foxieskull · 8 months
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got a new drawing tablet and i’ve been experimenting with it ^_^
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stelmao · 10 months
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i refuse to believe he doesn't leave one of those mark thingy around his eyes for wearing goggles 24/7
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fearsfalling · 10 days
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shinjukusunset · 8 months
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bambouche · 8 months
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happy birthday to eclipse’s fruitiest member (also hello to the total of 10 heliosr fans on tumblr)
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AAA URE BACK i'm so happy omg…you're one of my fav writers in this platform and i love rereading your fics and headcanons!!! ♪
i'd like to request coriander, daisy, fennel, peony and sweet pea from the plant asks for marion!! there's not enough marion content that i can find here I swear...I think he really deserves some more love 💔…but either way, thank you so much in advance and have a great day!! :] ★
(Marion is my beloved I'm always happy to write for him~)
Marion Blythe:
🌻coriander: what do they love the most about their s/o, both physical and personality-wise?
You’re some whose very easy for him to talk to. He doesn’t feel like you’re judging him, or underestimating his strength, or making any assumptions based on factors outside of his control. He feels like he could tell you anything, and having this emotional security is incredibly important to Marion; it’s always been difficult to let his real feelings shine through, but it wasn’t healthy for him to keep them inside constantly, so he needed a person who he felt could understand him. Even if you didn’t have the same opinions as he did, there was just something that made him comfortable speaking freely with you.
Marion likes your eyes. They’re like windows to the soul, or so Nova used to joke, but he never really understood the phrase ‘getting lost in their eyes’ until you. He could stare into your eyes forever if you let him but normally, you’d get too flustered, having to look away while Marion couldn’t possibly mirror you.
🌻daisy: what is their love language, both giving and receiving?
Giving: Acts of Service. This is more a goal set by himself but Marion likes to prove that he’s ‘useful’ to you; it’s nothing you’ve ever commented on, and you don’t quite know where it came from as its not like he has anything to prove. He just liked the feeling of knowing he was making your day easier, even when he was busy himself he still tried to fit in tasks that would make your day easier by the end of it. It’s not something he willingly admits to, of course, denying that it’s coming from the love he has for you as it would be too embarrassing to admit.
Receiving: Quality Time. Marion isn’t a high-maintenance lover, as much as his standards might have you perceive him that way. He doesn’t want you going out of your way to do things for him, nor does he have a need for endless gifts (although he won’t ever deny home-cooked breakfast). He always preferred doing things together when your free-time allowed it, like cooking together or watching movies with the entire family; at first he was nervous about spending time alone with you but now it’s exactly what he needs to keep his head on straight.
🌻fennel: what are their kisses like? where do they like to be kissed the most?
Marion’s kisses are thoughtful, always coming in a moment that you suspect yet still knocking you off your feet anyway. You can’t help but lean in to him and it’s exactly what he wants, that closeness that comes with being unabashedly in love. He preferred to take the moments slow, as much as his nerves were set alight when you kissed he couldn’t help but want to savor the moment.
He would say the lips if asked but he doesn’t have a preference, a kiss is a kiss but he does like ones he can reciprocate. When you’re quick with kissing him on the cheek or forehead he always tried to grab you before you could get away, which you now made into a game knowing he wanted to reciprocate any affection you gave him. It left you both giggling in a way you didn’t think Marion was capable of before dating him, kissing each other’s faces until your other responsibilities were remembered.
🌻peony: how do they get their s/o to blush? how does their s/o make them blush?
Marion is always proud when he managed to set up a perfectly romantic moment for the two of you to enjoy together, and the confidence he has about knowing you is something you can’t help but blush over. There are some partners who might take a more bashful approach to it but knowing you inside and out is a source of pride for Marion, who put endless effort into your relationship while training his hardest to be a great hero.
Marion is surprisingly easy to make blush, almost like its natural reaction to your presence. It happened when you leaned in close or suddenly start giving him physical affection before he can mentally prepare, or when you sincerely compliment an outfit you think he looks good in. Having any sort of praise coming from you pleased him, but romantic attention made him more nervous than other kids of attention from you.
🌻sweet pea: are they big on cuddling? what is their favorite position to cuddle their s/o in?
Marion enjoyed cuddling as long as he was in a good mood, as he preferred being left alone or not being confined if he was angry/worked up. There are times where he needs comfort that he’ll let you know it’s okay to be close to him, a comforting arm wrapped around his shoulder as he leaned into you and tried to get ahold of himself as he didn’t want your mood to tank alongside his. There’s something inherently comforting about having a person you can simply lean against and absorb their warmth without being questioned on it, although teasing is imminent especially when the cuddling happens on movie nights.
His favorite way to cuddle was when you were on the couch together, a nice blanket spread across your legs, either you curled up into him or him resting his head on your shoulder. He thought it was nice if somewhat distracting, the first few times finding it impossible to fully focus on the movie but eventually falling into a comfortable rhythm where Jacqueline wouldn’t constantly squeal about how cute the two of you were.
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zippam · 10 months
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akira and ren event
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dajaregambler · 1 year
HeliosR - Sing in the darkness - Chapter 1 - Part 1 to 3
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Translation of Sing in the darkness from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’, a new side arc alongside the current main story arc Like the dawning light.
First post contains part 1 to 3 of Sitd Chapter 1 due to how short they are, posts afterwards will have parts seperately each post.
This story has been written so that new & veteran commanders can enjoy it, meaning it's not a 100% neccessity to be currently caught up with the main arc.
*Warning that this post is also image heavy!
Part 1
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Nova: Ah, Commander~ Perfect timing
Nova: It looks like they renewed the introduction video about New Million exhibited at the Helios museum, and I was looking over it just now
Nova: The 13th generation team of heroes you’re in charge of are shown for a bit too, which is why I’d like you to check over it
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“The city where a million dreams come true, New Million- 
That’s where heroes that protect the people are.”
“50 years ago, an energized substance flying through space crashed into Million State.”
“While it served as a boon for the planet running out of resources, what came with it were natural disasters that continue to harm people.”
“As a countermeasure against the damage brought in Million State, HELIOS was established and makes use of all kinds of technology relying on various crystallized rocks containing abilities found within the substance.”
“Thus, people harnessing special abilities--- those we call heroes were successfully created.”
“The main duty of these heroes is preventing disasters by subduing and retrieving substance.”
“By their continued efforts, the city developed into four unique sectors surrounding Central Square, and has been reborn as a metropolis visited by people all over the world.”
Nova: And, and? Wonder if it’s somehow too bombastic~?
Nova: Akira and everyone turned out great on the shots, so it has a nice feel to it but… Hm?
Nova: Commander, look outside! Something just…
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Sing in the darkness
Chapter 1
Part 2
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Nico: ---Eclipse spotted. Three human type units, currently going straight down the street and right.
Nico: I’ll join up in a second
???: Roger/Got it
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Sage: Over there!
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Bianchi: There’s nowhere to run!
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Jude: Leave it to me
Jude: Haaah…!
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Nico: Sage
Sage: Nico! Right now Jude-kun’s---
Nico: Three more units over there. Help me out.
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Sage: Eh-
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Sage: Uwawah!?
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Sage: That came out of nowhere!?
Part 3
Nico: Ha!
Nico: Take care of over there
Sage: Okay…!
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Nico & Sage: Haaah…!
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Jude: What, already cleaned up, huh
Sage: Jude-kun, Bianchi-san
Jude: And here I thought we still could fight…
Bianchi: That’s not something to be dissapointed over you know
Nico: Looks like that spot was taken care of.
Bianchi: Yes. It’s quite something to for them show up at the same time this close to each other
Sage: Seems that the fact of Eclipse’s activity increasing is true…
Sage: What could they be up to at a time like this…
Bianchi: It's because of how things are currently, is it not?
Sage: …….
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Sage: (---A few days ago, a large hole had shown up in the sky above New Million.)
Sage: (It’s shrouded by darkness, dragging on the night continuously.)
Sage: (Most of the citizens frightened by this strange occurence have fled town by now.)
Sage: (New Million which is lauded as “The city where a million dreams come true”, has become a shell of what it once was in a mere few days.)
Sage: (Is the reason behind this substance, or perhaps, the work of someone exploiting it…)
Sage: (Whatever it is, the only ones who can save this city are us heroes at HELIOS.)
Sage: (In order to restore this city’s former peace, we’re busy doing everything we can to figure out the cause behind it---)
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Bianchi: Wonder what the time even is now? I bet finding out the exact hour will be a shock either way
Jude: It’s just about half past twelve in the afternoon, Bianchi
Bianchi: …Why thank you. Even though I wasn't asking you.
Sage: …….
Bianchi: Oh dear. Sei-chan, what’s wrong? Everything okay?
Sage: Ah… yeah. I’m fine.
Sage: Sometimes I end up getting caught up in my own thoughts, like what if the city doesn’t go back to how it was before, but I can’t afford to be negative right now, do I
Bianchi: Exactly. It is something that happened in New Million, which already gives us a rough idea that substance could be the reason one way or another, no?
Bianchi: I’m most certain that the research department is desperately seeking a solution too…
Jude: If it’s not happenstance and some phenomenon pulled by Eclipse instead, it’d make things way quicker. Because we can just catch them and beat them to a pulp then. 
Bianchi: You really are just so…
Sage: Alright. It’s not like we’re at a dead end yet, so let’s stay positive and pull it together.
Sage: It’s precisely because the city is in grave danger, that the power of us heroes is needed more than ever now--
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Nico: Say-
Bianchi: Gyah-- Nico-chan!?
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cas-paradox · 6 months
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so………..first storm……….:3
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rosebunnys · 11 months
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one million feelings about nicosage
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bunberrypancake · 7 months
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so excited for the Bnuuy event
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foxieskull · 8 months
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redraw of this album cover because i'm obsessed
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choconanime · 7 months
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[ New Oc ] ehehe mommy dearest miss celeste....gotta post here too!~
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1250px · 1 year
【DL】 Action Stage「Helios Rising Heroes」
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To celebrate the release of HeliosR first stage play at the end of the month, Whim (@thiswasmadeonawhim​) and I are happy to finally be able to share this project with everyone~!
If you’re able to, please do consider buying the Blu-ray to officially support the series and actors.
Rules and download links for both subs and video under the cut. Enjoy!
Please DO NOT re-post the subs outside of Tumblr!
Please DO NOT upload the stage on streaming platforms.
Please DO NOT post screenshots or gifs on Twitter et similia. Please do realize that what we are doing is not legal and could result in future stages not being accessible to overseas fans.
Please DO NOT remove the credits.
If someone asks for links, PLEASE redirect them to this post.
☆ SOFT SUBS: DOWNLOAD ※ If you can prove that you have purchased​ from @thiswasmadeonawhim​ one of the other streams that was released but not the one that was subbed (The morning perfomance on December 10th) or your recording doesn't include any filler thus the subs not matching without retiming, you can contact them for the HD stream version.
☆ HARD SUBS: DOWNLOAD ※ DM me for the decryption key. I apologize for the extra step, but please understand that this is to better control who gains access to the file.
NB. If we find out videos, screenshots or gifs of this stage on public spaces we will delete all the files without prior notice. Please be respectful, we are not asking much! That being said, I hope you enjoy the stage!
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shinjukusunset · 7 months
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wolfydraws · 7 months
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wow hi its been 2984323 years again huh- well today i have for u some order info for a fanzine i helped to moderate!! (guy who is sooo good at selling things dont even worry about it-) i genuinely dont know if external links will make this hard to find or not.. but i couldnt find a good enough workaround, so, the link to the shop is HERE! please take a look if youre interested in helios rising heroes! this project is a collaberation between an extremely talented bunch of 16 artists and 4 writers to bring you a look into new million through the seasons! reblogs are super super appreciated! <3 especially since idk about the external link thing aha-
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