#harry styles prompt
lilystyles · 7 months
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written by @lilystyles
my masterlist xx & style masterlist
authors note inspired by a dream i had about this boy HAHAHA so filthy but that's just him. (also i'm sorry if ur names emma! if it is it's still cute to be best friends w ur name twin :3) ALSO it's also inspired by style (taylor's version)!
brief description y/n has had a crush on harry since they were kids but he’s off-limits. him being her best friend’s brother and all she has never made a move, knowing emma wouldn’t approve. but lines are blurred one night and she doesn’t know if she can follow the rules like a good girl.
warnings! slight age gap, SMUT (m!receiving, fingering, daddy kink, choking, missionary, doggy) sexual tension, mentions of drugs and alcohol abuse. wordcount: [around 11.4k words, also unedited sorry:(]
fratboy!older!bffsbrother!harry x younger!innocent!reader
* * * * *
Y/n wished she didn’t fancy him. Oh, she wished it so badly.
On every shooting star or eyelash, she had to decide whether she would wish to forget him or for him to finally notice her, it was a constant tug of war between the two.
Honestly, there were so many things going against him. He was completely unavailable to her and she wondered if that’s why she wanted him most. People always say you want what you can’t have. He was older than her by a few years, he was hardly much wiser but liked to act as if he was. 
Or maybe was it just that he was a total prick most of the time, like seriously, so mean? 
She couldn’t pinpoint what exactly attracted her to Harry the most. She knew why others liked him, it was because he was so fucking pretty you just wanted to cry. He was that kind of person. And obviously, she had noticed that slight minor detail. 
She could agree that was one of the many reasons she had a massive crush on him. But she’d known him for years before he was this fuckboy fratboy who wore backward caps with the body of a Greek god and the filthiest mouth you’d ever heard. She knew him before it all. She knew him when he was just her best friend’s goofy older brother, and she’d liked him then too. Before he was smooth and his words had a sting, when he was just this little giggly loud guy.
She thinks to herself often that a piece of her would always belong to him, even if he didn’t know that. She had tried to like other boys, many many times, and though she did like them she didn’t feel even a smidge like how she felt when she saw Harry. The best way for her to describe being with someone who wasn’t Harry was like being in a state of complete darkness, only this dull twinkle of stars without any moon, and then suddenly the sun came up, all these colours painting the sky as it rose. Harry was the sun for her and those boys were just the stars.
Nearly all the time she wished for a distraction from him but that was hard considering he was always around, Y/n saw him every time she went to their house it was like totally unavoidable. They ran into each other at parties even though he was a few years older, it didn’t matter now they that all went to Uni together. She saw him everywhere! Even when she closed her eyes at night.
So tonight when she went out with Emma she was relieved and sad all at once that he wasn’t at the party, it meant she let loose more than she usually did, completely free of the worry of his judgments. She had a few shots but not enough to get her as wasted as Emma was. They danced and sang, and enjoyed themselves. Exams had been stressful and they needed a fun night, they’d spent months cooped up in the library using flashcards and reading the big textbooks. Y/n needed some time away from her laptop screen and desk. She needed to wear a tight dress, get flirted with, have some drinks and relax. She needed to fucking let loose. 
She worked so hard and she was enjoying just forgetting all her worries, Harry included, for a few hours. Sweating and dancing to trashy music was something she had been dreaming of since the start of exam season.
However, the night had taken a slightly sour turn later in the evening when Emma took a few too many tequila shots in a row and spewed down herself, covering her pink dress and shoes and some of Y/n’s shoes too, in sick. She wished she could say this wasn’t a recurring thing but Emma always took it a little too hard on nights out especially when her brooding older brother wasn’t there to help team with Y/n and wrangle her home.
It wasn’t too late probably only midnight, which usually meant they were only just getting started on their drunken shenanigans. But Y/n had to admit she was okay with going home, home being Emma’s place she was roommates with Harry, they were fairly close siblings and their parents felt better knowing they were together. Y/n desperately wanted some water, maybe a snack and to lie down in Emma’s comfortable bed.
As she was trying to find an Uber during the busiest time and hold Emma up from collapsing onto the floor a familiar Irish voice filled Y/n’s ears. She snapped her head around. Oh, thank god.
“Babe! Where are you two off to?” 
Y/n turned, “Niall! Hey, we are going home. Emma isn’t feeling too well.”
Y/n had managed to clean most of the spew off in one of the bathrooms at the Uni share house the party was being thrown at, but Emma was all wet from being wiped down and Y/n knew she needed to get her home like now. She was fading and needed her bed and a bottle of water in her, she wasn’t particularly worried but she would feel better if Harry was with her in case something happened.
“D’ya want a lift? I haven’t drunk anything I’m on my way to Paddy’s place,” He said. He looked very sober.
Paddy was his most recent fling. 
“You are a gem, I could kiss you!” Y/n said squeezing his bicep in thanks.
Y/n was eternally grateful for him being her saviour, she slid Emma into the backseat and clipped her into the seatbelt, brushing the hair from her eyes. Even with sick all over she was still pretty, Y/n envied that the Styles family had such good genes it was ridiculous. They always looked gorgeous, Anne had created three beautiful children.
Niall knew where to go since he was friends with Harry too and Emma and Y/n of course.
Y/n kept checking through the mirror to make sure she was okay and when she saw the familiar home she sighed in relief at the sight. It was this fairly small duplex but their neighbours were nice and the house was one of Harry’s parent’s properties. So they had it pretty good for Uni students. Y/n was living in a big share-house with a bunch of other people. She wished she was this lucky.
She grabbed all their purses, jackets and keys before she kissed Niall on the cheek in thanks. 
“Love you, Babe. Have fun with Paddy!” She winked, knowing Niall really liked this new guy.
Niall blushed a nice rosy colour. “Need any help getting her in?” He asked diverting the conversation.
Y/n shook her head and the two girls stumbled to the front door. Emma was slightly more awake now, her arms slinging around Y/n’s shoulders making the straps of her dress fall as Y/n hunted for the keys in Emma’s little clutch. Y/n had a key to their house for emergencies and she knew where they hid a spare, but she wasn’t going to hunt around in the dark for it.
The door opened before she found them in the clutch which had ten lipsticks that she was rummaging through.
His eyes were so green she felt like they were glowing in the dark. He didn’t say anything he just grabbed Emma and helped her inside. Whispering something to her kindly as Y/n made her way inside behind them. She toed her shoes off before she entered, not wanting to bring Emma’s sick in any more than it already would be. 
Y/n sighed shutting the door behind her as she placed all their things in Emma’s room down the hall. Harry had put her on the bed and was taking her heels off for her. He was a good brother. He was protective over both his sisters even though Gemma was the oldest.
“She always goes to fucking far,” He muttered more to himself than Y/n. Who was finding Emma’s sleep clothes in her bedside drawers, knowing she couldn’t sleep in the sick-covered ones. 
He didn’t sound annoyed at her or angry, just worried. He was a prick sure, but he cared about his family and friends. His small circle is what mattered most to him. Y/n knew his gruff and broody presence was the exterior of a very gentle soul. When he was at home drinking tea in pyjamas that was the real Harry, not some douchebag.
But she knew that he had a reputation for being a heartbreaker and a lot of people would warn you of him. But Y/n didn’t think that was the real him.
Y/n nodded in agreement, tiredly pushing the hair from her eyes she wanted to tie it up it was sweaty from dancing. 
“It’s okay, Niall helped me,” Y/n spoke softly as he stood up from the floor where he’d sat to take her shoes off. He was so much taller than Y/n, his face finally looking at hers now. She felt heat prickle up her back, and the hairs stand on her neck. 
He had such an intense stare.
“I knew I should’ve come,” He said. “I worry when you two are alone.”
Two? She thought. He’d never really shown much protectiveness on his end over her, except when guys were being gross at bars or parties. Then he would give them a stern look and tell them to fuck off. But he did that for anyone, Y/n knew that she wasn’t special. She always felt like Emma was his priority always and he didn’t care what she did as long as Y/n got Emma home safe.
It was almost like he could hear her thoughts. “I don’t like when either of you go without me. The stories Emma has told me about what they say to you Y/n, makes me feel sick honestly.”
She despised the way her stomach flipped. She was about to say that she managed okay without him. But his hand slid onto her shoulder pulling the little spaghetti strap back up over her shoulder. 
She felt breathless but tried to snap back into her usual self. Feeling more pink than usual, Harry always seemed to have that effect on her.
“I- do your frat friends know how much of a softie you are deep down? Be careful now, Styles, I might go around telling them how nice you secretly are. Ruin that scary reputation of yours.”
He smirked in amusement, Y/n had this ability to melt away that hard shell, stripping him bare to his true self. He hated and loved it all at once, he felt like she saw right through him. Even when people said mean things about him, Y/n never wavered and sometimes even defended him. The only thing she didn’t approve of was his restlessness towards women. He felt one was never enough, and was quite open about that with his hookups. Maybe he just didn’t have the right one.
He left after that so Y/n could get Emma ready for bed. He was pottering about in the kitchen and making tea, she assumed. That was his late-night ritual usually.
Y/n shook Emma awake enough so she could help Y/n a little to get her into some pyjamas. She even got her make-up wipes out and removed all the makeup on Emma’s face and tucked her into bed.
Y/n sighed tiredly at the effort of it all and felt sobered up almost completely now. Emma had the downstairs bathroom to herself usually, it was very clean in there. Y/n decided to take a shower and wash the sick smell off her skin and the sweat from the clubs and the dirty Uni sharehouse. 
She washed her hair, face and body. Emma had a lot of really sweet expensive-smelling products, but Y/n had her own little section for when she stayed over. It was all coconut-scented. She felt herself begin to droop in fatigue when she finished cleaning herself. She got the last of the makeup the water hadn’t washed off and changed into a random shirt from Emma’s drawer and some fresh knickers from Y/n’s things she’d left here.
Y/n was here more than she was at her own house. Emma always said she’d kick Harry out and let Y/n take his place, but Y/n knew the siblings actually got on rather well. When Y/n was dressed for sleep she blow-dried her hair on the lowest setting so she wouldn’t wake Emma up, but Emma could probably sleep through an earthquake she was a really deep sleeper. Then she plugged both their phones in and slid in beside Emma tiredly. She shut her eyes and turned off the fairy lights Emma had kept on, ready to lull off.
Y/n had been friends with Emma since they were little they’d all grown up together in Holmes Chapel and it was the kind of place you were just friends with everyone because it was so small but Y/n had always been closest with the Styles family. They lived down the street from each other and Emma and Y/n were never seen without each other. So Harry was used to having Y/n around a lot too. 
Growing up he had to make sure nothing happened to them, he was in charge but it was usually Emma giving him trouble Y/n was always a sweetheart, but she had a quick mouth with one-liners that almost knocked him over. He liked that about her, she was sweet but could challenge him feistily without much thought. He’d met his match when it came to arguments.
Often when the parents went away Y/n would be over and Gemma and Harry would have to make sure neither of them got up to anything wild. But it was usually just a sleepover that consisted of them laughing until dawn. Harry was a much lighter sleeper so he would always tell them to shut up. 
Harry woke up to the sound of a pin dropping rooms away, he didn’t know how his sister could snore like a freight train and sleep through herself. He also didn’t know how Y/n could share a bed with her. Sometimes he’d get up in the middle of the night for a wee or some water and would find Y/n on the couch with a pillow over her face trying to block out the noise of Emma’s snoring. 
So when he heard Y/n roaming about in the kitchen (he knew it was her because he could still hear Emma snoring) he pretended to need some water, wanting to see her. It was probably around 3 AM but he had been unable to sleep. And they hadn’t talked much when she got home. He had wanted to tell her how beautiful she looked, but he knew better. She had worn a dress that hugged all her features, it was black and simple. Hair done naturally, and makeup that was subtle but just made her that tiny bit more pretty. She always looked pretty though.
He came down the stairs from his room and walked into the kitchen. Y/n was using the fridge as a light to find things. She was making tea by the looks of things. She found some of the chamomile that she used every night, in turn, Harry added it to the weekly grocery list in case she slept the night there, and hadn’t heard him creep downstairs. 
She was in a big baggy dusty blue shirt that Harry actually thought was one Emma had stolen from him, and a pair of soft pink cotton knickers that were very small. Socks covered her feet making her practically silent. He stepped closer into the kitchen waiting for her to turn around and notice him. 
She was trying to be very quiet in every step, knowing Harry was a very light sleeper, and not wanting to wake him. When she finally did look over her shoulder her body jolted in fright dropping the box of teabags onto the floor and a hand falling to her chest. 
“Jesus, H.” She whispered, raspily. 
He let out a breathy laugh. “Sorry, Lovie.”
She squinted in the dark trying to see him. His hair looked messy like he’d been sleeping and he was just in some boxers as PJs. He ran hot in the night.
“Did I wake you?” She asked a guilty look crossing her face. Her eyes softened as she nibbled on her bottom lip.
He shook his head. “Nah. ‘Aven’t been sleeping well.”
She frowned, not liking the sound of that. She didn’t know why she cared, but she did. “Do you want a tea?”
He smiled, dimples showing. “Yes please.”
She brewed two as he whispered the truth about why he didn’t come out with them tonight. He was originally supposed to, and honestly, she had been slightly disappointed about it. Knowing she’d have to handle Emma alone.
But he told her why, in a soft hushed voice. A few guys in his friendship group had said some really mean things to Harry. Not realising he would feel them so deeply, she thought, they must think he was as mean as he seems. He told the story like he wasn’t phased by the mean comments, but Y/n could tell they had gotten to him. She knew better than his cold stone face.
“Alex said ‘I was a homewrecking prick and womanizer’.” He explained when Y/n asked what the boys had said about him. He heard a hint of protectiveness in her voice when she asked with a pinched face, and he felt a tug in his lower tummy. Why did she care?
Y/n looked up from the mugs at him. The dim lighting of the fridge meant she could only see the outline of his body and the shadows of his features. She saw a glimpse of his eyes, and she could see the look in his eyes. He believed them, he believed those comments. They were glassy with discontentment.
Her eyebrows were pinched in empathy, and she was about to speak but he cut her off. “I know I’m a total prick sometimes, but—”
She interrupted him, “—You are a prick sometimes, but people who really know you know what you're like.” She tried to reason with him. Because she wasn’t going to deny sometimes he would be just plain rude to her, and to others as well. But she also knew he did a lot of nice things too. He had a hard exterior and shied off people easily, if you didn’t know him well he would seem rude. But all his close friends and family knew that he was just standoffish with new people. And loved to tease, and was brutally honest, which Y/n had to admit sometimes that hurt more than the teasing comments. 
But he did nice things. Wonderful things, that he went out of his way to do. Like helped his sister when she was drunk, drove people home so they wouldn’t have to walk in the dark after parties, picked Y/n up from the library at midnight if she was too scared to walk home, bought chamomile tea in case Y/n spent the night, made enough dinner in case Y/n was hungry, visited the girls when they were studying with snacks and coffee, and he even helped sometimes if they were confused on work. He called his Mum every day without fail and sent his Grandma photos of birds when he saw them. 
He baked a new type of cookie recipe every Sunday and gave it to his friends. He adopted stray cats and played Scrabble with his grandparents every few weekends.
Yes, he was a prick, he said mean things and made fun of Y/n when she went on dates with idiots, and he called her names, filthy ones. And sometimes he would barely acknowledge her. But she knew there was a different reason for that, something she didn’t understand. Something between just the two of them. She thought maybe it was just a way for him to protect his sensitive side from people. From her too, hide himself away.
And yes, he did have sex with lots of people, but he did always tell people the truth before getting involved with anyone. He was honest, and open when it came to his boundaries. Y/n thought that was better than lying and acting like you wanted a relationship just so you can fuck someone. She wasn’t saying she approved of Harry’s constant line of girls coming over, maybe that was her jealousy talking, but she wasn’t going to judge him for doing what lots of people did and owning that he did it. He would never kiss and tell, he was respectful and clear with his intentions. What more could you ask of a fuck buddy or one-night stand? If you wanted a good shag no strings attached Harry was your guy, and surely most people knew from the rumours? She just didn’t understand why people put themself in that position if they knew what they were getting into with him.
He wasn’t a devious person who hid behind a mask of fake sincerity to get in your pants. He was blunt, he asked if you wanted to fuck and if you didn’t that was fine. He wasn’t picky with it either he just liked to have a good time.
She felt differently about being with a person. She usually only wanted to be with someone she had an emotional connection with. But she had a smaller level of experience than Harry, so she thought that maybe she was coming from the point of view of a less experienced person. But the point remained, Harry had his flaws, like anyone but he was good at his core. His intentions remained good. No one is perfect, and she knew Harry was far from it but so was everyone she knew!
She knew her flaws too. Flaws made people human. And she appreciated him despite it all.
“And what is that?” He was standing closer now and she felt suddenly very aware of the fact she was only in knickers and a shirt her nipples could be seen through. The way he was staring her down made her aware of her appearance, he looked almost hungry.
“Well as someone who’s known you for as long as I can remember. You’re kind, honest, open, and a good person with a rotten mouth.” She looked away from him as she spoke, flushed by his close presence. She tried not to stumble on her words but was struggling and honestly felt her hands tremble when she felt his breath hit her neck.
“Kind?” He scoffed eyes trained on her face, it was free of makeup. Her lips looked pouty and her eyes droopy in tiredness. She looked perfect. She always did. Even that one week during the bleak middle of winter when she had been sick as a dog; red nose, glassy eyes, snotty and nasally, hair unwashed, skin red, she’d looked beautiful.
“Harry,” She said his name meaning she was serious, she usually called him anything but, “these fucking friends of yours clearly don’t see you like we do.”
She leaned back against the drawers sighing, “We. Me, Emma, Niall, Gem, Anne. People who know you, people who love you.”
“You love me?” He teased. 
She rolled her eyes. Of course, that’s what he got from that. He was so annoying.  
“You’re alright.” She replied, they both knew she did, handing him the tea. He said a quiet thanks.
He placed it back down, where Y/n was letting hers cool. The face she had made smile only seconds prior melted back to a stoic look, more serious.
He hugged her and Y/n was surprised, but she wrapped her arms around him. He pulled back when he started to get intoxicated on her sweet scent, her skin smelt edible and her hair was soft against his cheek.
“I’m sorry if I’m a prick to you.”
Y/n didn’t mean to but she laughed. A giggle bubbled from her tummy out of her mouth her as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“What?” He said, fighting back the smile that threatened to tug on his lips. It was contagious. He was trying to keep his attention very far from her chest.
She didn’t know what made her say it but, but she told him the truth. “I like it. It's like a game we have. A Harry and Y/n one. I tease you, you tease me. You act like I don’t exist most of the time and I act like I don’t care. You’re mean to me and I let you be.”
Hearing her say it out loud was kind of like being winded. It had always been their game, a game neither mentioned, some sort of unspoken thing they shared. 
She could tell he was kind of speechless. 
“I don’t know why I let you.” Now that was a lie. She was trying to backtrack. 
“I do.” He said stepping closer. His bare legs were pressing into hers. She didn’t say anything, waiting for him to tell her. But he didn’t.
“You gonna tell me?” She said quietly, eyes widely looking up into his, as his hands rested on either side of her on the bench. He leaned in closely. So they were eye to eye.
She was trapped in his arms and had nowhere to look but at him, she squirmed under his smouldering eyes.
“You know why too.”
She didn’t speak. What did any of this mean? She had waited a long time to hear him apologise for being a dick to her, and he just did and she’d told him that she liked him treating her that way. What she meant was, that she liked him, she let him treat her that way because for Harry she would do anything. She didn’t care if that made her pathetic, at least she knew it was, at least she could admit it. I mean, wouldn’t you let him treat you like shit under his shoe if it meant he was at least looking at you with those gorgeous eyes? Could hardly blame the girl.
“Why did you have to meet Emma before you met me?” He almost whined with a soft scoff. As if complaining at fate’s hands for dealing them these cards.
She felt her heart rate speed up. 
“What do you mean?” She asked, playing dumb. He was talking so much and she was practically drunk on his sultry voice. It was so deep and she just wanted to hold onto the sound forever and feel it melt into her spine like it was now, and listen when she wanted to sink into a state of lust.
He lifted one of his arms and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, “Then she’d be the one who has to follow my rules, and stay away from you. I could be the one in control. Have you all to myself. No sharing.”
Y/n licked her drying lips, as she processed his words. He wanted her all to himself? “Wait, wait, she has a rule to stay away from me?”
Y/n knew Emma didn’t like it when her friends slept with Harry, it was just weird and they would always complain about how mean he was after, or even try and talk about how good he was in bed. She just didn’t like her friends dating or having anything to do with Harry period. But she assumed it was different for Y/n since she knew Harry pretty well and would consider him someone in her close circle. Even if he did ignore her a lot. She assumed she was fine with Harry and Y/n at least being friends. Y/n had bottled all her feelings away for years, she didn’t think that would ever change. Even if Harry liked her back, she wouldn’t do anything to jeopardise their friendship.
“You’re her friend, not mine.” He said, mocking Emma’s tone, making his voice all squeaky and high-pitched.
Y/n frowned. Emma had always been weird about this. She could understand to some extent, but sometimes Y/n wished she could just have a normal conversation with Harry. “Why can’t we be friends? I’ve known you my whole life, and haven’t slept with you. I think I should be allowed to have a conversation with you. I think I can handle that without pulling my pants down.”
Harry’s lips kicked up in a smirk, “You aren’t wearin’ any pants.”
“Oh shut up.” She replied cheeks bleeding pink.
“She trusts you.” Harry said trying to make Y/n feel better, “She just doesn’t trust me.”
Y/n smiled at that, trying to lighten the mood once again. “Who would? I mean this with respect, but you are a bit of a slut.” Her hand came up to play with the cross on his neck.
He giggled, “I simply enjoy myself openly. You should try, Y/n, it’s fun bein’ bad.”
She felt her cheeks warm further, “I can be bad,” Y/n argued but it was no use.
“Oh thas’ such a lie, Baby.” He laughed at her statement rolling his eyes, and Y/n’s heart skipped a beat at the nickname. He’d never called her that before and it brought a rose colour to her cheeks that Harry adored on her. She was so easy to make nervous. But he didn’t think anyone was as good at it as he was.
“It’s not,” She pouted. 
He cocked his head in challenge. “Name one naughty thing you’ve done then. Bet y’cant.”
She tried to think, that growing up she was relatively good and even now she hardly participated in much other than seeing Emma or Niall and studying. But she felt this urge to impress him, make him proud almost. Or at least shock him.
“I stole a lolly once.”
Harry found a smile slipping onto his face, he’d always seen Y/n as a fairly innocent person. And she was, for the most part. Soft and sweet in real life, like a bunny or puppy. So soft, and you just want to pick her up and put her in your arms and tell her how cute she is. But she had some mischievousness to her, like all people. Something buried underneath her innocent aura, Harry thought of that side of her often pondering what she was like when she wasn’t hiding and she’d been cracked open raw and teased beyond return.
“Oh yeah? Anything else?”
She tried to think of what would shock him but she fell flat. Until—but no she couldn’t say that, it way was too personal. 
“I can see you thinking very hard, c’mon tell me.” He whispered. Y/n shut her eyes. His voice sent shivers down her spine.
Fuck it. It was like she had no control over her mouth, the filth just slipped right out of her pouty lips. She wanted to blame the alcohol, but it was probably just his voice that had her feeling intoxicated.
“Sometimes when I touch myself I think of you.”
Harry practically froze, his lips opening to show he was indeed very surprised to hear that. There was a beat and Y/n didn’t know if she regretted it or not. She was about to tell him it was a joke and run for her life. Change her name, and move to Mexico. Her Duolingo lessons weren’t going to be enough to get by, she’d have to start really learning how to speak properly now.
“What do you think about, Y/n?”
She felt herself getting hot, she’d really fucked herself here. He would never let this go. Call it the tequila but Y/n wasn’t lying. Truthfully the only thing that got her off was Harry, she couldn’t cum unless his green eyes flashed in her vision. Which she did feel bad about like she was a pervert. But believe that she’d tried to think of others, or watching porn. But she could only ever think of him. Otherwise, it wasn’t as good, and she didn’t get the release she was chasing.
“A lot of filthy things, H.”
He bit his lip, “Like what?”
He could sense her getting shy once more as she crossed her arms and looked at her feet, cheeks all pink and pinchable. “Don’t get all shy on me now, Baby, whatever you’ve touched your lil’ clit too I’ve probably stroked m’cock too.”
Y/n was surprised, head snapping up at his words, and though he was normally very honest even he seemed a bit more nervous to admit it. He was just as bad as her. And he had such a filthy mouth, but that was not a surprise to her. She was just surprised he thought of her, she never saw herself as particularly desirable. She always imagined Harry to like those people who look good running in slow motion.
It took a lot of courage as she began to speak. “I usually think about you…fucking my throat, using my mouth however you like. I like the idea of those hands pulling on m’hair.”
Harry felt his pants twitch. His expression and dark eyes egged her on to continue. He didn’t know she was such a little minx. He’d always imagine her to like soft, gentle caresses. Which wouldn’t have bothered him, though he was fairly kinky, but he would’ve done whatever she liked.
She didn’t know if he would like this but she felt brave, “Like the idea of calling you Daddy….Want to be good f’you, Daddy.”
That’s what made Harry unable to keep his hands by his sides. He grabbed her face forcing her to look into his eyes. 
“Wanna be good?”
She nodded coyly, eyes wide. His hands were warm and she practically melted into them.
“Sleep upstairs tonight then.” He didn’t ask her, he simply instructed her. And who was she to say no? 
She nodded once again and he patted her lower back as if to say off you go then. She listened and walked slowly in front of him. She felt his presence close by, the sweet citrus and woodsy scent that followed him was right by her nose and she could hear his slow calm breaths.
Her beating heart was thumping against her chest and she wondered how it didn’t fill the quiet house (besides Emma’s window-rattling snores).
He noticed her shaky and anxious energy and his hand slipped onto her waist. “I jus’ wanna hear about y’dreams somewhere comfier, Petal, if thas’ all yeh’ want that’s all we’ll do. Plus I’m saving y’from m’lumpy couch.”
She couldn’t complain about that. 
As they walked inside she was welcomed to the scent of Harry, she’d only been in Harry’s room a few times, but never properly. He ushered her to the bed and she sat down tucking her knees to her chest and resting her chin. Examining the walls of famous singers and art that covered it. In the corner by his desk where the only source of light in his room was a glowing lamp, other than some fairy lights above his bed, was a little picture wall.
In the mess of polaroids and film, she saw one of Y/n, Emma and Harry when the two girls had graduated school. He was between them arms around their shoulders and looking to his left at Y/n who was laughing happily with Emma at Gemma who made some joke about something. Y/n knew the picture instantly because it was one of her favourites of him.
“What else, Baby?” He said softly sitting in front of her, interrupting her thoughts of that day when he’d driven home to visit them for it, and looked over to see him leaning against the headboard, arms interlocked behind his head. 
“You go.” She said, which made Harry laugh.
“I’m pretty filthy Honey, you know me. I don’t know if it’ll be something you like.”
She looked at him stubbornly. “Try me.”
He shut his eyes and only now did she see he was nervous too, “I often find myself thinking about you on your tummy, underneath me, letting me stuff you full while my hands pin yours to your back so that you’re at my mercy.”
She liked that, her tummy twisted in yerning. “I’d like you to be in charge. Help me forget.”
He was looking at her like she was the sweetest most edible thing. “Can I kiss you?”
She nodded and he placed his hands in her hair, kissing her softly at first just a whisper of a touch of two mouths moulding into one. She leaned in further into the warmth of him and hugged her arms around his broad shoulders as the kiss began to deepen, he tasted like a hint of beer and minty toothpaste. Her chest burned with what only could be described as Harry. 
He moaned into her mouth softly, sighing at the taste of her sweet tea-soaked lips. The warmth of her curves pressing into him was comforting, and though he had a desire to completely ruin her until she was crying his name, he liked taking it slow and enjoying this first kiss with her. Exploring her mouth, teasing his tongue against hers, and soft hands roaming up and down her back. 
He rubbed her back under the soft shirt, no bra strap blocking his gentle scratches. She arched into his touch.
After all, he’d been dreaming of it for years and he wanted to take his time, even though he was crazy for her and felt this deep animalistic desire, he was gentle with her. Like she could break if he was too rough.
The kiss began to pick up as she slid into his lap, and he encouraged her to rub against his bare thigh. She ground against his tiger tattoo and he could feel the wetness between her thighs leaking onto him already. She moved slowly and uncertainly, his hands moved from her shoulders down to her hips forcefully moving her against him creating friction that made her create a soft whiney noise in the back of her throat. He swallowed the sounds eagerly.
He pulled his lips away breathlessly and dragged his mouth down the column of her throat, kissing sucking and biting wherever he could. Her skin was soft and she smelt like coconuts and something that was just her. He would’ve eaten her whole if he could. She let out soft breaths and sighs, her hips had stopped moving — too distracted by his magical lips. 
He stopped to look at her. Really looking.
Her lips were more red, almost like she’d been nibbling on them, and they were all swollen from his kissing. Her cheeks were dusted in a warm pink. Eyes wild and doe-eyed looking up at him. She was picturesque. He wanted to remember her like this forever and be able to come back to this moment at any time. He soaked it in, hoping to remember.
“You seriously are the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.” He said softly running his big hands through her messy hair. His rings were cool on her skin.
“Harry, don’t.” She said bringing her hands to cover her blushing face.
He sighed. “I’m sorry for not telling you every second of every day.”
“Don’t lie, H. I’ve seen the girls you fancy.”
“Only ever fancied you.” He said his hands grabbing hers and moving them away she looked at him, shocked. “Only ever look for your face in a crowd, Baby.”
She didn’t know what to say so she kissed him and he moaned softly when she rubbed herself against him. He was getting harder and harder with each movement until eventually she stopped and moved away. 
“Can I suck you off?” She asked, and the filth was shocking to hear from her soft voice and lips.
He nodded hand stroking her cheek. “Yeah, ‘course.”
She moved down to her tummy between his thighs and looked up at him. “I don’t really know what I’m doing.” She whispered. 
He laughed softly, there she was, there was his Y/n. “Thas’ okay, Love, I’ll teach you.”
She slid her hand up his thigh and her fingers found their way into the waistband of his boxers and began to tug them down when he gave her a nod of approval. His stiff dick sprung out against his tummy, and he was completely naked for her. The head of his cock was oozing precum and it dripped down to his balls. Even his dick was pretty. Which she should’ve expected.
It had a blush-coloured tip similar to the shade of his lips, he was veiny and long. So long that he reached his belly button. He was girthy too and as she moved her hand to wrap around it, he hissed at the contact, and she almost dropped her jaw at the fact her fingers weren’t touching. He smirked down at her.
Her reaction was boosting his ego in just the right way.
“You alright down there, Petal?”
She nodded, her lips grazing against his now throbbing cock. He ached for her. The sight of the swell of her ass and plush thighs was making him very needy. 
And to the surprise of them both she pursed her lips and spat down onto his dick. She was basically drooling all over him, it leaked down over the length of him coating his prick and he practically whimpered at the sight — it was one of his dreams. She then took him into her mouth and began to suck and lick, slowly taking him deeper and deeper. 
His hands had slipped into her hair holding it back from her face and he was letting out loud gravelly moans and sighs of pleasure. He was trying to stop his hips from rolling up into her throat. Her mouth was so deliciously warm and tight against him, he felt like a man deprived of water near a watering hole. Her tongue glided around swirling and sucking and teasing the tip of him. When she began to fondle his balls as well, gently massaging them, he let out a particularly loud whiney noise. She popped out off of him. 
“Shh, don’t wanna wake Emma up.” She said before dripping another trickle of spit onto him and continuing her fast and merciless pace on him. 
“Can’t help it, when you take me like that. S’fucking good.” He said, as his hips jutted into her throat roughly, without realising. “Shit, fuck, sorry,” He said hearing her throat gag on him.
She just went deeper onto him, until her nose was tickled by the snail trail on his tummy. Pulling back when all her breath had gone. She hardly needed to be taught.
She took deep breaths of air and stroked him slowly in her hand, he was panting at her touch. 
“You can use my throat however y’like, Daddy.” She said, voice all raw from his cock having stuffed it just seconds ago, before going back down onto him.
“Just tap m’leg if you need me to stop,” He said and she nodded making a noise around him. His hands pulled her hair up away from her eyes. “sucha’ good fuckin’ girl.” He said pushing her head down once more. Again and again, until he was close to cumming. Which had happened fast, and he didn’t have it in him to be embarrassed.
His balls ached for release and her teasing little hands that twisted and stroked him, along with her tongue, had him so loud he’d taken to biting his lip in an attempt to keep his sounds from slipping out. He pulled her off him stroking her cheek gently, swiping some tears away. Her eyes had begun to leak with tears from how deep she was taking him, and it made him throb.
“Gonna’ cum soon, Baby.”
She nodded. “Let me have it please, want your cum. Want it all.”
He stuffed her mouth once more at her words, rutting into her throat until she was gagging and coughing around him. His eyes squeezed shut, “Oh fuck, cummin’,” he hissed. Opening his eyes to watch the sight below him.
Her eyes looked up at him, and that’s what sent him over the edge. With one last thrust, he was cumming, hard, so hard his eyes saw white spots and he shuddered into her. She pulled back coughing, she’d swallowed as much as she could but some of it made its way out and dribbled down her chin. She swiped the rest with her thumb and licked it up.
She was just perfect.
He pulled her up by her chin and kissed her. 
“That was the best blowjob I’ve ever had.” He kissed her again before asking her, “Let Daddy take care of ya’ now, is that what y’want sweet girl?”
She nodded. “Yes please.”
“Good girl. So polite.” He said kissing her forehead. His hand slipped into her underwear circling her clit, which was slick with arousal. “So wet for me.”
She sighed leaning closer to his shoulder, pressing her forehead into him to cover her whines. He started to circle her clit faster, and her hips squirmed against his hand he then started teasing her weeping hole. She moaned deliciously into his neck. Felt so good.
“Come rest against me, my love.” She shifted her body at his command and turned to face away from him. Pushing her back into his chest, her bum tucked right against his stiffy. His legs spread open for her to sit in front of him and he grabbed the waistband of her undies pushing her undies down and she threw them to the side with her ankle. She leaned into his shoulder head tipped back and he watched from over her shoulder. Just like the rest of her, her pussy was beautiful. It was glistening in slick and begging for his attention. Beautiful and spread for him like a flower, her swollen bud was puffy and eager to be sucked, licked, and teased.
His hand slipped past her tummy and began to rub her softly coating his finger in her slick, preparing her for him to slip his fingers in. She sighed breathlessly. 
“Please, Daddy.” She whispered which made his cock twitch from behind her, she felt against her back.
He slowly slipped one in and her mouth opened but no sound came out until he was all the way inside, knuckle deep, which made her let out a broken cry. “Oh fuck, Harry.”
He began to thrust and curl his finger, moving faster and faster. Her tight pussy clamped down onto him, pulsing every few seconds, as she cried out softly into the room. Her cheeks bloomed with warmth and her body squirmed in pleasure as his other hand kept her legs spread for him. His thumb drew lazy circles on her puffy clit which had her pussy leaking even more onto his finger.
“Like when Daddy takes you like this?”
She nodded. “Mm.”
“Say it, Baby, tell me you like it.”
“I lov-love it when you take me like this.” Her voice was so soft and airy.
He began kissing her neck and shoulder, sucking a mark near her ear. She was too distracted to care about it leaving a mark tomorrow. “My pretty Baby, likes when I tease her little pussy?”
She made a whiney noise and her legs twitched almost shutting.
“So sensitive f’me.”
He slipped another finger inside her and she dripped out even more onto him, crying out softly into the hand she’d brought to her mouth, her slick trickled down her thighs too now and he didn’t slow his movements only went harder and faster into her. Loving the way she melted into his touch.
“Gunna’ cum for Daddy?”
She nodded biting her lip. “‘Feels so good. I’m goin’ ta’ cum soon, Daddy.”
He kept going kissing her skin and massaging her thighs and breasts and eventually her legs shook hard, and shut on his hand and she cried out and pulsed rapidly around his fingers, and he could only imagine how good he’d feel with her cumming on his cock like that. She looked so beautiful he felt like he might cum then and there on her back without having even touched himself. As the peak of her orgasm washed over her he slid his fingers out of her and brought them to her lips, giving her just the middle finger.
“Suck,” He told her.
She obeyed sucking dazedly still trying to calm down from her orgasm, when he pulled it out he brought the other one to his lips.
“Mm.” He said softly, she tasted tangy and sweet. 
She took some deep breaths as he held her close. “Thank you.” She whispered softly, shutting her eyes and catching her breath, she can’t remember the last time she came like that. So hard that she felt it in her entire body, so hard she saw stars and couldn’t contain her noises.
“Sucha’ good girl, you’re welcome my sweet girl.” She turned her head to the side and kissed him, very softly and slowly. Nothing feverish and rushed like their previous actions and his hands massaged her bare hips, kneading her plush flesh contently. God, she was just so soft, so warm, so wet, and so perfect. It was like he’d dreamt but better, if that was even possible. He was drunk on her touch.
When she pulled away she looked up at him. “I want your cock, please, I need it.” Her little pleads made his balls ache, and he wouldn’t have to be asked twice by her.
“Okay, Baby.” He said running a hand through his hair. She lifted her shirt over her head and threw it aside, completely bare, so perfect to him. Her nipples harden at the cool air, and her skin pimpled. Her body was perfect, every scar, mole, mark, and spot he’d have happily kissed and run his over for hours if she’d allow it.
He grabbed a pillow from the top of the bed and placed it down in the middle of the bed right in front of her. “Why don’t you lie on your tummy f’me, Petal? Rest on the pillow.”
She nodded and put her hips in line with the pillow, her bum sticking in the air ready for him. His hands rubbed her softly, her skin was so smooth under his hands and he wanted to sink his teeth into her plush flesh. She was so fucking perfect, and the way their bodies knew exactly what to do to the other was just magic like they were made for one another. Just like a pair of contrasting colours splashed on a canvas together, it just worked.
“One sec,” He said leaning over to his bedside table pulling out a condom and ripping it open. He slid it over his leaking prick that was already standing tall at the sound of Y/n’s soft moans and perfect, wet, pussy that was waiting to be stuffed full of him. 
Before he slid himself inside her she turned to look over her shoulder. “I ‘aven’t in a while. Be gentle please, Harry.”
He kissed her forehead, “‘Course, Gorgeous.”
He held her hand in his reassuringly as he slowly dipped the tip inside of her, feeling her begin to stretch for him. She was tight, from nerves and the fact he was just so fucking large. She wasn’t nervous because of anything being wrong, she just wanted Harry to like her. She didn’t know how, but he had this incredible talent of making her nervous always. He was just so much more experienced, older, and had much more sex than her. She just worried she wouldn’t be up to his standards.
But when he began to coo her gently and rubbed her back and bum with his hands to relax her, she began to feel less nervous. Harry, though a prick with a filthy mouth and a bit of an attitude problem, would never want anything bad to happen to her and liked her for who she was, as she was. They’d been around each other for years after all, and with that sort of time, you just understand each other. He was a mean prick who had sex with just about anyone and she was a naive good girl who strayed from any attention. But they could still appreciate their differences. She was pleasantly surprised at how well their bodies understood each other too. His cock was the perfect fit for her, and she melted into the pain.
Her thoughts of nervousness were lost when he had stuffed her completely full of him, she could feel the tip of him teasing that spot inside her that she could only ever reach with toys, she let out a whimper. “Fuck, Harry.”
It was millions of times better than anything she’d ever experienced.
He hissed throwing his head back, feeling her stretch around him. “So tight, Love.”
He began to move, keeping true to his word, slow and gentle thrusts. Remaining as shallow with his movements as someone could with a cock that big.
Y/n’s eyes watered in a mix of pain and pleasure. Her hand flew back again to grab his wrist. “S’big, Daddy.”
He moaned at the name, it was just so fucking cute coming from her. He wanted to take care of her when she acted all needy like that, “Yeah? Feels big inside your little pussy, doesn’t it?”
God, he was filthy, he made her stomach curl with desire. She never thought she’d like dirty talk all that much, before this she’d felt it was corny coming from boys but coming from his lips it was the closest thing to heaven she’d ever heard.
She nodded into the bed and took her hand back to grip the sheets but he grabbed her hands and held them behind her back. He used them as leverage to push her back onto him, pinning her hands back, just like he said.
“Feeling alright, Baby?” He asked. 
And she nodded once more. 
“Tell me.” He told her.
“Feels fuckin’ amazing.” She said struggling to find the words, her orgasm had made her foggy and his cock bottoming out made it difficult to think of anything else.
“Feel so good on m’cock, fucking made to take it, Y/n.”
That made her shiver, the pain had started to subside turning into just pleasure now. “Can go faster, H.” She said just above a whisper. 
As he began to go faster and deeper like he’d been desperate to, she got louder and louder, and her pussy made these filthy noises against his cock. He was ruining her completely and she was enjoying every moment. Her eyes turned glossy in pleasure.
He let go of her hands to grab her hips and push her back harder, she began to move her hips to meet his, and he cried out. 
“Fuck,” He swore, tossing his head back stray curlings falling over his eyes when he looked back down at her.
He squeezed the flesh of her ass and moved his hand forward onto her hair gently tugging it backward, as he began to pound into her even harder. 
“Such a pretty little thing, letting me ruin you, what a good girl.” He said his voice all rough and coarse.
She keened clawing at the bed, “Feels so fucking good, Daddy, I love it thank you.”
Even in bed, she was so polite and obedient, that he wondered what she would be like after being edged for a while. Would her obedience turn to brattiness? He would have to try another time. Made him speed up even more at the thought.
“Wanna see tha’ pretty face while y’taking m’cock,” He said deciding to turn her onto her back he got rid of the pillow, flipping her to face him. Her cheeks were flushed rosy pink, her hair a mess from his pulling, and her eyes were practically black her pupils had gotten so big. She was perfect, his perfect good girl, and so beautiful he could’ve cum just looking at her.
He leaned down kissing her lips, as he continued his thrusts. He dragged his lips down along her jaw and down until he had one of her breasts in his mouth. Her nipples were sensitive to his tongue and her hands moved from his hair to his shoulders, scratching along the peaks of his back. She felt so close, she couldn’t control any part of herself.
He moved his attention across to the other nipple, massaging the one that had just been marked with his mouth. She was moaning breathily, back arching up into him. She was so sensitive to his touch, so much so that every brush of skin that he dared to touch felt like it was on fire. 
“I’m getting close, Daddy.” She said and he began going even deeper, he could tell by the way her pussy was clamping down onto his prick harder and harder and more often that she was on the brink. It made his stomach turn.
“Atta girl, cum on Daddy’s cock.” Her legs were shaking and she screwed her eyes shut at his words. 
“Don’t stop, please.” She said, clawing his back. 
He didn’t dare change anything he was doing, he stayed hitting that spot deep inside her that made her scream out and claw him extra tightly. She pulled him closer so his mouth was hovering over hers, her legs wrapped around his back and she clawed his arms desperate for her release. She felt her stomach unravelling in the familiar feeling of her orgasm. 
“Gonna- fuck, gonna cum!” 
He felt her pulse rapidly on his cock and whined into her lips at the feeling. She made guttural moaning noise, all loud and high, as her legs squirmed and she shook around him. He helped her through her orgasm, stroking her cheek with his hands pecking her lips until she came down from it.
It was even more intense than her first and his cock greedily continued pounding her hardly giving her a chance to rest. He moved her leg up a bit higher against his hip and began to hit that spot even harder than before. 
She whined hands reaching up to his hair, tugging it, and he moaned. He loved it when she did that
“Can you handle another, sweet girl?” He asked he had no shame in wanting to watch her cum once more. It was too beautiful of a sight you couldn’t blame him, he was greedy for more.
And she nodded tiredly. “Think so. Might have to make me take it though, Daddy.”
Her voice drove him up the wall. “Fuck, so fucking perfect f’me. Love this pussy.” He moved his hand down to rub her clit, he wanted to speed up this next orgasm to be in time with his, and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Watching his cock disappear in her was a sight he hoped to hold onto in his mind. It made his eyes roll back in his head. 
He kept throwing his head back and grunting as he continued the final stretch before his orgasm.
“Can you choke me, please? Wanna cum with your hand around m’throat, please.” She asked and it took him by surprise. Little innocent Y/n liked being choked too? God, this really was his idea of heaven. 
“Please, what?” He asked sternly.
“Please, Daddy.”
He smirked, and Y/n knew she was done for. He slipped his free hand around her throat, rings cold to her neck as squeezed the sides, he watched her become dizzy with pleasure and she start to show signs of cumming again, which was good because he didn’t know if he’d last much longer.
“Cum for me please, Princess, milk me with that perfect pussy.” He said his voice all rough and slurring, his pussy had him losing his mind. He was so far gone.
With a few more circles on her clit, and deep thrusts she was squirting all over his cock with an intense grip on his prick. He felt her drip down him around his cock making creating more friction for him to continue his merciless pace.
“Cumming,” She cried out loudly lifting a hand to her mouth to cover it, and Harry had honestly forgotten they were supposed to be quiet. The only thing on his mind was filling her with his cum. She was still feeling the wave of her orgasm wash over her and was loose-lipped and limp as Harry started to feel the knot in his tummy unravel in a familiar feeling of complete pleasure.
Her pulsing pussy was squeezing his cock so hard he couldn’t wait any longer. “Getting close, Baby.”
“Cum for me Daddy, please want your cum so bad,” She pleaded. He released his grip from her throat and let his forehead press into her shoulder as she pulled him closer. Hands scratching his hair and hugging him close to her body. Craving him. 
“Fuck, cummin’ Y/n, cummin’.” He said as his cock twitched hard while he bottom out of her, when his loud moans began to spill from his lips she brought their mouths together and he moaned against her swollen lips. 
Even after cumming he stayed inside her for a moment, absolutely spent, head resting on her shoulder. She gently rubbed his back with her hands and didn’t mind him staying close. Eventually, he lifted off of her and kissed her forehead before pulling out, she winced at the feeling of him pulling out of her ruined pussy.
“One sec, Love.”
She nodded. And shifted her hips knowing tomorrow morning she’d struggle to sit. Her hips would probably be bruised and her body would ache, but she did not care one bit. She wouldn’t change what had just happened. She had the best orgasms of her entire life, and Harry seemed pretty content too. And it had been with Harry, of all people it had been with the one person she wasn't supposed to get with.
He tied off the condom and threw it in a little bin by his desk. He walked inside the en suite in his room (he’d won the coin toss), and wet a flannel. He came back with a warm cloth to wipe her down. She squirmed at his touch, feeling very sore and sensitive. “Sorry, Love, I know, but can’t have ya’ all sticky before bed can I?”
She just nodded once again. He put the flannel back in the sink and switched the light off coming back out to find Y/n limp and star-fished in the middle of his bed on the mess of his sheets. She looked completely spent, her three orgasms had tired her out so much. 
“Y’ want something to wear?” He asked. 
She nodded. “Thanks, Styles.”
He smiled at her usual name for him. “What happened to Daddy?”
“Oh, shut up.” She said blushing, he was probably going to keep bringing that up whenever he could, just to tease her. 
He grabbed a big baggy black shirt and some plaid boxers for from his drawer.
“Y’so cute when you blush, you know?”
She frowned hands moving to her face. “Stoppp!” She whispered loudly.
He handed her the clothes and helped her slide into them, and she half expected to be sent back to the couch downstairs and told thanks for the shag, but he pulled the duvet down the bed and patted the middle of the bed for her to sleep there. She moved to lay in the spot and Harry placed the duvet over her. 
Sliding back on his boxers from before, and running a hand through his messy sweaty hair he looked over at her. “I’ll get us some water, be right back.”
She nodded. “Alright.”
When he came back with two glasses of water he placed them on the bedside table and sighed before rolling in beside her. She turned to face him. “Hi,” she said with a giggle.
“Hi.” He replied with a small laugh too. 
“Your bed's very comfy, Styles.”
“Better than m’couch.” He replied sliding a hand onto her waist to rub her side, soothing her into a restful sleep.
“Much better, should’ve shagged you sooner if it meant bed privileges.”
He scoffed playfully, “Only using me for my cock and the comfy bed, aye?”
She laughed back. “Yeah, obviously, why else?”
He pulled her even closer and turned the tone more serious. “Thank you for before,”
She frowned confusedly. “The blowjob?”
He laughed softly. “No, in the kitchen.”
She laughed at herself. “Oh right,” She said lifting her hand to stroke his cheek which he leaned into. “Well, I like your rotten mouth and shocking brutal honesty and all the rest of you. Don’t worry about those guys.”
He leaned closer, a teasing expression lighting up his face. “You like me?”
She just rolled her eyes, shoving his shoulder playfully. 
“I like you too.”
This made her blush. “Go to sleep.”
“C’mere then,” 
She got even closer and fell asleep to the beat of his heart and gentle caress on her back.
The following morning, she woke up early, which was very unlike her, and in a total panic, that Emma might have noticed she was missing from the couch. Harry groaned grabbing her, “Don’t go.”
“Have to, Em’s gonna notice, she’d kill us both.” She said, voice all raspy and eyes bleary. 
He whined not letting go. “Stupid Emma.”
“Shh. I’ll see you later.” She was about to leave back downstairs, but he grabbed her and she watched him waiting for what else wanted from her. 
She leaned down and pecked his lips which he smiled at shutting his eyes to go back to sleep, and she left sneaking back downstairs. Sluggishly wrapping the blanket around her and shutting her eyes, even though she was much too giddy to sleep. 
When Emma woke up with a throbbing head she smiled at Y/n and she started making coffee quietly since her head couldn’t handle anything loud. This made Y/n stir, sitting up and turning the telly on sleepily. A re-run of Friends was on and she wrapped herself up in the blanket and sat back watching.
Emma wordlessly passed her a coffee and sat beside her, stealing some of the blanket. They spent the rest of the episode in silence just huddling together for warmth and sipping away tiredly, until Harry’s footsteps could be heard creaking down the stairs.
“Want some pancakes, children?”
The pair nodded. 
Y/n looked over at him smiling to herself, he’d changed into a loose navy crewneck and some pyjama pants. He looked gorgeous, and she was reminded of last night. She'd liked him for years, and now she'd done filthy things with him, would she ever recover?
When the pancakes were ready they all sat together at the table. Harry was a wonderful cook, he made a variety of pancakes.
Blueberry, chocolate chip, plain, some with strawberries and cream. He'd brought out lemon and sugar too because that's what Y/n liked on her pancakes, and lots of fruit for Emma. He'd brought out two big jugs of juice for them and a coffee pot.
“Sleep well, Em?” Asked Harry, with a mouthful of blueberry pancake chewing lazily. How did he even look sexy eating?
She nodded. “Yeah,”
“Me too.” He replied before turning to Y/n, who was mid-sip on some juice, it was a mix of berries and tasted sweet. “Y/n?”
She coughed, choking on her juice, and Harry smirked knowingly. Emma patted her back, “You alright, mate?”
“Yeah, just wrong hole. I slept fine.” Y/n said.
“Hate when that happens.” Harry teased, and she wanted to kick his shin but Emma definitely would’ve noticed.
They all finished their pancakes and after the big breakfast, Emma had an aspirin and told them both she was going back to bed for a nap.
“I might head off then,” Y/n said, she wanted to go home and nap herself. Harry had kept her awake for a good portion of the night after all, and her body was very sore. “I’ll get an Uber.”
“Alright, Babe,” She said hugging her. Y/n kissed her cheek and hugged her back.
“Bye, Babe,” Y/n said with a soft smile.
“Thanks for taking care of me. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
Y/n nodded. “Of course, we have to do our monthly movie marathon rain, hail, or shine!”
Emma smiled. “Perfect, get home safe.”
They parted, and Emma went back to her room to sleep. Y/n’s Uber arrived moments later and Harry watched Y/n leave waving with a big devilish grin.
She waved back hopping in the Uber tiredly, as the car pulled away and Harry shut the door, her phone buzzed with a text.
Harry Styles🍒
Can I come over tonight?
Y/n felt a big grin overtake her face. 
what on earth for mr. styles?
Harry Styles🍒
Didn’t get to give a you proper goodbye, did I?
Y/n blushed with a small laugh as she typed back. 
see u at eight
Harry Styles🍒
See you then Baby X
Y/n bit her lip. What had she gotten herself into?
oh and bring snacks 
and that new film u were raving about to niall
Harry Styles🍒
Ok, done. See you tonight. XX
Y/n felt her cheeks heat up similar to last in the kitchen. This was not the Harry she knew, but she didn’t have it in her to complain. She saw flashes of last night of them together and squirmed in her seat.
‘💗💗’ She replied.
When she put her phone down in her lap and stared out at the window she sighed to herself, knowing she was completely done for. Harry had ruined her, she'd never be able to stop thinking about him and last night. However, she had very few complaints about it. Her phone buzzed yet again. She checked it.
Harry Styles🍒 hearted your message.
She smiled even more and shut her eyes, head resting against the leather seat, as she wondered if he was smiling this big too.
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fkinavocado · 10 months
Tumblr media
Warnings: 18+, smut, subrry, unprotected sex, friends to lovers
Word count: 7.5k
Pretty like yours
Your eyes were glued to those slutty yellow shorts. You just couldn’t force them to look away. Trusting that your sunglasses would conceal your ogling, you were facing the shoreline- thankfully women had good peripheral vision so you could get away with it. 
But damn, was he hot. Hotter than the scorching sun, setting you afire more than the offending rays. You’d taken a time out from their volleyball game to go reapply sunscreen, but you weren’t sure you even wanted to go back. You had a much better view from where you were sat on the beach lounger. You couldn’t really focus on eyefucking him while you were playing, well, not without making a fool of yourself. And you couldn’t have that.
Not now that Harry was finally single.
God, you’d waited ages for him to finally be back on the market. You’d had the fattest crush on him ever since you met, ever since this whole group of friends from uni had formed, and it’d been absolute torture spending so much time with him knowing you couldn’t put the moves on him.
Not that morals had gotten in your way, no. You would’ve gladly set caution to the wind for Harry, but you just knew you wouldn’t have stood a chance. He’d been a lovesick puppy, to the point where it was actually quite sickening; to the point where your friends had to ask him not to bring his girlfriend along anymore when you all went out together because they were just too sickeningly in love. (You may or may not have been one of said friends). His ex wasn’t part of the group, not attending your university, and so was considered an “outsider”, and none of you ever brought your partners along when you all hung out, so Harry had only ever brought her to parties from then on. Parties you tended to avoid, as you weren’t exactly a huge fan out seeing them make out and get all handsy with each other, more so than they already were, especially a few drinks in.
You took a sip of water that was beginning to get way too warm and then got back to ogling him, planning your attack. You couldn’t help but smile at how he kept trying to move his hair out of his face, the breeze making it difficult for him to actually focus on the game. He’d let it grow out and now it was shoulder length. It made him unbearably hotter (which you wouldn’t have thought possible).
You were snapped out your reverie when you saw Harry wave at you, a smile on his face. You were momentarily taken aback to see him smile, he’d been sulking for the majority of the weekend trip to the beach, so initially you didn’t even realise he was waving at you.
But when he walked away from the group and started heading towards the beach loungers you knew you’d been caught staring. You’d seemingly forgotten to pretend you weren’t looking in that direction after having had some water.
Well, since you’d been caught you didn’t bother looking away as he walked over. At least he couldn’t see the way your eyes scanned him head to toe ever so slowly behind your glasses, taking in every bit of that tan skin, well defined muscles, tattoos on full display, and those offending itty bitty yellow shorts that did nothing to conceal the bulge he was sporting.
He sat down on the chaise next to yours and grabbed the water bottle, grimacing after taking a large gulp. “This is boiling at this point… Hey, you never got back; kinda hard to play a fair game with uneven team players.”
“Eh, wasn’t really feeling it.”
“Did you need help?”
He looked down your body and you tried not to dwell on how his eyes seemed to have lingered for a tad longer on your boobs before travelling back up to meet your eyes “You said you’d take a time out to apply sunscreen; did you?”
Even you had forgotten you’d used that as an excuse to extricate yourself from the game. “Oh. Hadn’t gotten to it yet, was just… you know, catching my breath for a moment.”
“For a moment.” He flashed his dimpled smile at you, and you forced yourself not to furrow your brows. Was he onto you, had you really been that obvious?
Before you could clear the air, he reached for the bags and fished out the SPF. “Scoot forward, I’ll do your back.”
You did as instructed and felt Harry sit behind you, his thick, muscly thighs on either side of yours with how close behind he was sitting, and then felt him gently sweep your hair over your shoulders and to the front. “The waves look really good on you.”
You were glad he couldn’t see you blushing. It’s not that Harry hadn’t complimented you before, he was very considerate and nice overall- with all of your friends. But you couldn’t help but hope that maybe now that he was single he might start to see you in a different light.
“Thanks. It’s from how I kept it in braids.”
You felt him smooth his big palms over your back after you’d heard him massage the lotion in between them for a while to ensure it wouldn’t be too cold, although you’d have probably welcomed the sensation with how hot it was.
“It’s almost as curly as mine now.”
You tried your best not to make any embarrassing noises with how good it felt to have him massage the lotion into your skin. He moved his hands slowly but deliberately, working the SPF into your skin. It felt heavenly.
“Well, not quite,” you smiled. “Yours grew out so much, H. I was actually admiring it when you walked back here, it really suits you. Though it seemed to be a pain playing volleyball, you should tie it up to keep it out of your face now that it’s long enough.”
“Thanks…” you could hear the coy smile in his voice. You couldn’t understand how this man could grow shy when this whole beach had been eyefucking him since you’d gotten there, and the others hadn’t been nearly as stealthy about it as you’d been.
“Want me to braid it for you?”
Harry’s hands stilled on either side of your waist, squeezing the plush skin there. “Oh? Do you think it’s long enough…?”
You turned to look at him over your shoulder, pretending to assess the length, but really, you just lingered on his lips the most. He was so close. And his lips were so kissable. They had this really pretty, dusty rose hue to them, something men shouldn’t be endowed with to begin with. You had to layer on a number of lip products to get yours to look this good. 
“Yeah. Hop on the sand in front of the chaise and I’ll do it right now if you want.”
You watched those perfect lips stretch into a beautiful smile, his dimples making an appearance as well and stealing your attention for a bit. “Yeah? Ok!” He stood up and did as instructed sitting between your legs now, as you scooted even closer to the edge of the seat. “Wait, don’t forget to put on lotion first.”
“No, I’ll just get my hands all oily, I don’t wanna mess up your hair. I’ll do it after.”
“I’ve never had it braided before.” You could hear the enthusiasm in his voice. “Think it’ll look pretty like yours?”
You bit back your smile, trying to focus on the task at hand. You ran your fingers through his curls first, trying your very best to detangle the hair without pulling at the strands at all. His hair was very soft to the touch, even with how much you’d all been swimming since you’d gotten there. “Prettier. Your hair’s so soft. What’s your secret, hm? Mine is already so stiff with all the salty seawater, but I guess it helped with the waves since I let it dry braided, so I can’t complain.”
Harry didn’t reply. His head was hung back as he rested against the edge of the chaise, and he even let out a breathy moan when you used your nails a bit to separate the strands one from another. “Oh, you like this, don’t you?” you teased.
“I might need you to do this everyday, feels amazin’.”
You softly chuckled and began braiding, making sure to keep his hair taught, pulling on it a bit to get the desired effect, but Harry seemed to really enjoy it. His mouth fell agape and his eyes were closed and you took your sweet time with each braid, savouring the experience as much as he was.
“You deserve it, H… You know, I’m glad you came along this weekend, was afraid you’d skip again. We missed you.”
He fluttered his eyes open at that, and ran his hands up and down his thighs absentmindedly, his knees bent to his chest. Those meaty thighs had made a guest appearance in your dreams more than once, and you eyed his tiger tattoo smiling to yourself remembering one of your more recent fantasies about it. You willed your mind out of the gutter, though.
“You know you can talk about it, if you want, right? I’m here.” You spoke softly, coaxing him to open up to you. Not only to get closer to him, but you were genuinely worried for him. The others loved to tease him about it, but you could tell he was frustrated with how he probably couldn’t confide in any of them, lest he be teased even more for it.
He nodded, careful not to move his head too much and accidentally ruin your handiwork. 
“I can tell you’re heartbroken. Just… want you to be happy.” You finished braiding, tying his hair using the same elastics you’d taken out of your own hair, and leaned forward to kiss his cheek, then circled your arms around his shoulders, hugging him from behind.
He reached to grab one of your hands in his and squeezed it as he leaned his temple against yours. “I’ll be alright… eventually. Right?”
His voice was so small and dejected that it made your own heart break a little. He was hurting more than he was letting on. You knew he’d been with his ex for almost 2 years, and although you hadn’t had such a long relationship yourself, you knew it couldn’t have been easy. You’d also never been in love, so you couldn’t even imagine what he was going through. You didn’t know why they’d broken up, but you had a feeling his ex had been the one to break his heart, not the other way around.
“Of course, H. You’ll be fine. I promise. Don’t you trust me?” You mumbled against his ear reassuringly.
“I do.”
“It’s ok to be sad. But you’ll soon be happy again, happier even. Because you don’t need someone who doesn’t appreciate you, yeah? You’re such a great guy, and anyone who doesn’t see that doesn’t deserve you. I promise you’ll find someone who’ll make you forget about her altogether.”
Harry sighed heavily. You weren't even sure he’d listened to any of what you’d told him. He interlocked your fingers and brought your conjoined hands lower, pressing them to his chest, against his heart. “Think it’s ever gonna beat right again?”
You chuckled at how corny he was “Yes, you big ol’ softie, you. Someone will take all the broken pieces and carefully glue them right back together and it’ll be as good as new in no time. Better even, like kintsugi.” He turned his head to look at you confusedly and you explained, “you know, the japanese art of glueing back broken objects with gold.”
You pulled back, grabbed the lotion and stood up. Squirted some into your palms and started massaging it all over your torso. Harry looked up at you and shielded his eyes, and you moved one of your feet between his legs so you’d block the sun from getting into his eyes. “Wanna go for a swim, now that you’re all fit to brave the waves with your new braids?”
Harry smoothed his palm gently over his hair, feeling for the braids, almost as though he’d forgotten all about them. He watched you intently as you rubbed the lotion into your skin, bent at the waist to reach your thighs and now your calves, and when you stood back upright you could’ve sworn his eyes had been glued to your cleavage. Which, in all fairness, you’d hung your tits right in his face- you’d have found it weird if he hadn’t. Heartbroken or not, he was still a man. And you looked good in that bikini, if you did say so yourself.
And he looked good with his hair braided like that, too. There was just something about Harry that made him look hot no matter what, he didn’t even have to look too manly. In fact, that was one of the things you’d always loved about him. He wasn’t afraid to show off his feminine side. He was a pretty boy as much as he was a handsome man. He just knew how to flaunt both sides in equal measure and that made him all that more attractive in your eyes.
You were once more snapped out of your train of thought when you felt his nimble fingers on your ankle, he was touching your ankle bracelet, fidgeting its trinkets. He then wrapped his hand around the ankle and slowly looked back up at you. “No, you go. I’ll head back to the hotel for a bit.”
He then removed his hand and you took a step back to allow him to stand, now towering over you and you wondered whether you’d pushed it a bit too far. He looked… slightly annoyed, and visibly saddened. That frown line erased all his sweet, feminine features and you wished you could just smooth it out, running your fingers over it and caressing all over his face, much like you did with his hair. You almost did so, when he took a step back and then turned towards the hotel that was right across the private beach, a small walk away. 
You let out a breathy sigh. You’d probably been a bit too nosey, he was likely not ready to hear all that yet. He’d just broken up with his ex, and he was allowed to feel sorry for himself and still miss her. 
You got into the water knee-deep, contemplating all this, when you realized you’d used your hairties on Harry, and you really didn’t feel like getting your hair all wet again. Not now that, without the braids, it’d just dry down all wonky and you wanted to keep the waves. Especially with how Harry had complimented you.
With a huff, you walked back to shore and everyone was back at your spot, drinking water and making plans for early dinner. They were contemplating going to a spot by the pier so they wouldn’t have to bother getting dressed, but you opted out. The way Harry had left all dejected didn’t sit right with you, and you feared you’d crossed a line and upset him with what you’d said. You wanted to go make sure he was ok.
“You guys go along, not feeling very hungry. Catch you later.”
“Where’s Harry?”
“I texted him and he didn’t get back to me. Y/N, mind dropping by our room and see if he wants to grab dinner with us? He’ll be even grumpier if he finds out he missed out ‘cause he’s been too busy sulking over Marrisa.”
Sarah elbowed Mitch, “Hey. Come on guys, quit teasing him. He’s clearly very upset over this, and this trip was supposed to help him take his mind off things. Your constant nagging is just making matters worse.”
Mitch rolled his eyes, “It’s been over a month, how long is he gonna moan about it? So what, she cheated on him- life goes on! He needs to get out there and have some fun and put this all behind him.”
Sarah narrowed her eyes at him, and you knew Mitch was in for it. They thought they were being sneaky, but everyone knew they were getting cosy with each other as of late. It was still early days, you could tell, but Mitch might have just dug his grave with this one.
“Yeah, I’ll drop by your room and ask him, he’s probably napping though so I won’t wake him up if that’s the case.”
“I mean… if he’s grumpy we didn’t wake him up for dinner, it’s on you.”
“No pressure,” you gulped audibly for dramatic effect and began walking back to the hotel. You really hoped he wasn’t, in fact, napping, and not just for everyone’s sake. You wanted to clear the air a bit and apologise if you’d struck a chord earlier. 
You were just about to knock when you heard something on the other side of his hotel room. You decided to stick your ear against the door and make sure you weren’t hearing things before actually knocking, and there it was again, only this time, louder. Clearer.
Was he unwell? 
Maybe it was sun poisoning. You felt bad to just walk away without offering to help. So you decided to knock on the door softly. “Harry?”
After a long pause that had you convinced he hadn’t heard you and ready to knock again, you heard him. “...Yes?”
“Are you alright in there?… Can I help? Do you need anything?”
You were starting to grow worried, why wasn’t he answering right away if he could hear you?
“I… I think I do, yeah.”
“What is it? Tell me. You’re worrying me.”
You heard him fumble around a bit and could tell he was getting up from bed and finally, finally, he opened the door the tiniest bit, his body behind it. He looked flushed and a bit sweaty. 
When he wouldn’t speak, his eyes downcast, you reached out to touch his forehead. “You’re warm, what’s the matter? Is it sun poisoning? Or were you having a bad dream? It sounded like you were in pain. Came to check if you wanted to join the guys for dinner.”
“They’re out at dinner?”
“You didn’t wanna go?”
You huffed at his avoidency. “Well can I come in, or are we gonna keep talking in the doorway? Wanted to talk to you, anyway.”
He cleared his throat and stepped back, making room for you to step inside and closed the door behind you, locking it. You raised an eyebrow at the sound, turned around and noticed he was holding the bedsheet tightly around his waist.
“What did you wanna talk about?”
“Yeah, uhm… Earlier, I got the vibe that I might have upset you… with what I said, about Marissa. I know it’s shitty to hear bad stuff about your ex soon after the break-up, like, it never really sits right even if it’s true and even if the person meant well saying those things, to help you move on… I know it’s not how it works. But I was just trying to make you feel better.”
Harry exhaled audibly through his nose, leaning against the doorframe. “I know you meant well. And it was true. I know you’re right, everyone’s right…”
“The guys are being jerks, teasing you like that. But they do mean well…”
"Yeah…” he cleared his throat after a beat, glancing at you from under his thick lashes, a smile playing on his lips. “You were trying to make me feel better?”
You gave him a small smile back “Of course.”
“You offered to help earlier.”
You furrowed your brows, looking around for something amiss. He seemed fine. You’d forgotten all about those noises from earlier. When you looked back at him readying yourself to ask him what was wrong again, he bit his lower lip and pulled the bedsheet off himself.
“Oh… my God.” You covered your mouth in disbelief, your eyes glued to his glorious cock, all hard and heavy. You watched as it twitched at your reaction and you couldn’t stifle a moan at the sight.
Harry’s lips curled up in a smug smile, he was happy with your reaction, if a bit shy. You could tell he was struggling to silence the thoughts that were no doubt running through his mind. He was recently broken up and most probably still in love with his ex. But clearly, he wanted to do something about that. And he wanted your help with it.
“Are you… are you sure?” you decided to risk it and ask, the last thing you wanted was for him to regret this and avoid you as a result.
“Do I look unsure?”
“I mean… depends where I’m looking. Your eyes tell a different story…” you walked closer to him and made sure to keep eye contact, as much as you wanted to keep staring at his naked body. You wanted to feel him out and also show him you were being mindful of his emotions.
His gaze darkened a bit, staring at your lips. “Came back here to feel sorry for myself, but I couldn’t stop picturing you from earlier… in this skimpy little bikini.” His eyes raked down your body, using the opportunity to get a good eyeful of you upclose. “I was imagining you’d followed me back here. Got a semi at the beach with how you ran your fingers through my hair, loved it when you pulled at the strands a bit… was imagining you doing it on purpose, to tease me. I know you…” he lowered his eyes again, a shy smile on his lips “I know you are a bit more dominant... you’ve mentioned it a few times. I’ve always been curious about that, never had anyone boss me around in bed. I’ve wondered what it’d be like, and it always gets me so hard…”
“...Always?” All of this was a shock to you, but here he was implying he’d fantasised about you before.
“I sometimes used to catch myself fantasising about you… and I willed those thoughts away.” You watched as he grabbed himself, stroking lazily, shuddering at the contact. “But now that I don’t have to anymore… it’s you, everytime I touch myself.”
You were stunned. And also, you couldn’t get your eyes off of how he was stroking his cock. Had he been doing this ever since he’d gotten to the hotel room? “You’ve, uhm… you’ve been back here a while.”
“Yeah. It’s getting painful. But I love edging myself,” he shrugged and lowered his gaze. He was just unbearably hot when he acted all shy like that. And you knew it wasn’t just an act, he really was like that, he’d always been like that. Both cocky and shy in equal measures, much like his feminine side. It was a heady mix. “Although, I’m pretty sure I’d love being edged more,” he added, his voice small.
“You really were thinking about me?” you whispered, getting even closer, close enough that your noses were almost touching.
He nodded, causing the tips of your noses to touch just like you’d foreseen. “Is that so wrong? So… soon? And even before… I didn’t mean to. I tried not to. I always told myself I was just curious about being with someone more dominant. But it’s not just that. It’s you.”
Feeling like that was more than enough confirmation that this wasn’t just a hasty, heat of the moment thing that he’d regret later on, you bridged the small distance and moulded your lips to his. 
And with how shy he tended to get, you expected him to be hesitant and tentative but Harry grabbed you by the hips and pressed you flush against his naked frame, making sure you felt exactly how hard he was against your belly. You couldn’t even really focus on that, not when his tongue was licking gently at your lower lip, begging for entry, which you welcomed with enthusiasm. He was such a naturally good kisser, none of it felt mechanic in the least, he wasn’t trying to impress, wasn’t trying to keep it nice and contained, he was giving it his all without being overwhelming. Sloppy, but still intense. You felt dizzy already.
It was such an overload of feelings. The smell of him so upclose- he’d been running around the beach in the sun and his natural scent mixed with saltwater from the swimming was making you dizzy; the way you could feel his breathing fan your cheeks; feeling him solid and real underneath your palms as you steadied yourself, snaking your arms around his neck- it was all making you feral. You’d imagined this so many times but this was so much better than you’d ever allowed yourself to fantasise.
You pulled back a bit, making a mental note of doing this right, making it good for him. You wanted to show him how good you could be for him, wanted to get him hooked on you now that he’d gotten a taste. You didn’t know whether this would just be a one time thing, or if it’d turn into something casual, a friends with benefits type of situation perhaps, or maybe even more than that. You didn’t want to dwell on it yet. You were perfectly fine with any of the options, in truth. It was Harry, not a random bloke, and as open minded as you were, still, you weren’t the kind to just sleep around. You knew that, with him, it’d never feel cheap or meaningless. 
“Tell me what you need, Harry. Wanna hear you say it.”
And there it was, his shyness was overcoming him again, and you didn’t allow him to look away, not when you reached out and grabbed his cock from in between you, stroking it gently, mindful of tugging too hard on his soft yet dry shaft.
His mouth fell agape and his eyes rounded with lust, and when you swiped at the precome at his tip he squeezed his eyes shut to compose himself. “I just need you. Need you to make me feel good, however you see fit.”
“Yeah, want me to take the lead, then? Make all the decisions, have you not worry about any of it? Order you around, dominate you?”
He nodded, resting his forehead against yours and then chasing your lips with his and you tutted, “Ah, ah. Be a good boy, then. If you want something, ask for it.”
“Okay.” His voice was small and whiney, he was gone. “Can I keep kissing you, please?”
You hummed your approval “There’s a good boy.” You hovered over his lips, still tugging at him nice and slow, making him pant in anticipation. “Go on then, kiss me.”
You got lost in the kiss. It felt too good to be just a kiss, you were wondering how you were going to handle more. And more seemed to be exactly what he had in mind as well, his hands starting to roam gently over your body. “Ah, puppy, you were doing so good. Hands behind your back until you learn to ask, alright?” He complied reluctantly, visibly frustrated because he’d really wanted to cup a feel, but also just as visibly excited to do things on your terms and finally get a taste of what this new dynamic might feel like.
“Tell you what, I”ll let you kiss what you can’t touch yet, how’s that sound?”
He whimpered at the sound of that and you walked back towards the bed and sat at the edge. “Go on then, on your knees pretty boy.” You willed yourself to take it slow, make it a pleasurable experience for him- a memorable experience. Reminded yourself to pay special attention to his body language, as he wouldn’t know to communicate if he wasn’t entirely comfortable with any of what you planned on doing. This was uncharted territory for him. You had to be responsible and make him feel safe at his most vulnerable. So, you couldn’t lose yourself in it and dive right in, as you would with people that have toyed with powerplay before. 
You couldn’t wait to have your way with him, but as it just so happens, you were also very much into edging as well, so, really, it was a win-win.
You parted your knees for him to kneel in between and then moved your hands behind your back, untying your bra and slowly peeling it off of your torso. His eyes darkened considerably at the sight of your bare breasts, and his hands came to rest over your thighs as he got closer, growing a lot more impatient. You swatted them away, “Hands behind your back, Harry. Don’t make me have to tell you again.”
“Sorry, I’m sorry– I just… Fuck, Y/N,” he shook his head, trying to calm himself down, hands obediently behind his back. “Can I taste, then? Please?”
You smirked at him, happy to see he was playing along as you’d hoped “Of course you can, baby. Been waiting for you to wrap those pretty pink lips around my nipples. Go on then,” you brought his head closer by the back of his neck, guiding him towards your left breast and he immediately latched onto it, sucking greedily, his mouth nice and warm and wet, making you throw your head back. “Oh god, so good. Love your mouth, puppy.”
Harry looked blissed out, alternating between sucking on your nipple and licking all around it, mouthing at the underside of your boob and over to the other one, lathering them both in his saliva, wet and noisy and perfect, just like you knew he’d be. “Been waiting for this?” He mumbled against your bud watching for your reaction, and even though he was trying to tease a bit you could see vulnerability in his eyes as he waited for your reply.
You nodded, biting your lower lip “Have had the fattest crush on you ever since I can remember. Fuck, I could come from this alone…” you whined, he was really good at this. But then again, you always knew he’d be. Just because he hadn’t explored his subby side didn’t mean he hadn’t explored everything else. “Don’t act surprised. I’m sure it was painfully obvious,” you murmured, your turn to feel shy.
That made him moan against your breast, biting on the plump flesh and no doubt leaving a bit of a mark and you allowed it, since you loved it so much anyway. “Wish I’d known sooner.”
You didn’t dwell on it for too long. You couldn’t allow yourself to, didn’t wanna catch the wrong idea and get ahead of yourself. Maybe you’ll talk about it later, but right now? Right now he was working you up into a frenzy. “Well, you know about it now. What’cha gonna do about it, pretty boy?”
“Whatever you want me to do.”
You sunk your fingers between his braids and tugged at the roots a bit, unlatching his mouth from your breasts. The lewdest moan left his lips before you pulled him in for another sloppy kiss. He was growing needy and you could practically see him slip further and further into his subspace. “Love this greedy mouth, H. What else can it do, hm?”
“Please, Y/N. Let me eat that pussy.”
You smirked, that was music to your ears. “Good boy, puppy. Love it when you ask nicely. You gonna lap me up, make me come on your tongue?”
“Please, please.” He reached to kiss you again and you laughed against his mouth.
“Greedy puppy. Remember you need to ask first. You’ll learn though, won’t you?”
“I’ll do anything. I’m sorry, I will. Just– please...”
“You can use your hands to hold me open, but I only want your mouth on my pussy. Alright? I’ll let you know when you can do more.”
He nodded vigorously against your lips and kissed you a few more times for good measure before pulling back a bit and watching as you untied your bikini from the sides, pulling the damp fabric off of you and finally exposing yourself to him fully.
You scooted back a bit, leaning on your elbows and gestured for him to have at it. With laboured breathing, he glanced at you for a second before he pressed his hands against the undersides of your thighs and planted the soles of your feet on the edge of the bed, spreading you open for him.
He moaned loudly at the sight, his eyebrows pinching together as if in pain. “Fuck, Y/N. You’re dripping for me. Fuck, fuck…”
“Do something about it, then.” Your own voice was starting to betray just how far gone you were as well. You were gagging for it now, but you were hellbent on dragging this out for his sake more than yours. All you wanted was for him to sink that glorious cock inside of you and end your suffering, but you could wait it out a bit, especially when it meant watching him stare at your pussy as though it was his favourite dessert.
He wasted no time, bending over you and dragging his tongue slowly up your folds in one delicious swipe. He wrapped his lips around your clit, humming loudly against it, and your head fell back, crying out your pleasure when he started lapping at you in earnest. He made sure to sink the tip of his tongue ever so slightly into your weeping hole on each pass, then dragged it back up focusing on your clit again.
He ate you out like he was kissing you, same sloppy, yet intense, unpracticed manner. He just did what felt right to him and what he found you were most responsive to. Right off the bat, you could tell you were done for. This man ate pussy like it was his favourite cheat meal. 
“So good, Y/N. Fuck, I’m losing it.”
“Wanna use your fingers, pretty boy? Slide one or two inside of me, feel me out? Coat those pretty, painted nails in my juices?”
Harry whined “Pretty like yours?”
“Prettier,” you smiled remembering your same reply from earlier on the beach.
A strangled moan escaped his lips as he buried his face against your core and nuzzled your clit with that perfect nose of his. He was hellbent on getting you off, and truth be told, you were holding off your orgasm. Nobody had gotten you there quite as fast before.
“Do it then, get me nice and ready for that big fat cock of yours.”
He groaned, resting his forehead against your thigh momentarily, then shook his head smilingly. He was both in agony and ecstasy, the anticipation visibly killing him. He brought his middle finger to his mouth, sucking on it, getting it all nice and wet and you caught his wrist before he brought it to your weeping core, wrapping your own lips around it first.
He cried out as though you’d just taken his cock in your mouth instead, which was exactly what you’d hoped for. “Now get to it, baby. Wanna soak those fingers.”
“Fuck. Yes, please.” He got right to it, running his finger through your folds before finally sinking it inside you, agonisingly slowly. “So tight, fuck, Y/N. Can’t wait to bury myself in this snug little pussy…”
He leaned back in to suck on your clit as he began petting your front wall with the pad of his meaty finger and you collapsed on your back completely. When he added a second finger, you lost it.
“So good, Harry. Fuck, you’re so good. Eat that pussy just right. Gonna come all over your pretty face.”
“Please, please do it, Y/N. Need it.” He whined, increasing the speed of his thrusts and pressure he applied to your g-spot. He lapped and sucked on your clit noisily, moaning everytime you clamped around his fingers, getting closer and closer to your release.
And when you finally came, he kept at it, burying his face flush against your pussy and lapping up all your juice like a starved man. You knew if he kept going you’d come again, but that would take too much out of you and you still wanted him to fuck you.
You wasted no time, bending to kiss his lips in gratitude while you still felt some of the aftershocks run through you. “Need you inside me now, baby. Want you to ruin me, think you can do that?”
He nodded against your lips, smearing your arousal all over your own face as well and he then went to kitten-lick it off of you as you crawled back on the bed, pulling him with you. “I can, I know I can. Let me be good for you, Y/N.”
“You’re so good for me, H. Made me see stars with how good you are. I just know once you sink inside me you’ll ruin me for everyone else. Want you to.”
Harry looked as though he was high. As though he couldn’t believe what he was experiencing was actually real. He looked dazed out and he was sweating, panting heavily in anticipation. “Been edging myself for a while, and I almost came when I had my mouth on you. Dunno how long I’m gonna last… will you give me another chance if, if–”
You chuckled softly at how frenzied he seemed “I won’t mind if you come fast, puppy. Just ask me for permission before you do, alright? We got all the time to play, and I still wanna suck you off, too. The only reason I haven’t yet is because I knew you’d not last long and I wanted to edge you a bit first, since you told me you’d like it. Did you not like it, baby?”
“I loved it, love you telling me what to do, when to do it. Never had this before. Never knew how much I needed it. Please, Y/N, I need to be inside you.”
You opened up your thighs even more for him “Rub that pretty cock all over my pussy, Harry, get it nice and wet.”
He bit his lower lip, positioning himself right at your entrance and wrapping his hand around himself finally. He squeezed tightly, trying to compose himself a bit and then dragged himself between your folds just like you’d told him to. He slapped his tip against your clit a few times which made you arch your back and then felt him at your entrance, the stretch already making you clamp around his tip.
“Go on, puppy, fuck me good. Want to feel you all the way up into my belly.”
Harry groaned loudly at your words and the feel of you engulfing him perfectly. Once he got his fat head past your entrance, and you clamped down on him on instinct, he pulled back, making you cry out. 
“Sorry, sorry! Fuck, that was–”
“It’s alright baby, try again, I know you can do it. Know you can hold off a bit, be a good boy, hm? I need you so much.” You whined, pulling him in for a kiss and giving him a moment of reprieve to gather his bearings.
He didn’t even need to guide himself into you, he was hard enough to push right in, and you didn’t break the kiss as you moaned into each other’s mouths. You let him kiss you as he slowly worked his way inside you, all the way to the hilt and you threw your head back when he pushed against your cervix deliciously. “Fuck me, you’re so deep; gonna be so sore, Harry. Make it hurt, baby, come on.”
Harry gritted his teeth, mustering all his stamina to focus. He was too far gone to tease, and so were you, so he sat back on his haunches and threw your legs over his shoulders, thrusting into you at a fast, steady pace. He held your hips tightly at first, then moved his large hands lower under your bum, lifting it off the mattress and working you over him to meet his thrusts all the more intensely. You cried out, it was a lot to take in. He was quite large and girthy as it was, and he was rock hard. But it hurt so good.
When you reached your hand to rub your clit, Harry groaned so loud you thought he was coming. But he pushed through, squeezing his eyes shut and focusing on holding off. “None of that, puppy. Look at me. Look what you do to me. Gonna come for you again, I’m so close. Please. If you’re a good boy I’ll let you come all over my tits… you know… since we skipped the rubber.”
Harry’s eyes went from blissed out to shocked, his movements slowing down considerably- he’d clearly absolutely forgotten all about protection.
“Relax, H. I’m on birth control. And I’m clean.” And, you’d totally forgot about it too. So you couldn’t let him take all the blame for being reckless.
Harry choked out a sigh of relief. “I am too! Got tested after I found out she’d been cheating… Fuck, I’m so sorry, Y/N… we hadn’t been using any, she was on the pill… It totally slipped my mind–”
You took the opportunity to flip him over and straddle him. “Shhh. Enough of that. You’ve been so good for me, baby. Just sit back and let me take care of my good boy.”
You wasted no time getting you both back on the brink of orgasm. Harry even brought his thumb to your clit, as his large hands held you flush against him, coaxing you to grind yourself on him as deep as he would go, remembering to ask for permission first, which made you whimper and praise him for being so well mannered. 
“Please, Y/N… wanna be good for you… but–”
“Wanna come, puppy?”
He nodded frantically “I’m gonna burst, it’s too good… you’re too good. You feel amazing. You’re such a wet dream, Y/N.”
His voice was raspy with need. You could tell he was trying his level best to wait for you to come, and you decided to have mercy on him “Beg. Beg for me to let you come, Harry.”
He threw his head back, his muscles taut, struggling to hold off. “Please, please… Fuck, I’m desperate, please baby…”
“Hmmm… should I? I haven’t come yet…” you teased, clamping down around him to push him over the edge. 
But you gasped in surprise when he pulled you flush against him, holding you tight, and started thrusting into you with wild abandon as he panted into your ear “I’m begging. Come for me, Y/N. Please. Need you to come. Give it to me.”
You lost it. The sudden flip in demeanour had you spiralling, and he was fucking into you so good, the angle just right, that it threw you over the edge, taking you completely by surprise. You’d been extremely close, but the way he went about it had made you come instantly.
Feeling you spasm all around him and hearing you moan and whimper loudly had him join you immediately. You were both crying out your pleasure, and it was downright pornographic. You’d kept it at a reasonable volume throughout, seeing that you were in a hotel room and knowing your friends might come back from dinner any moment, but neither could hold back when you finally reached your peaks.
Harry kept you flush against him as you both tried steadying your breathing and your heartbeats and then searched for your mouth, giving you a lazy kiss. “Sorry for not asking permission… at the end, there.”
The hint of mischief in his voice wasn’t lost on you. You hummed, biting his lower lip teasingly “Guess I’ll have to punish you for that.”
A smirk tugged at his lips as he gently placed a loose strand of your wavy hair from over your sweaty temple to behind your ear “Was hoping you’d say that.”
lhh Masterlist
A/N: missed writing for my favorite muse! and it's my first time writing subrry! hope i did him justice ❤️
💕 like & reblog if you enjoyed this, lovelies, and most importantly, please come share your thoughts on it here 💌
🦋follow me on wattpad to get notified whenever i post something new/update!🦋
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harrywavycurly · 11 days
I’m so happy you’re back! Could you do a text with Harry while he’s in Italy and he misses you?😊
Hiii babes!! Of course, I hope you enjoy this and idk why referring to him as having a “sad boy summer” look just makes me laugh😂💖
-find all thing Texting Boyfriend Harry Styles here✨
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drewsephrry · 4 months
Harry Styles x reader
Inspired by: Memories-Conan Gray
Warnings: alcohol consumption, yelling, crying (idk if it counts as a warning) cuss words
Words: 2.7k
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It was a rainy autumn night. She had a random movie playing in the background just to comfort her. She hated rain with passion. She hated that she was all alone and the only thing she could do to distract herself from it was look at old pictures.
Pictures from her childhood that were much too nostalgic for her, trying really hard to remember the name of the girl braiding her hair. Pictures from her vacation with her best friends from the previous summer, matching flower crowns and seashell necklaces on display. Pictures with her previous lover, that if she saw just two months ago she would cry her heart out but instead she smiled and reminisced about the tattoo he had let her draw on his skin shown in the photo.
It was a random Thursday night, the couple was chilling with their friends when Zayn told them that he had just acquired a tattoo gun. Harry was thrilled with the idea of putting more ink on his skin and even more so when Niall suggested that he let Y/N draw one on him.
Y/N had almost immediately shook her head in denial but Harry begged and begged until she sighed, defeated.
“Harry, you do know you're going to be stuck with it forever?” She warned.
“Yes, my love. Stop worrying about everything.” He tries to reassure her once more.
“But H, what if I mess it up? Or-or even worse we break up and you have it on your skin for the rest of your life?” She started asking with shakily hands, stuttering and failing to breathe properly.
“Y/N, honey, breathe. You'll be fine. Okay and what if you mess it up? That would just make it even more special to me. I love you and I completely trust you.” He puts his hands on her shoulders, trying to calm her down. “I'm not planning on breaking up with you anytime soon, maybe even ever. Unless you do and you're trying to let me down slowly, I don't see anything wrong with you tatting me.” He reassures her once again and she sighs, nodding. Harry smiles widely and pecks her lips, before pulling his long hair up in a bun.
After sterilizing the equipment and Zayn showing her how the gun works, she was ready. She didn't feel like it, but Harry squeezed her hand three times, their way of expressing their love to each other without actually saying anything.
She asked him multiple times, as the tattoo gun hit his skin if he was in any pain and if he needed anything, but Harry told her repeatedly he was fine and was praising her for her light touch.
After just a few minutes, the sketch, she had done on a random notebook Zayn had in his apartment, was brought to life.
A palm tree on the backside on his upper arm was delicately outlined and filled by her. She grabbed the handheld mirror that Zayn gave her and held it so Harry could see the work she did.
“Do you like it? If you don't, we can find something to cover it up with and I'll pay for it.” She suggested immediately, worried because he hadn't spoken yet. But the truth was he was mesmerized by it.
“I love it. It's so simple but yet done so beautifully. Thank you, my love. Thank you so so much.” He said kissing her lips. She smiled and sighed once again.
“Thank you for trusting me with this.”
“Well, you know what they say. Tat for tit!” He exclaimed jokingly, trying to lift her shirt when Y/N pushed his hand away giggling.
“You're such an idiot!”
Suddenly, she heard a knock on her door. She stopped gazing at her phone and another knock was heard. She got up from her couch cautiously. It was really late and it was pouring outside. Who could it be?
She grabbed the pepper spray from her handbag, as another knock was heard. She clutched her phone, close to her chest, ready to call the police.
She looked through the peephole and saw the one person she didn't expect to.
Harry was standing there, his hair sticking on his forehead and his clothes soaked.
She quickly unlocked the door and gasped.
“Harry, what are you doing here?” She asked, worried and confused.
“Need to talk with you, angel.” He slurred, an obvious sign he was drunk. He was pouting and his glossy, his green eyes were bloodshot telling her he was crying. His cologne was overcome by the smell of tequila. Y/N couldn't do anything else than open the door wider and gestured for him to come in.
She closed the door behind her and walked to her kitchen to pour some water for him, in hopes that he would sober up a little. He followed her like a wet and lost puppy that she couldn't turn away.
He takes a gulp of the water she hands him and smiles at her. She looked so cute and tiny compared to him, her hair was a little longer and her skin was still tanned from summer.
“I love you so much Y/N/N. I never wanted to hurt you.” He slurred again.
“But you did, H.” She couldn't tolerate standing there and listening to him pour his heart out when he broke her own a few months ago.
Y/N had started getting better. Getting over him. She was considering starting dating again. But seeing him like this made it so hard for her to think. Think about how fucked what he did and said was.
“Please, my baby, my love, listen to me. I made a huge mistake.” He was pulling his hair and trying to balance on his own two feet. He stumbled and fell to the floor, Y/N immediately reaching for him to make sure he was alright.
“I have missed you. I can't sleep without you. I barely eat anymore. I-I…don’t know what to do without you.” He confessed, tearing up. He pulled his knees up to his chest as he sat with his back on one of the kitchen cabinets.
Y/N was nodding, feeling upset and guilty she made him feel like this.
“H-Harry…I don't know what to say. Please, don't cry. You can stay with me tonight. We'll be fine.” She bent down to be eye level with him, comforting him and hugging him tightly. Neither one of them could deny how safe they felt in that moment, in each other's arms.
Y/N knew she was making a huge mistake, something her therapist won't be able to help with, something her friends cannot support and mostly she cannot expect any one of them to be there to pick up her pieces when everything would break down again.
Harry was led to her bedroom and she helped him lay down, removing his articles of clothing that he claimed felt like lava on his skin.
“Why were you all alone? Don't you still hate the rain?” He asked, getting under the covers of her bed, his eyes slightly closed. Y/N nodded and walked towards her side of the bed.
Y/N laid beside him, wrapping her arms around his back and to his front. He squeezed them three times, before quiet snores were the only thing heard.
How could she say goodbye to him again, when he just spent an entire night with her?
That morning Y/N woke up to an empty bed. She walked out to her living room, to see that she was all alone.
He had left her.
She walked to the kitchen with an ache in her chest and saw a plate with a stack of pancakes with maple syrup on her kitchen counter for her to indulge in.
She ended up spending her whole day crying and watching ‘The notebook’.
The next day, when Y/N's therapy appointment was scheduled, she told her about the night she spent with Harry, how she felt safe and for once, after a few months, slept like a baby and through the whole night.
Her therapist scolded her about her poor choices and talked to her about stepping forward.
A few days passed since Y/N's and Harry's last encounter. Y/N was getting ready for her best friend's birthday party when a knock was heard on her door. She yelled that she'll be right there, thinking it was the delivery guy with her food.
She grabbed her wallet and ran to the door with a wide smile on her face. Although when she opened the door, it was wiped away quickly. She swallowed and looked at Harry's green eyes.
“I missed holding you.” He slurred. Y/N was already running late to help her best friend with the party preparations. She was planning on getting there first out of everyone, to blow balloons and hang the garlands she had bought. But her meal hadn't arrived in time and now, this was happening.
She opened the door wide and he entered, he walked and sat down on her couch with a thump. He giggled at the sound he made and got quickly distracted by the show on her TV.
Y/N groaned and tried to keep in her mind what her therapist, mom and best friend told her.
“It's hard to find an end to something that you keep beginning, over and over again.”
“Hey, come look at this! Monica got stung by a jellyfish!” He giggled, getting comfortable on her couch.
She cursed under her breath, thinking how he would fuck up her progress in getting over him. Now twice. She grabbed her phone from the coffee table and walked in her bedroom to call her best friend.
“I'm really sorry, but I won't make it tonight.” She lied.
“What? Y/N, it's my birthday! You can't miss it.” Her best friend had furrowed her eyebrows, even if Y/N couldn't see it.
“I love you so much, I'll explain everything another time. And I am really and truly sorry.” She apologized again.
“Don't tell me he's there again.” Her best friend groaned and Y/N sighed.
“Y/N/N, he's no good for you. He's going to hurt you again. He's going to keep coming back since you're not turning him away. This is a never ending cycle, babe. Think about all the trauma he put you through. You need to put him in the past and move on.”
Y/N sighed defeated. Her best friend was right.
“Again, I'm really sorry.” She apologized one last time, before hanging up the phone. She walked back to the living room, where he was laying on the couch watching as Ross yelled ‘We were on a break!’. Harry chuckles at that and looks up to find you standing a few feet away from him.
“Care to join me, my beautiful girl?” he asked, making space for her and she smiled sadly as she nodded.
“Let me take my heels off really quick and I'll be right there.” She assured him, going inside her bedroom again, untying the straps from her heels and sitting down on her bed to catch her breath. She felt like throwing up. She felt her chest heating and that she was unable to breathe.
One, two.
One, two.
In, out.
In, out.
She was calm again.
The doorbell was heard, so she got up and out of her bedroom to find Harry already at the door.
“Stay the fuck away from her!” His slurred British accent alarming you. You ran quickly at the door and pushed Harry away from it.
“I'm really sorry about him, he's not feeling well. Thank you for your service!” Y/N tipped the now scared delivery guy, grabbing the bag of food from his hand and closing the door quickly. She pressed her back on it and sighed loudly.
“Don't be upset with me. He just wanted to get in your pants. I was trying to protect you. I always will.” Harry's eyes filled with tears once again. A laugh track was heard and she sighed again.
“It's okay, H. I'm fine. We're fine. Let's go eat!” She grabbed his hand and he smiled, wiping his eyes.
They spent the rest of the night cuddling on her couch.
The next day, he was gone again. She opened her phone to see multiple texts and calls from her best friend, telling her not to worry and that she would forgive her for bailing on her.
Y/N ignored all of them, including her therapist's email to confirm their weekly appointment. She knew that she would be disappointed to hear that she's taking more and more steps back.
A week later, she still hadn't heard a word from Harry and she waited for his appearance on her doorstep.
And there he was, a loud knock on the door startling her from the cookies she decided to bake as a stress reliever.
She ran to the door and opened it to find him there. He looked a little bit better than the last times he visited her, although he still reeked of tequila.
“Hello, my love.” He said, approaching her to kiss her lips. But she pulled away and shook her head. She opened the door wider for him to enter. He did and walked to the couch, sitting down and removing his shoes, already getting comfortable. Y/N couldn't take it anymore.
“We need to talk. I don't care if you're sober or drunk as fuck, but this has got to stop.” She said upset.
“What's bothering you baby? I can kiss it better.” He giggled and made grabby hands at her.
“Harry, I am serious. You can't keep doing this. There's no good reason to believe that we could ever exist again. I cannot be your friend. I definitely cannot be your lover. And I cannot be the reason we hold back each other from actually falling in love with someone else.” Y/N felt lighter after telling him exactly how she felt.
Harry felt a lump growing on his throat, his eyeline was gathering tears and he felt his chest tightening. Suddenly his head was clearer and he wasn't under the influence of alcohol completely.
“I just…you can't keep showing up, especially drunk, ruining everything. Expecting me that I would just take you back. You fucking traumatized me Harry. You broke my heart. And I'm trying so hard to forget you, to put you in the past and you're not letting me do that. You're just too busy playing the victim and acting like you are the one who's hurt, like you're the one that has a specialist taking care of you and your feelings. Can you just for once listen to me and stay the fuck away from me? Just…stay in my memories.”
She felt tears rolling down her cheeks, she didn't even notice she was crying. Harry looked down on the floor, sniffling. Y/N wiped her tears and sat down beside him.
“Since you came all the way over here, I'll let you stay. You can stay as long as it takes, but this is the last time. When you're going to leave, you're taking all of your books that you have left, your coat that’s still in my closet and that good cologne that you have left in my bathroom and it haunts me. It's still on my clothes and pretty much everything that I own and it makes me…feel like dying. I mean, I'm barely surviving as it is.”
Harry was feeling like his heart was being stabbed over and over again. He hadn't realized how much damage he had done to Y/N. He didn't want her to feel that way anymore.
He got off from her couch and walked to her bedroom grabbing his coat, the cologne from the bathroom and gathered the books from her bookcase, putting them inside a tote bag, which was also his.
“I'm not gonna bother you anymore. I-I am really sorry for the damage I did. I never meant to hurt you. I love you way too much and…I know what I'm saying is not gonna change anything but I needed to get it off my chest. I wish you only the best, my lo-Y/N. And I'll always be there for you, if you ever need me. But I'll just stay in your memories.”
He kissed her lips once. Twice. Three times.
When he pulled away both of them had tears rolling down their cheeks, their eyes were red and their lips swollen from the kisses they shared.
“I guess this is goodbye.” Harry whispers. “For now.” He smiled and Y/N nodded.
“Goodbye H. Take care.”
A/N: just a lil valentines day gift lol, this was heartwrenching to write, hope you all enjoyed and cried with me
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freedomfireflies · 2 years
hi! if you’re still taking requests could you please write something about being pregnant and you’re getting some hate from harry’s fanbase about your body and harry reassures you about how you’re beautiful and all that, maybe some smut if you can?? i’m feeling a bit insecure about my body today and i really wish i had someone to help me through that 😓 if you don’t want to no worries, i love your work 🫶🏻
I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to do this, but I hope it can help remind you exactly how wonderful, stunning, and loved you are!
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“Angel…just come here—”
“I said no.”
Harry’s eyes narrow playfully as he regards you from the bed. “Baby, if I have to pick you up and carry you back over, I promise you aren’t gonna like what happens next.”
You snort from your place inside the closet, although truth be told, you don’t doubt that he will. “I’ll be there in a second, okay—”
“No, not okay. I want you here now,” he insists, and you suck in a quiet breath as your lids squeeze shut, willing yourself not to cry.
After a moment or two, you turn around and face him, taking a hesitant step closer as he offers a sympathetic smile. 
“Good girl,” he murmurs. “That’s it, come on. Right here.”
He pats his parted thighs until you slip yourself between them. And once you do, he takes hold of your hips and keeps you firmly planted to your spot. 
“Now…tell me what’s going on up here, hm?” he whispers, reaching up to tap his finger along your temple. “Tell me, Angel.”
A beat as you debate how much to share. “It's...nothing. Really,” you sigh, not exactly in the mood to divulge the abuse your mind has been putting you through for the past few days.
Well…weeks, actually. Months. Years.
“Eh, wrong,” he declares teasingly. “Try again.”
You look down at him, throat burning from the force of attempting to keep yourself together. “I just…I don’t know. I can’t seem to find anything to wear that I feel…good in.”
His playful attitude seems to diminish, brows pulling together as his lips purse and he looks up at you. “S’your mind being mean to you again?”
“Probably,” you mumble, glancing down at his shirt, hoping to focus on that instead. The look in his eye isn't helping the pit in your stomach. “Or maybe I’m just finally seeing myself for what I am.”
“And what are you?”
You tangle your fingers in the material on his chest. Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry. “I’m exactly who they said I was.”
You go quiet, not exactly thrilled with the idea of reliving it.
“Who, Angel?” he repeats a bit sterner, shaking your hips once. 
You roll your lips into your mouth. “The comments. All the comments. Everywhere. Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Tumblr. At your shows, on the street, from some of those girls at the party. They’ve made it very clear that I’m not your type and I just…I don’t know. I guess I didn’t see it before, or I didn’t want to see it before but now I do, and I just don’t—”
He shakes you again until you stop, palm reaching up to cup your jaw and force your eyes on him. “Hey, easy, okay? Enough. That’s the fucking love of my life you’re talking about, yeah? I don’t wanna hear that shit—”
“Yeah, well I don’t either, but here we are,” you huff, yanking your head away so you can look back down at the floor.
But Harry isn’t so easily deterred, quickly taking your face in both his hands this time around as he brings your attention back to him. “All right, well let’s start with this: they can go fuck themselves. They don’t know my type. They don’t know jack shit about me or what I like—”
“Har,” you interject with a pointed look. “It’s not that hard to guess that your type is skinny and blonde—”
“No, see, fuck that, too,” he scoffs. “Look, am I gonna sit here and pretend there haven’t been a few coincidences? No. There’s a pattern, I see that. But that’s not why I dated them. I dated them because of who they were. Because of how I felt when I was around them. Because of their intentions and their morals not because of the way they looked.”
It’s a nice argument. Almost believable, too. You know Harry like the back of your hand. You know what he’s drawn to. Know that he cares about what’s in someone’s heart first and foremost. 
But you also know that he’s a man and men are pigs and horny all the goddamn time.
“I believe that you believe that,” you tell him. “Doesn’t change the fact that the world expects you to be with someone that looks like…you know, not me.”
That handsome face of his falls into a frown. “You think I make my choices based on what the world expects of me?”
You sigh, head shaking once. “No,” you whisper, rather ashamed. “No, I just…I guess I wished I saw something else when I looked in the mirror.”
He stares at you for a moment. Quietly. Purposefully. Then, he stands.
You scramble back as he grabs your hand and leads you toward the corner of the bedroom where your full-length mirror resides.
Oh, great, you think, feet dragging a bit as he places you in front of your reflection and settles in behind you.
“I’m gonna tell you what I see, yeah?” he declares as he peeks over your shoulder to meet your eye in the mirror. “And you’re gonna fucking listen to me. Not to them. Not to your anxiety or your overthinking. Me. Just me. Deal?”
Not like you really have a choice, you sigh again as you nod once.
“Good girl.” His fingers delicately begin to trace down the slope of your shoulders and down your arms as your breath hitches. “I see the arms that held me the night I found out my friend had died. The arms that make me feel safe and loved. The arms that carried each and every one of those flowers to my mom’s house for her birthday and the arms that let me be the little spoon when I need it.”
Your teeth pull at your lip in an attempt to keep from smirking as his touch travels from your arms to your waist and you watch rather intently.
“I see the hips that I grab onto when I’m fucking ruining you against the wall. The hips that I grab onto when you sit on my lap and grind that pretty ass against my cock when you think no one is looking. I see the hips that I squeeze when you’re dancing with me in that pretty red dress I fucking adore,” he continues, his voice a gentle purr, and suddenly, you don’t feel like smirking anymore.
He moves back up, fingers sweeping down the back of your neck before dancing around your throat and along your jaw.
“I see the face of the woman I love. The lips I love to bite until they bleed. The eyes that look at me when I’m doing something annoying, or stupid, or just a little bit dangerous. The eyes that watch me when I ruin you with my tongue, or when I dance around the stage, or when I get into the shower even though you think I don’t notice.”
You’re not quite sure you’re breathing at this point, his pointed gaze still on yours through the reflection as his hand begins to fall to your chest.
“I see the body that brought you to me. I see your heart in the little things you do. The way you speak. The way you make sure everyone around you is okay before you check on yourself. I see your heart in the way you trust me. The way you sacrifice your sanity just to follow me around the world on the world’s tiniest tour bus. In the way you play my mom’s dumb Rabbit, Rabbit game every month because it makes her so happy and no one else will play it with her.”
Now you do laugh, head shaking as you glance down at the floor.
But he brings two fingers to your chin to raise it back up once again as he leans closer, lips ghosting the shell of your ear. 
“I see the legs that shake when I tease you,” he murmurs. “The thighs that squeeze around my head when you come. I see the skin that looks so beautiful when it’s sweaty and sticky and soft under my touch. I see the ass I could bounce a quarter off of. I see the curves I love to run my tongue along. I see the dips that fit mine like a fucking puzzle piece. Like it was always meant to fit. Your body in mine.”
You’re leaning back against his chest, now hardly able to stand as he nearly brings you to his knees with his words alone. You’re almost annoyed at the way he’s managed to play you and yet…you know that everything he says, he means.
When he’s sure he has your full attention, he slips his arms around your waist until he can press his palms to your stomach, chin on your shoulder as you suck in a longing breath.
“I see the body that holds our baby,” he says softly, and you feel the tears sneaking their way to your eyeline. “The body that made our baby. The body that carries it, protects it, nourishes it. The stomach that looks just as glorious now as it did the first time I saw it. The stomach that I love to run my lips along. To taste, to have, to bite until it’s my name you see when you look in the mirror.”
Your head is spinning, filled with more voices than you can count. And every comment. The ones online, the ones telling you that you’re not who you should be, and now…his.
And then suddenly, it goes quiet. 
Until all you hear…is him.
“I see the love of my life,” he continues as your eyes meet his again. “I see you. I see the only person I want to see. The only person I want to come home to. The only person I’ve ever truly wanted. No matter what they tell you, no matter what you tell yourself…it doesn’t change what I see. No numbers, no sizes, no comments. I just see you. I see the person that makes me feel safe and the body that gives me the kind of hard-on that has me wanking off in a coat closet just to get some relief.”
You’re not sure whether to laugh or cry, so you do both as he smirks and reaches his knuckles up to catch a stray tear falling down your cheek.
“I know that this isn’t something that I can fix, no matter how good I am,” he adds teasingly. “But I want you to promise me something, yeah?”
You nod.
“Next time you hear anybody else’s voice but mine…you come straight to me. So I can show you exactly who you are to me.”
You don’t answer with words. Instead, you turn around and kiss him. Fingers in his hair as you slip your tongue past his and try with everything you have to let him know how much you love him. How much you appreciate him.
How much you need him.
He’s more than grateful to have you on him like this, already attempting to pull you back toward the bed, but before the tender moment can pass, you take a second to breathe and press your forehead to his.
He waits patiently, keeping his hold on you tight as you work to find the right words.
“I love you,” is all you can say, lashes falling shut, overcome with emotion and need. “I really fucking love you.”
“I love you, Angel,” he replies, laughing a bit as if he can hardly believe how lucky he is.
Then, he kisses you again.
“Now let me see you.”
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~ Full Masterlist
~ Other Harry Blurbs
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
I know you've written about aster y/n's birthday but what about Harry's birthday. I'm sure she'd surprise him with some sexy but cute lingerie.
would u ever write another smutty aster blurb with aloooot of daddy kink and harry is lowkey rough but she likes it?
how do u feel about aster getting a little rough in bed? I know they’re known for making love but I feel like you could still make it intimate
wordcount: 29.5k+
"Harry, stop! I'm trying to ask you a question!"
(Y/N)'s command was more than lacking in conviction as she wheezed it through bouts of giggles. Despite her half-hearted request, Harry didn't stop his attack on the soft curves of her sides for even a second, his fingers digging in tickling runs over the sensitive skin. As he lent over her, chest bare with his tattoos on display, his hair hung around them like a curtain as if the strands could offer an extra layer of privacy in the middle of his darkened bedroom. 
"A question that y'already know the answer to," Harry sung, teasing her over the sound of her stilted laughter. If he wasn't careful, she was going to lose a lung with the way she sucked in oxygen only to pump it out a moment later under duress. 
"Pl-Please! I can't breathe!" (Y/N) squeaked. Begging didn't quite have the same effect through a giggling smile, though, she was learning. 
"But y'look so pretty laughing like this," Harry crooned, hovering closer above her, "Why should I stop?" 
Fitting her arms around his shoulders, (Y/N) tried her final strategy. She clung to him like a koala, hoping to somehow disarm him or even squish his hands between their bodies to make him immobile. In the end, when her form was pressed to his, it worked as the perfect distraction. Harry couldn't stop himself before he was moving instinctively and wrapping his arms around her to hold her as she wrapped around him like a vine. She panted in his ear, struggling to catch her breath as he rolled them to have (Y/N) lay atop his chest with their legs tangled. 
"Thank you," she peeped between gasps, feeling flush after the tirade a single question had brought on. 
Harry, with his arms wrapped tightly around her middle and his face tucked into her neck, whispered, "I didn't hurt you or anything, right?" 
She was quick to shake her head at his words, the movement stilted in her own position with her face in his shoulder. "No, just couldn't breathe for a little. I know you were only playing, it's okay." 
Letting out a deep breath, he flexed his hold on her in a tight pulse before turning to press a kiss to her hairline. His lips lingered on her skin, the cool sliver of his lip ring a bright spot against (Y/N)'s heated skin. 
A beat of silence passed, (Y/N) melting in his old before she burst with the same question that had prompted Harry's play wrestling. 
"So... You never really answered me," she drawled, hoping her hidden position in his chest would shield her if he decided he wanted to play around again, "What do you want for your birthday?" 
Harry sighed, his breath fanning through her hair. "Lovebug," he started, amusement and exasperation mingling in his tone, "I did answer you. I don't want anything, you know that. I only want you." 
(Y/N) held back a hmph. What a lame answer. 
"But you already have me." 
"I know," his classic lopsided smile audible in his words, "I have you every night."
A heat raised to (Y/N)'s cheeks that she was sure he felt against his chest. Despite the fact it was clear he had her last night with the minimal amounts of clothing on both of them—(Y/N) in only his shirt and Harry with boxers slung low on his hips—and the mess of sheets and blankets that wasn't just from the mess of hands Harry woke her up with, he hadn't needed to say it like that.  
"But—Harry, I—"(Y/N) floundered, unable to find her tongue through her heart lodged in her throat. 
His laughter rumbled his chest underneath her, the sound ringing close to (Y/N)'s ears. "You're so cute, baby." 
Though her mouth was now dry and her heart pulsed at his mumbled compliment, (Y/N) tried again, "B-but, I'm not a real present. I want to get you something nice like you always do for me." 
Harry finally reared back from the home he made in her shoulder, forcing her to pull back and fall under his observing gaze. The lack of black kohl around his lashes did nothing to soften the intensity of his eye contact, though the moss color of his irises were undeniably tender as they took her in. The lip ring she was very familiar with glinted in the low light that filtered through the cracks in his curtains, a matching hoop to the black ring pierced through his nose. All around him, his hair fanned out in twisting curls, his own form of a messy halo though he had dubbed her to be the angel between them. 
It was moments like these, when she had an unobstructed view of him—of the love of her life—that she couldn't help but be grateful for everything that happened before they met. If her parents had raised her differently, if she hadn't grown to be the person she was now, who knows if she ever would have had this? Had him? 
No matter how many times he embarrassed her with his flirty words or tickled her until her breath was stolen and tears entered her eyes, she wouldn't trade a single second of it. 
"I really don't need anything, darling, I promise. 'M not talking shit when I say you're m'present. That's enough for me. I don't need anything else when I've got you." His voice came out in a croon between them, as if he were sharing a secret only to be heard by her. 
(Y/N) felt her features round out at his words, softening the lines and creases. Her lips curved into a gentle line on her face, tender as his eyes. 
"Are you sure?" she pressed, settling her chin on his chest as she gazed up at him.
"'M sure, love," he said, craning his neck to press a delicate kiss to her nose, "Jus' want y'to spend the day with me, that'll be enough for me."
As (Y/N) melted into his hold, feeling every bit of his warmth through her thin top, she liked that she was enough for him.  
Still, she was going to ask Mitch if there was anything Harry mentioned that he wanted.
Waiting for the waffle maker to beep, (Y/N) did her best to blink the sleep crust from her eyes. How Harry was able to do this every morning without fail was beyond her. Breakfast was nice and all, but sleep was something she savored more than any food that was served before ten a.m.. 
But, this was for Harry, she reminded herself. This whole seven a.m. wakeup and padding across the cold floor in bare feet, was for Harry. Today was his birthday—the first birthday of his that they were spending together—and she was determined to do any and everything she could to make this day special for him. Though she ultimately decided to stick to his request of no presents (mostly, it had been because when she had consulted Mitch, and he had offered her the same answers that Harry had given her; that He said he didn't want anything and hadn't dropped any hints to indicate otherwise), she did have a few tricks up her sleeve that she was going to utilize to the best of her ability. 
If he wanted her as his gift, she was going to be the best little present she could be. 
From the corner of her eye, the bouquet of flowers she had picked up and braved the world for before eight o'clock caught her attention. It wasn't exactly a traditional present, but he got her flowers all the time. She hoped he liked the arrangement, even if there was an extra smattering of pink baby's breath dotted through out upon her request. 
The waffle maker beeped a little too loud for the early morning, making (Y/N) jump in her spot. A heavy sigh was sucked in through her nose, hoping the vanilla scented oxygen would have a hand in hopefully waking her up. Plating the crispy waffle, (Y/N) reached for the few fixings she had grabbed after spooning the batter into he maker. Some special vanilla infused butter Harry had found on one of his grocery trips was smeared on top before a couple of spoonfuls of split raspberries were dotted across. Instead of syrup, (Y/N) added a drizzling of honey to settle in the punched out squares of the waffle, something she hoped he would appreciate since they were out of the regular syrup after he and Mitch had a long night filled with the munchies a couple of days ago. The finishing touch came in the form of a yellow and white striped birthday candle shoved right in the middle.
Now, she had to hope he hadn't somehow woken up through the minimum amount of noise she made all morning and surprise him with his birthday breakfast. 
Balancing the plate in her hands, one of Harry's lighters tucked away in the pocket of her (his) hoodie, (Y/N) danced around Evie as she made her way to the bedroom. The kitten seemed just as excited to wish Harry a happy birthday it seemed (and to probably get bits and pieces of the waffle that (Y/N) knew she would cave and hand out like treats). 
Evie let out a chirping meow as they approached the door, her voice a bright squeak in the middle of the quiet, to which (Y/N) shushed her for. "Not yet, Evie, we'll sing in a minute when he wakes up," she murmured, carefully twisting the doorknob and entering the bedroom she so missed when she had been out and about.
Just as she hoped, Harry was still snug in bed. His head was cushioned by the black satin cased pillow she had done her part to convince him was good for his hair and skin, all the while hugging the one she had slept on and later replaced her own form with when she crept out early that morning. His chest was bare through the black bedding was tugged high to reach the top of his shoulder and shield him from the chill of sleeping alone. His lashes curled and touched the very height of his cheekbones, a crease running along his cheek where he had laid on the pillow wrong, a small gap parting his lips as he breathed in even, deep paces. 
(Y/N) beamed at the sight, her heart thumping in her chest and lungs squeezing as the butterflies in her tummy flew high up. This was a rare sight for her, seeing him asleep. Unless she somehow beat him out and stayed up later than him or managed to wake up before the sun, he was the one that got the view of her sleep-softened form. 
She carefully stepped over the floorboards, aware of Evie skating between her feet and racing her to the bed's edge. While (Y/N) placed the waffle stacked plate on her bedside table (Harry had bought another one soon after he gave her a key to his place, never really saying anything about it other than that she could start leaving some of her stuff there overnight if she wanted), Evie jumped up on the bed and sat close to her dad's face with purrs rumbling through her chest. 
Emulating the kitten, (Y/N) climbed up the bed and sat next to where Harry laid with her legs tucked underneath her. She reached a gentle hand out and brushed Harry's curls from his forehead, fingertips lingering over his skin. "Harry," she crooned, settling a delicate hand on his shoulder, "Harry, wake up." 
A short grunt was all she received in response before he attempted to roll over and smush his face in the pillow that had taken her place in his arms. 
"Harry, no, it's your birthday and I made you breakfast. Wake up, please, H," she tried again, shaking him gently with her grip on his tattooed shoulder. 
Awareness crept into the edges of Harry's features, his breathing breaking the even pace he had curated while his eyes squeezed tightly shut. "(YN)?" he grumbled, voice deep and graveled as he breathed her name.
"Happy birthday, Harry," she whispered, shuffling closer to him with the bedsheets bunching underneath her. She chanced a small kiss to he round of his shoulder, stamping her lips atop the cursive A she now knew represented his mother's initial. 
A lopsided smile plucked at the corner of Harry's lips though he kept his eyes lidded. "Thank you, baby," he murmured, "Is that what's got y'up so early?" 
"Mhm," (Y/N) phummed, absently petting Evie as the kitten made her way to stand on the pillow by Harry's head, her purring growing in volume as she searched for his attention. "I made you breakfast and everything." 
This finally drew a slow blink of Harry's eyes, opening just a crack as he gazed up at her. "You did?" 
An eager nod of her head tossed the stray pieces of hair that fell from her bun into flutter around her face. "I made you waffles with all of your favorite things—but I forgot to grab syrup at the store so I used honey, instead." 
The lopsided curve bloomed into a full smile now as Harry listened to her. Rolling onto his back and effectively displacing Evie from her perch, he stretched his arms high above his head and let the covers fall to his middle. His eyes were sleep hooded even as he fully awoke, laid up in the soft sheets that tumbled closer to his waist the more he moved, allowing the full of his bare chest to be on display. He gazed at her from his spot, lazily dragging his eyes over her form as he noted her borrowed shirt and sleep mussed hair. She felt both exposed and safe under his gaze; he saw everything in her, she could do nothing to hide even a detail, but she also knew he would never love her any less because of anything he found. 
Before (Y/N)'s thumping heart could fly her off the bed, she reached for his breakfast plate and the almost forgotten lighter she had set next to it. Evie scurried to her side now that the food was close, reaching to the top of her tiny toes in an effort to catch a sniff of what she was perceiving as her own meal. 
"Even put a candle in it?" Harry murmured, shuffling to an upright position with his back against the headboard, "You're too sweet, lovebug." 
(Y/N) sang him a quiet happy birthday through a tender smile and flushed cheeks, aware of his gaze on her as she click, click, clicked his lighter to get it to ignite. By the time she finished the short song, her smile had tugged into a frown as she still hadn't been able to get the flame going on the tip of the lighter. A quiet chuckle could be heard from a cross her, Harry's lips in a crooked grin as he reached for her hand. 
"Let me try, baby," he said, warming her hand with his for a lingering second before taking the lighter from her fingers. It took him a single try to ignite the flame before he took it to the wick. 
"Thank you," she peeped, feeling a bit guilty that she ruined his big moment to make a wish and made him do some of the work for his own birthday surprise, "Sorry." 
Harry was quick to shake his head at her mumbled words, "Don't be sorry, nothing wrong with needing a little help. Now, c'mere and be very careful, yeah?" 
He patted his lap with a palm, eyes dropping to the open flame on the waffles as she shuffled over to sit as instructed. Placing his palms on her hips, he helped her with the transition, careful of the plate in her hands as he maneuvered her to sit comfortably atop him. 
"Do you want me to sing again?" (Y/N) murmured once she was situated, her eyes fixed to the wobbling flame. 
A half smile allowed only a single dimple to dent Harry's cheek, a quick shake of his head given in response. "No, baby, y'don't have to. 'M sure m'wish will turn out just fine anyway." 
His gaze lingered over her for a moment as he mentioned his wish, (Y/N)'s skin feeling warm as she noted the path his eyes took down the neckline and slouching shoulder of her borrowed top. Delivering a squeeze to her hips, Harry sucked in a breath before shuttering his eyes and blowing out the slowly shortening candle, the drips of wax falling into a pool of honey (Y/N) was going to need to somehow fish out before Harry took a bite. The doused flame was replaced with the phantom smoke whirling between them. The haze worked as a filter over Harry's features, speared by shards of sunlight breaching the cover of the curtains. 
When he looked like this, she could only describe him as an angel—a miracle. To think this was just the first of his birthdays they would get to enjoy together, with the rest of their lives ahead of them. Just the idea made (Y/N)'s heart hurt and tummy twist into a cocoon for another swarm of butterflies to claim. 
"What did you wish for?" (Y/N) asked, lowering the plate to sit on her lap between them. 
"You know I can't tell you that," Harry nudged her, an amused tilt to his tone, "Nosy girl." 
The corner of her lips tilted in a shy smile, her gaze dropping to the tattoos inked over his collarbones. "Will you tell me if it comes true, then?" 
Her request earned her a kiss on her cheek, the imprint of his lips warming her skin. "I promise, darling," he crooned, his hands on her hips pulsing before joining her gaze on his birthday feast, "Ready to eat with me?" 
"Oh, right," (Y/N) chirped at the reminder, plucking the candle from the waffle to lay on a paper towel she brought along to work as a napkin on the side table. She shifted to climb off of Harry's lap, giving him space, before she was stopped with the grip on her hips. 
"Where do y'think you're going?" 
Brows pinching in the middle, (Y/N) canted her head as she looked to him. "I thought you said you wanted to eat." 
"With you," Harry cemented, ducking his head to be level with her, "So you've got to stay right where y'are." 
"I only brought one fork, though." 
"Didn't know y'were so scared of m'cooties," Harry teased, plucking the utensil from the edge of the plate and cutting into the confection. A perfect bite with a pool of honey in the cube and a half of a raspberry tinting the waffle red was cut away and scooped onto the prongs. His remaining hand on her side squeezed, "Open for me." 
(Y/N) did as told with a flush in her cheeks. Wasn't she supposed to be doting on him today? Since when had her romantic plan of a surprise breakfast in bed devolved into Harry feeding her his birthday surprise? 
He raised his brows as she chewed, cutting off a piece for himself with lazy movements. "Good?" 
Her response came in the form of a hummed mhm, a little too shy to speak in that moment. 
Harry looked a little too pleased with himself as he took his own bite, praises for her simplistic cooking following soon after. He didn't mind sharing half of his breakfast with her, cutting off one bite for her before scooping his own up. He was quiet as they ate, asking her how her morning went without him and if she had any dreams she wanted to share (she'd had one last night where they were driving around aimlessly and Harry wouldn't ask for directions no matter how many times she told him she didn't know how to get to Greenland without an airplane). 
All the while, his attention was very lovingly and liberally served to her in the form of tender eyes and soft smiles. Soft lips kissed away dots of honey that had escaped her mouth and shared the sweetness of the vanilla butter with her in between bites. He was acting as if it were her birthday all over again, no matter the small mentions she made about how he wanted to spend his birthday and if Mitch had anything planned for him that night (the answer was no, as she had learned, Mitch took the wise route of giving Harry a card and a hug last night before going to the apartment for the weekend, leaving he and (Y/N) alone for the next forty-eight hours). 
It was when (Y/N) was rinsing the plate in the kitchen, readying it to be put in the dishwasher while Harry fawned over his bouquet of flowers, that she decided what the rest of the day was going to look like. No matter how hard he tried to squirm out of today, she was going to ensure he had the best birthday ever. 
Harry was officially the king of squirming out of his birthday. All he needed was a crown.
Other than a few phone calls from his family and the boys at the shop, accompanied by texts interspersed through the day, Harry hadn't acknowledged much of his birthday. A friend of his even shared the same birthday and he had called her first and shared his happy wishes for her before he even admitted that yes it was his birthday too, and yes he was having a wonderful day, thank you. 
(Y/N) even managed to take him out (fighting off an afternoon nap especially with the early morning still hanging over her), and no matter which shop or boutique they went to, Harry managed to find something he told her made him think of her and that she should have. She turned down every proposition, but still, it made her nervous she wasn't putting enough emphasis on him. Even when she took him to an art supply store that she had no business being in given the state of the stick figures she doodled in Harry's sketchbook, hard pressed to get him something he could use—even if it was for work—he still managed to find a carton of colored pencils filled with exclusively pink and rose shades that he told her she could keep at the shop and play around with when she was waiting on him on his late paperwork nights. 
"Harry," she finally whined when they were huddled in the back of a record store, Harry on a mission to find a colored pressing of one of her favorite albums they could play tonight on his record player, "Stop." 
Halting in his tracks, Harry's hand still wrapped in hers, he looked at her with raised brows over the dark sunglasses he hadn't bothered to pull from his face in favor of keeping his hand in hers. "What?" 
"Today's supposed to be about you," she said, somewhat petulantly, fighting the pout that threatened the stern set in her features, "Why are you trying to do all of this stuff for me?" 
(Y/N) could already picture the intensity of his green eyes under the shades as he pursed his lips, the very edges of his brows shaping into a pinch she could see around the frames. "I know," he started, "That's why I was doing all of this."
The first crack in her firm facade came in the form of knitted brows as she gazed up at him, feeling the urge to nervously pick at her nails, a habit Harry was working with her to break so she didn't constantly mess with her manicures. "What?"
An easy smile spread on Harry face, his attention falling back to the cartons and cartons of records stacked around them, fingers thumbing through the alphabetized categories. "When we left, y'said it was m'birthday so we were doing whatever I wanted—whatever made me happy right?" 
(Y/N) nodded her head quietly beside him, following along to whatever aisle he wandered down. 
"I like taking care of you, love, you know that," he said simply, flexing his fingers between hers, "So, doing all these little things for you make me happy. Whenever you're happy, I am, too. That's all 'm trying to do today." 
"But," (Y/N) sputtered, unsure how to get around his logic, "W-We're going to your favorite places; you're supposed to find things you like so I can buy them for you." 
Harry gave her simple nod, sliding out a record that she'd been searching for since it went out of stock online months ago. She tried her best to hide the perk in her demeanor when she saw the cover, the blue tinted silver shining in the light. She knew she failed when he tucked the vinyl under his other arm. 
"I am finding stuff I like, but 'm having more fun this way. Everywhere we go is m'favorite place when 'm with you." 
With her resolve now paper thin, (Y/N) used what was left of her conviction, "I don't know, H. Are you sure?" 
That caused a small pause in his walk. He turned to look at her, finally pushing his sunglasses to sit atop is head and push back his curls like a headband. "Trust me, baby, yeah? 'M very sure about this." 
Her eyes flicked to the record under his arm. "Promise?" 
A tender smile tugged at his lips, the curve going lopsided with only a single dimple denting into his cheek. "I promise." 
(Y/N) let out a small okay next to him, her smile facing the ground as she laid her attention at their feet. Whether or not this was another ploy to squirm out of his birthday, she had to trust him, right? 
Besides, she still had the flowers she left him at home and the dinner she had planned for tonight. And, her agenda for after dinner she hoped went on without a hitch. 
So, she'd let him walk her around a record store, picking out things he knew she liked when she knew there was still another present waiting for him at home.
"First y'make me breakfast, then I see y'brought me flowers, and now you're getting dinner delivered? Darling, I think 'm in love with you." 
Harry's words were stamped on the back of (Y/N)'s neck as she hung up the phone with Little House, their favorite Chinese takeaway spot and the choice of tradition for any special occasion between them. He'd come back from changing in his bedroom to find her on the phone, ordering their dinner when he had rounded behind her and wrapped his arms around her middle in a loose hug as she spoke. She was still fairly anxious when it came to making calls like that, always worried she'd order the wrong thing or mess up her words and hear a snicker on the other end (she knew those were silly little fears that meant next to nothing, but they still poked and prodded at her from the back of her mind), especially since Harry usually took on the responsibility of ordering for them like that, so his presence was more than comforting. His declaration of love after pressing the red button to end the call was like her reward for her troubles. 
"I love you, too, H," she murmured, voice soft as she laid her arms over his and squeezed herself against his chest, "I know today hasn't been the most exciting birthday, but I really hope you've had a good time." 
His smile could be felt in the crook of her neck as Harry shifted his hold on her to grab at the soft of her waist. (Y/N) allowed herself to be pulled wherever Harry wanted her, staying pliant as she was turned to face him with her arms and phone tucked between their chests. His smile was tender as he gazed down at her, the softness of the curve rivaled only by the cushy moss coloring of his eyes. His hands were splayed over the small of her back, pinkies dipping into the dimples at the bottom of her spine. 
"This is the best birthday I've ever had, you know that," he cooed, "I love jus' being with you. I don't need loads of presents or parties or whatever y'think I need, I jus' want to spend time with you. And, I think 's special enough that y'didn't nap today and instead watched that entire documentary with me." 
(Y/N) couldn't help herself but fall into his chest, tucking her head under his chin and face in his neck. Though this was how they'd spent most of the afternoon, tangled together on the couch with whatever show or movie Harry wanted to watch playing on the television, it hadn't gotten old. The feel of his hands warming her back and the tickle of his curls brushing her nose was more than comforting, all the while being encompassed in his scent. As much as today was about him, this was definitely something she considered a gift. 
"That was pretty hard, I can't lie," (Y/N) mumbled, a small smile forming on her lips as she spoke. It really was the truth, anyway; it had been Harry who had pointed out how sleepy she became no matter what film or program was put on the T.V. after spending the morning with him, her being the first to fall asleep between the two without fail, even when she promised she'd watch the whole thing.
A lopsided smile curved over his features, a single dimple denting into his cheek as his tender gaze traced her face. "'M sure it was, baby," he crooned, "'M proud of y'for sticking through it." 
Wiggling her arms out from between them, (Y/N) disregarded her phone on the counter beside them before placing her hands on either side of Harry's jaw, cupping the sharp line in her palms. Her fingertips inched into the very edge of his hairline, his curls loose and grazing his collarbones. 
This was the longest she had ever seen his hair, and she loved it. The silken curls were her favorite things to play with anyway, especially when it was Harry who was having a hard time getting to sleep, and the added length made it all that much more enticing to run her fingers through. 
That was why she couldn't help herself before moving one of her hands from his jaw, brushing her fingers through the strands and tucking them out of his face. She curled his hair behind his ear, allowing the low light glowing through the kitchen to dance over the side of his face and touch the dark ink etched into his neck. She could feel his eyes on her as she indulged herself and glazed her eyes over the planes of his face and the highpoints of his features. When her eyes trailed over his neck, it was the blank spots that had stood out to her the most compared to the black ink she was so familiar with.
He had told her once, late at night when he was talking her to sleep after they'd watched a scary movie, that he'd been wanting to get a tattoo dedicated to her. A pair of tiny angel wings he'd had in mind, the design small enough to fit somewhere on his chest or even his neck, he'd said. Now, whenever she thought to look, (Y/N) found herself pursuing the blank patches of skin that she might find one day filled with angel wings that she'd know were just for her. 
"What are y'thinking about, baby?" 
The sound of his voice and the bob of his Adam's apple in Harry's throat pulled (Y/N)'s attention back to his face. She shook her head, a shy smile on her lips at being caught despite the fact she had so blatantly looked him over. "Nothing." 
In true Harry fashion, he delicately pried as he dipped his head and nudged his nose against hers. "You've gotta tell me now, darling. Can't keep secrets when y'smile like that, 's not fair." 
The hand that she had brushed his hair back with, dropped to trace a cautious fingertip over the cords of his neck down to the neckline of his top, very aware of the warmth of his skin and his eyes that documented her every move. "It was just..." she trailed off, unsure of her own words, "Remember that time you said you wanted to get a tattoo for me? The angel wings and all?"
A slowly curling smile took home on Harry's lips. "Mhm." 
"I was just looking, that's all. Seeing if anything changed." 
"You're just checking, I see," Harry mused, ducking his head again to be eye level with her, the green of his gaze outlined by smudges of inky-black liner, "That would be a fun birthday present, don't you think? I could even have you be the one to give it to me. Would never forget something like that." 
(Y/N) practically blanched at the idea of being the one to hold the tattoo gun to his skin. She'd never have steady enough hands, that was for sure. "I couldn't—I don't think—" 
A teasing pout took over his features, "Y'wouldn't want to do that for me? Give me something special to have with me all the time that reminded me of you?" 
When he put it like that, (Y/N) could almost forgive the jagged lines she would no doubt make. Almost. "Harry..." 
He grabbed at her hand that had fallen to his chest, fingers wrapping around her wrist before he tugged it towards his neck again. From memory, he picked a blank inch of space along the column of his throat, the patch of skin left free between the twisting vines of the rosebush that colored his chest. "Not even if I asked y'to put it here? So everyone would see it? So everyone would know that I've got a pretty angel waiting for me at home. I'd even let y'do them in pink, if y'wanted." 
Her mouth had gone dry as Harry talked. He was so good at things like this, easing her and showing her what those kind of things would mean to him, even if she was scared at first. He was the best at talking to her, soothing the biting fears and anxieties that typically followed her. 
Maybe she wouldn't be so bad, (Y/N) pondered. If she was super careful and remembered to breathe, her hand could steady out and Harry might possibly be left with a petite pair of angel wings drawn by her hand that he would carry with him for the rest of his life.
When she didn't answer, Harry kept on, his eyes drawing over her features in tender runs, "Could do what we did for yours: wait for the shop to close so it'd be just the two of us. Could have you sit on m'lap, and I'd tell y'how to do everything, baby. I know you'd be so careful and good for me. I know you'd make it pretty for me, wouldn't you?"
(Y/N) floundered for a response, feeling her eyelids sink low over her eyes, lashes creating a flattering vignette around the vision of Harry. He knew exactly what he was doing, holding her so close she could feel the vibrations of his voice from his chest before she heard him with her ears. 
It was the picture of her sat astride his lap, Harry laying underneath her on one of the tattoo chairs in the private rooms that made her lungs squeeze the hardest. If she allowed herself to creep towards the back of her mind, in this vision, there was no tattoo gun involved. Even less so, were clothes needed in this mirage. She wouldn't need much of a steady hand with Harry gripping her hips and helping her bounce up and down atop him, the only breathing she'd need to focus on would be to suck in enough air to tell him she loved him between the sinking of her hips. 
Kissing the side of her distracted mouth, Harry mumbled against the skin through a smile. "Now, what are y'think—" 
The doorbell rang just before he had a chance to finish his thought. Dinner was here.
A breath she hadn't been aware was stuck in her throat finally worked its way out when Harry drew away. His eyes were still the bright green she was in love with, but there was something lingering in them that she knew a little to well and recognized in the dark of his bedroom. If they kept this up, the birthday present she had been gearing up for was going to be rushed to be shared on the couch. 
"I should get that," (Y/N) mumbled, the words rolling off her dry tongue though she didn't make a move to leave his arms.
"Probably," Harry mused, a lazy smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, "Or, I can get it. Y'look a little flustered, baby, might be best if I go answer the door, hm?" 
She knew he was teasing her, the slight lilt to his tone all the evidence she needed. Still, even as her cheeks heated and eyes grew a fraction wider at his words, she liked it. She liked it when Harry played these little games with her; when it was just the two of them and he used that voice on her. 
Harry's lazy smile transformed into a full grin at her response. His arms around her waist dropped as he stepped away from her. "Go wait in the living room for me, yeah? I'll be back in just a second, baby." 
He left her after patting at her bottom, a self-satisfied smile on his lips. She watched his retreating form, tattooed shoulders stretching the white tatters of his vintage Rolling Stone's t-shirt his mom had sent as a present. The fabric, worn and old, allowed for the stretch and lean of his muscles to be seen through it, each of his movements highlighted by his tattoos.
At this point, (Y/N) wasn't sure if this gift she had planned tonight was more for him or for her. 
(Y/N) watched from the corner of her eye as Harry sunk further into the couch cushion, his eyes drooping in the light of the T.V.. He held a contented smile on his features as he pulsed the arm he had slung around her shoulders. Their Chinese take away was still spread over the coffee table, having finished with the containers over an hour ago though neither of them had the motivation to put the leftovers away for the night. 
She tried to be discreet in the way she allowed her gaze to trace over the lines of his form. Soft lighting from the kitchen seeped into the living room allowing for Harry to be backlit, his profile standing out against the light. His lashes held a gentle curve, the tips fluttering against his brow bone and resting on his cheekbone every time he blinked. The straight angle of his nose allowed for the perfect slope that directed (Y/N)'s eyes to the hills and valleys of his Cupid's bow. Of course, what caught her eye the most, were the pillows of his lips that she knew like the back of her hand. Even with the lack of light draining some of the color from his features, she knew she could pinpoint the exact shade of raspberry pink that tinted his lips. 
Looking at him now, her heart squeezed when she remembered this was just the first of his birthdays they were spending together. She was going to have the rest of her life to see him grow and change and add to the person she loved.
Moving her gaze from his face, she was more than thankful for the tatters of his Rolling Stone's t-shirt as the holes and gashes in the fabric allowed for peeks at his inked torso. The way he was stretched out, legs spread wide, taking up space next to her with the length of his arm thrown over her shoulders, made the lean muscles in his torso ripple and stretch in a reminder of how strong he was—and how gently he conducted himself with her despite that. His tattoos were dark underneath the fabric, enhancing the shadows already blanketing the view of him. Even without the clear strength he displayed and the lean gracefulness that only came from someone who had grown to love the body they were in, the art inked on his skin was enough for (Y/N) to argue that photographs of him should be hung in the Lourve. Maybe even a statue of him to replace Michelangelo's David would suffice. 
Harry adjusted his position on the cushion, a sliver of his abdomen visible as he moved from one of the holes in his shirt. (Y/N) watched as the muscles contracted and shifted under the ink on his skin, ticking a fond memory (or should she say memories) of the just a couple of nights ago when he had her sat astride his lap and he bucked his hips up into her, abdomen flexing and straining as he bounced her on his hips. She swallowed at the thought, daring to allow her train of thought to drift towards what she was hoping he wasn't too tired for tonight. Just like he had done for her birthday those months back, she had something special in mind for tonight. 
(Y/N) hadn't even realized she'd been caught staring—since when had she allowed herself to shift towards him, straying away from the sly sideways glancing she had began with?—until Harry's lips curved into a smile and she heard he gentle rumbling of his voice. "What are y'looking at, baby? Have I got something on m'face?" 
He knew exactly what he was doing, that lilt returning to his voice that spurred a blaze to ignite behind (Y/N)'s cheeks. When he made a lazy roll of his neck, finally looking to her with that lopsided smile on his mouth, she felt her heart skip a beat. So what if he was teasing her and caught her staring? He knew what he looked like, so there's no way he could blame her. 
"No," she peeped, answering the latter question. Rolling her lips between her teeth, she shuffled closer to his side, feeling the heat of his gaze on her face. "I was just wondering if you were tired already," she explained, a very short and clean version of where her thoughts really had landed as she gazed at him. 
Harry's arm around her shoulders flexed, his palm spanning her upper arm with tattooed fingers denting the soft skin. "'M not tired, no," he started, something sly added to the curl of his lips, "Why?" 
(Y/N) shook her head, lips tight as she fought the urge to settle herself against his chest and slant her mouth over his. As much as Harry brought her out of her shell, this territory was still something she allowed him to take the lead on and was harder for her to express her wants and desires as freely as he did. 
But, she figured with that she had planned for tonight, that wouldn't much matter with what she was going to propose to Harry.
"Just wondering," she settled on, picking at her nails that had fallen in her lap.
A dark brow raised over his eyes, a knowing look shaping his features. "Are you tired?"  
This time the shake of her head was immediate and rushed. She was definitely, definitely not tired. 
"Look at you," Harry smiled, taking the initiative to swing his opposing arm around to land on the thick of her thigh before tugging her to him. He curled around her form, ducking his head to catch her gaze. "Two movies together and y'didn't fall asleep during either one. 'M proud of you, lovebug." 
Unable to stop the grin that plucked at the corners of her lips, (Y/N) allowed the smile to stretch over her face. She loved it when he talked to her like that, hearing that he was proud of her, even if its over something silly like staying awake during movies. 
(Y/N) glanced at him through the cover of her lashes. "I didn't want to miss any of your birthday, that's all," she peeped, voice a secret between the two of them. 
Harry hummed at her words, eyes flitting over her features in teasing draws over the planes. "We've still got a few hours left, don't we? Any ideas on how to spend them, since y'don't want to miss anything?" 
As if he didn't already have a plan. (Y/N) knew better, knew he had something cooking up with that inky gleam in his eyes. 
Still, (Y/N) rolled her lips between her teeth, dropping her gaze to his tattooed arms, the designs sinking under the sleeve of his top though the lines of his muscles were easy to follow. "I had a couple of ideas, maybe." 
The lopsided grin on his lips widened. "And what were those ideas, love?" 
She felt like a guppy now at his prompting, unsure of how exactly she wanted to phrase what she had planned for the night. Sure, he had done a stellar job of pulling her further and further out of her shell since they'd met, but this was... different. Different than anything she'd asked of him before. 
This whole idea came to her on accident, really. Months ago, she'd come by the shop to drop off Harry's lunch, him having forgotten the bag in the kitchen when he'd left that morning. It was supposed to be nothing more than a couple of minutes, in and out before she headed off to class after sharing a couple of kisses in his office. But, when she had walked in, finding the front room vacated with voices drifting through from Harry's office, she overheard something that made her pause. 
It was no secret Harry was the more experienced out of the two of them, but it definitely wasn't something they regularly discussed—if at all. But, walking into the tattoo parlor she overheard one of the boys (she was about ninety percent sure it was Niall, which didn't surprise her) teasing Harry about how he apparently only "made love" now, gone were the days of his raucous shenanigans and explicit flings. She had crept down the hallway, listening as their words floated out through the small crack left between the door and the jamb of his office. She heard as Harry brushed off their teasing, telling them to leave him alone. It seemed his protesting had only spurred them on, (Y/N) listening as she heard them start again, asking Harry if he remembered back in the day when he was the first to share whatever wild escapades had taken place the night before with details to spare. 
She'd known he'd gotten into some trouble before her, and more than likely toned down a lot of the kind of things he enjoyed before her, but it was different hearing it this way. Harry was always very adamant about how much he loved the things they did together, that he didn't want for anything when he had her kiss on his lips and her pretty body in his arms. Even then, he didn't play into their teasing, only offering half-hearted grumbles and requests for his friends to shut the fuck up, but (Y/N) felt like she was finally hearing about a side of her Harry she'd never learned about before. 
For a split second, the idea that he had these experiences with others before her inspired a lick of insecurity tinted with jealousy before the pit was quickly filled and a different set of ideas replacing that worry. She had all the time in the world to redraw those memories of his, putting herself in place of those previous girls. That was how he figured his birthday might be the best time to put some of those ideas into action. 
Harry nudged his nose against hers, the tip grazing her cheek as he awaited a response. "Y'can tell me, baby. 'S jus' me." 
"Well, um," she stuttered, taking advantage of the lack of eye contact as he buried his face in her neck, "I just... When we go to your room, I want tonight to be all about you. I want to do whatever you want—however r-rough you want to be, I'll do it." 
Once that stuttered word left her mouth, her request for him to be rough, she felt Harry tense. The teasing shapes he was drawing on the curve of her neck with the tip of his nose and the brushes of his lips against the delicate skin halted in less than a second. 
Maybe this wasn't the right thing to ask. 
Pulling back from the home he made in her neck, Harry's eyes were clear and unrelenting as they matched hers. "Y'want me to be rough with you?" 
Swallowing, (Y/N) found her mouth dry now that she had an unobstructed view of his reaction. "I-I want to do whatever you like, in-including being rough if that's what you want." 
Long, slow moments passed where (Y/N) felt more than a little vulnerable under his gaze. The mossy coloring of his irises decreased until it was nothing more than a thin ring around his pupils. The longer he looked at her, she noticed the way something smug lingered on the edge of his lips though he tried to bite it back with the blunt of his teeth. 
Touching his forehead to hers, Harry closed the space between them tight enough to leave just the tip of his nose nudging hers though not near enough to close the gap between their lips. "That's not what I asked you, baby, you know that. I wanted to know if you wanted me to be rough. Don't care if it's something y'think I want, I want to know what you want." 
His eyes were clear and piercing as they met hers, cutting out any chance for her to shy away or find anything other than his attention to concentrate on. His hands were still softly cradling her form, an arm around her shoulder to anchor her while the other hand cupped the soft of her thigh, fingers edging towards her bottom—gentle, like he always was with her. 
With Harry's words floating around in her head, (Y/N) pictured what it would be like for those gentle hands on her body to shift. For his hands to change the way they guided her. The gentle pressing of his fingertips on her thigh could become bruising dents into the soft of her form. The weight of his body pinning her to the mattress under him, keeping her just where he wanted. His hips driving between hers, knocking the breath out of her before she could even gasp his name. All the while, he could still picture Harry kissing her gently, telling her how beautiful she was even as she was ruined. 
Focusing her attention back on the man that was currently starring in her fantasies, (Y/N) realized she hadn't been very discreet in her imaginings. The corner of his lips were upturned in the slightest, his hooded eyes seeming entirely too smug around the ink of his blown pupil. 
"I think it could be... nice," (Y/N) settled on, her words nothing more than a peep between them. 
Harry's lips bloomed into a smile at her word choice. "Nice? Y'think me being rough with you, showing y'exactly how I want you and letting me do anything I want, would be nice?" 
He was teasing her. As expected, a fluttering of butterflies and bumblebees made way through her tummy, knocking against her ribs and punching at the soft tissue of her middle. But, what wasn't normal, was the extra clench of her muscles at the tone he used, the cloying, gently mocking tone that swathed his words and made her thighs clench and insides pulse. 
Maybe it was the butterflies in her tummy or the way he was looking at her so intensely with a teasing shimmer in his eyes, but (Y/N) felt breathless as she spoke. "I-I think so, yeah." 
(Y/N) watched as Harry sucked in a deep breath, his eyes clear and attentive as he gazed as her. Before she could react, his hand that had been settled on her thigh reached up and grabbed at her chin, pinching the curve between his thumb and forefinger as he tipped his head and pressed his lips against hers. 
Gentle as he always was, Harry guided her through the contact, tucking her bottom lip between his two. He sucked on the full of her lip sweetly, the tip of his tongue tasting the swipe of raspberry lip treatment she had applied to her mouth after dinner. It wasn't the kiss she had expected given the circumstances of their conversation, but it wasn't one she was going to complain about. 
That is until Harry's hand on her chin shifted, working over the line of her jaw before finding its way through her hair. His fingers sifted through the strands before he made a sharp fist on the back of her head, hair included. Her head snapped back, baring her neck as her pulse picked up under the delicate skin. A gasp fell from her mouth, the change in his hold more startling than anything painful. 
"Was that nice like y'were thinking?" 
Despite the lightly mocking edge to his words, (Y/N) couldn't help but flutter her eyes closed and nod her head as best she could with a fist in her hair. The brush of Harry's lips against hers that she earned was nothing more than a tease before he pulled away after a breath. Only their breathing could be heard as (Y/N) tried to find her mind, Harry's hand lingering heavily in her hair. He made slow work of unfurling his fingers and allowing the strands to slip back into place. 
"I think," he breathed, dotting a kiss on her chin before the point was plucked between his thumb and forefinger, "we need to talk about a couple of things before we keep going. That alright, angel?" 
Blinking her eyes open, she allowed her chin to level and get a look at her Harry. There was something different in his gaze as he swept it over her features. The green of his eyes was almost completely eradicated around the inky black of his blown pupil, a spark lingering behind them that she'd never seen before. 
Was this the guy the boys had talked about? Was this who existed before she walked into his life?
"Hm, baby?" he prompted her, thumb tapping against her chin through the hold he had on her.
"Y-Yeah," she stuttered, "We can talk." 
A sweet smile bloomed on his features the longer he looked at her, his grip on her chin loosening to a caress before he planted a soft kiss on her lips. "You're s'good, angel." 
She smiled into the contact, comforted by the reappearance of her safe place. "Thank you." 
A breathy laugh was exhaled through Harry's nose as his eyes practically turned into hearts while looking at her. He ran his thumb over the full of her bottom lip, pressing into the pad before whispering for her to c'mon, then, lovebug.
With their fingers laced together, the towed her behind him to his bedroom. As much as it broke her heart, (Y/N) closed the door behind them, effectively cutting off Evie from racing over the threshold and joining in on the cuddling she was expecting. Silence covered the bedroom as Harry tugged her to the bed, sitting himself down first before placing her on his lap. 
(Y/N) settled herself with thighs on either side of his hips, arms wrapping around his neck while Harry's steadied her around her waist. While he was still very clearly wrapped up in what they started out in the living room (the bulge sitting right underneath her was enough evidence), she still couldn't help herself from fawning over him. No matter how blown his pupils were and what the night's agenda held, he was still the most gentle, handsome man she'd ever met and that made her heart beat harder than anything. 
"Hi," she smiled, playing with the ringlets of curls falling over his shoulders. 
His smile was sweet as he gazed up at her. "Hi, baby." 
She couldn't help but hug herself to him at the sound of his affection, tucking herself into his neck with her chest pressed into his. Harry reciprocated her hold just as tightly, fingers braiding behind her back with his chin on her shoulder. 
"Still feeling good about your idea for tonight?" Harry cooed in her ear. 
Sitting in his arms, she got to feel the strength she had been admiring before. Corded muscles cuddled her close to the planes of his chest, blocks of abs pushing against the soft of her own body. She didn't know what he was going to do with his body, with the span of his hands that held her waist or the cradle of his thighs under her body, but she knew that he wouldn't do anything he didn't think she would enjoy or make her feel unsafe. 
"I am, yeah," she affirmed, nodding her head with a smushed cheek against his shoulder. 
"M'brave girl," he praised her, pressing a soft kiss to her temple before drawing away and urging her to pull back. "I've got something new I want to do with you tonight, then, too." 
"Okay," she nodded, trapping her bottom lip between her teeth as she fought to maintain the eye contact she knew he was looking for. 
He shifted his hold on her, his forearm still barred around her back while his other hand pet at her waist in gentle runs. "Have y'ever heard of a safe word before?" 
Her response was a simple shake of her head. If Harry hadn't taught it to her, chances are, she'd never heard of it or understood what it meant if she had. 
Nodding his head, (Y/N) watched as the curls huddled over his shoulders. "Since y'want to do some rougher things with me tonight, I think we should have a safe word or try out a color system," he continued, voice soft between the two of them, "'S jus' something for both of us, to make sure we both feel comfortable and safe. If either of us say our safeword, then everything stops. We go back to cuddling and loving on one another, no matter what we were doing before. Y'can tell me to stop still, no matter what and I'll listen, but this can jus' be something else we have that we can use. " 
(Y/N) listened intently to his explanation, nodding her head as he finished though she wasn't completely clear on all the details. "What's a color system?" 
Harry rolled the question around in his head, tilting his head as if wracking his brain for the right answer. "'S like a stoplight, kind of. There's green, letting each other know we both feel good and that we can keep going. There's yellow, which means we need to slow down, that we still want to keep going but need a breather. And there's red, which is the same as saying stop. No questions or anything, jus' a complete stop and we start treating each other gently again." 
"Oh, okay." The idea sounded simple enough, (Y/N) figured. She liked the idea that if H didn't like something they ended up doing tonight, that he could ask her to stop or slow down. And, she could ask for a breather if need be, though she couldn't imagine Harry doing anything that would push her too far to step out of green territory.
The edges of Harry's lips fought to curve into a smile as she gazed at her. "Yeah? Do you like that idea?" 
"Mhm," she hummed, a nod of her head accompanying the sound, "I like the colors." 
His hand on her waist slid up the curve of her side before landing on the ladder of her ribs. "What's your color right now, then, love?" 
She didn't even have to think before he bounced in his lap (a move that had Harry's thighs tense and grip pulse), "Green—I'm green."
"Me too, baby," he mused before craning his neck and pressing his lips to her, falling back on the mattress and taking her with him, "I'm going to be checking in on you a few times tonight, okay? Whenever we do something new, I want to know your color and make sure you're okay." 
"Okay," she whispered against his kiss, her arms around his neck tightening with the curls tickling the insides, "And you'll tell me if you're not green anymore?" 
(Y/N) felt his smile more than she saw it as he nudged his nose against hers, "I will, angel. I promise." 
Catching her lips in a kiss, Harry took his time working her into the dreamy state she had been in out in the living room, helping her find her pliant state with his tongue in her mouth and hands on her waist. (Y/N) followed after him, lips parted and allowing sweeps of his tongue to run through her mouth with sucks of her bottom lip into his mouth, her chest pressed to his as she breathed in deep runs when she had the chance. 
Her knees were braced on either side of his hips when Harry adjusted his hold and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Hang on," he murmured against her kiss before tightening his grip and rolling them over to end with him on top. 
Careful to keep the full brunt of his weight from sinking into her, Harry allowed himself to lean into her form, pining her to the mattress. His mouth on hers slowed to gentle kisses, only the tip of his tongue running along the seam of her lips as he seemingly waited for any change in her response to the heavy handed contact. The only one garnered came in the form of her arms around his neck shifting to allow her fingers to sift through the curls of his hair. 
This what what she had been imagining, she thought as she sighed into the contact; he was being as gentle as ever, kissing her sweetly and reminding her how loved she was by him, with the breath-stealing weight of his body pinning her down to ensure he got to keep doing as he pleased for as long as he felt. She hadn't been thinking when she bucked her hips upwards when she felt his arms looped around her waist tighten and draw an arch into her back. 
A hum rumbled through his chest, her core having pressed right against the ridge of his cock. His kissing turned a touch harsher, something punishing lingering on the outskirts of the contact as he smeared his mouth over her own before pulling away. The heat of his breathing was felt against her skin as he stayed close enough to touch the tip of his nose to hers. "Be good, baby," he told her, his arms around her waist shifting to cup the bones of her hips in his palms, "Stay still and let me take care of y'like y'promised you'd let me." 
Her breathing hitched at his words, the measured pacing she had started with now coming out in a huffed pant through squeezed lungs. "Okay, sorry," she squeaked.
"Don't be sorry," he hummed, nudging her face to the side with the help of his nose, "Jus' be good like I know y'are, yeah?" 
While Harry kissed down the planes of her face, following the line of her jaw before planting a garden of kisses along the curve of her throat, (Y/N) tried to find her head. She'd lost it the second Harry wrapped her hair in his fist on the couch and it seemed to only run farther and farther away every time the stern tone of his voice rang through her head. Velvet covered steel, she thought, affection carrying the words out of his mouth though he made sure to let her know she was going to be sticking to her word of letting him call every single shot for the night. 
It was Harry this time that ground their hips together, his cock pushing against her legging covered core. (Y/N) did her best to keep from reciprocating the strokes of his hips, her thighs tensing on either side of him with her hands in his hair tightening as if to work out that energy that called for her to ask for more from him. 
"Feel me, love?" he murmured, his teeth scraping at the ledge of her collarbone as he dug his hips harder into her softness. 
"Uh-huh," she keened, her mouth falling into a gape with her cheek smushed against the soft of his pillow under her head. 
"So hard for y'already, angel. That's what happens when you're good for me." He praised her as he drew away from the column of her throat. One of his hands abandoned station on her hip, his palm cradling her cheek as he nudged her to face him. His hand still on her cheek, he pet his thumb over the height of her cheekbone, "Ready to give me more?"
He gazed down at her with eyes that reminded her of the tone of his voice: stern steel and velveteen affection. His lips were slicked with spit and shone in the limited light offered by the lamp on the night stand before he trapped the bottom one between his teeth, gaze shifting to where she could feel the imprint of his kiss on her neck. 
Her response came out as an absent hum of confirmation, the noise vibrating through her throat where she could still feel the ghost of his warmth working over the skin. A short smile made its way over his mouth, molding his features into something soft before dotting a kiss on her cheek. He shifted over her, drawing away and leaving her to face the chill without his body covering hers. 
"C'mere, lovebug," he crooned, tugging her along with him until he was sat at the edge of the mattress with (Y/N) following. He pinned his gaze on her as she kneed over the fluff of the duvet, stopping her before she could get too comfortable. Reaching for a pillow that bordered the headboard, he said, "Why don't y'get on your knees for me, baby." 
(Y/N) watched as he placed the pillow on the floor, filling the space between his legs that was left as he spread them open to allow her to kneel between. She swallowed, following his tender-toned instructions as she climbed off the bed and sat back on her heels, knees cushioned by the pillow. With her bottom lip trapped between the blunt of her teeth, (Y/N) gazed up at Harry from where she sat, her skin heating when she found his eyes already pinned to her. 
He towered over her from where he sat on the edge of the bed, his hands spanning the thick of his thighs, black nails gleaming like the matching hoops pierced through his lip and nose. 
"Comfortable, love?" he crooned to her, reaching out and passing his fingers through the baby-fine hairs that fell over her forehead. 
"Mhm," she smiled, leaning into his hand, "Thank you for the pillow."
The edges of his lips curled into a softened smile, his hand settling into a cradle on her cheek. "Of course, baby. 'M going to be a little rough tonight, not mean." 
(Y/N) turned her head in his hand, lips level with the warmth of his palm where she pressed a kiss to the center. The ink of Harry's pupils, though still harboring a heat that was going to take some effort on (Y/N)'s part to extinguish, practically turned to rounded hearts as he gazed down at her. She watched through the frame of her lashes as he curled over, his other hand abandoning his thigh and settling along the line of her jaw.
"Give me a kiss, angel," he cooed to her, bending down far enough that his hair haloed around then with her face cupped between his palms. 
It didn't take much of a thought before (Y/N) complied with his request, bouncing on her heels. She earned a breathy laugh from Harry was fanned over her skin before he sealed his mouth over hers in a soft kiss. He parted her lips gently with his own, allowing her only a taste of his tongue before he was drawing away once again, thumbs petting at her cheekbones. 
"M'angel girl," he murmured before kissing at the corner of her mouth. He unfurled himself from around her, sitting with his hips at the edge of the mattress and his gaze pinned on his love. He only dropped her eyes when he began messing with the fastenings on his pants, fingers working right at (Y/N)'s eye level. 
Watching intently, (Y/N) felt her breathing shift. The air in her lungs suddenly felt heavy as she followed the track his fingers were tracing until the glimpse of white boxers she'd seen before turned into a full-fledged show as he parted his fly and left it gaping. The outline of his cock was clear as day through the straining fabric, precum just beginning to seep out and thin the opacity of his underwear. 
"Understand, angel?"
(Y/N) watched as Harry's hands stopped working, the black on his nails glimmering in the glowing light from the lamp. His tone was deep and graveled as it caught her attention, (Y/N) realizing her hadn't heard a single word of what she was supposed to be understanding. 
"W-What?" she stuttered, looking up at Harry with her eyes rounding out from the hard edges that shaped his features. 
He canted his head as he looked at her, the edges of his lips fighting off a tilt. "Y'weren't listening to me, baby?" 
She worried her bottom lip between her teeth for a beat, eyes falling from his matching gaze back down to his lap in a fleeting sweep. "I was distracted," she peeped, "Sorry." 
Shaking his head, Harry took her face between his hands, barring her from looking anywhere but himself as he curled forward once more. "Remember what I said? Don't have to be sorry, love, jus' be good. Okay?" 
"Okay," she repeated through puffed lips, nodding her head as best she could in his hold.
Harry indulged himself in a short kiss to her lips before he resumed his position and worked his pants down his hips, budging up until the material sat at the mid of his thighs. "Was telling y'that I want y'to remember that 'm being rough tonight, but not mean to you. We're gonna try something a little different this time, and I want y'to tell me if y'want to stop. Since y'won't have much room to speak, our colors aren't going to work. But, what y'can do for me, is tap my leg three times, and that's how I'll know y'want to stop. Do y'understand this time, angel?" 
Taking in a deep breath, (Y/N) willed herself to look away from the tented fabric of his boxers. "Y-Yeah, I do, Harry," she said, nodding her head. It took effort for her to look away from the way his cock jumped as her voice wrapped around his name. 
Breathing stilted but the smug curve of his lips remained as Harry looked down at her with affectionate approval floating in his eyes. "Good girl," he praised. 
Shuffling on her knees, (Y/N) couldn't help herself but draw closer when she saw his hand settle on the waistband of his underwear. Harry's breathy laugh of so eager, falling on deaf ears as she watched the way his fingers curled into the stitched band and tugged and tugged until his boxers joined his pants at the midpoint of his thighs. 
Watching his cock bob against his tattooed stomach, (Y/N) felt just as she did the first time she got on her knees for him. Though his tattoos continued down under his bellybutton, clusters of flora that matched the rosegarden of his chest piece, she always thought the laurels etched into his hips—a pair he had gotten long before he decided to cover his skin—acted as the perfect frame for him in moments like these. The ruddy head stood out starkly against the black ink, the veined underside on display as he further widened his legs for (Y/N) to take her place between before she reached for his pants and tugged them off the rest of the way, leaving him in only the tatters of his Rolling Stones top.
Just as he always did since the first time he had her like this, Harry wrapped his hand around the base of his cock, giving her a show as he stroked over his length in slow runs. (Y/N) knew that if she had it in her to tear her eyes away from the sight of his tattooed hand jerking over his cock, she would find Harry with a smug smile his lips, moments away from teasing her over her rapt attention. 
"C'mere, angel," Harry murmured to her, his hand still stroking with his thumb running over the tip. 
(Y/N) worked on autopilot, shuffling closer to him, tattooed thighs on either side of her head with the slick sounds of his hand running over his cock filling her ears. Her breathing came out in shaky exhales, a blurt of precum bubbling at Harry's tip once she was close enough for the air to fan over the heated skin. 
"Open for me," he directed, voice low and strong. 
Tongue out, (Y/N) opened her mouth, finally sparing a glance to Harry's face from where he sat above her. His cheeks were now flushed, the tip of his tongue pressed into the hoop of his lip ring, the metal bobbing. He looked down at her, attention pinned to the way she heeded his commands as soon as they fell from his lips. Once he caught her eyes on him, the very corners of his lips turned upward in a small smile, her eyes rounded out and mooning up at him with her mouth open just for him. 
"'Member what I told you?" he asked, pressing the tip of his prick into the flat of her tongue, a pearl of precum dragging across the buds in a tease, "'Bout telling me if y'need to stop?" 
(Y/N) nodded her head as best she could without disrupting Harry as he stroked himself over her tongue. She watched as he shook his head, the curtain of his hair swaying at the motion. 
"No," he settled, "Need to hear y'say it." 
He backed off just enough to not allow her the excuse of pleasuring him to stop her from answering him how he wanted. Swallowing around her dry throat, (Y/N) eagerly nodded her head once more, "I do—I remember, daddy." 
His hand stuttered over his length at the sound of the title. "Good girl, angel," he praised, voice strained. 
Harry reached his freehand around to thread his fingers through her hair, bringing her close to his cock, her mouth falling open on instinct. He guided her with a firm hand, though careful to be gentle with the strands of hair in his fist, pushing the head of his prick into the warmth of her mouth. Upon contact, pearls of precum glazing over her tongue, (Y/N)'s eyes fell closed. 
A heavy sigh fell from Harry's lips. As much as (Y/N) wanted to peek up at him, see the gape of his raspberry lips and the pinkened flush to his skin, she couldn't bring herself to leave the land of HarryHarryHarry that puddled in her system as the weight of his cock settled over her tongue. 
If she was being honest, this act—taking him in her mouth—was one of her favorites. Ever since the first time she got on her knees for him, she understood why Harry wanted to spend so much time between her thighs. In an odd sense, she felt comforted by it all; his hands laced through her hair or holding her own, the weight of his fingers or cock in her mouth, and the cradle of his body enveloping her no matter the position. Not to mention the butterflies that ran rampant in her tummy as she listened to his moans and sighs of her name, knowing that she was making him feel as good as she possibly could with nothing else but her mouth and her will to please him. So, she definitely did not mind that this was how he wanted to start his birthday night off with her. 
(Y/N) fell into her rhythm, bobbing her head along his length with her tongue following after in drags over his cock. Harry's hand served as little more than a reassuring weight on the back of her head, his fingers momentarily tightening and shifting in the strands the farther she took him in. Her breathing came in pants through her nose, growing heavier and heavier the longer she sucked him off. Once she felt comfortable enough, her movements easing and becoming more and more languid as she became used to the feel of him sliding in her mouth, she took him further, the very tip of his prick edging towards the tight funnel of her throat with the pillow of her tongue contracting underneath. 
It was then that Harry's thighs tensed on either side of her head, the crown of his prick jumping against her tongue with a strangled call of his favorite pet name for her—angel, of course—fell from his lips. As much of a struggle as it was, (Y/N) pried her eyes open, though still hooded, and peeked up at Harry through her lashes.
She found him with his gaze already fixed to her, eyes inky black and skin flushed with a gleam of sweat collecting on his temples. The tattered fabric of his top allowed for insight into the way his inked chest contracted as his lungs filled and compressed, tattoos dancing over his skin. Gosh, the view from here—sitting under him, saliva and precum coating her lips—as she watched him fall in love with her mouth was something she wouldn't forget. 
As soon as Harry caught sight of her gaze searching him over, something shifted. His hand in her hair tightened. The roots of the strands were tugged in a gentle pull as his fingers flexed, the line of Harry's jaw strengthening as he gazed down at her. 
"Gonna let me be in charge now, love? Ready for me?" he asked her, voice dripping in honey-thick lust and drenched in rocky gravel. Just as (Y/N) was going to settle for a nod of her head to tell him yes, she was tugged off his cock, a slick noise filling the air as the head of his prick popped out of her mouth. 
From the corner of her eye, she saw a string of her spit linking the full of her bottom lip to the tip of his cock, the salvia bowing before dropping against her chin as he drew her back. Her breathing came in broken heaves, lips glossed and eyes wide. Desperate to have him back in her mouth, feel the base of his cock under hands and his tip at the back of her throat, (Y/N) nodded her head in jerky motions. "Ye-Yes, I'm ready, daddy." 
A pleased smile tugged at the corner of his lips, the ring pierced at the edge of his mouth bobbing at the motion. "And what will y'do if y'need me to stop?" 
Through her hazed mind, (Y/N) wracked her brain in search of the vital piece of information he shared not even ten minutes earlier. "I-I'll tap your leg, right? Three times, and that means red—that I want to stop." 
Bringing his free hand that had been wrapped in the fabric of his comforter down to cradle her jaw, Harry wiped the pad of his thumb over her swollen bottom lip, disregarding the spit and precum that pearled over the skin. The curve of his lips turned proud as he gazed down at her. "Exactly, angel. M'brave girl, aren't you?" 
As silly as it was, she felt a bit bashful under these praises as she lent her cheek into his hand. "I'm trying to be." 
Harry only shook his head, the loose curls around his face swaying in agreement. "You are, darling." Before she could utter any kind of protest, Harry folded over himself and pressed a kiss to her swollen lips, the peck innocent despite the fact his naked bottom half was inches from (Y/N)'s face and shining in her spit. 
When he unfurled himself from the cove his body made around her, he gave a gentle graze of his thumb over her cheek before he lent back into that same hand that was now planted on the mattress behind him. That left him sitting over (Y/N) with his hand in her hair and a lazy smile on his mouth. It didn't take much coaxing her for her to follow along with his guiding hand as he tugged her forward, bringing her back to his cock. 
As much as she wanted to surge ahead, take him back into the warmth of her mouth and feel the weight of the head on her tongue and the vine of his vein brushing over her lips, she allowed him to be in charge just like he said. Just as in everything else he did, Harry started gently. He worked her over his length in familiar motions, the same pace she had been curating just moments before. 
It wasn't until she fell into that comforting rhythm with her eyes closed, almost taking over the motions though Harry still had a steady grip on her hair that things shifted. When her lips reached the point where she would instinctively draw back towards his tip, Harry's hand urged her to go a hair further. Her brows knitted together over her shuttered eyes though she allowed him to guide her, making a point to breath as steady as she could manage through her nose. 
With his cock just barely pushing into her throat with the head brushing past the root of her tongue, (Y/N) felt herself tighten up—tummy, insides, and throat alike—before he pulled her back, the makings of the gag that constricted her muscles ebbing away before doing any damage. He took her back to her his tip, her tongue laving over him as she took advantage of the break, breath coming in deeply through her nose as her brows relaxed again.
"Alright, baby?" Harry asked, voice low and strained. She could feel his eyes on her. 
Mouth full, (Y/N) nodded her head, humming an mhm around his length. Cracking her eyes open just a slice, she was granted a view of Harry looking at her with his gaze fixed on where her mouth was wrapped around his prick, his own bottom lip tucked tightly between his teeth. His hand behind him fisted the comforter, muscles straining and dancing under the layer of tattoos on his skin. Every bit of his unrestrained strength seemed to be going into that grip, leaving the hand in her hair stern but worlds more gentle than what he was putting that fistful of bedding through. 
Nostrils flaring as he sucked in a deep breath, Harry gauged her reaction as he urged her forward. "Gonna do it again, alright? Gonna help you take me a little deeper." 
Another hum came from her throat, Harry's thighs jumping on either side of her head. Just as before, he allowed her to get comfortable with a few passes over his prick before urging her to take him deeper, the head of his cock pushing further down her throat. A distracting moan sounded from above her, Harry's voice dredged in gravel and just as breathless as she felt. The nudge of the head at her throat was enough to make her tense up, muscles constricting around the intrusion before she could school herself into calming her reaction. Just as her breath was stolen, Harry steered her back. This time, he pulled her off his length completely, the tip popping out of her mouth, glistening in her spit with swirls of precum shining in the light. 
(Y/N) shifted on her knees, the cushion underneath them dragging over the floor. Mouth dropped into a gap, she caught her breath with Harry's hand in her hair abandoning the strands in favor of sliding over her jaw and cradling her face. As gentle as he was, the second (Y/N) blinked her bleary eyes up at him, she could tell the effort to be so, was taxing. 
"W-Why'd we stop?" she asked, words coming out around her uneven breaths. 
She watched Harry's throat bob as he swallowed, gaze struggling to keep from dropping her to spit-slicked pout. "Wanted to give you a minute. Felt y'start to gag." 
Shaking her head before he even finished, (Y/N)'s brows pinched as she looked up at him. "I don't need a minute," she said, though her ragged breathing begged to differ, "I want to keep going, daddy. I can handle it, I promise." 
It was like a movie, his reaction. Harry's muscles liquified as he took in her response; the tense in his jaw disappeared, shoulders sunk, and bunched arm muscles slackened. Even his eyelids threatened to close on him. His cock had an opposing reaction, jumping against his stomach, taking (Y/N)'s eye for a moment before she urged herself to match Harry's gaze again to let him know she was being serious. 
"Y'think y'can handle me, angel?" 
That earned him a nod in response. 
A whispered curse floated in the air between them as Harry's body came to life again, muscles tight and unforgiving. "I really hope y'can, love." 
There was less than a second for (Y/N) to process his words before he shifted on the mattress, bringing himself to the very edge of the bed and closer to her face. The hand on her jawline snaked a path back into her strands, fingers threading through the hair fluffed on the back of her head. It only took a single nudge from that grip that had (Y/N) smearing her lips in a kiss over the underside of his shaft, nose skimming his length as she worked. 
A shuddering breath wracked Harry's body, his head falling backwards with the curls of his hair falling down his shoulderblades as (Y/N) watched from under him. He recovered slowly as she kissed over the thick vein vining around his cock before meeting the ridge leading to the head, the tip on her tongue swiping over the sensitive skin. 
Though he didn't seem to have the firmest grasp on his control, Harry told her with his best stern tone, "Wh-When we start again, 'm not gonna stop, 'kay? Said y'don't need a break, so if y'decide you do need one, you've got to stick to our rule." 
Her insides warmed at his concern, no matter what, he was always going to be a worrier, even if what they were doing was her idea in the first place. She placed a single kiss to the glazed head of his prick before she drew away. "Okay, H. I understand." 
She knew that was the response he was looking for when his hand flexed in her hair and a breathless smile curled his lips. A mumbled praise fell from his lips, the words being lost on their way to her ears before she was distracted with that same tight hand in her hair. 
It was a routine by now, the way he eased her over his length. (Y/N) welcomed him with a slacked jaw and gaze peering up at him through the frame of her lashes before it became too much—she became too lost, and had to close her eyes. She waited for him, preparing herself with as even of breaths she could take through her nose as he took her further and further down his shaft. The first glance of his head on the back of her throat had her bracing herself with one of her hands landing on his leg, palm on his shin with her fingers digging into his calf. The hand in her lap became restless, clenching and unclenching with nudges of the heel of her palm brushing at the apex of her thighs. 
Harry hesitated in the rhythm he made for her, the pushing and pulling of his hand on the back of her head stilling for just a moment as a shuddering breath sounded in the quiet of their bedroom. (Y/N) peeked her eyes open at that stall, finding him gazing down at her with his bottom lip being worried between his teeth. When his eyes caught hers, lips around his prick and gaze hooded with a shine of her spit beginning to layer over her chin, (Y/N) hummed around him, her own urging him to continue without words. 
That seemed to be enough for the links of his fingers in her hair to shift, his other hand coming to join in the messy strands of her hair. He pulled her off just enough to leave the tip in her mouth as he moved over the edge of the mattress, his legs braced on either side of her with feet planted on the floor. 
(Y/N) didn't realize what he was preparing for until the first thrust of his hips upwards, his cock filling her mouth though her head stayed just where he wanted her. Her spine stiffened at the feeling, the tip of his cock pushing into the tunnel of her throat. Her instincts urged her to pull back, save herself from the jolt of the intrusion, but the soothing weight of his hand made her stay just where he wanted, savoring the pump of the vein lining the underside of his cock. Instead, she shuttered her eyes and focused on breathing through her nose, however shaky the inhales were.
"Oh, fuck," Harry breathed when he felt the snug fit of her throat grow even tighter as he held her there for a beat, hips lifted from the bed. His tattooed thighs were bunched tightly, muscles stiff and unmoving as he fought to keep from bucking his hips any more. "I-I can feel you, angel—so tight. Go-Good girl, jus' keep breathing." 
Hearing him so breathless, struggling over his words just as she was used to doing, made (Y/N)'s confidence soar as he reared back, backside settling back on the mattress and freeing her airways for a moment. Now maybe wasn't the time to pat herself on the back, but it felt nice hearing him praise her for allowing him to guide her into new territory and to please him like she wanted. With that praise floating in her head, she welcomed the next gentle strokes of his hips into her mouth, saturated cock sliding over her tongue before reaching the familiar home it was carving out in her throat. 
His voice echoed in her ears, calling her a good girl, as she took the initiative and swallowed around him each time he tucked himself far in her mouth. She kept the gagging at bay each time she swallowed, Harry's pleasure being the most rewarding side effect of the tactic.
"L-Look at you, darling," he praised her, voice filtering through gritted teeth, "Weren't lying when y'said y'could handle me, were you? Doing so good swallowing around my cock." 
If she could have, (Y/N) would have smiled at him. If she was being honest, she hadn't been completely sure of herself when she blurted out that promise—the promise that she could handle him, no breaks needed, with his prick being shoved down her throat in whichever way he saw fit. It was nice to know she hadn't been lying to him. 
Instead, she only hummed a keening noise around his length, her tummy tightening when his bucking hips stuttered in their pacing. The moment he recovered he seemed to only be spurred on by that momentary lapse, the rocking of his hips growing faster though the depth of his thrusts didn't change. (Y/N)'s grip on his leg pulsed, the coarse hair under her palm grounding her to that moment. Her blood pumped past her ears in roaring waves, almost blocking out the muttering she heard Harry doing under his breath, his fingertips tugging at the roots of her hair. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he murmured, the cursing seeming involuntary, "Letting me fuck your face—su-such a angel. Go-Gonna make me cum on your face." 
Something in her shifted at the idea of feeling his warmth spilling over her features, painting the highpoints of her face and dripping towards her open mouth. While it didn't inspire the prettiest of pictures of herself, (Y/N) could only imagine the loving praise that would fall from Harry's mouth. 
Slick sounds erupted from around her mouth as (Y/N) laved her tongue over his cock with each thrust he pushed into her mouth. She wanted that now—she wanted the picture of her decorated in his release as he praised her with hearts in his eyes and his kiss on her neck. It was with that thought that she met his hips halfway, disregarding the hands on either side of her face. 
She fixed her concentration onto the pacing of her breathing and the air filtering through her nose as she pushed herself further than Harry had done himself. Harry's own surprise was documented in the way his hips stuttered, stilling as he let her swallow as much of him as she pleased. With her focus on keeping her head from the clouds, (Y/N) didn't even realize just how far she has taken him, how much of his prick has pushed through her mouth, until the tip of her nose grazed the thatch of hair bordering his base. 
With her head moments from floating up into clouds she couldn't even fathom reaching, she realized just how surrounded she was by him; heavy hands in her hair, his length down her throat, thighs on either side of her head with her own hand wrapped around his ankle. The sound of his harsh breathing took over the room, choked and muffled with curse words thrown into the mix as her throat constricted around him and took the little bit of clarity he had left in his brain. 
(Y/N) held herself there for as long as she could stand. Her breathing was stilted, only the smallest amounts of air clearing to her lungs with her eyes watering and head growing cloudier and cloudier the longer she stayed there. His cock pulsed over her tongue, the vein along the bottom throbbing, balls tucked tight against his base with her chin nudging against them. 
He was going to cum, now, right? She probably needed to pull off and let him finish on her face, just like she wanted, but that sounded like too much work in the momen—
It wasn't until she felt Harry's hands in her hair change, his grip stiffening with fingers tight. He pulled her off as gently as he could manage in the moment, the sting at her roots bringing a ping of welcomed clarity when she was pushed back on her heels at his feet. 
Before she could peel her eyes open, Harry's hands in her hair disappeared, the sound of the mattress depressing filled the space between them as she fought for her breath. Finally finding the energy to blink her eyes open, she found Harry laid back on the bad, chest heaving as he sucked in lungfuls of air and his arms splayed out at his sides. 
A breathless, hoarse laugh fell from her lips as she climbed onto the bed beside him. His eyes were closed with his dark curls haloed around his head, lips pink and puffy just like his cheeks. 
"Harry?" she asked, her voice coming out as a croak. She really did take him deep, didn't she?
"Give me a minute," he whispered, sounding exhausted despite his cock still hard between his legs. 
A beat passed as she fought with herself to not throw her leg over his hips and straddle him, wanting him to take full advantage of the moment he was asking for. Was this his red?
"Are you okay?" she asked after a moment, itching to pull his shirt off and place her hands over his chest, dent her fingers into the garden of tattoos on his skin.
It took a minute before Harry seemed to urge his eyes open, the jade green of his irises drained to a forest shade that rivaled the black of his expanded pupils. He took her in, his gaze tracing over her features in slow runs as he took his time. 
"Angel," he started, voice thick, "Y'deepthroated me, and you're wondering if 'm okay?" 
(Y/N) canted her head at his words. She didn't know there was a special word for what just happened.
A breathy laugh fell from his lips as he smiled up at her. "'M perfect, baby," he said, "Had to make y'stop or I was gonna cum, and I haven't even fucked you yet." 
His eyes fell closed again as he sunk his head into the mattress, almost in disbelief at the beginning of the night's events. His tongue peeked out, the tip lining the full of his bottom lip before nudging the ring pierced through the side, his breathing still less than even. (Y/N) couldn't help herself as she watched him, reaching out and dragging a careful finger at the bottom of his shirt, pulling the hem upwards. More and more of his middle was revealed as she dragged her hands over his body: glistening tattoos pasted over tensed muscles, the pink tint to his skin that colored the designs between the black lines, and what she could have sworn was his heart thumping out his chest as she trailed her hand over him. 
Suddenly, just as she was getting close enough to possibly pull the shirt from his body completely, a tattooed hand complete with black painted nails reached out and grabbed for her wrist. Laying her gaze over his form, she traced the column of his neck and the hard line of his jaw until she found his darkened gaze pinned right to her and a smug smile on his lips. 
"No, not yet, love," he stopped her, edging her hand back down his body and pulling his shirt along with them in the process, "I don't think 's fair for me to be the only one naked on m'birthday." 
No wonder she felt so hot, (Y/N) realized. She was fully clothed, a pair of leggings that felt more like an hindrance than anything comfortable still wrapped around her legs and the slouchy sweater she couldn't believe made it through the night. 
Another breathy laugh came from Harry as he watched her reaction, his own hand landing on the thick of her legging covered thigh. He slid up the length of her leg before finding the rounded curve of her bottom from where she sat on her heels. He patted the soft curve, urging her towards the edge of the bed. 
"Go on, love," he crooned, "Get undressed for me, yeah? Wanna look at you." 
That was all it took for him to earn an eager nod of her head and a scramble of her limbs towards the edge. Another deep chuckle sounded from behind her as she landed on the flat of her feet, socks padding over the rug. She could feel his eyes on her back as she raced to join him, to shed layers of clothing that did nothing but keep her from feeling her Harry.
Her shirt was the first to go, leaving only a sheer, white triangle bralette to cover her chest before her leggings and socks were second to join the pile on the floor. The matching pair of panties tucked between her thighs did little to conceal the effect sucking his cock had on her, a wet patch darkening the delicate material. (Y/N) adjusted the cheeky cut of her underwear with her back to Harry, dipping her fingers beneath the waistline of it just as she heard him let out a low whistling exhale behind her.
Looking over her shoulder, (Y/N) furrowed her brows until she found Harry sitting up with his gaze pinned on her, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth and a teasing look in his eyes that matched the tugs at the corner of his lips. "What?" she asked with a smile to her tone. 
Harry shook his head with a lopsided smile and single dimple denting his cheek. "Nothing, jus' like looking at you." 
She couldn't help herself before she was climbing onto his lap, core brushing his uncovered cock. Though a shiver ran up her spine, she didn't lose her smile as she straddled his hips and held his jaw in her hands. 
"You're not supposed to be saying stuff like that tonight, H. Its your birthday, so I'm supposed to be telling you how cute you are." Her argument was punctuated with a brief kiss to his lips, the contact soft and innocent despite the feral way her lips got so swollen in the first place. 
His head tilted in her hands, a teasingly pouted look on his face. "'M only cute? Y'take me all the way down your throat, and all I am is cute to you?"
A blurt of laughter fell from her lips at his reasoning, her hands on his face falling so she could wrap around his shoulders in a hug with her face tucked into his neck. "You can't say it like that," she giggled into his neck, lips brushing the tattoos she hoped would one day include a pair of angel's wings. 
"Why not?" he countered, wrapping an arm around her waist to keep her steady as he jostled at her sudden hug, "That's what happened, right?" 
"Shhh," she teased, shaking her head as best she could in his neck. She melted in his hold, his arm around her waist and his chest against hers being the main things keeping her upright in that moment. Her next words came out in a whisper though her smile was still audible, "You're handsome, too, you know." 
She felt his laugh more than she heard it as it rumbled his chest. "I am?" 
"Mhm, not just cute," she explained, fingers splayed across the warm expanse of his back. She hesitated around her next words, drawing herself closer to him as if she could hide in his arms, "I—um—And, I think you're sexy." 
This earned her a full laugh that rumbled his chest and spilled over her bare shoulder as he held her. "You know," he said, falling back onto the mattress with her lying atop him, "I don't think I've ever heard y'say that about me—call me sexy, I mean." 
Her cheeks were hot as she tried to press closer to him. "Harry, I'm trying. Be nice," she whined, though her pout held little impact through her impending smile. 
"I am, I am," he argued, turning his face in an effort to press his lips against her temple, "Jus' think 's cute, that's all. I like that y'think 'm sexy." 
Hearing the word fall from his lips sounded much less juvenile than it did in her own voice. "Well, I do—I do think that," she whispered into his neck, dotting the skin with a kiss.
"I know, cutie," he murmured to her, words as gentle as his tone. He shifted over the bed with her, the comforter ruffling around them as he turned to her with the tip of his nose skimming her skin, "C'mere and give me a kiss." 
(Y/N) didn't take much coaxing before she listened to his instruction, drawing away from the warm home she made in his neck. Her mouth was smoothed over his in a moment, her bottom lip tucked between his two. She melted into the contact with a sigh that was swallowed by her Harry, her contentment coating over his tongue as he swiped it across her own after parting her mouth. Her arms she had fit around his shoulders kept her stable once she realized Harry was shifting under her, having become too lost in their kiss—the first real taste of him she'd had since retreating from her spot on her knees—to notice him rolling them over until her back was flat on the mattress. 
His arms were a cage around her before they retreated, the ruffled black duvet coming up in tufts around her body as she sunk into her skin, warm and pliant as he moved her. Her head came to rest on the pillows bordering the headboard, black silk cradling her head and splaying delicate strands of hair across the fabric. Harry drew away from her kiss, leaving (Y/N) with uneven breathing and heated cheeks. With delicate hands that had landed on either side of her head once he moved her, he plucked those rogue hairs off her face, disentangling them from her lashes and pulling pieces that stuck to the slick of her lips. His fingers moved like his eyes, delicately over her features in praising grazes of contact. A slow smile made its home on his lips, dimples deep and sweet in his cheeks. 
"You're so pretty, you know that?" he murmured, his voice dreamy and quiet like a secret, as if his prick wasn't pressing into the soft of her tummy, precum decorating the skin. "M'dream girl." 
He knew exactly the effect that specific compliment would grant him: a bashful smile, a flutter of her lashes, and a turn of her head towards her shoulder as if she couldn't handle being under his loving gaze any longer though she lived for the affection in his eyes. That's why he loved saying it—other than the fact that it was the truth, of course. 
"Stop, you're going to make me cry," she teasingly complained, threading her fingers through his hair. 
The smile on his lips only grew at her faux complaint. "You're right," he hummed, shaking his head, "Can't have y'crying jus' yet—that's for after I've had m'way with you, right?" 
She seemed to go speechless at his words, throat dry as she tried to imagine the kind of pleasure carting through her body that would elicit tears. Maybe he noticed the way her breathing hitched or the ratcheting of her pulse under the delicate skin of her neck, but Harry looked all too smug as he took her in. 
"Yeah? Like that idea?" he mused, dropping his head to kiss just where her blood was pumping at a hammering pace in her throat. He shifted over her as he did so, his cock pressing into her tummy, balls hitting her clit with a pressure that made his own prick jump and (Y/N)'s stomach tighten with a too-tight ribbon around her middle. 
In a shy nod, (Y/N) admitted her interest in the idea of being driven to tears by his touch alone. Taking advantage of the hiding place he offered with his bared neck and broad, tattooed shoulder, she whispered into his skin, "H-How would you make me cry?" 
The air in his lungs seemed to be heavy as he exhaled slowly, the air fanning over her skin. "Want me to tell you, or show you?" 
It only took a split second for her to make up her mind.
"Show me." 
A grumbled sigh of approval shook Harry's chest. His smile could be felt against the line of her jaw just before he drew back from her form. Escaping the hold of her thighs, Harry maneuvered to sit back on his heels between her legs. Running a heavy hand through his hair, he looked entirely too satisfied his gaze racked over her form. 
"Turn over for me, lovebug," he commanded, voice gentle and forgiving despite the steely suggestion. 
(Y/N) hesitated for only a moment, her eyes rounding out as she looked up at him with confusion swimming through her irises, before listening to his instruction. Backing up, he gave her space to sprawl over the bedding before she settled with her tummy against the mattress and her cheek smushed into the black satin pillowcase. Her body felt restless with Harry's presence hovering just behind her, the bed giving way under him as he made careful work of spreading her legs and settling himself on his heels between them once again. He'd never asked her to do something like this before, to lay in a position like this. 
With that thought, a stoplight pinged in (Y/N)'s head. 
Lifting her head from the pillow, and looking at Harry over her shoulder, she asked, "W-What's your color?" 
She just barely caught the way a smile bloomed over his features in a slow tug from the corner of her eye. Planting his fists on either side of her waist, Harry lent forward with that same tender grin and dropped a kiss to the full of her heated cheek once he was close enough. 
"'M so green, angel," he crooned into her skin, the full of his lips grazing her cheek, "What's your color, hm?" 
Nodding her head as best she could, she reveled in the familiar contact of his mouth pressing into her skin. "Green—I'm a little nervous because I don't think we've done something like this before, but I have good butterflies over it." 
His smile only grew at her explanation, the curve felt against her skin one more time before he dropped another kiss and lent back. "Good," he murmured, "Tell me if your butterflies change then, alright? We only want the good ones." 
Another nod of her head came as she sunk back into the black cased pillow, her cheek smushing into the down. "I will, daddy." 
Harry's eyes could be felt dragging over her skin as (Y/N) allowed herself to melt into the bedding with eyes closed. Despite the butterflies over the new position, she was comforted by the reminder that this was her Harry. He was going to take good care of her, no doubt. 
"Y'look so pretty spread out like this, you know that?" he mused, "You're right, I think. I've never had you on your tummy like this before, have I?" Though she was sure it was a rhetorical question, one of his musings he put out into the world for no other reason than to fluster her, she still hummed an agreement and shook her head as best she could. Harry hummed in response, his hands coming to lay on the backs of her thighs, palms warm and heavy over the soft skin. They made a teasing pass over the skin, his fingertips brushing against the crease where her thighs met her ass and lingered for only a second before repeating the trek downwards to safer territory over her skin. "Thinking I should do it more often, though, don't you think?" 
At this point, with his hands tracing a trail over her skin and his voice reverberating in her ears and echoing through her system, (Y/N) was sure he could suggest anything and she'd agree whole-heartedly, no questions asked. That was how easy it was for him to earn a nod of her head and a keening confirmation that she loved where his mind was going as he gazed at her body.
His appraisal of her body lingered for moments longer, Harry muttering praises beneath his breath that had her skin heating and tummy turning just before he stopped with his hands on her sides. His fingers wedged themselves between her hips and the bed before giving a gentle tug. "Budge up for me, angel." 
Lifting her hips, she did as told while Harry reached for a pillow laid askew on his side the bed. The plush square was folded beneath her hips, helping to prop her up as she let her weight sink into the down and the bent knees she planted on the bed. Her body was presented to him with her ass up and pussy on display with the help of her spread legs, the damp patch she felt clinging to her form no longer hidden. 
"This alright?" he asked her, refitting himself behind her, the slope of her body allowing only an obstructed view of him now. 
His question earned a quiet nod of her head, her breathing hitching when she felt the press of his hard cock on the inside of her thigh. 
"Still green?" 
"Still green, daddy." 
He hummed as he allowed his hands to settle on her raised hips, fingers splayed across the soft of her skin. It only took a moment for those same fingers to wiggle their way underneath the waistband of her panties, the cheeky cut of the fabric digging into the cheeks of her bottom. 
"Wish y'could see how pretty y'look for me like this," Harry murmured, his gaze burning almost as hot as his hands on her skin, "Got your ass up in my face like 's m'birthday present. Best birthday I've ever had, that's for sure." 
Absently, (Y/N) felt her back arch at his words, presenting herself to him in a way she hoped would garner more praise from her position. If he liked her butt, she wanted to make sure she gave him every bit of the present she was being described as. 
A breathy laugh was heard from behind her before the exhale fanned over her heated skin, the amused sound being punctuated with a whispered cutie, falling under Harry's breath. He stayed quiet then as he took her in, his hands under the line of her panties shifting until his heavy palms groped at her bottom. The inside of (Y/N)'s thigh grew wet as a blurt of precum leaked over the skin. 
"Y'like showing off for me like this?" Harry asked, a mocking edge to his tone that made the butterflies in her tummy sing and flutter, "Showing me your cute little ass and wet pussy though your panties?" 
Her lungs twisted, unable to hold much air in them as she listened to Harry. She hadn't quite thought of it as showing off when she arched her back for him, but maybe there was something to be said about the way she lent back into his touch and only wanted to do more—show more for him and see if he liked it just as much as this view. 
Harry exhaled another laugh when she pushed back against his hands. The motion caused his hands to graze over her backside, fingertips denting the delicate flesh and thumbs hooking into the fabric of her panties. Her underwear collected on the webbing between his thumb as forefinger, the clinging material following after him and pulling up tight against her bottom. (Y/N)'s breathing hitched when she stopped, Harry having taken over and tugged at her underwear until the fabric was bunched tight between her cheeks, showing off the full of her ass. 
(Y/N) fell still under his hands as one of them disappeared, the mattress depressing by her feet where she assumed he had planted his fist in the bed. That left one of his hands on her body. His palm lazily dragged over the waistband of her panties, a low breath being let out behind her as Harry's fist wrapped around her underwear, just above where majority of the fabric was bunched between the split in her backside. Even the front of her panties was tugged back, the outline of her slit clear as day through the sodden fabric as it was retched back. 
His grip tightened until all that was seen was a white sliver in the cleft of her bottom, a satisfied hum sounding from Harry at the view. 
"Knew y'liked showing off for me," he drawled, voice thick and heavy as he gripped her panties tighter and pulled just a hair on the waistband, the fabric beginning to wedge itself between the folds of her pussy. A sharp jolt was delivered through her system as her underwear pressed unforgivingly against her clit before Harry let up on the tug, her thighs relaxing now. "I don't blame you," Harry continued, knocking (Y/N) out of her stupor that even stopped her from breathing, "not at all, angel. Y'have such a pretty body, no reason to hide it—especially from me." 
The free hand she figured was planted by her feet returned as his thumb appeared at the apex between her thighs. The pad of his finger pushed against the clear split outlined through her underwear, trailing up and down in the same teasing runs he delivered when he was grazing her bare skin. He prodded gently at where he knew her weeping hole was, (Y/N) jumping when she felt the brush of her panties being pushed against her tight opening. Harry soothed her in quiet coos as he moved onto the top of her slit, where her clit was bundled against her fabric. 
"Gonna whine for me again if I touch y'here?" he murmured, the tip of his thumb just barely pushing against her clit as he spoke. 
The only response he got was a wet gasp as her mouth popped open, unable to suck in enough air in anticipation. 
He didn't hesitate then to smear the pad of his thumb over her covered pearl, the sticky fabric wetting his finger. Just as he suspected, (Y/N) felt her body sag at the relief of feeling something pressing into her—anything giving her the kind of pleasure she'd been aching for since she found herself at Harry's feet. 
Harry played with her, grazing over her in light circles that barely allowed anything to register other than the lingering brushes of his thumb. (Y/N) was only halfway aware of the arch to her back and the way she pressed back against him in hopes of earning more of his touch. She could have cried the second she felt his hand retreat, all the pleasure and the warmth leaving along with him. 
"H-Harr—" (Y/N) was cut off by her own moan, the second half of his name dying on her tongue when she felt a soft smack of his hand laying across her center. 
"Angel," Harry hummed, both hands now soothing the back of her thighs as if to make up for the momentary sting delivered to her most delicate parts. "Wanna tell me your color?" 
Her answer struggled its way through her throat, the priority of breathing taking precedent in that moment. The lag seemed to worry Harry as his presence behind her shifted, his hand landing on the outside of her thighs before he hovered over her back, necklace dragging cross the knobs of her spine. He was closer now as she could tell by the heat seeping into her skin from his chest and the rumble of his voice into her ear.
"'S okay if 's not green, okay? Tell me how y'feel and we'll work together to make y'feel good, remember?" 
Something akin to panic tugged at her tummy. He thought she didn't like it, didn't want that hot rush that followed after his hand departed from her pussy. He thought she wanted to stop—or slow down, or anything that wasn't continuing exactly what he started. 
"No, no," she rushed, shaking her head, eyes cinched shut with her cheek pressed into the down of his silken pillow, "I'm green, I'm green! I liked that—d-don't stop, please, daddy." 
Harry's breathing changed, the even paced exhales and silent inhales disappearing in a hitch. "Y'liked that, angel? Promise?" 
"I-I promise," she agreed as quick as she could get out the words, "I liked it, daddy." 
A kiss was draped to the cuff of her shoulder before Harry dragged himself away, taking his seat back between her legs. His hands on her thighs rounded to the backside again, one trailing dangerously close to where (Y/N) swore she could feel a flutter of a faux-heartbeat. His honey-thick gaze was almost as tangible as the hands she felt on her as she waited. 
"Then, I guess I'll jus' have to do it again, won't I, angel? Can't say no to you when you've been so good, telling me all your colors and being so sweet letting me be rough with you. 'S the least I can do to spank your pussy like y'like, isn't it?" 
Gosh, when he says it like that... She definitely had a second heartbeat. 
Before she could even form any kind of plea, she felt the loss of his hand on the back of her thigh before a swift smack was delivered to the softness between her legs. A gasp escaped her lips, body jolting at the extra bit of strength he added to this particular swat. A moment of reprieve was granted in the way Harry bent over and pressed a kiss to the curve of her bottom, his once offending hand now running laps along the back of her thigh in soothing runs. She knew she must have calmed down enough on the outside when Harry retreated, leaving only one hand on her thigh and the other waiting to deliver what (Y/N) was beginning to crave. 
A third swift spank came with a soft thump of his palm against her pussy, this one the hardest of the trio though still extremely gentle, Harry using the barest amount of his strength. (Y/N) arched her back at the contact, her clit throbbing in the aftermath. Her body vibrated like a cymbal for a moment as she didn't even attempt to collect herself.
"Oh look at that," Harry awed, his palms slipping down the backs of her thighs and settled on her calves, "Got your toes curling and everything. Y'really do like this, angel. Gonna have to remember that one." 
(Y/N) didn't even realize she was nodding her head until she heard Harry's adoring laugh filter through the room along with a declaration that she was so cute following right after. His touch shifted over her body then, traveling up the backs of her thighs to the soft of her ass before working under the waist of her panties. (Y/N) prepared herself for another of those teasing tugs to be given to the fabric, pulling it tight against her form, just before the opposite happened and Harry took them down. The underwear lingered over her center, the wet material clinging to her for a moment before it gave and he could work it down the soft of her thighs. She helped him as he pulled them down the length of her legs, lifting her knees and feet when he needed until her panties joined the pile on the floor. 
Now bare except for the flimsy make of her bralette, (Y/N) felt especially vulnerable in her position with Harry behind her. There was no way she could hide now, each of her reactions and most intimate places left on display for her lover. Harry's breathing was heavy behind her in the way she could picture his chest heaving with a pink flush coloring through his chest tattoos before working up his neck in search of his cheeks. She would even bet that the tip of his cock was now the same flushed red shade that matched his lips after he bit them or allowed her to kiss them to her heart's content.
"Look at you, lovebug," he crooned as he shuffled behind her, his knees knocking into her own before widening their berth, "You're so wet for me. Must have been really torturing you if you're this sticky, hm? Letting y'suck m'cock only to pull y'up here like 'm going to fuck you, but I jus' keep playing with you instead. Gonna have to take good care of you to make up for it all." 
(Y/N) didn't even think before she pushed up against him, his cock nudging at her inner thigh while her pussy kissed at the bottom of his tummy. The only thing that rung through her mind was his promise to take care of her now, that it was her turn to feel satisfaction. 
"Please, please," she pleaded, "I want you, Harry." 
His voice was strained as he spoke again, "Don't worry, love, you'll have me." His soothing came along with the feel of his palm landing heavily over the small of her back, fingers splaying out. 
One cursory rock of his hips slid his cock up against her pussy, slipping between her folds and brushing the underside along her pearled clit. (Y/N)'s cry was cut off with only half of her oh my— making its way out of her mouth before the rest fizzled in her throat. Harry's own praising groan was loud between the walls of his bedroom, loud enough (Y/N) heard it over the rushing of her heartbeat in her ears. 
She needed that—needed him—in her right now. That was going to be the only way her body was going to settle enough to be present in the moment with him, she knew that. 
Harry seemed to be on the same page when he asked through his ticked jaw: "Are we using a rubber tonight, love?" 
"No, no, I just want you, please," she bubbled, the response coming like second-nature. She wanted to feel all of him tonight, nothing to separate them. 
A whispered celebration of fuck, yes, slipped out of Harry's mouth, the words bringing a small smile to (Y/N)'s lips. Nice to know she wasn't the only one that liked that they had the option to go without now. 
"Tr-Try to stay up on your knees with your back arched for me like this, yeah?" Harry started, one of his hands fitting between the both of them, assumedly to grab for the base of his cock, "But if y'get tired, I gave y'that pillow for a reason. It'll hold y'up if y'need it, okay?" 
"Okay," she peeped out, already steeling herself in hopes of staying in position for him. She was still on her mission to be the best little birthday present he'd ever had, anyway. 
"And you'll tell me if your color changes from green." 
His words were less of a request and more of a direct order (Y/N) still nodded her confirmation to. 
"And, you'll tell me if yours changes?" she asked a moment later, voice breathless. 
The hand splayed over the small of her back moved in a soothing run over the line of her spine. "I will, love, don't worry," he assured her through a smile she could hear. 
(Y/N) felt the knock of his knees hit the inside of her own as he adjusted his stance behind her just before her heart was pushed off rhythm when the tip of his cock brushed the bump of her clit. A sigh escaped her lips at the contact, Harry's hand at the small of her back working to soothe her with his thumb circling in the dimple at the base of her spine. He continued to coo to her as he ran the head of his prick through her folds, collecting all of her wetness to join the glaze of his precum and the wet of her saliva over his shaft. 
"Ready?" he murmured to her, always the one wanting to double check with her. 
"Please," she answered, voice floating between them on a broken breath. 
Harry didn't waste anther second before he nudged the crown of his cock at the opening of her wetness, her walls fluttering at the minimal contact and making it that much harder for Harry to slip inside. 
"Relax, baby," he crooned, voice as soft as his fingertips on her back, "Want me in, right?" 
"I do, I do," she confirmed, her words running together in her haste to get them out, "I'm just ex-excited, I'm sorry." 
A huffed laugh sounded from behind her. "'S okay, love. 'M excited, too, trust me. Jus' relax a little so I can give y'what y'want." 
She let out a murmured string of okay, okay, as she nodded her head into the pillow beneath her cheek. Taking deep breaths, she felt Harry working another circuit of his cock through her slit, willing herself to calm down and settle when she felt him nudge at her entrance one more time. Keening into the bed, the arch of her back deepening, she felt him push in, the head pushing through her clinched walls. 
"There we go, baby," he praised her, slipping further and further inside once the ridge of his crown popped inside, "Doing so good for me." 
(Y/N) felt a smile curve her lips at his words, willing herself to keep the clenching of muscles to her thighs as he pushed forward before bottoming out. His thighs were pushed against the back of her own, balls flush against her, with his hands shifting over her heated skin and grabbing at her hips. Harry stilled inside her, allowing for an adjustment period she still needed no matter how many times he had her. 
With his thumbs following the flared line of her hips, (Y/N) felt his warmth spread over her as he folded himself over her back. The hard muscles that lined his chest and stomach were pressed against her back just as she felt the pillows of his lips press a kiss to her shoulder. 
"Harry," she whined without meaning to, the call quiet between the two of them. 
"'M here, 'm here," he cooed, dropping another kiss to the corner of her lips, "I've got you, love, don't worry." 
He earned an absent nod of her head with his reassurances before her next sentiment left her mouth: "I love you." 
His smile could be felt against the full of her cheek before he proceeded to try and kiss her through the curve. "I love you, too." 
Harry lingered over her for a few more moments, cradling her with his own body before smearing a kiss on her shoulder and straightening out his spine. He gave a cursory rock of his hips behind her, nothing more than a short grind of his pelvis into her center that knocked a breathless moan loose from (Y/N)'s chest. 
"More," she requested, the word more delicate than she intended with the breathlessness of her voice. 
Without hearing anything other than a short, rumbling hum from Harry, she felt the loss of his body as he reared back, her mourning was short-lived before he was pushing into her again. Harry bottomed out with a sigh, this new position allowing him to press as deep as he could into her without the cradle of her legs stopping him. 
"Y'feel so good, baby, so fucking good," he said, voice strained. 
(Y/N) wanted to say something back, tell him that he felt even better, that she felt so full with him inside her and he'd never been deeper, but every sentiment died in her throat when he gave her another deep thrust. Without a condom, she was able to feel every vein and ridge lining his cock, the head nudging as far as she'd ever felt him. Her walls fluttered around him as he curated a rhythm that had the breath knocked out of her with each stroke inside. The only other sounds that could be heard over her breathless moans was the slap of his skin against hers and the growing wetness that slicked his cock with each thrust. 
She couldn't help herself but bury her face in the pillow under her cheek, each of her breathless calls of his name and the heavy slices of air that came tumbling from her lungs now muffled by the down. Her body jolted with every heady thrust he delivered to her center, cock sliding through her walls, hips smacking into her bottom, and balls tapping her clit in way that felt similar to the way his hand had been brought down on her earlier. Her toes curled over themselves as she steeled her legs to keep from giving out and to ruin the position she was in for her Harry. Even her hands were bundled into the deep black of the duvet, wishing they were instead threaded between the fingers pinching at the full of her hips. 
Harry gave a particularly hard roll of his hips, the stroke quick and cutting though he lingered as he worked the crown of his prick against her farthest walls. (Y/N) couldn't stop the cry that left her mouth in a wet gasp, the Oh my gosh!, muffled by the pillow just before one of his hands on her hips disappeared. His unrelenting rhythm never ceased even when she felt that hand reappear in her hair, familiar fingers threading through her strands and tugging at the root. Though he was still much more gentle than she was sure other people would have been committing the same act, (Y/N) was still pulled away from the sanctuary she found in his pillow at the force of his grip, neck bared against the satin. 
"No, not allowed to hide from me like that, angel," Harry grumbled, breathless and panting though his command still maintained a steel edge, "Gotta let me hear you, or 'm stopping, alright? Be good for me." 
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, daddy," she bubbled, voice throaty given her position, "I won't do it again, I'm sorry." 
"'S okay, baby," he told her, another roll of his hips delivered when he bottomed out, balls pressing into her swollen clit, "I know y'don't mean to be bad, 's okay. Daddy's still got you." 
His fingers left her hair in soothing runs over her scalp before he pet his palm over her mussed strands. As she adjusted herself to lay with her cheek smushed into the pillow once more, she felt his hand settle on the back of her neck, a welcome weight that reassured her that he really did have her. 
"Feel good, angel?" he asked her, hips stuttering when she felt her insides tighten at the use of her favorite petname, "L-Like having me like this?" 
"Uh-huh," she breathed, "Y-You're so deep. It's like you're in my tummy."  
When she heard the groan that worked its way out from behind his sternum fill the room, (Y/N) cracked open her eyes just enough to see him over the curve of her shoulder. He was a dirty dream as he thrust into her, raspberry lips parted and swollen while his attention was fixed on where he was disappearing inside her. The curls of his hair acted as a dark curtain falling around his shoulders, though the smallest of baby curls were pasted to the sides of his face and gleamed with sweat. His skin was covered in that same sheen of perspiration, animating his tattoos as he flexed his muscles and worked himself in and out of her at a rewarding pace. The length of his arm was on show with the way he had it stretched over her back with his palm pressed into the back of her neck, bicep tight while his grip was gentle. 
"Y-Yeah?" he gritted out, "Y'like that?" 
"Mhm," she hummed, sucking in a deep breath before it was knocked from her lungs by the driving of his hips, "I w-want more—want you everywhere." 
Harry's response came in the form of mumbled praises that (Y/N) was too gone to hear, only knowing that he said anything by the way his lips moved. His hand on the back of her neck shifted as she watched the muscles in his arm flex, his palm sliding down the line of her spine before rejoining the one that remained on her hips. She watched him work over her for a moment longer before she realized the strain on her hips he was putting on her, as if he were pushing down on them. 
"Harry, I-I can't—You're p-pushing—" 
"I know, angel," he murmured to her, "Jus' relax and lay into your pillow a little, okay? Gonna make sure 'm everywhere for you, like y'want." 
She didn't have much room to ask any questions, especially when she got the okay to lose the position that was beginning to make her thighs and back ache. Slowly sinking down into the fluff of the pillow propping her hips up, the slope of her body decreased until she was raised up only at her hips with her knees sliding out from under her until only a small bend remained. 
Harry slowed behind her, his grip on her switching to cradle the curve of her waist. (Y/N) used that moment to recover as she felt him shift behind her, her breathing coming in even paces now that he was warming himself inside of her instead of knocking her breath from her lungs with each stroke. Her eyes fell closed during this moment, leaving her only to feel Harry's body hover over hers. 
Unlike earlier in the night, Harry didn't settle with hovering over her. He allowed the weight of his body to press into her back, sinking her into the bed below her. The familiar cradle of his chest and stomach returned with the blocky muscles now heavy on her body as he pressed into her back. He tucked his face into her shoulder, his breathing coming out in humid puffs that clung to the bare of her skin. 
(Y/N) felt her insides pulse when she realized what he was doing: she felt him everywhere. 
His mouth was pasted to her skin in smearing kisses while he gave rocks of his hips into her, not even pulling his cock out before he was trying to press deeper into her. His body was heavy over her own, not allowing her to feel anything but the sheets beneath her and the hot press of his body from above. 
"This alright, baby? Can feel y'clenching around me." His tone was deep and lazy as it sunk into her pores, not even bothering to lift his mouth from her skin before talking. Just another bit of him she now felt inside her. 
"Y-You're everywhere," she keened, a wet gasp falling from her lips at the feel of his grinding hips.
"This is what y'wanted, right?" he breathed. 
"Yes, yes, daddy," she cried, "Thank you, thank you." 
Harry's smile was imprinted on her shoulder. His thumbs on her waist worked soothing circuits over the curve, a gentle reward for her politeness she couldn't seem to shake. "Good girl, so polite." 
As much as she was reveling in the full contact he was granting her with his body pressing her into the mattress, she was missing the heady strokes of his hips into hers. (Y/N) couldn't help herself before she hooked her ankles around Harry's own legs, the vining curve of her legs urging him into her while she pressed her bottom back into his hips. 
A breathy laugh was delivered to the back of her shoulder while his hands on her waist solidified their hold. "Yeah? Ready for more?" 
That was all it took for Harry to rear his hips back, crevices created between their bodies that left her cold for the moment before he was pushing into her again. With how close she wanted him, he didn't dare pull out of her as far as he had been before, instead staying near her and sinking into her with shallow thrusts though his pace quickened. 
His panting could be heard loud in her ear, his own breathing mimicking the knocked tempo of hers. With every bit of their bodies pressed together and the matching pace of their breathing, (Y/N) swore she wouldn't have been able to discern who was who in that moment; where one of them began and the other ended. She liked that. 
Just as her fingers began to curl into the tuft of bedding she was sure she was going to rip a hole into by the end of the night, one of Harry's hands abandoned her waist only to wiggle between her palm and the distressed patch of duvet she was imprinting her nails into. The second (Y/N) realized he was trying to hold her hand, she was quick to replace the comforter in her grip with his fingers threaded between her own. Her heart squeezed at the fact he still wanted to hold her hand in a moment like this. 
The familiar contact was enough to ground (Y/N) as Harry relentlessly thrust into her, her clit swollen and aching with each smack of his balls against the sensitive pearl. Even her eyes began to burn as she took in every inch of space that was being set ablaze by Harry's touch. If this was how he planned on making her cry tonight, he was definitely achieving as much. With his hand in hers, (Y/N) acted on instinct as she brought the bundle of limbs up to the pillow beside her head. 
At first, she only pressed innocent kisses to the line of his thumb. She could hear Harry's amusement at her affection in the breathless laugh that sounded between grinds of his hips, though he never dared to pull his hand away. Once she reached the tip of his finger, swollen lips kissing at the black of his fingernail, she gingerly pulled him into her mouth. 
The hard muscles of Harry's stomach twitched against the small of her back, pelvis stuttering as he drove into her, when the wet of her mouth enveloped the tip of his thumb. A whispered curse was smeared into her skin as he allowed her to pry his digit away from the bundle of their hands,  (Y/N) taking him in her mouth until his finger was completely wrapped in the warmth of her mouth. She sucked over his thumb much like she had with his cock at the beginning of the night, her tongue contentedly moving over him in lazy strokes. 
For (Y/N), this was, more than anything, another way to have him with her—another avenue to be close to him in the middle of all the lengths they were going to to be as near as possible to one another. It was comforting to have him in her mouth, anyway, and she knew Harry liked it when she sucked on his fingers, too. 
As much could be seen in the way he began to breathe like the wind had been knocked out of him and his cock twitched and throbbed inside of her. "Fuck, you're gonna make me cum if y'keep doing that," he panted, voice seemingly dipped in honey and rolled in gravel with the way it rumbled through his chest and poured over her skin. 
(Y/N) only nodded her head in jerky motions, his thumb still cozied in her mouth, wanting to feel exactly what was churning behind his stomach muscles that were still pressed into her back. 
"Y'want that? Want me to cum for you?" 
"Please," she lisped around his thumb, the word sounding a lot more like pleathe. 
His sweats slicked forehead dropped against her shoulder, the curated pace he had made with the rolls of his hips coming undone as he seemed at war with himself. After a moment, (Y/N) all too content to lay right there with Harry all around and in her, she felt him shake his head. 
"I can't, baby, not yet," he told her, words coming out through gritted teeth, "Wanna see your pretty face when I cum, 's that alright?" 
The thought of being face to face with him again tugged at the bottom of her heart, urging her to smile though she was much more occupied with Harry's finger pressing into the pad of her tongue. Reluctantly, she drew it from her mouth, now spit slicked and shining in the low light of his bedroom. 
"I wanna see you too," she told him, voice hoarse, "I miss you." 
Harry's voice was unsteady as if he were on the verge of tears as he spoke, "You're so cute, baby." 
Just after pressing a heavy kiss to her cheek, Harry peeled himself off her back. His hand retreated from hers though he still offered her a small squeeze before he situated himself between her thighs once again. Pulling his cock from her warmth, she was left without any connection to him aside from his thighs pressed into hers. She felt cold laying there without him, hips still raised by the help of his pillow under them. 
(Y/N) didn't have a chance to finish her question before Harry barred his arm under her waist and flipped her over under him. He untangled the mess of her legs and pushed the pillow off the bed, as he positioned her just where he wanted her before she could even collect her head and reorient herself. 
"There y'are," he crooned as he placed himself between her thighs, her bent knees on either side of him, "Missed your face, too, angel." 
Her hands were quick to cradle his face between her palms, her smile bright though she was leaning towards exhausted after all that had happened since they stepped into his bedroom. She used that grip on him to tug him down for a kiss, missing his lips and detesting the fact they'd barely kissed all night. Harry was a more than willing participant to make up for the lost time, slotting his lips between hers and chasing the taste of the mouth he'd missed all night. 
Distracted by the taste of his tongue slipping over her own and the comfort of the familiar act, (Y/N) hadn't even realized he slipped one of his hands between them until he lined up his cock with her weeping hole and he slipped right inside with a slick noise sounding in the room. He swallowed the aching sigh that escaped her mouth, the breath laying over his tongue before he shared it with her. 
The tempo of his thrusts was much less curated this time around, evidence of the fact that she really was about to make him cum just a minute earlier. He kept kissing her, their mouths slick and wet against each other, even as he dragged his hands over her sides, tracing her form down her legs until he reached and found the line of her shins. His palms were heavy and sweat-slicked on her soft skin. 
Harry pushed against her, pressing her calves flush against the backs of her thighs. Even then he kept pushing, using the strength she had fantasied about on her pliant body until he had her folded over with her thighs pinned to either side of her body and Harry had unfettered access to her center below him. 
(Y/N) threw her head back at the first thrust Harry delivered at this new angle, mouth dropped in a gape though no sound came out. It rivaled that of the depth he achieved behind her, though this time she was able to see him. He shifted above her as he rolled his hips, his knees depressing into the mattress on either side of her to angle himself that much deeper inside of her. Her feet dangled just over his arms, his fists pressing into the bedding to help hold him up as he fucked into her. 
"H-Harry," she whined, her hands on his cheeks shifting until her fingers curled around his shoulders, nails digging into the soft flesh. 
"I know, I know," he panted, lips smeared over the column of her throat, "Feels so fucking good, so fucking good." He punctuated every sentiment with a stroke of his hips, nudging deeper and deeper inside of her every rock of his hips. "I love you, baby," he told her, voice broken and gritted out through a ticked jaw. 
She abandoned the hold on his shoulders in favor wrapping her arms around his neck. Tugging him to her, she fought to press her lips to his in a frantic kiss. "I love you too, H, so much," she cooed, "H-Happy birthday." 
His smile was felt against her mouth. "Thank you, baby," he smiled, "Best little present I've ever had, you are." 
Her own mouth curved into a smile just as Harry delivered a particularly hard thrust to her center, the base of his cock grinding against her clit relentlessly as he lingered. A broken moan made its way out of her mouth as she turned her head to the side, leaving Harry to work his mouth down her neck while her cheek was smushed against the pillow. Instinctively, she shifted to wrap her legs around his waist, toes curling against his back while her walls mimicked her hold all around him and wrapped around Harry's cock in snug ripples. 
"Oh, fuck, 'm gonna cum, angel," he groaned, words coming out over broken breaths and poured over the curve of her throat.
She almost felt panicked at his admission, her legs unraveling from around his waist. The vision of her face painted in his release he'd given her earlier in the night reappeared at the forefront of her mind. He wasn't supposed to finish like this.
"Wait, wait," she rushed out, Harry immediately slowing at her request, "I-I want it on my face." 
Her cheeks flooded with heat at the sound of her own words, the invitation sounding especially depraved with the breathlessness of her voice. But, gosh, the second that picture entered her mind, of her with his cum spilling over her face while Harry moaned above her and praised her for being so pretty with him all over her, she knew that was all she wanted to end the night on. 
Once Harry processed her words, there was something like awe filling his gaze before his features crumbled and he had no choice but to drop his forehead to her chest. His breathing was nothing more than shoddy pants spilling over her skin, humid and weak. 
"D-Daddy can do that for you, baby," he promised, though she knew what was coming next. "Are y'sure y'want that?" 
"I-I am, I am," she keened, "Please, please, H. Let me be good for you."
His cock twitched inside her, nudging the spongey spot Harry made his own, as he breathed into her skin. He lagged behind in response for a moment, no movement other than the heaving of his chest against hers. 
"I-I will, angel, I will," he told her once he found his voice, "Gotta make y'cum first though—gotta be good and cum first, then I'll give y'what y'want." 
(Y/N) nodded her head on instinct, to reassure him and herself that she was going to be good for him. "I'm close, Harry, I'm close, please." 
No response was given as he instead dropped his head to smear a line of wet kisses along her throat and down her chest until he hit the line of the bralette still covering her breasts. He made quick work of that, slipping one of his hands between their bodies and ripping the cups down to sit underneath the curve of her chest. The peaks of her nipples were hard as he took one between his lips, licking his tongue over her before sucking as much as he could into his mouth. (Y/N) keened into his touch, back arching and pressing him harder against her breast. The tip of his nose could be felt grazing her heated skin from where he lay over her, enough of a touch to make goosebumps erupt over her. The hand he bundled between their bodies moved down until his fingertips traced over the bud of her clit, making it that much harder for (Y/N) to keep a clear head. All the while, Harry drove his hips against hers in deep thrusts, a relentless pace being curated in hopes of bringing her over that edge she told him she was already close to. 
"C'mon, darling, cum for me," he murmured to her after he released her breast from his mouth only to move to the other and repeat the motions. 
The circles he was making around her clit grew tighter and tighter until the pad of his thumb smeared heavily over the pearled bud, her legs shaking on either side of him. It was all too much, she needed something to ground her, something to remind her of the moment she was in and not get lost in the pleasure the would take her somewhere she'd never been before. 
With her arms around his neck, (Y/N) urged Harry off her breasts and back to her mouth. She drew him in for a messy kiss, mouths not quite lining up right, but she didn't care. This was enough for her, to leash her back in and make it that much easier to cum knowing that this was still the love of her life hovering over her. 
That was all it took for the spiral that ribboned in her tummy to tie into an unbelievable knot, coiling around her muscles and stealing her breath, then unraveling. 
"Oh my—Har-Harry!" she whined against his mouth, eyes shuttered tight while her hands were fisted behind his neck.
Her toes curled and her back arched, breasts pressed against his sweaty chest. Nothing made sense while her body shook and ran to keep up with her head that was threatening to float up to the clouds and stay there. Harry was the only point of clarity in her mind as she repeated his name in breathless calls, his fingers on her clit and heavy hips working her through the haze to the otherside. He followed her in those moments that her orgasm wracked through her body, gently kissing the corner of her mouth and whispering sentiments she wished she could hear over the rushing sound filling her ears. In the smallest part of the back of her mind, she realized that the tiniest of tears had begun to leak from the corner of her eyes and into her hairline. 
Aftershocks settled in the second his touch became too much, feeling too good to actually revel in the pleasure. "T-Too much, Harry," she breathed, absently shaking her head.
It was then that Harry's own body seemed to bow under the pressure that had been lurking under his muscles. His hand left her clit and his forehead dropped to her shoulder. Every inch of him seemed to liquify except for the hard cock tucked snugly inside her shuddering pussy. He seemed content in just laying over her, basking in her own orgasm with mutterings of how she was such a good girl for him, cumming so hard for him like he wanted, but that wasn't what (Y/N) needed right then. 
"You're turn, H," she told him, voice as steady as she could manage as her arms slipped from around his neck and stopped with her hands on his sides, "You still need to cum, too." 
As if he just barely remembered the request she'd had minutes earlier, Harry's body tensed and his cock throbbed. "Still want me on your face?" 
The way Harry groaned as he slipped out of her told her just how on edge he already was before he started kneeing this way over the mattress. His cock was wet with her own orgasm, the ruddy head glimmering while his precum threatened to leak from the slit. (Y/N) watched from under him as he stopped and hovered over her chest, knees on either side of her body while his own chest heaved with heavy breaths. His eyelids fell over his eyes in a lazy hood, lashes dark like his smudged liner and curling in the low light while his cheeks matched the flush coloring his chest. His lips even matched the red color of the tip of his cock, spit slicked and swollen. 
"Ready?" he breathed, a hiss escaping his lips once he wrapped his hand around the base of his prick. 
"Uh-huh," (Y/N) answered, her hands reaching to land on his thighs, fingertips denting the tattooed skin. "I want it, H, please." 
His eyes squeezed shut as he listened to her, his hand stroking over his shaft in frantic runs. The slick noises filling the room almost made her want to shy away, knowing that it was her own slick that caused that sound. But, there was never going to be a time where she passed on watching Harry make himself feel good with his fist around his cock and face twisted in pleasure. With her much clearer head, she wanted to remember every detail of this vision of him above her, stroking his cock and breathing out obscenities. 
When his hand stuttered over his length and a bead of precum fell from the tip and landed on her chest, she knew he was close—seconds away, if she was lucky. She tightened his grip on his thighs in anticipation, eager to feel everything he had to offer. 
"Fuck, fuck, 'm cumming, baby," he gritted out, his features crumbling as he jerked his cock. 
The first rope of cum landed over her lips, her open mouth catching most of it with the pad of her tongue. (Y/N) jerked back at first, startled, but soon fell into contentment as soon as she saw how much Harry liked it with the way he couldn't draw his eyes away despite the fact the rest of him was succumbing to the pleasure. He worked over his cock, drawing out more and more of his cum that landed on (Y/N)'s face in streaks that splayed over her cheeks, chin, and mouth—stray beads even landing on the bridge of her nose. If not for the fact she didn't want to get anything in her eyes, she would have watched every second and committed this to memory for any lonely night she couldn't sleep in Harry's bed. 
Once the last stroke splashed across her cheek, glancing over the height of her cheekbone, with nothing following right after and Harry's groans quieting to huffed breaths, she peeked her eyes open. He kept going, fist over his shaft, though he seemed to be spent, finally. It wasn't until she saw him visibly shudder from oversensitivity that he relented, hand falling from around his sensitive cock. He moved on shaky legs to leave his position above her until it was safe for him to slump into the ruffled bedding beside her with the full of his weight.
Harry didn't waste time before he was hovering over her again, propped up by his elbow with dark eyes taking in the state of her face. That look of awe crashed over his irises again as he gazed down at her. The look only heightened when he watched (Y/N) flick her tongue out and lap up the streaks that landed across her lips as best she could. 
He still didn't say anything as he dragged his finger through a rope that landed over her cheek, a little too close to her eye, before returning that finger to her mouth. (Y/N) knew what he wanted as she licked over the digit, cleaning the cum he scooped up for her. A breathless groan left his mouth as he watched her, her tongue slipping back into her mouth now coated in white. 
"Jesus Christ," he cursed before slumping back against the pillows, even the sight of her apparently too stimulating in the moment. 
(Y/N) only had time to let out a breathless laugh, moments away from cleaning up her face by her own hand before Harry reached over the side of the bed and returned with his discarded shirt in his hand. 
"Oh, angel," he cooed to her when he wiped his shirt over her face in careful runs, collecting the streaks of his cum, "Y'have no idea how pretty y'look right now, do you? Y'almost made me cum again right then when y'looked at me like that." 
A shy smile curled her lips as she leaned into his hand, letting him clean her up. "I don't feel very pretty right now, but I'll take your word for it." 
Once she was cleaned up and his shirt was thrown somewhere in the direction of his hamper, Harry didn't bother to respond before he caught her lips in a kiss. The taste of him lingered over her tongue, but he didn't pay it any mind as he laid his affection heavily over her mouth, as if he hadn't seen her all night. 
"M'sweet girl," he murmured, quiet and lazy enough that (Y/N) wondered if he knew he was saying this all out loud. "So, so good for me. So brave, and gorgeous. Thank you, baby, thank you." 
With his hands cradling her cheeks, she smiled into his kiss. "Happy birthday, Harry." 
He crumbled at her well wish, his own mouth now pressing into a smile that mimicked hers. He drew away just enough to press his forehead to her own with the tip of his nose grazing the side of hers. Their lashes tangled at the proximity once he dared to open his eyes, (Y/N) already waiting with her own exhausted gaze. 
"I love you," he murmured, voice like a secret between them. 
"I love you, too," she reciprocated without hesitation.
That earned her one more kiss before Harry reluctantly drew away. He jerked his head in the direction of the bathroom, eyes tired and adoring. "Go wait for me in the bathroom, and I'll get some pajamas for us before we clean y'up, 'kay?" 
Though she didn't much like the idea of being separated from him right then, (Y/N) still nodded her head. She needed to use the bathroom anyway. 
Harry sent her off with a pat to her bare bottom as they crossed paths on the way to their separate destinations. Behind the bathroom door, (Y/N) took care of her business and cleaned herself up before washing her hands. The cool water on her palms was a welcome shock from the heated state her body had been in since setting foot in Harry's bedroom. With her chilled hands, she readjusted her bralette to cover her chest, feeling a little too exposed now that Harry wasn't with her. 
She only had a moment to yearn for him before he was knocking on the door before cracking it open. 
"Is it alright if I come in, baby?" he asked her, waiting for her hum of approval before he stepped over the threshold. He found her lent up against the bathroom counter, thighs crossed to protect her modesty with arms barred across her middle. A bright smile molded his features as soon as he took her in, a black t-shirt bundled under his arm as he shut the door behind him. A pair of dark green sweats covered his legs, but it was abundantly clear that was the only article of clothing he bothered to put on with his bare chest and lack of boxers peeking over the waist. "I only grabbed one of m'shirts for you," he told her as he held out the black shirt to her once he was close enough, "but I can pick some sweats out if y'wanted to wear some tonight." 
(Y/N) was quick to shake her head. He should know her better than that. "No pants," she murmured, taking the soft fabric in her hands before pulling it over her head while Harry let out a soft laugh. The top landed at the mid of her thigh and slouched off one shoulder, the article old and worn and even too big on Harry, but it smelled just like him and held signs of distress from years of love. It was her favorite thing already. "Thank you," she said as she flicked her hair out of the neckline. 
"Of course, love," he beamed at her, reaching for her hips before lifting her to sit on the countertop. Her back was to the mirror, where her line of skincare products was set up for the weekend sleepover they were planning. Harry trailed his gaze over the line before absently brushing his hands over the thighs that cradled his hips where he stood between them. "What first?" 
"Hm?" she hummed, twisting her neck to look behind her where his own gaze led, "What do you mean? 
"Told y'we were going to get y'cleaned up, right? You've still gotta wash your face after all that." A sly grinned worked its way over this mouth as he acknowledged what had gone on in his bedroom under the light of the bathroom. 
"Oh," she sounded, cheeks heating at the reminder, "Um—I need to wash my face first. That's this one." She picked the correct bottle out of the line, moving to slip off the counter and wash her features before Harry stopped her with his hands on her thighs. 
"Let me do it," he said, conviction laced throughout his words. Before she could utter the question she was sure was on her face, Harry pecked a kiss to her nose. "Yes, 'm sure. Jus' tell me what to do and we'll get y'cleaned up." 
"O-Okay," she stuttered, speaking through her smile, "We need to get my face wet first, then we just wash my face with my cleanser until its all foamy." 
She knew exactly what had clicked in his brain the second that a teasing glint flickered through his gaze though he tried to remain nonchalant as he ran the faucet with water flowing into his cupped hands. 
"Could've jus' done this part out there then," he started off innocently though his grin was anything but as he used his cupped hands to wet her features, "Since your face was already wet, anyway." 
"Harry, stop," she whined, though it held no conviction as she spoke through a grin rivaling his own, "Don't say it like that." 
"Sorry, sorry," he relented as he pumped some of her cleanser onto his fingers. 
A look of concentration settled over his features as he pressed his saturated fingers to either cheek. He moved in gentle circles over the planes of her face, his gaze following each run of his hands as he waited for the suds to appear. 
(Y/N) sat in pampered contentment under his attention, eyes fluttering closed after a moment, his ministrations far too relaxing to ignore. 
"Thank you," she peeped, careful to not move her mouth too much as he worked. 
"Of course, baby," he told her, voice sounding absent as his attention was fixed elsewhere, "Gotta clean up my mess, don't I?" 
With her eyes closed, it was much easier to utter her next words though she was sure Harry would be able to feel the resulting heat that filled her cheeks. "I liked being your mess." 
His fingers stuttered for just a moment over her features, his reaction lagging until she opened her eyes again. She found him with his bottom lip tucked between his teeth, pupils dilated as he dropped his gaze to her own mouth. 
The sound of his name seemed to shake him from whatever moment he was having. Clearing his throat he returned to the faucet, swiping a handtowel from the rack before running it under the water. "Think we're good to wash off." 
She only nodded her head, fingers fumbling with the hem of her borrowed shirt in her lap. Was that the wrong thing to say? 
Harry stayed quiet as he wiped the foam of her cleanser from her face, taking care to keep from brushing too harshly or grazing her eyes. 
"What next?" he asked, voice graveled as he kept his gaze trained to the line behind her. 
"I—um—I have it all set up in order, so the toner's next," she instructed, feeling shy now that Harry took her comment the wrong way. 
Even with her direction, he took his time reading the next bottle in line before picking it up, shaking it well before tilting her head up with a tap under her chin. She did as instructed, closing her eyes as she felt the mist of her toner land over her face as Harry sprayed it out. He fanned her face for a moment just as the bottle instructed before he tucked it away, this time not asking for any guidance as he ran his eyes down the line. 
With the next product warmed on his hands before Harry began working the serum into her skin, his eyes dropped to her mouth once more. 
"Y'like being my mess, y'said?" 
"Harry, I—" 
"'S okay, angel," he soothed her, a quiet smile on his mouth, "Jus' had to wait a second before I dragged y'back to the bedroom with me." 
"Oh," she sounded, feeling a little silly now as Harry ran his fingers over the line of her nose, "I thought... I didn't know if that was the right thing to say when you didn't say anything." 
Harry seemingly rolled her words around as he canted his head, reaching for the next product behind her once this one had sunk in. "'S the right thing to say if you're ready for round two, but I think we're both a little too tired for that tonight, aren't we?" 
(Y/N) agreed in a shy nod, dropping her gaze to her lap before Harry tipped her chin up again with dots of her eye cream on his fingers. Instinctively, she looked up under her lashes before Harry mimicked the motion he'd probably seen from her thousands of times as he dragged his fingertips gently over her undereyes. 
"Was there anything you didn't like tonight?" Harry questioned.
Refraining from shaking her head, (Y/N) felt the heat under her skin inch higher over her features. "No, I-I liked everything." 
"Everything?" he pressed, a teasing edge to his tone. 
She was forced to match his eye contact once he was finished with applying her eye cream and reached for the final step of her moisturizer. Just as she thought, there was a layer of amusement soaking in his irises with the beginnings of a lopsided smile tugging at the corner of his lips. 
Swallowing, she found her voice around her fluttering heartbeat. "You made me feel really good tonight, H. I liked everything." 
With a scoop of her face cream doled out on his fingers, he didn't stop the smile from spreading over his features. "Everything," he mused under his breath, rubbing her moisturizer into her skin, "Gonna have to remember that." 
"Harry," she whined, wishing she could hide her face. 
"What?" he countered, shaking his head though his smile never waned, "Don't have to be shy, you know. If I didn't like it too, then I wouldn't be almost hard again jus' talking about it, would I?" 
(Y/N) chanced a short peek down his body. He was telling the truth. 
Harry only shook his head again, catching every second of her perusal of his body. With a final swipe on her nose, he pressed a gentle kiss to the soft of her lips before backing up from the cradle of her thighs. "All done, angel." 
Hopping off the counter, she gave him a gracious smile that stretched her cheeks and warmed her skin. "Thank you, Harry. I know I'm supposed to be taking care of you since its your birthday, but I really liked that. It felt nice having you do it." 
"Anytime, love. 'M happy to help," he murmured, dropping a quick kiss to her forehead before reaching behind her. He came back with both of their toothbrushes and a tube of toothpaste in his hand. His free hand nudged her to the sink. "C'mon, last part then we'll lay down." 
Taking her pink toothbrush from his hold, she waited as he positioned them in front of one of the sinks, Harry beside her. After wetting the brush, Harry put a a squeeze of the minty blue toothpaste he preferred onto the bristles, his hip bumping hers as he stowed the tube away. 
(Y/N) met his eyes in the mirror as she began to brush her teeth, aware of the way he was making a point to be careful not to nudge her with his elbow. He winked at her as soon as she caught his gaze, white foam beginning to collect at the corners of their mouths as they worked beside each other. Another slight bump to her side was delivered by Harry's hip, as much of a smile as he could manage around his toothbrush forming on his features. The curve only grew when (Y/N) reciprocated his teasing, a delicate bump being administered to the mid of his thigh from her own hip. 
Once it was time, Harry tugged her before the sink, letting her spit and clean up first before he followed. He gave her a soft smile in the mirror before murmuring to her to c'mon, that it was time for birthday cuddles before bed. (Y/N) would have skipped to the bed if not for how exhausted she was, climbing under the ruffled bedding after kicking the discarded pillow on the floor towards the hamper. They were going to have to do some odd laundry tomorrow. 
Harry joined her with open arms, his chest an inviting pillow as he cradled her into his side. Resting her head on his chest, she curled in on herself with her gaze pointed down towards their feet and one of her hands flat on his tummy. Sinking into the mattress, (Y/N) felt Harry's body relax under her with his chest expanding in a deep breath. 
"You had a good birthday, H?" she asked once her eyes fluttered closed, hooking her ankle over his under the duvet. 
His heartbeat under her ear fluttered but was quickly overshadowed by the rumbling of his voice. "Had the best birthday, angel. Don't know how we're gonna top this one." 
"I'm sure we'll figure something out," she smiled, her huffed laugh fanning over his stomach. 
"I already have a few ideas," he teased, his voice dropping an octave. A beat passed before he spoke again, his voice soft, "But really, I had a wonderful day, thanks to you, love. I had so much fun with you." 
(Y/N) couldn't help herself before she planted a delicate kiss to one of the roses tattooed on his skin. "Love you," she mumbled, growing sleepier the more she felt his voice rumble under her ear, "Happy birthday."
Harry's arm around her clutched at her hip, bringing her flush against his side. This time, she was allowed to hear the full symphony of his heart stuttering and fluttering. She liked to think that was because she told him she loved him. But, maybe that was just the call of her dreams talking. 
The last thing she heard before she was tucked away in her dreamland was Harry murmuring into her hair: "I love you, too, angel. Can't wait to spend all m'birthdays with you."
combined a couple of requests to put this one together but hope everyone enjoys it!! thank u all sm for reading and sorry for any mistakes!! if you have any ideas or requests of ur own please please send them in!
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jarofstyles · 2 years
Harry taking care of a drunk y/n <3
I love the concept… this is dilfrry taking care of a drunk Y/N
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“Did y’knooooow.” A finger came out and ‘booped’ Harry on the nose. The slurred voice of his lover was something that made him smile, his arm around her waist as she had clambered up on to his lap in the booth.
“Did I know what, my darling?” Fingers arranged messy strands of loose hair from her flushed skin, a slight sheen of sweat coating his forehead and making her cheeks damp. It was a bit endearing, seeing her be so open and free in the club they were at. She had asked again for him to come with and he had the weekend off so of course he would follow his little love anywhere she asked.
“That- that you are the sweetest, prettiest, most sexiest man in the entire fuckin’ world!” She whispered the last part of the sentence, ending with giggles that made his chest hurt. She was so fucking cute, his love, her arm around his shoulders tightening as she used her free hand to grip his cheek. “And the facial hair… god, you look so fucking gooooood.” It was ended in a pout. In her drunk mind, Y/N was irritated at how sexy her boyfriend was. It was sober thoughts coming from her drunk mouth considering how much she grumbled about it being unfair that he looked as good as he did.
“Yeah? Y’like it that much?” He chuckled, feeling her finger press into his dimple with a dreamy sigh.
“Mhm. I love it. Feels good when you’re between my legs. Tickles a little. But you just look so…. Mmm… mature. Hot. Mountain man vibes. Rustic aesthetic. But… classy.” She murmured, examining her lovers face up close. His freckles and his brows…. “Hm. Gotta let me pluck your brows again, please. When we get home.”
Harry knew that was a disaster waiting to happen based on her glossy eyes and the slur in her speech, and he very much valued his eyes without being poked in them. “Hm… tomorrow morning, pet. Tonight we are going to relax when we get home. Are you ready to go? Had enough fun on the town?” He joked slightly which made her break into giggles. It wasn’t that funny but to a drunk Y/N? Harry was the best comedian there was. It did wonders for his ego.
“Yes! You’re so funny.” She pressed her lips to his cheek for a slew of kisses that made his stomach warm with love, the large hand on her back pulling her forward so they were wrapped in a hug. The other went down to pull her dress back down so no one caught a glimpse with her straddling him like this.
“Thank you. But we can go. How about… we go get you some greasy food to sober you up a little bit, hm? A drive through? And then we can go get in the shower and have a proper cuddle.” He suggested it knowing that she would love the idea. Her body hugged his tighter, a gasp leaving her throat as she pulled up to look at him with teary eyes.
One slipped down her cheek and Harry began to panic slightly at the tears, but she spoke before he could.
“Really? We can get food? Harry baby, I’ve been so hungry… it’s like you knew!” She whimpered. “My tummy…. S’screaming.” Her voice dropped to a whisper as if it was a secret for him. “We need to go. And… can I get a milkshake? Strawberry with the sprinkle whip cream?”’she sniffled, giving him the widest, most drunk moon eyes he had ever seen. Thumbing away the tear, he nodded.
“You can get extra whipped cream and a large fry, baby. Anything you’d like. But let’s go now before they close.”
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hsgucci94 · 2 years
Her first
Summary: The one where Y/N joins One Direction on tour and decides to lose it to Harry.
Content warnings: first-time sex, fluff, ~ you might actually fall in love ~.
Word count: 2k
A/N: i’m a sucker for cute long hair harry, so in my mind this took place in 2015, while One Direction was still on tour :’)
Harry's lips tasted like candy..., maybe because they were so pink and fluffy, or maybe because he had just been eating some of the one Y/N bought from the candy shop around the corner. Either way, his lips were addictive, and she always found herself gluing them to hers whenever she had the chance.
Another day, another kissing session, and she was not complaining at all. Ever since she joined One Direction on tour a couple of weeks back, neither her or Harry had been able to stay away from one another for too long. They ate, walked everywhere and practically spent their days together. The only two moments along the day where they weren't inseparable were when he was onstage and when they both went to sleep. They'd been together for four months now, but so far, they hadn't taken it further than kissing. They hadn't had the chance to just yet. In fact, this was the first time they were kissing in such an intimate place: his bedroom.
Parks, friends' parties, and even backstage: they had kissed almost everywhere, but always open-pit. Which was something that came to Y/N’s mind the moment he rested his hand on top of her knee. Nothing he hadn't done before, but when he had, there were people around and in that moment none was.
“I…,” she gulped, suddenly pulling away from him. She bit the inside of her cheek while she looked away. Her heart started beating hard against her chest, resounding through her ears.
Harry frowned, quickly fixing his posture, as well as the noticeable boner that had started growing in his jeans, "ls everything alright, baby?"
She could feel her cheeks turning red, while her anxiety was slowly but intensely making an appearance after days of barely hearing from her. She would have lied and told him she was fine, but the sweat in the palms of her hands and her sudden stutter gave it away before she could come up with an excuse.
"Y/N?" he softly spoke, both scared and concerned, "What's wrong?"
"I... l'Il come by later."
"No," he carefully wrapped his hand around her wrist, keeping her sat on the bed, "Tell me, please. I can't let you leave the room like this," he gulped, "Did I... do something?"
No... Yes? The whole situation was embarrassing to the core, she thought to herself.
"I, um-" she bit the inside of her cheek so hard she made herself bleed, "This level of intimacy... I've never gone further than a few steamy kisses, Harry. And now you, um, you're getting a bit excited down there and...", she could only murmur those words, unable to bring her voice to sound normal while she mouthed them out.
For a split second he just stood there, looking at her, until he finally understood what exactly she was trying to say. His eyes opened slightly, his lips parted, before a relieved sigh escaped from them. The corners of his mouth curled into a smile.
"Oh, God... You almost gave me a heart attack, Y/N." He chuckled, shaking his head. Her cheeks were now even more red if posible. He noticed them; it was hard not to. "It's me, baby." Harry reminded her, "No need to feel embarrassed."
"But it is embarrassing,” she replied, still fighting to get her voice back to its normal tone.
"Why?," he frowned.
"Because..., because I'm inexperienced, Harry."
"So? Listen," he then stretched one of his hands for her, his palm showing, and when she put hers on top of it, he smiled, "I like you, I thought it was obvious?" a shy smiled appeared on her face, "You're dead gorgeous, funny, sweet and caring, just to sum up. I couldn't care less wether you were a virgin or not, trust me. It's fine by me either way," he assured her.
He had kind of got the hint a few days back anyway, when she suggested sleeping in separate rooms. Somehow he was just waiting for her to tell him with complete confidence. He thought they had already reached that point in their relationship where they both could practically talk about anything, but he might had been a bit wrong.
She looked him in the eyes, but didn't say a word.
"You don't believe me, do you?”, he giggled, and she didn't contradict him, which was enough for him to know she actually didn't.
It was not exactly that she didn't believe his words, she just found it hard to understand he didn't care as much as she did about her non existent sexual experience. She was 21 years old and still hadn't shared that type of intimacy with anyone. There was no way he didn't think weird of her, she thought, but apparently he didn't.
"Okay, I know what we're gonna do. From now on, you set the pace. We will kiss, cuddle or whatever whenever you want to and you feel like it. You wanna hold my hand? Feel free to do it. You wanna lay on my chest and play with my hair? You're more than welcome to. Intimacy is not just sex, baby, is everything. It's a closeness in attraction and appeal of thought, emotion and physical language. All three, actually, not just the last one, which we can forget about for now. How does that sound?"
By the time he stopped talking she was speechless, too caught off guard from all he had previously said and how good his words made her feel.
"Y/N?”, he called her, trying to get her to say something. Anything, really. Instead of trying to form a coherent sentence, something she was just not able to do after hearing him talk, she looked down at hers and Harry's hand glued together and entwined her fingers with his, slightly squeezing them as an answer.
"What if..., what if I told I was ready?"
"Then I'd kiss you like I was a few minutes ago and l'd try my best to make you feel good," he said, "Sex is fun. And when you feel ready, we can try it together. But don't feel pressured to do anything you're not comfortable with, okay?"
She nodded, and he brought her to him, her head now resting on his shoulder. "I really wanna do it, though," she admitted.
"Won't you rather wait a bit?"
"A bit more you mean?" she lifted her face to look at him, giggling, and making him giggle as well.
"Are you sure about this? I don't mind-," she didn't let him finish, and pressed her lips against his instead. "Alright, got it," he chuckled, "C'mere."
He grabbed her hand, and walked them both to the side of the bed, where they stood in front one another as they both carefully stripped down their clothes, their eyes constantly fixed on the other.
"Fuck, you're perfect, Y/N. Every inch of you is," he murmured, his eyes going up and down her body as she simply stayed there, not even having the urge to cover her skin with her arms because she was not feeling uncomfortable at all. Harry was looking at her as someone would look at art in a museum, entirely taking in the sight of her that was in front of him: her chest, her waist, her belly button, the scar right under her hips…, everything.
When she laid on the mattress, he did, too.
"I need you to spread your legs for me. That's right," he smiled at her when she did, his hands on the inside of her tights to keep them open while he positioned between them.
When he was at her entrance, he checked with her one more time to see if she still wanted to go on, and when she gave him a nod, it wasn't enough for him, "I need to hear you say it."
"Yes", she replied, a nervous smile between her lips, and that's how he got the green light.
"It's gonna hurt a bit, baby... I'Il try ease the pain, though.” When she felt him inside her, she momentarily held her breath. "I need you to relax," he murmured, pressing their foreheads together, "Play with my curls, yeah? I know you love that. Get distracted with them, while you keep on looking at me so I can read your face at every move. Can you do that for me?”
She nodded, burying one of her hands in his hair, the other grabbing a piece of bedsheet to pull at whenever the pressure hit harder. He leaned in to kiss her, pressing his lips to hers before moving them somewhere else as he got deeper into her, always being careful not to be too harsh with every movement; he didn't want to hurt her.
He used his kisses as a distraction, to make the whole process feel less uncomfortable and painful for her. He left them on her neck and on her collarbone. In the back of her ear as well, where he soon learnt she had a soft spot that made her slightly shiver whenever his lips brushed against it. Soft movements and calculated thrusts helped him navigate inside of her until he reached his final destination, his body slightly shivering on top of hers when he did. His head fell on Y/N, his long hair tickling her cheeks while his face was hidden in the crook of her neck.
He then moved his head up and looked at her, "You did so good, baby." She blushed a bit. "I promise it'll only get better from now on," he pressed his lips to hers, making her smile mid-kiss. He slowly pulled out of her, murmuring a few "Sorry, baby.…. I'm sorry," whenever she made a grimace. She was still a bit too sensitive.
Harry got ride of the condom, before laying next to her on the bed, one of his arms grabbing her by her waist to turn her to him, her face now just inches away from his.
"How are you feeling?"
Y/N smiled at him, caressing his cheek, "I'm achy, but I'm okay." He nodded, smiling too, and kissed her lips again.
"I need you to go to the bathroom and make sure you pee. I'll wait for you right here to cuddle." He then moved his body a bit to let her out of bed.
A few steps later, she was already sat on toilet. She hadn't even bothered to switch on the light; it was going to be quick. She smirked, casually realising what had just happened a few seconds back.
"And that, folks, is how you lose your V-card to Harry Styles," she shouted. She heard his hysterical laugh right away, which only made her smile bigger.
"Hurry back, you crazy woman. I want cuddles!"
When she went back to bed, he anxiously pulled her to him, locking his legs with hers. His cock slightly brushed against her leg, but she pretended she didn't feel it. Instead, she focused on his embrace, on his emerald green eyes and his rosey lips that adorably smiled at her.
"Can I sleep here with you tonight?”, she said after some time, enjoying the closeness she was experiencing with someone for the first time.
"Tonight and every night if you wish," he replied, kissing her on the forehead, "I'd hate to see you leave to your room one more night."
"I'd hate to leave, too," she admitted.
"That's it, then, it's been settled: as of right now, we'll share the bed wherever we go." She giggled, fully agreeing with that statement.
After some more late night talking, her eyes started to feel way too heavy for her to keep them open, and ended up falling asleep in Harry's arms, him drifting away not much later.
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gucciwins · 2 years
Public Father 
harry promised her family would always come first but what happens we he loses sight of what's important?
Word count: 12523
A/N: hi friends! i feel like it's been forever since i posted but at last here's something new. it's dad harry and i feel that's always a treat except well there is lots of angst mixed in. happy reading!
Warnings: angst, mentions of drinking, small mention of infidelity
please send me a message with your thoughts of the story
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Harry has been happily married for six years. He married the love of his life at the age of 24 and now, at 30, still loves her deeply. If anything, his love for her has only grown because she gifted him two perfect children. 
Wesley is five and in love with the piano. He got the love from both him and Y/N. While Harry was introduced to the piano later in life, Y/N had begun playing at age three and never stopped. It seems Wes liked it just as much. 
Josephine, three years and growing. She refuses to pick up any instrument but is constantly running around with a paintbrush or crayon, ready to write on any blank space (that her mother allows her to).
Life is good. He has a loving wife, two kids, and a dog named Scott because Ant-Man is the children's favorite superhero, and his wife has a lot of love for Paul Rudd. He does as well. 
Harry had released a new album and is just coming back from a six-month tour in America, happy to go meet his family at his son's piano recital. He was still private, keeping work and family separate, even more so with his children, never posting their faces online, and any glimpse people did get was just off the back of their heads. He will never jeopardize their privacy, especially because he knows how much it means to Y/N to give them a choice to be in the spotlight or not. 
His flight arrived later than planned, but he wasn't worried. His wife was already there, telling him they had to arrive early. 
She had to deal with dressing a three-year-old who lived in her paint-dried overalls and getting her son to let her put a bowtie on him for the performance, something he didn't enjoy but knew he needed for the musicians he saw wore them. He wanted to follow in their footsteps and be like them, so Wes let her. 
Harry didn't know all his wife struggled with as basically a single parent as she couldn't easily join him on tour for months on end. She didn't want to pull her kids out of the routine they had created. He agreed and told her he'd call and be on a flight home if she ever needed him. Y/N knew how important touring was, but when she called him that both kids were running high fevers, that she was scared and needed him. 
He didn't answer. 
That was the first crack, with many soon to follow. 
She cried and cried and instead called her best friend, Isha, who rushed over and helped her take them to A&E. The doctor gave them medicine, and it reduced the fever. He said she did the right thing bringing them in, especially since they both had a fever that wasn't lowering. She cried on her way home as her children were finally able to drift to sleep. 
Harry didn't call back until the following day, saying he was sorry he missed her call, never once mentioning her voice message. She brushed it off and told him she missed him. Y/N let him speak with Wes and Jo, who were bouncing around better than the night before.
She knows he's not the only one to blame, but it's not all on her either. Y/N puts everything into her children. She loves them and always wants them to remember that. She is a full-time employee as a data analyst and is thankful she can bring her work home because she hates leaving Jo with a sitter when she knows the young girl can be shy even if she knows the person. Jo prefers being with her or Harry. Y/N would never push her too far when all Josie wanted was comfort. 
Harry rushed into the auditorium of the private primary school. He took hours to convince Y/N for their son to attend. She gave in when he told her they would help him with his piano lessons and that they did. He'd excelled and learned to read the music with practice. It also helped that Y/N would sit with him as he played. 
"Hello, love," Harry approaches his wife, giving Y/N a kiss on her cheek and then her lips when she turns her head. 
"Hi, you made it," she breathes out, shoulders relaxing. 
"Of course, the flight got delayed." 
"Where's my munchkin?" Harry asks, peaking at the empty seat where his little girl must be.
"Went to get a snack with Isha. I saved our seats." She offers for him to slide in.
"Got us good ones." They were sitting in the second row, the inner aisles seats for accessible exits if needed to tend to a crying toddler. 
"Yes, it pays to come early, I guess." 
Harry settles down, brings his wife close to his chest, and breathes her in. He's happy to be home. As much as he loves being on stage, there is nothing better than being with his family, with the love of his life.
"Think Isha can take the kids? I want to show you how much I missed you." Harry playfully nibbles your neck.
Y/N would love that, but her children always come to mind, "promised the kids a dinner at home with their Daddy who they missed." 
"Can't argue with that."
"Not opposed to a shower once they go to bed." Y/N throws in, knowing how important reconnecting is for them.
"That's my girl."
Y/N hears small steps down the aisle and turns her head to see her daughter running down. She giggles not too loud to not draw attention to herself until she comes to a stop at the aisle where they are sitting.
"Hi, Mummy." The smile on Jo's face is bright, calling for all the attention to be on her.
"Hello, my gorgeous girl. Got a snack." Y/N points to the closed cookie bag in her hand.
Isha arrives, cool as a breeze, her marron jumpsuit hugging her tightly in all the right places showing off her curves. "She had it already. I think it's kicking in." 
"Yes, this is for you, Mummy." Jo hands off the small treat to Y/N.
"Why aren't you the sweetest? Thank you for thinking of me." Y/n leans in, placing a loud kiss on her cheek. Jo's cheeks turned red at the extra affection but never pushed Y/N away.
Isha sits next to Y/N, handing her two waters, where she places them in the cup holders as Jo walks a little farther in to not block the walkway.
"Look who's here, angel?" Y/N brushes Jo's wild curls behind her ears. She peeks over and finds Harry staring at her with a wide grin.
"Hi, my love, missed you." Harry softens his tone, opening his arms, ready for her to rush towards him, but to his surprise, she doesn't. 
Jo nods but doesn't move towards him. Instead, she reaches up to be seated in Y/N's lap. Y/N doesn't question her but turns her to face Harry. She rubs a gentle hand down her back, noting how she's grabbing the end of Y/N's dress.
Harry doesn't falter. "Missed you. Thought of you every day. Got some presents for you waiting at home." No reaction. "Do you want to give Daddy a kiss?" 
She reaches her arms up towards his face, and Harry thinks she wants him to carry her, but Y/N stops him. "She wants to hold your face, lean down." Harry does as she said. His daughter's tiny hands land on his cheeks, and she gazes into his eyes before a smile takes over her face. They must be wearing matching smiles because, in the next second, she leans forward to place a kiss on his nose. "Daddy." 
"That's right, bubba. I'm your, Daddy." 
Josie loses interest after that, going for the cookies Y/N opened for herself and Jo because she knows the young girl wouldn't be able to help herself. Harry turns his focus to the stage where a teacher has begun announcements to shut off all noise on electronics and to make sure the flash remains off when taking photos. 
Harry was buzzing in his seat to see his son perform. He was proud of Wes and his confidence in embracing his talents, just as his wife did at his age. Pretty soon, he might even follow in Harry's footsteps. 
The first few performances went in the blink of an eye as Harry clapped for each one, always trying to see if he could see Wes peeking behind the curtains; he did not. Until finally, it was time. Wes Styles was announced and out walked his son, who had grown taller in the six months he had been away. Facetime is different from seeing his son and his family in person. Harry frowned because that means he didn't get to mark his month's growth against his bedroom door with him as they'd done previously. He brushed over that small fact because he knew Y/N would take care of it, just like she did everything else. 
His son glanced at them with a timid smile before looking down at the keys. The stare lingered on his fingers for a second before he took a deep breath and began to play a beautiful melody. 
After the short-minute song, Harry, Y/N, and Isha all stood cheering loudly and proudly for Wes. His son waved and did a bow, then rushed backstage as he awaited for the final two students before he could reunite with his family. Harry could not stop squeezing her thigh, proud of their son. 
One final time all students come on stage for a final bow and then are dismissed. Y/N set Jo down, allowing her to toddle over to her older brother with the large bouquet of flowers in her hands. Isha made sure to record their hug as Y/N was quick to get overwhelmed with tears. Wes noticed Harry right behind Y/N, and as excited as he was to see his father, his number one person would always be his Y/N. Wes was a total Mummy's boy. Y/N held her son tightly, pressing kisses on his cheeks as Wes basked in the affection. 
"Proud of you, angel." 
Wes smiles, his dimples on full display. "Thanks for your help, Mumma." 
"Always, darling." She presses one last kiss to his face before standing up, allowing Harry to have his turn. 
"Hiya bud, you were incredible." Harry gets down to Wes' height, arms wide open, and Wes doesn't wait another second before launching himself in his father's arms. It had been months. Harry missed his kids. He missed being home. He was glad to be back. 
"Are you proud?"
Harry brushes back Wes' curls, similar to Harry's when he was that age. 
Y/N frowns, overhearing her son's question, while Harry doesn't even think twice about it. 
"Extremely." Harry hugs his son one last time before letting him go. 
All begin to walk out together, except for Jo, who wants her Mum to hold her. Harry offered to carry her, but Josephine insisted that it be Y/N only. Who was Harry to make his little girl unhappy?
"We'll meet you at home then. Made Wes' favorite dinner to celebrate." Y/N tells Harry as he helps Wes buckle up, and Y/N settles Jo into her seat, a pout on her face. 
"Actually, love, I got us a reservation for the kids' favorite pizza place." Harry grins, taking his eyes away from Wes and meeting Y/N's, who cannot help but shake her head because, of course, he did. 
"Pizza alright with you, Mr. Pianist?" Y/N looks at Wes, waiting patiently in his seat.
Wes nods eagerly, telling them to get in already. 
The drive is smooth with their children filling the car with their singing to the Frozen 2 soundtrack. They can never seem to get enough. It's one of their favorites. 
Dinner goes as smoothly as Y/N hoped. There is laughter and conversation constantly flowing. Wes talks Harry's ears off while also speaking with Isha. Jo sticks to her side most of the night, eating from Y/N's plate, not wanting to eat the pizza Harry picked for her. It seemed Jo didn't want to share Y/N with Harry for the night. He didn't mind, not when he knew he'd be getting Y/N all alone later. 
As Y/N sees her children beginning to yawn, she knows it is time to head home. One look towards Harry, and he's pressing a kiss to her cheek and going to pay the bill. 
"It's nice he's home," Isha comments. 
Y/N nods. "I've missed it." 
"Let's see how long he's here." 
She sighs because as much as she defends Harry, Isha is right. There is no telling how long he is home until the work begins. 
"I'll always have you," Y/N squeezes her hand. 
"Of course, you will, but I want you to have him as well." 
Y/N knows she's right, "I'll speak to him."
"All ready to head out?" Harry asks quietly, seeing that Jo is fighting off sleep. 
Y/N leads the way out, carrying Jo looking behind her to see Isha holding Wes's hand, sending a smile. Harry steps forward to get to the door when Y/N stops him seeing a few people loitering outside with cameras in hand. 
How did they even find him? Jeff had assured Harry and Y/N endlessly that no one knew he had landed back in London. 
So much for privacy. Y/N asks Jo softly to cuddle close, placing the blanket she carries in her bag over her head. Isha scoops Wes up and drapes her coat over him. Y/N hates doing this. Her kids are accommodating to this because they've had to do it many times already.
"You can take the back exit," Harry tells her, frowning at the paparazzi.
"What?" She asked, confused. 
"Yeah, I'll handle them. Take Isha's car. She still has the seats, right?" 
"But Harry–"
Harry shakes his head, "we'll make it home at the same time." 
He quickly kisses Y/N's lips, and then she follows the waiter, who was kind enough to show them out while Harry braced the paparazzi on his own. 
As Harry catches sight of Isha's car driving away, he walks out with all the focus on him. The camera-ready smile is on as he walks towards his car with them all following along. 
"What were you celebrating, Mr. Styles?" 
With pride, he answers, looking at the man who asked, "my son had a piano recital tonight and was brilliant." 
"Must be really proud," someone else chimed in. 
"Hard worker just like me," Harry shared. 
Harry lets them ask a few more questions before bedding them goodbye with one final thought. "Last thing I want to say is talented, and I'm proud to call him my boy." 
He arrives half an hour later, never stopping to text her that he was not right behind her like he promised. Y/N sighs as she finishes picking up the last few scattered toys Jo managed to miss making into her toy chest when she heard the front door close. 
The kids are now both bathed and in bed. Josie was eager for a goodnight kiss from both her parents, but after a fresh shower and Y/N combing her hair, she settled down quickly. Wes was still waiting eagerly in his room, waiting for Harry to give him a kiss goodnight. Storytime used to be Harry and Wes time, but Y/N took over that, and now both enjoyed reading a book with fewer pictures and more words. 
Harry walks in quietly, not saying a word. 
"Took a while, H." 
"Yeah," he murmurs. "They wouldn't leave me alone." 
Y/N nods before gesturing up the stairs, "Wes is waiting for a goodnight." 
"Leave me the easy part, huh." Harry steps close to her, pressing a chaste kiss to her lips. "Thanks, love." 
After seeing that downstairs was all tidy, she goes up, ready for her own shower to wash the day away. She passes Josie's room first and sees her deep in sleep, her ducky tight in her hold. Next, Wes' room and knows all is good with the small chatter inside. It's nice to have Harry home.
Y/N's undressing in their bathroom when the door creeps open, and Harry stops to stare. She doesn't mind. She's missed being in his presence. 
"Did Wes go down easy?" 
"Yes, he did. I asked if he wanted me to read, but he said you got that covered." Harry said a bit accusingly. 
Y/N brushes it off, "it gets him settled for bed quicker. You can read tomorrow." 
She reaches in to turn the water on, getting the temperature to her liking as much as she wants a bath. She's also dead on her feet. 
Harry remembers the conversation they had earlier, watching his wife get her shower ready. He steps up behind her as she's straightening out, his hands resting on her bare hips, "can I still join you?" 
"Of course, H." 
Harry presses a kiss to her bare shoulder before moving up her neck, "going to let me love on you too," 
Y/N sighs at the kisses he leaves her, leaving her more overwhelmed than the last. All she can do is nod. 
"Need an answer, honey." 
"Yes, baby, please." 
"Is my wife going to let me show her how much I missed her? How appreciative I am of her being a good mother to our children. God baby, so ready to give you everything you need."
"Yes, Harry. Yes." 
Her mind is hazy, and all she can think is that she loves him. 
"I love you, Harry." 
"And I love you, my heart. Now let me show you."
The following morning Y/N is up before everyone else. She knows Josie is an early bird and likes to have breakfast with her while Y/N has her tea. She kisses Harry's forehead and makes her way downstairs with her phone in hand that is flooded with more notifications than usual. 
She sighs; it's going to be one of those days.
Harry is found entering an Italian restaurant with a mystery woman but leaves alone, saying he was celebrating his son, but his son or his wife were nowhere in sight. 
It's a photo of the back of Isha and Harry holding the door open. Isha looks really good, and though Y/N knows the truth, she hates the speculation of him cheating on her. She hates that media outlets still entertain even when they know they're married and have two children. Y/N knows Harry would never, but it still makes her heartache. 
Y/N decides it's best to ignore it and instead enjoy the time together as a family. Wes and Jo have wanted to go to the park, and it seems lovely weather to do so as a family.
Everything would be alright.
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It's been a week since Harry arrived home, and Y/N is going crazy. 
Truthfully, she's just sad. 
She loves Harry. Of course, she does. He's the father of her children, husband, and best friend, but he hasn't been home. He's been gone every night following their park day. It's either a meeting, a dinner, or drinks with old friends. It's spending time with everyone but them. There have been more articles lately about Harry raving about their children and how amazing they are. He speaks of their talents and skills. How Josie loves to paint and mixes colors well to Wes' dedication to practicing piano. 
Y/N's least liked piece she's read is in his latest interview, where he spoke of them again when he was asked about his favorite part of being a stay-at-home dad. His response was laughable, "all the time with them to cook, oh and bath time."  
Y/N scoffs because it's a load of crap. He's not a stay-at-home dad. He's a public father, only for show but never there for the small things when she needs him. She loves Harry, but he's changed from the man she met, and he now much prefers the limelight to being at home. 
It's Friday night, and Harry once again didn't tuck his kids to bed. No bedtime stories or goodnight kisses.
"Why is Daddy always busy, Mummy?" Wes asks as she bookmarks the page they left on to pick up again tomorrow. 
She wishes she had an answer. So, she lies. "He's preparing for a long time off."
"Okay. I love you." 
"I love you more, my sweet Wesley."
Y/N kisses him three times and wishes him sweet dreams. 
Wes had shocked her tonight. She never lied to her children, but it seemed like she had to. How could she make Harry the bad guy?
When Y/N settles down for bed and notices Harry hasn't arrived home, she decides she's had enough of this shit Harry is pulling and can only let it go on for so long. In the past, Y/N would have stayed up waiting to make sure Harry got home safe, but her children are her top priority. 
Y/N stirs when she hears the front door slam shut. She groans, peeking an eye open to see the time, and it reads 5:14 am. It's clear Harry's drunk with all the tumbling and giggling he's doing up the stairs and into their room. Y/N stays still, not saying a word as he stumbles into bed. He wasn't loud enough to wake the kids, but she knew they would be up soon
By six, she's up, getting ready because between seven, it's time for the kids to wake up. She made them oatmeal with strawberries and blueberries on the side. Y/N walks into Josie's room, knowing she's awake but lays in bed waiting for Y/N because she loves a morning cuddle. 
"Morning, my darling angel." 
Josie kicks her legs up, laughing, "morning, Mummy." 
"How'd you sleep?" Y/N asks as she scoops Josie into her lap and cuddles her close to her chest. 
"Good," she mumbles.
"Ready to start the day, little dove?"
"Want to change first?" 
"What do you want to wear?" 
Josie wiggles out of your grasp and lets her feet carry her over to her drawer that holds her socks before moving on to her tops and bottoms. In a few minutes, she's back at Y/N's side, proudly displaying yellow socks, a yellow top, and black overalls. 
"Wow, I love it." Y/N kisses her cheek, causing Josie to smile, showing off her dimples.
"Help, please."
Y/N sits her on the bed and helps her take off her nightgown. She blows raspberries onto her tummy, causing Jo to let out loud giggles.
"No accidents last night?" Y/N asks because Josie likes the check-up. She shakes her head no. "Okay, before we buckle, let's go to the restroom and brush your teeth. Sound good?" 
"Good." She agrees leading the way. 
Y/N kneels down to Josie's height, ensuring she's brushing correctly, helping her when Jo allows her. Once she's all done, Jo clips her overalls, and Y/N stands behind her, beginning to brush her daughter's curls. 
"Does Josie want piggies, bunnies, or a braid today?" 
Jo thinks about it for a second before showing you two fingers. "Bunnies it is."
Y/N wets her hair, making sure to go gentle, not wanting to hurt Josie. She makes sure not to tie the hair ties too tight. She knows she hated it when her mother did it to her when she was younger. 
"All done," Y/N smiles at her through the mirror.
"Yay!" She claps and steps down from her stepping stool slowly, not wanting to fall over.
"Let's go check on your brother." 
She nods eagerly, slips on her bunny slippers, and heads next door to Wes' room. 
"Daddy?" She asks. 
Y/N frowns, "he's not feeling well. He's sleeping." 
And that's that.
They walk in to see Wes laying his clothes on his bed. 
"Wes!" Jo shouts, running to hug her brother as if she hadn't seen him for months when it was only a few hours as they all slept. 
"Hi, Jo. Morning Mummy." He grins at them both. 
"Good morning, my love." Y/N gives his brushed hair a kiss. "Restroom all done."
"Yes. Teeth check," Wes says before she can ask and opens his mouth for her. 
She leans down, chuckling, "smells fruity."
Wes nods proudly. 
"Now," Y/N smiles, looking at her two children, the joy of her life. "It's time for kisses."
Y/N grabs them, bringing them close to her chest as she kisses them all over. Their laughter fills her heart. 
"Alright, alright, breakfast time."
She decides she doesn't want to be home while Harry sleeps off his drunkenness and decides to take them to the park. It's a good place for the children to run to their heart's content but still tire them out for nap time. As soon as they get home, the kids know the routine, take their shoes off by their door, and race to their rooms to get a chance of clothes to not spend more time in their sweaty clothes while she prepares lunch. 
The day is perfect. It's just them. For some time, it felt like when Harry was on tour and not home, they'd wait for his call, except he is here, and she's not sure how to feel. 
The kids are lying on the patio sharing a coloring book as Wes tries his best to teach Josie to stay within the lines, but she doesn't like being told what to do, only wanting to add more to the drawing. She hears the shower going and knows Harry is up. 
Y/N squares her shoulders, ready to tell Harry exactly how she feels because she's tired. She feels like she's raising two kids alone. It was nice the first years with Wes because Harry took the first two years off, not wanting to miss anything, and then he worked for a year where they all traveled with him. It was beautiful getting to show their baby the world. But then she found out she was pregnant, and Wes was starting school, and all she wanted was a routine for Josie like she had for Wes, but Harry was running on a high.
Harry was winning awards, streams were high, his songs were breaking records on the charts, and he wasn't ready for another pause. It wasn't until she was five months pregnant that he took a break to be there for her. Now Josie is three, and she doesn't know her father that well, always wondering who that man on the screen is. It leads to tears when Jo doesn't want to talk to him. Their kids need their father, and she wishes he could put out music and continue his career, but he loves being on stage, and she fears if she asks him to stay home, it won't be enough. That they won't be enough.
Harry walks down the stairs looking tired. 
"Hi, love." 
She stays quiet. 
"Had a late night, everyone sends their love." 
She frowns, not even sure who everyone is. 
"Should go out together soon. Get Isha to watch the kids."
"She's on a work trip," Y/N responds softly. 
"Well," he shrugs, "bet you know loads of people to help."
Her frown deepens because she notices he says she knows, not that he knows anyone.
Harry sits down unconcerned, like he didn't arrive early this morning. 
"I can't do this," she tells him.
"Do what?" Harry asks, confused.
"Watch you go out every night and leave me as the housewife to watch the kids."
"No, Harry, I'm serious. You came home after a six-month-long tour and spent only around four hours put together with them this past week." Y/N isn't fighting for herself but for her children. 
"I'm catching up with friends," he defends.
She scoffs, "catching up is a few hours not coming home pissed drunk at five am stumbling up the stairs with no care if you might wake your kids." 
Harry frowns, "I deserve time off." 
"Of course, you do, but there's no time off from being a dad. Harry, I work full time. I make breakfast, lunch and dinner. I take them to their practices and pick them up from school. I'm doing it all, alone. Our three-year-old is growing fast, and she doesn't recognize her dad most of the time." 
"Ain't that disappointing," he laughs bitterly. "Y/N, that's on you. Not forcing her to talk to me." 
Y/N feels her heart crack, this is unbelievable. 
"Do you hear yourself? Force her." She shakes her head, ensuring her voice stays level to not alert the kids. "If she doesn't want to, I won't make her. It's your job as her father to be here for her." 
"I am here."
"Here for what?" She points to him, "here in the flesh, sure but not doing any work."
"I'm here, and I do my part," he argues.
"What have you done?" 
She waits for him to answer. A few seconds, a minute, and nothing but silence follows. 
"You're just a public father," she spats out.
"Praise all the good things your children do, all the raising you do. The stay-at-home father bit. Show up to recitals and parent conferences. It's all an act. To look good in the public eye. You're not the father who takes time to bathe his kids, to do teatime, or read them story after story. You're not the father they go to when they have a bad dream, not the father who sneaks them a treat when I'm cooking dinner. You're here, but you aren't. They need a private father who is there during bath time and tucks them to bed. Who would rather stay in and watch a movie than go out for dinner with friends and come home after six drinks at the bar? A father who listens to the same music over and over again. No, you prefer to be the public father who does no wrong and happily brags about his child's accomplishments.  The man who sends them to private school and pays for this expensive house you choose for us to live in. As if you take them to their lessons, who deal with fevers, who deal with tantrums and having to tell them why their dad has left them yet again." Y/N wipes the tears that escaped her, her voice trailing off. 
"I love you, but I don't love the man you've become. I want the father who woke up every hour to check up on our babies, the father who held my hand as I breastfed our babies for the first time. I want the father who promised to always put them first. To put us first. It's not even about me. It's about them and how they are beginning to feel like they are being raised by only one parent."
"I–I" Harry doesn't even have words because she's right. 
Of course, she is.
He's failed them.
He failed them as a parent, but he's also failed as a husband. 
Y/n told him she didn't want to become a housewife who just cared for her children and lost herself, but it's close to who she's becoming while still working. 
Why didn't he stop the tour?
Why didn't he think about asking how they all felt about him leaving for so long with not one visit? 
He missed lessons and jokes. He missed his son playing footy for the first time because he was always so anxious about it. His little girl had to take moments to remember his face. His wife–is hanging by a thread, and he's sure if it wasn't for their two kids, she wouldn't be here anymore, waiting for him.
"We are going to stay with my mum." She declares no room for argument.
"Love," Harry tries, but she shakes her head, stepping away from him.
"I love you, but it feels like you may not have the same love for us. I'm not saying it's us or touring, not at all. I know it means everything to you, but that changed five years ago. At least my priorities did. Yours should have to."
She goes towards the stairs to pack a weekend bag for the kids. "You need to figure out how to be a better father and not just a rockstar because you're both." 
Harry watches her go up the stairs, knowing he has to let her go. 
Y/N walks into Jo's room first, knowing hers would be the quickest to pack, knowing what she prefers. It's all set, and Y/N carries it into Wes' room, where he's lying on his bed with Josie as they look at picture books.
She grabs his Ant-man backpack and begins to get socks and underwear first. "What are you doing, Mummy?"
"Going on a little weekend trip," she answers softly. 
"With dad?" 
Y/N shakes her head, walking over to him. She smiles down at him, pressing a kiss to his head. "No, he's got some meetings, but he'll…" she pauses, "he'll be here when we get back."
Wes nods as if knowing there's a problem between his parents, "want to choose your clothes, lovie, or still have some faith in me." 
"You can do it,"  Wes mutters. It breaks Y/N’s heart.
Once she has packed Wes's bag, she ushers them downstairs to put on their coats and shoes. Harry is sitting on the couch staring at a black screen. 
Y/N sighs, "I'll let you know when we arrive." 
She looks at him. He's now standing in the doorway, smiling sadly at his kids as Wes helps Jo zip her boots. 
"You will come back, right?" His voice was small as if afraid of the answer.
"Of course, Harry. Still got a lot to figure out together, but you need to figure some things on your own." 
"You still love me," he whispers as if he said it any louder. She'd tell him something that'd break his heart.
"With all my heart. I promised forever with you, and I'm holding tight to that, but I need you to find your way back to us." Y/N kisses his cheek before stepping back and grabbing the car keys. 
Y/N watches as Harry kisses his children, giving them a big squeeze before letting them go. "Have a nice time, my angels."
They giggle and nod. They hold hands as Harry opens the door for them, waiting by the steps for Y/N to guide them down. 
Y/N smiles at him, it's small, and it breaks his heart. 
"I love you. I love you, and I promise I will try my best. I can't lose you." Harry promises her. 
"You won't. Just give us the weekend, and we can go from there." 
"I'd give you all in the time in the world if the end result was you all in my arms again." 
"Can I kiss you?" 
She nods timidly.
It's short and feels almost new. He doesn't try to deepen it but allows himself to feel her lips on his and how he ever let himself go so long without them. They break apart, hearing their children's laughter. 
"At least they're not grossed out." She points out. 
Y/N picks up Josie and holds Wes' hand down the steps. She settles Josie in her car seat first, then sits Wes in the booster. She gets into the car and does not look back at Harry as she drives off. She feels sad but also proud of herself because she and her children deserve better. 
Y/N knows the route to her mother's like the back of her hand. It isn't until she passes the usual exit does she realize that's not where she wants to be. They've got a bit of a drive ahead. She makes a Bluetooth call hoping for an answer, and thankfully she gets it. It's a short call but knowing she will be welcomed with open arms always fills her with joy.
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The drive didn't feel long, maybe because of the endless music they had playing. Thankfully they only have to make two stops before arriving. Y/N pulls into the driveway, relieved when she sees the porch light lit up. She turns the engine off and sees Wes fighting sleep as he unbuckles himself but waits for her to go to his side. Y/N goes to Josie's side first as she's in a deep sleep putting her on her shoulder and bags on the other. Opening Wes' dooring, he gets down with her help and then takes the bags from her. Her ever helpful boy.
She lets Wes knock on the door, and a few seconds later, it opens to show her a similar smile she just left behind. 
"Hi, my darling Wes," she cheers. 
Anne Twist is one of her favorite people in her life.
Y/N loves her mother, but she's never felt so welcomed and loved as much as she does with her mother-in-law.
"Hi Anne," Y/N greets softly.
"Well, come in, sweetie," Anne moves from the door to let you in. "Don't go acting like a stranger now." 
Y/N chuckles and walks in right behind Wes, who makes sure to take his shoes off before running in, setting his and Josie's bag right next to the couch. 
"Are there bags in the car?" 
"Just mine. I'll go for it once I set her down." Y/N gestures to Josie. 
"Don't be silly. I've got it. You go on and set her down in Harry's room. We both know they like sleeping there when they visit." 
"Thank you, Anne."
"Nothing to thank, dear." 
Y/N moves up the steps slowly before entering the familiar room. She lays Josie down, removing her overalls and tucking her in under the covers, making a border with the pillows, not wanting her to roll off the bed. Jo doesn't even flinch as she fixes the blanket around her. 
She pulls her phone out, knowing she owes Harry a text. 
We made it. Had a few stops to make in between xxx
Okay. I love you xxx
It hurts to leave him on read, but she does. He knows she loves him but needs the space. As Y/N starts getting lost in thought, Wes and Anne make their presence known. 
"This strong man helped me with the bags," Anne tells her as she sets the bag down by the door.
"Very kind of you, Wes, thank you."
"Always help like you say, Mummy." 
Y/N smiles while taking the bags from Wes, "that's right, we help when we can." 
"Want some tea, Y/N?" Anne asks as she's unpacking Wes's pajamas. 
"If it's not a bother." 
"Y/N," Anne chastises in her motherly tone, one Y/N recognizes as one she does to her children.
She sighs, "I'm sorry. I'd love tea."
As she's about to walk out, "Do you want to talk about it?" 
Anne doesn't know what it is, but she clearly knows it has to do with her son. 
"When I get them to bed."
Anne understands. "Do you want some help?" 
She shakes her head, "no, just need to get him changed and in bed, and he'll be out for the night." 
Wes is fighting sleep. All his movements lagged no. Jo has not moved one bit, and Y/N knows once Wes settles, he'll be out for the entire night. 
Before Anne leaves the room, she pulls Y/N in for a hug. "I love you, don't forget it. Not because you gave me grandchildren or because you married my son but because I love the person I met all those years ago and the person you've become."
"Thank you, Anne. I love you too." 
Y/N helps Wes get ready for bed, sitting with him in the restroom as he brushes his teeth and puts away his dirty clothes with Jo's. She apologizes to him for not having a book to read tonight, but he's too tired to be concerned about a book. 
As she tucks him in under the covers next to Jo, he scoots close to her. It's a perfect picture moment. Seeing her babies cuddled close always fills her with so much love. 
"I'll take care of Jo," Wes promises. 
"I'll be sleeping right across if you need me." 
He nods, letting his eyes flutter closed, drifting off to sleep as she plays with his hair. He loves it just as much as Harry does. 
Y/N walks down and sees her tea done just how she likes it waiting for her. She takes a sip humming at the taste. No one makes it as good as Anne. "Thank you." 
"Course, sweetheart." 
They sit in silence for a moment. 
"Nice drive?" Anne asks. 
"Yes, it was. You know we enjoy the drive up to visit you." 
"Reckon, you can't do it enough with those kiddos."
"It's endless potty breaks," Y/N jokes. 
Small conversation flows as they drink their tea. Once they finish, Y/N rinses both mugs and sets them in the dishwasher, knowing Anne's preferred method. Y/N follows Anne to the living room sitting close to the edge as she drapes the warm blanket over herself. It's one she always uses when she comes down for a visit. 
"I love Harry. With all my heart," Y/N begins, "I married him, but–"
"Oh honey, what did he do?" 
Y/N sighs, "it's like he's not even there for us when he's home—well, for them. The kids miss him and always ask for him, but it's like he's still on the road when he's here." 
"He doesn't spend time with them." 
"Think the last time he spent hours with us was when he arrived for Wes' recital." Y/N keeps letting it all out now that she finally feels she has the chance to speak with someone who's listening. "I told him all this before leaving; he needed to figure out all his stuff and what kind of father he wanted to be and that we'd talk on Monday when we returned."
"That's good. Time apart." 
"It's not like we need more of it, I know," she defends, "but I needed it." 
 Anne reaches out and squeezes her hand tightly. 
"I love my Wes and Jo with all my heart, but I also miss my husband. I miss sneaking kisses, holding hands, and even staying up late on the couch talking for hours. I miss falling in love with Harry every day, and it's like he doesn't miss me, doesn't miss us. It's as if we're just a stop before his next big trip."
Y/N sees Anne's smile falter, "oh darling, I know he loves you." 
"I don't doubt that, but he's constantly putting his career before us. Six months away, Jo isn't comfortable being alone with him for longer than ten minutes." 
"I'm sorry it's been so hard."
Y/N feels she has said too much, "I'm sorry to pour this on you. He's your son." 
Anne tuts, shaking her head. "And you're my daughter. Maybe not by blood, but I love you like a daughter, and you've given me more bundle of joys to love." 
"Do–do you think he'll figure it out for us?" Y/N has never been so nervous for an answer. 
"I hope so. If I know my son, he can get lost, but a slap on the head always sets him back on track. I think you've done just that." 
Y/N feels a little relieved. "Get some rest. Sleep in if you can. I promise I got the kids." 
"I don't know if I can." 
Anne laughs, "you will." 
Y/N checks in on her babies one last time before heading to bed. As soon as her head hits the pillow, she's out like a light. 
She wakes up to distant laughter and knows it's time to get up. She checks her phone and sees it's ten am. She can't remember the last time she slept in that late. 
Seeing as her kids are occupied with their Nana, she takes advantage and takes a long shower, washing all of yesterday away. She prepares for the cold air she knows will hit her once she steps out to Anne's large garden to greet her children. 
Y/N lingers in the kitchen as she finishes her tea before stepping out. The creek in the door alerts them all to her presence. She waves at them as they come bounding towards her with giant grins. Y/N doesn't think twice, sinking to the floor, arms wide open to take Jo and Wes in her embrace. 
"Hi, my angels." 
"Mummy was a sleepy head."
Y/N can hear Anne giggling as she steps closer. "That I was. I needed to get my energy fueled if I want to keep up with you too." 
"Yay!" Josie cheers right by Y/N's ear. 
"What did you do this morning with Nana Anne?"
"A walk!" Josie yells. 
"There was lots of grass," Wes comments. 
"Yeah, I bet. Daddy knows how much Nana loves being out in the open." 
"I like it here," Wes exclaims, returning to the grass and spinning around in circles. 
"Me too," Josie says, copying her older brother's movements.
Y/N leans her head back, taking in the small bit of sunlight peeking through the clouds. I do as well, Y/N thinks to herself.
Anne beams at Y/N, glad that her grandchildren are happy here because she wants them to know they always have a place here, a safe space. Y/N has continuously shown that to them. 
"Darling?" Y/N turns her head away from her giggling children to look at Anne, "does he know you're here?" 
She grimaces and shakes her head no. "I was originally taking us to my mother's but realized three exits too late that wasn't where I was headed." 
Anne signals she understands. "I'm glad you're here." 
"Me too." 
Saturday comes and goes all too quickly. The kids were so spent they didn't put up a fight to be told it was bedtime. Anne had graciously found some children's books she had buried away so that Y/N could read to the kids before they went to bed. Y/N read to Jo and Wes as they cuddled close, hands tucked under their chin as they let their mother's soothing voice lull them to sleep. 
Y/N sits in the living room drinking her tea, discussing tomorrow's plans before heading up. As she finishes her tea, she goes to the kitchen to wash her mug when she hears the front door open. 
"Anne?" Y/N calls out softly. 
She walks out and sees Anne at the bottom of the steps, also curious as to who could be at the door. 
"Mum," she knows that voice well. It sends chills through her body and makes her cheeks warm up.
"Harry," Anne responds. 
"We need to talk, Mum," Harry says in a defeated voice. 
Y/N looks at Anne and gives her two options to head upstairs, and she'll tell Harry that they're here or let Anne do it. Harry must have noticed an extra car in the driveway, as cowardly as she wants to be. 
She nods, following behind Anne. 
"Mum," he pulls her in for a hug, sighing in relief. Y/N holds her breath when he lifts his head and sees her. "Y/N," he gasps. 
"Hi, H." 
"Thought you were at your mum's." He steps away from Anne and towards you. 
She shrugs, "needed a bit more love than that." 
Harry understands what she means because he's here as well. He knows best how well Anne makes someone feel welcomed and safe. 
"I'm going to bed." Y/N kisses Anne's cheek, whispering a good night. She passes by Harry squeezing his shoulder, "kids are in your room if you want to see them." 
Harry feels his chest hurt. Of course, he wants to see his children. He also wants to follow Y/N to bed and hold her close. He wants to tell her he promises that he's going to do better. He spoke with Jeff and told him there would be no tours for a while and that albums might follow, but his focus is on his family. Jeff understood, he was shocked at first, but everyone stood behind him.
But instead of saying anything, he lets her go up, watching her every step until she's down the hall. Anne sighs as she sees Harry stare at Y/N longingly, the same look he had when he first brought her over when they had been dating only a few months. 
"My boy," Anne's voice was full of sympathy.
"Mum," his voice cracks, "I messed up, and I–I might lose them."
"Course you won't. You showed up, didn't you? That's something." She assures him. 
"I love her and my angels. I can't lose them. I won't survive it." 
"Then fight Harry, prove to her you can't live without them." 
"I will."
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The following day Y/N is up early, to no surprise, ready to help get her kids' day started. As she starts to get up, she goes to grab her phone but stops when she sees a note sitting right on top. 
Morning early bird,
Fancy a walk? Mum promised to watch Wes and Jo.
Love, H 
Y/N can't ignore the flutter in her heart and gets dressed in her large red coat Harry gifted her five Christmases ago when he saw her eyeing it at the shops but didn't have the heart to tell him because it was way above the price range they settled on for each other. There's a chance of snow, and she wants to be prepared.  
She checks in on Jo and Wes, sprawled wide on the twin-sized bed, limps over each other but neither bothered. Walking down the steps, she sees Harry sitting on the couch with a book in hand.
"Morning," she voices. 
Harry is quick to set his book down and stands to look at her. "Hi, love." His eyes roam her from top to bottom, and she can feel the familiar heat on her cheeks, knowing what he'll say next, so she stops him.
"Got your note." 
"Are you up for it?" 
She nods, "I am." 
"Do you want to eat first?" Y/N agrees, already stepping that way when Harry joins. "Can make you some eggs?" 
"Tea and toast will be fine."
After a quiet breakfast, they both slip on their boots and head out, not before leaving a note for Anne that they'll be back soon. They begin the walk side by side with a small gap in between. Both are distracted, trying their best to get their thoughts in order. Y/N isn't sure how much they've walked when Harry speaks up. 
Y/N stays silent. 
"I'm sorry." She lets him go on. "I–I don't know how I let myself get blind, but I'm sorry." 
She lets that sink in. He's acknowledging that he's been lost in his own world. That's a start. 
"I won't be announcing a new tour," Harry tells her. "Maybe not for a while." 
"But you love being on stage."
She hears the change in his voice and halts her walking. 
"You're the love of my life, my heart. With our children is where I should be. I guess getting lost in shows was easier than knowing you all couldn't be there with me." The confession is enough to put Y/N at ease, but it doesn't solve everything. 
"We need to find common ground, Harry." 
"I know." Harry pauses, looking out at the river they walked along for the first time many years ago, then turns back to Y/N, locking eyes with her. "That's why I'm taking a break." 
"And when you decide to go off again?" 
"We'll talk." 
"Like we did before," she throws back because she's heard this promise and has difficulty believing it. 
"I know it's all mostly my fault, but you didn't say much." 
Y/N knows he's right, but he's not the one who stayed behind. "What could I do? I had to put them first. I always do. I always will." 
"I'm not–"
"You were across the world, and they needed a strong mother, and if I brought it up and it didn't go my way, I would have broken." The tears are begging to come out, but she holds them in.
"Didn't I tell you if you needed me, I was a plane ride away." 
That's what breaks the dam.
Y/N grows silent, letting her sobs fill the air. Harry is too nervous to touch her in case she doesn't want his touch.
"I did that," she whispers. 
She shrugs, "I don't know where you were, but both kids had fevers, and it was so hard. I called you. I had no answer. I tried again and again, and nothing. I left a voicemail, and nothing. I reached out to Jeff, and no one would answer me. Maybe you were sleeping or in between travels or whatever, but something broke in me that day because I had to rely on a friend to take my children and me to the hospital and had their support but not my husband's."
That's when Y/N sees Harry's tears fall, and they're endless. She knows he must be imagining two crying babies and a panicked mother needing someone by her side assuring her they'd get through it. Yet, she had no one. 
"I didn't know," he sobs. "Why didn't you bring it up?"
"Because you rang the following morning cheery like you never saw the voicemail, I figured you'd bring it up if you heard the voicemails and saw the missed calls."
"I'm the worst." 
Y/N shrugs, not denying it, instead turning back towards the house. 
"Don't want to keep walking?" 
"No," she replies honestly. 
"I have faith in us," he tells her, brushing his pinky with hers. 
"I do too."
Harry lets out a deep sigh. It's a step forward. 
"But this isn't about just me, Harry." 
And he knows that. He knows he has much to make up to his angels, Wes and Josie. 
"I know our kids. You know I love them." 
"I do…but they don't. At least not always. They don't understand why their dad is always gone or doesn't pick them up at the school gates or daycare on the odd day she goes." 
It's the little things he's missed out on that they miss as well. "Will you help me?" Before she can answer, he continues. "I know I don't deserve your help, but you're my forever." 
"Okay, H." 
That's the end of the conversation. It seems as if they've reached the house. Harry opens the door helping Y/N out of her coat and lining up her boots with his. Y/N walks into the kitchen first, seeing Anne making breakfast. The kids immediately notice her letting out a loud "Good morning" as they munch on their berries. 
Wes smiles as she presses a kiss on his cheek, but it dims when he takes a look at her face and then at Harry, who is right behind her. That's odd, Y/N thinks. She turns to ask Harry, but it seems that Harry doesn't even notice. He's wishing them a good morning leaving endless kisses on both cheeks. Harry helps Josie eat her berries, giggling as he pretends to miss her mouth. 
"Mummy," Josie calls for her attention. 
"Yes, my love." Y/N steps close, bushing her curls back away from her eyes. 
"Itch," she mumbles.
Y/N fails to hold back a laugh, "who darling?" 
She pouts, looking at her brother for help. 
"Michal, Mummy." He answers like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
Y/N lets out a small laugh because, of course, she's asking for Michal. Every time they made a trip up here, Gemma and Michal also made a stop. It seems Jo wanted to see one of her favorite people. 
"He's not here. Why don't we give him a call, huh?" 
The siblings cheer, coming to sit on her lap, and she holds the phone up to her ear, waiting for the person to answer. 
Harry steps away from the hurt, not knowing who his family is referring. He feels a hand settle on his back, rubbing it in circles, soothing him just a little. "Michal, your sister's partner, relax." 
"I thought–" He doesn't know what he thought. 
Anne frowns, "if you thought that, then there is lots to figure out." She gestures to Y/N, laughing with her children as they speak to Michael on the phone. "You're that woman's world." 
"I didn't think she was." 
"Didn't you?" 
"I-I don't know how I messed it all up." 
"Lack of communication possible," Anne offers because she knows it's something she always dealt with when he left home all those years ago. 
"Anne, Gem, and Michal are coming for lunch to spend time with the kids."
Anne claps her hands together out of joy, "wonderful, all my favorite people coming together." 
"You don't mind if Harry and I step out for the afternoon when they arrive, do you?" Y/N asks, knowing Harry and her still have a bit to talk through.
"Not at all." 
Harry gazes at her curiously. What is she up to? "Love,"
"Need some privacy to chat." She tells him.
She's right, but now he wonders what she has planned.
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After breakfast, Harry goes up with Wes to help him change and wash up while Y/N helps Josie as she was asking for two braids in her now long hair. As Wes leads the way to Harry’s old room, he’s quiet, and it’s concerning. 
“You alright, bub?” Harry asks as he shuts the door to give them privacy. 
Wes shakes his head, not able to meet Harry’s gaze. 
“Want to talk about it?” 
Wes takes off his top and slips on a white undershirt and then the sweater Harry knows Y/N laid out for him, knowing he’ll want to go outside and keep him warm. 
“You make mummy sad,” he mumbles, but Harry hears him clearly.
Harry flinches at his five-year-old son’s words. It’s sad because his son has been able to notice something he hasn’t. 
“What?” Harry sinks down to his knees right in front of Wes. 
“You make her cry. I hear her sometimes.” He shrugs, and Harry knows he’s failed them. 
“Few times.” 
He’s not specific. It’s more than once, and Harry realizes it’s all his fault his family doesn’t trust him to stay. 
“I love your Mummy,” Harry tells Wes, needing his son to believe him. 
Wes frowns, looking down at Harry, “Mummy says we don’t make those we love cry.” 
Harry tries his best to blink away his tears, “your mummy is right.” He exhales slowly. “I guess it’s because I’m never home. Does that make you sad?” 
Wes nods quickly, “but I have to be strong like Mummy for Jo.”
Harry feels that, like a stab straight to the heart, he doesn’t deserve his perfect family. Not one bit, but he’s going to give it everything he has to make it up to them.
“Oh, my sweet boy, I’m so sorry. I love your Mummy and you and Josie. You’re my life, and I promise to never make her cry again.” Wes nods as if taking in all his words. “I’m not leaving for a long time, and if I do, you will all come with me.” 
Wes pouts, “I like school.” 
Harry laughs. “Course you do. Mummy says you’re doing brilliant. We’ll go in the summer, do a proper holiday together.” 
“Together, good.”
Wes runs out of the room, leaving Harry to cry alone in his old bedroom. He has to fix it. He has so much to make up for.
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Harry spends the morning playing blocks with Wes and Josie as Y/N colors in one of Josie's dinosaur books, where she'll occasionally leave Harry to give Y/N a new color or change the page for her. It's a lovely time of aimless talking and spending time with his favorite people. At one point, his mum steals Wes to help her bake cookies that they'll be able to eat after lunch. Soon after, Josie falls asleep on Y/N's lap as she watches Zootopia, a film that Harry remembers seeing multiple times with Wes. Curse child movies for making him more emotional now as a father. 
The day moves at a faster pace when he's having fun, it seems, because the next thing he knows, Gemma and Michal are walking through the door, and she's shouting for her nephew and niece to come greet her. Josie, having woken up around ten minutes ago, stumbles her way to the door and into Michal's open arms. He's quick to prop her on his hip as Josie tells him all about the dream she had. Gemma has all of Wes' attention as he goes on and on about all the backyard's open space as if their home doesn't have twice the distance. Wes says it's because they have cats. 
Y/N and Harry share a look at the same time, something that hadn't happened in a long time. They're both thinking the same thing and know that it might be a nice gift to get them a cat for the holidays. It'll be an excellent addition to the family, giving Scott a new friend to play with. They all eat lunch together, and it's loud, and everyone is talking over each other, mainly Wes and Jo, but Harry swears he's never been happier. The smile on Y/N's face is one he wants her to have every day going forward.
Jo sits in Michal's lap, claiming him as her person for the day, not that he minds. He's a natural with her. After seeing that both her children will be fine, Y/N begins to gather her stuff gesturing for Harry to say his goodbyes and meet her by the door. Y/N gives Josie a big hug and endless kisses before settling her back next to Michal as they do a puzzle together. She lingers a moment too long with Wes whispering before he wraps his arms around her neck in a tight hug that she returns. Y/N smiles at him as she goes to put on his coat. Harry kisses Jo telling her he loves her before heading to Wes. 
"Love you, Wes." 
"Take care of Mummy, Daddy." 
"Always, bub." 
He smiles, letting Harry place a kiss on his cheek.
Going outside, he sees Y/N in the car, adjusting the heat as she waits for him. Once she sees him buckle in his seatbelt, she pulls out, and off they go. He has no clue where she might be taking him, even if he does know the town well. They sit in comfortable silence, with no music playing or small talk. It's like old times when they were able to just enjoy sitting together. 
The drive couldn't have been longer than fifteen minutes when she pulls over and sees a frozen pond. Harry chuckles. He was not at all prepared for this. 
"I have ice skates if you're up for it?"
"Is the ice good?" He wouldn't dare let her skate with the slight chance the ice may crack.
"Mr. Crane promises it'll hold. He says he has been coming out to check it every morning."
With that assurance, he agrees. 
Once the skates are on, his skates feel a bit snug, as if his shoes shrunk, but it means better stability. Lessening the slight fear of tumbling over with nothing to hold him up. Both stay right by each other's side, going slow. They take a few laps testing the ice before gaining more confidence to go faster and a bit further.
"Let's play a game," Y/N suggests. 
"A game?" He repeats. 
"Okay, sure." 
Y/N grins at him, and he feels his heart speed up at the sight. It's a marvelous one. 
"Tell me a time you were happy, and I'll counter it with a time when I was sad. Then we'll swap." 
Harry isn't sure, "are you sure it's a good game?" 
Y/N shrugs, "I'm filled with both. Six months was a long time apart."
Harry relents, as always, what Y/N wants, she gets. 
She waits for him to start.
"The recital. It was amazing to see how much Wes has improved." 
"I cried last night. I wasn't expecting you to arrive." 
Harry takes a deep breath, "the drive here was quiet even with your favorite playlist on." 
"Mornings where Jo and Wes climb into bed with me," she answers easily. 
"I don't think our kids like me," Harry says softly. 
Y/N stumbles but rightens herself, not having expected him to say that. He shakes his head, telling her to go on. "Painting with Jo is always fun. She thinks I'm the best artist to ever exist in her eyes." 
Harry nods along as if agreeing. "Seeing how happy my mum makes our kids." 
The game goes on for a while, back and forth. Y/N tells him about all the best moments he's missed, like when Josie learned to jump rope when Wes scored his first goal and how she loves hosting game nights. She also told him that it's hard to find time for herself to not feel overwhelmed, that when their kids cry, she feels like a terrible parent and wishes he was home more. While Harry expressed happy moments on tour when Mitch and him wrote a new song, countered with uncomfortable nights sleeping in the studio. Harry talks about how tour made him realize all those moments weren't his happiest. 
It's Harry's turn once more. He pauses to think and then says something that has been playing on loop in his mind. "Our son thinking, I make you sad." 
Y/N stops skating; he keeps going for a moment, thinking she'll continue in a second instead. She crumbles to the ground crying into her hands. 
"Hey, love, lovie, you're okay," he sinks down next to her, rubbing down her arms. 
"He's so small," she manages to say between sobs. 
"It's all my fault." Harry reminds her. 
"No, I–I'm supposed to be his mum. I'm supposed to be strong for him, and I haven't been." Y/N has never felt pain like this like she's letting down her children. 
That she's failed them. 
"No, you're not supposed to hide like that. Parenting is a partnership, and you've done it alone for too long," Harry tells her, moving her hands away from her face to have her look at him. "It's my fault. Do you understand?" 
She doesn't move an inch, but looking into her eyes, he knows she understands. 
"I love you, Y/N. I do, and I will for the rest of my life, that I can promise you." 
"Zero buts." 
"What about your career?"
"We'll decide together. I'm a free man until March when we decide to resign or change up my contract." 
"Then you leave," she states.
"Not anymore." Y/N looks away, not believing a word he says, and that's on him for making her doubt him. Now it's his turn to prove to her he's on her team, that he's on her side. 
"Every decision I make, you'll be there," he promises. 
"You can't not work then…then you'll resent us. You'll resent me," she whispers. 
"I could never," his voice was firm and full of assurance. "Best thing to ever happen to me." Y/N looks into his eyes, trying to find any hint of a lie to make her second guess her choice. She sees the tear streaks down his cheeks and knows he's being genuine. "Jeff knows you're first." 
"Then what's your plan?"
"Tour during summer when our kids aren't in school. Easier for you to join me if you'd be up for it, of course." 
"Three to four months, nothing longer than that," he explains. "School year, I'm yours. Full-time stay-at-home-dad."
"Would that make you happy?" 
"You make me happy," he leans his forehead against hers, letting their breaths mix together, "I've prevented myself from that." 
Y/N takes in all he's said. There are a lot of promises he just laid out, but each one sounds realistic and double. She believes in him and their love. 
"I trust you, H." 
"I'm hoping to earn more of that trust back little by little, my heart. I'm okay with graveling if I have to." 
Y/N rolls her eyes because he's unbelievable. Yet, she loves him with everything she has. 
"Come on, you goober. Let's go see our kids." 
As Harry accepts the hand, she stretched out for him, he grabs it but instead of pulling himself up, he pulls her towards him, sending them to lay flat on the ice and her on his chest, his arms secure around her waist. Her laughs bubble around them, and he can't help but join in. 
"I love you, my heart. I promise it will all be different," he vows to her. 
"I love you, Harry. I believe you." She presses herself closer against him. "But anything other than what you promised, and things will not be this easy." 
"Not going to let that happen." 
Y/N isn't sure who closed the gap if it was her or Harry, but all she knows is that kissing Harry is like coming home. It's a warm feeling that spreads all over. It's a safety blanket. 
It's falling in love all over again. She can't wait to fall in love with him for a lifetime.
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The drive back to Anne's Y/N let Harry take the wheel even if it was a short drive as opposed to when they left; it was quiet, and the hum of the radio. Now it was flowing conversation and light teasing happening. 
Harry opens the door with a loud "we're back" Y/N and Harry share a look when they can hear the loud patter of footsteps getting closer and closer until they're a few feet in front of them. Jo and Wes see them, and Y/N and Harry kneel to get their kids' height. Both children focus their energy on running straight to Y/N, and if it were anyone else, it would have sent them tumbling back, but Y/N stands as strong as a pillar. 
"Hi, my babies. Were you good?" Y/N asks as she places a kiss on both their cheeks. 
"Yes" and "Always" were the two answers given. They release Y/N to hug Harry, one he basks in and squeezes a bit too tight as Wes and Jo squirm to be released. 
Wes returns to Y/N, placing his small palm on her cheek, "you happy, Mummy?" 
Y/N feels tears well up but does her best to fight them off. Wes has always been in tune with Y/N's emotions and hopes she never has to put them in a position like this again. 
"The happiest," she assures Wes." 
"Good." Wes gives them both a big smile before running off. 
"Up, Daddy?" Josie voices, surprising Harry.
"Of course, angel." He lifts her in his arms with ease standing up with her, hoping Jo never asks to be let down. 
Jo frowns while in his arms, "cold jack." 
Harry looks down at his coat, seeing as he didn't have time to remove it, "my apologies, princess." 
He passes her off for Y/N to hold for a moment when Jo brings her hands up to squish Y/N's cheeks, landing a kiss on her lips. Y/N giggles loving how affectionate Josie has always been.
"Hey, my lips," Harry jokes with his daughter. 
Y/N rolls her eyes, Harry having no idea how possessive his daughter is. Josie plants another chaste kiss on Y/N's lips and then sticks her tongue out at Harry, truly showing her age. 
"Now Josie, she's mine." 
"No," she answers stubbornly.
"My mummy!" She reminds him as if he could forget.
"She's my wife." 
Josie shakes her head, and those words mean nothing to her instead, she buries her face in Y/N's neck, "mine" is all she repeats.
"Ours," Harry compromises. 
She slowly lifts her head, turning to stare at Harry. It's a word she doesn't recognize—something she's never had to associate with her mother. 
"We can share, Mummy, yeah. Like when you share your food with Wes and Nana." Harry explains. 
Josie thinks about it for a few seconds before accepting, "yes." 
Y/N stands there feeling her heart might burst from all the love she's receiving. "We share, Daddy." 
 "Want to go with Daddy again?" He asks with stretched-out hands.
Y/N passed her over, seeing as Jo nodded eagerly at the thought of being back in her father's embrace. Josie snuggles close to his chest, and Y/N knows there is little time before Jo falls asleep. 
"Sleep, please." 
"Yes, bub, I'll take you to sleep." 
"Read?" She asks timidly.
Wes bounces, overhearing his favorite word, "read to us?" 
The smile on Harry's face is unmatched. He's been missing out on so much, but not anymore. "Whatever you want," he promises. 
They begin to walk up the steps together, Harry doing his best to follow both conversations that are happening at once. Y/N stares at them going up together when her three loves turn around and smile at her.
"Coming, my heart?" 
"Coming, Mummy?" Jo stretches out her small hand for Y/N to take. 
The smile on Y/N's face widens, and she begins to feel her heart mending back together. "Nowhere else I would rather be." 
Y/N takes Josie's hand, placing a small kiss on the back before settling it back down. A hand on Wes' shoulder and Harry's back as they all walk up the steps as a family. 
Not perfect, but trying.
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thank you so much for reading 💜💜💜💜 i love you endlessly
please reblog and send me a message if you want 😉
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lilystyles · 2 months
blank space.
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part three of style, written by @lilystyles
my masterlist xx & style masterlist
brief description niall throws the party of the century, and harry gives y/n a gift.
warnings! slight age gap, smutty (daddy kink, romantic sex, m!receiving, f!receiving, steamy, dry humping) sexual tension, drugs and alcohol abuse, fratboys. (wordcount: 11k)
fratboy!older!bffsbrother!harry x younger!innocent!reader
* * * * *
Harry Styles, for what felt like the first time ever, was jealous.
It had now become obvious to Harry, that he is definitely a jealous person when he loves someone.
Which had never happened to him until her, he’d never cared enough to be jealous. He couldn’t care less normally, and he never really understood feeling possessive. It used to turn him off so much when someone was possessive over him, he hated the idea of being tied down and suffocated. His ex-girlfriends could and did cheat him and Harry didn’t care, he was young and wanted to have fun. He didn’t blame others for enjoying themselves. He moved on without the bat of an eye, and he never held grudges over it.
Life was about feeling good, having fun, and enjoying yourself. And before Y/n that meant mindless sex, parties, and smoking in pretty girls’ beds. He knew for a lot good girls that his past would be a major turn off, he honestly didn’t remember half the people he’d shagged, but he didn’t care. Life was a bunch of fleeting moments for him.
But lately, his feelings about possessiveness were different. His feelings for Y/n were all-consuming and so strong he didn’t know what to do with himself, he felt like his world was flipped upside down. He didn’t know how to ground himself, he felt like he was floating, and so far from his feet. When it came to Y/n he cared. A lot. Too much.
He found that even the way people were looking, just looking, at her right now was enough to have him clenching the can of beer in his hand. His fist tightly squeezed around it, imagining it was the jugular of whoever was walking in her direction that wasn’t him. And despite the fact he could understand people hitting on her because seriously she was the most beautiful girl he’d ever had the pleasure of knowing, that didn’t matter to him. Y/n owned every inch of him, and he felt like he’d made it clear she was belonged ot him too.
Harry found himself watching her intensely from across the room, eyes locked directly on her pretty little perfect figure. Which was unlike him normally he was off causing mischief and getting incredibly out of his mind drunk and high. Probably get a blowie outside by the pool.
But she was so striking, and he felt like he was in a trance. She stood out from the swarm of people like the brightest star in the sky, her h/c shined under the lights catching his attention immediately when he walked into the room. Y/n just looked so fucking gorgeous, like the embodiment of beauty, and everything Harry loved was embedded in her very being. He couldn’t have ripped his eyes away even if he’d wanted to. 
If he had to describe her in one word right now, he’d say entrancing. She looked…well it took his breath away how beautiful she was. Harry always found Y/n very beautiful but tonight she looked especially scintillating. He wasn’t sure if it was her outfit or the fact his infatuation was growing by the second each day, but wow. 
He wanted her so badly.
Her face was flushed from alcohol and the heat of the room, a soft pink that was similar to the shade of her lips, and a glisten of sweat coated her from the sweltering evening, making her look like an ethereal being that Harry adored. God, she was adorable. He could see her giggling, nose scrunching and all smiley. He couldn’t hear her, but he wished he could. She had the cutest laugh known to man.
And there it was, that itchy jealousy and annoying possessiveness rolling through his veins as he watched her laugh with another boy.
His green piercing eyes fell further down her figure. Her costume was fitting. The little dress she wore was very short, so short that the bottom of her plush ass was almost peeking out of it and Harry’s thoughts turned from wholesome to not-so. He’d never seen her wear that dress before, but if he had anything to do with it she wouldn’t even be wearing one and she’d been in his bed with the flimsy material on the floor. The material of her dress was almost a second skin, the silky white material left very little to the imagination except for where it puffed out at the bottom like a tutu. Her tits were round, the perfectful mouth for him to suckle on, nipples hard and obvious pressing against the satin material.
However, her luscious legs and smooth skin were the stars of the show tonight, Harry had been lucky enough to feel those wrapped around him, so he knew how soft they were. In that dress, her legs looked so long, the sight of her made his blood rush through him faster, almost like he was high. He’d only had one beer, so he didn’t know what had made him so dazed.
Harry wouldn’t be surprised if his prick was hard in his pants, he didn’t have it in him to feel ashamed. It got like that when he smelt her perfume on his clothes after being with her all day. Y/n had an unfathomable power and control over him, that she hadn’t even known she possessed. It didn’t take make much to get him budged up like that anymore, if Y/n crossed his mind then boom, just like that his prick was begging for his fist.
Harry kept watching her protectively. A few guys were leering close by, and he didn’t like it one bit. Instead of looking at the boys, he turned his attention back to the details of her dress. The top of it had puffy short sleeves that made her look adorable, and the neckline showed her perfect tits sitting comfortably and plump. That little necklace of her initial sitting between them, it sparkled under the dim light.
He bit his lip, and the beer in his hands was no longer enough to distract him. He licked his lips and calculated how he’d get her alone with him tonight. For once, Emma was sticking to her like glue. His sister normally found a way to disappear off and get herself sickly drunk, and with some lad. They had that in common, neither ever one to mingle unless it was for a shag or a spliff.
But not right now, no Emma stayed close by her side, talking to Zayn and a guy Harry thinks is called Liam. Harry’s jaw clicked, teeth clenching as he watched Liam’s eyes linger a moment too long at Y/n’s chest. His fist clenched by his side as he tried to breathe.
Shutting his eyes only for one second to remind himself to get his lungs working. 
As he repeated those two words in his mind, the only thing he could that he wanted to go in and out was his prick inside of her perfect sweet pussy. He wanted her pressed nice and close to him, he wanted to hold her, and press his cheek to her head and shut his eyes. Maybe then he’d be able to breathe normally. He certainly couldn’t from over here, and now as stood across the room he realised maybe all those girls sobbing hysterically with ice cream in their dorms over his frat brothers weren’t so crazy, and maybe those idiots who ran through airports weren’t really idiots. Just people madly, stupidly, overboard, in love.
This absolute possessive carnal caveman rage was something Harry hated because he knew it was stupid. But God the thought of anyone even looking at what was his pissed him off beyond the point of sanity. Y/n was a fucking beautiful little thing, she always had been, all innocent and soft, the kind of girl you wanted to scoop up into your arms and take care of.
And he wanted to do just that. He wanted to take care of her and keep all harm from her direction. He didn’t care if he was getting obsessive with his staring, he couldn’t stop. 
He smiled at the little furry feathered halo that sat on her head, wings decorating the soft exposed skin on her back, and glittery cheeks that sparkled like magic under the pale blue lights of the room. She looked ethereal. His real-life angel and she was dressed the part too. Little fluffy white heels decorated her feet that he was sure would look better by his shoulders as he made her melt around him like he had every intention of doing.
He really was the devil for thinking that way. But that’s who he was, and her unforgettable sweet pussy had infiltrated his mind. He smirked silently to himself because he knew despite their total differences and things that got in the way of them, the world had made them for each other. 
Moulding his hand to fit perfectly around hers. Like a sculpture with his clay, the world carved Harry just for her, and Y/n just for him. He was more sure of it than anything in the world.
Even if she didn’t know that yet, he was more than certain.
So Liam could just right fuck right off, that was his angel. Anyway, who comes as a basketball player when you already are one? How lame is that costume? Harry hadn’t worn his football clothes here and called it a costume. Even he wasn’t that bad.
Harry hadn’t tried as hard as Y/n had with his get-up. The only thing to give away his costume was the cheap plastic red horned headband hidden in his curls. He was in a pair of black jeans, and a black t-shirt, nothing special. He didn’t fancy costumes all that much. But he thought that Lucifer likely didn’t give a fuck about his outfit, at least that’s what he’d told Niall when the bloke almost didn’t let him inside due to his very shitty costume.
Y/n hadn’t noticed Harry yet, despite his icy green eyes boring into her skin for the past twenty or so minutes. He’d been lurking in a corner away from her sight. But when Emma left with Zayn to who knows or who cares where, he made his way over quicker than a blink of an eye. Liam noticed him first, and Y/n felt a warmth radiating near her back which made her spine shudder.
Must be Styles. She thought but didn’t turn, waiting for him to speak first.
“Oh hey, Mate.” Said Liam offering a wave. Liam and her had a physics class together and she was complaining to him about the professor and how she was pretty certain she was going to fail the class.
Harry’s chest pressed into her side and she finally turned, smiling up at him. A soft delicate one that made Harry’s lungs finally kick back into working like normal. Heart beating fast, as he thought to himself, oh there you are heart.
Being with Y/n was like realising he’d spent his whole life without oxygen but now he had air.
“Hi.” He said curtly to Liam, moving his eyes to Y/n’s precious ones, and he could feel Liam watching them. She really had no idea how badly every man in this room wanted her. How didn’t she notice the staring? The whispers? How did she seem so calm when she was like a baby lamb in a room full of wolves?
“Can you come and help me with something please, Trouble? Niall asked after us.” He asked leaning down close so his mouth shadowed her ear. He was lying, but he wanted her alone, and Emma wouldn’t notice. She was already incredibly drunk and he knew that because she was already dancing on a table in the dining room.
Y/n nodded squeaking out a soft sure, and she slid her palm around his bicep, thoughtlessly and instinctively. When they went off campus, and spent time together they always held each other close.
His body was so warm and welcoming, she was used to being close to him now. He brought her so much comfort, and Harry felt smug at the way Liam’s face dropped at the sight.
Yeah, suck it, stupid basketball player. He thought. Butterflies fluttering through his tummy at the feel of her hand on his arm.
Y/n hardly had a chance to wave goodbye to Liam before Harry had dragged her away hands melting into her skin. Everything with him felt so natural. Their physicalness was normal now, and she hardly noticed it as much as that first night. It felt routine and safe, and she loved it. He never did that with anyone except her, which made her heart flutter in a strange off-beat rhythm.
Despite having always been a sexual creature, he wasn’t touchy with people he slept with outside the bedroom. He wasn’t the type. But he honestly couldn’t keep his hands off Y/n.
He guided her upstairs leading her into a random room, and shutting the door behind them. It was a fairly clean room, and Y/n soon recognised it was Niall’s. She guessed by the rainbow flag hung up by his posters, and of course, the biggest sign was an Ariana Grande poster. He fancied the pants off her, and would always play her songs in the car. If they went to karaoke which sometimes they did, Niall always without a shadow of a doubt sang Ariana. Despite the fact his throat could not at all easily sing that high-pitched.
She walked over to sit on the edge of the bed, her dress riding up ever so slightly at the movement. Niall had these pale dusty blue sheets and they smelt like citrus and wood on the bed. She never came into his room, or even to the frat house because, well, it’s a frat house.
Harry walked over to her towering over her, cutting her thoughts of their best friend from her mind. His hand moved to touch her cheek, the curve of her skin was searing hot and Harry could feel her melt into his hand.
“Hi, Styles,” She whispered shyly, lips moving as slow as molasses dripping off a spoon. He knew for a fact she tasted just as sweet too.
He smirked down at her, God he wanted to just eat her right up. She was looking up at him all doe-eyed, her little hand creeping underneath his shirt. She was so cute, so fucking adorable. He could feel the gentle caress of her nails against his hip and he felt his skin pimple in goosebumps.
“Hi, Baby.” He replied, moving to sit down beside her. His large, muscled, thigh pressed into hers emitting a warmth she welcomed. Her hands fell into her lap now as she watched him through hooded eyes.
She blushed some more, “What does Niall need our help with in here?”
Harry laughed and it bellowed out, as he placed a soft hand on her knee. Her skin was soft like butter, and he rubbed her knee tenderly. She was perfect, in every sense of the bloody word. 
“Nothing, I just wanted you to myself, Trouble.”
She giggled, and it made Harry’s chest swell. He loved her. He loved her so much. 
“Oh I see,” She said, her hand landing on his. He slowly dragged his hand further up her leg and couldn’t wipe the smile off his face for the life of him.
“You look fucking beautiful, by the way,” He whispered, squeezing her thigh.
She smiled brightly, and she leaned over to smear a quick kiss on his jaw. “Aw, thanks Styles, I went all out because I knew Niall would have my ass if I didn’t dress ‘properly’.”
Harry laughed, tipping his head back. “Well, I’m certainly enjoying you like this. You look…Jesus Y/n, I mean, are you trying to kill me? You really are trouble, aren’t you gorgeous girl?”
She pouted at him leaning in closer, he could smell her perfume and shampoo so heavily now and he was intoxicated by it. Y/n smelt so good, and the scent of her grounded him. He wanted to keep her right here all night, and maybe he would if he was lucky. Y/n didn’t seem to be in a rush to leave their little bubble.
And she knew Emma was very distracted with Zayn, they were still going out. But honestly, Y/n didn’t suspect they’d last much longer, she could already sense her best friend’s restlessness. It wasn’t anything that Y/n judged, but Emma never stayed with a boy longer than a month. She used to think it was a Styles thing, but Harry hadn’t been with anyone else in months, not since that night they shared.
“Am not.” She said, faking petulance. He leaned down close enough that his lips just grazed hers, and she wanted so badly to join their lips. But she didn’t know if that was what he wanted, so she just waited.
“You so are.” He replied.
She leaned into his neck with a sigh, he smelt like always; mint, tobacco, vanilla, and something undeniably Harry. He was intoxicating and the drink she’d had made her blood rush with a want that thumped so intensely. She wanted Harry, so badly, and her control was wilting away with each second that passed.
The devil had a magic spell on the angel.
“Can I kiss you, Trouble?” He asked softly, pushing a strand of loose hair behind her ear. He noticed a pair of dangly pearl earrings and untangled the hair from them.
Y/n was amazed by how soft and gentle he was with her. She’d imagined him to be a lot cooler, icy, and most of the time he played the part brilliantly. Before that night in the kitchen, all Harry had been was a cold-hearted frat boy who she thought was sexy. Because that’s all he pretended to be around her before this.
She hadn’t known hiding underneath the cool exterior was a warmth more scorching than the sun.
She giggled at him, eyes shutting for a second, before open to see him smiling back at her. “Do you even have to ask that? Isn’t it obvious I’m dying to kiss you, Styles?”
He rolled his eyes, smirk growing even bigger. “C’mere.”
She shifted closer swinging both her legs over his lap and scooting so close their chests pressed together. She felt her heart speed up at the thought of their lips becoming one. Harry was the one to lean down and connect their lips together in a soft gentle greeting. She tasted like rum and peaches, and he sighed at the taste. He’d wanted to do that all night, and he was relieved to have finally fulfilled his wish. Her soft hands had found their way onto his cheeks, and his hand landed on her waist to keep her nice and snug against him.
It wasn’t long until the little breathy sounds she was making had him needy for her, his tummy curled in desire. And in a hurry of want, he pulled her onto his lap properly and she squealed quietly. Laughing against her lips, he smiled. Pulling away to whisper, “I missed you, so much.”
She rolled her eyes. “You saw me like an hour ago.”
She saw him before they arrived. Having got ready at Emma’s, he’d seen her before she was dressed and left for the party. He snuck a quick peck on her lips while Emma was in the shower before he left. The sneaking around was getting more bold, and Y/n knew she should tell Emma soon but she just didn’t know how. 
Plus what were they? She could hardly say ‘Hey Em been shagging your brother for a bit.’
Harry shrugged at her words. “I don’t care, I miss you the second you’re gone.”
Her lips landed on his cheek, leaving a kiss print of pink and she giggled, thumb coming up to wipe it off. 
“Oops.” She giggled.
“What, you didn’t miss me, Baby?” He whispered, tone all sultry, it made her stomach curl viciously. He seriously would be the death of her. She should’ve known from the minute she met him it would be.
“Obviously. Now kiss me like you mean all that sap,” She ordered him, and there was no need to tell him twice. He kissed her again, tongue sliding into her mouth to swirl against hers. His lips moulded perfectly into hers as his hands slid up under her dress gliding over the soft skin of her bum. The tiniest underwear she owned covered her and he felt the lace under his palm, which pulled a groan from out of him as Y/n shifted herself against his hips unconsciously. She moaned softly at the feeling of his stiff cock digging into her knickers, one of her hands balling his shirt up in her hand.
He squeezed her ass tightly and pulled back for a breath to leave kisses along her jaw and neck. Nipping at the skin below her ear, he whispered to her softly. “Such a good girl, Y/n.”
She sighed at the feeling, eyes fluttering closed and mouth open slightly. She couldn’t help it, Harry was just so warm, so inviting, that she felt herself melting against his firm chest. She’d been so needy without him, and the pep talk she’d given herself before tonight had gone out the window as soon as she’d seen him.
They hadn’t been together in so long, and she’d gotten herself off this morning but it wasn’t the same without Harry there. She’d been wishing it was him the whole time.
“You’re mouth is criminal, Styles. Could get me to do anything.” She admitted softly finger running along his bottom lip. It was all pink and wet from her mouth, and she briefly remembered the feeling of him sucking on her clit, fighting the urge to stop her eyes from rolling back into her head at the memory.
He looked up quickly, meeting her eyes. 
“Anything?” He asked mischievously. 
She shrugged leaning down to plant a quick kiss against his swollen lips, “Probably.”
He laughed at that and trapped her into another kiss. They were growing more heated and passionate, her hips grazing against him ever so slightly, as gentle moans left her mouth. Harry swallowed each sound and let her use him for friction, the dull ache in his balls subsided a little less when she did it. He honestly thought he could cum his pants from it if she just went a little bit harder, for a little bit longer.
His hands gripped her a bit harder and pushed her more firmly against him, and the feel of her warmth against him grew stronger. He guessed that by now she was probably wet, and the thought made his cock twitch. Her pussy filled his daydreams, and his mouth salivated at the thought.
She whined into his mouth and whispered a swear against him. His large hand rubbed a circle on her bum, and he decided that this must be heaven. A pretty angel with Y/n’s form was here with him, and sitting right up against his stiffy. That was his idea of heaven.
His hands hidden under the dress, smooth skin under his palms, his hand could barely feel any fabric he knew just how tiny the sorry excuse of knickers she was wearing was, and this only riled him up more. She was so fucking hot. Sexiest little thing.
As she began to grow more needy for a release the feel of his rough jeans combined with the thin lace knickers she was wearing rubbing against her clit, she thought she could cum from this. The prickling heat had started to spark up her spine and she moaned at the bulge of his cock pressing into her. He began to kiss down her neck again and along her chest, and she felt her pleasure growing in her tummy.
Suddenly feeling close, she pushed his shoulders down so that he was lying on his back, and he smirked at the way she grew more needy for it. He loved seeing her use him to get herself off, he didn’t mind letting her be in charge every once in a while. She rested her cheek against his shoulder as she moved her hips in long but hard motions. All rough, and desperate, and Harry loved to see her so riled up. God, she was so perfect. They hadn’t properly seen each other since that night after her terrible date with Peter, and he was growing tired of fisting his cock in the shower. It didn’t compare to the real deal.
Not to mention he just missed talking to her and being with her, and even if the only thing to happen tonight was for her to get off on his leg while he kissed her pretty little mouth, he’d be completely happy with that.
With Y/n he would do just about anything because, well, it was with her.
Eventually, she whispered a soft, “I’m close,” in his ear.
Harry shifted his hips to move with hers  “Cum for me angel,” He whispered into her ear. And just as she was about to cum the door swung up and her movements halted. Harry was about to shout a quick ‘fuck off’ because it was probably a drunk person looking for the loo, but the voice that met their ears wasn’t a stranger.
Oh shit.
“Y/n? Is that a- is that a Harry under you?” Asked the drunken voice of Niall. His voice was slightly slurring, and the gasp he’d let out made them know for sure who it was. 
He could see the familiar tattooed arms wrapped around her which made him immediately know it was Harry and underneath the fluffy material of her dress he saw a flash of pink knickers and that mermaid tattoo Niall actually went with him when he got done, caught his attention, as he let out a loud yelp.
Honestly, he’d never date either of them. But the bisexual side of him was slightly aroused. They were hot, and together? God. Just delicious.
Y/n winced and shut her eyes, sitting up, “Uh…no??” 
Harry laughed at her attempt to lie and she hit his chest. “Shh! Shut up, Styles!”
Niall shut the door walking inside further, uncaring of the position they were in, and the fact he could see Harry’s stiffy pressing up into Y/n’s thigh. 
“What the fuck?” He said, and they could hear the betrayal in his tone. Normally Harry told him everyone he slept with and always stayed in the loop, even if it was a simple statement like he hooked up with blah at blah he always told him. And Y/n told him everything too, mostly, or at least he thought she did.
Y/n sat up sliding off Harry who sat up, stiff cock still standing tall, and his balls aching. Sitting beside him, Y/n hung her head, like a child ready for scolding.
“We wanted to tell you, mate,” He started, lifting his hands up to run through his hair and chucking the plastic red horns onto the bed, as he shifted on the bed. 
Niall placed a hand to his chest mouth parted open like a fish. His long sheet turned toga covering very little of his muscled chest as he squeezed the flesh there. 
“I’m like so betrayed bitches, why didn’t you tell me? Did this just happen? Is this new? What on earth is going on?”
Y/n laughed at his bombard of questions, he obviously wasn’t too cross with them which relieved the tightness in her chest. 
She didn’t look at Harry when she spoke, instead playing with her fingers in her lap and fidgeting, “We haven’t told anyone…it’s well, I’m not sure exactly what is, Ni.”
Harry looked up at her statement and rolled his eyes. “I am, I fancy the fuck out of you, Trouble. We just haven’t told anyone because Emma would lose it. Remember when I got with Y/n’s old roommate that redhead I forget her name, and Emma shunned her from the group?”
Niall nodded, mulling things over. “Right, yeah. She wasn’t happy about that. Which is sad, I liked that girl, great tits.”
Y/n rolled her eyes and wanted to laugh, clearly, they didn’t like her that much if they couldn’t remember her name.
Y/n stood up. “Ni, I know you’re in shock and offended we didn’t tell you. Which is so fair, but Em doesn’t know yet, and she will kill me. Seriously murder me, especially if she finds out from someone who isn’t me. So you can’t tell a soul.”
He looked down at her and nodded. “Of course, I won’t tell anyone, just Benny.”
Benny was his cat, a fat ginger tabby, who was an old thing that Y/n found hiding behind his car one afternoon. Turns out he was abandoned, back then he’d been a thin little thing, but now Niall fed him up probably too much.
Y/n hugged him, and Niall’s hands slid down to her waist. “Thank you, mate,”
He just nodded, and let out a breath.
“Okay, I’m gonna grab some spliff from in here,” He rustled around, “then you can get back to it. Just don’t spunk all over my bed kids, and if you need a cum rag still one from next door, Jimbo keeps stealing my spliff so,” He said walking over to his shelf and grabbing a tin box full of weed, and his monkey bong from beside his telly.
He shut the door with a hushed bye, and then Y/n finally looked at Harry to see he was already staring up at her from his seat on the edge of the bed. Still standing up, anxiety fluttering her tummy.
“So you fancy me, huh?” She said teasingly with a smile, her lipstick was smudged and he could taste her peach-flavoured lipgloss on his lips still, he licked them in thought.
They hadn’t really discussed much about their relationship. But she was fairly certain he liked her. And she could tell he got jealous, that was obvious. But the sudden change from being the brooding older brother of her best friend, who constantly treated her like a ghost, and teased her about her behaviour to this. This intense, honest, and obsessed boy. It was like whiplash.
All those years? What had changed him in these few weeks?
She would probably always fancy him even if nothing ever comes from this, a piece of her will always belong to him, does he know that? She always felt like she was more transparent than he was.
But right now, just his eyes were a giveaway of his feelings. 
The normally stoic, and cold, gaze was suddenly soft and molten. Even though only a few minutes before they’d been seconds away from getting off and kissing, now it was a soft cosy little bubble.
She was suddenly overwhelmed with a memory. When she was a kid and she’d go to her grandparent’s house she’d find herself sitting in their attic, which they’d turned a library nook which had a big window seat that caused the carpet to get all sun-soaked around noon and she’d flick through dozens of photo albums of her grandparents. The couple had grown up together as neighbours, and been in love since they were five years old.
Her grandparents were still so in love to this day, and her grandma always said you can tell by someone’s eyes if their feelings are true. Y/n’s grandfather’s eyes never turned hard around his wife, and Y/n always took notice. The strong, tall, soldier, was an absoloute sap for her.
Y/n had always hoped one day, she would find a love timeless and comfortable like theirs. Which is probably why she’d never gotten into many casual things, and was against that, she just always hoped one day Harry’s eyes would be like that but now that it was happening she almost couldn’t believe it.
Can people lie with their eyes like they can with their mouth? Can Harry?
He nodded. “Isn’t that very obvious, gorgeous?”
She sat down next to him, and she could feel the steamy moment blossoming into something more intimate and soft. She shrugged and looked down at the hands on his lap, and said nervously, “I don’t know,”
He pouted and slid his hand onto her knee. “We can’t have that,”
She looked up at him, her confidence melting away. She felt fourteen all over again, watching Harry pine over other girls and crying when she got home that he didn’t fancy her. Trying to dress more maturely and act like the girls he’d fancied the next day only to go unnoticed. Praying the red bikini she bought that was pretty skimpy for fifteen would catch his gaze when they had a pool party, only for him to makeout with some girl in front of her.
She could admit her crush on him was embarrassing to look back on, but when she got older a few years down the track she’d grown to accept it wasn’t supposed to be and decided she wouldn’t try to change to be perfect for him. Because in reality that isn’t what Harry went for anyway.
She couldn’t help but feel fourteen and insecure again. Why did he all of a sudden feel into her? 
“Well, y’cant blame me. You hook up with a lot of girls H, and that’s okay, but you know I’m not very experienced. I just- I like you. I always have. But what makes what we are doing different from Jenny, the redheaded roommate from first year.” She said, and his eyes pinched with a prickle of sadness.
He had no idea Y/n still felt this way, after the past few weeks he was certain she’d always secretly known how much he liked her. He thought his affection for her was so bloody obvious but clearly she’d never picked up on that.
He sighed, “I used to get with a lot of people, Trouble. Used to, I don’t want too anymore. Not after the night we shared.” He started, licking his lips and leaning closer. “And you are different from everyone I’ve ever slept with because I actually want more than that…I love having sex with you, Princess, but I also love talking to you, I love being with you, and you are the most lovely person I have ever met.”
Y/n felt the air disappear from her lungs. “You’re special, and I wish I would’ve done something about it sooner instead of wasting our time.”
She smiled, one that hurt her cheeks. She felt them grow rosy as he continued talking. 
“And fuck, you drive me crazy. But I miss you the minute you leave, and you are the only person I have ever wanted. Even when were kids. I don’t know how you never noticed, Y/n, but it’s probably because I’m such a tit sometimes. I never made things easy on you, and I’m sorry.”
The validation and shock were overwhelming to Y/n. 
Her heart practically stopped.
He’d liked her too? 
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. 
Her heart skipped a few beats in her chest, and she felt herself trying to process his confession. 
He’d liked her too? All this time he’d liked her too? What the fuck.
“I may have always been a total dick, but I’ve always fancied you. Ever since I could remember. If Emma wasn’t an issue I would already have told everyone that I fancy the fuck out of you, including you.” He said, lifting a finger to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear, “I would’ve tried to get with you years ago, but the idea of not having you at all was what stopped me.”
He paused, swallowing as he watched her stay silent, and listen. “If I could change the way we started this I would’ve done it properly. Asked you out somewhere nice, worn my best, all of it. But I didn’t expect for us to happen.”
He sighed, “And I didn’t want to have to make you choose between me or her, like I know Em will probably make you, and I’ve been selfish letting myself have you these past few months. But fuck, I just have no control when it comes to you,”
Y/n blinked slowly. Because holy fuck. He liked her back, he always had, and he would’ve been with her sooner if not for the obstacle of her best friend. She couldn’t believe it. She really was sure she must be dreaming and had to stop herself from pinching her skin.
Her lips curved in a smirk, and she put her hand on his hand that was resting on her knee and said. “So, what exactly does that make us, Styles?”
He smiled and for what felt like the first Y/n thought Harry looked nervous. He lifted his free hand to scratch the back of his neck, cheeks dusted in a rosy hue as he tried to get the words out.
“If you’ll have me, I’m yours.”
She giggled and he felt nervous while he waited for her response. 
“Mine?” She asked, liking the way it rolled off her tongue, her long lashes fluttering as she looked up at him.
He nodded once again, and she leaned close nose brushing his, and kissed him. As a soft ‘okay’ slipped past her lips he wrapped his arms around her back and smiled pulling apart from her lips for just a moment. 
Excitement rushed through him, as his heart raced. She was looking right back at him, and he felt blissfully happy.
“Okay?!” He asked, unable to hide his relief and surprise.
She laughed tossing her head back, “Yes, Styles.”
He pulled her into a tight hug and she couldn’t stop smiling against his chest, he smelled so good. When he pulled her back at arm’s length once more he looked at her, eyes scanning the plane of her beautiful face. The dim lighting didn’t offer much but he already had every detail of her face memorised. 
“Y’do know this makes you my girlfriend, right?” He said, once again checking she knew what she’d just agreed to.
She nodded laughing, and sliding her hands up under his shirt by his hips. “Yes, I’m aware, boyfriend.”
This made him kiss her again and her hands moved to his back as he rolled them over, his chest pressing into her as she melted into the plush bed. He kissed her desperately, leaving them both no chance to breathe. As her legs split open for him to rest on top of her, she felt something hard press into her. Not his prick, no it was in his pocket, how come she hadn’t noticed before when she was sitting on him? 
She touched it with her hand, and Harry took notice, pulling back gently as his ragged breath fanned her flushed face. 
“Sorry, Trouble.” He whispered breathily, as he dug around in his pocket, sitting up on his knees as Y/n leaned back on her arms watching him.
In his hand was a little black box, it was velvet and she wondered what on earth he had in there. She frowned, eyebrows pinching confusedly, as she watched him hesitate to open it or explain.
Rather than speaking, he opened the box finding inside a sparkling gold necklace. It glittered under the fairy lights Niall had on his headboard. She squinted sitting up straighter, slightly dizzy from it all.
A soft giggle erupted from her lips, and she felt her smile grow wider. Her dainty hand reached out to graze it.
This boy really was full of surprises. “I just- I thought we’d talk tonight so….”
A little golden H on a chain glittered the box, and she felt eagerness bubble in her tummy. Flowing through her veins, as she smirked at him, and bit her lip, “I thought you were joking when you said all those things.”
That night after he’d picked her up from that horrible blind date, and they’d shared a long night together. She thought his jealousy, and possessiveness was laced into his sexual fantasies. Not real jealousy. Because since when was Harry one to care about anything when it came to girls, other than getting his cock wet?
He only smiled, a wicked look coming across his features, God, he really was so bloody devilishly handsome. 
“I don’t joke about what belongs to me, Y/n,” His voice drawled softly, and her stomach curled. The way he was looking at her was enough to rile her up all over again. 
She moved one of her hands to slide up along his arm, her pink long nails scratching the inked skin softly as she lifted his wrist to her chest and pressed a kiss on his knuckles softly. His breath hitched at the sight of her. 
She was so adorable. 
Y/n gradually brought his palm to her neck, and his fingers gently slid around her throat and she bit her lip. 
“Take this off,” She sighed.
He knew she was referring to her initial around her neck, and his cock twitched. Fuck, for an innocent little angel, she knew his game.
His fingers found the clasp and took the necklace off. It was dainty in his hands and what she did next surprised him. Grabbing the necklace from his palm she sat up a bit more on the bed and slid it around his neck, the chain was still warm from her neck, but he shivered as she touched him anyway.
She clasped it on, and it dangled alongside the cross his mother had given him. It was so dainty, you’d hardly notice it. She liked the idea of her initial constantly hanging there beside the cross. He never took the cross off, not even in the shower. Her finger lined them up perfectly, the cross was slightly longer and she made sure they weren’t tangled.
He leaned down now, almost face to face.
“Now everyone gets t’know what’s mine too, don’t they, Harry?” She whispered and licked her lips at the way the chains dangled down near her forehead.
He smirked down at her, dimples popping. “Yes, Angel, they do.” 
She grabbed the necklace from the box and handed it to him. “Put mine on, Styles.”
He obeyed and put the necklace on, the cool chain made goosebumps pimple her skin. It dipped just above the swell of her tits, and he smiled at the sight. His perfect little angel, marked under his name.
“Gorgeous little thing.” He whispered and put the box on the bedside table.
Y/n grabbed his shoulders bringing him back down, he captured her lips against his and they kissed. It was all tongues, teeth, and a mess of noses bumping each other. A feverish kiss, full of a searing heat that had been waiting to burst for a few weeks now.
Y/n’s soft legs wrapped around him, the heels of her shoes digging into his bum as she pressed her heat closer to his once again stiff prick, as he moved his mouth down along her jaw and neck. Slowly spreading his kisses to her chest, and once he got to the H necklace he smirked to himself. He had to be dreaming.
His hands found the zipper of her dress and began to tug the fluffy sleeves down, which revealed her bare chest. Her nipples hardened as his hands grazed them, rough and calloused fingers teasing her nipples, and he moaned, at the feel of her, before latching his lips around one of them.
His filthy, fast, searing hot tongue glided along her. He looked up to see her reaction and the breathless, blushed face made him jut his hips into the bed. God, he wanted her.
“Naughty lil’ thing,” He whispered, looking up at her as he began to leave marks along her chest. Her hands fell to his hair and tugged on the mess of curls, playing with the hair distractedly. 
“Tiny knickers, no bra, all for who, Baby?” He tsked her, looking up to see her expressions but her eyes had shut, and she was sighing softly. She looked off in her own world.
“You,” She keened, eyes opening only to find that green already staring right back at her.
He smiled at that and planted another kiss on her lips before moving down the bed, shifting so that he was kneeling on the floor as he tugged up the fluffy skirt hem, and put his face between her thighs. Kissing, sucking, and nipping on her soft skin. She moaned at the feeling of him, and the drink she’d had made her loose-lipped and slightly louder than she normally would be in a bedroom at a party hiding from her best mate.
She knew they shouldn’t be doing this, but they were together now, she could hardly leave this conversation without celebrating.
His nose brushed against her knickers, and her hips jolted up in his face. He smirked against her and his big, strong, ring-covered hands pushed her hips flat on the bed as he looked up at her. “That’s right, Trouble, all f’me. Only f’me. Sucha’ good girl.”
One of his hands moved to her knickers and pushed the thin string aside, revealing her gorgeous dripping pussy. His mouth practically watered at the sight, ever since the night he had a chance to taste her it was something that had overtaken his fantasies when he fisted his cock, he loved being between her legs and it was all he could think about most nights before bed.
When he began kissing her clit, she knew it was going to be hard to pull him away. His tongue darted out along into her hole, and he started licking into her desperately, as her legs fell over his shoulders and she let out a soft cry.
“Mm, fuck, Daddy,” She moaned, and her hands fell into his hair as she began to tug on it in gratitude. Her long nails scratched his scalp, and he moaned against her clit causing her legs to squeeze against his head in pleasure.
One of his hands moved up to her thigh and he pushed it backward, giving him a better view of her. With his other hand, he moved his fingers up to her lips and tapped against her bottom lip. She knew he wanted her to suck on them, and did so happily. They muffled her moans as he continued hungrily licking up all the slick dripping out of her needy little pussy.
He could feel her tongue swirling around his fingers and his cock jealously throbbed in his pants. He was happy with how dripping in her saliva his fingers had become and he brought his hand back down to join his tongue. With his middle finger, he slowly started teasing her weeping hole, and she let out a harsh cry. 
“Please,” She begged desperately and tugged on his hair.
He pulled back, lips covered in slick all plump and pink. “I know, Princess, I know,”
And just like that his fingers slipped inside her, filling her up so that she felt nice and snug with him. His lips moved to her clit and he began sucking firmly, this caused her spine to spark with the familiar feeling of her orgasm rising. Her tummy was rolling in waves of pleasure, and her clit was throbbing against his warm wet tongue.
“Daddy, fuck,” She cried, and each breath she let out was a whimper. All desperate, as she clawed his arms and hair, so ready for him to be inside her. So ready to cum. So close.
She felt so fucking good. His mouth was like heaven and she felt the high she’d been chasing for weeks close enough that she could almost taste it. The way he was lapping her pussy up like a hungry feral animal. His fingers were long and thick, but nothing compared to his gorgeous prick. They were curling inside her and she could feel him hitting that spongy spot that made her toes curl. 
He noticed her thighs begin to shake and the especially loud gasp she let out when he hit that spot. Continuing his merciless and hard pace he was certain she’d be coming undone soon. His tongue sped up, growing more sloppy and hungry for her orgasm to melt onto his tongue. His free hand squeezed the soft flesh of her thigh, as it shook uncontrollably underneath. 
The animalistic needy way he was licking into her was almost like a beast and its prey. He’d lost all sense of his surroundings, where he was, and what was happening outside of this room, all his focus was on Y/n. Her sweet, tangy, taste, the sounds of her whimpers which went straight to his throbbing cock, and the feel of her skin under his hands, the slick coating his tongue.
When Y/n came for him, it wasn’t gentle and quiet like they’d planned. No, her hands clawed at the soft cotton bedsheets as her back arched up uncontrollably. A loud long cry of Harry’s name fell from her swollen lips, as her pussy throbbed and waves of pleasure washed over her. Her body shuddered and his tongue hadn’t stopped until he’d licked up all the slick off her, and she pushed his head back with a shiver.
“Sensitive,” She whispered.
He smiled at her. “You’re so fucking beautiful,”
She blushed, and pulled him up closer to her, trapping him in a long loving kiss. She could taste herself on his lips but didn’t have it in herself to care. His hands caressed the curve of her body as she rolled on top of him. 
His firm cock was digging into her hip as she kissed him, in no particular hurry at all, and her hand found its way to his jean button. Popping it open and sliding her small, warm, hand into his briefs. She could feel how hard he was and pulled him out. He sprung up against his tummy, and Y/n began to stroke him softly and slowly. The reddened tip of his cock was drooling in beads of precum.
Her lips still smearing against his, as his tummy curled in desire. The sleeves of her dress had fallen down, and she looked all messy from having cum just a few seconds before. She was so beautiful.
As she moved down the bed. Her legs bracketed his and she rested her cheek on his hip bone, lips pouty as she looked up at him. Her hand was still holding the base of him, as smiled. A shadow of him cast over her innocent looking face.
“You have sucha’ pretty cock, Daddy,” She whispered, eyes mesmerised by the sight. And she wasn’t lying, he really did have such a pretty cock. The prettiest.
“All yours, Princess,” He said softly, and despite the fact his hard massive prick was out, the way he spoke was so tender and gentle.
“Can I suck you off?”
He nodded. “Course y’can, Angel, go ahead.”
She rested between his legs with her bum arched up as she leaned down to swallow him in her mouth. Her saliva dripped down along his shaft, as he watched her take him in her mouth. He hardly fit, so she used her hands too, and each time she dared to go deeper her throat gagged around him. Coughing and spluttering, as she attempted to suck him off.
She tried for a few more minutes, unable to get the fast deep pace she wanted. Harry wanted to laugh at her attempts, she was so adorable trying to fit his huge cock inside her little mouth. He didn’t mind watching her pathetic attempts to deep-throat him.
She pulled off for a second, a string of drool connecting them, “Can y’help me make it fit, Daddy?”
He nodded, hand coming to stroke her cheek, “Just tap my thigh if it’s too much, Baby,”
She nodded before moving back down to wrap her lips around a third of him, she could feel his tip hitting her throat already. Her slick spit had dripped all the way down to his balls and her free hand moved to gently massage them.
He moaned. “Fuck, good girl,”
His hips slowly moved up into her mouth, and she choked on him without pulling away, his pace began to become more regular as she let him fuck her mouth.
“Daddy’s good girl, aren’t you?”
She made a noise his cock, and he just pushed himself deeper, hands moving to hold her hair in a loose ponytail in his fist, “What was that, sweet girl?”
He teased, as she tried to mumble a yes, despite the fact her mouth was stuffed full of him. He laughed sadistically, tossing his head back as he let out a deep rumble of a groan.
His hips speed up desperately as he feels orgasm feels closer. “So fuckin’ good, Y/n, fuck,”
Her hands massaging his balls, and the base of his cock that couldn’t fit, along with her warm, wet, hot, little throat made Harry certain he’d only last a few more minutes. His rhythm grew more sloppy, as he watched Y/n take him. Her eyes were crying with tears from his rough pace, and she was squeezing her thighs together at the noises he was making.
His cock disappearing into her, was enough to have him hissing and whimpering. “Oh, fuck, baby, you’re gonna make me cum, such a good girl f’me.”
He pushed her head down a few more times, listening to the way her mouth made sloppy noises around him, and he let out a deep guttural moan as he felt his cum start to leak out into her throat. His throat rumbled gravelly moans as his hips lifted up into her throat. Holding her head there to take all of his cum, before finally pulling her off. 
She let in some deep ragged breaths, mascara running down her face, and his cum dribbling from her chin. There had been so much of it, that she was almost jealous he hadn’t spilled it inside her. She shut her eyes and let her lungs finally have some air again. She’d gotten dizzy around him.
Her tongue darted out to collect the cum that had split, as she drooped to rest her head against his thigh again. His hands moved to her back and rubbed some soft scratches along her shoulder blades.
“You okay, Trouble?”
She nodded looking up with her glassy eyes, and glossy-coated lips, “Did I do alright, Styles?”
His brows pinched and he shook his head at her question, grabbing her so they were face to face, “You are the most beautiful girl in the world, and your mouth, was made for my cock,”
She sat up and pulled him in for a kiss. A soft one, slow, and comfortable. As he rubbed her exposed skin. She was so warm, silky, and supple under his palms. He wished to stay like this always.
He eventually turned her so that she was on her side, one of his legs between her two plump thighs, and they continued to kiss. His kisses travelled to her shoulder and neck as she played with his hair.
She whispered softly in his hair, which smelt like his shampoo, a chestnut-scented one. “I want you, Harry, please,”
And if Harry thought he’d been really needy before, he was sorely mistaken, because seeing his messy-looking girlfriend begging for him to fuck her, had him only thinking of him stuffing her full until she cums for him, over and over and over. His cock had already hardened once more and he rolled on top of her.
“Okay, my love,” He said softly, as he kissed her forehead, lips meeting again in a kiss.
Her soft hands moved up under his shirt squeezing his hips, soon tugging on the hem until Harry realised she wanted it off. They parted their lips breathlessly as he pulled the shirt up over him, muscles flexing as he threw it somewhere they didn’t care to look. She smirked against the curve of his shoulder as he moved back on top of her, and her hands stroked the rippling muscles of his skin, finding a home on his back. 
They were too desperate to get all their clothes off, but Harry had tugged down the top of her dress, fluffy sleeves hanging on her arms lopsidedly, revealing her beautiful chest which had marks already blooming from his previous bites, and he’d bunched her dress up around her hips. The plumes of the skirt of her dress hid her wet little pussy from them both, but he could feel her. He slipped his hand down between her thighs and shoved the thin string that was her knickers to the side so he could slip his prick inside of her with ease.
He looked up at her. She was biting her lip, eyes shut, a look of complete desire on her face. Waiting for him.
“You okay, Trouble? Ready f’me?” He asked her, the tip of him teasing her. Pressing into her swollen clit as her hips squirmed at the attention of him. She was about ready to cry over how much she wanted it.
“Yes, please, Daddy, want you.” She said in a desperate tone, she almost looked in pain over it. He leaned down to kiss her temple before he slowly guided himself inside her. Inch by inch she felt herself split open for him, a familiar sting washing over her like always because of his absolutely ridiculously large prick.
When he reached the hilt of her and had stuffed her as full as he could he leaned back down, arms hugging her close to him, chests pressing together as his head fell into the crook of her shoulder. Her arms had moved to his back, long nails already digging into his skin. 
“Fuck,” He whispered. As she moaned at the feeling of him. A soft cry, that had his balls aching for release.
She was breathless from the feeling of being full of him. 
When she eventually told him he could move he began to, at a hard but slow pace. Each thrust hit her so hard she let out the loudest noise she ever had. Her pouty lips formed an O shape as she clung to him tightly, trying to stay still despite how sensitive she felt. He was groaning against her shoulder and neck, and the tightness of her pussy had him shaking. She was so warm, and tight, and god. So perfect.
Her mouth was by his arm and she kissed the soft skin, as he began to speed up. The pair of them both getting more and more desperate for their release. She could tell because his thrusts were growing more sloppy, and less calculated. Her hand slid between where they joined, and she began to rub firm lazy circles on her swollen bud. It wasn’t long before she unravelled on his cock, he could feel the way she squeezed him, and soaked his prick, as she cried out his name. 
“M’cumming, H, please,” She didn’t know what exactly it was she was begging for. But he seemed too.
He kissed her lips, a gentle peck, “I know, Baby, let me take care of you,” He whimpered, he was trying to help her through it without cumming himself.
Her nails scratched into his back, harshly, as he hissed in pain and pleasure. She nodded, letting him help her through the intense feeling of her orgasm. His cock was so deep, she felt like she wanted to cry. 
“Thas’ it, m’love, such a pretty little angel, f’me,” He praised as she squirted on his cock.
When the peak of her orgasm subsided, she noticed Harry’s thrusts grow uneven and she helped him by rolling her hips to meet his.
She looked so spent, and her eyes opened to watch him as he came undone, lip caught between her teeth. 
Those eyes are what did it for him. He came, hard, and fast. Hot cum shooting up inside her, as he flopped down with a guttural, deep, moan of her name. Whispering sweet nothings as he let himself fill her up with his release. Balls twitching, while his hot breath raggedly hit her neck.
“S’fuckin’ good,” He said, kissing her lips. “My perfect girl,”
She kissed back tiredly. Just as they were about to kiss even more deeply the shrill sound of Y/n’s phone ringing erupted in the room. Fleetwood Mac was her ringtone and Y/n pulled back to see who it was. 
Incoming call from Em💛🌻 lit up Y/n’s screen and a photo of Emma from primary school was the picture. She looked so cute and ridiculous in it.
Y/n now noticed about five messages from her. And Harry noticed her stiffen, pulling out of her to sit up and, she winced at the feeling. Suddenly empty of him, and wishing he’d stayed a little longer.
Harry tried not to notice the way his cum leaked out of her, but it made his cock twitch, he walked around Niall’s room until he found some tissues. Coming over and gently wiping her up, while Y/n replied to Emma’s text.
Her pussy was sore, and swollen, from pleasure. As he cleaned her up, she flinched. 
He leaned down to kiss her forehead. “Sorry, Trouble, I’ll try n’ be gentle.”
Once he’d gotten her all cleaned up they sat up and fixed her outfit. Pulling the straps back up over her shoulders, and her fluffy tule down, the sticky knickers covered in their cum made their way off her. His rough hands remained soft on her hips as he slid them off.
“What are you doing, Styles?” She asked eyes wide, and doe-eyed. Suddenly all innocent again, like she hadn’t just squirted all over his cock in someone else’s bed.
“Can’t have you all sticky can I? Don’t worry I’ll hold onto them.” He said sliding them into his front pocket. The pale pink lace bunched up in a tiny ball, not sticking out. All tucked away, their filthy little secret.
She blushed a rosy hue and was about to protest but he kissed her and grabbed her hand to sit her up, pulling her by her wrists to stand up with him. Tugging the hem of her dress down so she was covered, as hunted around the room for his own clothes. Quickly tidying himself up and finding the devil horns that Y/n had thrown out of his hair at some point, before stealing one last kiss from her.
It was deep and slow, tongues melting together, as he moaned softly against her, his hands hugging her body nice and close to his. He felt weird having sex and going back downstairs so quickly, he was so used to cuddling with Y/n now, but he was sure she felt okay and he tried to assure her.
 “Go find Em, I’ll find you in a bit, okay? Don’t go anywhere, Trouble,” He said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ears and placing one final kiss on her forehead before letting her go.
Her face hurt from smiling so much, and she turned to leave, but just as she was about to open the door she turned back around and ran over to him to quickly place a kiss on his cheek. He smiled at her, god, she was cute.
And watched as she disappeared back outside into the real world, sighing to himself. He took a moment to sit down on the bed, taking in deep breaths as he beat himself up silently. He was partly celebrating in his head because holy shit, Y/n was his girl now, officially, she’d signed her name on the dotted line with the devil, handing over her precious angel soul. His initial hung around her neck, a silent show. 
But he did wish he could’ve told her he loved her. Because god, did he love that girl, his chest physically hurt to be apart from her, it ached. He never felt that way about anyone before. Y/n is home, Y/n is happiness, Y/n is his childhood, and Y/n is his first and only love.
He should tell her. He silently decided to work up the courage soon, when the moment felt right. When neither of them had been drinking.
As Y/n walked down the stairs in search of her decidedly drunken best friend she sighed quietly, hoping the sex she’d just had didn’t wear on her face, praying her cheeks weren’t flushed in a show of how besotten she was for Harry. 
Y/n’s legs were stiff, and her pussy was still coming down from the high Harry had given her before. She was sore, his cock was still too big for her, and as she walked she tried not to let on how much he’d ruined her. 
Finally spotting her best friend with tears standing by the kitchen she rushed over. Emma began to bombard her with questions but Y/n just shrugged saying she bumped into some people from her Pysch class. 
Emma was far too inebriated to notice the stutter and lie and pulled her to the kitchen to do a few shots. By the time they’d done their third Niall pulled them over into an intense game of beer-pong which surprise surprise they both sucked at, resulting in them drinking a lot of stale-tasting beer. After their harsh loss, they floated over to the dancefloor, which was just the living room. Niall was playing some good music tonight, as per usual, and Y/n felt happy as the two girls melted together in a huge mess of limbs and dancing. 
She swayed her hips, ass pressed against Emma who had wrapped her arms around Y/n’s neck and shoulders. They were both very drunk now, the shots they’d done catching up to them, and the intense game of beer-pong Niall had roped them into had Y/n stumbling.
The house music that was playing made her feel even more off her face as she let her eyes flutter shut. Emma’s hands crept over to his hips and Y/n began to grind against her. They always danced pretty sexually together, and Y/n felt safe in her arms, she’d rather shake her ass against her best friend than some random frat guy.
And if she had to settle for the other Styles she didn’t mind, but she would rather be dancing against Harry. Who she’d lost, she didn’t know where he had gone now. But she let those thoughts drift away as Emma spun her around and they melted into a hug.
Singing to the song as it came to an end, Y/n lifted her head to look at Emma’s pretty face.
“I love you,” She slurred, obviously drunk. She also thinks Zayn and her had maybe spliffed up a bit. Because Emma’s eyes were red and she looked more out of it than normal.
Y/n smiled. “Love you too, Em.”
“I’m gonna go find Zayn, will you be okay?” She asked. 
Y/n nodded, “Yeah, go find him. I’ll go see if Niall is anywhere.”
Emma leaned over planting a peck on her lips, which wasn’t unusual for her, and left. Y/n sighed and instead of finding Niall, she found her body continuing to move along to the rhythm of the song. Her eyes shut once more as she raised her hands and danced her heart out.
She sang along to the song and pretended she was off in a magical land on her own. Time felt like it had slowed. As the song drew to the beat drop she felt a pair of hands slide on her hips and she spun around, uncomfortable at the thought of some strange man grabbing her.
But it wasn’t a strange man, no, it was Niall. She laughed. “Nialler!”
Her hands fell to his shoulders and she began to dance with him. Niall was a notorious flirt across campus, he was bisexual and that meant no one was safe from his constant flirting. And even though Niall had a boyfriend, and wow, now technically she did too they danced like two single people ready to leave together.
His hands melted to her hips and she leaned her chest into his. They jumped and swayed and they were both drunk and on a different planet almost. When she felt another pair of hands melt onto her waist and a warm back press into her she turned to look over her shoulder, it was Harry. 
She leaned into his back her bum pressing against his crotch as she felt his hands firmly stay on her hip bones while Niall’s stayed around her waist. Sandwiched between the two very attractive men had her wanting to laugh.
She giggled, and they both did too. Her head fell back to rest against Harry’s shoulder as they continued vibing along with the song. After a few songs, which flew by in the blink of an eye Paddy wandered over and whisked Niall away who left with an eyebrow raise and from the looks of it they were about to go blowie and make up.
As Y/n turned to face her boyfriend she sighed. Her boyfriend. She had one of those! 
She leaned forward to plant a quick peck on his lips. 
“Take me home, Styles?”
So he did.
love u thanks for ur patience more soon - L xxxx
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fkinavocado · 6 months
Loved, heard, seen
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in which your husband and Harry’s wife dragged you both into a situation you didn’t want to be in, but as it turns out, everything happens for a reason
Warning: 18+, smut, mentions of cheating/swinging, dom/sub dynamics, angst, slow-ish burn ( swingrry! )
Status: ongoing, miniseries
Part One
Part Two
Part Three- updated 21st Jan
Part Four- coming soon
821 notes · View notes
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The manuscript || Chapter One
This manuscript, previously known as Her Majesty, now titled The Glass Veil, represents countless hours of revision and transformation. Scenes and characters, along with their entwined plots, have been reshaped and refined. It's my hope that you, as a reader, derive as much joy from experiencing this story as I have found in crafting it.
In the opulent yet perilous corridors of the royal palace, a story of love, deceit, and power unfolds with Anastasia at its heart. Once a commoner, her sudden and secretive betrothal to Harry promised a fairy tale ending. But behind the gilded doors lies a web of intrigue. Her Father and Parliment, cunning and ambitious nobles, expose Anastasia's sanity as a strategic deception aimed at barring her ascent to power. As her coronation approaches, Anastasia finds herself ensnared in a political chess game with the throne and her life at stake. Each player is ruthless, each move more dangerous than the last. With her legitimacy questioned and enemies closing in, Anastasia must navigate the treacherous waters of royalty to prove her worth not just as a monarch but as a leader worthy of her people's loyalty. In this gripping tale of betrayal and survival, the line between ally and adversary blurs, and the crown's weight tests the bounds of love and loyalty. Will Anastasia rise to reign as queen, or will the machinations of those around her lead to her undoing?
Word count: 3,230
Master Link || Chat with me
Two-hundred and nineteen thousand— That's how many hours it has taken to get to the inevitable dreaded moment— a moment of despair.
During my childhood, I spent countless hours exploring the vast gardens and hidden rooms of the magnificent manor. It was a world of endless wonder and excitement, for a kid, where every corner held a new adventure. The privilege of having the latest fashionable clothing and receiving a top-notch education added to the enchantment of my upbringing. An enchantment presumed by those looking in, an enchantment viewed to me as a disservice. By the age of five, I was already considered bilingual, a testament to the extraordinary opportunities that surrounded me. Growing up among influential individuals, including parliament members and future leaders, painted my world with shades of prestige and influence. As the seasons changed, so did our abode, and one of my fondest memories was residing in Hillsborough Castle, nestled in the picturesque County Down. The sprawling 100-acre gardens became my playground, where I would lose myself in nature's embrace. Even though my security team might have groaned at my endless playfulness, those moments of freedom and exploration shaped the essence of my childhood.
Picture this: a glorious manor with gardens that stretch as far as the eye can see. Every nook and cranny of those rooms held secrets waiting to be discovered. The secrets that those rooms hold are rarely spoken of, nor have they been fully disclosed. There are hidden nooks and crannies, stumbling upon forgotten artefacts and family secrets. Some rooms have secret passageways, concealed behind bookshelves or ornate tapestries. Others hold hidden compartments, revealing long-lost letters and intriguing history. The Palace is like stepping into a world of intrigue and adventure, where every corner whispers stories of the past, both good and bad. Secrets that slowly reveal themselves in the worst of lights.
Then there's Windsor Castle, established on an immense hill next to the River Thames, 20 miles west of London. My time spent at Windsor is normally during Easter, during Royal Ascot and the Order of the Garter in June, and during Christmas, depending on my parents ' schedules. Windsor is old, Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest inhabited castle in the world, to be quite frank, it creeps me out. There are over 10 royal monarchs buried in St. George's Chapel, which is located in the Lower Ward of the castle and it bothers me every time I have to stay there. There are dungeons at Windsor Castle that were used as bomb shelters during WWII. It's hard to believe there was a time when the empires were under attack and Windsor stood tall with its war chambers. Chambers that were also used for torture.
Everything is mapped out on the palace grounds, everything besides the war chambers. Not many people are aware of the chambers, only the King, Queen and security personnel know where they are. I know by default, a story I will not dive into right now.
The role of the chambers in facilitating torture has been neglected for centuries and overlooked by many. Torture was used to extract confessions from those accused of crimes years ago, they were also used as hostages to barter amongst other nobles. Torture was more highly organised and more widespread during the Spanish Inquisition times. Torture is what we are going through but in a more modern era.
Prisoners could be tied to chairs and cut or pierced with implements, they could be stretched on a rack or submerged in water, and some methods even included exposing a victim to the elements or making use of rats.
Despite the endless travel, the odd childhood perspectives, and the random knowledge of the castles I have collected over the years, things have been relatively tranquil and extraordinary-ish.
Up until now...
I am surrounded by members of royalty, including dukes, princes, princesses, duchesses, and baronesses. They have all gathered here at my mother and father's request, particularly my mother who enjoys hosting informal meetings in the palace. While many people find joy in hosting events, I am not one of them. I have been involved in hosting events since I was a child. I remember sneaking away from the maids and staff to peer over the stairs and admire everyone's beautiful attire. I used to dream of the day when I could be the centre of attention. However, now that I am in that position, I long for simpler times when I could run freely in the gardens without worrying about what hat was appropriate for each occasion. I know what is about to happen, I may be naive, but I know all too well how this is about to go. "Kensington Palace can now publicly announce additional details about the forthcoming tour of Belgium this spring. We now know that the tour will begin in April. The visit to Belgium will allow us to continue a relationship between two Royal Families by meeting The King and Queen. This tour, coming shortly will also allow, Princess Anastasia Annette, Duchess of Edinburgh, to begin her royal duties as soon to be, her Royal Highness, Queen of England."
And there it is, the epitome of a surprise welcoming to my reign.
I stare at my Father as he announces the plans for the next few weeks, plans that are about to change my life. By my father, the King of England, expressing his not directly worded and unknown, abdication means that I will be reining sooner than I had thought, sooner than I had wanted. I thought I had years to go. Most Kings rule until their deathbed. I stand statue-like, unaware of how it is deemed okay to announce the news without telling me first. It isn't even direct, I have to read between the lines to see what he is doing. I am sure they had to go through the Kensington Palace publicist to do this.
Then again, the King outranks everyone and can deem anything acceptable.
I hadn't intended to begin my royal duties so soon. I don't want the duties of Queen at all. I don't want to be Queen, I thought I made that relatively clear. My Father was misguided by my responses and unwilling nature to detour this moment with every moment possible.
Everyone has this impression that having a royal title is a blessing and an achievement everybody who isn't born into it desires. Every girl dreams of becoming a princess and wearing the tiara. Still, royalty isn't about carrying a crown and parading around in lovely gowns that cost more than the average apparel. Being born into royalty and not having a typically normal life, in my opinion, is more of a curse than a blessing.
As someone with a title, I've had to mature faster than most. My tea parties were not like those of other children; mine included teddy bears and a security guard keeping a close eye on me. I'm held to higher standards and there are days when I wish those expectations would lessen. I don't want to follow royal protocol for every occasion or ensure that my hair is perfectly brushed for the Queen's Sunday morning breakfast. I don't want to constantly be shadowed by a security team or use secret tunnels to move around the palace unnoticed. I never asked for my title, and while it comes with power, I don't want to be defined by it. Unfortunately, I have no choice but to represent the family name within the monarchy.
It would have been more considerate to inform me in another manner, but the king and queen felt this was appropriate. Sometimes, they forget that their roles as monarchs should not interfere with their duties as parents.
After my father's speech, the guests mingle and discuss various topics. I often overhear interesting conversations, but amidst the glamour and formality, it can be difficult to find genuine connections.
I smile graciously as my father and Uncle come towards me. For a moment, I think about travelling in the opposite direction, but I know I can't, it would be too informal and cause too much of a scene.
God forbid the princess ever makes a scene.
"Anastasia," my father grins, giving me his signalled glare that is a good indication that he wants me to stay and not run off like my thoughts want me to.
"Father," I respond courteously, my eyes side-eyeing towards my security guard who is observing intently as he stands with his back to the wall, his hands folded in front of him as he stands tall with nystagmic eyes. I swear his eyes never miss a beat.
"Princess Anastasia, it's an honour to see you again," Syrus smiles sarcastically.
Syrus isn't the typical Uncle who chased me around the fields and played hide and seek— Well, he did— But it was not accompanied by a doting uncle full of love for his niece. It was more hatred and disgust. His hide and seek included leaving me hidden in a storage room for an hour.
I hold back the heavy sigh that's desiring to escape my lips and I force myself to proffer him a genuine smile, "It's nice to see you." I lie through my teeth to save myself from having to listen to my father express his disappointment in me.
"I hear you're becoming Queen soon." He mutters bitterly.
"She is, and every Queen needs a King by her side." My Father presses.
"Actually—" I begin, but I stop when I see my father's eyes narrow to crinkled stilts and his lips purse into a fine line. I am forced to bite my tongue on my true thoughts, "Actually, every good Queen needs a well-fitted crown," I half-heartedly joke, attempting to recover from the fact I want to tell him a Queen doesn't require a King, it's merely just suggested a Queen has a King.
My Uncle chuckles, "I'm sure they'll see fit to your crowning needs." ... "I think you are doing fine to stay single."
"Mhm," I hum, unsure of what more to say.
I swallow hard the moment my father and Uncle walk away and I finally have a minute to breathe and process the things that have occurred.
I make my way around the crowd of individuals and wander out of the ballroom area, I must escape. If I flea now, I could probably leave the Palace before I am stopped. "Princess," I hear my name being called but I don't want to turn around and face the music. Damnit, he is always on my fucking heels. "Princess," the voice again summons and I can't help but disregard him.
"Princess Anastasia, stop right there," the tone of voice my bodyguard uses causes me to stop, and it's not out of fear or because of the fact he only has to say one word before the whole palace is in lockdown and I can't move. It's because I know that tone of voice anywhere, it's sincere and it's laced with nothing but concern.
I turn around on my heel as my bodyguard shifts his eyes around, "Where are you going?" He knows exactly where I am going— anywhere but here.
I lift my shoulders into a shrug. I don't have a destination— it is more so me hammering my heels against the marble flooring until I find some common ground where I can ultimately breathe again. "You know you can't roam the palace right now."
I don't think he understands I do not care about protocol and the boundaries inflicted upon me.
"Yes," I sigh, "I know the rules and the protocol and the safety precautions," I murmur with a heavy breath. Fuck the precautions. Fuck this monarchy.
His eyes relax, and he glimpses around to make sure we are alone before he clears his throat, "What's wrong?"
I inhale a deep breath and blow out slowly, "I can't talk about it here," I respond in a whisper, my eyes already beginning to gloss over as the rippling thoughts of everything hitting me all at once.
He nods and examines the area around us, "Come with me," he instructs, tenderly urging his hand to the small of my back before escorting me away.
We stay reserved as we walk a few halls and pass several doors to various quarters while he keeps his integrity and stays alert.
We stop at the all-so-familiar place of the balcony, and he opens the doors and enables me to step out before he is right behind me and closes the doors. "We aren't allowed here."
"Never stopped us before," he responds, "Everyone is down in the West Wing. This is the East, and there's a guard right below us. I'm trained, you know?"
I nod and chuckle, I am aware he is trained for a reason, the man is trained in the use of firearms and unarmed combat, advanced driving and emergency first aid as well as close protection basics; I have all faith in him. I shouldn't, but I do.
There's a reason he's my bodyguard, he's intelligent, he has swift reflexes and he knows every position of every security member in every residence of ours. Let's not forget I have seen him practising with the 9mm Glock 17 pistols— the man is more accurate than my father— and my father has quite the shot.
I take a moment to lean against the balcony railing, my gaze fixed on the gardens below. The moonlight dances on the petals of the flowers, casting a dreamlike shimmer. The tranquillity of the night envelops me for the first time, and I can't help but feel a sense of awe at the beauty that surrounds me. It's a scene that feels straight out of a fairy tale—- a fairytale that I don't want to be in.
"Congratulations on becoming Queen so soon." He is sarcastic and raises a brow, "Didn't know that was going to come up, did you? Thought I'd be told."
I shake my head, "No, I didn't. Thank you for your concern, I don't need your judgment, too."
There's too much involved with it. I don't think I can physically do this. It's easy for someone to say they want to be a Princess or a Queen because it's made out to be a glamorous lifestyle but it comes with harbouring a lot of stress and responsibilities.
I can't expect anyone to understand what's surging through my thoughts at the concept of reining a country. But I can expect him to be a little bit more understanding. We all knew the inevitable was coming,
"Anastasia, I will never fully understand this world, but—"
I cut Harry off, promptly, "There are no buts, Harry!" I raise my voice. "What do you think comes after he hands me the damn crown? A Queen who reigns alone? No. They don't want me to rule, they want to roll the stone and push me into silence."
Britain has had several monarchs through the centuries, though far more Kings than Queesn have ruled. There have been eight reigning Queens.
How many of them ruled without a King?
One. Elizabeth I, Queen of England and Ireland.
Harry grows withdrawn for a moment, his eyes fading to grey as he comes to realise just what I'm trying to tell him. Me becoming Queen abolishes mine and his relationship.
He's not royalty.
The monarch and the people wouldn't regard him as fit to be King, they don't regard me as fit to be Queen.
"Well, do you want me to propose now or later?" Harry questions in a joking way. His humour perhaps being the only thing to come to mind with this matter.
I roll my eyes, "You are not ready for that torture."
"You sure? I might have a torture kink," he responds cheekily and I shake my head.
It is over now. It was fun while it lasted.
"I guess this is where it ends," I heavily sigh, looking over at him with regret.
Regret is one hell of a hard pill to swallow. It sinks itself in the bottom of my heart, occasionally twisting like a knife, a grave reminder that wearing my heart on my sleeve and putting emotion over logic is tragic. I shouldn't have started this. I should have been wiser, and more diligent with my emotions and how I decided to spread them between us. I should have had more sense than drag him into something he cannot be accepted into.
Harry's hand falls to the small of my back, "Do I get a say in any of this?"
"No," I respond, holding back a small smile.
He chuckles, "You've lost your damn mind if you think I don't," he whispers in my ear quietly.
Before I can respond, his hand moves swiftly from its position on my back, and I feel his body shift. I glance over my shoulder to see my mother standing in the doorway, a martini glass in her hand. "Did I interrupt?" she mischievously smiles, gliding the olive off her toothpick with her teeth before indulging in the flavour of it. A stout vodka martini with an olive— her signature drink.
"Always," I respond with a smile. This woman is always lurking in the shadows, she sees everything and she knows everything— I am not fully convinced that she isn't aware of the fling between me and the security personnel.
She raises a brow before looking Harry up and down, "You're with me," she points towards him, "I don't like who's on my service. He keeps taking my drinks," she informs us.
"What makes you think I won't?" Harry questions.
"You're higher up in command, you're handsome— not stupid," my mother responds. "Chop-chop, I have a bartender waiting, and a crowd of people I need to pretend to like."
My mother is a quiet Queen consort. She is loved by everyone in the public, and she attends almost all events, but she chooses to stay quiet. She's the one who is usually sipping on gin or vodka in the corner, watching and observing. A lot of the time, dignitaries and higher-ranking officials choose to gravitate towards my father and me— they leave her alone— much to her liking, at least that is how it seems.
Why she remains so silent, I cannot say. She is a brilliant woman, one whose potential is vast enough to command a reign so formidable she would be feared across lands. Yet her quietude suggests a subtler strategy, a silence imposed not by her own choosing but by the machinations of those who fear her ascent to power.
"Come on, Princess, it's time to go back," Harry opens the door for me with a warming smile painting across his lips. He's cheerier than I am. "I'll burn this monarchy to the ground before I let it destroy us," he whispers just for us to hear. While he gets to watch my mother sip vodka and slither towards the back of the crowds undetectable by most, I get thrown into the lion's den, head first.
Will he really burn it down for me? I hope so. I would like to see it burn and end it all.
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harrysfolklore · 2 years
“alright let’s make a deal…” for the drabbles! (#30)
“I’M DONE!” that was what Harry heard from upstairs, and a small smirk make its way to his face, knowing that he had -yet again- annoyed his roommate. It’s not like he didn’t like her, in fact, he liked her a lot, but he enjoyed messing with her from time to time, like today.
“Why on earth are you using the goddamn blender at 7 in the morning, on a sunday?!” his roommate asked with an annoyed tone in her voice, not liking being woken up at such hour, specially not after a night of partying.
“I was making my kale smoothie, because you know, some of us like to have a healthy lifestyle instead of partying every saturday night” He said before taking a sip from his smoothie, acting completely unbothered by his roommate’s annoyed demeanor. “Oh come on, it’s not my fault you’re such a grandma sometimes and you prefer waking up at ungodly hours to work out instead of having a few drinks” she rounded the kitchen counter and grabbed a chocolate bar from the fridge, feeling the hangover hunger already.
“Like I said, it’s called having a healthy lifestyle, and you should really try to at least take some occasional walks, your body will be grateful since you put so much alcohol in it” He continued with his teasing, because if he was completely honest, he loved having this back and forth with her
“Alright, let’s make a deal” she chirped, feeling sightly excited to tell her roommate about the idea that popped into her head “I’m going to join you in your morning walks, but under two conditions” at this Harry raised one of his brows, tempted by her offer but curious at the same time “You’re going to get rid of that blender, and you have to go out for drinks with me and my friends” she finished her offer with a little smile on her face, wondering if he would take it or tell her to get lost instead.
The wheels on Harry’s head starting turning, because he didn’t want to get rid of his precious blender, he bought it when he was still a freshman in college, and it made his smoothies just the way he liked. But most importantly, he absolutely hated her friends, he thought they were a bunch of pretentious kids who only cared about spending their parent’s money on alcohol and nothing else.
However, he was not going to miss the opportunity to spend some time alone with her, doing one of his favorite activities, “Deal” he simply said and she instantly let out a small squeal “Really? I’m going to pick out a bar before you change you mind” she said as she rushed back to her bedroom, making him smile and shake his head, feeling completely infatuated by by his particular roommate
something different i guess ?? sorry if it sucks
130 notes · View notes
1d1195 · 2 years
Made to be VII
Read the rest of the series here: Made to be
Notes: Again, a bit disjointed but there’s some sad and some (what I hope) fun and sweet stuff in here.
Warnings: None, I don't think, lmk
She smiled. “I know, but,” she sighed. “Do you have to be so obvious?” She asked.
He smirked, lifted his book briefly to look at her and then returned to his page. “Sorry, kitten,” he said softly. But they knew he wasn’t.
“How am I the better actress?” She wondered.
He chuckled shaking his head. “I don’t know. Maybe y’don’t love me s’much,” he taunted.
It was part of their weekend routine to go grocery shopping together. Harry pushed the cart while she looked over the aisles and deals. Harry was scrolling through his phone while she decided which pasta, she wanted this week. “Do you like lasagna?” She asked.
“What kind of question is that kitten?” He chuckled not moving his gaze from his phone.
She shrugged. “I don’t know...but I make a really good lasagna.”
“Well, by all means. If you want to feed me delicious Italian food, please,” he said. She giggled.
“Then we’ll—”
Her voice was cut off by the sound of her name being called down the aisle. Her face paled and Harry looked at her nervously turning around to look at the unassuming woman coming down the aisle to meet her. “Who’s that?” Harry whispered.
“Honey!” She cheered and wrapped her in a hug. “It’s so good to see you,” she said squeezing her tightly.
“It’s nice to see you too,” she said reflexively. Harry could see her eyes nervously darting around the woman looking for something that may appear out of nowhere. Harry’s brain wasn’t connecting anything. He had never seen this woman before. He doesn’t think she was a parent, and she was too old to be one of her friends. The woman’s eyes met Harry and she looked at him curiously. “Uh...this is Harry,” she murmured. She shook her head. “My boyfriend.”
And somehow, probably since they hadn’t admitted their relationship to their students, this was the first time the word boyfriend had been uttered out loud. If he wasn’t so confused, he probably would have blushed and smiled at her. Made a cute remark about how she’s finally telling people. But he was confused, so Harry stuck his hand out and gave the stranger’s hand a firm shake. “S’nice to meet you,” he said quietly.
Her eyes blinked in surprise. “Boyfriend,” she repeated and looked back at the poor girl who looked so uncomfortable, Harry never saw her look this uncomfortable. Not even when she stayed at his apartment back in December.
“Yes, ma’am,” she whispered. Harry was completely confused. The two women stared at each other for a moment. The gravity of the situation was way too much for a grocery store as Harry tried to figure out who she was.
“You know, honey,” she began breaking the silence. It seemed almost natural for her to talk so openly about whatever was going through her brain. “I loved you from the day I met you. I love you like you’re my own daughter so, I’m sad. I always knew you were too good for him. I always hoped he would know that and find a way to be better for you. I hope it ended on okay terms.”
All the pieces snapped together in an instant. The woman before them was supposed to be her future mother-in-law. Harry wondered what he looked like. He never saw any pictures of him. All the questions spun in front of him, wishing he could ask. If he looked like her, if he was as nice as her at one point in time the way this woman was so kind to the lady he fell in love with. If he was, what changed? How could he be anything but loving and adoring to the beautiful girl holding a box of lasagna noodles?
It shouldn’t have been surprising, but it was. She knew that this would happen. Or she should have known. There was no way he would have told his mother. He didn’t tell her they were dating for over a year, surely, he wouldn’t have told her when they broke up. Her words made her back stiffen thinking about the last time she saw her son. “Oh...uh...” she shook her head trying to shake the memory from her brain. “It was...it’s okay.” Harry scoffed bitterly before he could stop himself. Her eyes were wild as she turned to him. “Harry,” she hissed. The woman looked on nervously and waited for Harry to speak without noticing the angry look in her perfectly sweet face. If Harry had a moment, he would have admired the notion: she couldn’t even look mad without looking adorable.
“Ma’am,” Harry said gently, speaking to the stranger who nearly had the wonderful girl tied to her family for the rest of her life. “M’very sorry t’tell you this: it was not good,” Harry explained simply with a shrug. The woman blanched; she had no idea what that meant. Certainly, it couldn’t be elaborated of in the middle of a grocery store. “I won’t speak ill of your son,” as much as I want to, “but y’have t’know it was not good.” Harry would have spoken ill of him. He would have told her that he was garbage and he wanted to call him every horrible name in the book. That for over a week this sweet girl’s face was bruised and her heart was broken to shreds. But he kept silent because this was a grocery store and that was it.
She stared at Harry for a long moment, he met her gaze easily. He would never blame this woman for something her son did. It wasn’t her responsibility. He wondered what had happened where this kind woman could have spawned someone so cruel and horrible that Harry hated him and hadn’t even seen a picture of him.
The woman broke her gaze with Harry and turned to the girl expectantly. “I’m so sorry,” she said sincerely. Hearing the genuineness of the apology made her speechless. It wasn’t her job to apologize, but it was still good to hear. Harry saw her chew on her bottom lip, he was worried she would bite it off. “I don’t...I don’t know what he did, but I’m sorry,” she turned back to Harry. “Please take care of her,” she said softly and reached a hand to grasp his forearm and squeezed. “She’s the best.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Harry nodded firmly. “With my whole life,” he promised.
Her heart melted and the woman looked at the girl she adored for her son for so long. The one that Harry knew Anne looked at very much the same way. He saw the way her eyes longed for the girl to be her sweet daughter and she cherished the kindness of her. “You are wonderful, sweetheart, please don’t forget that,” she whispered and pulled her in for a long hug that Harry felt nearly intrusive watching. He was nearly envious on behalf of his mother not getting a hug like this. She returned the hug and sighed deeply.
“Thank you,” she said softly. She wished she had put the box of pasta down before she hugged her. It felt awkward to do this, holding a box of pasta through one of the most difficult goodbyes she’d ever given.
The woman gave her a gentle squeeze as she looked her up and down one last time and turned back to Harry, again. “I’m sorry,” she told him. “Thank you,” she nodded and then wandered off down the aisle. Harry kept an eye on the sweet girl watching the retreating figure, her fingers gripped on the box of lasagna like her life depended on it. She swallowed and her eyes seemed shiny with tears as the woman turned the corner and out of her vision.
They stayed like that, in the middle of the pasta section, for several moments. Finally, she placed the box in the carriage and walked forward following the path of the woman that Harry made a promise to when her son couldn’t keep it.
They sat in the car quietly when Harry parked in front of the apartment building. The remainder of the shopping trip was nearly silent, there was no banter about what to eat for dinner, what kind of sandwich bread was needed, or questions about licking whipped cream off one another. On the drive home, she stared out the window without speaking. Harry drove with his own thoughts, mostly those concerning her and what she may have thought. “He didn’t even tell her that we broke up,” she said eventually. Harry nodded. He hated talking about him. Rarely did they ever even mention him. If she did, it was usually about when she had done something with him, like visiting the aquarium or hiking a mountain. It was never about him. “Why...why did...” she shook her head. “Seven years,” she said brokenly.
Harry reached over to place a hand on her knee, and he gave it a gentle squeeze. “I know, love.”
“Harry,” she said softly.
He knew that tone. He shook his head. “Whatever you’re about t’say, angel. Please don’t ask me,” he murmured. “Don’t want you t’break my heart even more today,” he told her.
She was quiet another minute as she contemplated that. “If you decide you don’t love me anymore, promise me you’ll just tell me.”
He blew a breath between his lips. “Kitten, I asked you not t’break my heart.”
She shrugged. “I can’t believe you told her.”
“M’love, she needed t’know.”
“That’s her son.”
Harry shook his head. “Please don’t defend him. You didn’t see the kids come t’me and say something about your face. You didn’t hear how broken you were. I don’t want t’think about how mad I was,” he winced. “I don’t care if that was her son. He was a monster, and she should know.”
She nodded solemnly. She didn’t disagree. She wasn’t even mad at Harry’s confession. It was more so shocking. “I hate March,” she said quietly.
“It’s a long month,” Harry agreed.
“Do you think he’ll tell her?” She wondered.
Harry pursed his lips and sighed contemplating the situation. “No,” he said quietly. “I don’t think he will.”
She didn’t say anything more on the subject. She started gathering grocery bags and bringing them in to their place.
“Anyone know what happened in the 1920s?” She asked the class as Harry entered holding two cups of coffee. One in each hand. She smiled and mouthed thank you as they all stared away from her to avoid answering the question. She waited, leaning against the wall beside the screen where her projector had the slide show waiting to continue. Just 1920s written on the current slide.
“We literally just started reading The Great Gatsby, are you guys kidding me?” Harry interjected. One student with their cheek pressed on their desk raised their hand.
“Roaring Twenties?” She asked as a question.
“More, please,” she nodded affirming her answer.
The girl sighed. “I don’t know, a lot happened,” she shrugged. “Prohibition, the stock market crash, the beginning of the great depression, the end of the influenza.”
“My love, thank you,” she said placing her hands over heart dramatically grinning sweetly at the sleepy girl. “You are the best! You’re right, all those things happened. None of those are what I wanted,” she said wrinkling that cute nose Harry adored so much and she flipped to the next slide.
The theme song to Law and Order began to play and as the screen listed several court cases names. Harry chuckled but the students paid no mind to it. “Oh, come on you sleepyheads, that’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. I wish I could take this class,” he grumbled to them, and he winked at the cute teacher as she made way for the cup of coffee on her desk. She smiled at him as she sipped on the drink.
“That’s just because you like the teacher,” one boy smirked from the back of the room. Harry pointed at him.
“No,” he said simply. The others giggled under their breath, and she rolled her eyes as she made her way to the front of the room again. Clicking through the next slides she forwarded through the parameters of their upcoming project. Harry stood by the door watching her explain a quick synopsis of each court case. He vaguely remembered most of them from his own education but thought it was much better presented with the Law and Order theme song.
“There’s a little bit of everything in here. We’ve got genetics, we have baseball, we have racial tension, we have cold blooded murder and robbery, or you can pull your favorite Supreme Court Case from Wikipedia from this decade—we all have one, take your pick,” she said excitedly, and Harry snorted at her joke. She frowned at him momentarily before turning back to her exuberant self. “You get to work with a partner or two and you have to outline these items,” she said showing the next slide. “I figure two-three classes? Depending on what you guys need to research then we can present, and it will be so much fun,” she said bouncing excitedly.
They stared at her. “Miss, you’re the only one that’s having fun,” a boy towards the front said. She pouted so cutely, Harry nearly blew their cover right there wanting to whine and coo at her like she was a literal kitten and not just his kitten. She released an exaggerated breath between her lips.
“One of them has a movie, I won’t tell you which one, but we can watch it after,” she negotiated.
“This is the best project ever!” Someone cheered sarcastically.
She smiled. “That’s the spirit,” she said, and they all made their little groups while she meandered toward Harry by the door. “You’re gonna blow our cover smiling like that,” she murmured to him sipping her drink. “Also, my joke was very funny, thank you very much.”
“I wanted to see if you needed any copies while m’headed that way,” he answered ignoring her statements, but he sipped his coffee and winked at her as he turned toward the door. He wanted to reach out and touch her back. Or kiss her, really. But even if they did know they were dating, he would never do that in school. It was nice to watch her teach.
“All set, thank you,” she said graciously.
“Have fun with your project everyone. Don’t forget about your reading,” he grinned as they groaned at his departure.
“Miss,” a student asked as she walked around the room inquiring what groups were picking for their trials. She tilted her head at the student. “Are you and Mr. Styles in love?”
She snorted feeling her cheeks warm at the accusation knowing she was about to lie her butt off, but it was still very true. “No, we’re just friends,” she said softly. It felt wrong to say such a thing, but it was a mutual agreement that they would wait until they were ready to break the news to them all.
“Well, are you in love with him?” Another one asked. “Because it’s very obvious that he’s in love with you,” she noted. “It’s harder to tell with you. Because you’re so sweet to everyone and nice,” she explained. “Mr. Styles barely talks to anyone except you. So, it’s much more obvious.”
“I think following your logic, that if I did, that would imply that we’re in love if I loved him,” she reminded the teenager. “And since I just said we weren’t, that would mean I’m not.”
Two girls who had clearly discussed this at length looked at each other briefly. As if they were silently discussing their next frame of inquiry. The other one turned to look at her. “You guys would be a really cute couple,” she said knowingly. “And your kids would be even cuter,” she gushed.
“We’re not even together, we’re not having kids,” she rolled her eyes with another bout of laughter. This class was definitely going to need a second day of research if she didn’t gain control of it soon. She imagined when they did tell at the end of the year or something, there would be a riot of some sort.
“You guys can’t talk about their relationship,” a boy called from the other side of the room. “Mr. Styles has a girlfriend,” he announced.
The gasps silenced the whole room. She turned to look at the boy, surprised Harry even said anything about being in a relationship to a student. “How do you know that?” The first girl shouted.
“He mentioned it when we were reading love poems and he kept saying something about how they make sense when you’re in love, or whatever,” the thought softened her heart and she had to remember that for later when she was alone with him.
“What does that have to do with anything, he could have been talking about her?” A boy said across the room gesturing to his teacher while she watched the interaction with delight.
“Someone asked him if thought they made sense because he was in love with Miss, but he said they did make sense but because he had a girlfriend that wasn’t Miss,” he explained causing another burst of gasps.
“Miss, aren’t you outraged!?”
“I really feel like we’re not focusing on our projects right now,” she said simply snickering as she took in all the offended notions from her students on her behalf. Sipping her coffee as they made more accusations and suggestions. Maybe she had a boyfriend. Maybe this was all a lie to throw them all off their trail. They were smart kids, even if they were being ridiculous.
“Miss, respectfully, screw your project. We have to figure out who his girlfriend is,” one girl said pulling her phone out and opening Instagram. “Are you guys on Instagram?”
“Honey, please put the phone away,” she laughed.
“I can do this now, or I do it tonight and not do my reading tonight,” she said knowingly, bargaining with the teacher. “And I will totally tell Mr. Styles that it’s your fault for not letting me be on my phone.”
“Mr. Styles, quick! It’s an emergency!” one girl shouted into the hall while she was focused on the phone debacle.
“Oh, my goodness, what is going on?” She groaned putting her fingers on the bridge of her nose and sighing. She could hear the way his desk chair scraped on the floor in a hurry and her heart fluttered because she knew he would come running at the thought there was an emergency.
Harry was nearly in a panic at the thought of something happening to the angel across the hall. He was petrified something harmed her. The worst was pretending that he couldn’t care as much as he wanted to. “Everything okay in here?” Harry chuckled rushing into the classroom immediately making eye contact with the pretty, poor girl who was not hurt or sick in any way. The relief nearly crushed him, and she could see it in his eyes, and she smirked at him with an eye roll as if to say you’re in for it now.
“Mr. Styles, can you please tell us who your girlfriend is?”
Harry paused, his lips parting as he shook his head with a smirk. “Uh...no,” he said shaking his head. “I thought this was an emergency,” he said to the girl still standing by the door. As if she wouldn’t let him leave until she got the answers she wanted.
She nodded. “A very important one,” she affirmed.
“You don’t want to make her jealous, that’s nice of you,” a boy said from by the window. He rolled his eyes at Harry. Then looked at the sweet teacher shaking his head at her. “I gotchu, Miss,” he said knowingly with a nod in her direction. “You don’t need him.”
“There’s no emergency, Mr. Styles,” the sweet girl said softly ignoring the boy because of course, she did need Harry. She craved him with every muscle fiber in her being. “Sorry to interrupt you.”
“We could put you guys in the yearbook as class couple.”
“What are you teaching in here?” Harry asked her with a chuckle. She glared at him in annoyance.
“It’s your fault with the love poems or whatever they said,” she replied with mock anger and shock at his betrayal to fall for the students’ questions. “I just wanted to teach some trial of the century court cases!”
“Okay, I just have one question,” the girl was on her phone, clearly searching through Instagram. The poor girl sipped her coffee with another eye roll and looked on with amusement as she defended her from Harry’s romantic escapades that were seemingly with another woman. “Do you have a TikTok?” She asked.
“No, love. I do not have a TikTok,” Harry shook his head. His tone was exasperated.
“Well, I guess we’ll never know,” she sighed in defeat.
“Guess you’ll have to do your reading tonight now, too,” she said tapping her on the shoulder as she walked to the next group of students to check in with their research.
“Our relationships are not your business anymore than your relationships are our business,” Harry reminded them all. They all grumbled under their breath how it wasn’t fair. “We’re just friends.”
“The friends to lovers’ trope is huge on TikTok right now,” the girl said knowingly holding her phone out as proof to the woman desperately trying to help research the 1920s court cases.
“Do you at least have a picture of your girlfriend?”
“No,” he shook his head.
“See he doesn’t even like her, Miss. Don’t worry. Just bide your time,” the boy by the window said nodding in assurance.
“Oh, my word,” she sighed.
“You’ll tell us first if you start dating right?” The girl by the door asked Harry.
He shook his head at her. “I literally have no idea what is happening, right now.”
“I have lost all control of this one,” she said with a shrug. “Don’t bring me coffee anymore,” she snorted.
He chuckled. “M’sorry,” he said winking at her from across the room again.
“That looked pretty flirty to me, Miss. Seems like this girlfriend ain’t it.”
“I’ve absolutely had it,” she said with a shake of her head. “Bye, Mr. Styles.”
“Bye everyone!” He said taking the cue and heading out the door.
They were all silent for a moment while Harry retreated across the hall. When the girls at the front turned back to the woman rubbing her temples as she sighed heavily at the insaneness of the last ten minutes. “Can we be invited to your wedding when the time comes?”
They were laying on their bed, both reading their latest book of their list. It was how they spent the first hour when they got home from work, usually. It was a quiet way to wind down before they moved on to their next activity: Harry would go to the gym while she would go for a run, they’d make dinner together, or watch an episode of a show, sometimes just grading and catching up on emails was all that was necessary.
She was still working her way through the shelf she had made in the brief week at Harry’s apartment back in December. She laid horizontally, resting her head on his stomach as she read. Harry had one arm behind his head, the other holding his book as he was propped up against the headboard. She set her book aside and turned her gaze to him, his face was covered by the book so she could only see his fingers gripping the spine and barely make out his elbow cradling his head behind the pages of his book.
“They really think you’re in love with me,” she said softly.
“Well,” he said knowingly.
She smiled. “I know, but,” she sighed. “Do you have to be so obvious?” She asked.
He smirked, lifted his book briefly to look at her and then returned to his page. “Sorry, kitten,” he said softly. But they knew he wasn’t.
“How am I the better actress?” She wondered.
He chuckled shaking his head. “I don’t know. Maybe y’don’t love me s’much,” he taunted.
She stared at him. “That’s not funny,” she pouted, and he put his book aside and pulled her toward him, so her body twisted up toward his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, caging her against him.
“I know, angel,” he whispered, kissing her cheek. “Wasn’t nice of me.”
“I love you a lot,” she reminded him.
“I know, m’love. M’a very lucky man,” he said seriously, and he nuzzled his face against her neck and ear. “Probably the luckiest man ever.”
She felt her face warm at his words. “Know what the kids told me?”
“Feel like they told y’everything, today.”
“You told them that love poems make more sense when you’re actually in love. It’s how they knew you had a girlfriend.”
Harry’s face wasn’t in her view, so she didn’t see the way his face pinked under his cheeks at her knowledge. “Guess m’a really bad actor.”
“Really bad,” she emphasized.
He smirked. “They do,” he said softly. “All of them, they make so much more sense because of you.”
“Recite something to me,” she whispered.
He tilted his head. “Recite something?”
He gently pushed her beside him so he could reach for his phone, and he searched for a moment before he turned to her. “Are y’sure?” He asked.
“What are you going to suddenly tell me you hate me?”
He rolled his eyes. “You don’t think this is cheesy? Or weird?”
“I’ve never cared much for poetry,” she shrugged. “I wanna hear what the hype is. Why you think of me when you’re teaching them,” she explained with a less than angelic smile.
He pursed his lips and took a deep breath. “It’s a short poem.”
“That’s fine.”
Harry felt very awkward. He wasn’t sure why he did. It wasn’t like he was prattling off his own writing. Nor was he on naked display in front of everyone. But it nearly felt worse. Reciting a love poem to the love of his life. He took another deep breath, tilted his head and read off his phone screen. “I fell in love with you because it was four in the morning and the world was missing but you weren’t,” he said quietly.
The silence stretched on for a moment. He turned to her, and her lips were parted in surprise. “Oh,” she whispered. “Well...” she cleared her throat. “I can see why they think you’re in love with me.”
He smiled. “I don’t read these ones to them,” he told her. “S’a guy I saw once on social media,” he shrugged. “These ones are a bit more obvious...but I used to read them before you. Now when I read them,” he shook his head. “Kitten, every poem is about you.”
Swallowing she looked at him nervously. “Will you read me another?” She asked quietly. Like she really believed he would ever say no to her.
He grinned and brushed his thumb on her cheek. “I’d read you a whole library, m’love,” he promised. “Do y’want me t’read one I actually wrote? Tried to write something similar to his,” She nodded, breathlessly. Harry had literally stolen her breath. He leaned to his nightstand and pulled the notebook out of the drawer, the one he got from her at Christmas. He flipped to the bookmarked page, a large chunk of the way through the paper, she noted.
“You write in it?” She asked in shock.
“Course, love,” he rolled his eyes. “Usually when you’re out, or in the shower,” his eyes skimmed over the pages he had written on looking for the one he wanted to read most. He never really thought about reading this to her, but it was probably the one he adored the most when he thought of her.
Her heart was a wreck. This was supposed to be funny and silly. A joke about their students knowing they were in love because Harry was obsessed with poems about love. Now it was making her heart ache because he really did love and adore her as much as he said he did. She was never disbelieving of the notion, but it was a lot to take in at that moment. “There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. I thought I had seen every romantic combination of those 26 characters. But then I saw your name next to mine and it is the only romantic combination anymore.”
“Another,” she whispered. He read several other small phrases flipping through the pages he had scribbled on over the last three months. Each time he finished one, she would ask for another. Her chest aching with love for the man beside her.
“There is not a choir in heaven that sounds like my name on your lips.”
“Okay, that’s enough,” she gasped. “I can’t write like that, I can’t...Harry,” she whispered feeling so utterly inadequate. How was she supposed to even explain how much she loved him when he could write like that?
“Kitten,” he chuckled nervously. “Shh,” he said pulling her toward him and shutting the notebook and kissing the side of her head. “Let me read—”
“No seriously, I’ll throw up,” she groaned.
He snickered at her. That stupid dimple dented his cheek again making her feel like the luckiest but stupidest woman she knew. “It’s from the guy I was talking about earlier. I promise.” She sighed in a huff. “Angel, believe me, I know you love me,” he promised. “A lot of what y’say makes me melt—probably don’t even notice.” She didn’t say anything but tucked her face into his side while he returned his phone to find the one he wanted to read next. “Kitten,” he said softly. She peeked up at him nervously. Worried he would think that he loved her more because he could write, and she couldn’t. “I promise.”
She nodded, feeling inadequate still, but waiting anxiously for his next words.
“I might be the writer, but you’ll always be the words.”
She really thought she understood what the love poems were all about then in that moment on a Thursday afternoon in the middle of March wrapped up in the arms of a man that adored her to no end. A guy who’s dimple her drove her wild and a laugh that melted her heart. And of course a smile and personality that was simply too kind and loving for any poet to really capture.
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freedomfireflies · 2 years
childhood best friends to lovers?? the super cliche cute stuff? with a side of angst?
I've been waitin' for this one...TURN IT UP!
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“Can’t—shit…no, wait. Wait.”
Your entire body freezes, fingers falling from his jaw to his chest as they hover there, desperate to touch him, despite yourself. Desperate to just keep him. Keep him like a promise. Like a vow.
His breathing is quick, his shoulders tense, and his eyes…those beautiful eyes still tightly closed.
You can’t tell if he’s upset with you for putting the moment on pause, but truthfully, you didn’t have a choice.
You’re not even sure how you got here. With him. 
Because it’s him.
He’s not someone you kiss in arena parking lots. He’s not someone you let slip his hands past the lace of your underwear.
He’s…he’s Harry. He’s your best fucking friend. He’s loud, and he’s embarrassing, and he’s such a fucking goober.
And he’s everything to you.
And he always has been. From the moment he sat down beside you in the fifth grade and offered to share his mega pack of colored pencils.
And he was still everything when he picked you up from the drug store parking lot after prom. Collecting you in his arms as you sat on the sidewalk and drunkenly cried over a pregnancy test and some asshole named Alex.
And now. Now he’s everything and then some as he keeps you pressed to the door of his car, his soft breath trickling down your neck as he waits for you to realize it.
“Okay,” he agrees after a moment more of your rigid silence. “M’waiting.”
You roll your lips into your mouth as you tangle your fingers in the material of his soft shirt. “Harry…”
His head shakes. Instantly. Knowing what follows the sound of his name and already rejecting it. “No. No, just…don’t say it—”
“No.” His grip grows tighter. “No, I just…I know. All right? I know, but I…I had to.”
Your throat constricts. “Don’t say that.”
“I did…” he murmurs, finally meeting your eye, and that’s when you feel your stomach twist as if punctured by the blade of a knife. “I did, I had to. I…fuck, I can’t…I can’t stop—”
“No, just…listen.” His tone is labored. Thick. Forehead pressed to yours as he sucks the air through his teeth. “Shit, I just…I need you. Always need you. You have to know that. You have to. Can’t do a fucking thing without you—”
Your head shakes, yet you don’t pull away. You should. You really fucking should. “Harry, it’s not that simple.”
Now, he’s silent.
Silent because reality outweighs that of a soul. Silent because no matter how deep his heart bleeds for you, it’ll never be enough to erase the existence of her.
“She loves you,” you remind him, and you don’t miss the way his fingers seize up around your hips or the way his jaw constricts with indifference.
“I don’t care,” he argues, scoffing out the admission like it inconveniences him to even say it. “I don’t care what she thinks she feels—”
“You love her, too,” you carry on, the soft lilt in your tone enough to dissolve the rest of his string of lies. “You love her, Harry.”
“It’s not the fucking same.” His volume rises, despite the attention it might draw. “S’not—I don’t…it’s not the same as it is with you. It’s…it’s cheap and it’s empty and it’s not…it’s not you.”
You should be thrilled to hear this from him. You want to be thrilled. Want to snake your arms around his neck and finish what he started. Finally have him the way you’ve fantasized about having him since the day you first realized you loved him.
Laying on your roof. Staring up at the stars. Laughing because he said the big dipper would make a great porn name.
You’ve fucking ached for this loud, embarrassing goober, and now you and the walls of your resistance are crumbling fast.
“Harry,” you whisper again, the subtle whimper in your tone forcing a curse from the back of his throat. “It’s not…it’s not right. It’s not fair—”
“Fuck fair,” he hisses, pressing you harder against the door as he straightens up. “None of this is fucking fair. You think it was fair to have to watch you with Alex? Watching him parade you around like he fucking owned you? Watching him…watching him touch you? Have you?”
His hips are taut against yours, using his body weight as leverage to keep you trapped beneath his frame, and despite the dominant display you’re not that impressed by…you can’t help but feed off it.
A soft growl proceeds his next admission. “Think it was fair having to sleep beside you all these years? All those innocent sleepovers? Knowing how bad I fucking wanted you? How fucking…how fucking good you were for me? Wanting to just…to just—”
Your heart springs to your throat, desperate for the end of that thought. “To just what, Har?”
His eyes find yours, chartreuse flecks much too indicative to hide his true intentions. “To just have you. To pin you to the fucking mattress and just watch you. Watch you squirm. Watch you beg for me. Watch the tears run down your fucking face cause of how good it felt. To know how well you’d take me…know how bad you needed it. Just to know...just to know you needed me."
You know the feeling well. Because it’s the exact same scenario you play on a loop in your mind on the nights you miss him. The nights you ache for him the most. The same fantasy you indulge in as your fingers bury themselves in your cunt, mercilessly and without pause as you fight the urge to moan his name.
“Harry…” The words leave your lips like silk, sweeping along his as you both do your best to resist. “Can’t…we can’t. It’s not…it’s—”
“I love you.”
The admittance feels like a sin. Like a wicked indulgence not meant for your ears. 
And fucking damn him if it isn’t working.
You have no response. No inclination on how to even speak as the words loop like the scratch on a record in your head.
His fingers slide up to your jaw, thumb brushing the soft skin as he tilts your head higher. “Don’t look at me like that.”
You set a breath free. “S’wrong, Har. You can’t…you can’t say shit like that. Not when—”
“She doesn’t matter.”
“She matters, Har.” Your hands tug at his shirt, simultaneously pushing him away and yet subtly pulling him closer to you. “She…you love her—”
“She’s not you.”
Each declaration sounds so tenacious. The habitually anxious man who can’t seem to make a decision about anything in his life suddenly sure of one thing and one thing only:
Why did it have to be you?
You find your last semblance of courage. Use it to push yourself to respond. “You know I need you.”
You hear his breath hitch. It’s the first time you’ve admitted it. First time you’ve verbalized it.
And he knows it.
“Yeah?” You feel his fingers brush the exposed skin beneath your shirt. Hear him choke on a curse as his head rolls to the side. “Say it again.”
“Please.” A virile demand. Not a request but a need. 
Your hands move to tug at the cinnamon-colored curls at your disposal, eyes fluttering shut as you feel his lips graze yours as you speak. “I need you, Har.”
Just like that, each wall, each argument, each opposition is swept away by the flood of lust and desire that washes over you. The taste of his tongue, of his promise…it’s complete. It’s the only thing you know. 
Not her. Not them. Not the bad decisions you know are lurking just beyond the corner.
Just him.
When he had first followed you into the parking lot, trapped you against the car, and leaned down to kiss you…you thought your mind would implode. Thought you’d never understand. Because what do you allow yourself to think when your best friend kisses you for the first time?
And now?
…he is everything.
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Full Masterlist
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
spare aster going bare for the first time miss moon?🥸
Hey I absolutely LOVE your work! Can you please please please write aster first time without a condom! Thank you!!!!
Okay but what about aster y/n allowing Harry to cum in her for the first time? 
wordcount: 23k+
"We've gotta leave soon, baby. Are y'almost ready?" 
(Y/N) flicked her gaze from the adjustments she was making to her hair to where Harry was lent against the threshold of the hotel bathroom, brows raised in question. He was already dressed and ready to go as far as she could tell; the black satin of his shirt glinted in the vanity light, barely buttoned to the mid of his torso to allow the majority of his tattoos to be on display (she had asked him if it was really appropriate to show up to a wedding basically shirtless, and he had only shrugged saying that no one would be looking at him anyway as soon as the ceremony started). A pair of black fitted trousers covered his legs, stretching around his thighs and making his legs seem all that much longer, matching the black coat he had over his shoulders. The only pops of color came in the form of the baby pink nail polish on his fingers and the suede boots in a matching pastel shade, coordinating with the dress that covered (Y/N)'s own figure. Rings glinted on his fingers with glimmering jewels and brassy bands as he ran them through his hair, the length curling towards his collarbones.
If not for the nerves bubbling in her tummy, she was almost sure she could have melted at the sight of him alone. But, there was only so much space in her head for him to occupy when she was busy trying to steady her shaky hands. 
"Mhm," she squeaked, wiring a smile onto her face as she plucked at her hair. If this one baby hair would just lay down—
"Y'alright, lovebug?" Harry asked, stepping into the bathroom with the click of his shoes echoing over the tile. 
It was a familiar question she'd heard wrapped up in his voice over a hundred times at this point.  The sound was enough to make the smile on her lips turn genuine. He knew her, sometimes a little too well. 
"I'm okay, yeah," she said, finding some minuscule error in her makeup to distract herself. 
Even without the sound of his boots approaching behind her, (Y/N) wouldn't have been able to ignore the static of his presence. Casting her gaze from the makeup bag on the counter, (Y/N) found him peering over her shoulder with his lips pursed and brows furrowed before Harry slipped an arm around her waist.
"Jus' okay?" he hummed, watching as she plucked up a spare brush and swept it over her eyelids, "Are y'nervous?" 
A humorless smile stretched over (Y/N)'s lips. She was sure it wasn't a huge surprise for him to have sussed out that she wasn't feeling the most secure, but it still made her feel more embarrassed than anything. 
"Maybe," she settled on, her voice quiet just between the two of them. 
His arm around her waist tightened, fingers denting her skin through the fabric of her dress. She could already imagine the tint of concern that was no doubt taking over his irises as he spoke, "What's making y'nervous, hm?" 
The noncommittal answer of "Everything," slipped from between her lips as she resumed her fussing of her hair. 
"Baby," he cooed to her, pressing a kiss to her temple, the sliver of his lip ring pinging against her skin, "I thought y'liked weddings." 
The mention of the day's plans didn't help much to settle (Y/N), her attention drifting to the strap of her dress—another thing to fuss with. 
It wasn't that (Y/N) wasn't excited to go to the wedding—she loved weddings actually! She'd only been to a few growing up, but as soon as she realized what they were all about, her hopelessly romantic heart was gone for them—, she was just nervous. (Surprise, surprise!). Meeting Harry's extended family was going to be a big step, and she didn't want to intrude on such a joyous occasion for his family. As far as she knew, Harry hadn't seen this particular stretch of family in a couple of years, but had been eager to RSVP as soon as he received the invitation in the mail. She didn't want to take away from that moment by clinging to him all night.
"I do like weddings," she argued, voice soft, "It's just... I don't know. I've only met your mom, and I talked to your sister once over FaceTime. Now, I'm meeting your whole family and going to a wedding I wasn't exactly invited to." 
The pinch in Harry's brows deepened at her words. "Of course y'were invited, love. The invitation included a plus one, and I know mum made sure to mention to Serena that I was bringing m'girlfriend." 
As silly as it was, just hearing Harry refer to her as his girlfriend made her heart flutter. It never got old. 
"But, they don't know me, and I'm going to one of the most important days of their lives. I don't want to mess anything up or take away from it all." 
Harry stopped her busy fingers then, taking his tattooed hands and lacing his fingers through hers to halt her fidgeting. His eyes were clear and unwavering as he looked at her through the mirror. "You're not going to mess anything up, okay? You're not going to take away from the day, or make it any less important. When mum told Serena, she told me that Serena was so excited, that everyone's heard so much about y'since y'came home with me and they can't wait to meet you, and see why mum hasn't stopped talking about you. They want y'there, baby—not as much as I want y'to be there, but close enough." 
A smile crept onto the edges of his lips as he spoke, his reassuring words turning affectionate as he watched her through the reflection. (Y/N) couldn't help her own smile that tugged at the corners of her mouth. Bits and pieces of the icy nerves that had flaked down like snow in her stomach melted away as he spoke. Mounds of those nerves still remained in banks in her system, but he melted them away slowly and sweetly, knowing just what to say to her even if it took time for her to come to the same conclusion. 
"You mean that?" she murmured, voice quiet between them. 
"Of course I mean that, my love," he mumbled, pressing a soft kiss to the side of her head, "You're only going to make today that much better for everyone. Especially me. I promise." 
(Y/N) pulsed her hand in Harry's, fingers tightening between his as she soaked in his sentiment. "Thank you, H." 
His smile could be felt against her temple, soothing (Y/N) even further. She liked making him happy. 
"Feeling any better, love?" Harry's smile only spread wider when (Y/N) nodded her head, her hair  fluttering around his face. "Good," he cooed against her skin, "Was worried y'weren't gonna let me take y'out and show y'off while you're looking so pretty. If it wasn't for the bride, I'd think all the attention would be on you."
"Stop it," she smiled, shaking her head before turning in his arms and tucking herself against his chest, "You're not supposed to say that. Today's about your cousin." 
"Not for me, it isn't," Harry countered, his arms slipping around her form and cuddling her close to his frame, "As far as 'm concerned, everyday's about you, lovebug." 
(Y/N) didn't know what else to say but a small, "I love you," that fell from her lips. 
With her ear pressed to his chest, the flutter of Harry's heart echoed in her head. 
It only took a moment for Harry to press a settling kiss to the top of her head before he spoke into her hair, "I love you too, (Y/N)." 
As she pressed herself closer to his chest, (Y/N) swore she heard his heart beat in time with the words that fell from his mouth.
(Y/N) tried her best to feign confidence as they strode into the wedding venue, trying her best to keep her eyes forward and from falling to her feet where she itched to draw her attention. Harry's hand was held tight in her own, just the way it had been since he opened the car door for her with a smile and a small question of "Ready?" being murmured to her. Beside her, Harry walked with his head high, the sunlight reflecting off the black shades covering his eyes as he led her towards the quaint winery both the ceremony and reception were taking place in.
Luckily, they seemed to have arrived at the perfect moment to calm (Y/N)'s nerves, none of Harry's family members pulling in and joining them in the parking lot, leaving only the click of her heels on the pavement to echo through the space. Up ahead, the aged wooden doors of the winery were splayed open, giving a peek at the interior swathed in the creamy pastels and deep accents that had been used on the wedding invitation they received eight weeks earlier. 
"That's a pretty color, don't y'think?" Harry murmured to her as they scaled the short set of stairs leading to the winery, "That peach color." 
The smile that plucked at the corners of her lips felt tight as (Y/N) nodded her head. "Yeah, it is pretty. I like how it looks with the green." 
Harry hummed at her words, a light smile playing at his own lips that was worlds more genuine than (Y/N)'s. His hand never left hers as he tugged her to the guest book, signing his own name before allowing (Y/N) to add hers right beside his. As they walked through the winery, following the directions given by one of the venue's staff to the private room for the ceremony, (Y/N) noticed each of the details. Flowers were dotted all over the space, sticking with the colors of peach and green with grey swathes of ribbon tying it all together. Bits and pieces of Serena and her soon-to-be husband's love story were framed on the walls, their smiling and love struck faces maturing as (Y/N) watched their love grow through each frame until the final photograph came in the form of the wedding proposal before the hallway opened up to the private room. 
Rows of chairs were stationed in the center of the room, right in front of the trellised alter, more flowers braided through the white picketing. An olive green runway was laid out in the middle of the chairs, soon to be dotted with peach colored petals just before the bride made her descent down the aisle. The space was beautiful, (Y/N) feeling her own heart softening as she allowed her imagination to runaway as she imagined the kind of love story that would warrant such a breathtaking celebration. 
But, her heart could only soften so much when she took note of the amount of strangers in the room. Those on the groom's side of the ceremony were complete strangers, not a single recognizable face or familiar feature, but that wasn't what was causing her heart to speed up in the most unpleasant of ways. That side of the wedding still made her nervous of course (complete strangers were not the most comforting thing in the world to her), but they had nothing on the bride's half. 
That side of the room was where she found familiar features on unfamiliar faces, a family resemblance stringing along each of these people that reminded her in glimmers of the man beside her. This was Harry's family, distant relatives as well as close family members that helped make him into the person he was today. And she was to meet all of them today, and hopefully give both a good and lasting first impression. 
If all went well, these people could be at her wedding one day, so she wanted to gain the same support they were showing to Serena today. 
That was a lot of pressure. 
Sticking close to Harry's side, (Y/N) wanted nothing more than to find their seats before the ceremony began, hoping that they had timed everything perfectly leaving little room for any kind of small talk before the bride was to walk down the aisle. But, she could never be so lucky, (Y/N) decided when she saw an older man's face light up when he caught sight of Harry. 
She watched as the man nudged the woman next to him, her own lips tugging into a bright smile when she was directed in Harry's direction before they excused themselves from their seats and made way to where Harry was still leading her to one of the rows on Serena's side of the room. 
"Harry!" the man called, voice traveling through the room, "Look at you! I haven't seen you in ages!" 
The curls at Harry's shoulders fluttered around his face as he whipped his head in the direction of his relative, recognition already lighting up his eyes at the sound of the familiar voice. "Uncle Mark," Harry greeted, dimples on display as he rerouted (Y/N) with a tug of his hand. 
Though it made the gesture more complicated, Harry kept his hand clasped around (Y/N)'s as he reached his free arm around Uncle Mark's shoulders, a half hug in greeting. 
"Your mum said you'd grown out your hair even longer, but I hadn't believed her," Uncle Mark laughed, eyes following the curls that stopped at the line of Harry's collarbones, "I was worried you had let it grow down to your ass, and we were all going to have to pretend not to notice so Serena didn't get her feelings hurt when we weren't paying attention to her." 
Harry shook his head, an easy laugh falling from his lips as the hoop pierced his lip wobbled at the motion. "No, no. I think this is the longest I can handle it," Harry started before nudging (Y/N) with his shoulder, his smile turning teasing, "Besides, I've already got enough of a problem with the shower drain where she's involved, I don't need to add to it." 
(Y/N) felt the apples of her cheeks heat at his words, more at the implication that she spent enough time at his house—in his shower—to be causing problems like that, than the fact he had said her hair clogged his shower drain (which was still rude to tell, even if she was distracted with other facets of this conversation). Before she could sputter out any counter argument, the woman who had followed after Uncle Mark waved her hand dismissively at the talking men.
"Don't listen to them, dear," she said with a roll of her eyes, the kind of teasing tone only a mother and wife could pull off tinting her words, "I haven't seen Mark actually fix the shower drain—or anything in the bathroom—in at least a decade, so I don't know why he's laughing. And, Harry, you should be nice and at least introduce her before you make those kinds of jokes." 
The gentle scolding was enough for Harry's grin to shudder to a lopsided smile before he looked down at (Y/N), something like pride leaking into his gaze. "I know, you're right, Aunt Sara. This is (Y/N). She's m'girlfriend." 
The heart shaped bubble that bobbled in her stomach was enough to quell her worries in that moment. She really liked being introduced like this, pride in Harry's voice along with the title of being his girlfriend.
Swallowing through her dry mouth, (Y/N) held her free hand out with a practiced smile on her face. "Nice to meet you both," she greeted, her voice leveled and reminiscent of the days where her parents had taught her 'proper manners'. 
Uncle Mark's subsequent smile held something familiar, a crook in the curve that was reminiscent of Harry's mom's smile. "Its nice to meet you, (Y/N). My sister hasn't stopped talking about the week you came out to visit for months, so I'm happy I finally have more than a single picture to place to a name. Thank you for coming to my daughter's big day." 
Before (Y/N) had a chance to respond, Aunt Sara beat her out with a fawning gush of praise, "You're just as pretty as Anne said! You and Harry make the perfect little couple, all of that opposites attract thing. Thank you for coming, dear." 
It was Aunt Sara that tugged her in for a soft hug, an arm falling around (Y/N)'s shoulders as she was pulled into the woman's embrace. (Y/N)'s hands stammered, her grip on Harry's hand hesitantly falling before she reciprocated the cuddle. 
"Th-Thank you for having me," (Y/N) stuttered when released from the hug, looking between both Mark and Sara with a stilted smile, "The space is so beautiful already; Serena and Aaron are very lucky." 
Just as Uncle Mark made a move to grumble about how the venue better be pretty, because the price of all these flowers, Aunt Sara made the kind of pouted face one made when seeing an adorably sweet puppy. "You are too sweet, (Y/N), thank you. We're so happy you and Harry are here, I ca—" 
Before she could say much more, a girl who had to be one of the bridesmaids if her peach colored dress was anything to go by, rushed through the ceremony space with a tight smile on her face. She approached the group of them with a careful smile, a hand landing on Sara's shoulder to steal her attention.
"Can you come to the bridal room with me? Serena is having a... bride moment and won't talk to anyone that isn't you or her dad," the girl shared, her tone hushed though it was hard to hide much when all attention was on her. 
Aunt Sara heaved a sigh and nodded, telling the bridesmaid she'd be back there in a moment. Turning her attention to the pair of them, Sara gave an apologetic smile. "We have to go, but please, if we're not back before the ceremony, we'd love to see you both again at the reception. Thank you for coming, and it was wonderful to meet you, (Y/N)." 
Watching Harry's aunt and uncle make their exit, a pressure was lifted from (Y/N)'s chest. While it wasn't much, she had two less first impressions to make today, and she'd like to think those went fairly well even if her well-mannered facade cracked in some spots. With their path cleared, Harry resumed their trek to a pair of tulle draped seats for the ceremony. 
Although (Y/N) had been preparing herself for every and any worst case scenario tied to this wedding, she hadn't really anticipated the kind of world she had stepped into when crossing into the venue. She knew her own family was worlds away from being considered 'normal', something she learned through the facial expressions given by Harry and Sarah any time she mentioned something from her childhood or an odd (re: self-stifling) quirk she learned from her parents, but seeing the way Harry acted with his relatives was something of a culture shock. Of course, she'd seen the familiarity and casualness he'd exhibited around his mother, but even the short interaction they'd had with his aunt and uncle was different than anything she could ever see herself having with her own relatives. 
His Uncle Mark casually used a swear word in conversation with his nephew and beside his wife, and didn't at all seem phased when Harry implied how often his unwed girlfriend stayed at his place. The mention of such intimate domesticity in front of others hadn't even perturbed Aunt Sara or kept her from joining in on the teasing. And the hug. Aunt Sara had hugged her before she'd even truly met her. The walls (Y/N) was so used to separating herself from her own family with hadn't been there as she stood in front of his relatives, an odd shift she hadn't anticipated at all. And they seemed to like her—really like her. Even when she wasn't at the top of her manners and had stuttered her way through her thanks, they hadn't offered a sharp glance to Harry or scoffed under their breath. 
It was... easy talking to them. 
As much as (Y/N) wanted to hang onto that revelation, take it as a victory, the cautionary anxiety that had wrapped her up the second they had driven out here the day before to check into their hotel for the weekend wouldn't let her do as much. This might have been easy, but she couldn't base the rest of the day on that interaction.
It was Harry's hand squeezing hers as he pulled her down a row of chairs that pulled her from the trellis she was braiding in her head. She found him turning to look at her once he found a pair that didn't seem to be reserved by any purses or jackets, tugging her to sit on the aisle seat, away from any strangers. 
"Look at you, baby," he murmured as he sat down next to her, "Y'survived. 'M proud of you." 
"Barely," she countered, the word floating under her breath. 
Harry shook his head with a laugh, slinging his arm around the back of her chair with his fingers dangling over her shoulder. "Aunt Sara's already obsessed with you, I promise. If not for the wedding starting in twenty minutes, 'm sure she would have grabbed y'to be a bridesmaid." 
"I don't know about that," she said, struggling to keep the smile from her lips as she dropped her gaze to her lap. 
"Well, I do," Harry countered, dipping his head close to her ear as the words washed over her skin, the affection in his tone seeping into her system. "Gonna have the whole family in love with y'by the end of the night. 'M worried 'm gonna have to prove m'worth to keep m'spot as your boyfriend." 
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, turning her head to meet his gaze so he could glimpse at what his teasing was doing to her smile. "Just tell everyone about how I apparently clog your shower drain all the time with my hair. I'm sure that'll keep them away." 
A loud laugh escaped Harry's lips, his arm around her shoulders squeezing as he tugged her to his side. Shaking his head, he returned his attention to her with a pink hue rising to the apples of his cheeks, "I was only teasing, m'love—'s not all the time, more like once every couple of months, at this point." 
"You're so mean to me, H," (Y/N) whispered, the insult losing all of its grit as it traveled through her smile. 
"Am I? Am I really, angel?" he murmured, dipping his head closer to hers as dimples popped into his cheeks. 
For a split second, with Harry's attention focused squarely on her in all of his eyelined glory, (Y/N) almost didn't care about the countless relatives and strangers filling the room. She wanted to kiss him and tell him she loved him and that there was no where else she'd rather be than with him. 
And, she was pretty sure she would have done just that if they hadn't been interrupted by the sound of a voice she'd only ever heard through FaceTime. 
"Harry! You finally bring your girlfriend around and the first person you go to isn't me? Your sister who you haven't seen in almost a year?" 
Looking up from the faux-privacy they had curated in the middle of the winery, (Y/N) found the newly-unpixelated face of Gemma Styles. 
From the corner of her eye, the shape of Harry's lips curved upward before he tugged her to stand up with him. A short glance was shot her way, but (Y/N) knew what he was asking her. Ready? she could hear echoed in his voice. 
Looking to the woman that had the same green eyes as her Harry, with a single dimple denting into the apple of her cheek that was more than familiar, (Y/N) knew she wasn't entirely ready, but she was going to be no matter what. 
Harry squeezed her hand, tugging her to his side before speaking, "Gems, I was jus' about to go and find you..." 
She could do this.
(Y/N) found it hard to draw her gaze away from the newly wed couple as they pranced down the aisle with bright smiles on their faces and a sheen of tears covering their eyes. Applause followed after the couple along with the wedding party, chatter beginning to rise among the guests. 
The ceremony had been beautiful, the couple having written their own vows to share with one another. (Y/N) had known she was going to get emotional during the exchange no matter what, but she hadn't anticipated tearing up as soon as she saw the groom's reaction to Serena, clad in a sleek white gown as she descended the aisle. It was the way his face had immediately turned a shade of red and his eyes filled with tears as his best man clapped a hand on his shoulder in support, seemingly breath-taken at the sight of his bride. That was what had done it for (Y/N). 
From then on, she was consistently trying to keep her own tears from spilling over the edge of her waterline and disrupting the makeup she had fussed over that morning. As soon as Harry noticed, he was more than happy to become her comfort for the duration of the ceremony, his arm around her shoulder tightening and his once free hand came to settle on her thigh in a comforting grip. His hold was a reassuring one, something he'd done for her no less than a hundred times when cuddling during a movie or wrapped up in the sheets of his bed after a long day. He was her rock.
But, it wasn't until the ceremony had come to an end that he spoke to her, his voice quiet under all the chatter, "Y'alright, lovebug?"
Using her fingertips to gently cater to her tears, (Y/N) nodded her head, voice matching the hushed volume of her Harry's. "Yeah, it was all just really pretty. You can tell they really love each other." 
A tender smile tugged at Harry's lips, affection seeping into his features. "Yeah. Y'can." 
Harry's gaze lingered on her for a moment longer before he tugged her from her seat, his arm around her shoulder falling to grab at her hand. They had about an hour and a half of wait time while the space was renovated to now hold the reception, some guests moving to the patio area out in the back of the winery while others headed towards the front exit to do whatever else. Harry pulled her to join him in the group moving towards the patio, his eyes scanning for his mom who he hadn't had a chance to talk to before the ceremony started.
Spotting an empty cocktail table, he towed (Y/N) behind him, opting to text his mom as he hadn't found her out in the patio space. Fitting herself against his side, (Y/N) looked out at the guests that followed them out to the back of the winery, grateful that she'd met at least a few of the previously unfamiliar faces. Sitting through the ceremony had allowed her attention to sway from the nerves in her stomach, giving her time to settle and enjoy the fact Harry had brought her to a wedding as his date; this was something she wanted to be excited about, feel butterflies over the fact he invited her to something like this at all, and she'd barely given herself a moment to feel even a shred of giddiness over it. 
"Mum's staying back and helping them clean up, but she said she'll be back to see us before the reception," Harry told her, tucking his phone away before leaning with his elbows on the tabletop to curl his body around hers, a gentle smile on his face, "And she wanted me to tell y'that she loves your dress and y'look really pretty." 
A heat flustered behind (Y/N)'s cheeks, keening under his attention. It was one thing to receive those kinds of compliments from Harry, someone who she knew loved her and would always go out of his way to make her feel good, but it was something different to have someone like his mom reiterate those sentiments. She felt a different kind of confidence hearing those words from her. "Really?" 
His grin went lopsided as he gazed at her, a single dimple in his cheek as the lilypad-green of his eyes pursued the bashful expression on her face. "Really, baby,"
Dropping her eyes to where her hands were tracing over the wrought iron designs of the patio table they were stationed at, she felt her smile stretch even wider, "I'll have to tell her thank you then when I see her."
Harry hummed in response, scooting that much closer to her with the curtain of his hair creating faux privacy in the middle of the courtyard. "She's right, anyway. Y'look so pretty, you're breaking m'heart." 
(Y/N) didn't know what to say, feeling her skin prickle and cheeks heat at his compliments. The butterflies in her tummy were a breed all of their own, the kind that only popped up when Harry was so sweet on her at a wedding. He was making it way too easy for those butterflies in her tummy to flood to her head and make her believe this could someday play out again at a different wedding—one where she planned everything and was the one in the white dress. 
"Harry," she breathed out, the call of his name a whisper that worked its way through her smile. 
An all too smug smile kinked at the corners of his lopsided grin, making him look way too satisfied to have received her shy reaction. "You're so sweet, baby," he said, bumping his hip against her side, "What did y'think about Serena's dress?" 
She was grateful for the change in topic, needing a moment to get the fluttering in her chest under control so she didn't look like a vibrating chihuahua by the time Harry's mom came around. "It was really pretty; I liked the train," she settled, nodding her head as she remembered the long, lace train that followed after Serena as she walked down the aisle. 
Another hum worked its way out of Harry's throat, like he was contemplating her words. 
"Is that the kind of dress y'like? With the long train and everything?" he asked, his eyes clear and intense against the black kohl on his waterline. 
(Y/N) was caught off guard at the line of question he opened up. Before the butterflies in her tummy could rile themselves up again, she wanted to double check what exactly he was asking. 
"Like, as a wedding dress?" 
"Oh," she sounded, rolling her lips between her teeth as if she were afraid of the kind of smile that was threatening to split her lips and make her cheeks ache. "Um, I don't know. Maybe? I like the idea of having a train, but I think it would be a lot to keep track of. And,"—she swallowed, dropping her gaze to Harry's tattooed wrist from where he lent over the table with his chin in his palm, "I-I've always kind of pictured myself in something bigger; a big skirt with lots of tulle, or satin, or whatever I end up liking." 
This wasn't the first time they'd talked about weddings, or even getting married (nothing quite as blunt as the night she overheard him talking to his mom about when he wanted to propose), but he'd never asked for details like this. The prospect of that kind of future was always spoken about in the abstract, with offhand comments about a someday, or a one day. But this, the blunt mention of the rest of their lives made her feel like her heart was about to jump out of her throat and there was too much energy in her body to be contained. If she could jump around and scream without anyone giving her odd looks, she would have. 
Harry's face molded into a soft smile though his eyes turned a bit dreamy. "Yeah, I can see that. Like one of those princess kind of dresses, right?" 
This time, (Y/N) hadn't bothered to bite back her smile. "Yeah, something like that." 
His dimple sunk deeper into his cheek as his eyes fell from her own and traced down the length of her body. "I've always pictured y'in a pink color, too. Those blush dresses, or whatever they're called."
While he was right in his assumption ((Y/N) loved seeing those pink dresses on those wedding dress television shows, the blush shades always being her favorite), she couldn't get over the first half of his thought: he had pictured what she would look like on her wedding day. 
And, the way he said it made it sound like it was more than once. That he'd thought about what she would look like going down the aisle, and had 'always' seen her in a blush colored gown. 
Shifting her gaze to land on the script tattoo on his hand, the words spelling out 'love me please?'taking her attention as she fought to keep her head on straight. "Yeah, actually," she murmured, "I really like those dresses." 
"That would be really pretty, baby," he said, keeping his own voice low between the two of them, "I don't know what y'had in mind, but I've always seen us getting married outside, in a garden or something. I think the pink would be really pretty in a place like that." 
In that moment, (Y/N) became conscious of her breathing, making an effort to take in each breath and ease out the exhales. If not for that awareness, she was halfway sure that she would have passed out. Or burst into tears—but there was no ruling out that outcome, yet. 
"I-I like that idea, yeah," she squeaked, keeping her eyes trained on the tattoo on his hand in hopes of focusing her rattling brain, "What else have you pictured for o-our wedding?" 
Our wedding. 
"Mmm," Harry hummed, (Y/N) not even needing to see his face to know he was pursing his lips and hooding his eyes in thought, "Don't have everything figured out, but I have a few ideas. I think it'd be small, yeah? Something just for us and a few people who are important to us, but mostly private. 'M not sure about the colors, but I figured we'd do something soft for you. Lots of flowers, too; some in your hair, if y'liked something like that. I don't know everything, but I know we'd be really happy." 
(Y/N) knew it was a wise choice not to rule out tears when she felt the backs of her eyes begin to burn and a lump form in her throat. She couldn't look at him if she wanted to keep a hold on her control, keep herself from embarrassing herself in front of Harry's family, but she couldn't help herself. She wanted to know what he looked like when he spoke like that, telling her that the one thing he knew for sure was that they would be happy. On their wedding day. 
She found him gazing at her with something that could only be described as tender affection in his eyes, a soft-lipped grin on his face. He was admiring her, that was the only name she could put to a look like that. 
The second he saw the tears that had gathered in her eyes, Harry shifted on his stance. He crowded around her, orbiting around her to place himself in front of her, shielding her from the rest of the wedding guests as he tucked her into his chest. 
"Lovebug," he cooed, his smile dampening into a pout.
"I'm okay, I'm okay," she rushed, shaking her head before settling her hands on his chest, "I promise, I'm okay. I-I just really like your ideas. Our wedding sounds really nice." 
Bringing a gentle hand to her cheek, Harry brushed his thumb over the height of her cheekbone. Though she could still see all of his concern swimming in his eyes, he made an effort to fit a lopsided smile on his lips. "I like hearing y'say that. Talking about our wedding, and everything." 
(Y/N) nodded her head, aware of the tendrils of hair that floated around her face at the motion. "I do, too." 
A beat passed, Harry's gaze trained on her while (Y/N) fought to keep her tears at bay. (She barely had any mascara left on her lower lashes, and she needed to preserve it for the reception if she wanted to look nice meeting the rest of his family). The cradle of his hand on her cheek soldified then, stabilizing her as he lent down and pressed a tentative kiss to the corner of her lips. 
"I love you, baby. So much." The sentiment was whispered across her skin, sinking into her system and quelling the buzz that tickled her veins.
A smile cracked her lips, rounding her cheek out into the palm of his hand. His hold was warm, careful, and tender. Safe. All the words she would use to describe the love of her life. 
"I love you too, H." 
The pure elation that filled his gaze was enough to make (Y/N) want to spend the rest of the day telling him those words over and over again. And she would have, if a neatly manicured hand hadn't curled around Harry's shoulder from behind. 
"There you two are! I've been looking everywhere!" It was Anne, the voice familiar and enough to knock (Y/N) out of her stupor and for Harry to reluctantly draw his gaze from her. 
"Mum," he sighed, a small smile filling his face when he caught sight of his mom, "I was wondering when y'would show up." 
Anne waved off his words, "I told you I would come find you before the reception. I didn't interrupt anything, though, did I?" 
Her familiar green eyes swooped between the two of them, Harry having shifted to a much more acceptable hold on (Y/N) with only their hands linked and sides pressed together. Though, (Y/N) was sure she still held remnants of their embrace in the glisten of her eyes and the soft set of each of her muscles that called for her to lean all over Harry.
"No," Harry started, chancing a quiet look in (Y/N)'s direction, "We were jus' talking about the wedding." 
(Y/N) didn't bother to hide her smile at his words. 
He meant their wedding. 
(Y/N) startled when she felt someone bump into her shoulder. The hand she had around her flute of sparkling apple juice (they passed it around during speeches for anyone underage and Harry made a point to grab one for her when he saw her eyeing the tray) tightened as she jumped. Gemma had just left for the bathroom, and Harry was supposed to be out on the dance floor with his mom. 
Before she had a chance to peep at who now filled the seat beside her, her new companion murmured, "What's a girl like you doing sitting here all alone?" 
At the sound of the voice, (Y/N)'s muscles relaxed on instinct. She knew that voice—loved that voice. 
Unwilling to fight off the smile tugging at her lips, she twisted in her seat to face Harry who looked every bit the part of flirty bachelor he was trying to portray. With his chin in his palm, lopsided, smug smile on his mouth and his tongue playing with he hoop pierced through his lip, the only thing that gave him away was the affection seeping into his gaze, the kind that only simmered when unconditional love was involved. 
"I'm just waiting for my boyfriend," she said, playing along with his game. 
Harry hummed, his eyes tracing over her features and dropping down the curve of her neck before traveling back to match her own. "I see. I can't believe he'd leave y'here, though. Looking too pretty to not have all his attention."
Shaking her head, (Y/N) felt her cheeks heat at his words. "He gives me a lot of attention," she murmured, "He just got busy for a second." 
"Yeah? He treats y'right?" The grin on Harry's lips sunk deeper as he raised a brow at her. 
"He does, yeah. He takes really good care of me," she started, thinking of the way he fussed over her before the reception, helping her fix her hair and makeup from her moment in the courtyard, "He's my best friend." A beat passed. "He's really cute, too."
The dimples denting the apples of Harry's cheeks grew deeper as she spoke, his foot nudging hers under the table. "He sounds pretty special to you," he said, his lip ring bobbing with a flick of his tongue, "That probably means y'won't give me a kiss, huh? Love him too much?" 
"I don't know," (Y/N) smiled, wrapping her own ankle around his as she scooted that much closer to him, "I think he might let me kiss you. You're pretty sweet." 
The smugness that molded his features fell at her words, leaving behind only the genuine curl of his lips and rounded edges of his features as he gazed at her tenderly. "C'mere, baby." 
"Oh, are we done playing?" (Y/N) asked, listening to his direction and inching close enough that her thigh pressed against his. 
"Mhm," he hummed, stretched his free arm to lay along the back of (Y/N)'s chair, crowding around her, "Jus' us now." 
Harry didn't offer a moment for her to respond before he ducked his head, and pressed a sweet kiss to the soft of her cheek, just barely grazing the corner of her mouth. Aware of the fact his family made up the crowd all around them, (Y/N) placed her hand on his chest, a quiet reminder to please be careful. His smile could be felt against her skin as he lingered, her message conveyed. 
The tip of Harry's nose skimmed the height of her cheekbone as he ghosted over the planes of her face, bringing his lips to her ear before whispering, "You're m'best friend, too, (Y/N)." 
If not for the audience around the room, (Y/N) would have melted into his chest, curling into his hold and falling into the daydream he was pulling her into with words alone. As much fun as she was having spending time with his mom and sister, and having fun at the first wedding she'd been to in years, this moment made her wonder how much longer they'd be here until she could be alone with him again. How much longer until she could be wrapped up in his arms and kiss him the way she wanted without prying eyes. 
After pressing a single kiss to the space before her ear, a small smile on his lips, Harry slipped out of his seat. (Y/N) watched him with her mouth in a small gape, already missing his presence and the feel of his warm enveloping her. 
Harry only cracked a small smile before he held his hand out, black polished nails gleaming in the romantic lighting filling the winery's banquet hall. "Why don't y'come dance with me?"
(Y/N) practically popped out of her seat like a bunny, eagerly grabbing his offered hand. Usually, it was her that was trying to convince him to dance—most of the time while she was a little tipsy after a few glasses of wine—, so this was new for her. Harry let out a breathy laugh as she nodded her head, entirely too excited to be about to dance at a family wedding. As she followed along behind him, (Y/N) tuned into the music selected by the DJ for the first time since the couple's first dance together, noticing it was another slow song, one she didn't recognize but sounded vaguely familiar. Probably from one of the many playlists Harry crafted in her dedication. 
And, he wanted to dance with her to this. 
Out on the floor, (Y/N) spotted Anne dancing with her brother, a beaming smile on her face as they no doubt talked about how wonderful the ceremony was and all of the details that went into the makeup of the venue. Gemma apparently had been corralled by her boyfriend after her bathroom trip, an adoring smile on his face as he gazed down at her as she spoke. The couple of the day was sequestered to the smallest corner of the floor, Serena's forehead pressing into the curve of her new husband's throat, having only left the dance floor once for food before wrapping themselves around each other and swaying to songs only they heard. 
It was when Harry wrapped his arms around her waist, tugging her close with a flexing of his forearms and his fingers making soft dents into her form, that she realized she would get to join that scene—that scene filled with love and adoration. 
"Hold me, angel," Harry murmured to her through his smile, making her realize in her lovestruck daze, she hadn't moved to reciprocate his hold. 
"Oh, sorry," she peeped, linking her arms around his neck, the length of his curls tangled through her fingers and tickling her skin. 
"'S okay, don't be sorry," he told her, ducking his head down to her ear, "But, I do want to know what y'were thinking about that got y'so distracted." 
With his grip on her waist, Harry started swaying them in time with the music, the fluff of her skirt fluttering around them. (Y/N) took advantage of her looped arms to inch herself closer to him, cocooning herself in his presence as much as she could without completely clinging to him. 
"Nothing," she whispered, "Just you and all. Thank you for bringing me." 
"Of course, baby," he said, pressing his cheek to hers in place of planting a kiss to the skin, "No one else I'd rather have here with me. Besides, Mitch wouldn't cuddle with me tonight like I know y'will." 
(Y/N) reared back, a small smile on her face as she caught his eye. "Is that what we're doing tonight at the hotel?" 
Harry's mouth turned lopsided in a self-satisfied grin. His eyes traced over her features, perusing the planes of her face with tender affection. "Maybe after a few other things, but we'll see." 
She should've known he would respond with something like that when she opened that avenue of conversation, but she still felt her cheeks fill with warmth as if she had no idea. Of course he would imply something like that. 
But, if (Y/N) was being one hundred percent honest, she couldn't lie and say the same thing hadn't been on her mind since he joined her in the bathroom to finish getting ready this morning. With his chest full of tattoos on display and long curls sweeping over his collarbones, he was a dirty daydream—her dirty dream. The idea of disappearing back at the hotel with him, hiding under the fluffy white duvet on their bed with only him to hold her attention, made her tummy turn with the most pleasurable of butterflies. 
As if he could hear her thoughts, Harry's grin widened, amusement tinting the curl. He raised his brows at her for a moment, as if she would offer some kind of explanation for a reaction he knew too well. He spared her the conversation when he pulsed his arms around her, disregarding the fact the song was changing to something uptempo, using the edge of the dance floor they had huddled into to their advantage as he kept her swaying softly. 
"You're having a good time, though, baby?" he asked her, his features rounding out in genuine curiosity as he gazed at her. 
(Y/N) eagerly nodded her head, a bubbly smile on her face. "Your sister is so much fun, she's been so nice talking to me all night."
"Yeah?" he smiled, his fingers on her hips pulsing in attention, "Watched you two talk for a minute before I came to bother you. Gem only gets that happy when she tells embarrassing stories about me, jus' to remind me that 'm, apparently, not as cool as I think I am." 
"I still think you're cool," (Y/N) countered, though there was more than a little amusement laced through her tone. Gemma had said the exact same thing to her just before she shared a story about a primary school aged Harry that cried when he saw his sister had gotten her ears pierced and was scared she'd never be able to go swimming with him again because she'd get too filled up with water and wouldn't float now with the extra holes in her skin. Gemma teared up from how hard she was laughing recalling the way their mom had to sit Harry down and cuddle him until he understood that wasn't physically possible. 
"And look at him now," she had said, waving her hand towards the dance floor where Harry was swaying with their mother, "I like to think my ear piercing adventure inspired him. Even if he can't pull it off as well as I do." 
Harry knew her too well, it seemed—and his sister—when he canted his head to the side, feigning exasperation as he shook his head. "She told y'about the ear piercing story, didn't she?That one and the drug dealer one is her favorite, but she usually likes to break the ice and tell everyone how I used to be a crybaby first." 
Though her interest was piqued at the mention of the 'drug dealer' story, (Y/N) allowed a small smile to curl her lips, inching just the smallest bit closer to Harry as his arms folded around her waist with his forearms cradling the small of her back. "There's nothing wrong with being a crybaby, though, right? Otherwise, this is gonna get really awkward when you realize how often it is that I cry." 
(Y/N)'s joke was told through a smiling mouth though her cheeks were going warm in something closer to embarrassment than the butterflies she felt before. She knew he was joking a little, but she'd really hope he wasn't annoyed with how worked up she became over small things at times, knowing she was still the crybaby her parents scolded her for being when she was young. 
Harry's features went soft and round as he gazed down at her, the sweep of his gaze taking in the planes of her face with tender care. It took him only a moment to lead her away from the rest of the guests, mimicking the bride and groom by stealing away to a shaded corner of the venue where wine crates were stacked high and decorated with the wedding's flowers, leaving a small space with less prying eyes to catch them. 
"You're not a crybaby, angel, you know that. You're jus' a sensitive girl and there's nothing wrong with that, you're right." As he spoke, he gave her the full intensity of the soft moss coloring of his eyes, his gaze flicking back and forth between her eyes to ensure she knew he meant what he was saying. It was when he ducked his head, breaking that eye contact, that his voice lowered and his words wrapped around the shell of her ear and stamped over her skin like a kiss that (Y/N) almost melted if not for the support of his hold. "Nothing wrong with it, especially when 'm here to take care of you, right?" 
There was something about hearing him express how willing he was to take care of her; how even if she was a sensitive girl, a little messy around the house when she spent the night (she had an awful habit of leaving cabinet doors open after picking out what she needed from inside), and prone to falling asleep in the middle of movies with him after vowing to watch until the end, that he was going to be there to cradle her and take care of her no matter her problem. She was no stranger to becoming a bit clingy and dreamy when he spoke like that, but there was something especially heart-breaking about hearing the sentiment right then, stolen away at a wedding that hadn't stopped making her heart bloat from how romantic the occasion had been since they set foot in the venue, that made it that much more urgent for her to be with him. 
Though she was still aware of the guests around them, not too far from the dance floor to be completely unseen, (Y/N) couldn't help herself before she stretched onto her tiptoes using the leverage of her arms around his neck, and draped herself over Harry's from. The length of her body was pressed against every inch of his, the steady beat of his heart and movement of his chest as he breathed made (Y/N) all that much more emotional as she buried her face in his neck. Hearing the most basic of human functions—the pattering of his pulse, the gentle exhale of his breathing, the feel of his muscles contracting as he held her—made her so aware of the fact that he was a real person who had his own thoughts, feelings, and daily adventures that she might never know about, but he had chosen to love her in the midst of it all. He had chosen to tuck her into his chest and sweep his lips up the column of her throat and hold her because there was nothing else he'd rather do. 
"You'll always be here, right?" (Y/N) murmured, her voice a secret whispered into his ear. 
Harry's arms around her waist pulsed, bringing her middle flush against his own as if he still wasn't as close to her as he yearned to be. She knew that feeling well. 
"Of course 'm going to be there, angel—always going to be wherever y'are, as long as y'want me." His words felt like a kiss though she barely felt the full of his lips brushing against the curve of her neck, his lip ring giving nothing more than a chilly graze against her skin that urged her to seek out more of his warmth. 
"I'll always want you, Harry," she cemented, hoping he understood just how deeply she meant that. She would always, always, always want him; not a single day went by where she didn't crave to at least hear from him, and she couldn't see her future going any other way. "I can take care of you, too, right?" 
The ghost of his smile could be felt against her neck, his hold on her tightening almost enough to lift her feet from the ground even with the heels strapped around her ankles. There was something earnest in his tone as he spoke, like he couldn't settle on exactly how to speak this without his heart bursting, "Y'take care of me everyday, angel, and y'don't even know it." 
Behind the wine crates with the sound of wedding guests chattering on only feet away, (Y/N) indulged herself in Harry's hold a moment longer. Even with just barely enough breathing room between them, the feel of his body pressed into hers and his face buried in the crook of her neck, it wasn't enough. 
She wished she was someone else who wouldn't feel guilty about leaving the reception before the newlyweds, so she could convince Harry to take her back to the hotel and let her be closer to him. Though she physically felt warm—hot, even—in his hold, something was lacking enough to cause a dot of chill to inch its way up the base of her spine, the kind that she knew would be cured under the sheets of their borrowed bed with the brunt of Harry's body pressing into her and sinking her into the mattress. 
"Y'alright, love?" Harry mumbled, pulling away just enough to match his eyes to hers.
"Mhm," she hummed, a half-truth, as she bit at the full of her bottom lip, "Do you know when you'll be ready to leave?" 
A lopsided smile fixed itself to Harry's features. He knew. 
"Soon, baby. Really soon." 
A tattooed arm slipped around (Y/N)'s waist from behind in record time as she stumbled over the threshold to their hotel room. The toe of her heel had caught on the lip of the doorframe, pitching her forward with a gasp before Harry came to the rescue.
"Careful, baby," Harry laughed, his amusement felt against the back of her neck as he closed and locked the door behind them, "There's no need to rush." 
But, there was. 
The rest of the reception had gone by in excruciating detail, from (Y/N)'s perspective. It had been another hour since they had cuddled behind those wine crates before the happy couple had been sent off with well wishes for their honeymoon and the rest of their lives they were setting off on, before Harry had asked her if she was ready to go. As much fun as she had during the cake cutting and talking to his mom and sister some more in between meeting other relatives, (Y/N) had been itching to get back to the hotel room with Harry in tow. 
"Sorry," she murmured, making a conscious effort to slow her hurried steps and settle her restless limbs. 
A soft kiss was pressed to the curve of her throat before the curl of his smile could be felt against her skin. His hand moved to settle on the small of her back, urging her into the suite. "Don't need to be sorry, love. Jus' be careful, yeah?" 
Giving only a soft nod, (Y/N) made paced steps towards their bed, peeping over her shoulder only once to see if Harry was following. When he caught her looking, a heat filled her cheeks as she almost tripped over herself to get to their bags propped at the end of the bed, the luggage taking her attention as she heard a breathy laugh from behind her. 
"Going to the bathroom?" Harry asked, coming to sit on the edge of the white fluffed bed. He rested his ankle on his knee as he began unlacing his shoes though his eyes remained on her. 
Looking down in her hands at the pajama set she had absently dug out of the luggage, (Y/N) gave him a stilted nod. Apparently, she was going to go get changed in the bathroom. 
After pulling out a bag of toiletries, (Y/N) toed off her heels before disappearing in the bathroom. With the door shut behind her, the air felt still now that she was alone. Seeing her things splayed out on the counter—oversized pajamas, her new birth control she started herself on two weeks ago, and clean makeup wipes—, she knew she didn't want to go to bed. Her mind had been whirling a little too fast for a little too long to go to sleep now, especially when she had been struggling to get some alone time with Harry since their moment between the wine crates. She couldn't waste it by sleeping. 
Thinking about that moment at the reception, made (Y/N)'s stomach turn in the way it only did when she craved a good cuddle from Harry. That need to be close to him returned at full force, fueled by the knowledge that they were finally alone and had nothing to stop her from filling that void that needed him. 
Reaching to her back, she unzipped her dress before pushing the straps from the slopes of her shoulders, the pink chiffon creating a puddle at her bare feet. Looking in the mirror, she was left in her full face of makeup and the white cotton thong and matching bralette she'd worn under her dress, the clean hue complimented by tiny pink rosettes stitched to the very middle of the garments. As she reached for the packet of makeup wipes on the counter, (Y/N)'s eyes grazed over the baby blue case that held her birth control. 
This was still a very new development for her, finally having the guts to request something like this from her doctor. While she knew, especially for women her age, that this medication wasn't anything out of the norm, she swore her cheeks almost melted off her face when she had looked Dr. Claire in the eyes and requested the contraception. Just two days later, her first three months were delivered to her apartment and she'd been adjusting since. 
As far as anyone knew, she opted to start on it to help regulate her periods and especially the cramps that came along with them, but she knew in the flustered corner of her mind, that she really requested it with Harry in mind. 
They were always, always, always careful—even in the heat of the moment, morning quickies or flights of passion in the middle of the night, Harry always slipped a rubber on before slipping inside her—, so that was not her concern. What had really inspired the idea of possibly starting the medication, was an overheard conversation in class where one of her classmates had shared a story with her friend about her boyfriend's weekend visit and the dormroom antics they got up to. Just hearing that story had made her skin heat, embarrassed to be eavesdropping, but once the idea was in her head of "going bare" with Harry, it wasn't something that was easily evicted. 
Tonight especially, that thought hadn't left her mind for very long. 
Standing in the bathroom, with only the soft of her undergarments decorating her form and the blue birth control packet laid on the counter, she acknowledged the pit in her stomach that had taken root over an hour earlier when they had been tucked away in the corner of the winery. That need to be close to him hadn't quelled even a fraction in the time she had resorted to holding only his hand through the remainder of the reception. 
And, how much closer could you get than having him inside her without even the thinnest layer of rubber separating them? 
Even just the idea of feeling every part of Harry against her—inside her—made her muscles relax just the smallest bit. She trusted him with her whole heart and loved him in the same measure, so why couldn't they take that barrier away? Even if only just for tonight? 
It was with that, that (Y/N) double checked the time on her phone before taking the pill labeled for Saturday in her current row. Her skincare routine followed in a daze, the washing of her face being the last detail she truly recalled before muscle memory took over and she was left to analyze how she'd bring up her idea for the night to Harry. 
With her skin clean and moisturized, (Y/N) scooped up the puddle of her dress from the floor, balling the fabric in front of her tummy before taking a deep breath. She slipped back into the hotel suite on quiet feet, finding Harry still sat on the edge of the mattress with his shoes kicked off to the side and his suit jacket laid over the shell top of the luggage. Looking up from his phone, his brows raised over his kohl-lined eyes when he caught sight of her dressed in the bare minimum, toes curling into the plush carpet underneath. 
"Those don't look like the pajamas y'packed," Harry teased, discarding his phone to sit on the nightstand before reclining back on the bed, hands buried in the bedding as they propped him up. His eyes appraised her form with careful accuracy as she felt them trace over the curves of her hips and dip of her waist. He looked much too smug when his gaze stopped on the rosette stitched on the tiny centimeter of banding that connected the cups of her bralette. 
She hesitated to drop the bundle of her dress from her hands, appreciating the distraction it offered as she twisted the fabric between her fingers. She felt her eyes round out, features softening as she chanced a look down to his barely covered chest, the full of his butterfly tattoo on display through the billows of fabric. With a dry mouth, she shrugged only a single shoulder. "You said we might cuddle and do other stuff tonight, though, right?" 
"I did say that, didn't I?" He spoke lazily, his smile matching with his lip ring bobbing in the low light of the lamp. "That what y'wanted to do tonight? Cuddle?" 
(Y/N) knew what he was doing, knew what he was trying to pull from her, as he looked at her with a tick in his brow and a teasing flicker in his pupils. She swallowed, matching his intense gaze with her own shy version as she tried to pick out the green of his iris in the low light, "And maybe some of the other stuff. If you still wanted, anyway." 
A grin broke out on his face as her words. Sitting up straight from his reclined position, Harry opened his arms up to her, tattooed fingers stretching out towards her. "Of course, I want you, angel. Now, come here. Can't cuddle with y'so far away, can we?"
The dress she had agonized over for weeks was now forgotten as (Y/N) dropped it to the floor, eager to curl into Harry's chest and feel him all over her again. The first touch she felt when she drew close enough was the brush of his fingertips over her waist, goosebumps layering over her skin at the feel before his palm wrapped around the dip of her curves, his heavy rings pressing into her skin. He helped her climb onto his lap, her chest pressed against his as he wrapped his arms around her middle with his forearms sliding around the small of her back in a cradle. Her thighs straddled his hips as she settled on his lap, just barely at eye level with him.
Only a quiet beckon of C'mere, lovebug, floated between them before Harry ducked his head and pressed his lips to hers. Tipping her head just right, (Y/N) allowed him to slot their lips together, the bud of her bottom lip between his two. The tip of his nose grazed over the side of hers as he anchored one of his hands on the back of her head, fingers slipping through the strands in soothing grazes. (Y/N)'s own hands laid flat on the broad of Harry's shoulders, her fingers making careful dents in the muscles as she clung to him.
A sigh of her name was exhaled over her lips before Harry snuck his tongue out, running along the plush of her lips. Her heart stuttered behind her ribcage at the feel of his affection, feeling herself melt into him, eager to give him all of herself. Using the grip on his shoulders, she shuffled over his lap, bringing herself close enough that her front was flush with his, each block of muscle exposed by the barely buttoned status of his shirt. He was warm against her bare skin, but she still felt a shiver go down her spine when she felt the lump settled between his thighs, just under her core. 
"H-Harry," she murmured, drawing away from his lips just far enough to breathe the call over his skin.
The slight curl of his lips was felt against her own as he smeared his mouth against hers in a sealing kiss. "Yeah, baby? Feel that?" 
Her eyelids felt welded shut as he used his arm around her waist to drag her heavily over his cock, unable to handle seeing him when she felt so much in the moment. Overwhelmed already, she tucked her face into his shoulder, his hair curtaining around her face as she inhaled the scent clinging to his skin. She wasn't even aware of what she was saying before she whimpered into his neck, "I-I want it." 
Harry dropped his head into her shoulder at her words, mimicking the way she cuddled into him as a choked moan rumbled through his chest. The plush of his lips was smeared in honey-sweet sticky kisses against her skin. "I know y'do, baby. Wanna show me how much y'want it? Gotta earn it before I can let y'have it." 
Whenever he requested things like this, it made her skin heat and her heart beat hard enough to hear the rushing through the shell of her ears. 
Her less than steady hands that were anchored on his shoulders slid along his form, dipping into the length of his hair. Her fingers wrapped through his curls as she drew away from the home she made against his shoulder, hoping he would follow suit and she could see his face again. Her breathing hitched when she got her wish, and the green eyes she had been expecting were replaced with dilated pupils with a flush coloring his cheeks and lips shining with the spit-slicked kissed he had dragged over her skin. In the dark of the hotel room, his eyeliner seemed especially shadowy around his eyes, his tattoos seemed freshly inked onto his skin, his curls a shade darker than the gentle brown she was accustom to. 
Feeling the bar of his arm stretched around her back and the press of his chest against her own as he pulled in a deep breath, (Y/N)'s heart jumped at the reminder of the parts of him she couldn't see right then. It wasn't until Harry raised a dark brow at her that she realized just how long she must been staring at him,
"Gonna show me, angel? Or are y'gonna keep staring at daddy with those hearts in your eyes?" 
Her breathing stopped for a beat at the sound of his title falling from his raspberry lips. She'd never get over the sound of his voice—especially when it was deep and rumbling like this—wrapping around the word, urging her to fall deeper into her role for him. 
"Will you help me, daddy?" she pleaded, breathless. 
An affection-soaked smile stretched over Harry's lips at her request, a pair of dimples bracketing the curve. Dipping his head down, he nuzzled his nose against hers in a puppy's kiss. "Yeah, I can help you, angel." 
She all but melted into his hold at the feel of his crooned words fanning over her skin. A quiet thank you, daddy, was murmured into his neck as (Y/N) did her part and shuffled on his lap as close to his chest as she could get. She braced her knees on either side of Harry's hips, readying herself when she felt the first push of his arm around the small of her back, dragging her over the tent that had formed between his legs. 
A breathless moan fell from her lips as she keened into the touch, a delicate shiver running up her spine. The bulge of his cock pressed deeply against the growing wet spot on the front of her panties. She followed the template of his pulling, moving her body to match the pacing he had set. Her breathing came in pants, her chest heaving as her back arched. Each drag of her hips brought her close to his chest, where her breasts were pushed against him, her peaking nipples straining against her cotton bralette as they grazed his skin. Her fingers untangled from his curls,  only to drop behind his neck where her fingers laced together, giving her a better drip to rock her hips over his cock. As much as she wanted to keep watching him, she couldn't help herself before her face dropped to the warmth of his shoulder and her eyes fluttered closed. It was too much for her—the scratch of his clothing against her bare skin, the push of his cock against her clit, the strength of his arm braced around her back, even his smell, was overwhelming—but not enough at the same time. She needed more from him. She wanted to sink on his cock for real, she just needed to earn it first, like he said. 
(Y/N) tried her best to keep track of her surroundings as she rocked her hips over his, but the shifting of his hold on her came as a surprise. Harry's palms wrapped around the curve of her waist as she lost herself in the movements of her hips, the heft of his rings making dents in the soft give of her skin. The chill of the pieces was enough to add a bite of clarity to the moment, reminding her what exactly she had planned for the night. Just the thought of having him bare inside her—finishing inside her—elicited a loud moan to fall from her lips. 
"'M right here, baby, 's okay," he crooned to her, responding to the title she had called out to, "Doing so good, not even helping y'anymore. Doing so good all by yourself." 
In the muddled mess that was her brain, (Y/N) hadn't even noticed that Harry had adjusted his grip in the first place because he was no longer aiding in the grinding and dragging of her hips, (Y/N) doing it all on her own with an erratic rhythm that really only seemed to please herself. Slowing down, she pulled away from the burrowed home she made against Harry's shoulder and dropped her gaze to their laps. 
Her underwear had gone askew, the rocking of her hips having stretched the material tightly against her core. The flimsy barrier of her panties did nothing to protect his pants as she spotted a damp patch on the material that was unmistakably from her. 
A beat passed before Harry pinched her chin between his thumb and forefinger, pulling her face up to match his gaze. A self-satisfied smile curled his lips, the lopsided curve being something of his signature. "Like seeing your mess, angel? Y'did that all by yourself." 
A heat bubbled behind her cheeks at his words. "I didn't mean to make a mess, I-I'm sor—" 
Before she could get the rest of her sentence out, Harry took advantage of the hold he had on her chin and smeared his lips against hers in a silencing kiss. (Y/N) forgot about her flustered embarrassment in a second as soon as he kissed her, which she was sure was his intention. 
"Don't say you're sorry, love, don't need to be. I like the little mess y'left on me," he crooned against her lips, the full of his own brushing against her pout. 
(Y/N) couldn't even catch her breath before he was kissing her again, parting her mouth with his own and slipping his tongue inside. Harry swallowed the moan that fell from her mouth, his tongue sweeping through and tasting every bit of the sweetened sparkling juice she sipped at the reception and the honeyed lust that was building inside her. The hand he had stationed on her chin slid across her cheek and through the baby hairs bordering her hairline, until his fingers threaded through the strands. He cradled the back of her head as he tilted his own, deepening the kiss. The hand on the back of her head anchored her to the moment as she fought to find her breath through the haze of HarryHarryHarry in her head and the distraction of his kiss. It wasn't until he drew away from her mouth, dragging his lips across her cheek and down to the line of her jaw, that she even attempted to bring in a balancing breath. 
Nonetheless, her breathing came in pants as she fixed her hands through his hair, the curls tangling through her fingers as she keened into him. Harry kissed down her neck, not even lifting his mouth from her skin before planting another kiss on the curve of her throat. She couldn't help herself before dragging her hips and grinding down on his cock again as he gave a clarifying nip of his teeth over her pulse, soothing the bite with a sweep of his tongue. 
"D-Daddy, I—," she whined, her voice sounding as breathless as she felt. 
His smile could be felt against her skin as he kissed down her chest, a drag of his tongue over the shelf of her collarbone before stopping just along the swell of her breast. "I can feel your heart, baby," he murmured against her skin, the curve of his lips pressing int the soft skin, "What's got it beating so fast, hm?"
In her right mind, (Y/N) knew she would feel at least a tint of bashfulness at his teasing, but in that moment, it seemed to only spur her on. The slight mocking tilt to his tone made her thighs clench around his hips and her tummy jump despite the warmth being pressed into her from all sides. 
"Y-You," she whined, "You're making me—" 
(Y/N) cut herself off when her train off thought went off it's tracks, leaving her to sink into Harry further as he bit into the curve of her breast and began nudging the delicate strap off her shoulder. How was she supposed to think, let alone talk when he did things like that?
"'M making y'what, angel?" he teased, his tone deep and dipped in gravel as it rumbled through his chest, "Am I making y'wet? Is that what you're trying to tell me?" 
With the strap of her bralette halfway down her shoulder, (Y/N) felt Harry nudge the flimsy cup out of the way with the tip of his nose as he skimmed it over her skin, his warm breath fanning over the newly exposed skin. The stubble that prickled his chin grazed (Y/N)'s breast as he laid kisses down her chest until he took her nipple between his lips. A lick of his tongue was delivered to the bud, making (Y/N)'s breathing tight as she imagined that same feeling between her legs. 
"I—I need you," she choked out, the tightness in her lungs making it hard for anything more to come out. 
The hand he had planted on her waist shifted over her side as he drew away from her chest, his palm coming to a stop at her ribs with his thumb driving up underneath the band of her bra and tracing over the curve of her breast. His lips were slick as she finally got a good look at him since they started kissing, pupils dark and wide across his iris. Even his cheeks held a ruddy flush as he traced his gaze over her features and allowed his kiss-swollen lips to stretch into a smug smile. 
"So, you're m'needy girl tonight? Is that what you're telling me?" 
(Y/N) couldn't do anything more than nod at him with her mouth set in a small gape. 
His smile turned lopsided but didn't lose any bit of the self-assuredness he had coloring the curve. Even the dimple denting his cheek seemed more smug that sweet in that moment. He gave her one more kiss through his smile before he dropped his hands to her waist and gripped at the curve of her body. 
Drawing her away from his body, Harry deposited her onto the mattress behind him, laying her along the bed with her head cushioned by the fluffed hotel pillows. "Wait right here for me, angel. Daddy needs to get ready for you," he croons to her, affection seeping into the lustful gaze he had plastered over her form. 
With her eyes stuck to Harry's form, (Y/N) sunk into the white duvet stretched over the mattress. The broad of his shoulders stole her attention as she absently readjusted her bralette, covering herself against the chill in the hotel room, though she could argue she might as well have been running a fever as she watched him.
Harry stood with his back to her, only glimpses of his hands visible as he tugged off his rings and laid them out on the bedside table, the metal and gems glinting in the lamplight. Her thighs clenched at the implications of his now bare fingers, now knowing that he planned on spending a good amount of time with his hand between her thighs for the night. She watched as she continued undressing, shedding his silken button down with the material dropping to the floor. The full of his back was left on display, tattoos decorating the tanned skin with designs that only someone like Harry could have imagined and dreamt up. Only his black trousers were left on his body, the fabric stretched across his thighs. 
She knew she had been caught staring, thighs crossed over one another, when she noticed the smirk on Harry's lips as he looked over his shoulder. He didn't waste any time before he was climbing onto the bed, prowling towards her. 
"You're like a dream lying here for me, angel, you know that? Perfect, little, wet dream," he murmured, his eyes never straying from hers as he crawled over the overpassed hotel mattress. 
"Y-You're my dream, too," she countered, voice breathless and nowhere near as confident as his, but still definitely sharing the truth. 
He hummed at her words, sounding all too smug from the rumbling sound alone. The lopsided tilt of his smile could have been felt against her heated skin from the way it made her heart skip a beat as he spoke, "And what am I like in your little dreams, angel?" 
(Y/N)'s eyes fluttered shut as he closed the distance between them finally, the echo of his rumbled voice sounding through her ears just as he pressed his forehead to her temple when he settled into the mattress beside her. Next to her, he was on his side as he sunk into the bedding, bare chest pressed against her arm with his elbow propping him up under him. Instinctively, she pulled her arm out from between them, allowing his heat to radiate directly into her side as she reached her hand up to play with the ends of his curls. His free hand settled on the soft skin of her tummy, warm fingers petting at the gentle curve of her body. With his touch on her middle and his heat warming her side, (Y/N) could barely concentrate enough to even remember his question, let alone answer it. 
"Hm, angel? Ignoring me now?" he teased, dropping a kiss to her cheek through his smile. 
"No, no, never," she stuttered, carefully shaking her head, "I"—she swallowed around her suddenly clumsy tongue—"W-What was the question?" 
The exhaled laugh Harry let out through his nose fanned over her flushed skin, the tip of his nose skimming her cheekbone as his hand on her tummy moved lower down her body, squeezing her hip. "You're so cute, angel. S'fucking cute," he laughed, the full of his lips brushing her skin, "I asked what I do in the dreams y'supposedly have about me."
"Oh," she breathed, trying her best to stay focused despite the fingers toying with the waist her cotton panties, "In-In my dreams, you always t-take care of me." 
"How?" he demanded, barely a second passing after her answer. 
The gentle scrape of his thumbnail was dragged over her hipbone as Harry tucked it underneath the fabric of her underwear, her tummy jumping at the faint line he was drawing as he grazed his hand across the expanse. 
"You kiss me," she started, stopping herself when she felt Harry crane his neck and press his lips to the corner of her mouth, his nose nudging hers when she didn't continue. 
"Keep going. 'M listening, baby." 
"You—um—You touch me where I like," she whispered, breathless.
With his thumb still tucked into her panties and the rest of his hand resting on the low of her stomach, Harry firmed his grazing and made a point to circle his thumb at the top of her core. 
"Y'like this?" 
The nod of her head came in frantic jerks, the mess of her hair growing wilder against pillow cushioning her head. "I do, I do." 
"Where else do y'like to be touched, angel? Where else do I take care of you?" 
(Y/N) turned her head with the intention of matching her lips to his as she reached for the tattooed arm that was stretched over her body. "You know where, daddy," she whined, her eyes still shuttered closed as she tilted her head to press her lips to his. 
When she didn't make contact with his mouth, (Y/N) couldn't help the pout that molded over her features. She blinked her eyes open only to find Harry looking at her with a raised brow, fighting off an all-too-satisfied smile from curling his lips. 
"Does daddy know, baby?" he teased her, tipping his head to ensure his mouth would be just out of reach if she tried to kiss him again, "Y'sure y'don't want to tell him? Because, I'll give it to you as soon as y'do. 'S that easy, love." 
She knew what he was trying to do: get her flustered and hopefully pull a vulgarity to fall from her lips. And he was definitely achieving the former. 
"Daddy," she mouthed, her voice low enough it was barely a whispered coo, "Please." 
He stopped trying to fight off the lopsided curve that threaten to soften his features. "Y'don't want to tell me, lovebug?" 
Catching her bottom lip between the blunt of her teeth, (Y/N) felt her eyes round out as she gazed up at him. "Its hard," she peeped.
That was enough to cause his lopsided smile to turn into a full-sized grin. "Is it?" he prodded, canting his head, affection swimming in his gaze thought condescension reigned in his tone as he flexed his fingers against the soft of her tummy, "You're just the sweetest little thing, aren't you?" 
Suddenly, with his soft words, she felt bashful under his gaze. It was a bit silly, she knew that, with the way he'd been talking to her the second she came out of the bathroom in her underwear not even causing her to bat an eyelash. It wasn't until he told her something tender with honesty in his eyes that made her feel a different set of butterflies in her stomach and her head to fill with cotton-candy sweet clouds. 
"Oh, baby," he murmured, finally ducking his head and indulging her in the kiss she'd been searching for. Despite their half-naked states, the kiss was nothing but innocent, kiss-swollen lips matching together in a gentle press. "Why don't y'show me instead, if y'can't tell me, hm?" he offered, close enough that the full of his lips brushed against hers. 
(Y/N) nodded at this new route, nose subsequently nudging into his in a puppy's kiss. The smile that bloomed on his features was almost reward enough if she hadn't already known the other option he was offering. 
"Then, show me, baby." 
Uncurling her free hand from the comforter she had wrapped between her fingers while the other still indulged in the sweeping ringlets of his hair, she tentatively grabbed for the arm he had across her middle, palms still halfway down her panties. Her fingers looped around his tattooed wrist, both of their gazes following along, before she pushed his hand further down. More and more of the ink embedded in his skin disappeared as she felt his fingers slip over her core. The length of his fingers grazed over the top of her slit, pushing her soaked underwear out of the way in favor of clinging to her himself. 
A shiver ran up her spine at the first brush, back just barely arching off the mattress. From the corner of her eye, she saw Harry's jaw tick around the smile he was biting back as he watched his hand sink under her panties. 
"That where y'wanted me, love? I take care of your little pussy in your dreams?" His voice was like honey spiced with rum as it poured over her: intoxicating and heavenly sweet. 
"Mhm," she keened, nodding her head without much thought going into the motion, "You make me feel so good, daddy." 
Harry didn't need her pushing anymore, moving on his own accord as her own grip seemed to be for nothing other than her own comfort of holding him. Stuffing his hand down her panties, his fingers curled over her core. His palm was cupped over her clit with just enough pressure to make her thighs clench, the tips of his fingers extending over her slit before curling and splitting her slick lips open. 
"I can tell," he mused, something bordering on cockiness tinting his tone, "You're so wet, baby." 
She struggled to thread together any kind of response; her mouth was too dry, head too high in the clouds, and tongue too clumsy to make anything make sense. The only word that she could compute was what left her lips: "Y-You." 
"Me?" he teased, his hand moving in tandem with his words, his palm smearing over her clit in the first true form of pleasure she'd been granted since leaving his lap. "Are y'saying this is because of me?" 
"Uh-huh," she moaned, fingertips denting the tattooed skin of his forearm. 
Barely a beat passed, (Y/N) having enough time to catch her breath, before Harry pulled her in for another kiss. He drew her mouth open with his own, deepening the contact as he dipped his tongue between her lips. The tip of his nose skimmed over her cheek as he tipped his head, tongue brushing over hers in a slick pass while his fingers emulated the movement between her legs. 
"M'baby," he murmured almost too quiet for her to hear over her ragged breath, "M'angel. All for me." 
The waist of her panties was tight over her hips as the cotton stretched to accommodate his hand, seemingly another possessive act to match the words he spoke into her kiss. He kept his palm firm over her clit, this skin calloused from years of tattooing now covered in her slick, while his fingertips circled her entrance in teasing runs. If she had any bit of her mind clear enough to comprehend, she might have noticed the shapes he was tracing with his fingers—letters spelling out his name on her pussy. 
Her hand abandoned station in his hair in favor of cradling his cheek, fingers dipping into the baby curls that bordered his hairline. "Kiss?" she asked, voice small as she tried to clear her mind enough to speak. 
Harry didn't waste a moment before he was giving into her, sealing his lips to hers in the kisses she craved. The teasing of his fingers over her entrance made (Y/N) feel dizzy thinking about what she was going to ask him to do once she worked up the courage, with his kiss being the only thing to anchor her in the moment. 
"Where else do you need me, baby?" he asked, the words fanning over her skin like warm honey, "Or do y'want me to stop here?" 
Flexing his hand, he showed her what he meant. His palm was heavy over her clit, gentle passes getting her worked up while he kept her warm, with his fingers just a breath away from pushing into her pussy. She bucked her hips into the contact, her body giving away her answer before she could put one together with her mouth. 
"Do-Don't stop, no," she rushed, pulling her thighs shut as if trying to trap his hand between them. 
Hooking his ankle around her own, Harry worked to pry her thighs open again until he had her leg pinned down under his. Though her eyes were still closed, she could only imagine the amusement decorating his face as her desperate actions. He always loved when she got a little carried away like that. 
"I need y'to do something for me then, baby," he mumbled, drawing away after smearing his lips over the corner of her mouth in a gentle kiss. 
(Y/N) fluttered her eyes open only when she felt his hand retreating from between her legs, suddenly feeling cold without him there. "H—Why—" 
Harry shushed her as she tried to squeak out her protests, shaking his head as he dragged his slick hand over the soft of her tummy. "Told you I wanted y'to do something for me if y'wanted me to keep going, right?" 
She nodded. 
"This is what I need y'to do," he started, the weight of his hand now transforming into his fingertips tracing between her breasts, the rosette on her bralette being jostled. He settled his hand on her cheek, thumb resting on her chin before creeping up to the full of her bottom lip, "Is this okay?" 
Again, she nodded. She wasn't quite sure what this was, but she couldn't imagine herself saying no to Harry when he looked at like her that. 
The ink of his pupils dropped to the thumb on her lip as he crept it towards the middle of the pillow, wiggling the tip between the two. He stopped there, just the very tip of his black varnished thumb resting in the heat of her mouth, gaze drawing back up to match hers. A beat passed, (Y/N) feeling as if he was cataloguing her reaction, before he pressed further, his thumb dipping deeper into her mouth. 
(Y/N) tentatively peeked out her tongue, touching at his finger for only a moment before he shifted gears and began pressing downward, opening her jaw. Following the pattern, he flitted his gaze back up to match hers, watching her for any shifts in demeanor as he parted her mouth. 
"Still alright?" he prodded once she was opened to his liking, her tongue on display with her kiss-swollen lips in a gape. He was granted a nod in response, eyes never strayed form darting between his own. "Tell me if y'want me to stop, yeah? And if y'can't say it, jus' tap m'arm a few times and I'll let go, baby. Understand?"
His hand on her cheek moved with her as she nodded her head, feeling transfixed as he alluded to whatever it what he was planning on doing with her tonight. Seemingly satisfied with her response, Harry dragged his hand over her cheek, fingertips tracing to the corner of her mouth. The two fingers she had felt prodding at her opening paired up and came to rest on her bottom lip just as his thumb had done only moments before. (Y/N) felt her eyes round out and her breathing hitch when she realized what he was doing. 
Cautiously, waiting for a sign of protest (Y/N) knew wasn't coming, Harry slipped his fingers into her mouth. From the way the look in his eyes shifted, (Y/N) almost wished she could see the way his tattooed fingers disappeared in her mouth, but the second they touched her tongue, she realized she was in the much better position. The pads of his fingers pressed into the flat of her tongue, sweeping across the same way his own tongue had done as he kissed her all night. 
Instinctively, (Y/N) closed her lips around his fingers, gently beginning to suck on the digits the same way she would when he had her on her knees for him. The faintest taste of what was soaking her panties was spread over her tastebuds as she laved her tongue over his fingers. While the idea of tasting herself had never quite appealed to her, there was something about the way it was being fed to her on Harry's fingers that made her thighs clench and her tummy jump. Her hand that had been clinging to his wrist since he dipped between her thighs tightened, keeping him just where he was as she found herself sinking into the motions of sucking his fingers between her lips and tilting and tipping her head as she went. 
Through hooded eyes, (Y/N) caught Harry gazing at her with the same intensity roasting behind the green of his irises that he held when it was his cock in her mouth instead. His eyeliner was barely hanging on, his lower lash line now being smudged with the kohl under the heat of the moment. She liked it when he looked at her like that. 
Fluttering her eyes closed, (Y/N) took advantage of the grip she had on his arm and tugged his wrist. The short motion pulled his fingers deeper into her mouth, just barely reaching towards the back of her throat before she regulated herself and took him down as far as she could, bobbing her head in short strokes. Her breath was coming out heavy through her nose, her thighs tensing and untensing though she couldn't bring them together as Harry still had his own leg thrown over hers to keep her spread. 
"Y'like this, baby?" Harry crooned, his tone tinted with pride though she knew there would still be a bit of wonder in his gaze if she opened her eyes. With her mouth full, she could only nod to him. "I should've known, baby," he continued, dipping his head down and smearing his lips over her suctioned cheek, "Y'love sucking m'cock so much, of course you'd love m'fingers in your pretty mouth." 
She whined around his fingers, humming a confirmation as best she could with her muffled voice. She sucked harder, traced her tongue over his fingers longer, did more to show that he was right: she did love this. She loved doing this for him, the feeling of him in her mouth in any way she could have him being as much for her as it was a service to him. 
"You're an angel, baby, you know that?" he praised her, "Such a sweet girl taking care of her daddy like this." Shifting on the bed beside her, the ridge of his cock brushed against her hip, showing her just how well she was taking care of him. "Y'like this even more than I thought, don't you? Can feel y'trying to press your pussy into m'leg." 
Though the rumbling of his voice was typically enough to float her higher into the clouds, a pick of clarity pinged in her head at the words that fell from his mouth. It was then she realized just how restless the rest of her body had become despite the sedated state of her mind as she sucked on his fingers, hips bucking and grinding as close to the heavy leg on her thigh as she could.
Another mouth-stuffed whine was all she could manage in response. 
A soft breath of laughter was smushed into her cheek from Harry at her answer. "C'mere then, baby. Face me, I've got an idea."
At the first command, she was already shifting her positioning, doing her best to keep her grip on his wrist and his fingers on her tongue. She finished as she laid on her side to face him, his thigh now tucked between her two and Harry relieving the elbow he had been crutched on since getting into bed with her. His now free arm was turned into a cushion for her head, bicep her pillow with the back of her head fit into the crook of his elbow. His chest was warm and solid pressed into hers, the soft of her breasts flush against the muscles hidden under tattoos. 
As she distractedly sucked at his fingers, Harry brushed his thigh upwards to her pussy. The thick of the muscle pressed into her clit and gave a shock to run up her spine. Her mouth fell open as a moan filtered around his fingers, her body sinking into the mattress. 
Shifting his arm under her head, Harry splayed his hand over her back pads of his fingers denting the soft skin as he pushed. "C'mon, angel, keep going like y'were. Got y'what y'wanted, can't stop now." 
Taking advantage of the help he was offering with the steadying hand on her back, she rocked into him, dragging her hips long and slow over his thigh. (Y/N) moaned around his fingers as she did so, finally indulging the ache between her thighs. 
"There we go, angel," Harry encouraged in a soft coo, his palm spanning between her shoulder blades starting a sweeping motion along her spine, comforting her through, "Doing s'good, all by yourself. Taking care of me and that little pussy, huh?" 
It was then that Harry took control as she absently sucked on his fingers. Her head was somewhere else—too filled with how it felt to grind on thigh than to concentrate—, leaving Harry enough room to begin petting his fingers over her tongue and meeting the strokes of her mouth, going deep enough to graze the back of her throat. Her breath hitched as he took over, her core squeezing as he thrusted his fingers in and out of her mouth in gentle passes as if it were his cock stuffed between her lips. The soft insides of her thighs grew wetter as the feel of him fucking into her face with his fingers, the fabric of his trousers undoubtedly drenched along with her. 
"Should've been doing this a long time ago, don't y'think?" Harry mused, pressing his lips into a kiss on her forehead, "Could've had m'cock in your pussy and fingers in your mouth, taking it all for me. Would y'have liked that, angel?" 
Harry barely finished speaking before a loud moan sounded from her, a nod of her head against his bicep following the whine. (Y/N) almost had it in her to be embarrassed at the way she was reacting to his words, but the second she felt his fingertips touch at the back of her throat before slipping away and his knee press into her clit before she was dragged over his thigh, she decided there were bigger things to worry about. 
Especially the hardened ridge she felt against her thigh with every drag of her hips towards him. 
Using what remained of her grip on his wrist, (Y/N) reluctantly pulled Harry's fingers from her mouth. They were spit slicked as they fell over her bottom lip and down her chin before (Y/N) bundled his hand against her chest and sweetly cuddled into him despite the less-than-innocent thoughts tainting her head. 
"H-Harry, I—" she swallowed, the motion of her hips settling into a short roll over his leg every other beat, "I need you, daddy." 
"Y'have me, love," he crooned, dipping his head to plant another tender kiss to her forehead, "What do y'need from me?" 
"I want you here." She was breathless as she tried to explain, rolling her hips in a slow stroke over his thigh to show exactly where here was. 
"Need me in your pussy, baby?" he murmured, voice falling deeper as it mixed in with the messy strands of hair crowning her head. 
"Please, daddy." 
He moaned into her hair, the sound low and deep. "Want m'fingers again, or are y'ready for more?"
(Y/N) didn't waste a second thinking over her options before she was answering, "More, more, please." 
The hand he had splayed on her back flexed one more time before he began dragging himself away from her form. "Wait right here for me, yeah? Need to grab our stuff." 
(Y/N) absently nodded as she watched Harry swing his legs over the side of the bed and begin working on the fastenings of his trousers. He let the fly hang open as he approached their suitcase, rifling through one of the compartments before reemerging with a golden foil packet she was all too familiar with and had no want to see tonight. Harry had no clue as he tossed the foil to the bedside table and resumed his undressing, his pants becoming nothing more than a black puddle on the hotel room floor. She couldn't drop her eyes from his hands as the black painted nails and tattooed fingers dipped underneath the waistband of his white boxers, dragging it down his ink smattered hips. 
Seeing his cock never got old as (Y/N) felt her tummy jump at the same moment she saw his prick bob against his stomach. She knew that if she dared to peek up at Harry's face, she would see that lopsided smile on his face that she loved, still there was no way she was able to pull her eyes from the ruddy head that. It wasn't until Harry kneed onto the mattress, the muscles in his thighs she was now well acquainted with flexing under the multitude of ink needled into the skin, that she finally traced her gaze over his form. Crawling over the fluff of the duvet, he looked every bit of the dream she had described to him—her favorite dream.
He worked slowly, nudging her legs apart as he approached her, asking her to spread them so he could get a chance to lay between, cradled by the soft of her thighs he always fawned over. (Y/N) did so with ease, leaving the wet of her panties on full display. Harry took full advantage of the view as he vined around her, a smug smile curling his lisp as he saw the sheen that covered the inside of her thighs and the dampness that darkened her panties. Peering up at her, Harry's curls becoming a curtain around his face as the ends dragged over the bare skin of her thighs, he paused. He sat back on his heels between her thighs only to reach towards the waist of her panties and drag them down the length of her legs until the fabric joined his pants on the floor. Once she was bare, Harry dropped down and gave single kiss to the top her core, mumbling something that sounded like "so pretty" but was too muffled for (Y/N) to hear before he was back on his ascent of her body. 
(Y/N) felt him everywhere as he worked himself between her thighs, his hips fitting against hers as he stretched himself over her body. Once he was close enough, he planted his hands on either side of her head, the mattress sinking under the weight as he hovered above to keep from smushing her underneath him. (Y/N) wrapped her arms around his neck as soon as she could reach him, pulling him down that inch he hovered over her to press her chest against his and make her heart feel more at home next to it's lover. 
Gazing up at him, his hair becoming a curtain between them and the world outside their hotel room, (Y/N) felt her heart beat hard against her ribs. She felt her features soften, eyes rounding out with her pupils undoubtedly shaping into hearts. "I love you," she whispered, keening into him with an arch to her back, pressing her chest and heart against his. 
Dropping his head to her neck, Harry reacted as if that was the filthiest thing thing she'd ever told him between the sheets, rutting his hips into hers and pressing a smeared kiss over her skin. "I love you, too, angel," he murmured, "So fucking much. Wanna show you how much. Can I?" 
Her thighs squeezed around his hips, ankles hooking around the backs of his calves in an effort to pull him in. "Please, please, daddy." 
He hushed her in gentle tones, trailing his lips from her neck to the corner of her mouth before speaking into her skin, "'S okay, angel, 'm here. Daddy'll show you, don't worry." One more short kiss was planted on the corner of her mouth before Harry drew away, reaching for the nightstand. The foil packet crinkled in his grip as he grabbed the condom (Y/N) had forgotten about.
Trapping her bottom lip between her teeth, (Y/N) hesitated with her arms around Harry's neck before she grabbed at his wrist, stopping him. "No, wa—" 
Harry's attention was on her in a second, his gaze flicking back towards her, eyes wide. The packet was dropped on the table, his hand sinking into the mattress beside her head. "Are y'okay, love? Change your mind?" 
"No, no, it's not that," she rushed, shaking her head, "I still want you, I just..." She hesitated around her words, unsure of how to phrase this in a way that made her feel comfortable while getting her point across. Turning to look towards the nightstand, she shook her head again before looking back to Harry hovering above her. "I just don't want to use one of those right now." 
A pinch in his brows appeared at her words. "Lovebug," he started, gaze searching over her features, "I don't think I know what y'mean. 'S jus' a condom." 
"I know, I know," she said, "I-I don't want to use one tonight." 
(Y/N) could see the moment he realized what she was saying, his mouth dropping into a gape. His eyes were clear as they glazed over her features, taking stock of every highlight and contour that made up her. His breathing changed as his gaze dropped further down, following the curve of her throat and to the valley between her breasts. 
His response lagged as he tried to string together anything to say to her, not meeting her eyes until she swore there was a kind of spark swimming in his irises she'd never seen before. 
"Y'want me to go bare tonight?" 
She nodded. 
"Oh, fuck." 
(Y/N) felt her skin prickle and rush through with warmth when she felt the twitch of his cock against her thigh. He returned to the home he made in her neck, this time his breath coming in pants that fanned over her skin. His lips moved against her skin, saying something that was too muffled and quiet for her to catch. He leaned into her, the stretch of his body covering the curves of her own as he processed the information. 
"Are y'sure?" was the first coherent thing she heard when he made the reluctant journey to pull away from her. 
"Sure about not using one?" she clarified, wide eyes examining her boyfriend's reaction. He only swallowed thickly and nodded his head once, jaw ticked. (Y/N) mimicked his motion, nodding her head and peeping in quiet voice: "Y-Yeah. But, I mean, I'm on birth control now. We'd still be safe, right?" 
At the mention of her medication, his jaw jumped, arms tensing on either side of her head. "Y'took it tonight, already?" 
"Mhm. When I was getting ready for bed." 
That was when he tore his gaze from hers, distracting himself by tracing her hairline and counting the smile creases that touched her features. 
"Y'trust me to go bare with you?" 
(Y/N) swallowed, giving another nod of her head (she already dreaded the mess she was going to have to brush out later). "Some girls in one of my classes," she started, moving her hand still wrapped around his wrist to lace their fingers together, "they were talking about how they've done this with their boyfriends, and it just made me start thinking. I-I want to try it with you—I trust you, H." 
Harry practically melted at her words, leaning into her body and sinking them deeper into the tufts of bedding messed around them. He touched his forehead to hers, nose nudging hers in gentle caresses. His eyes were closed, lashes tangled together as they squeezed shut. He took in a deep, steadying breath that pushed his chest against hers. 
"God, baby, I love you." His voice was dredged in honey, deep and sticky sweet as it seeped into her pores and sunk into her veins. 
A soft smile stretched over her lips, hand in his tightening. "I love you, too, H, with all my heart," she promised, tipping her chin and pressing her smiling mouth to his in an innocent kiss. "You're okay with that? G-Going bare with me, I mean?" 
The verbiage she borrowed from him felt foreign on her tongue, but it was well worth the smile and breathy laugh that molded his features and softened the edges of his jaw. (And the brush of his cock against her thigh, but she could argue both his smile and the touch made her heart race). 
"'M sure I'll manage," he teased, sealing his mouth over hers in a real kiss.
(Y/N)'s tummy turned with butterflies at his agreement. Their kiss turned eager as she realized how close she was to being as physically devoted to him as they could get. Not a single scrap of anything was going to be between their bodies, and that knowledge was enough to make her insides squeeze and her thighs tense. 
"Now? Can we try n-now?" she stuttered against his kiss, her own smile growing when she felt his against her mouth.
The laugh that Harry let out when he pulled away was full and sweetened with the taste of their kiss. "Eager, little thing," he teased, shaking his head as he adjusted his position above her to reach a hand between their bodies. 
His fingers skimmed over the soft of her stomach while he grabbed his prick, head ruddy and leaking as he gave a cursory tug to his shaft. His breathing hitched, coming out harshly through his nose, at the first touch of the night. He moved cautiously, just as he had with their first new venture of the night, waiting for any sign of protest from her—something that would never come. 
The head of his cock grazed over her slit, nudging her clit with a shudder racing down his back. (Y/N) kept her grip on his hand tight, her own nerve-endings sitting on a livewire knowing that everything she felt from here on out was one hundred percent Harry. She hooked her thigh high over his hip, urging him down as he continued to take his time with her.
"Patience, love," he told her, "Wanna take m'time with you. Never had y'like this, and I have a feeling 'm not going to last very long after 'm inside." 
"But, daddy," she whined, rolling her hips up towards him, "I want you." 
His eyes squeezed shut as he nudged the head of his cock against her weeping hole, his tip shining with her wetness. "You're making this so hard for me, you know that?" 
"Let me help you, then," she pleaded, her desperation taking charge of her mouth and each of the pleas that were falling out of it. "Please." 
He shook his head at her, bottom lip trapped between his teeth. His focus was tacked between her legs, his prick covered in her slick with the help of his stroking hand and the collection of her wetness on his tip from her hole he was just barely breaching. 
"Ready, darling?" 
That was the last bit of encouragement Harry needed before he thrust his hips forward. His bare head popped into her wetness, a strangled groan rumbling from his chest immediately following. His hand in hers tightened into a grip she was sure would leave her hand sore if he kept it up, as his uncovered cock sunk deeper and deeper in her pussy. 
(Y/N)'s breathing broke at the feel, every detail of his prick being absorbed by the pulsing of her walls. Her tummy tightened at the feel of him nudging through the tightness of her core. Arching into him, she held her breath, unable to concentrate on much else besides the vein she felt snaking against her walls, one she knew vined around Harry's cock but had never felt like this. 
"Oh, fuck," Harry breathed, the curse dropping from between his lips as if against his own volition. He couldn't keep his eyes away from where he was fucking into her, not until he bottomed out, hips flush against his angel's. 
He sat there for a moment, soaking in the feel of her pussy around him, lacking the barrier they were so used to. Another mumbled curse fell from his lips before rearing his hips back and sinking into her again. Harry's features were creased in pleasure from the limited view (Y/N) was granted through hooded eyes, his mouth dropped open with breaths coming out in stilted pants. The noise of his cock sinking into her soaked pussy sounded through the empty hotel room as he started up a rhythm, only interrupted by the tenor of their disjointed breathing. 
"Ha-Harry," she whined, thighs tight around his thrusting form, "O-Oh my gosh, I—" 
"Yeah, angel?" he murmured, finally ripping his gaze away from where he sunk inside her over and over, meeting her own enchanted one, "Feels good?" 
She nodded her head with frantic jerks, "Uh-huh, uh-huh. I f-feel everything." 
"Shit, baby," he cursed, ducking his head and matching his lips to hers, "Y'feel everything? All of me?" 
"Y-You're so," she swallowed, puckering her lips against his in a distracting kiss, "You're everywhere." 
Harry groaned at her admission, nodding his head as he kept kissing her, the one thing grounding (Y/N) to the moment and keeping her from floating off without him. "I wasn't lying, love," he murmured over the sound of his hips slapping against hers, "I don't think 'm going to last very long at all—not when y'feel like this." 
He emphasized his words with a slow grind of his hips, the base of his cock brushing her clit and sending a rush up her spine and clouding her head. "I-I wanna feel it, please, H." 
His pace increased at the sound of her plea, only her arm around his neck keeping (Y/N) steady as he thrusted into her. "Y'wanna feel me cum for you? Cum in you?" 
Cum in her, he had said. (Y/N)'s own breath was stolen and turned into a moan, eyes fluttering closed. There was no way to be closer than that, right? And that was all she wanted: to be close to her Harry. 
A smug smile turned Harry's features. "Y'want that, love? Want me to cum in you?"
"Uh-huh," she whined, a nod of her head accompanying the breathless mess she was becoming. 
"Fuck, okay," he cursed, his teeth gritting together as he pounded his hips into hers at an unforgiving pace, strong and lingering inside her. "I can do that for you, angel, jus' need y'to cum first, alright? Cum for me and give me what I want, then I can give you m'cum." 
"I will, I will," she promised, peeking her eyes open to catch a glimpse of her love. 
His hair, though the baby strands were stuck to the side of his face and glinted with sweat, still curtained them in curling furls. His cheeks were flushed a glowing red, lips an even deeper shade from all the kissing and the biting that they couldn't keep themselves from doing. Most of all, she couldn't get over the glazed over gaze he looked at her with. It was as if he was seeing a dream in real life as he looked at her, tracing her body and cataloguing the movement of her form as he fucked into her. He watched as her chest heaved, her bralette askew to bare her breasts around the forgotten cups, heart pounding against her ribcage in what she swore could be visible beats. 
When he looked at her like that, she could believe him when he said that she was his dream girl. Because she knew that was how she looked at him.
Using their joined hands, leaving Harry to prop himself up with his free arm beside her head, (Y/N) brought his hand between their bodies. In the shifting space at their hips, she nudged him towards her clit, asking him for the one thing she knew would have her done in seconds, especially with the help of the strokes of his cock inside her. 
"Need m'help?" Harry asked, unfurling his fingers from around hers and planting his palm across the small of her tummy, "Need me to touch you a little, too?" 
"Ple-Please, Harry." 
Harry shook his head, gently thumbing over her clit, "Don't whine, baby. 'M right here, I'll help you, don't worry." 
Overwhelmed from every bit of attention Harry was doling out, (Y/N) couldn't stop herself from speaking the sentiment that warped through her head: "I love you, I love you, I love you, Harry." 
Her affection only seemed to spur him on as the rhythm of his hips increased. The sound of her pussy sucking him in and their skin slapping together almost rivaled the thundering of her heart as he worked her closer and closer to the edge. 
"I love you, too, angel," he crooned to her, breathing broken in-between the sentiment, "Cum for me, yeah? Show me how much y'love me." 
His thumb on her clit ran circles over the pearl, her legs shaking with every rotation. She wanted to please him, wanted to cum for him just like he asked—show him how much she loved him with how hard her body came around him. Her hand on the back of his neck tightened, pulling her to him as she ached to kiss him. 
"'S okay, jus' let go for me," he crooned against her mouth before tucking her bottom lip between two. 
That seemed to be all the encouragement she needed as she came with his kiss on her lips. Her thighs became a vice around his hips, hand on the back of his neck winding through his hair in an effort to catch more of him in the moment. Her back arched, breasts pressed tightly against his tattooed chest. 
"There we go, angel, doing s-so good," he praised her, coaxing her through her orgasm as best he could while keeping a hold on his control. 
"Harry," she cried into his mouth, the sound desperate and breathless as she shook under him though he never relented. 
Harry's hips never slowed as he worked her through her spiral, thumb on her clit slowing to languid circles if only to save her from the kind of overstimulation he knew she wasn't ready for yet. Toes curling against his calves, she slowly came down with her lungs fighting for air and eyes squeezed shut. 
(Y/N) felt boneless under him as he slowed to rolls of his hips and pulled his hand from her clit. Aftershock wrecked havoc on her ravaged system with every bump of his cock against her clenching walls. 
"Y'alright, lovebug?" he crooned, voice sounding a little more tight than normal. 
She nodded her head, eyes bleary, "Uh-huh. B-But, its your turn now—I still want you." 
"'M not far behind, darling, trust me," he laughed, though he didn't sound particularly comfortable with the strain in his throat and tense of his muscles. 
"Keep going," she urged, wrapping her watery legs around his waist and drawing him deeper into her sensitive pussy again. 
The curses he seemed to be fond of for the night fell from his mouth again before he resumed his shaky rhythm. Now that her head was clear, she noticed the way he lingered as he sunk inside her, savoring the feel of her bare walls around him, before he nudged as far inside her as he could manage without splitting her open. With her hand in his hair, she plucked the strands out of his face as he rocked into her over and over, hips and pace growing shaky the longer he went on. 
"'M there, b-baby," he moaned, peeking at her through the lashes framing his kohl-lined eyes, "Ready for me?" 
"I want it, H," she keened, telling him exactly what she knew he wanted to hear, "Please." 
That was all it took before she felt a throb between her legs and a warmth she'd never experienced before flooding inside her. "'M cumming, fuck, 'm cumming, (Y/N). 'M cumming inside yo-you." 
(Y/N) felt every rope of cum that pulsed out of him coating her walls, the heat something she'd never experience before in such depth. It was as if everything was heightened, even the sound of Harry's moans of her name lingering in her ear and the tensing of his muscles while he fought to keep a shred of balance before he toppled over and laid her out under his weight. The erratic thrusts that he delivered as he came down were especially sloppy, the sound of his cum mixing with her wetness echoing through the room. 
Harry came down slowly, his breathing heavy as he hesitated to pull out. Instead, he gently settled himself down against her, the full of his body stretching over her form. He buried his face in her neck, pressing tired kisses over her skin, nose skimming after him. 
"I love you," he cooed to her, planting a kiss to the space in front of her ear, "I love you, angel. Thank you." 
Unlacing her fingers from between his, she brought it to rest behind his neck along with her other hand, pinning him to her with the help of her legs wrapped around his waist. Her breathing still came in pants as she reciprocated his sentiment, affection dripping from her tone and stamping into his tattooed skin. 
"How do y'feel?" Harry asked her, pulling back and looking at her with clear eyes that'd been missing since he pushed into her bare, "Y'alright?" 
She nodded her head, a tender smile working its way on her mouth. "I feel really good right now, yeah. W-Was it alright for you?" 
Rolling her lips between her teeth, she watched as Harry swept his gaze over her face and shook his head, the curls curtaining their bubble sweeping over her collarbones. "Y'are incredible, you know that? Jus' saw me cum harder than I ever have before, and you're wondering if it was alright for me? Incredible, little angel." 
Despite his vulgarity, (Y/N) felt a patch of butterflies crop up in her tummy and reach towards her lungs. It could only be Harry that could make her feel bashful while naked with his cock and cum soaking in her pussy. 
"I just wanted to make sure," she peeped, fluttering her lashes in shyness. 
Harry shook his head again, a lopsided smile on his mouth. "I think y'jus' like to be reminded how good y'are for me. Y'like hearing me say you're the best I've ever had." 
While she'd never tell him, that was one of her most favorite things he told her, even if it was silly. It was nice to know. 
When he didn't get a response further than her shy smile and fluttered gaze, Harry dropped his head and gave her a gentle kiss on the full of her heated cheek. "Cutie," he murmured into her skin, soft enough (Y/N) wasn't sure if she was supposed to hear. Pulling back Harry shifted his position and brushed a hand through her hair, pulling baby hairs and stray strands away from her face with loving fingers. "We've gotta get y'cleaned up, angel, okay? Then, I want to cuddle with you before y'sleep. Sound good?" 
At the mention of sleep, (Y/N) took stock of the way her muscles relaxed into the mattress, the day's events and night's excitement catching up to her. "Sounds good, H, thank you," she mumbled, fighting back a yawn. 
Another innocent peck was granted to her cheek before Harry began unwinding himself from her body, careful hands dislodging her own from around his neck and her now trembling thighs from around his hips. He hesitated to draw away, his softened cock still inside her as Harry cast one more glance between their bodies. 
He sucked in a deep breathe before taking the plunge and rearing his hips back and working himself to sit between her thighs. (Y/N) gasped when the head of his cock popped out only to be followed by the feel of wetness leaking from her hole, feeling herself clench around nothing. 
"Fuck," she heard from Harry as he sat between her thighs, gaze zeroed in between her legs. A flush began to work its way up his chest, coloring in the rosebushes tattooed on his skin, the muscles tensed as he took in the mess of his love. 
Harry shook his head, eyes never leaving where she felt the wetness spreading between her thighs, "Nothing, angel, jus'... Fuck, I can't look at you, or we're gonna have to go again." 
"Oh," she sounded, her own chest and neck heating at the sound of his words. At least she knew he liked what he saw. 
Using every bit of the control (Y/N) knew he was lacking in that moment, he shut her thighs closed, telling her to wait there for him before he disappeared to the bathroom, tripping into his boxers as he went. For that moment she was left alone, only the sound of the water running in the hotel bathroom, (Y/N) felt a smile spread over her cheeks. 
She'd done it. She got to be as close to Harry as physically possible and the evidence of it—as messy, and sticky, and cold as it was becoming—was leaking from between her thighs. Maybe he was right, she couldn't keep thinking about this unless she was ready to go again with him. 
Soon enough, Harry returned with a damp washcloth in his hand, white boxers askew on his hips in his rush to get something on. He crawled atop the bed, a steadying breath filling his lungs before he pushed her thighs open once more. 
With the stick covering the soft inside, (Y/N) felt cold now that she was exposed to the frigid air of the hotelroom. A layer of goosebumps erupted on her skin as Harry swiped the cloth over her skin, wiping away the evidence of their night together. 
"Are y'cold, love?" Harry murmured, a layer of gravel to his voice she knew he was fighting off. 
"A little, yeah," she confessed, readjusting her bralette to cover her chest before crossing her arms over her middle, her head sinking into the feathered pillows.
A soft kiss was planted onto her knee before his free hand smoothed itself over her shin, willing away the goosebumps. "Jus' a little longer, then I'll get y'dressed and snuggled up with me, 'kay?" 
"'Kay," she nodded before she remembered the mess of her hair. Gosh, she still had to brush out that mess, too.
Harry dutifully cleaned her for a minute longer before he shifted between her legs, his freehand coming to rest on the sensitive inside of her thigh, butterflying her out. "Love, I need y'to do something for me really quick. 'S gonna feel a bit weird, but 's gonna help us get y'clean." 
(Y/N) hesitated a moment before offering a cautious, "Okay." 
She heard him heave a deep breath, the exhale of which fanned over her knee before she felt his lips return and press another kiss to the skin, before he spoke lowly, "There's still a little bit of me left inside, so I need y'to try to squeeze me out, yeah?" 
Brows furrowed, (Y/N) slowly nodded her head, unsure of what exactly Harry was asking of her, but she did know it was really important to make sure she was cleaned up well since they didn't use protection. She'd done some research, and would rather not deal with the consequences of being lazy and shy about Harry's instructions. She did as asked, thighs trembling from oversensitivity as she tried to squeeze out the last bit of warmth Harry left with her. 
"Good girl, angel," he praised her through a strained voice, the damp washcloth immediately collecting whatever was left over before she settled back into the mattress, muscles too tired to keep going. Unexpectedly, (Y/N) felt stray curls brush the inside of her thighs before Harry dropped a kiss to the top of her core. She gasped in surprise to which she heard a breathy laugh sound from between her legs. "Go use the bathroom, and I'll get your pajamas ready, yeah?" 
"Okay," she peeped, craning her neck to find him already looking at her with a short smile on his lips, the idea of him dimples barely denting into his cheeks. "Thank you, H." 
Harry shook his head, brushing off her thanks before urging her to the edge of their bed with a pat to the soft of her thigh. She hurried off, feeling Harry's eyes on her back and bottom before she shut the door behind her. In the silence of the bathroom, she allowed herself a moment to decompress, doing her business before the chill of the tile on her bare feet made her shiver. It wasn't until she was in front of the sink, washing her hands afterwards, that she got a good look at herself. 
Despite the fact she kept to a strict skincare routine, none of her creams or serums could do anything to emulate the glow that radiated from her skin. She felt warm all over, comfortable in her skin; as much was evident in the lightness that brightened her gaze and rounded her features. As exhausted as could be seen in the way her eyelids drooped and her muscles were a little too willing to sag and bow under the weight of her body, she'd never seen herself look more awake. She'd never seen herself look so completed, at peace, and happy. She looked more in love than she could ever remember recalling. 
Then, she took note of her hair.
As expected, a nest had accrued through the strands and she was going to have to work her hairbrush though it if she wanted to wake up to something semi-workable in the morning. Her shoulders dropped at the idea of brushing her hair when her body already felt too boneless to keep herself upright. 
Combing her damp hands through her hair, (Y/N) exited the bathroom still bottomless to find Harry now with a pair of sweats on his legs and a distinct lack of boxers covering the v-cut of his hips. He was sat on the edge of the mattress, the mess of the bed now made into something less of a nest and more of a bed for her to crawl into when she was ready, corner folded back and everything. His eyes were clean of the eyeliner that had shadowed his waterline, a familiar blue pack of makeup wipes sitting on their nightstand with a used wipe sitting on the top of the trashcan. A stack of petal-pink clothing was settled beside him—garments she's sure he stole from where she left them in the bathroom—, only lacking a neon sign that declared it was hers. 
"Better?" he asked, his attention tacked on her face as she padded across the room. 
"Mhm," she hummed, trying her best not to feel vulnerable under his gaze considering what they'd just done, but it was hard when she felt distinctly half-naked compared to him, "Still cold." 
"C'mere, then." He spread his legs and carved a spot out for her as he grabbed for the oversized, pink crewneck of his that she'd taken to wearing to bed. 
(Y/N) smiled at him when she took her spot between his legs, feeling just at home. This was their ritual, how he always took care of her after a night between the sheets. He made sure she was clean and warm before settling into bed and whispering the sweetest things to her as she tucked her head into his chest, ensuring she was asleep before he allowed himself to drift off. (Y/N) knew exactly what he was going to ask of her once he unfolded the article of clothing that acted as her sleepwear, so she beat him to the punch by lifting her arms up before he had a chance to say anything. 
A breathy laugh sounded in the quiet of the hotel room, Harry shaking his head before tugging the crewneck over her body. He fixed the hem to sit on the mid of her thighs, covering everything important before he flipped her hair out from the neckline of the top. Next up was the pair of tiny pink panties he helped her step into, his shoulders being used to steady her as he tugged the fabric up her thighs. 
"Thank you, H," she whispered, bending down and giving him a soft kiss once he was upright. 
"Of course, angel. 'S m'job to take care of you, right?" he murmured against her kiss before drawing her in for another sweet peck. He settled his hands on her waist as he looked up at her, exhaustion layering in his gaze though there was no shortage of devotion floating alongside it. "Ready for bed, lovebug?" 
The idea of crawling into bed and into him was tempting enough it could have made her cry, but (Y/N) knew she couldn't settle until she brushed her hair out. So, she shook her head despite it all. "No, I've got to brush my hair still. I really made a mess of it tonight." 
"Oh, love," he crooned, his hands on her waist tightening, "I can do that for you if y'want? I'll be gentle." 
While a part of her didn't want to take advantage of Harry and the kindness he offered her everyday without fail, she didn't have it in her to care. "You'd do that for me?" 
A laugh was exhaled through his nose, tender smile molding his features. "Go get your brush for me, yeah?" 
"Thank you, thank you, H," she bubbled, ducking down and giving him one more kiss before padding off towards their luggage in search of her hairbrush. 
Returning with the pink paddle brush in her hand, (Y/N) climbed into the bed, positioning herself to be sitting in front of him once he followed her suit. True to his word, Harry was unbelievably cautious and gentle as he brushed out her hair, working the knots and snags out as carefully as possible. Each time he felt he tugged too hard, or worked out a tough knot, he pressed a soft kiss to her shoulder in apology. 
"Angel?" he said after a moment, working the last of the snags out before poising her hair into sections to braid it.
"Hm?" she hummed, exhaustion and the feel of the gentle runs of his fingers through her hair tugging her closer and closer to the edge of sleep despite the fact she was sitting upright. 
"Thank you for trusting me tonight." 
A soft smile made its way onto her features. "H, you're just fixing my hair, its not—"
"No, no, not this, darling," he cut her off, amusement floating in his tone, "I meant about earlier. I know you're on the pill and everything, but 's still a big deal to me that you'd let me do that and take care of you." 
Her chest deflated at his admission, the air sucked out of her at his sincerity. "Oh," she sounded, her fingers coming together in a fumble in her lap, "H, I—... Of course, I trust you. Y-You're my best friend and favorite person in the world, I knew you were going to take care of me tonight, no matter what we did. I don't know what to say except that I love you." 
With her hair tangle free and her new braid secured with the hair tie he carried on his wrist, Harry pressed a kiss to the back of her neck. "That's more than good enough for me. You're the love of m'life." 
This wasn't enough, (Y/N) decided then. She couldn't hear him say all these wonderful things about her and to her without getting to see his face and kiss his cheeks and hold him. She made quick work of abandoning her station climbing onto Harry's lap. He only laughed as he wrapped her in his arms, hairbrush abandoned on the nightstand, and fell back against the pillows lining the headboard.
"You're the love of my life, too, you know," she mumbled into his neck, the words smushed and muffled as she pinned herself to him with the help of her arms around his middle. 
She felt his breathing hitch against her own chest, Harry's legs tangling with her own as he splayed out underneath her. "Y'don't know how much I love hearing y'say that, (Y/N)," he whispered, the tip of his nose brushing her hairline before he pressed a kiss to her temple. 
"I mean it," she declared, snuggling closer to him as she felt him reach over her for the folded edge of the duvet he pulled back for them. 
"I know y'do, baby," he said, maneuvering them under the covers and placing (Y/N) at his side as he turned on to lay on his own to face her, a hand braced on the back of her head to keep her tucked away safely. "That's why it makes m'heart hurt so much. Makes me so happy hearing the y'love me like I love you."
(Y/N) was grateful for her hiding place in his neck as she felt a burning behind her eyes as she listened to him. What was she supposed to say to something like that? 
"H, I-I don't know what to say," she mumbled, voice watery. 
She felt his laugh before she heard it, his chest rumbling against hers with his breath fanning through her hair. "Don't have to say anything, baby. Jus' sleep, okay? I'll be right here." 
Nodding her head into his neck, (Y/N) cuddled as close to him as she could, legs tangled and ankles hooked with her arms looped around his bare chest. "I love you," she reiterated. 
"I love you too, angel. Now go to sleep, I'll be here when y'wake up." 
It was promises like that, that made it easy for her to trust him. As if her heart had any other choice.
ive had ideas for this for sosososo long and im so happy to finally have this out and ready for you guys!! thank u to everyone who has requested this and been so patient w me while I got it ready! and thank u to everyone who read this and sorry for any mistakes ! if you have any ideas or requests of your own please send them in:))
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