#proshipper safe
damp-gravelove · 2 days
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RENEE STEP OUT OF THE ROOM AFTERCARE IS FOR PARTICIPANTS ONLY! I just know that 20 minutes beforehand he was fingering her as if making her cum would keep the world from ending.
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Have some baby raccoons to distract from how obnoxious and childish antis can be.
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tiny-space-robot · 6 months
I´ve lately seen many young peeps in fandom spaces, worrying about openly shipping their ships because of what antis might do
so let me tell you something:
antis are huge losers who are gonna find something to hate you for no matter what you do
even if you ship EXACTLY what they ship, theyre gonna yell at you for "not shipping it right"
so, my piece of advice: just do whatever you want and tear up the house! antis are gonna hate no matter what, so ignore them and find some good companions by being yourself
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darci-tbh · 5 months
everytime I see antis call themselves punk I lose hope in the internet again
I don't know how to say this but policing people's right to create and consume any fiction they want AND advocating for the corporal punishment of "thought criminals" cannot and will not ever be punk. shut up
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fallenangelflonne · 10 days
> “this youtuber is a PEDOPHILE! they SEXUALIZE MINORS!”
> look inside
> fictional characters
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cityofasphodels · 3 months
Liking a character who is bigoted, morally grey if not completely dark, or a character who has done something that can be seen as irredeemable doesn't make you a bad person.
Liking a work that depicts bad things in a light that attempts to justify it or does not actively reprimand it (e.g: unreliable narrators, most mythology/classical works) does not make you a bad person.
Fiction is a tool for us to explore our world and worlds beyond it! There's absolutely no shame in enjoying a well written character and/or universe, good or bad.
It's good to approach fiction with nuance and indulge in whatever makes you feel happiest. Fiction is just that: fiction. 💜💜
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underfellrobot · 3 months
Is proshipping actually bad or did someone on the internet say it was bad and you just don’t think for yourself?
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Another reminder that fanfiction is not big enough to do actual damage to the real world, and the only damage it's doing to you is disgust. So click off it if you don't like it.
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cemitadepollo · 9 months
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Some of you aren't being progressive as you think you are.
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anti-anti-vents · 20 days
Can you imagine if antis applied their logic to anything besides shipping?
“No, you can’t call that character your blorbo, what if somebody did that to you, wouldn’t you feel infantilized?”
“You can’t watch that show, it has too much violence, it’s gonna normalize it!”
Etc etc etc
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I’m a Proshipper, before we start this.
But like- I’m surrounded by Anti friends. Very loud and brash about how they feel and all of that. And before you tell me to just stop hanging out with them, they have helped me so much. So so much, it’s unbelievable. So I would feel shitty if I left them for following what I want.
But it’s also like- I want to draw and write what I want. So I don’t know what to do, because I am forever grateful for them for helping me.
If you have any advice, please tell me.
First of all, just keep in the back of your mind the knowledge that your friends, unfortunately, may turn on you for enjoying dark fiction. Or maybe you'll get lucky, and be the exception in their eyes.
What you could do in the meantime, though, is create alternate accounts for sharing the things that they wouldn't approve of. Keep those accounts clearly separated from your mains. Then you can share that creativity without their knowledge.
And, of course, in the end, please make sure that you do what is best and healthiest for you.
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profictory · 2 months
reminder that proshippers are allowed to personally dislike certain ships or tropes. being a proshipper doesn’t mean you like every ship, it means that you respect everyone’s right to ship whatever fictional characters they want to without being doxxed, harassed, assaulted or sent death threats.
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majablanca04 · 4 months
Antis: how do you sleep at night knowing that you like to ship some problematic stuff?!?
Like this bitch
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hurtcomforted · 2 months
I never thought about this until I saw it seriously used, but the term "illegal ships" is just so fucking funny.
Like okay, do you think the whole Game of Thrones is a crime? That the millions of people who watched/read/worked on it are disgusting criminals who deserve to go to jail? Is that what you're implying?
"Illegal ships" do you know what the word fiction means?
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antishipshitposts · 24 days
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whereserpentswalk · 6 months
Nonsexual nudity needs to be fully accepted in our society. It should be legal in public. It should be allowed in media regardless of rating or target audience. There is nothing about the human body that is inherently harmful to see or inherently sexual. Reblog if you agree.
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