#hecate goddess
hacatestruth · 4 months
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its not enough that I read that annabeth chase is a good architect. I need to read her in action. I need to know the creative process. I need to see her at nights, drafting out masterful plans on sheets of paper. I need to see her with a gleam in her eyes as she walks around the site pointing at things and telling people what to do. I need to see her light up with joy when the building is done and wipe the sweat off her face as she looks up at her creation, her craft, her new permanent perfect monument worthy of the gods. I need everyone to be worried in wrath of the triple goddess cuz "what do we do?? hecates mansion is ruined???" and annabeth to swoop in and save the day, rebuilding the mansion better than hecate could ever dream of. cause that was her dream since she was seven. and she did it. she achieved her grand plan.
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diana-thyme · 7 months
Greek Gods 101: Hecate
Hecate is a goddess of witchcraft, Magic, night, the moon, ghosts, and necromancy. Excluding the universal offerings, some common offerings include:
Divination Tools
Witchcraft Tools
Imagery of the Moon or Stars
Imagery or Depictions of Ghosts
Imagery or Depictions of Torches
Items Associated with Hunting (Boots, Bows, Arrows, Bones, Etc.)
Imagery or Depictions of Dogs
Imagery or Depictions of Polecats
Depictions of Darkness
For devotional acts, some activities that can be done for her include:
Performing Spells
Watching the Night Sky
Learning About Astronomy
Visiting Graveyards
Visiting Crossroads and Other Liminal Spaces
Lighting Candles to Help Ghosts Find Their Way
Volunteering at Animal Shelters
She is celebrated in 4 Athenian holidays:
Hekate’s Deipnon
Lesser Mysteries
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maryhale1 · 2 months
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Some easy witch tips
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gigizetz · 7 months
Classicstober day 31: Hecate
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Happy (late) Halloween!
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volddraws · 7 months
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Classicstober day 31: Hecate💫🔮🗡️🌛
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nocturnalhag · 1 year
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𝒉𝒆𝒌𝒂𝒕𝒆 ; 𝒈𝒐𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒇𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒄 🔮🌙
[please reblog or like if you saved]
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kevingotabigasschin · 5 months
Genuinely hate it when people always portray Hecate as a villain in shows, books, and movies to do with Greek Mythology.
Honey was the one that told Demeter it was Hades that kidnapped Persephone and even helped look for her.
Demeter and Persephone's cults relished her with great honor for helping in the search for her daughter and even became an attendant for them.
She saved an entire city from being ambushed by a giant during the night by appearing in the chief of the village's dreams to warn him.
She also aided in the fight against the giants and defended the Olympians with her torches.
She was one of the only goddesses on Olympus that Zeus didn't f**k with and deeply respected.
And like Hades and Ares, was one of the least problematic gods on Olympus in comparison to everyone else.
Probably because in one of the myths Hecate was the one that brought the stone for Cronus to swallow, as ordered by Rhea, instead of Zeus.
Thus saving baby Zeus' life.
I know like Hades and Ares it's easy to vilify her due to her gimmick but for crying out loud this needs to stop.
I've barely seen one adaptation where Hecate isn't portrayed as an evil sadistic monster that was banished from Olympus due to some unspeakable evil.
Put some respect on her name dammit.
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calliopescorner · 11 months
I'd love to know about Hecate or Hestia in the rewrite! Or if they are going to be important/otherwise present in it?
(Hestia is done!)
Before the new pact was made, Hecate still tried to be there for her children when they needed her most. She could provide a boon if she was available, and even (though rarely) visit them in their dreams to give them magical advice. However, she was also working with the surviving titans, as they were her family, as well as working with the other Underworld gods and goddesses. This prevented her from being able to see her children all the time.
When she joined the Titan Army, she only did under the promise that her children would be kept safe. Kronos agreed, and Hecate actually got to know her children much more closely during the Second Titanomachy. Through this the bonds of her children became stronger.
Now, she visits her children on their 12th, 18th, and 21st birthdays, as well as their birthdays on the decade-marks. She also visits them every other month at Camp Empeiria. She loves her children immensely and loves to teach them how to hone their unique forms of magic. While she may be taller and more mysterious, not divulging into her past, she does offer her children affection when she comes to see them.
She is a virgin goddess, but she can create her children using magic and different elements of nature. This, along with some of the blood from her lover, creates the newborn demigod baby.
Her cabin is made out of dark wood, with some rocks at the bottom for foundation. The walls are painted purple and two green torch-flames sit outside the door. The door has Hecate’s three faces carved into it. The cabin has been blessed and protected by the different plants grown around it, including some of the magical herbs that were grown from Kronos’ blood. The cabin is blessed to not be destroyed from the outside. In the busier months at Camp Empeiria, some children of Hecate and Hermes have been known to set up a small stand for potions outside the cabin.
Inside, the cabin is very cluttered with different tools for magic and potions. Not a single space is clear, and everyone uses the space to set up different things. It is considered very messy, even when things are “put where they belong.” There are stains on the walls from potions and magic that glow slightly at night. There is a pet polecat that lives somewhere in the cabin. There are books, vials, potions, flowers, and other ingredients found everywhere, with dried flowers being hung, candles being lit on windowsills, and tons of different books on the history of magic.
The cabin has been close with the Hermes children, as they also share powers related to paths, language, and travel. They also share an alliance with the Hypnos children, who give them Lethe water to help aid potion creation. Together, the three cabins team up for many different Camp activities, and friendships are made between them.
The older children of Hecate, who were in the Titan Army, are very protective of their siblings. This level of protection is passed down through the other cabin counselors of Hecate. They are encouraged to help their siblings with magic, though this can lead to the cabin getting rather noisy at its most full. Many talk over each other, and interruption is common.
Demigods who get overwhelmed by the noise are able to go and get some space outside, though they may also have to deal with any onlookers watching them practice. The cabin tends to be more chaotic during the later hours of the day, so going to practice earlier in the morning can be helpful.
Every other month, Hecate comes to teach her children magic by the light of the month’s full moon. She is able to give them advice and help them find clues from different aspects of nature, as well as teach them about how different magical ingredients grow at different times of the year. This allows her also to catch up with her children, and be in a very comfortable spot for all of them to practice magic together without worrying about many of the other demigod dangers.
Mageia (Witchcraft)
Manipulation of the Mist
Zoolingualism with polecats
Limited necromancy
Enhanced strength and speed at night
Reblog or @/ this blog if it inspires you to make your own child of Hecate! Thank you @themythicalgeek for the request!
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meerawrites · 1 month
Hekate ~ Goddess/Titaness (classical era) of witchcraft and crossroads, known as "Trivia", in Latin.
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smolandweirdwriter · 1 year
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hacatestruth · 4 months
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Virtual Hecate Alter
Made by me Featuring Cannon and UPG Elements
Coins (a symbol)
Keys (a symbol)
Snake (sacrad animal)
Witchy things (anthame, cauldren, tarot deck crystal balls) shes the goddess of witchcraft after all
Triple moon (symbol)
Ghost and coins (goddess of the crossroads)
Pumpkins (symbol)
Halloween is a holiday i love and i love to spend spooky season with her. (Feel like she digs the vibes) plus a bunch of Pumpkins! And Ghosts! And bats! Very much her vibe
Dogs are one of her symbols and toys are a big thing to me i love sharing them with my gods BOOM plush dog
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auroraendless · 3 months
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・༓☾• El ermitaño •☽༓・;
"Dichosos aquellos cuyo corazón valiente se impulsan al viaje solitario, ya que, elijen encontrar la verdad, y por consecuencia, son libres viviendo en ella.
Nunca duden de los pasos que dieron... pues no es sencillo ser ustedes, atravesar tanta vida de tropezones y túneles obscuros, ¿sin sentido alguno de estar haciéndolo?, quiero decir la vida es sabia con ustedes. No se aprende nada sin entorpecer por momentos. Se requiere coraje para haber elegido su camino de vida y aguantar todo lo que aguantaste, querido caminante.
No es momento de echar el bote a hundirse, recorriste las peores tinieblas y la prueba de Dios o el Cosmos aquí es a ver qué tan lejos estés dispuesto a llegar, y qué tanta paciencia sostienes con el sendero de conocimiento que queda por integrar, no debe ser apresurado el paso o tu psique se fragmentará, entrarás en caos de vivir las cosas tan rápido.
Ser un guerrero de la luz no es sencillo, porque tu instinto primitivo te pide que vayas a dónde todos van, pero tu razón o mejor dicho, tu verdad te lleva para el otro camino impredecible pero auténtico y valiente de lograr al final de su recorrido.
Si supieramos como termina todo, y que va a pasar después, no tendríamos motivo alguno para formar parte de la vida terrestre.
No dejes de buscar donde trazar camino propio, recuerda que los verdaderos héroes de nuestra historia hicieron lo mismo, y no desistieron.
La luz sucede a partir de tu ser existiendo, mi querido aprendiz."
Es un impulso de consciencia colectiva el perdernos o abstenerse del mundo por un tiempo, para ver qué podemos descubrir o que tan lejano a lo conocido podemos aventurarnos. Es ahí en esos momentos donde debemos dejar que el -todo- nos inspire, recuerda; saldrás de esa experiencia con otro nivel de entendimiento. De consciencia. De paz. De purificación.
No te rindas👁️
Escrito propio basado en Arcano Mayor del Tarot ~El ermitaño~ con mucho amor, Lu🗝️💜
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maryhale1 · 2 months
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THE SUN: Heals, charges, warms.
THE MOON: Connects, manifests, unlocks intuition
THE OCEAN: Cleanses, refreshes, opens energy centers.
THE FOREST: Grounds, balances, stabilizes.
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sarafangirlart · 1 month
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In Lucian's second-century AD Philopseudes we meet a Hecate of a form seemingly quite similar again to the lekythos image, for all its satirically exaggerated nature. Eucrates tells how he encountered Hecate one day in the woods: 'I saw a fearsome woman approaching me, almost half a stadium's length high. In her left hand she held a torch and in her right a sword twenty cubits long. Below the waist she had snake-foot; above it she resembled a Gorgon, so far as concerns the look in her eyes and her terrible appearance, I mean. Instead of hair, writhing snakes fell down in curls around her neck, and some of them coiled over her shoulders.' He goes on to explain that the goddess' dogs, by whose barking her arrival was anticipated, were 'taller than Indian elephants ... similarly black and shaggy, with dirty, matted hair'. Eucrates was able to avert the visitation with a magic ring. As he activated it, 'Hecate stamped on the ground with her snake-foot and created a huge chasm, as deep as Tartarus. Presently, she jumped into it and was gone.' Eucrates was then able to peer into the underworld before the chasm closed behind her. The detail of the single serpent-tail matches strikingly with the Hecate of the lekythos. The narrative leaves it unclear whether Hecate's dogs are attached to her, again as on the lekythos, from Daniel Ogden Drakon: Dragon Myth and Serpent Cult in the Greek and Roman Worlds
I just know so many ppl would still be like:
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