
“What the fuuuuuckk…” She groaned as she waddled over to the sink before leaning on it for support. “That fucking genie… why did he do this? This isn’t what I wished for?” She growled as she continued to scan her new body in the mirror. Eyes wandering up and down the impressive male specimen she now was. Not being able to help constantly glancing at her pulsing cock. Until finally it clicked. Chris. He’d hardly looked at him before. But just a few minutes ago back in the gym… he did. Chris glanced at him. And it wasn’t a strange look like the other gyms were giving him. No, it was different. It was… lustful.
Klara hung her head as everything slid into place. “Chris is gay.” She sighed. That’s why the genie turned her into this. She had indeed become the embodiment of Chris’ desires… it just turned out that desire was a massive big dicked muscle monster of a man. “Yup. I guess that one’s on me.”
With that Klara took a step back and looked at herself again. “Fuck. Well I guess I’m a man now.” She flexed both of her arms in a double bicep pose. “And a huge one at that.” But her tone didn’t sound disappointed. Rather intrigued as she thought about the possibilities that came with all this. Or rather the advantages.
A large grin began to form across her face. “You know what? I could get used to this.” She murmured as she slipped off her tank top and admired her new upper body in all its glory. “No more periods, no more bras.” She began as she flexed her pecs again, slowly starting to figure out how pec bouncing worked. “No more being seen as a petite little woman who everyone assumes is weak and helpless half the time. No more being ignored simply because I’m a woman as well.”
Without a second though Klara reaches down and grips her cock tightly. Moaning as she does and loving how it feels. Not just the pleasure of it but the feeling of having a cock in general! It made her feel even more powerful in a strange way she just couldn’t explain. “Now I get to be a huge man with a booming voice that everyone will fucking listen to. Not to mention getting respect from other men simply for being a man myself.” She was loving it as she quickly began jerking herself off for the first time. “Oh god and all the male privilege I’ll get to have! Fuck yes!”
Klara continues to go on and on about all the advantages she’s going to have now with a body like this. Grinning wildly to herself as she continues to jerk. All of her worries about becoming a man swiftly slipping away as she realised how heavily the pros outweigh the cons. And of course just how amazing it felt. She was already getting intoxicated by the power and size of her new body and couldn’t imagine going back to being so small and weak in comparison.
“Urrghhuuuu! Fuuuuck! And having a cock is sooo much better than a pussy!” She exclaimed boldly. But she was right. Before she always had to touch herself in just the right away and activate the right spots to get off. But now all she had to do was stroke the massive piece of meat between her legs and it was instant eye rolling pleasure. It was so good in fact that she couldn’t bring herself to stop for even a moment. Only pumping even harder and faster by the second to slowly coax moan after moan out of herself. She loved everything about jerking off from the feeling of her muscles jiggling with every stroke to her new bull balls bouncing rhythmically along with it. She could practically feel the testosterone flooding her body and mind and she was already completely addicted to it. Addicted to being a man.
“Oooo-ooooohhh fuuck-OOOOOOHHHHH-” Klara wailed at last as her load began to well up. Not being able to stop herself as her ass tightened and one final roar escaped her lips before her new cock exploded for the first time. An eruption of cum spewing violently from the fat head of her dick. Klara couldn’t help but watch in wonder as she unleashed sperm for the first time. She almost couldn’t believe it but she was actually nutting! Splattering her own ball batter all over the mirror, floor and herself! It was unbelievable but she adored every second.
Moments later she was sitting bare ass on the floor trying to catch her breath with a huge smile on her face. She had to admit, though this wasn’t the result she’d had in mind when she made that wish, she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t happy with the results.
After cleaning up as best she could, Klara got dressed again in her new male clothes. But before stepping out again, she looked at herself in the mirror one last time. She was a man now. Or rather he was a man now. And he certainly couldn’t keep going by his old girly name. He thought for a moment until suddenly a name sprung to mind. Ian. He didn’t know why but he liked it and he was sure Chris would too. But with that Ian gave himself a quick wink in the mirror before heading back out into the main gym.
As he did he couldn’t help noticing he now had information filling his head on how to use every machine in the gym alongside shit tons of bodybuilding knowledge. That was going to make maintaining his new body a hell of a lot easier but that wasn’t what he was focused on right now. His attention was tunnel visioning onto Chris.
Moments later Chris was in the middle of a set when Ian came straight up to him with a cocky and confident demeanour. Ian couldn’t help smirking when he saw the blush blooming on Chris’ face as the now smaller man ran his eyes across Ian’s godlike physique. Scanning every muscle in a not so subtle man. Jesus… how had Ian not figured out Chris was gay sooner. Just being in the presence of a massive hulking man had Chris melting into a puddle.
“Hey bro. Was wondering if you could spot me for a few sets.” Ian asked politely, his thick masculine tone cutting through the air in a way that made Chris shiver. This new masculine demeanour just came so naturally to Ian now. “And afterwards if you don’t have any plans I was thinking you and I go out later tonight? What do ya say?”
“S-sure! I’d love to sir… I-I mean bro…” Chris stumbled with his words. Flustered beyond belief in a way that made Ian chuckle.
“Perfect.” Ian responded, already imagining how he was going to toss Chris into bed later tonight and really break in his new body and cock by destroying that cute ass. God… being a man was going to be fucking spectacular.
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little-noko · 4 months
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Stupid doodle is stupid. But I had to X'D I imagine she panicked when he started talking and she just smacked the bouquet right into his face X'D Art & Emyl(c) @little-noko Trave(c) @tatatale
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scherzokinn · 6 months
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ericvelseb666 · 4 months
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...Uhh what happened...?
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whumpster-dumpster · 6 months
Imagine if the team prankster pulls a prank on Whumpee except - Whoops! Accidentally triggered Whumpee's trauma! (whether its an accident or not is up to you)
One of my favorite things!
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mrsoulstice · 2 months
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It was at this very moment, she knew she fucked up😂😂
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sunnynwanda · 1 year
Blind or blinded: Part 2
Part 1
It was not a date. Not in the conventional sense, at least. Rather, a business meeting. 
They decided to get a coffee to avoid suspicions. After all, two adults sitting in a book cafè without any coffee or books would look weird, right? So, while Hero ordered their coffees, Villain browsed the bookshelves, picking a random book for them to have on the table.
After their disaster of a blind date, they spent two hours each lecturing Anita on the horrible mistake she had made by setting them up. She apologised, of course. Even though the knowing smile never left her eyes. 
They met two days later to discuss the results of the ‘educational work’ only to conclude that their friend didn’t seem sorry, not in the slightest. Both knew they had to retaliate in some way as punishment. This led to the third meeting, in which they designed a plan and the fourth, in which they might have celebrated the successful implementation of said plan. 
The fifth time they had come across each other was more of an accident. One that ended up with them on a rooftop, talking over politics and agreeing that the mayor needed some jail time.
Villain stops for a second, hand mid-air in front of the shelf. This was the sixth time they were meeting outside of the usual Hero vs Villain dynamic, and they hadn’t killed each other. In fact, they were able to communicate quite well. 
They notice Hero is back at their table and walk over, a heavy folio in hand. The smell of cinnamon and caramel hits their nostrils, earning a satisfied yet puzzled smirk. "You know my order?"
Why can't you just smile at me? Hero wants to ask. Instead, they run their fingertips over the cover of the book handed to them. “You know my favourite book?" 
Villain shakes their head, accepting the rules of the game. Uncomfortable questions with no answers, it is, then. Will you go out with me for real?
"What did you want to discuss?" They opt for the safer option, taking a sip of their drink. The sweet taste warms their tongue. Hero mirrors the action, drinking their double espresso, no sugar. Villain thinks only absolute lunatics can drink something so sharp and bitter with such a sweet fucking smile. Quite fitting.
"Our plans for the next two weeks," Hero says, meeting their nemesis' eye. "Or rather, the absence of those." They elaborate. Villain has to stop the cup from meeting their lips to avoid choking. 
Oh, right. It’s December 20th. 
"I remember. You and Anita demand a Christmas vacation," Villain replies, attempting to sound disdained and failing miserably. "What am I supposed to do, though?” 
Die of boredom? Another uncomfortable question Villain’d prefer unanswered and unuttered. 
"That's what I wanted to talk about, actually," Hero finds themselves unable to look at Villain, shifting slightly to face the window. For some reason, they were even more nervous now, after five full dates that did not result in murder. “Do you have any plans for our impromptu holidays?”
“Not... exactly,” Villain admits, reaching for their backpack and pulling out a book of their own. Hero offers them the most charming irritating cheerful smile, so they hurry to add before their enemy has a chance to mock them. “I’ll just spend some time on my hobby.”
“Your hobby?” Hero struggles to contain their excitement, the stupid butterflies tickling their lungs. Villain, however, seems oblivious to the glint in their eyes, going for an offended tone again.
“Yes,” they retort, indignation filling their voice. When they agreed to go on a blind date with Anita’s second best friend, they might have suspected something. They might have chosen to act clueless about her scheme. They might have even accepted the possibility of seeing something more in their archnemesis. That was one of the two things Villain would never admit to. “What’s so surprising?” 
“I’m your hobby,” Hero claims, absolutely unashamed as they stare into Villain’s increasingly pink face. “Are you gonna spend some time on me?”
“That’s not what I...” their explanation is interrupted, but Villain fails to grasp the meaning behind Hero’s short comment. Their mind wanders towards their actual hobby, which does, in fact, involve Hero. For quite sometime now. And that is the second thing they weren’t willing to admit. 
“’Cause I don’t mind,” Hero claims, leaning back in their seat and emptying their cup in one gulp. The nerves are getting the best of them while the gorgeous nincompoop sits there, looking out of this world under the cold winter light.
“...meant,” it takes Villain several moments of silence and one teasing grin from Hero to register what their opponent has said. “Wait, what?”
Their brain positively short-circuits as they stare into negative space. Hero ignores that, reaching for their book to hide their trembling fingers. That blind date was the happiest accident that was granted to them by the universe, and Hero would be damned if they let the opportunity slip out of their hands. 
“You know what?” Villain starts, and Hero is about to apologise when Villain strikes them with the most ravishing smile imaginable, rendering them speechless. “I might just do that.”
With that, Villain leans back against their chair, opening the sketchbook on their lap. They watch Hero’s flustered expression turn ecstatic in a matter of mere seconds as the wheels spin harshly in their head. Now, this is a look they’ve never captured before. 
Their pencil barely manages to touch the clean page when Hero breaths out, half-choked. “God, I’m in love with you.”
Villain’s head snaps up as they drop the sketchbook, not noticing the pencil that rolls off their lap when they lean over the table, grabbing Hero’s chin and kissing them without warning.
Anita has to bite down her palm to suppress a victorious yelp as she walks away from the cafe with a jump in her steps. “I think it’s safe to say you both owe me one. Oblivious Idiots.”
Part 1
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pink-link-lemonade · 1 month
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What if the infection dealt more damage to them? What if their partner that they put so much trust in left them for dead last second? What if Linx’s story had just gone wrong altogether?
Gone Wrong! Linx :)
Yup, an AU from an AU isn’t that fucking CRAZY? INSANE? LOONEY, even?! Woah.
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ccccjashcomics · 3 months
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ashintheairlikesnow · 10 months
Don‘t mind me sneaking into your inbox playing a little peek-a-boo with Danny and Nate: Danny, wasn‘t there something you planned including rope and your very sexy husband in the bedroom?👀
CW: Survivor navigating boundaries around sex, two survivors actually, safe sane consensual spice, angst, ptsd, bad response to spice
"How does this, um, not terrify you?"
"Hm?" Nate looks up without raising his chin, mossy green eyes under dark eyebrows. Although even those are threaded through with silver, now. "Terrify m-me?"
"Yeah." Danny hesitates, leaning over him, face inches away from his own. Barely that, even. Nate never misses a chance to just... look at him, take in the scars and the freckles and the silver-red hair. The love that shouldn't have made it this far, but somehow still did. "I can't-... do any of it. Be tied up, um... how can you?"
Nate shifts, leaning slowly back against the headboard until his shoulder blades touch the intricately carved wood, stretching his hands just to feel the rope tight around his wrists. Well, not too tight.
Danny wouldn't agree to tie it tight enough to actually make it hard for Nate to escape it. Just in case he got scared and couldn't make his hands work well enough to untie the knots. Because some part of Danny is always, always afraid of the worst case scenario. Which Nate finds... sweet, but also confusing, because what is there left to be afraid of, anymore?
Still. His head tips back against the headboard, too, baring his neck in silent invitation. Danny moves forward in almost the same breath to kiss him along the thin, nearly-invisible scars that circle his neck. The collar he wore instead of a real one like Danny's had been. But Danny's tongue and mouth against his pulse are hot, not chilled, and he groans at the shiver down his spine, lets his legs open a little more. "I'm n-not afraid of an, anything you could do to m-me."
"Why not?" Danny breathes the question against his ear. Long, thin fingers tease between Nate's legs and then down his thighs, back up again, over and over as the blood rushes with Nate's pounding heartbeat to follow every touch.
He's panting, a little, and they haven't even gotten started.
"Because I l-love you," He whispers.
"But-" Danny pulls back, and Nate bites back a noise of frustration as those hands disappear, too. "I love you. And I, um... I still can't-"
"I d-don't know why we're d-different, but we are." Nate shrugs as best he can, awkwardly. Danny smiles in response and that simple look - of humor, of love - feels as much like a hand on his cock as anything else ever has. Nate nearly groans just looking at him, naked and, for the moment, unafraid to be. "But I l-like doing this with y-you. And it d-d-doesn't scare m, me. It feels... f-feels good, because I kn-know you won't hurt me. Danny. Look at m-me."
Warm blue eyes meet his own.
Nate leans forward. Danny is just close enough to catch in a brief, grazing kiss. "It feels good," He repeats, slow and steady, each word a beat in time. "With you."
"Hm. What... what else feels good, with me?"
"Oh. Well." His eyes drop to Danny's mouth. His eyebrows raise.
Danny takes a second to catch the hint, and then he laughs, dropping his forehead against Nate's shoulder. The sound of his laughter has always been incredible to Nate - in the cabin it had come so rarely, less and less with each year of captivity. And there had been some time even after where he struggled to feel safe even to do more than smile. Now, he laughs, and when he stops laughing he starts working his tongue over Nate's collarbone, mouthing over his chest hair, down to his stomach.
He makes it to Nate's navel - and Nate is hard and ready for that mouth, that tongue, his own hips shifting to encourage - when he comes to a sudden stop. His lips hover near Nate's pelvis, but all he can see is Danny's red hair, threaded with tinsel-toned silver, mostly going gray at the roots. He just stays there, and seconds tick by, the air heavier and heavier.
Nate swallows around the sudden lump. His heart goes from racing to pounding, all at once, with a lurch that he can feel somewhere in his chest. "Danny?"
"I can't... I can't do this," Danny whispers. Nate feels something on his hip, off to one side, and realizes when it rolls to the crease between thigh and pelvis that it's a tear. "I can't-... I can't-..."
"Sssshhh, it's o-okay, Danny, hey, l-l-look at m-me, okay, Danny-"
He doesn't meet Nate's eyes, just shakes his head, backing rapidly away from him on the bed. His face has gone gray, the freckles and old scars standing out like drops and streaks of paint on unfinished skin. His eyes are far away, and terrified. "I don't want to go down, I don't-... Go down, Red, go-... go down-"
"You don't have to, Danny, look at m-me, D-D-D-"
His words catch in his throat, or on his tongue, they're buried in his head. Nate breathes, trying to take his time. Trying to sound it out in his mind before he tries to speak it, to slow down, slow his thoughts and his voice to get it steady again.
But Danny isn't looking at him.
Or anyone.
At all.
"I can... I can try harder," Danny whispers, and Nate's heart shatters. Just like it always does, when those words come back out. Words Bram had beaten and carved and fucked into him with every so-called misstep, every accusation of imperfection, of not being grateful, of not being good.
"He's dead," Nate whispers. Insists. He can get those words out, at least. At least those haven't failed him, not today, not yet. "He's dead, it's y-you and m-me, now, it's okay, just-... just b-b-... just, just b-... d-damn it, inhale-"
"I can try harder. I can... I can be good... I can try harder. I can be good. I can be good, I can... I'm sorry. I can't-... I can try harder. Just try harder, do better, try-" His hands are up in his hair, pulling at it, as he curls himself up into a ball at the other end of the bed. Too far away. And he isn't listening any longer, or maybe can't hear Nate at all.
Nate swallows. Closes his eyes. Starts carefully, slowly working at his wrists. His bad hand aches, his knee throbs. The sudden drop from desire into despair brings all his aches and pains roaring to the surface. "Listen to m-m-me, Danny-"
Those tear-filled wide blue eyes meet his, and he can't see Danny in them at all. He watches his love take in a long breath.
Danny holds it.
One, two, three, four, five.
"No, D-Danny, no-"
"My name is Red," Danny says. Or Red says with Danny's voice. He's calming himself down. Another breath, held for five, exhaled. "I belong to Abraham Denner." One more breath. Hold for five. Exhale.
Nate hates the familiarity of it.
Hates the empty eyes that hold nothing but fear, eager to please, eager to escape the threat, to be good enough to earn a few moments of peace.
This was such a stupid fucking mistake.
"My body belongs to Abraham, and he can make it do whatever he wants."
Nate stops trying to talk to him, then.
Red won't listen, and Danny can't hear.
Instead, Nate focuses on twisting his wrists, back and forth, and working one slowly up through the coils of rope. It hurts like hell, but less than it hurts listening to Danny recite the endless parade of Bram's rules in his empty soft Red-voice.
He just has to pray their daughter doesn't wake up before he can get Danny back.
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pinktrashgoblin · 10 months
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”I have this… horrible sinking feeling.”
Chapter four comes soon :)
(also, this may or may not be hinting towards events even later in the plot :)
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illeestrations · 1 year
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friendly neighbourhood miya kin
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honeycombhank · 11 months
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All I wanted was a sweet, lovely, cute, simple, FAMILY PHOTO
Oh girls, why..
Mama moony and her three girls, Noot, Wishing star and Billith Bly.
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cats-and-confusion · 7 months
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I want there to be a little more body horror with MK's shapeshifting. Ok? Ok.
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lav3nderc0rps3 · 4 months
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random ass drawings I did on whiteboard fox at night #emotional🖤🥀⛓️😢💔 #lobotomy🧠🔨
Full images!!! 💅
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