#goth sewing
borninwinter81 · 3 months
Cyber goth dress + my favourite way to make patches
I thrifted this dress a couple of weeks ago for £1. I believe it started life as some sort of costume, possibly a sexy firefighter, but the fabric is really good quality cotton, and I thought it had some cybergoth potential with the yellow and reflective bits. I also really like the metal fastenings.
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I already had a high-viz coat in my wardrobe from when I used to go bicycling more often, so I was able to steal more reflective bits from that. Not yet sure what I'll do with them, probably cut interesting shapes and glue or sew them on. Photos with and without flash.
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And then yesterday I got a half meter of cotton fabric for £1 which is an almost exact colour match, so I can make some stencilled patches.
I already had fabric paint at home, so this entire outfit has only cost me £2! Cybergoth clothing is usually super expensive.
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There are lots of tutorials for making stencilled patches on YouTube, (@rattusrattus3 has some excellent ones) but I lack patience and don't like cutting out intricate pieces, especially for lettering, so I had the idea to use alphabet stickers. You can pick these up really cheap from your local pound shop or dollar store depending on where you're from. I think mine were 40p a packet.
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Stick them to your fabric, use fabric paint and a sponge, then when you peel the stickers off you'll have the words in relief. You can go thicker than I have here to make the surrounding area totally opaque, but I like the edges being messy and faded out. These are both song titles from cyber/industrial bands that I like.
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Here are some other examples that I've done in the past. These were all done with pound shop spray paint which isn't ideal for fabric, but it's cheap! You'll also get more of the original fabric colour showing through with this kind of paint, which is nice.
If you're using black fabric, gold or silver paint will generally work better than white. These are all Devin Townsend song lyrics.
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The only negative to this method for some people may be that the letters will be very uniform, but I like that. And if you want to you can space them irregularly to break things up a bit. Or you might be able to find more interestingly shaped alphabet stickers than I did!
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thejademoth · 9 months
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neotallic · 8 months
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A dress I made 🕸️
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I wish to sew this on a blouse
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aunti-maim · 1 year
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gothicmagpie · 8 months
“Making A Crimson Peak Inspired Robe” by Madame Absinthe
Watch along as me and Mary re-create the robe from the beautiful gothic horror movie Guillermo del Toro's Crimson Peak! I watched it for the first time and just absolutely adored Edith's robes and all of the fashion and costuming in Crimson Peak. Mary ordered the McCall's Cosplay Ladies Sewing Pattern 2053 Spectral Robe & Nightgown.
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gothic-lottie · 2 months
I made a new dress. I am very happy with it.
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monarchmeagan · 1 year
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Using McCalls 8110, I recreated this wonderful beach dress. I'm slowly trying to update my cloths with a style I actually like.
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hometoursandotherstuff · 10 months
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Now, this is different- a skeleton sewing machine for your goth or Halloween decor. I couldn't find it on Google, but I have been told that it's been seen at JoAnn Fabrics.
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tretinoin-tube · 4 months
Lolita Accessory tutorial pages from Japanese mook “Gothic & Lolita Patterns”, 2004
Included are: head dresses, hair clips/ties, camisole pattern, drawers pattern, sock stoppers, multiple bag patterns, detachable collars, and jewelry.
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Consider this as my Valentine’s gift to you guys!! Thank you for being very kind about my post ^-^
*Also* If you would like the patterns to some of the tutorials (ie: the mini top hats, pattern 62) let me know so I can make a post later!
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borninwinter81 · 3 months
Replacing my bag strap
Unlike many of my clothes and accessories this bag isn't thrifted. It's a bag by Jawbreaker that I absolutely love the look of, it has multiple pockets, tons of space inside, and is clearly great quality as I've had it for over 10 years and it's almost good as new. It's the only handbag I own, and I've no desire to get a new one.
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However the one bit I've had to replace multiple times is the shoulder strap, since that's the bit that gets most wear and tear.
It originally had the kind of strap which clips on, but the problem with those is that after years of metal rubbing against metal, eventually it wears away to the point where the clip is thin enough that it snaps. Last couple of times I just put a new clip on, however this time not only were the clips worn away but so were the d-rings you're supposed to attach them to, so I did a more thorough job.
First of all I unpicked the stitching attaching the d-rings to the bag and replaced them with these large rectangular ones. I always save metal hardware from clothing items I mod or that are finally old and worn enough to be thrown away, and I think these came from a skirt. Happily I had two the same, so I used bits of the old strap which weren't too badly worn to make loops to sew them on.
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I sewed them by hand with thick top-stitch thread doubled over, and I even did those criss-cross stitching lines to make them extra secure.
I then went to a nearby charity shop hoping to find a cheap bag I could steal the strap from, but even better, I came across this belt, the construction of which was extremely similar to the detailing already on the bag. It was £1, way cheaper than a replacement strap from ebay, which I have also bought in the past.
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I didn’t want to cut the buckle off because the belt fabric would fray, so I unpicked the stitching around the buckle instead, and put the buckle away in my crafting box to hopefully reuse in the future - like I said, I save everything.
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I wanted the eyelets on the belt to be visible as they match the rest of the eyelets on the bag, so I put the belt through the rectangle and folded it over as far as I could while still showing all the eyelets, then sewed it shut. Again, I did multiple rows of stitching to keep it secure, and I also oversewed down both sides.
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I don't have a sliding buckle that would enable me to adjust the strap length, but I never adjust my bag strap anyway, so I just put the strap over my shoulder, adjusted it to a length that I liked, and sewed that end together too. This was a long belt so I ended up doubling it over quite far, but that's good as it will make this section of the new strap extra thick, so hopefully it's extra strong.
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And there we go, it looks as if I bought it like this!
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neotallic · 2 months
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I made skirts inspired by Amy 🖤
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brazenedminstrel · 6 months
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So I came across this image on pinterest and was like... I want that!
Then I saw the €135 price tag and was like... nah, I don't want that.
I want something like that. But less expensive, and also less multicoloured. The company calls it a cape, so I started project The Cape.
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I went to the fabric store, saw a huge amount of fun stuff but nothing with the stubtle star pattern I had imagined for The Cape, so I just got 200x135cm of the plainest black linen.
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Made some arm holes and hung it up because I have no time to work on it today.
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Tomorrow I'll search through my stash for suitable fabric to line the armholes. And I might commit to the herculean task of hemming the unfinished edges
Project The Cloak pt.2!
Project The Cloak pt.3!
Project The Cloak pt. 4!
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carn1vor0us · 2 months
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gothic-lottie · 20 days
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I got my hair dyed and finally got pictures I almost like of an outfit. W day all around.
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frogisanut · 6 months
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aaa rosemary and johnkats!?!?!?! AT THE WEDDIGN!??!?!!? WHAT?!?!?MKW>LKEW:@L!PO holy shit.
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