#hozier fandom
swanofnyx · 23 hours
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gwendoodlin · 3 months
New Music, New Drawing!
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In honor of ‘Unheard’ releasing today, I figured I’d once again draw Hozier!
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dinnerand-diatribes · 6 months
talk by hozier is just him earfucking the listeners and i eat that shit up every time
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chaosandfeelings · 8 months
This is so beautiful, my heart melts...
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hauntingoldhouses · 2 months
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can't tell if he looks like an university history/literature professor who is able to find meaning in everything or a homeless man
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averyroundtoad · 4 months
Must I have a career? Is it not enough to scroll Pinterest while listening to Hozier?
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mulberrimouse · 4 months
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Part 2!! Thank you guys for all the love and support on part 1 :)
Part 1 here!
Info and warnings!!: Friends to lovers, Andrew x FemReader, HEAVY smut (MEANING SEX) , non-scientific terms (such as cock and pussy, etc etc). Breeding kink and nipple play if you squint and tilt your head to the right a little. Making out, teasing, praise and devotion, and the fluffiest of fluffy aftercare.
This is my first time writing real smut in a long while so please be gentle! It'll be clunky and I don't really know how to use replacements for genitalia and whatnot.
Again, thank you so much and sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes :3
Andrew pulled you the rest of the way down the hall and got to your room. Your heart was pounding in your chest and you were pretty sure he could hear it. As soon as he had the door shut behind you, he grabbed your waist and shoved you against it, flooding your senses with the feel of his hands and the scent of cologne.
You felt butterflies at the familiar aroma. You've spent so long with it stuck in your house and even your sheets after letting him crash at your place. Everytime you breathed in around him, you felt your chest get warm at the smell. You felt heartache when it lingered around your house after he was gone.
You were pulled from your thoughts when Andrew spoke up.
"Are you okay, sweetheart? You seem distant."
You look up and see his worried expression and feel a pang at your heart. Sure, you definitely wanted him. You've spent months feeling almost ravenous at the mere thought of him. However, you really did love him.
"I'm alright Andy. Just a little overwhelmed is all."
He hummed and smiled before leaning down to kiss you, softer than he had all night. You smiled into his lips, causing him to smile. The both of you broke out in giggles and he backed up slightly, his hands loosening.
"You're sure you're okay, though? We don't have to do anything."
"Yes Andy, I'm alright. I just..." You trail off, suddenly bashful. You desperately want to tell him how happy you are, how relieved, but the sight of his messy hair and heaving chest are causing your brain to short circuit. Not to mention his hands still resting on your hips and his messy makeup. "I'm just very happy is all."
"I'm happy, too sweetheart. I can't tell you how long I've wanted this. We'll go slows alright? ... At least for now."
You nod and wrap your arms around his neck to pull him into you. As he kissed you, you felt dizzy and lovesick all over. He pulled you off of the door and led you over to your bed where he laid you down, lips not leaving yours even once.
When he pulled away, he giggled a little bit. You were confused and slightly mortified, wondering what could be making him laugh right now.
"What are you giggling about, Andy?"
"Oh nothing. It's just my face paint."
"What do you mean?"
He opened his mouth to speak but he quickly shut it, instead pulling out his phone and opening his camera. Before you could say anything, he snapped a picture and turned the phone so you could see. His makeup was smeared around you mouth. You giggled at that, too, and grabbed his phone.
"You should see yourself then!"
You took a picture and showed him how he looked. He let out a full laugh and took the phone back to place it on the night stand.
"Should we clean this off, first? I wanna do this right and I don't know if that includes smudging makeup everywhere"
You both walk over to the bathroom and you hand Andrew the makeup wipes in your bathroom cabinet. He pulled one out and turned to face you. He grabbed your face gently and you close your eyes as we swiped the cloth over your face. When he was done, he pulled out another and did the same to his own. After throwing them away, he turned to you and grinned before leaning down and capturing your lips with his. He guided you back to your bead with out breaking contact. Eventually, you both made it to your bed and you laid down.
Andrew kissed you and started to make his way down your throat, paying extra attention to your collar bones. He left as many marks as he could, thoroughly enjoying the idea of people seeing them the next time you go out. Every nip and lick drew a tiny whimper from your throat that drove him insane. Once he was satisfied with the bruises, he pulled away and slipped his fingers under the collar of your sweater. He paused and looked up at you.
"Remember, you can back out at anytime, sweetie. Okay?"
"Yes, Andy just please!"
He laughed and shook his head, mumbling just loud enough for you to hear. "Needy little thing."
He pulled at your collar to leave a few more bites and small marks before you sat up enough to yank your sweater off. At that point, Andrew might've stopped breathing. The dark green lace bra you were wearing made you look devine to him. You heard him let out a groan before he was licking and biting your tits through the fabric.
"Fuck- Andy. Jesus." You give out a surprised laugh. "Give me a second and I can get it off."
"Fuck, angel," his words were slightly muffled as he refused to pull away. "You're so god damn beautiful."
"No more candy nicknames, huh?" Your words came out through whines and puffs of air as he continued assaulting your chest.
"It's what you are. A fucking angel."
Before you could say anything back, Andrew managed to unclasp your bra and pull down the straps enough for it to slide off. As soon as he saw you sitting bare for him, he lost it. He shoved you against the bed and immediately starting kissing and sucking at your chest. You heard muffled moaning leave his mouth and looked down to see him rubbing his cock into your mattress.
"Fuck- Andy, baby please! Need you."
He groaned and looked up at you, his eyes half lidded and loose strands of hair falling out of his bun. "Say it again. Now. Please angel."
"Need you t'fuck me."
He nodded and sat on his knees. The cool air and spit made you squirm. The laughed and swiped his thumbs over your nipples lightly, not expecting much. However, you whined and arched your back, silently pleading for more.
"Oh really, angel? You want that?"
"Yesyesyesyes please Andy please!"
He used both hands now, curling and pulling at the buds of your tits as you moaned and whimpered. It didn't take long before he couldn't stand it.
"M'sorry angel. I can't take it. I need you. Now."
You nod your head embarrassingly fast and move to take your skirt off. His mission of removing his tie and getting off his shirt goes completely abandoned when he sees you wearing panties that match the lace and color of your bra.
You look up, confused and slightly worried. You see Andrew staring down at you, pupils blown wide. His arms drop at the same time he does. Before you're even sure of what's happening, he's on his knees in front of you, pulling you closer to him by your waist. All he does is look into your eyes. You nod your hair and he instantly ducks down and sucks your clit into his mouth.
You throw your head back and arch your back, gripping at the sheets. Through your own moaning, you hear Andrew whimpering as he slides down a little to teas around your entrance.
"Oh god please Andy, please!"
You're a little surprised when he doesn't put up a fight or tease you in anyway. He fucks his tongue into you as much as he can while he circles around your clit with his thumb. You can feel yourself on the edge, just about to fall off.
"Please please please don't stop- I'm so fucking close!"
He hums and nods his head as much as he can, moving back up to suck on your clit and flick his tongue back and forth. The vibrations send you over the edge. You nearly scream, but clamp your hand over your mouth, aware again of the people just down stairs.
He slowly settles his movements, letting you come down. You were panting at this point, heart pounding as you tried to come back to earth. When you did finally return, Andrew was still on his knees, watching you like a feral animal.
"Was that good, angel?"
You nod and laugh a little, astounded that he would even have to ask. He smiled and nodded before standing up and crawling over you.
"Do you think you could cum again? On my cock this time? Please?"
At that, all you could do was yank him down and kiss him. He spoke quietly against your mouth, begging for an answer.
"Yes I can just- please fuck me."
He manages to quickly take off his tie and unbutton his shirt enough to yank it off. His hands go down to the button and zipper of his pants but you away them away. He chuckles lightly as you start to unbutton them for him, eyes widening as you see the strain on his boxers from how hard he is. You worry slightly that it won't fit or it'll hurt too much but Andrew's hips jerk forward and he whines a little before he cuts himself off, slightly embarrassed.
You pull the pants down his thighs before he stands up to pull them off. He dips his fingers under the band of his boxers and slips them off, quickly walking over and getting on his knees on the bed. You look down and gasp a little. His cock was long, which you could've assumed after what happened at the party earlier, but fuck. The tip was red and he was leaking precum.
He leaned over, propping himself up with hands on either side of your head, and you looked up at him, eyes wide and slightly glossy. He kissed you, all teeth and tongue, buying your bottom lip and moaning into your mouth. He grabbed his cock and slid it through your pussy. He found your entrance. As soon as he pushed the tip inside you, you fell back. He kept going, pausing momentarily to let you adjust to his length.
When he finally pushed in all the way, he stayed completely still. You finally opened your eyes and saw that his were still shut. He was breathing heavy and his arms were shaking a little.
"Andy, are you okay? Baby?"
He nodded and opened his eyes to look at you.
"Yeah, just- shit... You feel so good. Don't want this to be over immediately."
You nodded and assured him he could take his time. After a few deep breaths, he pulled back and pushed back in. He lost it, falling towards you and holding himself up on his forearms.
He tried to stay slow, he really did. He didn't want to hurt you in any way. But the sounds you were making, the begging and whining, scratching his back with tears forming in your eyes. It got to him. He leaned back and pulled your hips onto his thighs and smaller into you, over and over. You grabbed the blanket and pulled it up so you could bite down on it, desperately trying to muffle your screams.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck, you feel so god damn good, angel. Jesus fuck- so soft and wet and warm. God... I'm close."
You nod and let out an embarrassing long whine before gripping on to his hand. The pressure that had been building up in your stomach easy about to explode and you knew it'd be extreme. He reaches out a little so it's easier before speaking again.
"Where- Jesus christ. Where do you want me to cum? Hurry, angel."
"Inside! Please inside, Andy!"
He groaned and his movement stuttered. He started going harder somehow, and nearly growled.
"Yeah? Inside? Fuck, you're gonna get it all, angel."
You cum right after he finishes speaking, back arching and eyes squeezed shut. He feels you squeeze around his cock and after a few more thrusts, he's cumming too. He shudders and starts bucking his hips uncontrollably, using the last of his energy to ride out the high for as long as possible.
Finally, he comes down. The both of you are sweating and hot but neither of you care. He collapses down on top of you and breathes into your neck. You hand goes straight into his hairs combing through the locks and scratching his scalp. He hums and practically melts into your body. You feel sleep take hold and the last thing you hear is "I love you." before you pass out.
The next morning, the house is quiet. You come back to your senses and you feel a pair of arms wrapped around you, holding you close. You feel quite gross as you remember you hadn't actually showered, but your pure joy at finally having Andrew greatly outshines it.
You check your phone and see a text from your friend, sent the night before.
"I saw you head up the stairs with HIM. Don't be a pussy. I'll clear everyone out in a little bit. Love you!!"
You giggled and sent a little thank you before shutting off your phone and leaning back into Andrew. He hummed and grumbled a little bit before his eyes fluttered open, instantly looking for you. He smiled and pulled you in closer.
"Good morning, sweetheart."
"Morning, Andy."
You whisper sweet things to each other, never seeming to be able to stop grinning. He kisses you as much as he can, holding your face close to his. It's slow and gentle and full of love. After a while, you both agree to hop in the shower.
He washed your hair and runs conditioner through it. He gives you a small massage as you scrub off your body. He let's you scratch and massage his scalp with shampoo before kicking you out to let you dry off and get into bed.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! You're tired. Go lay down and wait for me, okay? I'll be out soon."
You eventually give in, leaving the bathroom and changing into a tee-shirt and clean underwear. Eventually, Andrew comes back out, sweat pants hung low and hair still damp but not dripping. He climbs into bed with you, immediately warming you up. He kissing your forehead, eye lids, then cheeks and chin, before connecting with your lips. He sighs and you can feel his shoulders relax.
The rest of the morning is spent in bed with him, talking about nothing.
OKAY!!!! DONE!!!! This one was significantly longer and I hope you enjoyed!!! Lots of luvvvvv :3
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edscuntyeyeshadow · 6 months
crazy how hozier will try to kill everyone with lyrics like
“i do not have wings, love, i never will…”
and then a few songs later on the same damn album he’ll be like
“if I was a riptide I wouldn’t take you out 🤪😘😝”
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suueeeeeee · 13 days
A compilation of what texting with Andrew is like.
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etherealhozier · 4 months
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Tainted tree line.
NSFW!! Hozier smut!
My amazing bsf @teag-writes inspired me to write this. Go read some of her stuff it’s so good!! Thanks for the idea pookie 🤭
CW: Praise, degrading, public sex, M4F, fingering, orgasm permission. (Let me know if I missed any!)
You’ve always enjoyed going for walks in the forest, listening to the birds sing, learning new species of plants. Nature has always been calming for you. But with Andrew, he makes it a thousand times better. He says he comes with you to ‘enjoy the surroundings’, when he’s really just watching in awe as you stroll around in that pretty little sundress of yours.
“C’mon, honey, there’s a little stream! I want to see if there’s any fish!” You say with excitement practically dripping off of your tongue as you tug on Andrew’s hand, trying to get him to walk faster.
Andrew chuckles at your obvious overwhelming happiness, shaking his head in mock disappointment as he looks at you as if he’s in awe of your existence.
“Love, look at the sky for me.” He says gently, nodding his head towards the sky, gesturing for you to look up. When you comply, you see that the sky is all cloudy and grey.
Andrew presses a few soft kisses to your jaw as your head is tilted up. You can feel his stubble brush against your neck in the process, making you have to suppress a shudder.
“It’s going to start raining any second now. We should start heading back to the house.” He explains softly, knowing that you’re going to be upset like a child being told it’s time to leave the playground. Before you can even attempt to answer back, you feel the water droplets start to hit your skin.
You both start to make your way back out of the woods, knowing you’re going to be absolutely drenched before you even get close to leaving the tree line.
Then you remember that you made the fatal mistake of not wearing a bra. In your defense, you’re wearing an strapless dress, you didn’t want your bra straps to show. So with you being braless, and wearing white, your dress is going to be practically see through as soon as it gets wet, and that’s exactly what happened.
Andrew notices almost immediately how your wet dress clings to your form like a bodysuit. Not to mention your breasts being pressed flush against the fabric, your nipples hardened into stiff peaks from the cold wind and water, leaving very little to the imagination.
Andrew lets out a soft grunt at the sight before grabbing your arm and pulling you over to a tree, pressing your back up against it. He places one hand above your head on the tree trunk to support himself, using the other to grip your chin, tilting your head up to meet his piercing gaze. You immediately feel your panties dampen from something other than the rain.
“Andrew, I-“
You’re about to protest before he cuts you off.
“If you think we’re going to walk any farther without me ruining that pretty pussy first. Then you better think again Y/N.” He growled, his voice rougher than it was just minutes ago.
Without any hesitation he clashes his lips against your own, kissing you like he’s man starved and you’re his only source of food. It’s almost enough to distract you from his hand slipping between your thighs. He pushes the crotch of your panties to the side, sliding his index finger through your slick.
“God, you’re fucking soaked, darlin’. Does it really get you off knowing I’m about to fuck you senseless in the middle of these woods where anyone could walk by and see us?”
Andrew doesn’t even need an answer. The way you grind your core against his fingers is all the answer he needs.
“Such a greedy whore. Aren’t you Y/N?”
He grunts, slipping two digits inside your heat without warning, feeling your walls tighten at the contact.
“God, honey, please…”
You moan out, gasping as you feel him hit that sweet spot inside you. That familiar feeling in your stomach starts to build, spreading through the rest of your body. Andrew smirks condescendingly as he feels your legs start to tremble, you’re visibly struggling to hold yourself up.
Your head falls back against the tree as your desperate moans fill the forest air. Andrew takes notice of your climax building. He gasps mockingly.
“You gonna come for me, pretty girl? Go ahead, I wanna watch you come on my fingers, honey. That’s a good girl.”
He says with a smirk, hitting your g-spot consistently in a back arching rhythm. He watches your reactions with an awestruck look in his eyes.
That’s all it took for you to crumble completely. You come undone with a pathetically desperate cry, squeezing your eyes shut as the rush echoes throughout your body. Your legs start to give out so Andrew wraps his free hand around your waist, holding you up against the tree as he works you through your orgasm.
Andrew collects your arousal on his fingers before pulling them away from your throbbing heat. He removes his hand from your waist to gently grab your jaw, tilting your head up to meet his gaze. Your eyes are glazed over with exhaustion and lust.
“Open your mouth for me, my love.”
He says gently before pressing a kiss to your forehead. You comply almost immediately, lazily opening your mouth for him. Without warning, Andrew slips his arousal covered fingers into your mouth, watching as you lick it off his digits. You can’t help but hum in approval as you taste the sweetness of your own liquid.
“I love you.”
You mutter exhaustedly as you stare up at him with those love-filled doe eyes.
“I love you too. Now let’s get you home so I can clean you up, my goddess.”
He presses gentle kisses across your forehead to your cheeks. He picks you up bridal style, knowing you won’t be able to walk for at least an hour after this.
Andrew carries you home while you ramble about how much you adore him, occasionally trailing kisses up and down his neck. You can’t wait to get home and spend the rest of the day cuddling.
This was the first, but definitely not the last time you do this. And you can’t wait to do it again.
Writers note:
Hiiii! Thank you for reading my work! This is the first smut/fanfic I’ve ever written, so it may not be perfect but I think it’s decent. I hope you think so too! Again, thank you for reading! <3
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hecatesfairy · 2 months
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I’ll take my whiskey neat, my coffee black and my bed at three ☕️
More art on my Instagram!
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climbingivy97 · 4 months
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All of these prints are now up for sale on my Etsy shop! limited availability so grab while you can! Worldwide shipping available.
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gwendoodlin · 2 months
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The many faces of Andrew Hozier-Byrne! Drew these from his interview with Lewis Howes which was so lovely! Also if you haven’t listened to Wasteland, Baby! Extended, go do it 🫵
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dinnerand-diatribes · 5 months
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chaosandfeelings · 8 months
And now a video of Hozier rolled up his sleeve to make your day better...
Credits : @ artziety (IG)
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hauntingoldhouses · 2 months
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what we're supposed to do with all his friends around?
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