#gonna figure out how to tag this somehow. Here comes ! ->
r0semultiverse · 3 days
Hey, Jake & Jack fans, is this anything?
Both men imprisoned (literal & metaphorical).
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Both offered an out from their current predicament by an outside force (arguably in the case of Brain Ghost Dirk).
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Both have loose ties to Lord English visually.
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Yellow initial glow & Gamzee involvement too.
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Sometimes a guy just needs to explode (same pose too).
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Both dual wielding weapons.
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That same said weapon type (for Jack Noir) having killed Jane Crocker.
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It's really looking like Jake is going to do her in.
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I would also like to point out that we've had interactions involving these three (Jane, Jake, and Brain Ghost Dirk) before that consisted of similar topics & themes.
Brain Ghost Dirk implying that he's just there as moral support, a manifestation of Jake's powers, and as a coping mechanism. Jane also talking about ruling an empire with him while talking down to him, similar to how she saw and/or still sees him in Beyond Canon's Candy timeline. Jake also being uncertain about doing anything to harm her despite all the bad things she's doing.
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Brain Ghost Dirk going away tells us that Jake's more hopeful than he's ever been. This is the moment where he is the most sure of his decisions than he's ever been in his life, whatever those decisions may be in regards to Jane and how to handle this situation.
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He is probably going to shoot Jane down, quite literally. I would also argue that after all this time, the lad isn't beating the Lord English allegations. We might as well have a parallel of him killing Jane much like how Jack Noir killed her right before he got possessed by Lil Cal & given some of Lord English's immense power.
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Alternatively maybe we'll get to see what the power of hope or hope bullets can do to someone whose done so much wrong & come so far off the deep end in terms of moral wrongdoings. Maybe with every shot that hits her, she'll begin to be swayed to the side of good & start to self-reflect.
I'm still not fully convinced that Gamzee actually cured Tavros' peanut allergy, I mean just look at the panel.
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This could absolutely be interpreted as Jake injecting his hope power into the epipen and by proxy injecting both his power & the epipen into his son! If younger Jake is strong enough to defeat Grimbark Jade, then adult Jake might just be strong enough to defeat a peanut allergy is all I'm saying! In fact, now that I'm rambling about it, this seems like the more likely outcome is Jake's hope power swaying or (in the very least) confusing Jane mid-fight. Hope bullets, they would look cool & would be pretty strong!
The power of believing in others & wanting things to change can be a strong tool indeed, Mister English.
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If there's one person who still believes in changing Jane's mind (or bringing her back to proper canonicity depending on how you interpret the recent lore), it would be Jake English, the believer.
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Okay, maybe this is something! Tally ho!
#I have not seen anyone talk about the visual; story; & character parallels yet so allow me to jump up on this box real quick#gonna start shouting into this megaphone because holy crap I just now noticed this somehow only just now#I know & am aware some of these are probably a stretch & the order of events isn't exactly the same; but hear me out okay?#did the writing team remember & know they were doing this??? anyone feel free to answer or ask one of them on twitter I just want#to know out of pure curiosity though i can see how answering something like this might be spoiler territory this early into beyond canon#Jake is on the war path & I love that for him; I trust him to rage responsibly tbh#this started off as me being certain of one hs outcome; but now im more certain of the other; feel free to guess which is which#I'm not here to say whether I agree with Jake or disagree with how he's going to handle the Jane Crocker situation; I'm just doing analysis#& finding parallels that may or may not be intentional because at this point I'm honestly not sure; but i figured it was worth pointing out#jack noir lord english and jake english parallels real? only time will tell; but i look forward to the coming updates to hs^2 or hsbc#homestuck beyond canon#homestuck#jake english#homestuck^2#homestuck 2#jane crocker#jack noir#homestuck theory#brain ghost dirk#homestuck candy#cw blood#homestuck upd8#upd8#homestuck spoilers#also yes i avoided having the flashing images be flashing images on purpose; less hassle with tags & stuff & things even if it looks cool
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hyper-vertebrate · 1 month
hearing 'good boy, good boy, good boy, good boy' chanted breathlessly over and over while they're ruthlessly pounding you into the mattress. thats it thats the post
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deltaromeo3 · 11 months
ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏꜱᴛ ᴀɴɴᴏʏɪɴɢ ⋆ Lando Norris
pairing: lando norris x teammate!reader
summary: do they really hate each other like they said they do?
requested by: this ask
ツ A/N: should i write a part 2 to this? anyways, i changed it up a little! hope you still like it! let me know if you want to be tagged if theres a part 2? :)
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You thought you would get along well with him, but turns out for some damn reason you didn’t. He disliked you and you had no idea why.
You figured you would stop racking your brain on trying to find a reason why he doesn’t seem to like you and just move on with it. So what did you do?
You treated him the way he treated you of course.
Your rivalry and hate towards each other quickly caught the attention of everyone on the grid, some saying that this rivalry will soon blossom into a friendship, possibly into something more than that.
Your season was going well so far, but you couldn’t say the same for Lando. He had multiple problems with his car and you could just see the frustration bubble up every single time he couldn’t deliver.
If he weren’t so mean and cold to you, you would’ve cheered him up but oh well.
The post race conference were where it hit hardest for him.
One by one, journalists were flaming him, rubbing it to him about the shit year he’s having and the even shittier race he just finished. And he just kept his cool to the shit that was being thrown at him.
You disliked him, sure, but you weren’t heartless.
“Um,” You chimed in to your mic. “I think that’s enough, no? We all understand that Lando didn’t perform as we would like him to, but this shouldn’t be a reason for everyone here to throw all these stupid questions at him. He’s a talented driver and we all know that. It’s just not his year. So, is anyone going to start asking him some real questions? Like how he managed to finish P10 despite having mechanical problems or should I retire and become a journalist instead?”
The crowd laughs at the ending of your sentence. You leaned back in to your seat, not even looking his way. But you knew that he was thankful you said something to stop it… at least you’d hope so.
Another Sunday quickly came and went. The race was over and this time, Lando managed to finish P3 alongside a Ferrari 1-2. They all went out to celebrate, even inviting you along. You politely decline, deciding to call it a night.
Luckily, the race was in Monaco, so instead of going back to a hotel, you were making your way back home.
It was well into the morning, and you had somehow fallen asleep on your sofa. You awoke to the TV screen displaying “Are you still watching” so you switched it off and headed to the kitchen before making your way to your room.
You were sipping on your drink when you heard your phone ring. Who the fuck is calling at this hour?
It was Charles. Of course.
“Where are you? Amber Lounge?”
This wasn’t a new occurrence. Usually Charles would crash at yours everytime he goes out partying in Monaco. And since he was in no state to drive, you would pick him up every single time.
“Yes! But mon chou-“ He yells. He doesn’t sound that drunk.
You cut him off, “Wait for me. I’ll come get you,” You ended the call.
“She didn’t even let me finish talking…” He looks down at his phone. “Oh this can only go so wrong…” He looks over to the bloke beside him.
You put on a hoodie and took your keys, quickly driving down to the club. As soon as you pulled up, you saw Charles sitting outside. But he wasn’t alone, oh no, he was with Carlos and together they were helping Lando.
You opened your car door, assuming Charles would get in but it was Lando instead. Shocked, you turned over to Charles.
“What’s this!?”
“You didn’t let me finish talking! I was gonna tell you that you’re taking him, not me!” He chinned towards Lando.
You grunt, “You owe me. Big time.”
“Yes yes, I owe you. Have fun. Love you mon chou,”
You rolled your eyes and drove off. Your car was starting to reek of alcohol so you kept the windows down.
“Mon chou,” Lando repeats, giggling to himself. “Charles c-calls you th-that?”
You rolled your eyes. “Shut up Norris.”
You finally made it to your flat after trying to carry the 68kg driver from the garage to the house. You were mentally swearing to yourself for somehow managing to get into this situation.
As he laid on the sofa, you went to the kitchen to get an Aspirin and a cup of water. Not forgetting a set of fresh clothes for him to change into.
You placed the set of fresh clothes and water by his side, leaving him be.
You only took a few steps when you heard Lando calling out your name.
You turned your back to check on him, realising he had somehow managed to get the hoodie stuck on his head.
You laughed at the stupidity but quickly went to help him.
“Thank you,” He says as he kisses you on the cheek. “You are so nice,”
You went wide eye.
Did he just kiss me on the cheek? Gosh how much did he drink?
“Uh- y-you’re welcome. Now go to sleep kay?” You see him nod. You walked off and he calls you once again. You turned to face him.
“Aren’t you gonna join me?” He says, patting the sofa.
“What? No, no. God no. I’m good, thanks. See you in the morning,”
The sun was shining through your bedroom, meaning it was time to wake up. You made your way to the kitchen for breakfast after brushing your teeth.
You looked over towards the sofa, and to your surprise, Lando wasn’t sleeping on it. You shrugged it off and went to the kitchen to cook but your eyes were drawn to the plate on the countertop.
“made you breakfast. thank you for yesterday. eat up mon chou!” The note read.
You rolled your eyes. You’ll never hear the end of that nickname and you know it.
Deciding that this was a good enough reason to text Lando, you took out your phone to type. He was finally being nice for once….
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Was this the start of the “blossoming romance” like what the other drivers said?
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hippolotamus · 11 days
WIP Wednesday ☕
Tagged by the lovely and talented @theotherbuckley @tizniz @daffi-990 @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @dangerpronebuddie
@spotsandsocks @indestructibleheart @racerchix21 Please go visit their amazing snips, audio and art! 💖
It's still Wednesday somewhere right? Ok, so this post about Tommy grabbing Buck's hoodie from @whollyjoly has been haunting me (in the best possible way) for a few weeks. Earlier today it came up when I was chatting with Bee and, well, here we are. From my brain to your dash.
Tommy is... well, to say he's not a morning person is a bit of an understatement. The only reason he prefers to see the sun come up is because he hasn't gone to bed yet. So, when Coleson lands in the hospital for appendicitis and shifts get moved, Tommy is less than thrilled. But, it's his job - his career - that he happens to enjoy very much. He gives himself two minutes to grumble before telling himself to get over it. Telling Evan had been even less fun. He understands, of course. They've both been in the business long enough to understand that things change and being flexible is par for the course. It's just that they finally seemed to have gotten into a decent cadence with their schedules and figuring out how to have regular date nights where they aren't exhausted or rushing off to a shift. C'est la vie or whatever. "Five more minutes?" Evan mumbles, tightening his hold as Tommy tries to extricate himself. He chuckles and rubs his thumb over Evan's birthmark. "That was your five more, baby." Evan slowly blinks his eyes open and pouts unapologetically. "Don't even try because it won't work," Tommy says. "Unless you've got some secret in with my boss that will let me be late.” "No." Evan somehow manages to pout even more. "But it was worth a shot, right?" Warmth floods through his chest, radiating out like liquid sunshine. The temptation to call off and stay in bed all day is overwhelming. But Tommy's a big boy. As such he's going to win the war over Evan's incredibly adorable puppy eyes and go to work. "It was a valiant effort." Tommy kisses the tip of Evan's nose before capturing his lips, morning breath be damned. "Better luck next time, kid." "Go. You're gonna be late." Evan playfully shoves his shoulder. It's so easy and fun and light and- what was it Casey McQuiston wrote? Oh, right. Alex is so in love he could die. That. That's what Tommy feels. He just hopes Evan doesn't run when Tommy finally gets the courage to say it out loud. He leans in for one more kiss before shimmying out from under the covers. The extra five minutes he gave Evan turned out to be closer to fifteen and now he has to rush to throw himself together. He allows for a quick rinse in the shower before hastily throwing on jeans, a tee and hoodie. "Thanks, babe." Tommy takes the travel mug of coffee Evan hands him and settles for giving him a peck on the cheek so he doesn't undo all the work of trying to be on time. "Be safe," Evan says, no less sincere than the first time. It's said with care, as part of this ritual they're developing. Not because it's a habit or a meaningless platitude. But because it’s intentional. “Of course.”
It is crazy late so take this for today or another tag day. LMK if you'd rather not be tagged for BuckTommy stuff. I get it's not everyone's jam. np tagging:
@actuallyitsellie @epicbuddieficrecs @loveyouanyway @a-noble-dragon @mountedeverest
@fortheloveofbuddie @weewootruck @saybiwithme mi amor @bidisasterevankinard @shipperqueen6
@ramonaflow @stereopticons @kitteneddiediaz @mrs-f-darcy @diazsdimples
@drowsy-quill @your-catfish-friend @thekristen999 @filet-o-feelings @wikiangela
@underwaterninja13 LOML @lizzie-bennetdarcy @rainbow-nerdss @steadfastsaturnsrings @queenmabcreates
@inell @jesuisici33 @rmd-writes @shortsighted-owl @queerbuckleys
@bi-buckrights @elvensorceress @bucksbiawakening @giddyupbuck @hoodie-buck
@ladydorian05 @lemonzestywrites @monsterrae1 @statueinthestone @slightlyobsessedwitheverything
@the-likesofus @thewolvesof1998 @vanillahigh00 @watchyourbuck @welcometololaland
@wildlife4life and anyone else who wants to 😘
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suzukiblu · 7 months
Been looking through your assorted aus page and the link for "weird amnesia Timberkon"/"for the game young" is broken (as in, the tag does not appear to exist). It seems like you put a lot of time into that page so I figured you'd want to know (and also selfishly I am very interested in finding out what weird amnesia timberkon entails)
WHOOPS, my bad, messed that one up. Should be all fixed on the page now, though! Oddly I only seem to have one teeny lil' snippet up for that AU, to my surprise, could've sworn I'd posted more? Sooooo as thanks for catching that busted link for me, have a nice big chunk of the WIP behind this read-more, hah.
So Superboy is apparently an idiot. Then again, whatever, if Bernard were an indestructible telekinetic half-alien he would probably also not worry too much about looking subtle in his civvies or maintaining a secret identity, and also it's been a while since he's heard anything about the guy doing any active superheroing anyway so maybe Superboy is just assuming that the entire planet somehow forgot about his teen heartthrob superhero posters and all those close-up high-def publicity shots of his very public face and whatever? Oh, and also that one time that he literally fucking died to save the whole freaking world and the big ol' memorial statue. Statues? There might've been two, come to think. 
So maybe an idiot. 
A very hot idiot, though. 
Well, whatever, Bernard figures, taking a sip of his boba tea and idly watching Superboy check out his boyfriend from the far side of the cafe like he's a sad puppy in a shop window who just wants a little love. Tim is looking at his phone and appears oblivious to Superboy's existence. 
Bernard assumes Tim's doing that thing where he pretends to not be Robin, for obvious reasons. That thing remains adorable but is getting increasingly less convincing as time goes on. Like, he really doesn't know what Tim actually thinks he thinks he does in his downtime? There is no logical reason for a civilian to be either as ripped or as scarred as Tim Drake is, but part of being Tim Drake's boyfriend is pretending to be oblivious to those facts and also never questioning his flimsy excuses to run off at a moment's notice or disappear during a crisis or whatever else. 
Bernard tries to figure out how to politely extricate himself from the situation for long enough for Tim to go check up on Superboy, because Superboy very clearly needs to be checked up on. Unfortunately he went to the bathroom like ten minutes before the guy walked in all sad-puppy so the obvious option is out, and Tim knows damn well he isn't gonna call his parents for anything less than a full-on emergency, and his friends it'd be weird not to just text, and . . . fuck, he doesn't know. He needs an angle here. 
"I'll be right back, babe, just gotta duck into the bathroom real quick," Tim says, glancing up from his phone with an apologetic smile. Bernard relaxes slightly. Okay, that works, thank you, Bat-planning. Superboy can just follow Tim back to the bathroom and they can do whatever superhero sidebar they need to do back there. 
But then Tim gets up, gives him a peck on the cheek, and heads back to the bathroom, and Superboy . . . doesn't follow him. 
The hell? 
Bernard represses a frown and takes another sip of his boba. Superboy continues not to follow Tim. He just sits there at his own little table with his completely untouched drink, looking like the saddest puppy that has ever sadded. 
Bernard is mystified. 
Are they having a fight, maybe? Is Tim ignoring Superboy because of that, not the secret ID stuff? That seems weird and not very Tim-like, fighting or not. But Superboy's in Gotham and came into the cafe after they did, so he can't be the one avoiding Tim. But also he didn't follow him to the bathroom when presented with the very unsubtle opportunity to do so, so . . . what the hell? 
Bernard takes yet another sip of boba and keeps watching Superboy. Superboy seems oblivious to said watching, but he guesses the guy is pretty famous and is a very public superhero and is always doing impressive shit and all that, so he's probably used to being watched. Oh, and also he's stupid, stupid hot. 
Bernard cannot imagine being this used to attention, but apparently Superboy is. Bernard, of course, is not a punk idol superhero built like a porn star and a supermodel had a threeway with a bodybuilder. So like, that particular bit of mental dissonance probably makes sense and all. Life experiences are not universal, and all that. 
Especially not when the life experience one is comparing oneself to started in a cloning tube. 
Well, it's not like it's a burden for Bernard to have a free pass on checking out a hottie while he waits for Tim to come back from, presumably, waiting for Superboy to come and talk to him. Which Superboy is just . . . not doing, still. Inexplicably. 
Still, sad puppy or not, Superboy's civvies look damn good on him, so that's something. Bernard's enjoying them, like as an aesthetic experience and everything. Superboy's wearing an unbuttoned red flannel shirt with rolled-up sleeves over a very tight black tank top and even tighter light wash skinny jeans that are bafflingly intact, considering the fact that a dude with Kryptonian-level super-strength is currently vacuum-sealed into them. 
Does tactile telekinesis work on skinny jeans? Is that a thing? Like, are Superboy's jeans currently indestructible? 
That sounds amazing, actually. 
Also, those buckled-up black leather boots he's wearing look like they could straight-up kill a dude, Kryptonian power-assist or not. And the shiny mirrored sunglasses and ridiculous multitude of even shinier gold piercings all suit the guy, somehow, and even without looking like too much. 
Relatedly, Superboy's tank top is very, very tight. 
Also relatedly, his nipples are apparently pierced. 
And so is his belly button, it looks like. 
Superboy's vacuum-sealed jeans are not quite tight enough for Bernard to figure out if he's got any below the spike-studded belt piercings, but his imagination is happy to fill in the blanks there. He's tempted to ask for Tim's theories on the existence of any such piercings, because yeah Superboy has super-hearing but Bernard has no shame and Tim logically should know, buuuuut he's still pretending not to know Tim is Robin so yeah, probably he shouldn't do that. 
He could start a new conspiracy board for it, maybe. That'd be fun. 
Superboy also has leather cuffs on his wrists and mismatched rings and necklaces and a really hot fade haircut that is noticeably windswept, and really, really looks like something that Bernard would like to see somebody dig their fingers into. Just–look, there's curls. Bernard cannot be blamed for curls. 
And he's trying not to eye the cuff bracelets too much, but they provide very nice inspiration for a certain style of kinky thoughts. Not that Superboy couldn't snap basically any set of cuffs that wasn't made of kryptonite or promethium or like a magical kryptonite-promethium alloy or whatever without even trying, obviously, but like, somehow the thought of the guy having to restrain himself more than anything else makes the whole mental image hotter? Like, somehow? 
Bernard pictures Superboy wearing a pair of cheap flimsy sex toy handcuffs and trying very, very hard to keep himself in them while someone else takes very careful inventory of all his piercings, wherever and whatever they all just so happen to be. 
Jesus. Yeah, there's a thought. 
Is it weird to consider flirting up your boyfriend's superhero bestie while he's badly pretending to be a civilian, Bernard wonders? Is that a thing? 
Probably, but he still has no shame and is also in an open relationship, so whatever. 
Hell, who knows, in retrospect maybe Tim actually arranged this setup specifically for Bernard to get an eyeful of his work crush. Like, Bernard always felt like Robin and Superboy had some significant UST going back in the day. Maybe Tim wants to finally do something about that, and the setup idea sounds like a very "Bat" approach to doing said something. And it'd explain why Superboy didn't follow Tim to the bathroom and maybe even why he's coming across kind of anxious right now, if he's trying to psych himself up to come over or something. Like, if he's nervous about making a good impression, though Bernard cannot imagine why he ever would be. Well, not like Supers are known for their undercover skills, so . . . 
Either way, if that's the plan, Bernard is very fine with it, so he decides to go find out for himself and picks up his drink to head over and chat the guy up. Worst case scenario, he’s just gotten his hopes up a little, he figures. Best case, he’s putting Superboy out of his “oh god, how do I do undercover” misery. 
"Mind if I sit?" he asks, and flashes Superboy a grin as he gestures at the empty seat at the other half of his table. Superboy looks weirdly startled, like he somehow expected to go unnoticed despite being a literal superhero who is also unspeakably hot and is also wearing very, very tight clothes that he's this close to busting out of. Like, at least half a dozen girls are actively checking him out right now, as is the dude behind the counter and the old guy on the sidewalk outside who’s busy badly pretending to be reading the outdoor menu board instead of checking out Superboy’s ass through the front window. 
So yeah, Bernard really does not understand that apparent assumption. 
Come to think, maybe Superboy has some self-esteem issues or something. Bernard admittedly might also have self-esteem issues if he were Superman's clone. Then again, if he were Superman's clone, he would look like Superman and also be very aware of how Superman himself looks, sooooo . . . 
Seriously, "younger and sexier punk rock Superman" is not a vibe that Bernard can imagine going ignored all that often. Or ever. 
“Uh–what?” Superboy says. 
“I’ve been temporarily abandoned by my boyfriend and I’m easily bored,” Bernard clarifies politely, though obviously Superboy was staring at Tim long enough to have noticed said abandonment the moment it happened. “So, mind if I sit?” 
“I–sure?” Superboy says, looking nervous. Bernard puts another tally in the “too bad at undercover work to follow the Bat-plan” column. Whatever, the guy’s trying his best, he’s not gonna judge him. 
There's a pin on the inside of Superboy’s flannel, Bernard notices as the other shifts awkwardly in his seat, and is vaguely puzzled by the sight of it. Like, it's just a little thing and he doubts he'd have even seen it if he weren't in this close to the guy, but . . . 
Just–yeah. Little pin. Just like a cheap little round button, like the kind that comes out of the dollar bin at all sorts of random stores. And it's hidden inside Superboy's flannel, mostly, but it's definitely got the S-shield on it. 
Bernard is perplexed. Even in Gotham, it's not like it's weird to see people wearing Superman merch. So like, why is Superboy hiding that?
“Cool,” he says as he files that away as a little oddity, and takes the empty seat. Superboy continues to look nervous. Bernard continues to work on figuring out if his weird Bat-boyfriend who he’s not supposed to know is a Bat set him up on a blind date with his superhero bestie. The nervousness supports the theory, anyway. 
Man, this dude really is even prettier up close. How was he Tim’s bisexual awakening with this guy around and in close quarters with him? Like, he’s flattered, don’t get him wrong, but also maybe Tim has some vision problems and he should get that checked out before it inconveniences his nightlife. 
"Sooooo like . . . what do I call you?" Bernard asks, peering across the table at him curiously. "Because the obvious option seems like a bad idea, obviously.” 
"‘The obvious option’?" Superboy stops looking nervous long enough to look confused instead. 
"Yeah?" Bernard says, cocking his head. Superboy cannot possibly think he’s being subtle here, so . . . "I mean, I assume you don't go by 'Superboy' when you're dressed like that. Like, that's the whole point of being dressed like that, right?" 
Superboy stares blankly at him. Bernard cocks his head the other way, now officially the confused one. 
"What?" Superboy says. 
"Okay, sorry, this is the thing where you-know-who still insists on pretending he's not Robin, isn't it," Bernard realizes, which he really should've realized would be a thing from the start. He supposes that makes sense even with Superboy’s total lack of subtlety, though, superheroes probably do have to really commit to that thing. Especially ones who work for Batman and Superman. Or . . . just around Superman, maybe? Bernard is not fully clear on that particular superhero hierarchy. "My bad. So, uh, what do I call you, because there is obviously no obvious option. Obviously.” 
"You . . . recognize me?" Superboy croaks. 
"Uh," Bernard says, brow furrowing in bemusement at the very weird expression the guy's currently wearing. "Yes? No offense, you're kind of recognizable. Like, do you even have a secret identity? I mean, you're a clone, right, and I know you were just doing the full-time hero thing in at least Hawaii, so I actually have no idea if you ever bothered making one up or not?” 
"You recognize me," Superboy chokes, just staring at him, and then bursts into tears. 
. . . well, that can't be good.
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wikiangela · 2 months
tease tidbit tuesday
tagged by @diazsdimples @tizniz @daffi-990 @disasterbuckdiaz 💖
a little more of the cheating fic and finally an eddie and buck scene lol I feel like I haven't posted them together in this fic in a while haha but I just finished chapter 3 last night (so about halfway done, maybe even more!), and I think I'm mostly happy with it, so here's a lil snippet
prev snippet
“Chris has been asking about you.” Eddie says, and out of all things, somehow this is not what Buck expected him to say. “You haven’t come over in a while.”
“I-” Buck pauses, forcing himself not to say the first thing at the tip of his tongue, which is something along the lines of ‘oh, so we’re talking again?’, but he doesn’t want to ruin it, not when Eddie’s actually talking to him after way too long. And it’s not like it wasn’t Buck’s fault he stopped. “I didn’t think you’d want me to.” he says instead, quietly and shyly.
“Buck.” Eddie sighs heavily, reaching into his locker for his jacket, still not looking at Buck. “No matter what happened, or is or isn’t gonna happen, you’ll always be our family, you’ll always be important to us, and you’ll always be welcome in our house. Always.” he emphasizes, glances at Buck with those sad eyes, then looks away again. “I don’t wanna ruin that.”
“Oh. Well, I don’t, either. You and Chris are so important to me, Eddie, you have no idea-” he rushes to say, but cuts himself off before he says something he doesn’t mean. Or worse, something he does mean, but can’t take back. “And I- I’m so, so so sorry for risking it all-”
“It wasn’t just you.” Eddie shakes his head, puts his jacket on. Then, finally turns and looks Buck in the eye. “We both made some pretty stupid, shitty decisions, and I’m sorry, too. That wasn’t how this should’ve happened. If at all.” he adds quickly, blushing. Shit. Eddie wanted that, he still does, and he- what if he loves Buck? What if Buck’s being a dumbass and refusing what could be the best thing in his life? “Listen,” Eddie says after a second, with a heavy sigh, “take all the time you need to figure shit out, but just tell me whenever you decide what you want, like I said. I’ll always be here, Buck. And I’ll always-” he stops, shakes his head again. “But now, can we just…?” he trails off, waving his hand between them, gesturing vaguely. Buck chuckles, always understanding Eddie even without words.
“Yeah, we can.” he can’t help a relieved sigh. It’s all getting back on track.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @thebravebitch @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @puppyboybuckley @weewootruck @loveyouanyway @spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @hoodie-buck @nmcggg @rogerzsteven @hippolotamus @giddyupbuck @sunshinediaz @honestlydarkprincess @underwater-ninja-13 @exhuastedpigeon @fortheloveofbuddie @911-on-abc @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @theotherbuckley @buddieswhvre @dangerpronebuddie
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cocteaucherry · 25 days
her way
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summary- you were once on top of the world, unfortunately that was taken away from you, but all of a sudden two men, the best at their sports ask for help.
tags- 18+, mentions of bruises, anxiety, broken bones, anxiety attack, ooc probably for some characters, maybe some smut (or threesome) in further chapters. figure skating (can you tell I used challengers for inspo?) gojo x reader, geto x reader, female reader
a/n- (making my monthly comeback, also thank you for 200 followers every like and follow means the universe to me! debating on a chp 1
you once were on top of the world
Doing the thing you loved every day every second, the costumes, the flair, the elegance.
Your long time senior coach, Yuki, made sure to always support you, even.. if she usually made it to rehearsal thirty minutes late.
“Yeah yeah that was great! But make sure you’re more solid off your double jump!” Yuki smirked leaning against the short wall of the skating rink.
“Weren’t you on your phone half the time?” You raised an eyebrow panting loudly as Yuki gave you a coy laugh.
“See? Stop paying attention to me and you’ll land your jumps.”
Oh how cynical it would be for you in the future.
You had officially made it to the Grand Prix finals, the world's eyes battering down your whole back, at least that’s how it felt to you.
You sat stretching your legs, the world around you invisible until you went on in approximately nine minutes and ten seconds. Your nerves were particularly bad today but you couldn’t focus on that right now.
You were so out of it you didn’t even notice the figure approaching you, all you saw were long legs in dark sweatpants.
You peered through your eyelashes to see the figure standing in front of you, snowy hair and sunglasses inside? Sheesh, how arrogant could this guy be?
“Y/N, right?” A grin appeared on his smug face as his hands slid into his pockets, “yeah? Is there something I can do for you?” You grunted standing up your eyes physically widening as you saw how tall he really was, getting a good look at his face and you began to recognize the man.
“Wait.. you look familiar..?”
His face drained of color as he cleared his throat, “Satoru Gojo, two time gold winner?” He pointed towards his face, “Figure skating Mozart on the ice rink?- wait you seriously don’t know who I am?!”
“I was kidding, MAYBE I’ve heard of you,” you chuckled and he let out a huff of frustration, “You’re good friends with.. what’s his name? Suguru Geto correct? I’ve heard he’s the Prince of Ice, huh?”
“That’s correct, he’s also fairly talented.” Satoru hummed in an almost annoyed tone? You pushed it off not thinking much of it.
“Must be hard huh? I mean being best friends in this line of business and somehow you always come out on top?” You questioned staring closely through Satoru’s glasses, you could almost clearly see the bright blue of his eyes peeking through the expensive lenses.
“Ahhh,” he grinned, adjusting his shades, “Suguru and I don’t lose our minds over a little friendly competition.”
“The Grand Prix is a friendly competition for you?” You scoffed crossing your arms and he nodded bashfully, “when you have no one to compete against it’s not really a competition.”
“Right, well I’m gonna get going soon.”
You desperately wanted to cut the conversation short but talking to him seemed to ease your nerves tremendously, “Thanks for talking with me though!” you smiled brightly getting set to walk towards the rink.
Satoru wanted to talk more but his words were caught in his throat, “I’ll cheer you o-on!” His voice fucking cracked and he wanted to slam his head against the wall.
Yuki stood nervously and annoyed at your apparent “lateness”
“Y/N! What the hell? You were supposed to be here a few minutes ago?” Her face was red with anxiety it seemed.
“I'm still here on time! Don’t worry Yuki,” you groaned and a smile appeared on her face, “I know I know, you should’ve been here though I was just talking to a certain someone you should be interested in,”
“Really? Who?” You said enthusiastically but before Yuki could start your name was called over the intercoms to get on the ice, you slid your windbreaker off revealing your light purple bedazzled costume. “I’ll tell you after, get out there and don’t fuck up!” Yuki pulled you into a quick hug before lightly pushing you into the direction you needed to go.
“Awhh, cmon Yuki!” You groaned walking your way carefully onto the ice, your mind repeating your step and jump sequences in your head.
Your legs jittered but you took deep breaths skating to your starting position.
Your routine started and you were doing great, landing your jumps, your spins were fluid and solid and then the second half was ending. Your routine was coming to a close and all you had to do was nail a double jump pretty simple right?
Then how come whenever you were in the starting position something felt off..
you were in the middle of the air getting ready to land before your ankle had twisted in the wrong direction causing you to eat absolute shit on the ice.
A loud CRACK! Resounded itself along with the searing hot pain your ankle felt as you tumbled on the ice, Oh God let this be a bad dream please God..
Hot tears poured down your face as you heard the quick loud flashes of cameras and the loud whispers of the crowd, your heartbeat sped faster and faster and you swore you were going to blackout, which is what you did.
You woke up from the blaring fluorescent lights and the steady beeps of the machines around you, your mother and father sat next to you with bated breath as your mother immediately jumped to hug you crying into your shoulder.
You groggily searched the room for Yuki only to find her in the hallway talking to the doctor, this wasn’t gonna end well.
You peered down at the large cast encasing your ankle and the bruises that crowded your leg, you wanted to cry but no tears came out.
Hours later you finally decided to turn on the TV, wanting to avoid seeing you eat shit on 4K you were instead met with a different kind of news.
Males singles winners,
Bronze- Yui Haibara
Silver- Satoru Gojo
Gold- Suguru Geto
Satoru had lost? You wondered how he felt right now, sure a small smile was on his face but he was adamant on winning.
Just like clockwork Yuki had come in holding two vases of flowers, “How you holding up?” She asked walking to the counter placing the vases down,
“‘As well as you think, everyone’s kind though.” You’ve gotten multiple concerned texts from figure skaters and fans and while you greatly appreciated it your face burned in embarrassment. How could you have messed up horribly?
“Of course they are, Goddess of the Ice,” Yuki hummed, checking the cards attached to the vases, “Well look at that, flowers from both Gojo and Geto.”
“Really? I feel honored.” You smiled but it quickly faded, “Tell me how bad it is Yuki.”
Yuki sighed leaning on the counter, “Well, your ankle is pretty fucked up.. might be time for you to look at possibly retiring.”
Your coach’s words circled in your head as you took a plane trip back to your hometown, your mother and father agreed to look after you in the meantime as you sought out your decision.
The past few days you had been in limbo, just living but no substance you even spaced out mid conversation with your best friend Utahime.
She offered you a place in her family’s shop where you could spend your hours conversing instead of just sitting around the house.
“Okay! Would you rather take care of ten newborn babies or fight a judo boxer?” Utahime asked, flipping through the channels of the front counter TV.
“We’ve played this for twenty minutes!” You groaned, placing your head in your hands, “the ten babies sound great though.”
Utahime had childishly given you a coloring book but you didn’t complain, you continued to scribble, enjoying the blissful silence with the occasional talk of the TV.
The bell of the front door opening broke you out of your silence, but before you could look up the voice seemed to give it away.
“Y/N! Long time no see!”
Your eyes were brought up to see the familiar sight you were “graced” with 5 weeks ago.
“Think we could talk for a minute?”
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-Sugar daddy Tōji
Word count: 2.25k~
Description: (Toji x reader) It’s your anniversary and Toji has a surprise for you
Edited by: @pretty-princess-peach
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Toji would do almost anything to avoid being at work. He would just announce that he wasn’t coming in that day for whatever reason, and no one really questioned it anymore. He got his work done, so who was gonna complain that the CEO didn’t like being in the office?
This particular day was the first anniversary of your and his first date, and obviously he wouldn’t be working on your anniversary. He had planned to take you shopping, and then out for dinner before coming back to his place for, uh, dessert.
He was all set to go and pick you up when he got a call from his office. Apparently, for some god awful reason, they desperately needed him to come in to handle something urgent that had popped up, and somehow, there was no way for him to get out of it. Toji begrudgingly hung up the phone and sent you a text apologizing and telling you that he had to go into work and that he wouldn’t be able to take you shopping and that he might be late for dinner.
You were disappointed when you got his text. However, after moping about it for a few minutes, you resolved that you wouldn’t let this ruin your day. You got to work on baking some cute little heart-shaped cookies and ignored the fact that your date had been cut short.
You were waiting in your pretty black dress with your makeup and hair done to perfection when you got the message from Toji. He was on his way to your apartment and would be just in time for your dinner reservation. You went and grabbed your shoes and the pretty little bag of pink cookies you had made before running to the bathroom to check your hair and makeup. You touched up a few things, and by the time you were done, Toji was texting you, telling you he was here.
You grabbed your things, put on your shoes, and went down to meet your boyfriend as fast as your heels would allow you.
You exited your building and immediately spotted him in his black suit leaning against his fancy car. He smiled when he saw you, and you blushed as you made your way over.
“Aw, you look beautiful, darling.”
“Thank you, daddy.”
Toji chucked at your response. God, he loved you.
“What ya got there?”
He pointed to the little baggy of cookies you had tied with a pretty pink ribbon.
“Well, I couldn’t really think of what to get you, so I figured the least I could do was bake you something.”
You handed him the little bag, and he looked at the cookies for a moment before smirking.
“I guess now I have two sweet things I can eat tonight.”
You turned bright red and looked at the ground.
“You can’t just say that!”
“Sure I can, doll. You’re mine, after all.”
He turned around and opened the passenger door for you. As you got in, he stopped you to give you a quick kiss on the lips. Well, as quick as a kiss with Toji could be anyway.
It really was a miracle that you hadn’t just died of embarrassment by now. You had been dating him for a year now, and you still got incredibly flustered by his embarrassing actions and remarks.
Toji started the car and began the drive to the restaurant.
“So, how was work? Did everything get cleared up?”
“No clue. It was taking forever, and I would have missed dinner, so I just left.”
He had a stupid smile on his face and was obviously pleased with himself.
“But doesn’t that just mean they’re going to keep calling you and asking you to come back?”
“Nah, that’s not a problem. I left my work phone at the office.”
He looked incredibly smug.
You rolled your eyes at him, but you couldn’t help the smile that made its way onto your face. As stupid as what he did was, you couldn’t help but be happy about the fact that he was so committed to being with you tonight.
The rest of the drive was filled with you talking about various unimportant things while he listened, occasionally commenting so that you weren’t worried you were annoying him.
When you arrived at the restaurant, Toji walked around and opened the door for you like he always did. You stepped out, and the two of you made your way into the restaurant. You had arrived a few minutes late, as was custom when going anywhere with your boyfriend, but everything still continued smoothly.
The two of you had a wonderful evening. The food was fantastic, and you just loved spending time with your boyfriend, despite his insistence on making comments about how he couldn’t wait to fuck you later as people walked by.
You walked into Toji’s apartment and followed him to the living room, where he took off his suit jacket and sat down on the couch. You were about to sit down beside him, but he stopped you.
“Come sit in my lap, princess.”
You blushed a bit at the request, but did what he asked regardless. It was hard to straddle someone’s lap in your rather short dress without it moving quite far up your thighs, but you were confident Toji wouldn’t mind.
When you were finally situated, he picked up your bag of cookies, took one out, and lifted it up to your mouth.
“But I-”
He pushed the cookie into your mouth, and you took a bite.
You chewed as quickly as you could.
He finished the rest of the cookie and put the rest of them aside.
“Come on, baby. Take my shirt off.”
Once again, you blushed, but you did as you were told. When you had his shirt fully unbuttoned, you couldn’t help but stare at his chest. He was so…bumpy.
Toji pulled his shirt all the way off and put his hands on your waist. He stood up and you wrapped yourself around him, trying not to fall. He made his way to the bedroom and dropped you onto his bed. He climbed on top of you and hooked his thumbs under the bottom of your dress. He pulled it off of you and stared at what he revealed. Under your dress, you were wearing pretty pink lingerie with a little pink bow at the center of the bralette and one on the center of the waistband of your panties.
“You look so pretty, princess.”
“Thank you.”
Toji raised an eyebrow.
“Sorry. Thank you, daddy*.”
“Good girl.”
He leaned in and kissed you. The feeling of his lips moving against yours was starting to get you worked up. He slid your panties down and off of you and undid your bra, throwing them both somewhere else in the room. He leaned in and whispered in your ear, telling you to get on your knees, and you complied right away.
You rested your head on Toji’s inner thigh as he undid his pants. He pulled out his cock, and you had it in your mouth almost immediately. You struggled to take him in, but he helped you. He grabbed a fistful of your hair and pushed you down on his cock while you choked and gagged. When he had finally pushed you to the base of his cock, he held you there for a moment, reveling in the feeling of your warm throat around his big cock. He released his tight hold on your hair, now only resting it on the back of your head. Now that you were free to move as you pleased, you naturally started bobbing your head up and down his cock.
“Fuck, princess, you feel so good.”
You hummed around him at the praise, the vibrations making him throw his head back and let out a moan. Your jaw was already hurting, and your eyes had started to water, but you were determined to make your daddy feel good.
“Yeah, keep going baby. Just like that.”
After a few more minutes, he laced his hand through your hair once again and started fucking your mouth, clearly approaching his end. Toji fucked your mouth until he was filling it up with his cum. He pulled your head off of his cock and grabbed your face, squishing it so that you opened your mouth, and he could watch as you swallowed his cum.
“You’re such a good girl for me, princess. You make daddy so happy. Now, come sit up here so daddy can eat you out.”
“Yes, daddy.”
You could feel your blush quite clearly as you sat up on the edge of the bed, and your daddy situated himself between your legs. He leaned in and started drawing circles around your clit with his tongue. He moved his tongue around before centering on the little bundle of nerves, and you couldn’t stop the moans that were flowing from your mouth. He began moving his tongue faster and pressed it harder onto you. You felt him graze his teeth over your clit, and your hands shot from where they were gripping his comforter to his hair. You probably sounded pathetic with how much you were moaning, but you didn’t care. It just felt so good. Before too long, you felt yourself barreling towards an orgasm.
“Daddy, I think I’m gonna- ahhh!”
And just like that, you were cumming. You let out a loud moan and a whine while gripping his hair and moving your hips to press harder against your daddy's still moving tongue.
“Good girl.”
He stood up.
“Why don’t you lay down, so daddy can fuck your pretty little pussy.”
You squeaked out an “Okay” before wiggling back on the bed. Your daddy rid himself of his pants and climbed over where you had laid down on the bed. He reached down and pushed two fingers inside of you. His fingers were big, and it hurt slightly as they went in, making you let out a whine at the slight discomfort.
“Come on, pretty girl. It's gonna hurt a lot more than that when you take my cock.”
You covered your face with your hands. You were thoroughly embarrassed, but Toji wasn’t having it. He grabbed your wrists in one hand and pinned them above your head.
“Don’t hide from me, princess. Daddy wants to see your pretty face.”
A few minutes after adding a third finger, he managed to bring you to your second orgasm of the night. You were out of breath, exhausted from cumming twice already. Toji pulled his fingers out of you and licked them clean. Next, he lined his cock up with your hole and started pushing inside. Just him pushing the head in felt like so much. He kept pushing inside of you, shushing you while you whined about how big it was and playing with your clit to try to distract you.
Eventually, he was as far in as he could go. He could never fit all of himself inside of you. It just didn’t work. There was always at least a bit of him that wouldn’t go in.
He gave you a few moments to adjust before he started fucking you. It was slow and deep at first, but before too long, he was fucking you fast and, well, still deep.
The feeling of him fucking you so hard mixed with how he looked and the noises he was making was driving you insane. Toji was essentially feeling the exact same way. The way your tits bounced with every thrust and the way you moaned was fucking magical to him. Not to mention how fucking good you felt. You were so tight around him. It felt heavenly.
Soon enough, you felt your orgasm approaching, and you did your best to warm Toji, but you could barely get the words out through your moans.
“Daddy, I- fuck! Ah mmm, I’m gonna- ahhhh!”
Toji understood what you were trying to get across and reached down to play with your clit.
“Fuck, daddy!”
The added stimulation was enough to make you cum around him almost immediately. You swore you saw god when the endorphins shot through you. But when you came down from your high, Toji was still fucking you. He was definitely getting close, but he wasn’t quite there yet.
“Fuck princess, tell daddy how you want him to fill you up, how you’re his little cumdump.”
“‘m your cumdump daddy, want you to fill me up so bad, want your cum!”
After a few more thrusts, he was cumming, pumping you full of his warm cum. You could already feel some dripping out of you. Toji had always had a lot of cum to give you, and god did you love it.
He pulled out, and before much could spill out, he pushed his dripping cum back inside of you. He did this for a few minutes, absolutely transfixed by the sight. But you didn’t care, you thought it was kind of cute, and you didn’t mind the chance to recover from the experience.
After a little bit, Toji came and laid down beside you, and you rested your head on his chest. You listened to his heartbeat, and he stroked your hair.
About five minutes had passed when Toji asked if you wanted to have another round. Obviously, you said yes. It was your anniversary, after all.
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tomuras · 1 month
| Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby |
Pairings: Dottore x Gn!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, Selfship Coded, Reader has Medical Trauma, Reader has PTSD, Reader goes by no pronouns, Dottore goes by He/Him pronouns, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Reader is mentally ill, Mental Health themes, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Dottore is bad at comfort, Dottore might be ooc and for that I apologize, Mentioned Medical Tests/Medical Treatment, Implied Medical Abuse (it’s not explicitly said, but yeah), Flashbacks, 1.4k words. 
A/n: I wanted to write out a little something like this for a while with Dottore, and so here we are. I kinda left this one with a sorta open ending, because I might want to do a continuation of it at some point. So, yeah! I hope you like this <3
Also title name is from this song.
Summary: You’ve avoided going to Dottore’s lab for over a year now and Dottore is set on finding out why you have the aversion in the first place. 
Tagging: @auphelia @fleur-de-leap @tighnarly
It had been a long time coming. You always did hate going to Dottore’s lab, avoiding it at all costs, and for a whole year you were successful in that. He never asked much of you and you did the same with him, but after a while things started to crack and crumble. It was around the time that work had started to pile up for him. He was always busying himself in the lab and you were always hell bent on avoiding him there. You didn’t mind the work he did, even when he talked about it you were fairly calm, but something about entering the heart of it all always made you anxious. 
This time of year he was normally occupied in the lab. Usually he’d leave you be, not press you further on the matter, but something seemed particularly off about you this time around. Sure, you were always on edge and fidgety whenever he talked about his experiments or anything having to do with his time in the lab, but he always figured you were just especially squeamish about that sort of thing. Not everyone could stomach that topic, after all. Although after some time and a little bit of reflection he realized that wasn’t and couldn���t logically be the case, at least not to that extent. 
He’d approached you about it beforehand but you brushed him off, remarked how it was nothing important and he needn’t waste his time with something such as that. Sadly that only furthered his concern and suspicions. Realistically if it were any other person he wouldn’t have cared half as much as he did with you, but he truly was stuck on the subject, and he was sure he could fix that problem of yours somehow. 
It was early morning, around two in the morning when Dottore managed to slip back into your shared room. He’d barely acknowledged your presence until he’d heard you slowly sitting upright in the bed to look at him.
“Long night?” You asked gently, a smile curving the corners of your mouth.
“Mmnh.” He replied. 
You made a spot for him on the bed as you watched him with half-lidded eyes. He slowly dragged his feet over to his side of the bed and climbed in, laying back and putting his arms behind his head with a groan of relief. He closed his eyes to rest his eyes before the inevitable happened, but of course, you were quite the chatterbox anytime he returned to you. 
“So..”  You trailed off. “How was it?”
His eyes remained close but his brows furrowed. “It was fine.” He paused, debating whether he should ask now or until after he’d had some rest. Ultimately deciding to ask anyway. “And you?” 
You snuggled underneath the covers and let a hand rest on his chest slightly. “It was okay, nothin’ special.” 
There was a comfortable silence hanging in the air before Dottore promptly decided to destroy it.
“I’d like you to come by the lab tomorrow.” He said firmly, his voice confident enough that it worried you.
Your hands trembled.
“Why?” Your voice shook as you turned to look at Dottore.
He sighed. “You’ve yet to have an exam since your arrival here and it’s about that time anyway.” 
Your fear was palpable, nearly making his own heart race. He could feel the way your body locked up upon hearing his request, or rather his demand. For, there was no way he was going to allow you to back out of it this time. It wasn’t a total lie, you did need a proper exam, especially considering the behavior you’d been exhibiting since joining the Fatui. You’d been unusually skittish around the subject of his work, a fact that Dottore used to methodically put the pieces together. He knew before he even asked the question what your aversion to his lab truly meant. 
He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. “I’ll send two segments to escort you in the afternoon, that should give you more than enough time to prepare.”
“I understand this is quite uncomfortable but–” You quickly cut him off, something you’d never done. 
“No, Dottore, you don’t understand and quite frankly I don’t think you ever will.” You spat back.
Silence. This time the tension was thick, the atmosphere filled with uneasiness. Granted if he’d know you’d get so heated about it he would’ve never brought it up moments before the two of you were supposed to sleep. Neither of you were going to bed anytime soon. Oh how he regretted his decision. Perhaps the segment was right, but he’d never admit to that. Not a chance in hell. Although in hindsight he wished he’d thought this through a bit more before running headfirst into whatever happened at that moment. Upon first instinct he wanted to prove you wrong, state how it was something he could in time learn to understand, but he stopped himself. He wasn’t exactly sure why, but something made him stop and think about his next words carefully. 
“Well, enlighten me.” He replied, sitting upright to look you in the eyes. 
Usually he’d grin as he’d said those words but this time it was absent, and instead he looked like someone who wanted to learn. It was odd and unnerving to see him like that, but I guess it was his way of trying to comfort you. 
“I just…” You averted your eyes and looked at your hands before returning your gaze back to Dottore. “I.. don’t like doctors. I don’t.. trust them.” You admitted. Now, too anxious to look at him at all. 
Oh. How awkward, Dottore thought. 
“Hmm, I see.” He replied.
Another agonizing moment of silence. 
You fidgeted with your fingers, cracking your knuckles nervously. Your breathing gradually grew rapid as the memories and thoughts poisoned your mind like a dangerous disease. Fuck, how you hated it when you got like this. You remembered the words they said, the actions they took, the insane amount of times you endured the same fucking test. You remembered… everything, and you hated that the most. Squeezing your eyes shut you tried to will those thoughts and images away as tears rolled down your cheeks, but alas it was useless. 
Dottore placed a hand over your own, pausing for a second before rubbing circles against your skin with his thumb. It seemed to rip you from your turmoil momentarily, but it did not erase it. The sensation was comforting, more so than the other things he pushed himself to do in order to comfort you. Neither of you said anything, especially not Dottore. He didn’t want to risk saying something rude or offensive, or putting you in an even worse state, which was very likely. The silence consoled you in a way, rocking you into a peaceful sleepy state. So much so, that you let your guard down long enough to wipe away your tears and curl up in a ball beside Dottore. 
He was hesitant at first but ultimately chose to wrap a single arm around you. Dottore held you as if you were the most fragile of glass. It was as if he was terrified of shattering you and in a way he definitely was. Finally, you let your guard down long enough to hide, rest your head against Dottore’s chest and allow the tears to flow freely. Had it been anyone else he would’ve been incredibly uncomfortable, wouldn’t even consider doing what he did, but you were.. different. He wondered if he should say something, if a reassuring word would be beneficial in a moment like that, research would back that idea but he chose against it. Dottore couldn’t possibly risk ruining what little peace you could experience at that time. At the very least he owed you that small moment of relief, no matter how brief it was. 
He waited until you were fast asleep, curled up nice and close in his arms, then he brushed away a stray strand of your hair and tucked it behind your ear. Dottore glanced up at the door then back to you, smiling at you adoringly before kissing your forehead. He’d have to talk more about this with you tomorrow, and thoroughly, too. Dottore had planned on getting you to the lab whether you wanted to or not, but for some reason he had a change of heart. Maybe, it wouldn’t hurt to give you a day or two more to prepare, that was more than feasible, he thought.
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guiltysungho · 3 days
— let the light in
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genre : tags. domestic, angst, fluff, comfort, reader is in a slump
pairing. bsf!kim donghyun x gn!reader
wordcount. 726
a/n. this went a completely different direction than I intended but i still wanna put it out there, im not used to writing like this so it might not be perfect but i hope you enjoy reading it. its not too sad dw.
Once again you were stuck in your room completely shut off from everything and everyone, you hated when this happened but it seemed to have become a part of your life. You rolled over on the bed where your phone was charging right at the edge of your mattress, letting the bright led light flash in your eyes as you adjusted to the feeling of being awake after what felt like an endless slumber.
I’ll be there in 10 - Donghyun 5 mins ago
Your knight in shining armor, he had been spamming you throughout the week hoping you’d reply him more than 3 letters. He knew your moods too well to not know what was going on, after 5 years of being close you’d hope 2 letters was enough for him to read the signs.
You rolled back belly flat against the mattress, drowning in the darkness of your cave waiting for the jingle of his keys to help you out of your slump. Maybe your patience was wearing out, your eyes grew heavier as you waited, almost ready to shut, and then you heard it, the jingle.
“I brought you take out, I’m gonna come in so like don’t be naked” He called out from the other side of your room door, you somehow managed to crawl out of bed and swing the door wide open for him before falling right back on it, you loved your bed.
“Feed me.” You groaned in pain, jokingly, somehow you were able to joke.
He smiled at you, and your face muscles mirrored like a reflex. You sat up on your bed watching him walk around your room, first to the desk placing all the treats far from your reach and then the curtains, it was inevitable, your begging was in vain as he let the light in.
“It’s a really nice day out, if I feed you we should take a walk, deal?” as usual bargain, nothing came easily in this life, you shook his hand reluctantly.
When you think about it, it felt almost comical the way you’d regain life whenever he showed up, before Donghyun you hated being bothered whenever you felt this wave of utter lack of willingness. You would figure it out yourself and that could take months, but now you didn’t even have to say anything for someone to just be there.
It wasn’t like you couldn’t do these things on your own but some times were harder than others and knowing someone cared enough to help you made it easy again. You didn’t know what it made you, if it meant anything outside of your friendship, but you felt loved and that was more than enough.
“You’re doing such a good job, don’t worry too much I’m here for you,” sweet words of comfort that helped, like he could read your mind and sense your doubts just so he could reassure you later.
“I’m sorry I’m such a mess” He shook his head, dismissing your comment,
“You’re not a mess baby, I’m doing this because I love you,” Your eyes glistened with heavy tears just waiting to drop, the feeling of his soft hands on your cheeks made you close your eyes, finally letting them loose as you took in a deep breath, a soft pout on your lips as you looked back up at him.
“I love your pout, and I love your smile. I’m working hard to see that beautiful smile again,” his thumbs brushing away the droplets staining your cheeks, he made you feel like you didn’t constantly have to put up a front.
That you could actually be human and he wouldn’t decide one day that he wanted a doll, his words made you wonder the depth of his love, was this just another moment that friends shared. Did he mean them the same way they sounded to you?
The weight of your worries had shifted from one thing to another, walking down the river by his side you wonder how many meanings could “i love you” have, could you be loved even more than this?
Thinking about it, made your cheeks burn up, placing your fingers on your lips trying to not get carried away, while he was right there but the smile was too strong to hide, turning your face away from him as you succumbed to the feeling.
“There it is.”
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devildom-moss · 11 months
June poll story
(Mammon x gn!MC)
(NSFW) (sub!Mammon) (dom!MC) (NSFW tags: anal on Mammon, MC with a dick or strap-on - called a"cock" regardless, marking/biting, slight degradation/calling Mammon a "slut" and "greedy" affectionately, but mostly praise, lots of "good boy"/"baby boy"/"baby", missionary position, kind of vanilla maybe? a little bit of malewife Mammon at the beginning, so soft for this man)
Word Count: +1,900
Mammon gently tapped his notebook on the top of your head before you both left for school that morning. Despite the embarrassment that rose inside of him, he tried to sound cool as he told you, “hey, clear your plans for tonight, ‘kay?”
“What for?” you asked him.
“Cause I said so. I know ya got your little Solomon lessons after class, so just come straight to my room when you get home, got it?”
“Can I at least shower after I get back?”
“Huh.” Mammon thought about it. That would give him a bit of extra time. “Yeah, that works. Just text me when ya get back. After your shower, come over.”
“Deal.” You figured you could amuse Mammon for the night. It would be nice to spend a bit of time with him anyway. “So, what are we doing?”
“Don’t worry about it. We’re gonna have a relaxin’ night in.”
It had been a long week. Mammon had picked up on your rising stress – especially in the last two days. If Solomon tried to cook for you during his tutoring today, Mammon wasn’t certain that the old sorcerer would make it through his lesson unscathed. Although there was no way Mammon would tell you he wanted to help you de-stress, demanding your time was his way of trying to help.
You did as Mammon asked. Nice and clean, and with the scent of smoke from your failed potion finally washed from your skin, you headed to Mammon’s room. Out of politeness, you knocked on his door and waited for a response – something you hoped Mammon would someday learn by example. Although, at least (thus far) you had avoided anything too awkward with your one-way open door policy.
A very quiet “shit” was whispered before Mammon replied at full volume: “one sec, MC.”
When Mammon opened his door, you immediately noticed that he had tidied up his room recently such as two seconds ago. It was sweet of him. The next thing you noticed was that something smelled good in there – like homemade food.
“Ya hungry?”
“A little, yeah.”
“We’re eatin’ in here tonight. I made ramen for ya, com’ere.” Mammon pulled you to his couch. On the table in front of it were two large bowls of ramen – along with a bottle of Demonus and two glasses. The only issue was that when Mammon said he made ramen, you didn’t expect it to actually look delicious. There were chopped vegetables in there – Mammon had even gone through the trouble of cutting carrots and tofu into small flowers and shaped the soft-boiled egg into a heart.
“You made this?” you asked, surprised.
“Hey, I can cook if I gotta,” Mammon got defensive, “or if I wanna.”
You couldn’t suppress the grin. You pulled Mammon in for a quick kiss. “Thank you, baby.”
“Hm, I could get used to you thankin’ me.” Mammon played cocky to distract from his embarrassment. “Dig in, already.”
You didn’t expect the food to taste as good as it looked. Mammon must have gotten help some way or another; all you knew was that he was trying so hard to make you happy – and it was working.
After dinner and a glass of Demonus, Mammon put on an action movie that he had brought up a few days ago. He was going on about how cool the trailer made the villain look and how you just had to root for him. Mammon tangled his body up with yours on the couch. With all of the enthusiasm about the movie from the other day, you expected Mammon’s attention to be fixed on the screen. However, he wasn’t even watching the movie; he was staring at you. It was a hungry sort of stare, and you knew he wanted something.
“What’s the matter, Mammon?” His face burned when you asked him. Somehow, he believed that his staring wasn’t so obvious. Still, he might as well say something.
“Do you want to fuck me?” Mammon asked, shy-sounding and slightly nervous. What he meant was that he wanted you to fuck him, but he figured if he phrased it like an invitation, you’d take him up on the offer without him having to voice his desires. Sometimes, his trouble expressing his wants was difficult, but right now, when you knew exactly what he really meant, it was adorable.
You didn’t say anything – just pulled Mammon into a more desirable position. You had Mammon on his knees with his back against you, half-pressed into the back of his sofa. His ass was flush against your body as you boxed him in. There was only so much room on the couch, after all; you had to get close.
Your hand snaked around him, under his shirt, and up his chest so you could caress his neck. As you did, you nibbled on his ear. You could feel the rising heat hit his ears as they reddened slightly. A deep, desperate moan escaped Mammon’s throat. He hadn’t expected you to get into this so quickly.
Between switching from one ear to the other, you pulled Mammon’s shirt off and tossed it to the side. You felt a brief moment of guilt. He had just cleaned up in here, and now you were tossing clothes on his tidy floor. But when Mammon tilted his head back to rest on your shoulder, you didn’t care anymore. The rest of his clothes, and most of yours joined his shirt in a messy pile – except for his underwear that you had accidentally tossed on his staircase because of your own eagerness. Your hands were all over him as you kissed his neck.
“Ya can’t get enough of me, can ya?” Mammon asked, shakily.
“Not when you react so cutely,” you smirked. “Lube?”
“Under the table.”
You chuckled. Did he usually keep a bottle of lube under there or had he been expecting this? It didn’t matter. You grabbed the bottle and coated your index, middle, and ring fingers. You rubbed a slow circle around him before slowly giving him your index finger. The sharp gasp followed by a shaky sigh said enough. He was so eager to take you.
“Were you thinking about this all day?” you questioned him – low and seductive – while running your other hand up his thigh.
“N-no.” He shuddered under your touch.
“Liar,” you teased. “You’re acting like such a pretty little slut for me.”
“Only because it’s you,” he admitted with a faint blush on his cheeks.
“Such a good boy.” You kissed his cheek, causing him to close his eyes and scrunch up his nose, and gave him another finger.
You continued kissing his neck, stretching him out at the same time. In response, Mammon was left moaning and rocking his hips back onto your hand. You bit his shoulder lightly.
“You can bite a little harder than that.”
“Of course,” you whispered and got closer to his ear, “sometimes I forget what a little masochist you are. Should I call you a little pain slut, instead?”
You bit him harshly, and he groaned. Through that desperate sound, he corrected you, “it doesn’t hurt – if it’s you. I just feel good.”
He was so cute.
You licked over your teeth indents in his skin, blowing over the drying saliva. There were so many marks left on his neck that you were going to have to make him cover up tomorrow. If anyone saw the extent of what you did to him, chaos would erupt. Then again, he might not listen and start showing off the second you left him alone. He wanted everyone to know that he was yours – that you claimed and marked him.
“M-more, gimme more. I can take it.”
“Oh? What can you take? Say it if you want it that bad.”
“Gimme your cock, hurry.” As much as he wanted that “hurry” to sound demanding, he just sounded desperate.
“Greedy boy.”
You pulled your fingers out of Mammon. He waited patiently while you prepared yourself. You warmed the lube up in your hands before coating your cock/strap-on generously. (If you’re using a strap-on, you cannot convince me that Mammon wouldn’t insist that you keep one in his room for convenience but also so he could masturbate with it when you aren’t around and imagine that you’re fucking him.) With Mammon still pressed against the back of the couch, you teased his hole from behind without inserting into him. He reached back and grabbed your thighs, squeezing firmly.
“Stop teasing, yeah?” He was panting already.
You obliged and pushed into him. Your hand snaked around his front to rub his chest gently. He whined in response. With your other hand on his boney hip, you squeezed him and pulled him closer, filling him deeper.
“F-fuck. I – I, MC,” Mammon tried to find the words.
“Yes, baby boy?” you cooed in his ear.
“So deep, but – but it isn’t enough.”
You hummed and slid your hand down his stomach and to his cock. You stroked him slowly while continuing to rock your hips against him in steady, deep thrusts. “Like this?”
“No,” he whined. “Not enough of you.”
“I don’t have any more inches to give you, baby.”
“No, I wanna look at ya. I wanna see your face.”
You chuckled and pulled out of him. The little noise he made in response was adorable.
“Look at me,” you commanded.
Mammon turned around. His eyes were starry and wide – blissed out from pleasure and affection. You pushed him on his back gently and grabbed his legs to wrap them around your hips. As you stared down at his pretty little face, you caressed his cheek; he nuzzled into your hand.
“Ready, baby boy? I want you to take all of it at once, okay?”
Mammon nodded, still nuzzling into your hand. With your thumb, you brushed over his lower lip. You loved seeing him like this.
“Good boy.” You pushed into him, and he nearly screamed – covering his mouth with the back of his hand to muffle his voice. You forced his hand away and pinned it above his head. “No, baby. I want to hear you.”
“But I’m too loud.” It was a feeble, little protest.
“Then I’ll shut you up.” Leaning down, you kissed him roughly, picking up your pace as you thrust into him. His nails scratched down your back, leaving long red marks along your skin. All you could hear was kissing, moaning, and the sound of slapping skin. The movie seemingly faded away.  
You were eager to make him feel even better and reached your hand down between your bodies to stroke Mammon’s throbbing cock. More moans escaped his mouth. You could feel him getting closer, and you pulled away so you could look at him while he came. The desire to see that pretty face twisted up in pleasure felt more like a need. Your fingers slowly traced down his neck. Mammon writhed under your touch, making the cutest noise as he arched his back off the couch. He clenched around you and came all over your hand and his stomach. He craned his neck and shut his eyes. Mouth wide, he moaned so beautifully that you couldn’t believe that sound came from a demon.
When Mammon opened his eyes and saw you above him, staring down lovingly, he felt like he had somehow entered a world more heavenly than the Celestial Realm. You were both panting, but an infectious smile creeped up on Mammon’s lips.
Mammon’s eyes locked on yours, still filled to the brim with lust. His kiss-bruised lips parted to speak, “more.”
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burntheedges · 2 months
Passing Notes: New
Javier Peña x f!reader | 1.8k words | Passing Notes masterlist
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summary: Fed up with unpacking, you decide to get out and explore your new town a little bit. There’s a handsome surprise awaiting you at lunch.
a/n: happy @swiftiscruff gift exchange, Megan! @goodwithcheese I hope you like this little meet cute with Javi. There’s texting so I sort of vaguely shifted him forward in time a bit. 
tags/warnings: flirting, food and drink mention, meet cute, pet name (hermosa), reader walks and drives, otherwise not described
On your third day in your new town, you decided it was time to venture out.
You’d barely gotten started on unpacking and the pile of still-sealed boxes in your living room taunted you as you breezed past them, keys in hand. You knew you should probably stay and at least try to get everything put away before you started your new job the next week. But after two full days of organizing and breaking down boxes you couldn’t face another minute of staring at your new walls.
You had to go somewhere. Anywhere. You hopped in your car and remembered that restaurant you’d seen on the way into town. It was only a mile or so away, and it was probably a good idea to get a feel for the neighborhood by checking out the local spots. See if their lunch was any good. Right? 
As you pulled into the parking lot, though, you felt your shoulders hunch up by your ears. You wanted to get out, sure, but suddenly you realized you were going to have to show your face in front of a bunch of strangers, in a relatively small town, where you were obviously new. 
You shook your head and took a deep breath. There was nothing for it. You had to get out sometime, they’d all see you sooner or later. Might as well be now. You twisted your hands around the steering wheel as you parked and took it in.
It was cute, at least. Very ‘50s, with a silver facade. You could see slightly run-down red cushions on the booths inside and a bartop by the kitchen service window with round silver stools arranged in front of it.
You nodded to yourself and got out of your car, shaking your arms out. As you walked up to the door you decided you’d sit at the bar. That’s what people eating alone did, right? In the movies they did, anyway. 
“Welcome!” The server behind the bar greeted you and you noticed there wasn’t a host stand. “Come on in,” she said, waving you forward. “You want a booth or you just gonna sit up here?” She gestured at the empty bar and you nodded. “Great. Coffee?”
You nodded again, even though drinking coffee at this time of day might come back to haunt you later. She was already pouring it as you sat in front of her on a cushioned stool. She slid the mug in front of you and you read her name tag – Janice.
“New in town?” She asked as she slid a menu towards you.
You smiled, hesitant. “Is it obvious?”
Janice laughed good-naturedly. “No, honey, it’s just that I’ve lived here my whole life and know everybody already. Welcome! I’ll be back to take your order in a minute.”
You nodded and thanked her. The menu was bigger than you’d expected and it took you a minute to figure out what to order. By the time you were done and looked up again you realized more people had come in and it was starting to fill up with the lunch rush. 
There were a couple of new families and groups in booths, but the bar seating especially was getting more crowded and somehow you’d been too engrossed in the menu to notice. Three old men who’d obviously come together and had the air of regulars were laughing together down at one end of the bar. Other than a couple of women down at the opposite end, everyone else was on their own. 
The one who immediately caught your eye seemed to be alone, anyway.
He was two stools away, to your left. You had no idea how you’d missed his entrance because you were certainly looking now. You let your gaze dance over him out of the corner of your eye, trying to keep your face forward so he wouldn’t notice. He was looking away from you, talking to Janice, so you took the opportunity to look a little more closely.
He was wearing worn-in cowboy boots, tight jeans, and a blue button up short-sleeve shirt that your eyes lingered on, taking in the way the sleeves clung to his biceps. His hair was neat and thick, with a bit of curl to the ends. He had a well-trimmed mustache and a jawline that made something inside of you start to squirm.
And he was looking at you. Shit.
You realized as soon as your eyes returned to his face that his were already waiting for you. He had a little smirk playing at the corner of his mouth that you only barely glimpsed before turning away, embarrassed. You kept your eyes forward, cheeks burning, but you could feel him looking at you. You wondered if he was checking you out the same way you’d just done to him. You resisted the urge to straighten your clothes.
“Here’s your coffee, Javi.” Janice returned and turned to you. “Did you decide, honey?” You nodded and managed to give her your order with a mostly steady voice. “And I’ll bring you your regular.” She waved your menu at Javi as she said it. “Have you met our new arrival, Javi?” As she walked away she told him your name and you bit your lip.
Suddenly alone again, you were afraid to look at him. Was he still looking at you?
You let your eyes slip to your left and found his warm dark ones waiting for you again. He was smiling. You sucked in a small breath, but he was already moving. He turned towards you and propped his right boot up on the footrest of the stool between you.
“New in town, huh?” 
The question made you huff out a laugh. “Yep. Janice clocked me immediately.”
He smiled at you and tilted his head. “Well, we all just know each other already. Town’s too small. I’m Javier. Call me Javi.” He reached out a hand for you to shake and you did, tentatively. His thumb brushed lightly over your wrist as he pulled away and you shivered. “Here for work?”
You nodded, and told him a little about your job that you’d be starting the following week. He knew the place, and some of the people there, and told you so.
“I’m a rancher, just outside of town.” He gestured towards the west of town and you nodded. “Had to come in town this morning to pick up some supplies.”
Janice appeared with your food and informed you that Javier, aka Agent Peña, apparently used to work for the DEA as well. 
You raised your eyebrows at him. “Well, sounds fancy, Agent Peña.” He shook his head, furrowing his brow.
“Nah, nothing special.” You could tell the answer might be more complicated than that, but didn’t push. 
He cleared his throat. “You know anyone in town?” You shook your head and he ran his thumb along his bottom lip as he considered you. “Well, I’m happy to give you a tour. Show you all the good spots.” He winked.
You smiled at him and let your gaze drop and linger on the open neck of his collared shirt again. When you met his eyes he was smirking at you. “Is that right?” He nodded. “Well, I think I might enjoy that.”
He slid his plate and coffee mug towards you and then followed, settling himself onto the stool immediately to your left. “Hermosa, I know I’ll enjoy it.” 
Javi spent the next 15 minutes or so giving you an overview of the town’s highlights (and not a little of the recent gossip, too).
Around the time he was finishing off his coffee, he reached over to brush his fingers lightly against the back of your left hand. “Can I get your number? So we can schedule that tour.” He winked.
You smiled, charmed. “You put the moves on every new arrival, Javier Peña?”
He kept his eyes locked on yours as he shook his head. “No, and you can ask anyone. They’ll tell you the same. I’m the town grump.”
You breathed a laugh, a little incredulous. Him, a grump? He’d done nothing but flirt in the 20 minutes you’d known him so far. “Sure you are.” You knew you sounded skeptical, but come on.
He nodded, grinning wider. “I am.”
You shrugged. “Don’t seem much like a grump to me.”
Javi leaned in, closer than he had so far, and whispered in your ear. “Got no reason to be grumpy with you, hermosa. You brightened my day the moment I walked in here and saw you.”
You eyed him, unconvinced. “What makes me so special?”
He ran the back of his fingers down your arm and you felt goosebumps form in his wake as he replied, “hard to be a grump when a beautiful woman checks me out the way you did.” 
Your mouth dropped open and you made an indignant sound. He grinned, unrepentant. 
“Alright, Javier Peña. I’ll let you show me around.” You grabbed a napkin and wrote your number on it, then folded it and tucked it in the breast pocket of his shirt.
He perked up and winked. “I’ve got to get back out to the ranch, but are you busy this weekend?” You shook your head. He smiled and placed a hand on your shoulder as he stood. He squeezed gently. “Good. See you soon, hermosa.” 
You watched him walk out of the diner, a bit breathless from the whole interaction – it was a nice view. 
Janice cleared her throat behind you, shocking you out of your stare. You spun around to find her eyes were serious. “Careful with that one, honey.” 
“Why’s that?” You were worried, suddenly, but hoped you weren’t about to find out he had a reputation for hitting on the new girl in town, despite what he’d said.
She shook her head. “I don’t mean for you. I mean for him. He’s had a rough time. He likes to act all tough, but that boy’s soft as a marshmallow inside.” She clicked her tongue. “Don’t let him fool you.”
She moved away and you looked thoughtfully down at your breakfast. You’d gotten way more than you bargained for, with this spur-of-the-moment escape from your house. But the mystery of town-grump-slash-marshmallow Javier Peña had captured your attention and you didn’t think you’d be looking away any time soon. 
As you were standing up to leave a while later, your phone buzzed in your pocket and you grinned at the message you found waiting for you.
[unknown number]: hey there. You free on Saturday? The Town Grump Tour Company opens at 8am.
You saved his number and typed out your reply.
you: maybe you’re grumpy because you’re getting up so early on the weekend
Javi TG: that’s the life of a rancher, hermosa. 
You smiled, already looking forward to Saturday.
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the-ace-with-spades · 3 months
This, I hope, will eventually be posted on ao3 as a proper fic – current draft title is exhumation — but just in case it will not, gonna post it here and let it stew
Canon Divergence AU with secret Identity and later identity reveal drama
(also this involves the backstory from the Ghost comic because I vaguely remember reading it when I was in high school…)
Soap and Ghost meet before they become Soap and Ghost. Johnny is 20, Ghost is 25, and they’re stationed around the same place but different squads — somewhere not far away from Manchester — and they don’t know they’re both from SAS. They meet when Tommy tries to be supportive of Simon’s newly announced queerness and takes him out to a gay bar on Canal Street. Tommy is the one to chat up Johnny (while Simon, obviously not a fan of crowds or loud places, hides away in the bathroom) with ‘see, my brother this and that’  and ‘if you give my brother a chance, he will this and that’. Believe it or not, once Simon strolls back in with all his social awkwardness, Johnny is actually charmed. Things roll around for a couple of months before they admit to each other they’re in the armed forces.
By the time they find out Simon is of higher rank, they’re already gone for each other. They decide to keep going anyway — it’s legal, as of 2001, and they’re not planning on getting a civil partnership for a while, anyway, so in the end, they keep going. Simon changes his next of kin on file to Johnny, they ‘share’ a flat off base, and Johnny’s met Simon’s mum and brother. He more or less knows the lore of the Riley family, mostly how much of a piece of shite his father was and Tommy’s recently fought addiction, and somehow, Simon feels alive for the first time in his life.
It’s all going so perfect, they’ve been together for almost two years, which isn’t long for most, but feels like forever when you’re in the military. Johnny gives him a ring, a sterling silver one with thistle ornaments and a small garnet centre stone. It’s not a proposal, they can’t get married legally, and they won’t have anything but Simon’s will binding them legally for as long as they’re both in the forces — Simon doesn’t know it, but there’s a matching simple band waiting to slide in with the ring he’s got on his tags, and one day, Johnny plans for him to have a full set.
Simon and his team get send out, Simon tells him it’s going to be a long one, somewhere in one of the Americas — Central or South, if he had to guess by all the self-learning Spanish books that cluttered Simon’s bedside table — and Johnny, well, he’s got a bad feeling but when does he not, with their jobs?
Simon’s team gets back, partially. There’s talk about betrayal from his captain, and he’s painfully absent, Simon’s friends look half-dead and act half-dead and no one is telling Johnny anything. He spends his afternoons with Simon’s mum, taking care of her as best as he can while Simon is gone, even though it was never the plan, and dodges Tommy’s aggressive questions, because he knows goddamn nothing.
Johnny doesn’t give up. He waits.
Simon is gone six months — MIA, officially, but KIA in the words of anyone from the brass — when he emerges back from South America, giving Johnny a new heart and a new life. He comes back different, but Johnny doesn’t care, it’s Simon, it’s still him, and maybe there’s something dead in his eyes, and maybe he spaces out more often than not, and maybe he feels cold in Johnny’s arms, and maybe he doesn’t sleep in the same bed, but it’s still Simon, he just needs to heal and figure out how to keep on living.
And Simon tries — he’s got episodes every day, than every other day, than every week, every other week. He goes to therapy, he spends his days cooking with his mum, spends his days cleaning the whole of their flat again and again, spends his days wandering around Manchester, buying Johnny’s favourite drinks, favourite books, favourite breakfast babs.
He tells Johnny bits and pieces, about what happened, enough that Johnny can put it together in a horrifying if blurred picture, and things start to improve, slowly.
He comes back to their bed. He wakes up before Johnny, makes him breakfast, kisses him on the forehead and struggles with the crosswords from the newspapers he picked on his morning run. He goes out with his former teammates, very short trips but trips nonetheless. He stops being afraid to be alone with his nephew, stops being afraid he'll hurt him. He never quite gets used to the scars, covering them more often than not, not wanting the looks.
Second week of December, ten months after he was brought back to the UK from North America, his psychiatrist signs him off for a phased return to duty. No deployments, only base and training site duties, regular sessions with both the psychiatrist and the psychology for the first four months.
Johnny hasn’t seen his family since before Simon gone MIA — finally feeling okay-ish, Simon tells him to go Scotland for Christmas. He’s got his mum, his brother, his sister-in-law and his nephew, and he’s, weirdly, feeling almost optimistic about life.
Obviously, he can’t be happy for long and shit hits the fan.
On Christmas Day, Johnny gets a call from Greater Manchster Police. He and his sister drive down the country and in the early morning of the Boxing Day, Johnny is showed the tags with the familiar silver ring on it, sooted at the edges and slightly misshapen, melted.
Fifteen minutes after he identifies Simon’s body, they tell him he killed his whole family, probably in a PTSD induced episode, then set their house on fire and killed himself right after, when the trauma-haze went down. They tell him he was lucky not to be there when it happened.
Johnny doesn’t believe it. Simon’s mind’s been bad, but it’d always turn on Simon, not on others, he had too much control to let any episode take him over so much. So he doesn’t care what the police or the public says — he arranges the funeral and Simon is buried with the rest of his family.
Meanwhile, Simon goes on a rampage in Mexico. He kills everyone and anyone he even suspects to be involved with Roba’s people. He leaves a trail of dead people behind him for weeks until finally, the US military catches up — General Shepherd catches up and identifies him. The British Army doesn't know what to do with him — officially, he's dead already, the General Register Office has already issued his death certificate to his NOK, the armed forces had condemned his family's tragedy. His existence is…inconvenient. He is suspected to be either compromised or too unstable to be of use to the Army, even if SAS sees how valuable someone who could single-handedly destroy a whole cartel family and fake his own death could be.
Enter John Price, who had met Simon during SAS selection and had a bit too soft of a heart. There's a mural agreement — Price will take personal responsibility to keep him on a leash, at least until he proves he is not a liability, and he will remain dead on paper but active in the Army. No one is to know he is alive — not even Johnny, or maybe especially Johnny, who will be the last person anyone will see as a revenge method. Simon Riley's name is redacted from all available documents.
And thus, Ghost, a nameless lieutenant and a walking cautionary tale, is born.
The only thing Ghost has not predicted is that eventually, almost six years after he put Simon into the grave, Johnny will join the 141.
And somehow, Ghost is just Johnny's type, again.
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
When Eddie finds Steve lying on the living room floor, he’s not concerned at first. It’s what he does sometimes, and Eddie himself can appreciate a bit of floor time on occasion, too, but for Steve it’s sacred. So he smiles and sits down beside him, grabbing his hand to play with his fingers, a “Hey, pretty boy” already on his lips before he freezes.
Because Steve isn’t all relaxed like he usually is, with his mind just a few inches off to the side where everything is calm and fine and better. And when he finally meets Eddie’s eyes, they’re not glazed over but sharp. Sharp with something that cuts right through Eddie, because he’s seen this look before, and he knows just what to do.
“Stevie, baby, I’m right here. I’m gonna make a call, okay, I will be right back.” When Steve opens his mouth, Eddie just leans down to press a kiss to his forehead. He’s not sure how much invasion of space is allowed, but Steve is still holding his hand so that has to count for something, right? “Shh, don’t speak,” he whispers. “It’s okay, I’ve got you.”
He tries not to kiss Steve like he’s about to break, or talk to him like something’s wrong, because nothing is wrong. Steve is not wrong for getting like this sometimes, it’s not his fault; it’s not something Eddie can’t handle. Steve doesn’t deserve to feel like he’s somehow wrong for getting into that headspace where words just won’t come out of his mouth and he needs to lie down and hope that will help.
Which, today it didn’t, apparently.
Eddie gets up with one last kiss to Steve’s hand and a reassuring smile, and goes to make a phone call. There’s only one person who can help Steve get out of his head, and Eddie doesn’t really understand it, nobody does, but they all know it.
“Hey, Joyce,” he sighs in relief when she answers the phone. “Is El home?”
“Eddie! Yes, she’s there, what… Steve?”
Joyce sighs and Eddie knows she’s worried and wants to tell her not to be, it’s not fair to be worried, Steve hates when they worry, but. He’d be a hypocrite.
“You know you don’t have to ask, honey. Get over here, I’ll make some cocoa.”
With a smile, Eddie hangs up and goes back to Steve, crouching down beside him to stroke the hair out of his face. “Hey there again, pretty boy. I’m gonna drive over to Joyce’s, wanna tag along?”
What he really wants to say is, I’ll take care of you. Everything is gonna be just fine. But Steve doesn’t like the fuss. That kind of discussion is for another day, though. When Steve can actually get a word in.
That is how they find themselves in the Hopper-Byers household, Eddie holding Steve’s hand as the boy tries to make himself smaller than he is — like every time. Joyce doesn’t fuss, and Eddie knows just how much that takes, knows that Joyce is so much stronger than him in moments like this.
“Steve,” comes a small voice from the door to Eleven’s room, and Eddie finds the girl approaching them slowly. Beside him, Steve sways and Eddie tightens his grip for a second, brushing a kiss to Steve’s cheek before letting him go.
Eleven wraps her arms around Steve’s middle and the two of them just hold each other. They have a bond that none of them truly understand, one that Eddie knows even Robin is jealous of. But it makes sense, he figures. On some kind of deeply existential level, it does make sense for Eleven to be the one who can help Steve when he’s nonverbal like this.
Maybe because she doesn’t talk much. Maybe because around her he doesn’t feel like he has to be anyone or anything because it’s all the same to her. Or maybe there’s a special kind of magic in the way she will pull him onto the floor, their backs against the couch, his head on her shoulder and her fingers running through Steve’s hair.
They’ve been through something together. Maybe they go through something together every time they talk each other down without words — because in return, Steve does the same for her. It shouldn’t work, but it does.
It’s calm and quiet in the living room and Eddie shares a glance with Joyce before they step outside to give Steve and El some privacy.
“I hate seeing him like this,” Eddie admits finally. It’s hardly more than a whisper, a treacherous little truth that cuts into his heart every time this happens.
“I know,” Joyce says. “Me too.”
“I hate that I can’t help him.”
Oh the truths just keep coming. It’s that kind of moment.
“You’re helping him, honey. You are. But sometimes we need different people for different hurts. And that boy has more than all of us combined. Or… Well, not all of us.” And she’s looking through the window, watching El and Steve still wrapped around each other.
And it’s true. Eddie knows. Maybe that’s why he hates it so much. Steve’s nonverbal episodes are a stark reminder for all the pain he had to take upon himself. Alone. For years.
“Just love him through it,” Joyce continues. “Not despite it, not because it it. Just through it.”
“I am. I do. Don’t think I could stop even if he asked me to.”
She smiles and squeezes his hand. “Good. Now, join me on a run to the bakery? I think they’ll need something sweet when they’re back with us.”
With one last glance through the window, seeing Steve calm and quiet, Eddie bows and offers his arm to Joyce. “I’d be delighted to join you, lady Byers.”
It’ll be fine, he tells himself. They’ll be fine.
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enstarriedownbad · 10 months
Izumi Sena x F!reader
! Minors DNI
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Genre: smut
Tags: dom!Izumi, reverse yandere (?), unrequited love (?), beach, rough, semi-public
Note: This is part 2 of my first Izumi smut fic link here
Plot: Trickstar and Knights invite you to the beach after you cleared the misunderstanding between you and Izumi. However, both of you don't know how to interact anymore. Maybe "having fun" at the beach together will fix your relationship?
Words: 4,084
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By clicking on "show more," you acknowledge that you are 18+ and consent to read this fiction.
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Your friends are playing board games in the shades of the beach umbrellas. And some others are playing beach volleyball, and then there's Ritsu. Sleeping. Makoto is playing the team sport, too. Apparently, his team just won the game. Izumi is witnessing a few of Makoto's teammates hugging him after winning. Yet somehow, Izumi doesn't feel jealous. Sure, he'd like to be part of the moment, but it feels platonic. He'd rather support him from the sides while wearing Trickstar merch or so. As for Leo, he's still true to himself, laughing out loud, teasing Tsukasa while they're playing Uno. But Izumi isn't looking at Leo right now. His eyes are drawn to someone else: you.
You seem busy playing with the other boys. Your smile looks radiant, even from afar. 'Who is it you are talking to?', he wonders. You only greeted him after you arrived, and now it seems you won't even look at him. What is it that he is feeling? Is it anger? Frustration, maybe? He needs to figure it out.
"What do you think you're doing?" Izumi asks you out of the blue. "Why are you..." he sighs. "You know what, just come and follow me."
You oblige. He brings you further apart from the rest of the group. Makoto and Leo exchange a silly "we did it" eye contact when seeing the two of you walk away on the sand, unaware of what happened last time.
It seems Izumi wants to talk to you on a one-to-one, even willing to walk a bit far away from the others to get some privacy. Thank goodness he finally takes action to have a chat with you. It has gotten really awkward between you two after last time. And a few weeks already passed without contacting each other.
You two get behind a rock on the beach. Izumi doesn't fail to make you feel intimidated as he corners you behind it, making your back's skin get in contact with the harsh material. Izumi even asserts himself even more by placing his arm right on top of you. It looks like there is no way out of this conversation...
"So you're just gonna pretend... Whatever. You are not fooling anyone, and you're definitely not fooling me," he says aggressively.
"What do you mean?" you ask timidly.
"You haven't even looked at me the entire day yet you said you like me?" he responds. "You kept smiling for the others, though. That's not what I call love."
"That's because..." you mutter.
"Because what? I can't hear you," he asks while getting his face closer to yours.
"Because I know you don't even like me back..." you reply. "So I don't know how to react around you."
"Hmm... Sounds like a lie to me," he doesn't back down. "I know how it feels to go through an unrequited love, yet you don't---"
"Do you really, though?" you cut him.
"What?" he replies while strongly staring at you.
"Do you really love someone romantically? For Makoto, or for Leo, it looks more like friendship, if anything."
Izumi looks down on you with a cold gaze.
"Really? Then, Miss I-know-better-than-you, go ahead and enlighten me," he sarcastically says, mad about the fact that you doubt his feelings.
You take a few seconds to think about your answer. Some waves hit the rock. Its sound is relaxing. The sun is not too bright, and the sky seems bluer than earlier. And the others can't see you thanks to the location. The setting looks perfect for this moment. You take your chance.
"When you love someone, you want to be with them all the time," you say.
"I know. That's why I even kidnapped Makoto once, even though I'm not really proud of it..."
"You want to make them smile," you say.
"Been there, done that. Why do you think I've been helping Leo after a certain event?"
"You want them to be only yours..."
"I agree. Is that why you're pissed off right now? Because the person I'm into is not you?"
"You feel flustered when they're too close to you..." you say while avoiding looking into his eyes.
"I kno-" Izumi stops himself. After hearing what you said, he takes a good look at you. He finally realizes that you are blushing right now and can't keep eye contact with him. And it is all his fault, as he put himself this close to you in order to intimidate you. It is no wonder you are all red. After all, you love him. And he knows that. Nonetheless, with your feelings being so obvious now, the man is wondering why he put himself in a situation like this. He's so close to the woman that likes him, plus it had to be in this position. How can he not be flustered? Of course, he is. He is a man, after all. He's no exception. He seems to be slightly blushing. He thinks you look stupid to be all awkward around him. But, he also thinks you look somewhat cute, and your swimsuit is definitely something that man likes to see. He takes a longer look at your outfit and body from up close.
Even before your last interaction in the hotel, Izumi realizes you weren't distant with him like he thought, but rather shy. And even more shy when it was just the two of you. Yet you were always so sweet to him.
Well. It looks like he is curious, -or just simply put- interested in you. But Izumi, being Izumi, he won't admit it to himself. He would rather lie to himself and to others about his true feelings because of his ego. Now, he is afraid the next thing you'll say will make him realize something. You better not say one more word.
You don't even notice the switch in the nature of Izumi's gaze as you stopped directly looking into his eyes. So, you continue to prove yourself to him.
"When you love them, you--" Izumi stops you from continuing your sentence as he suddenly kisses you.
He goes all the way in, with his tongue intertwining with yours. You let out a small noise from the surprise. Izumi continues passionately kissing you. He grabs you by the waist while keeping his pace as steady as possible. His grip on your body gets stronger, and his lips don't seem to want to leave yours. His knee finds its way between your thighs, grinding into your sensitive area. That's it. He has desires.
Izumi backs up, panting, looking at you with redness all over his cheeks. You are the same, sweating and looking at him with doe eyes. He just wanted to make you shut up. Surely, there could have been another way. But now, he... No. He doesn't want to review his opinion. The man assumes changing his mind would make him look dumb and indecisive, even though it would be the opposite. He would rather continue with his lie.
"That's only a fraction of the love you'll never get," he lies while unable to look at you in the eyes anymore. "That's how I would kiss a person I love. Is that enough proof for you now?"
You feel discouraged by his words right after he just did this to you out of the blue. 'That was how much he loves someone', you think, wishing that were you.
On the other hand, Izumi looks at you in disbelief, unaware of the nature of what he is feeling right now. Surely, he felt the same with whom he "loves", right? He just didn't notice it, right? Izumi starts doubting his feelings. But that's when his own body gives him a hint. Outside of the blushing, another compelling piece of evidence can be found: he's rock-hard at this very moment. And the object of his desires is right here, in front of him, expecting to be told to go to hell or so.
"Turn around," he says.
"Why?" you ask.
"Just do it."
You do as he says.
"Now put your hands in front of you."
You place your hands against the rock.
"You're really doing anything I ask you to, huh?" he says while pressing himself onto you from behind.
Now, you can definitely feel something poking against your back. You slightly turn your head around to face him.
"Hm... Don't get any wrong ideas," he whispers in your right ear. "But I'm like 'this' because of you. I can't go back to everyone in this state. You should take care of it since it's all your fault."
Everything is telling you that he got hard thinking of someone else while kissing you, but you don't even care right now, you just want Izumi.
"...Sure," you reply, knowing what will happen next.
Izumi doesn't wait for a second and lowers down the bottom part of your swimsuit, gets his cock out of his own, and places his tip at your entrance.
"I'm going to ravage your insides from behind. I'm guessing that's okay with you since you really are a..." he stops mid-way. "Since I already did it last time, right?"
"Yes...," you answer, somehow surprised that he only subtly insulted you compared to last time.
With his hands placed on both of your hips, Izumi slides himself inside you. It definitely hurts since just a minute ago, you weren't expecting him to take you from behind. But it feels good. It's so nice to be connected again. Your two bodies were longing for each other. Simply having him in you gets you aroused.
"Hm? Did you just get wet only from me penetrating you?" Izumi rhetorically asks. "I can't say I'm not flattered, though, but now I..." He doesn't finish his sentence but his dick speaks on his behalf, hardening inside you. "Then, I hope you're ready for what's coming."
Izumi begins ramming into your folds from behind while holding onto your hips. Every thrust is as hard as last time. You get fully wet in no time. His length presses against your sensitive spots every time he moves. You can't help but moan.
"Shhh, you don't want someone to hear us," Izumi tells you while fastening the pace.
Although you need to keep your voice down, feeling Izumi's hands on your skin, as well as his cock sketching your walls with his every thrust makes you let out some more high-pitched sounds.
"Izumi...!" you quietly moan.
To your surprise, Izumi doesn't tell you to stop and he even whimpers from pleasure as well. Small "ahhn"s or "mmnh"s keep leaving his mouth more and more frequently. You never knew faint sounds like these could sound so hot and provocative. His voice sounds so deep yet relaxing. His timbre, his pitch, everything about his voice makes you fall more deeply in love with him. His moans became your new favorite melody for sure.
Now, the sea is not the only wet noise you can hear: Izumi is making a mess out of you right now. What first started quite dry quickly became a mix of bodily fluids thanks to your shared lust. Both of you really seem into it. Every time he thrusts in and out of you, you feel yourself losing it. You want to leave everything to him. You want him to go even rougher.
"Ahh... mmh," Izumi moans. "I'm close... mnh... Y/N," he says as you can feel his precum coming out, making your cunt even more slippery. "Yea just like that..." he groans.
The fact that he finally pronounced your name while moaning with pleasure was such a welcomed sound to your ears that it made your body tighten around his cock. Izumi keeps fucking you from behind, with his thighs aggressively bumping against your cheeks. The man keeps hitting your cervix with his dick as if he were trying to claim more of you. You feel your mind losing it, approaching your climax as well.
"Izumi... ah Izumi... Izumi..." you moan gradually louder. "You can... do it inside... Today is a safe day."
"hahh... Really? Then, I won't pass on this offer," he tells you while groaning and thrusting quicker.
You arch your back from the pleasure, making him bend over you as a result. From this angle, you can definitely see his hips thrusting in and out of you rapidly.
"mhhn. I'm going to... cum..." Izumi says while giving his last thrusts.
"ha hahn~ Izumi!" you moan out loud while cumming.
With his dick pressed against your end, Izumi strengthens his grip on your hips, moves your body even closer to his, and has an orgasm inside your walls. His semen feels you up from the inside. The sensation is so exquisite that your mind goes numb for a minute, only able to concentrate on his cum.
Once he is done with his orgasm, your heat keeps his member warm, still feeling very aroused. After he finally pulls out, your legs get so weak from the intercourse that you fall on all fours on the floor without Izumi's support.
"Don't tell me that you thought I would be done with you in only one round," he says while grinning and going on his knees behind you. "You want to be taken doggy style, huh? Typical of you, if I may. But that side of you is also making me..."
You assume he wanted to say "mad" or "disgusted," but he meant something else, something that has to do with how much he wants you right now, already rutting against you.
Izumi quickly sinks into your heat again, not able to wait.
"I'm gonna put my hands over your mouth if you can't be quiet. I don't want you to moan my name out loud again like you did earlier," he says. "Not that I mind, but..." he whispers as he puts his hand over your mouth. "I don't want other people to hear us."
"Mhh," you can only reply as your ability to speak just got restricted.
While the lower part of his body is busy messing up with your folds and making a mess out of you, Izumi uses his hands to play with your body. With his other hand that is not over your mouth, your loved one uses his fingers to brush over your back all the way down, making you feel all tingly. His hand caressing your skin makes you feel so good. You two were already 'one' after Izumi put his length inside of you, but somehow, having his skin against your own makes this moment feel even more intimate.
Then, Izumi pauses and gets his mouth close to your ear.
"Prepare yourself," he whispers in a deep timbre.
The man bends his back over you, trapping you below him as he resumes his thrusts, way more aggressively, with a hand on your hips. Now, the loudest sound is neither the sea, nor the radio music from the beach or your voice, but the wet noises coming out of you both.
"Mhhn," you mumble under his hand as he's pounding you from behind.
"Don't come now," he tells you as he moves his hand over your thighs, reaching for your clit.
Once he gets there, the male begins rubbing it along with his rapid thrusts, making you unable to resist long. You can't help but moan even though Izumi's hand remains firmly against your mouth.
"Just a bit longer..." he says while enjoying your faint noises.
While you struggle not to come immediately even though your body longs for it, Izumi doesn't go soft on you and continues going harder and harder against your sensitive spots.
"oh yea..." Izumi moans against his breaths. "Just like that..."
All your brain can focus on is Izumi, you want him to let it all out right now. His close embrace is also making your body temperature reach high grounds. Tears are forming in your eyes from the pleasure.
"Nhg. I'm... gonna... cum," Izumi says as his shaft is hitting against your cervix as if it were a punching ball.
Your moans are vibrating against the palm of his hand.
"Hahh, Y/N...!"
Following his moans, Izumi cums deep inside you, releasing all of his semen in your womb. More than just filling you up again, the feeling is even better. And you are not the only one moaning, Izumi definitely is, too. 'ah's and its variations keep leaving his mouth.
"Good..." he whispers.
You can feel his cock twitching, letting even more sperm enter you. You thought you couldn't get any hotter after Izumi shared his body heat with yours in a late summer afternoon, but his liquid is definitely on the hotter side, warming you even more. Maybe you feel a bit too hot now.
As soon as Izumi pulls out, the two of you lay on the sand, panting. That was quite the experience for sure. He was not kidding when he said he'd ravage your insides.
Izumi unconsciously looks at you with a devoted gaze, to which you return the same love stare. But Izumi only realizes now that you two have been silently staring at each other for a solid minute.
"I-" he doesn't know where to start, "Let's go back to the others. We've been out for a while now. They may be wondering where we are."
"Yea, but give me a second to..." you say while panting, "rest a bit..."
Izumi recognizes that you are tired. Specifically, because of him. He finally lets a bit of his pride go, 'just for now,' he tells himself. But you know how Izumi is with those he loves, right? His affection shows no limit. And it's the same for you now.
Izumi stands up and holds out his hand to you. He sighs.
"Come on, let's cool off in the water. I'll help you," he tells you nonchalantly.
He's taken aback by the fact that he wants to take care of you, as if it was a natural thing. But by now, he thinks he has an idea of what he feels for you.
You take his hand, and the two of you walk toward the sea. Izumi helps you get in the water, slowly. Your body and your legs specifically are so tired that you trip over.
Luckily for you, Izumi was looking out for you and caught you before you fell head-first into the water. Looks like you are now in his embrace, with his arms clasping you, pressing your head against his chest.
The sea is so refreshing. His tight hug feels safe. This moment is so soothing. But you know it will not last long. After all, he told you he doesn't like you and did all this to prove a point. If anything, it hurts to love him. You want to enjoy each and every moment you share with him, even if it is bittersweet at the end.
"Izumi..." you initiate the dialogue.
"Hm?" he replies gently for once.
"Can we stay like this just a bit longer?" you ask as you cling to him, not wanting to overthink about how he doesn't reciprocate your feelings.
It doesn't take him long to decide. Of course he wants to be close to you right now. Because on his side, he realized the true nature of his inquisitiveness toward you.
"I can do that for you, Y/N," he replies gently while obviously sounding enthusiastic about the idea, holding you tighter.
The two of you stay like this for a moment, enjoying each other's presence and feeling your fling growing stronger.
The sun is about to set now. Maybe a quarter of an hour passed?
"... ...Y/N", you vaguely hear.
"Mh?" you reply a bit groggy after resting against Izumi for a while.
"Maybe we should go back now. The others must be wondering where we went."
"Okay..." you reply while you two get out of the water. "Ah, it's so cold!" you say as you leave the warm water only to be met with a cold wind.
You shiver from the temperature difference and put your arms around you. One look was enough for Izumi.
"You wait in the water, I'll quickly get you a towel back there," he kindly orders as he goes back to where Trickstar and the rest of Knights are.
While waiting in the water flow, you see a few men approaching you. They look a bit too enthusiastic, probably drunk.
"Guys, this girl over there, she's pretty cute right? She's mine," you can hear in the distance.
"Not if I seduce her before you" another one replies. "I can do that without even trying. And you got no rizz anyway."
"Then, let's see which one of us pulls her first."
"Hi there," one of them reaches out to you as they get closer, "are you alone? Wanna join us?"
"... Sorry but--"
"That's not how you approach a lady, dumbass. Let me show you how to do it," one says to his friends while cutting you off. "So, miss, do you have a boyfriend?"
"I... I don't," you reply, after remembering that although you seem closer to Izumi after your discussion, he definitely made sure to let you know that you don't own his heart.
"Then, how about I keep you company? You and I, let's have a nice time together at the beach," he asks.
"I don't know about that, I came with my friends," you reply while getting anxious as you are a bit away from the group.
"Hmm. I don't see anyone around here right now... So come with us. We want to have fun with you," another one suggests.
He even goes as far as grabbing your arm to get you out of the water.
"Come on, quit being so tense and follow us," he says as he gets you on the sand.
"... What are you doing to my girlfriend? Do you want to die?" Izumi says as he pulls the guy away from you and places himself between you and the other men. "She's already with me. Back. Off. Now," he shoos them away with a death stare.
After they leave, he turns around to face you.
"Geez, I leave you alone for two minutes, and you already need my help?" he complains while wrapping you in a towel. "I don't want you to get a cold," he says affectionately.
You look at him in awe. There is no way you would accept someone taking him from you when he acts so considerate towards you right now.
"Izumi?" you initiate.
"I love you," you confess again. "I will try to win your heart, even if it is taken right now. "
"Y/N, I think I--"
"So this is where you were!" a voice says in the distance.
"We went looking for you two after you left for so long," Makoto appears before you.
"Yuu-kun!" Izumi calls out to him.
"Wait. Izumi-san and Y/N-chan," he smirks. "Seeing you two like this, do you happen to... To be a thing?" your friend asks, hopeful, as he tries to help you get closer to Izumi.
"Me and Y/N...?" Izumi replies. "We..."
Before he gets to reply, some of the other guys join you.
"N-never mind, I was just joking," he brushes it off, not wanting to put you or Izumi on a spot in front of everyone.
"Then~ Now that we've found them, let's go back to our hotel! ☆" Leo suggests.
"Who is gonna carry Ritsu-senpai to the HOTEL, though?" Tsukasa asks.
"Don't tell me that guy is still sleeping?" Izumi replies, annoyed.
"Yea... Even though the sun is about to set, Ritsu still feels a bit tired after being exposed to the sun for so long. I guess I'll have to carry him on my back," Mao sighs.
"Waa, Sari, you're such a good friend! ☆" Subaru adds.
"Then, let's go back to Sakuma and the others," Hokuto concludes.
Your little group begins leaving the area. The others walk in front of you. You and Izumi are behind them.
"What about you, Y/N? Don't you feel tired?" Izumi asks, sweetly. "Here, take my hand," the one you love says as he hands out his hand to you again.
You gladly accept his offer. You two walk hand in hand as the sunset colors the sea in orange hues.
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Next chapter preview: "Eh..? What are you doing here Y/N? This isn't your room."
"I know."
"And why are you still dressed like this?"
(Could change)
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I missed yall!!!! Sorry, I was so busy irl omg wtf! 👤
So that was the long awaited part 2! Guess what? I'm gonna write a part 3 too 👤💖 The plot is so fun to write for honestly (or more like, we can fix Izumi.) 👤🖤
Next is gonna be Leo, or Kuro, or part 3, idk!!! 👤⁉️ Tell me which one you've been waiting for, and I'll write it soon enough 👤‼️
Love yall 👤💯❤️
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waitingonher · 10 months
44+7 with percy please ?
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percy jackson + give me a kiss first. + i'll pay.
content warning: nothing
authors note: pls im on fire rn. 3 fics released in 3 days?!?! i LOVE not being in a writing slump! oh and why the employees would let little teenagers hold a $130 necklace?? idk 🤒🤒
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the expanse of the jewelry shop almost seems dizzying as you roam through the rows and rows of display cases. you and percy eye a variety of accessories, from diamond encrusted rings to dangly ruby earrings. but as your boyfriend follows only a few steps behind you, he thinks that in comparison, you’re the real jewel here. and yes, he does acknowledge how cheesy that realization is, but with the way your eyes are twinkling at the sight of everything and the way you have that gorgeous smile on display, it doesn’t seem very cheesy anymore. 
moments later, you find yourself holding an absolutely gorgeous necklace that’s caught your eye. the way it gleamed and glistened underneath the bright white lighting of the store had you hooked the moment you saw it through the display case. looking up, curious green eyes meet your gaze, brows raised in question, “do you like that one?” percy asks, studying your features. 
“yeah, it’s super pretty,” you nod your head with enthusiasm, “i think the color of the jewel goes well with my skin tone,” holding the necklace against your neck, you wiggle your brows. 
your boyfriend hums. but not as a sign of agreement, more so just acknowledging your comment, because in all honesty, percy’s never really understood the whole “it goes well with my skin tone” thing. the truth is, your boyfriend wholeheartedly believes that you could pull off any color, and he means any color. throw on the ugliest shade of orange known to mankind and he’d still end up complimenting you. 
“how much is it?” percy inquires, mentally going through his wallet. unsurprisingly, if he doesn’t have enough cash for the necklace, your boyfriend would find some way to pay for it. even if it means singing or dancing (very poorly) on the side of the street for some stranger’s pity change. 
you didn’t even think of the price. oops. grabbing the tiny tag, you turn it around to read the price, and in big bold numbers, it reads $130. so much for adding it to your jewelry collection. you groan and flip the tag towards percy, “love, look at the price! if only it wasn’t so expensive, then i could-” 
“i’ll pay,” percy declares, his voice confident and sure, as if dropping $130 for you was no big deal. for you, having your boyfriend spend that much money on you is absolutely ludicrous. but for percy, he’d spend any amount of cash if it means seeing you happy, and if this necklace that matches your skin tone so well makes you happy, then so be it, “no if’s or but’s. let me pay for it, y/n.” 
did you hear him correctly? percy wants to pay for your $130 necklace? of course it’s not unusual for him to offer to pay for your things, because he always does. but the thing is, he always ends up paying for it in the end. and you fear that today is going to be the same. 
you wave your hand in dismissal, “no, i can’t let you do that. besides, i bet they have some cheaper knockoffs online,” your mind already fills with all of the sites you could check, and you hope this argument makes your boyfriend back down.
percy quirks a brow, “and does a cheaper knockoff guarantee good quality?” he knows you, so he knows your vehement hate for crappy jewelry that’ll end up rusting or oxidizing after a couple of showers. 
“okay, well i guess not, but-” 
“come on babe, you already know how this is gonna end,” percy gives you a knowing grin, as if he’s replaying all your past dates in his head, “so let’s skip the bickering and get to the part where you let me pay for this necklace.” 
boy, is he determined. you sigh, knowing that no matter what you do or say, percy will somehow figure out a way of getting you and the necklace to the register, “fine. but i’m covering lunch today, okay?” 
your boyfriend nods his head, “sure,” but his less than eager tone coupled with his overly exaggerated smile makes you not very sure if you’ll be able to actually spend any money today, “now let’s go pay.” 
with that, you and percy head in the direction of the register, his hand on the small of your back as you lead the way. yet again, another win for your boyfriend. 
“y/n, wait,” percy reaches for your shoulder and turns your body around to face him. he can’t let you walk away with a free necklace, can he? you hum in reply, awaiting his response. good, his brain is finally working and he’s going to say nevermind, you think. a win for you! or so you think, “give me a kiss first,” percy adds, his straight face morphing into a cocky smirk. not a win for you.
but hey, who are you to deny a free necklace and a kiss from your boyfriend? you shake your head and roll your eyes at him, but percy can’t help but look at your smile. now that’s what he wants to see, your beautiful, beautiful smile. your boyfriend leans down as he gently cups the sides of your face and places a kiss on your lips. it’s short and it’s soft, but it’s perfect. and it may be even more perfect than the very necklace in your hand. 
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