#hannibal meta
Not a hannigram fic ask, but BETTER!
We all know the quote.
“I’m not fortune’s fool, I’m yours.”
I roll my eyes EVERY TIME I hear someone mention it, because they don’t offer the context!
Yes, it’s from Romeo and Juliet, but you’re missing the point!!!!!
In Act 3, Scene 1, Romeo declares: “I am fortune’s fool.”
He isn’t saying that he’s a sucker for money, and Will wasn’t saying that he was a sucker for love.
The best translation of what Romeo said, is “I’m a victim of fate and circumstance.”
His problems are caused by fate, and all things of the past.
This means that Will, on the other hand, was saying, “I’m not the victim of coincidental tragedy, I’m your victim.”
Now that sounds a lot less romantic at first.
However, Romeo’s interpretation of the line comes right after he killed a man for revenge.
This man was none other than Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt.
What happens soon after Will says that line? He kills Hannibal’s colleague, Chilton.
So, although Will was calling himself Hannibal’s victim, if you look at the subtext, he was basically saying:
“I’m Romeo, you’re Juliet, and our forbidden love shares a body count to theirs, but I don’t intend ours to be over yet. Even so, I am not a victim of fate. Our problems and fear are no coincidence, they are your doing. You hurt me this way, and I still love you. I don’t care for the next body that drops, because I will have done it. For our love.”l
Anyway. Uhm.
I’m far too obsessed with this show, there’s no saving, but I don’t wanna be saved !
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Anyway, thanks for listening to my rant!
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cedarxwing · 1 day
Absolutely FERAL over the hannigram privacy room scene...
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Will is SO disgusted with Hannibal. From his perspective, either:
a) Hannibal thinks Will and everyone else is stupid enough to believe the copycat killer murdered the bailiff.
b) Hannibal is playing dumb to screw Will over in his trial, ensuring he'll get the death penalty.
c) Hannibal killed the bailiff but didn't do it properly on purpose to sadistically dangle Will's freedom in front of him before snatching it away.
Meanwhile, Hannibal looks sooo pathetic. Sad wet cat can't fool Will the way he could in S1 anymore. Ugh, step on him, Will. Squash him like a bug.
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Hannibal's doublespeak here is insane.
"I wanted to dispel your doubts once and for all." <- Obviously, Will's first thought is that Hannibal means, "I want you to believe I'm not the copycat killer." That's the biggest "doubt" Will has about him, after all. But that makes absolutely no sense in this context, because how does a copycat murder happening while Will is in prison help prove Hannibal's innocence? It's doesn't! The opposite, in fact!
So we get a beautiful "what the fuck" moment from Will as he tries to figure out what Hannibal could possibly mean. Is Hannibal admitting that he did kill the bailiff on Will's behalf? Or does he only mean that he wished the secret admirer could be mistaken for the copycat, so that Will won't doubt that Hannibal is trying to get him out of prison?
"I want you to believe in the best of me, Will. Just as I believe in the best of you." <- Line that makes me want to throw Hannibal in a washing machine on a high spin cycle, because how does he always string words together into perfect optical illusions? He sounds like he's still trying to convince Will that he's innocent, but he really means, "I want you to believe that I have the best intentions for you." And to a normal person, "believing in the best of Will" would mean believing in his innocence, but of course Hannibal means that he believes Will is really a killer deep down inside. UGH.
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But this is the moment that really does it for me. When Will won't play along with the bailiff lie, Hannibal throws a TANTRUM. Looking away, fidgeting, complaining that Will's locked away in prison like he's a toy his parents put on a shelf too high for him to reach. This line omits some sentences from the script, boiling them down to this momentary emotional outburst:
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He's goading Will, trying to get him to participate in the "alchemy of lies and truths." Whispering, "Jack and Alana are no better than Kade Prurnell, lying about your sanity because they think you did it. They don't want you to walk free like I do. I'm willing to say whatever (or kill whoever) it takes to get you out of here."
And it works. Will ends up dropping his insanity defense. Is he so sick of prison life that he's willing to risk death for a slim chance at freedom? Or does he trust that Hannibal will do anything keep him out of the electric chair? The night after his plea of not guilty is ruled invalid, alone in his cell, is Will anticipating his own execution or the judge's?
Bonus points for Hannibal's pretty pink paisley tie and matching plaid suit. Babygirl dolled himself up before visiting Will. 💕
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ialwayseattherude · 3 days
The most interesting part about Hannibal having an eidetic memory is that he can never forget any detail about his trauma, just repress it as best as he can. He probably remembers exactly how the snow felt on his skin, what Mischa's last words were. All he can do about it is lock it up deep inside his memory palace. He can never get rid of it. It's the downside to his gifts.
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deerainy · 13 hours
Jack really acted like if he wasn't the object of a rich man's obsession who gives up everything for him, sends someone to kill your wife and kid because he's jealous, kills someone and turns them into a tableau representing his broken heart and how much he misses you he wouldn't look past the cannibalism... be honest with yourself for a second because I would have had folded so fast and Jack just judges Will for it like... Jack is the perfect example of a healthy person who has had a good childhood and a happy life until he lost his wife, he is so well in his head he manages to be working for the FBI and to see horrible crime scenes on the daily basis like it's nothing, of course he wouldn't get it, his ass is too mentally stable to comprehend it
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gudron222 · 1 day
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guys, guess who finished the drawing after all!damn, yer all so cute, thanks for the support! I hope you enjoy the result😉
om nom🍽🥩
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cuntysalmonshirt · 1 month
Post-fall Hannigram needs to be Will running up to Hannibal snapping this photo and then sending it to Jack for no reason but to tease him.
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Like just every year on the anniversary of their fall he gets a post card:
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The year Will sends this Jack retires:
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hannibal-lectotype · 13 days
Something the Hannibal television show does phenomenally, that the books and movies don’t really do at all, is showcase how well he actually blends in.
In the Thomas Harris works, every scene that Doctor Lecter is in manages to make it very clear that he’s dangerous, and everyone else is basically Damocles without being aware of the blade. He’s unsettling even when he’s charming, and the audience is always aware that he is the lion in the room. We can see the swords dangling by the hair over every other character.
But in the show, Hannibal is just a guy, maybe pretentious and nerdy, but charming and kind for the most part. We are taken in with him, just like the other characters. Then, when he does lash out, moving like the predator he is, we’re left absolutely shook, almost ashamed that for a moment we forgot who he is. In the next scene, he’s as soft and charming as ever, and the deception begins again. We slowly fall under the spell again, because he’s just that good. We experience what the characters do, even though we’re granted the behind the scenes knowledge that he’s the villain of the story.
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pesky--dust · 6 months
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the "diagnosis" Chilton gave Will during his trial was the one closest to the truth ("Will Graham has never been diagnosed. He won't allow anyone to test him. He has carefully constructed a persona to hide his real nature from the world. He wears it so well, even Jack Crawford couldn't see past it. (...) There is not yet a name for whatever Will Graham is.")
unlike Alana Bloom or Jack Crawford, he saw what a manipulator Will was and that in front of them he played a poor, confused, wounded bird ("(...) A particularly-manipulative one at that. Poor, confused, wounded bird for Agent Crawford and Doctors Lecter and Bloom. And for me, well, I get the psychopath's triumvirate: charm, focus and ruthlessness. The charm, of course, being debateable.")
he believed Will that Hannibal may be the Chesapeake Ripper and said Jack Crawford: "Hannibal once served me tongue and made a joke about eating mine. It's hard not to at least consider it.". Jack ignored him. (I think Jack was already planning some large-scale action against Hannibal, but that's a topic for another post)
he called Dr Lecter "Hannibal the Cannibal"
he understood that Will Graham was alive because Hannibal Lecter liked him that way
criticized Jack for letting Will and Hannibal get closer to each other and then leaving Will alone ("You dangle Will Graham and now you cut bait. You are letting Hannibal have him hook, line and sinker.")
when Jack expressed hope that the relationship between Hannibal and Will was one of those friendships that ends after the disemboweling, Chilton told him: "I would argue, with these two, that's tantamount to flirtation. Will is going to lead you right to him." and let's be real, he was right.
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tayasui-mono · 1 month
Will, knows it's not appropriate for him to approach Abigail but wanting to take care of her while maintaining decorum like a decent human being:
Hannibal, gaze yearning, gaslighting: but our daughter, Will. Are we not her fathers, Will? Who knows her better than her gay FATHERS, Will? Do you feel paternal, Will? Do you want to get a marriage license Wil—
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ghostdrinkssoup · 11 months
“could he daily feel a stab of hunger for you and find nourishment at the very sight of you?” is such a romantic line because despite cannibalism sustaining the illusion that hannibal can control everything and determine outcomes and reverse time, loving will has changed him so drastically that instead of consuming will, will consumes him. and hannibal hungers for him, yearns and aches for him, but is content to just exist near him. to stay in his orbit somehow, if only will allows it. hannibal, who needs to cannibalise others to stay in power, finds nourishment just by looking at will. he loves him so profoundly that he could be imprisoned forever and still it would be better than knowing he might never see will again. it sates him more than eating the pigs beneath him. in will, he finds religion
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vvulcanprince · 5 months
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hannibal shooting locations in florence with screencaps from the show part 2 :3
if you want to repost, please CREDIT!
and responding to a reblog on the first part, i infact made my friend wander the locations with me and compare them with the scenes from the show haha
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thedarkmongoose · 7 months
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it's interesting that it pans to will fishing in the stream when chilton says "he likes to play god" bc speaking of religious allegories, will graham is a fisherman and a "fisher of men." both in the profiler sense (he catches criminals), and in the sense that he captures men's hearts (jesus urged his followers to be fishers of men to the gospel). except will's gospel is darkness, and while he doesn't forcibly push people towards it like hannibal, anyone involved with will gets dragged down into the inferno. for he is a fisher of (damned) men. subsequently, the "saving lives is just as arousing as ending them" bit could be said about god, which is a sentiment hannibal shares throughout the series.
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ialwayseattherude · 3 days
One of the things I understand about Hannibal is his tendency to push limits and boundaries out of sheer curiosity. Imagine being him, for a moment. Able to toy with the minds of everyone around him, running circles around the police and his colleagues alike. This is the man who criticized psychology as "puerile." Nothing in his professional universe challenged him anymore. Everyone else must've seemed painfully insipid to him. What else to do but experiment?
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morningstarbee · 6 months
i was looking up the driving time in Savoureax for a fic i'm writing and
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Hannibal drives Will 18 hours from Baltimore to Duluth ???? What the fuck were they doing in the car that entire time??? And 18 hours is without breaks. Hannibal drove Will 18 hours and wasn't even getting dick, that's crazy, he was so whipped
All those posts going "aww Will fell asleep in the car with him he must trust him <3". No mfer he fell asleep because it was an 18 hour drive
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cedarxwing · 1 month
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The penetration. The blood spurting. The arch of Will's neck. How wide his mouth opens. Dolarhyde's thighs spread over him. His hand sliding down to Will's chest.
The way he's destroyed Will's face, probably damaged his teeth and palate so he'll need reconstructive surgery and speech therapy. The way people will stare at his scar like they stared at Dolarhyde when he was a kid, making Will more of a social outcast than he already was.
The way Will spent a month getting inside Dolarhyde's head and understands him better than anyone else in the world. The way Will imagined himself killing and doing unspeakable things to the Jacobis, Leedses, and Molly. The way he watched the video of Dolarhyde biting off Chilton's lips, vividly experiencing that violence from the perspective of both victim and perpetrator, all while having orchestrated the scene, wielding Dolarhyde like a weapon. The way Will is now experiencing the victim's perspective in reality, after already dying once in Dolarhyde's arms.
The way that, once he's changed, Dolarhyde is not flesh, but light and air and color and quick sounds quickly ended, like a balloon of color bursting. The way he's more important for the changing because he has aided in the glory, the majesty of Will's Becoming. The way he becomes a part of Will, sharing with him the way he couldn't share with Reba.
...yeah. 🚬😑
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undercovercannibal · 3 months
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Hannibal 2.01 “Kaiseki” | 1.03 “Potage” | 1.08 “Fromage” | 1.09 “Trou Normand1” | 1.10 “Buffet Froid” | 1.12 “Relevés” | 1.11 “Rôti” | 2.08 “Su-zakana”
+ Will using Hannibal's assessment of him to lie to and deceive him
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2.10 “Naka-choko”
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