mrrwsoup · 3 months
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don't listen to him everybody look at his nice dress :)
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styllwaters · 10 months
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Hailing from the harsh planet of Ettera, Knights are the only sophont in the Zhagaviit system made of two consciousnesses. ---
At last, here they are! Nearly finished with redesigning every Vivere 44 species. These guys are retconned werewolves which I posted about some time ago. You might have noticed I brought back some space unicorn aspects as well! They've been through so many design changes but I've finally settled on something solid.
More information below!
I'll try to keep this concise. Most of this info is introductory biology.
Knights are the only sophonts living on Ettera, a mostly barren planet where survival is tough. Their civilisation is the least advanced compared to others in Zhagaviit, such as Arrows and Sea Crawlers. They were the third species to be contacted by the ZGC (Zhagaviit Galactic Community) followed by Post Humanity. Knights are known for being hardy, efficient, and motivated.
If it isn't already clear enough, Knights are two species in a symbiotic relationship acting as one individual. Helmets and Hosts have an evolutionary history so intertwined that one cannot survive without the other.
The Helmet is attached to the head of the Host, and will remain there for the rest of their life (unless separation happens - but we'll get into that later). In the relationship, their role is vision and dexterity. Since the Host is effectively blind, it is the Helmet's job to guide them. Their hands are also important, being the Knight's primary manipulators. They played a large part in early tool use. The Helmet lacks a mouth, and receives all its nutrients from the Host through a specialised organ not unlike an umbilical cord.
The Host is essentially the main body of the Knight. Wolflike and mammalian in nature, the Host is the Helmet's mode of transportation. Because they need to eat for two, Hosts are omnivorous and will eat just about anything. Although majority of their diet is comprised of meat, they are capable of digesting plant matter and bones. They are highly skilled and effective hunters.
It is in both party's best interests to assimilate as soon as possible. The Host cannot see without a Helmet, and within a few weeks bonding will become impossible. The stakes are higher for a newborn Helmet, because they cannot feed by themselves and will starve in under a week without a Host or an artificial feeder tube. Prior to first contact with the ZGC, Knights did not have the technology for artificial feeders, and infant death rates were high.
So how do two beings coordinate one body? The fact is that once assimilation occurs, they become one being. The Helmet's brain and the Host's brain are connected by millions of nerves exchanging signals. It's complicated, but the best way to describe the experience would be a 'mutual trance' in which full body coordination is achieved. They have shared interests and intentions. However, a Knight can mentally separate the Helmet and the Host, gaining back individuality; they do this for many reasons, perhaps to discuss something among themselves or simply for company. Yet on the whole, a Knight will spend 80% of their life in this 'trance'.
Both Helmets and Hosts have noticeable sexual dimorphism. Male Helmets are called Pikes, and females are called Guards. Pikes are distinguished by their horn, bold stripes, and more prominent crest spines. Guards lack a horn and have less contrast in their thinner markings.
Female Hosts are called Forts. They are larger than males and have a mane of fur on the back of their necks. Male Hosts, Spires, lack this mane.
In Knight society, individuals are usually referred to based on their combination of Host and Helmet. Since there are four sexes involved, there are four possible combinations.
Guard-spire [female Helmet, male Host]
Pike-fort [male Helmet, female Host]
Guard-fort [female Helmet, female Host]
Pike-spire [male Helmet, male Host]
(Knight languages have their own version of pronouns for each, but in English all are referred to as they/them by default. Of course, each individual has their own preferences. Usually a Knight will refer to themselves as we/us).
I'll get into Knight social structure, cultures and more in another post! For now, if you have any questions, feel free to send an ask. Always happy to answer!
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aeridanus · 9 months
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It's an overcast day and I'm going to have the beach to myself, you thought... and then, this fucker trudges along. There's this ghost story of them coming out when it's overcast, and since it's almost never truly overcast, well, who would've thought. They won't eat or harm you, they will mind their business until they disappear behind some lava rocks. Maybe they're there all the time, disguised as rocks, but maybe not? Maybe they live in undiscovered caves beneath the barrancos, where there's always a little stream of water running towards the shore. Who knows?
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living-dead-guyy · 2 months
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✨ the little alien dudes return ✨
here’s one showing off his newly-carved artwork. he is very proud. the image depicts the symbol of the sun with extending rays over an egg sac- it symbolises fertility and such
and I also sketched a bit to show how the tool is made
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beaktube · 1 year
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I colored in some more inks of Robeak from another set of designs I made of them during a stream. I leaned more heavily into the plate armor look for certain parts of them.
Robeak is my OC, and one of my Sonas. They are neither your OC nor an NPC for your games. Leave my characters the fuck alone and learn to go make your own.
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wizardpotions · 11 months
heres five whole minutes of linework for yous
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theartingace · 7 months
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today's drawtober got WILDLY out of hand while pondering my headworld's mermaids- the most common and well known of the true shapeshifters in the world. They are respected and feared for that power- though they mostly use it to play tricks and con unsuspecting townies out of baubles for funzies 🥰
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fulsvamp · 2 years
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Animal posters of various fauna seen in the Sednia Ruins
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mrrwsoup · 10 months
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the male nurse we all deserve
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styllwaters · 11 months
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It's been a hot minute since I drew Vreaz. Whipped up some outfit refs for Artfight!
Vivere 44 is going through major story revisions, and this includes aging up some of the cast. Vreaz is now 30! He works in foreign affairs, as a ZGC ambassador for Izvoi - one of the Ocean-Dwelling nations on the Sea Crawler homeplanet Qhuava. More detail, characters and changes to come!
In the meantime I figure I might as well talk about his clothes. More info under the cut.
I mentioned before that Sea Crawlers don't really wear that much drapery (especially Ocean Dwellers) and are more likely to stick to accessories. By Crawler standards Vreaz is quite overdressed.
Since the vascular system installed in his ESSE uniform was very complex and difficult to replicate, he has resorted to simple dampening collars to make sure his gills don't dry out. It's not the most comfortable solution, but he's used to it and likes to match them with his outfits.
Vreaz's outfits are very contemporary. Traditional Ocean-Dweller clothing is very bright and colourful with busy designs; by contrast, Vreaz prefers more minimalistic styles. His casual outfit is also inspired by Shore-Dweller fashion with lots of warm, earthy tones.
The clip-on tail accessories are a popular new trend. Vreaz likes to keep up with them, even if he works off-planet.
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bengaly · 2 months
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Different layers of a xoy's ornaments. The face is shaved and the fur is trimmed in angular equally leveled cuts. A yellow pigment is used on the face, then red is used to create patterns following the flow of the facial muscles. The horn carvings are painted black and red. Earrings are then added and a neck piece is balanced. The neck piece is tied on the horns, with a heavy long haired knot on the back. This piece is crafted in a way that it resembles wings and the xoy's movement and dance will cause it to move in assymetric ways. The piece relies on the balance and distribuition of different weights to stay in place, which makes it looks like its flying. High res & separate files on patreon Commissions | Patreon | Ko-fi | Other sites 
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aeridanus · 9 months
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The sketch page which also had the raw version of the first "sand slinker" image. I'm not sure whether I like smooth and shiny or smooth and matte skin better. Maybe there's both?
Those sketches came after a series of doodles revolving around Goal, and I started to think about the reasons behind his looks and which came first. Some drawing and worldbuilding groove, yay! :)
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greekceltic · 8 months
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I don't talk about my headworld much because itdy text limits discourage it. I'm gonna try throwing more factoids on doodles. Context bedamned haha
They'll probably be redundant. These already are- but I'm also used to art being flushed into a toilet where it will never seen again. Income aside twitter dying has been a relief for me. I used to talk about it a ton here, but since I'm posting in multiple places I stick with the text limit unless I'm feeling chatty.
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villiedoom · 9 months
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«Seeking peace and balance of my mind, soul and heart, I let the ice world melt and flow»
Some of my older art that I still love. Peace and flow, the quiet sound of water, the sparkles of hoarfrost, and the light of a distant guiding star. The sky is raining down, turning the icy mountains into flowing waters.
My characters here are two white Saenvine (a kind of spiritual or angelic form of my Vaeraf creatures) - Ledovy, whom I associate with darkness, ice, horror, grief and death, but also with light and sky, and the so-called White Mother, a mysterious and mystical spirit that I associate with the frost on the swamps in the black forest, and a kind of a guiding star for the dead who live in the dark water. They feel as very similar spirits, like brother and sister, or maybe even like mother and son, although the connection between spirits is difficult to describe in this way.
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pigeon-feet · 5 months
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first day of the year and im already completely revamping sirens again
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wizardpotions · 3 months
im making a worldbuilding server for sharing your world with others, come say hi :)))
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