#hazbin Hotel theory
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I have a lot to say about Husk for about 2-3 months now and I really don't know where to start. Que a lot of rambling that I hope comes out coherent.
I think the best unique thing about Husk that I love is the fact he can potential crossed paths to most of the sinner characters we were introduced, in their living life. He was born between Alastor and Angel birth years. I did the math on this once but I can't be bothered with it now. I think Angel and Alastor were about a decade-possibly 15 years apart, while Husk was in between. So they were from the same generation.
The thing that sets Husk apart from the other characters, was he actually grew to an old age. While the others died relatively young or midlife.
The fact that Husk was a world traveler means he wasn't stuck in the city/town/state he was born in like the others may have been. Increasing his odds to cross paths with the other sinners.
I like to imagine that Husk has some type of butterfly effect of the other characters lives that he unintentional and unaware he caused that lead the sinners lifes to what they are.
I lowkey headcanon (not seriously, just for funsies) as weird parody of an guardian angel. Here me out. He not a guardian angel tho. I love his avian cat design. But admit it, its freakin weird he has wings as a cat right?
The only ones we see with wings are the royalties of Hell (Can the Ars Goetia fly?) the sins...and angles.
Beside Valentino. But Val sort of makes sense...hes a moth. Moth has wings by default. Husk is a cat, yet he has wings? It also makes sense why Val is a moth. Granted I think a prostitute be more moth like...standing by a street lamp on a corner street at night. THAT makes sense. But given, Val a pimp...I guess it works for him too.
So Husk, a cat, has wings...makes me think why he has wings in his afterlife. Seems like a random thing to be given when it seem to be reserved mostly for royalty and wings seem like it be a huge advantage to have in Hell when most sinners don't get it. Must be some type of reason Husk has them. But alas I don't know or we probably never know beside cool character design.
Now, going on with this weird wing thought...and my lowkey non serious headcanon (Which im 100% isnt going to make canon), Husk is some unintentional weird type of opposite effect of an guardian angel.
Husk with his potential of crossing paths with a lot of the sinners we know, I think it be hilarious if he butterfly effect that he indirectly caused their path towards Hell or death. Like for example, he gave Nifty directions that started a weird Rube Goldberg machine situation of cause and effect that caused that directed her to find a man she became obsessed with and stalked then eventual murdered. Husk involvement is completely indirect but at the same time, the vent would never would happen if he wasn't involved.
Moving on from his living life to his afterlife.
Husk died in the 70s and the pilot 2019. Alastor was missing for 7 years (starting 2012), I vibe that Husk been under Alastor ownership for quite awhile before that. No later than 2000 but I'm fairly sure he was owned much before that. But I'm going with the minimal amount of time of Husk soul being sold. So Husk was able to fall, rise to overlord fairly quickly only to lose the status just as quick. His reign was very short lived. The rest of the time was serving under Alastor. That's quite a wild ride in a span of 30 (But I personally believe its much shorter) of unbounded soul years. Which seems a lot of years, but when you have eternity to live out the rest of your life, its very little.
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I don't question how Husk was able to become overlord so quick. He a master magician...so very good at sleight of hand/cheating as well as lifetime gambler. He able to keep a stoic expression to minimize his own tells, while being very perceptive and skilled at reading other people very well. He can easily win and work with and manipulate people desperations of gambling their souls to him without much risk to himself. He can easily play hand in his favor with his skills and the rare chance he can't, he can fold and cut his losses before it gets to deep.
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However, what had him lose it all. Because I doubt someone was better at cards then Husk. Especially in Husk own house. I don't doubt Alastors good at cards. But I don't think Alastor skill at cards is greater than Husk. To the point Husk lost everything to him including his own soul. I think they both cheat if they play a game together. In fact I think they have play a game, with intent of cheating and trying to catch each other in the act. Its their own game while playing a game, knowing each other enough that they will cheat and it brought a new level of fun trying to catch each other while not getting caught themselves. It probably became a own special drinking game, that one has to drink when they got caught. But I don't think Alastor the reason why Husk lost everything.
I think the reason Husk lost everything in Hell as quickly as he gained it...is by self destructive depression. Husk was the cause of his own downfall.
I only suggest this because...how else an extremely skilled card player who also skilled at sleight of hand, will lose hand after hand in his own gambling house?
My other clue is this:
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Along with his heavy drinking. I think Husk always been a heavy drinker but it hit a all new level when he lost his love and became extremely jaded by the event.
I think Husk had found a very special someone and something happen to them. Be it died during an extermination or been betrayed by them, etc. Or it may be someone in his living years and something reminded him of them and triggered a downwards spirals for him.
Mostly, I think he caused them to leave him or indirectly caused them permanent death, etc. and he filled with self loathing, regret and remorse. Because he did love and care for them...but he fucked it all up due his own self-centered, selfishness and greed at the time. The pain caused him to close off his heart to avoid feeling that loss again and drink himself stupid to avoid feeling anything or to quiet his self hatred thoughts.
I believe the lost of them sent him a destructive spirals of depression. He started drink insanely heavier, which impaired his judgment greatly and just grew apathetic.
Enter Alastor and the lost of Husk soul
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Alastor may have very well manipulated and cheated his way with the impaired Husk to gain his soul. Very possible. Especially the way it was pictured in the flashback. Alastor symbols and lit up eyes and extended antlers along with a sinister smile as well as Husk stunned expression of his loss of the game.
I don't think that how it went down. I can't remember the exact wording but it sounded like Husk turned to Alastor for help. It was a last resort, but Husk was desperate enough to go to it.
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They were both overlords at the same time at one point. Alastor and and Husk was good friends once. Maybe, not close like Alastor is with Rosie but still good friends. Alastor probably took a liking to Husk as he from the same generation. I also assume Husk appear around Vox falling out with Alastor as Husk and Val fell around the same time. So Vox probably started befriending Val and helping Val with his rise to overlord. I can see Alastor do the same with Husk just to spite Vox and cause him to be jealous. But even if it started as a ploy to upset Vox, Alastor probably end up liking and growing fond over the cat. Playing hands and having late drinking and jazz sessions and such. Alastor appreciate Husk blunt and often correct observations and insight.
So when Husk was clearly not doing well and smarten up enough to seek Alastor for help. I think Husk knew the rate he was self destructing he was going to lose it all, including his soul. So he went to Alastor and struck a deal before Husk truly got in a shitter situration with a shitter dealer that he would regret much more.
Because let's be honest. Husk knows what he was getting into when he offered his soul. Think about it. Even if Husk had an impossible high number of souls...say a billion. He lost a billion souls by suddenly being bad at gambling. Even if the pot is a billion souls that he want to regain back, its not worth the risk of betting your own soul. Even if your got an amazing hand...Is it worth the risk during a harsh losing streak playing against another overlords as an opponent?
Husk knew he was going to lose his soul with his spiral. He knew what he was getting into. He an overlords himself. He may have treated his own souls more poorly than Alastor himself. I don't think Husk was cruel... I'm sure he had his own moments like Alastor and had causes. I do think he was a apathetic/detached master. The souls he owned was just a commodity he use for gambling. When sharing his retelling to Angel about this. He sounded remorseful that he betted souls like they were just an object and not a precious thing. I think he only felt that way AFTER his own soul did not belong to him. That's when he realized what a shitty and dick move it was to prey on desperate souls and pass them around when it should been obvious.
Husk collected souls to use as a commodity. Husk preyed onto the sinners desperation and addiction to get them.
While Alastor, I don't think he really cares about hoarding souls. He powerful enough without them. BUT if an opportunity reveals itself, he take advantage. But he only does it with quality souls that has real potential and use. He a quality over quantity man.
Husk knows what it means to sell one's soul. Yet he still offered it to Alastor. Because despite the rep Alastor has being ruthless, Alastor is probably one of the "kinder" overlords to have as a master. But Husk only knew that by insider information by witnessing himself by hanging out with Alastor and possibly glimpsing how he treated his contracts. Which appears not to be much different than any other sinner.
I know Alastor performs horrendous acts. He goes on killing sprees, probably enjoys torturing people. But I don't think he does it to his own souls. Because, TBH, people who do that want to feel powerful and they do it with people who cant fight back. Alastor is already powerful. He doesn't need weak prey and why damage his own property when no one can stop him from breaking someone else's? Alastor is so powerful that its boring. Where's the fun and entertainment when everytime you "play", the game is stuck on easy mode and the opponent is knocked out of the ring within minutes. Heck, Alastor gets even less than that. He just looks in their directions and people forfeit. Alastor wants the thrill of a challenge and exchange wits and banter. So he seeks stronger opponents to fulfill is needs for carnage and havoc. Not some frighten, defenseless slave.
Alastor not a good man as he willing to commit terrible acts and enjoys it. But from what we seen, hes not a bad man's as it appears he doesn't attack without cause or reason. He has no interest in sex so he not going to force Husk into sexual acts. Alastor may have his contracts to demeaning things or just do things for shits and giggles and entertainment but overall, hes tamed to souls he own. (The souls he doesn't own that pledge their service and loyalty however...is another story) Alastor pretty much just let his contracts do what they please as long as they respect him and do what he commands as he needs them. Which, honestly isn't much. Alastor seem to summon his shadow minions over his soul contracts because it seems less of a bother to everyone while Alastor remains more in control of the situation. It's simply less chance of error if Alastor used his shadow minions that act on his will vs some contracted soul who most likely is performing half heartedly as they are forced to do something they don't want to do. He use the contracted soul for a long term project since it would take too much power and effort to maintain and sustain his shadow minions over a extended time. It seams Alastor only have souls as a resource an a backup reserve. More of a "better have it and not need it then need it and not have it." Alastor even gives them task that align with the skills they are good at. I think part of it is because Alastor is also on a leash so as much as he denies it, he has empathy. But he will still utilize the resource when needed but overall he self reliant and a lone wolf and rather no really on people if he can help it, even if he does own them. I also think he knows Overlords and soul ownerships sort of go hand and hand. But I think soul ownership leaves a bit of a sour taste in his mouth. Not because of his own soul but being a mixed man in the 30's....its very likely he had some heritage on his precious mother side of ancestral slaves. So, Alastor understand the necessity needs of ownership for survival and advancement in Hell, but still has a distaste to it.
Granted we don't see how Alastor (beside with Husk and Nifty)or anyone besides the Vees, interact with their contracts, and we know they treat their people poorly. But I think from what we seen is Alastor is very mild. Including the scene he threatened Husk.
Mind you, Alastor was giving clearly giving clues he was already agitated before that interaction. He was essential a growling dog warning he was going to bite if it interactions going to continue. His snapped his neck irritatedly along with a clearly exasperated "what is it" that didn't have a radio filter when he addressed Husk when Husk went to get his attention. Husk was trying to warn Alastor about Mimzy but it was clear to even someone who doesn't know Alastor...(and Husk knows Alastor well) that Alastor was already on edge. Yet Husk continued to push forward. Even then...Alastor kept composure. Laughing off and dismissing Husk concerns. It was when Husk muttered a jab about sensitive personal information (One that I'm sure Husk wasn't even originally meant to know )about Alastor that anyone could have overheard if they were near, and that same sensitive information promised to trigger Alastor...THAT'S when Alastor became terrifying and threatening. So granted, no one deserve what happened to Husk when he was threatened but at the same time...it was Husk own undoing at the moment. Husk muttered that jab to Alastor that antagonize Alastor to reacted harshly. Husk was lucky that Alastor restrained himself ONLY to threat....Alastor gave Husk mercy by warning him to watch himself because next time would be the last time.
So Alastor is rather mild with his demands with contracts for the majority of the time but when he isn't, he very brutal but he usually given a cause to turn.
So Husk offered his soul to Alastor knowing what it would mean to sell his soul. Specifically chosen Alastor because, it would surprise to anyone to hear, is the lesser form of evil in such a situation. He sold his soul while he was somewhat lucid and not completely impaired to work out a deal that doesn't completely screw over Husk. Place some terms and agreements. I do think they did play a hand and wager, either to finalize a clause they couldn't agree with and use the bet to finalized it or just have Husk go out a way he comfortable with. Alastor may also play some mild manipulation but I don't think Alastor preyed on Husk as its implied. Alastor was sought out for a reason, and on Alastor part, an overlord soul is too tempting to resist. Especially being handed on a silver platter. If Alastor wanted to decline the offer, for the unlikely name of friendship, knowing it would ruin it. It wouldn't have done any good in any scenario to decline. If Husk was worry about losing his soul due to his own destructive impairment, might as well gain something from it and offer some protection to a friend then lose out on a quality soul, instead of watch from afar the downfall of his friend which he probably won't see again afterwards. It also strategy. It either gain a quality and powerful soul to his collection, or lose out and someone else has it...that could be potential be used against Alastor, along with any possibly knowledge Husk had gathered on the Radio Demon. So even if it wasn't tempting or desirable, its about survival.
Naturally, their friendship has soured greatly since then. Because, how can it not? I don't think Husk hates Alastor. I know the fandom believe he wants him dead. But Husk is just being jaded and surly. Husk didn't treat Alastor more venomous than any other resident when he was introduced. Husk is also comfortable enough to voice his less than kind opinions about Alastor or to Alastor. Husk doesn't act like a terrified servent in Alastor presence. (Unless he knows that Alastor in bad mood and looking for a cause for someone to be his punching bag), The two act like longtime friends but one is grumpy because he there out of reluctant obligations and just frustrated, annoyed and just tired of this shit of Alastor antics that hes forced to endure. Alastor seem to treat Husk more friendly, which to be fair can be an act but I think it part genuine.
Out of the two of them, its Husk that reminds everyone that Husk is on the Alastor leash. Alastor not the one that usually "putting Husk in his place", Husk the one that normally does it. If anything, I think Husk hate and angry with himself that everything is is own undoing. Frustrated and annoyed by Alastor who amused by it. Alastor is also just a reminder how low Husk became. It's easy to blame Alastor for his problems and even understandable that he does. He does blame Alastor for his current predicament at times simply because its just easier to do so and feels better to blame someone else to be the cause of your problems but ultimately, Husk knows he brought it all on himself and I think that's what hurts and bothers him the most.
Husk wants his soul back, but I don't think he wants Alastor to be dead for it. Tho, I think Husk feels that's the only way to get it back at times. But despite it all, he cares about Alastor. Even if its begrudgingly. I think Husk also knows its better to have as Alastor as a great ally than an enemy, even a dead one to gain his soul back. Husk is wise, even is Husk gain his soul back, regain his full power and strength it still fails to compare to Alastors own power. Husk knows there are greater foes that Husk cant compete and defend for himself or his newfound family against, but Alastor can, even if Husk doesn't fully trust Alastor. But Husk trust his own experience and knowledge of Alastor to guess his motivations and intentions.
I think Alastor called upon Husk to the hotel to bartend, because A) He knew from their former late night hang outs that Husk can make great drinks. but B) Husk also has wisdom and experience that can fulfill Charlies needs and benefit for the hotel. Husk has skills on perception and reading people from gambling. Husk knows about losses, knows the woes of losing his soul, knows about addiction, lost of love etc. I think Alastor pulled Husk to the hotel not only because Husk has skills that can be utilized to help but I think Alastor knew Husk can benefit from the hotel to be the sinner Alastor remember he use to be. Not the "husk" he became. Alastor doesn't believe in redemption, at least one that send someone to Heavens gates. But Alastor can see the possibility of rehabilitation. Something Husk could benefit. He lowkey subtle hinted it at the pilot. "I thought you be perfect to man the front desk as the job seem to be made for him" (At a rehabilitation hotel) Husk is not going to work on himself because Alastor commanded him to be. So Alastor has Husk station there with the possibility and off chance of Husk getting help even if its through osmosis from the sidelines. May even warm up on the idea and want to better oneself. Guess what...its working. Alastor won't admit his underhanded method of helping. He has a reputation of being ruthless to maintain after all.
I think its also why he pulled Nifty. He using her skills but also figure a place like the hotel is one of the few place that accept Nifty the way she is and let Nifty develope friends and family that would embrace her. I think Nifty was a lonely soul and she just TOO much for most sinners to handle. But at the hotel, she can be welcomed and be herself. It also a place Nifty would enjoy to be in. She a simple girl. She likes to clean and kill bugs. A large building will grant her that.
Alastor even try buttering Husk up and get Husk more comfortable with the idea of working at the hotel by offering him cheap booze free of charge. Alastor didn't have to care at all and can just say "I own you so...tough shit." But he did try to get Husk to warm up to the idea despite Husk not having a choice in the matter, and wanted to at least ease his grumpy avian cat into the change.
If Alastor care so much why doesn't he release them? One might ask. Beside overlords being super possessive and Alastor being a control freak? I think for Nifty, She doesn't want to and she needs the protection.
Husk...I think Alastor fears with their soured friendship, there is nothing stopping Husk to reveal any or all his sensitive knowledge about Alastor if he not bound to Alastor and forced to be silent by it. Husk is probably the only one that knows about Alastor own sold soul beside the one he sold it to. Alastor confines to Rosie but I think he still restrained himself real intro personal stuff. Husk is probably Alastor other confident (Tho, probably not by choice by either, Husk being forced into now, and Alastor lips being loosen by Husk made drinks combined with the comfort and nostalgia he has with the cat while inebriated. Which he rarely indulges in because of that fact, but still does on really hard days and regrets the things that slip but at least Husk can't tell a soul on Alastor command.) Information can be such a powerful tool that can be weaponized. Husk knows things about Alastor that would just completely ruin, may even destroy him or actually bring Alastor to his final demise. Also, small part and Alastor won't admit it, he values Husk perceptive insight and Alastor trust him to be his eyes and ears.
I'm sure there's more I wanted to say. But I'm sure I ramble incoherently enough about my thoughts on Husk.
What do you all think?
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philzasjuicyass · 4 months
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state-of-franklin · 4 months
Hey hello everybody we missed something from Dad beat Dad
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After he says “wretch” his ears and hair get fluffier/more frazzled
His coat becomes longer and more cut up
Dude his body behavior got me fucked UPPPP this man is RUINED by his deal and cannot cope
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short-wooloo · 4 months
"Great Alastor altruist died for his friends"
The look on Alastor's face when he says that
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He looks haunted, shaken, disturbed, and horrified by it
I've been joking about Alastor accidentally-ing himself into caring about the other characters
But on some level, it seems that it did happen
And he HATES it
It terrifies him
Perhaps it's because Alastor understands that on some level this proves him wrong, sinners are not beyond hope, there is a chance to be better, and that's bad for him because it's easy to revel and wallow in being an evil monster when there's no hope of being anything else, but when there isn't, well, that means Alastor might have to face who he is and what he's done
Alternatively, Al wants to be a horrible monster, feared hated and infamous, and if he becomes some kind and benevolent person, even to just those he considers friends, it's a chip in his reputation and the persona he wants to be seen as
Or perhaps Al's breakdown is because if he cares about anyone, then that's a weakness someone can exploit, another string holding him back, something he's desperate to not have
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I noticed some interesting symbolism.
You see how at the end of his musical number Angel worryingly wipes the "poison" that is dripping from his mouth right...?
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Well, what do we see next..?
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Yeah...Vox and Angel may not be that different when it comes to their relationship with Valentino
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froxyisapotato · 4 months
Sir Pentious's death reminds me of something.
In North mythology, warriors that go into battle and die in glory go to Valhalla, which is like heaven. It's a glorious place where fallen warriors can enjoy endless drinks and food. Sir Pentious was a victorious warrior.
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Pentious (probably knowing the consequences) made his last fight a victorious one. It was meant to be comedic, but he still had the intent on protecting his friends and the hotel. He did and died an honorable death.
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Seraphim could also be seen as the Valkyries that lead fallen warriors into Valhalla. Valkyries go to the battlefield and choose who is worthy of entering Valhalla. Sera and Emily probably didn't know he was killed in battle, but Emily is extremely happy to see him. While Sera is extremely shocked.
I'm probably over analyzing this, but the gears in my head keep turning.
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petitprincess1 · 5 months
Velvette is Carmilla's rebellious daughter
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First of all, the sheer fact that Zestial and Carmilla did not harm or even fully snap at Velvette is interesting. You'd think these, most likely, more powerful Overlords would have no issue with silencing her. However, they just let her keep talking. Also, Vel really noticed Carmilla's idiosyncrasies vs everyone else in the room. Not even Zestial picked up on them.
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Second of all is the hair color and eyes. The only ppl to have similar eyes are Carmilla's daughters. Not to mention the white hair. There's a chance that Velvette's hair is dyed and the white streaks are her hair's true color. Heck, Clara (the girl on the right in the first pic) looks practically identical to Vel.
Of course, this is all just a theory (RIP Mattpat...he's not dead)
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imp-imp-im-a-simp · 4 months
Okay, we have overlords of mass media: Alastor for radio, Vox for television and Velvette for social media.
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You know who is missing here?
There is that one mass media that is still a massive thing, but people often forget about it's existence.
And it is newspaper.
I might get into a history of newspaper, thou I'm not gonna pretend I'm an expert. Just, newspaper at it's most primarily version is a very old thing.
So old that if there was an overlord of newspaper, they might be the oldest overlord in Hell.
*Cough cough* Zestial *cough cough*
Silently pulling all the strings from the shadows, like a spider weaving its web.
Giving informations radio, television and social media will take as true and publish them as their own.
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Yeah, if we had an overlord like this they would be hella powerful.
And it would be a bit funny if they had a hat giving journalist vibes.
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nornpai · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel Spoilers
I see a ton of people going on about how we might see Alastor frown for the first time when he's like genuinely upset or something. But has anyone ever thought about the fact he literally has his mouth sown into a permanent smile so he actually can't frown at all??
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In the finale he goes into his radio station and is genuinely distressed over the fact someone has power over him. Hes injured and alone in his radio station, he has no reason to keep up a facade for anyone and yet he still has that smile on his face
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In this frame you can see the thread connecting his mouth. Firstly, since it isn't visible while he isn't using his demonic powers it might be related to the own deal he made with whoever he sold his own soul to, it might be a way to silence him or keep him from using his full powers?
Idk I'm just guessing lmao
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vannahrt · 4 months
Something interesting I just realized
Every time we see Charlie in the past, she is wearing a dress.
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Her style at first seems like a mix of both her mother and her father, though I would say it leans more toward Lilith. And in every photo Charlie is faced toward Lilith as opposed to Lucifer.
Every time we see Charlie in the present day, she is wearing a suit.
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And I would say, resembles her father much more than her mother. I’m not sure what to take from this, it was just an observation.
But then I thought about it, and she does wear a dress during the present day, one time.
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And it was this frame of the show I realized how much Charlie really does look like Lilith and Lucifer, and how her feminine style as an adult really captures both of them perfectly.
Her battle outfit is like a representation of the leaders of Hell, how sick is that.
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A thing I think about occasionally is Vox former friendships.
We know the Vees. The 3 overlords friends that made their own tight little family and regularly hang out often.
But its also semi applied there was a time Vox and Alastor use to be pals. One assume they hung out with each other. We also know that Alastor enjoys his friendship with Rosie and visits her.
So with this information, one would think that the three of them would pal around before Val and Vel fall and Vox falling out with Alastor. So there a chance there were times that Vox just hung out with Rosie and Alastor similar he does with the Vees now.
Its just fun imagining the three of them just gossiping and sipping tea or just wrecking havoc across the pride ring or having a bit of fun with some carnage.
I would think hanging out with cannibals, Vox had his fair share of demon flesh. I don't think he gets queasy over it. Just he doesn't prefer it, but it surprised how tasty it can be when prepared well. Especially when it disguised to taste like pork or chicken or something.
It's just fun to imagine them being their own little family and their own dynamics from it.
Or Vox just played 3rd wheel, be the butt of most of their jokes and got jealous whenever Rosie had Alastor attention.
But if they were a endearing family. Did Alastor interact to Vox similar to Rosie in 'Hello Rosie!'? If they were that close, what was the breaking point. I know they had opposing views on technology. Vox, clearing interested in its advancement, perhaps was willing to leave Alastor in the past along with older technology but I doubt that the last straw that broke the camel's back.
Looking forward to season two as Vees, primary Vox will be main antagonist. The drama they will cause to a weaken Alastor from Adam and the Vee knowledge of it. Waiting for more backstories to be revealed. Until then, I'm going to enjoy the thought or Rosie, Vox, and Alastor being a "wholesome" (It is Hell) family together.
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casiesfandomblog · 4 months
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state-of-franklin · 4 months
Love how Alastor is depicted by Husk as the “King of Spades,” which, in cartomancy, refers to an individual of bad faith, or a ‘predator’ to use someone to their own end. Which, for Husk, is true in every regard.
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Meanwhile, Husk is depicted as the “Jack of Diamonds”
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This one is ‘the Messenger,’ or in some translations, ‘the Traitor.’ It is said to ‘take more than allowed.’ While it doesn’t fit nearly as well, I think that the latter aspect of the card does fit, as one can only be so lucky before your luck runs out. There is one particular interpretation that labels the card as an ‘irresponsible man.’
Take this as you will.
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agingerpanda · 4 months
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Big talk for someone who’s also on a leash.
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hawkeye221b · 5 months
I have a thought about Hazbin Hotel- and specifically how Camilla managed to kill one of the angels.
because if just any demon or overlord could kill one, why hadn't it happened before? why would this be the new ground and not something thats been seen in the past- surely the angels have gone against overlords before. surely if thats all it takes then it should've happened before.
and thats where my theory comes in- its not about who killed or how- its about the intent behind it. Camilla says she only killed the angel to protect her loved ones- her daughters. it wasn't to kill just to kill or to show her power.. it was an act of selflessness. An act of good.
And i think thats the key. Its not about the weapon or the person or power- but its the intent behind it. Acts that are honest to god good and have no ulterior motives are the key in killing the angels- beings that are supposedly agents of good and purity. Its fighting fire with fire.
And i think thats what will make Charlie the most dangerous demon in hell when the extermination comes again- because shes not fighting to protect herself or just to prove her power as the princess. she'd be fighting to protect others and prove that people can change. and no one will be able to stop her- not adam, not her father and probably not even Alastor if he tried.
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babbiebooc · 4 months
Something I wanna talk about that don’t think anyone else has noticed; during the Lucifer VS Adam fight, when Lucifer brought up Eve, Adam’s face went from this
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To this
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Hazbin Hotel Theory! Adam genuinely loved or at least cared about Eve waaaay more than Lilith.
If that’s the case I really hope Adam ended up in hell the same way Sir Pentious ended up in heaven, so when Eve does get introduced in the the show, we can see how they interact with each other and learn more about their relationship.
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