mysharona1987 · 1 month
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haza8877 · 5 months
A brief overview of your love path in 2024
Hello everyone, these days I've been quite busy, and now I'm back. I've been thinking a lot about topics for readings. And then, I thought I would do a short love reading first. So, I decided to do this reading, hope you all will like it. Consider this reading as entertainment and don't take it too seriously. I wish you all enjoy it.
Pile 1 - Pile 2 - Pile 3
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Pile 1
(the star, 8 of pen, knight of wands, 3 of swords, ace of pen, ace of wands, oracle cards - house 8, house 11)
I sense that you are putting a lot of focus on your work. You are enthusiastic and hopeful about a bright future, and what I perceive is that you are dedicating much time and attention to a specific job, project, or idea that you are currently involved in. Mainly, I see that you are concentrating on work, a project, or a particular idea rather than romantic relationships. However, I can see that this year, you will encounter a person who is younger, or regardless of their age, they radiate youthful, dynamic energy. They are proactive, creative, full of ideas, and carry the energy of a Fire sign. They're pretty hot, haha. But please consider carefully, as when you come together with them, there will be a lot of attraction and passion between you (both physically and emotionally). However, they may trigger some of your deep-seated wounds, the ones you have long forgotten or buried. When this person appears, these wounds may resurface. Perhaps the universe has arranged for both of you to meet so that you have to deal with these wounds that cannot be avoided. It seems to be challenging, but facing and overcoming these wounds is inevitable sooner or later. You should understand that confronting these wounds is the key to moving forward into a new chapter of life. The universe often reserves rewards for courageous warriors. I sense that the relationship between you and this person will be intense, full of various emotions. They will help you discover new aspects that you might not have thought about. I am not sure where this relationship will lead, but it will undoubtedly transform many things, and perhaps it will upgrade you into a new version, expanding your relationships and connections with different communities. It will be fascinating.
Pile 2
(the tower, the star, ace of swords, 3 of pen, 5 of wands, knight of pen, oracle cards - yin)
I feel like those in pile 2 have gone through an extremely challenging period, where everything came suddenly and turned your life upside down. Currently, I sense that you are doing better and full of hope for this year, perhaps seeing it as a year to start anew. I feel that those of you in this pile need to clarify your desires more; if you are in a relationship, be candid about what you want from the other person, your thoughts about them, your emotions, etc. If you are still single, be honest with yourself about what you truly need in a person. Like, ask yourself how you want to accompany someone? What will you learn from them? Are you ready to accept risks, competition when being with them or not? Moreover, with the oracle card, I feel you should enhance your feminine energy, which is not related to your biological gender. Regardless of your gender, inside you always have both masculine and feminine energy. Connect with your inner world, with your intuition, and trust it. You can spend time walking in nature, if you live in urban areas with few trees, you can do activities like painting, knitting, playing with pets, meditation, planting a small pot of plants, or having an evening tea and reading a book. There are many ways to enhance your feminine side. In general, create a clear and authentic model for yourself. After you know what kind of partner you want, someone will enter your life. They might be someone who knows what they want, with certainty and caution, someone patient and devoted, exuding the energy of an Earth sign.
Pile 3
(page of pentacles, 9 of swords, 6 of wands, page of cups, the fool, the devil, oracle cards - scorpio)
I sense that the energy of those in pile 3 is quite exhausted; you may be facing some psychological or health issues, experiencing headaches, insomnia, stress, etc. I feel that you are practical individuals, always contemplating before deciding anything, seeking safety and certainty. However, I also sense that you are still inexperienced, somewhat naive, so sometimes you place your trust in the wrong places or make choices that don't lead to the expected results. But what I sense about the energy of love for you in 2024 is 'freedom,' yeah, a fresh energy, like a rebirth, gentle, uplifting, and free. I'm not sure if you will meet someone this year or not, but I think the core energy of your love is freedom, exploring yourselves. After heavy days burdened by pressure, suppressed emotions, I see that you will want to experience fun dates, not too serious in terms of commitment, just looking for new experiences. Perhaps you want to travel somewhere, where these journeys help you understand yourself better. You may also feel a desire to be more creative. Well, it sounds like you will be dating yourself this year, hahaha. Maybe among you, some will date someone, they may be younger than you or around your age. They are emotional, vibrant, carefree, and enjoy experiencing things. They may have the soul of an artist. If you and they progress in the relationship, there will be a lot of physical passion, intense emotional relationships. They bring a different energy than what you have thought, opening up new experiences for you, and you will be carefree and free like a child. However, since the reading doesn't clarify whether this relationship has a long-term commitment or not, let everything flow naturally and don't expect too much. Whether you meet someone this year or not, I sense that when you overcome the psychological difficulties, liberate yourself, 2024 will show you how beautiful and free your soul is. Explore yourself; you can be cautious, but don't worry too much about new things. Listen to the emotions from your heart, let your soul be like clouds, and you will see the vast sky.
Thank you all for watching my reading; I hope you enjoyed it. I also apologize for not being able to answer all the questions in the previous mini tarot game section, but rest assured, I will answer all of you remaining. Thank you for your support.😘💖💖💐💐🌸🌸 
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archtroop · 5 months
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He's right, you know.
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Help Hala Support Her Young Pupils in Gaza
Message from the creator:
Dear Watermelons,
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Ahmed Abutaha, and I am reaching out to you from the UK with an urgent appeal.
I am launching a fundraiser to support my dear friend Hala Ballour in Gaza, Palestine. Hala is a dedicated and passionate pedagogist who has spent the past decade nurturing and educating children in her community. As you may be aware, the severe war in Gaza has resulted in devastating consequences for innocent civilians, including Hala and the children she cares for. Hala's kindergarten building has been severely affected by nearby bombings, rendering the place uninhabitable and unsuitable for her important work. The destruction caused by the recent bombings has left Hala unable to continue her work and has deprived hundreds of children of access to education and care. Despite these challenges, Hala remains committed to providing children with a safe and supportive environment.
The situation in Gaza is becoming increasingly dire, and Hala urgently needs our support to continue her noble mission. I would like to share Hala's own words with you:
"For the past ten years, I have been working with children. My days with them have been very pleasant, and their details have been close to my heart. I work with approximately 500 children annually, endeavoring to support them psychologically and educationally within our kindergarten. Today, I find myself unable to help them. My children have been displaced from their homes to a very cold and challenging place to adapt to. They don't know how to acquire many things essential to their childhood. They need healthy food, toys, and recreational days to compensate for the lost school year due to the war. They require everything any child in the world needs. There are 500 children awaiting your assistance because they are unable to return to kindergarten due to the cruel war in Gaza."
Your donations will have a profound impact on these young pupils. They will provide a ray of hope in the midst of the suffering they have endured for nearly five months.
The funds raised will be allocated to the following urgent needs:
1. Creating caravans for educational, pedagogical, and recreational activities, designed to resemble their kindergarten classrooms, to compensate for the missed school year.
2. Installing solar panels to power the caravan classrooms.
3. Training and employing seven staff members who will contribute to the teaching and entertainment of the children.
4. Distributing meals and snacks to the targeted children.
Your generosity will make a real and tangiblel difference in the lives of these children. Your contribution, no matter the size, will help us rebuild and restore a sense of normalcy and security for these children during this difficult time and will help Hala and her team serve more children in need.
May your kindness and compassion be rewarded abundantly. Thank you for considering and sharing this urgent appeal.
With love and solidarity,
Ahmed Abutaha
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kaoszkutato · 3 months
otthon, hontalanul
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A miniszterhelyettes úr azon tanakodik, hogy vajon miért van annyi külföldi Bécsben. Nem érti, hogy miért vállalják olyan sokan még azt a kockázatot is, hogy esetleg másodrangú polgárként kell leélniük az életüket. Lehet, hogy azért, mert indokolatlan ez a félelem, mert Bécsben befogadják őket?
Szívesen megírnám ezt a tippet neki is, csak ahogy a köztársasági elnök vagy a parlamenti képviselőm, úgy ő is letiltott már pusztán amiatt, hogy nem azonos a véleményünk, így én magyarként másodrangú polgár vagyok itthon, a hazámban.
Őt az zavarja, hogy a külföldiek mennyire otthon érzik magukat Bécsben. Engem meg az zavar, hogy magyarként nem érezhetem magamat otthon a hazámban.
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Külföldi melankólia
Nem arról van szó, hogy itt van valami, vagy valaki, aki itt tartana.
Hanem arról, hogy oda haza nincs senki és semmi, ami visszahúzna.
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Megtörtént... kiborultam.
Bőgtem, panaszkodtam, ideges lettem majd megint bőgtem. Érzelmi hullámvasút volt a mai nap és hiába reménykedem abban, hogy ha lefekszem aludni jobb lesz, mert nem lesz az. Azért, mert hiába érzem magam fáradtnak, ez nem fizikai fáradtság, ez mentális, ezen nem segít az alvás. Én lennék a legboldogabb, ha segítene, de ez nincs így.
Én csak szeretnék haza érni és lepihenni, de nincs jelenleg számomra olyan, hogy otthon, mert hiába van tető a fejem felett, ha nincs, aki "haza" vár.
Körülöttem mindenki boldog és éli az életét, én pedig úgy érzem baragadtam egy ismétlődő körforgásba. Már senkit nem akarok az én problémáimmal terhelni, mert nem akarom elbaszni a barátaim boldogságát.
Nyugalmat, pihenést és szeretetet szeretnék.
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window-from-a-reality · 7 months
FUCK3D UP!!!!!!! y0u sh0u1d 1dk. g3t b3tt3r 0r s0m3th1ng.
a1s0 ye4h. g0ing sn0rk m1m1m1m1m1m1m1 m0st 0f th3 t1m3
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dalszoveg-planet · 2 years
A hazautazás legnehezebb része Azzal szembesülni, hogy öregszel És mindennek, amit eddig ismertél Vége van
Noah Cyrus - Hardest Part
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egy-lany-blogja · 2 years
Egy társra vágyom, akinek hiányzom.
Egy társra aki a nap végén örül,hogy hozzám jön haza.
Egy társra aki nem akar megváltoztatni.
Egy társra aki megnyílik előttem.
Egy társra akit az ölelésem megvigasztal.
Egy társra akinek ízlik a főztöm.
Egy társra aki nem kritizál folyton.
Egy társra aki mellett igazán nő lehetek.
Egy társra akinek a szex nem csak kötelező program.
Egy társra aki meg meri élni a vágyat s az érzelmeket.
Egy társra aki elfogadja,hogy nekem is vannak rossz napjaim.
Egy társra aki tisztel.
Egy társra aki nem lehúz hanem fel emel.
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haza8877 · 6 months
A little random information about your soulmate.
The messages here are only for reference and entertainment. Tarot can't predict 100% of everything in your life exactly. Your fate is up to you. I hope you can enjoy this reading.
Pile 1 -> Pile 2 -> Pile 3
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Pile 1
(10 of cups, 10 of pentacles, 3 of swords, 7 of swords)
Maybe your soulmate will also be your future partner . They're people who've had career success, financial stability. Or maybe they were born into a family with good financial background (even maybe they're rich). They have almost complete life. But I can see that they're also going through a hard time, maybe they've been hurt in the past and that pain is still hanging on to them. They can be a person who can't let go of the past, a nostalgic person. But deep inside, they always crave a happy home. Maybe because the past trauma is not healed yet, it's hard for them to open up to the people around them. They always separate themselves from others, perhaps for fear of getting hurt again. Pain comes with desire, and I think that the more painful and hurtful something makes us, the more we desire it. I feel like the soulmate of Pile 1 is always eager to build a home of their own, they want to have a strong and stable love.
Have you met or known each other?
( the tower)
No. You haven't met yet. They're going through a major change in their lives. This may be a difficult time, but it's also very important in their journey. And I think you and them aren't ready to meet at this time. They need to change and let go of the past before they meet you.
Extra: (oracle)
yeah, like I said, this person still has unresolved wounds. They have a lot of emotions but are also too stubborn. They know they are hurting but don't admit that they will be weak at times. They need to "surrender" and accept the changes that are coming to life. Just let everything flow, don't resist and try to swim against the current. When you and them meet each other, you will realize that you both have many things in common and that your relationship is harmonious.
- A successful and financially stable/ Or from a rich family.
- Lots of reason ( But also sensitive)
- Maybe extrovertable
- May like to keep pets ( maybe a dog)
- Many air and water signs (a few earth signs)
Pile 2
(king of swords, page of pentacles, 5 of cups rx, 5 of wands)
They're difficult and rational people. They live with rules and don't want anyone to break the rules they set. They're logical, intelligent, and good at communicating. Seems like a workaholic. For them, everything needs to be planned and under their control. I have a feeling that they carry the energy of a leader, they can be the team leader in a team, either a manager or even a boss. Well, I wouldn't want to be their employees, because they'd be a very difficult boss, hahahaha, jkd, But they're great leaders and very ambitious. They're the kind of people who are responsible and trustworthy. People around them will usually listen to their advice. They can lead others with their experiences. I also noticed that they had experienced failures and injuries in the past, which seemed to be too naive to face life at the time. They are like young bird learning to fly for the first time and then they fall several times before they can "master the sky" like they do now. They are also highly competitive. it seems their environment demands it.
Have you met or known each other?
(ace of pentacles)
I'll say yes. Or if it's not, it'll be very soon. You two can meet when you are starting a new project or job. They may also be your colleagues or boss.
Extra: (oracle)
Deep down, they're people who care a lot about family and traditional values. They want to be strong so they can protect and take care of the people they love. They are the type of people who aim for stability and certainty. they have their pride. Sometimes they're a little conservative. But overall, this is someone you can trust.
- Can be introverted
- Good communicated ability
- Workaholic
- Knowledgeable, experienced, mature, logic
- Conservative and controlling
- Loyal, confident, creative
- Many earth signs, water signs and air signs
Pile 3
( knight of cups, the hanged man, judgment, 10 of wands)
They are emotional, delicate and gentle. They are easy to sympathize and understand what others want. I feel they are people with artistic tendencies. Their creativity and artistic sensation are very good. Maybe their work relates to creativity or art. They are the type of person who will devote themselves to others and what they love. Maybe they have a spiritual ability or have faith in a religion.They are also a thorough consideration when having problems in life. However, it seems they are too much emotional and sensitive, so sometimes they are quite difficult to make decisions or choose something. They have the soul of an artist, they like the freedom and they are also dreamer. But I feel like they have a lot of responsibility in life, and they're really tired of it. They often sacrifice their own interests for others, which in turn leads to them taking on responsibilities that make them unable to be free.
Have you met or known each other?
(5 of swords)
Nope. I feel like you and they haven't met yet. They seem to have personal problems that can't be solved. They need to learn to accept what's going on in life that may not go their way. And they need to learn to prioritize themselves. They seem to be struggling with a lot of things in life.
Extra: (oracle)
Wow, I have to emphasize that Pile 3's soulmate is very intuitive and also very sensitive.They're completely immersed in their emotional world. They could be inspirational people. They're like sponges that absorb all emotions from themselves and from others. But they're also passionate, they like to walk their own path, they also like discovery and novelty.
- Maybe extrovertable
- Art, creativity, passion
- Sensitive, intuitive, altruistic, compassionate
- Romantic
- Many signs of water and earth ( have a little sign of Aquarius)
How have you been these days? ❤️Please give me some suggestions about the topics you want to see. Thank you for your interest in my reading ❤️. Love u alllll ❤️🌸🌸🌸💐💐❤️
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reposting art fight attack from there to here
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sonshy is missing cause i could not find a ref and i looked fucking everywhere
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pinkrubberducky · 2 years
How Cherry by Harry Sounds
 One of my favorite songs right now is Cherry by Harry Styles. It is off his Fine Line album and really encompasses many wonderful themes and ideals. However uncle I will be covering how the music sounds to a person who doesn’t quite know how to describe music. 
In the song that starts off with just like a small little “who hoo” and then a harmonica and some strings of some sort. To me, it sounds hypnotic and mesmerizing. The whole song sounds very hypnotic to me actually, almost like you’re supposed to feel like you’re in a dream. 
He then also adds things that sound like wind coming through a window. I am not quite sure how to explain that other than purposely forcing a feeling of longing throughout the song. Adding to this, I think he adds the drums and strings in specific moments to create his voice to sound more magically. 
Furthermore, Harry stops the background music at some point to allow the listeners to really listen to the sound of his voice and really get the lyrics he is saying. To me, when the background/underlying music stops, It’s sort of like him taking a breath to gather his thoughts. I could definitely see this piece going in specifically to add an element of flashbacks from an argument with a partner, though in the song, he is not with them but longs to be. 
I think the vibe of this song is really simple, but that almost makes it sound better, in my opinion. Having the Really simple underlying music helps the audience to listen to the song and vibe with it more. If they were more complex beats or drums or strings or anything really listeners will be possibly caught off guard and not quite listen to the lyrics as well as he would with something simpler. Going off of that, Harry makes the song very soft and I think again, that allows listeners to not worry about contrast in the music and just sing along and sing with the song. 
By the end of the song, you hear a long, at least like 5 second pause where I usually think the song is over. However, that is indeed wrong and there comes a woman singing/speaking french! It is really cool, I might’ve skipped it if I had not had the song on repeat, given the pause though. Again, it sounds hypnotic as the voice goes louder and then softer and giggles. I don’t know how else to describe it besides galactic, outer space vibes you’d get if you were hypnotized (or under some influences). I am not quite sure why Harry decided to put the woman and lounge pause into the song, but I genuinely think it suits the song well. 
Overall, the song is very simple but provokes a lot of emotion. I think that some songs that have too much going on, can hurt the grasp of the lyrics rather than help, which is why I am guessing Harry chose to create the song as he did. (As it Was…. Wow haha so funny) Truly though, I love the song and I love how easy it is to vibe to, I hope y’all feel the same way!
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eltortaszilvafa · 1 month
»Fölszállott a páva a vármegye-házra,
Sok szegény legénynek szabadulására.«
Kényes, büszke pávák, Nap-szédítő tollak,
Hírrel hirdessétek: másképpen lesz holnap.
Másképpen lesz holnap, másképpen lesz végre,
Új arcok, új szemek kacagnak az égre.
Új szelek nyögetik az ős, magyar fákat,
Várjuk már, várjuk az új magyar csodákat.
Vagy bolondok vagyunk s elveszünk egy szálig,
Vagy ez a mi hitünk valóságra válik.
Új lángok, új hitek, új kohók, új szentek,
Vagy vagytok, vagy ismét semmi ködbe mentek.
Vagy láng csap az ódon, vad vármegye-házra,
Vagy itt ül a lelkünk tovább leigázva.
Vagy lesz új értelmük a magyar igéknek,
Vagy marad régiben a bús, magyar élet.
»Fölszállott a páva a vármegye-házra,
Sok szegény legénynek szabadulására.«
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Amióta hazajöttem, nem érzem magam igazán otthon. Mintha nem találnám többé a helyem. Úgy érzem, mintha sose tudnék már itt boldog lenni. Visszavágyódom. Elvágyódom. El innen, ahonnan minden fájdalmam származik. Vajon a bánatot otthon lehet hagyni?
És a boldogságot? Vajon külföldön felejtettem volna, azért nem találom most sehol?
Van helyem ezen a világon?
És ha igen, akkor hol?
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