#hello star trek fandom. i have arrived. unfortunately
blondie-drawings · 8 months
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(Worf voice) SLAY
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onetragicalnerd709 · 2 years
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Note: I updated this on 06/06/23 because Dax's muzzle was too chunky. It's much better now!
Well…first post… let’s see, why not delve right into my Trek obsession…because that has all I have been seeing and liking since I downloaded this app. Nothing but SPACE and Spirk 🤦🏼‍♀️
This has been a re- obsession as of late. I hate to admit it but I haven’t seen any Star Trek series all the way through…except maybe Picard and Voyager since it’s my favourite…but I have seen a handful of episodes from each. I have corrected this error by starting from the beginning with TOS. I have a plethora of TOS SPIRK goodies to come soon because I. AM. WORSHIPPING. MY. SPACE. HUSBANDS! While also simping over Spock for myself. Zachary Quinto is also included. In my fantasy he bats for my team as well OK?!
Trek is a big part of my life. My mother named me after Voyager’s Seven of Nine. (Seven you may ask?! I wish…but no, she decided Annika was better for a normal human girl) I have been to museums to see props and have even seen some of the cast up close at conventions but unfortunately I wasn’t deeply involved then… (2018- 2019) The last two years have brought on exciting changes. Trek is back in the spotlight and my mind. (It won’t friggin leave! Even when I sleep!)
But… like all nerds with access to the internet I soon found out about DS9…watched like half an episode about Kira Nerys, researched her and some other characters like Jadzia Dax and fell deeply in love. I decided to feature them in this piece here and I can’t wait to seep further away from my apparent straightness when I reach DS9. I am now fantasizing my life as a Bajoran babe alongside these leading ladies.
Description: Hanging with my fantasy moms, the 2 out of many fandom moms. My wrinkled nose fantasy has come to life! Jadzia is rocking her trill spots and The little trill plush I added as a last minute addition has seemed to peak her interest. I immediately knew I had to include one when I found out they exist IRL. Found them on Etsy. Ugly but cute tbh..however I have spent too much on Trek merch recently. *no regrets*
I think I called this piece Bajoran Babes and a Worm 🪱
You noticed yet? Is your eyesight ok if you haven’t? Themz don’t be humans! Themz be equines!
Yep..I mainly draw MLP characters including crossover sketches so fair warning…Ponies will be a common occurrence with this profile.
You’ll be seeing my Oc frequently from now on. The purple dragon character. Her name is Sploched Canvas / Sploot for short. You may know me already from the official MLP amino as BooptheSploot too! So Hello again my timemuffins! If y’all are from there as well. She is quite dear to me. Her cutie mark has a Tardis and paint marks so if you haven’t guessed already, Whovian blood runs thick with this one and time travel is something I wish to do desperately!
(⚠️Important note) Before I log off and stop rambling your ears off. Be aware like many others on tumblr, I am strictly prohibiting the theft, tracing and or recolouring of my art or characters. If you wish to draw my characters, any of them please…just be thoughtful and ask before hand. I don’t bite. It’s just I’ve dealt with theft before and I have no tolerance for it.
Lastly I guess I should say, Hello Tumblr, hello this whole new world…*cue Aladdin music* I have arrived…please don’t let me regret it!
Enjoy! 🖖
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branlovestowrite · 5 years
The Decoy Groom (1/5): A CS Fanfic
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I have been absent from the fandom lately, and I woke up this morning with a burning desire to get back in. I miss everyone! To that end, I decided to challenge myself by posting a story I’ve been sitting on for months.
This is loosely (very loosely) based on the movie The Decoy Bride (starring Kelly MacDonald and David Tennant; it’s super cute and highly recommended). Brennan Jones is in this story, and, as it’s a no-magic AU, Tim Omundson will be playing that role.
Title: The Decoy Groom
Rating: M for language and some suggestive scenes in future installments
Summary: After a failed turn as a musician in Los Angeles, Killian Jones has returned to his home: Storybrooke Island, a remote, tiny island off the coast of Maine. Emma Swan is a famous actress that just wants one day out of the spotlight so she can get married. Storybrooke Island, just two miles long and accessible only by ferry, seems like the answer to her prayers. But will she really be able to keep her nuptials a private affair? And can Killian find the solace he craves when there’s a world-famous actress in town?
Also on AO3
Chapter 1
“The wedding is off!” Emma cried out as she stormed into her apartment. She kicked off her black stilettos and combed her fingers through her long blonde hair. Her green eyes narrowed on her fiancé, ready for a fight.
Walsh heaved a sigh and mussed his shaggy brown hair. This was unfortunately something they’d already been through once, and he knew she was not cancelling the event because of anything he’d done. “Who do I have to fire?”
“I don’t know!” she cried. “But someone leaked the location to the press, and now it’s up on TMZ and all the paps are going to be there, and… it’s just ruined! Everything is ruined!”
“Calm down,” Walsh said, putting his hands on her arms. “It’s not ruined.”
“Don’t tell me to calm down,” Emma growled as she pulled away. She stood with her back turned and rested her forehead in her right hand. She took a few deep, cleansing breaths before turning back around. “I think I’ve been pretty reasonable about this wedding. I agreed to your choices for the venue, the guest list, the menus… The one request I had was that we keep the press OUT. Now I’m not even getting that!” She stomped her foot and crossed her arms over her chest. “It’s not totally unreasonable to want this one day of my life to be private, at least for a little while!”
“Emma… come on, think about what you’re saying! You are the most popular movie star in the world! People want to see you get married! And if we would just work with the press instead of against them, we could charge whatever we wanted for exclusive rights. And then that publication will keep the others out. It’s a win-win!”
“No!” Emma cried out. “I have lived my life in the spotlight since I was sixteen! My wedding is going to be private.”
Walsh huffed again and walked to the kitchen. “Fine. You win. The wedding’s off. I’ll call Zelena tomorrow and have her make the cancellations.”
“Thank you,” Emma said, visibly deflating. She followed him to the kitchen and let him encircle her with his arms. “What now?”
“Elope?” Walsh asked. “We could go to Vegas.”
“Hell no. If we’re eloping I want it to be somewhere the press would never think we would go.”
“Some remote island? I could get on board with that. Some private beach in Tahiti?” His brown eyes sparkled with mischief. “We can ditch your big dress and get you a sexy little white bikini.”
Emma pulled away before he could slide his hands any lower. She was not in the mood. “No, there’s always someone with a camera there. We need to go somewhere crazy remote. Some island with less than 100 people where they don’t watch movies and no one knows who we are.”
“Good luck with that. We’re only the most well known couple in Hollywood. Biggest producer. World-famous actress. You’d have to find a place without internet to find somewhere that people don’t know us.”
“It’s got to exist.”
“Fine. I’ll ask Zelena to look into that too.”
“No, don’t,” Emma interjected. “Let me find a place.”
“Are you sure? She’s a wedding planner. This is her thing. She’ll probably know of a place.”
“I want to do this.” She stepped closer and threaded their fingers together. “I’ll find us a beautiful, romantic island where we can have the picture perfect, private, wedding of our dreams. Then we can have a beautiful honeymoon and escape the craziness of this life for a while.”
“Sounds perfect,” Walsh said, but his tone and lack of a smile set off Emma’s lie detector. She knew he’d rather have a flashy Hollywood wedding, but she was adamant on this point. No press. She would find a way. Once they got past this hurdle, their marriage would be perfect, and Emma would finally have the family she’d always wanted.
Killian stepped off the ferry and began the trek toward town. Last time he left, he told himself he’d never be coming back to Storybrooke Island. If only he’d known that he’d be returning three years later with his tail between his legs. He kept his head down and his eyes trained on the pavement as he walked. He’d been fortunate that the ferry driver was new and didn’t know him. And since it was the off season, there wasn’t much foot traffic in town. If he was lucky, he’d be able to traverse the entire two mile walk to the lighthouse at the other end of the island without anyone noticing him.
“Killian Jones! Is that you?”
He groaned before pasting on a smile and turning to face the woman currently running out of her establishment. He’d not even made it a tenth of the way. “Hello Granny.”
“I thought you were leaving us for good? Off to L.A. to make it big with your band. What are you doing back?”
He bowed low before the woman. “You must know that I can never stay away from you for very long, Lady Lucas.”
“Yeah, yeah,” the old woman said, turning her head away from him and waving at him dismissively. She chuffed and turned her head back, her steely blue eyes looking at him skeptically. “You’re here for him aren’t you?”
“Of course I am. I can’t leave him alone.”
“It would serve him right!”
“Regardless of his past misdeeds, he is still my father.”
“You’re too good,” she scoffed.
“I must admit that my motives are not entirely altruistic. I was not as successful as I had hoped I would be. I think it’s time to reevaluate my life and see if there is something more stable I could do to make my name.”
“Well, I forbid you from taking over for him in that lighthouse. You were not meant to waste away the rest of your life there.”
“I’ll take that into consideration,” he said, bowing his head. “I should be going.”
“Tell your father I said hello.” She waved after him.
“Anything else?” he asked, looking back at her with a raised eyebrow.
“That he needs to get off of his sorry ass and come visit me every once in a while!” she yelled, but Killian kept on walking.
He had several similar encounters before finally reaching his destination. When he arrived at the house situated at the foot of the lighthouse, he didn’t bother knocking, but instead simply opened the door and walked inside. It was as if he’d never left. Nothing seemed to change on Storybrooke Island, other than the residents getting a little older every year.
“Killian?” he heard his father yell from the back of the small cottage.
“Aye,” he replied, raising his voice only slightly. Brennan Jones may be getting older, but his hearing was still as sharp as when he was a boy. Killian dropped his suitcase by the door and walked toward the kitchen, finding his father cleaning some fish. His nose crinkled at the pungent smell.
“You’ve been away too long!” Brennan said with a laugh as he spied his son's expression. He rubbed his forearm against the side of his nose and shook his head, his long gray waves shaking loose from the haphazard ponytail he’d secured them with. “Give it a week and you won’t even smell it anymore.”
Killian nodded. “That’s a nice catch there. Where’d you get it?”
“Will has a job on a fishing boat. He gets to purchase them at wholesale price.”
“I see. And where is Will?”
“Out on the boat for another week.”
“And how is Natalie?”
Brennan’s eyes lit up as he smiled. “She’s pregnant! She’s visiting her parents on the mainland while Will’s away, but I’m sure you’ll see her soon.”
Killian forced a smile. Unlike himself, his younger brother had no delusions of grandeur and thus was living a happy existence with his pretty wife, spending their lives on one of the most remote islands in the Northeastern US. It was not a life Killian would have chosen, but after the disappointment of the last three years, he was starting to see the appeal.
He walked over to the sink and began washing his hands. “What can I do?”
“I’ve found it!” Emma said as soon as Walsh answered the phone.
“Found what?”
“The perfect place for our wedding! Storybrooke Island. It’s off the coast of Maine, accessible through only a 90-minute ferry ride or a 30 minute helicopter ride. It has a beautiful church that was built as a replica of one in Ireland. And the best part is, the population is only 60 people!”
“Oh. Sounds… amazing.”
Emma’s mood soured the moment she heard his response. “Can’t you be a little excited for this? You know how much this means to me. There’s no way the press can find us there, and even if they do, they’ll have a hard time getting there in droves. We can have the beautiful, picturesque wedding I’ve always dreamed of.”
“You’re right, gorgeous. If this is what you want, I am happy to do it for you. When do we go?”
“This weekend too soon?”
“No. We can do that. I’ll make sure everything’s cancelled so we can leave Friday. I’ll let Zelena know so she can book the arrangements.”
“No, Elsa’s already taken care of everything. No need for Zelena to trouble herself.”
“Are we bringing anyone with us?”
“Elsa is coming along. The reservation is in her name, and she’ll be my maid of honor and witness. You’ll need to bring someone too. Robin?”
“No, Robin and I had a little falling out. Look, let’s not worry about me. I’m sure someone there can be our second witness. I don’t need anyone else but you.”
“Okay.” Emma breathed a contented sigh. “We’re finally doing this. Are you excited?”
“Hey, babe, listen. I gotta go. We’ll chat more later.”
“Oh… okay. See you tonight?”
“Maybe. I think I’m gonna have a late night again.”
Emma felt her lie detector alarm go off once more, but bit her tongue. “Okay, well, call me and let me know for sure.”
“Will do. Bye babe.”
“Bye…” Emma said, though he’d already hung up.
“Did you hear?” Granny said to Killian one morning a few days after he’d returned.
“Apparently not,” Killian replied.
“Some location scout is coming to check out the old church. They’re thinking about making a movie here. They even went ahead and rented out the place to ‘test the lighting’ or something like that. Could it be anyone you know?”
Killian laughed. “Not likely. LA is a big place, and I didn’t really spent time around the movie crowd.”
“Maybe you should introduce yourself when they’re here. You’re a pretty boy. You could make it in movies.”
“Not sure that’s where I want to focus my efforts.”
“Come on…” Granny teased. “Don’t waste those baby blues. Those are your money makers right there.”
“If I change my mind, I’ll make sure and hire you as my agent.”
“Damn right you will! I’ll ride your coattails all the way off this island!
Stepping off the ferry, Emma was transported back in time. “Wow. It’s so beautiful here! So untouched. Did you see the seals on the beach?”
“Yeah. It’s great,” Walsh said. “Now where is our car?”
“No cars allowed on the island,” Elsa said with a smirk, her crystal blue eyes glancing down at Walsh’s custom-made Italian leather loafers.
“So how do people get around?”
“You’ve got legs,” Emma teased, “start walking.” She stacked her overnight bag on top of the matching rolling suitcase and secured it in place before rolling it alongside as she began the trek. She’d already plotted the course to Granny’s Inn, the only place in town with lodgings for rent. It was a ten minute walk from the ferry. The cool air and calm atmosphere invigorated her. Her hair was pulled up under a beanie and she wore an oversized coat to protect against the chill. There were no cameras around for miles. She was anonymous for the first time in a long time, and finally felt at peace.
They’d only been walking a few minutes when Walsh began to complain. “Can we at least get a golf cart or something?”
Emma stopped and smiled back at him. “You’ve become spoiled. Come on, stretch those legs a little!” She turned her head to look at the beautifully blue sky. “Isn’t this place wonderful?”
Walsh said nothing but continued his trek. They reached Granny’s shortly after, and were surprised to come upon the proprietor herself standing in the yard, talking with a tall, dark haired man with brilliant blue eyes. Emma startled at the sight of him. He was gorgeous! Was he another actor? He was no one she could place, but she felt there was no way this man was simply just an inhabitant of such a secluded island as this.
“Good afternoon,” he said, the lilting tones of his British accent lending further credence to her theory that he was famous. He returned her gaze, and she felt suddenly very warm and exposed. She chastised herself for this sudden attraction to another man. She was here to get married!
Emma quickly broke her stare, and Elsa took her cue and jumped in, discussing their reservation. Granny bid the unfairly attractive man farewell and led them inside to procure keys and show them to their rooms.
Granny’s Inn had four rooms available, and Elsa had rented all of them to reduce any chance that a photographer or anyone else could crash the wedding. She’d engaged a professional wedding photographer that was coming in the morning to sign an ironclad NDA before taking wedding photos. He would not be releasing the photos to anyone other than Elsa. Emma would then review them and select a few to be released to the press at a later date.
The freedom she felt in this remote location could not be overstated. The moment she reached her room, she flopped onto the bed and sighed contentedly.
Killian took a seat in the diner and tried to forget the gorgeous pair of green eyes he'd seen. Although she was bundled up in a beanie and large jacket, he felt like he recognized her from somewhere. He just couldn't place it. Did he perhaps meet her when he was living in L.A.? It was a mystery, but one he hoped to have a chance to puzzle out more.
He was disrupted from his thoughts by a squeal as a blur of brown and red hair tackled him, pinning him to the side of the booth.
“Killian Jones!” The girl cried as she released her hold and permitted him to sit up. “I can't believe you're back!”
“Aye Ruby, I am,” he replied, straightening his clothes. “How are you?”
“In college now,” she said with a smile, bumping shoulders with him. “Not a little girl anymore.” She batted her eyelashes at him. Lashes that framed a striking pair of hazel green eyes. Complimented by smooth, creamy skin and a tall, lithe figure. Ruby Lucas was gorgeous, and she knew it. When he'd last been to the island, she'd been working in the diner and finishing high school online. Now she was a 21 year-old college student, and very clearly hitting on him.
Killian cleared his throat. “What are you studying?”
“I'm still a sophomore, so just working on my prerequisites.”
“And do you still work in the diner?”
She laughed and playfully hit him on the chest. “No way! I live on the mainland now, but when Granny told me you were back, I had to come see for myself. I came over on the ferry this morning.” Her gaze changed from playful to lusty in an instant. “Are you staying upstairs?”
“Ah… no. I'm staying with my father for now.”
“Oh boo,” Ruby said, exaggerating the pout on her lower lip. “I was hoping we could find somewhere to be alone together.” She moved closer and put her hand on his thigh, dangerously close to his groin. “I know you're shy,” she continued, her voice a near whisper. “And I know last time you were here I was a little girl, but I'm not little anymore. I'm a woman, and I know what I want. And, Killian Jones, I want you.” She squeezed his thigh, the tips of her fingers barely grazing his crotch and causing him to jump.
Carefully, he removed her hand from his thigh. “Ruby, you are a beautiful woman, but I just got out of a bad relationship, and I'm not ready to be with anyone else yet.”
“I don't mind being your rebound,” she replied with a giggle. He gave her a wary stare, to which she responded with a full-on laugh. “Killian! Come on! I'm 21 and still in school. I don't want anything serious. But I have had a crush on you for as long as I can remember!” She threw her hands up to emphasize her last point before her eyes took a predatory gleam and she leaned in to whisper once more. “The first time I masturbated, I was thinking of you.” He felt a flare in his cheeks at her words. “I just want to know if you are as good in bed as I imagine.” She rubbed against him, deliberately pushing her breasts into his arm. Killian bit back a groan. “You can deny it all you want, but your body is betraying you.” She glanced down at his pants, where the beginnings of an erection stood out. “I'm here all weekend. You know where to find me.” She slid out of the booth, adjusting her short skirt as she stood, and giving him a glimpse of her lacy black underwear.
Once she was gone, he exhaled a deep breath and took a sip of his coffee, trying to calm down. Had he met a girl like Ruby in L.A., he probably would have gladly taken her up on her offer, even if she was 10 years his junior. But Ruby from Storybrooke Island was different. He'd known her since she was very young, and he saw her in many ways as a little sister. Reflecting on her words now, he felt ashamed for not stopping her sooner. He felt like a dirty old man. He sighed once more and scrubbed his hand down his face, waiting for his hard-on to go down.
Once he felt able to move, he stood and exited the diner, leaving cash on the table for his coffee. He’d suddenly lost his appetite. The entire walk home, he pondered the face of the woman he’d seen outside the inn. He was almost to the lighthouse when it hit him. She was Emma Swan! All thoughts of his encounter with Ruby fled from his mind as he raced inside. He needed to look her up to confirm his suspicion.
He was still staring at his iPad 20 minutes later, not believing his eyes.
“What are you looking at, Killian?”
“Dad!” he jumped, not having heard his father enter the room.
“Who is Emma Swan? She’s quite pretty,” Brennan said.
“She’s an actress, Dad. Surely you’ve heard of her? She was in the ‘Savior’ trilogy. And that thriller about the madman that takes two women hostage. The one where they fight back and have to escape his house of horrors.”
“Never heard of her. It’s not like we have a movie theater here.”
“Well, for some reason, she’s on the island, staying at Granny’s.”
“What would a movie star be doing on Storybrooke Island?”
“I don’t know for sure, but I think maybe she’s getting married in the old church.”
“In the church? But it’s the off season! And I still don’t understand why some Hollywood couple would want to get married here.”
“According to a couple articles I’ve read, she’s canceled her wedding twice because she wants to keep the press out. So it would make sense that she might prefer to come here and have a private ceremony. There’s limited access to the island. It makes for a good hideaway.”
“She’s been trying to escape the press?”
“I bet they’d pay a lot of money to know that she was here now.”
“What are you going to do, Dad? Are you going to call up TMZ and tell them she’s here?”
“What’s TMZ?”
“Exactly. Let’s leave her be. If she wants a quiet wedding away from the horde, then she should have it.”
“Right…” Brennan trailed off. “I’ll just be off to the kitchen to get started on dinner. How would you like your fish prepared tonight?”
Killian suppressed a groan. After just a few days on the island, he was growing tired of eating fish every night.
Elsa had booked all the rooms at Granny’s Inn, but Emma assumed only two of those four would actually be occupied. So it came as a shock to her that Walsh insisted on staying in a separate room.
“Come on,” she said, standing in the doorway of the room he'd claimed. “This doesn't make any sense. Let's enjoy some quiet time together.”
“I'm really not in the mood,” Walsh grumbled.
“I don't understand, babe. We're getting married tomorrow. Aren't you excited? This is what we wanted.”
“No, Emma!” Walsh snapped. “It's not what I wanted. It's what you wanted. What you've insisted on, even though you know how important this wedding is for my career.”
“Your career?” Emma spat back. “Is that all this relationship is for you? A career move?!” She charged on him and shoved his shoulders. “I thought you loved me?!”
“Shit… that came out wrong. But you know the business we work in! When everyone finds out we ran off to get married in secret, there are going to be a lot of people pissed off that there wasn't a wedding for them to be invited to. People we can't really afford to piss off.”
“Fuck them,” Emma said. “They're not really our friends if they don't understand the importance of this for me.”
“They don't have to understand, Emma. Dammit, don't you see that?! It's not about us. It's about them feeling slighted. And then the next time I need a picture bankrolled, will these people pass me over because I didn't invite them to my wedding?”
“That's ridiculous, Walsh.”
“No, that's business. You're the one being ridiculous! Insisting on a private wedding?! What the fuck are you thinking? You know we don't get to have private lives. That's the trade-off.” He huffed a breath and turned his back to her before muttering something she couldn’t make out.
“What’d you say?”
He turned back to face her. “I said ‘Zelena gets this.’”
“What the hell does Zelena have to do with any of this? She's a wedding planner.” She stepped back and scrutinized him. His face looked suddenly pained, as if he didn’t like her belittling Zelena. Emma suddenly thought back to the past few months. How Walsh was always working late. How he was always speaking to Zelena. He’d volunteered to be the main point of contact for their wedding planner, without any prompting. Emma’d been glad for it at the time as it wasn’t something she wanted to deal with.
“You're sleeping with her, aren't you?”
Walsh stared at her for a full minute before replying. “Stop trying to change the subject.”
“That's not an answer.”
“Emma, come on. Let's not get distracted.”
“No! Lets! Answer me! Are. You. Sleeping. With. Her?”
He groaned fiercely. “Fine! You win. Yes. I've been sleeping with her. She gets this business. She understands. She's not some spoiled starlet who has had no true grip on reality.”
“That's what you really think of me?!” Emma reeled back and punched Walsh in square between the eyes. He doubled over, cradling his head in his hands.
“You stupid bitch!” he cried out, his voice muffled behind his hands.
“What the hell is going on?!” Elsa cried out, charging into the room.
Emma loomed over her fiancé. “Walsh is cheating on me. With our wedding planner!”
“Oh grow up, Emma.” Walsh stood and looked at her, his eyes already blackening and his nose bleeding. He grabbed a tissue from the box on the dresser and wiped away some of the blood. “No one is faithful in Hollywood. She’s just a good fuck.”
“How can you say that?” Emma cried. “I loved you!”
“You’re so naive. It’s part of your charm. You and me, getting married was a business move. It’s going to skyrocket your career and give me even better name recognition. Love wasn’t part of the equation.”
“Get out of here.” Emma bit her cheek to keep her tears from spilling. She had to keep it together until he left. “I don’t ever want to see you again.”
“Good luck with that, sweetheart,” he sneered. “You won’t be able to step foot on a set without my permission.”
Walsh’s head suddenly snapped back again as Elsa punched him in the chin. “Get the fuck out of here, Walsh,” she said, shaking her hand. “Your chauvinistic bullshit doesn’t fly anymore. Here,” she dug into her pocket and threw a business card at him. “That’s the number for the company that runs the helicopter rides to and from the island. Call them and get the hell away from here before I hit you again and break your jaw.”
He bent down and picked up the card before grabbing his still-packed suitcase and stomping out the door. The second he was gone and Elsa closed the door, Emma broke down in tears.
Tagging a few friends. For those of you I discussed the story with, sorry it’s taken me so long to do something with it!
@flslp87 @gingerchangeling @hollyethecurious @initiala @jonirobinson64 @kmomof4 @kymbersmith-90 @laschatzi @nerdyhuntress @resident-of-storybrooke @searchingwardrobes @sherlockianwhovian @shireness-says @snidgetsafan @snowbellewells @teamhook @thejollyroger-writer @thislassishooked @winterbythesea @winterbaby89 @wingedlioness @wyntereyez
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omg-imagine · 7 years
⊱ Six Gifts ⊰
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Summary: It’s your birthday and Jim loves giving you gifts.
Fandom: Star Trek (AOS)
Pairing: Jim Kirk x Reader
Words: 3,235
A/N: It’s my birthday today and I wrote a little fluffy Jim Kirk fic to celebrate! As usual, sorry for any mistakes. Enjoy!
For those times when the mornings are rough…
You woke up to an empty bed, which was a little unusual since you were used to waking up with Jim right beside you.
Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you then let out a groan as you sat up in bed, silently dreading the fact that you have work in thirty minutes.
Although you loved being a nurse, the past week had been unbearable since you had to attend to your long-houred shifts running on little to no energy thanks to the broken replicator in your cabin– the only good replicator on the ship. Unfortunately, you didn't have time to run up to the commissary and make yourself a cup of coffee. Even if you did, the coffee there didn’t do much to help you stay awake.
After finally getting out of bed, you padded around the room looking for Jim but you realized he had already left. That’s when you picked up the intoxicating scent of freshly brewed coffee and you turned your attention to the hot beverage waiting for you in the kitchenette.
With the cup in hand and up to your lips, you drank the coffee in delight. It was the best cup of coffee you’ve had since coming aboard the Enterprise and you weren’t sure how Jim was able to make it. Once you downed every last drop, you washed and dried the cup before placing it back in one of the cabinets. Out of the corner of your eye, you became aware of a new device sitting on the counter.
The device was certainly not a replicator– it was a Keurig coffee brewer and those things were hard to find nowadays. You knew of it from your grandparents, who had called it one of the best inventions from way, way back in the past.
Right next to the coffee maker was a bag of coffee mix and a note addressed to you.
I’m sorry for running out before you woke up. You looked so peaceful sleeping there and I couldn’t bring myself to disturb you.
I hope the coffee is still hot by the time you’re up. It costed an arm and a leg to get that antique, but isn’t she a beauty? I made myself a cup and it definitely beats the replicated stuff here.
Enjoy the coffee maker, it’s yours to keep. Let’s just say it’s one of the few little gifts you’ll receive today.
For now, duty calls. I’ll see you at dinner tonight, Angel.
And most of all, happy birthday.
- J
You placed the card down and decided to brew a second cup before getting ready for work. Your birthday was off to a great start and you were going to have to thank Jim later.
For those times when you’re stressed out…
Lunch time rolled around and you found yourself sitting in the commissary along with Nyota. You usually ate with Jim, but the man was apparently too busy on the Bridge to take a break.
“How’s your birthday so far?” Your friend asked as she took a bite out of her sandwich.
“It’s great. Leonard’s being nice to me today and it kinda feels weird,” you answered.
Uhura chuckled. “Well, aren’t you lucky. If that’s the only way McCoy can be somewhat a ray of sunshine, I’d wish it were my birthday everyday.”
You two continued eating your food until Spock arrived at your table with a present in his hands. “Good afternoon, (Y/N). I have brought you a gift from the Captain. He apologizes for not being able to join you for lunch but he promises to make it to dinner tonight.”
“It's alright and another present?” You commented as you were handed over the wrapped box. Tearing away the wrapping paper and uncovering the lid, your eyes widened at what was inside.
“May I ask what it is?” Spock questioned and you took the object out of the box.
“Uhh, bubble bath,” you responded unsurely. “James T. Kirk got me a bottle of bubble bath.”
“There’s a note here,” Uhura pointed out as she gave you the piece of paper.
I know what you might be thinking. Of all the things I could give to you, here’s bubble bath. But worry not, my dear, for I had put a lot of effort into this gift.
This is one of the finest products out in the world of spa and you’re going to appreciate it for what it can do.
Remember those instances when you told me how exhausted and sore you are from working all day? Well, this particular bubble bath is known for being able to provide stress-relief and relaxation. It’s got essential oils and natural ingredients that is good for you.
If you don’t believe me, read the bottle. I got all of that information from the label. Honestly, I don’t understand how it works but the saleswoman recommended this to me.
It smells nice though.
- J
You twisted the cap open and breathed in the scent. Minty– just like Jim. “I could benefit from this.”
“Aww, that’s really sweet of him,” Nyota said before turning to Spock. “How come you don’t get me nice things like that?”
The confusion on Spock’s face caused you to laugh and you laughed even harder when he was left tongue tied.
For those times when all you need is peace and quiet…
You shuffled into Leonard’s office with tired feet and plopped down on one of the cushioned seats right in front of his desk. Kicking your feet up on his table, the CMO let out a sigh and put his PADD away.
“Y’know, you're becoming too much like your boyfriend and I'm not too keen on that,” Len spoke and you could only chuckle at his statement. “It wasn't a joke, sweetheart.”
“I figured,” you replied, letting out a yawn. “And so much for thinking that I wouldn't get the McCoy scowl on my very special day.”
Len rolled his eyes before reaching down and opening the cabinet to his left. He pulled out a bottle of scotch as well as two glasses, and proceeded to pour you and himself a drink.
“Isn't drinking on the job against regulations, Doc?” You reminded but you graciously accepted the glass and took a sip.
“It’s a little too late to answer that question now, (Y/N). Besides, you've got an hour until you're relieved of duty and you said so yourself, today's a very special day.”
Len raised his glass and you clinked it with yours. “Indeed it is.”
In the midst of your drinking, Leonard remembered something. “Oh, I almost forgot. Kirk stopped by while you were on break.”
“Really? What’s he up to? He left early this morning and missed lunch.”
“I don't know. He didn't stay long to chat. Anyway, he told me to give you this.”
A tiny wrapped box was slid to you and you looked up to Leonard. “Well, open it. I'm kind of intrigued.”
Once you got the wrapping paper out of the way, you took off the top of the box and were confused to see a set of earplugs. Taking out the accompanying note from the box, you began reading the explanation for this strange gift.
Yes, they are earplugs. Noise-cancelling earplugs. Well, not entirely, more like drown-out-the-sounds-of-Leonard-hassling-you-during-your-shift earplugs.
Don't worry, I got myself a pair too and they work just enough for me not to hear Bones’ incessant heckling about the importance of getting my physical done.
I thought you may need them because you seem to get more stressed out with Bones around. Whenever you feel like working without listening to your boss’ negativity, pop these into your ears.
Hopefully, you don't use them on me.
- J 
You bit back a laughter as Leonard eyed you curiously from across the table. “Let me see that.”
Handing the note over to him, you already had a feeling of what was about to come. “That son of a– is he for real? How old is this man, twelve?! My god, I can’t believe the immaturity of our captain. When I see him in the Medbay next time, I won't hesitate shoving a hypodermic needle up his–”
You quickly placed the buds into your ears and listened to the muffled sounds of Leonard complaining about Jim, or at least that’s what you thought he was doing.
For those times when you miss home…
By the end of your shift, you had two and a half hours until your dinner with Jim. You decided to pass the time by visiting Scotty at the engineering room. You haven't seen him in awhile so you figured it wouldn't hurt to stop by and say hello.
“Ah, why if it isn't (Y/N),” the Scotsman greeted as you stepped inside his office. “Happy birthday, darling.”
“Thanks, Scotty,” you replied after he gave you a kiss on the cheek. You also noticed Chekov and Sulu standing nearby. “I didn't expect you guys to be here. How's everything?”
“It's been good,” Chekov answered delightfully. “And by the way, I would like to wish you a happy birthday as well.”
“Same here,” Sulu added. “And we're not just saying that because Jim threatened to kick us off the ship if we didn't acknowledge it.”
“Oh, no need to worry. Jim wouldn’t pull a stunt like that.”
“I don’t know, (Y/N). He seemed pretty serious back there,” Scotty chortled. “Speaking of Captain Perfect Hair, I have something that he wanted to give to you–”
He excused himself for a moment before returning with a large present in his arms. “Be careful, it’s a bit heavy.”
You looked to the two other men standing nearby. “Do you gentlemen have something for me, too?”
“Nope,” replied Hikaru. “Jim said this is the last one.”
Once you opened the box, you were surprised as you pulled out a potted flower. Marveling the bright pink hues of its petals, you then picked up the card that was sitting on the bottom of the box and read it to yourself.
You told me that you love chrysanthemums because they reminded you of memories growing up. You especially love the pink ones since you and your mom would grow them in your backyard.
I know you miss being with your loved ones on Earth. Your job isn’t easy and I admire you for sacrificing so much to be here.
That being said, I am pleased to tell you that Starfleet is giving us some time-off in a couple of weeks. It’s only for a few days but we can certainly take advantage of it and visit your family. I wish it were longer, but this was the best I could do.
Anyway, I had asked your mother to send the flower over to Yorktown and I was able sneak it in when the ship docked there. For now, let it be a little reminder of your home, and the family and friends who are proud of you for what you do.
P.S. Don't ask me how I kept it alive since then. I'm just glad it did.
- J
“The Captain really loves you,” you heard Chekov say and you nodded. “I hope I find a love like yours.”
“Aww, you will, Pavel,” you assured, setting the note down on a nearby table.
“Who knew James Kirk was such a romantic?” Scotty added, to which you snorted.
“I didn't realize he was this romantic until today,” you said, sniffing the chrysanthemum and it really did remind you of home.
For those times when you just have to write it down on paper...
You returned to your quarters a little less than an hour before your dinner with Jim at the observation deck. Taking advantage of the time, you took a quick shower and got yourself dolled up for the night.
As you stood in front of the closet thinking of what to wear, you settled for an outfit that you had bought at a store during the last shore leave. You haven't worn it since you tried it on but it still fit your body perfectly. You knew that this one in particular would blow Jim’s mind away.
After putting on your clothes and brushing your hair, you then searched for your shoes that would match your outfit. What you didn’t expect was it to be already laid there by the foot of the closet door with a gift bag beside it.
Slipping your shoes on, you then sat on the edge of the bed and opened the gift bag. Inside was a bounded notebook with your name beautifully etched on the front cover. As you flipped through the empty lined pages in the book, a note fell out and landed onto your lap.
One of the things I love about you is your mind. You have so many thoughts and ideas, and everything that comes out of your mouth is pure gold. I find myself wanting to listen to you for hours because of the things you say. You know just the right words to calm me down or keep me in line.
I got you this journal so you can jot down whatever it is inside your head. Writing can be therapeutic and a great outlet for those days when we’re too busy to see each other and there’s something bothering you that needs to be let out.
Be it your problems or those poems you enjoy coming up with, write it down. I promise to not read it unless you say otherwise.
- J 
You smiled to yourself as you turned back to the first page of the journal. Thinking back to the first night you met Jim, you would have never thought that life would be this way now.
You remembered being a young cadet sitting in a busy bar when the infamous Jim Kirk appeared and worked his charm. You had heard about him from your other friends and knew that he would be trouble.
The two of you became really good friends but you brushed off his many flirtatious attempts at you.
Then one day, you finally said yes.
You were being hit on by some drunk creep and Jim was there to defend you. It suddenly escalated into a fight and by the end, he was left with a broken nose and bruised knuckles.
That night, you finally went to dinner with him as a way to say thank you. It turned out better than you expected it to be and you realized that there was a special connection between you.
And for the past two and a half years of being together, it’s still there, stronger than ever.
Checking your PADD for the time, you noticed that you had about twenty minutes left until you had to meet up with Jim. Without much thought, you grabbed a pen from the nightstand drawer and started writing about your day and how much Jim meant to you.
Dinner on the observation deck had become one of your favorite things to do ever since you started dating Jim. Everything about that moment was perfect– the two of you were sitting across from one another and enjoying the best meal a replicator could replicate. It was a lovely way to end the your birthday.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” Jim asked before taking a sip of his wine.
You glanced up from your pasta-filled plate to Jim, a smile playing on your lips. “You did, twice actually.”
“Let me say it for a third time then, you look beautiful.”
“And you’re not so bad yourself,” you giggled. You were lucky to have someone as handsome as Jim. The man was breath-taking with his perfect face and perfect hair. And those eyes– very blue and very easy to get lost in.
“Did you like the gifts?”
“Very much. I love how you put a lot of thought into them. I still can't believe you were able to get us some time-off.”
“I figured you and I need to get off this ship for a little bit. Plus, we haven’t seen your family in a while and I think it’s time for a visit. Honestly, I tried my best with the gifts. I’m not the best gift giver out here and I was nervous that you would think that they were silly.”
Shaking your head, you reached for his hand and intertwined your fingers into his. “They weren’t silly. You could have been the typical boyfriend and bought me jewelry. Instead, you went the extra mile by making sure every gift was unique and had a special meaning behind it. This has been the best birthday ever.”
Jim smiled, his eyes crinkling the way you loved them. “I’m glad you think so. You deserve it.”
When dinner ended, you and Jim stood in front of the large glass window and watched the bright stars passing by. His arm was around your waist, pulling you flushed against the warmth of his body as he stole kisses here and there.
“It would have been typical if I gave you jewelry?” Jim teased and you gazed up to him.
“Not you, Jim. You are and will never be typical,” you clarified, placing the palm of your hand on the side of his face. “Give me anything in the world, big or small, and what would only matter to me is that it came from you.”
Jim grinned as he took your hand and pressed a tender kiss on the back of it. “What would you say if I have one last gift for you?”
“Honey, you gave me five already. I feel so spoiled.”
He took a step back, his eyes fixed on you. “This one is the most special.”
Watching speechlessly, you couldn’t stop the tears from forming as Jim pulled out a velvet box from his pocket. You couldn’t hold those tears back when he knelt down in front of you and presented you with the most beautiful ring you have ever seen.
“(Y/N), you are the best thing that has happened to me. I love you and I can’t imagine spending a day without you by my side. Will you marry me?”
“Yes!” You quickly answered and Jim got up from the floor. He slipped the engagement ring down your finger just before you pulled him down, his lips meeting yours. When the kiss finally broke, you both were beaming. “We’re engaged.”
“I know,” Jim replied, his mouth forming a slight smirk. “We should celebrate.”
“We definitely should,” you agreed without hesitation. “Do you want to take a bath with me?”
Jim chuckled at your question. “Sure, darling. But may I ask, why a bath?”
You grasped his hand and began leading him out of the observation deck. “Because I just got a new bottle of bubble bath and I want to test it out with you– just to relax a bit. Once we get married, this is going to be one hell of a ride. Hope you’re ready for that, Kirk.”
Jim spun you around and you were now face-to-face with your new fiancé. His lips brushed softly against yours as he spoke. “I was born ready.”
For those times when it’s us against the world forever…
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