#he’s eating all my brain cells XD
painted-fanbird · 1 year
I made an observation about how Dustfinger loves the inkworld so so much, and how it loves him right back in a post I reblogged yesterday and now I literally can’t stop thinking about it
Because I just, UGH. He really does, he loves the fire and the fairies and his best friend. His wife, his daughter, his now step-son. The trees, the traveling, the singing, the dancing, even the danger. He loves every part of this world with his whole heart
And it loves him right back! The fairies who healed his face after Basta slashed it, the nymphs who remembered his face even after so long gone, the White Women who love him and his fire, The Great Shapechanger who let him go from her realm of death. For every ounce of love Dustfinger pours into this world, he gets it right back
Which is like, that’s the crux of his character isn’t it? Love. Dustfinger is many things, and he sees himself as many more, but at his core? He is full of love. He loves deeply and wholly. And I love that about him <3
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teecupangel · 1 year
I've been dying to read Desmond's adventure in star wars, but all fics i found were not finished ; (
Could you give me some inspiration plzzzzz
You’ve probably already read this but just in case, esama’s Sailing the Stars is complete so if you want a Desmond-centric fic set during the Clone Wars, go check that out.
So I was thinking where I would punt Desmond into the Star Wars ‘verse and a part of me wants to punt him during KOTOR’s storyline just because that is my favorite Star Wars game (also, just imagine Desmond being mistaken as Darth Revan with amnesia???) but then I realized after checking AO3 that most seem to be set during the prequel trilogy + clone wars so… may I suggest…
Desmond getting punted into the Star Wars OG Trilogy timeline? XD
In this setup, Desmond could wake up on some random planet and he’s just trying to get back to Earth but no one seems to know where and what Earth is (unless we count non-canon but sssshhhh, let’s make it a mystery).
So Desmond does what he does best, he starts gathering information and keeping himself afloat by stealing from the rich.
Now, to ensure he gets sucked into the main plot, we can do the following:
Desmond gets in contact with Han Solo who suggests he joins the Millenium Falcon after Han realizes Desmond has a knack for seeing danger before it approaches and he suggests that Desmond would have a better chance of finding this ‘Earth’ planet of his if he joins them since they do travel everywhere.
Desmond has the habit of being a stowaway whenever he wanted to go off-planet and the Millenium Falcon was simply the next ship he boarded. Old Ben is the one who noticed him when he was just hiding and waiting for Han to finish his business in Tatooine because Desmond didn’t really feel like getting sand all over.
Desmond ends up owning the cantina where Han ends up shooting Greedo and he goes on the run because that incident caused the Imperial soldiers to snoop around the cantina and Desmond, technically, owned the cantina… sorta illegally… So he hitched a ride on the Millenium Falcon since he figured Han owed him… without anyone knowing he was even there until Old Ben saw him.
Unorganized Notes:
Desmond has been assassinating the really bad ones on whichever planet he’s been on. That’s why he mainly hitches rides. On the other hand, if he was the owner of the cantina, he had taken over the cantina to have a ‘base of operation’ while gathering information he can use as part of his plan to assassinate Jabba the Hutt.
Desmond could totally be a Jedi if you want him to be but anyone who trains him will notice the darkness inside him. While he’s mostly chill, he’s an Assassin and that means he would be willing to use anything to finish his mission and survive. He won’t be tempted by the dark side though. It would be more like… he can control the dark side… but that makes him dangerous.
Desmond and Luke would have a more or less brother-like friendship. He could easily influence Luke to be less honorable though, especially if he stays with Luke during the whole ‘Yoda training’ part of his character arc.
On the other hand, Desmond and Han would have a more of ‘you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours’ kind of business relationship that would thaw to a bash brothers type. He, Han, and Chewie share one brain cell and it bounces off each of them. If Desmond had joined them before the start of the trilogy’s story, Desmond would be their lookout and their ‘bodyguard’. He’s fine with all the smuggling as people do need to eat but… if a really bad person dies during one of their runs, well… Han will definitely say ‘no love lost’.
Desmond and Leia would start with snark-to-snark combat which would later turn to respect and trust. If Desmond stayed with Leia and Han’s side of the storyline instead of Luke’s, he’d be more of the shadow of the rebellion.
Desmond will definitely build a Brotherhood during the rebellion and they would be more into clandestine and guerilla tactics. He and Leia won’t always see eye to eye but Leia knows that Desmond’s plans would benefit the rebellion.
Desmond doesn’t see Leia as a princess. She’s a leader of the Rebellion first and foremost and Desmond definitely hides whenever the topic of making him and the Brotherhood officially part of the Rebellion comes up.
If Desmond learns about Darth Vadar’s true relationship with both Luke and Leia, he would have flashbacks of Haytham and, since he doesn’t know who Anakin Skywalker truly was, he would warn Luke that ‘Some people cannot be reasoned with nor can they be saved.’, hoping that Luke wouldn’t feel the same pain Ratonhnhaké:ton felt after killing Haytham.
He would still be glad to learn he had been wrong after Luke tells him how Anakin Skywalker saved him in the end and tell Luke that at least he had a ‘less shitty dad’ than Desmond.
Ben/Jacen would probably end up as an Assassin with Uncle Desmond instead of a Sith… just saying.
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haljathefangirlcat · 1 month
Sometimes I wonder if Walther of Aquitaine is the one hero from the Nibelung/Volsung/Dietrich Cycle to have to most number of brain cells. He clearly gets the heck out of dodge when he can, and then afterwards refuses to be pulled into anymore slapfights. He and Dietrich are the only heroes from that cycle of myths to have happy endings (if you call becoming an immortal Wild Huntsman a happy ending) off the top of my head.
If you had to do a modern AU, would Walther be the one friend constantly facepalming at his buddies' antics?
Well... the only particularly extra thing I can recall about Walther right now is that one version of the story of his fight against Hagen where he throws the bone of a boar he and Hildegund had just been eating at Hagen. But I suppose that's more being good at thinking on his feet even when startled than being a drama queen, lol. There's also the final dialogue between him and Hagen in the Waltharius, I guess, but that's more a "you're probably not that normal if you're so chill about this" kind of thing. All in all, Walther does seem fairly level-headed and sensible by heroic standards. Whenever I think of Modern!AU scenarios for these characters, I like to imagine Walther and Hildegund as a rather reserved and lowkey couple, looking at all the drama going on around them and shaking their heads while sighing in relief that they're not involved.
However, especially in those scenarios, I also like to think they both have their dramatic and even petty sides. Walther has a few rather iconic lines in the Waltharius (my faves are -- not the exact quote from memory, mostly because I have a rather shitty memory, lol -- "Christ's thorn, you sprout such pricking foliage" and "you dance and jest, but when will you fight me?", both aimed at Hagen) and his attitude towards Gunther, no matter how justified, frankly cracks me up, so I do like imagine him as a rather sarcastic person and one who will hold a grudge if provoked enough. Which makes having him and Gunther occasionally be forced to interact as friends (or boyfriends...) of Hagen who can't stand each other in my little Modern!AU fantasies honestly hilarious. Plus, I also like to reimagine the allusions to the Aeneid in his relationship with Hildegund in the Waltharius, especially those in that scene where Hildegund thinks he's going to marry a Hunnish girl and is upset with him, as both of them having a genuine love for the Classics and bringing that into their admittedly rare fights. Often while Hagen watches on like "I've known you for years and I still don't know what's wrong with you guys."
As for Dietrich... this is ofc outside of Germanic heroic shenanigans, but did you know there's also a Latin story where the Devil himself turns into a black horse, lures him on his back, and then rides off into Mount Etna, which is conveniently a secret entrance to Hell itself? It's a bit like how Etzel's generally a good guy in continental sources but Atli's an asshole in Norse ones, imo. And I guess that's not really relevant to the conversation, but sorry, Dietrich is just so Extra about everything including his death, no matter what tradition you're looking at, and I kinda love talking about it. XD
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sergeantnarwhalwrites · 4 months
Happy STS! (Shh, I'm a day behind.) And because of that, today's a free space! Use it to ramble as you please! ♥️
Happy belated STS! 💙💙
Guess I'll just ramble about some ideas I had but I am just too busy or brain dead to write/draw right now.
1. Saz shaves off her facial hair for a mission. Everyone looks at her in fucking confusion. I feel like someone would probably start crying. XD I want to write this so bad. Saz hates the naked face but their reactions to it almost make it worth it.
2. Peace and Green get into an argument. Lol not out of the usual. But I wanted this one to sting a bit. They both get hella heated. Don't know who starts it but one of them ends up on the floor. And shit just gets worse. Oh it gets so much worse. They'll make up. But they'll remember the fuck out of this.
3. Green says something. Probably being a smart ass or arguably a rash dumb ass. Hollis or Digits responds back with one of the insults I thought up that they'd throw at Green awhile ago. Insult: " You sound like you gargle rocks." (Because Green's got a very gruff kind of gravelly voice) Green silently fumes probably growls beneath her breath. Glares at all of them literally laughing their asses off.
4. I go into a possible backstory thing of how Julie lost her eye. I'm thinking it was an undercover mission. She gets a lot of those cause she doesn't have any very obvious morpher traits. She doesn't have to kill but she is there to intimidate and kind of seduce. The person fights back, struggles. Julie loses her eye (maybe from a glass maybe her victim had clawed at it enough to cause irreversible damage) and they end up dead. The morphers are pissed. Julie's angrier.
5. BLOODY, GORY, SUPER VIOLENT, kinda ragey, kinda depressy piece where Saz goes absolutely rabid in her morpher form. Like these are some brutal deaths her victims go through. I don't know if she'd freak the fuck out, completely dissociate from reality, puke her guts up, or kinda enjoy it. I'm thinking a mixture. Someone helps her wipe the blood off of her face when she returns to her human form. I need it so fucking bad. I just don't know how to write it.
6. An expansion on a blurb I wrote for a tag game. I don't know if I want to keep it exactly the same. Or have it more as Donnie comes in while another person is there. Is kinda in shock that the person is also a cyborg. Hollis and Donnie crack the fuck up hearing how this cyborg got injured. Or Donnie is the one that got injured and Hollis tries not to laugh cause it's a goofy ass injury.
7. I want to work on my fanfics so bad too. But I have no fucking brain cells. The softball one calls to me. But I also kinda wanna make a side off anthology kinda thing based off of my competitive eating one.
8. I love the schematics I made for Digits' prosthetics so much. Kinda want to do Donnie's. But technically he's a cyborg. So he's mostly prosthetics and mechanics. So that would take me a century and a half.
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Watched Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated for the first time today…
I know it’s really old by now, but with the horrible rise of that new one for “adults” I wanted to watch it since I’d heard good things. So…here are my thoughts as I watched:
-I love each character’s introduction:
* Velma the cynical tour guide who is also so bossy and pushy, especially with her relationship with Shaggy (I’ll get to that)
* Fred the trap-obsessed himbo…and his dad is the mayor here? Interesting.
* Daphne having sisters?! And all are super successful? That’s really cool! They’re pretty but they all have successful careers…nice touch. And it isn’t thrown in your face too long. A brief joke and background detail that might come back. (No spoilers though)
I love her voice too. It’s nice to hear Grey DeLisle’s voice and I think it fits Daphne here very well.
* Shaggy and Scooby once again eating everything as always, but the parents look very similar to Shaggy which is nice. It helps pull away from the fan joke Shaggy’s a stoner
-Patrick Warburton as the chief of police…perfect. I love his voice and though that mustache doesn’t fit it, that’s okay. XD
-Nice Easter eggs nodding back to the old shows too! Not only the most famous monsters from the original cartoon, but there was also the clown-jester looking one from the first live-action Scooby Doo movie. The one they unmasked at the very beginning before the tone shift of everyone separating.
-I knew when I saw the shade of green of the fruitmeir stuff it was connected to the goo…gross.
-Scooby is part cat??? (He extended a talon to open a lock somehow???)
-The joke about why a high school teacher would need more money. XD Too real…but very funny
-Shaggy and Velma are painful to watch…oof… And I know the twist there, so I know why. But it’s so obvious Shaggy isn’t that into Velma and that she’s trying too hard to be a couple. I don’t know why yet, but no spoilers.
Overall it’s a fun show so far. I got a few chuckles and though for this first episode of the reveal of the teacher as the culprit was…weird…since the group never suspected him to begin with so maybe the scene where he stages being a victim himself was for us and not the one-brain cell group (Velma usually has the brain cell), but it was fun. I liked it. lol
Bonus thought under cut…
I have a theory about why the show, Velma was made now too…
Mindy Kailyn hated this reboot of the show so much she thought “I can do better, and make it adult” and so we got the adult trash that is her show. It’s just the complete opposite of everything that Mystery Inc is:
-Fred is the most hated on (by characters) person and an unlikeable idiot of a kid whose father is embarrassed by him. Said father is also rich and important. Mystery Inc has Fred as a lovable himbo oblivious to Daphne’s feelings but with a father that is worried about him but not cruel.
-Daphne is a stuck up bitch that only becomes less of one when the forced writing of her being with Velma starts. Her parents are the ones they try to make likable, but no one in the show is. Where in Mystery Inc the parents want Daphne to drop her friend group and stop obsessing over Fred and make something of herself.
-Norville has an unrequited crush on Velma, and she is relentlessly cruel about it. This is the opposite of Mystery Inc where Shaggy is the one hesitant on how he feels and Velma is pushing to become public about their relationship.
-Velma isn’t just brutally honest, she’s judgmental and hateful toward everyone. Especially Norville, who doesn’t get the hint and keeps trying to get her to like him. Until he sees her kissing Daphne. Then he meets a black girl that people suspect replaced Scooby. Maybe a middle finger to Warner Bros for not letting the show use him.
Because yeah, they said no to Velma using Scooby in their show. It wasn’t because it wasn’t adult enough if they include him.
That’s just my theory, since it seems Velma went out of its way to be the opposite of Mystery Incorporated.
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raybyanothername · 2 years
I reckon tho that Sunfyre and Jace are partners in crime when it comes to keeping Aegon from doing something stupid. Sunfyre will just drop Aegon off in front of Jace and refuse to let him leave until he is convinced to stop. Vermax on the other hand enables Aegon. Why does he do this? Because it annoys Sunfyre and because Aegon will bring him treats if he does. But mainly because it annoys Sunfyre.
See, I would consider Sunfyre as the ultimate enabler. He's in it for the laughs and the chaos. Now, proper stupid? Yeah, he's gonna protest, but anything non-life-threatening, he'll be a smug wingman, all ready to laugh as Aegon terrorizes the citizens of the Red Keep, Westeros, and himself.
I would agree that when Aegon is on a self-destructive path, Jace is suddenly greeted by a *very impatient* golden dragon who would like him to *fix it* now. Hurry up, silly human, my rider is being dumb and I need you to talk to him. What do you mean you have to put clothes on first? Hurry up! Why are you so flustered? Aegon never panicks when I knock on *his* window...
Vermax, on the other hand, is a proper little ball of chaos, always egging Jace on. The fact that Jace won't let him burn their enemies alive when they're annoying is his greatest annoyance in life. Sunfyre got a rider who enjoyes chaos!! Why can't we burn down just one city? Come on! What if I just eat the one kingsguard? You know you hate him anyway... I want to try Dornish food~
Jace really is suffering as the owner of the Only brain cell that can comprehend restrain. Both dragons are absolutely Here For It when he hands it to Aegon. Aegon cannot properly operate the brain cell. The dragons are going to play~~~
So, really, any time Vermax is with Aegon? People worry. So much worry. Where is Jace? Those two little balls of chaos should not be left unsupervised!
Sunfyre as Jace's partner in crime? Oh... he enjoys the sneaky sneak, the posturing. He feels like Caraxes, showing up at just the right time to underline a threat. Vermax doesn't have the temperment for that, not yet anyway. (Give him a few decades and he'll be Caraxes 2.0, with better scales and hotter fire. Or so he thinks anyway.)
Generally, if Sunfyre is seeking Jace out though it's because Aegon is on a bender. If Vermax is seeking Aegon out... Jace is about murder someone and Aegon should probably try to talk him out of it, but Vermax is so excited! How can one say no to that face?!
I don't know what this answer is, except evidence that I should go to bed, but rambling about dragons is always fun! XD
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Lou had only just napped off his earlier tussle (fortunately he's unlocked the skill where he heals much faster than a regular person) when Amelie wanted to sit him down for some big news.
Or rather, I tried to have them sit together but Amelie insisted on getting up and walking around. Mebbe nervous pacing? xD
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"Erm, you should really be sitting down for this..."
(Well he would have been if you hadn't got off that couch, Amelie. Also some discussion of adult matters below.)
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She expected that at best, he would offer to support her and the nooboo, and they would just see where their relationship would go from there. What she wasn't anticipating was his sheer delight.
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"Okay, fine. Wanna come and sit on the couch with me?" "OKAY, FINE?" "Well you know how my sense of smell is much better than a normal person's? Your hormones have changed and stuff. And I heard you the other night when we were out and you threw up. You don't throw up unless you eat dairy. And then your boobs have-" "Lou!" "What? They're two very good friends of mine."
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He then, in his 'two brain cells off being a himbo' way (we like himbos in this simblr) proceeded to reassure her that he was actually really excited about this development.
"And this? It's not a - well it is a big deal. But if part of the reason why you're so scared is because you think that you're all by yourself in this? Then don't be." "I don't - I don't know what to say-" "That's okay. Like I said, I kind of knew before you did. Not gonna lie, I've always pictured myself raising a little pup or bat or two with you. If you were into that, I mean." "In the animal kingdom, baby bats are also called 'pups'." "You see? We've got this."
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Lou continued to reassure her, invited her in for a snuggle, especially since pregnancy hormones were beginning to take a toll.
"C'mere. This is why I spend all that time at the gym. Give pretty vampire girls like you some nice broad shoulders to cry on."
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(I hate them and want out of this save xD)
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Lou then had a very important question. Possibly the most important of the night.
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"Okay, but can the nursery be pink?"
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And since they wouldn't have to worry about family planning for the next while, he had a suggestion of how they could celebrate this big news (in addition to her unpacking her suitcase permanently, that is).
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(His face, guys. I can't xD)
So Gen B/two is officially on its way! I left it fairly open in terms of how it would come about, and I'm actually pretty pleased with how it played out and will add some ramblings later. Also this may have actually become my comfort save, of course it would be the main occult save xD
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leafiebeanie · 1 year
for the rntn ask game!! 🔥❤️💣💭
hi!!! thanks for the ask bb! (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b
🔥- What first drew you to Rengoku Kyojuro/Tanjiro?
naturally, the man's beautiful and thick eyebrows xD jkjk
more answers under the cut! (its very long, you have been warned 🤭🤭)
i definitely fell heart ❤️ first for kyotan after finishing the mugen train arc, but hmmmmm, to pinpoint the exact moment it ✨ sparked ✨ and activated the fujo cells in my brain, it has to be the sleepy time on the train—i am not immune to the tenderness of the scene, pls gtg couldve had tan sleep against the window, or nod off to sleep without leaning against kyo, BUTTTTTT tan placed his head on kyo's shoulder, AND KYO DIDN'T STOP HIM!!! (ง ื▿ ื)ว
for all we know, tan couldve drifted off to sleep first on the rattling window, and then kyo placed his head on his shoulder so tan could sleep more comfortably! 😉😉 anyway
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🎴 tanjiro has always been my favourite character, right from the start of the series—he's a very loveable character, dependable, and his "i am the eldest son!" attitude really endeared me 😭😭 similarly, kyo is also a very dependable and sexy big brother, so its needless to say that they captured my heart almost instantly
and obviously, like, the way the kamaboko trio first met kyo on the train, how it was zen and ino's first time seeing kyo, and they were asking tan how they would know they met the right person,,, and the way tan said he's seen kyo before and would definitely recognise him! (im not gonna lie, that little bit alone had the fujo braincells in my head starting to wake up 🤭🤭)
and then how they got to see kyo's strength and power as he slayed the first two demons on the train with ease, and then the look of admiration (love) on tan's face when kyo ran up to tan and told him he would take care of five carriages while zen and nezuko handled three,,,
yes i took so many screenshots when rewatching the movie
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my boy's down bad for kyo 🥺🥺
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alternatively..... this is what i want kyo to say heheheheh
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and then how at the end of the movie, kyo gave it his all while fighting akaza,, how desperate tan was as he watched the fight from afar, hating how weak he was, how he flung his sword at akaza while akaza ran from the sun
and then finally, when kyo called tan to come over and referred to him by his name, especially hits hard when he calls zenitsu yellow hair and inosuke, boar boy,, and how he gave tan and nezuko his approval 😭😭😭
and then how tan could barely keep himself together, couldnt bring himself to accept the fact that kyo, a powerful and strong hashira, has lost to an upper moon, his anguished cries while he was carried away, please, spare me
i just really love how close kyo and tan got during the events of one night 😭😭😭
and i always find myself gravitating to ships that could have been, had you not left your time too early :')
plus an honorary mention from the short scene in the opening song, where kyo tries to get tan to eat more bentos, augh so cute!!! 😍😍
❤️ - what are your favorite kind of RenTan stories? (Canon, Rengoku lives, modern… etc)
mmm, i am a huge sucker for animal settings and stuff with deities, so konpon au, tiger x cat, owl kyo, literally all the ones with part animal stuff, i eat them all up!
aside from that, the rengoku lives tag is free therapy okay, lets be real xDDDDDDD i just love thinking about the future that couldve happened if kyo had survived
and i also think it would be interesting to see how they would live their lives after muzan has been taken down, we have kyo, whose entire life has been moulded and shaped for one purpose only and now that theyve finally achieved it, what happens?
definitely, there would be a training arc, maybe kyo and tan would have to rein in wandering thoughts about each other, or fics where kyotan gets into an argument bc tan doesnt want to become his tsuguko bc it means replacing kyo as hashira,
and even dumb shenanigans like giyuu being salty and jealous about kyo wanting tan to be his tsuguko, bc it! was! giyuu! who found tan first! kyo should go look for someone else to be his tsuguko! xD
like many others have said before me, i think it would be sweet to watch kyo learn how to live a simple life with tan, where each day is simply spent appreciating the idle things in life, the quiet days where nothing particularly Big! or Adrenaline Rushing! happens
💣 - share your most controversial RenTan take. Set your thoughts ablaze!!
controversial take hmmmmmmmm
lets see, i think kyo has the potential to be manipulative, whether he is conscious of it or not
it has to do with his trauma, where he is so! good! at compartmentalising his emotions, and how rigid he can sometimes be about "this is the way things has to be",
im talking about how ruka instilled "the strong must protect the weak" mentality in kyo, and given how he interacts with sen and the bento girl, it sort of reflects that "the weak should just sit back and be protected by the strong"
and i just think that if he's 100% set his mind on "the way a certain thing should be", he might end up manipulating the situation to be what he has envisioned in his mind
like if sen really pushes through headstrong that he is going to train hard and join the demon slater corps, kyo is going to reject and push sen's desires down, kind of the way shin is doing to kyo, but kyo might end up saying things that affect sen more than shin does kyo—maybe he'll tell sen about what ruka says, and it can be especially effective bc sen barely has any memories of ruka before she passed, how he should just let him! the older and more capable one! handle all the hard work, that sen is pitiful enough the way he already is, really hammering in the point that sen cannot possibly do anything,,, that kind of stuff
of course, that doesnt mean that kyo is incapable of changing his mind—proven when he first says nezuko should be killed bc she is a demon and 100% no longer human, but then changes his mind about nezuko once he sees her protecting the passengers in mugen train
gah—i just think that he can be manipulative if he (his heart) really wants to, and i say his heart because again, he might be doing it subconsciously, reflecting what he really wants deep down, and not what he thinks should happen from his skewed perspective as the strong one
💭 - In a world where the train ride lasted longer, what do Rengoku and Tanjiro dream of?
ooh!!! this one is a fun one!
enmu says he likes to give his victims the happiest dream they could ever dream of, then thrust them into the most painful dream once they've relaxed and put down their guards,,,
so lets see, for kyo right, since his dream starts of with a memory of him telling shin that he has finally become the flame hashira, and how shin belittles him and his efforts
then it goes on to show sen waiting outside shin's room, waiting for kyo to come out etc, yadda yadda
i think enmu would continue to build on that dream, so it will emphasize the peaceful, but short, days that kyo gets to spend with sen
then! he might end up dreaming about ruka, about the happy days he has shared with his family, before ruka's passing that broke shin so bad
maybe it'll show scenes where kyo gets back from a long mission and starts telling sen about how it went, and then goes on with him learning things that sen excitedly shares, stories that he's learned from reading,
sen getting his beloved aniki to try and taste test his latest recipes bc shin is too busy drowning himself in alcohol, kyo thoroughly enjoying and appreciating sen's efforts, eating burnt food whilst sen apologizes nonstop and trying to get kyo to stop eating the burnt stuff, saying he'll make another batch that isnt burnt
maybe there'll even be a part where sen helps to trim kyo's hair for the first time, carefully, and then sen accidentally cuts off a big chunk
now kyo lets him and just laughs it off, bc he wants to leave some happy memories with sen before his inevitable death happens, as with any rengoku before him, while fulfilling their duty
as for tan, enmu also lets him dream about his family, and we know that tan so desperately misses his family, how much he wants to sit there and bask in denial that his family had been killed in cold blood
so continuing from that, i think tan would be spending more time with his family, chopping wood and making charcoal as usual with takeo following him around happily, then descending the mountain to sell charcoal as per his usual routine with rokuta and hana tagging along
maybe the seasons would change, from winter to spring, where tan would occasionally take a break and go pick some flowers for kie, and to spend time basking in the morning sun with rokuta and hana
to summer, where he would bring his siblings down to the river and play with them in the water, and he would catch fish with them, teaching them how to spear the fishes
to autumn, where he would rake up the leaves to make a giant leaf pile and his siblings would jump into it, maybe he might even build a little canopy hut thing for them to play in with the fallen leaves and branches
with all the seasons that come and go, tan watches happily as his siblings all grow up, but bc enmu wants to give him a bad dream at the end, tan realises that he's the only one that isnt aging like the rest of his family
he starts to notice when he sees takeo and rokuta looming over him, having grown up already, takeo, getting into his rebellious phase, rokuta, no longer the crybaby he used to be
nezuko and hana, much older now, swooning over the new family that just moved into town, who also happens to have a handsome and single young man, who only vaguely reminds tan about muzan (bc it is him but in a different form, and tan cant smell him very well bc he's already so drawn into his dream, so settled in but just on edge enough to realise that something isnt quite right)
kie, her eyesight no longer what it used to be, grey hairs and shaky hands are her normal now, but still lovingly making their favourite senbei for her darling children
all growing older, except for tan, who continues to remain stuck, frozen in time
and there you have it! so sorry it took me so long to reply xDDDDD i had to get fresh screencaps from the movie hehe
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Gray Fullbuster - for the hcs thing!
Q, thank you ehhehe ♥️♥️
Sexuality Headcanon: always bi, everyone bi
Gender Headcanon: i don't really think about that stuff
A ship I have with said character: gruvia is great, gray X juvia X Lyon is perfect (ahhhhh I love them together so much, my ot3)
A BROTP I have with said character: gray with everyone in the guild but mostly like natsu and erza I guess
A NOTP I have with said character: with Lucy does not work for me, I mean it's fine, but I just don't see it
A random headcanon: Gray feels warm all the time because as an Ice mage his general body temperature is just low. So even the slightest warm surrounding make him feel very hot, hence leading to him taking his clothes off for relief
General Opinion over said character: I love gray. XD i just want to eat up characters that have this need to self sacrifice born out of a deep feeling of guilt for something that wasn't really their fault. He is very serious and dumb at the same time. No braincells and all the brain cells. Sometimes he says something hot for no reason without realising and then is surprised that juvia likes him so much. Idiot, i love him
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writerfae · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes Tag
Rules: use this quote generator & list as many quotes as you like using characters from your WIPs, then tag as many people as quotes you listed.
I was tagged the first time by @saltysupercomputer a while ago! Thanks for the tag and sorry that it took a while! ^^
Leaving an open tag for this one!
I always have way too much fun with these xD so here’s some quotes about the main gang (mostly under the cut)
Halea: I just found out that humans are capable of fitting a light bulb into their mouth with ease but can't take it out without shattering it, and now I have to physically restrain myself from putting a light bulb in my mouth
Aiden: Caw caw, motherfuckers.
Talon: The only thing keeping me from running away and hiding from society for the rest of my life is spite. I could disappear forever, but there are some bitches whose downfalls I have yet to witness, and I wanna be around when that happens.
Maya, making coffee tea: This is going to fix everything.
Maya: For self defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely.
Halea, Talon, & Aiden: Okay.
Maya: If you don't want to die, give me all your money.
Halea: Bold of you to assume I have money.
Talon: Bold of you to assume I don't want to die.
Aiden : Bold of you to assume I can die.
Maya: I'm so happy, I could kiss you!
Halea: Um.. Neat.
Halea, lying face down on her bed: I said "Neat," Aiden. Who the fuck says neat these days? It's not neat to say neat but I said it anyways because l'm fucking stupid.
Aiden, reading a book: Don't beat yourself up too much, Halea. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what I did when Talon confessed his love for me?
Halea: Didn't you thank him?
Aiden: *closes the book and looks at the ceiling* I fucking thanked him.
Halea, watching Talon & Maya panic: What's going on?
Aiden: Talon is having a midlife crisis and Maya is just having a crisis.
Halea: You were stabbed. Do you remember anything?
Aiden: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital.
Talon: That wasn't an ambulance, I drove you.
Aiden: But I heard a siren.
Halea: That was Maya.
Maya: Sorry, I got nervous.
Talon: Die.
Aiden: Please don't die!
Talon: DIE!
Maya, confused: Why are they yelling at a plant?
Halea, watching while eating popcorn: They bought it together and Aiden wants Talon to accept it as their kid.
Talon : That's ridiculous, Aiden doesn't have a crush on me.
Halea: Yes he does.
Maya: Yes he does.
Aiden: Yes I do.
Maya: I am convinced Aiden and Halea share a brain cell.
Talon: And it's not in use very often, it seems.
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shdwtouch · 2 months
Whats aomething your pet(s) do? Are they smart?
so, I have a cat, my emotional support animal, Gambit ! and then we / my mom has dogs, siblings Bruin and Sedona, and a corgi named Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein. my sister also has cats, Purrlock Holmes and Meowdame Leota. I'm just gonna list off some facts about all of them, because I love all of them. XD
facts about Leota !
she adores her brother, Purrlock. she literally has a shrine dedicated to him under my sisters desk. like. his old collars, his favorite toys, a little drawing of him (I'm not fucking joking, it's a drawing on a wine cork my sister got at an art faire).
she is the sweetest, quietest, most polite cat I have ever met
facts about Purrlock !
he looks like a little cow. he eats like one too XD
he would sell you to satan for one (1) treat
facts about Ulrich !
he is the BIGGEST diva. sometimes he refuses to eat unless he is spoon fed. he refuses to jump down from locations he jumped onto and acts like he can't get down without help. thinks hes bigger than he is and tries to act like it. he sometimes refuses to climb the back stairs and must be carried indoors like a baby. he is also very judgmental.
he is terrified of Leota, but fine with the other cats XD
one time he got stuck on our porch because his way was blocked and he couldn't back up. after saving his sorry little butt, he did it again.
facts about Sedona !
she hates my guts. why ? because she doesn't like leashes, medication, or going places she does not want to go... and I was responsible for doing all that. now my sister handles it, thankfully. I love the dog, she just hates me. :c
acts stupid, is actually very smart
she would sell you to satan for one (1) ear rub
gassy. poor baby has some digestion issues unfortunately :c but we do what we can for her. we can always tell she isn't feeling good because she gets grumpy, but then I get grumpy too when my stomach doesn't feel good so.
facts about Bruin !
my favoritest boy (don't tell Gambit XD)
he is the sweetest, most stupid dog you will ever meet. we live in the country and are surrounded by cow fields. one time, when he was still pretty young, he got out and came back with a gash in his head. vet says a cow most likely kicked him. :c even though he was already pretty sweet and derpy before that, I like to joke that everything changed after "the accident". poor guy.
he thinks cows are his friends. "cows" is his trigger word I s2g. you say cows and his ears perk up, he gets so excited, its adorable. he just sits outside and watches them. also ? every day, around 6 pm, he goes out to the side yard and barks at the cows in our neighbors field. idk why, I think that's when they get fed so they move to that side of the field ? but without fail, he's out there barking.
he has excited tail syndrome. the kind of dog that wags their tail and their whole body just starts wiggling and shaking. he's adorable.
facts about Gambit !
is literally screaming at me right now
only drinks cold water, but he does not like ice
a cuddle baby. he's literally such a loving baby boy, I love him.
thinks hes tough. is not actually tough.
thinks he's gonna inherit my stuff when I die, so he keeps trying to kill me (joking)
thinks he's cute (he is cute) but he needs to be constantly reminded
does NOT !! like kisses
is in a situationship with Purrlock, thinks its Leota
and now to answer the "are they smart" portion of this question. Sedona and Ulrich ? they act stupid but we know they are smart. Bruin is as dumb as they come, unfortunately, but he makes up for it by being incredibly sweet. Purrlock and Gambit have a single brain cell each, and fight over the third to make fire. Leota has all the cat brain cells but dedicates them solely to loving on her brother.
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
Hi, I was just wondering if you have any headcanons for Blue Exorcist?
I'm not sure why, but my mind went entirely blank when I saw this ask xD I've managed to mostly rally my brain cells back together and come up with a few for the exwires and a few general ones :) Rin
ADHD and Dyslexia. (Are those really still head canons or are they considered canon at this point?)
Really sensitive to textures and gets easily distracted and upset if he’s wearing scratchy things.
Loves cuddling. Platonic or romantic is fine. He just likes cuddling.
He has one of Shirou’s rosaries and keeps it with him at all times.
Always chewing on things. Pencils, pens, food, gum, fingernails, sticks, sleeves, anything he can get hold of.
Run’s warmer than most people but is always cold.
Bi. Boy is very bi and still realizing it about himself.
Never really gets sick, even before the demon thing. When he does he’s very quiet about it and tries to hide it until he can’t.
Likes shopping, and doesn’t really care what he’s shopping for. Anything is fun.
Loves kids and is really good with them. Wants some whenever he gets older.
Always cold (it’s the depression.)
Loves sweets and never allows himself them.
Thinks slapstick is one of the greatest forms of comedy.
Adores puns and is quick to think of them.
Addicted to caffeine.
Knows Latin
Chose to get the Doctor Meister because Rin’s optimistic belief in him made him want to be a doctor.
Shadow demons terrified him as a child, and it still makes him afraid of the dark even though he’ll never admit it.
Anal about having his books/manga in a certain order and gets really annoyed if they’re moved.
Needs glasses and hates them so he bought himself contacts the minute he could.
He gets the migraine from his mother and they’re always aggravated by skipping meals. He carries protein bars around to help avoid missing meals.
Likes to draw/paint to relieve stress and keep himself loose for drawing magical circles. He likes to sketch his classmates and would be mortified if they ever saw his stuff.
Enjoys Japanese operas and has a few entirely memorized.
Gay and very private about it.
I think I have curry as his favorite food in every fic I write, lol. He strikes me as the type to feel guilty about loving something so unhealthy, and rarely allows himself the treat.
Doesn’t care for coffee at all but is addicted to green tea.
Crabby as hell if he has to stay up past his bedtime.
His prayer beads were gifted to him by his father when he was a child and just learning how to chant.
Has a hard time falling asleep without listening to chants.
Introvert and protective of his alone time. If he chooses to give it up for you, you’re important.
The official bug removed. He has no fear of creepy-crawlies and has been tasked with getting rid of them since he was a kid because Renzou gets loud when there are bugs around.
Prefers reading nonfiction to anything else.
Hates getting up early but makes himself do it anyway.
Has gotten in trouble on numerous occasions for feeding stray cats around the temple.
Thank to Rynoa’s fantastic work, I now headcanon him as disliking especially sweet things. He only eats sweets because he thinks girls likes them.
He’s extremely good at figuring out escape routes and always locates the obvious and not obvious exits whenever he goes someplace. Never know when you’re gonna need to escape.
Was scared of Yamantaka when he was little and still doesn’t fully know what to make of him.
He’s seen demons all his life and has always considered Bon and Konekomaru naive to dedicate their lives to fighting them without any real idea what they’re like.
Smart and tries very hard to hide it.
Extrovert but shy.
I also think she’s a demisexual.
She’s seen demons all her life, but they never scared her. She’s always assumed they were friendly unless proven otherwise.
She will prune any plant she’s near. It’s just a habit at this point.
She’ll poke around house plants and check their leaves and soil to make sure they’re happy.
Ride or die friend. She will tease/mock you relentlessly and tear anyone apart who dares to do the same.
She knows how to knit and likes to make little dolls. She’s extremely bashful about gifting them.
She adores colorful gel pens and glitter pens.
General head canons
Mephisto has the sky at True Cross rigged so the stars are visible.
Lewin is connected to Section 13, but not a full clone. I think he was a test subject as a child.
Kuro chases mice away from the dorms when he’s not hanging with Rin.
I head canon Takara is controlled entirely by the demon and in a sort of sleep paralysis state, very occasionally waking from it before the demon sends him back to sleep.
Demons sleep with their eyes partly open (Rin included) so they can keep mildly alert even while they’re asleep.
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ruined, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: Why is there a mostly shirtless man in your bedroom and why is it Kim Namjoon's, your roommate's, fault? All you want to do is play League of Legends, not be visually attacked by ridiculously attractive Jeon Jungkook as his six friends perform living room karaoke at the top of their very drunk lungs.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; classic Namjoon ripping clothes; you don't have to know how to play LoL, I explain most of it; smut (fem reader, dirty talk, begging, scratching / marking, nipple play, edging / orgasm denial, handjob, (unintentional?) voyeurism, little bit of cum-eating, choking, cowgirl, cock warming); non-idol!BTS – purple-haired, kind-of-a-brat, sub!Jungkook x gamer, noona, dom!reader, ft OT6 being chaotic in the background XD
@yn-the-reader linked me in this and I was already writing about him. a prophet, maybe? XD
You died.
Not literally, but also literally.
Now you had thirty-seven seconds of gray screen to figure out why the fuck Jeon Jungkook had busted into your bedroom on this cheerful night with his black dress shirt three-quarters of the way unbuttoned, revealing most of his – oh, sweet Satan, very muscular – pecs and the upper half of his abs. He was holding something in his hands, looking helpless and sad, while you were panic buying Liandry's Anguish and experiencing a special form of anguish yourself.
“Noona, um–”
That’s right, because you were in the middle of a League of Legends game, playing Cassiopeia, the Serpent’s Embrace, also known as half-snake lady or the lamia of the champion roster or a mean version of Monster Musume’s Miia (if you know, you know, and if you don’t, be glad you don’t). Your roommate was having friends over after going drinking. All this was fine and dandy with you, because you were going to spend all night wearing headphones and playing League of Legends, therefore ignoring the outside world, until the outside world came to bother you in the form of Kim Namjoon’s – your roommate’s – mostly shirtless friend Jeon Jungkook.
He wasn’t mostly shirtless most of the time, only right now.
“Noona, Namjoon-hyung ripped my shirt…” Jungkook whimpered hesitantly, chewing on his lip. He looked awkward and distraught despite his long dark purple hair giving him a rather fierce, bad-boy look.
Namjoon was a great roommate. He was smart, conversational, and insightful. A chat with him usually led to an enriching, open-minded perspective. He was relatively clean, considerate, communicative, nonjudgmental, fun to be around, and only set the kitchen on fire twice.
The second time was your fault.
You shouldn’t have let Namjoon in the kitchen the second time.
Also, Namjoon with his friends was a wildly chaotic time. All of his friends, especially drunk, were fucking nuts. Normally, they were probably relatively calm people (maybe not Kim Seokjin or Jung Hoseok, they were very excitable), but together they were a mess. You often wondered how they could function as a group.
Currently, however, you were trying to collect your brain cells as you had mere seconds before respawning onto the platform and were forced to play again. Timing in League of Legends was very important. Seconds can mess up wave management of minions and wave mismanagement can lead to game losses if you weren’t careful. The nuances of the game were often ignored by casual players.
You were, in short, a nerd about it.
“Fucking s-shit, what h-happened?” you sputtered out, turning back to your screen, unable to look at mostly shirtless Jungkook because he was MOSTLY SHIRTLESS. Honestly, he had quite nice pecs, and you should not be thinking about that, but it was incredibly distracting, just like how it used to be distracting when Namjoon was shirtless, but several years of living with him made you accustomed to his impressive pectoral muscles, to the point where you could joke about them with him.
But this was not Namjoon – this was his younger friend Jungkook and you had no idea Jungkook was ripped, mostly because you didn’t pay attention to Namjoon’s friends.
There were too many of them and you were too introverted for that.
“I don’t know, he just grabbed my shirt and it ripped and I managed to find all the buttons, but, but…”
Cassiopeia respawned on the platform and you couldn’t ignore the snake lady any longer. You had to play the game because four random people on your team were counting on you and you couldn’t exactly type, sorry, there’s a hot man in my room with his shirt practically off and I don’t know what to do with my life, so you had to suck it up and play the damn game.
Right-clicking and keeping your eyes only on your computer monitor.
Half-listening to that trembling, silvery voice coming up behind you, making your hairs stand on end even though all he was doing was dumping the tiny buttons on your desk.
Oh, fuck me, you thought to yourself.
“Can you repair it? Please? My mom bought me this shirt and Namjoon-hyung said you can sew, so maybe you can sew them back on? Please?”
“Yes, Jungkook, I can, just not right now, I’m in the middle of a game,” you rambled, suddenly trading damage with the enemy Viktor, trying to avoid the laser from the Machine Herald, swearing under your breath as you stutter-stepped and stunned him, poisoning him quickly enough with your abilities to avoid dying. “I will help you, I just – fucking shit, get the fuck away from me Udyr, fuck!”
“Wow, you curse a lot, noona. It’s kind of funny.”
“I – fuck– I mean, sometimes, and what are you guys doing out there? It sounds like a deranged cabaret club,” you remarked, ticking your head towards the direction of your bedroom door.
“Karaoke!” Jungkook replied brightly, still standing behind you, why was he standing behind you, it was freaking you out a little, but Ocean Dragon was being taken and a team fight was about to happen, so you had to ignore it and support your teammates in chasing down the enemy support.
Seokjin hit a high note that was so shrill that you heard it through your headphones.
“… Wow, he’s got some lungs on him.”
“Do you wanna join us, noona?”
“I can’t sing.”
“Neither can we.”
“Pretty sure all of you can sing better than I can, even Yoongi and Namjoon. I’m fucking terrible.”
“I’m not that good.”
You barely survived with thirty hit points after that debacle of a team fight, but your team had the dragon and you all were slowly on your way to victory. You pressed the ‘B’ key to return to base, but kept your eyes on the screen, lest Udyr, the Spirit Walker and serial bear stun-slapping enemy jungler, ran your ass down and killed you.
“Jungkook, your voice is absolutely heavenly. Fucking beautiful. I’m sure every human being on Earth would want to be serenaded by you.”
Silence that you didn’t notice was awkward for him because you were too busy letting out a sigh of relief and building your next item, typing quickly to your teammates. You all were about to set up for vision around Baron Nashor, a large purple worm-dragon monster that when killed provided a significant, sometimes game-ending buff.
“R… really?”
“Yeah, and you’re handsome, gorgeous, and hot as hell too, so the whole damn package,” you responded absentmindedly, realizing the enemy were trying to split-push and trade objectives so you sent some pings to your teammate to take care of that as you accompanied the main group to help clear waves of minions.
You heard him shift beside you and suddenly his face was next to yours, watching your screen closely.
Side-step, cast your ultimate, cast your Miasma ability to ground the enemies and prevent them from dashing away, switching between auto-attacking and piercing them with Twin Fang, all in the span of a mild freak-out because why was Jungkook so FUCKING close?
“Wow, you’re so good at League.”
“I’m Diamond rank, so not that good, but definitely better than all seven of you combined.”
“Haha, true, we’re all pretty bad,” Jungkook laughed next to your ear and, oh, shit, is warm breath feathered on your neck, why weren’t you wearing a turtleneck or something and not your self-cropped oversized band t-shirt and slinky black leggings, why weren’t you cocooned in layers of clothes, because you were quickly highly aware of how attractive Namjoon’s friends were.
To top it all off, you were in the middle of a game, so you just had to tolerate it and stay calm for the sake of your teammates and your elo.
“Maybe you could teach us and we’ll teach you something in return.”
“You guys don’t even listen to each other, why would I assume you all would listen to me?”
“I’d listen to you, noona.”
Now your team was doing the Baron dance, skirting in and out of vision, daring the other team to make a move, daring each other to make a mistake so the other could capitalize on it, slowly, slowly, watch the waves, watch the minimap. Careful. You could control the situation if you were calm and not too trigger-happy. Tension in your fingers and tension in your neck because your roommate’s friend was right next to your head, observing your every move.
His violet hair brushed your shoulder.
Soft, delicate strands against your skin.
“You’re more experienced, so you would know what to do.”
Your support snap-engaged a fight and you were immediately in the zone, right clicking rapidly, cycling through your abilities, keeping track of the opponents’ spells, determined not to let any of them get away, following your teammate’s calls and not hesitating, because hesitation as death and loss, and you were so close to winning you could taste it, going after it with passionate vigor and a slow-forming grin, seeing and hearing the in-game announcer declaring, QUADRA KILL.
You didn’t kill all five of them because someone took the pentakill from you.
You might have cared about that except your ear exploded into clapping as Jungkook excitedly applauded for you, cheering you on, reminding you that a mostly shirtless man was standing right next to you.
Thanks, Namjoon, you thought sarcastically.
“Wow, you played that so well, dodging the Viktor ult and stunning three people like that–”
You felt your cheeks heat at the compliments, busying yourself with your team killing Baron. You didn’t usually have someone commenting on your games. Your eyes flickered to the small buttons on your desk.
Especially not a mostly shirtless guy.
Mostly shirtless hot guy.
Back to screen, seeing your jungler’s typed instructions, suggesting you all to destroy as many structures as you could and then prepare for the next fight for Ocean Dragon Soul and – oh? Your eyebrows raised as the screen abruptly jerked to the enemy base, the nexus inside exploding into shiny gem-like fragments that became the VICTORY banner.
“They surrendered?” you uttered with surprise, clicking on the CONTINUE button. “Why?”
Your eyes flickered to the kill score.
“Oh, thirty-two to nine… maybe that’s why….”
Your team had the nine deaths and the opponent team had thirty-two so, well, maybe that’s why they surrendered the game.
“Aw, that’s no fun,” Jungkook pouted as you clicked on the damage screen. Second most damage. Okay, you could take that. You were a little distracted.
“So, about your problem–”
You spun around to, ack, realize that, yes, Jungkook’s shirt was still flapped wide open to expose his chest like an unwrapped piece of caramel candy. He seemed to realize it too, making a surprised face and yanking the sides closed, as if you hadn’t gotten a damn eyeful already.
“I can resew the buttons back on, but you should borrow a shirt from Namjoon in the meantime,” you managed to say, clearing your throat. “Because I, ah, can’t really sew it when you’re still wearing the shirt.”
“Oh… Oh, right, yeah.”
Then he started yanking his shirt out of his slacks.
Usually, you didn’t care about this stuff. Men were men. They had chests. But you had things you liked too. Just like how men like tits and ass, you liked well-built pecs and forearms. Actually, you appreciated a nice ass and thighs too. And cute faces. Fuck, you loved a cute face.
“Uh, Jungkook…”
He looked up, questioningly. Big round brown eyes, his violet bangs framing his chiseled jaw, parted pink lips, the small mole underneath his lower lip looking so, so kissable, quivering slightly.
Fuck, Jungkook had a cute face.
His shirt was very open.
Fuck, his lightly tanned skin.
He was hesitating around a button, his deft fingers flexed, ink black tattoos standing out on his knuckles and the back of his hand. Your legs were slightly spread, thighs flush to your gaming chair. Half a second and Jungkook’s eyes flickered back up to your face, pretending he hadn’t been looking.
You raised your eyebrows.
“Are you really just gonna strip in my room and walk out asking Namjoon for a shirt and hope none of the six guys think anything about it?”
His eyes shifted around your room. Bed with black sheets and black velvet duvet. Television with your gaming consoles. Your collection of character figurines from various games. Your black denim jacket hanging on a hook, covered in monotone patches that you had sewn yourself, mostly occult-themed, skeletons, skulls, cats, ghosts, potions, eyeballs, that kind of thing. Back to your desk.
Your legs.
Really staring at your thighs, hips, and crotch.
Up your torso, your hands, your exposed collarbones.
Your face.
Guarding his expression, testing the waters.
“Maybe,” Jungkook said slowly. His eyes darted away and back, teeth catching his lower lip. “I really am hoping you can fix my shirt.”
You watched his face carefully, the flare of darkness in those brown orbs, a hint of naughtiness, dancing with danger. Jungkook had a mischievous streak. You could tell by the way he interacted with his hyungs, listening but talking back, helping them with things but not without a roll of his eyes or a smart remark added, probably because all his friends were older and he was the youngest. He knew he could get away with it.
In short.
“What would you like in return, noona?” Jungkook purred, smile dancing on his lips.
Honorifics were supposed to honor you. Show a sign of respect and all that shit.
All I wanted to do was play video games, you grumbled internally. Not suddenly have a thirst fest for one of Namjoon’s best friends. You narrowed your eyes a little, seeing the smirk on that perfectly shaped mouth. He’s not stopping either.
Outside your room, something fell with a loud crash. Probably Namjoon by the depth of that startled yelp. Everyone else started laughing and a very loud, cheerful melody was blasting from the living room television. Nobody was coming to investigate you and Jungkook.
“Turn around and ask for a shirt,” you sighed, waving a hand. “Then take off your shirt in the bathroom and then, only then, do you come back and give me your dress shirt.”
You saw Jungkook frown, not expecting that as your answer.
“Oh. Okay.”
He seemed disappointed, lowering his hands.
The silky fabric of the dress shirt slid off his right shoulder, partly revealing his tattoo sleeve and fully revealing his right collarbone and shoulder.
You sucked in a breath, eyes flickering to it. Then his face. Then back to his body. Fuck. Fuckity fuck. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. Jungkook jumped, startled by the fallen fabric and reached over to grab the fallen collar. Your hand moved faster than you had time to think. You had good reaction time. It was the gaming obsession.
You slapped his hand down.
Jungkook squeaked, head snapping up, purple hair floating around him, gold chain on his neck glittering as he swallowed hard, Adam’s apple bobbing. Strangely, his chain resembled your sterling silver choker that you were wearing right now, except you also wore another necklace with a circular white gold pendant with your zodiac sign.
Not that anyone was ever close enough to inspect it.
“N-Noona?” he breathed, sounding strangely winded.
You hadn’t meant to do that. Your body reacted faster than your head.
Fuck, he had a nice body. His pecs. Even had a nice dark nipple – well, he probably had two, but you could only see one at the moment – and it all trimmed down to a slim waist and shapely hips. You could tell because of his tailored black slacks. He had been wearing a blazer earlier in the evening too. It was probably on a chair somewhere in the apartment.
What did Jungkook need to look so damn good for?
“Where did you guys go to be dressed like that?”
Yes, you were really just going to interrogate him with his shirt dangling off like that.
Jungkook chewed on his lower lip, the tiny mole underneath bouncing up and down as he spoke. “We went to a fancy hotel rooftop bar to celebrate Yoongi-hyung’s award that he won at the music show for producing that song–”
“Ah, right, Namjoon mentioned that earlier today.” Dress code must have been black tie.
Those dark brown eyes found yours, observing you carefully.
“I would have liked to see you there, noona.”
You stopped staring at the tattoos on his bicep and made eye contact. Fuck. Those eyes. Sparkling with deviousness. Trying to see how far he could push your buttons.
“I wonder what kind of dress would you have worn?” he murmured, musing to himself. “I bet you would have looked hotter than any girl there.” Jungkook smiled, playful and boyish. He wasn’t being sleazy about it. Every word was light and honest. “A tight little black dress? Maybe bright red? Short, because you have incredible legs. It would be a crime not to show them off.” He was only complimenting you. His tone wasn’t trying to be suggestive.
You didn’t close your legs. You had nothing to be shy about.
Instead, you leaned back in your gaming chair as if it was a throne, resting your left elbow on the armrest and your chin on two fingers, thighs wide open, and your other hand in between them, fingers curled inward to your inner thigh.
Jungkook’s pink lips curved ever higher, ever more roguish.
“Whatever you would have chosen, you would have looked so, so sexy.”
You ticked your head.
“I know.”
Because you did.
Look here, Jeon Jungkook, I’m here minding my own damn business and you’re here inserting yourself into my life, so if you can’t handle me knowing my self-worth, you can fuck right off.
He reached up and tucked a bit of his purple hair behind his right ear, grinning at you.
“You sure you don’t want anything from me?” he asked, a slight flicker of pink tongue between white teeth. “I can give first and then you can decide whether or not you want to help.”
Honestly, those sultry eyes could stop a heart.
You removed your hand from your chin, tapping the air with those two fingers in a dismissive manner.
Outside, Kim Taehyung and Jung Hoseok were singing a soulful duet and Park Jimin was hooting at inappropriate moments to ruin the atmosphere as much as possible. That raspy, breathless laugh was Min Yoongi, who was probably doubled over on the floor in his expensive suit. Classic genius music producer of the year behavior right there.
Jungkook tucked his hands in his pockets, shirt sleeve falling down, revealing his blacked-out inner elbow. Mountains with a dark sky. It must have hurt, doing something like that. Still, he did it. For aesthetics?
You heard the smirk rather than seeing it, mostly because you were looking at his body.
“I would look so damn good on you, noona.”
You closed your eyes slowly and reopened them to look directly into those dangerous, dangerous eyes.
“Lock the door.”
Not really an order. More of a statement. Jungkook could do it or not, you knew. He couldn’t be coerced to do anything. He did things because he wanted to do them. He was nice because he wanted to be nice. He was childish when he wanted to be childish.
Jungkook was obedient when he wanted to be obedient.
He turned around, went to your bedroom door, and locked it.
Well then.
He came back and stood in front of you. A little closer now.
You cocked an eyebrow. “They’re going to come looking for you.”
Jungkook smiled down at you. “I’m sure they will.”
You frowned, lowering your hand to tap the end of the armrest. “They’re going to think I started this.”
“You kind of did.”
Your eyes narrowed sharply. He grinned, taking a step closer.
“Because it’s not my fault you look so good,” Jungkook breathed, voice deepening, leaning down, your expression unchanging, not pulling back but not encouraging anything either. “Not my fault your body is hotter than a summer. Not my fault your confidence is the biggest turn-on I’ve ever had in my life.”
Your thighs were still as open as his shirt.
Jungkook put his knee in between them.
His dress shirt was basically almost completely off his body now, falling off the left shoulder too and dangling off his forearms, exposed collarbones and shoulders, tan skin taut over muscle. A delicious body line, so fucking close to you that you could feel the heat. You still didn’t do anything. You weren’t going to do anything. You didn’t prompt this. You were simply minding your own business commanding a snake lady to victory, not expecting to get seduced by a mischievous bunny-like smile and a tiny black mole under a cute pout.
“I can’t help myself around you.”
You usually didn’t say more to Namjoon’s friends than a mere hello, not wanting to bother them with your presence. They were all men after all. You expected them to want bro time or whatever. Also, you were too busy being obsessed with men that didn’t exist in real life to pursue men that did exist in real life.
At least League of Legends had 3D models so no one could say you lived only the 2D lifestyle.
That didn’t mean that you didn’t partake when the dinner laid themselves out to be eaten. They often had to, because you wouldn’t pay attention otherwise.
Purple hair drifted into your vision, surrounding you in a curtain of violet and dark brown eyes, warm exhale and trembling pink lips, trapping you in Jungkook’s gaze, but you refused to relent, keeping your gaze even. Steady breaths to disguise your racing heart.
You kept your hands closed to prevent him from seeing your shaking fingers.
“Every time I see you, I want you to touch me,” he whispered, trying to hide the edge of nervousness by lowering his voice, enticing you to lean in to hear him better because someone was wiping a damn window in the living room outside your door or was that Kim Seokjin laughing?
There was no difference.
Jungkook’s forehead touched yours and you stopped thinking about Seokjin.
“I just want you to feel me up, rip my clothes off, and fuck me until I can’t think straight. Use me, abuse me, wreck me, ruin me,” he shuddered, definitely thinking about it, and one blink and you spied the obvious tent in his pants.
“Maybe I’m a lazy girl,” you finally said, touching your nose to his, inhaling his breath, a little bit of alcohol, a little bit of fruitiness, and that hint of cologne, fresh, clean, and intense. Something else too. Musk, maybe his pheromones or something like that. Whatever it was smelled fucking delicious, just like you. What did your perfume smell like? Spiced fire blended with addictive sweetness.
You shrugged casually.
“Maybe I’m a pillow princess.”
Jungkook chuckled.
“I can tell you’re not.”
You had to smirk.
Of course, you weren’t.
You closed your thighs around his knee and squeezed, raising to your tiptoes. He gasped softly, shivering at the simple touch of your soft thighs pressing around his muscular leg. It was disturbingly noisy out there, but here it was silent, pared down to your breathing and Jungkook’s breathing, mixing together, blazingly hot, closer, closer, doing the careful dance, daring each other to make the move that was so obviously going to happen.
“What are you gonna say when they ask you where you’ve been all this time?” you whispered, avoiding letting your lips brush against his.
“The truth.”
His tongue flickered out and barely touched your lips.
You didn’t make a sound.
Jungkook moaned, the sound drifting into your throat, and you could taste his desire.
“I tripped and fell into your lap.”
Your lips curved into a smirk.
He kissed you.
His hands on the armrests of your rolling chair, pushing it back into your desk, pressing his lips to yours, inhaling deeply, wanting to breathe you, wanting to taste you, wanting you, shivering as you finally touched him with your hands, but this was you, and your first touch wasn’t going to be wasted on a conventional innocent touch.
Your fingers closed in on his rock-hard erection and stroked him through his pants.
Jungkook moaned your name right in your mouth, eyes half-lidded, his violet hair encircling your face as he rolled his hips into your palm, whining deep in his chest.
“Fuck, yes, noona, play with me…”
You flitted your tongue between his lips and he chased it, begging you for more, and yet you continued to tease, light flicks between those soft pillows, nipping at them, even pushing up his lower lip so the tip of your tongue could draw a small heart around that mole, kissing it, so gentle, so delicate. His entire body shook, your hand palming his hardness through his pants, nails scraping against his balls, caressing all of it, acting like you owned it. Jungkook was certainly humping your hand like you did.
“You only want me because I didn’t want you,” you taunted, not bothering to hide your smirk and your slight disapproval.
“That’s not true,” he panted, attempting to get you to touch his chest, pushing you back into your chair, and yet you kept the fingers of your free hand on the cusp of what he wanted, heat close but no contact, causing him to whimper every time your fingernails barely nicked his skin. “I want you because you’re pretty, gorgeous, and hot as hell.”
Hm, that sounded familiar.
“I want you because I love watching you play your favorite games,” he chuckled, kissing the side of your lips, nose to nose. “I want you because I love that little smirk you make when you do something good. I want you because I love that aggressiveness that comes out and how you seem to lose your filter. Shit, it’s so fucking hot when you’re focused. Makes me wanna see your face when you’re pinning me down and having your way with me. Makes me want to obey you and disobey you at the same time, because I want you to reward me and punish me, I just can’t decide, fuck, you make life so hard for me.”
He punctuated hard by violently humping your hand, rattling your desk with his force.
Outside you heard Namjoon yelling “CANNONBALL” and throwing himself onto that giant gray furry beanbag you paid far too much for about six months ago. It was now a household party favorite, due to its massive size and fluffiness. At the moment, it sounded like a pile of six guys in semi-formal clothing was beginning and, instead of watching this heap of hot dudes being constructed, you were making out with the seventh guy’s face and grabbing his dick.
You’ll take this trade.
You felt Jungkook’s hands groping around, undoing his pants and the zipper, trying to get you to touch more, more, desperate for you to be all over him.
“P-Please… please, I don’t know when they’re going to notice…” he pleaded. “You’re so close, so close, ah, I can’t think, please…”
“Shh…” you soothed. “The door is locked.”
Your fingertips finally touched his chest, not disappointed in the slightest when you touched those delicious-looking pecs. They felt just as nice under your palm, his pounding heart and wanton moan vibrating up your arm.
“Aren’t you a needy little brat trying to distract me from my games, hm?”
Your fingertips hooked over the waistband of his boxer briefs.
“You’re going to have to face the consequences, Jungkook.”
You said his name like a delicious sweet about to be eaten, growl in your throat as you yanked down his underwear, capturing his lips, robbing him of his cries as you clawed down his chest, grasping his cock and pumping him, long, complete strokes from base to tip, curling your fingers around his balls, juggling them with your fingers teasingly as he squirmed and groaned. Your free arm shot around his back, digging your nails into his spine, not letting him get away. His black dress shirt was falling, falling to your floor, his bluish-purple hair in your face and his strong hands on your shoulders, sliding down, kneading your breasts through your clothes, whining that you were still wearing a bra – of course, you were, six dudes were coming over and they didn’t need to see your magnificent nipples on display, although clearly one of them wanted to see – and he was trying to get to the hem of your shirt, but you smacked his hands away, building the pressure and speed, pre-cum leaking between your fingers and adding slickness to lessen the dry friction.
Fuck, you could smell him and he smelled so fucking good.
“Noona, please…” Jungkook gasped, hands on the armrests of your chair, tipping his head back at the pleasure, pants at his fucking knees, chest, crotch, thighs on display. “This is… embarrassing…”
He meant him being mostly naked and you being dressed.
You shrugged, acting indifferent. “Not for me.”
He whimpered at your words, so noticeably dominant despite not using an aggressive or commanding tone. Either that or he was very invested in you jacking him off. You suspected it was a combination of the two, considering how eagerly his cock twitched when you answered.
“What should I do, Jungkook? Should I let you cum? Or should I play with you and stop, make you put your clothes back on and walk out there, desperate to be finished off?” you mused aloud, running your nails up his back, not that hard, but he leaned back into it so they sank into him, wordlessly begging you to do it harder, so you did, setting your jaw and scratching at his back, forcing him back into position. His cock throbbed in your hand, pulsating wildly.
Hm, he really loved it, huh.
“P-Please… wanna cum, please don’t be mean…” he gasped, thrusting his hips into your punishingly tight grip.
“Hm, why does it matter? You’ll just run to the bathroom and finish yourself off anyway, right?”
“Want you to do it, please,” he begged, his long hair curling around his jaw, dark purple locks framing the sharpness, lashes fluttering as you rubbed your thumb against the underside of the head, smearing pre-cum over the slit. “Your hand feels so good, so fucking good, better than I thought, please, I need you to touch me or I can’t get off, please…”
You removed your hand.
Jungkook cried out in denied despair, pitch hiking, the sinful sound clearly audible despite the debaucherously loud ruckus outside your bedroom door that included not one, but two people howling like werewolves for some unknown reason. At this point, you were mildly curious.
But you had a job to do.
He grabbed the front of your shirt, almost sobbing with need. Somehow his violet hair was a mess and you hadn’t even touched it. It cascaded over one of his eyes, an indigo curtain, the other chocolate orb shaking and pupil dilated, black prominent in the dark brown.
“Please don’t–”
You shoved two fingers from your right hand into that pleading mouth and raised your left.
He choked, gagging a little on your fingers.
You stuck your tongue out and licked your palm, slathering it with a thick layer of slick saliva.
Jungkook’s eyes widened at the dirty action and then rolled back into his head as you wrapped your hand around his aching cock once more, now covered in saliva, swiftly and fervently jacking him off, hard, fast, tight, nearly choking his cock, pushing his chin up and his chest to your hungry mouth, tongue and teeth and lips, all over those dark nipples hardening under your persistent touch, heedless to his rising moans, so very obvious now what was happening in your bedroom.
It didn’t bother you at all. Jungkook walked in here and asked you to wreck and ruin him, so you did exactly what he asked you to do, leaving harsh bite marks and slippery saliva all over his soft skin, your perfume rubbing off onto his body, coating his chest in your scent and his pulsating thick length with your spit, and he was so fucking hard that you were impressed, feeling his mouth suck on your fingers desperately and wetly, your name a messy garble above your head.
“Fuck, yes, umpf, oh fuck, I’m so close, so close, gonna cum, goona cum for you…!”
You had no idea who called his name through your door, because the next second Jungkook was pitching forward and shooting his cum up your thigh and chest, thick white strings painting your leggings and band t-shirt, soaking into the fabric and creating a sticky mess on your skin, your head lifting in response to his movement to avoid knocking into him, your fingers sliding out of his lips, strings of saliva snapping as they left, and suddenly Jungkook’s face was in your face, his lips on yours in a passionate kiss, rutting into your hand to increase the sensitivity, shoulders and hips flinching, whimpering gratitude and ecstasy into your mouth, his hands in your hair, kissing you deeper, more ravenously, ignoring the questioning voices, lost in the pleasure of his orgasm.
You heard Namjoon say outside your door, “I think he made his move.”
You asshole, at least warn me, you thought irritably.
“You’re so good… so good, exactly what I need… I knew you would be… fuck…”
You thrust your tongue into his lips once and backed off, chuckling as he whined for more.
“Go ask for a shirt.”
Jungkook shook his head rapidly, violet hair flying everywhere. Your hand was still wrapped around his semi-hard cock, his cum dripping onto your wrist. His ears were turning red.
“I can’t… They know something is going on…” he mumbled, scooting closer to you, as if your body heat could somehow mask the fact that you just jacked him off with six of his friends standing outside your bedroom door whispering.
“Maybe you wanted them to know.”
You squeezed his ass and he trembled, clutching your shoulders.
“Easy way to tell them that you want to be owned by me, right?”
You could tell by the way his eyes were darting around rapidly that the thought crossed his mind more than once.
You said it loud enough for a keen ear to hear it if they were really eavesdropping. You looked up at Jungkook, his eyes immediately fixating on yours because of your tone.
In control, not to be questioned.
“Get on your knees.”
Dead silence outside your bedroom.
“B… but…”
His cheeks flushed pink.
You took his chin and pulled him down to your face, murmuring to that mole under his lips, pecking it daintily, almost innocently, his wispy moan drifting over your nose. Your words were barely above a whisper, only for him.
“You made a mess. Clean it up.”
You stroked Jungkook’s chin with your thumb, your other hand tucking his long hair behind his ear.
“I’ll let you sleep in my bed tonight, so be a good boy for me right now and I’ll let you be a bad boy in bed.”
His head tilted and Jungkook whispered your name into your mouth, drenched with desire.
You smirked, stroking his jaw fondly.
He got to his knees, in between your open thighs, leaning forward, subservient eyes on your face as his pink tongue extended, licking at his own cum staining your clothes, eyes closing at your hand on the top of his head, not directing the movement, but reminding him who was in charge here, reminding him with nails in his scalp that he was going to be fucked until he couldn’t think straight.
Used, abused, wrecked, ruined.
“I don’t wanna.”
“We both know you do.”
“But I want to fuck you,” Jungkook protested, speaking softly because everyone was sleeping, or at least it seemed that way, not that either you or Jungkook cared, because you were forcing him to his knees on your bed, pushing his torso back, nails digging into his chest, towering over him, his naked body already covered in your bites and scratches, focused on his inner thighs and chest, none on his neck because that’s where he wanted it the most.
And you knew it.
“Noona, please…”
He said please a lot for someone who did not, in fact, want to be pleased, but tortured.
You grabbed him by the chin, cocking an eyebrow.
His hands were behind him, arms shaking as they held him up, shivering delightfully under your petrifying gaze.
“Please what? Hm? Saying please when you come crawling into my room, begging for dirty things with your friends right outside, saying please when you interrupt me and distract me, jeopardizing my chances to win my game?”
You leaned in close, you knowing you were only crafting a scene, him knowing that you didn’t actually care, but Jungkook wanted to hear the words, wanted you to put that malice in your tone to caress his ears, wanted you to cannibalize his sanity and put him in a different headspace, his cock already responding to it, bobbing in the air, purple-red and achingly hard from multiple orgasms, and he still wanted more.
“Saying please so you can say please when you’re under me, helplessly begging me to let you cum?”
You could hear his whines vibrating under your fingertips, pupils blown wide, lower lip trembling, begging you already, such a needy little thing, those lovely brown eyes full of submission, muscles tense with anticipation, every passing second spiraling him into increased frustration, because instead of doing anything, you were only smirking wider and wider, pushing his head back.
“Well? Tell me if you’re a dirty boy or not. Maybe I’ll do what you want.”
His violet hair cascaded to his shoulder blades, his low moan coursing through your fingertips and the heated air of your bedroom.
“Y… Yes, I’m a d-dirty boy…”
“Noona,” you prompted.
Just because you could.
His lips curved into an open smile, two of your fingers hooked over his lower lip, fingertips rubbing his tongue. Your thumb nail pressed into his mole.
You ripped the condom open with your teeth, which was not advisable unless you were the kind of person that practiced that for hours on end, spending an obscene amount of money on unused condoms to perfect your technique, because nobody wants a broken condom or lube in their teeth. Why would you want to learn such a thing? You were a stickler for details. A perfectionist in perfecting a perfect display of raw dominance.
You spat out the torn corner onto Jungkook’s chest and he whimpered, unashamedly amazed.
Your left hand removed the condom from the package and your right slid out of his mouth and encircled his neck.
You inspected the condom, lazily turning it to the correct position, fingers pressed to the sides of his neck, leaving plenty of space for his trachea between your thumb and forefinger. You didn’t bother looking at his face. Instead, you spread your legs, poised and naked over him and his throbbing cock.
Your right hand started choking him.
Your left hand started rolling the condom down his thick, hard length.
Your name leaked out of his lips in a thin gurgle, his eyes rolling back into his head.
“Say please, Jungkook.”
A sharp, distinct order.
“P… Please…” he gasped out, chest shuddering.
Your hand tightened around his throat and your pussy clenched around his cock as you forced yourself down on him.
“Oh, fuuuuuuuck…”
You didn’t bother asking if he liked it. His vicious fisting of your sheets and trembling body, cries and cock included, told you everything you needed to know. You only watched the color of his cheeks, knowing there were limits to how long you could choke him. Therefore there was no time to be wasted, already starting your favorite pace, rough and hard, filling yourself with that delicious cock built to take your abuse, jaw set, gripping his throat, blood pounding under your fingertips, slapping hips to crotch, heat sparking though your veins, hotter, hotter, your smirk growing more and more smug, tongue tracing your lips as you witnessed Jungkook’s descent into sin, raising his head so he could watch you bounce on his cock with hazed brown orbs, mouth open, tongue lolling out, circulation thinning, purple hair wild around that cute, distressed face.
You let up the pressure on his neck, dark snicker rumbling in your chest.
“This pussy worth it, brat?”
The rush of missing blood into his brain, the suffocating pleasure of your pulsating walls wrapped around his twitching cock, your authoritative growl and merciless words tearing through him – you saw it all taking over Jungkook, forced to respond honestly from pure instinct because there was no time to compile pretty words or a smart comeback.
“Yes, noona, yes, I love it, I love it, this brat fucking loves what you do to him…”
You immediately choked him again and slapped your pussy onto his cock like you were whipping him.
His eyes rolled back and a wild moan tore out of his chest, cut off by your hand.
The bed creaked under you, bearing the weight of your roughness.
“I know you love it,” you snarled, leaning in, fucking him into your bed with vigor, straining his knees, so uncomfortable and so comfortable for him at the same time, pain and pleasure, clearly something he craved and loved from how hard he was. “You said you need me to touch you or you can’t get off.”
You knew that couldn’t be true.
Jungkook probably got off hundreds of times thinking about you, otherwise he wouldn’t be so ecstatic about you violently riding his dick right now.
His teeth sank into his swollen lower lip, staring at you through his lashes, his voice a thin whisper laced with insatiable need.
“I can’t cum without you anymore.”
You removed your hand.
Your hips stopped abruptly, fulling sheathing his cock inside you.
His shout was so loud and desperate that you had to conceal your surprise, not expecting the frantic ferocity of his tone, nearly an agonized sob as he grabbed your upper arms in a crushing grip, his indigo locks crashing into his high cheekbones, sticking to his sweaty face and sharp jaw. It took everything in you to stay calm, everything to not give in and let him have what he wanted. Maybe it was stubbornness, maybe it was knowing the role you were playing, maybe it was the sadistic side of you, who the fuck knew, but there was only a beat of hesitation, a second of you staring into those beautiful dark brown eyes, so perfect.
Just perfect.
Perfectly wrecked, willing to do anything in this moment for you to continue.
Before he could utter a peep of a plea, you shook out of his grip and seized his head, crashing his lips onto your neck.
Jungkook bit you.
Instant, searing pain, taking out all his sexual frustration on your neck, sucking at the skin, hot tongue lapping, groaning, moaning, half-crying because you didn’t move. You just sat on his dick and forced his mouth onto your neck, gleefully savoring his despair, closing your eyes and allowing yourself to feel the pleasure, his hands and nails digging into your waist, his teeth latched to the side of your throat, his stiff cock shuddering inside you, your tight heat keeping him hard but not letting him cum, repeatedly squeezing the engorged head brutally, driving him insane.
You could feel his lips move, but you muffled his words, pushing his head into your neck.
Deep inhale, his wonderful scent filling your nose.
Riding the high that was Jungkook’s desire for you, fingers tangled into violet strands.
He felt so, so good, spoon-feeding the dom in you with his tiny whimpers and distraught sniffles.
“P… Please…”
You pressed your lips to his hair, murmuring his name sweetly.
No quiver to your tone, only serene calm.
His hands slid up your back as your hips began to rock, slow, so painfully slow, building the frenzy layer by layer, his hardness swelling inside you, his soft lips pressed to his hickey onto your neck, even more turned on because he knew you let him mark you, he knew in this moment you were his and only his, everything he wanted and more, his hips rising to meet yours, deepening your thrusts, matching your force, burying his face into your skin and your scent, wanting nothing more than your command over his body.
You turned his head, tucking his hair behind one ear, speaking dark whispers into that curve.
“You look the best when on your knees for me, Jungkook.”
He shivered, your name falling sloppily from his lips, drunk from your power and lost in his service.
You let go of his head and grabbed his shoulders instead, putting all of your weight onto him, now letting yourself chase it, chase the orgasm that you had been building for yourself all this time, letting yourself feel Jungkook and feel the full force of the pleasure he gave you, because, yes, of course, you served him first before you, even if it didn’t seem like it.
Because when it came down to it, Jungkook came to you, opening himself petal by petal to show you his vulnerable side, testing the waters, hoping, wishing, praying that maybe, just maybe, you were the kind of person that he was expecting, wanting, needing, and you, knowing how difficult that was because, well, you had made it difficult, only focusing on games and not on those longing eyes that watched you whenever you came into his view.
Eyes that you looked into now.
Half-lidded, glazed over, fucked-out, still honest.
His large hands were still on your waist, holding you to him as you rode him with furious slaps, muscles flexed in his chest and arms, tattoos on his right arm tense and taut from holding this position for so long. He looked so good. Felt so good. Had an amazing cock.
And fuck.
Jungkook had a cute face.
You genuinely smiled.
“I’ll take care of everything,” you drawled, injecting your words with conviction and adoration.
That did it.
His lips parted, low groan emitting from his throat as his head tipped back, purple waterfalling onto his back, thrusting up into you and shooting into the condom with fierce jolts, unable to hold back any longer, his entire length flinching uncontrollably, sweet whimpers at his release, feeling sorry that he didn’t let you cum first, but that didn’t matter, because you rode through it, already there, falling, falling, your sigh like laden smoke as your orgasm slammed into you, welcoming the bolts of cruel pulses flying through you, concentrated onto your core, Jungkook’s moans hiking into pitched ecstasy at the convulsing clenches of his oversensitive, overused cock, arms embracing you tightly, hugging you for dear life, chest to chest, pounding heart against yours.
Your fingers tangled into his hair.
His hand fitted around your head.
Lips to lips and you took care of everything, claiming that mouth as yours, holding him up even though you were the one in his lap, your kiss onto that perfect mole under that pretty pout, cherishing every mumble of your name, lowering him onto your pillows, soft kisses in between. You took care of everything, lifting yourself off him, chuckling as he whined, pawing for you to come back, but you rapped his knuckles and calmed him, removing the condom and cleaning him off gently with a towel, soft kisses in between because he wanted the attention, deliberately not closing his eyes until you crawled back into the bed, tucking the covers around you and him, Jungkook immediately turning and yanking you into his chest, nose against your skin.
“Who’s the pillow princess?” you teased, ruffling his long violet locks.
His lips pressed onto your hickey, his mark on you, and he sighed in content, drifting into sleep.
In the morning, you found a pile of five guys in the living room sleeping in various positions on the giant gray furry beanbag and the sofa. Jungkook was in your bed, passed out. The last guy, Min Yoongi, was in Kim Namjoon’s room, sleeping on his bed, because he was a smart man and took advantage of a perfectly good bed that five drunk hooligans undoubtedly forgot about.
You chuckled and rubbed your neck as you brushed your teeth, seeing yourself and the large purple hickey Jungkook had made last night in the bathroom mirror.
You went back to your room after retrieving the sewing basket from the living room, spending the morning calmly stitching the small buttons back onto his black dress shirt as the seven guys in your apartment continued to snore away.
Then you went back to playing League of Legends.
Ah, Cassiopeia, I had an eventful evening, but I have returned to you.
drabble morning-after hungover breakfast
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fluffallamaful · 3 years
oh? what’s this? fluffallamaful is actually posting that darn prison fic?? my goodness!! and before dream actually gets broken out,??
Continued on from “Ticklish Dreams (and George’s)”
With concepts from “Crying Giggling Obsidian”
Summary: Betrayal is a sickly feeling, as is regret, as is loneliness. Dream is unfortunately feeling the pains of all three in his prison cell, after being abandoned by Technoblade. But what better way to deal with these demons than by having a god appear and tickle them out of you?? :D CRAZILY PLATONIC
Warnings: tickling, XD has 4 arms, prison angst, the 3 ugly feelings mentioned in the summary
he/him pronouns for Dream
he/they pronouns for DreamXD
Word Count: 5060
enjoy ☺️
This fic is dedicated to @covenofwives , who has kept me completely sane while i’ve been trying my darnedest to write this. And has ultimately heard me talk about how i want to finish this fic for a months straight 😅
Cool obsidian pressed against Dream’s cheek, his eyes dull and hazed as he aimlessly traced the divots of the blackened magma in front of him - hot liquid frozen in time. He didn’t know how long he had been lying there for - pinned to his prison floor under a weighted blanket of misery - but it had been long enough that the unforgiving surface had begun to weld bruises into his hips, his heart resting well below the blocks of his cell, swaying along with the elder guardian’s mournful calls.
He had been left behind.
And honestly, while his past self might’ve been ablaze with fury and malice right now, the only feeling that his brain could muster up, was one of pure regret. The type that twisted into his chest until his lungs had no space to breathe. That froze his body solid and numbed the muscles in his face, constantly whispering critiquing comments into his ears.
What had he expected? Had he really thought that Technoblade would sacrifice himself over him? That his now ex-cell mate would bring the cure to this nightmare? That his problems would just, magically disappear in the presence of another being? He had been a fool, a moron in fact. And the worst part about it all? He didn’t even blame Technoblade for a second. He only blamed himself.
Not only had he stupidly assumed that his pathetic little friendship with the piglin-hybrid would somehow break them out of prison, but he had also assumed that they’d do it together. And he had been so wrong.
But thankfully he still had the hole in the toilet that he could continue digging through right? He still had a chance to escape on his own… right?? No. He was a fool for that too, carelessly hiding from the blaring sirens in the exact location that he was trying to hide from his warden.
He slammed his fist into the obsidian, frustrated tears gathering in his eyes when the blow did nothing to chase away the anger that should be there, but instead just hurt… really bad. He hated it. He hated it all so much. He hated how the gurgling lava that kept him imprisoned laughed at his shame, he hated how the smell of his own prisonwear taunted him with the memory of the hole that was no longer there. But most of all, he hated how vulnerable he had become. His thoughts were practically eating him away, feeding him a strict diet of his past mistakes on loop, and then plummeting him into a well of self pity.
In fact, he had become so entangled in his own intrusive thoughts, that he had not even registered that he was no longer alone in his cell. It was not until the familiar low voice echoed out from behind him that he realised.
“Dream.” Dream’s eyes widened for a moment, his body flinching at the sudden company.
“E-ex Dee?” He murmured, voice tentative and barely more audible that a whisper. He lifted his head to rest his other cheek onto the hard floor instead, eyes being met with the sea of green fabric that now flooded his cell. DreamXD stood crouched before him, white porcelain mask lifted to reveal a comforting smile, and head dipped to avoid hitting his ceiling.
Dream could not deny the warmth that suddenly bloomed in his chest upon seeing the deity, however it was quickly chased away by the bitterness of betrayal that still laced his body. He was helpfully reminded that the god - just like Technoblade - was not the solution to his problems, nor did they care about his problems, they were simply here to satisfy their own motivates. He turned his head back away again.
“Did George send you again?” He asked, albeit a little more sourly than intended. But honestly if George really cared then he’d just come see him himself, instead of making XD do all the work.
Dream blinked. His question had mainly been rhetorical, and yet XD had provided him with an answer that not only caught him off guard, but also managed to threaten the constructs of his miserable narrative. He frowned, flicking at his formidable floor, and watching as tiny fragments of it pinged across his cell.
“But- but I didn’t summon you...” He confirmed, turning back to face the deity again. His mind screamed at him to not let his guard down so easily, but he managed to wrestle the warnings aside, the curiosity that DreamXD always seemed to evoke taking its place instead. He propped himself up on his elbows, grimacing at the extra pressure it put on his hips, but looking up to the god regardless.
“No. I came on my own.” XD explained, his voice even and smooth, cloak shifting with them as they moved.
Dream braced himself, half expecting to be bundled up and whisked out of his cell like in XD’s other visits. However much to his surprise, the deity simply took a step back, seating himself down against the prison’s obsidian wall. He watched as they made themselves comfortable, the sound of familiar shuffling fabric muffling out the taunting gurgles of the lava fall, silencing any of Dream’s leftover tantalising thoughts and allowing for the bloom of warmth to reappear in his chest.
“You seemed sad.” XD elaborated. Dream quickly hung his head, reaching for his previously discarded mask and placing it over his face. Of course the god had witnessed him in such a vulnerable moment… Though he was undoubtably touched by their concern.
“H-how much did you see..?” He asked, tentatively lifting his head to address them again. He was met by two outstretched arms, the gesture - along with the deity’s warm smile - being a clear offering for a seat beside him against the blackened wall. A smile flickered across his lips, gingerly peeling himself off the floor to accept.
“I saw enough.” XD confirmed. Dream huffed at his honesty, but shuffled himself across the floor towards the guiding arms regardless. As soon as he reached them he was pulled into the deity’s side, warm arms wrapping protectively around him as he melted into their deep green cloak. It was a substantially different feeling to the cold obsidian floor.
“Sam will be back you know.” He warned, fiddling with his mask to allow for him to nuzzle further into the comforting fabric. XD hummed his understanding.
“Mm, I’ve dealt with him.” Dream frowned at his response.
“You’ve dealt with him?”
“He’s alive.” They shrugged, arms tightening reassuringly around him. “Not for you to worry about. You’ve got more important matters.”
Dream followed their pointed gesture, surprised to find a purplish blemish forming across the edge of his palm, a sudden reminder of his previous frustrations.
“Oh.” He muttered sheepishly, pulling the bruised hand to his chest, however XD gently guided it out again, examining it with down turned lips.
“You need to be more careful.”
“What are you my mother?”
XD let out an unimpressed hum, but his lips turned up from his frown, flattening out Dream’s hand with his own. “I can fix it if you’d like.”
Dream looked up at him in surprise, a small head nod following his interest. He was not aware that the god possessed healing abilities, but he supposed that if they could give literal dreams, then a little healing spell would be nothing.
He watched as they began to rub a thumb gently over the bruised area, wincing a little initially, but quickly discovering that the gesture did not hurt in the slightest. In fact he melted to the touch, a smile pulling at his lips when a tingly sensation - that oddly resembled that of the fizzes and flickers from his crying obsidian walls - began to trail each swipe, assuming it to be the healing aspect.
“Does it feel nice?” XD’s gentle voice rumbled. Dream felt his cheeks warm, realising that he had practically disappeared into the deity’s soft green garments. He reshuffled himself, clearing his throat and muttering out a small ‘yes’ to the question. DreamXD chuckled, running a reassuring clawed hand through the blonde’s tangled hair.
“Good.” He crooned. Dream’s sheepish smile melted into a fond one at the deity’s usual pride. He allowed for his eyes to flutter shut, a content sigh leaving his mouth as he was lulled into relaxation by the god’s simple affection. However with his mind now free of trouble, it opened up space for curiosity, the tingling over his palm prompting a burning question to swell in the back of his mind.
Would DreamXD be sensitive to the crying obsidian like he was? Could a god like him be ticklish?
He lifted his head, eyes flickering over to his cell walls. Royal purple sparks danced over its surface, other flakes spiralling down from his ceiling, and the gentle hum that the blocks emitted adding to the ambiance of the prison. He knew all too well how it felt to touch the wall, and a shudder travelling up his spine would remind him of how it felt to have one of its occasion bolts coursing through him, but would the sensation be the same for XD?
“Do you have any other bruises?” Said deity’s voice brought him back to reality.
“Uh… y-yeah, on my hips...” Dream answered, his voice wavering and distant as he attempted to form the best possible phrasing for his question. “W-when- when was the last time you touched crying obsidian?”
The god’s tracing stopped, their lips remaining still and emotionless, and his head titling up in apparent thought. Dream found himself holding his breath as he watched their reactions play out.
“Why..?” XD finally spoke, mask meeting that of the smaller’s, but only before Dream quickly averted his gaze. He readjusted his mask, a blush creeping up his cheeks as his mind fumbled to come up with a coherent excuse for wanting to know the specific information.
“I j-just wanted to know what it felt like for you..?” He managed, though his tone tilted up at the end. He winced as XD’s lips slowly formed into a cheeky grin.
“You want to know if I’m ticklish.”
Dream felt his stomach drop, his eyes widening and voice disappearing in his throat for a moment at the deity’s unbelievable accuracy.
“N-nO! No! No, it’s not that I-”
“You were going to make me touch one of the walls.”
“n-nO!! No I wasn’t! I wahasn’t!!” He assured, although his thumping heart pointed out that that was in fact exactly what he was going to do. He felt XD’s arms shuffle around him, gasping when he was lifted from his obsidian flooring, and grasping at the shifting sleeves for support.
“You’re a liar~” The god sang, his sudden playfulness causing a nervous smile to twitch over Dream’s lips. It was easy to forget how cheeky the deity could be, a giddiness forming in his gut as he was pulled in close to their chest bridal style.
“Stahp!! I’m n-not!!” He argued, pushing at them lightly while simultaneously pressing his mask firmly to his face. “What are you doing??”
DreamXD only hummed, however Dream’s question was graciously answered in the form of deja vu once he was gently lowered into their lap, the position sparking a wave of familiarity to twist inside him.
“Waihiit nOHo!!!” He yelped, the sudden protest being peppered with eidetic giggles, curtesy to XD’s last visits. His hands instinctively grasped at XD’s as clawed fingers began to pinch at the hem of his prison shirt, wide, mirthful eyes shooting up to the deity’s mask. “Whahat are youhu dohoing?!”
“You said you had bruises on your hips yes?” XD’s tone was now innocent, but a contradicting, mischievous smirk was curling beneath his mask. Dream gasped as they gently lifted up the worn fabric of his prison wear, revealing his bruised skin to the dense air of his cell. “Ah yes! Here they are.”
“NOho!! Ehehex dehehe dohon’t!!” Dream pleaded, squirming in the deity’s lap as large fingers fluttered over his hip bones. His smile was quick to widen, seeping out either side of his cracked mask as the giddiness in his gut expanded to intertwine with the warmth still lining his chest.
“Relax Dreamie I’m only healing them.” XD smiled, their warm tone matching that of the lava fall perfectly. Dream whined, flushing at the nickname and squirming more when the deity’s thumbs began to slowly graze over his bruised skin, their touch light and feather-like. He immediately puffed out his cheeks when the healing aspect from before began to trail the their fingers again, finding the feeling comparatively more maddening to how it felt over his palm.
“Did you think that I was going to tickle you?” Dream gasped, spluttered giggles erupting into the back of his mask at the deity’s teasy question.
“s-stahap!!” He squeaked. XD smiled proudly at the response, the mortal’s sensitivity to the word never growing old.
“You thought that I’d tickle you for trying to tickle me?”
“E-ehex Dehehe!!”
“Mmm, well I suppose that it would serve you right… You did lie to me after all… Perhaps I’ll have to follow through once these are done.” The deity hummed, smirking down as Dream kicked out in his lap, admiring the red hue that dusted his cheeks. Both of the mortal’s hands were wrapped around his own, the smaller fingers coiling uselessly around them in attempt to gain some sort of control.
“Although it already seems to tickle quite a lot. Is this another bad spot of yours?”
“nOHoho!!” Dream denied, squeezing the fingers harder, and shaking his head in attempt to chase away his ever-growing fluster. However instead of easing the colouring in his cheeks, he merely dislodged that of his own protective mask, letting out a gasp as it toppled down to the prison floor behind him. “Wahahihit Ehehex-”
“Was that another lie~?”
“No!! Nohoho mihihy-”
“Oh it was! Look at that smile! You have ticklish hips!”
“STAHAP!! Ehex dehehe mihihy mask!!” Dream desperately explained, his now visible cheeks darkening to a cherry red, and the corners of his lips wobbling as he attempted to fight away his wide smile. While he would be unable to deny that he had looked forward to these moments with XD nearly daily, the idea of it showing so clearly on his face was not something that the mask-wearer was so thrilled about.
“And you’ve been so kind to allow me to see it!”
“nOHo!! Ehex Dehe cahan yOHuhu get ihit baHAck plehehease?!” Dream whined, briefly gesturing towards his runaway mask, before planting his head firmly into XD’s green garments. The god chuckled.
“Mmm, no I think I’m enjoying seeing your pretty smile.” They crooned, scratching either side of Dream’s hips with one set of arms, while spidering another set gently over the back and sides of the boy’s neck in attempt to coax him out of hiding. “It suits you much better than the frown you were wearing earlier.”
Dream squawked, sweet bubbly giggles following closely behind as he buried himself further into the deity’s cloak, scrunching his neck up to block out the skittering fingers. If possible his smile grew even wider, driven by the giddy warmth that now surfaced from his chest from the the deity’s words, its overflow wrapping him in a cocoon of pure bliss.
“Nahahaha ihit- Cahahan- Ehehex Dehehe wahahihit- cahahan ihihi- mihihihy mahahask…”
“You can get your mask back by yourself! I’m not stopping you.” XD pointed out gently, smiling fondly at the blonde’s disjointed, slurred speech.
Dream groaned, lifting his head from his burrow to assess his situation. XD’s large hands were crowded around his seemingly small frame, each finger tip still leaving behind tiny sparks of healing, and his own coiled fingers doing very little to dampen their effects. The sight alone was already flustering enough, and the idea of abandoning his albeit, poor defences just seemed undoubtedly far-fetched.
“I cahahan’t!!” He pouted, dropping his head back with a defeated whine, and curling his fingers tighter around XD’s. His giddy smile was quick to return as the god’s other set of fingers fluttered under his chin, squeezing his eyes shut to avoid the doting smile that rested below the larger’s pushed up mask.
“Ohh yes you can~ It will only take a few seconds Dreamie, what are you worried about?” XD teased softly, smiling when Dream nuzzled back into his cloak with another whine.
“sTAHAhap!! Stohohop cAhAHalling mehehe thAHAht!!”
“What, Dreamie?? But that’s what Georgie calls you!” He defended, unable to hide his slow-curling smirk as the boy’s blush bled out to his ears, flustered cackles pouring into his fabric burrow.
“STAHAP nohoho he dohoesn’t!!” Dream detested, uncoiling a set of fingers from XD’s to help soothe the uncovered side of his burning face. Only his arm almost immediately came crashing back down once long nails were felt skittering up his bare side, the god apparently making the most of his freedom.
“NOHO DOHON’T!!” Dream yelped, his hand flying down to wrangle up the rogue fingers. XD allowed him the satisfaction of his defence, slowing his skittering down to light scratching, and chuckling at the soft bubbly giggles that spluttered out of the boy.
“That was too easy~” They cooed, smiling as the muscles on Dream’s sides twitched under each scritch. “All I had to do was mention George and you let go! Might as well just grab your mask Dreamie~”
“nOHOhoho!!” Dream giggled, kicking his legs out to counter the heat in his cheeks, a fleet of butterflies carving out a pit in his gut at the deity’s accusation. He hated that they could read him so easily. “Juhuhust gehehet ihit fOHOhor mehehe!!”
“Because you’re just sooo easy to fluster so it’s bound to happen again!”
“Just look at those blushy cheeks!!”
“nOHO!! XD STAHAP THEY’RE NOHOHOT!!” Dream argued, his hands twitching as he fought down the urge to cover his cheeks again, rolling himself towards the concealing safety of his burrow. Although despite his valiant efforts in hiding his flushed cheeks, XD still managed to find a way to trace over the blotchy red skin, evoking muffled sniggers from beneath the fabric.
“All on display for DreamXD to see.”
“s-StaHAhap gehet ahahawahehey!!” Dream demanded, instinctively batting at the hands that now tapped over his cheeks, settling the hand over his face as a makeshift mask. However just as before, as soon as XD’s remaining, healing fingers were left unattended, they too scuttled up his side, producing a surprised squeal from the mortal.
“NAHAHA EHEX DEHE!!” Dream screeched, immediately latching onto the scuttling hand, but squealing again when instead of slowing down like before, the hand sped up, squeezing sporadically up and down his side. “NOHO STAHAHAP!!”
“Should’ve got your mask Dreamie~ What was stopping you?!” The deity critiqued playfully, allowing for the healing affect to fade away. He watched in delight as the mortal boy revealed himself from his garment den, admiring his deep blush in its entirety.
“Y-YOUHU!! YoUhuHu’rE StOhohoPping MeHE!!” Dream accused, cackling when XD’s thumbs kneading into a particularly sensitive spot just above his hips.
“How am I stopping you? All you have to do is let go of my hands and reach up there!” Dream shook his head, the god’s nonchalance evoking a frustrated growl from him, although it came out as more of a whine.
“Youhu’re gohonna mohove!!”
“Ohh I see...” DreamXD hummed, bringing a finger up to his chin to ponder over the boy’s proclaiming statement. “Yes with your arms above your head I would be able to get to your ticklish ribs and armpits.”
Dream gasped, squeezing his eyes shut and tugging vainly at the deity’s fingers. He could feel the warmth in his cheeks returning again at their purposeful choice of words. “dOHOn’T SAY ThAHAt!!”
“Oh! But I could also go to your ticklish tummy!! The decisions!!”
“sTAhAHap!! EHEX DEHE DoHon’t dOHo EiHiThER!!” Dream cried, slamming his face back into XD’s cloak. He let out another squeal when the hands on his sides slowed to tracing, soft giggles being engulfed by green fabric.
“Just be quick and I won’t be able to~” XD’s sing song voice chorused from above, matching the volume of the blonde’s softer laughter. Dream only giggled more, weighing up his options from the safety of the cloak.
He attempted to tame his giggles, managing to reduce them to only the occasional wheezy huff - once it became clear that the deity’s hands weren’t going to move from his sides so long as he kept his hands on them. Then with a final deep breath, he craned his neck up to eyeball the mask. It was most definitely in reach, all he had to do was reach up and grab it before the deity’s hands could move. That was all.
And so, in one swift motion, his hold on the XD’s fingers was released, outstretched hands shooting towards the white battered mask, before abruptly being pulled back to his middle with a shriek, as fluttering fingers were felt over his stomach.
“NOHO EHEHX DEHEHE!!” Dream screamed, his face immediately heating to a temperature close the lava fall, and squeaky giggles tumbling out of him as XD traced shapes into his lower belly.
“You were so close!!” The god praised, wrapping an affectionate arm around Dream’s body to pull him in close, migrating his scratches in circles around his belly.
“Nahahah Ehehex DEHEhe miHihiHy mahask!!” Dream whined, desperately clawing at the tracing hands, before throwing his head back in flustered cackles. His legs kicked out briefly, but were quick to go limp once the rest of his body melted back into XD’s, writhing left and right as he attempted to escape the torturous tracing fingers. “Ihihihi cAhAHan’T!!!”
“Would you like my help?” The deity offered, a dangerous smirk flickering over his lips briefly, but him quickly managing to swallow it down. Dream nodded his head gratefully, XD’s ingenuity going unnoticed as a result of his eyes being squeezed shut tight. Though they were immediately pried open by the wave of panic that washed over him once a warm hand wrapped around his wrists, tugging gently at his defences.
“w-wAHAhHihit nOhOho!!”
“We’re going to get your mask together, are you ready Dreamie?” XD crooned, voice dripping with delight at the boy’s giggly panic.
“NAHA!! XD tHaHAt’s nOHot what I meant!!” Dream wailed, a swarm of anticipatory butterflies flooding his gut as the god’s plan became clear, trailing XD’s fingers from his insides as they still traced around the surface of his bare stomach. He gasped again when XD’s began to lift his hands. “NAHA E-EHEX DeHe!!”
“You wanted my help!!” The deity teased, countering the boy’s sudden panicked struggles easily, and tearing away the coiled fingers from their respective hands. “And without these in the way I have your ticklish stomach alll to myself!!” He grinned, upping the pace of his scratching as the boy’s hands were slowly lifted away from his body.
“NAHAhO NOHO!!” Dream screamed, ducking behind his slow moving arms as his blush drained down to his ears, breathy panicked giggles leaping out of him.
“There, look at that! We’re already over a third of the way there!!” XD praised, pushing up the rest of Dream’s rippled prison tshirt to access the top of his stomach. It would never fail to amaze him how adorable humans could be once you found the right spot to tickle them in, and Dream’s belly had proven multiple times to be one of these spots. He was just grateful now that he could enjoy the reactions without the pesky fingers getting in the way.
Dream squawked as the deity laid their nails over the surface of his stomach, sucking it in to the best of his ability, but falling back into flustered cackles once they started scratching again.
“HURRY UHUP!!” He demanded, tugging at his arms once he realised the excruciatingly slow pace that they were approaching his mask. XD’s grin doubled in width.
“Of course Dreamie.” He stated deviously, fulfilling the boy’s request by quickening the pace of his scratching, skittering and pinching along he tensed muscles of his belly.
“NAHAA-!!” Dream yelped, voice disappearing into a wheeze, before returning in panicked cackles. “NOHOHO NO!! I DIHIHIDN’t mEheaN- EHEHex dEhEhe I cAHAhan’t!!!” He cried, desperately attempting to lunge for the mask, but the XD’s strong grip prevented it.
“Yes you can look! You’re so close!!” The god encouraged, running a hand through crazed blonde hair in attempt to calm the boy’s panicked flailing.
“Nohohoho!!” Dream whined, visibly melting to the touch, allowing for his cackles to flow out more freely, and a sense of pride to radiate through XD. Despite his obvious embarrassment, Dream had made no real attempts at escaping from the deity. In fact his smile had never been wider, complimenting the fiery hue over his neck and cheeks.
“You love this.” XD cooed softly, continuing his petting, but slowing down his tracing to give the boy a breather. Dream shook his head, hiding behind his raised arms.
“nOho Ihihi dohohon’t!!”
“Ohh yes you do! You’ve melted in my lap little Dreamie~”
XD hummed fondly, allowing one set of fingers to start subtly circling the blonde’s belly button. Though Dream caught on almost immediately.
“NAHAhOho nOHo!! EhEhex DeHehe nohohot thehehere!!!” Dream pleaded, kicking a leg out and prying weakly at his arms that were still being pulled slowly toward his mask. XD’s devious grin returned, humming again but this time in mocked concern, sending a shiver down Dream’s spine.
“Mm, I wonder if we’re going to reach your mask in time…” He pondered, gesturing to his circling with a few quickened scratches. “Wouldn’t that be a shame if you didn’t..?” Dream gasped as XD presented him with an extremely cheeky grin, craning his neck down to gage how much time he had until the swirling finger reached his middle. However as soon as he caught a glimpse of the finger over his stomach he immediately squeezed his eyes shut, dropping his head back as more flustered giggles tumbled out of him.
“nOHoho I cAhAhn’t!!” His arms were over half way to the mask now, elbows pulled in tightly together to protect his armpits that were slowly being exposed. If he was thinking more clearly he’d be able to determine whether or not the god would be as cruel as he was letting on or not, however his mind was nothing but a foggy flustered heap.
“You can’t what? Reach your mask? Or stand your tummy tickles?” The deity teased, adding to the flustered state of Dream’s mind.
“nAHAHOHO DOHONT!!” He screeched, wriggling as the twirling finger began to close in. His stomach quivered and jumped beneath the touch, each circle unloading another wave of sporadic giggles into his smoke scented cell.
“So flustered!! You blend right in with the lava!!” XD announced gleefully, cooing as Dream’s blush spread down to his neck. “I’m gonna get Dreamie’s ticklish giggle button~!”
“NOHO STAHAHAP!!!” Dream cried, the sudden tease kicking his struggling up a notch, shaking his head as tears of mirth pricked in his eyes “PLEHEHEASE I CAHAHANT!!”
He gasped as something hard was suddenly felt in his palm, only needed to briefly fiddle with it before recognising it completely as his lost mask. He immediately slammed it over his face the minute his hands were released, gratefully allowing the cool porcelain to soothe his burning cheeks, but wheezing hard when XD suddenly began kneading into his belly.
“EHEHEHEX DEHEHE!!!!!” He wailed once his voice returned, thrashing and kicking as another finger wiggled into his belly button.
“You did it!!” XD praised, wrapping a set of supportive arms around the flailing mortal, lifting him up while his other set of arms focused on kneading and wiggling.
Dream wheezed again, arching is back out of his previous melted state, but quickly falling back into the deity’s arms as loud cackles boomed out of him. XD watched over him carefully, monitoring the boys enjoyment and safety, and pulling him in close whenever his flailing became too wild.
He stopped once his laughter disappeared altogether, admiring the loopy smilie and pink cheeks that peaked out from beneath the retrieved mask. Dream breathed deep, residual giggles still tumbling out of him, but another gentle head pat from XD served as a silent lullaby, easily pulling him into a giddy sleep.
His cold obsidian flooring felt much more forgiving once he woke. In fact Dream barely felt the usual pains of pressured bones once he turned onto his side, the flooring’s usual cool bite feeling oddly cozy. He had a moments thought that he had been left, suspended in his lava fall, it’s oddly soothing gurgles seeming so close that he was sure that he was surrounded by it.
Only once he woke further, and managed to pry open his sleep filled eyes, he realised that he wasn’t on the ground at all. He was still in the arms of DreamXD, their gentle purrs now being clearly distinguishable from the distant gurgles from the lava fall. He gasped lightly, it was unlike the deity to stay this long, he was usually lulled into sleep and then abandoned. He could say that he hated it though.
He didn’t even bother fighting away his crawling smile, automatically timing his breathing along with the deity’s slow breaths. The gurgles from the lava intertwined with XD’s purrs, now building on the glowing warmth in his chest instead of competing with it.
“You’re awake.” The deity’s voice was rough and low, Dream wondered if they had slept too. He couldn’t help the pang of sadness that struck him, knowing that now that he was awake that they would be leaving soon.
“Y-yeah.” He murmured, unable to hide the wobble of misery in his voice. XD laid a hand over his head, smoothening through his hair with his thumb. Dream leant into the touch.
“I’ll stay.”
Dream felt his chest lift, his lips gliding over his teeth as his smile widened.
“For a bit.” They elaborated. The blonde’s grip tightened happily around their sleeves, noticing the absence of the coloured skin in his palm.
Perhaps the company of another being could solve a few of his problems after all.
i cannot actually believe this is out before dream was broken out 😵
hope you enjoyed!!! another long one sorry 😅
180 notes · View notes
ballorawan740 · 3 years
SCP Scenarios: When they get scared by the reader (REQUESTED)
Main Masterlist | SCP Scenarios Masterlist | My Works Masterlist | Rules | Request | Socials | My Original Post
Requested by: @_Milla_7849_
SCP 073 (Cain)
I feel like Cain normally wouldn't be scared
Like if you made him watch a horror movie, he might flinch slightly but wouldn't be terrified of it
So when you try to scare him like a prank sort of way, he would flinch a little more than usual but would recover seconds later
Like that one time when he was alone walking down the hallway looking zoned out since he was thinking of something
And you just crept up to him like the sneaky little child you are and jumped onto his back
He did get a load yelp but realised it was you
Luckily for you, Cain didn't give you a lecture like before and actually laughed with you
However, if you were kidnapped or taken hostage or used for an experiment, it would obviously frighten him and he wouldn't forgive himself
So to prevent this, he would keep you within his line of sight at all times
Anyways, as I've mentioned before, Cain would probably also give you a tight hug after your little stunt and unbeknownst to him, the researchers recorded it for a laugh
Cain did give you a lecture but forgave you since you were so young and he couldn't resist those eyes
And the researchers did give you some sweets
SCP 076-2 (Abel)
Now, a warrior like Abel wouldn't be so easily frightened
Especially if it was a child, even more so if it's you since he knows you too well and has personally trained you from the age of 5
Basically, Abel would notice your movement and body language well since you're both stuck together
So you have devices a plan with your scientist friends to try and scare him
And yes, it's working
Because Abel got extremely distracted by Iris
Iris basically got yahooted into this mess and was told to wear a lingerie
Yes, you did scare him by shoving him into Iris
I wouldn't say he got a scare, but more like a surprise
Poor girl she just wanted to sleep
SCP 999 (Tickle Monster) 999 would most likely be scared the easiest out of everyone on this list
Aside from Glass
He's like a close second
Back to 999, you both were just chilling and wandering around the facility aimlessly
Because yall are boring (TBF you're both trapped in this giant mf blop of a building)
Anyways, let's just say that it was Bright and Clef who introduced you to the world of pranks and you guys thought it would be funny to scare our 999 here
Basically, yall decided to play dead and then pretend to turn into zombies with some makeup
Yes, it did work since you've managed to scare the living daylights out of 999
And he was about to have a cardiac arrest (if he even has a biological heart)
And yes, it almost ended in another breach
And 999 did give you a lecture on how to not scare people like that
He does sound like a grandpa though XD
SCP 682 (Hard to Destroy Reptile)
I would say that scaring 682 would be difficult, but I won't since he's already terrified of that rabbit
You, along with the other researchers, thought it'll be fun to pull a prank on 682 in form of a magic trick
It's a classic rabbit in the hat trick and yes, you did pull SCP 524 out of the hat
But, little did your tiny brain know, that rabbit basically eats everything, including itself
So you just watched 524 approaches the already terrified 682 and nibble on his feet
And yes, you and the other researchers laughed hard since he crawled up the wall to get away from the rabbit (I'm now officially adopting 524 as my other pet)
Sadly, 524 didn't stay for long since another doctor needed him for a test with Josie (yes, the cat)
682 basically shouted at you for doing such a thing on him, your dad
But you ignored him anyways since you knew he never meant what he said and he wouldn't be mad at you for long
SCP 049 (Plague Doctor)
Our bird boy here is pretty much neutral when it comes to being scared
Like, he can be quite unfazed by many things, so it's no surprise if you or any other SCPs tried to jump on him
So as part of an experiment, you and your friends had decided that you would try to play dead and see if 049 would be terrified
Well, 049 was somewhat concerned and when you carried on playing dead, he became scared since you weren't so conscious, or so he thought
Since you played dead extremely well for such a young child, he tried to see if he could fix you
And before he could do anything, you jumped up at him like Bonnie from FNAF
Yes, he looked like he jumped out of his skin and was so stunned that he just sat in the corner with his head down for an hour
You all had to check up on him and he said he was 'fine'
He wasn't
049 gave you a lecture about playing dead like that unless there's a dangerous SCP
SCP 035 (Possessive Mask)
Now, since 035 is a mask and is very much a master manipulator and an award-winning actor/actress, you would most likely be able to take on those traits from him
When you were younger, you were eager to learn from 035, who you see as not only your best friend but also an idol, so he taught you everything he could
As you got older, you've gotten better at manipulation and acting, so much so that even 035 couldn't tell if you were just being you from time to time
So one day, you've decided to prank your dad because you were hella bored (like you always are :((( cuz yall never be productive and just sit on your flat bum all day and watch YouTube, Netflix or play games then sleep)
You basically produced a fake body of yourself and wrapped it in a black bag and sent it to 035's cell
Then, you've got one of your researcher buddies to write a note of your passing and that you do love him very much
035 did receive the message and made sure that there was a dead body in the package
He was pretty much convinced that it was you since you were able to disguise the fake body like bone and flesh
Which of course scared him to death because he was about to attack everyone on site
Luckily you got there on time to stop him which freaked him out and yes, you've gotten a lecture about being such a prankster (You got grounded for life but that didn't stop a rebellious child like you)
At least everyone at the facility has gotten a laugh about it for the next 3 months
SCP 105 (Iris)
Pranking Iris wouldn't be hard, but that doesn't mean she's fazed, but not in a sense like 049 who wouldn't get a good scare from some SCPs which could do him harm
Iris is very much a self-aware and open-minded individual who has common sense (unlike you, who don't even move out of your bed or even use your non-existent brain cells)
She's very much like every other person you'll meet on the streets who wouldn't just believe the first thing that she hears since she is very much a rational person
So, if you want to devise a plan to scare her, it'll have to blend in with everything or be quiet out there with realistic effects
You'll have to use your head to think of a good prank to scare her, which you did since you've inherited her intelligence (that's a lie because you don't have any intelligence left in you)
As her child, you have decided to prank her by making her a fake copy of her camera but instead of her being able to control objects within the photo, she would end up destroying it
You gave it to her as a gift and she accepted it with suspicion since you don't normally get her anything and encouraged her to try it (you're such an ungrateful child)
Cain, Dr Glass, Dr Kondraki and a couple of others wanted to see as well, so they stayed and watch
Much to everyone's horror, the illusion camera did exactly how you designed it to and Iris was furious and saddened
Later on, you told her about the prank since you feel bad and she was extremely mad
So instead of grounding or lecturing you, she decided to have revenge
SCP 106 (Old Man)
Now, scaring this old man would be rather interesting because he doesn't seem too fazed by the other, more dangerous and unpredictable, SCPs
But, you can still scare him to a certain degree
I mean, he is an old man after all, so scaring him would be fun
As long as you don't give him a heart attack then it's fine I guess (cuz yall be evil for scaring such an old man)
So, you have decided to scare 106 by giving off little bits of harmless pranks at first so 106 would let his guard down for a moment
Like, giving him a box full of spiders (he's quite disgusted by them just like how he sees your face every time) and popping an air-filled bag (Don't lie, you've all done it and it's hella fun)
Later on, you would gradually move to play with the more dangerous things, such as getting him to look at a picture of 096's face (Probs ugly like yo-)
As time moved on, 106 seemed to be relaxed and expected you to bring him random things and soon realised that there was something off
You didn't show up to him for almost a week and he was ready to get his dad mode on
Luckily, some of the guards caught you with Abel and got 106 involved since they were afraid of causing a massive breach
106 panicked and picked you up, giving you a lecture on how you shouldn't be with other SCPs like Abel
You managed to tell him that you've befriended Abel and he was stunned and gave him the dad glare (you know the one where dads would give to warn others to not hurt their kids right?)
And because it's Abel, he would even make sure to be with you whenever you were with him which made it difficult for you to play with Abel because he might steal you away (Yes I'm looking at you right now kiddo, don't play with Abel)
So in conclusion, if the prank involves you being in a dangerous position, he wouldn't necessarily be scared but would start to panic about your safety
SCP 096 (Shy Guy)
I think 096 would be similar to 106 in a sense but less logical and unfazed
It's more like he would be pretty panicky every time you weren't there with him and his anxiety would act up (like you every time you're preparing for your exams where you didn't even revise)
Like if you were with Safe class SCPs, he would be more relaxed than you being with a Euclid class, but it kinda depends on who it is
If it was Cain then it would be fine, but if you were to be with 173, he would be quite wary at first and would tell you to try and avoid being with that peanut
So if you wanted to scare him, it wouldn't be too hard
All you had to do was to be with another Keter class SCPs and play with them
He would be extremely cautious and terrified if you were with one and knowing this, you've decided that playing with 682 instead of playing with Walter the rabbit (SCP 524 | He's my other pet), you've decided to go up and pet 682
When 096 got a hold on the commission on you being with that lizard, he ran out of his cell, causing a huge containment breach on the way like he's bulletproof, and went yeehaw with 682
All you did was sit there in confusion as they entertained you with some pole dancing
Basically, if you scare 096, he would go from anxious to paranoid to berserk then to we're all going down to hell and back again
Dr Jack bright
This mf right here is unpredictable af
Like in his own body, he would remain unfazed and would even go as far as pranking you back
I mean he still would act all fun and games but since he can possess multiple bodies, the outcome of him being scared would vary which would surprise him too since he wouldn't know
Unless he decided to possess someone he knows well, but he knows better than to do that
Dr Bright would most notably be scared, like everybody else on the list, if you were to put yourself in immediate danger, but since you were just as crazy as your dad, he would most likely go along with it until you deliver your prank
Like, you could be juggling knives while standing on top of 682's head while singing 'Painted Smile' by Madam Macabre (If you haven't heard it, you should, it's amazing)
Also, he would sometimes find you having your back faced towards peanut and still be fine after having your neck being snapped (Yall be like surprise mf)
Anyways, one time Jack had made a promise to you to meet you at a certain place and he was late
So you stormed into his office (like the entitled little nugget you are) and went 'tick-tock mf' to your dad
Well it worked and you showed him your trick with the Keter classes
By causing a containment breach and somehow you managed to bribe the Keter classes to perform with you
Let's just say that just because you've inherited his craziness doesn't mean that you could go as far as doing this prank
Bright was about to drop dead from a heart attack and he banned you from doing such things in the future
Dr Simon Glass
With Simon Glass, you could give him a fright relatively easily
Just because he's a psychologist and can read people rather well, he still would be terrified and paranoid about whatever you were planning on doing
Even if he told you not to
Like that time when you were told to not make toast because you can't cook and you almost burnt the whole facility and Glass stood there and said "I told you so" (he did ask for toast, as in toasted bread, not toasted humans)
Anyways, being the child of Simon Glass meant that you would learn a lot about the human mind and behaviour
He would teach you everything you were curious about and would sometimes ask Diogenes, Light, Kondraki, Cain and Iris to help teach you the things he wouldn't have much knowledge on
And sometimes Clef and Bright would appear and spoil you (not that Glass doesn't, he's just busy and trying to be the best dad he could by being anxious about you being alone in the facility with so many dangerous SCPs)
So this often meant that you, Bright and Clef would pull pranks on each other, usually on Kondraki and Iris
Except for this time, you've decided to pull a prank on your dad, Dr Glass
You've handed him over a realistic model of SCP 058 and he freaked out and called the MTFs
They've checked the model and realised that it was all fake and poor Simon had a heart attack from you
Simon was about to yeet that spider looking thing but it was able to move so he planned to carry you and yeet you both out
He did give you a lecture on doing that stunt and you did shed a few crocodile tears
And yes, Glass gave in and comforted you
He then went to grab Clef and Bright's ears and lectured them about helping you make the prank
Dr Alto Clef
I feel like Clef would be similar to Bright but without the whole process of changing bodies because of some curse
Like Clef wouldn't be all that scared since he's dealt with SCPsbefore and dies an extremely good job at it
So for Clef to be scarred for life, it'll either be an extremely dangerous SCP, he's drunk and/or high, he must care about you a lot and you must've been out of your mind to do something seriously stupid or you're evil enough to piss off a Simon Glass (Or all of the above if you're evil enough)
You would most likely want to take the easier and quicker route out of all the ones mentioned on the list which is to put yourself in an immediate danger
So you had asked Dr Bright for some help and so he did
Moments later, midway through preparing your prank, Clef came to Bright asking if he saw you and he did
However, they heard a familiar scream from down the hallway and they both rushed to your aid and soon realised that it's you
You were about to get eaten by 939 and they had to signal for the MTFs to help (Because you mfs didn't ask me for permission when you wanted to pet 939 D:<)
Clef gave you a big lecture and comforted you after he cooled down
Bright on the other hand wasn't so lucky as Clef wanted to murder him (But in his defence, you didn't tell Bright how dangerous the prank was cuz yall are as stubborn as a rock)
Dr Benjamin Kondraki
Kondraki would be pretty much average when it comes to being scared but with a little more logical since he works with the Foundation
He's that type of dad who would let you go to sleepovers every now and again as long as they weren't of the opposite gender (Unless yall are Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Pan, Alien, Basketball etc then he's screwed)
We support BLM and LGBTQ+ in this community and anyone who says otherwise must leave now
Heck, even our friends here, especially Kondraki, Glass, Bright, 999, Cain, Iris and Josie (SCP 529, my new pet) supports them
Anyways, back to the main plot
Depending on what age you're at and whether you were planning to prank him with the Foundation staff or SCPs will lead to a different outcome
Like if you told him you were dating someone he would've died right there and then
No dating until you're 50
Anyhow, you've decided that it'll be funny to scare your dad with Clef and Bright by getting his Bootyflies to shapeshift into various Keter class SCPs and acting like it
And yes, you somehow managed to persuade the Bootiflies to do just that
And no, Kondraki didn't know about this even though he found it odd that his bootiflies didn't obey him that day
You got Kondraki to sit down in a room with Clef while you and Bright was setting up everything
The bootyflies shifted into the Scarlet King and boy sis Kondraki called the MTFs and was boutta shoot him
Everyone in the room had to get him to stop and that it was just a prank (And by everyone I mean just you, Bright and Clef)
Kondraki did manage to stop and was boutta drag you out for a big girl/boy lecture
Well, he did but not before kicked Bright and Clef in their privates first
Needless to say, nobody wanted to prank Kondraki again (Shush, no you don't, yes I'm looking at you from behind the screen and I know that you'll do it again)
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draftingteacups · 2 years
Hi I’m the same anon who typed how Croagunk appear in NRC XD (I'll reveal myself soon cause it's my first time giving you something about Pokemon since I love your story XD)
I have this idea where after everyone thought Croagunk would be another chaotic Pokemon like a certain a certain. Swan only to realize he is one of the chillest Pokemon who prefers his peace and quiet so long you don't disturb him then he won't give you a poison jab 😂 I can imagine the brain cell trio being one of the victims to in getting jabbed and can you imagine there is another dorm leader meeting and then suddenly you just see the same toad who appeared out of nowhere sitting beside the desk of Crowley who was shaking a bit (He got jabbed that's why) What do you think the Dorm leaders think of him when they first met him and only to realize that he is one of chillest Pokemon being behaved and not chaotic but mature (cue a sigh from Azul who was in relief that he isn't like Swanna)
Also Croagunk would be the one monitoring the halls of NRC if he feels like it but he could be found in different places like the Botanical Garden or Fountains where he is usually resting or he would be with Soni eating with the other Pokemon while headbutting his annoying chaotic rival Swanna XD
I feel like Riddle would be happy that there is someone who can keep on eye on the students who either breaks rules or causing trouble XD
My symbol to know it's me is this -💜 cause I love purple UwU
The Braincell Trio does get Poison Jabbed once in a while. Grim and Ace are the most likely culprits while Deuce gets it once in a while due to summoning a cauldron in a place where there shouldn't be a cauldron alsdkfjlkas
Although Croagunk does allow Deuce to smack the crap out of people who make fun of Happiny or bully little Happiny- yes, there are people like that because Happiny, to them, is an easy target to pick on.
For Riddle, when Croagunk first showed up, Riddle genuinely thought that the chaos would unfold just like when Swanna showed up, but throughout the time that the Pokemon's been on campus, it's gotten calmer. Ever since Riddle's encountered Pokemon, he's been curious about them, although in the beginning that wasn't exactly the case *cough cough* Episode 1 *cough cough*-
For Leona, he just braced himself for another rerun of Swanna's chaos in Savanaclaw and was met with groups of Savanaclaw students who tried to pick a fight with the toxic frog. Leona was severely unamused by it. Leona sees Croagunk in the Botanical Gardens from time to time, but the Pokemon doesn't really bother him as it enjoys its own time away from everyone. That is unless someone tries something dumb and enacts the Pokemon's Poison Jab.
For Azul, he was cautiously wary of the Pokemon. I have a good idea where to put Croagunk story-wise, so Azul would be cautious about this poisonous frog, thinking that it wouldn't cause as much chaos as Swanna. Until Episode 3 hits and it suddenly becomes Azul's biggest nightmare with both Swanna and Croagunk just ruining him for three days straight.
After a certain point, Azul is very wary of going near Croagunk and eventually realizes that the Pokemon doesn't mean harm to those that don't cause trouble. That does not include the times the Pokemon goes into the pools in the Mostro Lounge, but that's better than Swanna to Azul!
For Kalim, he'd be optimistic about Croagunk, finding it a fascinating Pokemon as all of them are! He sees Croagunk as a cool Pokemon and that doesn't change much once he realizes Croagunk's chill nature.
For Vil, Croagunk is a mixed bag. One hand, the Pokemon has Poison that can be controlled in doses, making it an interesting subject to thing about in terms of poison-making. On the other hand, the creature is quite unique in the way that it handles situations using that same poison, compared to Swanna. Vil appreciates the Pokemon for making things calmer and is thankful for the more controlled personality that the Pokemon has.
For Idia, he doesn't want another Swanna so Idia just bunkers down and waits to see what happens. Idia compares Croagunk to a laidback OP Anime Protagonist that hides their true power until it's time to save someone. Idia loses his mind with the Draco Meteor event and just thinks that this is just mind-blowing-
For Malleus, most of his opinions of Croagunk formed from meeting the Pokemon, and he thinks it's very polite. After the Draco Meteor attack that Malleus sent its way, they've been quite cordial with one another and enjoy one another's company. Malleus isn't sure if they're friends or not, but he likes to think that they are.
For Crowley, Croagunk is a menace and has remained a menace to the crow aldkfsjas ☠️
There's little explanation to be made when Crowley gets caught up with Croagunk's Poison Jab attack when trying to pull his BS on Soni or on anyone else. Add in the possibility of getting caught in-between Swanna (who actively tries to smack some sense into Crowley), and Crowley's just trying to not get attacked on a daily basis 😅
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