lottiestudying · 5 months
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11.01.2024—back in my productivity era 🌾🤍🌿🌟
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thescrcservices · 2 months
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stu-dna · 4 years
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still going.....
next up: bioinfo exam on wednesday
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icarus-study · 4 years
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«22042020» || quarantine day-29
I’m back with an original post!! quarantine blues hit me with a productivity streak so I couldn’t find the time to post,,, but here we are 📑📚
I’ve been studying for my college entrance. Physics, apparently, is a dementor. It’s been sucking my happiness. ya girl is busy so that’s a good thing ain’t it ?
During these tough times, it’s really difficult to find the right drive and motivation to be productive. Personally, to cope with this, I extensively plan my day so that I don’t end up wasting with a slump. How do you manage your day? How are you keeping up with the quarantine?💭
Feel free to ask questions or send in suggestions and tips!! Together, we can make it through this rough time! stay home stay safe 💌
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rabbitstudy · 4 years
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17.04.20 | 14/100 days of productivity | 2020 quarantine challenge 
Wed - What is your biggest goal for this year? Have you done anything so far to achieve this?
Aside from my usual academic goals, I really want to learn how to draw, and I have been doing some progress!
Thu - What is the song that makes you happy no matter what?
I have a really soft spot for “don't stop me now“ by queen!
Fri - What is your favourite TV programme at the moment (on Netflix etc)?
Well, I’ve been watching beastars, amazing anime!
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blacklinguist · 5 years
the first four weeks of grad school 🌿
you actually DO need a binder (or two + a folder)
apparently you’re supposed to be a nerd and save all your homeworks and papers because they might be useful to refer to once you’re in your phd program (if you go that route)
if you suck at getting organized then....get organized. there’s just no choice. half the time, the stuff you need to be lined up and ready affects others (like presentations and whatnot). no cutting corners!
stick around the offices after and before class and learn what’s going on ... closed mouth open ears helps you navigate the different dynamics and figure out who has issues with who ... don’t put a word in yourself, though
stay on top of the paperwork, make sure your email has filters for the important people in your department so you don’t lose anything, and pin or save necessary emails so that you don’t have to hunt them down at the end of the semester
this may just be a personal thing, but i have printed versions of 90% of my readings and only physical books ... i have to be on my computer enough doing write-ups and attendance and course admin that my eyes would be tired out if i had to study online too .. take care of your eyes
set goals in regard to how much time you want to spend, NOT how many things you want to accomplish ... the change up is just because there’s going to be too much to do on any given day for it to make sense otherwise
work on a routine, but don’t beat yourself up if you don’t follow everything every day, this first month will still be a rollercoaster no matter what you do (i say this with papers and shredded envelopes all over my desk, my sheets halfway off my bed somehow, and random curly strands of hair everywhere)
find one (at least) person that you can really depend on, or be findable! the first day of orientation, an old classmate spotted me out of nowhere and seemed relieved that they weren’t going to be alone in the program, and was glued to me the entire week. we’re each other’s emergency contacts for certain obligations and ask questions throughout the week ... have someone’s back! 
that leads to my next point, which is to not do things alone (me preaching to myself). make sure someone knows what you’re up to, and have contacts in graduate school and outside of it so that you can breathe. 
keep 30% of your sanity for the times you have to be flexible and scrap plans A through Y. the first week of school, i had to start sharing a car with my mother. the second and third week, a hurricane threatened us and four days of class were canceled. 
final tip: having a signature scent does make you seem put together. the one day i forgot my perfume, i felt n*ked in the skreets .. face your day smelling good lol!
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ilovewashitape · 5 years
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16.11.19 | Starting with course 2 on Monday. I‘ve already packed everything for school on Thursday since I‘m spending the weekend at my bf‘s. But I forgot to take my surface with which I take my notes during class! 😫😫
Anyways, hope you enjoy my Monet art spread🌾
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rylie-studies · 5 years
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august 12, 2019. 
Hey y’all! It’s been a really long time since I’ve last posted something, but my phone has been broken for a while and I just had no energy to take pictures and I haven’t really done much anything school-related these past few weeks. As for quick life updates, nothing much has really changed and I feel like this summer has just been the most monotonous yet stressful summer I’ve had so far. There’s too many things on my mind and there’s too many things I have to accomplish before school starts and it’s all just bringing me down and tiring me out. On another note, tennis practice starts next week for me so I’m definitely looking forward to it albeit with some nerves bcs I feel like I haven’t done much to prepare myself. I hope y’all are having a wonderful August so far! ✨
🎧: someone you loved - lewis capaldi
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mytruestudyblr · 5 years
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Creating a new spread in my bullet journal for the upcoming month!! I love the way my cover page and my monthly log came out
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My plans for August
(to-do-list and goals)
read at least two books
review some stuff to prepare for my Master's in September
note down some ideas for my bujo
buy more washi tape
get back into painting and lettering
work on my battle vest/jacket
sort photographs/files on my laptop
travel to a few places (including a theme park I haven't been to in a while!)
meet at least one friend a week
spend less time on social media
work on my French/Spanish skills
post more original content
Might add to this list at some point in the near future (this is already a whole fucking lot but we'll see how it goes!)
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lottiestudying · 3 months
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19.03.2024—trying to get back into some study routines
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a-dream-deferred · 5 years
hey guys!! the finals start next week, and so does ramadan. i’m a little apprehensive because this is going to be my first time fasting during the finals. i’ve decided to take a short break from tumblr for the next three weeks so that i can focus more on studying. my blog will still be kinda active, as my stash of queued posts  can last almost a month lol. however, it will be hard to keep up with my mutuals’ posts during that time. therefore, i’ve finally decided to track a tag! i will be tracking the tag #heydija , so please feel free to tag me so that i can see, like, & reblog your post when i’m back! <3
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stu-dna · 4 years
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kinda fell off the grid, but I hope y’all enjoyed the study challenge!! I’m thinking of making a few more but shaking them up a lil, lmk if there’s anything in particular you’d want to see!
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icarus-study · 4 years
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- ̗̀ 15.12.19  ̖́-
int. diner 📚 || ft. golden hour on a chilly sunday morning
this post was due hehe but i spent the day studying for my chemistry tests and it was a productive feeling after having accomplished my to-dos 📒
gearing up for my college entrance !!!!
🎧 middle of the night - monsta x
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blacklinguist · 5 years
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my car is on the fritz for the next week which means i have to leave for work earlier which means breakfast won’t last me as long which means almonds will be my snack of choice 🌚
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ilovewashitape · 5 years
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Day 6 | 5 Weeks of Productivity
Posting this on Sunday for Saturday couse it was a busy busy day! I was finally home after a long time. But still I had to study so I woke up pretty early. (especially after drinks the night before!)
During the day I studied and did my laundry. Then I decided to drive to my apartment. I didn‘t want to make the whole journey of 6 hours on Sunday (so today)
When I got there I was suuuuper tired! I went to bed and fell asleep immediately😅
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