#hubby kento
m-ayo-o · 2 months
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thinking of husband Kento who makes his wife cum from spanking <3
He started it as a punishment but when he realised how much his slutty little wife was loving this attention he started rubbing your pussy and spanking you simultaneously. It made for quite the head fuck, but when he bent you over his knee and you started squirming and creaming your panties he couldn't stop.. he just hand to make you cum right through them.
He saw a pool of slick building, making your panties stickier and wetter with every spank, so he just did it harder and harder till your little body started trembling, his handprints all over your ass, pussy messy and leaking.
"Aw, we're gonna have to find a different punishment now, sweetheart."
He coos between smacking you and sliding his fingers over the sodden pool in your panties.
"N-no-no--" you beg shamefully, but he's already made up his mind.
"Mm, you're soaked, princess..." he tuts and pulls at your pussy.
Ugh, what a mess you've made.
"But--b-but Ken- Kento~"
"Yes, honey?"
"mm-- m gunna... gunna.. uh---"
"I know, mm, just this once... I'll let you cum like this."
And he spanks and rubs you through it, getting you off with his hands, helping you ride it out by grabbing on your ass and grinding you over his thick fingers.
"You did it, sweetie," he coos and squeezes your cheeks, "came through your panties for me.."
And he swears if you didn't spill that coffee on his shirt earlier he'd be telling you how proud his is before ripping those panties open and licking you clean.
However, because you did make a mess on him before work, and because you are such a clumsy little slut, he decides to tie your wrists to the bedframe with his suit tie.
Before he strips.
Jacket off, braces off, shirt off...
He watches you drown in lust and squeeze your thighs at the sight of him, making him smirk.
"Calm down, sweetheart."
And he pulls down his pants and boxers, proceeding to tug himself off in front of you, deciding that this can be your new punishment until you somehow learn to cum to the sight of him alone.
He's sure if anyone could manage it, it would be you.
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arminsumi · 9 months
would you happen to have any nanami hc? soft, fluffy, domestic, anything at all
Make him smile.
hubby!Nanami Kento ⋅ fem (?) reader
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NOTE: yes i do!! i swear i have ideas for nanami content but then satosugu distracts me. they're evil, damn them 🤬 anyways, here's this little hc i have been storing in my cheeks like a chipmunk 👍 it's about nanami not smiling frequently or at all, but his wifey y/n makes him smile by kissing his dimples
WARNINGS — very slight angst, kissing n makeouts
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Nanami Kento doesn't smile.
You've done everything in your power to get him to, but he's like a stone.
One night, the two of you are curled up against each other in a tender embrace on the couch. The TV's running low-quality soapies but you and Nanami only half-listen; it's really just serving the purpose of being background noise to the soft scene of your kissing.
He always, always needs a make out session with you after a long day at work. That paired with your sweet voice calms his nerves.
He may be tired, but he still doesn't miss a detail of anything you say as you intermittently speak between kisses.
You tilt your head at your husband, noting the downturn of his lips. That ever-present frown that adorned his mature face, you wish you could erase the memories that caused it.
Then you say something that causes Nanami's ears to perk up.
" 'Nami, I promise one day to make you so happy that you smile."
He looks down at you tenderly, fingers ceasing their trails through your hair.
"Angel," he begins softly, "just because I'm not smiling doesn't mean I'm unhappy." he assures.
"So... you're saying I do make you happy?" you look at him.
"Of course you do. Very much so. In fact, you've always made me happier than anyone else. To be quite frank, everyone else pisses me off but you don't."
You let out a little laugh. The two of you bask in a moment of sudden kisses, your lips had a mind of their own on nights like these; kiss kiss kiss.
"Mmm... but you never smile much." you continue on the topic lingering in the air.
You say this with a little frown. Nanami finds your subtlest expressions so endearing, they're one of the first things he noticed about you when you first started working alongside him at Jujutsu High.
"I don't like my smile." he admits coolly.
You pull a bit away from his embracing arms to look at him incredulously, mouth agape.
"What! But you have one of the best smiles! You even have dimples. And you know I have a weakness for dimples! If you'd smile more, I'd go so weak in the knees that I wouldn't be able to stand up."
Nanami chuckles softly, closing his eyes momentarily. "Is that so? I thought I had the power to make you weak in the knees anyways." he jokes.
"Oh hush." you reply. "But, y'know, I really want to see you smile more. I want to see your dimples appear. I want to see your eyes crease."
His heart lurches at your words and then he — he smiles just a little bit. As soon as his lip corners begin to curl up, he suppresses it, and those dimples appear like two dents in a soft ball of dough.
"Whatever my angel wishes for, I'll give her." he states, "I'll try smile more for you."
"Mmm, thank you." you smile. You admire his features, and the way he always closes his eyes when he feels a small embarrassment. "What a cute husband I've got." you murmur, and kiss at his dimples.
You unknowingly sent a shiver down his spine.
"Don't call me cute." he says dead seriously while properly smiling now. "You know how much I hate that word."
"Cute cute cute. You're cute." you tease.
"C'mere you..."
You hum your giggles against his face as he lunges in for kisses, aiming to shut you up with his lips.
But kissing is impossible when he can't stop smiling. Your teeth gently clash together, everything so sweetly chaotic.
"You can't even kiss me 'cuz you're smiliiing. That's so cute — haha I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll stopppmmfffff — "
Now since that night, whenever you want to get a smile out of your husband, you kiss at the place where his dimples appear. And surely, soon enough, there's those little dents and his curling lips and creasing eyes.
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1hot-mess-express1 · 1 month
Thinking about nanami coming home after a long day at work, kicking his shoes off at the door and letting out a long breath before he hears the distinct sound of jazz emanating from the kitchen. He smiles to himself a little realizing that you pulled out his record player; he hasn’t touched that thing since he was a teenager obsessed with being retro, he groans internally at the thought. His long strides quickly lead him to the kitchen where you’re dancing slightly to the music playing and lightly singing along while making dinner, clearly unaware of his presence. However, what really catches his attention is that you’re wearing nothing but his shirt. It could hardly be called a shirt on your much smaller frame, the bottom of it grazing the back of your knees. When you reach into the cabinet above your head however he gets a teasing view of the very bottom of your ass and the moment has turned from something sweet to something rather crude as he reaches around your waist, effectively pinning you to the counter before slowly tracing open mouthed kisses from your jaw to your collarbone.
(He’s gonna marry you for sure)
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mossmurdock · 6 months
let them hear it (n.kento)
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pushing away the angst i had in mind and prioritizing kissing nanami till he's on the verge of giggling while the two of you are outside in the snow.
What the two of you have is complicated; as complicated as something gets with someone as straightforward as Nanami Kento. 
You vaguely knew of each other because of work before you quit, and then you found yourself taking the same commute as him to get to your new building.The familiar face was a surprise; autumn was on the cusp of tipping over and you were looking over at a man already dawned in gloves and a suspiciously thick looking coat you swear you've seen hanging on the hooks of previous office walls. 
It’s what he’s wearing tonight, although it’s winter, so he’s also smothered in a wool scarf and stops to adjust his ear muffs every once in a while as the two of you walk. The action is somewhat unserious on its own; the idea of a man as serious looking as him so attentively dressed for the weather is already an easy thing to make you smile. But, you’re both a little more than tipsy. 
When Nanami stops for the third time to stop the thing from falling into his eyes, you burst out into laughter as he groans to mask his own slew of giggles. 
The reservation the two of you made this month was on the late side, so after too much wine and food, the streets are empty for the two of you to wander. These appointments have been something a little more than precious to you recently. You aren’t sure how it all started, but you and Nanami have both found ways to indulge in yourselves at least once a month without feeling too guilty about it for about a year now. Lately, it’s been something you look forward to more than anything else you have planned. 
This isn't the first time you found yourself testing your tolerance with Kento. You quickly noted how much of a heavy drinker he was once you found yourself slipping trying to keep up with him. Every month he’ll assure you there’s no need, but you’re rather adaptable yourself; and Nanami would never admit to liking a challenge. It might be wrongfully advantageous of you, but you liked the look of him loose like this. He lets himself lean on you a little more. 
It just helps that the sidewalks happen to be particularly icy tonight. 
“Hold it, hold—hold on,” he says breathlessly. There’s been the hint of a smile teasing the corner of his lips since the two of you have left the restaurant doors. It’s so contagious that you’re sure your lips will be split and bleeding by the end of the night. 
He’s doubled over now, earmuffs on the brink of falling once more. You snort before stepping in front of him, bending down to clumsily bring them up his forehead. He looks up to you as you do, looking a little unlike himself. His cheeks are pink, eyes are wide and nearly starry, his lips are wet because he keeps licking them to fight off the cold. It takes everything in you not to ruffle up his hair even more than it already has been. It would be different, you think; it would be your own hands doing the carnage. Maybe he wouldn't be so quick to try and fix it then. 
“What is it?” your breath comes out as fog in the air. A physical thing your sluggish brain finds beautiful when you watch it mingle with Nanami’s own breath. This close, you can spot tiny snowflakes melting into his lashes.
He hesitates, as if fighting himself for wanting to speak in the first place. There’s a strange expression on his face, too old and twisted to fit his features.
“My stomach feels like it’s about to burst,” he blurts, still clutching to his middle while hunched over. 
A silent beat passes before you explode into laughter loud enough to wake people, playfully slapping your hand on his shoulder. 
“How crude!” you exclaim, half scolding in your tone. “You’ve seriously got a foul mouth after a few drinks.”
“I would say that was more than a few,” he notes dazedly. 
You hum, trying to get him to match your pace once he straightens himself. His shoulders hunch up to his ears as he does, a slight shiver hidden in the sea of fabric he's practically being swallowed into. His chill, the same as his concealed smile, is infectious. Your body follows his, feeling every bit of the breeze that passes through your clothing. Crossing your arms over your chest, you try and steel off your body.
"Are you cold?" Nanami offers his arm for you to cling onto, giving you no time to answer him. 
The buzz radiating off your skin is silenced by the fabric he wears, squashed into his figure and sticking to him like scorching asphalt. You feel cemented this close to him, letting your arm fall and feeling him interlace your fingers while still keeping it close to his. His gloves keep you from feeling his skin. Your tease about him being the coldest between the two of you dies on your tongue. 
The two of you bump shoulders, a little too inebriated to be walking this close together. The surrounding snow swallows up all other sound, only leaving your heavy footsteps and gentle breathing to be heard. Nanami sighs. You feel the noise travel from the soles of your feet, tingling at the tips of your ears. 
“Comfortable?” you ask cheekily, feeling the pressing weight of him melding into your shoulder as time passes by. He hums in response, another vibration you can feel dancing on your skin.
“You’re warm,” he states, squeezing your hand firmly. Still painfully gloved. “Thank you.”
The sincerity in his voice knocks the wind out of your own, the only trace of it being the small cloud that leaves your lips. It takes everything in you to not dig your fingers into his hand, until you reached the skin, until he could really feel you, until he would be able toleach all the warmth he wanted from your blood. You think he would do it gently. 
Nanami stops walking first once the entrance of his apartment comes into view. The steps up to the door are covered in snow and ice, they haven't been salted yet. You’re about to tell him to be careful while walking up the steps before you feel something foreign being placed on your head. They’re his earmuffs, unbelievably warm. They smell like the shampoo he uses. 
He keeps his hands on the covers, an extra blanket on top of your ears. The weight makes any noise around you sound like it’s been drowned underwater. The feeling is as steady as his stare, half lidded and a little heavy, but balanced. The falling snow seems to still, as stagnant as the stars above your head. The warmth on his skin matches the mellow light seeping from people’s windows. 
Your skin seers when his hand drifts to your cheek, dragging his thumb across your skin. 
His face looks wind beaten and cold, cherry red at the tips of his ears, his nose, and his cheeks. The flush must run all over him, down to his knuckles and elbows, up his chest and shoulders. You wish you could see. 
“You look like you’re freezing, Kento.” You lean into his touch unsubtly.
This proximity should maybe feel odd, but it’s hard to ignore all those secret moments the two of you share between meals, on commutes to work, on tipsy walks back home, now that you’re both facing each other. 
And he shivers when you use his first name, when you raise your hands to fix his scarf and let the tips of your fingers graze the exposed skin of his neck. The cold teases at those that are cloaked the most, clawing at anything it can find. 
“I’m fine,” he sniffles; soft and trailing and good natured. “How are you?”
“I’m good,” you chuckle. He smiles at the noise. 
Something overtakes you, some kind of greed that can only be found in snow so pillowy that it wolfs down any noise, a force you can’t stop unless you step into it with your own shoes. There’s that crunch: where the only noise that life seems to need is your own. His. Yours. You’re both holding each other. The sound of his clothes are all you can hear. 
You hear his movement before seeing it, feel his cold lips on your cheek long after he’s pulled away from you. It’s innocent, modest—but his hands—they cup around your entire face, shifting across your neck. His gloves are still in the way, but you can’t muster any complaints when the feeling is so intoxicating. 
“Are you drunk?” he asks quietly. 
“The cold sobered me up,” you answer, voice thin with the slightest shock. “You?”
“Me too,” he replies. He’s hastily taking off his gloves and the action momentarily puts some distance between the two of you. 
“What—what are you doing?” you scoff confusedly. 
“I can’t feel you,” he explains simply, stuffing the gloves into the pocket of his coat. “I’d like to feel you.”
Laughter ebbs past your lips for the millionth time. The happiness you’ve felt today only feels real because your cheeks are beginning to hurt from all the strain. 
Kento has wrapped you in an embrace, easily picking you up from the ground by your waist. You gasp, smirking into his neck as you wrap your hands around him and try not to jostle the earmuffs too badly. 
You might never know a strength like his; his hands are gentle and firm. When you press a lingering kiss to the juncture of his jaw, one coasts across the curve of your ass before settling into the meat of your thigh. 
“Don’t be too quick just ‘cause you want to get out of the cold. The steps are icy.” You advise him while bombarding his face with light pecks similar to his first one, musing his hair and admiring the pliant looking smile on his face. It’s also the kind he holds when he’s holding back a laugh. 
He hums deeply. You feel it intensely this time, it echoes against your own chest. 
“I’m not being quick because of the weather,” he grumbles, barely hiding his urgency. 
His response has you looking down at him smugly, wishing you could take a picture just so he could see his own flushed face.
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this post is the culprit !! everyone please point and laugh at it, it is so embarrassing how long i thought about it.
i hope yall dont mind being tagged, but @riaki @maeby-cursed @threadbaresweater are also enablers!!! wrote this with yall in mind hope u like it
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mrscordonean · 2 months
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Mr. Ken? Stop calling me that.
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You were modelling for the new KENTO® magazine when your boss, the CEO, Kento Nanami walks into the room, you were so invested in the cameras flashing and getting the perfect pose that you didn't hear him calling your name. He walks infront of you and you're right in line with his abs. You look up to see a very angry boss. "You answer me when I call you" "Sorry Mr. Ken". You put on your best pout face. "I have decided i am going to marry you". WHATTTT!? You were shocked beyond borders when he randomly popped the question. "So... No proposal? No ring?". "I will get you a ring later, right now we need to sign the papers", "No wedding? I don't accept then", he frowns at your statement. "What is the point?". He starts to walk away but you stop him. "Excuse me?" He turns around and stares at you as if you're stupid, he shakes his head. "We'll only be married for a year anyway". He then takes of with his secretary. It seemed like he only asked you to marry him for work purposes, but he asked you in particular! (the delulu is kicking in) This made you extremely happy for some reason but you weren't going to play easy.
Your back at your apartment you see a bunch of guys moving your stuff. You first instinct is to scream but then you spot Nanami. "What is the meaning of all this?" You complained to Nanami hoping he would get the guys to stop moving your stuff. "If you're going to be my wife, we are going to have to move in together so people don't get suspicious." "But i like my house, i can report you for trespassing" "Listen here lil lady, have you forgotten who i am? Not only am i your boss but your husband too, so I have every right to be in your house" Kento say in a deep tone making you shut up almost immediately as you watched your aesthetic house turn into nothing.
Kento insists he drive you to your new house. You didn't really care if it was a mansion because if it wasn't pink the moment you stepped in, you would have no choice but to run away. He was silent the whole time and you had no intention of talking to him either. "One year isn't that long" He finally spoke. You hesitate but reply "It's not that I don't want to marry you it's just that i need my own private space too." "I understand that and my mansion is big enough for you to have your own private space, you hungry?" "yeah, starved" you reply and he pulls into a mcdonald's drive thru. "Hello, what would you like to order" a female voice came from the 'put your order in' machine. "I would like a big mac meal and for my wife.." Kento looks over to you. "a mcspicy meal and a raspberry kitkat mcflurry, please" "alright that would be £15.78 please." After getting the food Kento hands you to mcdonald's bag and he stops in the car park. After you got your things out, he takes the bag and starts stuffing his face with the big mac. You giggle and he turns to you "What?" "You eat just like any other man, i thought you'd have more manners" you might have laugh too hard as Kento starts to slow down his chewing. "it's okay Mr. Ken, it means you and i can be more comfortable eating together". He puts on an expression that seemed somewhat like a smile and starts to speak. "Mr. Ken? Stop calling me that, I'm your husband now."
(when you get to you guys' new home he makes you sign the marriage papers)
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lazyjellyfish300 · 12 days
The Miguel O'Hara girlie to JJK fangirl pipeline is too real dawg 😫
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saerotonins · 6 months
okayyy hear me out!! ik nanami is a provider through and through BUTTTTT imagine him being a househusband, finally being able to settle down and not do overtime, married to his beautiful, talented, and very rich wife who's willing to give him everything that he deserves LIKEEEEEE this man deserves to be spoiled rotten!!!
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m-ayo-o · 3 months
Thinking of the sweetest, most gentle and tender husband Nanami Kento who's dressing you before going out to dinner with your friends only to end up getting distracted.
He was on his knees, dragging your tights up your thighs as you sat on the bed. One loving kiss led to another until his mouth found your panties.
He'd only just put them on for you. A skimpy red pair, matching your bra. He's got your favourite dress laid out on the bed for you too, and he'll see which necklace you'll pick out tonight.
Will it be diamonds, pearls, or his hands?
But first he'll savour this most delicious appetiser, pushing your fresh panties aside that are already soaked, and getting his tongue all over you.
"You taste divine," he always utters such eloquent praise into your pussy, even when he's throbbing hard and leaking pre all over himself.
He can't concentrate on that; the fattest, thickest swell in pants that's bound to bust out any second.
He's fucking busy, licking up your juice.
"K-Kento - pl- please- "
The man can barely hear you.
His tongue is swirling around your clit until you're left faint from the pleasure. Your body collapses back on the bed and you let out one of your most beautiful moans.
"That's it- baby, that's my favourite sound~"
He tells you, drawing out your orgasm with his lips and tongue, his whole mouth, till he's drenched and needy.
But he has to stop.
He licks a big stripe up your pussy and clit, up to your stomach, then sucks a little kiss there before pulling away.
He drags your panties back up and leaves his meal unfinished.
"Come on, sweetheart. We're going to be late."
He finishes dressing you with care and dedication, watching you recover your senses and apply a little make-up.
He drives you to dinner and is only able to relinquish the arousal in his guts when you get home and let him fuck you like an animal.
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fandomfloozy · 30 days
Physically? Watching trashy reality TV on my old ass couch while in my PJs.
Mentally? I am here.
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fairy-hub · 6 months
𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐝! 𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐬
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: heavy fluff, light angst, reader is giving birth, kento is worried about being a dad and supportive husband, you easily reassure him, twin baby girls, praise, kento is in awe of you as he should be, you're amazing, you breast feed the baby and kento bottle feeds the other baby
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧: I love your works! Could you write kento fluff, him stressing out about becoming a dad for the first time and reader is just really chill about it all!! Please and thank you🙏🙏
Oreo: I’m sick with my period at the same damn time eating chicken noodle soup, my hubby has been spoiling me so much. Brought me some Christmas themed flowers, the cutest wreath that has the house smelling like pine. Then there was running me a warm bath, making my soup this man is the best. Giving that nanami energy, cause you know he would take such good care of you. I haven’t had to lift a finger, and nanami wouldn’t let you lift one either.
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Your painful contractions, rushing to the hospital, and the epidural to ensure a painless birth. Tightly squeezing his hand, pushing out the first baby girl. It’s a blur that doesn't slow down till he hears the first beautiful cry.
Letting go of your hand long enough to cut the umbilical cord. Grasping your hand between his own, kissing the back. “You’re doing wonderful love, she’s healthy and adorable.” Kissing your cheek, weakly you smile momentarily. Gritting your jaw focusing on pushing out your second baby girl. You're sweaty and beautiful.
The second baby girl is louder, her cries quieting her minutes older sister. This time the nurse brings her close to you, offering you the back the handle. Kento gently guides your hand helping you cut the cord.
"After we clean them both of you can hold one of your beautiful little joys. So chonky, healthy with a powerful set of lungs already.” The doctor gently cleans and checks you over.
One of the nurses brings his eldest baby to him. “Congratulations on such healthy wonderful baby girls.” Gently cradling his eldest babygirl in his hands, swaddled in a soft blanket. Kento supports her hand and head with one hand. She’s so small yet chunky at the same time. Swaddled in a yellow blanket.
Her beautiful chunky face scrunched up in confusion that melts away at the sight of his face. More tears trickle down his face at the soft adoring warm love in his baby girl’s eyes. Lifting her small hand, he leads down helping her touch his cheek.
Kento’s eyes widen tears trickling down his face, dripping onto the girl he names “ He’s a dad to two amazing baby girls who he wants to give the world to along side his beautiful wife.
What if he fails to be a good father?
Grinning Docter Annie announces, “Wonderful there is no hemorrhaging, you’re bleeding normally. We will keep you overnight for observation and discharge you in the morning. When you need to go to the restroom press the call button for a nurse. You will need to eat soon and get plenty of rest.”
Two nurses on either side carefully lift you for the doctor to put a diaper on you. Laying you back down, raising the upper half of the bed for you to comfortably sit up.
You're the nurse lift your baby girl out of the bath, drying her off. “Can I try to calm her down?” Kento looks up at you in pure awe. You have always been an amazing woman. He’s lucky for you to be the mother of his children.
What if he fails to be a supportive husband?
The nurse softly smiles, “You should be able to skin-to-skin and settle her, maybe help her latch.” Lying your baby on your chest. Cradling her, resting her head on your chest. Her loud cries softening to whines.
Admiring your little girl with tired eyes and a soft smile. It's a different type of beautiful to see you cradling the delicate adorable life in your hands. It's wonderful sight like the one of other baby girl in his hands.
Warm, healthy, and finally here after nine months. Here to thrive, grow, and develop interests. Kento wants to be there for them, with you by his side, every step of the way.
Her whines quiet down when you help her latch. Letting her get mouthfuls of milk. Softly breathing, “Of course, our lil Hana is hungry after all that hard work.” Kento didn't think he could fall more in love with you until this moment.
"She will need to latch and get skin with mom soon but for now getting fed by dad and doing some bonding is good too." A nurse hands Kento a bottle of formula. "We will get the overnight room and some food ready for the mom ready." Remembering the various videos and books he nudges Himari's lips with the bottle.
It takes a moment for her to latch, once she does, she's taking large mouthfuls. Failing her hand in her attempt to grab Kento's. A feat she takes moments to accomplish. Her small warm hand on the back of his, the sleepy loving looking in her eyes. "Hana and Himari are perfect, thank you my love for working so hard bringing them into this world."
The nurse and doctor trickle out of the room, taking some of the equipment with them. Leaving Kento and You along with your newborns.
"My love I know that look in your eyes and tension in your jaw. We got each other, and I couldn't have a better man by my side to raise our babies and grow old with. You're going to be everything these girls need in a father and more, trust me darling." The confidence in your beautiful face, soothing voice and tired eyes easing the weight on his shoulders.
He takes a deep breath, shoving his worries aside. Reaffirming your comforting words, "We have each other, there isn't anything we can't do to give these girls a wonderful life, don't worry about me love relax and rest." Standing up, carefully leaning down making sure not to disturb Himari drinking, kiss you gently. "I'm so grateful to get the privilege to be your husband and father to these adorable girls."
Oreo creampie’s m.list
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drak3n · 6 months
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CONTENT WARNINGS: fluff, slow burn, coworkers to lovers trope, reader is whipped for nanami, smut, office sex, oral (m. receiving, f. receiving implied) cum-eating
sena’s note: i will never get over my hubby :(
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➩ BANKER!KENTO who recently moved back to tokyo after having spent some time in malaysia; who came back as a well-rested, new man (& even more handsome with a nice tan)
➩ BANKER!KENTO who had absolutely no interest in socializing with his coworkers and making friends at his new job and whose one and only goal was to survive his shifts and leave
➩ BANKER!KENTO who didn’t think he’d meet a person who hated work as much as he did until he saw you nearly ripping your hair out in your office through the glass door
➩ BANKER!KENTO who you got teamed up with to do the annual financial statement together to present to the entire team; and you couldn’t be more nervous to approach the blonde
➩ BANKER!KENTO who approached you instead and asked if you should just split the tasks up and present them together in the end, because he assumed you didn’t want to interact with him
you blinked up at the tall man while he leaned over your desk. what?
“come again?” embarrassingly, you hadn’t listened to what he said. his forearms just looked so buff and he had no damn business rolling the sleeves of his perfectly ironed, blue shirt up to his elbows—
“—me which part you prefer and i’ll do the other.”
fuck. what did he say? you couldn’t ask him to repeat it once more. he’d think you were a dumbass. what was the best way to get out of this situation without completely busting it?
“yeah, sure!” your response was weird and overly enthusiastic, and you were never happier to be sitting at this desk. you wouldn’t have the slightest idea what to do with your arms and legs, or frankly, yourself, if you were standing.
totally missing the look of disappointment on nanami’s face — which he covered by clearing his throat and collecting himself again quickly — you spent the next few seconds looking at each other.
did he have something on his face? had he forgotten a splotch of shaving foam on his chin or cheek? or did he have a coffee stain on his shirt? your gaze was making him wonder.
“you can choose your part, then,” he muttered, hinting at the stack of papers that had been given to you and kento. oh now it made sense… of course he wouldn’t want to meet up to get this done together. obviously.
“uh, i could do the statistics and the powerpoint.” this time it was you hiding how disheartened you were, and he had no idea.
➩ BANKER!KENTO who, as time passed, grew fond of the way you carried yourself so gracefully; how you always kept a clear head (except for in the confines of your office where you liked ripping and crumpling papers instead of shoving them into the file shredder)
➩ BANKER!KENTO who actually enjoyed doing the annual closure exposure with you on christmas eve and watched as you stayed behind to tidy up
➩ BANKER!KENTO who silently joined you, much to your surprise as it was well-known already that he didn’t like staying for longer than he had to
“oh, kento, i’ll take care of it. just go enjoy your christmas eve.”
he grunted, throwing the plastic cups into the nearest trash can while you collected the leftover cookies, placing them into a tin. “don’t you have anywhere to be?” you asked out of interest, to which he shook his head. you smiled. “me neither.”
as you left through the backdoor, wrapped up in thick coats, gloves and scarfs, you noticed that it had started snowing. you wanted to ask him if he was up to come over to yours and have dinner together — perhaps not your usual pompous family christmas dinner, but takeout — and then watch a sappy movie with two mugs of hot cocoa… but you didn’t.
ironically, he thought the same, but he couldn’t get the worst past the lump in his throat.
instead, you seperated after a couple of feet, wishing each other a merry christmas and cursing yourselves why you didn’t speak up.
➩ BANKER!KENTO whose fingers hovered over your contact information a day before new year’s eve; who knew you two would probably spend that day alone, too, and who thought it wouldn’t be worth it to make the effort of roasting an entire duck just for himself
➩ BANKER!KENTO who was beaten to it when you called him instead
“hey, kento.” you said, and he could hear your soft smile. “i was wondering if you uh… would like to come over for new year’s eve? i was going to… bake a cake, and it would be a waste to just eat it all by myself and have to chuck the rest in the trash...”
as you chuckled awkwardly, you didn’t have the slightest clue that nanami sent a smile of victory towards the duck in his fridge and a bottle of red wine resting on his kitchen counter. as if he had gotten caught, he quickly coughed.
“yes, i’d like that,” he muttered into the speaker, which made you cover your speaker to let out a joyous squeal. “do you like roasted duck?”
➩ BANKER!KENTO whose eyes went wide at the sight of you in a dress, elegant as always, but less formal; who felt the need to loosen his tie, sweating despite the freezing temperatures outside as you pulled him into a hug after taking the pan from his arm
➩ BANKER!KENTO who never thought much of others complimenting his cooking, but who felt giddy as you swooned, asking him about all the ingredients and expressing how you’d never eaten a meal as delicious as his in your entire life
➩ BANKER!KENTO who wanted to excuse himself minutes before new year’s eve, but who let himself get dragged to your balcony to watch the fireworks, and who let out a sound of surprise as you pulled him down gently by his now loosened tie to smooch him breathless
“darling, what if someone sees?” nanami sat back in his chair and let out a shaky sigh when his dark eyes darted to the door, before settling on you, hidden right behind his desk as you sat on your knees, unbuckling his belt with deft fingers.
“you’ve been pressing against me every time you walked past me today, kento.” your eyes were laced with need as you took his thick, hard cock out of its restraints. “didn’t you want this?” the blonde gritted his jaw when your thumb knowingly rubbed against his slit, smearing precum all over the reddened tip.
“you don’t know what you do to me, love…” he couldn’t stop himself from bucking his hips into your mouth, not when you took him so well and sucked him so nicely. it was almost as if you were asking him to shoot his cum down your throat when your eyes met.
you greedily swallowed every bit of it when he did, tucking him back inside and dusting your skirt off, acting as if nothing happened. when you shot him a coy smile and attempted to leave his office, he grasped your wrist in his hand, uncaring if anyone saw or not at this point.
“w—what are you—”
“did you think i missed the way you rubbed your thighs together the entire time? sit on the desk, let me reward my lovely girl.”
➩ BANKER!KENTO who now had someone to spend all holidays with, and who he didn’t even mind working overtime with :)
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tagged: @melancholia-k @tansyfleurwhisper
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huboi · 6 months
men with big titties
ʚ ═══・୨ ꕤ ୧・═══ ɞ
imagine coming back from work etc. all stressed and just overall feeling like absolute shit, only for you to be met with the sight of your hubby’s titties out, nipples hardened
yes, they allow you to squish their titties as if they’re stress toys, you can squeeze ‘em, put ‘em in your mouth, shove your face against ‘em
whatever makes you happy
ʚ ═══・୨ ꕤ ୧・═══ ɞ
╰┈➤ miguel o’hara, toji fushiguro, choso kamo, kento nanami, al haitham, kaeya alberich,wriothesley, arattaki itto, tartaglia, capitano, uzui tengen + your faves <3
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widowedsimp · 2 years
Kinda scared for future worklife bc finance field = basically nanami overtime everyday at brokerage firm
But …if 80% of the world goes thru this then i gotta succ it up (like how the working world will succ life out of me)
I guess i will soon taste what nanami went through🥲
(…but i will suffer on his behalf so my mans can just chill in malaysia & retire from all sources of work)
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saerotonins · 6 months
and if i post a self-ship lore about ricanami 🎀 im blushing omg
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daisynik7 · 11 months
Since its summer aka sundresses season can I get a little bit of Nanami being absolutely obsessed with his SO wearing cute dresses which somehow leads into cock warming? His brain probably short circuits when he realizes that she is not wearing underwear under those floral dresses
Pairing: husband!Nanami x f!reader
cw: established relationship, smut – PIV sex (cowgirl position), cunnilingus, fingering, Nanami is a horndog for his pretty wife, cockwarming
Author’s Note: Anon! Absolutely LOVE this request! Perfect timing too! I hope you like this one. Short, sweet, and smutty. Happy birthday to our most precious hubby!
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Nanami doesn’t like celebrating his birthday. 
He understands that it’s standard for people to observe one year of getting older, or in Nanami’s case, one year closer to sweet, beautiful retirement. Still, he’s got a couple more decades left before he’s even near unemployed bliss, so he doesn’t see what the big deal is. However, you, his precious wife, loves honoring this day. So, of course, he has to play along with whatever festivities you have planned. 
The weather is particularly ideal today, the sun shining brightly in a clear blue sky. You plan to take Nanami wine tasting during the day, and later, you have dinner reservations at his favorite restaurant. You’re keeping it simple with just the two of you because you know that’s what he prefers. 
Since it is a lovely day, you decide to wear a new sundress you bought for this special occasion. You already predict that Nanami will react well to it, but what you don’t expect is how absolutely obsessed he is once he sees you in it. When you step out of the bedroom, his eyes widen at the sight. He removes his spectacles, as if to get a better look at you. “Honey.”
You smirk, performing a flirtatious twirl for him. “Do you like it? It’s part of your birthday present.”
He smiles, eyes following your physique up and down. “You’re a vision. Truly. How did I get so lucky?”
You wrap your arms around his neck, nuzzling your nose to his. “I’m the lucky one, Kento. Happy birthday, sweetie.” His lips meet yours in a passionate kiss, his graceful hands sliding across your waist. His palms surround your bottom, feeling you up through the fabric. He pulls away to ask, “Are you wearing underwear?”
You bite your lip, shaking your head. There’s a guttural moan that develops in his throat, something primal and animalistic. You giggle at his reaction, pulling him in for another kiss. He slips into your mouth, flicking his tongue against yours, hungry for you. Before you get carried away, you break apart, catching your breath. “Sweetie, we’re supposed to leave soon.”
“Not yet,” he growls, tugging you back into his arms. “Not until I christen this dress.” 
Within minutes, you’re back inside the room, laid out on the bed with your thighs spread wide, dress bunched up and hoisted up past your stomach. Nanami sucks on your clit relentlessly, slurping and flicking his tongue on it until you’re whining into another orgasm. His fingers pump inside your wet cunt, coated with your slick and his saliva. He doesn’t stop until he makes you come a third time, bud swollen and sensitive against his lips now, pussy clenched tightly around his digits. When he’s satisfied, he pulls out of you, licking his fingers like a popsicle, indulging in your arousal. 
He crawls up on the bed to lean back on the headboard, beckoning you to sit on his lap. He’s naked from the waist down, cock stiff against his abdomen, shiny bead of precum glistening at the tip. He still has his dress shirt on, tie hastily loosened with only half the buttons removed. 
You straddle him, letting the floral fabric cover your bodies as you sink down onto him until you’re pressed to his groin, bottomed out. “Fuck,” he moans, gripping your hips, rocking you back and forth. “Ride me, honey. Ride me until I come.”
And you do, bouncing on his cock until he shoots his load inside you, filling you up. When you attempt to hop off him, he holds you in place, embracing you. “I want to stay inside you, sweetheart. Please.” 
You smile, relaxing into his arms, face nestled into his chest. “Whatever you want, birthday boy.”
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bono-aesthetic · 5 months
𝙘'𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙖 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮....
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₊˚ପ⊹: ̗̀➛ a short appreciation drabble of soft, fluffy kento nanami as your beloved husband
note: this is my 'debut' drabble on tumblr so it might not be so good-
warning: none! just fluffy kento as your hubby <3 (and a small mention of lovemaking, not detailed.)
word count: 500+
: ̗̀➛enjoy <3
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husband!kento who is the type to pull you away from whatever you're doing (especially cooking) and lead you into a dance, smiling softly at your laughter-filled protests.
husband!kento who seems to be the sort of man who listens to gregory porter or barry white during rainy, lazy days when you both struggle to tumble out of bed.
husband!kento who makes sure to look down at you with sincere, lovesick eyes while he twirls you around in whatever new dress you're wearing, complimenting you ever so graciously.
husband!kento who admires your naked form and soft features in the morning sunlight that peeps through the windows after a night of passionate lovemaking.
husband!kento who would most likely then tuck a few strands of your hair away from your face, place a tender kiss on your forehead and whisper sweet nothings into your hair to gently wake you up.
husband!kento whose heart swells when he sees how gentle and sweet you are to children, already imagining just how much of a perfect mother you'll be to your own little ones.
husband!kento who has a particular green armchair in the living room, where on a polished wooden side table resides a shaded lamp, the daily newspaper and his reading glasses.
husband!kento who appreciates deeply that you don't move anything from that table. he is a man of structure and organisation and likes when things (neatly) stay how he first placed them.
husband!kento who will always listen attentively to what you have to say. whether it be about your day, suggestions on what to have for dinner or even rants about your bitchy co-worker, he will listen like it's his last day on earth.
husband!kento who is always happy to embrace the inner playful side of him when you both have ‘flour fights’ during your couple baking sessions. it usually end with both of you a giggling mess, flour covering a majority of your clothing and hair.
husband!kento who always seems to have to pull you away from the baby section of any store, a small smile contouring the corner of his lips when you ramble on and on about how adorable and tiny anything baby related is.
husband!kento who is always somewhat amused when you try to size him up and try to intimidate him with your height. mind you, he is taller and broader than you, so in his eyes, it's rather adorable.
husband!kento who would most likely take a few steps into your personal space and teasingly pat your head, a small smirk decorating his lips when you visibly bristle at this.
husband!kento who can't help but enjoy late afternoon chats with you (when he has the time) over a cup of tea. i see him as an earl grey type of man (maybe because of how mature i view him lol).
husband!kento who loves you so, so dearly and is willing to do everything to keep you happy as his darling wife. ask him to pluck all the stars from the heavens: he'll pleasantly spend the rest of his days, with you by his side, doing exactly that…
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