#sage skyfall
cuiizhu · 1 month
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what if your parents were cringe
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foxieskull · 8 months
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redraw of this album cover because i'm obsessed
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dajaregambler · 1 year
HeliosR - Sing in the darkness - Chapter 1 - Part 1 to 3
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Translation of Sing in the darkness from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’, a new side arc alongside the current main story arc Like the dawning light.
First post contains part 1 to 3 of Sitd Chapter 1 due to how short they are, posts afterwards will have parts seperately each post.
This story has been written so that new & veteran commanders can enjoy it, meaning it's not a 100% neccessity to be currently caught up with the main arc.
*Warning that this post is also image heavy!
Part 1
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Nova: Ah, Commander~ Perfect timing
Nova: It looks like they renewed the introduction video about New Million exhibited at the Helios museum, and I was looking over it just now
Nova: The 13th generation team of heroes you’re in charge of are shown for a bit too, which is why I’d like you to check over it
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“The city where a million dreams come true, New Million- 
That’s where heroes that protect the people are.”
“50 years ago, an energized substance flying through space crashed into Million State.”
“While it served as a boon for the planet running out of resources, what came with it were natural disasters that continue to harm people.”
“As a countermeasure against the damage brought in Million State, HELIOS was established and makes use of all kinds of technology relying on various crystallized rocks containing abilities found within the substance.”
“Thus, people harnessing special abilities--- those we call heroes were successfully created.”
“The main duty of these heroes is preventing disasters by subduing and retrieving substance.”
“By their continued efforts, the city developed into four unique sectors surrounding Central Square, and has been reborn as a metropolis visited by people all over the world.”
Nova: And, and? Wonder if it’s somehow too bombastic~?
Nova: Akira and everyone turned out great on the shots, so it has a nice feel to it but… Hm?
Nova: Commander, look outside! Something just…
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Sing in the darkness
Chapter 1
Part 2
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Nico: ---Eclipse spotted. Three human type units, currently going straight down the street and right.
Nico: I’ll join up in a second
???: Roger/Got it
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Sage: Over there!
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Bianchi: There’s nowhere to run!
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Jude: Leave it to me
Jude: Haaah…!
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Nico: Sage
Sage: Nico! Right now Jude-kun’s---
Nico: Three more units over there. Help me out.
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Sage: Eh-
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Sage: Uwawah!?
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Sage: That came out of nowhere!?
Part 3
Nico: Ha!
Nico: Take care of over there
Sage: Okay…!
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Nico & Sage: Haaah…!
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Jude: What, already cleaned up, huh
Sage: Jude-kun, Bianchi-san
Jude: And here I thought we still could fight…
Bianchi: That’s not something to be dissapointed over you know
Nico: Looks like that spot was taken care of.
Bianchi: Yes. It’s quite something to for them show up at the same time this close to each other
Sage: Seems that the fact of Eclipse’s activity increasing is true…
Sage: What could they be up to at a time like this…
Bianchi: It's because of how things are currently, is it not?
Sage: …….
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Sage: (---A few days ago, a large hole had shown up in the sky above New Million.)
Sage: (It’s shrouded by darkness, dragging on the night continuously.)
Sage: (Most of the citizens frightened by this strange occurence have fled town by now.)
Sage: (New Million which is lauded as “The city where a million dreams come true”, has become a shell of what it once was in a mere few days.)
Sage: (Is the reason behind this substance, or perhaps, the work of someone exploiting it…)
Sage: (Whatever it is, the only ones who can save this city are us heroes at HELIOS.)
Sage: (In order to restore this city’s former peace, we’re busy doing everything we can to figure out the cause behind it---)
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Bianchi: Wonder what the time even is now? I bet finding out the exact hour will be a shock either way
Jude: It’s just about half past twelve in the afternoon, Bianchi
Bianchi: …Why thank you. Even though I wasn't asking you.
Sage: …….
Bianchi: Oh dear. Sei-chan, what’s wrong? Everything okay?
Sage: Ah… yeah. I’m fine.
Sage: Sometimes I end up getting caught up in my own thoughts, like what if the city doesn’t go back to how it was before, but I can’t afford to be negative right now, do I
Bianchi: Exactly. It is something that happened in New Million, which already gives us a rough idea that substance could be the reason one way or another, no?
Bianchi: I’m most certain that the research department is desperately seeking a solution too…
Jude: If it’s not happenstance and some phenomenon pulled by Eclipse instead, it’d make things way quicker. Because we can just catch them and beat them to a pulp then. 
Bianchi: You really are just so…
Sage: Alright. It’s not like we’re at a dead end yet, so let’s stay positive and pull it together.
Sage: It’s precisely because the city is in grave danger, that the power of us heroes is needed more than ever now--
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Nico: Say-
Bianchi: Gyah-- Nico-chan!?
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rosebunnys · 11 months
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one million feelings about nicosage
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bunberrypancake · 7 months
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so excited for the Bnuuy event
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shinjukusunset · 1 year
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fishielord · 1 year
Save him
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rubyjcat · 6 months
English fandub of the 12th Robins Heroes vs. Robber of Dawn Boss (Full Version)
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fearsfalling · 1 year
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frobby · 7 months
U can vote on this poll even if u don't play or never heard of helios
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reccyls · 1 year
Helios Rising Heroes spoilers for sitd part 3
I am sitting here with an angel and devil on my shoulder:
"Sage Skyfall deserves to only ever have good things happen to him for the rest of his life"
"yes but what if AU where robin never got him out of the cult tho"
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cuiizhu · 2 months
Helios Rising Heroes - Sing in the Darkness 3
Chapter 41: 
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Nico: The data records…indicate this was taken right after the last time everyone gathered together. 
Nico: It was originally wiped alongside the other data, but I’m sure Robin wanted all of us to see it, so I’ll share it here now. 
Sage: ……….
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Robin [hologram]: [……….]
Bianchi & Jude: ……!
Robin: [Um…… is this recording properly?]
Robin: [Recording yourself feels really weird, doesn’t it….]
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Sage: Sensei……
Robin: [Nico, Bianchi, Jude, and Sage. Sorry for not contacting sooner.]
Robin: [This recording will soon be deleted, so if you’re watching this, Nico probably did his best.]
Nico: …….
Robin: [....I guess you’ve probably learned a lot by now? I won’t go into details here, but sorry for surprising you.] 
Bianchi & Jude: ……….
Robin: [Among you….Sage. You may have ended up discovering things you didn’t want to know.] 
Sage: ……….
Robin: [I should’ve taken that secret to the grave but…. It doesn’t seem likely that will happen, so I don’t think it’s worth hiding anymore.] 
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Robin: [But, Sage… you have Nico, Bianchi, and Jude, now, right?] 
Robin: [I’m sure the three of you will accept Sage, even if you do learn his secret.] 
Bianchi: Yes….of course… 
Robin: [It’s a little nostalgic to remember three years ago… back then, I was a little worried about what kind of rookies would come in.] 
Robin: [I was often told that you were a bunch of lone wolves, and that you couldn’t cooperate, ….. but I think we made a good team.]
Robin: [The four of you were meant to meet….] 
Jude: Haha, that’s quite a thing to say. 
Robin: [It’s a bit disappointing to think that I won’t be able to see what paths you take or what kind of heroes you become, but….] 
Robin: [Even if you all go your separate ways, I believe you’ll all have one home to return to.] 
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Sage: A home to return to….? 
Robin: [Sage. Do you still love New Million and its heroes?] 
Robin: [Are you continuing to sparkle, without losing your shine……]
Robin: [The same Sage that I and everyone else love so much…. Please, never change that part of you.] 
Robin: [Please remain a home for others to return to.]
Robin: [That will probably become Sage’s place as well.] 
Robin: [Even at the very end, I ended up saying something vague again….]
Robin: [But, this isn’t fortune telling. These are the things I truly want to convey…] 
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Robin: [Nico, Bianchi, Jude, Sage….. the days I spent with you all were the brightest days of my life.] 
Robin: [Thank you very much for that momentary joy. More than anyone else, I wish for your happiness—] 
[recording ends]
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Sage: ……….
Jude: ………
Bianchi: ………
Nico: ………
Jude: Sure left some unusual words at the very end for a sly kitsune bastard. 
Bianchi: Robin was a great mentor…..no matter what anyone says. 
Nico: Yes. For us, he will always be a good person. 
Sage: ……….
Bianchi: Sei-chan. Don’t forget what Robin said. 
Bianchi: Please always remain our home. 
Nico: The only reason our team, disjointed as it was when rookie training began, ever came together so well was because of Sage. 
Nico: Sage connected us. 
Bianchi: Yes, that’s definitely true. 
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Jude: I have no objections either. You’re nowhere near as good as Bianchi, but you’ve left quite an impression on me. 
Bianchi: Don’t sound so arrogant. Be grateful for what you've been able to accomplish with this team and these members. 
Jude: Haha, thank you, Sage. 
Sage: You guys…..
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Sage: (That’s right. I’m walking forwards.) 
Sage: (Connecting Sensei’s feelings….) 
Sage: (Connecting everyone’s feelings….) 
Sage: Thank you, guys.
Sage (whispered): Thank you, Sensei….. 
Sage: ( —Sensei was my hero, after all.)
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TL Note:
I've had to reread this scene like thrice now for the sake of the translation and I'm STILL crying about it. Thanks Robin. It's my first time taking on a translation project this big. This really isn't my forte; I'm usually just an artist and shitty memer, but to all of you who've stuck around for the full thing, thanks for taking the journey with me. Special thanks to Dajaregambler, Mana, Ida, and other discord friends and tumblr anons for encouraging me, and to my brother for all his help in proofreading and answering my language-related questions. I'll see you all on the next project!
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bravenew-what · 2 years
hello(ween), do you have any helloween song suggestions, i have heard one song before a long time ago and i can't remember what it was but i remember thinking it was pretty good
*long post coming I'm so sorry y'all*
HELLOOOOOOOOOOOO(ween) to you too!
So you could start in a couple different places since they have had two very good singers in the band, and as of 2017 they have both of those singers, three guitarists, and a rhythm section to a whopping total of 7 in the band. They also have cool live stuff that I will add.
Here are some song suggestions with just Michael Kiske singing:
Keeper of the Seven Keys
I Want Out
A Tale That Wasn't Right
Eagle Fly Free
Future World
Dr. Stein
Here's some stuff with Andi Deris as lead singer:
Sole Survivor
Perfect Gentleman - here is the super cute live version cause Andi wears a sparkle coat and top hat
The Invisible Man
The Sage, The Fool, The Sinner - I heard this in my car on the way home one day and this told me to start listening to the band
Here's a couple songs from their new album with BOTH MICHAEL AND ANDI SINGING cause they put their egos aside and love singing together now:
Best Time:
Angels: MY FAVE SO FAR and favorite written by Sascha
Fear of the Fallen
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dajaregambler · 9 months
HeliosR - Sing in the darkness - Chapter 3 - Part 3
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Translation of Sing in the darkness from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’, a new side arc alongside the current main story arc Like the dawning light.
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Bianchi: The research department said it was Robin’s overflow in action at the time
Sage: Overflow….
Nico: Sage, did you know Sensei had that kind of power? 
Sage: ….I was none the wiser
Bianchi: Same as us, then…
Jude: Continuing to hide his true power from us, even being able to use Overflow… He really was a sly bastard through and through. 
Bianchi: Stop it, now’s not the time to speak of him in such a way? 
Jude: Sorry, Bianchi
Sage: It was an unbelievable sight before me. Seeing how overwhelming Sensei’s power was… 
Sage: I was, terrified beyond words…. I froze in place right there and then without being able to process it… 
Nico: …….
Sage: Before I could move again… No, while I was too frightened to make a move, that blackhole swallowed everything. 
Sage: The bridge… the people there… 
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Sage: …. And Sensei… 
Nico: Sage
Bianchi: …Robin had no other choice, right?
Bianchi: He thought that if the bridge was left to collapse, there would be even more trouble… that’s why for the sake of preventing it, he chose to go that far, right?
Bianchi: To protect the city as a hero…. He sacrificed his own life, all to protect the people of this town…. 
Sage: I also… want to believe in him…
Sage: But….
Sage: There was something wrong with Sensei on that day… 
Nico & Bianchi: …..
Sage: Before heading to the bridge, we exchanged a few words with each other. At that time, he lied to me. 
Sage: As to why he lied… If I think about it now, it was for the sake of sending me back home. 
Sage: I told him how I was going on a run… How I’d be heading towards Brick River Bridge… 
Jude: That means he knew beforehand that something would happen at the bridge. 
Sage: …. Yeah….
Nico: ….We won’t figure out much by only focusing on Robin
Nico: Why did the bridge explode to begin with? 
Jude: It’ll take some time to investigate it due most of it being erased from existence. But, it doesn’t seem to be from any kind of accident from what I heard. 
Jude: If we had to pinpoint who did it… all fingers would be pointing to Robin after all, huh. 
Bianchi: You can’t just…
Jude: Everything I mentioned is a mere possibility. Don’t get angry, Bianchi
Bianchi: ………
Sage: Sensei was hiding something… There is something that we don’t know about. 
Sage: We don’t know what it is but… I want to believe in Sensei… 
Sage: Sensei protected the city as a hero… 
Sage: For the people to be able to understand this… for them to believe in him… I must try to see if I can do anything. 
Bianchi: Sei-chan…
Nico: I’ll help
Sage: Nico…
Bianchi: Naturally I’ll also help
Jude: If that’s what Bianchi wants, I’m in too
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Sage: You guys….
Nico: Sage, is there anything else that bothered you? 
Sage: Hmmm… This is as trivial as it can get but… 
Sage: On the last day we gathered at Sensei’s house… It wasn’t too obvious, but something was strange about Sensei at that time too
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teneguine · 2 years
The Academy is always hard at work inventing new and extraordinary methods of helping its pupils find their true potential. One day, an announcement appears on the board, inviting all those interested in discovering something new about themselves to Lieutenant Lanton's Loose Lottery. The idea is simple: Lieutenant Lanton hands you a weapon and puts you in front of another participant for you to spar with. The catch? You receive the first item he happened to grab and have to work with it, no matter what it is. No second chances! [Grants Any Skill +1]
Warriors of legend enthralled in battle using only what fate has in store for them, what better a quest to add to the tale of Odin Dark? His expectations are high, anticipating wars of epic proportions and indomitable scopes. He figures this Lieutenant Lanton ought to have a few one-of-a-kind weapons at his disposal--infernal arms to be lent out to mighty heroes at his leisure. When he actually shows up though, it is the picture of ordinary.
The selection of arms is quite standard. The random choice just about the only exciting thing about them. Worse still, it’s taking place in the academy’s training grounds, which--in hindsight--should have been obvious to him. How in the world could they have traveled to the apex of a volcano or the base of a stormcloud to fight in some fantastical setting? And to add insult to injury, Odin has been given nothing but a humble broom for his first battle. When he went to Lanton to sign up, he had just so happened to be sweeping up the arena floor and the rules say you receive the first item grabbed, weapon or otherwise. So he’s stuck with it.
He shows up, in spite of the unremarkable circumstances. Dirt is wound within the sand beneath his feet, forming a coarse and dusty playing field. But it is, at the very least, a level one. Most of the training equipment has been pushed off to the side, allowing for the whole of the grounds to be used for one-on-one combat. The weapons, too, have been confiscated, kept under watch by the Liutenant for him to hand out to participants. The midday sun shines onto the the roofless scene. Its glistering light forces Dark to squint and hold a palm above his brow. Just who is he fighting? He doubts the boredom and let-down in his frown can be washed away by a combatant.
But when he sees his opponent, he needs not worry about what’s in a frown, for his smile returns to his face. “Laslow of the Azure Skies?!” he shouts, gripping his ‘weapon’ in both hands, “Fie! I’d never expected my arch-rival to appear here! Your presence can only mean one thing: destiny is calling my name.” Dark stands tall, straightening his back and tightening the gap between his legs. He takes the broomhandle in one hand, twirls it around in his fingers, and brings it up until it’s level with his shoulders. Then, and only then, does he finally stop its spin, letting the bristles point directly at Laslow. “Ready yourself for the end, nemesis! You face the Spear of a Thousand Thousand Points, its fury matched only by the number of ways it can stab your face! The great sage Hyoo-Morning Yor Frends may have taught you well, but today you learn the meaning of ‘fear!’”
Just like old times.
Odin moves the spear back into both his hands, but holds firm in his position. It is a rule of courtesy to allow your greatest rival a moment to speak before you charge them, Odin believing rather firmly that a well-delivered line can increase the stakes of their fight. What would they be clashing for this time? The final piece of a Puzzle of Eons? A sacred blade capable of splitting the universe in two? Rights to the first spot in line at dinner? He knows not, but a word from Laslow ought to set the precedent for their bout!
//starter for @laslow
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bunberrypancake · 1 year
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