#gyomei x you
redr0sewrites · 7 months
Hashiras Reacting to Reader Calling Them Pretty Hcs
Demon slayer hashiras reactions to you praising them/calling them pretty!
🥀Characters: All of the Hashiras (minus Muichiro) x reader (seperate)
🥀CW: none, just fluff!
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Giyuu is sooo easy to fluster with praise
he lacks praise and compliments a lot, hes pretty socially inept and isn't great at interacting with others so the second you praise him or compliment him his brain short circuits!
giyuu realizes how happy your praise makes him, and starts trying to praise you in return, its really cute seeing him stumble over himself attempting to compliment you
he is completely unaware of how pretty he is, and when you tell him hes pretty he doesnt believe you at first
after you call him pretty for the first time, he just kinda blinks at you
it takes time for him to adjust to it tbh, and he'll flush a pretty pink anytime you whisper to him how pretty he is, and what a good, pretty boy he is
i honestly feel like giyuu is more insecure than even he acknowledges, and whenever you call him pretty or compliment him in general he truly takes it to heart, and over time he ever so slowly begins to like himself more<3
"Youre so pretty Giyuu!" Your words ring in his ears as he stands there, completely frozen in surprise. His ocean eyes bear into yours, and for a second your scared that you made him uncomfortable. Giyuu blinks, and a pretty pink flushes the tips of his ears and cheeks. "You.. really think so?" His voice is soft, yet he forces himself to maintain eye contact with you. Now its your turn to blush. "Of course I do! Giyuu, your the prettiest person I know!" Giyuu swears his heart skips a beat, and a rare smile forms on his face. "I... thank you. I think you are very pretty as well." You cant stop the smile that blooms on your face, and you rush to practically tackle Giyuu in a hug.
Listen, this egotistical mf KNOWS hes gorgeous
however, when you call him pretty Tengen takes it to heart much more than anyone else
He truly cares what you think of him, and while he knows hes attractive, whenever you say it he swears his heart soars
Tengen will scoop you up in his arms, pressing kisses to your face and making you laugh as he practically begs you to say it again
He will tease you about it as well, Tengen loves seeing you flustered about how attracted you are to him
Overall, he showers you in compliments as well
You and all of his wives dont go a day without hearing how gorgeous and strong you all are, and when the tables are turned Tengen truly does enjoy the praise
"Fuck, Tengen, you're so pretty.." Tengen stopped his training, turning towards you with a cocky grin on his face. "What'd you say, doll?" You flushed, turning away to hide your red face as your lover approached you. He was coated in a sheen of sweat, and he had foregone his shirt due to the summer heat. "Nothing! I didn't say anything," you grumbled. He laughed, eyes shining as he grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. "Oh, I think you did say something! Its very un-flamboyant of you to lie baby~ now, are you gonna tell me or not?" He smirked, leaning down to be face to face with you so your lips were only inches apart. "Its nothing really..." you meet his eyes, swallowing softly from the tension of being so close together. "I just said that youre pretty.." Tengen barked out a laugh, still smiling as he scooped you up in his arms. You screeched, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. "Say it again~"
Like Tengen, shinobu is aware of her beauty, but perhaps not as egotistical as him
She is subconsciously aware that she's attractive, but looks never really mattered to her anyway so she never really bothered to care about her appearance
Now though, with you in her life, whenever you compliment her looks she feels a strange fuzzy feeling inside
Shinobu adores your praises, and finds herself wanting to be pretty for you. She'll model an outfit for you, getting dressed up for no real reason other than to hear the sweet words that spill from your mouth
whenever you call her pretty, she truly, genuinely believes you and it honestly shocks her how much she trusts you
Shinobu is better at expressing her feelings through actions rather than emotions, and while she may not compliment you as often, she still makes it known how gorgeous she thinks you are, inside and out
Shinobu was humming softly, her morning had been rather pleasant and she was excited to see you. You had promised to stop by after you current mission, which had lasted for a week. "Nobu!!" Your voice made her turn, and a genuine smile graced her features as you pulled her into a sweet kiss. You sigh, seperating your lips only to lean your forehead against hers, looking into her dazzling eyes. "Shinobu, your so pretty." Your compliment startled her slightly, and she blinked, heart beating just a but faster as she pulled you into a kiss again. She pulled away, a thin trail of spit seperating both of your lips. One of her hands moved to caress your cheek, and the other gently gripped your hair as you both stared into eachothers eyes, enjoying the precious moment you had together.
Your praising him for once? wow
Seriously though, Rengoku is the ultimate bf when it comes to praise
He loves expressing his affection for you, and isn't afraid to tell you that he thinks your stunning
Whenever you compliment him, he always returns your energy in earnest, whether your acknowledging his looks or his skill or anything in between, Rengoku is quick to fire back a sweet, thoughtful compliment of his own
Rengoku doesn't care too much about his looks, though he does try to put in some effort
whenever you call him pretty, the biggest smile forms on his face and he laughs out loud
after you call him pretty, Rengoku sweeps you up into his arms and gives you a tight bear hug while kissing the top of your head and whispering sweet nothings to you
"Rengoku, can you come hear please?" You call out to your boyfriend, and he appears in the doorway almost instantly. "Can help you lift this with me?" You motion to the large table you had just finished building, and he nodded enthusiastically. Within a metter of minutes, the table had been settled and Rengoku was beaming at you. "Thank you so much baby," you smile, wrapping your arms around his neck and gently kissing his cheek. You sigh, looking into his eyes as he pulls you close, the two of you slowly dancing to non-existent music as you relished in the comfort of eachothers embraced. "Rengoku, youre so pretty." The words slipped past your lips without a second thought, and your boyfriend grinned impossibly wider. He laughed, cupping your face with both of his large, gentle hands and pressing a swift kiss to your forehead. "How could my beauty ever compare to yours, sweet flame? You are ethereal!"
Mitsuri gets extremely flustered whenever you praise her! Her whole face is red and she is shaking in embarrassment whenever you call her pretty<3
She doesnt believe you at first, how could someone like her ever be pretty to someone as stunning as you?
Her bubbly nature attracts all kinds of people to her, and while she gets plenty of attention most of it is for her body rather than her. However, when you call her pretty, she knows that you're talking about all of her, even the imperfections
I think she would squeal in delight when you call her pretty, and while she is very embarrassed she also thinks its so sweet you think of her that way
Praise in general makes her super happy, and she tries to praise you a lot too!
"What do you think?" You showed Mitsuri the cake you had made for her, and she looked as though she was about to pass out in delight. "Its perfect!!! It looks so delicious, I love you so so so sooo much!!!!" Mitsuri was bouncing up and down, cheeks a pretty pink as she ogled at the sugary heaven in front of her. You smiled to yourself, enjoying every second of her happiness and admiring her own sweetness. "Mitsuri, you really are pretty!" She squeaked, staring at you as her whole face turned bright red. "Wha- whats making you say that all of a sudden???" She brought her hands to her cheeks, squirming in embarrassment as you giggled. "Nothing! I just think your pretty." Mitsuri yelped, tackling you im a hug and nuzzling her head into the crook of your neck in embarrassment. You smiled, gently running your hand through her hair absentmindedly as she pulled away, cheeks still rosy. "I think youre really pretty too.."
Whenever you call him pretty, Obanai tries to act all calm and collected yet in his mind hes freaking tf out
He'll look away from you, desperately trying to avoid eye contact
Obanai is incredibly grateful that his bandages cover his blush, yet you can still see a soft pink on the tips of his ears
Calling him pretty is something really intimate between you two, especially considering his scars and imperfections
He never really sees himself as pretty, yet when you say it Obanai feels as though he ascended to another realm
Call him pretty when he takes his bandages off, and he might break down a little
Obanai truly trusts you and feels safe with you, and youre one if the few people who has seen him with his bandages off
Because of this, he really values your opinion and whenever you compliment him about anything he takes your thoughts very seriously
Obanai sighed, slowly removing the wrapping from his face. Kaburamaru hissed softly, curling into the crook of his neck as he placed the bandages down onto the counter in front of him. Around others, he hid the scars that disgusted him but when he was around you, in the comfort of your home, he could truly be himself. You slowly approached him from behind, humming softly to alert him of your presence. Obanai turned to face you, and you reached up to cup his cheeks. Your face crinkled in a smile, gently running your thumb over his scars and leaning in to press a kiss over each of them. Ovanai sighed, turning his head to press a kiss to each hand cupping his face. "Youre so pretty Obanai," you say softly, pulling him into an embrace. "Is that what you think?" he whispers softly in your ear, and you nod. He let out a shaky sigh, burying his head in the crook of your neck as Kaburamaru rested their head atop yours in an embrace. His breathing slowed as he allowed himself to melt into your touch, finally relaxing after a stressful day. "I love you so much, you know that?"
Calling him pretty can go one of two ways. Sanemi will either deny it and go feral, or he will get super flustered and deny being flustered
listen. hes confident af. he knows that hes fucking hot. we have ALL seen his boob window and sexy scars. sanemi KNOWS hes fine as hell, but pretty? if you call him pretty, hes honestly shocked
if you called him pretty around others, he would probably try to deny it and he would be kinda incredulous to the idea
however if you both are alone, and you play your cards right, you might unlock flustered sanemi
he'll blush, pretending to be annoyed but he cant deny that his heart feels like he just ran a marathon
compliments in general get him flustered while simultaneously boosting his ego x10
sanemi really really likes it when you compliment him, esp when your complimenting his appearance but he will NEVER admit it
Sanemis head lay in your lap as he dozed, your fingers gently running through his unruly hair. It was rare to see sanemi with his guard down, his eyelids drooping as he began to nod off. He looked so gentle and ethereal, whisps his white hair falling on his face. "You look so pretty Nemi," you say, gently massaging his scalp with your nails. Sanemi moans softly at the feeling of your affectionate touch, nuzzling into your lap for a second before he suddenly stiffened. "What the fuck did you just say?" Sanemi bolted upright, sitting in front of you and trying to look angry, yet his flushed cheeks gave him away. "I said you were pretty!" you repeated matter-of- factly. "Huh?! What the fuck- no I'm not!" Sanemi's cheeks were burning a beautiful red, and you pulled him back down into your lap. He grumbled, but quickly melted into your gentle caresses as you continued to run your fingers through his hair. The sleepy atmosphere soon returned, yet Sanemi's face remained a pretty, flushed pink. "My pretty boy," you coo, giggling to yourself as he glared at you lazily. "Shut the fuck up," Sanemi grumbled lovingly.
Gyomei would be pleased that you think he is pretty, but since hes blind he doesn't truly understand what you mean
in his eyes, everyone is pretty and equally beautiful, so while your compliment is touching to him, he doesn't truly understand it
however, he begins to realize that you think hes pretty not just because of his looks, but because of other traits too
such as his strength and intelligence, his faith and his gracefulness.
Gyomei calls you pretty too, while he cant see you, he believes with all of his might that you are the prettiest person in the entire world
your aura and your overall soul truly makes him see you as a beautiful person regardless of looks, and gyomei compliments you often
"There you are!" You called out to Gyomei, who appeared to be sitting under a tree, enjoying the scents and sounds of the beautiful landscape. "I was looking for you!" Gyomei turned towards the sound of your voice, a gentle smile forming on his face despite the constant tears streaming down his face. "Apologies, my soul. Ive missed you very much!" You grin at his words, approaching him as he stood to his full height. Your reach out to embrace him, letting him wrap his arms around you as you melt against his large form. Rough hands trace up your sides as Gyomei presses a kiss to the top of your head, and you pull away to stafe up at him in adoration. "You truly are pretty Gyomei, inside and out." Your words are gentle, meant for his ears and his ears alone. He hums in response, rubbing soft circles against your back with his large hands. "So are you, my dove."
HELPPP GIYUUS IS SO SHORT AND HES LITERALLY MY FAV <\\\3 i feel like im shadowbanned or sum cuz like nothing ive been posting has been getting notes 😭 is it obvious i am SO BAD at writing for Gyomei????? anyways, i hope you enjoyed!!! PLEASE SEND IN MORE DEMON SLAYER REQS IM BEGGING YOUUU!!! (ALSO VOTE IN THE POLL FOR WHAT I SHOULD WRITE NEXT!)
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daisies-daydreams · 8 months
Virgin!Gyomei x F!Reader (Headcanons/Drabble)
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Pairing: Virgin!Gyomei Himejima x F!Reader Category: Fluff/Smut (18+) Warnings: Masturbation, Vaginal Fingering, P in V Sex (You Know the Drill), Praise, Accidentally Cumming Inside
A/N: I'm still working on requests, but I wanted to write something small in between. I hope you enjoy!
Virgin!Gyomei who always thought he was too imposing to find someone who would want to be with him physically. To indulge in the pleasures of the flesh, sharing such a sweet, tender moment. The thought would keep him up at night, tossing and turning when it was quiet enough for him to be alone with his thoughts.
Virgin!Gyomei who heard you, a new member of the Butterfly House, giggle nearby. He turned his head in your direction, his milky white eyes wide at the melodious sound. The giant man heard you gasp. “Oh good! You’re awake!” you chirped. His breath hitched when he felt your warm hands rest on his arm, patting it reassuringly. “You’ve been out for several days. We were all so worried,” you explained. He blinked and nodded slowly. “Thank you…for caring for me,” he said softly.
Virgin!Gyomei whose heart would always soften whenever he heard your distinct footsteps coming towards his room. His skin felt like it burned whenever he felt your gentle touch, tending to his injuries. Gyomei scolded himself when his mind drifted to fantasies of you touching him in more…intimate ways. You were his caretaker and nothing more. Surely you found him just as imposing as everyone else did...
Virgin!Gyomei who, after a very vivid dream about him fucking you into the mattress with his impossibly girthy cock, woke up with the most painful erection in his life. Gyomei listened carefully to see if anyone was around before dipping his large hand below the waistband of his pants. His breath hitched as he clutched his throbbing shaft. He clasped his other palm over his mouth as he began to squeeze and stroke his dick, the rush of pleasure indescribable. Your name fell from his plush lips like a prayer, a sweet chant that brought him closer to the edge. Gyomei pumped his cock only a few times before he was spilling all over his palm, completely soaking himself in his thick spend. His Adam's apple bobbed as he caught his breath. “M-Mr. H-Himejima?” he heard you squeak nearby.
Virgin!Gyomei who sat there like a statue, his eyes wide and back completely straight. His cock still twitched in his hand as he parted his lips. “I-I’m sorry Miss…” he stammered as his entire body became enraptured in a consuming heat. He flinched when you stepped closer, the floorboards creaking as you made your way to the side of the bed. “How long have you felt this way about me, Mr. Himejima?” you murmured. Gyomei was thankful that he lacked sight, as he was terrified of the disgusted expression you surely wore on your face. He swallowed thickly. “Honestly Miss (L/N)…since the day you first spoke to me,” he answered as his eyes glossed over.
Virgin!Gyomei who flinched when you placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. His face burned like a raging wildfire as he parted his lips. He heard you shuffle next to the bed. “You aren’t…disgusted?” he breathed. “No,” you whispered before pecking his temple. Gyomei flushed as he felt his cock twitch again, his thighs tightening as you placed a hand in his bulky forearm. “I’m glad that you feel the same way I feel about you,” you cooed. Gyomei sighed, a gentle smile forming on his face as you kissed the corner of his mouth. You gasped when you heard someone coming down the hall calling your name. He wanted to reach for you as you pulled away. “I’m sorry,” you murmured before hesitantly walking out of his room.
Virgin!Gyomei who, despite all the fantasies and dreams he’s had, hasn’t touched himself since that morning. You’d still come in to tend his healing wounds or assist with his rehabilitation. It was a sweet torture for him to feel your hands roam across every inch of his body…except where he needed you the most.
Virgin!Gyomei who thanked you for your assistance the night before he returned to the field. “You’re very welcome,” you said kindly, yet he didn’t miss the solemn undertone in your words. His heart ached as you started to slip away. “Wait,” he called as he grabbed your wrist. Gyomei instantly pulled away when he heard you gasp, the fear of potentially hurting you striking him through the chest. “I-I apologize, Miss (L/N),” he murmured. He heard you shuffle in place. “It’s alright, Mr. Himejima,” you replied. Gyomei tilted his head up, his foggy eyes lingering in the direction of your voice. “Please...call me Gyomei,” he said.
Virgin!Gyomei who loved the feeling of you shivering beneath his light touch. The door to his room was locked, your clothes strewn about the floor as you straddled his waist. His breath hitched as you splayed your hands across his rugged chest, both of you exploring each other’s bodies with a gentle tenderness.
Virgin!Gyomei who feels his cheeks burn as he pushes one of his fingers inside your slick, tight cunt. Your walls hold such a comforting texture for him as he sinks his digit deeper and deeper inside. “Shh, I know, my dear. I know,” he cooed as he rubbed your thigh. “It’s so much, Gyo,” you slurred as your legs shook around him. He frowned and cupped your cheek with his other hand. “Do you want me to stop?" he asked. Gyomei felt you shake your head. "N-No, it feels good. Please, I want this," you breathed. He swallowed the lump in his throat before nodding.
Virgin!Gyomei who lets you take the reins and sink down on his massive, thick cock at your own pace. He encourages you as you lower your hips inch by inch, his lips kissing away the tears that spilled down your cheeks as you babbled. “You’re doing wonderful, my love,” he whispered. His breath hitched as your pussy stretched around him, his shaft enveloped by your warm, gummy walls. Gyomei swore he was in heaven, the bliss that coursed through his body simply divine.
Virgin!Gyomei who feels intoxicated as you bounce up and down his shaft, your plush walls massaging his length as you pant and moan. “Amazing, truly amazing,” he breathed before the muscles in his lower stomach begin to tighten. He grits his teeth, hands grabbing at your waist as he gently thrusts up into you. Gyomei stopped worrying about the bed creaking long ago, his mind drunk on the pleasure that completely overwhelmed him. “Yes, that’s it. That’s-“ he nearly choked when he rolled his head back and groaned. His hips rolled forward as he accidentally came inside you, his thick, hot spend gushing past the place where your sexes joined. You gasped as your cunt convulsed around him, your walls gripping and fluttering around his girth as the two of you reached your climaxes.
Virgin!Gyomei who’s flustered and asking if you’re alright at least a thousand times after you pull yourself off of his softening cock. "Are you sure I wasn't gripping too hard?" "Are you sore anywhere?". He flushed when you suddenly pecked his cheek. “You were wonderful,” you whispered as you squeezed his hand. He smiled, his heart lighting up at your sweet words. “Thank you, my dear (Y/N),” he murmured as he held your hand up to his cheek.
Thank you for reading! 💖
Taglist: @maybethatfanfictionwriter @depressesoespressorat @yuhhtricki999 @lavenderbabu @tayleighuh @thedevax @famouscattale @spktrgantenk @zombieblogx @mrswhitethornbelikov @migueloharastruelove @galaxy-dusk @samanthadusk @theloneshadow24 @xxkay15xx @inspace1 @manlikemilesmyguy
Want to be a part of my taglist? Comment down below!
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flametrashiraarchive · 11 months
I am here to ask about Gyomei and Kyoujurou with a chubby reader that wants reassurance about their body-
*backflips into space, orbits the sun, and sticks a perfect landing* YES! OF COURSE!
I'm going to do them on two separate posts but I'll tag you in the other one.
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Himejima Gyomei x Chubby Reader
You were pinned down by a demon when Gyomei charged in and saved you.
In one swift movement he knocked the demon down, crushed its skull, and swept you into his arms and away from danger.
It looked cool AF to you; inside Gyomei was feeling anything but.
Your softness, the sturdy, reassuring weight of your body.
He had you and you were safe and that's what mattered.
But... you made his belly flutter.
You had to do all the pursuing (this poor man cannot flirt)
Physical touch is so important to Gyomei and even more so once you are in a relationship with him.
He loves every part of you.
You feel so beautiful to him.
He loves the way your body moves, the way your tummy creases when you sit or when you're on your back and raise your knees to take him.
He will kiss and caress every inch of you.
Loves that you fill his hands (and he will happily fill them with any part of you)
Never even considers being put off by what are generally perceived as flaws.
He likes the slightly ridged texture of your stretchmarks- he has them too! Cellulite is just another texture and he loves it because it's yours.
Can and will pick you up to kiss you
Also has zero trouble lifting you over his head.
Loves to cuddle with you. He'll bury his face against your chest while you place your thigh over his waist.
He often falls asleep like that. You make him feel so safe.
Will absolutely cry if you feel sad about yourself. He can't help it. You mean the world to him and it breaks his heart to know you don't perceive yourself as he does.
"Most beloved, you are perfect exactly as you are."
He holds you on his lap, wrapping those enormous arms around you and covering your face in the gentlest kisses until he feels your soft cheeks get fuller when you smile.
He will make you feel so loved and precious
Every caress is an act of worship to Gyomei and he will make you feel like a deity.
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mirukosbitchywife · 1 year
obanai, rengoku, gyomei, and all four uzuis x reader
part one here
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part two of hashira x a reader who nearly died fighting demons!! idk if you can tell but this was SO HARD FOR ME TO DO!!!!! this is my first time ever writing for or even about obanai and gyomei really so i struggled with it! please let me know if they're super ooc i tried my hardest but idk if i got the characterization correct!!
tengen uzui plus makio uzui, suma uzui, and hinatsuru uzui:
•you'd wake up after being taken to the butterfly mansion with suma On Top of you crying into your shirt. makio tried to let her go but hina told her to let her have this :( tengen is just sitting quietly next to your bedside, with hina and makio sitting opposite him, all three holding onto both your hands
•tengen told you your actions were very unflashy and that you worried them. they had heart attacks when the crow arrived to inform them of the situation
•suma cries at you to never be so reckless again, makio scolds you (it's how she expresses love), and hina says you should join lord tengen in retirement
•if you lose an eye or something tengen WILL insist you match his. gotta be flashy even when disabled. he's a disabled icon
•even with his long lasting injuries, tengen, suma, makio, and hina are still all shinobi so expect your physical therapy process to be intense
kyojuro rengoku:
•honestly. he's an absolute wreck. has not left your side since he was alerted of your condition, not to do anything besides use the restroom. shinobu has to wrestle him from your beside to make him eat and sleep (sleeping in a chair does not count unfortunately for him)
•is so relieved when you wake up he Literally can't stop smiling. also yelling. he's yelling a Lot. but not in a bad way of course, he's just speaking Very enthusiastically! he might even cry from happiness at seeing you alive and mostly well and moving around
•will literally do everything for you. will not let you move a muscle to do anything while you're recovering essentially. like oh you want some water? he's getting it. you need a book/pen/a blanket, literally anything that you reach for he's going no no you don't need to be moving around let me get it for you even if the item is in your reach
iguro obanai:
•is probably the only one who gives you peace. of course he's concerned, and he's been staying by your side waiting for when you wake up, but will give you space to breathe
•i'm going to assume if you like obanai you also like snakes, because when you wake up kaburamaru is wrapped around you too, he was also concerned okay :(
•would quietly tell you how much you worried him and how he had rushed there. and by that i mean he RAN nobody has ever seen him move that fast outside of battle. he was just really concerned:(
•will hiss at people who try to enter your room in the butterfly mansion. the butterfly girls and aoi are annoyed by him but just ignore it, and inosuke actually starts snorting back at his hissing and they almost actually fight.
•really reliable while you're recovering, a silent but steady presence at your side. is a little bit of a simp and will do whatever you ask bc your hurt :( of course he'll do anything for you :(
gyomei himejima:
•would be silently kneeling by your bedside in prayer with tears streaming down his face when you wake up. immediately notices when you're actually awake from the change in your breathing and immediately stands up and grabs your hands
•also another one who gives you breathing space, but is a little more clingy. might not voice it aloud but is terrified of losing you too and being alone again
•you relish in his strong but silent presence by your side, he doesn't have much to say beyond the fact he was worried about you, but he's more of an actions speak louder than words type person and is there when you need him
•an actual rock for you during your recovery. him being disabled doesn't mean he's not able to help you with your physical therapy and taking care of yourself!! very content to help you
•maybe okay. hear me out. maybe you could convince him to sneak you out and give you piggyback rides once you're well, but not completely healed enough to leave the butterfly mansion. he seems like a big softie who will give into anything that doesn't have any real consequences
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kakushino · 10 months
Purr for me
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Himejima Gyomei x Fem! Reader
Happy birthday, Gyomei!
Tags: modern AU (farmhand! Gyomei), pet play (cat variety), creampie, hint of aftercare Word count: 1,4k
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He’d always been so calm it just egged you on and on to tease him, try to make him break out of the tranquil mask and give you something, a reaction.
“Kitten, I think that’s enough.” 
Yet you didn't stop, trying to escape his grip on your hips as he fingered you, three fingers in. You weren't trying to get away, per se, but you liked to think he could snap eventually, fucking you rough and fast. You'd dreamed of being absolutely railed by his thick cock - the very same one your belly was rubbing against as you wiggled in your bent-over position in his lap. 
Gyomei wasn’t amused in the least. He’d had a bad day at the farm; one of the cows had escaped and he had to coax it back, which took him half the day, and forced him to rush the rest of his chores. He’d hoped to leave his stress inside of your pussy, but you were resisting him, choosing today to be a brat… like a misbehaving cat.
The thought gave him an idea just how to punish your disobedience. And he was glad the tools for that arrived just a few days prior.
The next bout of squirming made him withdraw his fingers, lifting you off of his lap and tossing you onto the bed he’d been sitting on. 
He ignored you, breathing deeply as he stood. Gyomei walked over to a chest of drawers where he kept his personal items, and opened the bottom one, reaching all the way into the back for a box. 
You sat up on the bed, looking at him in confusion. “Gyomei?” He’d seemed so desperate… You did get a reaction out of him, but not the one you wanted.
Your lover returned to the bed, carrying a black box, still silent. You were curious what he’d planned for you.
It didn’t take long for you to find out. Before you knew it, the calico cat ears were on your head, and you were laying face down, ass up, trembling a little. Your arousal ran down your thigh sluggishly.
His large hands soothed over your ass cheeks, squeezing gently. “We can stop anytime you want.”
Gyomei gave you a moment to say the established safeword but you didn’t say anything at all. Satisfied, he reached for the other accessory for your little play tonight. A cat tail butt plug, matching the ears.
You heard him open a bottle of lube, your pussy clenching around nothing at the sound, and then his warmth was at your backside, his thick cock sliding between your pussy lips, coating him in your slick. His left hand pulled your cheeks apart a little, his tip at your entrance, something cold pressing against your ass and then-
Both slipped in - his cock and the tail plug - making you flinch at the mix of sensations. Gyomei remained motionless, cockwarming his tip inside you as you adjusted to the fullness in both your holes. 
“This is- too much, Gyomei,” you panted out, rising to your hands and trying to pull away. His hands gripped your hips tightly, halting you. 
He leaned over, his massive frame caging you. His tummy pushed against the tail - and the plug - lightly, pressing it a smidge deeper, yet it felt as if he was stirring up your insides, as unused as you were to the feeling. 
“Kittens don’t speak, they only meow,” he positively purred into your ear.
Blood rushed to your face at his comment, unable to even meow before he slid his length inside, inch by delicious, thick inch - and when his pelvic bone met your ass, pressing against the plug again, you nearly wailed.
“How is it that every time I slip into your pussy, it feels just as amazing as the first time? It’s indescribable.”
Gyomei set a slow pace, barely moving, his thrusts shallow yet every time he pushed in fully, he rolled his hips, hitting all the right spots. You could only moan, your arms trembling, back arched. One of his hands left your hips tugging at the tail a little, reminding you what you’re supposed to be, supposed to do. Tears gathered in your eyes at the overstuffed feeling and you meowed for him, the sound breathy.
“I’m starting to think you enjoy this, kitten.” You could hear the grin in his voice.
Abandoning the tail for now, he reached under, touching your stomach with his rough hand. He didn’t have to search long for what he wanted to find.
“Oh kitten, do you feel that? Feel how I fill you up so well that you can feel it right here?” His palm pushed against the bulge in your belly, making you mewl, your arms slipping, and you fell on your face.
His other hand reached under your neck, picking you off of the pillow to allow you to breathe, as you were clearly too overwhelmed to do it for yourself. Despite his gentle handling of your throat, his thrusts grew harsher with each passing second.
“I’m not playing tonight. You deserve this. I’m gonna fuck you as hard as I can. Make you mine-” Gyomei groaned, his pace soon turning to outright plowing, loud and wet smacks of skin on skin echoing in the bedroom, your stimulation doubled - both holes clenching against the intrusions tightly.
Your mind was blank, save for the shocks of pleasure each rough thrust brought you. Your fingers tried to find purchase in the bedding, your movements back against him miniscule, yet still there, as you chased the ecstasy he brought you.
And he noticed, of course he noticed. He noticed because every twitch of your snug cunt felt like Heaven on his dick.
“You’re insatiable. It’s like you want me to break you.”
His hand left the stomach bulge to tug at the tail again. Gyomei bullied every little insignificant thought out of your head - all that filled it was Gyomei, Gyomei, Gyomei-! Yet not a word left you, only whimpers and moans filled the room.
He slowed down, letting you feel just the glide of his cock back and forth, not bottoming out at all yet the noises- You tried to push back, to get more-
“A good kitten should beg for it,” he murmured. And stopped.
A dry sob left you, about to beg with words, when he tugged at your tail a little, reminding you of your role.
You yowled, and meowed, trying to sound pleading as you could without speech, hoping beyond hope he would take pity on you and give you what you needed.
Gyomei delivered, a merciful God blessing his worshiper, fucking you with roughness you wouldn’t have guessed your lover was able to bestow upon your frail body. 
You quivered, a knot of tension quickly growing in your belly. Each snap of his hips, each mind-numbing shock of delight, each movement of the plug - it was too much. 
Your orgasm crashed upon you faster than your scrambled brain could register, and you let out a half-moan and half-meow, somehow coherent enough to remember you were to be a kitten right now.
Your ears rang, body going slack; the only things holding you up were Gyomei's hands - cradling your throat and holding your hip. A muffled groan registered in your mind, the next thrusts sloppy and deep - before he slammed inside, grinding against you, rubbing and pushing the plug inside more. You cried out at the feeling.
His cum flooded your pussy, and it spilled out around his cock, coating both of you in the mess. 
Gyomei stayed as he was, both of you panted heavily, coming down from your highs. Your fingers trembled as you reached up to caress his hand at your throat, a silent thanks for helping you up to breathe during the act. His cock twitched a little at the gesture, a grunt escaping him.
"You okay, kitten?" he finally said, voice strained. The thumb of the hand on your hip drew lazy circles, grounding you back on Earth.
"'mkay," you whispered. You placed your arms on the pillow, helping support yourself. "Could use a bath, though…"
"Of course." He chuckled, his breath evening out. Gyomei leaned over your body carefully, placing soft kisses on your shoulders as you both relaxed in the afterglow. "Bath and bed for my kitten. You did well for me… Thank you."
You closed your eyes, enjoying his attention. "Always…"
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Thinking about Gyomei whose so big and doesn't realize just how big he is, all of him. He doesn't realize it while he has you under him blubbering and gasping at his size trying to push into you
"mei it's too, too much" your gasping again as his cock head pushes in further, stretching you so wide you're sure you would stay stuck like that. He's cooing above you, trying not to cum early at the unbearable tightness of your pussy but also trying to soothe you
" 'ts alright baby, just breathe for me" he's rubbing your sides for comfort, wiping at tears. "you can handle it baby, your so good for me"
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loveforeren · 11 months
You want to have sex now?! Gyomei x Fem!Reader
✿ A/N ➳❥ This was off my Ao3, but I'm moving them over here. I don't want to have to worry abt them so here. I'll be adding the other 2 after this, and I'm working on my Masterlist too. I'll add it to all my work once I'm done.
✿ content warning ➳❥ Oral Sex, Fem!Reader, sex (obviously), breeding kink, and having sex in a house you don't own.
☆ Masterlist ☆
As you and Gyomei returned from a quick mission, the rain suddenly began to pour heavily. "Shit," you cursed under your breath, quickly spotting a small house nearby. Without hesitation, you pulled Gyomei inside, seeking shelter from the downpour.
"How long do you think it's going to rain?" Gyomei asked curiously, his blind eyes scanning the surroundings.
You shrugged, unsure of the duration of the rain. "I'm not sure, Gyomei. We can just stay here overnight," you sighed, shaking off the cold.
"It's so cold," you shivered, feeling the chill penetrate your clothes.
Having been together for almost two years, physical touch between you and Gyomei was natural. Seeking warmth and comfort, you crawled over to Gyomei and curled up in his lap. He chuckled, embracing you tightly. "I'll keep you warm," he promised with a smile.
Sitting up on his lap, you wrapped your arms around him, leaving a small peck on his lips. The innocent gesture soon evolved into a heated kiss, the intensity of your desire growing with each passing second.
"Y/N, is it smart to do this here?" Gyomei said voice laced with concern, though his body language conveyed his own desire. As he was moving his hips grinding against you.
You didn't answer with words; instead, you took his hands and placed them on your hips, silently inviting him to explore. "Gyomei." you murmured, your voice filled with need.
His hands trembling with anticipation, Gyomei pulled you closer, gradually removing your clothes. Now on top of him, you remained in just a bra and underwear while he was completely bare. Running your hand up his body, you pressed against him, grinding slowly.
"Y/N... please, come on," Gyomei pleaded, unable to contain his desire any longer. As his hands lightly explored your ass and thighs.
You smiled, discarding the rest of your clothing and crawling down between his legs, fixating your gaze on his erect member. It was big, perhaps bigger than you had imagined. Your tongue glided along his shaft gently, leaving small kisses along the way. You knew how sensitive he was, especially to your touch. That's what made this so much more fun. The stone pillar of the hashira melting under your touch and practically begging you to let him feel your embrace.
Gyomei's breath hitched as he warned you, "Please... Y/N, don't push yourself." His mind is sent back to the time before this when he was a little too rough, and left your throat bruised.
Ignoring his caution, you took the tip into your mouth, gradually engulfing more than half of his length. Bobbing your head up and down, you felt Gyomei struggle to control himself, resisting the urge to push your head further. He was too caring for his own good in your opinion but that's what you loved about him.
"Y... Y/N, I'm going to cum," he gasped, his climax nearing. His hand was now pushing your head down, and his pulsing length was now burrowed deep within your throat.
In response, you quickened your pace, and a few moments later, Gyomei released into your mouth. Feeling his warm fluid fill your mouth, you swallowed it all with a satisfied smile. Pleasing him in this way brought you immense joy.
Gyomei, catching his breath, urged you to spit it out. "Ah! Spit it out, hurry, hurry!"
However, you had already swallowed it all, teasing him playfully. "Too late, all gone," you teased, relishing in the moment.
"My goodness," Gyomei sighed, both amazed and overwhelmed by your actions. Gyomei was always shy in the begging, but you knew that he enjoyed knowing you swallowed all of it.
Climbing back on top of him, you once again straddled him, taking hold of his now-sensitive cock and rubbing it slowly against your slick folds. A soft groan escaped both your lips and his, but the temptation to tease Gyomei further was too strong. You slid the tip inside slowly. You took no more than the tip still not letting it go fully in. Rubbing his erect member between your slick folds was almost too much to bare for both you and him. You couldn't resist teasing Gyomei though. Seeing him tear up was so thrilling.
"Please... please, I need to be in you, Y/N," Gyomei pleaded, his desperation evident.
Smiling mischievously, you toyed with him, relishing in his adorable begging. Gyomei whimpered, his desire growing with every passing moment.
"Please... I want to fill you up... I want to fill your womb," he stuttered, unable to contain himself any longer. He was always one to say things like this none of the other hashira knew how needy Gyomei could be. You were the only one to see this side of him.
His words broke something within you, unleashing a surge of desire. Pushing yourself onto him, you slowly took him inside, feeling him fill you completely. Gyomei let out a deep groan, his hands firmly gripping your hips as you began to bounce up and down. You were going at a steady pace feeling his large member enter you body repeatedly. You were fine until Gyomei couldn't take it anymore he slammed you down. You felt him in you core. The pleasure, the sensation, the desire for more was overweighing both your rationality and his.
"Gyomei," you managed to squeak out, unable to control the pleasure coursing through your body.
"Mmm, I want to get you pregnant... I need to. I want to fill your womb." Gyomei whispered, his voice filled with desperate longing. He matched your movements, thrusting into you with a rough and fast pace.
Overwhelmed by his size, you found yourself unable to think clearly. Leaning down onto his chest, you surrendered to the pleasure, your bodies moving in perfect synchronization.
"Gyomei, please... slower, go slower," you managed to request amidst your moans.
Gyomei obliged, gradually slowing down, but still providing you with immense pleasure. He whispered in your ear, "I'm going to cum."
"Me too. Gyo cum inside me please I need you to fill me up." You manage to let out between the moans you were letting out.
This made Gyomei's rationality snap as he released in you. You could feel his warm fluid fill you up and it mixed with yours. He pulls put slowly to avoid causing you harm, and you feel the warm fluids spilling out of you.
You chuckled at a random thought that you didn't think of earlier.
"Gyo..what if the owner of this house come home? How would they react to seeing THE Stone pillar of the hashira and possibly the strongest Hashira laying on their floor with no clothes? Not to mention his lover laying on his chest with his semen flowing out of her slowly." You laughed loudly. Unlike Gyomei you were shameless.
"I didn't think of that.." Gyomei murmured.
"Of course.." you laughed again.
You and Gyomei cleaned up quickly getting clothed, and fortunately, there weren't any stains on either of your clothes. The owners didn't come home so you and Gyomei left that morning as you giggled and teased Gyomei again. You loved that only you could see that side of Gyomei. That Whiny, needy, loving, and desperate side of him.
✿ A/N ➳❥ I'll be adding the master very soon so give me a little bit.
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withlovefics · 1 year
How they would react to you saying "I can't do anything right" aloud.
Characters: Gyōmei, Shinobu, and Sanemi
Content Warnings: talk about negative self worth, low self esteem, and swearing.
Gender-neutral reader ♥︎
Word Count: 968 words
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Himejima Gyōmei: 241 words
You were attempting to meditate with him, but your mind kept wandering though and you began to get frustrated with yourself.
Beside you oblivious to your inner turmoil was Gyōmei.
You kept fidgeting, moving slightly, as you kept trying to quiet your mind, but it felt impossible.
"Y/N what's wrong?" Gyōmei asked as he turned his body towards you.
You sighed deeply, frustration lacing that breath you exhaled.
"I can't seem to do anything right I mean I can't even meditate!" You exclaimed and pushed your hands to your eyes. You felt like crying, but you didn't want to.
Gyōmei gently reached his hands, his hands engulfing yours, as he pulled your hands away.
"Y/N please don't say this about yourself. Please don't be so hard on yourself. You can do so many good things. You say you can't do anything right, but I disagree. You may not be perfect at everything, but no one is perfect at everything."
You felt his tears falling onto your clasped hands. You stared at the ground and felt tears of your own.
"Y/N look at me please." You slowly lifted your head to look at him.
Gyōmei smiled at you, "You mean so much to me, and I don't want you to talk to yourself that way. I know because I say that you won't stop thinking that. Next time you think that or say that I want you to come to me please."
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Kochō Shinobu: 287 words
You sat anxiously on the bed, kicking your feet back and forth. Shinobu was bandaging your wounds from the last mission you were on.
"Please stop moving Y/N, I can't bandage you up if you keep moving," Shinobu told you.
You huffed, turning your head to the side. "If I hadn't messed up you wouldn't have needed to bandage me."
"What did you just say?" She asked, and you didn't notice how she gripped the gauze tighter. Her eye twitched, and you didn't notice her angry gaze.
"If I hadn't messed up you wouldn't need to bandage me! I can't do anything right!" You exclaim before flopping onto your back.
You dramatically put your arm over your eyes and tried to calm your breathing you didn't want her to see you cry.
Meanwhile, Shinobu was about to beat you up for saying that about yourself.
"Why do you say that Y/N?" She asks with a head tilt.
"I always seem to get hurt I'm not as strong as the other-" Shinobu interrupts you by placing a hand on your face.
"I really won't tolerate you talking negatively about yourself."
You look at her befuddled and pissed. It was the truth, you thought to yourself.
"Sure you may get hurt but I'll always be here to help you recover and heal. Everyone gets hurt during missions. And you say you're not strong enough is an insult to me." Shinobu told you firmly while making direct eye contact that made you squirm some.
You sheepishly looked away at the ground.
"We all get hurt Y/N. I really don't like you to say those things about yourself." She soothingly rubbed your hands. "Please Y/N, try not to say that again."
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Shinazugawa Sanemi: 440 words
You and Sanemi were sparring again. The sun beat down hard on your back, and you felt like a puddle, but here was Sanemi... All ready for another sparring round. That fucker.
You sighed as you sluggishly moved into stance. You guys were on your 4th training sword!
You squinted your eyes and groaned. Exhaustion hits you like a brick. While you tried to dig deep to find any energy within your body or soul, Sanemi began to charge at you.
You jumped to the side barely, managing to miss his strike.
"You're not supposed to dodge Y/N!" He yelled at you.
"I'm already covered in bruises and cuts from you I don't want any more!" You yelled back at him as he moved to try and hit you again.
You managed to block him and parried; for a few minutes. You had only been able to beat him once. You aren't a hashira like him.
You let out a groan as your back hit the ground. Sanemi had knocked your legs out from under you using his sword.
You didn't budge at all and just closed your eyes. "Come on, get back up," Sanemi said staring down at you. You didn't move, and Sanemi huffed. He sighed and bent down his hand ready for you to grab. "Fuck. Come on Y/N we'll take a break. Let me help you back up."
You sighed and just shook his head. "I'm tired. I don't want to move." You said and just closed your eyes.
"Come on. What you're sulking about me kicking your butt? Come on." Sanemi said smirking at you, he grabbed one of your arms and pulled you up. You sighed and trailed after him as he pulled you into the house.
You sulked and stared down at the ground, you felt tears falling down your face. "I can't do anything right." You mumbled to yourself. You were so disappointed in yourself, and you couldn't believe how bad you were against Sanemi.
"What the fuck did you say?" You turned and saw Sanemi with wide eyes. He grabbed your face and smushed you. "What did you fucking say?"
You felt like crying more. "I..." You stuttered.
"Don't fucking say that about yourself. Don't ever fucking say that again." Sanemi said leaning closer to you.
"But I couldn't even beat you more than once. I can't do anything right!" You exclaimed, tears falling more.
"Y/N please don't fucking compare yourself to me. You have your own talents, and today was just training. Please, Y/N you mean the world to me. You don't have to compare yourself to me or anyone."
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I hope you like this! Sanemi's character may be a little out of character. I'll probably write how other characters would react because writing this is really comforting to me.
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the-axe-and-flail · 1 year
Hashira- What they kiss like pt 1
Gyomei Himejima
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(WARNING- NSFW topics, MDNI/18+ only)
Surely I'm not the only person who's spent far too much time thinking what it's like kissing every single Hashira, right? (minus Mui, he gets forehead kisses bc baby) Well then, let's go on an adventure, shall we?
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Gyomei kisses you like you are the most delicate bone China he's ever held. He is reverent, worshiping at your lips as his fingers trace the sides of your face, your body humming with hymns he'd never dreamed of hearing. There is a deep and adoring connection when your lips meet, his busy hands begging to find rest as they intertwine into your hair. It almost hurts; the tug your heart gives when he lets a soft groan reverberate through your entire being as you pull away for air. His kisses are not greedy, nor are they lazy, but rather, they are admiring and awed. His lips quiver with emotion as they linger against yours, tarrying as if the answers to nirvana lay within them. He takes his time memorizing every curve of your lips, the touch of your tongue, and each and every gasp and sigh you give as he explores you. You are his most precious, his most important, and he makes sure you can feel that in the very depths of your heart each time he holds your face and leans in.
Gyomei's hands never leave you while you kiss, needing as many points of contact with you as he can get, but rest assured they are not idol. He loves to pull your entire body into him while he kisses you. Every inch of you touching him, as he is wrapped around you like a protective shield from all the terrible things in this world. His lips would part from yours only to find purchase on your neck, your collar bone, your jaw, but it would only last a moment before he longed to taste you again and find his way back to your kiss swollen lips.
Gyomei especially loves kissing you during sex. He craves to be as close to you, as unified with you as possible. If souls were not meant to touch, then why does his long for yours so fervently? Were he a seeing man, he'd relish in the love and desire he would read on your face while he was buried deep inside your welcomimg walls, but the connection of your lips make up for it 10 fold. He speaks words of exaltation against your jaw; his own sounds of pleasure signal the benediction to your lovemaking. At his climax, his hands so tenderly cup your face, a soft prayer, a declaration of love on the tip of his tongue as his mouth finds yours once again. This kiss is more needy, more passionate, filled with the longing to tell your spirit how profoundly he treasures you. He hopes with all his might that you understand a fraction of the depths of his love for you.
Gyomei kisses you only in private. He's not one for that kind of PDA, especially not something so wholly personal. A slayer has so few things that are truly private, he'd want to keep that part of your relationship just for you two. If you tease him a bit, letting your fingers linger on his forearms or circle his own fingertips, you can feel the shiver travel down his spine as he whispers about how very terrible you are to tempt him like that in public (not that he's serious mind you, but the ache in him doesn't stop until he can finally get you alone). He isn't the type to punish you for stirring him in inappropriate places, but the moment he gets you alone he will ask to feel you against him again.
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Gyomei Himejima head cannons Non-nsfw and Nsfw
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Gyomei is such a sweet and caring partner, if you ever needed to vent to him he will drop everything he's doing and listen to you. (Unless he's in a battle, work is his first priority.)
He really wants you to know that he loves you and you love him. Praise him!! He wants to know he's doing something right or wants to know he's doing good.
He definitely smells like either coffee or a vanilla candle, I'm telling you THIS MAN SMELLS GOOD!! It just makes him so much more attractive bro.
Since he is blind, he can't see what you look like or your body.. so whenever you two go to bed or cuddle he tries his best to memorize how your body feels in his arms.
"my dear what are you doing?" You chuckle, before going to bed you felt Gyomei embrace you in his arms.. one of his hands trailed all over your body as the other ran his fingers through your hair.
"Apologies my love-" he mumbled embarrassedly, removing his hands from your body immediately thinking you were uncomfy.
"it's fine my dear! But may I ask why you were doing that?" You asked curiously, grabbing his hand and placing it on your belly.
"this might come off as strange, but I just want to memorize every detail about you.. my darling."
he's at least 8-9 INCHES??
his girth is literally insane..
He could literally break you in half if he wanted to..
Definitely a switch, but is probably leaning towards Dom.
Soft Dom definitely
but after a while of a long healthy relationship he'd probably calm down a bit, but still have his guard up.
He only cares about make you feel good :((
he has amazing aftercare
He tries to make sure he doesn't lose himself because he knows how big he is.
if you tell him you want kids...
he tries his hardest and I mean his HARDEST to try to not move so fast and try not to hurt you buttt...
He will have a higher sexual drive then usual when you announce to him you want a kids
He will ask a million times if you are sure
He's a really good mattress bro
He definitely has a size kink and maybe a breeding kink but maybe that's about it
He isn't really afraid of trying anything new as long as you like it
Moan after moan was stripped from your throat as you felt another orgasm coming.
"Mei ~" you mewled, signaling that you were close.
"it's okay my dear you can cum." He smiled, cooing in your ear, not once stopping to slow his fast pace as he harshly pounded away mercilessly at your dripping wet cunt. You felt so good.. he wanted to give you everything you wanted.
How might this have happened you might ask?
Simple, you asked for kids in the most straightforward way possible.
You couldn't sleep no matter how hard you tried, you were tossing and turning all night you couldn't get one singular thought out of your mind.. Kids.
The next day you looked noticably tired and had a very grumpy attitude, Gyomei obviously noticed since he was your partner and got worried since you weren't talking to him about it.
"is something wrong my dear?" He asked when you both got home, his red shiny prayer beads still in hand as he looked down at you waiting for your answer.
"breed me."
"excuse me? Can you repeat that sorry I don't think I hear you correctly-"
"breed my womb and impregnate me."
You felt his hot springs of cum shoot inside you, a warm fuzzy feeling coming to you.
"Hah..." You breathed out, flipping over on the bed tired.
"Lets go to the bathroom to get freshened up? alright?" He asked, scooping you us in his big muscular arms.. and sat you down on the bathroom counter, cleaning you up first and then you both got in a bubbly bath.
"I really love you Mei" I softly smiled
"I do too my blessed."
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residentfromnowhere · 8 months
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Gyomei Himejima is the type of man to have you questioning your faith. He’s clean, precise, polished and shows zero, and I mean ZERO tolerance to temptation. But what if I told you that when it comes to YOU, he’s a completely different person?Like, He’s a model citizen and mentor to all by day and an utter beast at night? Like a literal BEAST? Let’s say…a Lycon/Werewolf of sorts.
Could you imagine it? This man of high esteem and regard turning into one of the largest and most dangerous creatures to lurk in the shadows? Would you believe me then? And would you believe me if I said that every single time you are near, he absolutely wishes to rip you apart? Like stretch your insides to its limit if not over it? The panting, the whining, the loud howling that will ring in your ears every time his monstrous cock dives back inside you. Would you still consider him a man of faith?
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megantrancyfanfics · 2 years
Want | Gyomei Himejima x f! Reader smut
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Warning: AFAB reader, pet names: “love”, “angel”, “honey”, “darling”, “good girl” are used, dirty talk, size kink, bondage, choking, creaming, teasing, soft mention of mind breaking, cream pie and probably some more things I’ve forgot to mention. GYOMEI IS MORE OF A HARD DOM IN THIS SO IF YOU WANT A SOFT DOM GO TO MY OTHER GYOMEI FANFIC‼️
Let’s just say Gyomei isn’t a fan of teasing😉
Tagging: @animupiglett Bc you said to tag you in any Gyomei story I write so here ya are💜
Sorry for any mistakes, it’s not proofread
Your husband was away on a small mission, that should only last a few more hours. You had already done all of the duties a housewife does, so while you’re waiting for another hour to pass so you can prepare making dinner, you couldn’t help but to let your mind wander.
Eventually, you found yourself daydreaming. If anyone could read your mind, they would realize you weren’t as innocent as you looked, and deceived people into believing.
“My love?” You hear your husband ask as the door slides shut behind him, you nearly jump off of the couch as your heart pounds.
“Oh! Back so soon honey? I haven’t began to cook dinner yet I thought you’d take longer.”
“Master ended up teaming me up with muichiro so things went a lot faster. Also there is no need for you to make a big portion for dinner tonight. Muichiro said he was hungry so we went out to eat. I hope that’s ok with you, love.”
You got off the couch, and made your way to your husband, before placing your hands on his toned chest, making your hands travel up as you stood on your tippy toes to wrap your arms around his neck.
Gyomei smiled softly as he leaned down a bit, wrapping his arms around your waist. You gently placed your lips onto his before pulling away, and speaking softly.
“I missed you, my dear.” You said as Gyomei planted a soft kiss onto your forehead.
“I missed you too my love, so much.”
“Gyomei, I’d like to try something new tonight.” You said as your face heated up.
“Oh? What would you like to try darling?”
Poor Gyomei would have never thought that he’d be the one tied up.
“M-my this certainly is new.” The man spoke before he felt 2 hands on each side of his face before he felt you sit on his lap, the warmth from your cunt driving him insane. You gently kissed him as you rolled your hips, making Gyomei groan.
You pull back from your kiss, and watch as your husband bites his bottom lip, enjoying the feeling of your still clothed cunt rubbing over his still clothed dick. “My, I didn’t expect you to get so hard so fast Gyomei, especially since I haven’t done hardly anything yet love.”
His cheeks reddened. “You know I cannot resist the body of my angel. The slightest of touch from you can send me over the edge sometimes.” You hum in response before pulling off your pants and underwear, then removing his as well.
You went back to doing exactly what you were doing before. Gyomei could feel himself want to shake. Oh how your cunt was so small compared to his dick. Your body so small compared to his massive frame. He could turn you into a human flesh light if he so pleased.
He was brought out of his thoughts when he felt your tight little cunt desperately try to take in just the tip of his cock. He let a groan escape his mouth, only to get slightly aggravated when you got back off. He couldn’t help but to continue to get more aggravated the more you did it.
“P-please stop teasing angel.” He groaned out before continuing his sentence. “You might regret it if you don’t stop.” He breathed out, making your insides tighten around his tip for a second.
“What are you gonna do honey? You’re tied up.” You said almost mockingly as you once again got off his tip. In a swift movement, you heard the ropes snap, before your husband was on top of you.
“Darling you do know those ropes were like tissue to me. No restrains can hold me down, I thought you’d know that by now.” He said confidently as he kissed your neck. “I am the strongest hashira after all.” He chuckled softly before moving away from your neck, then bringing his hand down, choking you gently.
“You’re so small.” He mocks, a shit eating smirk on his face as he continues to speak. “Do you honestly think it was a good idea to tease me?”
You bit your lip as you felt your arousal starting to run down. You’ve never seen this side of Gyomei, in all honesty it frightened you in the best way possible. You never knew Gyomei was capable of doing anything but vanilla sex.
“Darling, I asked you a question. If you can’t use your words now, how do you expect to tell me how good my dick feels when I’m completely rearranging your guts?”
“I-I thought it was a good idea at the time-”
“Now why did you think that? Because those puny ropes had me oh so helplessly tied? You thought I’d just sit back and allow you to tease me?” He released his hold on your neck before going down to your wet cunt. He rubbed his thumb on your clit before inserting a finger, making you squirm and whimper under him.
“So you don’t think it’s a good idea now to have teased me? Why is that? Is it because I’m free and can do whatever I please with you?”
You nodded, as he picks up the pace with his fingers, before stoping completely. “I can’t hear you darling. Use your words.”
“That’s too bad. You really should have thought about your future before you decided to tease me. Better pray to the heavens that you even get to cum tonight.” With that, he once again begins to finger you, adding a second one in to try and find your g-spot. Once he finds it, he decides to suck on your clit at the same time. Making you cry and scream out his name. Your legs shaking as cream starts to drip off of his giant fingers.
Gyomei pulled away from your now red and puffy clit. “Is your body already submitting to me? I haven’t hardly done anything yet.” He mocked with a chuckle, making your face turn red.
“Y-You’re so me-a-ah gyo I’m close.” You whimpered out feeling that bubble suddenly begging to burst when Gyomei pulled out his fingers.
“G-Gyomei please don’t stop.” You whined making your husband smirk.
“Sorry love. I’m going to do what I want to do. Now be a good girl and place those little arms above your head, ok?” You did as you were told, you were in no position to even try to talk your way out of it. With one of his big hands he held your wrists above your head, the other on his dick as he slid it against your wet folds.
You bit your lip to hide the whimpers that are begging to be unleashed, which failed when he shoved his tip into you. Your mouth flung open as you let out a cry. He shoved about an inch in, only to pull it back out.
“Gyomei please don’t tease me…”
“And what are you going to do about it, darling? You’re being held down. Your so helpless. Your body is already under my control.” He lets out a chuckle as he continues. “Your already creaming around me and I haven’t even given you my whole dick.”
He pulls out, rubbing his dick on your folds once more before shoving it all in quickly. You moan, arching your back as your walls stretched, desperately trying to take in every inch of his long,thick cock. Your whole body shook with pleasure, as tears ran down your face. It’s almost pathetic how fast your body caves for this man.
Gyomei bends down, licking a tear away before kissing you.
“I’m sorry darling, but you’re the one who wanted this. I’m just playing by the rules you set out.” He stated as he started to thrust into you at an agonizingly slow pace.
“Gyomei please go faster..”
“Now why would I do that when you teased me earlier. My dear haven’t you heard the saying “treat others how you want to be treated”? If you wouldn’t want to be teased, then why must you tease me?”
“Gyo, I’m sorry please I learned my lesson I won’t tease you again please just use me as your toy please use me until you finish Gyomei please” you beg, the desperation in your voice was music to the stone hashira’s ears.
“Are you sure angel? I wouldn’t want to break you” he cooed darkly as you quickly nodded.
“Please, please break me. I want you to fuck me dumb. Gyo ple-” a gasp made you stop your sentence as Gyomei rubbed your puffy clit as he slammed into you, your mind instantly going blank.
Your toes curled, and your mouth hung open. Strands of moans, and sentences of “you feel so good”, “don’t stop please”, and other sentences that just didn’t make sense along with the sounds of skin slapping filled the room.
All of the teasing made both of you sensitive very fast, so the climax the both of you were desperately didn’t take long until both of you were ready to explode.
You moaned loudly, begging your husband to continue until you creamed all over his cock. You creamed so much it started dripping onto the bed beneath the two of you.
“You can handle a little more, can’t you my angel?” He asked kissing your forehead as he slowly thrusted into you, helping you ride out your high.
You nodded.
“Thank you love, you’re doing so good for me just a little longer ok?” He said sweetly before pounding into you again. After a few minutes, his grunts became more frequently, as his cock began to twitch inside of you, signaling he was close. You wrapped your legs around his waist.
“Love, I-if you do that I can’t pull out.”
“I know. Please fill me up, Gyomei.”
How could you say such a filthy thing so sweetly?! It drove him over the edge, he buried his cock deep inside you as he filled you up.
Your legs shook violently as you felt his warm cum fill you up.
Once the two of you caught your breaths, he pulled out, a mixture of both yours and his cum poured out.
“Are you ok, my dear?” He asked kissing all over face.
“Yeah, I’m just sore.” You said with a soft laugh, even though Gyomei didn’t find it funny.
He got off the bed, and quickly scooped you up in his arms and went to the bathroom. He placed you on the toilet as he started up a bath. Once it was filled, he placed you inside of it, your body instantly relaxing as you slid all the way into it until your head was the only thing out of the water.
“Enjoy your bath ok love? I’m going to go change the sheets.”
Once your loving husband did that, he went back into the bathroom.
“Are you feeling better, love?”
“I am. Thank you sweetie. Let’s go cuddle now.”
“Anything you want.” He said as he helped you out of the bath before drying you off.
He helped you get into something comfy before climbing into bed with you. He held you close as he played with your hair, every once in a while resting his hand on your cheek as he rubbed your cheek with his thumb.
“Did I hurt you..? I tried to be..rougher than I normally am. I fear that I went too hard and hurt you.”
“No, baby.” You said cupping his face into your hands. “You didn’t hurt me at all. I loved this, I loved this change. Of course I’m going to be sore after that, but that doesn’t mean you hurt me. You did amazing my love and please stop worrying about hurting me you’ll never hurt me.”
“I love you, my angel.” He said crying. You giggled softly as you wiped his tears before gently kissing the tip of his nose.
“I love you too, my sweet husband.”
Once the two of you stopped talking, it didn’t take long for both of you to fall asleep.
Though, I do feel bad for your neighbors.
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flametrashiraarchive · 11 months
Thinking about Gyomei who returns from a long string of missions to find his s/o laying down, staring at nothing. Eyes empty, voice apathetic, like a cup with a hole at the bottom, drained of life.
Gyomei's big frame craddling his s/o, rocking back and forth in comfort, trying to breathe more life into his s/o's depressed form, trying to return the warmth stolen by their mind.
Gyomei ready to give up, when his s/o starts to respond to his touch finally...
... after all his cuddles are the best.
- Beer anon 🍻
Who has two thumbs and gets carried away writing about sad boys 👍😎👍
Thank you for this ask. I loved writing about Gyomei and I hope I did him well!
NSFW and unbearable cuteness beneath the cut.
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Softer than Mochi- Gyomei x Reader
Gyomei's chin was tilted down as he listened to you. Ordinarily, your voice brought him familiar comfort, but lately he had noticed the sound of it, along with the scent of your skin, was eliciting a new sort of reaction.
It was both unbearably exciting and incredibly uncomfortable.
"Please continue." He shifted his weight as he sat cross-legged on the rocks. His cheeks were getting warm as you told him about your latest mission. "You pursued the demon through the forest?"
You continued speaking, seemingly unaware of his predicament. "Yes. So anyway, the demon almost got away, but I took it down and managed to save the woman it was trying to snatch away. It won't bother anyone again."
"Ah… good. You did well. I'm proud."
There was a slight shift in the air which told him you'd taken a step forward. His heart quickened. 
"Thank you," you said. "I couldn't have done it without your training."
Instinctively, Gyomei opened his arms to accept your embrace. You hugged him often, and he enjoyed it every time.
You were so soft and precious to him. Most people felt small to Gyomei– even Tengen Uzui who stood six and a half feet tall and had muscles on muscles felt like a willow branch sometimes.
The stone hashira wrapped you in his arms, breathing in your warm and lovely scent.
"My sweet friend," he whispered as you buried your face against his neck, making his stomach flutter. "Your capabilities come from your strength and determination, not from me. I taught you ways to use your tools, but you were the one who built and refined them. And you have already been given your next mission?"
"Yes." Your voice was filled with a conflicting mix of  weariness and determination. The lower ranked slayers such as yourself were always busy taking down weaker demons, while hashira were assigned to the less frequent but more difficult missions. "I have to leave here in an hour in fact. I have a train to catch."
An hour was too little time to spend together, but Gyomei would cherish every moment. "I smell matcha… what is that?"
"I brought you some mochi," you said, placing a paper packet in his large hands.
Gyomei smiled and carefully unwrapped the packet, touching his fingers to the squishy little cakes. They were round, perfectly smooth, and as soft as your cheeks, but each one had two little pointed bumps on top… they felt like ears.
The stone hashira's smile widened. "Are they cat-shaped?"
Your excited laughter was heartwarming music to him. "Yes!"
His chest filled with adoration. "They're almost too cute to eat. Thank you, my dearest friend." 
You sat beside him on the rocks, listening to the roaring waterfall and the babbling song of the river. Your hand rested in his, so small and delicate but somehow so warm and profound. 
"Please be safe on your mission," Gyomei said. "And inform me when you get back."
His heart leapt as you leaned against him, resting your head on his bicep. "I will. I'll come and find you before I do anything else. You be safe too, Gyo."
When you stood, his heart lamented. The air shifted again and he opened his arms to embrace you, but this time you pressed your lips softly to his cheek, your hands resting on his shoulders.
Gyomei had faced countless demons, he had suffered every brutality, but your gentle kiss hit him harder than anything he had ever known before. Your lips were so soft he could have wept.
The tingle of your kiss lingered on his skin long after you left for your mission. Gyomei remained seated where you left him, smiling as he thought of you and ate the mochi you so sweetly made for him. The world, for a little while, was very beautiful. 
Five days passed before he heard whispers of your return but you did not come to see him as promised. 
That was unlike you and it filled Gyomei with concern. He walked the familiar path to your home, trying to calm his mind. There could be a number of explanations; maybe you were asleep, maybe you had been summoned elsewhere… maybe you had only said you would come to see him first to humor him.
He reached your front door and raised his hand to knock, but found only empty space in front of his knuckles. He called out your name and heard only silence. His heart plummeted. 
Your door was open and you were not responding. He immediately suspected the worst. But there was no trace of a demon, no sickly scent of death or injury. 
"I'm coming in," he said, so as not to scare you.
Your house was silent, and the air had a strange sort of quality. In the past, your home had been a place of comfort for him, but now when he stepped across the threshold he felt a sorrowful weight in his heart.
"Are you here?" He tried to conceal the worry, but it came out anyway. "My friend, speak to me… please."
At the sound of your voice his heart leapt. He turned toward the sound and took a step forward. 
"Are you hurt?" He asked. 
"No… I'm sorry I scared you."
You were on the floor. 
He crouched close to you, reaching out a hand toward you. "My friend, what has happened? I can hear the pain in your voice."
A heavy silence sat between you. Oh, his heart was aching and he couldn't fathom why. Your voice sounded so empty, so utterly broken. You were sitting on a futon in the center of the room; still and quiet and emanating sorrow. He couldn't hold back from reaching out further and placing his hand upon you. His fingers brushed your forearm and traveled down until he found your hand and held it in his. Somehow you felt smaller… hollow…
He didn't press the issue. You would tell him in your own time. He simply sat with you and held your hand. Gyomei was patient.
After a while you moved. He heard your clothes shuffle, felt the air waft against him as you moved your body.
His heart squeezed as you rested your forehead on his shoulder, and he couldn't refrain from holding you. He wrapped you up in his arms, easing you down to sit in his lap as he surrounded you in his embrace.
You fit so perfectly against him; so small and sacred. He held you with endless love and affection, cradling you in his arms as he rested his chin on top of your head. Something had bruised your sweet spirit, and he would hold you for eternity if he thought it could help you heal.
Finally, you spoke. "I failed, Gyomei. The demon's victims begged me to help and I failed. I couldn't save them."
It was a pain he knew too well, and a pain you would have to make space for in your heart because it would never truly go away.
"I'm sorry. That is never easy."
You pressed yourself closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Please forgive me."
"Oh, little one." His chest ached. He was so bound to your shattering heart that the splinters of it pierced through his own. "How I wish I could take away your pain." 
You trembled as silent sobs wracked your body and Gyomei rocked with you. You mourned the lives you hardly knew and he held you through it as though he could shield you from the rest of the world until the grief was gone. 
"I'm so sorry," you whispered, still weeping.
"You are forgiven, my dearest friend." He knew the apology wasn't truly meant for him, but he also knew you needed a seed of forgiveness to allow solace to take root and start to grow.
You cried your tears until you had nothing left. Finally, you grew still and the tension in your body waned.
"You have such a beautiful soul." He unwound one of his arms from around you and wiped away your tears with his thumb. He smiled, "And the softest cheeks."
You laughed quietly and it mended your hearts a little. "Thank you."
"Please do not be sad anymore. Take this pain and use it to help more people."
"Gyomei…" His name was music when it came from your lips. "You're so dear to me. This mission helped me realize I should make sure you know that."
"You are to me too. You're precious."
The gentle touch of your fingers on his jaw made his heart flutter. You traced the shape of his face as he had done to you so many times before.
His pulse raced. The air between you crackled with something unspoken. Your breaths were shallow and shivering as they blew across his lips. Heat prickled on his cheeks and along the column of his neck as he continued to hold you, dipping his chin to he nearer to you. He was inexperienced but not completely naive. Even if he couldn’t quite believe it was happening, he knew you were thinking about kissing him.
He wanted it too. 
“I adore you," he managed to whisper.
"I adore you too."
His heart pounded as you traced the outline of his lips with your fingertips. It was the most intimate sensation he had ever felt. Each breath he drew took a tremendous effort and barely reached the top of his lungs. This was unlike him; Gyomei was in tune with every muscle in his body, and yet your tender touch weakened him more than he thought possible.
He released you from his embrace and raised his hands to your face, finding his bearings before he leaned down and closed the distance, kissing you with infinite tenderness.
The moment his lips met yours, you responded, melting against him and kissing him back; so soft and warm it made his entire body ache. His heart was full to bursting as his thoughts tumbled like a landslide. Your lips were even softer than your cheeks, softer than mochi, warmer than sunlight. 
The kiss seemed to breathe life back into you, and almost at once there was a new passion and hunger which he had sometimes dreamed of experiencing. But never once did he actually believe he could share it with you. You stole his breath away.
When the kiss broke, you showered his face in smaller, more chaste, but no less lovely kisses. Gyomei felt himself smile as his hands trailed down your back.
"Tell me, cherished one," he said quietly, "just so I don't run away with myself. Is this simply to feel good and numb your pain, or is this truly how you feel?"
Thank the gods that the silence afterward was only momentary. His heart couldn't stand it.
"It's how I feel," you responded, caressing the sides of his face with both hands and giving him goosebumps. "Gyo… this is why I come to you after every mission to embrace you and hold your hands. This is why I make cat-shaped mochi for you. I thought you knew I love you."
His heart was about to burst from his chest and his smile could not be contained. "Ah… yes, now that I consider it, it seems obvious."
You laughed. "My sweet Gyo."
"My most beloved, I am yours."
You kissed him again. Though it had only been moments since the last one, relief coursed through him as he drew from that sweet warmth and softness. 
Your hands explored his shape, traversing the neckline of his shirt to the very top of his chest. While not vain, Gyomei was proud of his strength and the muscles he worked so hard to hone. Your quiet hum of approval sounded against his lips as your fingers touched his pectorals. It filled him with pride.
A breathless, tingling sensation coursed through his body as your touches grew bolder and your kisses increased in intensity. The sensation of your hands brushing his bare skin caused a sensation not unlike you were tugging a chord connected to his core.
"Am I moving too fast?" You asked, still resting your forehead against his as though it was as painful for you to be apart as it was for him. 
"Not at all. Continue, please." Heat pickled across his cheeks, far more intense than any sunbeam. 
"You're blushing," you whisper before taking his hand and leading it toward your face, brushing your cheeks with the back of his fingers. "I'm blushing too."
He smiled. "I feel it. You're so warm."
He felt you smile back beneath his fingers and then your hand left his. He heard the soft rustle of fabric, the quickening of your breath, and then you took his hand and led it down to your bare chest.
"Oh…" he choked out.
Nothing in the world could compare to the smooth warmth of your body beneath his large, battle-hewn hands. You were silk to him, lotus petals, mochi, the gentle flow of a sun-warmed stream. His chest ached. Your beauty was overwhelming.
The way you bowed to his tender caresses pulled once more at that chord. When he brushed his thumb over the hardening bud of your nipple and elicited a soft sigh of pleasure from you, the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end.
Tingling excitement rolled through his lower belly as your hands went to the fastening of his trousers. Gods, he wanted this, he did… but as inexperienced as he was, there were certain facts he was very aware of. 
“We must be patient,” he said. “I need to ensure you are ready.”
“Believe me, Gyo, I’m ready.” You kissed him again with renewed passion, running your fingers through his hair and sending more little shocks of pleasure through him. 
Gyomei smiled as you pulled back from the kiss, placing his hands over yours to halt your progress. “You’re not ready enough.”
“What do… oh… OH.” You had no doubt noticed the bulge forming in his trousers. “I see. You’re–”
“Large.” He pulled in a breath. “I’m very large. And I don't want to hurt you." Slipping his hand over the curve of your waist, he pressed a kiss to the plush softness of your chest. "If you wish to continue then I ask that you permit me to prepare your body to…receive me."
"I want to continue." You kissed him again, your tongue entering his mouth and slowly teasing his; pulling a gravelly moan from his lips. When you withdrew, you stood and he heard the soft rustle of cloth once more as you removed the rest of your clothing. You took his hands and led them to your bare thighs. "Please touch me."
His pulse thundered as he skated his hands along the curves of your body, committing every soft hill and luxurious valley of your shape to memory. Every touch was an act of profound worship, and every sweet sound of pleasure which came from you was an answer to a prayer.
"Beloved, lie down for me," he said softly. "I want you to be comfortable."
You did as he asked, lying back on your futon.
Just knowing that you were before him, laid out and feeling as nervous and as excited as he was, made his heart flutter. He undressed fully before he let his hands stroke the lengths of your thighs, down to your center where the heat radiated from you in intoxicating waves.
"Please tell me if I'm doing well or not," he asked. His voice was quiet and shaking a little with trepidation. "I've never… well, I've received a little bit of instruction on how to do these things but never put them into practice. So please…"
"I will." You placed your hand on his and with gentle pressure, urged him to touch you. 
Your tender flesh was like nothing he had ever felt before. His breath caught in his throat as his fingers mapped out the shape. You were so warm and wet, and the scent of you was truly intoxicating. You made such lovely sounds of pleasure as he slid his fingers through your folds, coating them in your essence. He traced their shape upward, to where they seemed to converge over your delicate, swollen bud.
"There," you gasped as he circled his fingers around it. "That's…"
"Your clitoris," he said with a smile. "I know… I told you, I've had instruction."
At the time he had thought Uzui's lessons were wasted on him, but he had committed the information to memory nonetheless. Now, as your hips bucked and your thighs trembled from the gentlest touches, he had every intention of thanking Uzui from the bottom of his heart.
"Gyo-mei~" you gasped as he stroked your clit with his thumb and pushed a thick finger into you. Oh, gods, the heat, the silken flesh, the slick coating of your nectar, like sun-ripened fruit. He wanted so badly to sink into you and feel his body connected to yours. But he would be patient. He would ensure you were completely ready before he satiated his needs. 
A wave of heat washed over him as you bore down on his finger, eager and demanding even without words.
"Is it good?"
"'S… good…"
"Do you want more, my beloved?"
"Yes…" your breaths came in short gasps. "More."
He pushed a second finger into you, pausing as you cried out, allowing your body to accommodate them. His fingers, like everything else, were large.
He waited until you began to thrust onto them again and took that as a sign that you were ready.
Gently, he began to move his fingers, pumping them into you slowly as his thumb continued to rub your clitoris. His heart quickened as he felt your inner muscles begin to contract and spasm. 
"Don't stop," you whispered.
"I won't."
You came apart seconds later, gasping and shuddering as those muscles pulsed around his fingers. You squeezed them so beautifully, and imagining that sensation on his cock was enough to make him lightheaded.
But he still had work to do. "Can you take more?"
You placed your hand on his thigh. "Yes."
A blissful cry emerged from you as he added a third finger, gently stretching you. 
"Gods, Gyomei~"
"Breathe, beloved. Breathe and relax. I will stop if you wish me too."
He chuckled before spreading his fingers slightly, opening you up and readying you. "If I could only express the true depth of my feelings for you." He bowed his head, kissing your stomach with slow, lingering kisses as he continued to pump his fingers into you. 
You were so receptive to his touches, moaning softly as you placed your hand on his wrist, as if to hold it down between your thighs. It was a reassuring gesture that he was pleasing you. That's all he truly desired.
He felt your muscles quiver again and you cried out his name. His cock stood firm, aching with need as your pussy squeezed around his fingers.
"I think you are ready." He spoke softly, kneeling back a little. "If you still–"
"I do. Gyomei… I absolutely do."
You got up and sat astride his thighs as he knelt on the bottom of the futon. This was good. It was exactly what he wanted. He needed you to be in control now, setting the depth and intensity. 
Your lips brushed against his as you cupped his face. The bare skin of your torso was so soft and delicate against his large frame. He wound his arms around you and met your kiss, slow and passionate and filled with love. 
Shifting in his lap, you positioned yourself so the head of his cock was pressed against your entrance. He felt a brief stab of worry that he hadn't prepared you well enough, that he had been too hasty and would hurt you, but a moment later you took him with nothing more than a breathy moan. 
"Gyomei… Gods you feel incredible."
Oh there was nothing that could describe that feeling of sinking into you. A needy groan escaped him as he pressed his head to your shoulder and breathed in the scent of you, trying to ground himself. He was lost in the sensation.
"I love you," you whispered, kissing his lips so gently it seemed you felt he was fragile and precious. 
"I love you too, my everything."
He had never felt so connected to anyone. Mind, body, soul, he was yours. He groaned in pleasure as you undulated your hips, taking him deeper inch by inch, stopping to give you both time to adjust and bask in the sensation.
"Does it hurt, my love?" he asked, unable to shake the tinge of concern from his mind or his voice. 
"No. No, we fit together perfectly." You kissed his neck, sending a frisson of pleasure traveling down his body where it pooled in the bottom of his belly. 
People often spoke of the beauty of stars; pinpricks of light shimmering among velvet darkness, and he felt he understood that with you. Those shimmering sparks danced across skin, overwhelming him in the best possible way.
Pressure built at his core as you rode him, your hands resting on his shoulders, your soft body moving against his. You were taking him well, better than he had ever dared to hope you could.
The slow rhythm of your movements, the constant pleasure, the intimacy… It was too much. He grit his teeth and choked out a cry.
"Beloved… I'm…"
"Let it happen, Gyo. You've more than satisfied me. Let go…"
You kept on moving to that slow, loving rhythm, building the exquisite pressure which ran through his core, growing and growing until he was barely clinging to his senses.
His fingers gripped your hips with more strength than he ever meant to use with you, holding you to him as his pleasure reached an almost unbearable peak. 
"Ohh, beloved… perfect… so~ ohhh…so perfect." 
He filled you entirely, lowering his head to press his cheek to yours as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and clung to you. 
"I have you," you whispered as you held him, stroking his back as he trembled in your arms.
He knew he could be like this with you for as long as he needed to be. As wave after wave of pleasure rocked through his body, he sank down into your arms, pressing you back until you were lying on the futon and he reclined on his hip beside you, nestling his head against your chest.
Your heart thudded against his ear, beating to a rhythm you had set together. 
His lips curved as you stroked your fingers through his hair, kissing the top of his head and sighing in contentment.
In that moment, and in every moment he shared with you, the stone hashira's heart was softer than mochi.
And the world was forever beautiful. 
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rougepancake · 1 year
I need a big boy
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Gyomei Himejima x Afab!DemonSlayer!Reader
If you don’t recognize the title, here you go
A/N: Uhh there will be some language used, a little zesty maybe - who knows 👀. Honestly proud of this little idea my brain cell cooked up lol. Also mentions of suicide (please don’t come for me) because it takes place in the suicide forest
Not proofread (😀) I’M SORRY
Summary: Shortly after you join the Demon Slayer Corps you’re sent out on a mission with THE Gyomei Himejima to investigate the melodramatic wonder known as Aoikigahara, but then things start heading south, fast.
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“Y/N L/N! HERE ARE YOUR ORDERS!” Your kasugai crow shouted at you, circling far above your head. The sudden noise made you jump with surprise, but you figured that if you wanted to continue slaying demons, then you were to just get used to it. “HEAD TOWARDS AOKIGAHARA IMMEDIATELY!” You stopped dead in your tracks.
Just the name alone was enough to make you shudder. It was rumored to be a horrible place, one where many people were lured to their deaths, most likely by demons. They say that its quiet enough to drive a person mad, and that is what drags people deeper into the demon’s terrain. But it was simply too beautiful to go unnoticed, which is why people were just known to go missing there. It’s often said that if you are there just for the scenery, the forest will persuade you to stay. Forever.
But they were just rumors, so there was little to no truth to them… right?
You sighed and looked back up at the clouds overhead. You were only a rookie, so why did they send you to somewhere as dangerous as Aokigahara? Hopefully it wasn’t just a suicide mission.
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There you stood, staring blankly at the miles of open greenery ahead of you. You stood no chance against what was in there, you were simply going to die and there was nothing you could do to prevent it.
With your hand firmly on the tsuka of your sword, you took your first steps into the mystical realm that was known as Aoikigahara. It was then that a terrible dread came over you.
You were being watched.
Nervously, you looked around, trying to see if the being was nearby. Yet there was nothing. Absolutely nothing. You freaked out and ran back outside of the thick wooding, only to run face first into what you thought was a tree. (It wasn’t.)
You had been knocked down because of how hard you ran into it, causing you to groan in pain. To your surprise, the tree helped you up. Which was really weird since trees couldn’t move outside of being blown around by the wind.
You rubbed your head nervously and mumbled a ‘thanks’ before raising your head to look up at said tree. When your eyes met his, you freaked out even more.
“OH MY GOD YOU’RE A HASHIRA!” You whisper shouted, afraid that the forest might hear you. You stared at him in awe, ‘He’s so tall..’ you thought to yourself, quickly apologizing and stepping away so he could have his personal space back.
You looked back up at him, noticing his blindness immediately. ‘Why in the hell would they send me out with a blind guy?!’ Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves, you walked back over to the talk stranger.
“I’ve been looking for you,” his surprisingly deep voice rang out. He looked down at you, stone faced. “I am Gyomei Himejima, the stone hashira. I was told that you practice wind breathing. Is this true?” He had his hands together as he spoke, almost as if he were in a state of prayer.
It made you anxious to think about how you’d been sent out here with a blind and religious nut, but you couldn’t say much, he was much stronger than you after all.
Swallowing thickly, you gave a quiet, “yes, sir” and kept your head down. You didn’t know why you had gotten so timid all of a sudden, like what had gotten into you?!
“Right, off we go then.” He said before disappearing into the terrifying forest that was Aoikigahara.
“Holy shit!- Hey! Wait! Isn’t there going to be any backup?! I didn’t even introduce myself! Come back!!!” You shouted at the trees, knowing that he was long gone now. “Well shit.” You grumbled, taking off towards the trees.
Hopefully you’d be able to catch up to him, or even better, maybe he’d slow down so you could catch up. Either way, you didn’t want to be alone, so you were going to find him as soon as you could.
“What took you so long?” Gyomei’s voice rang out again, causing you to yelp in surprise. “I was starting to think a demon had gotten to you.” You heard his voice, yet you couldn’t see him.
“G-Gyomei?” You spun around and braced yourself, placing your hand on your katana. “Where are you?” With a deep breath, you checked around you once again- maybe you were missing him?
“I’m just a little further out. I think you should see this.” You heard a shift in his voice that made you suspicious of him.
“I can’t. I’ve been wounded.” The demon slayer corps had many code words and terms that were used in case of emergencies, it was often that demons tried to impersonate fellow slayers, so if they didn’t return the code, then they were to die.
“Just remember your concentration breathing and come here.” You let out a sigh of relief and began to head to where he was.
“Alright! I’m on my way o-“ Before you knew it, you were on the ground, pinned beneath an incredibly large being. You coughed at the sudden lack of air, your eyesight slowly fading to black. Quickly, you moved your arm to your sword and unsheathed it. “Wind breathing, third form!” You said weakly, doing your best to stay conscious. “Clean Storm Wind Tree!” And just like that, the creature that had landed on you was twenty feet away from you, unconscious.
You used your katana as a crutch for yourself as you slowly got to your feet. The world was spinning as you glanced back to where you had sent your attacker. Your eyes widened as you noticed the color of his skin. It was unusually pale and covered in strange markings, and his hair was not a natural color by any means.
You were facing a demon.
But demons couldn’t be knocked unconscious.
You rushed forward with the little strength you had left, prepared to cut off his head, but right when you lifted the blade above your head, he caught it.
“You’re a sucker,” the demon chuckled, punching you in the stomach and throwing your katana to the side. “I can’t believe you fell for that, honestly.” He planted his foot on your chest harshly, once again taking the air from your lungs. He giggled as you struggled to catch your breath, your hands slowly coming up to his foot, trying weakly to move it. “You’re adorable though, I may just let you live if you do what I ask~”
Fear spread throughout your body instantly. “G-Go to hell you monster,” you spat, but your threat only caused him to giggle again.
“I love it when you little slayers get all worked up like this.” He leaned in close to your face, his smile growing. “You must not be very strong if you’re not putting up a fight.” There was something about the way he has said those words, it was true, and your reaction showed him it was.
“Now~” he licked his lips. “Do you give up, cutie~?”
You returned his smile, and in one swift movement on your part, the demon was on the ground once again. His eyes watched you curiously as you bolted towards your weapon, how you moved, your well thought out attacks, you were a work of art. He was honored to finally have someone who would be worth the effort of fighting.
Though, he was lost in thought for too long, because you had managed to get ahold of your sword in and cut off his head all within the blink of an eye.
“H-how” the demon mumbled to himself.
You reached down and picked up his head, forcing him to face his murderer. “I may not be as strong as my fellow slayers, but I sure as hell ain’t weak.” You whispered, an evil grin spreading onto your lips, just as he did mere moments earlier. “I hope you won’t underestimate anyone like me in the afterlife,” as you spoke, you dropped his head onto the ground and watched him fade away from existence.
Once you had cleaned yourself up a little, making yourself look decent and picking the grass off of your clothing and out of your hair, you continued to search for Gyomei. Thankfully, he wasn’t too far away. You had found him sitting on a tree stump, hands together and head down in prayer.
“Odd,” you whispered to yourself, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder to signal that you had found him before joining him in prayer.
You didn’t know what he was praying over, so you decided to pray for your safety during the mission. You prayed for Gyomei’s overall well-being and for him to make if out of this mission. He was a hashira, so him making it out alive was much more important than you, as depressing as it was.
When you opened your eyes, he was looking at you, his expression blank like before. You both sat there in silence, staring at one another. “Your name is Y/N, correct?” He asked simply.
“Yes, but I never told you, so how did you know?”
He looked up at the sky mysteriously, a tear sliding down his face as he did so. “I have my ways, that’s all.” All you could do was nod at the strange reply and sit there, it was a calming silence, but there was still something eerie about it.
“Have you found any demons yet?” He looked back at you, tears still flowing down his cheeks. “I-I’m sorry,” you stuttered, “I didn’t mean to interrupt the silence.”
“Yes, I did.” And he left it at that.
“Did you find what we were sent out here for?” Again, he just stared at you in silence. It was as if he was processing the question in his mind, like he didn’t understand it before.
“No, I didn’t.” He let out a short sigh before rising to his feet. “We were sent out here to investigate, but I don’t know what we’re investigating.” He looked over his shoulder, quickly assuming his fighting stance. “Be ready, we’re being watched.”
You stared at him in awe, but it didn’t last long, because you were soon ambushed. Four grotesquely large demons had you both locked in combat. You had managed to slay one of them completely right off the bat, but the second one you faced was much more powerful than the first. It was a challenge to get it done, and you thought you had, until you turned around to face Gyomei and fell to the ground, unconscious.
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You awoke in a room that you didn’t recognize, which was altogether pretty terrifying, but the fact that you couldn’t move was even worse. The pain was excruciating, and your legs were numb. You noticed that someone had bandaged you up, but you still had no idea because there were no hints as to who’s house this was.
“Hello?” You called out weakly, hoping that someone would hear you, but with the size of the room you were in, you figured it was at least a mansion. There was no chance, you were stuck.
“You called?” A familiar voice responded, his footsteps sounding out in the hallway. Gyomei opened the door and carefully peered in.
“OhmygodI’msohappytoseeyou” you let out a huge sigh of relief, smiling when Gyomei walked into the room and sat down on the chair beside your bed.
“I was worried back there,” he stated, his hands back together in a form of prayer. “I with the amount of blood you had lost, I’m surprised I didn’t have to call Shinobu-san.”
“How…” you trailed off, looking up at the ceiling so you could think about your next words. “How long am I going to be here?”
“I’m not sure.” Gyomei’s answer was honest, but there was something about his tone that made you feel you’d be here indefinitely. “From what I was able to bandage, your wounds were deep. You may not even be able to walk for a few days. I would like you to take it easy, because your wounds can, and will, tear open.”
“Yes sir.” You heard him make an odd noise at the name, and shortly after, he excused himself because there were things around the house he needed to do.
Right when he left was when it it you. He was blind. And as far as you knew, you two were the only two in the house right now. So how was he able to bandage you? Did he just feel you up until he found your wounds?? You looked down at your stomach, and upon seeing the bandages, you blushed heavily. Had he really bandaged you himself??
Maybe that’s why he was being so weird when he left. Maybe he was married and didn’t want you to think he’s trying to get up your skirt. Or, or, or- maybe he’s embarrassed about what he had to do and because of that, being in your presence makes him nervous..?
“Yeah that’s totally it.” You whispered to yourself.
Just then, someone came though the door. Immediately you turned to see who it was, and to your surprise, you didn’t recognize her.
She was much shorter than Gyomei and had her purple and black hair pulled back into a messy ponytail. Her haori looked like the wings of a butterfly with its markings, in fact, she looked like a butterfly. She moved with grace in each step and took her time coming over to where you were resting.
“Hi hi Y/N-chan!” She greeted enthusiastically. “I’m Shinobu-san and my friend Gyomei told me that you were looking pretty rough!” She stood beside your bed and examined the bandages around your stomach.
“Well he wasn’t wrong,” you tried to laugh it off, but the pain caused you to wince. “I don’t even remember what happened.” You admitted to her, looking away out of embarrassment.
“Now now, did you bandage yourself?” She asked, slowly lifting up your shirt to get a good view of how far your wounds went. You shook your head and Shinobu gigged to herself. Once she had finished examining you, she stood up and brushed off her hands with a kind smile. “I’m sure you’ll be fine. With what I felt, you’ll be on your feet tomorrow at least, just remember to be careful and to take it easy!”
And with those words, Shinobu had left.
You wished you had asked her if she could send Gyomei back into the room, you were incredibly bored and it would be great if you could just talk to him to pass the time.
Sighing, you looked out the window and noticed that the sun was beginning to set. “Good night house,” you mumbled to yourself as you got comfortable.
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That night you had dreamt you were healed, and in a much better condition than you were now. You dreamt that you were much more powerful, and beautiful too. But the best part of that dream was what happens behind closed doors with a person who lives alone.
“G-Gyomei~” You were a mess but you couldn’t quite explain why. He was crawling on top of you slowly, practically towering over you with how tall he was. Gyomei placed his hands next to your head and leaned down in close to your ear.
“You called?” He whispered seductively. A gentle smirk graced his lips as he began to kiss you softly along your jawline. You shivered, looking away out of embarrassment. Though, that move only made your neck more vulnerable. “What do you need, Y/N?” The question gave you goosebumps, which you tried your best to ignore, but the sudden heatwave that flushed to your face made it hard to do so.
“Y-you,” you mumbled shyly. “I need y-you, Gyomei.” He smiled at your words and slowly raised his body from yours. He carefully sat up and pulled you into his lap, your back against his chest and his hands resting on your waist.
He buried his head in the crook of your neck as his hands moved up to unbutton your shirt in the most teasingly slow way possible. “Just let me take care of you darling.” His breath was hot against your bare skin, which only made you shiver in anticipation.
“Y-yes sir.”
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You woke up to find yourself saying his name. You were flushed and covered in a thin layer of sweat from the wonderful dream that you had been torn from. Slowly pulling the covers over yourself, you looked around the room, hoping that no one had heard your little… incident.
But your heart stopped completely when you saw Gyomei’s figure in the hallway. He looked mesmerized just as you looked terrified. You hurriedly hurried yourself underneath the blanket and mumbled an apology since you assumed you had woken him up.
You wanted to be able to die of embarrassment so badly, but sadly you were forced to face the consequences of your stupid little dream.
The sound of footsteps reached your ears, making your heart rate skyrocket. They stopped before your bed and you could sense his stare, burning through the covers.
He squatted down to your level and slowly pulled the blanket off of your head to reveal your more than red face. Gyomei leaned over to your face and let out a short sigh. “You called?”
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Hi ^^
I saw your most recent post, so I’m here to make a request! I couldn’t find a request info page so I hope that this is general enough. Could you do the hashiras comforting a s/o who often doesn’t sleep well and/or suffers from a lot of nightmares? My sleep schedule is utterly wrecked rn :,)
Also remember to drink water <3
I had to do some research but i managed! :D
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Hashira x Insomniac!Reader Headcanons
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He would definately wake up in the middle of the night in your shared bed that accommodates Tengen and his other three wives
You definately all sleep together and you like to cuddle with the girls whenever you can since they're your wives too
You're sweating and shifting around in your sleep awkwardly and the guy can't help but voice a little "ah-" as he sees you kìck the sheets away
Within the next five minutes your devoted husband and wives are doting on you and getting you some water to drink while gently waking you up
Obviously he gives you a relaxing massage because it wouldn't be very flamboyant of him not to
When he notices your sleep pattern deteriorating over the next few days he starts becoming very protective of you, kind of like a glorified guard dog
He's understanding though, and lets you use some of his makeup to cover the dark circles in order to look "more flamboyant!" And you appreciate the gesture. He knows when to help you with your problem and not to reprimand you for something out of your control
He definately makes tea with the other wives to help you sleep better
When you're tired on the way back from a mission he is more than willing to give you a piggyback ride, and his firm grip on your leg is enough to assure you that you're safe and won't fall
He absolutely refuses to bother you when you actually do manage to sleep, guarding you like always and making sure that you get every ounce of sleep that you can
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He would most definately watch in silence as one night you stay up through the entire night, confronting you about it when he gets really concerned
Sleepless nights aren't uncommon in their profession sometimes, but your bags look bad and you look like you just rolled out of the grave
His concern looks more like anger and confusion, but you manage to talk it out with him, and the second he realises that you've been having nightmare after nightmare has him reeling
How come he didn't know about this before? How come you didn't tell him? What happened?
He's definately angry with himself but you don't understand why, it's just some bad sleep
Rest assured he is cuddling you closer every night, holding you close to him and letting you trace your fingers along his scars until you fall asleep
He also doesn't mention the teas and the hot water bottle that he got for you
And apparrently he doesn't know shit about the stuffed animal that appared on the bed a day after you told him
On days where the exhaustion gets especially bad and you collapse, he takes off his jacket and wraps you in it, his eyebrows furrowing in concern while he holds you up bridal style, ready to carry you to bed now and reprimand you for being reckless later
As you're asleep and there's noone there to bare witness, he lets his head rest on your shoulder, letting your perfume run through his nose and nuzzling your neck like an affectionate cat would headbutt it's owner
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When she wakes up to find you with your head nestled into her breasts and your eyes open, complimanted by dark bags, she's immediately fawning and worrying about you
She's so adorable. She's got heart eyes for you and everything
She would definately pet and stroke your hair like you're some kind of cat and would pull you closer to coddle you
Any time she sees that you're up late despite being tired or in need of a break she comes up behind you and cuddles her chest to your back, pressing her arms around you and resting her chin on your shoulder
Confesses her love to you every ten seconds becaise she's obsessed with her lover, and puts you to bed on a regular basis after that
Of course she tucks you in as well
She makes the bed around you, lets you relax, and leaves to make you tea, and it makes your soul sing
She absolutely adores you, and is willing to remind you of that by letting you use her lap like a pillow and putting little braids in your hair
This happens out in the open as well, if you're in need of a quick power-nap, and on a few occasions she's shown Shinobu the cute braids she does, and lets her teach her even more styles to use on your hair
As a result of this you've acquired many a butterfly themed hair clip or band, and their serene, but somehow simultaneously mischievous smiles are one of your favourite sights to wake up to now
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He is absolutely infatuated with you
When you start developing strange and worrying sleeping habits he is incredibly quick to catch on and recognise the problem
The man is very transparrent about his worry for you no matter how strong you are or how well you can take care of yourself
He doesn't even mind how stubborn you are in regards to talking about it because he knows that if something was seriously wrong you would tell him without a doubt
But when he's giving you soft praise and passionate cuddles and kisses after waking you up from a particularly harsh night terror, you're all the more grateful to have him supporting you
Would definately rub your back in small circles and put effort into giving you a relaxing massage to help relieve muscle pain and tension
As you both sit in the dark it still does nothing to hide his beaming smile that he still directs to you, and you suddenly feel that much better, despite having been worried about inconveniencing or annoying him with your problems
He's there with you to support and help you out when you get flashbacks or especially triggering dreams, holding you with strong and sturdy arms and stroking your hair
And when you end up curling up in his lap in exhaustion, he only smiles and puts out the light, braiding your hair while he watches over you
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When you admit to him that you've had trouble sleeping, he is initially very confused
He really does try his best not to zone out as you talk to him though, which is something you always appreciate from him. He shows that he's at least trying to keep up
As you speak he stares straight into your soul, though, which is always a little unnerving, but he's an absolutely amazing listener and drops everything for you once he realises something is wrong. Even if it does take about three to five working days for him to realise anything
With that being said, it does take a while for your words to actually dawn on him
I'm talking, like, the next day
Now it makes sense why you've been coming to bed late and waking up even later
When he fully processes the fact that he might be able to actually help you, he's putting less caffeine in your teas and going on more expeditions to hunt demons in order to successfully tire you out
That idea was courtesy of Shinobu, whom he'd asked for help
He usually doesn't really talk to any of the other Hashiras if he doesn't have to, but he went out of his comfort zone just for you
When you both end up asleep together he cuddles into your chest, using your breasts as pillows and curling up around you like a tired cat
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Although he's blind, he still notices the difference in your movement and the altered way that you shift your weight around him, almost as if you feel like you're heavier
He's pretty quick to pick up on the sloppy movement and the exhaustion tugging at your limbs just from your aura, and immediately there are tears running down his face as he cries for you, praying for your wellbeing
On the plus side, his mountain-like form is the perfect resting place when you want a quick nap
His muscles are huge, but not as rock hard as you would think they are until he flexes, making them the perfect resting spot for your head
Improvised cushion
You're not sure whether he's crying because you just called him a cushion, or because he's happy that you're comfortable, but for the sake of your sanity, you assume it's the latter
He's as cuddly as a teddy bear and the second you wake up from a nightmare you immediately know that you're safe because he's got his arms wrapped around you, dwarfing you in comparison
He stays up with you sometimes if you're really strugggling to get to sleep because he doesn't want you to be alone
and when you stay awake through an entire night he pulls you aside and lets you doze off in the safety of his arms. He radiates warmth as well, and he considers it a beautiful boding moment when you sleep on him
He thinks that when you sleep on him, you're letting him be in control when you're at your most vulnerable, and he cries every time he thinks about it
He cries for you when you tell him about your nightmares as well, showing you his sympathy through his tears and resting your foreheads together
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He tries not to make you aware of how much he cares for you because it's a little embarrassing for him, but he notices immidiately when something is off about you
The first time the nightmares really affect you that badly you look a mess in the morning, your hair is greasy and knotted and your eyes are drooping shut, circled by dark bags
He listens a little more intently to you that day and hangs around a little longer, his touches lingering longer as well as he debates on whether to talk to you about it or not.
The next time it happens he is significantly worried and ends up questioning you with the same monotonous voice, yet with a tinge of worry to it
As he pries every last detail from you, he makes the decision to stay with you and help so that you don't feel so exhausted and worn to the bone anymore
It works like a charm because he's strict about your diet and your excorcise habits that aren't helping you. No more coffee or lounging around for you broke your heart
He cuddles tight when you sleep though, and even his snake curls up around you both as you feel his firm grip on you even in your sleep
He provides you with a back massage as he lays next to you when you start to drift off, and when you wake up the next day he rests his forehead against yours as if to say good morning
There is no way that any one else knows about this because he refuses to tell anyone and cusses them out with a sneer if they make any comments
He does like to sit in the trees with your back against his chest though, and he uses this opportunity to let you vent about your nightmares
He might not have a lot of advice to give you, and he seems relatively apathetic on the outside, but he lets you know he cares with his small gestures of affection and the occasional "i love you" when he feels it hasn't been said enough
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He starts to get very cuddly as soon as he notices you starting to get fidgety
Every time you let out an especially loud whimper or you start moving a little too much, he's quick to wrap his arms around your waist and hoist you up
You'll be kicking and crying and all of a sudden he's no longer spooning you, he's sitting up on the bed with you in his lap, cuddled against him
He always likes to put his hand against the back of your head and push it into his chest, letting you cry into his arms and not saying a word except for a whispered "'s okay. I love you"
He holds your hand in your sleep and tries not to wake you up, instead opting to try soothing your nightmare so that you don't end up sleep deprived
Blue eyes stay trained on your now relaxed expression as he basically pets you, that same longing stare on his face but with just a touch more love and adoration in his eyes
All this big baby wants is to hold you
And he sleeps like an absolute baby when he's with you
He's also probably started noticing that you've been having strange sleeping habits before you did yourself
He's already gone to Shinobu for advice since if anyone knew about this kind of thing it would probably be her
He doesn't like to let her know that he's following her advice to the T, but she already knows. He can't hide from her. She'll do anything to protect you two
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Her expression barely even faulters as you admit to her that you've been experiencing sleep problems lately
She only gives you a serene, sympathetic smile, staying awefully quiet
"Oh, i see..."
In reality she's just thinking over in great detail every single thing she could possibly do to help you out
Is a hundred percent making you drinks with sleep stimulants and feeding you medicine with your food, herbal teas are served to you every day for the next week and you can't help but sweatdrop as she provides you with every kind of drug or medicine possible that could help you sleep easier
Is she stying to knock out a horse?? Damn those teas are strong-...
She lets you talk to her about your nightmares, which have already started to impact your daily life in the form of flashbacks and paranoia. She's an amazing listener
She is more than willing to sing to you and oh. my. god.
Her voice puts you right to sleep sometimes
She's often seen sitting at the butterfly estate on the decking with you next to her, your head resting on her shoulder and her head resting on top of yours
Obviously she's playing with your hair like you're some kind of dress up doll - you would have to use all ten fingers and probably some of your toes to count the amount of times you've woken up with a new hairstyle or some kind of butterfly accessory in your hair
You wouldn't have it any other way, though. Who wouldn't want to wake up feeling glam??
When you take a nap on her chest she will always tease you after
"are they soft?" "you sure looked comfortable"
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“Take it easy Mrs. Himejima” You smiled at the words, having heard them, countless times in the past couple of days. You were just moving to sit with your husband, going from one end of the room to the other, but everyone was watching you closely. “how is she?” you leaned into the warmth of your husband, looking over his shoulder at the swaddled baby in his lap. “She is good, is it normal for babies to sleep as much as she does?” You looked at the nursemaid you had hired to help not only with delivery but to stay with you for as long as you needed, you expected labor to be rough on you, just looking at how large Gyomei was you didn’t expect a small baby, having carried all of the weight in your body was a lot. She nodded as she continued to wipe down the table you had just had breakfast at. “Himiko you don’t have to clean up. One of the boys can do it. Don’t worry too much.” She shook her head. “It is my job to watch over the health of you and the baby and if that means easing you and your family's burdens for a bit I don’t mind. Besides, The boys are at the market for me. You needn’t worry Mrs. Himejima I am just keeping busy since you and your husband seem to be handling things okay” You couldn’t argue with the woman, she was as stubborn as a bull but she was the best help you could have asked for. Delivering a 10-pound baby was not something that came easy and she was there every step, aiding the doctor and assisting you with pain and breathing. Gyomei sat next to you, letting you curse him for producing such a large child and squeeze the life out of his hand, all with a grin on his face as you brought a shining star into the world. Small gurgling noises drew everyone's attention to the baby in Gyomei’s lap, being cradled in his arms as she opened her eyes. Green, which you did not expect but as Gyomi explained before he became sick and lost his sight he had the starkest green eyes. He was delighted to hear you question her eyes, having worried somehow he had cursed her to be without sight. “She is so wonderful, so small” Gyomei cooed, a single tear slipping out of his eye.
“She is huge Gyomei, she is not small” You scoffed, leaning back in the cushions. He chuckled, remembering well your squeals of horror as you were told of her weight. “10 pounds?! Out of me?” The doctor was not surprised, commenting it was a normal and very healthy weight but it was so much to deliver and you didn’t think it would happen again. It was the serenity of moments like this, the solitude of his home, and the lack of fear that made Gyomei thankful to all of the higher powers that allowed him to be here, to survive everything he had been through to be here for this exact moment. Home was where he cherished everything and home was where you were, greeting him with a smile and wiping away his tears. You were the one who brought him clarity, fought for him when he felt as though he didn’t have the energy, and soothed him when it became too much. For so long he was plagued with nightmares of his time in jail and even the war, but you were patient, rubbing circles on his skin and kissing the scars that lined his body. He was grateful to be able to hold your child, to be able to add to his family with one of your own, the final addition to your family of five. “Dad, Genya was telling me about how you went to the south where the swamps are with Rengoku a few years ago, did you really face a demon that acted like a reptile?” joining the special moment were your two eldest sons, back from the market as they placed the basket of goods on the table before wandering to where you all were sat. “Yes, but I shall tell you the story later, look at how small she is.” Both boys stopped, Genya peering down at his sister. “Dad, you keep saying this, we know. Mom, will he stop that? I want to hear about the reptile demon” Genya was stubborn, Having found his voice within the recent months, another year older and more time to develop an attitude, much like his brother.
“Genya, behave. We can hear about the story at dinner, please don’t argue in front of the baby. How did your guys’ trip to the market go, did you have a hard time carrying anything? You motioned towards the prosthetics around the remainder of Muichiro’s forearm. Even though he’s had them for over a year he is a growing boy and can grow out of them at any time. “Carried things just fine. No tightness yet so we are in the clear” Your younger son smiled “Okay just make sure yo-“ “tell you if I have any problems, I know Mom. Don’t worry, I could never forget about it with how much you mention it” Gyomei chuckled at the reminder, the cold leather that protected the prosthetics patting your shoulder. “Thank you though Mom” He smiled before walking towards the kitchen, probably to offer to help Himiko. You smiled watching him walk away before turning to Genya, who had pulled a cushion in front of you to sit on and look at the baby. “How are you two feeling about her? Still like her?” You laughed, before responding, shaking your head at the thought of even being remotely annoyed at the baby in your arms. “Every time I see her I think of Harumi, she is so bright, like the light at the end of a tunnel, a step toward a new beginning. Harumi our sunny baby girl!” She was watching you as if already accepting the word as her own, bright eyes staring back at your own as you spoke. “Himejima Harumi” Gyomei hummed, leaning into you as you rested back on his shoulder, reaching into his lap to smooth down the small amount of dark hairs that adorned her head. “I’m glad, can I hold her for a bit?” The reptile demon story was long forgotten as you all gushed over the newest addition to the family. Gyomei would never deny Genya the chance to hold his sister. Although they weren’t related by blood that had stopped mattering years ago when Genya had silently claimed you and your husband as his parents, looking towards you both for direction and help. “Dad! Himiko was just telling me about a lantern festival at Lake Biwa next week, that’s right near Sanemi’s home! Can we go?!” Muichiro rushed into the living room, almost tripping over his own feet in his haste to get within your view and get an answer. “Mui, your mother is in no state to travel that far and Harumi is very new. I don’t feel comfortable going that far” The crestfallen look on Muichiro’s face made your heart hurt, they had been so patient and caring during the last month while the baby was getting closer to being born, they had taken amazing care of helping with chores and even taking care of you, they deserved to relax as well and their sister was already changing things. “Gyomei, They are older now and had literally slayed demons together. I can write Sanemi and see if he wouldn’t mind keeping you and your brother for a few days and if he is okay with having you then I don’t see why they can’t. they need time to enjoy themselves.” Gyomei’s eyebrows pinched, his clouded eyes flicking back and forth as he thought your proposal over. “Alright, but if he says yes you make sure to not get on his nerves, Genya” Gyomei made a pointed look at the younger Shinazugawa, although he was officially your adopted son, he would always and forever be a Shinazugawa, same with Muichiro, you tried to honor their lost families as often as you could. “I will be on my best behavior and I won’t run his feet over on purpose, again” You rolled your eyes at the teenager behavior, not amused at his antics. “Alright, let me write Sanemi” “I’ll get the stuff!” Muichiro disappeared down the hall, leaving you to turn back to Genya and his sister. “You’ll have to spend all the time with her that you can until you leave so you don’t miss her” He chuckled, rocking the baby with him. “I’ll miss all of you”
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