#haechan nct dream
renchim · 28 days
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nanazluvs · 1 month
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nct dreams id pics oh i feel FAINT
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citysweet · 7 months
一 stressed out hae
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♡ twt prn link tw (?)
♡ 163 wc
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inspired by this (twt prn link!)
haechan who's had such a stressful day, he desperately needed some way to let out his frustration. and what better way than to have his pretty girl under him, his aching cock pressed against her cunt? all the more with a vibrator pushed down onto his length.
you can feel the faint vibration from under him, the underside of his cock grinding against your swollen, sensitive clit. with your legs pushed up near your ears, loud moans and the smell of nasty sex fills the room.
his cock twitches against you while your tight hole clenches around nothing. he throws his head back and presses the vibrator down onto his tip, bringing him to the edge.
his cum covers your pussy, and the feeling alone is enough to make you reach your own high. he pulls away after you cum, watching your body shake. but he wastes no time plunging right into your tight, wet cunt to stuff you nice and full <3
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© citysweet 10:59pm 102823
一 little sum for pookie bae hyuck <3
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acdyzx · 1 month
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key to my heart ⢷ @p-oisn ⠀͡꒱⠀
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wontune · 2 months
haechan ㅤㅤ[ 케이팝 ] ♡ nct dream lockscreens
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sichimi · 6 months
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I swim in your dreams
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cancersole · 7 months
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click 2 cry!
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jenoddity · 21 days
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sunshyni · 18 days
౨ৎ penn u – haechan ౨ৎ
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౨ৎ notas: eu sei que vocês não aguentam mais ler a palavra “Haechan” nesse perfil, mas eu precisava, necessitava mesmo escrever isso, tanto que ficou um pouco maior do que eu imaginava, até pensei em dividir em duas partes como geralmente faço nesses casos, mas eu só conseguiria entregar pra vocês na semana que vem, então como eu sou ansiosa preferi escrever todo o plot num único capítulo 🙏
(OBS: não tá tão bom quanto poderia estar e devem existir muitos erros, mas por favor relevem KKKKKK)
౨ৎ w.c: 2.4k
౨ৎ avisos: algumas referências a Penn U – Mark pt.2 (Final), alguns palavrões, um friends to lovers típico, o Hyuck é um nenê 🥰
Boa leitura, docinhos! 🌮
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— Eu vim representar o meu cliente, Yangyang. Ele sente muito pelo mal entendido — Haechan disse para Jaemin e Mark, se inclinando sobre a mesa da lanchonete com uma pegada antiga, apenas para afastar a franja do amigo e poder visualizar melhor o hematoma — Isso tá horrível, cara.
— Ah, eu não tinha reparado. Obrigado, cara — Mark respondeu sarcástico, e tocou seu machucado com as pontinhas dos dedos, esboçando uma careta com o contato cru — E trouxe o Andy com você pra que? Ele é seu discípulo?
— Na real? Ele odeia vir aqui — Andy, mais precisamente Park Jisung – o apelido do garotinho de “Toy Story” passou a existir quando ele percebeu que absolutamente todo mundo errava a pronúncia do seu nome coreano ou ficava receoso em dizer – proferiu, a voz rouca depois de certo tempo sem falar compenetrado num jogo RPG que ele tinha descoberto naquela madrugada. Jisung tossiu, limpando a garganta antes de falar novamente, no entanto as suas mãos continuavam a envolver o celular na horizontal — Eu insisti dizendo que era a coisa certa a fazer.
— Tão maduro — Haechan bagunçou os cabelos do Park desesperadamente como se dissesse “Quer me colocar numa fria?”, e mesmo inicialmente sem a intenção era exatamente isso que Jisung estava fazendo, porque do outro lado da mesa Mark tinha um sorrisinho sacana nos lábios por já ter noção do quanto o Hyuck detestava frequentar a Penn U.
— É por causa daquela sua ex, né?
— Que ex? — Jaemin no mesmo minuto moveu os olhos do cardápio virtual para o Lee ao seu lado, questionando sua fala. A expressão de Haechan perdeu o brilho e imediatamente, só de se recordar que você estudava na mesma universidade que aqueles dois jogadores de hóquei nos quais ele dividia uma mesa numa lanchonete próxima do campus, ele sentiu o incômodo, a ansiedade em te ver e não te ver ao mesmo tempo.
— Ex-amiga. A gente nunca teve nada além de amizade — E essa era uma das coisas que o atormentava, afinal ele era lindo, divertido, às vezes falante demais, às vezes hiperativo demais, mas ele te fazia rir um montão e por que diabos ele não poderia ser alguma das suas opções para ficantes? Embora ele desejasse o título honorário de seu namorado — Enfim, eu realmente peço desculpas pelo o que aconteceu. O Yangyang foi um babaca, mas você deveria ter me dito que 'tava de rolo com a ex-garota dele que ele não conseguia superar, seu idiota.
— E como eu ia saber que ele era ex dela? Eu nem sabia da existência de um ex, pra falar a verdade — Mark mexeu a água que ele pediu antes de Haechan e Jisung chegarem, com um canudinho de plástico, bebericando o conteúdo do copo antes de prosseguir, lançando um olhar para Jisung quando o parceiro de carreira aumentou o volume do celular um bocado sem querer, e de repente parecia que os três atletas estavam cuidando de um garotinho pentelho no auge dos seus dez anos de idade — Mas, no final...
Mark sorriu bobinho, escondendo o rosto no ombro de Jaemin ao seu lado como se já não estivesse bastante perceptível que ele estava rendido, perdidamente apaixonado como nunca esteve antes.
Obviamente Haechan sentiu inveja do relacionamento estável do Lee, da forma que seus olhos brilhavam sem cansar e agradeceu aos céus quando Jaemin chamou a garçonete mais próxima com um prévio contato visual, pelo menos Mark não começaria a ser um meloso dizendo o quão bom era namorar alguém que você realmente gosta e o sentimento ser mútuo e genuíno.
Jaemin leu daquele jeito charmoso dele o nome da garçonete presente numa plaquinha em seu uniforme e Haechan quase se escondeu debaixo da mesa, e lá estava você com toda a sua simpatia e um sorriso gentil cobrindo-lhe os lábios, Hyuck queria puxar os cabelos, arrancar alguns fios e te implorar de joelhos naquele piso brilhante para vocês voltarem a ser amigos, porque ele sentia a sua falta, sentia falta de te ver estudando na escrivaninha do seu quarto enquanto ele seguia deitado sobre a roupa de cama rosa a ler algum mangá duvidoso, quando parte do tempo ele estava te observando, vendo-a prender o cabelo com uma caneta e sem saber porque aquele simples ato parecia tão sexy. Entretanto, mesmo desejando se ajoelhar perante os seus pés, ele decidiu adotar uma atitude indiferente, revirando os olhos quando você o reconheceu, afinal se tinha alguém que devia desculpas, esse alguém da história em questão era você.
— Lee Donghyuck, não provoca — Você praticamente pediu por misericórdia enquanto anotava os pedidos dos demais garotos num bloquinho de anotações minúsculo. Só de olhar para ele você tinha um vislumbre vívido do menininho de oito anos que você sempre achou o máximo, achava que era por ele ser dois anos mais velho, no entanto o tempo se passou e mesmo assim você mantinha o mesmo olhar sonhador toda vez que o via, Haechan sempre fora sua estrelinha, mas agora ele estava chateado com você e você não sabia qual era a melhor forma de concertar as coisas, então vocês viviam nessa guerra fria sempre que se encontravam — E você? Qual vai ser o seu pedido?
“Que a gente volte a ser amigo”, o coreano quis dizer, mas no lugar disso arrumou a postura no sofá vermelho, típico de lanchonetes que pareciam ter saído da série “Riverdale”, e respondeu simplista:
— Pode ser um milkshake... — Chocolate, ele não iria pedir outro sabor além do que ele era obcecado só para te contrariar — de morango.
Haechan tinha uma prova importante na próxima semana, por isso estava na biblioteca da universidade num sábado à tarde na companhia de uma pilha de livros de calhamaço, ele nem tinha certeza se conseguiria pegar todo o conteúdo em tão pouco tempo, mas estava dando o seu melhor, concentrado em criar palavras-chaves da sua leitura e enquanto isso pensava em algumas táticas para aplicar com a equipe que enfrentariam semana que vem com um jogador a menos, vulgo Yangyang.
Falando no diabo...
— Ela é linda, né? — Ele sussurrou praticamente enfiando o celular na cara do Lee que se afastou para retirar os óculos de armação quadrada que eram apenas de descanso, mas que ele utilizava em toda ida a biblioteca por pura romantização da vida e também porque lhe caia bem.
— Vai sair com ela? — Donghyuck questionou, analisando aquela sua foto de perfil num restaurante chique na qual ele tirou para você, muito diferente da garotinha de seis anos que jurava que iria se casar com ele quando vocês crescessem, Haechan estava mesmo morrendo de saudades de você porque bastou olhar para uma mísera foto para ele lembrar de tudo, das noites em que vocês passaram acordados e ele te ajudou a estudar o conteúdo extenso do vestibular, em como ele estava ansioso para que você entrasse na mesma universidade que ele, assim vocês passariam todos os dias juntos, comeriam juntos, estudariam juntos e ele finalmente poderia te dizer o quanto se sentia apaixonado por você, e talvez depois da conclusão do seu MBA vocês poderiam se casar e ter filhos.
Mas você escondeu de Haechan que havia passado na universidade em que ele estava, no entanto no final acabou escolhendo outra e isso o deixou extremamente triste, para não dizer arrasado, afinal todos os planos dele tinham ruído de forma tão veloz.
— Vou — Yangyang respondeu, sentando-se na cadeira vazia bem ao lado do Hyuck.
— E vocês vão aonde? Que horas?
— E isso é problema seu? — Yangyang questionou unindo as sobrancelhas desconfiado.
— Para de ser cuzão e fala logo.
— Num restaurante mexicano aqui perto — Provavelmente tinha sido você quem sugerira o lugar, porque Haechan sabia exatamente onde ficava, era um restaurante que vocês dois encontraram por acaso com música ao vivo, geralmente um reggaeton antigo ou algum recente que envolvia vocês dois numa dança característica porque Donghyuck era um mestre quando se tratava em conduzir uma dança, o que te fazia lembrar dele na adolescência quando começou a fazer aulas de dança, e de alguma forma passou por todos os estilos, do balé clássico até o reggaeton que você tanto adorava — Acho que ela é latina, sei lá.
Haechan nunca tinha dado uma de stalker até aquela noite, ele largou seus livros, sabendo que sofreria com as consequências mais tarde e foi para o mesmo restaurante que Yangyang comentara, escolheu um dos bancos altos do bar e pediu uma pina colada já que chegara no lugar de uber, tinha uma visão boa da mesa de vocês mas nada muito óbvio. Ele intercalava o olhar entre o encontro de vocês dois e o seu feed tedioso do Instagram enquanto sorvia a bebida alcoólica aos poucos embora a visão o fizesse querer virar alguns shots de tequila.
— Aquele idiota — Hyuck murmurou para si mesmo, querendo muito ajudar Mark e presentear o taiwanês com um segundo soco, ainda que ele não fizesse o menor ideia de que a garota com quem estava saindo era definitivamente o amor da vida de Donghyuck.
Haechan respirou fundo quando a sua música preferida começou a ser performada pelos musicistas presentes, e imediatamente ele soube que você convidaria Yangyang para dançar, mesmo ele sendo claramente horrível nessa arte, o que causou um riso sincero em Haechan que observava as tentativas falhas de Yangyang de seguir o ritmo estabelecido por você.
Em algum momento, você adornou os lábios com um sorriso lindo apenas para Yangyang, e Haechan se viu a beira das lágrimas quase abrindo o berreiro.
Felizmente, Yangyang te deixou sozinha caminhando em direção ao toalete e o Lee simplesmente não podia perder a chance de te abordar, capturando a sua mão antes que você voltasse para a mesa de antes.
— O que? O que você acha que tá fazendo, Donghyuck? — Você perguntou assustada, talvez até atônita quando ele envolveu uma de suas mãos com as duas dele, beijando o dorso como se você fosse uma persona indescritivelmente famosa que se encontra com um fã de carteirinha pela primeira vez.
— Por que ele, hien? Me diz! Por que tinha que ser ele? Tem tanto cara gostoso na universidade que você estuda, podia ser qualquer um deles, Mark, Jaemin, Jaehyun ou Tem. Então, por que ele? — Haechan te puxou para perto, unindo os seus corpos e começando a dançar involuntariamente, mesmo totalmente confusa você o seguiu nos passos, tentando com afinco não pisar no pé dele de propósito porque aparentemente ele tinha enlouquecido.
— Ele me chamou na DM, a gente conversou e achei que seria legal marcar um encontro — Você respondeu, mas parou de dançar no mesmo instante, desacreditada com o que ele tinha dito — Olha aqui, eu não te devo nenhuma explicação, senhor Lee. A gente não conversa há meses.
— Você deveria ter me avisado... — Ele disse baixinho, de repente com vergonha de si mesmo.
— E você? Vê se me avisa também dessas bocas que você têm beijado — De fato, desde que vocês brigaram, Hyuck estava saindo e frequentando mais festas do que o normal, ficando com pessoas aleatórias apenas para ser gravado e postado nos stories de algum babaca que você seguia nas redes sociais, ele queria que você o visse e encontrou a forma mais imatura para isso. Mas a culpa não era totalmente dele, foi por isso que Haechan se aproximou novamente de você, mas agora não estavam dançando, apenas encaravam um ao outro, o ar se tornando escasso entre vocês e você meio bêbada com o perfume docinho que dele provinha.
— Foi você quem começou, escondendo que tinha passado na universidade que eu 'tava pra escolher uma outra. Por que você não me disse nada?
— Eu não te contei exatamente porque sabia que você reagiria desse jeito.
— Foda-se. Deveria ter me contado — Ele disse visualmente chateado, mas sem se afastar de você — Tô beijando um bando de gente pra chamar a sua atenção, boba. Parece que não me conhece desde os meus 8 anos.
Você só tinha olhos para ele, as luzes baixas do ambiente tornando o rosto e a pele levemente bronzeada ainda mais bonita.
— Eu queria muito estudar no mesmo lugar que você. Porque assim nos veríamos todos os dias e seria muito mais fácil te dizer que eu...
— Que você? — Você o incentivou, sentindo o nervosismo invadir todos os seus pensamentos, esperando ele dizer o que você há tempos gostaria de ouvir saindo da boca dele.
— Que eu te amo, porra — Haechan começou a chorar feito um bebezinho, feliz que tinha dito aquilo depois de tanto tempo imaginando como seria, seus olhos derramavam lágrimas e lágrimas que não pareciam que cessariam em breve, e você só pode segurar o rosto masculino, limpando as gotas gordinhas que rolavam pela sua bochecha com os polegares — Te amo pra valer. Quero me casar com você, ter filhos com você, eu quero tudo isso.
Você segurou a mão de um Donghyuck aos prantos e o levou até uma mesa aleatória vazia do restaurante, não aquela que você ocupava com Yangyang, gentilmente sentou-o em uma das cadeiras e pôs-se de pé a frente dele, elevando seu queixo e beijando a pontinha do nariz vermelho dele.
— Para Haechan, não chora assim — Você envolveu as bochechas dele com as palmas das mãos mais uma vez, ouvindo-o fungar feito uma criança — Desse jeito, parece que eu sou a vilã.
— E você é, caralho. Eu só... Eu só quero tanto te beijar, te sentir, ter você só pra mim, mas você vive me afastando e... — Num ato de puro impulso, você uniu os lábios de Haechan nos seus, ainda segurando as bochechas quentes mantendo o rosto dele elevado, ele afastou as pernas, fazendo você ocupar o meio entre elas e pôs as mãos na sua cintura, querendo muito te colocar sentada em seu colo, mas desistindo da ideia ao se recordar do local em que estavam.
— Para tá? Eu também te amo. E não é porque estudamos em universidades diferentes que não podemos namorar, nos casarmos ou termos filhos no futuro — Você afirmou e Haechan fez bico, o que provocou um sorriso nos seus lábios.
— Lembra que eu estudei teatro por alguns meses na adolescência? — Você fez que sim com a cabeça, ainda segurando o rosto lindo dele, os olhos levemente inchados de tanto chorar — Então, eu chorei de propósito pra ver se você me beijava logo.
Aquela frase te fez sorrir ainda mais, foi por isso que você deixou um beijo casto e carinhoso nos lábios dele mais uma vez.
— Tá bom. Vou fingir que acredito nessa, Lee Donghyuck.
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onyourhyuck · 2 years
Reflections | L.DH (M)
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prologue- “what do you think our children would look like?” + “I’m such a coward. Fuck it.”
tw- friends to lovers trope, they’re kinda oblivious to their feelings especially y/n, haechan is whipped as hell. mentions of smoking, drugs (like weed) and alcohol. university mention. y/n is a smart good girl and haechan is sorta the mischievous boy in her class that causes trouble. Honestly just a cute fluff romantic scenario <3
notes- heavily inspired by the song “Reflections” by the neighbourhood.
“Fuck off donghyuck!”
your face scrunches in multiple wrinkles, frowning at your friend who has been a pain in your ass repeatedly by constantly pressing on your laptops keyboard which would mess up the article you will have to present in your psychology class tomorrow. you are pulling a fortnight for this piece of work and when you told your friends that you were busy that you can’t attend jaehyun’s party; one of your ‘friends’, not sure if you can call him one anymore considering he’s such an asshole right now.
Donghyuck voluntarily said he will help you out, since he’s already done this project (early) you agreed but little did you start to regret it quickly when he was simply distracting you from finishing it. Right now the time is about 4.00 am and it’s causing you to have a minor breakdown.
just a little university minor breakdown that will leave you pulling at your hair and scream, kick and maybe even few tears if it worsens.
The boy looks up at y/n flashing her a deviously smile as his voice coos singing. “I been trying to do that if you haven’t noticed, babe.”
Lips left out a small Ugh, he hears you push his face away with your flat palm as your attention turns to your laptop, pressing on the keyboards again. He whines blowing out raspberries.
“Someone’s stressed..” he sang again as he brushes forth his fingers in your hair, flicking it in the air one curly strand by another. You close your eyes letting out a harsh exhale, god you pray he just happens to pass out but knowing donghyuck- he’s a freaking nocturnal animal.
He never sleeps you swear.
“Donghyuck I would lovingly appreciate it if you… get out of my dorm.” You spat warningly. He pouts watching you. “But you said I could stay.”
“Yeah because I didn’t think you’d be a pain in my ass.”
“You should thank me I’m entertaining you.” He sassily retorts sitting up on your bed, he crawls behind you where he pushes you away from your laptop and takes it; he begins to slowly type humming. “Look I’ll help you, I can tell you’re struggling.”
you sigh. Was it really that obvious? Out of all people donghyuck really can read you as if you were a tracing paper, you were as transparent as anything; maybe it’s because you guys are closer than you would actually like to admit. People would often mistake you guys as a loving couple, hell some thought you were married considering the amount of bickering you guys do. It’s reached the point where your parents and his parents genuinely wish to see you everytime you’re with another.
As you would watch the serious expression on your friend next to you, you felt slightly like a burden. You grunt in protest reaching to snatch the laptop. “Let me do it I’m almost finished anyways—“ he would pull the laptop from your reach. “No, take a rest.”
you frown. “No I’ll finish it, hyuck.” you said back as you crawl to reach the laptop but in the end you were faced with the most stubborn boy you known to existence so you ultimately gave up with a gentle sigh. instead you place your head on his lap as he types away the last bits of words in your article.
haechan looks down at you with a soft smile, he softly pats your bangs away from your face before saving the article. he couldn’t help but tilt his head, humming.
“you know…what do you think our children would look like?”
you open your eyes, raising eyebrows at his sudden question. you croak a short smile, scoffing. “suddenly?”
he gives a soft nod. “genuine question.”
“I think they would be troublesome. Especially your children.”
he gasp slightly offended. “Uhm excuse you y/n my children are perfect just the way they are.” you snicker as you reach forward cupping his face, squishing it a little. “as if, more like devil’s offsprings.”
“What if we had children together.” he trails quietly and you softly pause, letting go off his face. “You mean…if me and you had a child together?”
he nods. “Mhm what do you think they would be like?”
“Non existent… I dunno.” you slowly shrug it away but he pouts with some sadness lingering. “Come on answer seriously.” He tells y/n as he saw you sit up on the bed. You look around your room warily.
“what do you think then?” Y/n asks the boy.
He would push the laptop on the side as he lays on the right side of your bed and you would follow his body on the left side, leaning a gap in the middle between your bodies. There was a share breathe took in. Haechan would look at y/n as if she was the missing piece all along. Though this was obvious to all of the uni campus, to y/n it was like a non existent fantasy that would never happen. You met donghyuck at your first year as freshmen, you transferred from another uni few months after and since you were the new girl, everyone wanted to be your friend. Haechan laid eyes on you when you were chosen to sit next to him in psychology and he swore he never fell in love so quickly.
It was love at first sight for him. You started as sweet friends who grew to slowly pick up a bickering relationship where you constantly play fight like small children. You think of him as someone always up to no good, a boy who is stuck in his sixteen years rather than twenty one. Not only was he the type of boy to get into trouble, he did hang around the wrong people who were bad influence.
he would get into lots of police trouble and at some point he skipped school so many times to comprehend. Yet every time something fucked him over, he calls you. Whenever he was drunk to his bones, he calls his top pinned saved number under the contact name ‘my saviour’, which is you. When he hit the darkest time of his life where his mother happened to be severally ill, he isolated himself away from the world.
who was the one who never stayed away no matter how many times he pushed people out of his life and cut them out numerous times? It was always you. No matter how much you argue with him, no matter what he does to annoy you and become a massive headache; you really can’t help but think you’re fated to him. It was a blessing and a curse.
He was your reflection. You were his reflection.
The reflection of all those bad things he has done, the hard moments in life he overcame (all thanks to you)— you were exactly that, the proven moment of how far he’s come and changed thanks to you.
“I think our children would be adorable!” He exclaims with a short smile. “I’d like a little girl that looks like you.”
“Too bad I really want a boy.” You reply back and he immediately disagrees. “No way, having a daughter is way better.”
You shrug flicking your fingers on his loose wavy hair, not lying but you always found his natural hair so attractive, the way it was wavy and curly in some areas, it covered his eyes most of the time and whenever he came to class half asleep he would barely have time to brush it; yet you loved that. His imperfections were his perfect traits.
“You’re rather serious about this topic. Did you fall for me or something?” You joke out.
He falters at your words with slow hums as he never broke eye contact with your lips. Haechan was quick to catch himself staring a little too long, so he turns away to his phone to look at the time.
“Oh shoot it’s already 4.50.” He loudly barks sitting up. “We have class in about four hours, you’ll be a total zombie if you don’t sleep now.”
You raise your eyebrows. “What about you? The boys dorms are locked already and so are the girl’s dorms. Will you just sleep at mine?” He smirks making himself comfortable on your bed as if it was his own. “You bet I am. Lay down and go to sleep already.”
“Okay dad relax, gosh.” You grumble. The moment your body was sleeping next to his you seem to have fell into a comfortable slumber. something about being in hyuck’s presence makes you feel safe…
Your body relaxes underneath the bedcovers as your lamp was turned off leaving the room cover by the midnight darkness. He was wide awake staring right at you as he lays on the side to watch your unconscious face. Smiling to himself ear to ear, the little moles on his beautiful melancholy skin stand out in the blackness of the dorm. he’d slowly run his fingers down the sides of your face, brushing the little hairs from your fringe away,
The softness of your cut bangs prickle the fingers a tiny bit, though he never minded it. your gentle breathes leaning your flaring nostrils were cute to watch, and somehow he found himself admiring your raw beauty. Messy hair, no makeup leaving only your bare face, loose tomboyish clothes that suit your figure well.
he felt like he was too close to stars, just by being with you. you were the planet that was resolving round the sun.
Haechan didn’t realise it until he was far too in the situation, his lips were subconsciously closing in the small gap between you and him; he marks the open cheek leaving a wet smooch. the kiss was short lived when he slowly backs away, with a proud smile on his face. those strong feelings only grew stronger and he felt some sort of clarity from it.
he didn’t have the courage to do anything he wished to do and say when you were wide awake. But when you were asleep, he can’t surpass on the opportunity revealing itself. Yes, he was a coward.
A coward that couldn’t express his hidden feelings that he developed exactly four years ago.
But the moment he saw a glimpse your eyelashes fluttering, your eyes adjusting to the darkness where you saw haechan’s face hovering over yours. He stands frozen like a statue, dead silence. Y/n must’ve felt her stomach twist and turn, overburden by massive butterflies flying around to escape the lower abdomen. Heart skipped a beat in unison. Breathing was on holt, making you forget how to breath.
He didn’t want to be caught. He didn’t want his relationship with you change, as much as he craved a change, he was scared of it happening in reality. Haechan would rather keep fantasising about it in his head treating it like a delusional crush that will pass. Because he never knew somebody like you.
He would rather know and keep you around instead of using you because of his personal romantic feelings he holds deeply for you. He knows you don’t feel the same way, so what was the point of confessing exactly to you? The only answer was rejection from you. He wouldn’t want to lose you just because of his selfish feelings he has.
Caught by surprise when two cold hands crawl on his sharp v-jawline, with a strong force pulling him softly in on warm lips. The boy lets out a small gaping gasp that your ears picked up. You pull away from the small kiss you gave him, watching him lovingly under the bright moonlight creeping in through the windows behind your back.
Haechan eyes you hungrily, like it was a dream of his, honestly speaking he gaslights himself to believe this was just a dream of his happening; the boy lightly pulls you by your waist underneath the bed duvet covering you both. Captivating your lips in another kiss, but this time it was much more passionate. He was taking little control over time, he explores your tongue inside and out as well as your soft lips that smell of vanilla chapsticks you always put on your lips durning class.
Who knew he could get so addicted on the fantasy he could only dream about? The real deal was so much better than haechan could ever imagine. You were his bane of existence knowing that you’re going to be the death of him. He wonders what did he do in his past life to deserve such torture for over four years, pretending to not have any feelings for you. Having to deny them to his best mates.
Having to watch you speak about guys you were finding attractive. Hell he even watched you go through a breakup once and that is what pained him the most. He fought your ex and you ended up getting pissed at him, because you weren’t aware of his feelings he held for you. Haechan swears he’d never dare make you cry. It’s the last thing he wants to do to you.
Y/n’s lips quiver against the aggressive synchronised movements as you wrap your fingers round his beautiful long curly locks. He breaks out the kiss, murmuring words you couldn’t ever imagine.
“I’m such a coward. Fuck it.” He tells to no one specific but only himself, as if it was a pep talk.
“I love you, y/n.”
Brave words coming to the surface just like the colour rushing to his cheeks, thankfully the darkness covers it enough that you wouldn’t be able to see how nervous he was to the point he would be blushing like a twelve year old boy confessing to his first love; the giddy little feelings you’d thing was left behind in his puberty years, weren’t really gone.
“Hyuck..” you mutter as you watch him, seeing the girl’s eyes tremble a little as your fingers slowly unlock from the hair. You trace your hands around his face bringing him in a warm embrace close to your necktie where he rests just above the chin.
He was preparing himself for a rejection. Closed eyes shut as he enjoys the last embrace that he managed to make himself believe that it was the last time he will ever see you, ever speak to you and the humiliation will traumatise him truly. He was scared.
But when your soft voice haunts his mind with a twist of words that he never believed at first before his pupils open wide, face rushing to the surface to watch you as the only light source was from the bright full moon.
“I love you too. Always have.”
Maybe…maybe this wasn’t a dream. Haechan prays it wasn’t.
He never knew he found someone that fell just as hard as he did, because the moment his eyes laid on round bambi eyes he swore he saw his own reflection in your eyes.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating, copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank youu <3 reblog this fic and follow me for more it helps a girl out.
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renchim · 28 days
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acescavern · 9 months
Quiet ( Lee Jeno x Fem!Reader )
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navi - m.list
Paring: Lee Jeno x Fem!Reader
Genre: smut (MINORS DNI), fluff, pure filth, smidge of humour, Non-Idol!AU
Warnings: I've never written smut before so feedback is much appreciated,  Boob worship, Pierced!Jeno ( eyebrow and 🍆), that one Jeno hair style with the undercut and the raven hair, Big dick Jeno, They fuck in a tent, degradation, praise, pussy slapping, Jeno folds the reader in half like a pretzel, finger sucking, light biting, unprotected sex ( booo! wrap before you tap), He spits in her mouth, exhibitionism, a hint of dumbification? reader gets cock drunk basically, he makes her taste herself, his hand is around the readers neck but he doesn't apply pressure, dare I say: softdom!Jeno?
Blurb: When the night gets cold whilst camping with your friends, Jeno knows a great way to warm up or It's fucking in-tents 
Word count: 2,329
Note: Hey, Ace here. You've been graced by my 3rd fic in a week. I say i've never written smut before, not technically. any feedback is welcome! or to just let me know if you liked the fic! My asks are open! I would like to say that I take requests, but I honestly think that would only be possible if I get inspiration from the request. I also work full time, and I'm filling in for my manager AND the second in line at the same time next week, so you may not have many fics until after. This hasn't been grammatically checked or anything. Just read over once by me. If I've missed any warnings, let me know.
You loved camping with your boyfriend and his friends. Being in the fresh outdoors near the lake, sharing stories by the campfire. You loved the quality time with your friends. 
What you didn't love was how cold it got at night, by the water. It wouldn't be surprising if the rest of your friend group heard your teeth chattering over their boisterous laughter. Jeno had insisted on unzipping both of your sleeping bags to join the zips together as a cover after being in your respective sleeping bags the night before.
Jeno didn't like that he felt like a worm, constantly wriggling to stay close to you. Even going as far as to ask you what you would do if he turned into a worm overnight. 
Now, usually your boyfriend is like a furnace. If only he didn't sling his best friend, Jaemin, over his shoulder to jump in the lake just before coming to the tent to sleep. Jeno hadn't even dried his hair, his whole body a cool temperature. 
After a while of lying there, your whole body trembling in shivers, an ice-cold hand drifted its fingers up the length of your spine under the oversized shirt you wore. A sharp inhale of surprise left you, a small sound accompanying the noise. 
"Jen, you're cold.." You whisper-whined at the male behind you, arching your body away from him. 
"Shh, I'll warm up soon." He dismissed, certainty in his tone as if he had other plans. 
Jeno's fleeting, cool touches slid around to the expanse of your stomach where his fingers teased feather light touches. The touch almost made you squirm against his chest, where he had pressed his hard, toned torso against you. 
"Really, Jen? Right now? … everyone's still outside.." You turned your head to look at him in disbelief. Sure, you two had sex when his housemates were still home, but this is different. You felt a lot more exposed in the outdoors with nothing but the flimsy nylon of the pop-up tent between you and the others.
Soft lips pressed against the back of your head and again on your temple, trailing all the way down to your neck. "They can't see you, we can be quiet, can't we?" Jeno almost pleaded, his hips shifting forward to grind his hard length against your behind. 
"I can, you can't-oh…" your teasing halted when his fingers brushed your puckered nipple. 
The feeling heightened because of how cold you were. Honestly, if it wouldn't ruin the moment you'd have made a joke about being so cold, you could engrave glass. Your resolve crumbled when Jeno's mouth left quiet, wet kisses along your neck, his index finger and thumb hardening their pinch on your erected nipple. 
You felt your heart thundering in your chest, breathing getting shallower the more aroused you became. The flood of heat between your thighs just from Jeno rolling and tugging firmly at your breasts was almost embarrassing. 
"You can, can you?" Fuck. You may as well have challenged him. 
Jeno lifted his head from your neck, hand leaving your breast in favour of smoothing down your body, making sure to at least grab a handful of your behind before giving it a light smack. The noise was covered by the commotion outside of Haechan laughing at Mark for dropping his marshmallow into the fire. 
You didn't protest when your boyfriend rolled you onto your back. You didn't protest when he shoved your shirt up your body and over your head. The sudden change in temperature made you shiver, teeth biting into your lip to prevent them from chattering again. You also didn't protest when his head dipped, lips latching onto your left breast with an almost sated sigh. 
Teeth grazed over your sensitive flesh, followed by a wet tongue to soothe the sting. Your legs fell open to allow your boyfriend to settle between them, your hand delving into his short, dark hair. Jeno fought not to make a sound when your nails scratched at his scalp, his eyes nearly rolling to the back of his head at the sensation. 
Jeno had always loved your boobs. He always said he wasn't a boob man until he met you. Oddly, you saw that as a compliment. You never felt insecure about the size of them now… You couldn't when Jeno worships them the way he does. His mouth switched to your right breast now, teeth biting down on the neglected nipple to tug. This was slightly harsher and firmer than the treatment given to the other one  – this one made you fight a moan, back arching to follow his mouth as more heat rushed through you. 
"Please…" You whispered, begging your boyfriend to put your poor throbbing clit out of its misery. Jeno's teeth let go of your swollen nipple with a quiet pop. You leaned back on your elbows and forearms to watch his next move, reaching out to stop him when he began to crawl down your body. "No, Jen. Please, inside." you pleaded. 
The plea had Jeno flashing you the smuggest of grins, his hands settling on the waistband of your pyjama pants. "Are you sure?" The edge of concern lingered in his voice. Jeno knew he was big, and quite often, he would have to work you up to get you ready to take him. You'd never had anyone as big as him before. It took you months to be able to take his full length and girth inside you. 
Jeno watched as you nodded almost frantically, your eyes looking beautifully glazed with lust. "I can take it." a strange burst of pride swelled in his chest at the determination in your voice. It made him coo at you softly as he pulled your pyjama pants down your legs. 
"Oh, baby, I know you can." he praised, "My Good Girl always takes what I give her… Even if she's a greedy mess" The last word of his degradation was accentuated by a strong palm coming down to lightly smack you over your panties, the sound wet from your arousal. 
Your teeth sank further into your lip to stop the whimper caught in your throat. Instead, you watched your boyfriend undress in the darkness of the tent. His shirt came off first, the material nearly getting caught on the silver barbell through his left eyebrow. Next came his pants and boxers. Your breath caught in your throat when his hard cock sprang up to touch his stomach. Jeno's red, swollen, pierced tip almost touching his belly button. 
Your mouth fell open in shock. Sure, it'd been a while since you'd seen your boyfriend naked but it never crossed your mind that he had gotten his cock pierced! Had it really been that long? 
"Surprise…" Jeno grinned, his hands already working at slipping your panties down your legs. 
A palm landed on each knee to spread your legs wide for him. The sight earned you a curse of praise. "fuck…such a pretty swollen clit baby…" he groaned quietly, one hand leaving your knee in favor of lightly circling your swollen bud with his index finger. 
The action had you squirming beneath him, quiet whimpers threatening to spill from your mouth. Another smack was landed, directly to your clit. It was accompanied by a warning glare from your boyfriend. 
"You said you could be quiet." He stated, his tone almost mocking your earlier words. His fingers toyed with your sopping heat, spreading your arousal. Jeno dipped two fingers into your entrance, gathering some of your mess. 
Those same two fingers were soon pressed to your lips, your mouth opening to greedily lap at them. Your eyes fluttered closed as you worked his fingers, your tongue collection your own arousal from them whilst simultaneously covering them with your saliva. 
You were so preoccupied with his thick fingers that when the cold metal of his piercing pressed against your entrance, it made you shiver. Jeno shoved his fingers into your mouth deeper, reminding you that you'd stopped sucking. The action made you gag slightly, being unprepared, but soon enough, you were easily back to deepthroating Jeno's fingers.
"Ready baby?" He warned, his voice thick with arousal, raspy almost. His lips spread to a smile when you nodded around his fingers, taking that signal to slowly push into your entrance. 
Jeno made a small sound as your velvety walls stretched around him. He wasn't even halfway inside yet, and your walls were hugging so tight around him. 
Jeno went slow, the metal ring of his piercing dragging forward over your sensitive spots. It heightened the feeling, your teeth accidentally biting down on Jeno's fingers to keep the sounds at bay. 
"Ah!" He winced, pulling them from you, a long line of spit stringing from them. "That wasn't very nice of you, Angel." he scolded, moving the drool-covered digits down to smear the residue over the rest of his cock. 
Dark eyes met your own… With the hard look on his face, you knew you were in for it now. Jeno's hands moved, pressing on the backs of your thighs. His hips shifted as he moved over you, the burn of your thigh muscles distracting you from the way you were being stretched out. Jeno held your legs there, and your thighs nearly flush with your torso, your knees by your ears. 
Your boyfriend leaned forward, your knees hooking over his shoulders as he slid home, fully sheathed within you. His forehead dropped to your own, hips stilling to let you adjust. You felt full, so deliciously full. The angle he had you at, folded in half like a human pretzel, you felt fuller than ever. 
He'd never bent your body to this extent before. You couldn't move anything but your arms and head. Jeno's shoulders and torso keeping you in position. His hand cupped your jaw gently. 
"You good?" He murmured in question, lips drifting over your temple. You couldn't think of coherent words, your eyes so glazed they'd put a doughnut to shame. All you managed was a fast nod. 
You tried to string together a sentence. Honestly, you did.. but all that went through your brain was how much more full you felt in this position. "Full…" You whined. 
Jeno's proud grin widened his hold on your jaw firming, fingers digging into your cheeks until you had no choice but to open your mouth. "You're so good to me, Angel.. taking me so well." He cooed, his hips drawing back only to sink back inside you, deep. 
A needy whimper sounded from you, slightly louder than you would have liked. It made Jeno pause, the ruckus outside too chaotic to even register the sound. His thrusts became measured and precise, the pierced tip of his cock pistoning the spot that never fails to drive you crazy.  Small sounds continued to escape you, no matter how much you tried to keep them at bay. A grunted curse left your boyfriend, shaking his head as he rose an eyebrow in warning. 
"Stick your tongue out." He demanded gently, sucking on his own tongue to create a glob of saliva. You did as asked, watching Jeno stick his own out. You welcomed the line of drool that dripped from his tongue to yours, your cheeks flushing a deeper red at the filthy action. That never stopped you from swallowing what he had to offer.
"Fuck, you're so perfect.." He moaned softly, hand smoothing down your jaw to sit just around your neck, his thrusts gaining speed as you leant into the hold. 
"J-Jen!" You cried out, brain fogging over in pleasure. You'd momentarily forgotten where you were, the feeling too intense to keep quiet. 
"Thought you could keep quiet, hm?" He taunted, his hand removing from your neck to plunge three fingers into your mouth. He hoped this would keep you quiet. You'd never hear the end of it if your friends heard the both of you like this. 
Your breathing was frantic around his fingers, mouth sloppily working the three digits with your tongue. You were a mess of drool, and you weren't going to last much longer. From the way Jeno's neck and chest flushed a pretty pink, neither was he. 
He shifted you slightly, pressing your thighs just a bit further back — Your knees were nearly touching your shoulders from the angle, but it felt so good. A pitched gasp around the obstruction in your mouth let him know he had exactly the right angle he was looking for. 
Jeno's hips worked harder and faster, each hit home punching the same place over and over. Your walls clenched harder around him, nose huffing around your heavy breathing, your mouth preoccupied.
"I can feel you squeezing me so hard, It's okay, baby. You can come." He cooed through quiet grunts, his movements growing slightly sloppy but still having an effect all the same. 
Your thighs shook, body trembling. It's as if the permission was all you were waiting for to explode. Body tensing, hands clutching at Jeno's shoulders, you came. Toes curling and muscles tensing, your nails clawing into the skin of his broad shoulders, making him hiss. 
Your climax triggered Jeno's own, grunted curses huffed out as he stilled, spilling into you. Neither of you noticed through your highs just how loud you'd gotten nor the utter silence that filled the makeshift campsite. 
His fingers slid from your mouth, hands gently manoeuvring you to a more comfortable position. Jeno Couldn't help but chuckle at your fucked out, flushed expression. His spit covered hand gently tapped your cheek as he dipped toward your lips to claim them. 
Your arms immediately wrapped around him, hugging him to you as you both floated down to earth from the climax you'd just had. 
It was a blissful silence, soft touches, warm embraces, and gentle words. After a beat of comfortable silence, a voice spoke up from outside the tent. 
"Sounded like two bears rubbing their backs on a tre–"
"Chenle!" Jeno dropped his forehead to your collarbone with a defeated groan, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.
 Never a moment of silence. 
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jeonqham · 4 months
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(՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞) … Love was a room I kept walking into.
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gaystayzennie · 3 months
I Did Everything I Was Supposed To Do (pt.1)
Haechan x male reader
Summary: Finals week turns out to be the final breaking point for y/n, but luckily Haechan is around right when you need him
Warnings: fluff, some angst: homophobia, allusions to panic disorder, stress
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“Fuck. I can’t believe I forgot about the final on Monday. Fuck fuck fuck” Y/n cursed under his breath as he walked as fast as he could toward the entrance to his boyfriend’s place. Y/n had a million things to do the next few days already, and now he had a final to cram for on top of it all. “One thing at a time” he told himself knowing it’s what Hyuck would tell him if they were together right now. He didn’t really listen to this advice of course… especially coming from his own mouth instead of his cute adorable boyfriend.Oh God. I wish he was here so bad. But Haechan was still at the dance studio and would be for the next several hours. That’s why y/n was even entering Haechan’s apartment right now in the first place; Daegal needed to be taken out while Haechan was gone.
He HAD to have his stupid extra long dance rehearsal today of course. On the day where he already had to finish a ton of assignments and now cram for a test. Y/n quickly threw his backpack on the ground and sprinted over to daegal scooping her up before she even knew what was happening. While he waited for Daegal to do her business and walk around a little, y/n got back to planning his study schedule in his head. If I start by studying for the exam… I can trade every 45 minutes from cramming to working on the lab report for my other class. Fuck! That depends on whether the others ever filled in their data. Ok so I’ll save that for the end and work on the PowerPoint instead even though it’s due the longest from now. As long as I cut myself off at around 1:00 am, that should be enough sleep to take the exam at 9:30 the next day. It was going to be a rough night, but y/n decided he’d just have to work away and hope for the best.
Y/N went back inside and scooped his backpack up again to go work in Hyuck’s bedroom. He found the smell of his boyfriend clinging to the room to be extremely comforting and he hoped it would help him stay calm and focused on his work. He opened up his laptop to the lecture notes for the exam and began skimming them for any confusing topics that jumped out at him. What the? I only know like 2 of these concepts?? I’m screwed. Y/N new from plenty of old tests that it would only make things worse if he worried about it now, and feeling himself start to panic, he decided to work on the PowerPoint instead. He figured he should just finish all his other assignments so that he could then spend the entire rest of the night studying.
An hour into working on the PowerPoint y/n’s phone buzzed. He opened it to find a message from one of his lab partners that read “hey y/n I’m really sorry but I’m actually boarding a plane right now so I’m not gonna be able to finish my part of the lab. Maybe you can ask [partner name 2] for her data? I think she got mine down too.”
Y/n: “I’ll ask her.”
Partner 1: “KK.”
“Gotta go, sorry again!”
Partner 2: “Shit. I don’t have her values either y/n. I’m pretty sure that part of the lab was online though, so one of us can just do the lab at home right now.”
“Oh wait actually, I have to take both of my finals on Monday. It’s due Tuesday right? So I won’t have time to do her part. Y/n any chance you can do it?”
Y/n: “ I only have one midterm tomorrow… I guess I can do it if no one else can.”
Partner 2: “Ur the best bro! Tysm <3”
Y/n: …
Fuck me. How am I supposed to do [p/n 1]’s work for them on top of everything else? Y/n barely had enough time to do all his work as it was. And he had done all of HIS work on the lab already too. He thought he’d just quickly analyze his partner’s data and then turn it in… but no. This is totally unfair. I have more work than either of them, and I’m doing their work for them too on top of it all. Y/n’s eyes grew misty for a second threatening to turn into tears, but y/n shook his head hard and the urge to cry went away for now. He had to get back to— wait no. He needed to cook dinner. With no Hyuck home to cook dinner like usual, he was going to starve if he didn’t make something for himself. Standing up quickly y/n smacked his arm on Hyuck’s dresser skinning it in the process. Great. Now he was bleeding. And it had gotten on his white shirt too. Except it wasn’t his shirt, it was his boyfriend’s shirt that he had borrowed. Y/n was this close to screaming in frustration, but stripped off the shirt quickly and made his way to the bathroom to clean the spot before it stained. And of course, he needed to throw it in the washer if he really didn’t want it to stain, and that meant he should really just do all of Haechan’s laundry now. So heart now racing in a slight panic, y/n gathered the laundry and started the cycle as quickly as possible so that he could start on dinner.
Opting for the most time efficient option, y/n grabbed some pasta and left it to boil while he got back to work for a few minutes. There sure was a lot on his mind now between the pasta he was cooking, Daegal (who he suddenly remembered needed to be fed as well), the lab report, the final exam in a day, Haechan’s laundry that still needed to be dried, folded, and put away, and the millions of other things he needed to get done before going home to his family at the end of the week. And the trip home would be another ordeal that required a lot of planning and prep work. Y/n had a lot of problems at home due to his conservative family and their recent discovery that he was dating Haechan. But that’s silly. I shouldn’t worry about that right now. And it’s not like it’s anything new knowing they all disapprove of my “lifestyle choice”. That’s old news, and I need to focus on this. Y/n went back to his multitasking and eventually got Daegal fed, the laundry in the dryer, and got a good portion of the lab done.
At 10:30 y/n finally felt satisfied with the PowerPoint and had finished collecting most of the data his partner was supposed to do. So he went to wash all the dishes he had left out at dinner and put away the leftovers as a quick study break. He smiled at the pasta he’d saved for Haechan knowing it would make his boyfriend’s day to find food ready for him after a long night of dance practice. When he walked back into Hyuck’s bedroom to finish the lab, he noticed several notifications on his phone again.
Mom: Hey you’re coming home on Wednesday right? You’ll be done with finals week by then?
Dad: Hey y/n you better have a gift ready for your mother when you come home on Tuesday. She’s still pretty upset about Haechan, so you should really try to make her feel better.
Bro: Dude mom and dad are pissed cuz dad thought you were coming home Tuesday after your final, and then mom told him you said Wednesday. So he flipped and said you were probably staying longer to fuck Haechan or something
Y/N: I told them both Wednesday. I AM spending Tuesday night at Hyuck’s place. But I just wanted a night to relax before immediately coming home
Don’t tell them that… just say I’m busy or something
Bro: sorry bro, that’s not gonna work. You better come home Tuesday or they’re gonna make the trip absolute hell for you
Y/N: fuck ok fine, I’ll make it work
Y/n was getting more and more stressed by the second. And now he wouldn’t even get any sort of buffer between finals week and seeing his family. And fuck he had that feeling in his head- that feeling of anxiety setting in- making him slightly dizzy and his chest tight. Fuck. Fuck. I’m gonna have a panic attack. I know it’s coming. Should I call Hyuck? He should be on his way home by now anyway right? Ok fuck. Yeah he should call his boyfriend. Maybe he could talk him through it. He prayed he was right and Hyuck would actually answer his phone, and to his relief, Hyuck answered right away.
“y/n! I’m on my way home and practice went pretty well! I think the show is going to be really good this quarter. Have you made dinner yet? And how’s the studying going?” He was so excited to hear his y/n ie’s voice on the phone. “Hyuck.” Y/n felt the lump in his throat form and wasn’t able to get out the rest of your words as he broke into tears. “Y/n? What’s wrong love? Are you ok?” No words came out of y/n as he began to hyperventilate. Haechan could hear y/n’s shallow breathing and put together that he must be having a panic attack. He assured y/n he’d be there in the next ten minutes and stayed on the phone with him until he rushed through the door exactly ten minutes later, Immediately making his way over to y/n huddled in the corner of his bed crying and hyperventilating. From past experience he knew y:n liked him to stay close until he was able to calm down and talk.
Haechan slowly climbed into the bed, sliding his body between your back and the bed frame, wrapping his arms around you in a comforting bear hug. “I’ve got you y/n. I’ve got you, and I’m not going anywhere.” Y/n began shaking in Haechan’s arms unable to fully process what was happening with his mind completely taken over by panic at this point. Haechan rested his chin on y/n’s soft hair and hummed a song. Y/n did his best to focus on the light vibrations on his head from Haechan’s tune. “I’ll just talk about my day a little too ok y/n? Squeeze my hand if you’d like that.” Y/n’s eyes remained squeezed tight, and his body was still trembling, but he gives Haechan’s hand a light squeeze back. “Ok love. Let’s see… I saw Jungwoo today! I know he’s your favorite dance major right? He was really cool to watch, you were right! He might even be more charismatic than me” he teased. Y/n didn’t laugh out loud or acknowledge him, but he appreciated Hyuck trying to lighten the mood. “I spent most of the night working on my duet with Mark though. They have us doing this really acrobatic hiphop song and it’s a lot of work. I’ve memorized all the footwork though. It was kind of funny watching Mark struggle with it more than me for once honestly. Next time you should tag along and watch. When it’s not finals week of course!” He adds, giving a small pec to your forehead.
“Is that why you’re stressed by the way? Finals?” He doesn’t really expect y/n to give any responses yet. But much to his surprise you shake your head in response. “No. More.” Y/n says quietly, starting to breath a little more evenly. “What else baby? What’s stressing you out.”
“Everything!” Y/n exclaims. “So much. TOO much” y/n squeaks out bursting into more tears. Haechan gently shushes you and squeezes his arms tighter around your body and begins planting little kisses all over your head to comfort you. “It’s ok y/n. It’s ok.” Hyuck can feel y/n’s body body relax a tiny bit despite his sobs. Y/n spins around melting into Haechan and burying his face in his chest
To be continued…
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kpop-locks · 9 months
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ haechan ; istj "♡ᵎ ꒱
like/reblog | @nonotheworld
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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hcuyk · 2 months
[ 18+ ] . . . . . . . . will the inferno rekindle?
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OUR INFERNO elaborates the complexities within a relationship—the spark, the blaze, the pain. your love with hyunjae is a never ending fire; it's something so strong, so beautiful and powerful, that it suffocates you both into believing that your relationship would last, only for it to go down in flames.
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please consider supporting by joining my taglist(s)!!
—-—-— i want us to experience this journey together <3
lovely beta readers : @simpforsunwoo @stealanity @drunkdrazed @winterchimez — they own my heart
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< 4/16 > scene five (final rewrite) : 3219 : finished
< 4/16 > scene five (third draft) : 2481 : finished
< 4/15 > scene five (second draft) : 408 : discontinued
< 4/14 > scene five (first draft) : 2091 : unfinished
< 4/14 > chapter one : 19272 : posted!
< 4/12 > scene four (final rewrite) : 10261 : finished
< 4/11 > scene four (final rewrite) : 3219 : unfinished
< 4/10 > scene four (final rewrite) : 1492 : finished
< 4/9 > scene four (second rewrite) : 7485 : finished
< 4/9 > scene four (second rewrite) : 1745 : unfinished
< 4/8 > scene four (first rewrite) : 855 : discontinued
< 4/8 > scene three (final rewrite) : 3070 : finished
< 4/8 > scene three (final rewrite) : 2859 : unfinished
< 4/7 > scene four (first draft) : 1549 : finished
< 4/7 > scene three (final rewrite) : 2114 : finished
< 3/24 > scene three (first draft) : 1372 : finished
< 3/24 > scene two (final rewrite) : 2134 : finished
< 3/24 > scene two (second draft) : 1568 : finished
< 3/23 > scene two (first rewrite) : 2334 : finished
< 3/23 > scene two (first draft) : 1379 : finished
< 3/22 > scene one (revisions) : 3535 : finished
< 3/22 > scene one (final rewrite) : 3482 : finished
< 3/22 > scene one (first rewrite) : 2727 : finished
< 3/22 > scene one (first draft) : 1290 : finished
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