#gwen gwen get OUT of there gwen
starsandwriting · 2 months
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Haha. Hahaha.
[ID: Alternating excerpts from the transcripts of The Magnus Protocol episode 11 and The Magnus Archives episode 112 and 67.
Gwen: I thought he was going to kill me!
Lena: But he didn’t, which means you’ve passed the first part of your probation. Congratulations. Did you scream?
(Elias): congratulations. You’re doing a lot better than I expected.
Archivist: Feels like all I’ve managed to do is… not die.
Elias: And believe me, that is a remarkably rare skill.
Gwen: I don’t understand.
Lena: Yes, you do.
Gwen: But… why?
Lena: “Why” comes later. For now, it’s best you try to process the “what.” I’ll let you know when I have another liaison assignment for you.
Archivist: So you obviously know how to stop it. You could just tell me!
Elias: I could. But I believe that if I did so, you would fail. The Stranger is antithetical to us.
[The Archivist sighs heavily]
Gwen (defeated): I… Ok.
Gwen opens the door.
Lena: Oh, and Gwen?
Gwen: Yes?
Lena: Get some sleep. You look dreadful.
Archivist: Of course, of course. Understood.
Elias: And for God’s sake, get some sleep.
End ID]
Thank you @princess-of-purple-prose for the ID!
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polararts · 10 months
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They're all friends, wdym. Print preorder? available??
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succoallimone · 10 months
Chat about the young’un from 1610
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pbnmj · 1 year
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what was supposed to just be pavitr and meera jain spiralled into a LOT of spiders in formalwear/red carpet outfits.... most of them referenced off met gala outfits and then adjusted to suit my own tastes LOL
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keplerbyte · 1 year
Fuck love triangles I will never stop thinking about poly Miles, Gwen and Hobie. ❗️❗️❗️
Gwen and Miles clearly like each other, no question. I was hesitant after ITSV because I just kinda liked their friendship but after watching ATSV they have my blessing. They're just so AHDOWNDK 😭😭😭😭
Gwen and Hobie give me chill besties vibes, but it could easily be more, they seem to give that impression to other people anyways. Gwen stealing Hobies shoes and leaving her stuff at his place is cute 😭 he let's her crash with him because she can't go home and I think thats sweet. ALSO HOBIE SAYING HES PART OF THE SPIDER ORGANIZATION JUST BC HES "LOOKING OUT FOR HIS DRUMMER" AAAQUUDHWI
HOBIE AND MILESSS, I love their dynamic so much, Hobie being Miles' hype man and Miles thinking Hobie is soooo cool. I love the idea of Miles not knowing he's bi before he meets Hobie and suddenly he's all kinds of confused, meanwhile "I dont like labels" Hobie is so confident and chill
Miles KNOWING he likes Gwen but he meets Hobie and suddenly he's acting the same way he acts around Gwen? He's tripping over his words and trying to impress him, and at first he brushes it off as wanting a cool friend, but Hobie keeps TOUCHING him.
Slinging his arm over his shoulders and leaning in close to tell him something, hugs when he hasn't seen him for awhile (not quite to the level of the big open hugs he gives Pav of course) and hell even high fives and fist bumps make him freeze up and try to remember how to use his limbs like a normal person.
The "Cool Friend" excuse shatters once he catches Gwen and Hobie hanging out and realizes he feels left out and jealous... but he can't figure out who he's jealous OF.
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(I love this picture)
Also omg if Miles' parents think GWEN is a bad influence then IMAGINE THEIR REACTION TO HOBIE. I can vividly imagine Miles' dad saying "That kid is a PUNK." Meanwhile his mom is just ranting because "How do you even find these people Miles??"
"He's in a band with Gwe- Gwanda. They want me to join..."
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shokuto · 1 year
Gwen didn’t not tell Miles about the canon event because she didn’t care, she didn’t tell him because she thought he’d die trying to stop it. It’s explicitly why she tried to stop him from changing Pav’s canon, why she freaked out when the rubble fell on him, and why she’s more dissident against Miguel after. Like the point with her is she buys into Miguel’s agenda of being powerless against the narrative until Miles averts it in front of her and inspires her to believe in the impossible
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whaliiwatching · 11 months
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kaleidoscopic crush
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the-magnus-protocol · 4 months
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Design attempts 💥💃
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ekkoh · 7 months
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You're all I have left.
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dyke-in-crisis · 4 months
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the yuri protocol ‼️
commissions patreon
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Hannibal being unable to not talk about Will while lying naked in bed with Alana is the same to me as Arthur being on a beautiful picnic with Gwen talking about his dream of running away to a farm with just Merlin
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starryluminary · 30 days
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If Noco were a canon couple’s stereotypes: The Delinquent and The Type-A
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mothocean · 2 months
So. We know that Celia is a single mom with a one year old, both of Alice's parents are dead and her brother is at least somewhat financially dependent on her, and Sam doesn't want to tell his parents that he left his previous job. We don't know much about Gwen's family situation, but everything so far seems to imply she's from a well-off family.
That creates an interesting parallel between Celia and Alice: they're both working at the OIAR to financially support (aside from themselves) a younger family member, presumably without much help from other family members/anyone else really. While they can technically quit their jobs, that'd make it much harder for them to care for themselves and the family member that is dependent on them.
Now this part miiight be a stretch because we don't know enough about Sam and Gwen's family situations, but i believe they parallel each other in a similar way. What Sam said in the last ep seems to imply that he doesn't want to disappoint his parents or admit he's not living up to their expectations. And if the Bouchard family in Protocol is anything like the Bouchard family in Archives, Gwen probably has some familial expectations placed on her too. They're both also the ones most invested in their jobs, digging themselves deeper into supernatural business in an attempt to climb the corporate ladder/figure out how it all went wrong. They too cannot quit their jobs at the OIAR, so long as they still aren't living up to their family's expectations.
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soplapinga · 1 year
The specific scenarios of Miles parents meeting his friends is so funny to me bc after how they dragged Gwen's emo ass they'd be losing their shit over Hobie aka literal self proclaimed anarchist acab king who somehow radiates way more of a GET OUT aura to them than already mentioned gal does and then theyd have a whole ass man ??? with a literal child ????? lmao Peter wouldn't even have time for some rational explanation they'd just go for an instantaneous who ARE you and kick shove the door right in his face. Then they'd meet Pav. And they'd cry out of joy bc listen guys they'd fucking LOVE Pav ok like the kid SMILES and is KIND and EXTREMELY POLITE and gives overall THE BEST ENERGY EVER GIVEN and holy shit honey this kids the fucking actual sun oh my god wait is he single ?? I bet he isn't he is a DREAM hey son have you ever thought of idk yk dating him like listen ok forget about that white girl pls he is perfect ok listen to us for a moment Miles hear us out pleas
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sciderman · 2 months
gwen stacy being president of the peter parker defence squad, compilation post
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Peter B, Pav, and Hobie sharing the same braincell when it comes to Gwen and Miles
:Oooooh~ look at these two lovebirds
:Looking at each other so inlooove
:Aight. Let's bet on it. Who has the bigger crush?
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