#grub speaks
damp-gravelove · 2 days
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RENEE STEP OUT OF THE ROOM AFTERCARE IS FOR PARTICIPANTS ONLY! I just know that 20 minutes beforehand he was fingering her as if making her cum would keep the world from ending.
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boatemboys · 18 days
the grub of all time
Grian: Cub.
Cub: Mhm?
Grian: Just- I, I need you to set my expectations. Have you made- have you managed to make my face?
Cub: (pause) Nnnnnnnn- yes.
Grian: What?! (he sets off the firework. It does not have his face) That's not my face, Cub.
(they both start laughing)
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hungry-skeleton · 2 months
When I was little we had some Goosebumps episodes on DvD and I vividly remember finding this kid in the sleeping bag from Welcome To Camp Nightmare absolutely hilarious n my gf an I watched some episodes in call last night and yeah my humor has not changed in the slightest
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mantisgodsdomain · 3 months
Yet again, we speak about half-foot spec bio. Namely, diet. We've talked about this a bit in prior posts, but when we've been having them as semi-arboreal omnivores who'll eat just about anything available (with some focus on insects, since those are a Very viable food source at that size), but we haven't spoken of one notable thing: teeth.
Any diet will, of course, influence the teeth. This gets Fun and Interesting, of course, when we're applying things to fantasy races - though we're trying to keep our setup for Dungeon Meshi's races fairly human-looking, teeth are Fun in that you can swap them out fairly easily without compromising the Look too much. Teeth are unique in that they're generally fairly concealed in the jaw while still offering a major character design component - wonky teeth are noticeable! Fangs are a trope for a reason, and teeth have a particularly fun setup in character design by being very interchangeable without compromising the... human-looking-ness, of a face.
Some forms of teeth are more popular than others on design, of course. We're considering tinkering with a more ungulate-ish tooth setup for elves, but that's up in the air at the moment...
So: small, omnivorous, with some focus on insects. Considering pre-existing influences, we're probably looking at something similar to a possum or similar creature - something that can eat a wide range of food, without being particularly picky. Humans eat a very wide range of things, after all. We've been focusing on marsupials for a lot of influence, and that means mainly possums for half-foots - and as it happens, there are semi-arboreal possums that fit the bill. Ones you're probably familiar with, even.
(note: image below should belong to a virginia opossum
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So, likely, a bit sharper in the front than your average human, and slightly more prominent canines. Despite the aesthetic differences, there aren't as many differences as you'd think, but we're struggling with getting appropriate pictures of the same species without risking an AI-generated source at the moment, so you'll have to wrangle with this image - posted in 2010.
You've still got your incisors for cutting, your canines for tearing, your premolars and molars for chewing... it's just that the premolars, canines, and incisors are a bit longer and sharper. More prominent, maybe. Realistically, if imposed on a human-ish face shape, this isn't a BIG change - but it's probably Noticeable.
...people do see cat's teeth as being Cute fairly often, don't they? Why not apply a similar status to the Little Baby Fangs you see in half-foots?
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fantrollology · 3 months
i feel like i should stop making girls / femme leaning designs but also like. daugthehr
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echeveriia · 4 months
sorry babe grubsong and quick focus stay on during sex
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bonetrousledbones · 1 year
Now on tumblr app the literal only way to access your blog is the icon at the very top right of your dashboard, and it vanishes when you start scrolling down, so you have to scroll up to bring it back.
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aint it convenient how they pulled the majority of this shit in the middle of the week, when the @wip blog only opens its inbox on mondays and the @changes blog posts every tuesday and friday, the most recent of which seemingly completely forgetting to mention the shop tab update in the “upcoming” section. man thats such a crazy coincidence that they're only ever able to talk about the features that are actively ruining the website for mobile users after they’ve already rolled them out to the majority of those users in the form of a cute little wizard icon for the website with a large wizard population isnt that just so fucking interesting but hey look! they’ve got shoelaces! and a water bottle with a $2 printout of the words “vanilla extract” on it! they really know what their userbase wants!
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burpworm · 3 days
🌸- what is your favorite flower?
i want to know... also do 🍃- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies? as well hehehehehe
Ohhh this is a really tough one because for the longest time I was attached to the striking image and symbolism of salvias. Loved red more, but have shifted more to the bluish ones now. Though, I can't deny that it's roses even though it may be such an obvious and overly chosen pick, I have just always seen myself in them. Everything from the variety, to the shape, thorns, scent, taste, and the strong symbolism of romance and passion.
As for the other one, I think I'd be the most comfortable in the forest with fairies. I see myself as a little pooka, roaming around and shifting into different forms and causing mischief, getting particularly weird around harvest times and autumn. And I really love the woods, though I do feel at home in water.
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blushing-blushy · 9 months
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In this house we love and protect Grub.
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slink-a-dink · 2 years
I hope the splatfest trend of “2 teams going at eachother while the third is just hanging out” continues, from someone who was on team paper I hope fun thrives
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So Zuthir wants to post pictures. Well two can play at that game.
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damp-gravelove · 6 months
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🩵Another set of memes about knowing of the prime dating pool!! Also the undertext version if people want both
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boatemboys · 5 months
becoming a grub fan
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basaltbutch · 1 year
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eggs-can-draw · 8 months
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Hollow knight joke
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the grub quest conclusion in hollow knight is the most terrible thing I’ve ever seen
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