#he was the bestest boy
onnahu · 1 month
Medium(?) Jason AU
So I just wanted to talk about my Jason being a medium(?) AU.
This whole au was inspired by how Jason wanted to be avanged, and how he couldn't influence what was happening. If anyone, he can understand how it is to feel mistreated by law/someone else/fate. So, when he can, he asks the victims what punishment they seems fit for their agressor. That way, he can serve justice the way he always wanted. From victims.
He was always a victim, his whole life, practically, so he gets how frustrating it can be. He isn't the judge, the jury and the executioner - he does what is right in his opinion, and in opinion of everyone he comes in contact with. Anyway, let's jump into it.
The main concept is that, even when resurrection isn't unusual, Jason being dead for whole 6 months is. And, we canonically know that Jason was in heaven (look up Green Arrow #7).
Anyways. In this au, when he's in training with the All Caste, Ducra feels out his connection to that place and teach him how to go there without dying. So, when he's in deep meditation, he can go back there and talk with the dead.
I also kicked canon as long as it took it to shape as I please, so mechanisms of heaven in this au are not how it is in dc comics, but who cares. It's angst, man.
I've got 3 fics of that already, first two in the series are one-shots under 1k words, the third part, when I get more into the world building, side effects and family drama, is 6k+.
Is it a shameless self-ad? A little. But I just really wanted to ramble about it.
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delzinrowe · 2 months
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happy birthday to the bestest boy (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚
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hooned · 20 days
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adorable uwon with his adorable glasses 👓
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omaano · 4 months
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"Do you think we can keep it?"
Illustration for The Art of Losing (Is Hard to Master) by the amazing @insertmeaningfulusername
Summary: On a mission into Separatist space, Rex loses his entire squad except for one - and gains a friend who leads him through the labyrinth of grief to a brighter day.
I'm so happy to finally introduce this poor doomed squad to you: from left to rigth that's Rain, Amber, Rex (obviously), Bug, Whiplash and Clear. And you'll just have to read the fic to learn the name of the curious fluffball who's trying to befriend them ;)
With @xylionet as our wonderful beta for the story (and who also tirelessly cheered us on) we made up Team 16 for the @clonebang! I loved working with them so much! <3
ID and some closeups under the cut ->
[ID: A picture of 6 clone troopers resting. The landscape is snowy. Rain is standing furthest to the left. Their helmet is held in their hand. They are scowling at Rex. Next to them is Amber, standing with her back turned to Rain. Rex is crouched in the foreground, hand on one knee, as he offers his mug to a fox like creature with 4 eyes, 6 legs and 2 tails. Behind Rex to the right Bug is slightly bent over, mug in hand, grinning, other hand resting on his thigh. Off to the right side of the picture are Whiplash and Clear. Whiplash is standing, head turned to Rex but face obscured by his helmet. Clear is sitting, helmet balanced on one knee and mug in his hand. He is watching Rex, too. /End ID]
Close ups:
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rdr2gifs · 3 months
Serotonin boost &lt;3
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Honorary appreciation post for this mentally exhausted sweetheart.
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theysangastheyslew · 1 month
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Ok I avoid drawing canon bby Levi bc it just seriously breaks my heart (even more so now) , but in honor of Bad Boy —and the real end of AOT— I will make an exception 🥲
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
My favourite part of MDZS is how cool Wei Wuxian is.
Like, we don’t talk enough about how cool he is. He performs Empathy three times. His ability to use a flute is so powerful, the song doesn’t even have to sound good for it to work. He brought a dead guy back to life (kinda sorta).
But especially, I love how Wei Wuxian treats ghosts and corpses! Wei Wuxian just hangs out with corpses, for FUN!! He scares away low-level corpses just by existing! He hears the voices of the dead to the point that he can’t enter a place too full of resentment without getting a headache from the constant chatter.
I also really like the Extra where Wei Wuxian is just like “Well, the ghost will go away when he’s done screaming. I’m not worried about it.” And he just leaves a screaming ghost at some guy’s house so the ghost can move on peacefully (as peacefully as is possible when one moves on by screaming).
I love all of this so much because Wei Wuxian is constantly saying that people have too high of expectations of him. Xue Yang telling him to put Xiao Xingchen’s soul back together is just one example of this. Someone will tell Wei Wuxian to do something and he’ll be like “How powerful do you think I am?!” And it’s like… Wei Wuxian, you spent six hours hanging onto a cursed sword in the Xuanwu’s mouth, you survived three months in the Burial Mounds and then returned to make it into a semi-livable place, you killed at least a thousand people that one time, and you came back from the dead, just to name a few.
Wei Wuxian is so strong. He’s so cool. He is terrifying. He is unstoppable and unflappable if only because he gets over his embarrassment in about fifteen seconds! He just rolls with it! He rolls with anything that happens! He remains Shocked and Apalled by Lan Zhan’s behaviour for all of five minutes before basically going “lol okay”! He told Lan Zhan that he wanted to sleep with him in front of Lan Xichen, Jin Ling, a handful of Jin disciples, and the literal bad guy of the novel!!!
(I’ll never get over that scene. It is so funny.
WWX: “I need to say something, it can’t wait.”
JGY: “Then just say it right now as you are.” (Referring to the fact that Wei Wuxian has a wire wrapped around his throat that can kill him in seconds)
WWX: “Good point! Lan Zhan, we should’ve fucked.”
This scene is so fucking funny, I will absolutely never get over it)
I love powerful protagonists and honestly, Wei Wuxian is at the top of the list when it comes to overpowered protagonists. The only thing that phases him is dogs, and even then, he himself admits that he can get used to their presence as long as they aren’t barking.
TLDR: Wei Wuxian is so powerful and I totally get why Lan Zhan fell for him.
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idledee · 2 years
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the unknowings
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alifelongpassed · 4 months
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A good boii.
Just Kar'niss things.
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shazzyv · 4 months
Been rereading the Discworld City Watch series coz those books are like crack laced with serotonin and I think Carrot is simultaneously one of the best and most terrifying characters in Discworld.
Best because yes he's the goodest boi and he's got a werewolf gf and he's unfailingly honest and decent to pretty much everyone and is so earnest and sweet people just can't disappointment him. Except...
One thing that sticks in my head is that last scene in Men at Arms
SPOILERS for most of the City Watch books:
When, right at the end Cruces is telling Carrot he's a long lost king and has the documentation to prove. Carrot walks over to it, takes a read and while Cruces is doing his villain monologue, stabs him through the chest. It's quick and clean and Carrot doesn't even bat an eye that he just took a man's life on purpose.
I say on purpose because my boi literally committed manslaughter in the previous book when he threw the Law and Ordinances at Wonse. He didn't seem to miffed then either, aside from the fact he just misunderstood an order from a superior.
Granted it's a funny joke and Wonse was a bastard but Carrot doesn't seem to react to it.
Like, throughout the books Vimes constantly struggles with the urge to just go ham and remove all the people causing the problems. He's constantly faced with the cynicism and cruelty and just the sheer stupidity of the world and always tries to do the moral thing, to do it by the book because as he says, "if you can do it for a good reason, you can do it for a bad reason." He's in the grey between black and white.
Carrot on the other hand doesn't really seem to mind. We never really see what Carrot is thinking (probably because he's so honest he just flat out says it) so it's hard to parcel how he feels about things.
My headcanon is he killed Wonse by accident, never thought about it again and then killed Cruces when he realized Cruces was a greater threat than he realized plus was about to kill Vimes. You could say the same about him skewering a werewolf later on in Fifth Element, but that was a survival situation I feel. Granted he never really kills again but I like to think if Carrot was face to face with Carcer or Stratford it would've been a very short conversation.
I think that's another reason why Vimes keeps a close eye on Carrot. Imagine doing your best to live life by a strict set of moral principles only to have your charismatic, well beloved second-in-command simply kill a man in front of you then tell you without blinking you had a wedding to go to.
Carrot even says "Personal doesn't mean important" which kind of tells me that no matter what his feelings on the subject, he's going to try to do the right thing.
And he killed Cruces for, I feel, a good reason.
He's a good man who'll kill you without a word and Vimes is a good man who'll kill you when there's no other acceptable option.
Vimes is the grey and Carrot is the white that gets dirty.
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upperranktwo · 5 months
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♡Happy Birthday Shinazugawa Genya♡
7th January
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areyousanta · 5 months
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mci-writing · 11 months
heyy~ may i habe, hcs nsfw of senku, tsukasa, and gen fucking their s/o in the kitchen? like senku you guys fucked up something and waiting on an order, tsukasa takes you while youre making breakfast or something, and gen uses cream from a pastry youre making to lick it off your body? thank you ily i hope i did this right lol.
This has been years in the making, huh?
Sexy Kitchen Times (w/ Senku Ishigami, Tsukasa Shishiou, and Gen Asagiri):
TW: smut, modern/no petrification/post petrification au, small bit of bondage in Gen's part (he ties reader's wrists to the bedpost), no beta whoops, overstim in Senku's part, Tsukasa fucks his s/o next to a still hot stove 🤷🏾‍♀️
Ishigami Senku:
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You had tried warning him from the get-go that substituting the recipe's ingredients with chemicals from his lab would be a horrible idea (esp when he pulled his Bunsen Burner seemingly out of thin air), but nooo he wanted you to trust the science process bc he was more than 1 billion percent sure it would work
Now you were standing in the middle of a nearly destroyed kitchen while ordering from the noodle place down the block, sending your lover a glare he knows a little too well when science experiments that involve you go horribly wrong
He hugs you from behind after cleaning up most of the mess, burying his face in your neck as he pulls you closer to him
This was what your friends deemed the affection maneuver, a move Senku only makes when he knows he might be sleeping on the couch for the night
"Y'know, it's so sexy when you get mad like this, dragonfruit" He'll teasingly whisper along the shell of your ear, pressing soft kisses into your skin while his fingers rub sensual circles into your hips
And for the moment, you completely forget about the kitchen debacle when his lips meet yours, turning you in his hold and helping you settle on the counter. He tugs your top off between kisses, nipping at whatever skin he can reach while his one of his hands happily move to fondle your chest
And, like always, it ends with you riding his cock (bc his stamina maxed out smh), your hands gripping onto his thighs for dear life as his tip nudges at a certain sensitive spot while he times the delivery guy through calculating the speed of your rocking and the pitch of your moans, who is definitely 10 minutes late this time
Your brain is mush by the time the food does get there, Senku happily coaxing orgasm after orgasm out of you with a sweet "Just one more? So I can make it up to you?". It's the closest he can get to you forgetting the whole conundrum and he gets to watch your face shift in overstimulated pleasure
He does still sleep on the couch later that night, but it's only for a couple minutes before you cave and make him eat you out as payback (which you both know is just going to lead to a round of competitive sex, but I'll mind my best)
Asagiri Gen:
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You'd already had an idea this would happen when Gen kept making innuendos about the glaze you'd made for your donuts earlier in the day, but a part of you wasn't really taking his words seriously until he'd told you to wait on the bed
I mean, you couldn't really go anywhere with your wrists tied to the bedpost, but you could hear the small happy pep in his step as he made his way back to you with the icing bag nuzzled snuggly in his hold
"Baby, look what I've got," He eagerly coos as he towers over your body, setting his knee beside you as he slides in closer on the bed. He holds the tip over your lips, squeezing enough for a little bit of the sweet concoction to spill out.
After your tongue swipes the small bit away, he gets to work setting a small dollop on each of your sensitive parts, stopping to admire his work once he finishes
He ensures that you've been licked clean of any stick sweet residue by the time he's finished, keeping track that you're thoroughly prepped before nestling into your welcoming heat
And he happily covers certain areas of your body with the cream again before fully allowing himself to go to town, enjoying the way his cum mixes with the sugary substance on your skin
Shishio Tsukasa:
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"Ts-Tsukasa..." You manage out in an airy tone, tightly gripping the counter as the head of his cock nudges at your entrance. The small sounds you make as he pushes the head all the way in only make him smirk
He leans forward as he pushes fully inside, taking the time to cut the stove off before his hand softly grips your hips and drags you back against him.
"You shouldn't have teased me so much," He softly states into your ear, tugging on the lower back tie of your apron so it hangs freely from your body by the tie around your neck. His right-hand moves to grab at the plush fat of your ass, a smack sounding as he brings his heavy palm down and squeezes as soon as he gets a good grip on it
He easily slides in and out from the perfect combination of spit and lube, the tight hold on your hip allowing him to push and pull against you as he pleases
Each spill of his name from your lips only encourages him to go faster, the breakfast you'd been hard at work creating forgotten with each deep thrust he made inside, stars clouding your mind
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kittanthalos · 2 years
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“My father looked after me and helped to prepare me for my duties. Your mother will do the same for you.”
HOUSE OF THE DRAGON 1.10 | The Black Queen
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methoughtsphantom · 4 months
Cujo’s ears perked up, honing in the sound of a core starting, electricity crackling and a human screaming. The scent of corpse hung in the air, but the moisture frazzled his fur. The pounding started.
And soon the digging too.
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