#kny uzui
maldito-junajo · 4 months
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Demon Slayer x Studio Ghibli
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pfpanimes · 17 days
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⌕ kimetsu no yaiba: hashira geiko-hen • EP 03.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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paninidanini · 5 months
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Some shitpost teehee
This goes for the people who is down bad for Shinjuro
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subbmissivesuccubus · 11 months
Be a good girl~
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Disclaimer: Contains Daddy kink, Dom Uzui, Sub reader, Rough sex, some humiliation, degradation, size kink, brat taming, spanking, a bit of breeding kink
Uzui didn't know how to explain it, but he's been craving for a bratty submissive to fulfill his desires. Suma, Makio and Hinatsuru were incredible women and he loved them with all his heart, but they weren't interested in being submissive in the bedroom, nor were they fans of rough, kinky sex and Uzui would never ask them to do anything they weren't comfortable with.
But his desire to fold a cutie underneath him and pound her till she was a crying, sobbing, blubbering mess- her ass red from his spankings, makeup running down her face as she begged Uzui to not force more orgasms onto her overstimulated body- wasn't something he could hide. So the four of them came to an agreement. His wives gave him permission to find someone who might scratch that itch for him, who'd be the submissive he needed. And the very day they had that conversation, Uzui met you. A couple of ranks below the Hashira but climbing the ladder pretty quickly, you were a formidable warrior oozing with talent and strength. You were one of the better fights in the corporation and he knew it was only a matter of time before you became a pillar. You were tasked with assisting him on a new mission to track down a dangerous demon. What was supposed to last till sundown was completed within a few hours, you and Uzui making a fantastic team. You tracked down the demon, avoided its traps and tricks and along with Uzui, the two of you cut off it's head. With time to spare and not having any other missions to finish, the two of you took refuge in the Wisteria inn.
After a nice soak at the hot springs, the two of you met up in your room to share some food and drinks. Cups clinked together as you both drank some nice sake, Uzui having convinced you to relax around him for tonight and to just enjoy yourself. Both of you dressed in soft, comfortable yukata's, the vibe quickly turned friendly as the alcohol allowed you to loosed up a bit around him.
"So, are you in a relationship with anyone?" Uzui asked you. "If I was, I wouldn't be in a room with you alone." you retorted. Uzui raised an eyebrow, "I have three wives you know and i'm in this room with you alone." "Oh yeah!" you said, having genuinely forgotten, feeling guilty for some reason, "I shall leave then. This might be seen as inappropriate-"
"Sit back down." Uzui ordered the second he saw you make a move to leave, smiling when you obeyed him, "My wives wouldn't mind. In fact, they've given me permission to pursue a fourth partner if I wanted to. So don't overthink it."
"Oh..." you said, not knowing what to make of that, "If you say so." Your heart skipped a beat over that news. You weren't blind to how ridiculously attractive Uzui was, the man a walking embodiment of sexy. He looked so good in his uniform but here, with his hair let down and wearing a loose Yukata, you had to avert your eyes more than once from his chest.
"So, assuming you had a partner, why did things end?"
"Huh? oh- uh- it's kind of embarrassing..."
"Hmm? Do tell~" Uzui said with a smirk, leaning back on an arm as he nestled his cup of sake in his hand, "I enjoy some gossip."
"Well, he..uh...he was kind of lousy in bed."
"Yeah- like really bad. I don't think he made me satisfied even once."
"Oh, you poor thing." Uzui cooed as he took a sip, "That sounds frustrating."
"It was." You said with a nod, "Honestly, all the guys I've dated have been the same. And judging from the stories my other friends have told me, they face the same problem. Men just don't know how to please women."
"Well, I don't know what type of guys you've slept with," Uzui said with a smirk, "But I'm happy to say I do not lack in that department. You can't keep three wives without doing a satisfactory job."
"Hah! Yeah right." you said with a laugh, dismissing his brag, "I bet they're faking. Most men fail to satisfy one woman, let alone three."
"Perhaps. But I'm not most men." Uzui said, a twinge of annoyance in his voice over your bratty attitude, "with my stamina, it takes all three of them to drain my balls completely."
You hiccuped at his vulgar words, quickly gathering yourself before he could notice. Perhaps it was the alcohol that was making your bratty side come out, or maybe it was because of how comfortable you were around Uzui now, but either way, you couldn't control your tongue.
"Just because you have big muscles doesn't mean you have a big cock. And even if you do, I bet you don't know how to use it!"
"Oh yeah? And how are you so sure?" Uzui asked, "Pretty little thing like you- you wouldn't be able to last five minutes if I speared you on my dick."
"I bet I could handle you!" You said, hands on your hips, leveling Uzui with a glare.
"Really?" Uzui asked, a twinkle in his eye as he looked you up and down, heart skipping at the idea that he might have found someone to play with already, "You sound confident."
"I am." you said, puffing your chest out, an action Uzui enjoyed ogling at, "I bet I can rock your world and not even break a sweat! and I'd bet you'd not make me cum even once." Uzui laughed, a giant smile on his face before he patted his lap, legs crossed and inviting, "Come and prove it then."
"Wait- really?" you asked, not expecting that response. You were just teasing, hoping to annoy him a bit but- "Sure. Unless, you didn't mean it. Chickening out already?" the Hashira asked.
With a huff, your pride refusing to take a hit, you crawled over to Uzui and sat on his lap, your Yukata bunching a bit around your thighs as you straddled him.
"Feel that?" he asked, hands having a tight grip on your hips as he made you grind down against him. You bit down a squeal as you felt his hardness press against your core, gulping as you could tell how big he was even through the layer of clothing. You tried to keep level-headed, but Uzui could see right through your poor attempts.
"And you know what?" he asked, hands sliding from your hips to your ass, the man taking greedy handfuls of your pump skin as he groped you, making you gasp, "I'm only half hard~"
"L-Liar!" You said, unable to bite your tongue from responding. He already felt so big against you- and he was only halfway there?! Uzui laughed, before saying:
"Yeah? Why don't you check?" the man asked, quickly untying the sash around his Yukata before leaning back a bit on his arms, a look in his eyes that clearly meant he was challenging you. You gulped as the fabric started to move aside, giving you a generous peek of his sculpted torso. A big, wide body with washboard abs and big pecs, you had to stop yourself from drooling.
"What's wrong?" he asked, "Just going to keep looking? I thought you said you could handle me."
"I-I can!" You snapped, your pride not allowing you to back down, "You're so impatient."
Uzui's chuckle made the hairs on the back of your head prick up, a certain darkness to it. "You know, I'm keeping track of all the bratty comments you make. I can't wait till it bites you in the ass~"
"Sh-shut up!"
"That's another one~"
With a huff, you leaned forward against Uzui's leaning body, gulping as you gripped the folds of his yukata and pulled them apart, completely exposing his torso to you. Never being one to be so forward but also refusing to back down, you pressed you face against his neck and kissed it, your soft lips touching his fair skin. Uzui's groan of content could be felt on your lips as you slowly started kissing his body, a hand coming up to run up his abs. You slowly got more and more confident, your tongue peaking out to lick at his collarbone, your hips grinding down harder against his member. But your pride took a hit when Uzui suddenly started chuckling, making you frown and look up and him.
"Something funny?" you asked, annoyed.
"Yes. You. Kissing and touching me like a blushing virgin. Is this what you meant when you said you'd rock my world? Because if so, I'm not impressed."
You scoffed, cheeks heating up in embarrassment, "You- well excuse me for not being a whore like you-"
But before you could finish your sentence, one of Uzui's hand shot up, grabbed the back of your hair and pulled harshly, making you gasp as your neck was suddenly snapped back. "Watch that filthy mouth of yours." he said, cock twitching as he heard your gasps, "I think it's time I teach you who's in charge here."
"Y-you started it!" you gasped out, head paining from how he was pulling your hair, words hard to speak from how your neck was being stretched. Uzui simply clicked his tongue, "Still have an attitude. I'm afraid I don't have the patience to wait for you to move things along." His free hand expertly tugged at the sash of your yukata and ripped it off of you, making you gasp as your body was exposed to him, no time to feel shy as he tugged your head down and met you for a kiss. It was a greedy and feral lip lock, Uzui immediately massaging your tongue with his own, dominating the kiss effortlessly.
Maybe you did bite off more than you could chew.
But damn, if you weren't excited.
"I've been wanting to bend your bratty ass over my knee and teach you a good lesson every since you opened your mouth." Uzui growled as he bit your lower lip, making you yelp, "Telling me you'll rock my world when you blush like a virgin when you grind on my dick- how adorable."
"That's not- I-" you tried to protest, not knowing what you were protesting in the first place.
"Shut up." Uzui said, kissing you again before picking you up with one hand, your legs wrapped around his waist with his hand under your butt. "We're going to the bedroom." he said, easily carrying you towards said room, "It's time I teach you some manners. And remember, five minutes are on the clock."
Uzui got you to cum in three minutes.
Once he threw you on the bed, he ripped your Yukata off, followed by your undergarments, leaving you completely naked. He shrugged off the fabric he had on as well, his cock springing out of its confines and you swear you forgot how to breathe for a second.
How on earth did you have the audacity to joke that his dick wasn't big? It was a monster of a member, long and thick with heavy balls dangling between his legs. You gulped as he crawled onto the bed, looking down at you like a predator stalking its prey. He grabbed your legs and spread them apart, exposing your sex to him. Gripping you on the back of your thighs, he pushed you enough to make your body bend, your cunt exposed to him even more obscenely.
"U-Uzui-san!" you squealed, face red hot at the way he was staring at your cunt.
"You're going to call me Daddy." he explained, licking his lips as he leaned down, his mouth inching towards your sex, "and Daddy needs to prepare your tiny pussy to take his fat cock."
And that's how you experienced the fastest orgasm of your life. Within three minutes, Uzui was drinking down your cum, the man's mouth and tongue so expertly pleasuring you, it was a clear loosing battle. He laughed into your cunt as you came, the vibration making your body tremble even more as he ate you out, paying extra attention to your clit as he took the sensitive bud into his mouth and sucked so hard, it almost made you cum again.
Once you were down from your high, once he looked down on you as he wiped your juices off his lips- you knew you were fucked.
"So," he said, picking up the sash of your yukata from where he discarded it before wrapping it a few times around his hand and making a show of pulling it tightly to make a 'crack' sound, "Remember how I mentioned I want to take you over my knee?"
"Say it."
"I- I don't w-want to-"
"Say it or I'll spank you all night."
With a sob, knowing full well he meant it, you had no choice but to relent, swallowing down your pride as you said:
"D-Daddy please stop spanking my n-naughty pussy!"
Head hanging upside down from how you were placed over Uzui's knee, the blood rushing to your ears almost made you miss the way Uzui groaned.
"Is your poor pussy in pain?" he cooed, petting said pussy. It was hot to the touch, your pussy lips dyed a bright red, matching your ass. A man of his word, he spanked you as punishment for your bratty behavior and comments, holding you still as he rained spanks down on your poor butt, your hands tied behind your back, unable to do anything about it. Once he was satisfied with marking up your ass, he spread your legs a bit and started spanking your pussy, laughing at the way you twitched and shook, your cries of pain only making his cock get harder.
He slapped your pussy again, making you squeal. "Answer me."
"Yes! Yes- m-my pussy hurts so much Daddy!"
"Aww, poor baby~" he said, raining tiny pats on your cunt repeatedly, not as hard but still enough to make your body tremble, "have you learned your lesson?"
"Yes Daddy!" you said with zero hesitation.
"Are you going to act like a brat again?"
"I won't, I p-promise! I'll be good-"
"That's my girl," Uzui said, cupping your pussy gently, the warmth of his hand against your sore, red cunt making you gasp, "But we're not done yet. Make sure you keep your promise, alright?"
"U-U-Uzui-s-san! S-slow down p-please!" you squealed, voice jumping as Uzui jack-hammered into you, his hips practically a blur as he pounded your pussy. Fucking you from behind, he ignored your cries as he brought a leg up to better fuck you, laughing at your yelp and the way your pussy clamped around him.
"That's not my name," he growled, the grip he had on your hips bruising as he bashed his cock into your poor cunt, "What's. My. Name?" He spanked your ass three times to put emphasis on his words, your body jumping with each hit. Tears filled your eyes from the burn, no doubt a bright, red hand-print left behind on your already red skin. The burn of Uzui's hips slapping against you took your breath away, your poor spanked ass and pussy not getting a break.
"D-Daddy!" you cried out, eyes rolling to the back of your head as Uzui showed no signs of slowing down- if anything you felt his cock grow bigger inside you- "Daddy please- please- please slow down? P-Please!"
"Shhh, you can take it, right?" Uzui said, snickering as a hand grabbed the back of her head and pushed, smothering your face against the mattress, "Didn't you say you could handle me? Where'd your fight go?"
Your sobs were muffled by the cloth, his grip on your head unrelenting. You gripped the bed-sheets so hard veins were popping out on your hands, hands no longer tied up, your tears soaking into the mattress. The lack of air only made your body get even more sensitive, your pussy clamping down harder against Uzui's fat cock.
"You were such a fucking brat-" Uzui growled, feeling the familiar knot in his abdomen start to tighten, "Talking such big- fuck that's good- such big game! Saying you could take me- but look at you now. Pathetic~"
He gripped your hair and pulled, ignoring your cry of pain as your neck snapped back, your body following the movement until you were upright on your knees, Uzui's firm body pressed against your back. With a laugh, he let go of your hair only to then catch you in a choke-hold. His huge biceps pressed against your neck, restricting your airways, the man snickering at your feeble attempt to grab him. You were held up by his arm around your throat and his cock slamming against you, completely at his mercy, as you were the entire night.
"I like them pathetic~" Uzui growled into your ear before giving your lobe a bite, pulling on it with his teeth, making you squeal. Your face was turning a bright red, your mouth wide open and eyes rolling to the back of your head. The force of his thick member splitting apart your poor pussy combined with the warmth of his body behind you and the tight feeling of his arm against your neck- you never felt like this before:
Completely and utterly fucked.
You had already cum three times, the man fingering you to your orgasm after he spanked you and fucking you to climax out when he stuffed you with his cock.
Being wrong never felt so good.
His hips kept working into you, the slap of his balls against your cunt so obscene, you could still hear it despite the blood flowing around your head. One hand gripping his biceps while the other went back to grab at his thrusting hip, you held on for dear life, thoughts leaving your head as you sunk into a mental state where all you could think about was Uzui.
"Ooh~ That's what I like to see~" Uzui groaned, the expression on your face making his sadistic side purr in happiness. Seeing you completely fucked out and at his mercy- this is what he needed- this is what he craved.
"Fucked the brat right out of you, didn't I?" the man said, reveling in his accomplishment, "What was it you said to me? I can't satisfy one woman, let alone three? Hmm? Hmm?"
With a slap to your thigh, you yelped as Uzui's free hand went between your legs, his rough finger starting to twirl your clit around. "Daddy- no- too sensitive!" you pleaded, body twitching underneath his hold as you felt spikes of pleasurable pain run through you as he toyed with your sensitive bud, "Please- i'm sorry! I'm- ah- sorry!"
"Sorry for what?" Uzui growled, pinching your clit so hard it made you scream, "Be specific you naughty little brat!"
"I'm sorry f-for making fun of you!" you confessed, "Sorry for saying you're not g-good in bed- you're amazing- fuck- ah- ah!"
"All it takes is some cock to get to behave, hmm?" Uzui snarled.
"Daddy- i'm gonna cum- can I cum? Please?" you begged, knowing well from last time that he expected you to ask for permission. "Go ahead." Uzui said, hand working your clit even faster, "Greedy slut. Cumming four times while Daddy hasn't even cum once. You better make it up to me."
He chocked you even harder, veins popping in his muscles as he took your breath away, literally. The lack of air made your body go into overdrive, face red as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Within seconds, you squirted all over his cock, the first time you ever experienced that, liquid gushing out of your pussy, dripping down both your bodies before seeping into the mattress. Uzui held your trembling body down, letting out a cheeky whistle as his hips didn't relent, fucking your orgasm for every single drop.
"Fuck! That was so fucking hot!" Uzui said with a laugh, "You're going to do that again." You could do nothing as he pushed you back onto the bed, your limbs having no strength to hold you up as you fell flat on your stomach, just lying down on the bed. But that seemed to be what Uzui wanted, the man following you as he lied down on top of you and started fucking you pro bone. You sobbed as his cock somehow went even deeper, slamming against your womb mercilessly. The weight on his body on you coupled with the ravenous feeling of his member fucking you within an inch of your life almost made you black out.
"Daddyyy!" you cried out, tears streaming down your cheeks as your pussy was pounded, "C-Can't cum anymore- please-" You probably said 'please' more time tonight that you had in your entire life. "You think you're done?" Uzui growled, hips not loosing their rhythm as he chased his pleasure, your pussy so wet and hot, he had to focus real hard to not climax immediately. It was only thanks to his training as a demon slayer that he could last this long- his breathing techniques allowing him to delay his orgasm as much as possible. If he was a normal man, no doubt he would have came ages ago. But it was thanks to his trained body that he could keep going which was good, because he wasn't done punishing you.
"No. You're done when I say so, understand?" You sobbed as a response. "You're done when I empty my balls inside this perfect pussy of yours and breed you- got it?" "Y-Yes Daddy." "That's a good girl. Don't pass out on me now, alright? I'll keep fucking you anyway."
You woke up the next morning, every inch of your body in pain and sore, especially your pussy which took load after load of Uzui's cum. You lost count how many times you came, the rest of the night being a blur and you remembered nothing but him breeding you. At some point he caught you in a mating press and fucked you so hard you swore you temporarily blacked out, waking up only to feel him fill your womb up again.
You sat up on the bed, looking to the side and scoffed at your reflection in the nearby mirror. You looked like a mess. Exhaustion was clear on your face, your eyes sunken from the tears you cried, hair a mess and your naked body littered with bite marks and hickies. You looked at your partner, the man looking the complete opposite. Silky white hair draped over his pillow, his skin clear and glowing with a soft smile on his handsome face.
You had an urge to smack his pretty face, annoyed at how much he wrecked your body despite the fact that you enjoyed every second of it. He truly brought out something in you and it was scary- but damn it was fun.
Deciding to listen to your intrusive thoughts, you raised your hand up to smack him, when he suddenly opened his eyes, greeted to the image of you with your hand raised. Thinking quickly on your feet, you gulped and blinked your eyes as you slowly brought your hand down to cup his cheek lovingly, rubbing it sweetly like that was your plan all along.
"...Because I wrecked your body last night, I'll let this slide." Uzui said, grasping your hand with his own before placing a gentle kiss on it, "But I won't be so nice next time."
"So there's gonna be a next time?" you asked with a smile, plopping down against his broad chest.
"Of course." Uzui said, running a gentle hand through your hair, "You belong to Daddy now."
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kakashismain · 4 months
Ugh I love him
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luxthestrange · 1 year
KNY Incorrect quote#4 Your Harem
In The Red District arc...You are Fighting the demon siblings
Hashira!Y/n*Eyes focusing Solely on him*...
Gyutaro*Slightly weirded out*...
Hashira!Y/n: Hey Let's play 20 questions while we fight you first!
Gyutaro:...Uh...What's your favorite color?
Hashira!Y/n*Laser Focus dodges his blood cycles and manages to be face to face*TRIANGLE-ARE YOU SINGLE?BACKUP QUESTION WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED IN DATING A HASHIRA?
Hashira!Y/n: shut yo damn mouth you wife hog! I WANT MY HAREM TOO-
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peachdues · 15 days
That tengen picture unleashed something inside me-
His fingers knuckle deep inside while he listens to your symphony of moans..
After he's done he licks them clean but he isn't done, nights still young after all
bestie, we are on the same page. And because I’m feeling a certain type of way, enjoy this scene from Tengen’s upcoming installment of Tell Me to Stop
bodyguard!Tengen x Assassin!Reader • enemies to lovers AU
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A/N: giggling and kicking my feet rn.
CW: explicit sexual content • MDNI • fingering • edging • Tengen referring to Reader as a villain (affectionate) • rough sex • alley sex
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“You’re a bastard.” But the ferocity of your insult is weakened by the way your back arches against the rugged stone of the alley wall; how you widen your thighs, a soft moan vibrating on your lips as Uzui sinks another finger into your wet heat.
The silver-haired asssassin only smirks as he leans in, close enough that the slightest movement would mean his lips would brush against yours.
He stills, leaving less than a millimeter between your mouths.
“But I am yours,” his breath is sweet and warm as it fans over your face. “And I’ll make you mine, even if I die trying.”
It is difficult to focus on anything but the hand between your thighs, pushed down the front of your trousers that he’d hastily untied when he’d cornered you in this dark alleyway.
Thick. The Sound Assassin’s fingers are so gods’ damned thick. He’d had you whimpering from just one, sliding in and out of your honeyed warmth with ease, your damn body betraying your desperate hunger for his.
The presence of the second finger stroking along your inner walls with each languid push of his hand has you gritting your teeth as the pleasure he bestows becomes edged by the faintest hint of discomfort.
It is maddening, how easily your body gives into his cursed touch. So much so that it sinks into your skin, ignites an itch that grows more incessant with each heaving breath.
You seek to take out some of your frustrations on his mouth. You stretch up on your toes, biting back a whimper at the way the tension in your legs and the new arch in your body pushes those wretched fingers deeper into your body.
Your hand seizes the nape of his neck and tries to jerk him down toward you.
Uzui tenses for a moment, his eyes widening before his mouth settles into a smirk, and he pulls back.
Those damnable magenta eyes flash with amusement at your responding snarl as you try and pull him down again, all to no avail.
“If it’s my lips you desire, then you’ll have to beg for them, sweet devil.”
The rough cobblestone of the wall scrapes against your back as you push harder into him. Your fingers twist harshly in his hair and you yank his head forward. “Kiss me, you damn brute —“
Your legs spasm as Uzui crooks his fingers inside you until he’s pressing directly on that rough patch of flesh deep inside your innermost wall — the one that had made you sob as he’d bullied it with the thick head of his cock weeks ago, when you’d thrown him down and taken him under the stars.
“Ah ah,” Uzui tuts, and the smug set of his mouth threatens to boil your blood. “Beg nicely.”
The slow, torturous massage of his fingers against that damn spot forces a trickle of drool from the corner of your mouth. Your tongue grows far too swollen, you head far too fogged, to even try and form the request he seeks.
Uzui, it seems, does not care that his hand is fucking you into a dumb stupor.
“Is your pride so great that you cannot muster a simple ‘please?’” He jeers, his eyes flashing with both lust and challenge.
He smirks, revealing a row of pearly white teeth as your thighs begin to quiver around his hand, your inner walls fluttering around each measured stroke of his fingers.
“It doesn’t matter. You’re about to come, aren’t you?” And his grin widens at the way you sink your teeth into your bottom lip, desperate to hold in the soft, breathy moans he knows you want to make. “Yeah, you are.“
His fingers wrench cruelly out from between your legs, leaving you with nothing but the ache of a rapidly fading high. But before you can howl you protest, before you can curse his name and his mother for the insult of his birth, Uzui flips you around and slams you into the alley wall.
His hand forces space between your groin and the stone, and without warning, he plunges his fingers right back into your soaking heat, clenching heat.
The moan rumbling in your throat feels distant and foreign as your eyes roll back. Uzui resumes his messy, hurried movements as though he hadn’t broken pace to begin with, and soon, your legs are vibrating where they’re pressed against the wall.
A sharp prodding against your backside brings you back down to earth long enough to realize Uzui is grinding wantonly against you, the rotation of his hips matching each thrust of his fingers.
There is no where for you to go; no where to escape. Not when your front is mashed against the alley wall, pinned in place by the heavy, suffocating mass of the Sound Assasin at your back.
Uzui’s teeth catch the lobe of your ear. “I know you, my darling nemesis. I know your body better than my own.”
The rational part of you screams to bite back; to fight, to show him exactly how he doesn’t know you at all, and how he’s an idiot for believing otherwise. But then, Uzui adds a third finger inside you, and the resulting stretch and burn between your legs is nearly as great as it had been when you’d first impaled yourself on his cock, all those weeks ago.
It was a sensation you’d been chasing ever since, only to be bitterly disappointed upon realization that no tavern boy, no cocky palace sentinel, could ever compare to the sheer mass of the King’s closest guard.
Resigned, you brace one palm flat against the stone wall, willing the bite of the rock against your skin to keep you grounded even as the silver-haired guard’s fingers threaten to send you free falling from some internal ledge. The other grasps wildly behind you in search of him, clutching at his hip and pulling him closer.
Uzui groans his approval into the side of your head, and he allows his great weight to smother you against the wall as he leans forward.
“Do you think I could have forgotten how it feels to have you climax around me?” His thumb swirls that bundle of nerves at the apex of your thighs as his fingers continue to pump steadily in and out of you. “Do you truly think I don’t spend my nights imagining you, perched atop me, using my cock the way you desire? That the memory of your face screwed up in pleasure — the feeling of your divine cunt wrapped around me — doesn’t haunt my every waking thought?”
He plunges his fingers inside you, all the way to his third knuckle. “You must answer for the torture you’ve inflicted, you cruel, wicked creature.”
You cry out right as Uzui strokes that inner spot once more, your hips twisting and grinding desperately against his hand as the thumb working your bead increases its pressure.
The bulge pressed right against your ass is rock-hard, and the thought of what lies beneath his trousers makes your mouth water.
The coil in your gut begins to tighten once more, this time more quickly than it had when you’d been facing him. Its pull is stronger, and the way his thick fingers keep grazing that sweet spot on your innermost wall all but guarantees you’ll be turned to liquid right there in that seedy alleyway.
You need his lips — otherwise, your screams will alert everyone within a fifty-meter vicinity of exactly how capable the Sound Assassin was of breaking you.
You try and warn him. “Uzui —“
“All you have to do, my sweetest torment, is beg.”
Your walls pulse violently around his fingers, a warning that you are mere seconds away from succumbing to brutal pleasure. Your hips begin moving on their own, grinding and checking desperately into his hand as the rough stone wall bites and scrapes against your exposed hips.
The need for him — for his lips — burns hot in your blood. It is maddening, this desire for his intimacy, and yet, try as you might, you cannot squash it.
You need it — need his kiss, need him to consume you whole.
“T-Tengen.” It slips out before you can stop it, your mouth forming the syllables with a startling ease.
Behind you, the Sound Assassin freezes, his hand stilling its maddening exploration of your core.
Never before had you called him by his given name; normally, you were in the habit of calling him every derogatory insult under the sun. At best, you’d called him Uzui.
Though you are turned away from him, you can feel the shift in him; the dark lust that settles over him, clouds whatever common sense he claimed to possess, replacing it with base need.
“That counts,” he growls in reply, and then the hand between your thighs resumes its task with more vigor than before, which the other snares in your hair and wrenches your head back.
The strain in your throat amplifies as Uzui roughly claims your mouth with his. He does not bother to wait for your permission before deepening the kiss; instead, he only tightens in hold in your hair, forcing you to gasp into him. The moment your lips part, his tongue sweeps past, branding you with each lick at the roof of your mouth.
You suppose it’s a good thing Uzui has smothered your moans with his feverish lips and demanding tongue. For the second his hand pulls away from between your legs, right as you’re on the precipice of cumming to pull that thick, monstrous length of his free from his trousers, you surely would’ve cried out in protest.
And that wicked mouth of his also manages to swallow the scream of pleasure that follows as Uzui enters you in a single, deep plunge, as well as your subsequent groan as you climax around him, just as he begins roughly fucking you against the alley wall.
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scrimblyscrorblo · 1 month
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Some highlighter ship sketches cuz it’s keeping my brain going!
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Cutie patootie Rengiyuu, I havnt drawn kyuojuro in forever godamn TT
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When you anger your snake so he purposefully hangs out with your sworn enemy
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ponderingmoonlight · 6 months
the way I drooled when I saw that man again
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How is the so ducking hot
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sengiewhy · 17 days
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tengen uzui hehe 🤭
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dan-i98a · 16 days
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jupitereleven · 16 days
demon slayer ep.3 seasons 4
this episode is all about tengen.
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bee-writes-n-spins · 7 months
on the other side of that metaphorical one-way mirror, is a trembling little boy. is a fearful child.
he's so scared. so scared they'll see past the facade he puts on to imitate those around him. so scared they'll see his true self.
that mirror is the only thing about him that shows confidence.
but then he meets you.
you're the only one who can see through as if it's a window. you're the only one who can hold that small child and tell him it's okay.
please.. just tell him it's okay..
RANPO, ango, poe, kokichi, UZUI, giyuu, and any of your falsely confident favorites!
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subbmissivesuccubus · 10 months
Part 2 of this~
Content : Rengoku X Fem reader X Uzui. Threesome. Exhibitionism. Oral sex (giving and receiving). Unprotected sex.
Taglist (Let me know if you'd like to be added to the list!): @its-missa
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Not one to waste any time, Rengoku's hands slid up your Yukata, ignoring your yelp as he grasped what he was looking for.
"W-W-Wait! Rengoku-sa-aaann!" You squealed as the man grabbed your panties and slid them off of you, discarding them before immediately grabbing the back of your knees and pushing them up, making your body fold slightly. You failed to bite down your yelp as your legs were pushed to your chest, the position humiliating yet so hot- "W-We're outside!" You hissed, face turning even redder at the way the flame pillar was staring at your sex, a look in his eyes like he was mesmerized, the position making your cunt look extra plump and delicious. With the way the bench was situated, if you turned your head to the right, you'd see Uzui next to you and a couple feet behind him was the inn, close enough for people to understand what was happening if they happened to look this direction.
"Relax, cutie~" Uzui said, the arm he had around you running up your waist before he grabbed your left breast, his hand big enough to envelop it pretty well, squeezing it like a toy through the fabric. "We're Hashira afterall," he explained, chuckling as you writhed underneath them, an adorable blush on your cheeks "We can do whatever we like and no one would stop us."
"And I told you I'd prove to you that I'll make an excellent husband," Rengoku said, looking up with you with his bright eyes, filled with desire and lust, "so be a good girl and take it, alright?" "You- you can prove that inside the inn!" you hissed, but your body betrayed how excited you were, your pussy growing wet from the situation, a fact Rengoku immediately noticed. "I'm an impatient man." he said, pressing his lips against your inner thigh and sucking a hickey onto it, making your toes curl, "and it seems my wife to be is quite an impatient woman too."
With that, he placed a sweet kiss to your clit, hands running down to the back of your thighs, his hold on you still tight, keeping your body steady and folded the way he wanted it to be. His tongue flicked out to start twirling your clit around, running in circles over the cute bud before he started flicking it, the point of his tongue assaulting it mercilessly. You slapped a hand over your mouth as your legs already started shaking, Rengoku's hot tongue so sinful. His groans traveled up your spine as he sealed his lips around your clit and sucked, making you hiccup at the suction. Giving it a light nibble, he then pulled away to drag his tongue from your hole all the way to your clit over and over again, the man moaning from the taste of your slick. Shaking his head from side to side, his tongue ran all over your pussy, licking up every nook and cranny, eating you out like a man starved.
"You know, despite the fact that I'm jealous he getting to taste you first tonight," Uzui said - practically sitting on his side as he was turned towards you, his big body partially hiding you from any passerby's as his right hand gently slipping into the folds of your Yukata to grasp your left breast, "Getting a close view of your adorably lewd expressions is quite the treat~" You mewled, breathing heavily through your nose as Rengoku stuffed his tongue inside your aching hole just as Uzui started squeezing your bare tit, greedily playing with it before his fingers focused on your nipple, trapping it between his thumb and forefinger before giving it a harsh pinch. Rengoku groaned as he felt your pussy tighten around his tongue, pulling away for a second to say: "Do that again. She likes it."
Uzui's chuckle made your spine shiver, the man kissing your cheek before his hands grabbed the folds of your Yukata by your chest and roughly pulled them apart. You squealed as your bare breasts were exposed to the cold wind, settling down with a bounce, your nipples hardening instantly. "No bra. How naughty~" Uzui teased, eyes glued to your pretty chest. "Th-That's cause- just came out of the bath- ah!" You barely got to finish your sentence before Uzui leaned down and took a nipple into his mouth, your other boob being squeezed by his hand.
Pussy gushed around Rengoku's face, the man drinking it like he was dying of thirst as you tried your hardest to not make any sounds. You slapped both hands over your mouth, pressing down tightly and muffling your moans as Uzui's hot tongue danced around your sensitive nipples, teasing it a bit before he sealed his lips around it and sucked so hard it made your toes curl.
Out in public, tits and pussy out in the open, Yukata hanging on for dear life by your waist- you couldn't believe this was happening. "You're a sensitive little thing, aren't you?" Uzui asked with a chuckle as he switched from one nipple to the other, "Even when we took you last time- even the slightest touch got you hot and bothered. It's so fucking cute- mmph~" Latching onto your other nipple, Uzui moaned into your skin at the feeling of your hard, sensitive bud against his tongue. He was getting so addicted to your reactions, he couldn't help but give it a gentle nibble, cock twitching as he heard your muffled yelp.
Rengoku was just as addicted, slurping up your slick as he stuck a finger into your pussy, groaning as your hot, wet walls enveloped it. He couldn't wait to get his cock in you- but only after you came in his mouth. "Hold you leg up." he ordered and you did as you were told, moving a hand away from your mouth to grab onto the back of your left leg, holding it up for Rengoku as he continued to finger you, sliding a second one in and curling it just right.
You were trying your hardest to muffle your moans, tears in your eyes from restraining yourself. You'd often look to the side to see if anyone was watching, and while no one was, you always felt like someone could be and you didn't know if that made the situation hotter.
"G-Gonna c-cum-" you whined, voice breaking from the restraint. Your nipples were sucked and bitten raw, hickies littering your chest as Uzui still continued to shower your breasts with attention. Your juices were dripping down Rengoku's hand, his mouth still unrelenting as he sucked your clit, giving it gentle nipples. "Cum for us, baby." Rengoku groaned into your pussy, "Cum in my mouth- want to taste you~"
You bit your bottom hard enough to almost draw blood, your body shaking as you could feel your orgasm get closer and closer and closer and you knew you wouldn't be able to keep your voice down. You moans were already loud despite your best efforts, unable to smother men with how good the two of them were making you feel. As the knot in your abdomen threatened to break, just a few seconds away from an orgasm, your hand left your mouth as you got Uzui's attention.
"K-Kiss me!" you begged, pulling his Yukata desperately, trying to get him away from your chest to help you out, "Kiss me p-please- mmph!"
Uzui didn't hesitate for even a second as he moved upwards and slotted his lips against your just as you climaxed. One hand on your breast as he squeezed, he expertly shoved his tongue down your throat, swallowing your moans and holding you down as your orgasm made your whole body shake in pleasure. He groaned at the feeling of you squealing into his mouth, making you gag on his tongue, the kiss a filthy mess of spit and teeth and he loved it. Rengoku's moans and groans added to the pleasure, the man's hot tongue relentless as he helped you ride your orgasm. He continued to suck and lick, wondering if he was in heaven as directed your plush thighs to close tightly around his face as he drank down your climax, his face smushed between the soft flesh. Pussy gushing around his face like a faucet, he slotted his mouth against your cunt, sucking, licking and drinking you up until a shaky hand came up to push him away due to the over-stimulation. With a final kiss to your clit, Rengoku pulled away, breathless, face red and lips wet.
Uzui pulled away from the kiss, both of your lips swollen and red, breathing in each others air as you panted heavily from the force of your climax along with Uzui taking your breath away. He pressed his forehead against yours, rubbing his nose against yours sweetly.
"Come here." Rengoku said, pushing himself up to his legs, Uzui moving out of the way before he kissed you, slipping his tongue into your mouth. You could taste yourself on his lips, shivering at the sweet way he kissed you, a stark contrast to the filthy kiss you just had with Uzui. You yelped into the kiss as Uzui touched your sensitive pussy, the man cupping it with his palm before gently rubbing it up and down. "Good girl," Uzui said, petting your pussy gently, "He did quite the number on your poor kitty, huh?" "You did such a good job," Rengoku moaned into your lips, "So good for us." he pecked your lips again and again, a sweet gesture among a filthy situation.
"I wanna..." you gulped, mouth dry, feeling shy as Rengoku started peppering your face with kisses, "I wanna make you two...feel good too." your eyes glanced over their bodies, their erections pressing against their Yukata's.
"Let's go inside." Uzui said, taking his hand off of your pussy to start righting your clothes, "you might have been able to keep your voice down when he ate you out- but i'm sure you won't be able to do the same when we get our cocks in you."
Uzui was absolutely right.
"Ah! Fuck- ah-ah-ahh!" You squealed as Uzui pushed inside you, his fat cock splitting you open deliciously. He grunted above you, silver locks falling over his shoulder as he drove his cock deeper and deeper inside you, licking his lips as he got a good view of your expression. Your hands fisted the futon beneath you, head tossed back against the pillow, eyes closed tightly as your body trembled with the feeling of getting speared on Uzui's cock. All three of you were buck naked, a tight fuck pile on your futon as you started what was going to be the first of a few rounds.
"Come here baby." Rengoku said, stroking his cock as he positioned himself beside your head, "give me that pretty mouth." You opened your eyes enough to look over at Rengoku, pussy throbbing as you watched him work his member, obediently opening your mouth for him. He hummed as he moved closer, running a gentle hand through your hair before he pushed himself past your lips, letting out a lovely moan as you sucked him in. Your lips first sealed around his cock head, sucking him like a treat, tongue dancing over him. He made you feel so good- you were excited to return the favor. Your tongue dug into the tip, tasting his precum, smiling as Rengoku's body jumped, groaning at the feeling. Eventually you opened your jaw more, an invitation for Rengoku to push his cock deeper into your mouth.
"oh- fuck yes-" Uzui groaned as he bottomed out, his balls throbbing against your pussy as he gave you a second to adjust to his size. He ran a hand up and down your body, grabbing handfuls of your tummy and chest as your pussy gushed around him, your attention split between the two of them.
"Gonna start moving, okay?" Uzui said, licking his lips as he made you wrap your legs around his waist, towering over you as he placed his hands on the futon, holding himself up, "be a good girl and take it, okay?" Your moaned around Rengoku's cock in confirmation and that was enough for Uzui. Gritting his teeth, he started moving his hips, slowly dragging his thick cock out and in, out and in. He could feel your slick, hot, tight walls press against him deliciously, your heat making his head spin already. Every time he pulled out, it felt like your walls were sucking him back in, begging him to come back inside which he happily did.
"Oh you're such a good girl- my good girl- my perfect wife~" Rengoku moaned, more vocal of the two as he slowly pushed down your throat, loving the way you gagged around him. One hand grabbing a bouncing breast, the other one in your hair, he gently started fucking your mouth, cock going in and out of your throat. Uzui snickered, picking up the pace as your cunt got used to him, "She tightened at that~ you like being called wife, baby?"
You mewled as Rengoku suddenly pushed himself completely into your mouth, eyes watering as his cock was down your throat, gagging several times before you tapped his thigh. He slowly pulled out, letting you breathe and cough, your hand obediently coming up to jerk his slobbered on member as you collected yourself.
"Look at you, such a good wife for us~"
You gasped, back arching as Uzui picked up the pace, balls slapping against you as he drove his member into you. His cock was hitting your g-spot, making your moans jump in time with his thrusting, pleasure coursing through your veins. Uzui's hands grabbed your hips, grip bruising as he chased his pleasure, mouth open and moaning as your pussy milked his cock perfectly.
"Deep throat me again, darling." Rengoku said, tightening his grip on your hair as he moved forward to push his cock into your mouth again. With a deep breath, you opened your mouth and groaned as he pushed in, this time going deeper and deeper until his abdomen was touching your nose, his fat cock lodged down your throat. This time, he started moving his hips, driving his cock up and down your throat, balls slapping against your face as he started fucking your face. His eyes rolled to the back of his head from the pleasure, mouth open in a constant moan at how amazing your mouth felt around him.
Uzui was no better, his hips now practically a blur with how vigorously he was pounding your pussy. Jack-hammering into you, his mouth spilled pure filth as he fucked your brains out, loving that he could see your expression change as you got more and more cock drunk.
"Such a naughty wife! You love this, don't you? Taking two fat cocks at once- such a slutty little girl~"
"Don't be mean, Uzui." Rengoku said, gritting his teeth as pleasure took over him, "she's being such a good wife for us- making us feel so good-"
"Can't wait till we get married~" Uzui said, raising your legs to his shoulders, holding onto them as he pounded you, loving the way Rengoku's cock failed to muffle your moans of pleasure, "you'll look so beautiful- oh fuck- in your wedding dress. I can picture it now~"
"Oh, yes!" Rengoku said, a statement of agreement and a moan of pleasure, "oh darling- you'll be the most perfect- fuck me- the most perfect bride in the whole World. Oh- how did I get so lucky?"
You pulled away from Rengoku's cock, jerking him off as you needed to second to scream- the pleasure and their words making your brain go crazy. "Fuuuuck!" you cried out, tears in your eyes, voice jumping from Uzui's thrusts, your tits bouncing up and down, "S' too m-much- you both- fuck- fuck- make me f-feel so- so good!"
"You can take it baby." Rengoku said, cupping your face lovingly, "don't you want be our good wife and take it?"
you nodded, eyes rolling to the back of your head as Uzui's cock reached even deeper inside you, pounding against your cervix. "Say it." Uzui said, sweat dripping down his face as he felt his orgasm approaching, "Say it for us."
"W-W-Want to b-be a good w-wife for you t-two." you sputtered, mind going dumb. Both the men hissed and groaned, Rengoku putting himself back in your mouth enthusiastically and you felt Uzui somehow grow harder inside you.
"I'm- fuck- fuck- fuck- i'm close!" Uzui said, now pushing your legs up into a mating press, pressing them down against your chest as he used his whole body weight to pound you, balls making a loud and sticky clapping sound against your ass. Rengoku was just as enthusiastic, holding your head still as he thrusted into your mouth with reckless abandon, his balls clenching as he knew he was close to cumming. You lied down and took it, mind and body being driven to the edge as you felt your own orgasm come close, loving the feeling of being used by them in such a dirty yet intimate way.
"I can't fucking wait to wife you up!" Uzui growled, "my naughty little bride- fuck!" he licked two fingers before sliding it between you two, rubbing your clit. You squealed around Rengoku's cock and that seemed enough to drive the man to the edge.
"fuck- fuck- fuck! I'm gonna cum-" he suddenly pulled out of you, grabbing your hand desperately and placing it on his cock. "Jerk me off baby-" he pleaded, face as red as the tips of his hair, "Want to cum all over my wife's face."
You gasped and heaved as you wrapped your hand wround the flame pillar's cock, his dick slick from your saliva as you moved your hand up and down quickly, jacking him off as you leaned forward to put his cock-head into your mouth, sucking on it.
"fuck- i'm gonna cum too-" Uzui said with a growl, fingers flicking your clit mercilessly, cock continuing to pound your pussy into next week, "Fuuuck- let's all cum together!"
"P-Please-" you begged, eyebrows furrowed and tears streaming down your cheeks, "together- want to- please-"
"I'm so close- fuck- come on- come on- come on!" Rengoku moaned, eyes closed tightly as you jerked him off. Uzui mirrored the same sentiment, chasing his orgasm and yours as he fucked and fucked and fucked. You don't know what took over you but your mouth worked faster than your brain as you knew exactly what to say to drive them over the edge:
"W-Want my husbands to cum for me~"
With a shout, both men climaxed simultaneously, gasping loudly from your words and the force of their orgasm. Balls clenching and eyes rolling to the back of their heads, the room was filled with shouts and cries, the force of their orgasms making their bodies shake. the feeling of Uzui filling your womb up with his hot, hot cum and of Rengoku splashing your face with ropes and ropes of his thick semen made you climax, pussy squirting jets of liquid as you wet the futon underneath you, your squeals and cries echoing through the room. You didn't know how thick the walls were but consider the noise all three of you were making- you had to assume it wasn't thick enough but you didn't care. All three of you trembled and moaned lewdly, grasping onto each other tightly as the force of the orgasms almost made everyone pass out. Almost.
"You...naughty fucking minx!" Uzui barked out with a laugh, catching his breath as he milked his balls for every drop, rolling his hips to make sure he filled you up to the brim, "Saying something like that- oh fuck- so hot."
"You have no idea what you do to us." Rengoku said, coming back down to Earth as he looked down at the mess he created, chest swelling with pride as he saw your pretty face stained with his cum, "My naughty wife. I hope you're not tired already. Your husband want's a chance fucking your pretty pussy."
"And this husband wants to see you gag on his cock~" Uzui said, slowly pulling out, hissing at the sight of your gaping pussy leak out his cum.
You gulped as you caught your breathe, body tensing as you strapped in for a long night. Oh boy, you sure did open something in them by calling them husbands and now, it was time to pay the price.
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kakashismain · 6 months
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Uzui Sketch - because seeing him in the recent promo made me climb walls
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