classycookiexo · 5 months
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softwaring · 2 years
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tobbogan-13 · 5 months
edit: “wheres Lidl” “where where’s piggly wiggly” “where’s HEB” THERES ONLY 12 SLOTS THATS WHY I PUT A “Something Else” OPTION!!!! /lh
another edit: I’m not saying that publix is affordable or practical (i completely agree, it’s fucking expensive) i just said it was the best. Also pub subs are fire.
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kness · 1 year
When you go to the store for "just one thing"
A porcelain figurine - one of a kind, handmade.
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times-chu · 5 months
Everyone help @teaboot buy groceries.
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Green Screen 💕
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theambitiouswoman · 10 months
Gut Friendly Grocery List 🥦🥑🧀
🧀 Probiotic and Fermented Foods:
Yogurt (look for live and active cultures)
Pickles (fermented)
Fermented cheeses (e.g., cheddar, gouda, Swiss)
🫘 Fiber-Rich Foods:
Whole grain bread, cereal or pasta
Brown rice
Black beans
🍳 Protein:
Lean meats (chicken, turkey, lean cuts of beef or pork)
Fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines)
Eggs (rich in amino acids)
Tofu and tempeh (fermented soy products)
Cottage cheese
🍎 Fruits:
Berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries)
🥦 Vegetables:
Brussels sprouts
Sweet Potato
Chicory root
Dandelion greens
🥜 Nuts and Seeds:
Chia seeds
Pumkin seeds
🥑 Healthy Fats:
Olive oil
Grass fed butter
🍠 Herbs and Spices:
🧉 Beverages:
Green tea
Herbal teas
Aloe vera juice
Coconut water
🍫 Other:
Dark chocolate (in moderation)
Apple cider vinegar
Bone Broth
Raw honey
sea salt
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theamazingfeeling · 10 months
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Grocery shopping appreciation post 🛒
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reality-detective · 4 months
Tucker Carlson goes grocery shopping in Russia to compare prices. 🤔
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mousedetective · 4 months
So I can't edit this to show what it is exactly, but I basically just got shamed by a Facebook "friend" for offering to share this link to get laundry supplies for my birthday. So now I'm miserable and that wasn't what I'd wanted to happen at all.
So if anyone would like to cheer me up, this is my family's Homeless Supplies list. I need as much of the laundry and disinfectant stuff as I can get. Clothes for me (or even my mom, because she still needs pants) would be a huge help, as I lost 40 pounds last year and most of my stuff is too big or it's full of holes. Food is much appreciated by all three of us.
Can't help? Reblog. Don't care/don't want to help? Don't be an asshole about it. Just ignore me or block me or whatever. But I am thankful to everyone who has helped, everyone who continues to help us, and everyone who is inspired to help. It's basically a waiting game with disability at this point for us to get housing, so all I can do is wait and hope.
But yeah. If you can help, or even just reblog, it would remind me there are good people in the world, and I sorely need that as much as I need anything on the list.
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thinkpink212 · 1 year
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kryptidkhaos · 5 months
Keep the lights on or put food in the fridge? Help us not have to decide.
Our last two paychecks lined up real bad with the holidays and got massively delayed in depositing. You know what didn't get delayed at all? Any of our bills drafting out of the bank! 🙃
So thanks to "fuck you for being poor" overdraft fees for bills that should have been covered, we lost nearly $500 to overdraft fees.
That's our grocery budget for the entire month, much less just this two week pay period, and it's left us short on utilities. 3 out of 4 of us have doctor appointments this month and prescriptions that need refilled.
We're kinda screwed. It's especially upsetting on top of everything else because I'd done a lot of very careful and tight budgeting before the New Year, and I had a sliver of hope in me that we might be able to at least get through a few months of 2024 without having to beg for help. All that's being helping me cope with this situation is the reminder that I've done my best and capitalism actively wants to punish me for existing.
If you'd like to help four disabled trans people stay warm and fed, it would means the world to me. If you have nothing to give, please reblog this post to give us a wider net.
v3nmo: @chaosqueer
c@shapp: @chaosqueer
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bitchesgetriches · 3 months
It's currently midnight and I'm about to sleep but i have your article on grocery shopping saved to read for tomorrow. I did have a question that either the bitches or the bitchlings could provide some tips for. I am autistic and i tend to be very repetitive when it comes to meals along with some sensory issues that prevent me from confidently expanding my diet. Do y'all have tips on how to try things without feeling overwhelmed or guilty if i don't like it?
This is a great question, my dear! I'm a pretty adventurous eater myself so I can't relate. Therefore, let's turn it over to Bitch Nation!
What say you, bitchlings? How do you picky eaters try new foods without feeling overwhelmed or guilty?
And here's our grocery shopping article:
How to Shop for Groceries like a Boss 
Did we just help you out? Tip us!
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beary-good-finds · 3 months
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🍌 Vintage grocery-themed stickers by Stickopotamus 🍌
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acorviart · 11 months
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surprise, they're back in stock (with a new manufacturer, so the bag is slightly different than before): store
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