#hunger games x you
your-averagewriter · 1 year
“I will always wait for you."
Summary: (y/n) is rushed into the hospital of District 13 after being rescued from the Capitol. After a lot of distress, Finnick and (y/n) reunite. (Finnick Odair x fem!reader)
Word count: 1.2K
Warnings: violence, talk of trauma, injury, kissing
I feel my head lull backwards, I don’t even have the strength to look up properly but even so, my head feels abnormally heavy. The hospital cloth scratches against my burnt skin but the feeling is still better than that of the sodden outfits I remember only too well. The sounds of machines, beeping and beeping in my ears irritate me to no end, mimicking the sounds of the sirens and alarms before the imminent terror of the cells. Blinking my eyes shut and clasping my hands over my ears I try to stop myself from thinking but all I can hear is Snow’s smug voice through the speaker and I can see his smirk with it. 
I open my eyes again to see a bland corridor, nothing but grey walls but I can hear the incessant beeping and doctors yelling. Others in hospital beds and gowns rush down the hallway and I notice a few familiar face. I can’t think of who they are, I recognise their faces but where from I don’t know, I stop thinking about it as my head starts to hurt even more.
I try to sit up but somebody pushes me back down and I don’t have the strength to protest. There are shouts to up my dose and I try to protest but all that comes out are incomprehensible slurs. I quickly feel the effect as my eyes roll back and I suddenly feel tired, even more so than usual. 
The bed isn’t soft but it’s certainly an improvement on the prison beds which makes it even easier to just fall asleep. Feeling my eyelids droop I let them, in desperate need of some rest and sleep. 
Only moments later I feel myself gain consciousness and I immediately sit upright, this time not stopped by an attendant. Sadly, the constant noise hasn’t stopped, machines, people, everything and everyone is making a noise it seems and my hands fly to my ears in desperate need of relief from the sounds. My eyes are hot and I can feel tears stinging at my eyes begging to be released. My fingernails dig into my scalp as I grip my ears, desperately trying to block out the noises but it’s all in vain because as soon as I block out surrounding noise I can hear Snow in my head again, taunting me. At any moment he could take me back and torture me, he could kill me and my family - he might have already. His threats in my ear only provoke more tears but I’m quickly attended to by strangers dressed in weird uniforms.
They try to remove my hands from my ears but as each one touches me I push them off, scared of what they’ll do and scared of the sounds they’ll let in if I hear again. After pushing away their grasping hands the tears only flow more, all eyes are on me, even the patients in the beds around me are looking at me (the ones I can’t quite remember have a special look in their eyes and I can’t tell whether it’s pity or understanding).
Doctors are shouting commands and nurses are still grabbing my hands but despite my now weak frame, I spent weeks or months of blocking out the sounds they threw at me, refusing to listen but then they got inside my head.
This ordeal continues for merely a few moments more before all the doctors and nurses step away, I look at them confused through my teary eyes but then relief washes over my face as a familiar figure walks through the door. Finnick. He rushes towards me followed behind by a few others who run to other patients.
He wraps his arms around me but my hands still don’t budge from my ears until he reaches his hands up and places them on top of mine. His hands are calloused but somehow still soft, the corners of my lips upturn slightly before returning to the straight line.
He’s talking but I can’t hear him until he turns around and I assume yells at the doctors as they quickly scurry out of the room leaving only us and the other patients. He turns back and his eyes are on mine. He’s always had the most beautiful eyes, the green specks in the sea of his eyes, even if I forgot Finnick I could never forget his eyes. Gently, he grips my hands and slowly pulls them away from my ears, I resist at first but then relent, relaxing my arms and letting Finnick bring them down in front of us. He places a soft kiss on each of my hands before laying them down on the bed.
Leaning forward towards me he wraps his arms around my frail body, gently, careful not to hurt me. I rest my head on his shoulder before burying my face into the crook of his neck and wrapping my arms around his neck. My breathing is short and quick as I feel my tears dampen Finn’s shirt but he doesn’t seem to mind.
The warmth of another human is a feeling I have not felt for a while, it seems like forever. I can’t even remember how long ago it was I last saw Finnick but it was too long ago separated by what felt like years of constant torture.
He pulls back but his hands remain gently resting on my waist as I’m sat up in the hospital bed. He places his forehead on my mine and closes his eyes whilst I mimic his movements. This was something we always did, before we got separated and repeating our little ritual brings back not only happy memories but the most important and meaningful ones. 
“You’re okay now,” Finn says quietly, his forehead still resting on mine. “I’ve got you. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” He says and even with everything that had happened recently, I believe him entirely. I nod slightly and gently as I can’t bring myself to say anything. 
“Are you okay?” I ask him, it takes a couple of tries to finally get the simple words out. Finn chuckles softly.
“I’m okay. You’re the one you should be worried about.” He says leaning back slightly to look at me. “How are you feeling?” He says now holding onto my hands again.
“Fine.” I croak out.
“Does it hurt?” He asks.
“No more than normal,” I say as an attempt at sarcasm but he only responds with a pair of sad eyes and a discouraged face. Silence fills the room for a couple of seconds but the sound of the machines hasn’t stopped. “When can I leave?” I say, my head drooping slightly at the high drug dosage.
“Not yet.” He says pressing a gentle kiss to my lips. “I’m sorry.” He says sincerely looking at my disappointed expression. 
“I missed you so much…” I say quietly, placing my head on his chest. “The hope that you were alive and waiting for me somewhere was what kept me going.” I say, getting tearful again.
“I will always wait for you no matter where or when.”
AN: I know everyone's in their Hunger Games phase right now so I thought I'd contribute even though I'm in my Hunger Games phase all the time.
I hope you enjoyed reading!
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gtgbabie0 · 2 months
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-Finnick Odair x Victor!reader
{Finnick strives to make you laugh for the first time since you’ve won your games}
Enjoy my lovelies💕
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Words were a hard thing to get out of you recently, you were so closed off… skittish, almost as if you were afraid of your own voice. Finnick couldn’t blame you in fact there’s not a bone in his body that could ever be mad at your recent behaviour, he understood better than most people.
He watches you with a soft expression as you sit at the kitchen table, losing yourself in a new puzzle. He admires the calm look in your eyes and the way you shift the pieces into the correct places with gentle hands whilst he prepares dinner, his eyes flicking over to you every now and then to keep a close eye on you.
The faint sound of rain pattering against the windows only seems to add to the tranquillity of the evening. Then the silence breaks, and your voice softly reaches his ears, “I’m stumped.” It shocks him a little, it’s evident in the way his eyes widened slightly.
“Stumped?… lemme take a look, honey.” He replies back to you, keeping his voice hushed as he walks over to you resting his palms against the wooden table to lean over you. His gaze flickering over the puzzle, studying the pieces with narrowed, concentrated eyes.
It takes only a second for him to pick the piece you’re looking for, gently snapping it into place with a smirk on his lips. “Oh… thank you.” You whisper softly, looking up at him with a small smile that doesn't quite reach your eyes. He leans down to press a kiss on your forehead.
There’s a certain patience in Finnick, never condescending in the way he speaks or looks at you. If anything he’s the glue that holds you together, constantly there to anchor you back to reality whenever your mind drifts further than you can reach.
The memories were the worst part, you seemed to have a difficult time remembering what was real and what was fake… which caused you to forget a lot. Those special moments you shared with Finnick before the games are now tainted with a stain you couldn’t clear off.
Although there are moments where it flickers back slightly like embers of a fire that leaves a tingling warmth across your skin. The smallest things set it off, music for example. Soft notes of a familiar tune echo through the kitchen, there’s a sense of safety within the lyrics.
Finnick knows you remember the song and the moment you shared with him. It’s in the way your eyes glisten with fondness and that ever-so-small smile that begins to crack at the corner of your lips.
The pair of you glance at each other simultaneously as the gentle notes ricochet through the room. Finnick smirks over at you, extending his hand to you with a soft nod of his head. He waits for you to take him up on the opportunity, never forcing your hand.
He watches patiently as the hesitation flickers through your expression and relief washes over his expression as you stand up from the chair, your hand slipping into his slightly rough one.
“Do you remember this song?” He asks with a teasing edge to his tone although his expression soon melts with tenderness as you nod your head shyly and he takes this moment to place his hand against your hip.
Finnick brings you into him before gently swaying you both side from side. “I could never forget.” You whisper back to him and your words only fuel him to hold you closer.
Your shoulders relax and a sigh escapes your lips as you rest your head against Finnicks chest, the scent of sea salt and firewood sits against his skin and lingers within his clothes. It’s homely… warm within his arms, nothing can hurt you and those painful memories of the games take a backseat in your muddled-up mind.
The pair of you continue to sway gently, taking it one note at a time as you let the music carry you both. You feel Finnick’s chest vibrate slightly as he lets out a soft chuckle and before you can even ask why you’re suddenly being spun around, your breath catches in your throat as he pulls you back into him.
His hands fall to your hips and then he hears it, the sweet giggle that you let out and he freezes in place. It’s a sound that sends a familiar warmth blooming within his chest. “I love you.” He whispers, his hands caressing your hips and then up to your waist.
Your smile widens slightly at his words and you can’t help but wrap your arms around his shoulders, holding him to you closely as he starts to press kisses all over your face. “I love you too.” You giggle in between the ticklish kisses.
The sight makes his heart swell with devotion. He can’t remember the last time he’s seen you like this, so at peace and so happy, he makes a silent promise to keep it this way for as long as he possibly can.
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posionhaze · 1 month
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❥ summary: having to work with an old flame doesn’t exactly go to plan
pairing: finnick odair x fem! victor reader
warnings: brief mentions of prostitution | dark themes | slight toxic-obsessive behavior | some fluff!!
genre: I don’t even know
❥ words: 2k
please read at the end of the fic for more information 🫶
It hadn’t always been so tense between you and Finnick.
You were friends before his games- and before yours. You would have been the youngest victor, just a year younger than him- but of course he got to it first.
After he came back he was different, you expected that- but he had put up a front.
He had never told you what actually happened. What happened with Snow. You found out later- you witnessed it.
With that being said, you were reaped. Mags and Finnick himself mentored you.
Finnick never told you but he wished that you would’ve died in that arena. He knew your fate would be the same as his. Even at the age of 15 during your games, he knew.
He knew how sick Snow was.
You had made it out, purely based on hiding and stealth. You did it.
It took days, 28 to be exact.
They both thought you would’ve died off either by starvation or hypothermia.
You didn’t- you almost did.
You could recall the snow surrounding you, really almost choking you.
The arena was an iceland- cold and white, nothing to it.
You remember after your victory tour Snow wanted to meet with you.
You wished you had died in that arena.
Finnick remembers when you came back to the victors village- you hadn’t spoken to him or even looked at him.
That day you were never the same- like someone took your soul, and in a sense- Snow did. He did much more than that.
Three years passed, you and Finnick had brief interactions when needed.
He was the Capitols Darling and you the Capitols Doll.
Your eyes widened- why was Finnick here?
You were at a Capitol clients party as his side piece for the night- rather his doll. He was actually a regular, he wasn’t that bad considering the extent of the situation.
You didn’t understand why Finnick was there, he could only have been invited by your client…
“Oh! And I’m sure you know Y/n!” Your client says with a wide smile, arm wrapped around your waist.
You were wearing an extremely uncomfortable dress, not that it was bulky or unnecessary- no it was quite the opposite.
Thin and revealing, a baby pink mixed with seafoam green, clients request.
Finnick had a lady at his side, wearing an equally revealing and stupid outfit.
“Of course..she’s a doll..” Finnick replies with his charming grin- you knew it was simply an act. He reaches for your hand, pressing a kiss to it.
You saw the flash of realization in his eyes- you both had the same fate, the one he tried to hide you from.
You give him a sweet smile, letting out a giggle at his words, “You flatter me Finnick!”. Those words never felt more sour coming out of your mouth.
After that night you both grew close again.
You were often in his arms at night, both wanting a sense of normalcy, just for a few hours.
And for a bit it did feel normal, and at some point it felt real.
It was real, you both loved each other. You couldn’t pinpoint when it had happened but you guys ended up in something more than a friendship but never said it out loud.
Now of course you couldn’t tell anyone- not even Mags.
But somehow Snow found out, you weren’t sure how but he did.
Two years of peace disturbed.
Now you figured Snow had only talked to you- only threatened you.
He would’ve killed Finnick if you didn’t comply.
You begged him not to hurt Finnick. For Finnick you sacrificed what was left of you.
When you had gotten back to victor's village, you had ended it with Finnick. That day you broke his heart. Yours was already broken by Snow- much of you was.
You and Finnick stopped talking. Well you did, he didn’t stop.
He was insufferable, petty, pathetic but most of all someone you still loved.
That’s what you hated. That you couldn’t move on.
So it was a year of no contact for you, not playing into whatever game he was playing.
Not until the 73rd hunger games. Yourself 21, Finnick 22.
You both were chosen to mentor district 4. You didn’t know why- well you had a guess.
You and Finnick had two great tributes, a boy named Bay and a girl named Alana.
Bay was shy, a soft spoken teenager who just wanted to go home- while Alana knew what she was up against, she was more insightful- observant.
Alana and Bay knew each other, not very well but close enough to not hate each other.
“Y’know..you can’t spend all this time ignoring me, doll” Finnick says, looking at you from across the table.
It was the second day at the penthouse, you hadn’t spoken to Finnick since the reaping or during the train ride, you didn’t bother.
“Yes I can” You state simply, briefly glancing up at his beautiful sea green eyes. But you quickly avert your eyes, suddenly taking an interest in the glass of scotch you had been “nursing”.
“Really now?” He says with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, “And do you think that’s how an actual conversation works?” His voice is still playful, but he can’t help his curiosity.
Why were you ignoring his presence, why was it so easy for you to do after everything?
You wish you could tell him, let him in again, but you couldn’t. It would have pushed you over the edge, the one you were so close to falling off of.
It was painful having to keep up your capitol act, but you had to. Over and over again, night after night, party after party.
It was that- or have Finnick killed.
“Yeah- I do” You say with a tight lipped smile, focusing on the ice slowly melting in the liquor you barely touched.
“Y/n, you can at least attempt to hide the disdain, the fake smile, and the eyes that are screaming to run straight for the hills.”
Finnick can’t help but notice how you seem to act as if you never loved him, never cared. In that moment his face softens, a rare sight.
“Oh and, let’s not forget the drinks you hardly drink!” He teases a bit, leaning back in his seat. There was the Finnick you knew- the one who would pick and prod until nothing was left.
“You are such a pain” You say with a roll of your eyes, fighting back the urge to punch him in the face- really you would never do that, but it would feel nice to, at least in this moment.
“Yeah well it’s my speciality!” He smiles, leaning over the table as he takes the glass out of your hand- he finishes what is left in one gulp, putting the glass down before leaning back in the chair.
He’s still looking at you, clearly amused by how you act- you can’t help but wonder if it all is an act.
“Will you stop staring?” You grumble out, irritation clear on your face and tone.
“Only when you look at me.” He replies, leaning on his elbows, propping his chin up on fist.
He’s staring you down, he wants that reaction. It’ll tell him everything he needs to know.
And eventually you look at him, your eyes look dull and tired. Your mouth is a straight line.
You notice how his smile has disappeared- he studies you closely, like you did all those years ago- wondering what’s actually behind your eyes.
For the first time in a while you take in his features, his golden-bronze hair, and those sea green eyes.
Oh how you love those eyes.
You let out an awkward cough, breaking eye contact after a moment, “Bay and Alana seem good..I think Alana has a good chance of making it out..” You say, trying to distract Finnick.
“You think so?” Finnick says almost in a hum of approval, a smirk etched on his face.
Your distraction was futile, Finnick is stubborn- he’d get the truth out of you tonight.
He nods, “Bay, I can tell he’s a sweetie, a quiet one- but I think he’ll surprise us. Alanna though! Oh I’m putting my money on her- we’ll see her in that arena.” Finnick takes his eyes off of you for a moment, “You should help them with the training more, doll.”
“Stop Finnick- stop whatever it is you’re doing” You say, the tone of his voice- it disgusted you.
That look, his tone, why does he keep using it on you?
“Aw am I hurting your feelings? I’m so very sorry, doll.” There’s that damn smirk again, how did he not see the look on your face.
It was as if he was teasing you, enjoying the slight torture he was bringing on.
“I just want you to tell me those secrets you’ve been hiding..”
Your eyes flick up to meet his, “Drop it Finnick”
“No.” He replies, his voice sharp and stern- he wasn’t going to let you brush him off.
He reaches for your hand, your skin so soft under his fingers, your hand so perfect under his.
He brings it up to his mouth, and kisses one of your knuckles, “Just talk to me…please…”
But you could still feel his smirk.
You’re quick to pull your hand from his grasp, a sick feeling forming in your stomach.
“I’m going to sleep” You mutter out, leaving your seat and the table, going to your room in the penthouse.
“Damn it..” He mumbles, leaning back into his chair.
He couldn’t leave it alone, he just couldn’t.
He wouldn’t let himself rest either, getting up and walking towards your room- he knew you wouldn’t appreciate it.
He stands outside your door for a minute, trying to gather his thoughts.
Before eventually opening the door and inviting himself in.
“Go away Finnick..” You mutter out, not even having to turn and look to see who it is.
“No.” He says in a stern voice, but there’s hesitation in it.
“I’m not leaving until we talk.” His voice softens as he takes a step forward, “Doll, don’t do this…”
“Finnick..” You say, pausing momentarily. Maybe it was time to let him in again?
“I can’t- I can’t do this right now..” You finish.
“Do what, Y/n?” He steps forward again, closing the distance between you and him- his hands rest on the sides of your hips, chest against your back.
You can feel his breath against your neck, your muscles tense up but he just waits for your reply.
“Just talk to me, please. Let me in, doll.”
“Snow had found out about us..” You say blankly, “He talked to me, threatened your life..he didn’t want us together..because we were so- so useful to him..”
“I didn’t want to hurt you, I thought it would be better to just end it” You add on.
Your words didn’t come to a surprise, he knew Snow would find out eventually.
He’s silent for a moment, before his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you close against him- he doesn’t care how tired you are.
You could feel the anger and rage building inside of him, towards Snow.
Finnick moves you in his arms, kissing your forehead before looking right in your eyes, “I still don’t understand why you never just talked to me about it…”
“I was scared he’d do something to you Finn..” You mutter out softly.
“I’m not that fragile, doll.” His lips brush against your temple, he can tell that you’re tired.
“I would’ve been fine, you know that right…”
You honestly didn’t know what to say, what could you?
“I’m sorry Finnick- I’m tired..I- I need sleep..” You say, pulling away from him. You wouldn’t let yourself go back, why wouldn’t you?
“This isn’t a good time....” You add on, averting your eyes again from him.
His grip tightens on your hips slightly- he can tell you’re pulling away from him yet again- and it’s driving him mad.
You’re refusing to let him in completely, refusing to let him love you.
“And I’m telling you- we’ll talk about this now.” He’s persistent, unwilling to be denied.
“Finnick..we’ll talk after the games, after this is done” You say, voice soft yet stern.
Your eyes meet his, both of you don’t say anything for a moment.
❥ notes: hi!! so this is my first fic on this blog- I want to say I’ve written fan fiction before, so I’m not new- but I’m not the greatest either! I’m new to the hg fandom, so bear with me if my work isn’t accurate or the best! I will be making a masterlist of who I will write for soon!!
❥ uploads certainly won’t be frequent or consistent- I’m sorry to say. I do have an old blog, which I won’t be mentioning. that blog negatively impacted my mental health so I wanted a fresh start with a new fandom and blog :))
❥ once again- I am new so sorry if this isn’t accurate or not the best!! I’d love for any comments or suggestions! I was scared to post this, mostly because of backlash but I hope this was good!! ☺️
second part
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jahayla-parker · 3 months
🎆 Requests: Please note these will be likely shorter than my longer requests (I say that but you all know me 😂). These cannot contain a lot of specifics or anything like that. Rather, it’s a simple concept and a character. Limit is 1 request per follower for this option given the time it’ll take to do these.
what about finnick odair x wife!reader where he has to go back to the games and she waits for him and they reunite back in 13 and she is glued to his side during their time there cause she's afraid to lose him and it's like hurt comfort and fluffy <333
Heartbreak’s Cure : Finnick Odair x Reader
Descr: 5k wc, Finnick and his wife reunite in District 13 after Finnick returns from his second Hunger Games and they help each other through the aftermath of him being reaped a second time. Hurt-comfort, flangst
Warnings: hunger game type content and applicable warnings, trauma, sadness, mentions of Mag’s death, mentions of Finnick’s background (including brief mention of Snow selling his body).
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The couple’s screaming continued as they raced toward the sound of the other’s voice.
Y/n sprinted around the corner of the dull gray slabbed walls of the medical corridor when her eyes finally caught sight of who she’d been searching for; her husband. The air left her lungs and her body abruptly halted upon seeing him.
Finnick had been bolting down the hallway when y/n suddenly appeared as she turned the corner. He briefly paused in breathless relief before he once again began charging towards his wife.
Y/n copied Finnick’s needy rush and ran straight into his extended arms. She buried her head into the crook of his neck as he lifted her up. She hooked her legs around his waist as he held her to him so tight it was difficult to breathe. But she couldn’t care less. He was alive! He was home!
Finnick spun them around as he closed his eyes and admired the way it felt to be able to hold his loving wife once again. “Hi love,” he finally spoke, his voice a soft whisper.
“Hi Finny,” y/n whimpered. “Are you alright?” She asked, leaning back against the supportive hold he had on her tailbone so she could see him.
“I’m perfectly fine now y/n/n,” Finnick vowed, pulling her back to him and protectively holding her tight in his arms. He was so relieved his sweet wife was okay. That Snow hadn’t been able to harm her before she’d made it to District 13.
After a heartfelt kiss between them, y/n pulled away as her worry took over. “Let me take a look at you,” y/n pressed, not believing Finnick‘s well meaning reassurance. She again leaned back while staying in his arms, her legs still around his waist as he held her up. She frowned as her eyes noticed the multitude of scratches along his face. “Liar,” she whispered with a pout.
Finnick chuckled lightly. Damn he had missed her.
Y/n hopped down from Finnick’s arms and grabbed his bicep. “C’mere baby,” she cooed as she lead him to the nearest stretcher. “Here, sit down,” she instructed. When he complied, she kissed his forehead and gave him a warm smile. “Does it hurt? It looks like it hurts,” she commented as she quickly pulled over a tray of random medical supplies. “Are you sure you’re okay? Are there any injuries I can’t see?” Y/n continued to interrogate worryingly.
“Honey,” Finnick smiled. He gently grasped y/n’s wrist as she softly tried to clean his skin.
“I'm sorry, I know it hurts, but I gotta clean it,” y/n explained, giving her husband a sympathetic frown.
Finnick grinned admiringly and shook his head. “It’s okay, that’s not what I’m talking about,” he explained softly. “Breathe Honey, I’m okay”. Finnick lovingly rubbed his thumb against the inner side of her wrist to soothe her.
Y/n set the washcloth down with a sigh. She wanted to help her husband. She looked around to take a quick inventory of the room. It had been awhile since she was last in this wing. Seeing a stack of cases of water bottles, she hummed and hurriedly sprinted to it. She effortlessly pulled out an unopened bottle and brought it back to Finnick with a small smile. Surely he was dehydrated! “Here, drink this, it’ll help.”
Finnick replied with a sympathetic sigh. He understood why she was fussing over him, he’d have been much worse if the roles were reversed. But, it didn’t mean he wanted her worrying so much. As such, he sipped on the water she’d passed him; not mentioning to her that on the flight back here, the nurse had hooked up an IV to help his fluids. After taking a considerable drink, he twisted the cap back on and took ahold of y/n’s hand. “Honey,” Finnick softly scolded, tugging her hand away from the water bottle as he tried to get her to stop fretting over him. “You look really good in my sweater,” he commented, changing the topic as he took notice of what his wife was wearing.
Y/N’s cheeks heated up, prompting her to bashfully look down at the stretcher’s wheels. She let her eyes flicker briefly to the sweater in question before biting her lip and slowly lifting her gaze to Finnick’s. “I.., sorry, I needed something that smelled and felt like you,” she explained.
Finnick shook his head, a prideful smile now gracing his lips. “You don’t need to apologize,” he commented lovingly as he tenderly guided her closer by curling his thumb resting under her chin. “Were you okay honey?”
“It’s fine, you’re here now,” y/n smiled. “That’s all that matters,” she hummed, leaning closer as she moved her hands to cup her husband’s defined cheeks.
“No, no,” Finnick argued. “How were you while I was away?” He repeated, eyes narrowed and brows furrowed. “What all happened? What did I miss?”
“Me,” y/n giggled with a smug smile.
Finnick chuckled, his cheeks turning a soft red. “Well that goes without saying, my dear,” he winked. After a moment of silent bliss, he turned his expression to a look that communicated he wanted her to give him an actual answer.
Y/n shrugged. She’d struggled while he’d been gone. But he didn’t need to know the depths of that. At least not right now. She knew her husband well enough to know it was futile keeping a secret from him. Even if it was for his own sake. He’d know at some point. For now though she would keep it as vague as possible without hurting his feelings by keeping it inside. “Nothing other than just worrying about you,” she murmured quietly, eyes closed.
Finnick frowned in understanding. “Oh love,” he purred, his fingers reaching out to grip the material of his her their sweater.
“I .. I got your message though,” y/n elaborated, peering into Finnick’s loving eyes.
Finnick grinned and tugged y/n closer to him. “Good,” he murmured, fingers moving to trail her cheeks.
“You’re not allowed to talk about your death like that again though, Finnick Odair,” y/n scolded in a soft voice.
Finnick chuckled and nodded. “Yes, Mrs. Odair,” he grinned, pulling her in for a kiss.
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Y/n was resting beside Finnick’s medical cot in the hospital corridor of District 13 when she felt him stir. She quickly set down her notebook and faced her husband. She frowned lightly as she noticed the confused look in his eyes. He had been sleeping when the medic came in to adjust the medication dosage coursing through his veins. It had been like this off and on for the last few hours, so y/n hadn’t paid much mind to it until she felt him stir beside her in response to it.
Finnick tried to keep the tears from building up in his eyes as he tried to scoot away from whoever the person was beside him. He had thought he made it back to y/n, to District 13. But he didn’t remember being put under and upon opening his eyes he saw a nurse-like figure standing before him in a medical room so clearly he’d been dreaming. Of course he had. He’d been dreaming of his precious wife and making it back to her ever since he’d been reaped for the second time. He didn’t recall anything after the arena collapsing in on him. He thought he had, but he had clearly been dreaming of those events. So he figured he must’ve been captured after their attempt to escape the games. As such, he presumed this nurse before him was from The Capitol. It was the only explanation for why his wife wasn’t by his side when he thought he’d reconnected with her earlier. Hence why he began resisting the medic’s attempts to adjust whatever they were pumping into his body through the IV in his right arm.
“No, no, no, no, no, hey,” y/n rushed out, turning to face Finnick more directly. “Finnick? Hi, I've got you,” she informed him as his frantic eyes darted to her face. “You're safe. Finnick, can you hear me?” She asked, noticing the distant look in his sea-green eyes. “They're here to help you, you need to let them help you,” she pleaded, squeezing his hand.
Finnick’s eyes snapped down to his hand as he felt a squeeze. He looked back up at y/n and gazed into her eyes as the pieces returned to him. He hadn’t been dreaming. He had escaped the games. He’d made it back to y/n. She’d been beside him the whole time. He just hadn’t looked to his left upon waking up.
“That’s it, babe,” y/n cooed encouragingly. “They are just helping your body heal,” she smiled softly, leaning over to kiss his forehead.
Finnick hummed in relief. His hands moved to wrap around his wife. He held onto her as he tried desperately to not cry against her shoulder. He was home. He was back with his girl.
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“I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention,” Finnick pouted playfully. To emphasize his point, he stretch his right hand and the attached IV over his lap to poke y/n’s side.
Y/n raised her eyebrows at her husband in question. She’d been giving him plenty of attention. In fact, she was certain he had to be growing tired of her constant presence and fussing over him. “You need more attention?” She questioned knowingly.
Finnick nodded with a smug smile. “From you? Always,” he grinned.
Y/n rolled her eyes jokingly as her cheeks flushed. “You’re lucky I love you,” she teased, kissing his cheek.
Finnick resumed playing with y/n’s hand he was holding. “The luckiest,” he agreed proudly.
Y/n simply bashfully bit her lip and buried her head against Finnick’s bicep as it rested on his cot.
“I’m tired of laying here in this stupid bed though,” Finnick said to explain his earlier comment.
“Finnick,” y/n sighed. She lifted her head off his arm to look down at him.
“I want to go home,” Finnick said, almost whining.
Y/n frowned. “I know, I do too,” she acknowledged. “But, Finnick, we have to stay in District Thirteen until it’s safe to go back,” she reminded him cautiously.
Finnick shook his head. “I know, I didn’t mean home-home”.
“Not as in District Four,” Finnick elaborated. “While that would be nice,” he hummed, “I meant wherever it is here that our home is now, wherever you spend your nights”.
Y/n smiled adoringly at her husband. “Let me go ask them again when you can leave, I doubt it’s changed, but if you promise me you’re feeling okay, I’ll try to persuade them,” she offered.
“I promise,” Finnick nodded with an appreciative smile. He tugged y/n’s hand back just as she went to head towards the hallway, “but be quick”. When her head whipped around quickly, her eyes full of concern, he blushed before hurriedly explaining his thoughts. “‘Cause I missed you,” he whispered shyly, grinning again when his wife kissed the top of his head lovingly.
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Y/n closed the door to their bedroom behind her as she and Finnick entered the hall. She turned towards her husband with a timid smile. They were about to head out for a light stroll so she could show him around. “Can I hold your hand?” She requested quietly, needing to physically feel his presence to remind her he was here after so long.
Finnick smiled, “you never gotta ask, sugar”. He kissed his wife’s warm cheek. “But, I have a better idea”.
“Which is?”
“Piggy back ride?"
“Finnick,” y/n scolded, shaking her head. “You should be taking it easy,” she reminded him. When he playfully rolled his eyes, she glared protectively back at him.
Finnick hummed and took ahold of y/n’s hands. “I promise I’m fine, honey. I wouldn’t put you through dealing with the aftermath if I wasn’t,” he promised.
Despite Finnick having convinced y/n he was able to give her a piggy back ride, she wasn’t done being protective over him. She’d just gotten her husband back! She wasn’t about to let something happen to him! As such, she had been doing everything under the sun to protect him from even minor things like loud noises, bright lights, etc.
Finnick knew what y/n was doing and her reasoning behind it. So, he’d complied with her wishes and heeded her warnings, all while smiling bashfully. He was beyond appreciative of his wife’s considerate measures. And he found her actions insanely cute.
They couple had taken a quick break so y/n could help one of District 13’s other residents find the supplies closet. Luckily the room was nearby, so she was not away from her husband for more than a handful of minutes. However, when she returned, she was less than pleased. “What do you think you’re doing?!” Y/n hissed at Mike, one of District 13’s leaders. He was evidently having her husband help him move some boxes of equipment. Y/n knew the boxes with the particular symbol that was on the one Finnick had been about to pick up were often pretty heavy. It was certainly not something Finnick should be doing right now! “He just got back, have Gale help you with carrying that!” She critiqued with a harsh glare.
Finnick sucked in his bottom lip as he tried not to laugh lightly or smile at y/n’s behavior. He shrugged minimally at the man beside him before he made his way over to his wife. “I’m okay, angel,” he cooed in a hushed voice so only she could hear.
Y/n nodded silently in response to Finnick’s reassurance. She gave Mike another sharp glance and then took her husband’s hand and led him away from the room.
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Finnick froze momentarily before he stiffly turned to face y/n. They’d been eating lunch alone in the corner of the cafeteria when he suddenly heard her sniffle. Why was she crying? “Are… are... are these good tears? Or bad tears?" He asked quietly. He only got a hum in response, making his brows furrow further. “Y/n?”
Y/n nodded. When she felt Finnick’s worried eyes on her, she shrugged. “Bad cause I missed you and I was so worried,” she explained. “But, good cause you’re home now”. She knew she was speaking in broken sentences, but it was the best she could do right now without breaking down from her emotions.
“Sugar,” Finnick whined sympathetically. “My sweet girl.. I’m so sorry-”.
Y/n rapidly shook her head. “Don’t apologize, Finny,” she whispered lovingly. “I didn’t mean to make you feel like you have to. I just, I don’t know I just…”
“Shhh...just let me hold you,” Finnick instructed warmly. He knew how to make his wife feel better. He grinned as she wasted no time sliding down the bench to him and snuggling up. “I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere."
Finnick swore his heart both soared and broke over the sweet but scared tone of y/n’s voice. “I promise angel,” he vowed, smiling to himself as she buried herself in his hold even further.
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“No, no, you need to lie still,” y/n instructed as Finnick yet again fidgeted. There were resting in their shared bed, almost about to fall asleep when he’d begun tossing and turning.
Finnick turned to face his patient wife’s beautiful face. He batted his long eyelashes at her. “Baby, could you play with my hair?” He requested in a gentle whisper. He closed Jo’s eyes as y/n instantly complied with his wish. “That feels so nice,” he murmured.
“Good,” y/n smiled, her fingers dancing through Finnick’s sun-dyed golden locks.
“I missed you,” Finnick whispered blissfully.
Y/n smirked playfully. “You missed my fingers in your hair,” she teased.
“No,” Finnick argued, holding y/n’s wrist to stop her playing with his hair for a moment. He turned his head to look up at her. “I’m serious, I missed you,” he replied with a frown.
“Hmmm, I know sweetheart,” y/n informed her husband, craning her neck to kiss his forehead. “I missed you too,” she whispered.
“I was so worried about you,” Finnick admitted as his mind went back to his worries over y/n’s wellbeing during his time in the arena.
“I’m never letting you go again,” y/n declared warmly. She tightened her grip around Finnick’s chest as he peered up at her at an angle from where he lay on her torso. “Snow will have to pry you from my dead arms. No one is going to hurt you anymore Finnick,” she spoke protectively.
“Hmm,” Finnick hummed as he inched his way up. He kissed her head lightly before lowering himself back down to use her as a pillow. “Don’t talk like that, honey,” he scolded lovingly. “I’m not losing you either.” He closed his eyes as he turned so his cheek was pressed up against her chest. “We’ll finish this out together, that’s the only option. Okay?”
“Okay,” y/n agreed quietly as she hugged Finnick tightly. “Now, sleep, my love. I'll keep you safe."
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Y/n woke abruptly as she felt her husband tossing around beside her in bed. Her eyes snapped opened as she heard his whispered cries. A frown instantly formed on her face as she quickly sat up and turned to face Finnick. She softly shook him. “Finnick.. It’s me, it’s y/n. It's okay, it was just a dream." When his eyes finally opened, they were wide and watery as they analyzed their bedroom. “You're not there, Finnick. You're home, you're safe,” she promised, being able to read his worries without needing any verbal explanation as to what he’d been afraid of.
“Fuck, I …,” Finnick winced slightly, hating that he’d cursed in front of his dear wife. He was also so proper around her, declaring she was too precious to hear such profanities. But tonight he couldn’t help it. He felt horrible for having woken her. He knew how tired she’d been from sleepless nights as she waited for him to return. She should be asleep… not taking care of him and his nightmares. He knew she didn’t mind, she’d helped him through similar ones countless times before. But still, she should be resting. “I’m sorry.., I didn’t… I was back at the-,” he began rambling quietly.
Y/n nodded quickly and squeezed his clammy hand. “It’s okay, I know sweetheart,” she cut him off so he didn’t feel he needed to explain himself. “What do you need? What can I do for you right now Finny?”
Finnick’s shiny eyes lifted to meet his wife’s compassionate face and he gave her a timid smile. “I just want to be held for a little while. I’ve missed your touch,” he murmured.
Y/n smiled warmly and opened her arms. “Come here baby,” she instructed as she pulled Finnick to her chest.
Finnick shuffled down the bed so he could rest his head back on y/n’s chest. Like he’d done hours ago, before he’d moved to her side so they could sleep. “Like I expected, you're much comfier than my pillow,” he muttered softly as he nuzzled into her.
Y/n grinned and craned her neck in order to kiss Finnick’s scalp.
Finnick’s fingers played with the material of y/n’s sleep top. “D-do you mind if we stay like this for a little longer?” He questioned hesitantly. He wanted her to sleep, but he really needed this.
“We can stay like this as long as you want sweetheart.”
Finnick hummed in relief and snuggled against y/n further. His eyes began to become heavy again, but he kept blinking to stay awake.
“I'll protect you. They've never going to touch you again,” y/n promised, playing with Finnick’s hair the way he adored and always seemed to soothe him. As she noticed his eyes looking tired, she slowed her combing movements slightly. “Just close your eyes, the sun is going down. You'll be all right, no one can hurt you now”.
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Y/n futilely tried to pull her muscular husband away from the cracked door. They’d been on their daily walk when they passed by the mission center which happened to have it’s door slightly parted. However, it was what had been playing on the screen inside the room and the sounds it caused to float into the hallway that caught Finnick’s attention. The crew in the mission center had seemingly been reviewing various clips from the latest games. Unfortunately, it turned out they happened to be passing by just as Mag’s death began to play.
“No,” Finnick argued weakly against y/n’s attempts to pull him away. “I deserve to watch this,” he croaked. “I caused it, I need to live with the pain of that”.
Y/n gritted her jaw and furrowed her brows. She had to keep her anger in check. She wasn’t mad at Finnick, just at his statement. Her precious husband didn’t deserve any of the atrocities he’d had to endure. “You've suffered through enough,” y/n declared firmly but kindly, pulling her husband’s head to her shoulder. She whispered loving words to him as she lead them down the hall and back to their room.
As they reached the doorway to their bedroom, Finnick pulled back. His eyes were red and dripping, lips in a deep frown, and nose scrunched. “I also failed before the games, I didn’t make sure you had a safety plan in place,” he argued.
“Finnick, you had Haymitch make sure I was picked up and taken here, too District Thirteen before the games even began, for my safety,” y/n argued. “Besides, sweetheart, that’s not your job. And I’m fine, please don’t burden yourself with that”.
Finnick shook his head. “I should’ve found a way to tell Mags the plan,” he sighed. “I should’ve found a way out of letting Snow sell my body,” he added. “Katniss had me in her crosshairs early on, I didn’t train enough after the last games”. “I promised you that I’d never let you down but I did”.
”Finnick Odair,” y/n gasped. “Look at me.” Once he finally met her gaze, she presented him with a small smile and a tight hug. “I'm so proud of you”. She shook her head inside the crook of his neck. “Seriously, none of those things are true or your fault”. “You have always had so many things working against you, Finnick. I’ve always been so proud of you, even without taking that into account. But you need to. I’m so proud of you baby, you did what you had to do and came back to me! I know it wasn’t easy by any means,” she hummed, “but you did it. I didn’t lose you. And that’s because of you. I’m so proud. I’m infinitely sorry you had to go through all of that, but I’m so proud of you coming home to me”.
Finnick whimpered appreciatively and pulled y/n closer to him. He’d missed this. He’d needed her. He never wanted to be apart from her ever again. His sweet wife was his everything. If he had her, he’d be able to heal from his pain of the latest games.
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"We don't have to talk about it right now, but I'm here if or when you want to,” y/n offered quietly as she and Finnick sat at the table for a late lunch. They’d been eating when someone who had passed by mentioned something to their friend about the latest games. Y/n had noticed the way Finnick tensed immediately. She figured he wasn’t ready to talk about it yet, but wanted him to know he could whenever he was.
Y/n had been correct. Finnick hadn’t been ready yesterday afternoon to talk about his experiences in the arena this past time. But, tonight he seemingly was. It was brought up unexpectedly, but she was pleased he felt comfortable and stable enough to begin talking about it.
Finnick had expressed several thoughts about his experiences in the arena when a question came to his tired mind. “Did… Did you watch?” He asked quietly as y/n helped him undress due to his fatigued state. He watched as she hesitated in her movements for a split-second.
“Yeah,” Y/n admitted quietly. She lifted Finnick’s shirt over his head and tossed it towards the bin. “I… didn’t really want to,” she admitted, “I hated that you had to go, to do that all again”. She sighed and her fingers trailed down to help him step out of his jeans. “But I needed to know you were okay,” she explained slowly, “and I wanted to be able to understand what you went through.,. As much as possible that is, of course…” She helped hold him steady as he removed his pants. “That way if you didn’t want to talk about it or needed someone to understand slightly more than I would’ve without watching it…,” she rambled.
Finnick turned to face y/n, a tender smile on his lips. “You..,” he shook his head, “sugar, you’re far too sweet, you didn’t need to put yourself through that. But I appreciate you doing so and being so considerate of my potential needs to begin with”. He kissed her forehead delicately.
As Finnick began to try to help y/n undress for the night, she shook her head lovingly and stopped him. He was so exhausted. He didn’t need to help her tonight. “I’ve got it baby, you’re tired,” she spoke softly.
“I want to,” Finnick argued quietly, “if you’re okay with that! I don’t-”.
Y/n nodded quickly to silence Finnick’s worries. “I am, Finny. Just don’t want you overdoing it,” she mused, kissing his cheek.
Finnick hummed and resumed his efforts to help y/n out of her day clothes. “Is there… was there anything you saw that you want to talk about?” He asked.
Y/n hesitated for a moment. But, upon meeting Finnick’s genuinely curious eyes, she sighed. “…l heard you crying my name,” she said, thinking back to the moment she’d watched her husband crumple to the floor of the arena in agony.
Finnick gave y/n a sympathetic smile, sensing her worry and needless guilt. “I just needed to hear your voice, to know you weren’t actually hurt,” he explained. “I know they were fake. But.. you were…? You’re alright?”
Y/n nodded and grabbed Finnick’s hands from her shoulder and squeezed them. “I was just upset I couldn’t be there to reassure you I was fine,” she informed him. “But, I wasn’t hurt. Do you want to tell me about what it was like, babe? Get it off your chest?"
Finnick looked away as he began to cry. “S-sorry,” he murmured quietly in apology. “I shouldn’t be... I shouldn’t be crying. I.. I’m stronger than that… I’m sorry honey… I…”
“Finn,” y/n cooed. She let go of his hands and moved hers to cup his face and guide it towards her. When his eyes met hers, she gave him n a sweet smile. “Sweetheart, you never need to apologize to me. Ever. And, certainly not for crying…”.
Finnick nodded and melted into his wife’s embrace. “I… I thought it was real,” he began. “I… they copy… and it was your voice. I know it! It was so accurate! I…,” he shook, prompting y/n to rub his back soothingly. “I thought they’d hurt you.. that The Capitol.,. Snow…,” He trailed off.
“I think.. I thought about that a bunch too,” y/n murmured. “I think those sounds were made using by mixing up and splicing recordings from my games years ago, Finny.”
“I should’ve known that,” Finnick scolded himself. “I’m,” he sniffled as more tears escaped his eyes. He knew she might be watching the games and hadn’t wanted y/n to see him break down the way he had in that moment. He’d promised her he’d be strong and make it back to her. Yet all it took was some old audio clips and he’d shattered. He couldn’t deny the heartbreak he’d felt hearing her screams and cries. But he should’ve held it together. “I’m sorry.. I should’ve been stronger than that, I-“.
“No, Finnick. No,” y/n argued protectively. She leaned up and kissed his nose. “I don’t need you being strong all the time. I just need you. Vulnerabilities and all. Because that’s the real you, that’s all of you. And I love the whole real you.” She grinned as a bashful smile formed on her husband’s lips. “It’s all over now, Finny. No more having to pretend to be someone else for the cameras. You can just be yourself from now on. Just my wonderful Finnick Odair,” she cooed. As he leaned into her, she paid attention to his tears. She continued to sweetly dry them as she whispered loving words. After a few minutes, he’d stopped crying and was just resting in her embrace. “Fin, it's so good to have you home,” she whispered.
“I missed this,” Finnick confessed quietly.
“So did I.”
“You’re my happy place.”
“Don’t get cheesy on me,” y/n teased as Finnick stepped back so they could resume getting into bed for the night.
“I was away from you too long,” Finnick defended simply. “I gotta make up for the missed chances to flirt with my beautiful wife,” he winked, smirking as y/n looked away flustered.
“What can I do for you right now Finnick?” Y/n questioned as she faced him and saw his tears had returned.
“All I want is your lips against mine right now,” Finnick informed y/n. His cheeks turned brighter and brighter red until they matched the color of his teary eyes. “It sounds stupid, but I want to also physically feel your love-” he attempted to explain, feeling he needed to justify his request.
However, y/n didn’t need any reason to kiss her sweet husband. She quickly slid her hands into his hair on the back of his head and pulled him in for a deep kiss.
Both y/n and Finnick cried quietly into the kiss as they moved impossibly closer to each other. It had been far too long since they felt this secure and untroubled over the other. When they pulled back, they instinctively rested their foreheads against each other’s, staring at one another. “I love you,” they whispered at the same time as they felt a small piece of their broken hearts begin to repair.
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160 notes · View notes
itsbuckytm · 6 months
Yooooo!!! That Snow fic you recently released involving the reader and Treech being in love? Absolute masterpiece! So hear me out: what if you wrote about their connection and how it progressed? Like, before Coryo got his clutches on the reader. There was a moment you described where Treech and the reader snuck out, I’m pretty sure. I’d love to see a story on that. Maybe end it with those dying words you mentioned? Just utter fluff with that heartbreak of an ending.
Capitol's love birds. / Treech
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summary : being Snow's twin meant being exactly like him, even though your appearances were slightly different. As a mentor yourself, you were assigned to District 7's male tribute, Treech. it was only in the wagon on its way to the Capitol that the chemistry first sparked, ultimately solidifying your status as the Capitol's favorite lovebirds.
ps ; english is not my native language, and I appreciate seeing your requests for ideas that I may not have thought of. Hopefully, you find the suggestions helpful. please refrain from plagiarizing my work without my permission or proper credit, as doing so may result in being flagged or banned. thank you.
Mentoring proved to be a challenging responsibility, but the greatest struggle arose when love entered the picture. However, this was no ordinary affection; it was a type of love that some might view as disgraceful, while others perceived it as a form of admiration amid the Games. Although Treech wasn't particularly interested in getting to know his mentor, let alone encountering them in another restricted enclosure, it was within those confines that the two of you crossed paths. Despite being Snow's twin traditionally constantly at his side, it was unquestionable that you, too, were destined to trail behind him to discover who your tribute was. 
While taking pride in mentoring someone from a district not situated at the lowest rungs of Panem's hierarchy, you were fortunate enough to maintain a semblance of dignity, given the reputation of the district you represented for its familiarity with victory. However, Lucy Gray Baird's captivating performance, the talk of the town since the reaping, cast shadows of doubt over your confidence. All of this, while your brother engaged with fellow tributes, attempting his best to establish his temptation not to gith back. 
You couldn't help but notice the stark class distinctions. Dust still clung to their attire, indicating a lack of access to basic amenities like showers before arriving. A twinge of sympathy crept in. "What's a pretty face doing here?" Reaper Ash remarked, catching you off guard. Initially assuming the comment was directed at Coriolanus, you soon realized it was aimed squarely at you. The revelation that you, too, were to become a mentor became apparent. And that the unspoken pressure to make a positive first impression on the fortunate second tribute who had the early opportunity to meet you loomed large. But Ash simply laughed at your brother’s reaction by ordering you stay behind him. Although poorly as his arm performed itself as a fence initiating to any tributes not to go further. "Relax, pretty boy. I won't touch her. Just asking for a friend, that's all." 
That friend happened to be Treech, whose imposing silhouette positioned itself in front of you a little closer this time. His gaze had been fixed on you from the moment he laid eyes on you. While you initially attributed it to natural human interaction, the persistent feeling of being scrutinized lingered throughout. It seemed as if Treech was almost surprised or even deceived to have you as his mentor, likely influenced by how your brother had fared so far. "Looking for District 7." You mentioned exchanging quick glances with the tributes to assess who would be best with an axe.
 As expected, your eyes landed on the red-headed girl who endeavored to present herself as the ideal candidate for you. "A boy." Your brother corrected, noticing as Lamina stood up, but Treech, adopting a protective stance, advised her to remain behind, much like your twin had done. After all it was a one-on-one game for the time being. "That must be my lucky one." Treech expressed sarcastically, stating it as a matter of fact, causing a subtle pink shade to color your cheeks – a reaction you tried hard to control. After all, it was your very first time you had seen someone outside the District ever. "You get to have the other pretty one." Ash teased playfully, suggesting that, despite Treech's charming demeanor, he was seemingly destined for a grim fate in the arena upon arrival. “I’m a little jealous.” Ash generously said.
Upon reaching the Capitol, you and your brother were taken aback as you discovered an unforeseen aspect of the tributes' journey. The initial understanding was that Flickerman, the Capitol's esteemed journalist, would be present to introduce each tribute upon their arrival. However, what they were unaware of was the presence of two mentors among the tributes, perhaps trespassing without official permission. This, however, was a matter for another time. Despite the somewhat unconventional transportation, Treech remained fixated on you throughout the journey to the Capitol. He seemed entranced by the striking resemblance between you and your brother, sparking a sense of compassion. Observing your interactions and the way you closely accompanied your brother, it was rumored that you were akin to his pet, only permitted to speak when approved by Coriolanus. Despite his disdain for the District, your brother demonstrated a surprising degree of protectiveness towards you, although in the midst of the situation, allowed  some space during the encounter with your tribute in an unexpected location. 
Fortunately, your keen observation allowed you to realize that you were reaching your destination, a detail that eluded many, including Coryo himself. Swiftly grasping your twin’s arm, a gesture he had ensured, the sudden tilt of the wagon hinted at the possibility of your feet slipping and sliding. Treech's eyes widened at your momentary clumsiness, seizing the opportunity to support you. As your back met the uncomfortable mud of the Zoo, he was determined not to lose his mentee on the spot. 
Cameras focused intently on both you and your brother, eliciting a crowd reaction filled with exclamations such as, "It's Snow's boy!" Swiftly, the onlookers noticed your presence next to your brother, who rose and asserted himself. There you stood, a captivating spectacle, with Treech's arm securing your waist and his unwavering gaze fixed on yours. A sly smirk played on his lips as the rest of the crowd declared your presence as well. "And look! The other Snow!" The citizens of the Capitol, already entranced by the presence of the twin siblings on their tributes' first day, began expressing confidence in your victory. This added an additional layer of challenge for the other mentors who were absent from this captivating spectacle. "It's your cue, princess." 
"Princess" was the first word he used to address you. Ironically, it took you a moment to realize that all the cameras were focused on you. Your brother had already made his mark, keeping a careful eye to ensure your tribute didn't make any missteps, especially when it came to touching you. However, you were completely under Treech's influence. With a confident smile, he waved at the cameras, making it a bit easier for you to face the potential embarrassment later at home. "She's alright!" He assured, shifting his gaze quickly to your relieved brother. He could have sworn he saw a few Capitol ladies, with similar makeup to yours, watching in awe at how Treech gallantly assisted you. As he watched the scene unfold with Lucy and Snow not far away, he too decided to play the role of the Capitol's love bird. 
As preparations for the 10th Hunger Games were underway, Flickerman's team mandated interviews with every tribute each year. From the very beginning, you managed to establish trust with Treech, a bond that proved beneficial. Not only did you ensure he was well-fed, but you also took the initiative to fetch Lamina additional food, given her mentor's apparent neglect. Treech appreciated the maternal role you assumed for Lamina. On one occasion, he confessed that he would go to great lengths for her, even if it meant risking his own life to secure her victory as the final tribute. It was all in the pursuit of making District 7 proud once again, for a Lumberjack always harbors a wealth of secrets up their sleeves. 
During his time at the Zoo, Treech found increased joy in your company, particularly when you accompanied him for a quick visit to the arena. Following suit with other tributes, he decided to take the initiative in making the first move. It happened on that initial day when he casually attempted to hold your hand, his fingers gently intertwining with yours. You discreetly glanced at him, careful not to make it too obvious given the presence of the assigned tributes and their mentors. With Coriolanus behind you taking notice. Yet, observing Treech's attempts to connect with you, he sensed a deeper connection between the two of you. Realizing this, your elder sibling understood the need to strengthen his bond with Lucy. To Treech's delight, he could only imagine your brother envying a love that he would never receive in return. 
With insider knowledge of the arena and sneaky routes into the Academy, Treech and you managed to slip away after the arena visit. Observing his interaction back with District 4's tribute and noticing his vigilance, a few teases were all it took to provoke Treech into throwing a punch, especially when faced with comments like. "Your girlfriend wouldn't mind if I speak with you?" While it was clear that others were aware of your connection, Treech dismissed it as a mere game, refusing to believe that it held any deeper significance. However, his sentiments towards you had sparked an unexpected depth of emotion within him. "Just a reminder." He sternly directed at the other tribute, his gaze darkening with offense. Spotting you behind him with Lamina by your side, Treech asserted. "You don't speak such filth about Y/N." The onlookers chuckled at his protectiveness and the evident depth of his emotions. "Or else?" They added, challenging anyone who dared to disrespect you. 
"Or else, I won't hesitate to cut your head off with my axe. Watch yourself, because I can do it in the blink of an eye." With those words, Treech revealed what you truly meant to him. He could vividly recall Snow's concerned gaze as he tried to pull you away from the escalating situation. However, you had refused that day, meeting Treech's eyes the entire time after discussing the tributes he would be teamed with. "For Lamina's sake," You had pleaded, urging him to be cautious. "Those individuals only seek your vulnerability. They may be from District 4, but they don't understand the power of an axe." Was what Treech said reassuring you with a smile. A smile you’ll never forget. 
In that very moment, you decided to take Treech with you for a clandestine escape from the arena. It was a day when even the tributes were granted the freedom to either stay at the arena for practice or wander under the watchful eyes of the Peacekeepers. However, Treech and you had a different agenda. You used the excuse of wanting to make his training more convenient as a cover. For some inexplicable reason, you had the approval of Dr. Gaul, who only instructed that Treech needed to return to the Zoo before midnight. It seemed that being Snow's twin had its perks after all. 
Upon your arrival at the Academy's Greenhouse, both of you maintained a quiet atmosphere. This place held a special significance for you, offering tranquility during moments of anxiety or family pressure. Though it was suspected that you were in charge of the Greenhouse, under your grandmother's watchful eye and constant reminders to enjoy tending to flowers like she did, you chose to share this haven with Treech. It was the same place where you had once spoken briefly to him, and he was thrilled not only to spend time alone with you but also to witness the real person behind the facade of prestige and elegance showcased in public. Trying to ease the slight tension, Treech remarked. "You know, I'd be damned to see your brother's face if he were here." It was a fact that you were gradually opening up to someone who was once a stranger but had become someone you deeply loved. "Brother could care less; he has Lucy wrapped around his finger right now.” You added, acknowledging the complexities of your relationships within the family. 
A smirk played across Treech's face, revealing his amusement at the thought of your brother feeling jealous. Although they were in similar positions, this time the connection between you and Treech was authentic, not just for show. Playful teasing began to permeate every event at the Academy, serving as a tactic to expose vulnerabilities in both of you. However, with Treech's mentor skills and the insights gained from your brother's tips, he honed his skills and strength, making it increasingly difficult for others to exploit weaknesses or gain his trust. "And would it be fair to say that I, too, have my little finger entirely wrapped around you, Princess?" He added, playfully reciprocating the banter. 
His words caused a warm blush to spread across your cheeks, especially when he directed his attention toward you during wound care in practice. The worry in your eyes whenever he made a slight mistake was met with a reassuring thumbs-up and the smile you cherished. There were moments when it became challenging for him to stay focused, particularly when he saw you engaged in conversations with your other classmates. Despite the casual nature of those interactions, he couldn't resist the urge to draw your attention back to him. In response, you chuckled softly, suggesting a meeting on the rooftop of the Greenhouse to admire the stars. "Anything that involves being with you, I'll gladly say yes." He replied with a smile. “You know, I love when you blush more. Especially for me.” 
Without uttering a word, you playfully dismissed his comment, rolling your eyes in a teasing manner. You extended your hand, a gesture he effortlessly accepted. "Show me the way, Princess." He said, and together, you ascended the stairs. Luck was on your side as you reached the rooftop just as the sun of the Capitol dipped below the horizon, signaling the arrival of dawn. The sky was clear, and the stars of Panem glittered above, creating a breathtaking scene just for the two of you. "Looks like I'm the lucky one." He marveled at the view. "Having a beautiful face to look at and a beautiful scenery to enjoy all to myself. I'd be damned not to win these Games and return home to a beautiful angel." He confessed, and this time, he genuinely meant every word. 
On the other hand, you remained completely silent. Initially, you wanted to express your gratitude, but as the Games drew nearer, uncertainty crept in, even with Treech's skills. The looming uncertainty, especially regarding Lucy's well-being and Snow's single-minded pursuit of victory, left you unsure. Despite your love for your brother, his focus was solely on winning, regardless of the familial bond. Treech noticed the tension as the two of you sat next to the bench, and he tried to bring you closer. In an unexpected reaction, you flinched—a rare occurrence. "Hey—" Treech began, but he immediately noticed your slightly swollen face and your eyes fighting back tears. The man you loved had become, overnight, a complete stranger at best. "Look at me, Y/N." He pleaded, adopting a worried tone as you broke down in front of him. The situation must have been incredibly embarrassing for you. 
"What's wrong?" His voice softened as he looked at you, tender care evident in his gaze. He took immense pride in having you as his partner during the Games and falling in love with the most exceptional mentors he could have ever asked for. He harbored concerns about the possibility of you crying over his lifeless body, should the worst come to pass. The thought of hearing you scream his name filled him with worry, although he made a concerted effort not to show it. His overarching plan was to make you proud and, above all, to be loved by you until his very last breath. 
"Have you ever genuinely fallen in love?" Your question resonated with Treech. Of course, he loved you. You were an unexpected and, ironically, his first love. And so for you. The circumstances of your meeting might not have been ideal, but as long as he was with you, that's all that mattered. And if things worked in his favor, it was not just for him but for Lamina as well, given that she often regarded you as someone she could trust. "Like genuinely." You added, trying your best not to burst into laughter. Your tears didn't make it any easier, giving you a slightly maniacal tone. 
“Of course, and that person is sitting right in front of me.” His eyes not taking his gaze from you. How he watched you loosing yourself entirely in the moment of a mere seconds. Your old habits resurging as you would try to numb the pain of your fingers by scratching the very last skin until it bled. To which Treech could not help to notice the moment he had met you. He grabbed your fingers, making you to stop it quickly as he began to peck every single fingers. “And I have made a promise to myself, that if I’d ever win. That we will be reunited together. Build a family, run away together. Be the lovebirds the Capitol wants us to be.” 
A mixture of remorse and relief surged through you as you heard every word from Treech, assuring you that he would stay alive and well. If only you could muster the same confidence he exuded. Despite your attempts, he gently wiped away your tears, his fingers delicately holding your chin to meet his gaze. "You know, even if it's not the conventional way to confess one's love to another, I might be able to let myself do it." He said, leaning in to press his lips against yours. They were soft, just as you expected, carrying the comforting scent of wood he had kept upon his arrival—a reminder of home, a home with both you and Treech. 
"I love you to the bottom of my heart. I know our first meetings weren't the best, but the way you cared for Lamina, and even showed care to me, proved something deeper. If we can continue doing that every night until the Games, I'll make sure you genuinely know that I love you." He confessed once the kiss broke. His words carried a weight that nearly brought tears to your eyes, holding you in place. The both of you chuckled at the irony of the situation, yet a newfound sense of confidence enveloped you—something you had never experienced before, especially as someone from a District. 
"Man, I wish we could continue this, but I don't want you to get punished for bringing me here—" This time, you swiftly cut him off, recognizing that it wasn't the right time for such activities, especially just a few days before the Games. Instead, you proposed a deal—a deal he seemed to enjoy a little too much. Every time you had the chance to train with him, just before returning him to the Zoo, you would indulge in cuddling and sometimes reminisce about home. Occasionally, these encounters escalated into intense make-out sessions, leaving him with a desire to mark you visibly. The marks led to teasing from some classmates, making you blush, and occasional interventions from your brother. Despite casual warnings, Treech took pleasure in denying everything with a smirk that your brother despised. To add to his delight, that same night, Treech deepened the marks, leaving a lasting impression. Just to see Snow’s furious face once again. 
Although this little pleasure was only going to last very soon, when the Games were officially commencing and you knew that. With you being at least able to say your final goodbyes to Treech, he could to feel your worrying about his situation. Cupping your face so delicately as a mention that everything was going to be alright. It was the last time that you also felt his lips brushing against yours. A kiss you would not forget so easily. 
During the Games, you and the remaining mentors, alongside your brother, watched with stress and concern for the well-being of your tributes. While your eyes remained fixed on Treech, you also tried your best to ensure Lamina's safety. However, the situation took a dire turn when the poison finally affected Treech. Feeling helpless, you did everything in your power to find a remedy, attempting to prevent the symptoms from worsening and to make them last until only one tribute remained. "The poison!" You angrily tried to draw attention, tears welling up as you called out to your brother, who paid no heed. Seeing you suffer for the one you loved was what he had envisioned from the start. His pleasure lay in witnessing Treech's suffering on screen. "Please! Give him the medication!" You appealed to your District 7's female mentor, but it was too late. Treech's coughing worsened, and your eyes remained fixed on the screen. "Treech..." was all you could say. 
Treech sensed that you were watching him, but whether it was with shame or grief, he couldn't discern. What he was certain of was seeing the expression on your face—a face that conveyed concern and a desperate desire to help. He knew that if the poison were to affect him, you would swiftly send the medication. However, it didn't happen, and he realized it was too late. Lucy had managed to escape, unlike him, who became the prisoner of an inevitable and senseless death. As he noticed the cameras focused on him, he understood that by now, you would be looking at him. "Y/N..." he began to cough in the middle of his sentence, capturing the attention of everyone in the room, including your brother. "I loved you since we met. Please, once I am gone, I want you to know that I genuinely loved and will always love you." 
"No!!" Your voice wavered between tears, desperately trying to advocate for the medication option repeatedly. Cursing under your breath, you fought against Pliny Harrington, who did his best to restrain you. "Y/N..." he tried to console you, sensing the profound grief from everyone's tributes, including yours. What he failed to comprehend was the deep connection between you and Treech, destined to become the Capitol's favorite lovebirds. "It's too late..." His voice turned into a plea for you to stop. It was at that moment that your entire body went numb. In Pliny’s arms, you managed to sit down, and as Snow's victory loomed over you, you realized that your confidence was about to be completely overshadowed once again. You would become Snow's source of pride and victory.
A man you had once loved would forever reside in your heart. In the heart of District 7, you were revered for your role as a caretaker for both its female and male tribute. What you were not aware of was that, unlike Snow, you became the face of purity and trust—a bond between the District and the people of the Capitol. It was a paid respect for the Capitol's most famous lovebirds.
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normafuckingrockwell · 4 months
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happy birthday to my amazing husband
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pixiexdusts-world · 3 months
Incorrect quote
Sejanus: Just trust your gut!
Y/n: babe, I have anxiety. My gut is literally always telling me to abort mission.
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of-many-aus · 1 year
Reporter Madness
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Summary: the reporters had never been much of a problem until now
Warnings: cursing, hints to past toxic relationship, violence
A/N: a special thanks to @knight-day for being extremely helpful and teaching me about f1
A Day at the Races Masterlist
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
The lights flashed over and over, giving you no time to recover from the momentary blindness that each one would make you experience.
Though you had been through this many times before, that didn't mean it made it any easier. You doubted one could just build an immunity towards the hundreds of cameras pointed at them. Let alone that added with the voices shouting directly at you, trying to make themselves heard over anyone else, to no avail.
Nobody could stand that.
Except for Finnick, of course.
Your boyfriend was a walking machine of charm and wit, a human shield against the sea of reporters that accompanied the two of you wherever you went.
When they were outside of the grocery store the two of you had run into for a moment to grab some snacks for a movie night, he would stand there with a laugh and joke for them to put into their articles.
Any time they would bombard you after a simple expedition to the cinema to see the newest action movie, he would smile brightly, as if the lights of the constant cameras were only being absorbed into his grin.
And you admired him for it. Of course you did. How couldn’t you? For the first few months of the two of you dating, you practically had a panic attack anytime you so much as spotted a paparazzi mob. But he never once seemed the slightest bit phased by it.
The only time his charm would ever fade and his smile would falter around them was when any of them were being exceptionally rude. Though they almost always were, he only took it personally when they took it too far.
“Finnick! How are you feeling about your chances for the WDC this year?”
“Any comments on winning last Saturday's race?”
“What is it like to have Peeta Mellark as a teammate?”
As soon as the two of you stepped foot outside of the fancy restaurant he had just gotten you reservations for, you were bombarded with the questions and cameras.
Finnick smiled politely, just wanting to get back home today, not really in the mood to answer their questions, and squeezed your intertwined hand gently. A silent reassurance that you would be out of there soon and back home, snuggling on your couch.
With your hand still firmly grasped in his, he began to follow behind his security that was making a path through the crowd for the two of you and towards the car.
Normally, the questions would keep flowing, but you would make it to the car with little to no trouble. Not tonight though. Tonight, the paparazzi and reporters were ruthless. They seemed to be out for blood.
Even when the security guards tried to keep them at bay, they surged forwards, fighting back against the form that they were being kept in.
That was when the panic really began to set in for you.
The lights were suddenly becoming too bright. The questions too loud. Your senses were being taken over, you could hardly breathe.
It was then that you felt the first hand on your arm. A hand that was large and rough. A hand that was not Finnicks. And it pulled you back.
You flinched back suddenly in surprise, accidentally dropping your boyfriend's hand in the process.
That was how they found their opening.
Immediately, at least half of them pushed their way in between you and Finnick, separating you even further and just continuing to push you more and more away from him as you backed up with wide eyes full of fear.
The hand of a large, disgusting looking man was still gripped on your arm, and you gasped, quickly stumbling out of his hold.
You could only imagine the pictures they were getting of this. Of the famed Formula 1 driver being separated from his terrified and pathetic girlfriend that couldn’t handle the reporters on her own.
“How does it feel being Odair's girlfriend?”
“Do I hear wedding bells anytime soon?”
“I heard that you missed one of Finnick's races last week to go eat lunch with another man. Any comment?”
“Rumor has it that your last relationship didn't go well for you. Would you like to confirm or deny this?”
That last question hit too close to home and you flinched back violently. As if you had been struck.
Those words began bouncing back and forth in your head. Opening old wounds and bringing back memories you had tried so, so hard to push away.
It felt as if your lungs were collapsing. The lights were all blurring together. You didn’t know how much longer you could-
“Sir! We need to get you to the car!”
A voice. One you recognized as one of Finnick's security finally carried through, above the roaring of the crowd, and reached your ears. Instead of your boyfriend answering is guard, he was calling out your name at the top of his lungs.
Hearing it fall from his lips was like a breath of fresh air that you so desperately needed.
That was when you finally spotted him, forcefully pushing passed reporters with no regard for whatever expensive equipment they were holding or whether or not they were toppling into one another.
No longer was there a grin on his face, his eyes were void of that twinkle you loved so much. Instead, it was replaced with a look of desperation and worry, his lips pulled into a straight line.
You moved on shaky legs as you tried to clear the rest of the way towards him. Towards the safety of his hold.
Finally, he broke through the last of the reporters and immediately pulled you to his chest, wrapping his arms around you in a tight protectiveness that you couldn’t help but sag into in relief.
“Dove,” He breathed out in your ear, relief as evident in his voice as it was in your actions, “It’s okay, you’re okay now.”
You hadn’t even realized that you had begun crying until you felt the wetness of the tear stain you had left on his suit when you burrowed your face into his chest.
“Come on,” Very reluctantly, he passed you over to one of the older, kind security guard, and let him begin to lead you over to the car.
“Wait,” Your voice came out strained and cracked and you dug your heels into the ground, “What are you-“
Finnick turned on his heel, a look of raw anger resting on his face. It was a look you hadn’t seen from him. Not since you told him about your last relationship.
“What the fuck is your problem?” He roared at the entirety of the reporters, effectively silencing them for the first time. He had stunned them into silence. Never had he acted out like this in public. Ever.
“Why the hell would you ever think it was okay to do something like that?” Then his eyes narrowed in on one individual. The one that had pulled you away from him in the first place, “And you,” He seethed, marching right up to him and grabbing him by the collar, “Don’t you dare ever touch my girl again.”
With that, Finnick reeled his fist back, the man too dumbfounded to even react, and punched the man square in the jaw. A sickening crack following it.
A look of disgust accompanied the blond's face when he dropped the man and took a step back. Standing there for a moment and letting exactly what he had just done sink in.
Then, he turned on his heel to face you, and his features automatically softened and his shoulders relaxed, no longer in their stiff, tense position.
Quickly, he strode to you and wrapped his arm over your shoulders, tucking you into his side and gently leading you to the car.
Not a single reporter or paparazzi followed after him. Not when he shut the door harshly. Not when he informed the driver to speed away.
Finally, he turned to you, where you had sunken back into the leather seat and rested your head back, allowing your eyes to flutter shut.
“Oh, Dove,” He whispered, gently moving his hand forward and gingerly brushing a strand of hair out of your face.
You opened your teary eyes, “I’m sorry,” You choked out.
Finnicks eyes immediately furrowed, “No, no,” He said softly, “Nothing about that was your fault. Those assholes never should have done that.”
Your eyes widened upon realization of something and you shot up in your seat in panic, “Your hand.” You rushed out, quickly taking his larger one into your own hands and examined the knuckles that had just been used to knock a man unconscious.
The corner of his lips quirked up slightly at your concern, “I’m alright, Dove,” He reassured you, “Nothing a little ice won’t fix.”
You dropped his hand and began to nervously fidget with your own fingers, “Word of this is gonna get out fast. This won’t be good publicity.”
Gently, he took your chin between two of his fingers and lifted your face so that he could place a ginger kiss on your forehead.
Then, he looked you in the eyes, “I don’t care,” His voice was soft, but stern, “I don’t care the slightest bit. I probably still would have done that if they had only separated us. But he- he… touched you,” The words pained him to say, “I was not going to just let that go.”
“But-“ You tried to argue.
“No buts.” He cut you off with a shake of his head, “And as for the publicity, good. I hope everyone knows what will happen if they ever dare touch you, Dove.”
You stared into his devastatingly beautiful green eyes for a moment, searching for something- anything- that would contradict his statement. But when you found nothing, you just gently laid your head on his chest and let your eyes flutter shut.
“You’re okay, Dove, you’re okay,” He whispered, unconsciously running his fingers through your hair, seeming to try and convince himself more than you.
Taglist: none yet
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
One-Sided District 12!Reader x Peeta Mellark: Moon
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Summary: Now there really is nothing left, if you ever did have anything at all.
Rating/Tags: T (Peeta/Katniss (or one-sided Peeta/Katniss, depending on how you look at canon); implied Katniss/Gale; Katniss/Peeta/Reader; set during Catching Fire; pre-Reaping; childhood friendship; non-consensual kissing; not canon compliant; angst)
Challenge: “160 Collective Drabbles” challenge by BobaPop on Lunaescence Archives.
Notes: Yeah, I’m pretty sure this shouldn’t be set in winter, but I only ever read Catching Fire once and never watched the movie so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Tag List: @imaginesfire​​
No one ever said that life was fair. Long hours of grueling work, broken homes, stillborn babies, raging illness, and want of food were all commonplace in Panem’s District Twelve. Some families had it worse than others; your mother constantly reminded you of how well-off yours was compared to most. You understood. Really, you did. "Focus on the good and not the bad" was your life’s refrain–but how were you supposed to keep that up when your only consistent bright spot was fading away?
They knew. Your entire family knew: your parents and grandmother and your three little brothers. In the frizzy, flashing lights of the television set, they turned to stare at you, waiting, watching. You could feel their eyes on you, though you could not tear yours away from the screen. 
Again. It was happening again. You shouldn’t have had to deal with it once, let alone twice! Nausea and nerves battled in your stomach; your brain seemed stuck on that one word: Again. Again. Again.
“…thank God,” you heard your grandmother say, as though from a great distance. “That’ll keep the boys out of the Reaping for another year. Thank God.”
“Mother,” your father began, but you were already on your feet. 
Your fists shook at your sides. You could not scream. You would not scream. Grandma was right; the boys and you would be entirely safe for once. The fear of the arena could be put off for one more year. But at what cost? At what cost? 
You turned on the spot and headed for the door entirely in silence.
“Where are you going?” asked your mother.
“Out,” you snapped.
No one tried to stop you. They knew where you were going. You slipped outside into the frigid streets. The hullabaloo from earlier–and the announcement, you supposed–kept everyone else at home. All was quiet, except your thoughts.  Those raged back and forth between relief at your family’s safety and absolute despair at the reason behind it. 
Would you really trade the lives of yourself or your brothers in exchange for one boy? This boy? The boy that never in twelve long years had eyes for you? Maybe. Love was stupid like that. This love was stupider than all the rest. The very idea that you would give up the people that loved you for someone that never had--! The idea itself made your very skin feel hot enough that you hardly noticed you were shivering. You wished you could do something, anything, to change things. But you couldn’t. You were powerless.
You looked up. He was there. Peeta was crossing the snow-covered field between the Victor’s Village and the rest of town, and he did not have to ask why you were there. 
“You heard,” he said as he caught sight of the look on your face.
The moon lit up the snow surrounding him, making his hair glow gold. Peeta was so beautiful. He always had been. You had already thought that beauty lost once. How could you do it a second time? A sob burst from between your chapped lips. 
He blanched. Before you could do something to stem your sudden rush of tears, his arms were around you, his voice murmuring in your ear, “It’s okay. It’ll be okay.”
You shoved him away, breathing heavily. This was worse. Peeta comforting you was infinitely worse. Maybe he understood that much; he stayed a foot away to watch quietly as you tried to compose yourself. Eventually you could manage words: 
“You can’t go, Peeta.”
“I don’t think I have much of a choice.”
“Haymitch could go. He’s a Victor, too. It doesn’t have to be you.” 
Peeta said nothing, just stared at you with his forehead gently furrowed. There was pity in his eyes. And why shouldn’t there have been? You could hardly see him through the water stuck to your eyelashes and snot was freezing to your upper lip. Just as he had understood you well enough to know why you were coming to see him when you’d hardly spoken to him since he got home, you knew what Peeta’s silence meant. 
“You’re going to go either way, aren’t you?” you asked.
“I’m not going to let Katniss go back there al–”
“Katniss!” you shouted, and your voice seemed magnified in that vacant space. 
You were so damn sick of Katniss Everdeen. What had she ever done to Peeta except break his heart? Sure, she’d brought him back home, but only to distance herself and spend all her time in the woods with Gale Hawthorne doing who-knew-what. The Capitol ate up Katniss and Peeta’s romance, you got that, but why couldn’t he see how much she didn’t care? How much you always had? 
“Peeta, if you go out there again with her, for all I know you’ll end up married to her!”
Peeta’s face had slowly grown expressionless as you screamed. By then it was nothing more than a blank mask. “Probably.”
Your heart cracked in two. “Peeta,” you whispered. 
He was kind enough to let you press a mittened hand to his cheek. Everything that had been slowly falling apart since the seventy-fourth Games felt like it was now crashing down on you. Last year, you had cried yourself to sleep after the Reaping, certain that you would never see Peeta again. You couldn’t handle waiting for him to die a second time. 
“Run away, Peeta.”
He cracked a smile that looked about as broken as your heart felt. “You’re not the first person to suggest that to me today.”
His family wouldn’t. They didn’t care. Only one other person would have reason to tell Peeta to get away–and you refused to consider her input. 
You put your other hand to Peeta’s opposite cheek so that you were cupping his face. You were close, so close, close enough that your barely audible words passed steam across his nose and mouth. “We’ll go together. Please, Peeta, we can–”
“I’m not going anywhere without Katniss.”
“She doesn’t love you.”
“I know.”
The heat came back. You didn’t know who you were maddest at: Peeta for ignoring you for so long, Katniss for stealing him away by being everything you weren’t, or the whole Capitol for being the cause of all this to begin with. If you didn’t let the boiling in your chest out somehow, you were going to explode. 
In a manner of speaking, you did explode. Peeta was closer to you than he had been for months, and in your moment of fury, you didn’t care about being safe. You slammed your lips against his, moving one hand up to tangle in his hair. The kiss was wild, heated as the blood in your veins–but only on your part. Your partner froze for a split-second, then respond by trying to push you away.
“[Name]. [Name]! Stop! Stop!” 
At last you pulled away. The kiss might have only lasted for five seconds, but you were panting for breath. 
Peeta hastily began to press his hair back into place with his mouth half-opened. “Are you crazy? They’ll kill us.”
"They" was the Capitol, President Snow, the enforcers sent to District Twelve that very afternoon. Your newfound lack of caring still burned inside you so that you scowled at him through the silvery dark. “Are you concerned about your life?” you snarled. “Or hers?”
“How about your life? Do you think I want you to end up like Gale? Or worse?”
“What do you care about me? Katniss is all you care about. Run home to her, why don’t you? Make sure no one has dragged her from her bed!”
“You’ve been my best friend my entire life, [Name],” Peeta said. His voice had grown quiet again. He looked almost hurt at your suggestion that your long-established friendship didn’t matter–but suddenly you didn’t care much about that, either. You hurt all over, and you didn't mind if you made that hurt bleed onto everything and everyone around you. “Even if I don’t love you–”
“Katniss doesn’t love you, Peeta!” you cried as the chill in the air began to break through your armor of anger. The tears rushed from your eyes again. “She barely likes you. Why can’t you see that I–”
“You love me,” he broke in. His gaze became fixed on the prints your thin boots had made on the snow. Then he looked up and you saw that the pity in his eyes was gone. “I know. You’ve made that clear. You’ve made that clear a thousand times before tonight, [Name], and I’m sorry, but…”
He didn’t finish that sentence; instead, he started to stride backward the way he had come. 
You knew what he meant. It wasn’t that he had to protect Katniss. It wasn’t even that Peeta had to protect you. The only love Peeta had ever felt was for Katniss, and he was going to die for her even if she didn’t feel the same way. 
You reached out imploring toward him. “Peeta.”
“No,” he said again, and the tone of his voice told you how final his word was. Still, he blinked and paused. Once more you could see how sorry he felt for you, though it wasn’t sorry enough to get him to change his mind. “Stay home tomorrow,” he told you firmly. 
You opened your mouth to protest, but Peeta was already walking away again. 
One last sentence drifted back toward you on the chill breeze: “Stay safe.”
What’s the point? you wanted to shriek after him. But you couldn’t. The fire inside you disappeared entirely, put out by a sleet of anguish. Your voice was gone in the sobs now ripping from your throat. 
Peeta was gone. He wasn’t coming back. You were never going to see him again, except on television, except as a corpse on display. You fell back onto the snow and let yourself cry yourself hoarse in your darkening world. 
Soon, you would have to go back. You would have to go back home, and you would have to pretend that everything was okay. The trouble was now you would have to go about playing normal without Peeta–without the one thing in your life that had ever made you feel like things would ever be okay.
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thethreeeyed-raven · 2 months
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🕷️fluff | 🕸️angst | 🐈‍⬛suggestive | 🪦platonic
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⋆♱ Coriolanus Snow ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Finnick Odair ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Haymitch Abernathy ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Peeta Mellark ♱⋆
nothing yet
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@lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom • @fangsp1der-2099 • @knight-of-flowerss
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your-averagewriter · 7 months
Can I request a lil Sejanus Plinth hurt/comfort? Like comforting him from a really bad nightmare and soothing him back to sleep (in whatever form 👀 either just soft affection or some smorches.. or both..)
Thank you 🐝✨
Summary: When Sejanus wakes up from a nightmare, (y/n) comforts him with a warm drink and kisses.
Word count: 1.0K
Warnings: Spoilers for the book, kissing
I’m quickly roused from my sleep by a familiar voice and jerky movements. Blinking, my eyes readjust to the light and upon feeling the bed dip as Sejanus tosses and turns, a disturbed expression on his face, sleep-talking borderline shouting. My face fills with worry as I sit up, placing my hand on his shoulder with a soft voice.
“Sejanus, darling, wake up.” I whisper but it doesn’t do much. “Sejanus.” I shake him gently before speaking louder, seemingly snapping him out of his nightmarish sleep as he startles awake.
Looking around, his breathing is laboured as I can see the sweat beading on his forehead. With a face of worry, I scan over him, making sure he’s physically fine before speaking again.
“Same nightmare, again?” I ask softly, not touching him too much, not wanting to overwhelm or upset him.
He nods, solemnly, still calming his breathing as he sits up next me.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” I ask gently, brushing some of his hair out of the way. He shakes his head. “I can get you some water, or tea?” I whisper.
“You don’t need to.” He shakes his head, looking down slightly ashamed. “You do so much for me, love.”
“I like helping you and taking care of you.” I press a kiss to his forehead with a soft smile. “What’s happening to you at the moment is so horrible with the Games and Marcus, I just want to help you get through this. I want to help in any way I can.” I say, rubbing his shoulder, soothingly. “So, water or tea?” I ask again quietly.
“Tea.” He says, making me smile.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes. Don’t run off.” I tease lovingly before putting my slippers on and walking to the kitchen, yawning as I put on the kettle.
Putting the tea bags in the cups, I hum to myself softly as the kettle boils, not expecting to feel Sejanus’ arms around my waist. Gasping softly, I turn to look at him, relaxing at the sight of his face.
“You can wait in bed.” I offer, reaching for the kettle. “I’ll be done in a minute.”
“It’s lonely in bed by myself. I’d rather be where you are.” He whispers, resting his head in the crook of my neck, placing soft kisses to my collarbone.
“Okay, love.” I smile softly, stirring the tea and removing the tea bags before adding some milk. “Do you want to go back to bed now?” I ask softly and I feel him nodding.
His arm slips around my waist and he reaches for his tea, as I grab mine before we head back to the bedroom.
We get back into the bed, sitting up and sipping on the tea in a comfortable silence.
“Do you want to talk about it now?” I ask gently and he seems to think about it.
“There’s not much to talk about…” He trails off, taking another sip. “I just can't stop seeing him, everywhere. I see him in my dreams, I pass him in the street.” He says and scrunches up his nose, knowing that Marcus died. “And I know that sounds crazy-”
“It doesn't sound crazy.” I reassure with a small smile, reaching for his hand, holding onto it and gently rubbing over his palm with my thumb. “You’ve been through a lot.”
“He’s everywhere.” He says, voice breaking. “And things are only going to get worse.”
“Baby, you don’t know that.” I try to reassure in a soft tone. “Things will seem better in the morning, you should get some more sleep.”
“I don't want to see him again and I don’t want to wake you up again.”
“Sejanus, I am here for you and I always will be.” I whisper. “I’m not leaving your side tonight, not ever. I’ll be here if you have another nightmare and I’ll make us some more tea and we can talk or not if you don’t want to.” I smile, stroking my thumb over his hand.
He nods softly, placing his empty cup on the side as we both lay down again, him pulling the covers over ourselves. Shuffling closer to him, I wrap my arms around his torso, as he slings his arm over my body. I look up at him and press my lips against his, pulling back with a small smile.
“I love you.” I whisper.
“I love you too, I don’t know why you put up with me but I’m glad you do.” He whispers with a small smile.
“I ‘put up with you’ because I love you, dummy.” I tease playfully. “Because you care about me and everybody for that matter, you’re a great friend and a loving boyfriend, you’re funny and intelligent and I love you so so much.” I smile, resting my head on the pillow. “And you're not getting rid of me anytime soon.” I punctuate the end of my sentence with another kiss which he deepens, chasing my lips before I was going to pull away. Moving my arms, I wrap them around his neck, pulling him closer, our bodies pressed against each other before he pulls away, needing to catch his breath for a few seconds.
“I don’t know what to say except that I love you so much.” He chuckles. “I love you.” He grins, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
I chuckle softly. “I’m glad we’re on the same page.” I smile, resting my head against his chest, listening to the soothing sound of his heartbeat.
“Definitely.” He whispers, placing a kiss to the top of my head before resting his head there.
“Remember,” I say quietly, breaking the silence of the room. “If you have a nightmare, wake me up if I’m not already awake.”
“Okay, love, if that’s what you want.” He chuckles softly and I smile feeling the vibrations from his chest.
“Mm, it is.” I smile. “I hope you sleep well, baby.” I whisper.
“You too.” He places a final kiss to my head before laying down, the room soon filling with the familiar sound of his breathing, slow and deep signalling that he’s fallen asleep, reassuring me as I later fall asleep, head resting on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as I drift off to sleep in his arms.
AN: I hope you enjoyed reading!
Thank you for the request!
I'm so excited for the movie to come out!
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gtgbabie0 · 5 months
The Hunger Games Masterlist
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Finnick Odair-
Finnick says those three special words
Sweet giggle
Reuniting with Finnick
Peeta Mellark-
Katniss Everdeen-
Returning home
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posionhaze · 17 days
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previous part
❥ summary: having to be with an old flame in the 75th quarter quell doesn’t exactly go to plan
pairing: finnick odair x fem! victor reader
warnings: brief sexual allusions | nothing else I don’t think
genre: ???
❥ words: 2.6k
notes: I totally could’ve written more butttt I hope you like it!!
You take a step out from the elevator- hearing cheers from the audience waiting for the tribute parade to start.
Walking past the peacekeepers you grow nearer to the chariots but stop at the sounds of following footsteps.
You lift your head up and look behind- meeting the eyes of the boy from district 12, Peeta was his name.
This was the boy who was with Katniss?
You notice that the boy, Peeta, walks towards you, smiling his charming, if a bit dimpled, smile.
“Mind if I talk with you for a minute? Before we go out there for the parade?” He asked you, nodding to the chariots behind him.
You glance back towards the chariots- spotting Finnick and Katniss talking. Right, you had a plan to stick to.
Turning towards Peeta you give him a smile, “Sure, Katniss won’t mind?” You say a hint of sarcasm.
You believed that they did truly love each other- Katniss and Peeta, but Finnick wasn’t sure.
He smiles again, a bit awkwardly this time, as he glances to the side of the chariots where Katniss and Finnick talk to each other.
“Ah,” He says with a bit of hesitation in his voice. “Yeah, no, I’m sure she’d be okay with it”
“Good..” You say, eyes shifting around, “You both are lucky, you and Katniss..” You mutter out, eyes finally meeting his.
You knew he didn’t know what you meant by that, you knew he had no idea what you and Finnick were forced to do.
He smiles again, and this time it's a bit more genuine, more real, and his head tilts a little to the side as he thinks of a response.
“Uh, yeah,” He replies, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. “Lucky, yeah…”
He lets out an awkward cough, “Are you and Finnick…?” He trails off, letting the question linger for a moment. He doesn’t seem to be asking in an accusing sort of way, more of a curious one.
You let out a chuckle at that, looking away from him once more. You can feel a smile grace your lips, “That’s something complicated I’m afraid..”
Peeta nods understandingly, “Ah. I see…”
He looks off to the side, awkwardly, unsure as to what to say next. After a moment, he turns back to you, a gentle, curious smile on his face.
“You really care about Finnick, don't you?” He asks thoughtfully, gently.
“You really care about Katniss..” You say with a soft smile, not wanting to give anything entirely away, “I wish you the best of luck Peeta..”
Turning away you lock eyes with Finnick who gives you a grin. You get over towards yours and Finnick chariot.
“They certainly didn’t hold back with our outfits..” You mumble out, Finnick and you almost matching.
He lets out a laugh, his blue eyes looking over your outfit for a moment- before a smirk tugs at the corners of his lips and he looks up at you.
“You look ravishing, doll..” He comments, leaning in a bit, and placing a small and quick kiss on the side of your head.
You smile at his words but don’t say anything in response, you can feel his arm wrap around your waist as the houses start to move- rolling the chariots out for the parade.
He pulls you closer to his side, his body close to yours.
The sound of the drums echo through your ears, and the cheers are loud and overwhelming.
You try your best to smile, and Finnick does the same- putting on that charming and alluring charm with the cameras.
“Smile, beautiful..” He whispers into your ear, “We gotta put on a show.”
“I know Finn..” You whisper back, raising a hand to wave at the crowd with a smile.
“Johanna! It’s great to see you..” You say, an instant smile forming as you hug her, given the chance to talk to other tributes at the end of the parade.
“Y/n!” Johanna greets you with a smile, taking a quick once over of your outfit.
“Damn! They really put some effort into your clothes, huh?” She says, a smirk on her face. “I’m pretty sure my stylist is begging for me to kill them.”
You let out a chuckle at Johanna’s comment, her outfit definitely did represent her district- it just wasn’t very flattering.
“You make it look good Jo” You say with a smile.
She takes a step back, “Yeah I hope so!” She responds back sarcastically, hands on her hips as she poses for a moment.
She looks behind, her smirk widening with humor as she watches Finnick interact with a few other tributes from various districts.
You narrow your eyes at her, “What is it?”
Johanna looks back at you, a suggestive expression on her face.
“You two have been spending an awful lot of time together..” She comments, wiggling her eyebrows at you in a suggestive manner.
“It’s nothing Johanna..” You say, eyes flickering from hers towards Finnick.
Johanna rolls her eyes at your words, “You’re a shitty liar, doll..” she says.
She glances past you, eyes locking onto the figure of Finnick as he converses with some of the other tributes.
“The both of you aren’t exactly good at being subtle..” She says as she looks back towards you.
You let out a sigh, “Just don’t mention it to anyone else..”
“Relax Y/n,” Johanna remarks with a smirk, folding her arms. “I don’t plan on blabbing to anyone about your love affairs.”
She pauses for a moment, glancing back towards Finnick. “How long has it been going on?”
“Uhm..almost a year” You say softly, “He’s just been there for me..”
She looks at you for a moment, before her smirk returns and she lets out a snort, “Sure he has.”
She pauses for a moment and glances back towards him once more, “He’s been in you, I think that’s the correct answer”
“Johanna..” You say with a groan, “It’s complicated..”
In a sense it was complicated- neither of you had confessed to any feelings, but the looks and touch’s proved there were feelings.
Neither of you had mentioned anything to anyone, but if they looked close enough it was obvious.
Neither of you had actually accepted the fact that it was happening again.
She bursts out in laughter, unable to contain her humor from your reaction.
“He’s so whipped for you…It’s almost disgusting.” She lets out, taking a moment to catch her breath as her laughter slowly dies down.
Johanna then gives you a serious look, her brow slightly furrowing, “But if he hurts you…I’ll kick his ass. Understand?”
“Of course”
You glance around at all the other tributes training their skills, there weren’t really any good alliance options, not unless you wanted to join the careers.
You spent most of the time with Wiress and Beetee, despite the apparent disdain Finnick held against them.
Mindlessly you stand at a station weaving together and making a fish hook, “Not interested in training?” You hear a girl call out, glancing up you lock eyes with Katniss.
“Seems like you and Peeta took an interest in me..” You hum out, “Honestly I don’t want to be here- I’m sure you don’t either..”
Katniss gives you a small yet sad smile, “You got that right…”
She gives a look towards Peeta, who was training over at another station before her gaze returns to you.
She lets out a small sigh, “So, I think..that we could both help each other out…”
“In what sense?”
She shifts at the tone of your voice, “You can show me how to make a fish hook and I can show you how to shoot..”
You let out a small chuckle at her offer, “Oh I already know how to use a bow don’t worry..but I can show you how to make a fish hook..”
She raises an eyebrow at your words, tilting her head to the side slightly to get a better look at you.
“You know how to use a bow?” She questions, her voice laced with curiosity.
She shifts next to you, watching your fingers move as you make another fish hook, “That and a spear yes..”
Katniss’ eyes trail over your fingers as they expertly weave the fishing hook.
“Where’d you learn that?” She questions, eyes still trained on your fingers, her curiosity growing.
“I’m from district 4 and Finnick was my mentor..” You say with a hum, “Put the pieces together and it all adds up..”
Her gaze shifts from your fingers as she processes the information you just gave her- making the connection. Her eye widen slight in realization, and her head shifts slightly towards you.
“So..is Finnick..” She trails off, not needing to finish her question for you to understand what she meant to ask.
“That’s not something you need to be worried about..” You mutter out, your eyes looking up to meet hers.
Her eyes stay locked with yours, and she pauses for a moment before talking, “You two are close..aren’t you?”
It wasn’t really a question, she seemed to have already assumed the answer, her head tilting slightly to the side as she awaited your answer.
“You and Peeta seem close..” You reply, not looking away from her.
As you both stare at each other there’s a mutual recognition formed between you both.
Could you two be friends? No, probably just allies.
“Finnick?” You ask, head resting against his chest, “Do you think they love each other? Now that we’ve been around them..”
He lets out a soft hum at your question, his fingers trailing along your skin as he spoke, “Peeta seems to love her..”
He pauses for a moment, before continuing, “..but Katniss..I don’t think she has fully realized it..”
“Yeah, that would make sense” You reply, thinking about the two young adults from district 12.
“Are you nervous?”
“Don’t be nervous..you’ve already been through this..” Finnick mutters out lowly, holding your one hand in his.
“It’s just a score..really it doesn’t matter” He adds on, watching Beetee get up to be assessed by the gamemaker and others.
“Finn..it kind of does” You say, your eyes also following the retreating figure of Beetee.
Finnick let out a slight hum of disagreement as he leaned in towards you, placing his lips on your temple.
“It’ll be okay, doll..” He said softly. His thumb brushes along the back of your hand, rubbing gently against the skin.
He could tell you were nervous, there was no way you could hide that from him.
“District 4. Y/n L/n, report for individual assessment”
You slowly get up, feeling Finnick give one last squeeze to your hand.
You walk down the corridor, watching the door slide open you spot two peacekeepers. Your eyes are immediately drawn to Plutarch and a few others standing up there watching and waiting.
What were you going to do? What could you do?
You let out a soft breath, eyes filtering around the room, trying to find something. Actually, why bother?
“You didn’t do anything?” Finnick says, repeating the words you had just said.
“I don’t know! I don’t know Finnick!” You say, frustration starting to form, “Neither of us want to be here so why bother?”
His eyes stay locked with yours for a second before he reaches forward, his hands cupping the sides of your face as he pulls you in.
His lips met yours and the kiss was soft and tender as he kissed you.
You melt into his touch, being consumed by the feeling and thought of him.
Finnick slowly pulls away from you, “It’s okay..” He whispers out, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Thank you Finn..” You whisper back with a smile.
There’s a small smile that tugs at the corner of his lips at your reaction. His eyes lock with yours, “No need to thank me, princess..”
You tug at the dress adorned on your body- one that was so similar to Finnicks own outfit.
Shifting in place you wait for your own interview with Caesar, despite the situation you did quite like him, he was certainly a unique character.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the Capitol Doll…Y/n L/n, victor of the 66th Hunger Games!”
Letting out one last breath you walk out with a smile on your face, hands wavering towards the crowd- you let your eyes wander up towards the few other victors who went before you.
“So lovely to see you again Y/n!” You hear Caesar say, a smile etched on his own face.
“It’s amazing to see you too!” You say, moving to sit in the chair next to his, “I’m so happy to be here with you all!”
As your hands make contact with the arms of the chair you sit down- crossing your legs over the other.
With a bright smile plastered on your face you glance over to Caesar, his gaze is locked on you- excitement gleaming in his eyes.
“The Capitol is just buzzing to watch you!” Caesar greets with excitement, taking in your outfit.
“Well, I’m certainly happy to accommodate!” You say with a laugh, placing a hand on his arm.
The crowds and audience are eating it up and Caesar flashes you a smile.
“With your beauty and charm..how could they not be so excited?” He remarks, chuckling slightly at his comment.
“You flatter me Caesar!” You respond with a bashful smile.
He lets out another laugh, a look of humbleness spread across his face.
“Oh my! I just tell the truth!” He comments, hand resting on the top of his heart.
“Anyway, tell us dear, how have you been?”
“Well I’ve certainly been better, it’s a shame really that we had to meet again under these circumstances, but I’m trying to look at the bright side of things!” You say with a smile- a fake one if anyone paid great attention.
He flashes you a sympathetic smile, his eyebrows scrunching together as he nods gently in understanding.
“Of course…” His tone softening just a bit as he speaks, “I know the feeling.”
He then takes a breath, placing a smile on his face once more as he turns back towards the cameras, “Now, let’s get on to our questions!”
“Of course!”
“Now my favorite question..” He remarks, turning back towards the audience.
“Do you have anyone special back in district 4?” He questions with a smile, his gaze shifting back to the audience to soak up their excitement.
A small smile forms on your face, “Unfortunately..yes I do..”
Excitement immediately spreads around the Capitol’s audience and a knowing smile forms on Caesar’s face.
“Oh?” He inquires in surprise, tilting his head to the side slightly, “Who is the lucky person?”
“Well Caesar..I’m not one to kiss and tell” You say with a smirk, eyes flickering towards the cameras.
The audience erupts into cheers as you finish answering the question- it’s exactly what the capitol loves.
A smirk forms on Caesar’s face at your answer, enjoying the audience reactions as they cheer.
After a few more questions it’s finally Finnicks turn, you get up from your spot, waving goodbye you walk the stairs towards the platform by the other tributes.
You silently watch Finnick walk out, the audience cheering and even screaming for him- and you couldn’t blame them.
“Finnick…I understand that you have a message for somebody out there. A special somebody.” Caesar says with a chuckle, looking from Finnick to the crowd.
You could see Finnick smile- one that you knew wasn’t all real.
“Can we hear it?” He adds on softly into the mic.
“My love, you have my heart for all eternity and if..if I die in that arena my last thought will be of your lips.”
Were Finnick’s eyes always looking into yours?
You stare back into his eyes- yours wide in shock. What was he doing?
“I love you”
notes: like I stated above previously i totally could’ve put in more but I’ll save that for another part!! let me know about any comments or suggestions!
I should get to work on another part to this and my requests soon! ☺️
❥ taglist: @hi-im-fan-trash @laylasshiftingtonight
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jahayla-parker · 2 months
💭Headcanon: send in a character and a scenario or type of reader to get a bullet point list of thoughts on it.
finnick odair and childhood friends to lover w the reader <3
Ahhh Elll 😭 you want me to do bullet point Headcanons for this? I could do a whole fic on this 😭 he’s so precious and this is so cute
Okay, okay, here we go…
Finnick Odair Childhood Friends to Lovers Headcanons
“You”= reader cause it felt more natural that way lol
Finnick had a crush on you since you guys were little.
He’d always invite you to go with him to the beach in order to spend time together.
You guys would build sandcastles together
And he would help you collect pretty shells, loving the sweet smile it reliably brought to your face
He was the one who taught you how to swim.
Finnick was so proud when you picked it up so easily.
He was always so protective of you and he knew being able to swim would keep you safe
When reality hit, he was always so worried about your and his names being called for the reapings each year
He would always try to calm you before the event, saying how he just knew your names wouldn’t be called; even if he didn’t believe it himself.
His eyes would always look for you in the crowd during the ceremony and let out a breath of relief when you both managed to make it through another reaping.
He found himself being jealous when male classmates showed interest in you
But little did he know, he had no reason to be jealous for you’d developed feelings for him as well
Finnick was always there for you wherever you needed him.
Sometimes it was issues with your family.
Others times it was stress about the fact that the District Four residents training for the games was a daily reminder that you two could be torn apart by the Capitol should one of your names be called in the annual reapings.
Sometimes it was just hormones or other issues.
It didn’t matter, Finnick was always there.
And you were always there for him.
It was perfect.
Finnick debated about telling you his feelings multiple times.
But the sweet boy always panicked.
He loved you too much to risk losing you.
He was fine with the way things were, as long as he was able to have you in his life, things were great.
That is, until his name was called at the young age of 14.
To say you were distraught would be an understatement.
You threw yourself in his arms the moment you were allowed in the visiting room at the city hall after the reaping.
Finnick was trying to be strong for you, but he was of course terrified and he knew you knew him well enough to be able to tell.
You vowed to watch over his family
But Finnick made you also promise to stay safe and to follow any orders from The Peacekeepers who always stayed in town during the duration of the games.
You both exchanged countless other promises and words of support
You made Finnick promise in exchange that he’d win and return to you
Yet, you couldn’t help but feel like you were losing him.
Your fear and heartbreak led you to take a leap you never thought you’d do
You cupped Finnick’s crying face in your shaking hands and told him that you loved him.
You nervously confessed that you didn’t mean as just friends.
You felt bad for telling him this now.
But Finnick had to know. Should something happen, he had to know that he was loved.
As you began to apologize for the timing but explain yourself, Finnick cried and whispered to you that he loved you too
You two shared a short but passionate kiss just before the Peacekeepers entered to take him away.
You screamed and fought against the officers as they pulled the boy away
But with one pleading look from Finnick, you stopped and sniffled as you watched him be lead out of the room, away from you.
The games were excruciating.
For both of you
Finnick hated what he had to do in the arena
But he was motivated to make it back to you.
To keep his promise to you that he’d return
To be able to finish what had finally started between you two after his reaping
You were devastated as you watched your sweet boy suffer
You never watched the games before.
And you absolutely hated watching these games
Yet you couldn’t take your eyes off of the screen
Day and night you could be found watching the screen
Searching for Finnick and watching over him as he sleep
As if you could somehow keep him safe from this far away
Your heart broke for him each time you watched his reactions to having to take the life of another victor.
You were astonished and confused by the gifting of the trident from a Capitol resident.
You knew no one had gotten such an extravagant or deadly gift during the games before
You were relieved in that it would help keep Finnick safe
But there was this sensation that something was off, wrong, and you couldn’t shake it.
When Finnick won the games, you were balling your eyes out
You foolishly ran to the train station to wait for him the moment the games ended, unable to wait patiently
Only for your and Finnick’s loved ones to remind you that he would have to be paraded around The Capitol and the other Districts for a bit first
But you were still tempted to stay there until you saw him get off the train
Until you knew your eyes didn’t deceive you
Until you knew he was alive and safe (little did you know what was about to happen to poor 14yr old Finnick)
But you recalled your promise to him that you’d be safe, and staying alone at the train station for days on end wouldn’t be fulfilling that promise
When it was time for him to return, you were there bright and early.
The moment he stepped off the train, his eyes were on you.
Little did you know he had been looking through the window for you the moment the train pulled into the station
But, he wouldn’t let you show your feelings to him right now.
He’d already been confronted by Snow
He wasn’t going to take any risks when it came to your safety.
Even if that meant he had to break your heart by being distant
It was made a tiny bit easier by his shame of what he’d done during the game, he knew he wasn’t the same boy you’d fallen for and he worried you’d change your mind after knowing what he’d done in the games
Even if you hadn’t, you would if you found out what he now had to do
But he couldn’t tell you
He couldn’t stand to see you fall out of love with him
Couldn’t risk you finding him as disgusting as he now felt
And he couldn’t risk telling you his situation knowing that Snow told him to keep it a secret
But if he allowed you to embrace him and hold him right now, the way he wanted, needed, he knew Snow could and would use it against him.
If he ever even accidentally stepped out of line, he knew Snow would use you to punish him
So as much as it broke his heart to see the confusion and look of heartbroken rejection in your eyes, he continued to subtly shake his head at you as he walked through the crowd that had gathered to see his return
You watched in despair as everyone fawned over Finnick.
You could see the pain in his eyes
But you seemed to be the only one who noticed it
Everyone else saw him as the proud shiny new victor, even his own mother. (A/n: his dad is said to be deceased in his wiki but his mom is still listed as alive but that’s all unclear)
But it didn’t matter that you saw the actual hurt because he hadn’t let you even approach him.
You were too heartbroken to even be angry
You’d been so worried about him and couldn’t wait to see him again
Yet it felt like he’d forgotten everything that happened before he’d left
And you felt guilty for even being upset by that
After all, he’d just gone through hell in the games
Of course he had other things on his mind
But you couldn’t help but be heartbroken about the dynamics of his return
After all, even if you’d not kissed him and confessed your love to each other, he was still your best friend
Or at least he had been when he’d left
And yet now he didn’t seem to want you around.
Yet you stayed, unable to part from him even if you couldn’t actually be close to him
After a few hours of sulking as you stayed off to the side as Finnick met with various District Four residents, including plenty of girls who suddenly were batting their eyes at him, you pulled yourself together and left
Finnick felt like the worst person in the world
Especially seeing your face whenever he had to pretend he was interested in the girls who kept approaching him
When he was finally allowed to go to his new home in Victor’s Village, he snuck away to find you
He went to your house, only to find you weren’t there
He instantly began to worry that he messed up somehow and Snow had already followed through on his threats
So he ran, literally ran, to the one place he thought you might be
And he practically collapsed in relief when he found you sitting there, staring out at the rough waves
Finnick had approached you that night
And while you were still upset about earlier, you couldn’t help but pull him into your arms as you both cried.
You didn’t have it in you to talk about the elephant in the room, not wanting to hear him tell you he’d realized there were far better girls he could be with and no longer wanted to be with you
But Finnick’s guilt was eating at him.
You’d stayed the night, at Finnick’s request, the just night only to wake up to him having nightmares.
As such, you’d been staying with him each night since he got back, holding him and comforting him through the aftermath of the games
And while he cherished the support, it made him feel even more guilty about his secret and about not explaining himself
But he selfishly couldn’t risk losing your support so he kept it in
That is, until one day he’d returned from a trip to The Capitol and didn’t see you in his new home
He ran the length of the coast trying to find you
He’d reluctantly returned to his house in Victor’s village that night and broke down in tears as his eyes landed on your sleeping frame as you rested on his couch
Upon hearing his sobs, you woke up and practically flung your half-awake body over the edge of the couch to get to him.
You had known something was going on. You knew him too well. And you knew that other victors didn’t return to the Capitol as frequently as he did. And you knew he wasn’t quite himself whenever he’d get back. You knew it took a few days for your Finnick to return. Even after he’d work through a lot of the aftermath of the games. But after no answer the few times you’d asked, you decided not to press.
But you couldn’t take that route anymore. Not when he was sobbing in your arms and holding onto you like his life depended on it.
After a lot of supportive encouragement, Finnick finally explained what Snow had forced him into.
You were downright livid.
Finnick felt horrible and couldn’t stop apologizing for what he’d done
You had reassured him for hours on end that you weren’t upset, mad, hurt, disappointed, disgusted, or any of other self-deprecating thoughts he’d feared you were feeling towards him.
It had taken a long time and lots of conversations for you two to figure out how to move forward
You wanted to go after Snow and it took everything in Finnick to convince you not to.
Meanwhile, Finnick worried he wasn’t worthy of being with you because of what he was having to do, and it took everything in you to convince him that it didn’t change how you saw him and that should he want a relationship, it didn’t mean he would be being disloyal to you
It took some time, but things slowly began to return to normal… or, closer to the way they were before his reaping, apart from that you were now officially together
Finnick kept the change in dynamics of your relationship as private as possible so Snow wouldn’t realize you became more than close friends.
But he was still the sweetest boyfriend ever
There were undoubtedly hard times wherever he had to leave
And he felt so guilty and disgusting when he returned
But with your help, he was able to feel like himself again each time
I could keep going but there’s a million different ways I could take it and it would be more of a fic at that point haha so I’ll conclude it there 💙
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itsbuckytm · 5 months
Masterlist - Hunger Games Stories
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I finally was able to make a Masterlist of my stories for our love of The Hunger Games series especially TBSOAS here is a few that I have written for thus far. XOXO'
Reaper Ash:
Love and Temptations
Capitol's Love Birds
Sejanus Plinth:
Lost Souls
Coriolanus Snow:
Little Bird
Envy and Passion PT. 1
Envy and Passion PT. 2
Coriolanus Snow ft. Sejanus Plinth :
Cherry Red
Coriolanus Snow ft. Treech :
A Lumberjack's Love Story
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percabething · 2 months
when the fandom is so small that everybody knows everybody
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