tayasui-mono · 3 days
The dallas panel is so good!! They should have live-streamed it!
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tayasui-mono · 4 days
Really in love with this idea of Hannibal and Will being exceptional in the sense that they're each lonely people and yet they both try to connect with someone; trying to be seen and heard by Bedelia and Alana respectively (and I am NOT talking about romantic/sexual love here), so they have this yearning to reach out and have someone understand-- and there's a limit to that, where Bedelia cannot tolerate the specific kind of devilry Hannibal executes and Alana cannot look at Will objectively and in some cases, smudges both his and her own agency. It's just a sort of-- it's sort of pathetic, and yet they're both identical in their loneliness and privacy. I really like this aspect of their persons, that you can be adults and have trouble forming and maintaining relationships; not the angst of it, but the complexity of having a personality like that and how it makes their attachment to each other just that much more precious. Will and Hannibal can despise each other but there will always remain the love and intimacy of the fact that they are dear to each other.
Not to turn this into the 'male loneliness epidemic' sort of thing, this has nothing to do with patriarchy and everything to do with Will and Hannibal's minds working at a frequency that is not easily matched by anybody, regardless of gender.
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tayasui-mono · 4 days
While adding dried red chillis to my cooking, a thought passed through my mind: "You should wash your hands". I felt, well, I suppose I was overzealous. I responded to the voice in my head: "I promise I won't put it in my eyes", Yes.. so I put it on my mouth and now it burns like road rash
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tayasui-mono · 4 days
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SpaceDogs wip and art study of Hogh Dancy
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tayasui-mono · 5 days
Twitter is so unlikeable now it's crazy. I had such great memories in fandom from 2016 until recently; now it's just endless brain rot content, can't even read replies, everything is a big "gotcha" moment and the moral high horse stances are insane. Everything is black or white on there; like a hive-minded cognitive distortion cesspool
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tayasui-mono · 5 days
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Hannibal (2013-2015)
2x13 || 3x06 || 3x13
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tayasui-mono · 5 days
There's gonna be a Mads and Hugh panel at fanexpo boston!!
Edit: there's a panel tomorrow at dallas as well!
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tayasui-mono · 5 days
Broskis Hugh and Mads have tables side-by-side at the Fanexpo Dallas!!
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tayasui-mono · 5 days
You know what; there is something respectable about Hannibal—he fucks around, fully accepting the consequences. That moment when Will shows up to his house after being acquitted and Hannibal jokes about his aftershave while Will holds him at gunpoint. And when Will, sufficiently pissed off, cocks it at him and Hannibal just tilts his face away, eyes closed? Maybe he thought it was too big a gamble to tackle Will, maybe he thought Will wouldn't shoot, maybe he was gonna fight back; but his fucking balls, man. He doesn't give a shit. His conversations with freaking Cordell, "How would you cook my tongue, quick, we need to discuss your aptitude for cooking." He nearly kills everybody in Mizumono in petty revenge, he tries to eat Will's brain knowing he might regret it badly. In wrath of the lamb he goes to his safe house and the first thing he does is pour himself some wine as if Dolarhyde wasn't just lurking in the bushes behind him. Fuck around and find out? No! He's just a troll and consciously the pinnacle of adversity to himself and he never blames anybody inappropriately.
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tayasui-mono · 6 days
Reinstalling the twitter app just so i can catch up with Hugh and Mads fanexpo content😩 the things i do for love...
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tayasui-mono · 6 days
My headcanon is that Will doesn't drink coffee. Of course, he drinks it at Hannibal's, but I like to think it buzzes him up so badly and excentuates all his hypersensitivities it feels like he's on acid. His brain already works unhealthily fast, imagine boosting that up? He's smelling colours and seeing sounds.
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tayasui-mono · 6 days
The thing I least I expected to get out of my Hannibal re-watches was to have my English accent become slightly American-ised, this is especially funny considering neither of the lead actors is actually American and nor am I, the viewer.
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tayasui-mono · 7 days
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morning star! my favorite piece
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tayasui-mono · 7 days
I clicked on a poll option after misreading it and i got a notif now abt it and rereading it I'm like??? I've never seen you before in my life
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tayasui-mono · 8 days
@t3acupz technically they are cuddling and they do fall asleep right after this; this is an AU with orphans Will and Hannibal (around 14-15 years old) childhood best friends one could say, getting up to hijinks at their orphanage and being, well, them. Someone should separate them already.
I wrote this listening to aespa's song Licorice if anybody's curious~
P.s "four is the number of death" referring to 死 and 四 having the same pronounciation i.e., "death" and "four" respectively in Japanese
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tayasui-mono · 8 days
Higedan's Editorial album is one of the best albums I've ever listened to no matter how much time passes aaaaa i love their music so much!! Special favs are Laughter and Apoptosis
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tayasui-mono · 9 days
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Hannibal | Entrée | 1.06
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