#harper i would have tagged you but yana already did
alliecatstrophe · 3 years
Rules: Answer the questions and tag some folks, if you’re up to it!
i got tagged by @agendratum! wow! it’s been so long since I got one of these
Name: Allie
Gender: Cisgirl (questioning?? lol)
Star sign: despite popular belief that i’m an aries, i am indeed a cancer
Height: 5′1″ at best. shut up.
Time: 12:22 PM. I just woke up
Birthday: Same day that gay marriage got legalized in America. You figure it out.
Favorite bands: Uhmm I actually don’t have favorites really. I’m constantly cycling but I guess Fall Out Boy and Dance with the Dead?
Favorite solo artists: Gunna be real I don’t listen to many of those, idk, Halsey
Last movie: Last NEW movie? Klaus. Last movie I watched period was Easy A
Last show: Last New show was Critical Role, last show I physically watched was Derry Girls
When did I create this blog: This blog was made in 2016 probably, but I’ve been on tumblr through various accounts since 2011
What I post: A whole lotta shit. Atm I think it’s mostly The Untamed and tiktoks?? With some sprinkling of Reddie and Critical Role
Last thing I googled: the ‘it makes no damn sense. compels me though.’ meme
Other blogs: uhhh i technically have an art blog i haven’t updated in years, but this is where I’m active. 
I’m on twitter a lot though, here, it’s where I do my livetweeting of the shows I’m watching (currently doing Critical Role, The Untamed and BNHA) 
Do I get asks: Only when I piss people off with my opinions, lol (or when it’s Harper). But I lurk more nowadays so. 
Why I chose my url: My name is Allie, and it’s a pun on both Alliecat and y’know, I am a Catastrophe.
Following: 74, lol one less than Yana, and my reasonings are the opposite, I am super picky about who I follow lmfaoooo I’ve been in a lot of fandoms with annoying as shit people so I curate my dash a lot more now.
Followers: 285, again, I mainly just lurk and reblog shit, so /shrug
Average hours of sleep: i try to get 7, do i usually? well
Instruments: Ah, no, lmao, I used to play the flute, tried learning guitar and piano and gave up on both
What I am wearing: A purple shirt with wolves on it and grey sweatpants
Dream job(s): Used to be an animator, then a graphic novelist, back to animator, comic illustrator, animator again, streamer, than animator again... who the fuck knows i’m just trying to vibe
Dream Trip: Italy, I think. I dunno, I don’t really have dream trips anymore
Favorite food: I love me a mean dish of chicken alfredo
Nationality: Unfortunately, American.
Favorite song: Hmmm, yeah, I really don’t have one right now
Last book I read: Atm I’m trying to tackle IT by Stephen King lol
Top 3 fictional universes I’d like to live in: Avatar the Last Airbender (not LOK that shit was fucked), surprised myself with this one but maybe BNHA?? Cool superpowers, maybe Skyrim?? Guys I’m trying really hard not to say H/P because fuck JKR but... I really like magic
as for who I’ll tag, uhm... lmao i don’t talk to anybody uh @necroscura @serkonans anddd @remusjohn?? but u don’t have to do if u don’t want to
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youremyonlyhope · 4 years
Ascension of the Cyberman
Saw a slight spoiler because Doctor Who posted the trailer for next week’s episode on YouTube already, and it was a suggested video on my homepage. All I saw was the thumbnail, and it was something I already expected. So it could have been worse. It just sucks that they didn’t wait until after it aired in America to change the thumbnail to the spoiler.
OOOOHHHHH THAT WAS SO COOL. THAT TRANSITION INTO THE OPENING SEQUENCE. I LOVE IT. Also, “hands of a believer” concerns me. This is starting out way too sweet and adorable. I am concerned. Very concerned. This nurse that we caught one little glimpse of also looks familiar... Only 7 humans left!?!?!?!??!! “We’re not soldiers.” See but that’s better since the Doctor hates soldiers. Oh god if any of the fam die in this moment I will kill Chibnall. WHOOSHING??? A TARDIS? Nope not a Tardis. Cyberman heads. Cyberdrones apparently. Welp. Now I just miss Handles. Ok so that’s at least one of the last 7 humans is dead... I think I saw 2 dead bodies though. Oh poor Doctor. No Ryan no don’t get separated. Is this a Tardis??? Ok no it’s flying with an engine so no. Ethan no! No Feekat (who’s name I had forgotten and had to look up later)! “That makes it trickier. Unless you’re me, which I am.” Amazing. I love the Doctor. The dad’s jawline looks like the Lone Cyberman’s... I thought that at the beginning when he first showed up too... and I guess they’re trying to make us think Brendan’s becoming the Cyberman... but Pat’s jawline is much more similar... I do not trust him because of that jawline... Random place in the universe? Welp. Yaz and Graham will be lost forever or at least for a long time while the Doctor searches for them. Nah dude, you were definitely discarded. AKA the opposite of chosen. Yeah ok all of that was very concerning. Nope. Did not need those Owen Harper flashbacks. Never ever say “No, you don’t want to shoot.” in a show that Chibnall is showrunner of (or acting showrunner for Torchwood). You will be shot. UH OH. UH OH. UHHHHHHHH OHHHHHHHHH. BRENDAN’S ALIVE. WHAT THE HELL. IS HE LIKE JACK HARKNESS!?!? OR A TIME LORD?!?!! It’s not dead bodies is it... ok dead Cybermen... I mean, still dead bodies... and still human... but at least they’re not human human. I don’t like that Yaz and Graham are in this much danger of dying.... “Don’t panic.” I can’t even enjoy making a Hitchhiker’s Guide joke. Yep ok yeah they’re not lucky since The Lone Cyberman found them... Ok he looks familiar... Oh Ko Sharmus is a person. (Update: Oh my god he’s Barristan Selmy from Game of Thrones.) Awww Yaz and Graham bonding. One of them is gonna die. Oh ok yeah that’s fun. More Cybermen. Lots of mentions of hope in this episode, I appreciate it. Oh shoot there’s only like 15 minutes left... It’s a new design, but the weird ear covering parts are very old who. I like that. The torso’s a little weird... ....What... is... he... doing... “We’re carrying a Cyberman that makes other Cybermen scream.” Yeah I mean that’s one way to articulate how horrible this is. OK there’s only 6 minutes left now. Someone better not die. A clock... They look... young.... still... but how.... I am so nervous. I am so confused. Wiping Brendan’s memory? Are they making the very very very first Cyberman? Are we like finding out that they made them way back in the old days? That’s a lot of Cyberman. I just remembered that they left the TARDIS on that planet... MASTER! MY BABY! Yes, that was a good entrance. A little cartoony, but I’m just happy to see him.
Ok but like... they were shooting at them in the control room so like... are they ok!??!!
I assume from us seeing some of them in the promo they’re fine but like... the Cyberman got in... so like... how do they get out of that?
And the Brendan thing. WAIT. AM I DUMB? Wow. I am not deleting my stupid question about wiping his memory and making Cybermen. I’m not deleting it because that was a complete stupid moment and it should be documented. That had to have been a chameleon arch. I was too into the whole Cyberman thing so I thought it was a Cyberman conversion, but that was chameleon arch wasn’t it? And the clock too, which I had noticed and though “Hmm.... fob watch...” but then went back to focusing on Cybermen.
At the beginning when he was just a baby I was like “Oh, he was found just like Yana.” but I didn’t write it down because I’m stupid. And even though I questioned the whole surviving a gunshot and fall off a cliff thing and wondered if he was a Time Lord, I didn’t actually go any deeper than that.
So if that was a chameleon arch... does that make Brendan the Timeless Child?
Also, guys. I am SO HAPPY to see the Master again. God. I love Dhawan’s Master more than any of the others I think... which hurts to say since Missy’s my girl... but like... he won me over so quickly and I am so happy to see him.
The Master is the thumbnail of the trailer by the way. So all I saw was the Master, who I already knew would show up since Sacha was supposed to do 4 episodes and there were only 2 episodes left so he had to.
Guys I’m still mad at myself for literally ignoring the chameleon arch in front of my eyes and being like “oh but is it Cyberman conversion?????” They literally zoomed in on them taking his heartbeat multiple times, and I noticed it! And in the back of my mind I kept going “Oh is he a time lord?” and then pushing the thoughts away because this is supposed to be an episode about Cybermen. Because I am dumb.
And what if this is how Time Lords came to be! We’ve theorized for years that they are humans but higher up in the evolutionary tree. I can’t remember if I brought this up in Orphan 55, but I think I did. Guys. Evolution. Humans either become dreggs or time lords. I guess either depending on the timeline or maybe we just branched off and humans are the common ancestor. Either way. If we have canon evidence of humans being the ancestors of time lords, I will be glad. I personally love that theory. But I’m also the type of person who’s been waiting a billion years for the Doctor being half-human in the Movie to become actual canon. I was so sure that that was where the Hybrid story arc was heading...
(Update: I know I definitely theorized about dreggs and time lords at some point, but it was not in my Orphan 55 post. It was probably in the tags of some random post that I will never ever find again.)
Anyway. The Master’s back. I am happy.
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