#hs3 era
drewsephrry · 4 months
Harry Styles x reader
Inspired by: Memories-Conan Gray
Warnings: alcohol consumption, yelling, crying (idk if it counts as a warning) cuss words
Words: 2.7k
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It was a rainy autumn night. She had a random movie playing in the background just to comfort her. She hated rain with passion. She hated that she was all alone and the only thing she could do to distract herself from it was look at old pictures.
Pictures from her childhood that were much too nostalgic for her, trying really hard to remember the name of the girl braiding her hair. Pictures from her vacation with her best friends from the previous summer, matching flower crowns and seashell necklaces on display. Pictures with her previous lover, that if she saw just two months ago she would cry her heart out but instead she smiled and reminisced about the tattoo he had let her draw on his skin shown in the photo.
It was a random Thursday night, the couple was chilling with their friends when Zayn told them that he had just acquired a tattoo gun. Harry was thrilled with the idea of putting more ink on his skin and even more so when Niall suggested that he let Y/N draw one on him.
Y/N had almost immediately shook her head in denial but Harry begged and begged until she sighed, defeated.
“Harry, you do know you're going to be stuck with it forever?” She warned.
“Yes, my love. Stop worrying about everything.” He tries to reassure her once more.
“But H, what if I mess it up? Or-or even worse we break up and you have it on your skin for the rest of your life?” She started asking with shakily hands, stuttering and failing to breathe properly.
“Y/N, honey, breathe. You'll be fine. Okay and what if you mess it up? That would just make it even more special to me. I love you and I completely trust you.” He puts his hands on her shoulders, trying to calm her down. “I'm not planning on breaking up with you anytime soon, maybe even ever. Unless you do and you're trying to let me down slowly, I don't see anything wrong with you tatting me.” He reassures her once again and she sighs, nodding. Harry smiles widely and pecks her lips, before pulling his long hair up in a bun.
After sterilizing the equipment and Zayn showing her how the gun works, she was ready. She didn't feel like it, but Harry squeezed her hand three times, their way of expressing their love to each other without actually saying anything.
She asked him multiple times, as the tattoo gun hit his skin if he was in any pain and if he needed anything, but Harry told her repeatedly he was fine and was praising her for her light touch.
After just a few minutes, the sketch, she had done on a random notebook Zayn had in his apartment, was brought to life.
A palm tree on the backside on his upper arm was delicately outlined and filled by her. She grabbed the handheld mirror that Zayn gave her and held it so Harry could see the work she did.
“Do you like it? If you don't, we can find something to cover it up with and I'll pay for it.” She suggested immediately, worried because he hadn't spoken yet. But the truth was he was mesmerized by it.
“I love it. It's so simple but yet done so beautifully. Thank you, my love. Thank you so so much.” He said kissing her lips. She smiled and sighed once again.
“Thank you for trusting me with this.”
“Well, you know what they say. Tat for tit!” He exclaimed jokingly, trying to lift her shirt when Y/N pushed his hand away giggling.
“You're such an idiot!”
Suddenly, she heard a knock on her door. She stopped gazing at her phone and another knock was heard. She got up from her couch cautiously. It was really late and it was pouring outside. Who could it be?
She grabbed the pepper spray from her handbag, as another knock was heard. She clutched her phone, close to her chest, ready to call the police.
She looked through the peephole and saw the one person she didn't expect to.
Harry was standing there, his hair sticking on his forehead and his clothes soaked.
She quickly unlocked the door and gasped.
“Harry, what are you doing here?” She asked, worried and confused.
“Need to talk with you, angel.” He slurred, an obvious sign he was drunk. He was pouting and his glossy, his green eyes were bloodshot telling her he was crying. His cologne was overcome by the smell of tequila. Y/N couldn't do anything else than open the door wider and gestured for him to come in.
She closed the door behind her and walked to her kitchen to pour some water for him, in hopes that he would sober up a little. He followed her like a wet and lost puppy that she couldn't turn away.
He takes a gulp of the water she hands him and smiles at her. She looked so cute and tiny compared to him, her hair was a little longer and her skin was still tanned from summer.
“I love you so much Y/N/N. I never wanted to hurt you.” He slurred again.
“But you did, H.” She couldn't tolerate standing there and listening to him pour his heart out when he broke her own a few months ago.
Y/N had started getting better. Getting over him. She was considering starting dating again. But seeing him like this made it so hard for her to think. Think about how fucked what he did and said was.
“Please, my baby, my love, listen to me. I made a huge mistake.” He was pulling his hair and trying to balance on his own two feet. He stumbled and fell to the floor, Y/N immediately reaching for him to make sure he was alright.
“I have missed you. I can't sleep without you. I barely eat anymore. I-I…don’t know what to do without you.” He confessed, tearing up. He pulled his knees up to his chest as he sat with his back on one of the kitchen cabinets.
Y/N was nodding, feeling upset and guilty she made him feel like this.
“H-Harry…I don't know what to say. Please, don't cry. You can stay with me tonight. We'll be fine.” She bent down to be eye level with him, comforting him and hugging him tightly. Neither one of them could deny how safe they felt in that moment, in each other's arms.
Y/N knew she was making a huge mistake, something her therapist won't be able to help with, something her friends cannot support and mostly she cannot expect any one of them to be there to pick up her pieces when everything would break down again.
Harry was led to her bedroom and she helped him lay down, removing his articles of clothing that he claimed felt like lava on his skin.
“Why were you all alone? Don't you still hate the rain?” He asked, getting under the covers of her bed, his eyes slightly closed. Y/N nodded and walked towards her side of the bed.
Y/N laid beside him, wrapping her arms around his back and to his front. He squeezed them three times, before quiet snores were the only thing heard.
How could she say goodbye to him again, when he just spent an entire night with her?
That morning Y/N woke up to an empty bed. She walked out to her living room, to see that she was all alone.
He had left her.
She walked to the kitchen with an ache in her chest and saw a plate with a stack of pancakes with maple syrup on her kitchen counter for her to indulge in.
She ended up spending her whole day crying and watching ‘The notebook’.
The next day, when Y/N's therapy appointment was scheduled, she told her about the night she spent with Harry, how she felt safe and for once, after a few months, slept like a baby and through the whole night.
Her therapist scolded her about her poor choices and talked to her about stepping forward.
A few days passed since Y/N's and Harry's last encounter. Y/N was getting ready for her best friend's birthday party when a knock was heard on her door. She yelled that she'll be right there, thinking it was the delivery guy with her food.
She grabbed her wallet and ran to the door with a wide smile on her face. Although when she opened the door, it was wiped away quickly. She swallowed and looked at Harry's green eyes.
“I missed holding you.” He slurred. Y/N was already running late to help her best friend with the party preparations. She was planning on getting there first out of everyone, to blow balloons and hang the garlands she had bought. But her meal hadn't arrived in time and now, this was happening.
She opened the door wide and he entered, he walked and sat down on her couch with a thump. He giggled at the sound he made and got quickly distracted by the show on her TV.
Y/N groaned and tried to keep in her mind what her therapist, mom and best friend told her.
“It's hard to find an end to something that you keep beginning, over and over again.”
“Hey, come look at this! Monica got stung by a jellyfish!” He giggled, getting comfortable on her couch.
She cursed under her breath, thinking how he would fuck up her progress in getting over him. Now twice. She grabbed her phone from the coffee table and walked in her bedroom to call her best friend.
“I'm really sorry, but I won't make it tonight.” She lied.
“What? Y/N, it's my birthday! You can't miss it.” Her best friend had furrowed her eyebrows, even if Y/N couldn't see it.
“I love you so much, I'll explain everything another time. And I am really and truly sorry.” She apologized again.
“Don't tell me he's there again.” Her best friend groaned and Y/N sighed.
“Y/N/N, he's no good for you. He's going to hurt you again. He's going to keep coming back since you're not turning him away. This is a never ending cycle, babe. Think about all the trauma he put you through. You need to put him in the past and move on.”
Y/N sighed defeated. Her best friend was right.
“Again, I'm really sorry.” She apologized one last time, before hanging up the phone. She walked back to the living room, where he was laying on the couch watching as Ross yelled ‘We were on a break!’. Harry chuckles at that and looks up to find you standing a few feet away from him.
“Care to join me, my beautiful girl?” he asked, making space for her and she smiled sadly as she nodded.
“Let me take my heels off really quick and I'll be right there.” She assured him, going inside her bedroom again, untying the straps from her heels and sitting down on her bed to catch her breath. She felt like throwing up. She felt her chest heating and that she was unable to breathe.
One, two.
One, two.
In, out.
In, out.
She was calm again.
The doorbell was heard, so she got up and out of her bedroom to find Harry already at the door.
“Stay the fuck away from her!” His slurred British accent alarming you. You ran quickly at the door and pushed Harry away from it.
“I'm really sorry about him, he's not feeling well. Thank you for your service!” Y/N tipped the now scared delivery guy, grabbing the bag of food from his hand and closing the door quickly. She pressed her back on it and sighed loudly.
“Don't be upset with me. He just wanted to get in your pants. I was trying to protect you. I always will.” Harry's eyes filled with tears once again. A laugh track was heard and she sighed again.
“It's okay, H. I'm fine. We're fine. Let's go eat!” She grabbed his hand and he smiled, wiping his eyes.
They spent the rest of the night cuddling on her couch.
The next day, he was gone again. She opened her phone to see multiple texts and calls from her best friend, telling her not to worry and that she would forgive her for bailing on her.
Y/N ignored all of them, including her therapist's email to confirm their weekly appointment. She knew that she would be disappointed to hear that she's taking more and more steps back.
A week later, she still hadn't heard a word from Harry and she waited for his appearance on her doorstep.
And there he was, a loud knock on the door startling her from the cookies she decided to bake as a stress reliever.
She ran to the door and opened it to find him there. He looked a little bit better than the last times he visited her, although he still reeked of tequila.
“Hello, my love.” He said, approaching her to kiss her lips. But she pulled away and shook her head. She opened the door wider for him to enter. He did and walked to the couch, sitting down and removing his shoes, already getting comfortable. Y/N couldn't take it anymore.
“We need to talk. I don't care if you're sober or drunk as fuck, but this has got to stop.” She said upset.
“What's bothering you baby? I can kiss it better.” He giggled and made grabby hands at her.
“Harry, I am serious. You can't keep doing this. There's no good reason to believe that we could ever exist again. I cannot be your friend. I definitely cannot be your lover. And I cannot be the reason we hold back each other from actually falling in love with someone else.” Y/N felt lighter after telling him exactly how she felt.
Harry felt a lump growing on his throat, his eyeline was gathering tears and he felt his chest tightening. Suddenly his head was clearer and he wasn't under the influence of alcohol completely.
“I just…you can't keep showing up, especially drunk, ruining everything. Expecting me that I would just take you back. You fucking traumatized me Harry. You broke my heart. And I'm trying so hard to forget you, to put you in the past and you're not letting me do that. You're just too busy playing the victim and acting like you are the one who's hurt, like you're the one that has a specialist taking care of you and your feelings. Can you just for once listen to me and stay the fuck away from me? Just…stay in my memories.”
She felt tears rolling down her cheeks, she didn't even notice she was crying. Harry looked down on the floor, sniffling. Y/N wiped her tears and sat down beside him.
“Since you came all the way over here, I'll let you stay. You can stay as long as it takes, but this is the last time. When you're going to leave, you're taking all of your books that you have left, your coat that’s still in my closet and that good cologne that you have left in my bathroom and it haunts me. It's still on my clothes and pretty much everything that I own and it makes me…feel like dying. I mean, I'm barely surviving as it is.”
Harry was feeling like his heart was being stabbed over and over again. He hadn't realized how much damage he had done to Y/N. He didn't want her to feel that way anymore.
He got off from her couch and walked to her bedroom grabbing his coat, the cologne from the bathroom and gathered the books from her bookcase, putting them inside a tote bag, which was also his.
“I'm not gonna bother you anymore. I-I am really sorry for the damage I did. I never meant to hurt you. I love you way too much and…I know what I'm saying is not gonna change anything but I needed to get it off my chest. I wish you only the best, my lo-Y/N. And I'll always be there for you, if you ever need me. But I'll just stay in your memories.”
He kissed her lips once. Twice. Three times.
When he pulled away both of them had tears rolling down their cheeks, their eyes were red and their lips swollen from the kisses they shared.
“I guess this is goodbye.” Harry whispers. “For now.” He smiled and Y/N nodded.
“Goodbye H. Take care.”
A/N: just a lil valentines day gift lol, this was heartwrenching to write, hope you all enjoyed and cried with me
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bhaktijadeja12 · 2 years
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Harry's House Lyrics
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sytules · 2 years
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THE FIRST TAKE | Harry Styles.
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emebiscuit · 2 years
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matilda, you don’t have to be sorry ♡
coming back after 3 decades just to show u one of my newest drawings about Harry Styles’ new song :)
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMNb8u2cF/?k=1 (the process)
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loushome28 · 2 years
Uhm... who can resist this?
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diosanoturix · 2 years
If you believed the idea of listening to Harry's House and Walls, start to finish, under the stars knee-deep in an empty lake was better than paradise,
you were right
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harryarchiv · 2 years
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mulledcherrywine · 2 years
we’ll be alright (model!y/n x fineline!harry)
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a night at the forum
a/n: okay so if i make an accuracy mistake please just, forgive and forget
warnings: like one curse, just extremely fluffy, cheesy ending as usual
“oh my god, y/n,” Charlotte said as you entered the Forum’s green room, still tired from a month of runway, photo shoots and endless press bombardment. Fashion month was not for everyone; perhaps including you, “his heart is going to literally cave in when he sees you”
You shot her a thankful pout, spinning in the outfit you’d been planning for ages to give the full look. You’d put on a white, 70s style dress, pairing it with knee high brown cowboy boots. You’d left your hair down as well; dancing was most fun when everything was out and free.
“Char, I had to fight to keep up with all of you, you’re all so cool,” you affirmed, plopping down onto the sofa. You began to flip through a couple of the photo albums on the coffee table when Mitch and Sarah came bustling into the room.
“Y/n! Oh my god, I haven’t seen you in ages, it seems!” Sarah squealed, pulling you up from the couch into her embrace, “What do you need? Tea, coffee, snacks?”
“Actually, I’m just waiting for Harry,” you replied.
“He’s so excited to see you, darling,”
“Like he would not shut up on the ride over here about how excited he was to see you tonight. Almost changed his outfit like 9 times, no joke,” Mitch chimes in, grabbing his guitar from a rack on the back wall. You blushed at his comments. Even though you’d been with Harry since HS1, you still found every one of his comments just as endearing as the last.
“Won’t be long now,” Sarah affirmed, shooting you a wink before heading off to grab her sticks. You went back to your spot on the couch as the band slowly funneled out and into the side stage. It was just you. You waited for what felt like years. You had begun to zone out when a few footsteps started to echo in the hallway behind the green room.
“Baby?” A familiar voice called from the doorway, Harry’s tall frame floating through it. Flipping your head around, you eyes immediately met his.
“Harry!” you shouted, jumping into his embrace, “God I missed you so badly, like everyday I wanted to just pack up everything and fly back.”
Before he could speak, you grabbed both sides of his face and pulled him into yours for a much awaited kiss, a month of emotion held in the distance between the two of you, now freed.
“Y’look so beautiful, went mental without you, baby.”
You looked back into his eyes how you did when he came into the room. You wanted to cry. You were so proud of everything he’d done, he was so proud of everything you’d done. Everything was perfect, you didn’t want to leave that moment. Ever.
“H?” Jeff called, breaking the moment, “Let’s go, man, 2 minutes!”
Harry gripped your hand in his, walking the two of you to the side stage with the rest of the band. You wrapped you arms around his neck, leaning in toward his ear.
“The album is perfect, H, like so fucking good. They’re gonna loose it,” You whispered.
“It’s all for you, love,” He replied, pulling you in tightly one last time before hopping onto the steps on the side of the stage. You blew him a small kiss and gave a wave. Like he always did, he pretended to catching it and mimed putting into his pocket, patting it a few times for “safety”. You let out a laugh at his act, heading toward the front to join Anne and everyone in the pit. You watched your long steps as you carried yourself down the Forum corridors and up to the G.A. section.
You’re expectation of solo Harry’s life, with you and without, was never this. You never expected the volume of people who stopped at nothing just to see him. Of course you couldn’t be prouder, but his success was beyond anything the two of you planned for.
Fine Line was a beginning, you thought. A call for everyone to join into this dance, this community of people who just love. That was what it was all about, and you couldn’t be happier to share it with the man who made it happen.
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stylesandpottertoo · 2 years
louis my love you are insane and we love you for that
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freelouisankles · 2 years
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Harry Styles Fashion Pt. 5
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bhaktijadeja12 · 2 years
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Harry Styles- Harry's House Lyrics
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sytules · 2 years
𓏲࣪⋆ 🤍 ⊹ 🕺🏻⋆ ❣️ 𓄹 ࣪ . ݁
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harry’s homecoming pt. II
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harrystylesfpsblog · 2 years
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LOVE ON TOUR - Munich, Germany. July 11.
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loushome28 · 2 years
I miss her :(((
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shawnxstyles · 2 years
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jayjeebee · 2 years
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