#higher institute of villainous education
wing-shot-first · 7 months
"kill them with kindness" WRONG. ACTIVATES THE OVERLORD PROTOCOL ☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️
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these three may have chosen fields of work that might make them seem intimidating, but that couldn't be farther from the truth! when you look past the alchemy, or the supervillainy-in-training, or the being in the russian mob, you'll find a nice, hardworking, relatable, at least 2/3rds of them are gay i don't know about the other one, guy. but the question remains: who's the funkiest, littlest and baldest?
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anomalouscorvid · 11 months
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beebrainedstudios · 4 months
❤️ ✂️ 💎 for the scary doctor god Thing :D
Hi and thanks for the ask (ask game here)! I take it you want Apollo, which means it's a good time to introduce them! Here's a lovely commission piece I got of them from @hummelimhimmel :
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Apollo's an OC for the H.I.V.E. fandom and is best described as G.L.O.V.E.'s head of prisoner care, the leader of the League's in-house medical organization (the Hippocratic Collective-yes the name is a pun), and at one time Overlord's personal doctor, back when he was stuck in Number One's body. Interestingly, there's also several Apollos- the current Apollo is replaced (AKA killed) by their protege Acolyte when they grow too old or breaking certain rules. Now that that's out of the way, the questions!
There are two Apollos I use frequently, so I'll answer for them both: Angel-Apollo, who was the first and Overlord's doctor, and SOOF-Apollo, or the version used in @wing-shot-first 's Sight of Our Future, in which a more modern, more adaptable Apollo appears. ❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories? Angelpollo: The case before Overlord kidnapped them; they successfully managed to remove a series of difficult brain tumors from a young patient and saved their life. They were very proud of that case, even if it caught Overlord's attention. SOOFpollo: The first time Sylvester (@wing-shot-first's) trusted them enough to fall asleep around them.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories? Angelpollo: The night Overlord took them- their practice exploded, they got a serious concussion, and spent a good chunk of the night in a trunk. Not fun at all. SOOFpollo: The final battle with the Syndicate; there was a lot of death and good G.L.O.V.E. operatives were lost that day. 💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC? Angelpollo: They do canonically die already, I'm just not sure when- but eventually they break enough of their own rules that their Acolyte decides it's time for them to go. SOOFpollo:...They're too fun to kill off I'm afraid. Thanks again for the ask!
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Quick rundown of the Malpense sibs
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fowlblue · 2 years
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Hi, yes, I finally read Bloodline (part of it anyways) and I would die for Maximilian Nero, thank you very much.
(I don’t know if any of my followers have read H.I.V.E, but if you love Artemis Fowl, I’d strongly recommend it. ‘Schools for villains’ is always fun to play around with)
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crystal963 · 2 years
I will never get over the fact that technically, Otto Malpense is both Wing Fanchu AND H.I.V.E.mind's nephew. Cuz Overlord made Otto. And H.I.V.E.mind and Overlord share the same base code and have referred to each other as brothers. And Wing and overlord both have Cypher and Xiu Mei Chen as their parents. So technically, they're all related.
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Oh hey look who posted HIVE angst
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phantajam · 2 years
you’ve just been otto’d
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decepti-geek · 2 years
i managed to infect someone with the desire to read the h.i.v.e books in the year of our lord 2022 so in celebration i share this: ever since i watched Our Man Bashir from deep space nine, with Sisko as a bond villain, Avery Brooks has been my fancast for Diabolus Darkdoom
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shelbytrinity · 2 years
hi shelbytrinity followers. im sorry i dont post here, most of my hivethots are in the hive discord server thrive (shoot me a message for an invite if you so wish) anyway i alongside a few others have begun to concoct an art school au hive and i’m currently writing about wing being a secret admirer of shelby at said school.
chapter 1 is up. my god i do not know how long this will be bc there is no end in sight yet.
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wing-shot-first · 9 months
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Title: H.I.V.E.
Author: Mark Walden
Series or standalone: series
Publication year: 2007
Genres: fiction, science fiction, adventure, fantasy, mystery
Blurb: Otto Malpense may be only thirteen years old, but so far, he has managed to run the orphanage where he lives, and he has come up with a plan clever enough to trick the most powerful man in the country. He is the perfect candidate to become the world’s next supervillain. That is why he ends up at H.I.V.E., handpicked to become a member of the incoming class. The students have been kidnapped and brought to a secluded island inside a seemingly active volcano, where the school has resided for decades. All the kids are elite - they are the most athletic, the most technically advanced, and the smartest in the country. Inside the cavernous marble rooms, floodlit hangars, and steel doors, the students are enrolled in Villainy Studies and Stealth and Evasion 101...but what Otto soon comes to realise is that this is a six-year program, and leaving is not an option. With the help of his new friends - an athletic martial arts expert, a beautiful and world-famous diamond thief, and a spunky computer genius (the only other people who seem to want to leave) - can Otto achieve what has never been done before and break out of H.I.V.E.?
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anomalouscorvid · 1 year
For the art requests,,,,, perhaps a Ms Leon,,,, or maybe Wing or Cypher 👀👀👀
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unfortunately for wing and cypher, i've been mainly rotating (in my mind) leon, so she gets the fanart first. also, i know she's not mentioned to keep kali's (hope i'm remembering her cat's name right) eyes when she gets her own body back, and probably especially not the teeth, but like. she can be an evil catgirl.
...realising that the brush i'm using kind of makes this resemble a pencil drawing on paper. it's definitely not, i haven't drawn on paper in a long time
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beebrainedstudios · 2 years
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H.I.V.E. still has a death grip on my creative motivation (and probably will for a while), so here’s a little something I rustled up for a contest a while back- a redesign of the American cover of The Overlord Protocol, complete with Cypher in his full villainous glory! (Spoilers in the tags, btw!)
Here’s a look at the original cover, for reference:
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Credit be to the original artist for it and the title and series title section; I did some cropping and cutting to pull those pieces out since I wouldn’t be able to replicate the font with my program. I love the OG cover btw, but I felt at least one of the H.I.V.E. books should have an antagonist on the cover for villainy’s sake. It was a real blast trying to figure out how to replicate the artist’s style, including all the little variations that showed up as the series went on, and I also played around a lot with perspective to try and give it the most action-packed look possible. Just a very entertaining project all around. Fun fact- I draw Cypher in what is essentially a teched-up motorcycle helmet since the “oval mask of black glass” doesn’t feel like it’d conceal his identity as well to me (some other artists make it work really well, but I wanted my design to look a little different, so here we are). Enjoy!
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deusvervewrites · 2 years
All For One vs Principal Asano
It's been too long since I've compared All For One to a better written antagonist so I've been struck by the mood to do another meta.
By coincidence I'm once again comparing AFO to an antagonist written by Yūsei Matsui, because that man knows what he's doing. I've already compared All For One to Sicks, so it's only fair that I hop over to his other work, Assassination Classroom.
Today I'm going to talk about Principal Asano Gakuho.
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(Pictured: father-son bonding)
Now I don't have time to summarize all of Assassination Classroom's themes and how it handles them, and we would get wildly off topic, so I'll quickly summarize. The series uses an elite private school as a metaphor for societal classism, run on a philosophy of social darwinism.
If you're in A Class, it's because you were simply better. You are the virtuous elite being rewarded for your birthright and destined for greatness. If you are in E Class, you are a slacker and a parasite feeding on your betters, and the higher classes should treat them as such. Look I never said it was a subtle metaphor.
The reason I want to highlight Principal Asano is because he's a character second, and a metaphor first. He is not just the principal of this school, he is social darwanism. Every act he takes furthers that ideology in some way or is meant to crush the opposition of that philosophy. His students are not to be educated but broken until they parrot his beliefs. His son notes that his home life is much the same.
He will lie, cheat, ruin, steal, or even kill if that's what it takes, because he is a one-note character with no depth.
Except that's not quite true.
Principal Asano is a character with depth and tragedy. He does care about others. But this is the master stroke. Principal Asano's backstory is given at a very crucial moment.
Let's quickly summarize. The End of Term exams in Assassination Classroom are meat to be a public slaughter of E Class in terms of grades, but thanks to Koro-Sensei, E Class has started fighting back and proving the flaws in Asano's philosophy. And in the final major exam of the year, E Class dominates. In response, A Class acknowledges that Asano's methods do more harm than good, and that cooperating with E Class will bring all of them to greater heights than his method of using E Class as an example to be feared and ridiculed.
Asano responds the way he always does. He does whatever is necessary to validate his philosophy. He challenges Koro-Sensei to a rigged game in an attempt to kill him (If you aren't familiar, Koro-Sensei is a literal inhuman creature threatening to blow up the earth if he isn't assassinated, shit like this happens all the time).
Not only does Koro-Sensei win the game, but the way Asano rigged it, he will either have to take an action that will kill him, or stand down and admit defeat--not just for himself, but his entire philosophy.
This is when we learn Asano's backstory. Not a moment sooner. It's only when Asano is defeated, when the series has made it's point that classism is not only bad for the oppressed but hurts the oppressors, and only through collaboration and camaraderie can humanity truly shine, that Asano stops being a metaphor and becomes a character.
For the purposes of this meta, the details of his backstory are unimportant. He was a good man and teacher until tragedy befell one of his students and he spiraled into the madman he became to prevent something like that from ever happening again, in the process becoming the very thing he hated.
So why did I give this long-winded meta of another character?
Because All For One isn't a metaphor. He doesn't represent the main themes of My Hero Academia. And I can prove that because literally every single other Villain does. They are all in some way harmed by Legacy, Hero Worship, Governmental-Instituted Classism (oh hey look at that) or some combination of all of them.
Shigaraki was failed because the people were waiting for a Hero to act. Toga was abused until she snapped because she didn't fit the mold. Spinner couldn't find work because of his appearance. Twice was illegally fired because of nepotism and had no resources to bounce back from that or his resulting trauma over the him civil war. For a man who hates Quirks, Overhaul is obsessed with them. The MLA are correct that Quirk Regulation is too tight.
I can just point to Dabi.
But AFO does not represent a flaw in society, nor was he in some way hurt by society. He's just a fuck. And because he's just a fuck, he drags down the legitimate criticisms baked into every other Villain associated with him.
All For One is not a metaphor.
The real representation of My Hero Academia's themes is the HPSC. Hawks would've made a more compelling final boss because even this late in the series, we have only barely seen Hawks the Hero, but Hawks the Soldier has once again ordered Twice to be murdered.
All For One adds nothing to the themes except as a way to make All Might retire, furthering his themes of Legacy and Hero Worship.
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