homemakinghippie · 2 days
Here's your reminder not to get caught up on labels.
I just watched a YouTube video talking about being a biblical Proverbs 31 woman and wife. She was comparing it to being a 50s tradwife.
To her being a 50s tradwife is being a doormat who's not allowed to make any money herself and allows abusive behaviors. But a biblical wife sells items at the market and invests in land she bought with her own money (see Proverbs 31:10-31). She has some independence and doesn't follow whatever her husband says blindly.
I don't disagree with her definition of a biblical woman or that it's a good thing to aspire to be. What's hilarious to me, is that I've seen people on the internet talk about how it's better to be a 50s housewife than a Christian housewife. They basically swapped the definitions and said a 50s housewife is more liberal and has more freedom, while Christian wives are subjects of abuse. Other times I've seen people say tradwives and biblical wives are the same thing and only Christians are housewives.
In reality, everyone defines being a tradwife/homemaker/housewife/stay at home mom differently, and how someone is actually living their life is more important than what they call themselves. I used to say I'm not a tradwife because I had only seen the Christian housewives who don't believe women should ever work or make money use the term. My husband is Norse Pagan and we listen to heavy metal music and watch horror movies. My closet is more band tees than dresses or skirts (although this is one thing I do want to work on a bit). I don't fit the "tradwife aesthetic" so I didn't think it applied to me despite all of the practical parts being accurate. I don't work and currently don't even have a side hustle (I do plan on selling farm fresh products once we get moved). I started staying home before we even decided to have a baby and now I do the majority of the childcare. I trust my husband's opinion and let him lead and make most of the decisions for our family. We have traditional gender roles. My hobbies include all of the domestic interests you would expect from a housewife.
My point is don't get too caught up in labels and stereotypes. Don't let other people tell you how your marriage works or should be working.
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staycoolbutstillcare · 7 months
so much of taking care of yourself as an adult is just learning to eat at home and going on walks
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kryptidkhaos · 5 months
I'm a disabled trans guy who is unemployed, and I don't bring any income to my household. I love to cook, clean, organize, manage calendars, appointments, etc. so in my polycule, that's the role I fill.
I'm a homemaker and very proud of it, but I wish I could say that with more frequency without constantly having people roll their eyes or interrogating me about my personal life.
"How can you be too disabled to work a job, but not to take care of your household? Don't the other people in your family do any housework? Are you being taken advantage of? Have you ever had a job? Can't you work part time? Why aren't you on disability? Have you tried a work from home job?"
I've been trying to find more support and community for people like me, but the sheer wall of red usernames that appear when I dip into any kind of "homemaker", "housekeeping", "domestic labor", type of tag is absolutely terrifying. It's either tradwives or radfems, with no in-between. "stay at home dad" tags are basically empty, and i don't even have a kid living at home with me anymore to bond with other parents anyway.
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fayriequeene · 6 months
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Baked some reindeer cookies as a gift ✨🦌
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recoveringdoll · 5 months
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Wanting a man to provide for you doesn’t mean you’re incapable. Of course you’re capable. But it’s nice to have someone help you and take of you. That doesn’t mean you can’t do those things yourself. That just means someone loves you enough to make your life that bit easier <3
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traditionaldream · 4 months
The beauty of home altars ✝️🤍
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thesmolgoblingf · 3 months
“You want a dystopian future for all women!”
Firstly, I already know and have expressed that my lifestyle choices are not right for every woman and not every woman is right for the lifestyle I’m choosing.
What is so dystopian about the following?
A loving couple getting married
A safe home
Garden-fresh food
A family unit with strong bonds
Well-educated and happy children
A knowledgeable appreciation of nature
A sense of community
National pride
Escaping “the grind”
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everlastinghistory · 7 months
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“if you become a housewife they’re gonna cheat and you’re gonna get abandoned with nothing some day.”
has to be the biggest self projection ever. why do you automatically assume every relationship is going to go badly, and why do you feel the need to project your own fears onto other people who actually feel secure in their relationship/with their decision?
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animatejournal · 1 month
Merrie Melodies: Wild Wife Director: Robert McKimson Studio: Warner Bros. | USA, 1954
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cozydaysathome · 1 year
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Instagram- brittany.morian
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moderntradwife · 11 months
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I found this template online a few months ago. It comes in handy when you don’t know where to start. So far my house is spotless and I’m not stressing out.
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homemakinghippie · 2 months
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staycoolbutstillcare · 8 months
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Well here she is ladies and gentlemen 🪡
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rose-lily-field · 2 years
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heverything · 8 months
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traditionaldream · 4 months
Feminism is full of lies: being a "boss babe" won't fulfill most of us, birth control harms your body and no, it doesn't heal you, it just cover the problem, like a band aid, children are not a burden, but a blessing, men aren't oppressing you, you can't find total equality for things that aren't equal.
Don't belive that man aren't needed. Man work jobs that most feminist don't want to work in: building, mines, military....
It is not backwards, oppressive or misogynistic to realize that all of these things are true.
Embrace your true essence
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