#hero prompt
autocrats-in-love · 2 days
Prompt (351)
A wadded-up ball of paper hit the hero on the back of their head. They turned around in time to see the villain ducking behind a shrub.
“I saw that!” The hero shouted.
The villain laughed in response.
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villainousauthor · 2 months
Hero stares down at the paper in front of them with mounting dread. Their stomach is all tied in knots, and they feel a cold sweat at the back of their neck.
"You know, you don't have to do this if you truly don't want, I'm not forcing you." Villain purrs behind Hero, voice against their ear. The threat is unspoken. If Hero doesn't sign, they'll continue with their rampage. Continue killing, destroying, maiming.
The pen shakes in Hero's hand as they continue staring down at the paper. It's just a piece of paper, made of thick cardstock, cream white. Yet Hero has been staring at it for fifteen minutes, as if it'll bite them.
Certificate of Marriage
The font is too pretty, all stately and official looking. Hero feels as if they may throw up any minute.
"I don't understand why.." Hero finally finds their voice, asking the question that's been bouncing around in their mind since Villain first pulled the paper out as they suggested a truce.
"You already know my terms. In exchange for leaving your hero friends unharmed, for leaving the civilians of the city unharmed, I want you." Villain's voice is something possessive, filled with fire and heat. "This just makes it more official. More binding."
Hero shudders, and they feel as Villain steps closer behind them, a dark shadow looming over them. They know this goes beyond simply wanting to make their agreement more binding and they both know it.
"You know it's not legitimate- it's not legally binding without an officator." Hero stumbles over their words, not even sure if that's true.
Villain snorts, not usually one to be worried about legality of course. They put a hand to Hero's shoulder, warm and rough.
"I can find a priest to threaten. No one needs to know how and when we signed. Unless you'd rather make a big ceremony of this." Villain's tone is now teasing, amused by the idea of a wedding. "That could certainly be done if you prefer."
Flushing hot, Hero shakes their head quickly. No, they would not prefer that. This is already nerve-wracking and humiliating as is. A part of them wants to outright refuse, to tear the paper the shreds, and throw it in their face, but Hero knows this is the chance to get Villain to back down.
"I wouldn't be unkind to you." Villain says, voice suddenly softer and more serious. They lean forward, face resting against Hero's neck. The most terrible part is that Hero knows they mean it. They wouldn't be unkind or cruel, and that makes this all the more difficult. "You'd belong to me, but I'd take care of you."
Hero already knows there's no choice. They knew from the beginning that there was no other option. They have to do what is best for everyone else. Shakily, they finally nod.
"So selfless, so sacrificial to others." Villain says as they place a feather light kiss against the shell of their ear. "We'll have to work on that once you're with me."
They take Hero's hand currently holding the pen in their own, their grasp strong, as they lift it to the paper.
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tiny-pun · 10 months
"You know how to clean up a crime scene but not how to wash the fucking dishes ?!?
How is that even possible?! "
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chorusofcrows · 4 months
Villains who are polite and elegant while commiting crimes. Their fighting looks like a dance form. They're well-versed in how to act for/ preform for/ entertain the rich (they are the rich, "villainy pays well"). Genius (actual braindead idiot).
On the other hand, a hit-hard, ask-questions-after kind of hero. They're a disaster, and quite frankly help others because they don't know how (or don't want to) help themselves. Braindead idiot (accidental genius).
Now make it enemies to lovers.
Hero "hates" villain for their mannerism, but they're really just infatuated with them. Villain's taunts make them think about their actions.
Villain's attraction is "why are people in their midlife crisis so hot" and moronsexual™️. Hero makes their brain shortcircuit.
Hero: "Oh poor you, your perfect, greasy, pretty hair is singed."
Villain: Are they flirting or insulting me? God they're so bad at it no matter which on it is (It's both), that's so sexy
Hero, bruised and bloody, getting up with shaky legs, smiling. It's very attractive: "I've been hit harder"
Villain, nose bleeding: "Hello, sailor"
Villain, dusting off their now riped-in-shambles suit, and straightening the cuffs, "I just got this suit after you destroyed the last one. I would ask you to purchase me a new set of attire, but I doubt you can afford it."
Hero, their brain thinking 'No, I deffinately cannot' to 'I'd like to see them without the suit entirely' to 'Wait, what?' and 'God, I hate them, their lovely voice, their hair that smells like how honey tastes, the way they smile when they reveal their plans' and would really like to see villain without the suit entirely (even through villain looks great in all of their suits): "Just stop wearing suits and wear something that can handle me."
Villain, wondering if Hero is doing this on purpose (they aren't) and what their relationship even is: "Hot"
Hero: "What"
Villain: "What"
Hero: "Did you just call me ho-"
Villain, paniking: "You're on fire"
Hero: "???? No, I'm no-????"
Villain, pulling out a flamethrower and shooting Hero (dw they're flame-proof): hO t.
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writingpromptsworld · 1 month
Prompt #65
“You can’t be serious right? You want to fight me just because I took down your favorite bakery shop?!” The villain exclaimed in disbelief, their jaw wide open.
The hero didn’t falter, frowning with their eyebrows and lips. “It had the best banana bread! You can’t just do that and not expect me to come find your ass!” The hero said, defensively.
The villain couldn’t help but find it cute, as they let out a laugh. “How about I promise to buy you the best bakery shop in the world?”
The hero took a step forward. “It doesn’t matter. I want the one that you destroyed.”
“I didn’t know.” The villain sighed, feeling like a helpless parent that had thrown an old toy of their child away, and now the child wanted it back.
The hero jabbed their finger to the villain’s chest, squinting their eyes. “You pay the owner to build it back, and I won’t fight you.” They demanded, staring daggers into the villain’s eyes.
“Fine.” The villain mumbled, after thinking for a second.
“Fine?” The hero questioned, not being able to believe the villain’s words.
The villain nodded. “Yes, fine.”
“You promise?” The hero asked, smiling slightly, as their hand smoothed over the villain’s chest.
“Yes, I promise, hero.” The villain smiled reluctantly as well.
And they indeed did help the owner rebuild the shop, an even bigger one just to see that gleaming smile on the hero’s face when they suggested it.
Oh, and they also had many dates in the shop.
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gracegunnis · 17 days
“Two weeks.” The hero said as the restaurant bustled around them. The hero waited for a reply but got ignored instead. “Two. weeks.” The villain nodded, not looking up from the menu. “Do you even hear me?”
“Oh, I hear you just fine. And I’m starting to wish I couldn’t.” They put the menu down in front of them, giving the hero a glare.
“I don’t. Understand.” The hero says sternly, leaning forward across the table.
“What is it that you don’t understand?” The villian doesn’t break eye contact. And if looks could kill…
“You’ve kept me hostage for two weeks. And you haven’t done anything to me except take me out to a restaurant. What do you want with me?”
The truth was that the villain was payed a lot of money for this. To keep the hero inactive while a group of low level criminals can run round without anyone to stop them. And they have their ways of avoiding the police. “If torture is what you want, then that can be arranged.” The villain doesn’t have to say anymore than that for the hero to sit back down politely.
The hero knew well enough, themselves, that the villains threats weren’t empty. And the only thing stopping the hero from screaming for help is their stubborn mind telling them that they don’t need any, and that they can handle themselves on their own. That, and the fact that the hero would feel like a burden.
After the hero had gone quiet, the villain looked down at the hero’s food. Unsurprisingly, they hadn’t touched it. “I bought that. You’re going to eat it.”
The hero looked up to the villain, locking eyes with them, and then back down at the food, before picking up their fork and scraping a few peas into their mouth. The hero tried to hide how hungry they were. They didn’t want to owe anything to the villain, so they will not satisfy them by seeing them like this. They put down the fork, and sit up straight. “There.”
“You and I both know how hungry you are. You’ve refused to eat for days.”
“Maybe, if you let me go, I could feed myself.” The hero replies, optimistically, only for the villain to look back down at the hero’s plate, before something else catches their attention. The hero’s water. It looked weird in a way. Cloudy.
“Eat more.” The villain mumbles, only for the hero to cross their arms across their chest. “So you’re going to just starve yourself? That’s a bit stupid.”
“Fine.” The hero picks up the glass of water, trying to make a point. The hero tips it up.
“Don’t drink that.” The villain snaps.
“Shut up.” The hero’s voice echoes in the glass.
“I said, don’t.” The villian snatches it from them, aggressively. But the hero tries to snatch it back.
“So you’ll let me eat but won’t let me drink?” The hero goes to grab it again but the villain pulls it away. “Do you think this is funny or something?” They stand up, and walk round the table but the villain downs the drink before the hero can grab it. “Ughhhhhh. You’re a pain in the ass, do you know that?”
“We should go.” The villain grabs their jacket and throws it over their shoulders. “It’s getting late.”
“Why, so you can trap me in my room again? It’s not even late.”
But the villain can’t hear them. The world instantly starts spinning around them and their vision blurs, their ears are blocked by a head splitting ringing. They try to focus on one spot on the table while the hero continues to haul rude insults at them. The villain tries to get up to go to the bathroom but the hero stops and turns to them.
“And where do you think you’re going?” The hero accuses them, one hand on their hip. The villain raises a hand at them.
“bathroom.” The villain slurs before collapsing to their knees. Someone had put something in that drink and it was meant for the hero. Someone was after them. But who?
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villainous-vanity · 10 days
Prompt (#5)
The hero had been hurt in battle many times before. They were used to the pain, and they accepted it. It came with the job. But, they noticed, their nemesis in particular never hurt them too badly. It came across that way to the public, but it only ever really took some bandages. Subconsciously, the hero began to lighten up on the villain too. Their fights became like a dance, almost. A beautiful, dangerous dance.
Of course, they were bound to step on each other's toes eventually. It came one day when their fight was particularly heated, and their punches were swung harder and faster than normal. The villain caught the hero, and with their strength managed to throw the hero backwards, sending them flying, only to be stopped by a painful collision with the wall. The hero cried out, hitting the floor.
The world spun a little, and it took them a moment to recover from it. Their back was suddenly aching, and they were frozen in shock for a moment.
That wasn't as shocking as what the villain said next, though.
“Fuck,” they breathed, hurrying over to the hero. “How bad did I hurt you? I'm sorry, I–”
“You're… what?”
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dinkflocculent · 3 months
“Why are you doing this?” Hero spat, panting to catch his breath. “Do you want to rule the empire?”
“What a childish dream for me to have,” villain cupped hero’s chin in his hands. “I want to rule over you.”
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droptheprompt · 1 year
Rescue Prompts
"I'm here, it's alright, you are safe now."
"Why did you risk so much for me?" "Because we are a team, remember?"
"Shh, it's fine, I'll carry you the rest of the way."
"No one will hurt you again, I promise."
"Can you walk?"
"I'm going to kill them for doing this to you!"
"Please, don't leave me here." "I would never."
"I'm sorry I took so long."
"We'll patch you up soon, don't worry. And then everything will be fine."
"Hold onto me, okay? I'll get us out of here."
"Please don't be scared. I won't hurt you, I swear. I'm here to help."
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winters-dream · 3 months
“You don't have to do this.”
Villain paused mid-speech—mid-stride—and glanced at the hero. Tied up in the corner of Villain’s lair, Hero watched as Villain had gone on a rather long and boastful speech about their plans for the city. Now that they had Hero captured, nothing stood in Villain’s way. They could set the city on fire if they so wished. Hero would be helpless.
They stood in front of the hero, a smirk wearing at their lips as they stared them down. “Of course I do. I want to run this city and now I can.”
Hero shook their head. “No. I meant this,” they said, gesturing towards themself as best as they could with their hands tied behind their back. “These grand gestures, the holding me hostage, the big talk. I can tell it’s mostly just big talk.”
Villain’s smirk faltered slightly. “It’s not just big talk.”
“But it is,” countered Hero. “I’ve been at this a long time. I know a tough facade when I see one. You’re trying to be impressive. To impress me.”
Villain scoffed and turned their head away, shame bubbling deep within their chest. They’d be lying if they said a great bit of this was theatrics to come off as impressive. They did want to be spoken of in high regard. But that didn’t have anything to do with the hero . . . 
Or at least that’s what they told themself.
“You think you have it all figured out?” asked Villain as they struggled to fight the blush that threatened to color their face and neck. The hero’s giggle made Villian look back at them. They expected mockery for being so painfully obvious, ridiculed for catching feelings for the enemy and wanting to impress them. Shame began to kick in tenfold, unwilling to look their nemesis in the eye. 
But what they saw was the opposite. They were greeted with warmth and admiration instead.
“I do,” Hero stated simply. “I’ve noticed the way you glance at me when you think I’m not looking, Like you’re searching for my admiration.”
Villain’s mouth went dry as they let out an audible gulp. 
“But you don't have to do all of this,” Hero continued. “I already think you're amazing.” 
“You do,” Villain asked mutely. It came out as more of a statement. 
Hero nodded. “Of course. I’ve been watching you through our years of being enemies. And I’ve grown fond of the person you’ve become.”
Villain had to look away from the hero; they couldn’t stand the look in their eyes. The same big adoring eyes they gazed at Villain with so many times now. They remembered the first time they noticed that look. The first time Hero and Villain set their work aside and held a real conversation together. Villain had allowed Hero to perceive them as a human being instead of the villain persona they usually wore around them. And vice versa.
Villain liked to think that’s when their initial crush on Hero had solidified. 
“Villain, come here,” beckoned Hero. And Villain listened without a second thought, kneeling before Hero so they were eye to eye. Villain had their eyes cast down to the ground, Hero’s sweet gaze too intimidating to face.
“You don’t love me,” Villain blurted. “You love the idea of me. How smart I am with a computer. My powers, how you could probably use them to overthrow SuperVillain if I switched sides or something. Or how—”
Something landing on his wrist interrupted his speech; Hero’s hand. Hero had managed to undo their own binds. Villain finally met Hero’s eyes, finding that same affection now mixed with a somberness Villain couldn’t quite place.
“Stop measuring your value based on the things you can do for other people,” said Hero. “You’re more than that, and I see it. You don’t need to convince me to love you.”
Villain let out a long breath, tension leaving their shoulders as well. They almost allowed themself to feel relief, a small hint of a smile making way to their lips. 
“You love me,” they said. 
They received a nod in response, and Villain leaned forward. Their forehead found purchase on Hero’s shoulder as Hero held them tightly yet gently. Their hold radiated a warmth that filled a piece of Villain they never knew was missing until now. They allowed themself to relax in Hero’s embrace and feel for the first time, the warmth of real love.
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rejectedbytheempty · 4 months
could you write a story about enemies hero and villain that have to learn to care for each other while stranded somewhere? and the hero gets hurt and doesn’t want to tell the villain cause he doesn’t wanna seem weak in front of him, but the villain figures it out because the hero is in pain?
HELL YEAH that’s what i’m talkin about babey. so anyways, i wrote it, hopefully it isn’t too much like the ramblings of a madwoman. but i saw that you requested other things and i def will be getting to them (or at least probably)
pt 2
tw: blood
“I guess this is what happens when you work with a villain,” Hero lamented, slumped against the gray brick of the cell wall.
Villain whipped their head to look at Hero, anger flaring in their eyes, “You were the one who screwed everything up, I wanted to do this alone, but no, you couldn’t leave well enough alone.” Villain had heard through the grapevine that Supervillain was planning on building some kind of super weapon that they planned to use to subdue the city and take despotic rule over it. As much as Villain could care less about the city, they did care about Supervillain having their go at dictatorship, they were known for being horribly cruel and Villain didn’t want to be at the other end of the smoking gun, so to speak. So Villain planned to break into Supervillain’s facility and hopefully destroy their plans, or at least get a good notion of how far away they should move to avoid the fallout. It was too bad that Hero had decided to interfere with their plans, for some reason that insufferable goody two shoes always stuck their nose in things that didn’t concern them. Hero tagged along, and because the two of them have never worked too well with each other (i.e. at all), they were captured by a bunch of Supervillain’s goons and stuffed in this dingy cell.
“If you went alone, then you would be in this cell by yourself, so maybe you should be grateful that you have company,” Hero said with a small smile on their face.
Villain sighed, “First of all, not true. Second, I could name a dozen other people I would rather have as company.” Hero laughed, but for a moment, the side of their lip twinged up in a wince. It was quick enough that anyone else wouldn’t have caught it, but Villain narrowed their eyes in suspicion.
Hero’s amused face quickly melted into confusion, “What? What’s wrong?”
Villain rose up from where they were sitting and strode forward towards Hero, “I should be the one asking you that, isn’t that right, Hero?”
Hero swallowed nervously and shifted in their seat uncomfortably, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Villain was quick to snatch Hero’s arm, which had been sitting in a seemingly relaxed position over their stomach. There was a large gash in Hero’s side, with dark, bloody stains spreading to either side of the split fabric of their uniform. Hero tried in vain to pull their arm back from Villain’s grip, but only succeeded in pulling their injury taut, to which they hissed in pain.
“When did this happen?”
With a grimace, Hero explained, “In the fight, when we were discovered, one of the guards managed to get me with their knife. I didn’t really notice how bad it was until we were walking to the cell and I looked down..”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Villain demanded.
Hero shook their head and laughed softly, more in a bitter way than in humor, “I.. I don’t know. I just didn’t want to seem weak, I suppose.”
Villain’s expression softened slightly and they released the hold they had on Hero’s arm, and Hero was quick to draw their arm back to their body.
“Christ, Hero, that was dumb. I’m not- well, I’m not that much of a villain.”
Hero avoided Villain’s pitying gaze, setting their jaw before saying, “It’s bad enough that I dragged you down with me, I didn’t want to be more of a burden.”
Villain reached out, gently grabbing Hero’s jaw and guiding them to look face-to-face with Villain, “You are not, and never will be a burden.” Hero opened their mouth to say something but was interrupted by a loud clapping noise that echoed through the cell.
Villain and Hero looked up to see Supervillain standing there, clapping slowly. “Touching stuff, really,” they said with a bone-chilling grin on their face. The moment that Supervillain had made themself known, Villain had stepped away from Hero, hardening their gaze once again. Hero breathed heavily, trying to subdue the obvious fear that was overtaking them.
“You know, I had only planned to catch one but what luck that Hero showed up! And all it took was the rumor that I was building some kind of superweapon, as if I would ever do that, takes out the personal aspect to this job that I so love,” Supervillain said, maintaining a superficially cheery tone.
Villain stumbled back at this, heart sinking to the bottom of their chest, “It was fake?”
Supervillain’s booming laugh bounced off the stone walls, “Thought you would have been smart enough to figure it out by now, but I expect too much, I suppose.”
Villain glanced over at Hero who was staring dissociatively at the ground, chest heaving as they breathed heavily through their nose.
“Oh! Looks like your little friend there is about to pass out. Poor thing, probably scared out of their mind. But, maybe it’s the blood loss that’s finally getting to their head.”
Villain saw red, they slammed against the cell bars, “Let them go. Right. Now. They had nothing to do with this, I’m the one you want.”
Supervillain’s grin didn’t even fall for a moment, “No, I don’t think I will. This is just too much fun, it’s even better than I thought. Sadly, I do have to get back to my scheming, maybe I will actually build a superweapon this time. I’ll be back soon though, so don’t you worry,” Supervillain said, booping Villain’s nose, to which Villain backed away in anger and surprise.
“Toodaloo, Hero!” Supervillain said playfully, waving goodbye before heading towards the door, leaving Villain and Hero back to complete silence.
A/N: okey, lmk what you guys thought and if i should do a part 2 or whateva
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autocrats-in-love · 3 days
Prompt (350)
“Give it up,” the hero said. “There’s no way you walk out of here free.”
The villain put their hands up, but a toothy grin crossed their face. They knew they could flirt their way out of this.
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villainousauthor · 1 month
Hero struggles against the hold currently keeping them down, their joints ache, and they feel beyond fatigued.
"You're off your game today." Villain's voice is observant and factual. Not quite judgemental, though. Their grip doesn't relent, holding Hero down.
"I'm fine. Don't go worrying your pretty little head about me." They wave their hand dismissively, but Villain then wrenches it down as well. They scoff.
"I never said I was worried." Villain's gaze is intense, examining Hero closely, making them feel akin to a bug under a magnifying glass. The ache in their body only gets worse, the pain in their chest leaving them breathless.
Their critical gaze sweeps over Hero, not missing anything. "You have another rash on your face." They speak as they brush a thumb across Hero's cheek. "Are you having another flare up?"
Hero pushes their hand away. "You seem like someone who's worried. Or maybe just too nosy." Nosy is an understatement in Hero's mind. Villain apparently did some digging, got ahold of their medical files a while back like menace they are.
Now, they do a good job of infuriating Hero with their concern that they pretend isn't concern. Hero doesn't care if they're technically right, or if they know they should be resting.
Villain's frown deepens.
"You know exerting yourself when you're not feeling well will only worsen it. It's like 90 degrees out today, and you thought it was a good idea to come fight me?" Their voice is stern, unwavering. "What's the pain at today?"
"Like you know so much about my condition?" Hero scoffs, knowing very well they've made a point to understand it better than most in Hero's life. "Why do you care?"
"Answer my question."
Hero tries to sit up despite Villain's steel hold. "Why don't you use it against me like a normal nemesis? Why care?"
Pushing them down again, Villain's voice is firmer. "I don't care. Answer my question." They'll hear no argument in the moment.
"About a five today." Hero rolls their eyes, trying to pretend the tiredness and pain isn't affecting them that much. Of course, it doesn't fool their rival, though.
Villain leans back, examining their face. After a moment they speak.
"Okay. You're gonna go home and rest. It's no fun fighting you when you're already in pain." And like that, they're letting go of their hold on Hero.
"You can't make me -"
"If I catch you doing any hero work today, I will kick your ass, and since I know that's not enough to convince you, I'll then go and kill your friends." Their voice holds no sense of dishonesty or bluffing.
Villain grabs them by the chin, forcing Hero to look them in the eye. "Go home, or I'll drag you there myself."
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tiny-pun · 10 months
"Working" together
Hero: Look, our plans keep getting more and more reckless and also not at all glamorous enough for your usual kind of gig. We´re both clearly not in the right mindset to do this, so can we just move it to tomorrow and go home now? Villain: Oh? Have I been keeping you up all night, Hero? Hero: Yes! And not the fun kind! Villain: …Oh? Hero: Not that! - Oh my god! I meant- fuck. Villian: Well, that... can certainly be arranged.
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chorusofcrows · 3 months
"I can arrange the chairs together. I'll sleep there." Hero offered, turning away from the bed.
Villain scowled, "No need. I'm taking first watch, I'll wake you up in three hours and we can switch. Besides, I need a shower."
Hero laughed, "Watch, really? Afraid the monster under the bed is going to come get us?"
Villain looked at the bed for a solid moment, "I wouldn't be surprised."
Hero sighed, "But three hours? How am I supposed to get my beauty sleep in three hours? Besides, by the time it's my turn for watch, I'll be too tired to watch out for anything! We're in a motel, it has secerity!"
Villain scoffed, "You mean the three security cameras on this entire property? Two that are actually working?"
"No one followed us! You're so paranoid!"
"The more you argue the more it sounds like you want me to cuddle you to sleep." Villain sneered, "I'll take full watch, you can get your beauty sleep, though I doubt you need it. You'd still be beautiful torn to shreds and worn to exhaustion."
Hero was far too flustered to complain, much less sleep that night.
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writingpromptsworld · 29 days
Prompt #69
By @writingpromptsworld
“Oh, come on, you can’t be putting handcuffs on me right after we had our first kiss!” The villain whined, struggling against the metal bracelets.
The hero tightened their grip on the villain’s wrists. “Only a distraction, sweetheart.” They chuckled.
The villain rolled their eyes, scoffing. “Don’t lie. I know you liked it.” They clenched their jaw, feeling a little worked up.
“Maybe.” The hero smirked teasingly.
The villain groaned. They were so fucked. They tried again. “Not even a little?” They asked in a quieter voice, aiming to get even a bit of the hero’s soft side. But, really, they wanted to know.
The hero grinned, seeing through their words. They shrugged, not giving anything away, the grin only widening on their lips.
The villain huffed, as they were gently pushed into the back of the hero’s car. “You’re so cruel.” They mumbled, slightly pouting.
The hero got in and winked, charming as always, and took off.
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