#recovery whump
mysticalburntpaper · 2 days
Something I've noticed in whump is that there's a surprising lack of medical attention after the whunping.
Yes, caretaker taking care of whumpee with hugs and affections is supreme, but I feel like whumpee being forced to get medical treatment is either treated as an afterthought or as even more angst.
Like... Hear me out, forcing whumpee to go to a doctor (or to go to several doctors), forcing whumpee to get therapy, or even taking this bitch to a damn DENTIST (guys, please imagine the amount of cavities. Maybe whumpee lost some teeth from the lack of care with whumper, or maybe whumper just whumpered a little too hard and took teeth out themselves, or it's so bad they need extractions, maybe caretaker can't afford the care to begin with), because caretaker KNOWS they're not qualified.
Now that I'm typing this out, caretaker knowing they can't help whumpee with genuine medical things... Maybe caretaker was a doctor who quit or was a med student who dropped out, maybe they just don't know anything and are regretting skipping biology in highschool, maybe they refuse to take whumpee to get help (bad caretaker maybe?) or listen to whumpee a little too much and accidentally make them worse.
But please imagine all of the possible scenarios, it's almost never ending!
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chiharuuu22 · 5 months
Shhhh! Keep your voice down and don't be loud. Whumpee is sleeping (or has just fallen asleep).
In Caretaker's arms after being rescued.
In a hospital bed in a recovery ward (or perhaps an ICU) after receiving care and treatment or perhaps emergency surgery.
On a bed in a room in a recovery house. Bonus points for the house are that the house belongs to the Caretaker and the bed BELONGS TO CARETAKER (AND CARETAKER'S BEDROOM)!!!!
In the passenger seat. Sleep on your back in the back seat or sleep in a half-sitting position after the seat is lowered slightly on the driver's side seat. Bonus points Caretaker puts on the jacket or coat to cover Whumpee.
On the sofa in front of the fireplace.
In a wheelchair while taking a leisurely walk.
On the couch on the terrace.
On the Caretaker's lap. Bonus points with the accompaniment of Caretaker's soft voice lulling Whumpee to sleep and caressing Whumpee's hair.
Sleep leaning on the Caretaker's shoulder when sitting side by side. Bonus points when they are in a discussion with the team members and Whumpee suddenly falls asleep exhausted.
Anything you want to add?
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whumpy-galaxy · 2 months
Listen I am a SUCKER for conditioned whumpees. Specifically the unconditioning that comes after rescue.
Whumpee being afraid of Caretaker.
Whumpee having to wear a collar and a muzzle because that’s how Whumper kept them.
Whumpee panicking when they mess up or drop something, waiting for Caretaker to get upset and beat them.
Whumpee who won’t eat unless Caretaker orders them to.
Whumpee who doesn’t know what to do if they’re not being dragged around on a chain.
Whumpee who’s afraid of windows and the outdoors because Whumper convinced them everyone and everything outside wanted to hurt them, and they were safer with Whumper.
And everything that comes with that.
Caretaker not knowing what to do and feeling worthless. (Bonus points if they even consider mercy killing Whumpee because maybe they’ll always be afraid of everything and there’s nothing they can do).
Caretaker thinking maybe they DID do something to hurt Whumpee.
Caretaker being upset every time they look at Whumpee because they still insist on wearing the collar and muzzle Whumper bought for them, and Caretaker never wants to see them like that.
But also the good things that come with it!
Caretaker getting a new collar and muzzle made, with padding and lots of extra space for Whumpee to wear while they recover.
Whumpee finally being able to do something without asking Caretaker first, and Caretaker being so proud of them.
Caretaker’s praise and excitement at this makes Whumpee feel proud, too.
I just. I love it so much.
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jordanstrophe · 2 months
Whumpee woke with a sobbing shout. They quivered and panted, memories hit them as if they were still on the floor at whumper's feet. They felt arms wrap around them and beeping heard overhead; the sound worsened the pounding already in their head. 
"Hey hey hey! It's okay. You got a lot of injuries, you've got to take it slow." Caretaker touched whumpees forehead and put them back against the pillow. They tightly gripped whumpee's hand and the other rested on their chest.
"Wh-where am I? How did I get here?" Whumpee panicked. 
"You're in a hospital. I'm here with you, everything's okay. You're going to be fine..." Caretaker sadly smiled. Whumpee stared up at them with wide eyes, breathing like a wounded animal, gripping the back of caretakers hand with every ounce of strength, which was hardly holding them at all.
Despite caretaker's calm demeanor, whumpee could feel caretaker's hand shaking as much as their own.
"You-" Whumpee breathed, trying to raise their hand to them, but they couldn't.
"Yeah, it's me," Caretaker smiled, collecting their collapsed hand in their own. "I'm here, I'm taking good care of you. You can keep resting, okay?"
Whumpee shook their head no, their body still in fight or flight mode, wanting nothing more but to jump up and assess their surroundings. Caretaker could see their legs twitching and slowly inching off the bed as they sighed and scooted on the bed with them, pushing their legs back to the center.
"No hon, it's too early to be doing that." Caretaker soothed, laying whumpee's head on their shoulder.
It was almost as if as soon as whumeee's cheek settled, they relaxed and their heart rate slowly returned to normal beat by beat. Caretaker looked up at their monitor and sighed with relief watching the numbers stabilize. 
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dinkflocculent · 4 months
Contents - recovery whump, implied whump, traumatized whumpee 
“Do you need anything?”
Whumpee stayed motionless in the corner of the room. Staring at one spot on the ground as if caretaker didn’t say anything. It hasn’t been long since the team rescued them, and they haven’t said a word or looked into any of the teammate’s eyes. Obeying whatever they tell them to do. Whumpee, once with a joyful and talkative personality, was now controlled and silent.
“I promise no one here is going to hurt you,” caretaker continued. That sense of dread building up inside them, seeing whumpee in such a state. “We… We want to help you, whumpee; please, say something…”
Seeing it as a command, whumpee opens their mouth to speak. Instead, a whimpering noise before rolling into a shaky ball and sobbing. All that built up emotion and trauma come spilling out in an ugly mess. It was too much. They wanted it to stop.
Whumpee felt the warm, secure embrace of caretaker's hug. Immediately burying their head inside their chest and sobbing even harder. Caretaker hushed in their ear, making the hug snugger. Seeing whumpee let out such a dire cry... Caretaker will rip whumper apart.
"Shh... It's alright; let it all out. You're never going back to them ever again," caretaker took a determined breath. "I promise you."
Whumpee sniffled, wiping snot away from their nose. Looking up at caretaker--not breaking eye contact this time. Caretaker made sure not to make any sudden movements or noises. It could frighten whumpee away from them again.
"Thank you," whumpee whispered, letting out a small, genuine smile.
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Whumpee thinks Caretaker is their new master. Good trope, right? But check this out;
Caretaker doesn't notice.
Because the morning after the day they were rescued, all Whumpee did was get Caretaker a cup of coffee. It was only after then that Whumpee realized new master new rules, and Caretaker might not like coffee at all. So after an hour or so of a panic attack, Whumpee decides to stay put and not do anything.
But Caretaker didn't say anything about that coffee, so Whumpee should probably keep doing that?
And so, every morning, Caretaker gets a cup of coffee, says thank you, that's a nice gesture, and gets done with the day, while Whumpee tries to stay as quiet and unnoticed as possible. Not angering Caretaker is their top priority. Caretaker notices Whumpee is really, really quiet, but hey, they might just like it quiet. They do seem a little scared, but they've been putting off well, so Caretaker is positive that they'll get better with time.
Then Caretaker hears Whumper liked a cup of coffee every morning.
That's.. a strange coincidence.
I hope that's a coincidence.
And they finally try to talk to Whumpee about it, and Whumpee breaks into tears and Caretaker realizes what a mess this is,
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a-crumb-of-whump · 2 months
Content: Recovery, PTSD/trauma.
"What on earth are you doing on the kitchen bench?" Caretaker asked curiously as they stuck their head into the kitchen to see what was making noise. There, Whumpee sat on the island with their legs crossed, grinning from ear to ear despite their clear nervousness.
"You told me I was allowed to break Whumper's rules. They never let me sit on counters, so that's what I'm doing."
Caretaker's confused frown curved up into a smile, pride no doubt evident. They took a few steps into the room and leaned against the nearest wall behind them. "Yeah? How's it feel up there?"
"Great!" they chirped. "I always used to sit like this, before. It's only a small aspect of the freedom I'm trying to reclaim, but one I'm excited to have back nonetheless."
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abhainnwhump · 5 months
Whumpee won't come out from under the bed, no matter how many times Caretaker whispers to them that they're safe now. Caretaker's real dog comes in the room out of curiosity. Whumpee softens at the sight of the dog because it's a pet like them. They end up befriending the dog and Caretaker walks in one day to see the two curled up at the edge of the bed. As much as Caretaker would prefer Whumpee to sleep at the top of the bed, they have to admit that it's adorable.
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meltyphos · 6 months
just a caretaker cradling a crying, hyperventilating whumpee in their arms. whispering reassuring things and hushes in whumpees ear as they rock them in their embrace, letting whumpee know that they're safe
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echoingalaxies · 6 months
Whumpee waking up in a bed and trying to get up, but as soon as they move they feel a hand appearing on their shoulder, gently pushing them back down.
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whump-in-the-closet · 16 days
When caretaker puts their hand on whumpee’s back for support or comfort and whumpee flinches away, stiffening like caretaker’s touch is a blow
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martyr-inthedark · 1 month
When the nightshift nurse entered the hospital room of the recently admitted John Doe, they expected to see them still lying on the bed, semiconscious at best.
Instead, the Whumpee was curled up in a shaking ball at the corner of the room, back to the wall and brows furrowed behind crudely bent elbows. They appeared to have been crying.
"Hey there," the caretaker started gently, softly approaching Whumpee. Still, Whumpee flinched at each fall of Caretaker's shoes on the pristine white and blue tiles of the ICU.
As they came closer, they noticed that the multitude of bandages had been ripped off, the cast on their left wrist scratched at, and the poor thing had been bleeding where they had removed the IV drip. Caretaker sat down on the floor in front of the Whumpee.
"Hey, I'm not here to hurt you. I just want to help you out. My name is Caregiver. I can see you're bleeding there. I have clean bandages. Or we can talk?" The room was silent save for some sniffles and whimpers. The caregiver needed to get what information they could from Whumpee.
"Wh-where am I? Where is Whumper?"
"We are in the hospital, off the main highway. The sixth exit. You are safe here. What's your name?"
"Okay, Whumpee. How old are you?"
"26, I think. Or I was. I don't know how long... it was dark."
"I see. Do you mind if we move this conversation to the bed over there? This cold floor must be pretty uncomfortable." Once again Whumpee fell silent for a second, and looked at the bed like they were calculating something. They shook their head no, and made no effort to move.
"We can sit here for a few more minutes, but I am going to ask that we go over there at some point tonight, okay? I don't want you to get an infection."
"I...I can't. I'm not..." Whumpee gulped. Saying this to Whumper was one thing—they were used to that by now. Saying it out loud to a stranger brought a shameful blush to their face as humiliation snaked its way through their intestines. They briefly remembered a time where they knew how silly this admission was. "I'm not worthy."
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chiharuuu22 · 5 months
During the healing process, Whumpee needed many things, both for physical and mental healing. What are they?
Rest. Of course. There is no need to explain anymore. A good rest would restore Whumpee's body and mind after all his stress and suffering.
Calmness. From the environment and the people around Whumpee. Apart from the hospital, an isolation house far from the hustle and bustle of the chaotic city would be a good place to support Whumpee's recovery. Maybe a Caretaker's house would be better.
Medical. Medication is consumed to support healing (antibiotics, vitamins, painkillers, etc.). Medical equipment was used during the treatment and healing period. Professional medical personnel will care for Whumpee until he is completely healed.
Foods high in nutrition. Of course, it's easy to digest. Healthy food usually doesn't taste good, but it's the Caretaker's job to make the food able to whet Whumpee's appetite.
Water. There is no need to ask. Hydration is very important for Whumpee's body as it recovers.
Snack. Taking medicine every day definitely makes Whumpee bored. A little snack will help. The cookies, candy, or chocolate that Whumpee eats after swallowing the bitter medicine will make him smile.
Fresh air and morning sunshine. Many people say that fresh air and morning sunlight are also good medicine for recovery. Taking a breath and basking in the cool of the morning would be great for Whumpee.
Clean clothes. Replace every two times a day.
Bathe. Bathing in the morning and evening makes the body fresh and clean. Maybe at first, Caretaker won't immediately pour water but will wipe Whumpee's body with soapy water.
Straighten hair. Maybe cut it when Whumpee starts to get better. Apart from making it look fresher, Whumpee will also feel comfortable.
Comfort items. Plusies, stuffed animals, pillows, blankets, photos, scent, or anything else that can keep Whumpee calm and comfortable during the recovery period.
A change of scenery during recovery will also be helpful. Occasionally moving Whumpee to the living room, sitting him in the dining room, accompanying him on the terrace, or taking him to sit on the grass in the garden will make Whumpee feel better.
Light and pleasant conversation. Don't expect to be able to interrogate Whumpee during the recovery period if you don't want to be shouted at by Caretaker.
Touch. Whumpee is definitely touch-starved. A holding hand, a caress on the cheek, a stroking of the hair, a light kiss on the forehead, a hug, or a backrest when sitting will be what Whumpee really needs.
Calming sentences. Simple sentences that make Whumpee feel safe, such as "It's okay, you're safe", "I'm here", "no one will hurt you anymore", "I will take care of you", "it was just a dream, it's all over", "just rest, don't think about anything", "go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up", "you did a good job", "I'm proud of you", "thank you for coming back to me," "I'm happy you are here," "I love you," and others.
Caretaker. There is no need to ask. Caretaker is the "medicine" that Whumpee needs most for his healing.
Anything you want to add?
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whumpsday · 3 months
Kane & Jim #55: Feeding
Chronological masterlist / Writing order masterlist
content: recovery, vampire whumpee, whumper turned whumpee, whumpee turned caretaker
happy 2 year anniversary to kane & jim~! hard to believe it's been 2 whole years since i started writing...
wrote while listening to melodies of refresh by tenno gabni
Kane woke and looked to the door. Just like every morning the past week, it was a normal door. No silver. No lock.
He changed and washed his face, creeping upstairs with the hesitancy of someone who knew he wasn’t allowed, despite knowing full-well that he was: Jim had made that clear. He felt too quiet, his ankles free of chains.
It was early morning, early enough that the sun hadn’t risen yet–that terrifying tell-tale glow didn’t shine from behind the curtains. Jim wouldn’t be awake for hours, resting upstairs while Kane slunk around in the dark, in his own house.
Kane couldn’t fathom how much trust that must have required. He still couldn’t believe he’d earned that much.
The fact that Jim was still feeding him his own blood was a miracle in itself. He’d given a time limit of one month. One month for Kane to get used to freedom, to going out on his own, traversing society like a normal person after years as a prisoner. An adjustment period, Jim had called it, his mercies never-ending in the face of Kane’s fear of running to and from the border on his own.
There was no way Kane could ever repay it, not in a thousand years. But he at least had to try.
He turned the knob on the stove. It was something familiar, having owned a stove himself for heating up the contents of blood-packs in his time before he came to own Jim. Human stoves, like their food itself, were more complicated: four burners instead of one, all with dials offering various degrees besides just ‘on’ or ‘off’.
And it was something he hadn’t done since before.
The circle of flames flickered to life, blue and hot and threatening.
He quickly turned it back off, luckily managing to control his strength and not break the delicate knob.
Deep breaths, Jim had said, more times than Kane could count now. Look at me. You’re okay. No one’s gonna hurt you. You’re safe here, remember?
Kane took a deep breath in, playing Jim’s soothing affirmations through his head, exhaling slowly. That’s it, there you go, the memory of Jim’s voice encouraged. You’re alright. No hurting.
After a few more of those, he turned the burner on again. The flames flicked back to life, and Kane watched them silently.
Jim woke, shook off the nerves, and marked another day off his calendar. Seven days down, twenty-one more to go, and then no one will take his blood ever again.
He could stop it now, if he wanted to. He knew he could. Kane hung on his every word like he was some kind of divine prophet. But once he stops, Kane has to start getting blood from vampire territory, and he’d have to talk to his parents to get the money to buy it… and it was too obvious he wasn’t ready.
Jim knew that feeling, going from years of captivity and isolation to suddenly being a person again. He knew how hard it was, even with support. There was no reason for Kane to have to rush into it immediately. The guy could barely go outside at night on his own he was so afraid, and he was a vampire. No, a month’s time would do him well.
Still. He couldn’t help but count the days until it was over.
As he stepped into his slippers and headed downstairs, he stopped in his tracks, hearing someone futzing around in the kitchen.
It was going to take Jim a while to get used to that, Kane roaming freely in his house. At night, even. He knew he could ask Kane to leave once he finds his bearings, but… despite the deep-seated terror, he knew he was safer with Kane here than without. Kane brought Laken home, after all. If any vampire came for him, Kane would save him, too. At least, he hoped so.
He continued down. “Kane?”
“Good morning!” came the cheery reply. That set Jim’s nerves at ease, at least. Right. Kane was friendly, now.
“Morning. You sleep okay?” Jim asked. As he made his way through the living room toward the kitchen, he noticed a distinctly… delicious smell. That couldn’t be right.
“Better! And you?” Kane appeared in the doorway, a big, fanged grin lighting up his face. It was a sight Jim had already long gotten used to by now, one that brought him pride instead of fear.
He shrugged. “You win some, you lose some. Hey, are you, uh… cooking?”
Kane held out a hand. “I am! Please come sit?”
Now he was smiling, too. “Haha, okay.”
Jim took his hand and let Kane lead him to the kitchen table, where a plate full of blueberry pancakes sat. They looked a bit off–undercooked, a little torn up–but the fact that they were there at all was astounding.
He sat down. “How did you even do this? You don’t cook.”
“I watched you,” Kane admitted sheepishly. “In the mornings. I really wanted to make you something, and I didn’t want to waste food by just guessing and doing it wrong, so I started paying close attention, and this seemed like the easiest thing to copy… are they okay?”
“Well, let’s see!” Jim cut into one– definitely undercooked. It oozed out around his knife, but Liz’s failed attempts at cooking had given him ample practice in this field. He popped it in his mouth without a care. “It’s great, Kane. Especially for your first time ever cooking anything. Thank you.”
Kane brightened up even further at the praise, sitting in the chair adjacent. “I know it’s not the same at all, but I wanted to feed you too, somehow. Like you feed me. I was wondering… if you could teach me to cook?”
“You don’t have to–”
“I want to,” Kane insisted. “I really, really do. But I don’t want to impose! I can always ask Laken.”
Jim cut away the less-done bits of the pancake he was working on, scooping up another bite. “Alright, if you’re really sure. Yeah, I can teach you. Doesn’t human food smell, like, really bad to vampires, though? Like it’s rotten or whatever?”
“I’ll manage.” Kane bore no obvious worry of the issue. Clearly, a bad smell was not something that registered to him as a concern any longer. “Thank you.”
It wasn’t until Jim had finished his breakfast and was about to get up that Kane spoke again, the smile fading from his face. “There was something else, actually.”
“Oh?” Jim put his plate and utensils back down.
Kane got down from his seat to kneel on the floor.
“Kane, buddy,” Jim said softly, sliding into that placating tone he always used when trying to calm the vampire down from one of his panics, “You don’t have to do that.”
“I know. It’s– it’s to show respect. Please.” As Kane looked up at him with those intense red eyes, Jim could see no fear at all.
“Well, okay then, I guess. What’s up?” he asked.
“I want to thank you. For everything,” Kane spoke carefully, as though each word was precious. Rehearsed. “For taking me away from the hunters. For not hurting me, even though you could have, even though you had every reason to. For helping me calm down when I panic. For feeding me, your own blood, even though it’s so hard for you, just so I wouldn’t starve. For giving me clothes and bedding and music and happiness again. You gave me my life back, but I owe you so much more than just my life. Because without you, I wasn’t dead, I was– I was there. And you saved me.”
Tears welled up in Kane’s eyes as he stared up reverent, overcome with emotion. “And I was thinking about all the times I’ve apologized to you, I was too afraid to do it right. I was just– I really was sorry, I’ve been sorry for a long, long time, but in those moments, I’ve always just been focused on not being hurt… but you would never hurt me. I see that now. Jim, I am so, truly sorry for hurting you. For every single time I hurt you, big and small, for those five years and since, I am so, so sorry. I was unimaginably cruel to you, and no one deserves that, but especially not you. I know that back then I told you the opposite, but I was wrong. You deserve to be happy! And I took that from you.”
Kane placed a hand over his heart. “And I swear to you, I will make it my life’s mission to give you back that happiness. I am loyal to you, Jim. Forever.”
He put his hand down. “That–that’s all. Thank you for listening.”
Jim sat in silence for a moment, absorbing it all. Wasn’t this why he’d originally taken Kane in? Wasn’t that the excuse he’d used– he wanted Kane fear-free enough to have an actual discussion about back then, without him devolving into a terrified, sobbing mess? He could do that, now. How long had he been waiting to hear Kane admit that he hadn’t deserved it after all? Fifteen years?
Oh, he was so unprepared for this conversation. He needed all kinds of psyching-up before they could have that talk.
“You don’t have to say anything,” Kane added quietly. “I just wanted you to know.”
“Right. Yeah,” Jim said, snapping out of it. Just because Kane was ready didn’t mean it had to be now. It could be any time, when he was ready, too. “That’s… wow. Hey, it’s okay,” he tried, far more comfortable comforting Kane than the other way around. He grabbed a tissue, handing it to him. “I mean, not the–not what you did. I mean it’s okay now. Um, thanks, is what I mean, I guess. For really apologizing.”
Kane wiped his eyes. “It’s the absolute least I could do. Everything I have is something you’ve given to me. Nothing hurts anymore.”
“Good.” His sincerity brought a smile to Jim’s face. “You know, maybe cooking isn’t the best idea if you’re afraid of burns? It’s not gonna happen every time, but even I get myself once in a while. Just thought I should warn you.”
“You give me blood,” Kane pointed out. He didn’t elaborate. He didn’t need to. “Plus, you’ll be there. Right?”
“Yeah. I’ll be there.” Jim patted him on the shoulder.
Kane smiled back up at him. “Then I’ll be okay.”
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jordanstrophe · 5 months
Caretaker: "Hey, how are you feeling?"
Whumpee collapsed across the couch: "How do I look?"
Caretaker: "Absolutely awful."
Whumpee: "Yes, that feels accurate."
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dinkflocculent · 4 months
Creepy intimate whumpers make my heart go berserk <3
- Non-con kissing; grabbing their hair, shirt, horns, or head to pull them closer <3
- Non-con hugging; holding whumper as they squirm or violently shake <3
- Forcing whumpee for both of them to sleep in the same bed <3
- Whumpers who actually love whumpee (bonus if yandere) <3
- Physically-affectionate whumpers <3
- Whumpees who hate any form of intimacy; it is extremely unfortunate to be with whumper. <3
- Once physically affectionate whumpees conditioned to freak out when in intimate situations <3
I plan on having a whumper like this in a series; I just love them so much <33
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