beevean · 13 days
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the-crow-binary · 3 months
Have a little piece of Adrian visiting Hector one night, after Dracula did first... :)
For the bestie @beevean 😘
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hecula-propaganda · 2 months
“I trust you that you will be able to take down the Belmont.”
“I’m capable, my Lord.”
Which didn’t mean Hector had any intention of doing so. The path he had traced on his maps should take him in the opposite direction, to give the hunter a wide berth.
It’s not cowardice. It is the primal will to live.
The feeble voice in his mind could only crushed by the weight of the guilt that paralyzes him on the spot, kneeling right at his Lord’s feet.
Hector dares not lift his head, for he knows that his brittle resolve to save himself would shatter at the sight of the man who gave him shelter and warmth.
He used me. I refuse to be his tool! I deserve better than that!
And it was Lord Dracula himself who taught him his own worth, so Hector was only being a good student.
There was a time where there was no room in his heart for spite against his savior.
Moved not by reason, but by a spark ignited in his chest, Hector clasped his Lord’s hand like many times before, and planted a long kiss on that cold skin, until the chill seeped in his lips.
The kiss of Judah.
“Oh, Hector,” and he didn’t need to look at the vampire: his smile, that poisonous smile that had him ensnared for years, was audible. “You will never change.”
He bit back a smile.
“Forgive me, my Lord,” Hector replied, and stood up, gaze fixated on his own bloody hands, “but I believe I did already. I can only thank you for the man I have become.”
To Lord Dracula, he owed his most sincere gratitude, for raising him to become the kind of man that can decide for himself to seek life.
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Started rewatching Netflixvania with roomie tonight (first time watch for them) and promptly dove right back into my delusion i mean hecula -
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victorianvivisection · 5 months
I’ve drawn Dracula bathing Hector and brushing his hair but like… Imagine the reverse. Imagine for whatever reason Dracula requests Hector to groom him and Hector is so nervous about it. He’s so careful not to mess up, to not pull too hard while brushing his hair, to be gentle while bathing him. He knows Dracula is a physically tolerable man, that Hector would have to go out of his way to hurt him, but he’s so scared.
Hector is a fawn trying to calm a bullet, he knows even his best efforts will get him hurt and he knows he’s only there to be hurt, but he tries so hard to please Dracula anyway.
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ask-hector-and-isaac · 4 months
Yo Hector, look what I did!!
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*seconds of silence pass*
Hector: ... what the hell.
*Isaac is doubled down, wheezing*
Isaac: Hahahahaha! Ohhh, I bet you'd love this to happen, wouldn't you, Hector? *snidely* To have Lord Dracula fawning all over you...
Hector: Fuck you, Isaac. I'm done with this. *storms out*
Isaac: With pleasure! Ah, forgive him, he doesn't appreciate fine art. I wonder if you could draw something similar for me, hahaha! I'd be sure to cherish your artistic vision...
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kachimera · 10 months
I am thinking about... Dracula and his biases regarding his opinions on his two forgemasters
This is mostly just me and myheadcanons but: Dracula seeing traits of his former life in his two apprentices. Hector is the perfect extra competent man, cold and in control of himself, the person he wanted to be and thought of himself to be. Meanwhile Isaac is someone who's smart and hardworking but dramatic and keeps getting dragged around by his too strong emotions. And that last part does not bother Dracula bc he never lost control of his emotions as a human w his intelligence making it it worse, he did not dishonored the two people he loved the most and did not coldly planned the murder of an innocent kind woman who just wanted to help him, he did not created his nemesis in the VK and the Belmont clan, and he definitely did not cursed his own being and soul for eternity. Besides, he is a perfectly controlled and reasonal vampire lord now and not a simple animalistic human, he's beyond those things now.
So basically Hector, aside from being a special little guy and looking like his hot ex, reminds him of the traits he favored of his human self, while Isaac reminds him of the traits he disliked. And Dracula, an expert in denial and carefully crafted self delusions, probably doesn't realizes this, but at least on a subconcious level he isn't happy with Isaac.
And i'm sure he mostly kept this to himself, after all this kid is still excelent at his craft, blindly loyal, and it's always better to have two forgemasters rather than one. The people around him (specially Isaac) would still be able to notice but it's nothing out of the norm.
But after Lisa died and he went mad, he very openly manifests his favoritism to the detriment of both forgemasters (yea Hector didn't came out unscathed from his Lord's appreciation) and it gets worse after Alucard, him and Lisa's child and his number 1 specialest little guy, decides to oppose him. He's on a bad mental state and the last thing he'd want to see is the reminder of his lack of control, of how much yet how little he has changed.
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monochromatictoad · 4 months
9, 14, 25? :>
9. a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy?
Hecula. I love the fanfics I've read of it, but I'm not attached enough to either character to claim it as an otp.
14. the ship that always makes you smile?
NaruHina. It's one of my first otps and it always makes me feel better when I'm down in the dumps 🥰
25. a piece of advice for taking care of yourself in fandom spaces?
I'm hoping I worded this coherently.
Some fandom battles aren't worth the energy. Instead, use that energy to be open and welcoming to others who are interested in the media. Eventually, when you surround yourself with other members who appreciate the media, and usually the ones who started wars and battles will move to a different fandom, because they lose the foundation to continue fighting in yours, or simply lose interest in the media altogether.
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innocentdevilmaster · 2 months
thoughts on Hecula?
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To be honest, it's not really my thing. I understand where this couple came from and what the reasons are, but I don't really feel any bright feelings between them, there is this connection, as a master and a servant. How Dracula gave him a new life, a new home in the dark. and when Hector so "betrays" his new home in favor of humanity, it obviously upset Dracula
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viralvava · 6 months
Hecula, Walterkado, and Trevorcard (leaving the most obvious choice for someone else :P)
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in-law ship as we know, but i will reiterate i think they are at their best when divorced or in the process of divorcing and also when theyre maiming eachother i just think they should be haters about it
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crimson stone shenanigans could be SO FUNNY in sorrow era because honestly arikado is more likely to have that stupid rock than literally anyone else but unfortunately im the only person who sees that. anyway walter should get to fuck with arikados head a little since he didnt seem to get much opportunity to do it to dracula. maybe erotically
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waaaah trevorcard... probably my main comfort ship i love them lots and lots and lots but nobody gets it like i do. themes of humanity and monstrosity depending on perception and the intensity of mutual trust, believing in eachother, but also dual misplaced guilt and an inability to truly be together because of these issues that cant be resolved, that ends up carrying on through generations since the loose ends were simply left to fray... they just make me so insane hhhngh
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beevean · 4 months
Dracula and Rosaly accepting Hector in a world that doesn't, and protecting him from commoners who mistrust him. However, Dracula cared about what Hector was - a powerful cursed human who could learn the most forbidden of dark arts, while Rosaly cared about who Hector was - a mysterious yet kind and helpful person.
Dracula denying Hector's humanity to allow him to live among demons, and convincing him he is one. Rosaly appreciating Hector's humanity, but ignoring his dark past.
Dracula filling Hector's head with notions about how God hates his own creations and won't be there to help him (he will :) ) and how power is the one thing that matters. Rosaly being a full, devoted Christian that believes in the strength of mankind so much that she manages to convince Hector as well.
Dracula caring so much about Hector's life that he organized an expedition to find him again, although only not to waste his powers, and ready to punish him in case he had betrayed him. Rosaly caring so much about Hector's life that she searched for him when he ran away from home and was nearly dying after fighting Isaac, because she was seriously concerned for his wellbeing.
He, the mighty Dark Lord, stayed in the castle and sent Isaac. She, a normal young woman, ventured into the forest all by herself.
They both indirectly died because they wanted Hector with them this much.
Rosaly's sole presence dispelling Dracula's curse, his nefarious influence from beyond the grave. Hector musing that he was going to die together with Dracula, until Rosaly saved his life.
Hector being the best General on Dracula's side. Hector being a common househusband to Rosaly. Both of them cherish him, but in such different ways.
Hector being used as a tool and ordered around by Dracula no matter what he thought. Hector being free to be whoever he wants to with Rosaly.
Hector giving his life for them without hesitation. Hector serving Dracula out of gratitude for being allowed to live. Hector saying that he would give his life for Rosaly "without forgiveness or atonement", and technically doing so when he goes on a revenge quest for her.
Hector being ready to let himself die after betraying Dracula, even musing the irony of dying together. Hector being ready to let himself die after avenging Rosaly, because he felt he had no reason to live anymore.
Hector attempting to pay Rosaly with what little he has, his belt, because he can't conceive someone being kind to him without reason - Dracula requested his services in exchange for being allowed to live, after all.
Hector clutching Rosaly's ribbon as he thinks one last time about Dracula.
Hector dressing with his old Devil Forgemaster uniform in the game, the one given to him by Dracula and complete with the crest, but completing it wrapping Rosaly's ribbon to his waist.
Hector rejecting the notion that his old Master was right about humans and judging them, because Rosaly showed him what humanity is actually made of.
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the-crow-binary · 2 months
Super ultra prompt that will earn you all the prompts you want: my old idea of Hector being offered a chance to live by three people. Him kneeling in front of Dracula and clutching his hand in tears, Rosaly holding his hand while he's bedridden, and Julia dragging him by the wrist to her own home, while he's wounded but smiling.
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Hehe. I finally did it. :3 look at how small Hector's hands are compared to Dracula's, I'm sobbing
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0nelittlebirdtoldme · 3 months
Random question: does it happen to you that you gradually start to see a ship you love with a completely different dynamic?
When I first entertained the thought of Hecula, it was clear in my mind that it was 100% onesided: Dracula is obsessed with Hector, Hector hated those forced attentions and felt like a prisoner. This is how I imagined the Bride AU, as Hector being forced in the role of a "bride" and hating the scorn that came from the rest of the castle. This is also because back then, I believed that Hector canonically didn't think much of his Lord - a superficial reading that missed the small details and the peculiar choice of words in Japanese :P
But then brain started to think "but what if 🥺 what if hector 🥺 loved his lord too 🥺 and he was happy with him 🥺 and he kissed him sometimes 🥺", and then I uhhhhhh never stopped lol. It's still not a cutesy dynamic because it's so unbalanced it's not even funny (jk it is lol), but it comes easier to me now to imagine Hector being satisfied in his role as Dracula's favorite, basking in the love and accepting that they're both special to each other... although canon dictates that it doesn't last forever, which is fine by me :) that's also part of the fun :)
Now, if I ever decide to bring back the old Bride AU, I don't think I'd have it in me to repeat the same angsty dynamic. I think I'd imagine it as I said, as Hector growing accustomed and even fond of his "husband", although always with an undercurrent of bitterness and desire for equality. Which was utterly unthinkable to me a year ago!
Anyway. Question is, has it happened to you? lmao. For example, your Harkula fics seem to explore how their dynamic would shift in a century, from master/angry "child" to proper husbands. Was this always your vision, or did your interpretations of the characters shift with time?
So sorry i came back to this ask so late @beevean - but thank you for sharing your thoughts and asking! I do love every version of hecula that you're writing, these two are just so ughhhh. Love when a master/sire turns more affectionate with time towards the object of their desire (with hecula, harkula, dracfield, you name it)😩❤️‍🔥
To be honest, harkula has been my longest and biggest ship I have ever written for and god how i do love these bastards to death. I did start off writing them with the big bang of my questionable long fic though, and feel like that did hugely influence the way i have written them ever since, with drac being misguided but still deeply loving jonathan in his very own way, and johnny loving him back just as much, if not more. Their drive comes from the elemental feeling of sheer love - no matter how monstrous, self destructing or twisted that love might be. That's just how they always have been. I love to write them as murder husbands or sire/fledgling or sire/human pet, but the very first version of the characters, in which they both care and kill for the other, still remains being one of my favs.
So, if anything, with me it is the other way around than with you - over the course of the last few months/years i have actually started to explore even darker but probably more realistic AUs in which they start openly unhealthy and miserable and remain that way the entire way through (cough, TGN, cough). Codependent. Bound. So. I guess that counts as writing and character development?
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victorianvivisection · 9 months
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Oh boy I sure do love casual and innocent conversation with no deeper fucked up meaning 🤭
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ask-hector-and-isaac · 4 months
Ok Isaac, maybe you can answer this: does Hector crush on Dracula? 😏
Well, isn't that an amusing way of putting it!
Hector certainly basks in the praises of our Lord, like a kitten under a sunbeam. He does a poor job at hiding his smile or his flushed cheeks... he acts so above the rest of us mortals, but Lord Dracula can make him fall apart with a mere pat to the head, as befitting of someone of His influence and power.
*Isaac mutters something under his breath*
I do not blame Hector for being enchanted, of course. Lord Dracula carries Himself with a grace and beauty that humans could only dream of. No one could gaze upon Him and be left unaffected.
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Now make with this information what you will.
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kachimera · 4 months
Brain: you know since we're on dnd official settings mode, you could insert the funny dynamic of this ship if you made this npc meet your oc and-
Me: shhhhhh hhh h
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