#how do i tag lore dumps
zeeposting · 17 days
stupid rambling about oc lore. warning its probably going to be very long so dont press "keep reading" or whatever it says if you dont want to read a lot
okok who do we start with. fries!
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lookie look, theres fries!! so they kind of put up a silly and carefree act to disguise their worries. what are their worries, you ask? haha. parental issues. fries has an older sibling, curly fries. uhh i actually need to develop some lore and characters so curly fries needs pronouns ermmm *stares at the video im watching for like two minutes.* xe/her for curly fries!! ANYWAYS. their parents are potato (f) and onion rings (m) and they got into arguments a lot. like. a lot. fries is maybe two years younger than curly, so fries was a lot more sensitive to it. they were always scared of the yelling and often found the most comforting place was their closet. yes they hid in the closet. curly was the only one who knew about this and sometimes would try to comfort them, but most times would just lay in xeir bed unbothered by the yelling. this ended up with potato (fries and curly's mother) leaving the family. fries' fear of the yelling carried on into adulthood.
now to skip on over to smoothie for further explanation on fries i guess!1 so smoothie uerhmmm she has 2 siblings. Lemonade, she/her, and uhh mango something hang on google helpme uhh ok anyways as i was saying, Mango Juice, he/they. mango is younger than smoothie (or Strawberry Banana Smoothie but who wants to type that 300 times) while lemonade is older. mango would often BEG smoothie to play or talk to something else while lemonade would always tease and affectionately bully smoothie. all this landed smoothie with something like anger issues! as an adult, it often gets angry at her coworkers and gets into arguments over call with them.
and now can you guess why we had to quickly switch to smoothie? heeahh. yeah sometimes it yells at its coworker which overwhelms fries. when smoothie's having an argument fries often hides in the bedroom (cheeb, fries and smoothie share an apartment) and if cheeb is there, he'll usually comfort fries until smoothie is done.
cheeb lore!??! haha you wish! yeah no cheeb doesnt get lore. no siblings though
smoothie, cheeb and fries all met in lets say uhh late middle school? yeah uhh. fries' parents really started getting in arguments when they were 14. they put up a sillier act so that their few friends didn't worry about their personal life (it was very complicated, and a few months into highschool is when fries' mother left) smoothie is the one who started the relationship like early highschool id say. smoothie and cheeb moved into fries' apartment eventually, but fries' bed didnt have room for them all soo they basically rotated someone sleeping on the couch until they could save up for a bigger bed. now they all sleep together woohoo
yeah! thats. mdbonncalds lore!!
okay who else hmm
night and spike are currently lore-less but i think inki is cooking somethng up for them
i would do scroll and quill but i feel like their lore would be best explained through writing the whole thing or writing certain scenes (couhg cough, scroll attacking inkpad, cough cough) <- wait what no who said that not me those arent spoilers at all inki doesnt even know the lore and shes practically the reason theyre still here!! i drew them once and she drew them so i was like "WOAH OC APPRECIATION??!?! THEYRE GONNA STAY!!" and. yeah! they have lore and yeah.
hmm hmm.. i could to laptop but shes basically a mephone knockoff... except featuring firey beefy die... (dont ask)
rat cage uhh i havent really figured out everything for her but i know the basis! nerd. she didnt have a home so she just lived in various alleyways and got in many fights. eventually, guess what?! her leg got cut off! because of her nerdiness she managed to find a whole lot of metal scraps and other stuff and built herself a new leg! woohoo! uhh and now she has a girlfriend. ferret cage. also they both have their respective animals, a rat named riley and a ferret named felicity. because i said so.
ok so they started out working idk somewhere shrugs and thats where they met. wet floor sign, due to having no arms (HAHA L FOR HIM!! L!!) was just used to mark out messes. mop, due to being a mop (HAHA L FOR THEM!! L!! HAHA!!) was the one who cleaned these messes. because they saw each other so often, they decided to start talking. they went on break together and stuff and exchanged phone numbers. fast forward a bit and theyre really close (though wet floor sign isnt a fan of mop's gen alpha slang but honestly finds it amusing) and uhh mop asks (that whole thing i wrote? remmeber that?) and uhh yeah they started dating and suddenly wet floor sign just. seemed depresed. so mop went over to their apartment and it was pretty much a mess. "dang bro you live like this" after talking for a bit and mop helping comfort wet floor sign, WFS (i dont want to type it anymore im sorry 😭) admits that his mother passed away eventually they get a job as janitors at scroll and quill's library hang on i have like a whole scene planned out shrieks chat hold on i cant play horse game and ramble at the same time 💔💔
ok uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so scroll and quill do something and mop (to WFS) is like "i wish we had a bond like that" (they love ecahother but they still get in playful arguments a fair amount of the time) "they're married" "so whats the next step towards marriage?" "uhhhhhhhhhhhh idk moving in" "so can i move into your apartment? :]" "uhhhhhhmhmhahahhhhhh" "okay thanks" and mop moves into WFS' apartment! woohoo! yeha. n othing more than that.
hmhmhmhm what other ocs exist... i mean i can kinda go into globe
globe time!! ryu come get ya girl (not tagged because idk if you want to read this whole thing)
so uhh one time scroll and quill went to a park. quill wantwed to get ice cream because yes and uhh globe was just. there and started flirting with scroll who was extremely freaked out. when quill got back, he was weirded out because who is this and what are they doing with his husband. uhh and then globe embarrasses herself because she was into scroll but she just cant stop thinking about him thats basically how globe was introduced!! she has no childhood lore she develops weird obsessions with those that love her, so she scares off people, which makes the obsessions worse she has two cork boards to fill with pictures of people she likes only 3 people were actually (romantically) interested in her. soda bottle cap, MG and mug (made by ryu! woohoo!). soda bottle cap was freaked out with how she has a lot of pictures of people around her house, so he left her. MG was freaked out SHOOT MY FRIEND FOUND ME IN THE SILLY HORSE GAME anwyays MG was freaked out by globes weird obsessive personality and she fearfully left her. mug, though he literally mugged multiple people and is probably a criminal, was freaked out by how clingy and obsessive she was and left her. when she saw scroll, for some reason she just. fell so deeply in love. she stalks him. she has so many pictures of him that she took (WITHOUT HIS CONSENT) and most definitely has a body pillow of scroll MASSIVE OBSESSION. she even got herself banned from their library. quill absolutely hates her.
shes tried other people, shes tried dating apps, but no one was interested. no one really loved her (romantically)
yeha thats all her lore. who else... looks at my oc list
stanley? anyone want stanley? hhhhhhmmmm nah. i dont feel like her lore rn because its not quite developed..
oh golly lets do drawing pen. alcoholic idiot
so he was best friends with drawing pad since they were young kids. eventually, theyre young adults, and playing truth or dare beacuse theyre stupid and on the side of the road. seeing the road was empty, drawing pen dared her to cross the road. but RUH ROH RAGGY!!! SPEEDING CAR COMES AND SHES DEAD. haha corpse. drawing pen is so broken by this, he doesnt know how to cope. so guess what he does? gets a drinking addiction, of course! yeah. he needs it to stay sane i guess. because if he doesnt then he sees illusions of drawing pad! woohoo! yeha. kind of a father-daughter relationship with laptop i guess.
hmm who else
who is cord why are they on my list 💀 i gotta go through this list dawg idk who half these idiots are
*stares at percy on my list*
ok whats happening uhh scratch art paper!! she doesnt really have too much lore but she does have some! so her best friend is chalk, a blue piece of chalk uhh and yk her epick marks? well. they hurt to be made most of them she made herself its something like S/H. chalk helps her not do it again and LIGHTLY did one mark, but sometimes rainbow is tempted
ok hm oh theres activity hang on save as draft!
ok uhh what else theres no one else i think... origami has no lore... theres a lot without lore. what if i go into my non-osc oc's.
my warrior cats ocs...
my star stable ocs... (star stable is silly horse game!!)
dude my last warrior cats art was of this character i just made up and made no lore for
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ok uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
waitwait what if i make up an oc on the spot with yall. and lore. ok woah my friend just came back and is in peach stuff thats cute anyways random object generator go!!
bandana? wait hmm... no im just thinking bandana ii alternate reality reroll pleas... I GOT HANDCUFFS. BANDANA AND HANDCUFFS. no inspo plus they seem kind of hard to work with (how would i draw the handcuffs?) sooo reroll again
IDEA!!! school bell. like one of those stereotypical school bells.
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like this!!
okay. im thinkinggggg he/him? very loud. very obnoxious. only a few friends, lets say uhh... lunch tray (she/her), eraser cap (they/it) and hmmmm lets make him someone whos interested in him! paperclip? paperclip. she/her. paperclip has a crush on school bell and tries to appear cool to him but fails. shes close friends with eraser cap and tries to learn how she could get him to like her but in the end she thinks she'd embarrass herself. this is becoming too much about paper clip lets go back to school bell!! so he's kind of oblivious to paper clip (adiren agreste style) (<- sorry if that reference is outdated i never finished watching mlb i got like the first few episodes of season four and i havent seen it since 😭) and he uhh... im throwing them into school because i want to. theyre in highschool. anyways school bell is like a basic jock and tries to make his friends laugh over an actual grade. paper clip finds this cute. he has some sort of a crush on paper clip but he doesnt really realize it because i like torturing my characters that are in love uhh yeha eventually paperclip convinces eraser cap to give school bell a note from her (wow a lot of names) and uhh school bell kind of confronts her but uhh in the end they date. wow a lot of lore made up on the spot!! lunch tray only mentioned once. shes the most supportive of paper clip and school bell.
chat what am i doing 😭 why is there so much about lore? wait let me find out how many words this is
i hope you enjoyed this idk if ill make more but uhh for scroll and quill if you guys want me to write like uhh... scroll attacking inkpad, the confession, the first encounter with inkpad, any other scenes im thinking of but idk how to describe. like i would just summarize it as "nightmares" but honey thats not enough context ok yeah anyways if you want me to write some of those scenes i might thumbs up emogi im done this is a lot of writing woohoo! oc lore. fun. if you want to see any of them i will (HOPEFULLY) be able to provide you with art or at least their asset!!1 any other characters i forgot feel free to ask for their lore. i dont know what im doing shrieks YEAH THATS OC LORE FOR YA!!! i forgot penny, barnes and vanille (idk her last name. the desert tissue box.) but idk what their apocalypse situation is, they just exist with brief ideas as of now the other dream characters dont have lore sorry guys ok im going to stop rambling now. bye bye!!
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seithr · 3 months
remembered that my shepard/spacer shep has a still alive mom in the alliance according to ME2/3
also remembered that that character (katrine/caia) always has a sister uninvolved in the family's career military history
remembering she had to mourn her elder sister who just Disappeared for two years, and would have spent even longer knowing shepard isn't alive bc their alliance mom probably can't just tell a civillian doctor,
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zainabsyedisnotapoet · 2 months
things my mother and i do not speak about
the rug of my childhood bedroom 
existed in a state of constant rainbow – 
anything from crayola markers to finger paints 
nail polish and watercolor 
had wormed it’s way into the carpet fibers, 
starting an infestation of pigments among the 
messy toys and teddy bears 
and my mother was furious 
at such a diassaray 
not even my snotty, tear filled apologies 
could mask her enraged, bleach filled scrubbing 
i promised no more paint on the carpet 
and years later, we do not speak of 
the dirty carpet or the crumpled 
drawings that left sticky residue on the fridge 
my mother spun me palaces out of 
worn bedsheets and couch cushions 
wove princess dresses out of her button downs 
and curled up on my ragged butterfly blanket 
to make me feel like my bed was crafted 
from silk and pearls 
and years later, we do not speak of it 
her night shifts resulted in slices of chocolate cake 
that she left for me on the kitchen table 
i would wake up as she fell asleep 
and see the telltale signs of her return — 
a plate hazardously piled high with whatever she found 
spinach, spaghetti, eggs, rice — 
before i found her crashed on the sofa
and years later, we do not speak of it 
we pebble hunted on the shores of the Hudson 
with gritty sand embedded between our 
clasped hands 
her lithe fingers finding pearly stones 
while my stubby ones wielded gravel 
and years later, we do not speak of it 
and years later 
when we are silent 
i am boiling and bubbling and toppling over 
with the words we do not speak of 
that i desperately wish to purge 
these are the things i’ve seen and they’re mostly awful 
these are the things i’ve done and they’re mainly sad 
here are the places i’ve been and they’re mostly terrifying 
this life has forced itself into my spine 
and planted seeds amongst the cartilage 
i can feel them growing with every step 
every breath 
my mother and i do not speak and 
i keep secrets buried under my mattress 
and tucked in dusty corners, hidden 
amongst the faded stains in the carpet 
but sometimes
when the moment is right 
rare rays of warmth will flood the house 
the smell of chai and chia seed bread 
the soft click of her knitting needles 
purl then knit then purl 
while my fingers are tangled in the yarn 
and we talk about school, and work 
and time moves slowly like honey 
pooling out of the comb 
and i am almost fooled into thinking 
i could be the daughter 
that existed in her when she jumped continents 
and crossed oceans and climbed mountains 
and hauled herself with bloodied hands 
to a new beginning 
the daughter that she dreamed of 
after two sons 
the daughter she molded from her 
sweat and skin and spit
or maybe i am destined 
to bury myself 
amongst the paint in my carpet 
the blankets of my bedroom 
the kitchen table 
the banks of the Hudson 
and let the words, forever waiting to be heard
rot in the black hole of my mouth
submitted this for a poetry comp. and also showed it to my mom and she didnt rllly like it! wrote... 1/2/24?
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cherrirui-official · 3 months
Making a post abt this so I don't forget later on when I wake up in the morning but, for the Beach Bros AU, I can totally see Bruce going to bed after reading a bedtime story to all 13 of his children and just as he's about to drift off John Dory appears at his bedroom door and says "hey, what about me??? :[" Like the pathetic manchild he is.
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(image unrelated. The post just felt empty without the low quality JD)
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Owl house headcanon to play with: Eda and Lilith have some vampire in their gene pool. The paleness, Eda’s garlic allergy, her affinity to apple blood.
OOOH okay that's fun!
We never get to learn what boiling isles vampires are like beyond the fact that they exist and inspired human realm vampire stories. We technically never even meet any vampires in the show (though i feel like i remember ppl referring to Katya of the BATTs as a vampire back when we only knew her as fanfiction girl??? i literally checked the ep1 credits to see if her character was named but grey griffith was just listed under additional voices w/ the other prisoners VAs)
but tbh the clawthorne's strike me as the type of family to have a crazy-ass family history with a million weird stories and connections from weird distant uncles and mysterious great-grandparents. like there's already hints of it with Gwen learning indirectly learning about the wittebane brothers from her great grandmother (who definitely wasn't evelyn bc there'd be like. 8-ish generations between the two??) and i've always been transfixed by her referring to the clawthorne's as a clan in elsewhere and elsewhen, bc like. clans are more than families, they're extended families that also have a network of trusted allied who aren't necessarily related to them! like i think it's entirely possible that Dell could've been from the clawthorne clan (hence the palismen carving) but not the clawthorne family, and marrying into it via his wife. or vice versa!
all this to say, i could 100% see that. tbh i feel like both clawthorne sisters would have fun with the connection. like lilith would take it as an opportunity to study obscure vampire history and stuff. meanwhile eda would threaten to use willow and gus like juiceboxes if they keep entering uninvited and eating cheese out of her fridge like a bunch of freeloading hooligans. gotta get her kicks in somehow
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sinhasfluffyheadfur · 11 months
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oc references I made for my artfight!! rubbing my hands together evilly
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ojirocardigansniper · 6 months
:hesthonk: maybe i should talk about inoush (lahil's predecessor) on da blog next. i don't have a lot for uem personally or even need much, mostly just uer relationships with ayirine+lahil and uer post, but i could probably talk a little about the basics of uiranour lore.... although if i use the word uiranour then i have to Decide finally if that refers to only the offering-eater or the offering-oracle pair together. i have to do a little made up fake bullshit etymology in my mind just for me. which IS a treat. but it is an additional step
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…and I thought the issue I’d run into with my theory posts was that someone would get mad that I lowkey called god an abuser lmao
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threenounname · 2 years
I didn’t get to put it in this chapter and it may not get mentioned in the fic at all but I wanna talk about it, so:
The whole reason Nayeon and Momo got the idea of being fwb with Mina is because Mina accidentally walked in on them while they were going at it and Nayeon had the not-so-subtle discovery that she didn’t mind. Mina totally got hard seeing them and it maybe (definitely) turned them (NaMo) both on a lil bit. And they weren’t ones to shy away from that ;)
The two of them talked about it A LOT beforehand, just thinking about whether or not to ask Mina at all and also checking in on each other if they were both ok with that. But eventually they did because they couldn’t resist the Mina dick and well, the rest is history.
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fraterfalls · 4 months
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“So… Yer tellin’ me. Ya brought me all the way up to Gravity Falls. Just to turn yer computer on and off?”
“What?! I- I swear something was terribly wrong with it a few days ago!”
“Mhm. When was the last time ya slept? Or got yerself a haircut? Ya look like a right mess.”
“Look, Stanford, I reckon I’ve known you long enough to know when you’re overworkin’ yourself.”
“That isn’t important right now. I’ll let the kids know you fixed the computer-”
“Turned it on and off…”
“-and we can get to catching up, since you’re here. It's been so long since you visited..."
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sant-riley · 7 months
Yeah but like what if one day Gaz walked into a room and saw Y/N FNAF lore dumping to Ghost
[Infodumping the boys]
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(Mostly Platonic tf141 x gen neutral! reader, hints at Ghost bc it’s me and I’m biased.)
Summary: Teddy aka You, decide to gather the gang and tell them about five nights at Freddy’s before the movie comes out.
Word count: 800 ish
Warnings: Possibly of for the boys (idrc tho lmao), Teddy is this readers callsign, reader is implied to be at least early 20’s, I can’t think of anything else tbh but lmk if this does need something tagged!
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It wasn't uncommon for you to infodump your teammates, they're all older than you and have significantly less screen time than you (it ties into being older). Most of the information you give them is something they take as fact, this is no different.
Gaz of all people knows your interests best, you two being the closest in age means you both realistically grew up with the internet and its most popular series.
The last thing he expected walking into one of the many meeting rooms on base, was you at the front of the room, your laptop hooked up to the projector and Price and Soap sitting down, dutifully listening with varying degrees of attention.
Price is to your left, staring down at mission documents that no doubt need to be turned in by tomorrow. A glass of some liquor next to his stack, a cigar box that's propped open right by it as well.
To anyone else, it would seem like Price isn't listening and he's just here to keep you from bothering him to come but Gaz can see the Captain's eye flick up every so often, his eyes softening when his gaze falls on yours, listening for a few beats, a miniscule upturn of his lips until he's looking back down again, grabbing a pen to make a correction.
Soap on the other hand is sitting next to Cap, a hand resting under his chin, the other flipping around a pen in his hands. He's nodding and asking questions as you flick through. Below him is a notebook that seems to have scribbled in it, if Gaz walked in further he could see little drawings of Monty Gator and Soap himself, a Venn diagram with a large red writing saying "Mohawk!!"
Ghost being there probably should be a shock but it isn't. The man is known to follow you around like a shadow, he humors you arguably the most out of the four men, letting you drag him to and from places with minimal complaint. He bets Ghost is gonna be the one to take you to the five nights at Freddys movie premiere.
Simon's dressed down to just his hoodie and his balaclava mask, attentively watching you as you speak passionately about each character and their role in the series. his dark eyes flicking around to stare at the drawings you inserted so everyone could see what the animatronics and others looked like.
You would've thought this was a mission debrief with how focused he was on your words.
Gaz lets out a fake cough, announcing himself to the room and he watches as your eyes immediately latch onto him, he ignores how his heart skips a beat when he sees the crinkles of your eyes, seeing you shoot a glowing smile his way.
You always look at him like that but he never tires of it.
"Gaz! Finally, you're here!"
Rushing over to him, you grab at his hand, quickly intertwining fingers, and start dragging him to the seat next to Ghost. He sits down with a huff, amusement swimming around his eyes. You move to go back to the front of the room, gleefully rocking on the balls of your feet as you look at them.
"What's all this about?" He questions, after getting nods in acknowledgment from the other 3 men in the room.
"Teddy here is tellin' us about five nights at…Frankies?"
"It's Freddy's, Johnny." You roll your eyes playfully.
"No shot you're making Ghost and Cap listen to this."
"I'm not making them do anything, they're here of their own free will, thank you very much." Sticking out your tongue, moving to click to the next slide.
"Is that true Cap?"
"It's background noise," John murmurs with a shrug, taking a swig out of his glass. He leans back in his seat, seemingly taking a momentary break as he looks around at the table.
"Got nothin' better else to do," Simon answers easily, looking at Gaz from the corner of his eye.
"You ain't gonna ask me, Garrick?"
"Nah, you of all people would enjoy it."
"What's tha-"
"Boys! Shut it! We're getting to the good part!" You clap your hands together and Soap immediately cuts himself off, looking back at you.
With all the boys' eyes on you, you clear your throat and push a button, there, from when Gaz remembers, is Michael Afton in all his purple nasty body glory.
"Fucks wrong with him? Why does he look like that?" Simon remarks, an eyebrow shooting up.
"I'm so glad you asked, you know actually the more I think about it, You and Michael actually have a lot in common.”
"How so?"
"Asshole dad, the oldest brother, daddy issues, I can keep going if you want."
Ghost just grunts in acknowledgment, raising a hand to his head and rubbing at his temples.
Price chokes on his liquor, coughing as it goes down the wrong pipe.
Soap audibly drops an "oh."
And Gaz just stares, truth be told, yeah. Yeah, he can see the resemblance.
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islandofsages · 3 months
HEYY!! I love your writing from what i've read and i was wondering if i could ask for a gn reader (yuu) teaching the housewardens about like classic fandom lore- like imagine them turning into matpat to explain fnaf and undertale!! 😭😭 feel free to not do this and have a good day!! Thanks :D
characters: housewardens x gn!yuu
tags: platonic, fluff, crack kinda, imagines format
warnings: swearing
author's notes: SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG also all the fandoms mentioned here are all fandoms ive been in at some point :D fun times mhm
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Riddle Rosehearts
He knows you’re very passionate about fandom culture but you never really had the chance to infodump about it to him
Until one day, you drop by Heartslabyul for a leisurely visit, when you see a not-so-clearly distressed Riddle sitting in the lounge
Not-so-clearly meaning he’s holding a teacup in his hand yet not drinking it, eyes closed as if he’s holding in all his emotions
You grow worried at this sight and slide next to him on the couch where he is seated, hoping you can help alleviate some of that stress
He sees you and he allows himself a sigh, then musters up a smile for you. He greets you and you cut straight to the point - can you help him with anything?
He releases a second sigh and shakes his head, telling you he only needs some sort of distraction. He just had a long day and needs to take his mind off things
You take a second to think of things that you can distract him with – that’s when a lightbulb goes off in your head. This is a prime opportunity for you
“Okay, I’m guessing you haven’t heard of Five Nights at Freddy’s since it’s a franchise from my world and all but the lore is crazy. So it starts like this…”
He wasn’t expecting to be paying much attention to the contents of what you’re saying but sooner or later, he ends up leaning towards you with his hand cupping his chin, mouth slightly agape at the story you’re telling
This inspires you to dump even more information about the media somehow at the rate that you’re going
By the end of it, he’s completely forgotten what he was so worried about. His head is full of creepy pizzerias for kids and haunted animatronics
He ends up having some trouble sleeping that night though. He’ll get you for that later.
Leona Kingscholar
He won’t lie, your interest in fandoms is too reminiscent of Idia for him – he doesn’t admit this to you obviously, since he hasn’t had the chance to
But on one particularly boring day, you decide to skip class with him and he lets you tag along for the hell of it
In the span of three seconds, he’s already off in dreamland. Sometimes you wish you had such a skill
Since you have nothing better to do and he’s way too deep in his sleep to even care anyway, you start rambling to yourself and a slumbering Leona
“Well, I’ve been thinking a lot about Undertale lately so I need to dump it all somewhere. So basically you play as this kid…”
Little do you know halfway through his nap, he wakes up from how much you’re talking. At first, he’s annoyed by your yapping but then he grows interest in what you’re saying
He’s almost tempted to try that game for himself and almost disappointed that it’s not available in Twisted Wonderland. Emphasis on almost.
When you’re done rambling, that’s when he stretches his arms over his head and yawn, commenting how noisy you were
You shrug it off. You're used to him complaining about you yapping instead of napping alongside him
…But then he asks you to tell him more about Undertale, if there's any more information you’re keeping from him out of the kindness of your heart
You smile smugly at this and his expression seems to say “don't make me regret asking” but oh, you definitely will make him regret even being friends with you in the first place
Needless to say, regrets were not the only thing he held at the end of that day.
Azul Ashengrotto
Similar to Leona, your fixation on fandom culture reminds him too much of Idia. not that that’s necessarily a bad thing - it’s more of an observation
And he gets more than an observation when you get the chance to show him what you’re made of: useless fandom culture and gaming knowledge
Speaking of Idia, he goes to you as a last resort to ask you to help him understand whatever the hell Idia’s talking about
You don’t know too much about Twisted Wonderland’s fandom culture just yet but when Azul explains the premise of a certain game and its fandom, it gives you an idea
“Sounds pretty similar to Yandere Simulator. Ooh, that one has a lot of history. Let me tell you about it…”
Unfortunately for him, he ended up unlocking your geekiness instead of having you address the things he was confused with
But at least your story makes it a bit easier to understand? He’s yet to decide that really but at least it sounds like you’re taking his lack of slang knowledge into consideration
Your infodump really gripped his attention though - it’s interesting to know another side of human culture, even if it’s not the humans of Twisted Wonderland
He would nod understandingly (or at least, politely) and thank you and your geekiness
He relays your story to Idia and finds it intriguing how similar fandom culture is in both Twisted Wonderland and your world
He would invite you to Board Game Club meetings so that you can rave and find out more about Twisted Wonderland’s fandom culture with Idia
He’d realize that was a big mistake and he may or may not have created the nerdiest pair in the world - but you guys are his nerdiest pair in the world.
Kalim Al-Asim
He’s very curious about fandom culture - he doesn’t know too much about it nor anyone who knows a lot about it so almost all the fandom information in his head are from you
He really wants to know more!!! So of course that warrants a hangout session fabricated as a study session to get Jamil’s stamp of approval
So there you are in his room, books laid out in front of the two of you but most importantly, a laptop
You two watch about a dozen videos on Twisted Wonderland’s fandom culture and as you absorb all the very-much-useful information, you sneak in tidbits from the culture of your world
“This one in particular is reminiscent of Danganronpa. Man, that one was a wild ride…”
It’s exciting to be able to talk about it with someone you trust wholeheartedly, especially Kalim, whom you know wouldn’t be so judging
He only nods in understanding at every point you made, his eyes sparkling with all the curiosity in his body
You were on your thirteenth video when you two are interrupted by a rap on the door and an unfortunately-familiar voice
So obviously you and your bestie hurriedly rush to close all the tabs on your laptop and open up something more academically-inclined
Which is obviously a…dictionary site
Jamil blinks twice at this, says nothing (but probably noting how it makes sense for you guys since you two are bumbling idiots) and walks away
If there’s any dictionary being read that day, it’d be a dictionary of fandom terminology, that’s for sure.
Vil Schoenheit
He doesn’t know too much about it - and doesn’t bother to learn much about it since he has better things to do - but since it’s you, he tries his best to be a good listener
The two of you sit down in the courtyard one day, the chirping of birds and rustling of leaves music to your ears; beauty truly is everywhere around you when you’re next to him
He’s talking about something. You’re not sure what because you’re entranced by the way his hair hangs above his eyes so elegantly. He notices this and calls you out for it
You shrug and excuse how you can’t help it - he’s like a dating simulator love interest in the real. He asks you what you mean by this. Now’s your chance to shine!
“Hmm, you know, something like Mystic Messenger? Hehe, let me tell you a bit about it…”
Unluckily for him, your “a bit” turns out to be a four-hour long ramble about the aforementioned dating simulator a little too reminiscent of Rook for his liking too
Despite his reservations, he really did enjoy hearing you talk so passionately about your interest; it’s a bonus that the topic itself is interesting
He tells you he wouldn’t mind trying out the game or at least finding out more about it though unfortunately it’s not available in Twisted Wonderland
You share his shame - until he says he’ll pitch the concept of the game to some authorities he know and perhaps make it a reality
Sorry, he’s going to what now?
You’re a little shaken. Sometimes you forget he’s a world-class model, despite his looks and mannerisms. You save your nerves for if a Twisted Wonderland version of Mystic Messenger actually ends up happening
He thanks you for enlightening him about fandom and video gaming culture. You use this as a cue to add another four hours of ranting about V’s route in the game.
Idia Shroud
You’re another victim for him to taint… or so he thought. You’re more of an ally than a victim at this point, considering how nerdy you are
He’d dump fandom lore on you and you’d reciprocate it right back. He’s genuinely so impressed with your knowledge, even if they differ by some degree due to being from different worlds
He gets more impressed when you pull up with knowledge about Twisted Wonderland’s fandom culture like damn, you really brushed up on your talking points already
Friendly rivalry aside, he really does enjoy talking about fandom culture with you and hearing about the things from your world - every story you tell adds a little color into his world
One day, the two of you are leaning on each other, on your phones because of course you are, even if you two are friends, talking still isn’t Idia’s strong suit
That’s when you blurt it out–
“Hey, wanna hear about this game called Persona? It’s a turn-based RPG and…”
Regardless of his response to your question, you ended up babbling away either way. It’s how conversations start between the two of you
You’re speaking so fast, he would have mistaken you for a rapper - or a doppelganger of himself even
Consider him entertained - he finds himself smiling by the end of your yapping and intrigued by your story
He then obviously starts to relate it to something from Twisted Wonderland, passing the listener baton to you
You don’t mind – you can stay there for hours and hours, just going back and forth with your fellow nerdy-ass friend.
Malleus Draconia
This man barely knows how to use a smartphone so you had to be a little patient with him when guiding him through the fandom culture trenches
He’s happy that you trust and cherish him enough to talk about your interests with no reservations or shame – and the feeling is mutual
On a certain weekend, the two of you are hanging out as usual. Chatting as friends would do
You don’t know why but the conversation reminded you of a certain fandom
“It’s kinda like Genshin’s community, I guess. They’re a riot, let me tell you that.”
Oh? What’s a Genshin and why is its community a riot?
You’re glad he asked – because you’ve prepared a 100-slide presentation on the history of the game and its fans
He asks you why and how did you find the time to make that. You tell him to shut up and that it doesn’t matter, he just needs to listen to you
You start and it feels like you’ll never stop – there’s just so much to say and Malleus has so much time in the world
Seeing his reactions to certain events makes you crack up and at times, you’d laugh at his shocked expressions (or sigh exhaustively, depending on the event you’re explaining)
When you finally stop, he gives you a one-man standing ovation. You blush a little at the attention and unexpected reaction but you appreciate his sentiment nonetheless. He tells you that your presentation has been very informative for him
You’re relieved to have been able to get that off your chest… and Malleus is more than ecstatic to relay the information to everyone he’s ever known. You obviously pretend that you had no involvement in his sudden investment of a game from another world.
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novantinuum · 2 months
jen's "Hard-Light Hybrid Steven" headcanon dump
Okay so I'm just making this its own post, because frankly at this point... the original post is so hard to get all the pulp out of due to the headcanons being spread over multiple reblogs and half of it being in the tags.
So here we go. Self indulgent headcanon time. This is how I'm now personally interpreting things within the realm of my own fic work and the post-canon storylines that live in my mind. This is NOT, however, a work of meta- I am by no means suggesting this to be what I see as "canon," only having some fun playing around with ideas I think are cool on a speculative fantasy anatomy level. Take it as you will basically, lol. This is ultimately just for me.
With that stated:
"jen what the fuck do you mean when you say hard-light hybrid Steven, what are you even suggesting"
Essentially I am proposing that Steven becomes progressively more hard-light based in form as he ages. When he was born he was two almost entirely separate halves mashed together- organic and gem- and those two halves slowly but surely merge over the years (hard light replacing organic matter) until one day they are literally inseparable, and Steven is one permanently cohesive being... entirely hewn from hard-light, but with a level of anatomical complexity that still makes him a complete anomaly amongst Gems and humans alike. Instead of the innards of his body being solid light, he is still formed of cells- only now, those cells are entirely hard-light.
His gem is somehow mimicking the form of organic matter with a level of detail that's absolutely unobtainable by shapeshifting or tailored reformation alone. Steven has become the single most complex hard-light system to have ever existed.
Some more specifics on how I imagine this merge working:
Much of the "merging" is natural over time, basically his gem branching out new bits of hard-light circuitry within his body as it integrates within his system.
However, this process is sped up significantly by all the spills and injuries Steven deals with throughout his childhood... because his body's instinctive response to injury is simply to replace damaged cells with hard-light analogues. An almost instantaneous patch job.
Steven's component halves being so distinct early on is a large reason why he takes so long to harness many of his powers.
This is also why Steven's (mostly) organic half is so weakened during the split in Change Your Mind- at that point there's a lot about his anatomy that's been converted to hard-light, so it's basically as if White Diamond yanked the power source out.
(Same idea for why he's so weakened during the movie when his gem's on the fritz... his gem's connection with the rest of his body got partially severed for a time, which. Is not Good for someone who at this point is more hard-light than not hard light.)
At a certain point post-canon, it becomes impossible for Steven's organic and gem halves to be separated. They are so tightly integrated that attempting to remove the gem would only poof him.
Now, here's the thing though...
Steven does not realize that Any of this is taking place until the blunt reality of his strange new anatomical nature is put on display for all to see... when he actually DOES poof.
Here is how (in my own post-canon musings, which I have simplified here because y'all don't live inside all the intensive lore that jangles about my brain) I envision that taking place:
So, Steven would be in his mid to late twenties at this point. He's married to Connie, and they have an infant son.
Recently, there was a fairly severe Gem incident that left Beach City and Little Homeworld pretty damaged. Things are still being mopped up from that.
Steven, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl head out on a quick mission one day to intercept one of the last few supporters of the Gem who attacked the Crystal Gem's hub of operation, and at first it seems like it's gonna be a straightforward trip.
Then, Steven sees the Gem in question pull a destabilizer wand on Garnet, and- unwilling to watch her to get ripped apart like that again- throws himself in between. He can take it, he thinks. These things never hurt him one bit as a kid
He cannot take it.
He poofs.
His gem unceremoniously falls to the ground, along with the clothes he was wearing and whatever he had in his pockets.
Cue the others going "what the actual FUCK" because based on everything they've ever witnessed and known about him no one had "Steven poofs" on their bingo card.
The insurgent Gem is captured and dealt with, but now... oh, boy. There's literally no playbook for this. Nobody knows what to expect.
Steven's gem is quiet for WEEKS. During that time, the Gems end up consulting the Diamonds on Homeworld to ask for intel on diamond reformation, but none of them are much help- Rose and Steven are the only ones who have actually poofed. Beyond them, this is completely unprecedented.
In a very vague sense, Steven is aware of what must have happened during this time... (even if a part of him wants to deny it, because How???)
He can pick up vague snippets of what's happening just beyond his reach... catching voices and what must be faint sensations of familiar people handling his gem, but beyond that he has no awareness of the passage of time, and he has no means by which to reach out to them mentally.
It takes almost two months for him to finally reform. When he does, his gem quickly shifts through its previous three forms and then just... outright h a n g s for a while on the new one... as if what's trying to "load" up is so complex it's goddamn buffering.
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(my brain can only think of This image uyhjfsdbyuhjfg)
No one really knows what to expect but when he finally reforms, he... looks mostly the same? Still rather human in appearance, externally? The only notable difference is that his irises are pink now. (But with no diamond pupil- not unless he's going Full Power Mode.)
Steven also reforms WITH an outfit much like a Gem would.
The second he's back, he runs to embrace Connie (who is sobbing in relief) and asks how long he was out.
And he did NOT anticipate that answer to be two months.
As it turns out, he missed quite a few baby milestones while he was gone, and he feels horrible about it- it's not his fault of course, but he feels so bad that Connie had to go that long without his support, and that there's all those special "firsts" with his son he'll never get to experience.
This whole incident marks Steven's final "retirement" from participating in real combat- he outright tells the Gems to not involve him in any other combat situations unless the whole ass planet is under threat, basically. The potential risks are just not worth it now that he knows how long he'd be out of commission, should he poof once more. He can't put his family through that again.
Now, with all that outlined...
Ways that Steven is Weird now:
He looks rather human- his hair looks like hair and his skin looks like skin- but after he reforms, literally every "cell" of his body is fashioned out of hard-light.
However, if one were to theoretically slice him in half (which I PROMISE I am not going to do, this is only a thought experiment ahahah-), his internal anatomy would glow much like the Gems' do. (See below image for what I mean.) The "human-like" appearance of his skin and hair and other externally visible features does not extend very deep.
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He "bleeds" pink now- but it's only surface, and is all just excess hard-light. No real blood.
His body would no longer show up on a radiograph- just the gem.
Many of his anatomical features (not all of them, though) are now vestigial in certain ways-? Like, various functions have overtly been taken over by his gem... he doesn't need to breathe or have any lifeblood beyond light pumping through his system, so his heart and lungs serve no necessary purpose anymore... but all of these organs still "exist" as like an echo of what once was, perfect mimics of their organic form but hewn from hard-light.
That being said, Connie enjoys the reassurance of his heartbeat, so he retains that function while conscious.
(Not to mention, "breathing" is literally just a habit for him by this point.)
HOWEVER, when he sleeps (another thing he technically doesn't Need to do but does anyways) his breathing and heartbeat stops entirely and it kinda spooks Connie out. The literal only evidence she has that he's still kicking during these times is the soft hum of his gemstone.
He does not have a biological NEED for food or water anymore and can fully operate on exposure to light alone, but he still really enjoys eating and drinking anyways. In fact, he's still able to absorb energy from food... so it's basically like he's over-charging his battery or whatever. He also still experiences taste (so still posesses some form of taste receptors) and instinctively feels "hungry" at meal times, so like... the running theory is that he must have hard-light analogues for all these receptors and neurotransmitters and hormones that communicate sensations like hunger in his system even though their function is entirely redundant with his gem powering everything.
Furthermore, his memories and sense of self and everything one might refer to as "the soul" is stored exclusively in his gem now. Which means, if one could manage to analyze his brain like one could with a human brain, there would be entire sections that simply... don't light up the way that others (such as the parts of the brain that govern motor control, as an example) do. This is because all the "data" once stored there has migrated.
He can fully shapeshift now, if he wanted to.
He can also still visually "age"- it's all based on his mental state, same as before.
But despite being hard-light in nature now, he can still interface with organics in fusion because his form is still so organic in shape and function. He's still the bridge between humanity and gemkind. I like to think that... theoretically... a Gem might be able to fuse with an organic too, but the sheer burden of trying to shapeshift and maintain such cellular complexity is what stops this from happening.
Steven, though? His very existence as a hybrid acted as a template by which hard-light could learn to understand organic life. He is still an intensely unique being, even IF he no longer consists of any actual organic matter.
I am sure I will probably add something to this later, but for now, those are all my musings.
Anyways, thank you for taking a brief visit to the deepest recesses of my brain, where I am chewing at the drywall and bouncing around the room like a cat who has just devoured the goddamn motherlode of catnip. Good night! !! :DDD
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scatterbrainedbot · 7 months
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okayokayokayokay so pretty much all of these questions will be Officially Answered properly in the character design/intro pages im working on but also i am physically vibrating with excitement about the fact that you noticed all these details and i have very little self control so! lore dump time!!!
(minor tw for mentions of leos self-harm/self-destructive anxious behaviors and unhealthy coping skills)
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- mikey does indeed have curly fur! i believe he would be considered a 'rex' rat (pictured on the left) for this trait? though the curls can be more easily seen on mice (pictured on the right). or, at least it seems that way. have not delved too deeply into the details of rodent genes and husbandry, but id assume its the same sort of mutation considering curly haired mice are also referred to as rex sometimes? either way hes a extra floofy bby 🧡
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-as for raphie, unfortunately being more fluff and less shell than the average rapheal comes with its downsides. especially if you and your brothers occasionally encounter things like territorial dogs, hungry cats, or sewer crocodiles while exploring places ur dad said not supposed to go. (most of his scars will have more ninja related stories, but his ear i think got messed up from something very animal. probably around age 11 ish? old enough to sneak out from dads protection but young enough to not fully know how to handle himself alone against real danger. thankfully his ear injury looks worse than it actually is for the most part, as the damage was largely to the outer ear. his hearing wasnt super affected, except that he now has a bit of a harder time being able to track/pinpoint noises origins if its on his right side.)
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-also yep! dons got some glasses that just clip/rest on the bridge of his nose! theyre mostly just for home use, as they do fall off if hes knocked around. in the field he has some goggles he tends to use (theyre helpful as they have multiple additional functions like heat-imaging, extra zoom/telescoping, and recording capabilities. but also theyll give him headaches if he wears them for too long without breaks). contacts are theoretically also an option but he absolutely hates the sensation of putting them in. so sometimes when hes tired he'll just not bother with either clips or goggles and just squint and struggle. leo hates when he does that lol.
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-speaking of leo, he is def an anxious baby :) he has a few patches of fur missing on his hand cos he has the tendency to tug on it while hes thinking. he yanked and chewed on his own tail a lot when he was younger too, which is why when hes older he usually wears some wraps to cover the scars left from that behavior. he finds those scars specifically to be kinda embarrassing and shameful because they werent from any battle or life-lesson, just his own 'inability to control himself'. all of his brothers have repeatedly called him out on the fact that that is not a healthy way to think about his anxiety or mental health, but leo insists hes fine. hes kinda convinced himself that a proper warrior always has control over his own body* and his own thoughts, thus he should be able to just like willpower-brute-force his way into 'being better'. (this line of thinking pisses raph off so much he has to leave and go hit something)
Splinter also tries to talk him through some of that internalized guilt/shame/everything, but splinters very metaphorical, poetic, and indirect when it comes to talking about Big Things, which combined with how much leo gets caught in his own head, makes it kinda hard to gauge how much these talks actually help
*this is made extra fun considering leos also ftm trans, so he is faced with a body that fundamentally disobeys him perhaps more than the average rat-man.
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-and im still going back and forth between a few species for splinter, but im leaning mostly towards an African Spurred Tortoise! they have these beautiful if kinda subtle geometric shell patterns and are the third largest species of tortoise in the world. the only thing that doesnt fit perfectly with Splints is that (allegedly) their lifespan in captivity is around 50ish years, whereas im p sure Tortoise Splinter is well over 75, probably closer to 90 when the boys are born and hes mutated into Old Man Papa.
but maybe hes just a particularly long lasting African Spurred Tortoise.
the Hamato family has taken very good care of him for many decades after all. :)
(well. until everything all fell apart, that is.....)
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alltimefail-sims · 9 months
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A lot has happened in 25 years, but some new faces in town are stirring up rivalries and creating tension for the once happy families. Can anything be done to get the neighborhood feeling good again?
It's finally here: the sim dump I promised approximately 500 years ago. I'm picky and I'm sorry!!! I feel so so very pleased with how all these families turned out though... so I guess I'm not super sorry... but still, I know this took forever. Forgive me ❤️.
Info and download below ↓
Up close and full body screenshots can be found on the download page!
All the CC I used is BGC! That being said, their eyes and some skin details fall in the “occult scar” category. (If you don’t have vampires or werewolves you’ll need the CAS unlock mod to get the hidden occult categories.)
Please note that the only family not technically in-line with TS2 lore is The Goths: I just made them over as they appear in TS4. Feel free to make Bella get abducted though and age Cassandra up: I support the camp and drama of TS2 ❤️
All I ask is that…
You do not dramatically change their appearance (lightening skin, making major changes to their bodies, etc.) Don't be weird!
You don't claim them as your own.
You tag me if you play with any of them in your game!
Thank you to all the CC creators. Let me know if you have any issues! I hope you all have lots of fun with them!
DL: Patreon (always free)
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bisexualiteaa · 1 month
would it be alright if you were to write a fluff(maybe smut?) hancock x reader who has adhd who's just overwhelmed with quests and doesn't know which one to do first? Lol please and thank you:)
Of the People, For the People
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John Hancock x ADHD!GN Reader (FLUFF!!)
CW: reader struggles with their ADHD, John thinks it’s cute, cursing, guilt, restlessness, slight OOC Hancock, slight suggestive themes towards the end, fluff, possible grammatical/spelling errors, briefly proof read
AN: as someone with ADHD this ask actually really hit home. It was half the reason why I could never start games like Fallout and Skyrim in the first place was because there are so many things you can do, the idea alone was overwhelming to me because I knew it’s start and never finish just about everything pushed my way. Then the TV series came o it and all that changed upon the simple acquirement of a hyperfixation on the ghoul and thus my love for fallout was born! 😂 I am still rather new to Fallout games, lore and such so please be gentle if I have gotten anything wrong, I’m still doing my best at learning everything I can to write these well and properly! But I hope I did your ask some justice with this Anon! Hope you all enjoy some more love for our Mayor Hancock. 🥰
Tag-list: @expirednukacola
“Ugh, there’s just too much to doooo” you whined as you plopped down onto his bed in the state house, exhausted and sore all over from setting up not one, not two, but three whole settlements in one day. Of course it wouldn’t be a day out in the commonwealth if you hadn’t run into monstrosities along the way or people along the way to other settlements who needed other things from you. For instance, there was someone who needed saved from thinking they were a synth and returned to their parents, other people who needed help getting their settlements started, people who needed you to kill some super mutants, people who needed you to eliminate some feral ghouls some place else, and after that you couldn’t even remember if you tried. Thank goodness for your Pip-Boy keeping track of these things or else you feared you’d never remember it all. There was just so much that others, especially Preston, were asking of you to do out here that it was beginning to become just a bit too overwhelming to take on all at once. You loved that you could be help for people, so unfortunately you never really paid your own wellbeing any mind until now that it was at such a detriment you could hardly even think straight, much less accurately hit a target or properly even speak to someone without sounding like intelligence was your dump stat. You wanted ever so badly to be that light for people who had seemed to lose hope because it’s what you would want others to do for you if you were in need. You lived and breathed by that golden rule taught to you so long ago. Come to think of it, the only person who you’d done everything for last that you could remember was Hancock, which was actually how you two ended up together.
“Being commander of the Minutemen will do that to ya, sunshine” Hancock teased, leaning against the door frame as he looked at you, tiredly splayed out on his bed in amusement, finding it funny that the commander of such a large militia could be so…well, you. Anyone else would likely be overwhelmed with power to the point of paranoia, or the opposite and let it go to their head and break them of the person they once were, but you were still yourself through everything. He admired the way you wanted to help people, the way you helped the poor and needy in the ways he wished the rich would do, but he could tell it was taking a clear toll on your wellbeing in doing so. He genuinely couldn’t remember the last time you told someone no, or that you flat out just couldn’t help them because he could see that look in your eyes when someone asked you for help. He saw the sympathy, the pain, saw the way you felt so bad knowing that if you didn’t, they likely wouldn’t make it out in the harsh world of the commonwealth. His heart ached for you in that sense, because he remembers a time when he wanted to help everyone in his town that he could, any way he could, hell it was the whole reason he became the mayor of Goodneighbor in the first place. But just like you, he needed someone to make him realize that you can’t do everything, some things just have to play out and fix themselves on their own. “But I think you need to take a break from it for a day or two, give yourself a chance to recoup. You’re working’ yourself to death and I’m startin’ to get worried” he added, walking into the room to join you and he watched you sit up, looking completely defeated and worried at the idea of not helping others or running things for just a day, let alone two but also at the fact that now he was concerned for you. “But they need me, John. If I don’t help them…what would become of them? What kind of leader would I be to just leave them in shambles? I can’t live with the idea of lives lost because of me…” you said with a guilty tone, clearly torn between the idea of helping yourself or helping others, and the sweet innocence of your good natured personality made him smile softly as he closed the door behind him and sat down next to you on his bed.
“Even heros need a vacation, love. Helping people who won’t make it is wonderful, it’s one of the many things I love about you. But people can just as easily be hurt when they’re guided in the wrong direction because the person directing them isn’t taking care of themselves the way they need to. A good leader needs strength sure, but that strength depletes and needs replenished every now and again, and that’s okay” he said, grabbing your hand in his, squeezing it in the hopes to offer you some level of comfort to assure you his words meant no harm, he simply just wanted you to look out for yourself as much as you looked out for others around you. He knew it got through to you when he heard you exhale an audible deep breath you’d been holding in for so long. “I guess, I just…I don’t know. It feels extra difficult for me because I can never stay focused on just one thing. I get started on one project, then someone comes along and I get so side tracked trying to help them that I forget all about where I started! I probably have twenty of these damn missions at least half started before I dropped them for something else entirely. It’s so frustrating and overwhelming because then they all start to pile up, and then I don’t know where to start!” you explained, making him laugh. Who would have ever guessed his big, fearless commander of the Minutemen, partner was easily sidetracked by their ADHD. But he wouldn’t want you any other way. “Yet you completed everything I asked of you with no issue” he pointed out with a smug grin, making you blush at the realization that he noticed that. “Well…yeah. I did it because I liked you and wanted to get closer to you. I was fixated on it because I wanted it to better my chances of being with you, so to me it wasn’t work. It was just doing something that you, someone I care for, asked me to do, so I did it” you admitted bashfully, making him smile at the wholesome reason you gave him. “That’s so fucking cute” Hancock replied as he put his arm around you, pulling you into his side, making you blush even more before covering your face with your hands. “It’s cute until you realize I killed someone for you” you quipped with a grin once you’d moved your hands away to look at him, making him chuckle at your reply. “Made it even” he joked, referring to when Finn tried to haggle you when you first showed up to Goodneighbor. “Fair enough” you responded as you chuckled, but he could still tell that you hadn’t fully come around to the idea yet, something still had its hold on you but at least you started to open up to the idea.
“C’mon, let’s just take the next couple of days to relax. The settlements will be fine, they run pretty well on their own, I’m sure they can survive a day or two without you. Maybe Nick or Codsworth can run ship while you take the time to yourself” he said, making you lean your head against his shoulder as you contemplated it. “Poor Codsworth, I wouldn’t do that to him. He tended to my house for two hundred years despite the absolute state of decay it was in from the explosions, thinking the family would come back any day and it drove him nearly mad. I could only imagine what running settlements would do to him” you said, making him chuckle. “Okay then how ‘bout Nick? He’s traveled with you long enough, he’s a smart guy, I’m sure he could handle it. I’m sure he’d more than understand that you need some time to yourself to get back that good ol’ fighting spirit” he added. “You think so?” You asked skeptically, making him sling his arm around your waist to hold you close and help ease your nerves the best he could. It was times like these that you wished you had the confidence and aloof attitude Hancock had about just about everything. “I know so. Think about it, you set them up, taught them what they know, they already manage pretty well on their own, they got this! Just lay back and relax for a change!” he said, easing your nerves just a little bit more at the idea. For someone who never wanted a leader to be too comfortable, he really wanted you to be, it was strange yet heart warming to see how much he cared about you and wanted to make sure you were taking care of yourself. So you finally gave in, maybe a couple of days to relax and do what you wanted to do didn’t sound bad after all. Maybe you could enjoy a couple of drinks one night, or hell, maybe enjoy just sleeping in a bed two nights in a row for a change, give your body a rest from sleeping on the cold hard ground in a sleeping bag. And not have to worry about all the things floating around in your mind that need done. That sounded like heaven to you once you convinced yourself with Hancock’s help that it could really be useful. “Okay, but if I do, I can’t just lay in bed all day. I literally can’t, I’ll go crazy” you said, making him laugh, knowing the way you can’t sit still for more than a few minutes at a time just on the regular while you’re on the go. “We don’t have to, these couple of days are for what you wanna do sunshine. Though I wouldn’t mind it of course if we spent all of it in bed, but staying in bed all day doesn’t necessarily mean *just* sleeping, ya know” he said, his voice slipping into that characteristic deep, gravelly suggestive tone with a mischievous grin painting his thin, irradiated lips as he pulled you into his side, making you laugh. “John!” You said, seemingly flabbergasted at his reply, but truthfully you hadn’t expected anything less from him. “Oh you know I love it when you yell my name, keep doin’ it sunshine” he said flirtatiously with that ever recognizable smirk painted across his face as he crawled on top of you on the bed, littering your face and neck with kisses through a shared fit of laughter. Maybe a little break wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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