#uzui family
circusmantis · 1 year
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Back again with these 4! Repost cus of minor tweaks
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lovelywritinglady · 1 year
can you do uzui x reader where yn hade a miscarriage and is in a depressive state thank you
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Uzui Tengen x fem!Reader
ANGST, mentions of miscarriage, implied relationship with the other 3 wives, mentions of depression/depressive thoughts, mentions of blood.
First person pov
The day was crisp and the air was fragrant with the smell of freshly bloomed cherry blossoms. It was a perfect day to go walking around the large estate that my husband and my wives and I live at. I’m currently four months pregnant with a baby. All of us are excited for them. I’m the first one of the girls to get pregnant by Lord Tengen. He’s been such a caring husband to be over the course of these four months. I know I have sometime to go, but I’m already so in love with them.
The sun was beginning to set and the vibrant colors of the day were shining through like a glorious painting. I always loved the sunset it made me appreciate the day before the night. For night was when the demons come, but my husband is a hashira, so I have nothing for fear. He was not home and neither were my wives at the moment. The only ones here were me and our housekeeper that my husband payed to stay over to keep and eye on me. Her name was She’s an older woman who has been working for us for a few years. She’s had children of her own and had even given me a few tips for when my child comes to this world. So I was thankful for her being there with me.
I began walking back to my beautiful home when our cat Mochi ran underneath my feet causing me to trip. Using my reflexes I caught myself before I fell on my stomach but the fall was still painful because I fell on the sharp rocks that lay around my house.
“Damn cat, you’re lucky you’re cute and I love you.” I exclaimed to Mochi
“Lady Y/N are you alright?” Mrs. Misaki exclaimed as she ran down the steps to help me up.
“I’m quite alright the cat ran underneath my feet, but I caught myself.” I assured her
“I’m very glad you caught yourself, but you need to be more careful.” She sternly told me as her hand touched my belly gently.
“Yes Mrs. Misaki I promise I will.” I said smiling at her protectiveness.
“Come on in I made us dinner.” She said as she began walking to the house with her hand holding mine.
We walked hand in hand into the home. She promptly sat me down and told me she’d be right back with dinner. I asked her if I could help as she was and older woman and I am still able to do things without it being difficult for me. She told me that I’m doing enough just by carrying the child. I thanked her for her kindness and watched her walk into the kitchen. A few moments later she returned with our food of rice, seaweed soup, and stewed chicken. We have thanks and began eating our food. I began to feel slightly ill, but I dismissed that because being pregnant has been throwing me off lately.
“Lady Y/N, you look pale I think it’s best that you go get some rest.” Mrs. Misaki suggested in a motherly tone.
“As good as this food is, I think you’re right.” I sighed
“Let me help you up dear. And don’t worry about the food, I can heat it up for you later.” She spoke with a smile.
She then got up and helped me out of my chair. I felt lightheaded and the room was spinning slightly. And my knees buckled and I fell into her arms shaking slightly.
“Oh dear!” Mrs. Misaki said sadly as she looked down at my legs.
“What is it?” I questioned nervously
“We need to get you into the tub right now my Lady, it’s urgent.” She said pulling me towards the bathroom.
“Why what’s going on?” I said while looking into her eyes.
“My Lady, you are bleeding heavily and you need to get in the tub.” She persisted and we made our way into the bathroom.
She then undressed me and sat me in our tub. I then saw the blood pooling at my feet. My heat was racing and I felt the sweat beginning to kiss my face. My vision began to blur. Mrs. Misaki was trying to talk to me but I couldn’t make out what she was saying. I felt myself slipping out of consciousness with the only thought in my mind…my baby.
The Next Morning
“Y/n…Y/n…Y/N..” I hear a voice next to me say.
I open my eyes to be greeted by my wives all sitting next to the bed. The all looked just as beautiful as always except their normals cheerful faces held a pained look on them. This caused me to worry. Did our husband get hurt? Did the mission go south? All my thoughts were interrupted when my husband came in the room along with Mrs. Misaki.
“Lord Tengen is everything okay?” I questioned as my words came out weakly.
“I’m so sorry love. I just need you to know that this isn’t your fault and from what Mrs. Misaki says this just happens. I’m just so sorry that it happened to you.” He spoke to me. He then leaned forward and kissed my head with such tenderness that my eyes began to tear up. I was still confused on what what going on. My mind still a blur from the night before.
“What’s going on. Can someone please tell me? Is the baby okay.” I questioned looking at my family.
“Y/N I’m so sorry, love. But you had a miscarriage. The baby is gone.” Hina said wrapping her arms around me.
“What!” I examined. My mind spinning.
“Lady Y/N, please you need to calm yourself.” Mrs. Misaki pleated.
“How could this have happened? What did I do wrong?” I exclaimed frantically looking for answers.
“Love it wasn’t your fault. Please you need to understand that.” Suma said tears pouring out of her face.
“Exactly, it’s going to be okay. We are all here for you.” Makio reassured.
“I killed my baby.” I whispered
“No sweetheart you didn’t.” Tengen spoke shedding a tear. His hand made its way to my face stroking it gently.
“Yes I did!” I exclaimed smacking his hand away.
“Y/N please this isn’t your fault.” He urgently said.
“Please go away all of you.” I said as I turned away from them and buried my face into the bed. My tears were flowing hard and I chocked a sob. My heart ached knowing that my baby wasn’t alive anymore.
One Month Later
My baby was gone and I’m no longer a mother. Everyone has told me that it wasn’t my fault and that I didn’t kill the baby, but I can’t help but feel like I did. I hated myself for it. I don’t eat anymore and I can’t sleep as much. My hair is less full as before and I think I’ve lost a lot of weight. Everyday feels the same since we all buried the baby, which is also the last time I left the house. Their grave is next to my husbands siblings at the Uzui family shrine. I haven’t gone to visit my baby’s grave. I’m too ashamed to show myself there. Mrs. Misaki has been working overtime making sure I’m okay and eating. My lovers have been too, but all I want to be is alone. I don’t wish to see anyone, especially my husband. I’m the reason he won’t have a child to hold soon. I know the others can get pregnant, but it’s dangerous with their line of work right now. I came from a merchant family and one day Uzui and I met and soon I found myself married to him and his beautiful wives.
The pit of guilt in my stomach grew. They took me in and kept me safe and took care of me. And I couldn’t even keep a baby alive. My eyes were so puffy and tired from all the crying I’ve done that I burns to cry now. Turning over, I curled up in a ball placing a hand over my empty stomach longing for my baby.
“Love?” I hear the sweet voice of my wife Hina.
“I brought you some food. Please eat something you need to regain back your strength.” She said placing the tray of food on the bedside table. She then placed her hand in my hair stroking it affectionately.
“Not hungry.” I grumbled
“Okay, well I’ll leave it right here for when you are. It’s just some rice and vegetables.” She spoke
“Thank you.” I responded feeling bad for not speaking that much with her.
“It’s okay, Y/N. I just need you to know that I love you so much. I loved the baby too, we all did. I’m just so sorry that you had to go through that. I’m here for you whenever you need. I’ll let you get some rest. Please eat something.” She spoke sincerely as she got up to leave.
“I love you too Hina.” I whispered hoping she’d hear it.
Two Months Later
I’ve begun to heal more after losing my baby. I’ve gained a little bit more weight due to my wives and Mrs. Misaki’s pestering. I still feel like it’s my fault, but that thought is no longer an all consuming one. I still long for my baby. I never knew their gender or held them. I never even gave them a name. I guess you can say I miss someone I’ve never even met. I decided to go out and enjoy the morning. I glanced around my room to see my lovers sleeping next to me on their beds. Quietly, I got up and walked outside. It was still too early for Mrs.Misaki to come to our home, so I was essentially alone until my lovers woke up.
I breathed in the fresh dewy morning air. Letting rising sun kiss my face and the chilly air nip at my skin. Shedding a few tears down my face, I thought about my baby. Still wishing they were alive. I took a deep breath and looked up at the sky smiling. I wondered if my child was there being taken care of. I then heard footsteps and I looked to see who they belonged to. To my surprise it was my husband in all his flashy persona. Normally on days like this, he would be sleeping still. So I was very glad to see him here.
“Good morning, Lord Tengen.” I greeted him with my morning voice.
“Good morning, love.” He smiled as he sat behind me. His legs draping down the steps as his big arms wrapped around me. His chin then rested on my shoulder as he kissed my cheek.
“I’m sorry.” I whispered
“You have nothing to be sorry for. What happened wasn’t your fault.” He reassured
“I feel like it was.” I said
“It wasn’t anyones fault. It just happened and I certainly don’t blame you. If anyone is sorry it should be me.” He stated
“Why?” I questioned confusion lacing my tone.
“I wasn’t there for you when you really needed me. I should’ve been there for you when you were going through that. I’m just glad the old lady was there.” My husband stated sadly
“You were saving people, my love. This was not your fault. You couldn’t have known.” I said trying around to look him in the eyes. They were glossy and filled with the same sadness that I’ve been plagued with for months.
“You couldn’t have known either. So how was it your fault?” He questioned as he held my face with such tenderness.
“I tripped and that’s what killed them.” I stayed pushing my head into his chest.
“My mother has told me that she fell down many times and even fought off a demon once when she was pregnant with me.” He stated with a chuckle while his right hand lifted my face so I could look once more into his eyes.
“So you did not kill our baby.” He said kissing me softly. After we broke from our kiss, I hugged him sobbing into his chest. He then cried too it wasn’t as loud as mine, but I knew he heart broke too.
“Why don’t we go visit our baby. Just the two of us?” He suggested chocking back a sob.
“Yeah, let’s go.” I whispered
After a while we made it to our baby’s grave. I had a bunch of fresh flowers that we had picked on our way to the cemetery. The day was truly beautiful and calm. As we stood by our baby’s grave hand in hand, I said a silent prayer for them. I then let go of his hand and knelt down touching the headstone. I kissed it and placed the flowers in front of it. I felt Tengens hand rub circles on my back.
“I loved our baby Y/N” He said
“As did I.” I responded
“You would’ve been the best mother. I’m very sure if that.” He said kneeling down with me.
“I guess we’ll never know.” I said sadly.
“This might be too soon for me to say, but if you wanted to try again I think it would be okay. But we would only try again on your terms. And If you never wanted to, I understand that too.” He spoke tucking a lose strand of hair behind my ear.
“One day maybe, I’m just not ready for that. And what if I lose the next one?” I questioned
“If that happens again I promise I will be there for you. I never what you going through that and I’m not there to help you.” He said with determination in his tone.
“Thank you.” I said as I couldn’t think of what to say at that moment.
“I love you. And I’m always going to protect you Y/N. You’re precious to me and I just want you to know that everything will shine brighter one day.” My husband spoke picking me up and cradling me into his lap.
“I love you too.” I spoke nuzzling my face into his neck.
My eyes felt heavy being so close to him. He was always for comforting. Closing my eyes, I thought of our child walking towards all of us. We all have bright smiles on our faces and Suma has tears in her eyes watching the walking for the first time. Smiling at that thought I fell asleep in my husbands arms getting some much needed sleep.
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Thank you so much for reading💜 I hope this was enjoyable for the person that requested this. Thanks to you!
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•I do Not own any characters except y/n•
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mirukosbitchywife · 2 years
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if u only simp for tengen and not his wives you're weak and i don't respect you. fivesome or nothing they're a package deal
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owarinaki · 15 days
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Kimetsu no Yaiba EP3 - Uzui [Gifs] 4
EP3[GIFS] 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Kimetsu no Yaiba : Hashira Training Arc all links
EP2[PIC] : EP2[Gifs]
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Revenge pt. 1
synopsis: Y/N is Tengen's fourth wife and a Hashira in training. After a sudden turn of events, she decides to leave her home and divorce her partner(s). Not before enacting revenge.
pairings: Tengen Uzui x Reader
genre(s): Hurt, No Comfort
warning: ANGST. neglect. crying. mention of dead parents. Lying. Insults. whining. betrayal. favoritism. mention of depression. minor grammar mistakes
w.c : 1.6k
I didn’t know he was married.
Not until after he proposed to me.
Tengen Uzui had three wives and no one told me.
Not the master, not the other Hashira, who I considered my colleagues— no one.
But, I didn’t let the new knowledge deter me. I still loved him with everything I had, so I decided to marry him. I became his fourth wife. A title I grew to tolerate over time. Hina, Suma, and Makio were darling women. They always managed to make me feel loved. Invited me to missions and helped with personal errands. I grew fond of them. They comforted me when my parents died from a demon attack and encouraged me to take a break from slaying. They stood by my side during my grieving process and even hit Tengen when he was being insensitive. As time went on, I managed to fall in love with them as well. 
The five of us grew to be a family and I couldn’t be any happier.
“I’m home!” I yelled from the door, tossing my weapons to the side.
I waited for the familiar pater of multiple pairs of feet rushing my way, but nothing ever came. I slipped off my shoes and walked into the home. I peeked my head into every room, hoping to catch a glimpse of at least one of my wives, but the estate seemed to be empty. Even the servants had seemed to disappear, which made my heart beat quicken. Worry stripped through my being as I checked the outside perimeter of the house. I gazed at the nearby trees and looked for any abnormal footprints in the snow— there weren’t any. I didn’t find any pools of blood or piles of flesh anywhere on the estate, so I ruled out a possible demon attack. But that left me with more questions than answers; where did everyone go and why was the house so goddamn quiet?
After spending the last hour or so raking through the possible answers to that question, I decided to take bath to ease my nerves. I unbuttoned my uniform and allowed the clothes to fall in a heap by the entrance. I eased into the water and practically moaned from the way it graced my skin. I leaned against the edge of the giant tub and stretched out my arms. My fingertips brushed against something coarse, completely catching me off guard. I looked over to the pile of towels nearby and saw something hidden underneath. It had been a diary. It belonged to Sumi. I eyed the book, carefully considering if I should invade her privacy. But, then I thought back to all the times Suma would snoop through my room and “borrow” my accessories. I guess it was my time to shine.
I flipped through a few pages, lazily skimming random sentences. 
Tengen is so handsome!
I love it when he wears his hair down.
He looks so good when he’s shirtless.
I chuckled at that line. “This girl is down bad for her husband, how cute,” I said aloud.
Just when I decided that I had seen enough, I found my name at the start of a new page, in a sentence I never expected to see.
I wish Tengen would’ve never married Y/N.
Shock pierced through me, but I continued to read the entry.
I don’t know what she sees in her. She pretends like she’s some sort of queen or something. She walks around with her head held high and her chest puffed out. Kinda like she owns the place. Lord Tengen calls it confidence, but I think it’s arrogance. When I train with her, she doesn’t ever give me words of encouragement like everyone else. She simply tells me that I would “eventually get the hang of it” or to “better luck next time”. She never compliments me on anything and makes me feel like I’m doing everything wrong. She doesn’t give me hugs or cuddle me after we have sex. I asked Makio and Hina about it. I had to see if I was truly going insane. And they agree— Y/N is a horrible wife. She barely cooks and refuses to do anything but train. From sun up to sun down, this woman is training. Maybe she thinks that training will bring her parents back or something—
I closed the book before I could see more. I tossed it to the side and simply closed my eyes. I paused for a moment and attempted to gather my thoughts. 
Suma didn’t like me. 
And, according to her, neither did Makio and Hina. 
I was a horrible wife because I didn’t show physical affection or give her compliments. To say that statement pissed me off was an understatement. I hated being touched, at least without consent. Whilst living a plus-size body, I noticed that many saw my flesh as some sort of playground. They would point and squeeze on my rolls. Jiggle the fat underneath my arms and slap my ass without giving it a second thought. Strangers viewed me as if I were a dough ball and manhandled me as result. So, with that being said, I was not too fond of Sumi randomly hugging me whenever she had a meltdown. She would bury her face right into my breasts and wrap her arms around me so tight it was almost hard to breathe. As much as I tried to get used to it, I found myself detesting the action altogether. I tried to let her down lightly in the beginning, but she would just cry harder. Hold me tighter and make me even more uncomfortable. And, as for compliments, I was never really given any growing up with my parents. They would simply tell me “no, that’s not how you do it” or “yes, you finally got it right”. They never said “you’re an amazing fighter” or “you’re improving every day”. So, whenever I would try to complement Suma it always came out a little awkward.
What pissed me off about the entry was I had told Sumi about this, before the date it was written. I told them all about my trauma and my rocky relationship with my parents. I made myself an open book to my spouses and that was how they repaid me. 
I washed my exhausted being and excited the bathhouse. I placed the diary back under the pile of towels and attempted to put the contents to the very back of my mind. I slipped into my favorite pajama set and tucked myself into bed. It didn’t take long for sleep to wash over me, since I already had a long day.
I was in a state between consciousness and unconsciousness when they stumbled in. I could feel the gentle moonlight sitting on my brown skin. The night breeze made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and shivers spilled down my spine. Yet, I refused to fully wake from my slumber. Something was pushing me to remain silent and half-sleep. I could hear their hushed voices bouncing off the wood walls. Their footsteps grow louder and louder as they grew closer to my room. The door was pushed open, creaking loudly from the action. 
“Suma!” Makio hissed quietly. “Must you be so goddamn loud?”
“I’m sorry!” She whisper-yelled. “I just wanted to see if she was asleep.”
“Well,” Hina started, pausing for a minute. “She has that purple thing on her head, so she must be.”
“It’s called a “bonnet”, Hina,” Makio corrected. “She’s wearing her bonnet.”
“Well, she only wears her bonnet to sleep so. . .” Hina trailed off.
“So, she’s asleep,” Suma chimed in.
“Yes,” Makio said.
“That’s a relief,” Suma sighed. “I am not in the mood to hear her boring travel stories, anyway.”
“Ain’t that the truth?” Hina mumbled.
“Come on, guys,” Makio tried to lighten the mood. “They aren’t as bad. And, Sumi you don’t get to judge. You suck at almost everything!”
“Shut it, Makio,” the younger wife countered. “You’re just trying to be nice because Y/N always gives you the best gifts.”
“Well. . .”  Makio trailed off.
“It’s because she’s so easy to please,” Hina added. “All you have to do is give her some kind of weapon and Makio is putty in your hands.”
“Hey!” She hissed. “That’s not true!”
“If it weren’t for those gifts, you’d hate Y/N as much as I do,” Suma added.
A silence amongst the three women and a tear rolled down my cheek.
“How about. . . we just get back to Lord Tengen?” Hina broke the silence. “I’m sure the bath is ready now.”
The room door closed and I lazily opened my eyes. I had spent too much time here. I had gotten comfortable. These women didn’t see me as their wife, nor did they see me as their equal. Their little conversation was just confirmation of what Suma wrote in her diary— they despised me to varying degrees. Hina seemed to tolerate me, while Suma just outright admitted she hated me. Makio just liked me for what I could give her. It was sad because I knew Tengen would enable them. Make excuses for them and neglect my emotions. It didn’t matter how much he loved me, he still loved them first and they were his priority. No matter how mad I was at that moment, I couldn’t act on impulse. Tengen would smell it right away. He would pay extra attention to me, which would make it harder to leave. I needed him to resume the hierarchy he partook in, so I could come up with a conducive plan. 
I could no longer be with someone as flamboyant as him. 
It was too much for me.
Smut in the next part.
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Masterlist Part 2
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
*intense drawing noises in the Uzui household*
Suma: I think I drew one eye bigger than the other
Makio: I was going for a feeling
Hinatsuru: Honestly I can’t even draw a circle, hmhm hm..
Tengen: Okay, Kyojuro, you just drew yourself.
Rengoku: I like me :D
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sjhanny2000 · 2 years
Baby Maybe?
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A/N: Well folks, we've made it to the end of what was originally my 300+ Followers Event. Now I'm nearing 830 followers, a number I'd never thought I'd reach! Thank you for all of your love and support this past year or so with TDoFL and the other works that have followed. Now, please enjoy!
Warning(s): angst, hurt w/ comfort, marital problems, arguing, self-esteem issues, pregnancy, reconciliation, KNY Season 2 spoilers, non-canon universe
Word Count: 4.2k+
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To say that the space between you and your husband was impossibly taut with heart wrenching tension was an overwhelming understatement. 
Any gumption you had mustered throughout your journey home had evaporated within moments of visual contact, tears threatening to fall whilst your heart and mind continued to scream at one another. The fault rested on both your shoulders (did it?), and you were being forced to face it because what other choice did you have in the matter? You missed being with your spouses, of laying in bed within their arms through the rare early mornings all of you were present, of being cradled within Tengen’s lap as the girls eagerly had you taste test their latest culinary creations. While it hurt, you were also forced to swallow down the painful truth of your marriage; if you left, your wives would remain with Tengen, even if it was against their wishes. The three kunoichi had their obligations to the Sound Hashira and the Demon Slayer Corps., ones they could never break due to years upon years of countless conditioning they faced whilst still being of the shinobi faction of the Japanese population. You would be alone again but with a child you had no means of supporting, the little of your savings from your jobs within Oshika having been meager to begin with, and both of you would most likely live in poverty for the rest of your life and theirs. It wasn’t a life you wanted for your child, one which had been created out of a hurried moment of passion where neither you nor Tengen had been pondering over the possible consequences of your lustful actions. The herbal remedy for contraception that the girls’ had given you upon your arrival to the estate had somehow failed that day and here you were, seven and a half months pregnant and estranged from your husband, the one man in your life that you loved with every fiber of your being. 
Life simply wasn’t fair. 
“Y/N-chan,” Suma clutched onto your forearm with a worried whine, fear evident on her gorgeous pools of azure. 
No one spoke. 
No one moved. 
No one dared to break the precarious situation set before them. 
Fear was evident on every one of your faces. 
Then, just as the silence set in, it was shattered into a million tiny pieces. 
Your attention shifted from Tengen’s quivering form to the ball of energy racing into view, pigtails flying beyond her at what seemed to be the speed of light itself. 
Childishly ignorant, Hikari moved to bound over to your guarded position with star-filled eyes, a shout of joy escaping her suddenly toothless mouth. “You’re back!”
The poor child set herself to make her way to you, only for a hand worn from years of work to snatch Hikari’s right arm and yank it back, Nana-san gazing at you with wide, knowing eyes as she pulled her daughter towards her without remorse. “Hikari-!”
“Mama, let go! I wanna say hi to Y/N-sama!” Hikari struggled against her mother, using her free arm to pry at her mother’s iron-tight grasp. 
Somehow, whether it be pure strength or her demanding will, Hikari broke free of Nana-san’s hold, the woman shouting after her daughter with horror. “Hikari!” 
The little girl practically teleported over to you, wasting no time in approaching you with a beaming smile. “Y/N-sama!” 
However, before she could reach you, Makio plucked the girl into the air without a hint of effort, the kunoichi ceremoniously plopping Hikari on her hip. 
“Makio-sama! I wanna hug Y/N-sama, not you!” Hikari attempted to wriggle away from your doe-eyed wife, innocent frustration evident on her usually grinning features. Makio only met her with a stern glare and even stricter voice, bearing her own frustrations on her face. “Well that’s too bad! Y/N-chan can’t give you hugs right now-!” 
“Why not?! Y/N-sama always gives me hugs! Y/N-sama!” The child thrashed against Makio like a wild animal, shoving her hand into the kunoichi’s reddening cheek with force you didn’t know she was capable of producing. 
Suma stepped forward, angry tears pricking at the corner of her eyes. “You’re making this reunion so much harder than it needs to be, Hikari-chan! Y/N-chan can hold you later!” 
Those words felt like a swift knife to the heart, tears of your own pooling into your eyes. You wanted to curl into yourself, to be swallowed by the earth below your feet, to just disappear. Your emotions spilled out mercilessly from your wounded heart, gushing at an accelerated rate due to your raging hormones, and-.
Suddenly, your vision blurred and your knees gave way, heavy body sent flying to the ground like a sack of potatoes. 
“Y/N-CHAN!!!” “Y/N-SAMA!” 
In the far distance (when did they get so far away?) Makio and Suma screamed your name, and you faintly heard Hinatsuru’s join theirs, though she hadn’t called for you. She had called-.
Shouldn’t you have hit the ground already? 
Emotions and thoughts awry, your vision slowly came into being, a blur of color leaning over your body as you laid limply in a cradle of pure muscle, just like-.
The scent of incense, sake, and wisteria gently waltz into your nostrils, the very smell you had longed to take in just one more time, even if it meant that your heart would break further. A calloused hand brushed tenderly against your right cheek, rough but mellow in touch, and a swift kick from the child within you finally brought your vision into full focus. 
Pure, unadulterated worry smothered the lone remaining fuchsia iris belonging to your husband, Tengen gazing down at you with a hint of apprehension coloring his body language. He had never shown you such emotions before, always so calm or bursting with color speeches, ones that often reeked of narcissism yet the well-crafted self-confidence you cherished. 
Had he been hurting as much as you had been? 
The man’s focus shifted from your face to a lower part of your body, time slowing to a damning crawl as his eye widened in mortification. Mind muddled, you turned your attention to what had grasped his own, confused on what could have rocked the god of festivals so hard he had been left speechless. When your eyes landed on your protruding stomach, the world imploded. 
Before the epinephrine could even be released into your bloodstream to set off the incoming panic attack forming, everything was moving in a blur, heart racing and breath labored from exertion. Your mind was swirling like a twister of wind and leaves, body reeling as you suddenly realized you were being supported on your own two feet a yard or so away, Hinatsuru on your right and Suma on your left, both kunoichi glaring at your husband with warning distaste. 
“Don’t you dare touch them, you bastard!” Makio appeared in a rage from the corner of your eye, Hikari still perched on her hip. “We finally got them back, we don’t need you scaring them off again!”
Her brutal words seemed to deflate the Sound Hashira’s spirit even more than you physically thought possible and it broke something inside you to see the typically joyous man in shambles. Tengen gazed on with a shattered spirit, lone eye losing all brightness as it was saturated in painful reality, his remaining hand falling limply into his lap in soul crushing defeat. 
With a quivering voice that stabbed at both your ears and eyes, you couldn’t help but watch as Tengen trembled under your gaze, pure and unadulterated grief marking his sickly features. “Please, let me-.” 
The fiery kunoichi moved in for the kill, froth appearing at the corners of her mouth. “Let you what Tengen-sama, screw up even more than you already have?! You have a lot of nerve-!”
Just before Makio could land the final blow that you believed would have spiritually decapitated your shriveling husband, a voice that made all five of you submit within a single word breaking through the air without mercy like a crack of brutal lightning across the summer night sky. 
You snapped to attention, head snapping to the left to see a stone-faced Nao-san steadily approaching with bloody purpose in each of her steps, the aging woman a sight to behold in her present fury. In all of your years of living with the retired kunoichi, you had never seen her so furious; sure, Nao-san was easily annoyed and disappointed, but she wielded her temper like a well-sharpened kunai. 
The woman of the hour came to stop mere feet away from the small group you had made, turning her icy stare onto Hikari. “Go to your mother, girl. You’d do best not to meddle in matters that aren’t your business. Go!” 
Makio wasted no time in setting the young girl on her feet, Hikari scrambling away in confused tears and searching for sanctuary within Nana-san’s arms, a look of warring emotions on the mother’s face. She swiftly disappeared back into the estate without a moment's hesitation, a whimpering Hikari within her arms, leaving the five of you to face the mess that had become your relationship. 
If there was even a relationship now worth saving. 
Nao-san turned her attention to you once they were out of view, her face an emotionless mask of stone. “Are you alright, Y/N-sama?”
You could only manage a wordless nod, too scared to say something that would further anger the terrifying woman, Suma apparently feeling the same way with how much she was shaking beside you. 
She didn’t skip a beat, giving a nod of her own, kunai sharp irises shifting between the various members of the party. “Now, it is known that I do not enjoy meddling in your marital affairs for they are frankly none of my business. However, I am unwilling to stand aside as a bystander as I watch the one marriage I support with every fiber of my being fall apart over misunderstandings and mistakes made!”
“There is no one without fault in this situation, except perhaps the child this woman currently carries within her womb!” Nao-san's perfectly manicured index finger pointed towards your extended stomach with conviction, a menacing fire growing within her eyes. “A child that has done nothing to deserve being born into a broken family that can easily begin to mend itself if its parents were simply adults and learned how to communicate effectively without resorting to bullying and shouting matches!” 
Promptly, Makio’s mouth audibly clicked shut. 
The aging kunoichi wasn’t wrong, not in the slightest even, and it was a reality you knew that all five of you were struggling to accept. Yes, Tengen had been wrong, even cruel in what he had said to you, in how he degraded you for what felt like no reason at the time. Yes, your pain was valid but perhaps running away rather than facing the problem head on had been the wrong choice in the end. Both of your poor, emotion fueled actions had been disastrous for not only you but Tengen, your wives, and all of those around you, causing an explosion of he said, she said and hurt feelings all around. While you had been hiding from your marital problems, your spouses had been forced to face them head on, to search for you all over the country whilst wondering if said searches were futile, fearing that the worst had occurred just like it had almost happened before. On the nights where sleep was almost impossible for you during the journey homeward, Hinatsuru had conveyed through countless tears that your sudden disappearance had caused an instant deployment of all available Demon Slayers, how Oyakata-sama and the other eight Hashira had been just as adamant of finding you as your spouses had been. So adamant that all three women had been captured by Upper Moon Six whilst on their journey to find you, the same fight that led to the crippling of your flamboyant, boisterous Tengen, leading to a premature retirement drenched in liquor and desperation to find you. 
Everything had been perfect before that accursed fight, before you and Tengen subsequently broke not only each other’s hearts but your three wives’ in one fell swoop, before the world flipped into a place of nightmares and acidic tears. 
You just wanted everything to be okay again. 
“It’s all my fault.” 
Ten sets of eyes fell upon your trembling person, grief-filled tears wetting the flesh of your cheeks because you just couldn’t stop crying for one damn minute-. 
“I wanted a child, I ran away, I’m having a child that isn’t wanted,” Body weak, you felt your shaking knees threaten to give way, Suma and Hinatsuru adjusting themselves to support your now hefty body weight. “I never wanted to hurt anyone. I just wanted to have a family with those who gave me one in the first place.” 
Your hands came to hide your face, a painful sob wracking through your chest. 
“I’m so sorry!”
Some part of you expected for Tengen to agree, that all of this was your fault because wasn’t it? You were the one who wanted a baby when your husband didn’t, you were the one who left like a spoiled child when you didn’t get what you wanted, you were the one to put all of your spouses through turmoil once again-.
“Didn’t you hear a single word that Nao-san said?” 
Tengen’s voice was deep and was bare of any foretelling emotion, deadly calm and monotone; your body shivered in panicked anticipation for the other sandal to drop, just as you deserved.” 
Imagine your surprise when a rough, calloused far too large to be one of your wives’ came to gently cup your chin as if it were made of glass, parting your hands without a sound, forcing you to face the man whom you equally loved and feared. 
Tears brimmed the ex-shinobi’s dark lashes, fuchsia iris radiating endless loving fondness and shame, Tengen gazing down at you with his heart on his sleeve and on display for all to see. 
“We’re all at fault here, my gorgeous spirit flower.” A wet gasp escaped your lips at his words, at him using your beloved nickname, body feeling as if you had been doused in an ice bath. “I’m sorry it’s taken so long for me to admit my own part in all of this.” 
He, he was sorry. Tengen, one of the most prideful men you’ve ever met, had just admitted he was sorry. 
A sob of relief escaped your lips as you threw your body as much as you physically could into Tengen’s remaining (how would you ever get used to that?) arms, relishing how the stone hard appendages adjust to your heavy form like it was routine for them. Those beloved arms swifting encased you in a cradle of muscle and bone, Tengen settling you into his lap like a father would a child, not a drop of sweat forming on his greasy forehead. You shoved your face into the crook of his neck, relishing in his musky scent, hints of jasmine and camellias haunting your nostrils like ghosts from the past. 
Oh how you’ve missed this. 
Time seemed to slow down as you laid in Tengen’s arms, his lone remaining hand slowly moving to brush (h/c) locks from your wet face, touch as brief as a feather and loving as a kiss. You didn’t dare move an inch, to breath, so fearful that all of this was a dream, that once you opened your eyes, all you would see is disappointment. 
“Oh, Tengen-sama!”
Suma’s ear-piercing wail broke the veil of precarious peace, the sapphire-eyed kunoichi slamming her body into Tengen’s back and narrowly missing your vulnerable face whilst wrapping her arms tightly around his throat, a noise of distress leaving the Sound Hashira. 
“Suma, you need to be careful!” Hinatsuru’s typically soft spoken voice was stern with warning, the violet wearing kunoichi doing her best to carefully your octopus of a wife from Tengen’s person.
It was unusual to hear Hinatsuru be the one to scold Suma, Makio always the first to put the emotional woman in her place, but the silence and lack of effort from the fiesty kunoichi was telling. 
Forcing your eyes to open, you took in your surroundings with desperation, praying Makio was still here, that she hadn’t walked away like she had every right to. Both you and Tengen had hurt Makio, the wounds deep and refusing to heal even after your reunion with your wives’ unlike Suma and Hinatsuru, and she refused to acknowledge said wounds with an air of arrogance that you knew was fueled by the urge to hide away her pain. The kunoichi was extremely private when it came to own individual feelings, so scared to reveal the small child hiding within her that needed validation and sweet touches, to be smothered in love and attention. She had trusted Tengen just as much as she trusted you and in one fight, you had managed to shatter said trust into a thousand pieces. 
Turning your head just a tad, you found your gaze falling upon Makio’s internally warring form, a wave of relief washing over you at the very sight of her. 
The urge to smother the kunoichi in a warm hug burned within your chest, but you knew that’s neither what she needed nor wanted in this moment. Makio was a person whose trust you could only gain through action and you knew there was a lot of work in the future to repair the damage that had been wrought on her tough walls and tender heart. Still, every moment of labor would be worth it if it meant that your wife could give you her trust once again, even if it was only a third of it; Tengen was most likely of the same mindset, knowing how much your husband adored all four of you. 
Reaching out your hand, you never broke eye contact with Makio, the child within your womb giving your hips soft but uncomfortable kicks. “Maki’, please.” 
Emotional vulnerability was something almost all of you aside from Suma struggled with in varying degrees, but no more than Tengen and Makio. Yet, as you laid in Tengen’s lap, the Sound Hashira reached his hand outward to join your own. “Please, Makio. Give us one more chance.”
The kunoichi’s doe brown irises broiled with uncertainty, body twitching in war torn emotions, until finally, her hands began to inch forward until her battle weathered fingers met both of yours. Two more sets of fingers slithered forward, Suma’s hand taking hold of yours and Makio’s whilst Hinatsuru intertwined her own with Makio and Tengen’s, the five of you joined together once again after so long apart. 
Quiet, comfortable silence filled the air between you all, eyes shifting between one another, searching for objection and understanding, praying that not a single one of you let go of another. Then, it shattered ever so softly with Tengen’s tenor voice. 
“I know there’s a lot we need to work through, a lot we need to process and adapt to. Especially with this little one on the way.” His other hand–nub came to rub softly against your protruding stomach, a look of pained fondness on his handsome as ever face. “I know that I haven’t been even a tenth of the flamboyant husband you all deserve, but I want to be better, and to be a part of all your lives. You’re all I have in this bleak world and I can’t live another day knowing you aren’t the wives I can call mine anymore.” 
“We need you too, Tengen-sama,” Hinatsuru crooned tearfully, the most sensible of the three kunoichi pressing her painted lips to the man’s gaunt cheek.
Suma gave an adamant nod of her own, thick tears cascading down her bright red face. “I wanna be a family again! WAAAHHHHHHH!!!”
Makio slapped the back of the wailing woman’s head without missing a beat this time, face curling into a snarl as tears threatened to fall from her beautiful eyes. 
“Quit ruining the moment, you blubbering idiot!"
Her attention snapped back to Tengen, an emotionless mask shifting into place over her features. “Promise me, you won’t let this happen again. If it does, I’m not sure I’ll be able to forgive you, Tengen-sama. We love Y/N-chan just as much as we love you, but I’ll choose them over you in a heartbeat.” 
Such a bold, unforgiving statement pushed the air out of your lungs in a burst of horrified awe, because Makio was putting her marriage to Tengen on the line for you of all people. 
“Us too.” 
Hinatsuru and Suma nodded in agreement, the three kunoichi looking to your husband with awaiting eyes, as if daring the man to make the wrong move or say the wrong thing. 
Instead, much to your honest surprise, Tengen gave them a smile of his own. “You have the right to kill me where I stand if I ever do something like this ever again. I’ll hand you the sword myself.” 
“Tengen-sama!” You couldn’t help but gasp at his words, quivering under the weight they held.
His focus fell upon you within a fond eye, overwhelming love swarming in those heart stopping fuchsia depths. Nubbed arm coming to rest on the top of your stomach, the Sound Hashira leaned downwards just enough to rub his nose against your own, foreheads coming to rest against one another. “Promise me, you’ll never leave me again, spirit flower. Please.” 
The desperation in his voice shook you to your core but you forced your voice to work, trembling with emotion. 
“I promise, Tengen-sama. Never again.” 
Smooth, all encompassing lips belonging to the man swallowed your full ones, the kiss deep and sealing, full of relief and so many other feelings you failed to identify in that moment. After a few moments, a swift kick to Tengen’s nub broke the reunion, the two of you breaking away from each other with identical expressions of surprise. 
Shifting his gaze downwards, a playful smile grew on your husband’s face, a look you had missed far too much for your own good. 
“It seems we have some competition here, girls. Tengen Jr. doesn’t want to share his mommy’s attention.” 
“Tengen Jr.?!”
“Tengen-sama, please, it’s just a baby!” 
“No way in hell are we naming her Tengen Jr.!” 
“Her?! Anyone can see they’re carrying a boy!” 
“In your dreams!” 
The bickering between the four of them brought a grin to your lips, pure and true, and a soft giggle followed, face creasing with loving fondness. Eight sets of eyes fell on your form, wide in awe and want, Hinatsuru turning to the other three for confirmation. “All in favor of taking Y/N-chan to the bedroom for cuddles?” 
Before you could even object, Tengen was standing at his full height with you nestled in his arms, a look of determination on his well-endowed features. “To the bedroom, my lovely wives!” 
Makio and Suma raced towards the estate in a hurry, Hinatsuru calling after them in warning and Nao-san corralling the violet-eyed kunoichi inside, leaving you and Tengen to your lonesome. He began the trek into the estate, the both of you quiet and content with being together once more. However, just before you crossed the gate’s threshold, you lightly tugged on the man’s kimono. “Tengen-sama?” 
“What is it, spirit flower?” 
The ex-shinobi halted in his steps, focus falling onto your perched body, giving you the courage to speak the words on your mind. 
“Are you sure you want this baby?” It was the question you desperately needed answered, the one that had continuously burned in the back of your mind for months now. So scared to see apprehension or regret paint his features, you tore your gaze away from his, scrunching your eyes closed as you prepared for the bow.
“It’s mine, isn’t it?” 
Your eyes shot open in mortification, a shout ripping out of your throat as you gave him a firm slap to the chest in indignation. “TENGEN-SAMA!” 
“Sheesh, calm down! It was just a joke!” Meeting your annoyance with his typical nonchalance, the Sound Hashira settled his lone eye on your two pools of (e/c), serious and honesty radiating from the fuchsia iris. “This baby is a part of you, and I want to have every part of you in my life until my dismal lifespan comes to an end. If you both will have me, of course.” 
Lips blooming into a watery smile, you gave your husband a soft nod. “We’ll always have you, Tengen-sama.”
He nodded, continuing your shared journey into the estate. “Good. I would have been there for the both of you anyway even if you said no.” 
“Tengen-sama!” You playfully swatted at Tengen with a laugh, settling into his hold with ease, just like old times. 
The movement of your child within you, however, reminded you of all the new times and experiences awaiting your growing family and finally, after so long, you were ready to face what the future held for you.
Hearts, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated! See you next time!
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manuellarts · 2 years
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Uzui and his wives 💎✨
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moniheartsluffy · 2 years
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characters mentioned: the uzui’s and a few hashira.
warning(s): fluff, crack, uzui being uzui, lowercase intended, poor grammer
black!fem!reader (reader is a baby then teenager)
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a/n: i wrote this a longgggg time ago and forgot i had it lol…enjoy!
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❦ he was already planing to spoil his first child but when he found out he was having a girl?!!!! all i gotta say is ur SPOILED ROTTENNNN
❦ he likes to dress you up…a lot. nothing but the best silks and cloths for his little girl!
❦ he and his wives had to learn how to do your hair since they’re not used to your kinky/curly hair texture. the wives got the hang of it pretty fast especially hinatsuru! tengen on the other hand…. let’s just say his specialty is one or two puffs😭
❦ he might not be able to actually do a hairstyle but this man lovesssss to put the accessories on your hair. bows, beads, barrets, etc. he loves it all. he even brought little diamond clips to put in your hair so y’all could match🥹
❦ now when you get older if you want to become a demon slayer he has to think longgg asf about it… at first he flat out said no but he gave in after some time. i mean he’s already trained you to be a ninja so why not let you be a demon slayer? what’s the worst that could happen right?
❦ WRONG. if one scrape happens to grace his precious little girls skin he’s going on a whole adventure until he finds and kills whatever demon did it to you. now he’s rethinking the whole you being a demon slayer thing AGAIN.
kimetsu academy hc (modern au)
❦ remember what i said about matching… he would still like to match with you but it’s just modern clothes now.
❦ he also buys matching shoes for the both of you so you can put different outfits together and he has the wives judge them.
❦ now school…ik y’all saw that tengen was an art teacher…he made you take art💀 only because he teaches it.
❦ rengoku knows your tengen’s kid, not only cause of your last name but because he and tengen are like besties so he’s basically like your uncle..?
❦ so if your not hanging out with your father, you’re in classroom 206 with rengoku helping him get his lesson ready for his next class.
❦ i also feel like you’d be well known around the school cause you’re always somewhere. someone can be looking for you and it’ll take a solid 15 minutes because you could be in the art room or 206 w/ rengoku or even taking a nap in Mr. Himejima’s classroom. no one knows.
❦ i feel like tengen would be social media famous😭 like he’ll make you and him a joint tiktok account as a joke and now y’all are everyone’s fav father/daughter duo💀
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circusmantis · 1 year
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I’m watching demon slayer with some friends who haven’t seen the show before and it’s really making me wanna draw them again!!!
And since we’re about to start season 2 I felt like designing Uzui and his wives some kids! They’re very cute and dear to me
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madaratheestallion · 1 year
Imagine trying to date a child from the Uzui family, they got FOUR PARENTS!!! You ask them out and it's like "the council will decide your fate."
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urarakasdiary · 2 years
hi just wanted to say that I liked your yandere tengen story :) he’s one of my favs but I feel like there’s not enough stuff about him
🥺💗 I had an idea in mind and really wanted to write more I was just lacking in the motivation area. so I guess this is part two. Yandere Tengen Uzui x reader x wives
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a like really helps 💖 (requests open) read pt.1 before this
your fingers were broken, three from each hand, It hurts a lot- not just physically but mentally too. You trusted the wives dearly, especially Suma. right after she stood up from your waist you hungrily took in all the air before blacking out immediately.
after they saw you blacking out they-Uzui picked you up and took you to your room and placed you on your futon. The wives took care of you and your broken fingers while you slept.
when you woke up, they became even more protective of you, they didn't let you do anything, not even stand up on your own. You were horrified by them, you had no other choice than then stay with them and let them take care of your Injured-self.
Eventually, you got better, The four of them were head over heels for you, Uzui would lay his head on your shoulder while he talked about making you his fourth wife. let's just say, you weren't fond of that idea
Hinatsuru would do your hair, giving you matching hair pins and forcing you to wear them. She kept on insisting you marry Tengen to stay as close to you as possible.
Makio would stare into your eyes while you were staring at the sunset. She too insisted you marry Uzui even though you didn't want to.
Suma would hand-pick flowers of your favorite color and stick them into your hair which was done by Hinatsur. She would try to guilt trap you into marrying Uzui.
They always told you they loved you and would let you do whatever you wanted if you married the sound Hashira.
You were going fucking insane in this house, at this point, you would say the most non-sense shit ever. When they asked you what would like for dinner you fucking said "toilet paper seasoned with spicy sauce please"
you had not gone out for about two years now, yes, time flies. You had grown weaker after staying in the house only for 2 years. Unable to process the outside air, only the air inside the mansion that you were trapped in. Your body would not be able to fight against the diseases in the air outside.
when you were sleeping, the four of them decided to let you go outside for once. They agreed to bring you back in whenever you saw another human, since, you would ask for help.
The next morning when everyone was probably asleep, they took you outside, and you had a little flame of hope rise in you about getting help just to be disappointed at the end. It was the absolute ass-crack of dawn and no one was awake. How you wished you had a normal life like them.
As expected, staying inside a house for 2 years with no exposure to air outside would make your body unable to fight against the diseases outside, You caught a million sicknesses at the same time after your small little walk outside.
all of them were sickly worried about you, they gave you all the nutrients and medicine you needed. Tengen even asked Shinobu for medicine, and when she asked why he would brush it off by saying Hinatsuru was sick or something.
you eventually passed away due to the sickness you had, You were honestly happy in your last moments. After your death, Tengen quit being a hashira, and the three wives stopped going on missions. They grieved for your death together crying and cuddling together.
sorry it's short lost motivation again ://
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thethingisliving · 2 years
Hello, Everyone! This is what Nezuko's sword looks like in my fanfiction "Baby Bunny and Little Beings" on AO3.
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theanonymousfoxsimp · 2 years
Little nsfw scenario for uzui and his wives x reader
You weren't exactly great with self care, hours spent just training and training until it was bedtime or just dismissing their invite to bed to train more ever since the entertainment district. Neglecting your own needs to the point they stepped in,forcing you to lay back against the bed. Arms tied behind your back,suma and hina behind you,caressing your body while makio and suma keep your legs open. Tengen feasting and bringing you to orgasm multiple times,the girls were so sweet,whispering praises and messaging your sore limbs. Bringing food for you to eat and teas to drink while tengen showed you how hours of countless pleasure.
At the end he said he expected you to take care of yourself better or the next time they won't be as gentle as before
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
Ok ok, you said Uzui is the only hashira who hasn’t lost it during a pedicure right??? In one of the asks you answered I think privately. …
I think he would lose it during one of those fish pedicure thingies. He just seems like the kind of person that if he’s a little tipsy he wouldn’t be able to hold back, yk???? Anyway, there was my rant 🫡
*slaps both hands onto table ala Phoenix Wright* YESH! Oh my god I love that??? Tengen is completely fine during normal pedicures and mostly sober; I think it's all the running- gives him enough callouses to numb the tickles kjaerjkaejkrjek
But fish??? FISH??? God help him- he's done for kjlarjkeakrjejk
I like to think it's when he goes to the spa with his wives; they've got the new fish thing happening and Suma's all: "Let's try it!" and Tengen's thinking to himself "Oh this would be cute, seeing my wives' reaction!" So he agrees despite Makio and Hinatsuru's uncertainty. He reassures them it'd be fine and all that good stuff so they head in- get some drinks, dressed in robes yada yada yada.
Tengen lasted about 0.002 seconds before immediately breaking down into giggles. He was not PREPARED! His plan? Backfired- whether they were feeling as ticklish as he was he couldn't tell, he was too busy fighting for his life as the little buggers did their thing akjrkjeajkrejkjk He's got a booming laugh but not loud enough to scare off the fishes! It takes everything in him not to pull his feet out and run akjrkjaerkjaejkjke
By the end of it, Suma's giddy, Makio's mildy embarrassed but mostly giggly and Hinatsuru's gently chiding him about trying to show off, but Tengen feels pretty great all around cause his wives are happy- and that makes all the ticklishness worth it.
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sjhanny2000 · 2 years
Fights and Sweet Touches (Finale)
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A/N: Hello friends! Sorry that it took me so long to publish this part! Between starting my new job as a teacher and working on my own mental health, it's been tough to get in the writing mood. However, it seems that all I needed was a break and I was good to go! Anyways, here is the long awaited finale of F&ST and I'll warn you now, this is only the beginning.
Warning(s): SPOILERS FOR KNY SEASON 2, separation of partners, marital disputes, depression, anxiety, AU-canon, mention/reference to past SA/abuse, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, emotional imbalances, pregnancy, pregnancy complications
Words: 4.6K+
“-name the baby something pretty, like Momoka!”
“Like hell we are! That name’s stupid!” 
“WAAAAAAHHHHHHH! Hina’, Y/N-chan!”
In truthful honesty, you were merely minutes away from strangling the two kunoichi sitting across from you. You usually had a significant tolerance when it came to Makio and Suma’s antics, in fact most of the time you watched on with fond exasperation from the sidelines as they bickered, but today you simply had no patience to deal with them. Well, it seemed your patience altogether was waning with every passing day, your already sensitive self now increasingly volatile with a raging tide of hormones rushing through your system. Anything and anyone seemed to set you off without warning most days, much to your chagrin, especially when you began to blubber uncontrollably upon your departure from Oshika. 
Though, in all honest reality, leaving the small, quaint village you had come to call your second home had been extremely difficult for not only you but for the village residents. Many tears were spilt between you and Hana-san throughout your lengthy goodbyes, Suma coming in a close third, and when Riku-san bid you a terse goodbye with tears of her own in the typically emotionless woman’s eyes, you hadn’t been to hold back the sobs threatening to fall from your lips. Your tears failed to cease as you and your wives watched the villagers wave goodbye until they were merely specks in the distance, their farewells echoing for what seemed like miles. The three kunoichi did their best to soothe your aching heart whilst your journeyed down the mountain side in a rickshaw wagon Naoki-san had graciously allowed you and your wives to borrow, telling you of their various ventures across Japan whilst in search of you and what seemed to be everything under the sun to act as a distraction to your distress. The particular story of their time in the Entertainment District had been one you found the hardest to swallow, guilt and worry eating away at your mental walls at hearing how close to death all three wives had been. 
Such emotions only grew heavier at knowing Tengen had been the one who bore the most damage from that battle. 
A part of you had cracked at hearing the state your husband had been left in at the end of the fight, standing at death’s door due to the ghastly amount of poison coursing through his system, not mention the amount of blood he had lost throughout the tussle with Upper Moon Six due to his grievous injuries. Your husband in the end had been forced to retire, his left eye and hand gone, and in that sacrifice, he and your wives had finally obtained what they had dreamed of for years. Tengen could finally just be a man, not a shinobi, not a Demon Slayer, just Uzui Tengen, the very man you still loved. Yet, a majority of yourself still felt painful bitter sweetness when it came to the man who had caused you such pain, the one who promised to care for you, a stance he had sternly buckled down on tenfold following your experience with the demon inhabiting poor Tatsuya’s body. 
Your current stance was one your three wives were currently experiencing, though at varying levels. Makio was easily the angriest out of the four of you, the woman already being predisposed due to her fiery temper, and she had no trouble saying what was on her raging mind. 
“If you don't want to see him, we’ll kick him out of the house! The bastard can sleep in the barn for all I care! Hell, the koi pond even!” 
The kunoichi, much like the rest of you, had been hurt by not only Tengen’s words but by his actions as well. Whilst you had been present for the fallout and had left knowing your location, it had been revealed to you that the man in question had failed to notice your absence until the next morning when your wives’ returned home from the Butterly Mansion. Nao-san had wasted no time in forcing Tengen to divulge the previous evening’s events to the three women, the older woman reportedly furious enough with the Sound Hashira that she was willing to feed him to the dogs without a shred of hesitation. The situation only grew more dire and their relationships more strained when you were discovered to have left, to the point that your wives’ contact with Tengen was minimal at best. 
Hinatsuru, who typically was the most level headed out of the four of you, had proven to be nearly inconsolable upon hearing what your husband had done and had promptly taken Makio and Suma with her to begin what would be a nearly six month long search for you. She only spoke of the man when someone else brought him up in conversation and even then her lips were tightly clipped shut, which spoke volumes on how she viewed his hand in the situation. While Makio had no problem in shit talking Tengen, something which Hinatsuru still corrected for the most part, but she herself only gave the bare minimum when it came to giving the man her own respect and trust. 
“We’ve all made mistakes, Makio. He’s are just especially stupid.” Hinatsuru glared at your fellow wife, distaste of Makio’s brash words evident. “Tengen-sama is still our husband and our lord; give respect where it is due!”
To put it simply, she was cordial but nothing more. The violet-eyed kunoichi only defended Tengen when the other two became too far leaning on different ends of the emotional spectrum, Makio being angry whilst Suma was depressed. She often did the same for you when you experienced your wide and swiftly shifting range of emotions, acting as a firm, rocky foundation during the storm that became your thoughts and feelings in your pregnancy. Hinatsuru had been the one to insist on moving forward with every dead end she, Suma, and Makio were met with, when letter after letter from the other individuals searching for you only yielded failure upon frustrating failure. 
Such failures had proven to fuel Suma’s already clingy and tearful tendencies. Suma was a woman that was regularly susceptible to mood swings, a fact that nearly knew and could never dispute upon meeting her. From blubbering wails to fits of rage, Suma was the one wife everyone underestimated until she truly lost it, whether that be to the sea of tears always threatening to fall from gorgeous azure eyes or her hands wrapping around one's throat. Since your reunion, the woman seemed to be permanently stuck within a sea of depression, something that worried not only you but Hinatsuru and Makio as well. The tearful kunoichi hadn’t truly cried for months, according to the other two, having grown quiet and sullen throughout their search. You yourself had seen evidence of her silent depressed state of despair, a bitter pill you struggled to swallow with guilt because it had been your absence that had put Suma in such an awful position. 
All eyes fell onto Suma’s solemn face, eyes downcast and bottom lip trembling. “Makio’s right. Y/N-chan only left because of what he said! We’ve had to miss out on the majority of their pregnancy, something we’ve always imagined experiencing together! If he hadn’t said what he said, we would have never gone to the Entertainment District and Tengen-sama would have never been hurt-!”
 Still, even with your hand in the situation, the only one Suma blamed was Tengen. If the Sound Hashira came up in conversation, Suma could only gaze downwards with a look of betrayal sitting on her typically cheerful face, all childlike innocence she once possessed evaporating in a matter of seconds. Her unwillingness to speak about Tengen only grew the closer you all came to home, the emotional kunoichi putting all of her attention on you and the baby almost to the point of suffocation. Suma had no problem in expressing her frustration in missing so many ‘first moments’, as she called them, and unknown to her, it only caused your guilt to deepen. All three of them failed to realize that the situation at hand had been one that had not only been crafted by Tengen but by you as well, although they failed to hear you out on the matter every time you tried to argue on it. 
With the release of a tired sigh of fondness, Hinatsuru broke you free from your ocean of thoughts, (e/c) irises falling on the woman sitting beside you. “Makio, what have we said about baby name shaming? Suma has every right to her three name choices, just like the rest of us!” 
“Yeah, but c’mon Hina’, hers are ridiculous and only for girls at that! First she said Koume, then Suika, and now Momoka!” Makio crossed her arms over her full chest with a growl, glaring at the teary kunoichi with contempt. “We are not naming our baby after a stupid fruit! And better yet, what if it’s a boy, ya numbskull?!”
“It’s gonna be a girl, I can just feel it!” The azure-eyed kunoichi shouted back, clenching her fists in front of her person with defiance. 
Before either you or Hinatsuru could intervene, Makio swooped back in without pause. “Are you seriously forgetting that Uzuis are notorious for having boys?! Tengen-sama had five brothers and only two sisters! Plus, Y/N-chan only had two sisters out of seven siblings, the other five were boys!”
The feisty kunoichi did have a fair point there. Males were more prevalent in both Tengen and yours families, with his father being one out of eight sons and your own the fifth and final son from a group of seven siblings. Tengen was the eldest of nine and you the youngest of eight, your number of siblings only being so large due to there being three sets of twins, you being one member of those pairs. The likeliness of your unborn child being a boy was practically guaranteed, seeing as how both Tengen and your eldest sibling, Tsunamaru, were male. 
Suma let out a haughty huff, moving to cross her arms over her chest in defiance. “So?! Both of them had sisters too and Y/N-chan’s a girl! That means there’s still a chance!” 
Childish, borderline petty arguments had filled a considerable amount of your time on the road and it simply wasn’t just between those two kunoichi specifically over trivial matters such as baby names. You yourself, much to the three kunoichis’ surprises at first, had come to add your piece to the chaos that always seemed to be present within your marriage, often either bursting into tears or throwing what Makio had annoyingly dubbed temper tantrums. The mood swings had gotten so bad at times that you had bitten Makio over dango one particular trifling evening. 
It didn’t help that making the journey to your temporary home in Oshika had already been draining when you were without the extra weight you now carried within you, and now here you were, traveling homewards in a heavily pregnant state with your three wives. What had once taken you a week to travel now increased to nearly two, your body growing tired easily as your already large unborn child within only came to grow more in weight and size. Your size had been a great topic of discussion amongst the four of you as you carried ever forward, unexpected feelings and particularly naughty thoughts emerging from your wives at the mere sight of your swollen womb. Never could you have expected how in awe they were of your pregnant state, each kunoichi protective and clingy in their own ways, and while it flattered (and flustered) you, it also was an annoyance. 
At seven months and a half months pregnant, you were growing increasingly uncomfortable, causing you to be irritable and short tempered, something that proved to be a struggle for your wives to handle. Your mood swings often unintentionally put everyone in either a foul or depressed state, Suma often crying alongside you and Makio only fueling your rage. Hinatsuru was also susceptible to these moods, much to your honest surprise, the usually even keeled kunoichi ruthlessly snapping at her fellow wives when either Suma or Makio spurred on your current emotional state. It was safe to say that your pregnancy had now become a group affair rather than yours alone. 
“If you two don’t stop it with all this bickering, I’ll simply allow Rengoku-san to name this child!” A warning growl left your body, face curling into a snarl at the baby’s foot striking your bladder for what had to be the millionth time in this hour alone. “And we don’t want that, do we?!” 
Once, the topic of the name the first child of your family had come forth at a dinner Tengen had hosted at the estate for the other Hashira, and the ridiculousness that had followed had left you in a state of embarrassment for days afterward. Some of your husband’s comrades had been eager to offer up names, particularly Rengoku-san, Kanroji-san, and Shinobu-san. Kanroji-san, much like Suma, had been quite adamant on the first child being a girl whom she swooned over being named Hanako, at least until Shinobu-san informed the group of the slim likelihood of your and Tengen’s genetics allowing that to happen. With the Love Hashira deflated, Shinobu-san wasted no time in offering her opinion, stating with great confidence that the baby would be a boy and he would be named Yoroi. Rengoku-san wasted no time in drowning out her suggestion, shouting readily that the child would be a little girl with Tengen’s hair and your eyes and he would choose to name her Mami, after flax seed. The others soon offered their own input on the matter, including Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru, and before you could even comprehend what was happening, everyone had promptly split into two fierce factions. Even Tomioka-san and Tokito-san, the two least emotional members of the Hashira, had taken part, the Water Pillar thinking the child would be a boy and the fourteen year old joining the group of girl enthusiasts. In the end, you were left with burning cheeks whilst your husband laughed good heartedly at the group’s antics as they slowly vacated the premises of the estate to return to their own. That night had only grown to be beyond embarrassing when you heard that even Oyakata-sama had joined in on the argument, offering his own thoughts on the matter. After that debacle, you had sternly put your foot down at any of the Hashira naming your non-existent child. If you were honest, all of Suma’s proposed names didn’t sit right with you either, but as Hinatsuru said, all of you had a right to offer up their own names for the new addition to your family. 
Even Tengen. 
At the mention of the loud Flame Hashira, both women zipped their lips shut, allowing a sweet and fulfilling moment’s peace to fill the peace of your wagon. Satisfied with the outcome of your thinly veiled threat, you primed yourself to enjoy the sudden quiet, until a sharp jab to your ribs and in turn a gasp of pain racing from your mouth caused said silence to be ripped into a thousand pieces. You couldn’t help but pant whilst curling around yourself, the pain of your unborn child’s foot making harsh contact with your ribs radiating unrelentlessly, and it promptly sent your three wives’ into a tizzy. 
“Y/N-chan, are you alright?” Hinatsuru, being the closest to you, wrapped a protective arm around your curved back, her other hand coming to land worriedly on your arm. 
Tears threatened to fall from your (e/c) eyes, a distressed whimper slipping from your lips. “Big kick!” 
A calloused yet well-manicured hand began to rub your right calf in comfort and you looked up just slightly to see Makio kneeling before you, a look of concern sitting on her beautiful face. “Slow and easy breaths, just like that. Good, Y/N-chan.” 
They had experienced a fair share of these debilitating moments with you since your triumphant reunion, forced to watch you suffer whilst they did everything in their power to comfort you. Times such as these forced you to remember the bitter wisdom Enna-san had given you upon your departure from Oshika, the midwife wearing a grim face amidst her farewell. 
“It is best to remain vigilant of your state of being, Ahmya-san. The baby’s current size already does not bode well for your small stature.” The worn but soothing hands of Enna-san grasped your hands with worried passion. “If they happen to grow much larger, it could prove to be disastrous for the both of you.” 
Her truth of her words grew heavier with each passing day, as did the growth of your child. You were quiet in your worry about the upcoming delivery, the risks bearing laboriously on your mind. The size difference between you and your husband was drastic, Tengen being an entire foot and a half taller than your meager 4’11” and far larger than you could ever dream to be in terms of body mass, though your frame was nothing less than durable to say the least. Your fellow wives’ were at least of average height, Hinatsuru and Suma standing at 5’2” while Makio was a mere inch taller, which left you as the smallest, something you both enjoyed and lamented over. Over time, the girls and Tengen himself gave witness to the largeness that seemed to be one of the hereditary traits of the Uzui clan, all being of strong stature and even greater heights. It was only natural for your unborn child to take after your father, though this did not bode well for you, a woman of a family that were average if not small sized people. You had taken after your mother in your height, becoming the shortest of your family upon her untimely death, and with your father’s standard height of 5’5”, you truly had no genetic hope of being of normal height yourself. The tallest in your family, the twins Chimon and Chikao, stood at the fair height of 5 '7'' according to their correspondences to you over the years, the pair only being 5’2” upon your last time seeing them. All of you had been smaller back then, before your father began to shred your already fraying family to pieces until only you, poor unmarriable Y/N remained. 
“We’re nearly to the Uzui estate, ma’ams!”
Slowly, you were able to return to your full sitting height, a wave of nerves washing over at the coachman’s damning words. “I think they can tell that we're near home, they’ve been becoming more restless with every passing hour.” 
In a blur of movement, Suma joined Makio on the floor of the wagon, giving your stomach a stern glare. “You better behave in there! No more hurting Y/N-chan, ya got that?” 
“Are you seriously threatening our unborn child?” A drop of sweat rolled down Makio’s face, her face glancing at the blue-eyed woman with contempt before promptly smacking the back of her head, in turn causing Suma to cry. “Just how stupid are you?!”
Hinatsuru exasperatingly shook her head at the two and turned to you, fresh concern blooming on her face. “Has the pain subsided?” 
“For now. Hopefully they’ll settle down when we arrive.” You shot her a tired smile, moving your hands to cup your under belly.
Silence filled the wagon, all three wives bearing varying degrees of emotions in not only their facial features but their body language as well. All of you would be filthy liars if you said that you were excited to be returning home; in fact, the only reason why you hadn’t jumped out of the back of the wagon six miles back was because you know that no good would come from delaying the inevitable. That your wives’ wouldn’t allow you  to do something like that in your current state. 
Still, each of you had a cross to bear in this situation. Suma was disappointed and upset, whilst Makio was simply furious with the man’s poor decisions, and Hinatsuru, ever the sweet soul, had grown painfully bittersweet. You yourself were embroiled in hefty emotions, fear and anxiety clashing deafeningly within your question-filled mind. Once Tengen saw the state you were in, would he regret you outright or would he tolerate you till the baby was born then cast you out? You feared so many things when it came to Tengen, something that had never occurred until that accursed evening that you berated yourself over so many times over the past months that you had lost count. Yet, a tiny part of you believed, no, begged that Tengen would welcome you with shocked but open arms, that he would hold you close while feeling the child within you toil about in your womb.
What a miracle that would be. 
“We’ve arrived, young ladies!” 
‘Kami, give us strength.’
Peering beyond the tarp covering, you caught sight of the place you had woefully thought you’d never see again, a flutter of contentment surging through you at seeing newly bloomed flowers decorate the walls of the estate alongside the ever drooping wisteria trees. 
“Y/N-chan, are you ready?” 
Your attention snapped to the back of the wagon, where Hinatsuru and Makio waited patiently for you with outstretched hands, Suma already having vacated and standing at the ready a mere foot away. The violet-eyed kunoichi moved forward to assist you in standing to your feet, a task that had only grown more difficult with the growth of your child, and she carefully led you over to the surprisingly patient and cautious Makio. 
“Easy, Y/N-chan. Don’t strain yourself!” 
With the efforts of your three wives, they managed to ease you out of the wagon and onto the solid ground of the dirt road below, a soft moan escaping you at having to stand for the first time in hours. 
“Wait right here, alright? I’m going to pay the driver.” Hinatsuru swiftly disappeared from sight as she went around the corner of the wagon to where the driver was perched on his bench, their words faint but lively enough to hear the remnants of. 
Looking at your two remaining wives, you quickly took note of Suma’s frown visage, something clearly bothering the youngest of the kunoichi. “Suma, are you alright?” 
She didn’t even bother to look at you, a rare look of seriousness shadowing her typically cheery features. “He should have appeared by now.” 
Makio and you knew who she was talking about in an instant, it was hard not to, and before you could say a word, the doors of the front gate slammed upon with a resounding boom. The force behind the sound proved to be quite powerful, enough that both doors hung limply from their mutilated hinges and in the midst of the chaos stood-. 
In your travels, your wives had described the amount of damage Tengen had endured following his fight with Upper Six Moon, a battle that had left a majority of the Entertainment District in shambles and your husband without his left eye and hand. However, none of their descriptions could have prepared you for the sight before you. 
Tengen, for as long as you had known the man, had been all but obsessed about his outward appearance and physique. He trained daily not only for his occupation but for his own satisfaction, just as you did gardening and sewing. However, it seemed that your abrupt separation had not only taken its toll on you and the girls but your husband as well. 
His once pristine and well kept hair was greasy and stringy, hanging limply around his tired face, an state you rarely saw him in if ever. The kimono he was wearing was loose fitting and not exuberant at all, clashing distastefully with the jewels adorning his eye patch, something that the Tengen you knew would never stand for. His one remaining eye was frantic, a singular fuchsia colored iris glancing around in search of something until suddenly, it came to stop on you.
The already tense air grew thicker somehow, making it almost impossible to breathe, your gazes never leaving each other’s. It felt as if you were drowning, the sea of sorrowful hesitation and shame in his eye so damning that you wanted to soothe your husband as his worries; you could only imagine what Tengen saw in your eyes, perhaps the turmoil you had been experiencing since you took off without a single word. He must have seen something, for heart wrenching guilt welled in his eye, tears coming to grace the brim of his lower eyelid. Before either of you could even muster the strength to create a sound, Makio and Suma were standing in front of you with discouraging glares, the pair hiding all but your head from Tengen’s limited view. 
Had he seen-? 
Before he could confirm your suspicions, Hinatsuru was moving in front of him with her hands raised in placation, the kunoichi saying something that must have caught his attention, his eye snapping over to her person. A waiver of weakness overran the man, you could see it from across the road, and he simply stood there dejected and despondent, similar to that of a lost puppy. His lips quivered, his only remaining hand raising as if to object to something Hinatsuru said, but it halted halfway in a sense of defeat you had never seen your husband be in. Whilst he wilted, Hinatsuru turned her attention to the three of you, giving your two wives a knowing look before returning her gaze to Tengen, saying something that had the man’s face turning red with frustration. 
His gaze returned to you, still pained but in need as well, a suffocating longing panting his features just as yours did the same, though you were still on edge at the mere sight of him. You should be angry with him, furious even, but for some reason, your temper was meager embers of discontent. Instead, you felt as if you were drowning within yourself, your heart and lungs aching because this was the you had–no, still loved, the one that treated you like a queen in all but one awful moment. That moment had left you questioning everything for so long, whether you had been selfish, what could you have done differently, why had he reacted so harshly? Such questioning left you heavy hearted and your mind wandering aimlessly through fields of thoughts and scenarios. 
Why Tengen? 
Tears brimmed in your eyes at his distraught, wanting to comfort the man, but you knew that you deserved more. He had done wrong to you, all those around you these last months had said so, and such wrongs had pushed you to leave in shambles and to endure your unexpected pregnancy alone. Your current condition had been the topic of ire that evening, the one that had destroyed everything you and Tengen had built together, and you feared your return would be all for not when he realized you were carrying the child he didn’t want. Was forgiveness even an option in this case? Possibly, but how could you trust him again? How could you believe that he actually would love this child rather than simply tolerate it to appease everyone? That was no life you wanted for your baby nor for yourself and if that were the case, you’d rather leave right now than waste your time. Yet, as his wife, you vowed to remain with him in sickness and in health. 
What a dilemma of morals you found yourself to be in this beautiful, sunny afternoon.   
~~ The End? ~~
A/N: This particular series has ended but more awaits. The story will continue in "Baby Maybe?", which happens to be the last story of the previous followers event. That said, I'm looking for a beta reader so I can churn pieces out faster! Let me know through private messaging if you're interested!
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