#i did a month by month look back on twt for myself instead..but even that doesn't express the quantity of comic-based stuff..
lunarharp · 6 months
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figured i'd do this again..bit early i guess..
#to cheer me up.. i feel bad atm.. these things don't even make me feel very good tho bc i'm such a narrative/sketch-based artist..#but Proper Beautiful Finished Pieces are what grab attention and look good at the end of the year all neatly lined up lol.....#so looking at a “yearly review” where i can only choose 'the best image of the month' (??) is like...What have i even been doing...#i did a month by month look back on twt for myself instead..but even that doesn't express the quantity of comic-based stuff..#that i do put a lot of time/heart into..but alas i feel bad bringing even them back..RTing/reblogging my own art simply feels bad lol..#AND WHY IS IT ALL B&W...trying to accept that i LIKE doing that and sketching and scribbling..not like i'm trying to like..Get Artist Job..#this year was so profoundly lonely at times bc i spent all my time drawing instead of socialising and trying to find friends....#please please please have achieved more of your dreams in the future so you can look back at 2023 and think..#It was good that happened so that it got me further to the future. Or whatever i guess.....................#regardless i did have a great amount of fun drawing and improving this year and dwelling deeply & heavily on witch hat atelier.#art-wise and emotionally....march july & september were the best months i think..AUGUST WAS SO WEIRD SUMMER IS SO EVIL ALWAYS.#thank you very much if you are reading this for enjoying & leaving nice tags & such like <3 i've realised how fulfilling that is to receive#really keeps me posting stuff here instead of keeping it all to myself in my head#i wish everyone in this world could have a safe and happy end of year. i wish living in this world were easier
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milo-is-rambling · 6 months
Milo sex brain issues timeline :
Age 11 - my laptop gets taken away from me (by my mom) bc I was looking at porn and self harm instagram accounts
Age 12 - wattpad ao3 fucked up fanfic ruined my brain. Also got catfished by a grown man and my mom found out (thru reading my texts) before I did. Then we never dealt with any of the shame or guilt it just festered in me forever. I see the catfisher threatened suicide before my mom takes my phone away from me completely for like a month.
Age 13 - had a girlfriend and we fucked regularly. Sometimes when I didn’t want to. I thought it was fine bc at least I was wanted.
Age 14 - I break up with girlfriend and she threatens suicide. I spiral. She doesn’t kill herself. Instead becomes friends with all of my friends (except Millie ❤️) and I end up isolated as fuck and hating myself
Age 15 - more depression spiral. Back to fucked up fanfic. This time writing it. Also porn is back but more violent and kinky.
Age 16 - Covid times. Full spiral mental breakdown just bc of existing. Drops out of high school.
Age 17 - move to Florida. Have to sort and pack up all of the shit from my past including everything my ex girlfriend had ever given me.
Age 18 - nsfw twitter account made. Rocking the self hatred and god complex simultaneously. Makes a discord group with other nsfw twt mutuals. My dad dies suddenly. I have to drive to his funeral in Maine. On the road I meet and fuck one of my twt mutuals. The whole friend group falls apart before I’m even back to Florida. Spiral.
Age 19 - fucks a 41 year old man without protection and he cums in me without any warning. Have to take plan b for the first time. Also my first time with a cis guy irl. Not a fan.
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ladyloveroll · 5 months
lately the hate has been coming back. probably over the past few months. maybe its the holidays. maybe its my growing impatience.
but i had to do something to distract me back in october. and to see that it only got me three months is hard to take. i start my grad program next month and i am HANGING onto the hope that itll distract me long enough to stop feeling so much rage.
i hate it here. i truly fucking do. every quarter, this goddamn state government does something that pisses me off so bad that it validates my decision to move. except that— i also won’t go through the struggle again. im not going to move to chicago and feel the squeeze of not being able to afford to live there. coming from such a “low cost of living” state is hard for me to imagine i could have enough to even survive in chicago (and i have a good job!).
i push it all down. i increase the dosage of my antidepressants. i bury my mind in fandom. i stop looking at TWT because i cannot stand to see dead Palestinian children or their people be lined up in front of a firing squad. i can’t deal with it. i feel so much guilt for being able to block it. i feel like “well I SHOULD witness these atrocities and DO SOMETHING about them” and then fucking lankford puts out a letter with deep deep sympathies for israel. and i feel so hopeless and angry and one time i got the courage to call his desk even though his aid was probably just going to roll their eyes and then that same day i ran over something in the road because THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING ON I-40! and then lost the drive. (i did email all the offices, but i know emails are weaker than phone calls)
i try to look to luffy. it sounds so idiotic but i do. the whole point of OP is doing something that seems impossible and despite the haters and the obstacles /you still try/. you try so very fucking hard with all your heart.
but i am so tired of trying and i haven’t even called the fucking representatives. it feels cowardly. i know it is hopeless.
i apply it to getting myself through grad school and moving the fuck away from this place instead. selfish, i know, but the other route just is. not. working. so perhaps i need to change gears.
i hope i dont fall back into drinking heavily again. instead I just take edibles ALL DAY LONG to numb. To numb. how is that any better other than the obvious health consequences. shouldn’t I be in misery too alongside the people who cannot just “turn twitter off”? survivors guilt is STRONG. hopefully my distractions are stronger.
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bleetingramz · 2 years
Hey guys, I just wanted to clear something up.
So earlier on twt, someone posted this:
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Now this is my drawing, and I had drawn and posted it last night, I was in call with one of my friends while I colored it, I am aware that the caption looks a little sus, however please read this whole post for the entirety of the context. I was so happy because I really liked how the drawing came out. However , ppl in the comments had other opinions:
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Now to clear up the misconceptions ab this drawing:
**these are the cannon! Dream smp characters**
*no ill intent was meant towards the Content creators*
*the reason that it looks “off” or “like the cc’s” is because the drawing shows them wearing their old Mc skins, (if u recall, Quackity’s old dsmp skin had him wearing a blue sweater and black pants, with white stripes. And Wilbur’s a yellow sweater with black pants.) however this was my way of drawing c! TNT duo pre-pogtopia arc. That is why quackity has his old skin/Wilbur has no gray overcoat. I personally do not see how this looked like the CC’s themselves, for a few reasons*
*I added RP tags because I knew there was a chance ppl wouldn’t understand and misconstrue it*
**this is probably the most important bit of all this, and it’s that I have a C!/cc Quackity DA. (Delusional attachment) meaning that i AM c! Quackity. (If you don’t understand or are confused, I’d advise you do some research, but here is a basic explanation:
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- i was simply drawing a comfort doodle/art of me and my boyfriend, that was it. I didn’t intend to make them look like the CC’s, I didn’t intend to draw “IRL ship art” and I did **not** intend to break boundaries. My biggest mistake was posting it publicly, I’m aware that if it was comfort art, I should have just kept it for myself. But it was late when I drew it, and I was incredibly happy w how it looked, so I wanted to share it.
- now to be fair to the OP who made that post, they had no idea that I had a DA, and deleted it after my friends had asked them to. However, I’m still incredibly hurt that they didn’t just dm me personally and sort it out instead of trying to call me out, I had nothing to hide, that’s why I posted it on main. The ONLY reason I had gone priv, was to avoid random ppl qrt’ing/saying nasty things. What’s funny, is that I have been drawing things like this (comfort art) for months. And none of my mutuals cared or said anything ab it until some rando posted it w a /neg caption, implying that I was breaking CC boundaries. (Which I did not intend, it was the characters.) only then did they comment those things, calling me a freak and whatever else, When they had been ACTIVELY interacting with my tnt duo artwork for nearly half a year.
Something similar, if not word for word, happened to a friend of mine back in fall of last year. People were absolutely disgusting in their dm’s and qrt’s, and continued to harass them even after they had apologized and deleted the artwork, it was never their intention to hurt the cc’s, just as it wasn’t mine.
-anyways, that’s all I really have in my defense.
I’m very sorry to anyone who I may have disappointed, or hurt, but to me it was harmless comfort art. I didn’t intend to do half the things everyone is saying I was. So please take anything u see with a grain of salt, and don’t accuse me of IRL shipping or breaking boundaries. But I can assure you this will not happen again, as I am most likely taking a permanent leave from maintwt, for real this time. And posting only on here or on Instagram, since I really don’t believe Twitter is a good platform for me to have, or even be on, for the sake of my mental well-being and health.
Thank you if you’ve read this far, expect to see me on here more often :]
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Let’s talk: Vlive Asks and comment/chat discussions
From @cottoncandykings​: Hello! As u probably know jimin just went live recently and again he mentioned mandaggo and discussing about doing it with tae. I just find it so weird though. I mean jimin keeps constantly mentioning it and its not like vminnies were begging or dying for a vmin live everyday even before jimin mentioned it last year. Even now most including myself dont really care that much ofc i m happy if they do one together. But the way jimin keeps mentioning it is so weird. Like surely if he wanted to do it so badly he could have talked to tae privately and arranged it by now. And if tae is the one that doesnt want to do it then idk why jimin is pushing it. But what was really weird to me this time was that he said there were lots of comments about mandaggo yesterday in zoom call and yet they didnt mention it yesterday but suddenly today without prompting he talks about it. I also hope no one spammed the zoom call chat or the vlive chat with requests for vmin live (i didnt see any) bcoz thats just unnecessary and demanding. I hope vminnies wont demand/ ask for another memeber when one of them is live. Its just disrespectful. This turned into a rant sorry. Do you think it was weird too?
Since Admin 2 can’t type their thoughts themselves, I’ll relay their thoughts to you instead, since they had more thoughts/opinions/ideas in regard to this than I do, to be honest.
Admin 2 is sure that there is a good chance that we will get a vmin vlive sometime soon, which I know contradicts their original opinion and post from a few months ago, but there’s a reason for it. During the zoom meeting between BTS and ARMY they noticed something I don’t think anyone else noticed, or at least neither of us has seen any vminnies mention it anywhere, which in conjunction with Jimin’s vlive today and saying how he’d talk to Tae about doing a mandaggo vlive again, as well as another observation a little while ago, leads them to this conclusion.
So, the observation from the zoom meeting. Basically at one point when the question of Jimin doing a vlive arose Tae looks at Jimin and then he nods while smiling which in turn makes Jimin smile as he turns away from Tae and back to face toward the camera before answering the question and saying how he’ll come visit us the next day. Which he did.
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Then the other observation from a while ago, this one being from their OT7 vlive celebrating their BBH100 #1 on June 29th where at one point Jimin says something but slips into satoori after which Tae encourages him to say that again but this time in the Seoul accent, so the way they actually should speak, which Jimin says isn’t difficult but he doesn’t actually end up repeating what he said.
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And lastly in today’s vlive Jimin mentioned how he’s using satoori quite often but that he isn’t all that good at doing it on command or at teaching it to others, which is something he’d have to do for mandaggo but I’m sure he’d manage just fine if the time came for it.
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Based on that Admin 2′s thoughts are basically that Jimin really meant it when he said, last year, that he’ll bring Tae around for a vlive, that it wasn’t a joke or a way to tease us with something he knew he wouldn’t be able to deliver, but rather that up until this point they weren’t quite sure how to do it. Which sounds a bit odd, I know, but what they mean is that if vmin were to just sit down in front of the camera and were supposed to just talk based on what the chat would give them, it would likely just turn out awkward and weird and no one, including them, would really have fun. Even more so when we take into account how idiotic the chat is during regular vlives so now imagine if those two were to do one together that’s just a casual chat. It would likely end up in disaster and honestly I wouldn’t wish it upon them to read all those awful comments that they would likely get, even worse ones than they already get normally, to be honest.
But now that the whole satoori thing was brought up, and Jimin actually mentioned mandaggo and wanting to bring it back after so many years, Admin 2 thinks that they must’ve finally figured out a solution to their problem, if you can call it that. Doing mandaggo would basically mean they would have an activity, something to do similar to how they did those ASMR videos for the Japanese Fan Club which were fun and cute, and so Admin 2 thinks that perhaps chances are we will finally get the vlive we’ve waited for so long (though like many others I’ve long given up the idea).
Another confirmation is that during his vlive today Jimin basically said that he only came by for a little while since they are quite busy and had to soon get ready for work with the other members but that he’ll return in two or three weeks for a more proper, longer, vlive. So, he could’ve treated today’s vlive as the promised one but instead he saw it more as a bridging one between the zoom meeting and the proper vlive he wants to do, so is it the farfetched to think that he had proper plans for a vlive, like doing mandaggo, but it just wouldn’t have worked out time wise today so he moved the actual vlive he wanted to make to a later date?
One last thing (well two actually) that has nothing to do with this question but Admin 2 wanted me to include it anyway is that one, have you noticed how Tae and Jimin were both on weverse around 3 am (until almost 4am (also both of them posting a comment to some post at 03:41 am KST)) one after the other (though with one day of a break in between them) recently and then also two, that Jimin was up until like 6 am (since he posted on weverse around that time) on the 8th and then during the zoom meeting Tae answered a question by saying that he’d been awake until 6 am the previous day (also the 8th) since he wanted to see the sunrise? Which is also something an anon mentioned to us. Curious, isn’t it?
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From anon: I request both admins to please post this ask. So jimin wwnt live today and one of the accounts on twt posted a screen cap of them commenting 'touch your hair if vmin is real' in the live chat and jimin's reaction to it. Now idk if it is an edit or real. No matter i just want to say its not ok to bring up ships in front of the members no matter which ship it is. We dont know the reality of their relationship so lets not make them uncomfortable. Its not a joke. Its not funny. Be respectful the members are real people.
(Admin 1 taking over from this point onward) This ask nicely ties into the last one that’ll be further down in this post since they cover a similar issue of sorts. But let’s start with this one asking about, essentially, vlive comments and the things fans ask/comment, which also ties in with the above ask as well.
The thing with the vlive chat, and especially comments/questions that are like anon said, questions or “commands/requests” about touch your hair if XYZ ship is real or cough twice if you love XYZ member or, likewise, comments such as where is XYZ member or what are the other members doing, unfortunately those have been a steady and unchanging part of the vlive chat since basically forever. It’s been an issue on and off with different intensities though I feel like it’s gotten worse again this year. Particularly if we look back at the vlive Tae did with Hobi and Yoongi and how essentially the entire chat was filled with comments related to Xkook and not much else.
If my memory doesn’t fail me we once even had a situation some years ago (2016) where the chat during Hobi’s vlive was so bad, as in so full of questions about that other members instead of him, that you could see he was upset about it and eventually he handed over the vlive to Jimin, whom the chat had requested Hobi to visit, and Hobi just left. And I can’t blame him for it since the chat must’ve made him feel like basically no one cared about him so what was even the point of him being there, right?
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Personally I’ve long given up looking at the comments during vlive because they just make me cringe and feel bad for the members, especially when I think back to vlives such as Yoongi’s D2 one last year where he was so excited to talk about the songs and the process of making the mixtape and yet so many of the comments were just unrelated nonsense and annoying request like speak english or can you say my name or say hello in XYZ language. If it makes me question why the people posting those questions are in the chat, why they are fans to begin with, imagine what the members must feel like, how discouraging that must feel like. After all they are musicians and yet so rarely do they get questions about that. Or rather they do get them but they are just drowned out by nonsense. Which is a shame. And also very disrespectful but any attempts that were made to remind people to be respectful, to remember their place as fans, to focus on the member that’s doing the vlive instead of asking about the others, and to keep ships away from the members have failed because some don’t care and will continue to not care.
From anon: what are your opinions on the Qs that were asked during that zoom meeting thing between BTS and ARMY?
Now I’d like to preface my answer to this last question by saying that by no means do my grievances come from a place of jealousy or anything. I’m very happy for all the ARMYs that won their spot, that they got to participate in the event and that BTS got to see ARMYs again even if only on screens and not in person still. No, my issue stems from something completely different, and I don’t want to say that the system chose the wrong people, because that would be mean and also who even knows how the winners were chosen, if it was pure luck or there were some actual criteria that went into the process, but the fact is that only a select 200 ARMYs got that spot out of however many that applied, so basically for some this was a once in a lifetime chance, right, even just getting this close to asking Bangtan a question and have really great chances of having them give you an answer while acknowledging you somewhat instead of just seeing pure words on a screen, you know what I mean?
Now imagine you are one of those 200 ARMYs and you get the chance to fill the chat with questions along with the other 49 participants of your session and you decide that asking questions such as what it’s like for Jimin to work as angel, if Namjoon ever broke a bicycle, or why JK smells the crowns of the other members heads? Or even worse, you decide to ask about JKs shower routine and in which order he washes his body? And sure, the “fault” doesn’t fall completely on the ARMYs alone, after all it’s the members who read out those questions and not some magical off screen entity, and since I wasn’t part of the event I can’t say with a hundred percent certainty that no one asked any “proper” questions, but if those were the questions that ended up being read out loud, is it that hard to guess that likely all the questions looked similarly? 
Which brings me to my main grievance of it all: have you forgotten that you are fans of musicians and not reality TV stars or vloggers/influencers? I know there were likely no rules for what questions you could or couldn’t ask (except for probably ones that were 100% about shipping or far too personal), but really, you get to ask your favorite band a question, something you might never, ever get the chance to do again, and your first thought isn’t to ask about their music but instead about some unimportant nonsense like the angel question or if they differentiate between the clothes they wear at home and those they sleep in? Like sure the angel one was kinda funny, maybe, and Jimin handled it in a cute way, I applaud him for it, but was that really necessary?
I know someone asked JK about Decalcomania, as well as Tae about his mixtape, and Yoongi/Jimin about Tony Montana (season 2), but other than that were there any other questions about their music? Perhaps I’m overthinking things, maybe I’m exaggerating and maybe I’m the only one who sees an issue with this, but if I would’ve won a spot, I’d rather have asked something about their process when writing lyrics or creating beats or how they prepare when learning new choreographies, what it’s like to be on tour (though perhaps that would be a mean question seeing as tours aren’t really something that’ll continue being possible for a while still), you get the point.
It makes me wonder if it was just bad luck or if it had something to do with how old the participants were (I saw some being as young as fifteen), which isn’t to say that teens can’t ask smart questions because they definitely can just like adults can ask stupid ones as well, but somewhere something, in my opinion, just went weirdly. And maybe that was the point of it all, for the event to be casual, funny, lighthearted, but my question then is when is the time for music discussions? For fans to ask those types of questions that actually have something to do with the boys careers? When even journalists aren’t asking them proper questions, ARMYs aren’t either, so what is the point of it all then?
Then again, after the event concluded and Seokjin came onto vlive he seemed so happy and excited, so maybe they had fun (I mean they seemed to have fun) and didn’t mind at all that the questions were lighthearted and silly, maybe I’m the one making mountains out of molehills. I don’t know, but anon wanted to know my thoughts/opinions, and this is them. Once again, I don’t mean to be mean toward the ARMYs that got rightfully in, that won, and I don’t want to insult them for the questions they asked, perhaps I just expected/hoped for something a little different? And perhaps I’m the only one. I don’t know. 
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kageruna · 3 years
☆.。.:* Kenma, Oikawa, and Tendou comforting their s/o .。.:*☆
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Warnings: Stress (school stress), anxiety, and friendship struggles (this one directly relates to me so I’m sorry if you can’t enjoy it TwT)
Genre: Fluff, some angst
Reader: Gender neutral
A/n: I’ve been going through some stuff regarding school, friendship, etc. and wrote out these headcanons to make myself feel better TwT. If you’re going through something like this, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you want to talk about it!! I would love to help anyone who’s in need feel at least a little bit better <3
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Kozume Kenma
➷ this week has been a really rough week in school
➷ and when i say really rough week, i mean really rough week
➷ you’ve been getting tons more homework than you usually get and there’s been a lot more projects and in-class essays that you had to work on/study for
➷ by the end of the week, you’re basically ready to sleep for 18 hours straight and not care about school or homework for a month
➷ it’s been really stressful
➷ a certain someone, however, noticed what you were going through and saw how much you’ve been struggling
➷ yes, his name is kozume kenma and he is your lovely boyfriend
➷ he’s in a different class/level as you so he didn’t get the assignments you had and received less work than you did that week
➷ every time you guys met up either before school, during lunch, or after school, he noticed the bags under your eyes and the look of absolute exhaustion in your eyes
➷ he felt terrible because he wanted to take that stressed look off of your face but no matter what he did, you seemed to still be struggling a lot
➷ so on friday after school, he organized a little stress-relieving hang out without you knowing
➷ you guys usually went to your own houses to change out of your school uniform and drop off your school bags before going to each other’s houses so you first went back to your own house before going to kenma’s
➷ he first made it seem like you guys were just going to hang out and cuddle or something but to your surprise, when you walked into his house, there were bowls of your favorite snacks and a faint smell of your favorite scented candle wafting through his home
➷ you widened your eyes when you first walked in and the little anxious smile on kenma’s face was ADORABLE
➷ you immediately hugged him and though he was shocked, he immediately wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you tightly
➷ “i know you’ve been really stressed out lately so i wanted you to relax today and to let go of it all”
➷ you damn near cried because you really didn’t think your game-loving introverted boyfriend would do something this caring for you
➷ he led you to the sofa where there were a bunch of blankets and snacks laid out in front of it with the tv pointer already hovering over your favorite show
➷ once you both sat down, he immediately wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest to cuddle while also reaching to grab a blanket to drape it over you two
➷ it was honestly really rare how forward and affectionate he was but he’s doing this all for you and that made your heart positively melt
➷ he started your favorite show and let you settle down with a bowl of your favorite snack in your guys’ laps
➷ this little surprise was just the thing you needed and you can’t believe how absolutely lucky you are to have such a caring boyfriend like kenma <3
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Oikawa Tooru
➷ today was,,,, not a great day to put it frankly
➷ you forgot your pencil for the test you had in your first class (you even showed up late to it too!), you accidentally took a book from your own personal stack instead of the needed textbook, you forgot your lunch at home, and you also accidentally got your shoes wet because there was a puddle next to the outdoor water fountain
➷ today was a terrible day
➷ on top of that, your boyfriend kept on getting distracted with different volleyball regimes he was looking at and interrupted your conversation twice because of his fangirls
➷ not even your closest friends could turn your frown upside down
➷ honestly, once school ended, you were ready to just go straight home without talking to anyone and read comfort books and listen to music that calmed you down
➷ however, before you could leave the school campus, oikawa ran up to you to ask if you wanted to hang out and go to the park and have a nice cup of hot chocolate while you’re at it
➷ at first you were confused because didn’t he have volleyball practice?? the same thing that caused him to get distracted from you??
➷ but then you remembered that it was only the first day of the week and his team didn’t have practices on mondays
➷ you first tried to refuse because i mean he was also one of the reasons why you were upset!!
➷ but he kept on whining and begging you to join him for a stroll in the park so you were basically forced to join him he’s so whiny and spoiled oh my god 🙄
➷ little did you know, he actually did notice you were in a bad mood and was actually trying to make you feel better by taking you out on a date
➷ sure, he did get carried away and didn’t necessarily cater to what you might’ve wanted from him but nobody is perfect!! he makes mistakes and isn’t a perfect person all the time too
➷ he wanted to make it up to you and take the other struggles you faced today off of your shoulders
➷ he grabbed your hand and led you to the little cafe next to the park to get yourselves some hot chocolate. he of course paid for you even though you downright refused but hey he’s just trying to make you feel better!!
➷ after you guys got your hot chocolate and headed towards the park, you started feeling a bit better
➷ the hot chocolate was of course warm and absolutely divine but you also noticed how no matter what, oikawa didn’t take his attention off of you and didn’t even talk about the things that annoyed you before like volleyball or his fangirls
➷ he was putting in effort to make you feel better and it warmed your heart 🥺
➷ as you guys walked around the park, he scooched you closer to him so that you guys could snuggle into each other’s warmth
➷ it was really sweet and the cup of hot cocoa made it sweeter <3
➷ when you occasionally looked up to him while having your conversation, he had the softest smile on his face which made you absolutely melt
➷ it felt so nice to have your boyfriend give you the attention you needed and to make you feel better after the hellish day of school and life
➷ and he felt so happy to have such a lovely s/o to spend these simple but sweet moments with and to be able to be there when you needed him <333
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Tendou Satori
➷ your friends,,,, yes your fun, loving, and absolutely precious friends
➷ they’ve been with you through thick and thin and you seriously would do anything for them
➷ but if that’s so, why would you feel so hesitant on loving them???
➷ they haven’t done a major thing that would cause you to hate them
➷ all you remember are those little lingering thoughts of anxiety and sadness that are most likely normal in every friendship no matter what
➷ how did it come to the point where you don’t know if you can spend the time and energy loving them as much as you used to???
➷ you’ve been dwelling on this for the past month or so and honestly, it came to the point where your friends along with your boyfriend could tell that something was up with you
➷ whenever they asked, you always responded with a lame excuse and even though sometimes it worked, a lot of the times they still had their doubts
➷ you still tried to act mostly normal with your friends and tried to act like there was nothing wrong with how you viewed them but day by day it was getting harder to come to terms with how you felt and if you really believed you loved them as much as you said you did
➷ it even came to the point where you started distancing yourself from them a little bit to come to terms with how you felt and to give yourself a break
➷ tendou was the most keen of your struggles and tried to read you to see if he could figure out the problem but even if he got it right, you would always deny it and say it was nothing
➷ today, he had enough of your evasive behavior and was determined to get to the bottom of whatever you were feeling
➷ of course he wanted to make you feel better but at the same time, he felt lonely and even started to partially blame your off behavior on himself
➷ i mean how could he not when you acted more hesitant about everything??
➷ the school day went about mostly normal and nothing out of the ordinary happened but while you were hanging out with your friends, tendou was trying to find ways on how to directly confront you
➷ by the end of the school day, he made up his mind and decided to just lead you to his dorm to have a heart to heart without any distractions
➷ so once school ended, tendou immediately told you that he wanted to hang out at his dorm that day and you quickly obliged though you were slightly shocked at how determined he was for such a simple thing
➷ he led you to his dorm and once you both settled into his bed while cuddling, he immediately cut to the chase
➷ “why have you been really hesitant lately? what happened?? did i do something to make you upset somehow?? and don’t try to evade it too, i want the true answer without any sugar coating”
➷ at first, you widened your eyes and took a bit of time to collect your thoughts. tendou waited patiently with his arms still wrapped around you in a comforting embrace
➷ he squeezed you a bit sometimes just to remind you that he was there and that he wouldn’t mind waiting for a long time for your answer
➷ once you gathered your thoughts, you started talking about how you felt about your friends. not the way you would describe them normally but the way you truly felt about them. the weird, lonely, almost heart-breaking feeling you felt since a while ago that you never bothered to mention
➷ he stayed quiet and listened while you vented and explained what you were going through and how you were truly feeling
➷ he slightly chuckled when you hurriedly told him that he wasn’t part of the problem and that he was as perfect as he could possibly be
➷ he squeezed you tightly and kissed the top of your head for that but let you carry on
➷ once you finished talking, there were little streams of tears running down your face with your boyfriend trying to wipe them away and comfort you as best as he could
➷ he didn’t know how exactly to deal with this because he never personally went through something like it but he made sure you knew that he was going to be there with you no matter what and that he would be a safe space whenever you needed someone
➷ his loving words and embrace made you cry harder as you felt a huge weight lift off of your chest once you finally talked about how you were feeling to someone, especially your boyfriend
➷ if he hadn’t been there for you and forced you to talk about how you felt, you truly wouldn’t have known what you would do and if you would eventually break later on
➷ you truly felt like the luckiest person alive with his arms wrapped around your warm body
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! Thank you for reading ♡
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stardustdates · 3 years
The lonely angel and the beast - Douma x reader
Scarstardust’s comment 1: aah I am so obsessed with Douma currently TwT I wish I had been here for him :( this is more of a fic than anything so I used she/her instead of you! Tho it’s very sad- please proceed with caution. Douma isn’t the villain in this btw!
Stardust’s comment 2: Honestly I even think this is the most fucked up pieces I’ve ever written. 
Stardust’s comment 3: Just finished writing. I feel terrible, but I’m proud  of my writing, I promise I’ll offer you all Douma fluff after that-
TW: dark topics, c//lt, s//lf h//rm, violence, mentions and detail of human s//crifice, ab//se of minor and adult. Reader discretion is advised. This is purely fiction and should not be romanticized or seen in a positive light.
Let the date the sacrifice begin.
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A lonely angel. That’s what the leader of the Scarlet church was defined as. While the world saw her as a symbol of purity she could only notice her own tainted soul. 
The members of the church often wondered why so much of her time was spent in the bathroom. Perhaps she really cared for her appearance or just craved the tranquility that she barely ever had. None of it. She was purely trying to scrub away her follower’s sins from her body. scrubbing her skin over and over again as she reopened the scars on her arm.
 She was a symbol of purity thus humans wanted to cleanse themselves through her blood and that’s how her mentor started the habit of the ceremony drinks. Each follower would be graced with a cup of wine mixed to a few drops of the young girl’s blood.
Yet once again she was called to hear more of the sins committed by followers. Expected to reply to all of them with kindness. She was escorted to her confessional room where she found herself hidden away by thick curtains, a way to give the confessing sinner a sense of anonymity.
As she heard shuffling in the room she was waiting for another adult to alter her innocent child mind with a gruesome story for she was the messiah and god would speak to her. But she was met with the soft, monotone voice of a child.
“-Is anyone here? No emotion was carried in the kid’s tone.
-I am, dear lamb. She muttered, hearing a soft sigh on the other side of the crimson curtain.
-Hello. -The voice started again- I come to you today to confide in you sins I could not forget, for you see my parents have died, I lead followers equal to yours, yet I feel but void. I am much scared of becoming a beast.”
The slow breath of the boy could be heard through the curtain. Oh Lord knew (Y/N) wanted a peak through the curtain. The voice seemed about her age, if not just a bit older. A few minutes seemed to pass before the girl crawled to the curtain, extending her hand through them, abstaining from looking, knowing she would be harshly punished if she did.
“-Child -she started calmly- please let me hold your hand. -A break was given as the boy did as told.- I pray for your family, may they join the scarlet heavens. You will not turn into a beast for you shall miss them.
-Oh but. I simply could not bring myself to regret them. He stated bluntly.
-Then I will pray for mercy to be given on your soul, My ch-
-Douma. I’m Douma. She was cut by the boy, before finishing”
her hands moved on the other side of the curtain, reaching for the child’s face, feeling him flinch at the cold skin.
“-Then please, Douma. Come to me tomorrow. I will wait.” On these words her hands went back in her velvet cage.
And come back Douma did. days after days, months after months, year after years. Every day he’d reserve an hour to the other leader. Never to see each other’s face yet knowing the last of each other’s secret. Until he was invited to an event.
“Come to the velvet moon, Douma. It’s the day I will access the ultimate heavens.”
These were the words spoken to him. The last words he heard without a face on them.
For during a week he could not see the leader. Oh how he lounged for her presence. As time went by he had came to notice how she made his empty heart fill with butterflies he never expected to be alive. A glimmer of possessiveness. He wanted her to himself
But they were both now 18 for the girl and 20 for the boy. Four years had past since their meeting. Yet Douma had lost his humanity on the way. A sin he did not reveal to the woman he saw as an angel, too scare to scare her away. He didn’t know why this woman made him feel or how she did. He only knew tonight was her ascending, yet he doubted nothing unknowing of the nature of this ascension.
What horror he felt, what pure despair he met as he arrived. Finally seeing his angel’s face as she was tied by her arms to two pillars, suspended in the air by ropes, a white kimono around her weakened form. Shaking in anger as a knife was wielded by the man considered her mentor, by the awful smell of the glasses everyone were holding, this smell of blood and alcohol mixing. It was truly infuriating. He could not take it. 
He looked at her once more noticing how she was nervously looking around, mumbling prayers and hopes of being saved. That until her so called mentor spoke up.
“feedeth yourselves mine own children f'r tonight thy presence shall summon our l'rd, drinketh the blood of the angel hath sent from above. Connecteth with the heavens of h'r purity.  F'r tonight is h'r lasteth in this painful vessel the lady inhabits.“ the old man spoke an old dialect Douma could not fully understand but from key words. It filled him with more rage, as the man delt a violent stab to the newly adult lady. Striking her thigh as the blood pooled in a bucket placed under her. The rage to kill a thousand men. He felt enough rage to feel invincible. In his own mind he could have killed Lord Kibutsuji himself may he have been the one threatening the angel. His angel. Which received a stab to her other leg. The older man using the dagger to rip through her skin and muscles as a sharp scream got out of her.
But alas he could only watch as her body relax through the pain, giving up the moment she noticed the lost boy for he was the only one she didn’t know in the ceremony room. She knew from that moment that it was Douma. Her face turned peaceful at his sight. 
She could very well see him walking toward the elevated space of the room. Watching as the considered mentor yelled at him to back away from the leader. Douma did none of that. It all went so quick. Quicker than the humans could see. All that they could register was the birch color haired man holding the old man’s head, his body a few feet away. He quickly dropped it hurrying to the barely conscious girl as he heard her followers all running away, screaming from the scene they had witnessed.
 He was as fast as he could to untie her, trying to mush her thighs back together. The blood was too much. He wanted to eat her, his instincts screaming at him. The girl weakly laced her arms around him, muttering her thanks. He knew she’d pass out soon. He knew it would be over. They wouldn’t get a happy ending. There was no way lord Kibutsuji could appear and turn her into a demon, for alas Douma as himself was still too weak, hadn’t consumed enough to gain the power to change her himself. Seeing her struggle at staying awake he was like hit by lightning. Sudden realization of their memories flashing to him. For the first time in years he felt something. Immense regret filled him as he hugged (Y/N) tight, crying as he screamed and exclaimed his love for the angel.
“Angel. You can’t leave me. You’re mine. You made my cold heart work again, angel I love you. Don’t leave me. Angel. My angel. I love you. I love you. Please. I loved you. It’s true.”
He felt her hands on his face, like the very first time they had met. 
“Douma, oh Douma... Come to me again tomorrow, I’ll wait.”
But her hands dropped away. For his angel had shed all of her feathers.
And as he sunk his fangs in her soft throat, taken over by his instincts, Douma promised himself never to love again.
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hoe-for-yukhei · 4 years
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Note; I’m not that good at mandarin and korean i’m still studying. Pls forgive me if there’s any grammatical errors or wrong translations,English is not my first language either, please bear with me.
Also yuqi will be mentioned here, she’s kinda bitch in this story so if you don’t like bad yuqi then please skip.
What is he doing?
Is he eating?
Does he overwork himself?
Does he miss me?
Those thoughts lingered in your mind since You left to pursue your dream.
You and Lucas are in a Long Distance Relationship.
You in y/c Working Night Shifts in one of the biggest hospitals in your country.
While he’s in Korea and sometimes he travels for World tours and concerts.
You had lost contact with each other so you really can’t help but to worry and miss him.
You were both successful. But something’s missing..
You were a former trainee at SM.You’re close to RED VELVET,NCT,and EXO because you were in their batch and trained with them. 
At first you don’t have any friends.
A foreigner who’s still studying basic Korean language who wants  to be friends with her? You gained acquaintances and small friendships but still don’t have that friend who’s really close, an intimate friend. Until Hendery came into the company,He reminded you of you, Coming from a neighboring country, Doesn’t talk korean,Shy, New, and doesn’t have friends..
You cherished him. You two became best friends. Since he got into training with NCT he started hanging with the other boys which made you proud. You and Hendery counted many years as friends,you discovered new things about each other. One day he invited you to hangout with him and a friend. 
“Oh y/n is here!”
Hendery stood up from where he was sitting.
You didn’t know you guys would be having company.
You dragged Hendery outside the Cafe.
“You didn't tell me about eating with someone, I could have dressed better.”
“What are you saying? You look fine”
“You said It was just the two of us”
“Yeah about that, He was kinda lonely since Mark and others debuted. So I took him with me! You and him will be great friends, he's cool!”
We walked back to their table. The guy is just sitting there looking at his phone.
“Bàoqiàn ràng nǐ jiǔ děngle wǒmen gāng tánle diǎn shì.”
(Hey, sorry to keep you waiting. We just talked about something.)
“méi shì.” (No worries.)
“Lucas,Tā shì y/n. y/n, Tā shì Lucas.” (Lucas,meet y/n. y/n, meet Lucas)
“y/n? Jiǔyǎng dàmíngle! Hěn gāoxìng jiàn dào nǐ! Hi I am Lucas.” (y/n? I heard so much about you! Nice to meet you!)
He extends his hand to you.
You just stare at his face. You froze at the moment. Because apparently you had never seen such beauty.
Handsome can’t describe Lucas’ he’s a god.
For the first time you had a crush.
“U-uhm wo-wǒ shì y/n. Wǒ yěshì shíxí shēng. xìnɡ huì, xìnɡ huì” (H-Hi I am y/n. I am a trainee too. Nice to meet you.”
“Woah!junggug-iniseyo?” (Woah are you chinese?)
“A-ani! I’m not. I’m y/r”
You’re stuttering. In front of your crush. And it’s the first time you’re meeting. Bitch First Impressions last. You better keep it cool.
You, Hendery and Lucas hangs out more after that. You got close to him more and more,you found out he’s more than just a pretty face. He's charming, passionate, kind, funny and many more. Lucas can also say he likes hanging out with Hendery more because you always come along. Lucas really likes Hendery and treats him one of his best friends but why does he have a feeling that Lucas is using Hendery as an excuse to see you? And on the other hand you feel the same way too. Whenever Hendery asks you out to hang out you always expect Lucas to be there, and sometimes you’re much more excited about seeing Lucas than the night out instead. Hendery doesn’t feel like that. He feels like a freaking Third wheel. You and Lucas only focus on each other, Whenever he goes out with the both of you he always sees sparks in both of your eyes that mirror Lucas Eyes too. The attraction between Lucas and you can’t be denied. He tried to tease you both about it but you guys always deny it even though it’s obvious. And he’s not happy with that. 
Cause Hendery likes you.
Since Day 1.
Hendery became busy all of a sudden, you were lonely so Lucas accompanied you in place of Hendery.
Going out with Lucas became a habit, you too built a deep relationship with each other.
Lucas doesn’t want the feeling of taking Hendery for granted so he invited Hendery for a talk.
Hendery stops  playing his game and follows lucas.
“Hendery,hago sipeun mari ittta.” (Hendary, I have something to say.)
“Zěnmále?” (What is it?)
“Wǒ xǐhuan y/n..” (I like y/n..)
“Shénme?!” (What?!)
“Naneun geunyeoreul joahanda naneun geunyowa deiteuhago siptta.I like her. I want to date her. Wǒ yīnggāi bǎ tā yì chéng zhōngwén ma? thai?”(I like her, I want to date her. I like her, I want to date her. Should I also translate it into chinese? thai?)
“No need, I was just surprised.”
“So? Can I go out with her?”
“Seriously Why are you asking me? Wǒ bùshì tā Xuxi. You should ask her. Tā bùshì wǒ de.”(Seriously Why are you asking me? I’m not her Xuxi. You should ask her. She’s not mine.)
It’s true. You’re not Hendery’s.
He wish you were.
He knew this was going to happen, He doesn’t want to gatekeep you from Lucas just because he’s jealous, and also he doesn’t have a chance. You only see him as a best friend.
“I just thought it’s good to ask you because you’re her best friend.”
“You can do whatever you want Xuxi,Wúlùn fāshēng shénme shì, wǒ dūhuì zhīchí nǐ.”(You can do whatever you want Xuxi,i'll support you whatever happens.)
“Zhēn de ma?! Wǒ fàngxīnle.” (Really?! I feel relieved.)
“Wèishéme? Nǐ hàipà wǒ yě xǐhuān tā ma?” (why? are you scared that i like her too?)
Lucas was surprised. He just read my mind. He thinks.
Other than the feeling of guilt of using his friend as an excuse, He wants to ask him too to ensure that his dear friend is not going to be a rival.
“Ani nan duryopjji ana, Qíshí wǒ hěn yǒu xìnxīn.”(I’m not scared, actually i’m feeling confident.)
Why would he be scared? He’s Lucas. He can make everyone fall by looks alone.
“Don’t Worry, I won’t be a rival. I like her. I really do, but I won’t pursue her.I’m a coward and I haven’t put myself all together.Wǒ pèi bù shàng tā. Hái yǒu, tā zhǐ xǐhuān wǒ dāng péngyǒu, qǐng dài wǒ zhàogù tā.” (Also, she only likes me as a friend.  Please take care of her for me.)
It’s True He doesn’t deserve you. He’s still broken from an accident. He will be a burden once those memories will start hunting him  again.
“Nǐ quèdìng?” (you sure?)
“Yeah,Dàn jì zhù, yīdàn nǐ shānghàile tā wǒ jiù bǎ tā dài zǒu tā. I’m dead serious Yukhei.” (yeah,but remember once you hurt her, I'll take her away from you. I’m dead serious Yukhei.)
You and Lucas dated. You two were inseparable and in love with each other. Your friendship with Hendery kinda changed, he became busy with everything since He’s going to Debut in Wayv. It’s fine with you but you missed him.
Lucas opens your eyes about your dreams and the things you really want. Thanks to him you decided to pursue medicine.
Your relationship with Lucas now is different since he Debuted. You two were private, but not secret. Which means many people know he has a girlfriend but don't know it’s you. Few Idols know you’re his girlfriend but they keep it to themselves.
Lately Lucas has been distant to you. He wouldn’t pick up whenever you call. And whenever you want to facetime he would say he’s busy. 
“y/n your boyfriend sent a bubble message it’s trending in twt! Did you get the message?!”
“OMG wtf Na Jaemin! You scared the shit out of me!”
“Dr.Na, Dr.l/n. Shhh the patients are sleeping.”
You and Jaemin got scolded by the Chief Nurse. You two slightly bowed as sorry.
“Aish-This is all your fault.”
“Check LYSN right now! Ppalli!”
“I can’t My Subscription just expired yesterday.”
“Instead of ordering me. How about you tell me what he said?”
“Oh I didn't see the tweets about him. I just saw LUCAS GIRLFRIEND,#루카스_여자친_버블,#WE_SUPPORT_LUCAS, #旭熙_女朋友_LYSN and my phone died.” (#Lucas_girlfriend_bubble, #Yukhei_Girlfriend__LYSN)
“Oh..really? Did he mention me? He doesn’t tell me anything about coming out. That’s weird.”
“J-jeongmal?! Neohi duri majimageuro jonhwahan ge eonjeya?” (R-really?! When’s the last time you two call each other?)
That question is not hard.
But why can’t you answer such a simple question?
Perhaps because the two of you didn’t talk for like 6 months?
“nado molla,He always says he's busy.I send him daily messages but he won’t reply,He left me on seen.” (I don’t know.)
“What kind of boyfriend is he? He’s not like that when we’re still trainees.”
“Wait I’ll check Twitter.”
You don’t want to check what’s happening. A part of you just wants to turn a blind eye on this issue, because you have that feeling that things are about to mess up.
NCTSM: english translation of lucas’ post.
Translated by:@hoeforyukhei
여러분, 저는 루카스입니다.
팬분들한테 하고 싶은 말이 있어요.
사실 이 편지를 쓰면서 너무 떨려요.
저를 응원해주신 모든 팬분들께 감사드리고 처음부터 사랑하고 싶습니다. 저는 모든 사람들에게 제가 진정으로 사랑하는 아름답고 재능 있고 친절한 여자와 사귀고 있다는 것을 알리고 싶습니다.
유키는 제 여자친구와 우리 회사 둘 다 우리의 관계를 알리고 싶어했습니다.
저를 응원해주신 멤버들, 그리고 저를 사랑해주신 팬분들께 감사드리고, 제가 받을 자격이 없는데도 불구하고 응원해주신 팬분들께도 감사드린다.
저는 항상 여러분 모두에게 감사할 것이고 제 자신을 향상시키기 위해 노력할 것입니다.
사랑하는 팬들의 성원과 사랑에 보답하기 위해 열심히 노력하겠습니다.
탄쿄우 너무많아요.
Everyone, This is Lucas.
I want to say something to our fans.
I am actually so Nervous right now while writing this letter.
I want to thank all the fans that supported and love me from the start. I want to inform everyone that I am dating a beautiful, talented, and kind woman that I truly love.
Yuqi, my girlfriend and both of our Company wanted to publicize our relationship.
I am thankful for the members who cheered me, and to the fans who love me and supported me even though I am not deserving.
I will always be thankful to all of you and I will try to improve myself.
I will work hard to repay all the support and love of our beloved fans.
Thank You so much.
“What fucking bullshit is this?!”
“What the heck Renjun you were behind us all along?!”
“You’ve gone blind Na Jaemin.”
“Guys what the heck shut up the Patients are sleeping.”
“No y/n You shut up. How dare you take this bullshit? He just cheated on you! Right in front of your screen!”
Why are you calm?
Why aren’t you crying?
Is it because half of you expected it?
“It’s okay.It doesn’t matter. I already had a hunch he would do this.”
“Ani-even though you know it,I think it’s the best if you two should talk about it.”(no)
“Yeah, Renjun’s right if you’ll end things with him end it infront of his face! Slap him hard!”
“No Jaemin,I didn’t mean y/n will slap lucas. But y/n you get what I mean right?”
“Dr. Huang, paging Dr. Huang, Please come to the ER. Dr. Huang, paging Dr. Huang, Please come to the ER.”
“y/n you don’t always have to look strong. Jaemin and I are always here to talk to you.”
Renjun leaves you and Jaemin behind. You overthink Renjun's words, as always He is right. But your boyfriend just cheated on you, of course you don’t want to see him.
You find yourself in the middle of the airport,with Renjun who’s carrying your light backpack and Jaemin who’s hyped and doing an IG live.
In the end you and Jaemin are doing a chant like two drunkards in the center of the airport while waiting for your flight.
“y/n! y/n! Where are you going?”
“Why are you going?!”
“To burn my ex's house!”
“Why are you going?!”
“To burn my ex’s house!”
“Whose house?!”
“Lucas’ house”
“Whose house?!”
“Lucas’ house!”
“Okay Jaemin that’s enough”
“No wait Renjun i’m not finish ye-”
Renjun quickly ended Jaemin’s IG live, which results in Jaemin being cranky. You literally laugh hard to their craziness. Until you were brought back to your reality when you heard your flight.
 “You’re a grown woman already so I’m not going to worry about you.”
“y/n bye!! Call us if anything happens!”
You were thankful for Jaemin and Renjun. They became your friends, your parents, your siblings, and your family.
They reminded you of someone.
Lucas definitely knows what he’s doing is wrong. He can’t help but to worry about you, this decision of his will forever make him miserable.
As soon as you got out of the airport, you didn’t immediately check in to a hotel or call lucas. Your feet dragged you to where your special place is. It’s the secluded part of the park, the park is where you and your ex-boyfriend have made most of your happy moments.
While you were you saw two familiar personages. 
Familiar indeed.
You are one little shit y/n. You said to yourself you will not cry.
But shit you were extremely wrong.
As tears roll down unto your face, you hurriedly exit the area.
It’s Yuqi. You know her voice. Lucas once introduced her to you saying they’re close friends. They suited each other, and sometimes you tease them of being the perfect couple shits like that.
Then Yuqi will deny that she doesn't like him, they're just friends and everything.
You and her became friends. You even ask her if she could update you while you work abroad.
Now she’s just pure bullshit.
No, they’re bullshits.
You’re in the middle of running the exit to escape that hell hole.
Two large arms suddenly wrap your torso.
“Y-Y/n? Where are you going? Please let me explain, I didn’t do it. They made me do it y/n it’s not me i promise y/n don’t leave me Qǐng bùyào líkāi wǒ, wǒ qiú nǐle. Wǒ ài nǐ y/n. Wǒ zhēn de ài nǐ y/n, qǐng bié líkāi wǒ. J-jebalyo” (please don't leave me, I beg you. I love you y/n. I really do y/n,don't leave me, please.)
He’s sobbing there.
We’re all crying
He really won’t let go of you.
“L-lucas let go of me! Please.”
“No I won’t, please hear me out just this once.”
“I had enough, when there are times that I really need you- you shut me out lucas! You don’t know what that feels, the feeling of being left out. You didn’t even hear me out! You didn’t even answer my call when my brother died! I just want your company.. Your love. How can I hear you out if you don’t do the same? please,Fàng kāi wǒ..” (let me go.)
Lucas knelt to the ground and grab both of your hands tightly.
He’s eyes are swollen. Your heart aches for him, you still love him but this is so messed up. You remember the times before you lost contact with each other. Everything is so toxic.. 
Sometimes you have to accept the truth and stop wasting time on the wrong people.
“L-lucas,s-stand up please.”
“Bù, wǒ bù huì de! Bié pèng wǒ! Dōu shì nǐ de cuò! Bié pèng wǒ! Dōu shì nǐ de cuò! Nǐ qīpiànle wǒ.” (don't touch me! It's all your fault! you deceived me.)
“N-no,I didn’t.”
“y-y/n hear me out please I don’t love her.”
I hate it here.
Thankfully,Someone grabbed you out of nowhere.
You didn’t expect the sudden rescue,but you really appreciate it.
You cry hardly in the man’s arms.
It’s him. You missed him.
“Fàng kāi tā de Lucas.” (let go of her lucas.)
“I thought we were friends.”
“We still are,our friendship has nothing to do with helping y/n lucas.”
“You said you will support me!us!”
“That was then before you hurt her!”
“You know what would happen if I didn’t obey the company! You were there with me!”
“God damn lucas! You have a choice to accept it or not!”
“It’s my whole career! Everything I’ve worked for,and many more! I can’t afford  to sacrifice my-”
“Then it’s not y/n’s fault. You chose your career over her, then why are you running after her? If you really love her you would choose her! You need to man up! You can’t have your cake and eat it too.”
“y-y/n please make them stop! Nǐmen liǎ bié chǎole!Hendery please stop!” (You two stop fighting!)
“You. I know there’s something fishy behind your kind act. You know Xuxi already has a girlfriend! How dare you blackmail the higher ups just to make him yours? You sickened me.”
Your head is aching from all the crying and the things you discovered. You hated the drama.
“Bù Shì zhèyàng de! Wǒ méi nàme zuò! Nǐ zài shuō shénme-” (That’s not true! I didn’t do that! What are you sayin-)
You snapped. It took you a long time to get sick from all their lies.
“Y/n I promise you this isn’t tr-”
“I already said I had enough. Stop being pathetic Yuqi.”
A few people started to gather up when someone noticed the four of you, You are still with famous artists after all.
Hendery immediately dragged you out of the scene and took you to a car nearby, and drove his way out of there.
You love that park.Hangang Park is once full of your happy memories with your dearest ones,now it’s full of treachery,lies and contention.
You want to let go.
Many years of lies and denials. Now it’s all over.
“I thought I’ve lost you.”
“Trust me, I’m always with you.”
“Are we still friends?”
“There’s no break up in friendships.. At Least for me.”
You felt relief.
You can’t afford to have breakups from your friends. They’re all you got.
“Are you sure about letting go of him? You should know both sides.”
“I want to know both sides, I really do. But ican’t take all of this in one day. I need a break, this isn’t healthy. I just want to vanish for a second.”
“You didn’t answer me about letting go of him.”
“I don’t really know actually. But someone once told me ‘Never run back to what broke you’ I haven’t done that,I always thought that everything would be fixed once I stayed and put everything in order by myself. Turns out it didn’t. I think it’s time for a change.Someday, someone is going to thank him for letting me go.”
Someday, someone is going to thank Lucas for letting you go?
Hendery chuckled a little. Your saying once reminded him of the past.
When Lucas thanked him for letting you go.
It turns out, Hendery can’t let you go.
“Did you realize he didn’t actually let you go?”
“I know. But You can’t actually call it a relationship if you’re the only one holding on like I did. Besides he has yuqi.”
“Oh really?”
“You didn’t actually ask me where we're going. You just dragged me. Why did you do that?”
“I just did what I promised myself a long time ago.”
“What is that?”
You stared at his side profile while he’s driving.
He’s focused on the road, the oranged-pinked lights from the sunset pass through the windshield and hits his ethereally beautiful face.
Your Heart beats faster. It’s like the first time you met yukhei.
Hendery turned to you and smiled softly.
“It’s ‘once someone hurts you, I'll take you away from that person.’ I had a very horrible past. I’ve broken many promises from my loved ones,so this is the first time I’ve made a promise come true and I’m pretty proud about it.”
“By the way where are we going?”
“Anywhere you want, Where do you wanna go?”
“Did you get it?”
“Yes sir I did.”
“This will be a really big scoop,let me see.”
“I just really love you so much *sobs why can’t you do the same to me?! I did everything for you!”
“Are you delusional?! You wrecked my life! How am I supposed to do that?!”
“Y/n? y/n wait! y/n! Y-Y/n? Where are you going? Please let me explain, I didn’t do it. They made me do it y/n it’s not me i promise y/n don’t leave me Qǐng bùyào líkāi wǒ, wǒ qiú nǐle. Wǒ ài nǐ y/n. Wǒ zhēn de ài nǐ y/n, qǐng bié líkāi wǒ. J-jebal-”
“Sunbae, your phone is ringing”
“Annyeonghaseyo,This is Yeo Seon-Da from Dispatch Korea. How may I help you?”
to be continued.
시즈니할수있어! 모두 사랑하자!
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mc-slowwalker · 3 years
philza being 100000 years old is something I can get behind tbh. my least favourite age hc, which I think I actually hate with a burning passion, is the tommy and tubbo were 9 during the first l’manberg wartime actually ignites a visceral rage in me
yeah!! I managed to make it to pink’s bedwars stream the other day and it was great. yeah lol I was lowkey upset too when foolish was added cause I had no idea who he was but he’s super fun so that’s cool! I like high energy stream more too cause I zone out super easily. unless it’s dream, he can stream anything and I’ll try my hardest to pay attention the whole time
ooooh vet that’s cool. oh my god c!dream going into the dentist after months in prison😭😭😭 I’m imagining c!techno as a beefy pig sitting in the kind of small couch/seats we have in the waiting room. Tommy would 100% bite and then get really mad about getting a toy that we give to little kids after their treatment lol
omg the pet wars 😔😔😔 so sad. everyone in the dsmp is emotionally attached to their animals than anything else and what can I say, I’m the same
oh yeah I also tend to take c!dream criticism to heart more idk why. I’m definitely way more defensive of c!dream apologists than any other they get so much unnecessary shit. though from your other anons it looks like c!sam apologists are getting more shit too which sucks but solidarity ig. oh man I get you I have to tell myself to like take a step back and not take everything so personally. another thing on twitter is that people who vehemently hate c!dream will sometimes just refuse to use /dsmp /roleplay tags like it’s not that hard, tweets without that have already been misinterpreted to hate on cc!dream which just pisses me off like you can have your shit opinion just tag it properly. and like when people tell them to include it they’ll be like “ohh the dream apologists harassed me.” and yeah people genuinely go around calling c!dream apologists abuse apologists and it’s terrible. like I don’t care if you have your bad takes and aren’t willing to discuss them, just tag it properly and don’t shit on c!dream apologists it’s not that hard. though it’s funny the other day, the first time I replied to some shut take on twitter, in a lighthearted manner too, I got instantly blocked and there’s this on person on twt, they’re also on tumblr, that blocks anyone that even slightly disagrees with them. oh well ig
also did you see about that lore that foolish did? it was certainly something
sorry for the late and shorter reply I got halfway through writing this then went to do something then just fell asleep and I just got a notification that ponk is live! and I’m awake so Imma go watch them
Jack Mulletfold I’m on my jack manifold mullet truther arc
The 9 year old thing was bad and I also hated the c!dream was 13 during the l’manburg war thing too like no this is all so much funnier if they are the ages that they are now. And like father like son fundy tried to set a timeline up too (his it’s been a year comment) like no dude stop time doesn’t exist unless it’s real world
With watching streams I’m the exact same way but I usually tune into quackity and tommy’s chill streams as well. I think it’s because I know them enough to care about what they’re saying so the lack of mental stimulation is made up for by my want to care
Wait fuck with the dentist thing would c!techno actually have to go to a vet instead because of anatomy stuff or-
C!Dream is probably missing a few teeth and after not brushing so long ugh
I would joke that c!sapnap’s done nothing wrong but I haven’t forgiven him for henry
I simply don’t user twitter I tried to post a shit post but I don’t understand the tagging system so it flopped. Stopped using it there and then. say what you want about me but you guys gotta know that I’m a petty bitch first and foremost. With the “harassment” stuff I’ve had my fair share of sending anons asking people to tag stuff right and half the time they just say why and then don’t do it. You wanna know why? Please thats why. I have a real issue with the abuse apologist stuff because like bro that’s a serious accusation and it’s overall just seems super inappropriate. It usually doesn’t get to me but if I’m in the wrong mood it can really fuck me up. When cc!wilbur said that every character was morally gray and that c!dream apologists were right & wrong about somethings I was kinda like “oh thank god a streamer I like doesn’t hate me for liking c!dream” and was hella embarrassed that I even let it get me that far skdhfk. Oh yeah about people blocking you there are so many people who have me blocked on here and while I totally encourage using your block button liberally and often I still notice and its like aw man… creeper…… so we back in the mines…….
You’re gonna have to be a little more specific I feel lije foolish has done a lot of lore, though I think I’ve missed most of it. Are you talking about truing to break into the prison? Hilarious that every character despite their opinion on c!dream has at one point attempted to break into the prison. If only c!dream knew that the only common enemy the server needed was a building they were supposed to stay out of
dont say sorry that’s illegal (/j) also the thing I like about anon is that you can come back and respond when ever is best for you? Makes me feel like an old western bar tender who is just vibing. That’s the dream social interaction tbh
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calico-daydreams · 4 years
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{ Sub-Merged }
Hoseok x Jimin
"Two bros~ Chillin' in a hot tub~ Five centimeters apart because they're NOT in love."
The time has come for their next Bon Voyage, and while Hoseok still has to play sometimes for the camera, he knows their shared happiness and excitement will never be fake. They love what they do, but they also enjoy the times they can have a break. Even if all seven are still together, they’re best friends and brothers outside of their partnership in the music business.
There’s one exception: Park Jimin.
Genre: fluff, smut, established(?) relationship, semi-public, canon compliant Words: 2,577
{ moodboard | ao3 | twt }
A/N: the jihope groupchat inspired me to write this fic after we screamed about behind the scenes of them in a hot tub. thank you, bon voyage. and a special thank you to @xblackrequiemx​ and @pleasant-boy-goro-akechi for beta-reading and helping me tweak this! xo
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Hoseok submerges himself in the relief of the hot tub, letting the warmth wash over his muscles before surfacing to take a deep, relaxing breath. As he closes his eyes, he’s able to tune out the past months of screaming crowds, hours of nonstop performing, and never-enough naps taken on private jets. The time has come for their next Bon Voyage, and while he still has to play sometimes for the camera, he knows their shared happiness and excitement will never be fake. They love what they do, but they also enjoy the times they can have a break. Even if all seven are still together, they’re best friends and brothers outside of their partnership in the music business.
Ah… There’s one exception: Park Jimin.
“Jimin-ah!” Hoseok laughs as Jimin rushes to join him, watching the boy yelp in surprise as the heat surprises him. “Go slow, Jimin.”
Jimin gives him a sheepish smile, easing into the hot bath and doing the same thing Hoseok had done: He slowly submerges and comes back up to take a deep breath. The blissful smile on his face makes Hoseok’s lips curve up on their own.
Jimin sits back opposite of Hoseok as they easily converse about how wonderful it feels to relax. As they talk, Hoseok can’t help but admire Jimin. His cheeks are already becoming rosy from the heat, and he giggles as if he’s drunk, but Hoseok knows he’s just so happy. He likes seeing Jimin happy.
“Remember the last time we got to enjoy a hot tub together?” Jimin sits on the edge now, messing with his phone nervously.
Hoseok reaches over to one of Jimin’s feet submerged beside him, coaxing Jimin to relax as he starts to massage it. “Wasn’t it last Bon Voyage?”
Jimin blushes. “Not as a group, hyung…”
Hoseok pauses briefly and furrows his brows. Then it hits him. He can’t help but smile at the memory. “My birthday… And I was so damn stressed out from the upcoming release of my mixtape.”
Jimin pouts, “You were working yourself so hard…”
Hoseok raises an eyebrow, digging a thumb gently into a spot that makes Jimin’s breath hitch and toes curl slightly.
“You helped me relax … even if your idea of that was having me work myself into a frenzy.” Hoseok focuses his ministrations on that spot again, his innocent smile contradicted by the sparks in his eyes. 
Jimin barely disguises his whine with a laugh. “You were clearly enjoying it, hyung.”
Hoseok simply hums in response. Enjoy, he did. Jimin took him to a hotel, mainly for the private bar and bonus of a jacuzzi in their suite. Hoseok was thankful they didn’t have too much to drink that night. By morning, he was able to recall all the sweet nothings Jimin whispered in his ear, his gentle hands on his hips, how strong his thigh felt as Hoseok rode it determinedly, and especially the slippery journey as the giggling, kissing duo made their way back to bed. They woke up with their warm bodies wrapped around each other, and the damp sheets didn’t deter them from the heavy petting that followed.
Their bond together exceeds brotherhood, friendship, and even roommates. Over the past few years, their relationship had grown beyond those titles with every touch lingering longer, their eyes glowing fondly, and their hugs emboldened by daring kisses. Hoseok doesn’t have a name for them; he can’t think of one. They just go together so … naturally.
“Definitely the best birthday sex I’ve ever had.” Hoseok flinches when Jimin laughs in shock, smacking the elder’s thigh playfully as he glances at the cameras. “Yah, why are you kicking me!?” Hoseok splashes him as he wraps an arm around his waist, gently sitting him back in the water. Jimin carelessly tosses his phone onto a towel and fleetingly wonders if the water had gotten hotter or not.
“Hyung, the cameras—”
“Are off.”
Jimin’s mouth forms a pouty ‘O’ and Hoseok would’ve kissed the cute boy had the sliding door not slammed open so loudly, followed by an amused Taehyung scolding their youngest. Hoseok and Jimin separate slightly, snickering at the obviously intoxicated Jungkook making his way to them.
“Jimin-ssi! Hope-hyung!”
They barely utter a ‘hi’ before Jungkook grabs their faces haphazardly, giving each of them a kiss on the forehead and a beaming bunny smile. “Good night~ I love you~”
Taehyung melts at the scene. “It was his final dare of the night, but he didn’t fight it.”
Jungkook shrugs, forming Jimin’s wet hair into a mohawk. Hoseok is endeared by the whole scene.
“Good night, Jiminie. Good night, hyung. Jungkookie, we’re off to bed~” Taehyung leads Jungkook by the hand, waving a final goodbye at the wet pair while Jungkook pouts. “Don’t stay up too late!”
Jimin waves them off. “We won’t!” He shakes his head and looks at Hoseok, the pair suddenly breaking into laughter.
“We won’t, eh?” Hoseok leans back, bracing his arms on the edge of the tub. “Ah, this is heaven, Jimin-ah. I don’t want to leave.”
Jimin giggles. “I’m happy here, too….” His laughter ceases when Hoseok reaches down to massage his neck, his body going limp against Hoseok’s. His eyes flutter shut. “That feels good, hyung.”
Hoseok’s breath hitches.
‘That feels good, hyung?’
“Jiminie…” The younger’s hand made its way to Hoseok’s thigh, and Hoseok can’t shake off the memory. “Remember what you told me that morning?”
“Um…” Jimin is a little distracted, but he strings together a sentence. “Ah … first time, was drunk, you didn’t know, feel so good.”
Hoseok chuckles. “I didn’t know I’d like receiving it….”
Jimin squeezes his thigh when Hoseok begins to massage a knot out of his shoulder.
It comes out as a whisper. “I wondered how it felt…. You looked so fucked out.”
Hoseok wonders if Jimin realizes how blissed out he looks right now. He could feel much more….
They enjoy the silence as Hoseok finishes massaging the kinks out of Jimin’s neck and shoulders. Jimin smiles at him gratefully, crawling onto his lap. “Thank you, hobi-hyung~”
Jimin’s hands make their way to his shoulders, returning the favor. Hoseok pulls him closer, licking his lips when Jimin bites his own.
“Would you like to find out what it feels like?”
Jimin’s whimper encourages Hoseok to let his hands slip under his shirt, enjoying the sensation of skin on skin. “Hyung…”
Hoseok pauses, searching Jimin’s face and waiting for him to say no. Before he can suggest they cuddle instead, Jimin is kissing his neck, fingers slipping into his hair.
“I’ve thought about it, but I couldn’t bring myself to ask.”
Hoseok knows Jimin is nuzzling his neck out of shyness. He’s caught on since they began crossing lines a long time ago.
In the beginning, it was Jimin who initiated the intimacy, but it was Hoseok who dared to initiate seduction. Hoseok wasn’t prepared for the shift in their dynamic when they began lusting for each other more and more. Hoseok loves to please Jimin; Jimin loves to wreck him. It took some extremely vague conversations with Namjoon to discover that he wasn’t any less of a man for being a sub, and to imagine the roles were reversed, he wouldn’t want Jimin to feel like that either. They’re two men, two best friends, who … love each other. And love to fuck.
It’s a pleasant surprise to feel Jimin testing the waters as he gives an experimental grind of his hips. Jimin gasps when he feels how hard Hoseok is already. He lifts his head, eyes darkening at the almost pleading look in his hyung’s eyes.
“Please….” Hoseok grips his hips firmly, moving him to straddle his thigh as he guides Jimin through it. “L-Like this…. Start slow.”
Jimin curses under his breath, tugging Hoseok’s hair gently, smirking in satisfaction at the quiet moan that spills from his lips.
“You wanted this, too, baby?”
It sounds like Jimin is asking to tease him, but Hoseok knows he also seeks validation. Does Hoseok want this as bad as Jimin?
“Fuck, yes! It felt so good.” Hoseok clenches his thigh, relishing in Jimin’s moan as his hips stutter. “I want to make you feel good….”
Jimin settles into a steady pace, eating up the way Hoseok watches him hungrily. The older keeps biting his lips, and Jimin won’t have that. One hand wanders down to caress his jaw, his thumb tugging his bottom lip free.
“You’re so pretty when you moan for me.”
Hoseok whines from the compliment, but they both know they share a praise kink.
“Don’t deny it.” Jimin pecks his lips, Hoseok chasing after him. “You’re so fucking pretty.”
They finally collide into a real kiss, and Jimin swallows his hyung’s moans. The older slips his hands into Jimin’s trunks, squeezing that gorgeous ass with a muffled plea. “Harder.”
Jimin pulls away with a growl, bracing his hands on the edge of the jacuzzi before he picks up his pace. Hoseok whimpers at the lack of contact and buries his face in Jimin’s collarbones, tugging his shirt aside with his teeth so he can kiss and bite the sweet skin.
Hoseok smirks when a hand returns to his hair, clenching in a warning.
“No marks.”
“Sorry, babe.”
“No, you’re not.”
Hoseok shakes his head, digging his nails into Jimin’s skin instead, in between fondling his thighs.
“Shit, baby…”
He sees Jimin throw his head back briefly, eyes rolling back into his head.
“Fuck, you’re so hot.” Hoseok is torn between touching himself and leaving his hands down Jimin’s shorts.
Jimin looks back at him with a burning curiosity in his eyes. “You’re doing so well … making me feel so good.”
Hoseok nearly chokes on his own spit when Jimin grabs his erection. Hoseok is so hard right now, and Jimin remembers the feeling, so tight and constricted.
“But that can’t possibly feel good, hm?”
Hoseok hisses from the friction when his own hips buck. “Shit, n-no, it doesn’t….”
Jimin slows down, slipping his hand into the older’s swim trunks and wrapping him with a gentle squeeze.
“I’m almost tempted to ride you senseless right here….”
Hoseok’s hips jerk again, but Jimin doesn’t ignore the way he’s trying to focus, to compensate, with his thigh clenching again and again, and his hands urging Jimin to move again. Oh, what a good boy he is. Jimin rewards Hoseok with a kiss, smirking at his hyung’s cute gasps when he starts to move his hand, matching the tempo of his grinding.
“You’re so good to me, hyungie. You’re going to make me cum.”
Hoseok crumbles a little, removing one of his hands to grab Jimin’s.
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” Jimin lets him move the hand away, watching as Hoseok sighs in relief and bites his lip.
“Wanna make you cum first….”
Jimin pauses for only a second, laughing breathlessly as he takes Hoseok’s hand and he wraps his free arm around the older’s neck.
Jimin coos, “You’re so cute.”
He kisses Hoseok’s red ears, smirking against his skin as he trails kisses along his cheeks. “You close already?”
Jimin lets go of Hoseok’s hand, only to intertwine it with his other hand around his neck. Hoseok gulps at the look in Jimin’s eyes. He’s seen it plenty of times, but it always sends an anticipating shiver down his spine. Jimin wants to wreck him.
“This,” Jimin taps Hoseok’s hand, the one that’s been buried in Jimin’s pants the whole time, “never stops touching me.”
Hoseok nods quickly, earning himself another sweet kiss.
“I love it when you touch me….” Jimin picks up the pace again, moaning when Hoseok gives his ass another squeeze before teasing his entrance. God, it’s so tempting to ride Hoseok right here, right now, but Jimin’s desperate for release, and so is Hoseok.
“F-Fuck!” Hoseok struggles to keep his volume down when Jimin’s hand returns inside his trunks. All he can do is squeeze Jimin’s hand and try to hold back, but it’s proving more difficult when Jimin is jerking him off in sync with his rough thrusts.
“I love how you sound, baby….” Jimin rests his forehead on Hoseok’s, watching him bite his lip repeatedly as he forgets and remembers Jimin wants to hear him. “Such a good hyungie….”
Jimin clenches his jaw, quickening his pace. “Cum for me. I want to see you, I need it….”
“Jimin!” It spills from Hoseok’s lips like a mantra as he clenches and jerks, squeezing Jimin’s hand, his free hand desperate to touch him everywhere, wandering up his back just to scratch the skin on the way down.
Jimin groans at the sight, kissing his pretty cheeks and eyelids. He continues palming Hoseok through his orgasm as he teeters on the edge of his own. Hoseok whines from overstimulation, so Jimin releases his hand. Hoseok grips his hips with fresh resoluteness.
“Yes, yes, I-I’m so close, Hobi, fuck…”
After a few more hard thrusts, Jimin is cumming in his shorts, shuddering against Hoseok as the elder coaxes his hips through it, down to a slow stop.
“Holy shit….”
Hoseok chuckles as they catch their breath, fixing Jimin’s shorts before wrapping his arms around the younger. They fall into a comfortable silence, Hoseok playing with Jimin’s hair as the younger resumes the neck massage that was interrupted earlier.
“Hm, you’re going to put me to sleep if you keep doing that, Jiminie.”
“It’d be so easy just to nap here, hyung.” Jimin giggles when Hoseok pokes his sides. “I know! Neither of us want to drown.”
Hoseok kisses his cheek. “I’m already drowning in you….”
They last about three seconds before bursting into giggles
“That was so cheesy!”
“You liked it~”
“Oh, hush!”
Hoseok jumps out of the hot tub, startled by the sudden cold before urging Jimin out.
“I’m coming, I’m coming—”
Hoseok smirks as he scoops an arm under Jimin’s knees. “Again, already?”
Jimin blushes as he’s picked up bridal style, smacking Hoseok’s chest when he keeps laughing at him.
“Please don’t fall, hyung—”
“I’m not going to drop you—”
“We’re dripping water everywhere—”
“Eh, it is a little slippery—”
“Then put me down!”
Their not-so-quiet giggling is heard throughout the house, and their effort to tip-toe to their room is futile when Taehyung is greeting them in the hallway. The sunshine duo freezes, smiling sheepishly.
Taehyung’s face morphs from unamused to a winky smirk and teasing whisper. “Two bros~ chilling in a hot tub~”
“Oh my god, TaeTae—”
“Taehyung, not that—”
“Five centimeters apart because they’re NOT in love.”
The pair rush into their bedroom, closing the door with a synced, ‘Good night!’
They lean against the door for a moment, facing each other but not looking at each other. They glance at each other only to look away bashfully.
They look at each other, bursting into giggles again. They find themselves leaning into each other, and Hoseok nuzzles his nose against Jimin’s own. Jimin opens his mouth to speak, and Hoseok watches intently. A moment passes as Jimin grows nervous and Hoseok loses hope.
“Please kiss me.”
Hoseok never had a title for them. They felt like more than best friends, too intimate for roommates, and far too endeared for fuckbuddies….
Jimin lowers the older on the bed, and Hoseok lets himself drown in Jimin’s kiss. As they pour out the emotions they can’t voice yet, they still know.
They’re lovers.
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{ moodboard | ao3 | twt }
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httpetras · 3 years
2020 for me - K-pop songs edition
2020 was a... tough year. Personally, globally. But for kpop? It was one of the most successfull years and instead of talking all the achievements and breakthroughs, I wanted to share my thoughts on some songs and artists I liked this year
LONG POST (and bad english sksksks)
- no japanese releases
- title tracks mostly
- personal opinion
Favorite albums of 2020 (one album/artist)
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Some thoughts:
More & More, I Can’t Stop Me, Cry for me
A lot of people disliked the song and TWICE got many hate from various of fandom to the point where the girls were insecure just by standing on the stage and perform. I never understood the senseless fanwars anyway, but this time I truly didn’t understand why everyone was hating on this song? It was definitely among the best summer releases, the album was perfect for the season and TWICE showed a new side of their artistry. There were many releases this year which followed the generic trend, but More&More managed to stand out and show something new among summer songs.
Their next comeback was just p.e.r.f.e.c.t. Okay, first and foremost, I’m a sucket for retro concepts so 2020 was a bless for me from this perspective sksksk. Besides my bias I’m literally in love with this song.
Also with the whole album, I can’t stop myself from listening it. TWICE as always tried something new, showed a different side of them, was not afraid to discover new sounds and concepts. One of the reasons that I’m still with them after 4 years is the fact that TWICE grew up and matured along with their music. This album was their fifth year destination. I just can’t express how much I love not just the concept, but all the songs are so unique in their own way that you can never get tired of listening them.
TWICE being one of the most unique girl groups out there (along with Red Velvet, hope they comeback soon), and I’m just so happy for them and so proud I could be with them for four years seeing them growing as artists.
A.C.E - Favorite boys
Hands down, this was definitely one of my favorire comebacks of 2020. The way I thought they could never do a song like “undercover” again....I was so naive. From the first second till the last you can’t look away from the aesthetically pleasing MV where traditional mixes with modern, gender is a non-existent, meanwhile the song so effortlessly goes from a very strong rap to high notes wigh catchy beats and chorus.
Also the dance and the outfits, don’t forget to mention the teaser photos... it was one of the strongest comeback of the year.
However, I feel like their releases were among the most underrated songs of 2020. I just can’t help but think what if they were a bigger company especially that nowadays when stan twt is all about numbers, groups from smaller company get less and less attention. All I can hope that A.C.E getting the hype they deserve will be one of the positive changes 2021 will bring.
(A million thank you for TATE for introducing me to them!)
Wannabe, Not shy
There are some songs from ITZY I really like but their title tracks were really not my style (they are not bad in any way, but felt too much for my taste). But this year!
Wannabe and Not Shy was just *chef’s kiss*.
I felt the same with them as with skz - in their first year they were looking for their sound, trying to find the best sytle for them. In this second year, they seemed to be more confident in themselves and their concept as a group. (And also, finally these songs fit into Lia’s range!). Every member could shine in these eras, show off their singing (and dancing) skills. All together these two songs (and albums) were something I could enjoy very much.
AKMU - Happening
The nation’s siblings came back and created another masterpiece! If I wasn’t in love with the song itself, the MV would have made it fall for it. Something comforting, something melodic, a song you didn’t know you need until you hear it... Recommend it 1010292725282920/10
Too much releases sksksk all of them are amazing obvi
I can’t choose one song from them, they released something new in every month and I’d have so much to talk about sksksks so a short-summary:
2020 was their year. Eventhough I felt like stray kids could not surprise me anymore, I would have never been able to prepare mysef for this year when they came back with full power. Starting with SKZ2020, followed by anime openings and on track, then the iconic God’s menu and Back door - they evolved and said FU to the industry who still rejects them. And I don’t know how to explain, but they seemed much more confident in themselves and in the music they put out, and that was definitely something which helped them to make 2020 theirs. All the concepts, all the song genres while staying unique and not following trends? Every. Comeback. They. Had. This. Year. Just blown my mind. I literally just... I’d show you the songs they released this year and I’m 100% sure even a non-stay would agree with me saying that they deserve so-so-so much more for their songs alone
ONEWE - End of spring
As lovesick girls gave me 2010’s summer song vibe End of Spring gave me the same vibe, something bands such as imagine dragons would release back in around 2015. I LOVE IT. It has such a nice fun energy, whenever it comes up on my playlist, it’s an instant adrenalin boost. It does remind me of summer camps and just having fun with people there
I wrote about them in my 30-day Day6 challenge back in september-october
Lee Hi - HOLO
Lee Hi is one of those idols I feel for the most as she’s been through more than enough hardships in her life. She seriously deserves the best from this cruel world.
This year a company change happened and she released a comforting, yet, heartbreaking song about depression and self-worth most likely reflecting on her own struggles. Tissues recommended because this is a song everyone can relate to in some ways and also be prepared for the MV.
SUNMI - pporappippam
The queen of retro is back with another masterpiece because she’s Sunmi, she can’t make bad songs! I love the vibe of the song, the aesthetic MV with purple as the dominant color... it truly felt like a song from 80’s with an unique sound none can master but Sunmi. Kpop would be not kpop without her!
Also, on a totally unrelated note: even though I’m not a fan of her, just a casual listener, I want to state how fcking proud I am of her. I can’t even imagine how difficult it was for Sunmi to be this open about her borderline-disorder especially as an idol. I truly hope she’s healthy and doing alright, wishing her the best for the future
Chungha - Play
As much as I loved every releases from her in this year, Play was the song which was on repeat. Like, this song is full of energy, has such a fun vibe which makes you want to dance along with it! Also, also, the MV was super colorful, her stylist did a great job and the tango was well incorporated into the choreo, it was creative and entertaining to watch her performances of this song.
And let me add how happy I am for Chungha, this year she released songs always trying out something new and participated in many different projects. I also loved her collaborations! They were super underrated even within the fandom.
Gfriend - Mago
Retro. Disco. 80’s. Love the MV. Love the song! Such a different concept from what we are used to see from them, but again, this year Gfriend was not afraid to deviate from their usual sound and try out new things.
As much as I’m in love with this song (and Apple as well!), just as much I appreciate the visible artistic growth they have shown in this year. Wish them many luck for their future!
Okay, let me tell you quickly a little story. Before the first lockdown happened, in the beginning of the year in school we had this agreement in french class. If we don’t want to take a french exam, we can sit in the back and studying or doing something silently. This was around the time when Mots7 was released and so, during every french class I listened to this album on repeat while studying chemistry. Then quarantine came, classmates got sick, drama happened, took exams, a lonely summer, then university... the world was burning. For me, this album was the “last” normal thing before pandemic hit europe; whenever I listened to it, it takes me back to me our french classes, my friend sitting next to me doing her make up, me reading my chemistry book, windows are open, you can hear a class having PE class, the teacher explains something for those few students sitting in the first row... seems peaceful? Maybe too nostalgic. But Mots7 became that album for me which was there for us before the world fell, which reminded me of the “normal” life throughout this year, and helped me a lot. And I’ll be forever thankful for that. Dynmite: Retro, english, fun, we need it. Hungarians hated it so much? But hungarian kpop fans are edgy they hate everything popular because they “appreciate talent” *eye roll* Life goes on: This song for me is the new spring day in a way - calming, nostalgic, comforting, something we really needed after this hectic year. A perfect song to end 2020. “Life goes on“ = “This too, shall pass”
Okay, but seriously. Taemin owned this year! 3 comebacks with SuperM and 3 comebacks as a solo act, multiply MVs and performances, not letting anyone forget about him nor SHINEE. Whenever I thought that okay, this is his peak, he can’t do better than this - Taemin came back and proved me wrong again. Never Dance Again act 1 and 2 were among the best releases this year
Somi - What you waiting for
As much as I didn’t like birthday, I found myself enjoying this song a lot! Nothing astonishingly new or different, but has a catchy beat and chorus, suits to Somi’s range and she even looked more confident while performing on music shows (naturally, she got more used to being a soloist after a year or so, but still. It was good to see her owning that stage and being happy there). Similar to BP, it also has a western pop feeling especially with the full-english chorus, but somehow worked better for me personally here!
Such an underrated group which I got to know through one of my moots on twitter, otherwise I would have never heard of them. And what a mistake it’d be!
Alone the concepts stole my heart, I adored the whole prince, vampires, kinght theme going on in a fantasy world vibes of the MVs. Besides that, I love how they sound together as a group, it’s so pleasing to hear how all those different voices comes after each other and somehow makes it work, resulting in an amazing song.
This year, when the debut hype is long gone, TXT proved that they are much more than just a boy group next to BTS. Their success is thanks to their hardwork and magical, unique style which made millions of people fall in love with them. (Big3 privilige is still a thing tho, but their hardwork should not be underestimated. Because of their privileged situation, they were offered oppurtunities, had a financial background other artists don’t - but it doesn’t make them less than others. Just shows the faults in the unfair music system).
Despite my worries that after Run Away it’d be hard for them coming back with another song, they managed to release a no-skip mini album with an awesome music video “Can’t you see me”. One moment they are laughing, and in the next one they’re killing eachother while singing about growing up and losing touch with friends once they were inseparable with.
Their journey of growing up with its pros and cons are portrayed through their songs, using mystical themes such as a fatal game and a long forgotten magical promise. They enforced this concept furthermore in this year by their next songs, Drama, Blue Hour and We lost the summer which about the impact of the pandemic on teenagers (side note: such a creative MV! They’re truly part ofour generation sksksk).
And I haven’t even mentioned the anime openings and OST they made this year, capturing such a familiar feeling of the magic of our daily lives and fights.
They make music for us, for our generation, about issues and feelings we all face with every day in our daily life. And gosh, we needed TXT in 2020 so bad, I��m grateful for them
Red Velvet - Psycho
(Okay, so psycho is technically was released in 2019, but like only few days before new year’s eve so... I count it as a 2020 release)
RV had only one comeback this year as a whole group, they still made it iconic and served a song which quickly becamone of of THAT songs of 2020. I may say this too many times, but I’m in love with groups with unique concepts and sounds whoch can only be done by them. It’s especially true for RV: they always serve and never miss.
And I could go into details how perfect this song is and that I could spent a whole day just watching the MV, but I think everyone knows what I think exactly. It’s a masterpiece.
(Side note: though it’s not quite my style, I surprisingly like Irene and Seulgi’s song “Monster” too! One of the most iconic songs of this year)
Answer, Inception
This was THAT year for 4th groups!
As I mentioned at Itzy and briefly touched on it at skz, i do feel like groups which debuted 1-2 years ago found their own sound, own style, own concept now and more confident and better in the music they put out. Don’t get me wrong, these groups were never bad - but now the improvement comparing to their debut days are so visible. You could feel ATEEZ are going hard, wild yet keeping it elegant and never losing their own style. I’m literally unable to tell you how much I loved their songs in this year and I’m more than excited to see what 2021 will bring for them and for us!
Flowering, Jogging, Snooze
Definitely one of the best debuts of 2020. After all, you can’t see many korean bands with a violinist (if I’m correct, there’s only LUCY out there). I am absolutely in love with their uniqe style. It’s so different yet, it’s so needed, especially in this crazy times.
They sound like spring. Hopeful with the re-born nature around them. They sound like summer, july. Full of fantasy, and childish dreams of adventures in the backyard. They sound like early autumn. Something changed, something passed, a little grief in the begging of “please stay a child for a bit longer”.
3YE - yessir
Girl crush conceot is running high, kpop is full of powerful anthems for girls (and I love that!), but completely different what we were used to hear from 2nd generation groups. Music evolved throughout the time so there’s nothing surprising in this. Yet, 3YE was able to release a song which gives me off second generation vibes, it was impossible for me to not fall in love with it. It’s powerful, and catchy... deserved more attention from the gp.
Songs I liked and recommend but lazy to write more mini-essays:
Seventeen - Homerun, Left & right
Iz*one - The secret story of a swan, Panorama
Berrygood - Accio
Wjsn - Butterfly
G-Idle - Oh my god
Pentagon - Daisy
Loona - Star, So what
Blackpink - Lovesick girls
IU - Eight
KARD - Gunshot
Hoppipolla - Let’s
Hwasa - Maria
Weekly - Tag me
StayC - So bad
CLC - Helicopter
Everglow - La di da
Astro - knock
Dreamcatcher - boca
April - lalalilala
Apink - dumhdrum
BAE173 - crush on u
E’LAST - Tears of chaos
Oh my girl - secret garden
fromis9 - feel good
p1harmony - butterfly
HA:TFELT - Life Sucks
Sunmi x JYP - When we disco
Yukika - Soul Lady
Eric Nam - Paradise
Stella Jang - Villain
Zico - Any song
DPR LIVE - Jam & Butterfly (ft. Crush, eaJ)
Got7 - Last piece, Not by the moon
Weekly - tag me
Lacuna - Dancing in the rain
Cignature - Arisong
Jessi - Nununana
Blackswan - Tonight
N.flying - Oh really
Brave Girls - We ride
DreamNote - Wish
Natty - 19
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momorabu · 7 years
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Ensemble Stars! Event Story - Kiseki☆The Preliminary Match of the Summer Live / Summer Live (Part 1)
One of the main highlights for the Ensemble Stars series is here! The continuation of the main story to the route of SS! Finally we get to see some opponents from the other schools in this one, mainly the mysterious Hiyori from ex-Fine that we’ve been hearing about~
As this story was a long one (over 20+ chapters TWT), I decided to split it into two parts~ This is Part 1 of the story, Part 2 should be up pretty soon when I finished writing it~ ^^
Anyway as always, the summary of the story can be found below. Translation may not be 100% accurate due to my poor Japanese skills~
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The story starts off with Makoto unexpectedly meeting “me” one day during the summer. “I” was out in the streets for a work related task, as the student council had asked “me” to purchase some items for them. As it was a rest day for “me” actually, Makoto worried that “I” might overwork myself and collapse at this rate. 
Since “I” was busy with work, Makoto guessed that “I” won’t be able to take out time to take a look at them during the Summer Live practice later on. He knew that ‘I” had received high ratings for “my” producing skills and had even more work now that “I” had to be the producer for other units as well. Even though Makoto said that he’s happy for “me”, he too felt abit lonely knowing that we seems to have gradually drifted apart now. (Aww~ Makoto TWT TWT)
(Makoto knew that “I’m” not their personal producer and was “everyone’s” producer now, but looking at that face T///T I want to be just your producer Makoto. *cough* sorry my fangirling side for Makoto seems to be showing here *cough*)
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“I” took out the support fan for Trickstar and started waving “it” furiously. Even though Makoto found that action to be weird, he knew that “I” wanted to express that no matter what happens, “I” would always be Trickstar’s fan. This pleased Makoto as he told “me” that he would rely on “me’ and valued “me” very much~ (as a producer I guess ^^;)
Since Makoto was quite free currently (before his practice in the afternoon), he asked “me” whether he could assist “me” in “my” work, since “I” might be able to have time to look at them practising if “I” managed to finish “my” work earlier. Makoto was all proud when he said that he had gotten stronger after getting training from Koga, and confident that he would be able to aid “me” in carrying stuff for “my” shopping. He hoped that “I” could rely on him more since he was a guy afterall, since he doesn’t want “me” to force on “myself” too much even if “I’m” in trouble. (Is it me or suddenly Makoto seems like a very reliable boyfriend now? OwO)
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“I” agreed to let Makoto come and help “me”, and just at this moment, we met Tsumugi at the train station, who was looking for “Hiyori” and “Jun” who had came from Reimei Academy. The Summer Live which was planned to be held next week was a collaboration event with students from another school, and today was the day where Tsumugi was tasked to welcome them and showed them around the the school. However, he had not seen them at all at the designated pick up spot and thus asked us if we had seen them around.
Speaking about Reimei Academy, Makoto mentioned that it was a newly built school, and had gained fame really fast recently and thus widely talked about on the social media. Trickstar would be participating in the Summer Live event as the representation from Yumenosaki Gakuen, and asked Tsumugi whether he was here because Switch would be participating in the event as well. However, Tsumugi answered that he was just here today because he was acquaintances with the students from Reimei Academy (and so won’t be snatching the representation seat from Trickstar XD) 
Just then, a phone call arrived for Tsumugi, and it was from the students from Reimei Academy. Hiyori was the person who was on the phone, and apparently he had saw some nice shops around here and decided to go shopping instead OWO” He told Tsumugi that he would head towards Yumenosaki Gakuen later on when he was satisfied with his shopping trip. This reminded Tsumugi of the times where Hiyori would break his promise in the past and randomly head out in the middle of the night to do some shopping. (Hiyori... sounds abit like he’s a shopaholic OWO”) In the end, Tsumugi told Hiyori that he would be heading over to the shop to pick him up personally instead and asked him for the shop name. (I think this was the few rare times that Tsumugi actually seems kind of frustrated with someone. Usually he seems like someone who could take in all kind of abuse and still smile, but not towards Hiyori I guess? ^^”)
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After the phone conversation, Tsumugi had to excuse himself as he had to head over to the shop to find Hiyori instead. Makoto asked if he’s alright, but Tsumugi answered that he’s already used to it since these sort of stuff already happened during his days in Fine. Tsumugi remarked that Hiyori was quite an annoying and “disastrous” person, and warned Makoto that Trickstar had to beware of him, since if they had let their guard down around him, they would ended up being twirled and led around by him as he pleased.
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Indication / 予兆 : Chapter 1 - 2
Hokuto was at the fountain area of the school when he was shocked by Subaru suddenly appearing before him. He lectured Subaru about telling him not to appear so suddenly, and also told him not to touch him since Subaru had rolled on the ground just now and had dirt on him.
Subaru remarked that rather than greeting him first, Hokuto was lecturing him instead and he seems to be in an agitated mode. Hokuto asked Subaru whether he was smiling confidently now, but rather than smiling, Subaru replied that Hokuto’s expression seems really forced and laughed at him for showing such an unnatural smile when he was part of the drama club. Hokuto asked Subaru to show him some gag (probably to cheer himself up on something), and the latter responded by saying that him and his dog Daikichi together would be “Omikuji Combo”. However, Hokuto did not get the gag at all and told Subaru that he’s not an Omikuji. (I had no idea why they’re suddenly talking about this topic though ><”)
Subaru explained why he was here, and that was because this area was part of his route where he would walk with Daikichi. Subaru mentioned that even Daikichi’s father had also walk this path frequently in the past, though it had already passed away now. Hokuto was strict as he told Subaru that this was not the place to walk his dog, and told him to head towards the seaside instead. Subaru tried to rebut but Hokuto stopped him once he had used the words “but”, and said Subaru had always used words like that to force his opinion on others, and remarked that he’s really quite stubborn. Subaru rebutted that Hokuto was the same too, and since they’re so similar together, Subaru hoped that they would always remain friends with each other ^^ Hokuto felt that they’re complete opposites though, as he doesn’t understand how Subaru views the world around him. 
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Subaru wondered what was Hokuto doing here in the school this morning, since the practice for Summer Live was scheduled to be in the afternoon. He was worried that he had remembered the schedule wrongly, but Hokuto assured him that he’s not wrong and instead praised Subaru instead, since it was a rare chance that he had actually remembered the schedule. 
Continuing back on the topic of Subaru’s walk with Daikichi, Subaru said that he had to do that because due to them being busy with preparing lives recently, Subaru didn’t have much chance to let Daikichi do some exercise, and that ended up with Daikichi getting fat. Hokuto felt that Daikichi looks cute when he was all round like this, and hearing what Hokuto had said, Subaru offered Daikichi to Hokuto to pat it, since Daikichi was a dog which likes to be pat. However, Hokuto declined and told Subaru that he had to leave now as he had a meeting of the Summer Live to attend to as the leader of Trickstar. This was why Hokuto was so strict to Subaru and didn’t his clothes to be dirtied earlier on. 
As the students from both school will be meeting each other in the afternoon to start practising for the Summer Live together, the meeting in the morning was a preparation towards that, where the leaders from both units would meet each other as the leader from the other unit had something that he wanted to relay to him. Subaru offered to go along with Hokuto, since he worried that Hokuto might ended up quarreling with the other party, claiming that if Hokuto gave him a notice that he’s in trouble and need help, Subaru would ignore the atmosphere and barged into the conversation to help Hokuto out. (Are you sure that’s not just causing disturbance Subaru? ^^:)
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Subaru still didn’t really understand what was the Summer Live was about and asked Hokuto whether he had knew anything about it. But Hokuto didn’t knew about the details either, since Hokuto was just called to the student council room yesterday via the PA system to notify that Trickstar would be participating in the Summer Live. Subaru remarked that when Hokuto was called to the student council room, it gave him flashback of the nightmare that had happened before DDD. Hokuto talked that it was because Trickstar had just been created and not stable at that time, so the members were easily swayed when the student council tried to disband the group, but things were different now, as Hokuto planned for them to gain a territory of their own in this school, grow as much as they can within the next few months, and head towards the SS at the end of the year. As their opponents would be people from other schools in the SS, the student council are their comrades now. Since they’re all idols in the same school, and and with student council showing support for them, Hokuto wanted to believe in the student council. 
Since they’re going to interact with students from the other schools, their logic of thinking might be different from them as students from Yumenosaki Gakuen. Hokuto warned Subaru to be careful not to embarrass himself when interacting with them XD With that, Hokuto bid good bye to Subaru and make his way towards the student council room.
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Indication / 予兆 : Chapter 2 - 3
Eichi greeted Hokuto when he stepped into the student council room, remarking that he seems to be in a good mood. Eichi himself was smiling from ear to ear, as he was pleased with how things were moving along smoothly currently, and remarked that matters were easier to be carried out when they’re being done in the dark, and that made Hokuto suspect whether Eichi was planning something evil in secret. Eichi claimed that he was not doing anything that’s evil, but trying to fulfill his dreams instead. He mentioned that the other party would be late to the meeting, and told Hokuto to sit down and wait for him in the meantime. 
Eichi offered some tea for Hokuto, but he declined it. Seeing that Hokuto seems to be quite nervous, Eichi asked him not to be so cautious of him as he wasn’t their enemy this time. Even though Eichi had not planned to spoil the Trickstar members as little children, but since Trickstar was representing their school in SS, Eichi had planned to give them back up as the student council as when required. This was why the Summer Live was planned, as Eichi had planned for it to be a practice for Trickstar before the SS, as they would be able to compete with their opponents before then. Eichi told Hokuto that he planned to give them more jobs in the future that suits them as the representation of their school and there would be further opportunities of them competing against other schools. If possible, they maybe even offered the chance to travel abroad for work related opportunities too. 
However, Hokuto revealed he had planned for Trickstar to participate more in dreamfes organised in the school. He mentioned because this was a collaboration event with other schools, even if they win or lose in this event, it won’t be reflected in their grades as they’re not under the dreamfes system. If Trickstar followed what the student council had planned and went onto participating other events not related to the school, he knew that their position in school would get shaky again as their reputation in school might get weaker and weaker. Eichi rebutted that this was all Hokuto’s imagination that Eichi is targeting Trickstar as their victims, and was surprised that Hokuto actually cares about school grades. Hokuto answered that this was because his parents love numbers, and had given him a scolding when they realised that his grades had dropped recently. Eichi told him that what’s important was the results as this school was one that decides one’s position by results and numbers, though partly it was due to Eichi’s work in the past.
Eichi tried to offer tea to Hokuto, but he declined it again, making Eichi sighed as he told him that he really needs to relax (and that Hokuto should really speak in a formal tone towards Eichi, seeing that he’s his senior ^^;) Eichi started talking about the tea was a herbal tea, which was made by herbs grown at Eichi’s house since his junior at the tea club - Hajime loves herbs recently. However, Eichi found that the tea were of a lower quality than what he had bought from the shops, and thus told Hokuto that he could have it to help him get rid of it XD (Don’t use people as a dustbin, Eichi~!! ><”)
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Eichi relaised that they’ve been waiting for a long time, and yet Hiyori had not shown himself. He signed and remarked that Hiyori was someone who had always not abide to the time that they were supposed to meet. He continued on and told Hokuto that “Hiyori” was one of their opponents that Trickstar would be performing with at the Summer Live. As Hokuto might not remember who he is, Eichi reminded him by telling him that Hiyori used to be one of the students in Yumenosaki Gauken, but had transferred at the end of last year. His full name was Tomoe Hiyori and he used to be part of Fine, so Hokuto shouldn’t have forgotten about him, as Eichi teased Hokuto as “Hockey-mask-kun”. (Wait, Hokuto was Hockey Mask? I think I came across this name somewhere but I don’t remember it ><”)
Hokuto remembered that Hiyori was one of the two most popular members in Fine, and didn’t know that he had transferred since Hokuto only realised that he seems to have not heard any news regarding him for a long time. Eichi signed and advised Hokuto that rather than just focusing on himself, he should look around more of his surroundings as a leader. Back on the topic regarding Hiyori, Eichi explained that he was one of the main person behind Fine’s power at that time, and was probably as powerful, if not even more powerful than Eichi now as an idol. If Hokuto and the rest of Trickstar were not aware of him, they may ended up getting “eaten” up by him.
Moving on from Hiyori, Eichi mentioned about an idol group which he guessed that Hokuto must have heard about - Eden. Eden was a group that had the highest ratings among their era, the idol unit that was unbeatable. Eden was predicted to be the overall champion of SS, and thus Eichi felt that they would be Trickstar’s biggest opponent during the competition. Hiyori currently resided in “Eve”, which was greatly related to  “Eden”, so Eichi felt that his unit “Eve” would be great opponent for Trickstar to practise against before the SS.
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Hokuto was curious about the relationship between “Eve” and “Eden” as the current link that he could think of currently was how their unit names were all  related to saint literature. Eichi decided to reveal what Eden was about, it was actually made up of “Eve” and another unit “Adam” to form “Eden”. Saying that this resembles a robot, Eichi told Hokuto that they’re still researching on more information about them at the moment. What he had known so far was that the two units had came from two different schools, but both schools had came from the same idol management company. The two schools were “Reimei Academy” and “Shuetsu Academy”, with the two units “Eve” and “Adam” operating differently most of the time. However, when required, both units would team up to form “Eden” and carry out idol activities together.
Even Eichi felt that the “Fine” now won’t be able to match against Eden since that unit was really powerful with each individual having high skills being on their own. This is why Eichi hoped that they’re able to find out a way they can go against Eden by being the opponent of “Eve” and “Adam” separately first. 
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Since Hiyori was also part of Fine in the past. Hokuto asked Eichi whether he had an idea of how good he is as idol. Even though Eichi did knew how good Hiyori was in the past, there was a possibility that Hiyori had improved after he had transferred and gaining even more experience outside. He told Hokuto that compared to “Nagisa”, Hiyori was a much simpler person to understand, since he would just do things just as he pleased. Hiyori was also an easier opponent compared to Nagisa (who was hard to undestand and grab a hold of according to Eichi ^^;), since Hiyori was someone who was kind as a person from the royalty, and even if Trickstar landed themselves in the worst scenario... they won’t get “killed”. 
Just then, Hokuto heard footsteps approaching the room and started to get nervous, thinking that Hiyori had arrived. But it turned out to be just Mao, since he was just here to deliver some documents as requested by Eichi. Hokuto isn’t pleased that Eichi was making use of his comrades, but Eichi claimed that it was Mao himself who had requested some work to be done, even Mao spoke up for Eichi saying that he would feel better if he was abit busier and that this was the norm for him as he was part of the student council. 
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Eichi asked Mao whether he would like to stay for the meeting, but Mao said that such an important task should be left to Hokuto since Mao felt that this would be bad for his heart, as he mentioned that he was just a small civilian here.  (Oh no, Mao you are definitely not a small civilian ^^;) Eichi sighed as he mentioned again that Hiyori was really late, and wondered if he had returned home instead of coming here. (Hiyori was someone Eichi had found it troubling to deal with since from the past, as Hiyori had never did anything according to what Eichi had planned ^^;)
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Indication / 予兆 : Chapter 4 - 5
On the other hand, Makoto and “me” had finished our shopping and were at the game center. “I” teasingly put a cold drink at Makoto’s neck just to see his reaction, and offered him the drink as it was a hot day in the summer. Makoto had helped “me” by checking on the net on the stuff to be bought, and that helped to improve our efficiency to finish our shopping trip earlier than expected. Makoto was initially worried about the amount of items to be bought, but thankfully there was a delivery service being offered, and thus we decided to use that to deliver all the items that were bought to the school. 
Since “I’m” done with “my” tasks and doesn’t have anything “I” have to do later on, Makoto asked “me” whether “I’m” free, as he wanted to invite “me” to join him at the game center. He was worried whether that would be troubling for “me”, since “I” might want to head a cafe instead to pass the time before Trickstar’s practice in the afternoon. 
(Nono, that won’t be a trouble for me Makoto! I’ll go anywhere you want with you ^^)
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“I” agreed to accompany Makoto to the game center, and thus he explained his reason for wanting to head there. There used to be a very famous senpai at the game club, which Makoto had belonged to for awhile. (This was stated in “Rocket Start”.) However, the senpai had quit school to become a game designer, and was now in charge of producing a game finally. The game was a continuation of a very popular game series, and there was news that this game was now available at the game center. As Makoto had loved this game series, knowing that the continuation was even made by this senpai that he used to know, he was very interested about it and thus wanted to come here and try playing the game.
Makoto was very excited when he reached the game center, pointing out at various franchise. As the game center was near to Yumenosaki Gakuen, which specialise in producing idols, there were many crane games that has idols goods available at the game center. He tried to find if there were any crane game machines that has Trickstar goods available, but couldn’t find any of them unfortunately, and thus wondered perhaps Trickstar was not yet as popular as he had hoped so.
However, suddenly a guy called out to him, calling Makoto a “kuso megane”. (New character! Actually this guy was trying to talk to him moments ago but Makoto had not realised it at all ^^;) Makoto was shocked and... pretty much seems unhappy that this guy was interrupting his happy date with “me”. (Wait.. when did it became a date Makoto? Not that I dislike it... but I guess this pretty much confirms that Makoto does sort of was attracted / has a crush on “me”? O////O)
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Makoto had found the guy to be quite fierce looking and thus afraid that he was going to cause trouble for him. He was pondering whether he should hand over some money to the guy and apologised to him before running off for his life, but thought that that would make him look like a wimp in front of “me”. As being involved in a fight would be damaging to an idol’s image, Makoto was caution not to get himself involved in any conflict. In the end, Makoto was more worried about getting “me’ involved with this “delinquent” (so when did the new guy became a delinquent ^^”?), and decided that he shall just use money to pay him off. To his horror though, he realised that his wallet wasn’t with him when he reached for it. (Bad luck Makoto =w=���)
Turns out that the guy had approached Makoto because he had saw Makoto dropped his wallet, and had picked it up to return it to him. He noticed that Makoto seems afraid of him and knew that it was mostly because of his own looks that looked scary for others. The guy had also knew Makoto’s full name, which surprised Makoto as he wondered that perhaps they’re that popular after all. However, the guy quickly dashed Makoto’s hopes by answering him that he’s not that popular actually in the whole country, as in fact the guy had not known Makoto’s name at all before he had researched about him. Makoto felt scared when he heard that the guy had researched about him XDD (Hmm? Had he thought why someone will research about him?)
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This was then the guy realised that Makoto doesn’t seems to know about him at all, and decided to give him a little hint - He was a newcomer who had just become part of “Eden” recently, and thus guessed that he might have been buried by other more popular members. This was then Makoto realised that the guy was someone who would be collaborating with Trickstar for the Summer Live, and was worried about competing against “Eden”. The guy tried to assure him that they’re working together for a live event instead of competing, and he would be representing as “Eve” instead of “Eden” this time. 
As it seems that Makoto had not researched about him at all, the guy introduced himself as “Sazanami Jun”, and wasn’t pleased that Makoto does not seems to take him seriously as an opponent at all when he had taken out time from his schedule specially to come down here to Yumenosaki Gakuen. He told Makoto that he had hoped that he would do his research to find out more about who he would be performing at the live event, instead of waiting around for information like a little bird waiting for food. For Jun, the competition between “Eve” and “Tickstar” had already started even though there was still half a year more till the start of SS. He felt that it won’t be good to be in a close relationship with Makoto actually, and since he still had matters to attend to, Jun bowed as he began to take his leave. Makoto was confused and remarked that Jun was a “kid” that he doesn’t understand at all, since he could be all fierce and angry one moment, and suddenly being polite next ^^; 
(Somehow Makoto pissed Jun when he remarked that he’s a “kid”, as Jun clarified that they’re of the same age. I guess Jun doesn’t like being treated as a little kid ^^:)
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Makoto was still confused about the whole situation even after Jun had left, and also realised that “I” wasn’t with him the entire when he was talking to Jun. He was angry when he finally found “me”, and said that “I” should have inform him before going off by “myself”, since he had felt troubled and scared earlier on thinking that he was being pestered by a delinquent. (Sorry Makoto ^^: But you look cute when you're angry >///<)
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Makoto decided to get back into the mood of playing and made his way to the game machine which he wanted to try out with “me”. However, he was shocked to see that Jun was also there and playing the same game that he had wanted to play. (Talk about coincidence ^^;) “I” was oblivious to what had happened between him and Jun earlier on, and thus went onto putting the coins in for a new game at a machine near to Jun. Thus somehow it had became a VS game battle against Jun for Makoto, which terrified him since he doesn’t know how to use the controls for this game yet and Jun was scary to him too ^^; 
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Foreign Enemy / 外敵: Chapter 1 - 2
Mao had enjoyed his lunch after leaving the student council room, and while remarking that he had a great meal, Rei suddenly appeared and told him not to make such a comment like an old man XD This gave Mao a shock as he scolded that Ritsu should not appear at his foot like this as usual (he had thought that it was Ritsu was the one who had talked to him), and get an even bigger shock when he realised that it was actually Rei. Rei remarked that he felt lonely hearing that Mao had called Ritsu by his name, but decided to call Rei by his surname as “Sakuma Senpai”. 
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As he knew that Mao would be attending practices in the afternoon, he asked him whether it was alright for him to eat that full, but guessed that since Mao was quite young, he might be able to digest his lunch quickly before practice. Mao noticed that Rei seems quite tired, and realised that he should be sleeping at this time in the afternoon. Rei sighed and commented that though he was sleepy, it was too hot to sleep in the coffin in the summer. He wanted to look a place which has shade and was cooling, and before he realised it, he had wandered into the cafe terrace. 
Mao knew that an air-conditioner was installed into the coffin to defend against the warm weather, and asked Rei what happened to it. Turns out that the air-conditioner was out of order and had even ended up making the coffin flooded with water one time ^^; In the end, Rei had asked Madara for help to repair the air-conditioner currently. Rei commented that Madara was good at this area, whether it was repairing anything that’s mechanical, or making music instruments. (Madara, the guy with many talents +W+) Mao remarked that one should not judge someone by their appearance, since even though Madara looks huge and clumsy, he’s quite good with his hands ^^
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Rei commented that the tea club usually carries out their club activities in the cafe terrace, and thus there were times where Eichi (being part of the tea club) would actually approach Rei to have a conversation with him. He remarked that there were times where Eichi would actually have a serious expression on his face as he was thinking about something, and would even seek advice from Rei, to which Rei found it surprising and wonder perhaps it would rain XD He found that it was amazing that there would actually be a day where Eichi and him would actually work together (for the Summer Live I supposed?), and thus hope that their efforts would not come to waste. Mao agreed that he had found it hard to believe that it was the reality that he, together with the rest of Tricktar would be representing the school to particpate the SS. Rei told him that it was the reality that they’re living in now, and warned him that if they’re not serious about it, they might ended up get swarmed in by the hurricane of events during SS and being battered by it. He encouraged them to work hard and told him that he would be offering his support for them. (Aww~ Rei feels like a really good senpai ^^)
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Mao admitted that it was true that they still lacks popularity and skills currently, and that they might not be able to stand on their own without the help from others. Rei tried to encourage Mao that they might be able to compete with “Eve”, since they had more members than them, and the Summer Live event was held at Yumenosaki Gakuen’s turf so there would be more fans of Trickstar at the event. Rei wished that they would do well at the event, and remarked that if they’ve done a good job, he’ll reward them with a pat on the head ^^
Mao wondered that perhaps Eichi ahd worried and afraid if he doesn’t know much about their opponents, and thus requested him to find out more information about them. Even though Mao had managed to accumulate a huge amount of information, there was still details that were missing regarding them, since they still lack information of what skills they were good at or what kind of songs they were good at singing etc. Even if Mao had went through the whole data room, those information were hard to be found, and he guessed that perhaps it was because of Hiyori’s family who were rich and powerful had managed to protect those information from leaking. Mao now regretted that he had not keep a close watch at Fine’s performance during his first year to see how good the old Fine was at that time.
Rei felt nostalgic as he remembered that era. Fine were the heroes at that era, being the ones who had defeated the five oddballs, and the Trickstar members were still audience who had watched such an event taking place. However, things were different now, with Trickstar being created and even able to break the curse by defeating Fine and Eichi once. 
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Providing a hint to help Mao, Rei mentioned that even if the information were destroyed officially, there might still be another copy available in the secret underground library by Natsume. Rei told Mao that he could try asking for Natsume’s help if there were any information that he wished to obtain, and even gave him the permission to use his name if it helps to get Natsume to help them ^^ 
Rei also knew that Makoto was good at collecting information, and thus told Mao that if he had requested for Makoto’s help too, he would be able to get more information for Mao. However, Mao worried that this might distract Makoto from preparing and practising from the Summer Live, but Rei advised him that he should try to rely on his comrades more, since for Mao who was a normal human, this was something to be expected and normal for him to do. 
Just then they met Subaru, who had went out for a run now as this was the only time he was able to go for a run, seeing that they would be practise indoors in the practise room later on. Subaru asked Mao to join him for the run, but Mao replied that he was really full after a meal, and it would hurt his stomach if he pushed himself to run ^^; Even though Mao knew that Subaru was really energetic and the heat in the summer would not affect his spirit, he was still worried about him and told him to rehydrate himself by providing a drink to him~ (Hehe glad to see Mao taking care of Subaru here ^^)
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It was then Subaru noticed Rei, who had apparently made himself comfortable at the cafe terrace by lying on a bed. (Wait... Why is there a bed over there? ^^:) He was surprised to find Rei there, and asked whether Mao and Rei were in a good relationship to even have lunch together, since even though he knew that Mao and Ritsu were really close, he’s not sure whether Mao and Rei were considered childhood friends or not. Rei answered that because Ritsu doesn’t like him being too close to Mao (perhaps being afraid that Mao might get taken away from him by Rei?), Rei himself had to distance himself from Mao usually. He remarked that Ritsu doesn’t have to be so wary of him, as Rei would not steal Mao away XDD (Poor Rei ^^;)
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However, Mao thanked Rei for the information and even called him Rei-chan, which surprised and confused Rei greatly, and he remarked that he really doesn’t understand how youngsters were thinking nowadays XD Mao laughed and replied that he just wanted to do that suddenly, and even offered to carry Rei indoors as it seems that Rei was quite weak being shone by the sunlight at an angle. 
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As Rei was quite weak in the sun and it was the summer season, he said that he would need to see how the weather would be like on the event day itself to determine whether or not he would be able to make an appearance at the Summer Live. On the event that he might not be able to make it, Rei mentioned that he would support them in his heart instead.
As Rei was leaving, Subaru noticed that Rei had taken a tomato that was planted along the path and eaten it. He mentioned that the tomatoes were planted by Koga for Rei’s sake. (This is an unexpected side of Koga... Koga actually does gardening? OWO) 
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Mao offered to run along with Subaru now that he doesn’t felt that bloated anymore, as he wanted to be in the best physical condition for the practice later on. He wanted to run at a slow pace and asked Subaru to cool down, but Subaru got heated up instead when he knew that Mao was joining him for a run XD Mao was worried and told Subaru to cool down and think about the pace he was running, but Subaru said that Trickstar was a group who would only thinks things later on after they’ve charged ahead and do it, and even started running off first before Mao. Mao remarked that Subaru was indeed energetic to a point that he would worry about him, but it was also due to Subaru that had gotten his tension up again, and thus he ran to catch up with Subaru.
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Foreign Enemy / 外敵 : Chapter 3 - 5
As Hiyori was really late in arriving at the student council room, Eichi felt that it became a lucky chance for him to tell lots of stuff about “Eve” and “Eden” to Hokuto. However, if Hiyori did not appear in the end, it symbolised that “Eve” would not participate in the Summer Live, which might ended up in the whole event being cancelled. Eichi would not let that happen of course, as he planned to select another unit to replace “Eve” instead. He was pondering whether to choose either Valkyrie or Switch, since they would be good opponents for Trickstar as Eichi wanted the members of Trickstar to perform seriously (like in a war...? ^^;) Even though Hokuto knew that Eichi was praising them, somehow he felt that his words were like poison to him, and assured Eichi that Trickstar would always do their best no matter which opponents they’re facing again. (That’s the spirit Hokuto! +W+)
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Even though the Summer Live was only a one day event, Hokuto felt that the preparations for it seems to be quite a long one, since he had expected that it would not take that long to set up the stage and promote about the event. Eichi answered that though partly it was because that he cared about the live event (and thus willing to spend a longer time to prepare for it perfectly), the other reason was that he wanted Trickstar to spend more time in contact with students from the other school, since this was the first time they would be meeting students from other school and might have different school culture which they would need to get used to. Eichi mentioned that he won’t be hoping that they’ll get along really well together, since in the end they would be opponents who might ended up having to “kill” one another. (That sound scary Eichi TWT) Besides, Eichi felt that it wasn’t that long for the preparations, since they only have one week for it. (Welp, Hokuto, I’ll say that was short instead of long actually =w=“)
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Eichi told Hokuto not to care if the other party was someone who was older than him or part of the strongest unit, since he wanted them (Trickstar) to bark, bite and “kill” them with what they got. (Why did I feel that Eichi was describing them like a dog... =w=“) He was confident that after this week, they might be able to find some way which they could use to fight against “Eden” in the future. Eichi described that once they’re on the warzone, the true colours of people would show, and thus he hoped that Hokuto and the others would get into quarrels, anger the other party to make them show their true selves, adding on this was something that Hokuto is good at. (... Really?) Hokuto wondered whether he was really someone who would get into conflict with anybody easily, since Subaru actually mentioned the same thing about him earlier. (Ah, now I get why Subaru ask Hokuto not to get into quarrel with the other party in the meeting ^^;...)
Finally Eichi got a message from Tsumugi, who relayed the message that Hiyori would be arriving soon. He gave Hokuto one last warning, telling him that if he just stay quiet and accept everything that comes his way later on, he would get swept off by the other party’s talk and get gobbled up... OWO (Yikes) 
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And here comes the appearance of what they’ve been waiting for a long time for - Tomoe Hiyori~! He was glad that Eichi and Hokuto were actually talking about him, thinking about him, and actually spending their lifetime over him XD (That’s a weird way to describe it but I guess it’s true ^^;) 
Eichi lectured him about being late, but remarked that it was to be expected of Hiyori. He also mentioned that Hiyori has a loud voice, and seems that his appearance and words had given Hokuto such a shock that he had just froze in place... Hiyori felt that one should live for himself and as he pleased when he’s living in this place, and thus felt that speaking a loud voice is making full use of his lungs while he’s breathing and living ^^; He remarked that it was unexpected that Eichi was still living, to which the latter sarcastically rebutted him, asking him whether he was displeased to see him still living well. (Welp, these two... doesn’t seems that they like each other that much D:) Hiyori said that since he had now left Fine, he was not Eichi’s pawn anymore and thus even if anything were to happen to Eichi won’t affect Hiyori’s life anymore since Eichi was now not related to him. (Totally sounds like Hiyori wanted nothing to do with Eichi ^^;)
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Hokuto introduced himself as the leader of Trickstar, and would be working together Hiyori and “Eve” for the Summer Live event. Hiyori greeted him as well, remarking that he hoped that Trickstar would work hard this time to make Eve shine this time, which pissed Hokuto off. (As it totally seems to mean that Trickstar would be like back dancers of Eve in the performance, no wonder Hokuto was pissed off.) Eichi urged Hokuto to calm down and bear with in, as him being angry right from the start won’t help the conversation to continue on. However, he asked Hiyori whether he was indeed that confident of himself that what he was saying would not be different from the actual performance of his unit. Hiyori laughed back at Eichi, remarking that Eichi was still talking to him like he was high above him, reminding him that it was all Eichi’s imagination and things were different now. Even Hokuto could sense the sparks flying between them, and wondered how on earth were the two of them be in the same unit Fine in the past. (I guess it would be a miracle that they did not ended up killing each other =w=“)
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Even though Eich had arranged for Tsumugi to pick up Hiyori, Tsumugi himself were nowhere to be seen. Eichi asked Hiyori whether he had left Tsumugi behind, but Tsumugi answered that he had actually arranged for Tsumugi to bring the stuff that he had bought back to his hotel instead, since he had bought too much stuff and it was troublesome for him to bring all these stuff with him. (Then you should not bought so much Hiyori... =w=“)
Back on track to the topic regarding the Summer Live event, Hiyori proposed that he had a plan for it, and wished that the others would follow exactly according to his instructions. Hokuto immediately objected to it, since he thought that would be too one-sided as he had hoped that both schools were discuss over it to plan together. However, Hiyori rebutted that since this event was one that he, Tomoe Hiyori was tasked to participate in, he would not tolerate if the event turned out to be a normal and boring event. He revealed that he had only participated in this event as per the instructions from the idol agency (from the school), and truthfully speaking, he didn’t want to perform with them actually. He requested Trickstar not to be an obstruction to his performance, since if he found Trickstar to be an eyesore later, he would definitely kick them off the stage. (Hiyori’s threat!? How could he say that while smiling... *shivers*)
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Hokuto exchanged a look with Eichi, but the latter could only sigh and replied that he had already warn Hokuto earlier on that Hiyori was such a person. He felt an experience would work better for Hokuto and thus asked him to figure out what to do about this situation himself. (Eichi is not going to offer any help here ^^;) He gave a word of advice to Hokuto though, telling him that if he didn’t say anything to rebutt against Hiyori, Hiyori would just continue on with the conversation and does what he wants later on. He wished that Hokuto would try his best to negotiate with Hiyori, and fought hard for Trickstar’s sake. Eichi smiled and remarked that the war had already started, and if Trickstar let their guard down, their bones would be picked and they would be squeezed dry in the end. In order to protect his comrades in Trickstar, Eichi would need Hokuto to shine even more and break himself to protect the others. This was the task of what a leader should do. (I guess being a leader is definitely not an easy job...)
Hiyori was impressed with what Eichi had said, remarking that Eichi actually sound like a senior and had grown like a human. However, while noticing that Eichi had changed and become a much kinder and gentle person, he realised that he was not as shiny as he used to in the past, like how Nagisa is like now. Hiyori revealed that he really likes Nagisa, though he admit that it’s probably a one-sided feeling from him towards Nagisa, as Nagisa seems to be someone who lacked the ability to love someone. Even though becoming a part of “Eden” was the agency’s instructions, Hiyori admitted that the other reason was that he wanted to spend more time with Nagisa, and thus he doesn’t object to such an arrangement. (Hiyori was someone who won’t even want to spend one second with a person he doesn’t like, which Eichi dissed him that the other party must have felt the same way about him too.  I think they’re just talking about each other XD) (And... Hiyori sounds like he really likes Nagisa alot OWO)
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Eichi urged Hokuto to speak up, as since Hiyori was being arranged by the agency to participate in the event, he might not get a second chance to talk to him the next time as Hiyori would not bother to talk to anyone he’s not interested in, and thus it was best that Hokuto reveal everything that he had wanted to say in this meeting. However, Hokuto felt that what he says now would be useless against Hiyori, as he could feel that Hiyori was just viewing him from high above. He wanted Hiyori to first acknowledge Trickstar’s abilities and thus planned to show their skills and abilities to Hiyori during the practice in the afternoon. This surprised Hiyori, as he mentioned that most of his opponents would shrunk after meeting him once. Hokuto calmly replied that he was already used to people with high tension. (I bet he’s referring to Wataru as the one with high tension XD)
Just then, Hiyori realised that Hokuto’s surname (Hidaka) was very familiar, and also realised that his looks were familiar too. He then realised that Hokuto was actually his teacher’s son. Turns out that even Hokuto’s father was still active as an idol, there were times that he would be a lecturer at Reimei Academy. Hokuto didn’t seems surprised about this news, mentioning that his father was someone who doesn’t reject work very often. However, what he found puzzling was that his father would rather become a lecturer at another school rather than the school he had graduated from - Yumenosaki Gakuen. 
Hiyori mentioned that the school had tried to ask him several times, but it seems that something had happen during spring which made him changed his mind and agreed to become a lecturer over at Reimei Academy. Hokuto remembered that it was during spring that it was decided that Trickstar would make an appearance at SS, and wondered that perhaps this was the reason why his dad had made this decision. He wondered why his father would rather help to train his opponents, yet didn’t even praise his son of his achievement instead. (Hokuto’s father sound like a strict man...?)
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Hiyori sighed and told Hokuto that he hoped that he would not bring his family problems on stage. He mentioned that Mr Hidaka (Hokuto’s father) was really good at teaching, and hope that he would come to Reimei Academy to become a full-time teacher if he retired from being an idol. Hiyori started to feel interested in the Summer Live event, seeing that he would be able to perform with the son of Mr Hidaka. Hokuto doesn’t get why this gets Hiyori’s interest, but requested Hiyori to change his plans for Summer Live event. Unfortunately, Hiyori rejected it straight away with a smile XD (since it was too troublesome for him ^^;) However, Hokuto doesn’t listen to Hiyori’s reply either, and continued on that he would amend this plan to make sure that it fits Trickstar too. That pissed Hiyori off as he complained to Eich instead XD (Haha,Hiyori how does it feels when the same thing you’ve done to others bounce back to you? ^^:)
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Eichi just smiled instead to Hiyori and warned him to watch out for Hokuto, since Eichi himself was defeated by them (Trickstar) once afterall~ (Poor Hiyori went from being really hyper to being sad and disappoined since this was not how he had planned to be~ He looks cute like this though~)
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However, Hiyori quickly bucked up and announced that he’s going to take what he got for the Summer Live event then. For a moment, Hokuto could sense that Hiyori’s aura had changed and was impressed by him, thinking that there was no doubt that he used to be part of the heroes which changed the school... He knew that he shouldn’t let down his guard easily, since he would get “killed” anytime if that happens. 
As it was already noon, Hiyori’s stomach was growling with hunger, and suddenly proposed that they eat the quiche which he had bought just now while he was shopping. He started taking out a variety of flavours and urged Hokuto and Eichi to help themselves to it, even demanding Eichi to make some tea for him to go with the quiche. Hokuto sighed and remarked that it was easier fighting against the student council at that time since it was obvious that they’re their opponent, but against Eve and Hiyori, Hokuto doesn’t really know how to deal with them as it’s hard to decide how to fight against them. Besides they were supposed to work together for the Summer Live event this time. 
Hiyori was oblivious to Hokuto’s trouble as he was enjoying his quiche, remarking that this was a great day~ (with a word pun on his name ^^) 
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Even though it was just the morning meeting with Hiyori, Hokuto was already exhausted as it felt like he was dealing with two student council leader / two Eichi ^^; He could sense Hiyori’s strength as someone who used to be part of Fine, and somehow got fired up instead in the end ^^
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Communication / 交流: Chapter 1 
Back to Makoto’s side, he had enjoyed himself at the game center in the end, remarking that it had been a long time he had been able to play these games without worries. He had bought some ice pops from the convenient shop nearby, and offered some to Jun and “me”. As Makoto had bought a variety of flavours and these ice pops could be split into two, he suggested that we share the ice pops that way so that everyone could taste each of the flavours. 
(Ahhh Makoto was so cute when he offered “me” the ice pop, saying that this was the repayment gift for the drink earlier on ^^)
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Even though Makoto said that it was his treat or the ice pop, Jun insisted on paying for it. Makoto doesn’t listen to Jun and urged him to take the ice pop before it melts, so in the end, Jun accepted it with a thanks to Makoto. (The start of a beautiful friendship between these two guys? ^^)
Makoto remarked that Jun was actually really polite, to which he answered that since he was mostly in an environment where it was very strict to behave according to one’s position and rank, Jun had no choice but to be polite most of the time. But since Jun’s eyes were really fierce, he ended up scaring people most of the time even though he’s polite ^^; 
(Jun was also glad that he was able to have fun together with Makoto, and apologised for bothering him earlier on. Ah~ Jun really seems like such a nice kid ^/////^ He looks so cute when he smiles like this ^^)
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As Makoto was the one who had won all the rounds, he was relieved to know that Jun had enjoyed himself, since he thought it would be boring for him since he kept on losing. Jun thanked him instead for trying his best to beat him in the game, since his goal in coming to the game center was to test play this game at the game center actually. As Jun was not used to playing games usually, he doesn’t really know the game’s weakness and guessed that his review for the game would be a normal passerby who had never play games ^^;
After knowing the reason why Makoto had went to play that game, Jun noticed that Makoto had not realised that the theme song of that game was actually sang by Eden. Because the producer team of the game had requested Eden to play the game and provide some feedback about it, and since Jun felt that it would be rude to comment about the game without playing it, this was why he had came to the game center today to specifically play test this game. Makoto remarked that Jun was really amazing to be that committed to his work, and felt that Jun’s work to provide a theme song as an idol unit was really “like an idol”. (Well, they’re idols after all ^^;) Jun replied that unlike the idols in Yumenosaki Gakuen which specialised and focused on live performance, their school had a different style of work planned out for their idols (which I guess is related to providing theme songs for games, collaboration etc?)
As Jun doesn’t know the way to the school, he really appreciates that Makoto and “me” were bringing him along. Makoto had even planned to give him a gift actually, but Jun said that this was not needed since it would just add onto another item to his luggage ^^; He remarked that he had heard a rumor that the school was gradually decaying on the inside out, but Makoto assured him that the rumor was referring to something in the past, and things were different in Yumenosaki Gakuen now. 
Jun smiled in secret as he thought to himself that it was still too early for him to accept Makoto and the others to be of the same level to work with him. (That sounds abit scary Jun ^^;)
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Communication / 交流 : Chapter 2 
Back at school, Makoto rushed to the practice room in a hurry as he was late. He had thought that he had alot more time, and thus spent it having lunch at the cafe terrace. He wondered whether he had made things awkward between him and Jun and started to feel depressed whether he had messed things up in human relationships, and thought that perhaps it was all just his imagination thinking that he had gotten better in communicating with people recently. (Aww... Poor Makoto T///T Don’t worry, everything would be alright! *pats pats*)
Realising that it’s not good to have such dark thoughts like this, Makoto encouraged himself to buck up, and thought that Jun should be feeling even more worried and scared than him being in a place which he was not used to.
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Just at this time, he spotted Jun who was looking around curiously. Turns out that Jun was looking out for Sagami Sensei, and that reminded Makoto once again that Sagami Sensei used to be a very popular idol (though he now behaves.... unlike one ^^:). He offered to call for him for Jun, telling him that it would be easy for him to find Sagami Sensei as he was his teacher and he could always use his position as the broadcast committee member. (Are you supposed to use your broadcasting rights this way...? O.o) However, Jun denied the offer and clarified that he had instead felt better if he had not seen Sagami Sensei at all (Sounds like he’s on the lookout to avoid him instead), and told Makoto that they should head for the practice room soon instead. 
As they were making their way to the practice room, Makoto mentioned that it can be difficult navigating around the school as it was still expanding, and there were times that he ended up being lost in the school. Jun commented that this school was unlike theirs, which only had students in the idol course, and thus he felt that it was refreshing and interesting to him to see students from the normal courses. Even though part of the school seems old, Jun realised that they had very new and advanced facilities unexpectedly. He invited Makoto to visit his school next time to get “beaten up”, and Makoto replied that Jun must have felt really confident about himself seeing that Eden was the strongest unit in their era. He expressed his envy for Jun, admitting that most of the time he was always worried and feeling weak about himself. Jun revealed that he was just acting strong most of the time though, since if one shows signs of weakness in Reimei Academy, they might ended up being defeated by others really easily. Since he wasn’t a “special” student, Jun mentioned that he was actually someone who belongs to the lower rank in the school. (Sounds like a warzone over there D:) (Is it me or Jun and Makoto can be kind of similar seeing that both have their own weak sides?)
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On the other hand, Subaru was elated to have spotted “me” on the corridor and immediately flew over and grabbed onto “me”. Mao who was with him, gave him a lecture not to do it, as it worried him that we might both ended up falling off the stairs together. Mao also mentioned that since Subaru and “I” were of opposite genders, it might look like sexual harassment and thus warned him not to do that even though he knew that Subaru had not meant it in that way.
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Makoto noticed Mao and Subaru standing in the corridor and asked them why were they outside the practice room instead of heading into it. He thought that the key to the practice room was in someone else’s hands (deja vu moment for Makoto), but Mao answered that they had heard someone singing in the room, and felt bad for intruding the practice. Thus they decided to hang outside while waiting for the person to finish singing the song. 
Just then Mao noticed Jun who was standing next to Makoto and was able to recognise him, since he had already seen his photo from the information that he had gathered regarding “Eve”. Subaru was really curious to take a look at Jun when he realised that he was a student from the other school. Realising that Subaru’s surname was “Akehoshi”, Jun asked whether he was the son of “that” Akehoshi. (He’s referring to Subaru’s father.) Subaru asked Jun whether he would feel worried performing with someone with the name “Akehoshi”, but Jun replied that he was just surprised to know that he’s his son. He revealed that he felt that he was in a similar situation as Subaru, both being in trouble due to their “parents”. (Did Jun went through a similar family scenario as Subaru?)
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And that’s all for Part 1 of the story~ I do have many thoughts regarding this story, but shall leave them for the end of the story in Part 2~ 
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Let’s Talk: Jimin’s & Tae’s confessions (RUN Episode 141)
by Admin 1
Originally, I planned on writing a summary or vmin cut of the RUN episode but then I transcribed Jimin’s and Tae’s confessions and it got me thinking, and now here we are. Instead of a summary here are some of my musings and thoughts about their confessions and how they are right in line with things they’ve said in the past, and even quite recently, as well as how it fits with something Namjoon said in 2020 about them as well. I hope this will at least be somewhat interesting.
So, first, let’s look at Jimin’s confession, since this is longer and was first in the episode:
Jimin’s Confession
Jimin: Sometimes I am blunt. I’m like that at times. 
Na PD: Taehyung, has Jimin ever said anything bluntly to you?
Tae: Nowadays, he's really putting in effort to fix that to the point where it rarely happens anymore. Jimin tends to be very hard on himself, which also broke our hearts to see. 
Na PD: So, he gets stressed from himself, then gets mad at himself...
Tae: Then gets mad at himself.
Na PD: ...and then he blurts remarks.
(here it was a bit unclear (for me at least) which of the two said which line so I’m sorry if I mixed them up)
Jimin: It’s something I want to be forgiven for.
Tae: But Jiminie being blunt and me being blunt is completely different. Jimin has a kind hearted nature on the regular.
Na PD: Right.
Jimin: Are you usually not like that?
Tae: I’m, well...
The other members stop Tae, since it’s not time for his confession, and instead the question is posed by JK if they forgive Jimin to which everyone says yes.
Tae: You’re innately kind at heart. stretches out hand for handshake.
Jimin: Thank you. Jimin thinks (?) Tae might be going for a fist bump since he gives him his fist instead, which Tae still takes and shakes.
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The first thing about this that caught my attention, as well as one of our anons, was the fact that instead of choosing literally any of the other members, Na PD turned to Tae and asked him to verify if something like that (as in Jimin being blunt) ever happened toward him. You could say we’re thinking too much here, interpreting too much into it, and yet it doesn’t change the fact that he chose to ask Tae. Of course it could be because he said at the start of the program that he feels closest to Tae since he heard about him from two of his Wooga squad friends, but it might’ve just as well been because he watched the members for a while already at that point (since they’d already been filming a few hours) and perhaps he did notice how Tae and Jimin naturally gravitate toward each other, have this special bond? Other people who worked with them in the past noticed it, so why wouldn’t he?
There’s actually moment where Jimin turns and says Taehyungie like he wants to ask him something or say something to him which isn’t in the subs and the members don’t notice it either so Jimin never got to actually say whatever he wanted to say. Also, we’ve all seen how Tae and Jimin behaved during the game in the previous episode, how happy, smiley and giggly they were while being silly together.
Then the actual confession itself, Jimin saying that he can be blunt at times, toward others but also especially toward himself. We’ve heard many times from Jimin about how much of a perfectionist he is, how he can get mad at himself for mistakes, how he sometimes speaks without thinking which can end up a bit mean/blunt, and now he’d like to be forgiven for it.
This actually reminded me of something he said to Tae before:
FESTA 2020 from 42:56 min onward (context - the question was: have you felt disappointed in or sorry to the member to your right?):
Jimin: For Taehyung I should say if I compare those two feelings to him I was more hurt than sorry. Over time, it was reversed. Now I don’t feel slighted. I’m more sorry about things. Back then we were buddies so we had a lot of disagreements or didn’t admit that we were wrong. So I felt disappointed about little things. Now he listens to me well so I feel sorry that I talked to him harshly and every little thing.
The last line especially sticks out to me. I know there’s some language nuance here that got lost in translation which wisha mentioned when the FESTA 2020 video was posted (but is now gone since her twt was suspended), and yet it doesn’t change that fact that it fits with Jimin’s confession, how he was harsh to Tae in the past but now feels sorry for it, and with what Tae said, that Jimin is now making an effort to fix that behavior, to not be so blunt/harsh anymore.
It’s so interesting to me to see these mentions of what could be seen as character flaws over the years, things that make them inherently human. Also it fits with what we know about the evolution of vmin, how they used to have disagreements, have issues with proper communication but over time worked on it, got better at it to the point where they can now understand each other by just looking into each other’s eyes, and Tae’s words about Jimin, how he’s an angel, the warmest person he ever met, and now how he has a kind hearted nature, therefore the bluntness is not taking away from it in any way.
There was also something about this in Jimin’s solo RollingStone interview which caught my attention:
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(btw, if you haven’t yet, I highly recommend reading the main and solo RollingStone interviews because they are really, really good!)
Taehyung’s confession
Tae: Compared to the other members, I’m very lazy. Once I’ve set my mind on something, to get that into action, it takes me up to 2 months. I’m start working out, then quit. I’ve quit projects midway too. I’m the type where if I’m not feeling it, I don’t do it. There are times when I feel sorry to the members. 
Someone (I can’t pinpoint the voice): How would be summarize this?
Jimin: You’d usually call this as “irresponsible”. He lacks responsibility,
Tae: I’m still an amateur. 
Na PD: “I lack responsibility and am lazy”. Is that how we can understand it?
Tae: Yes.
Jimin: To be honest, we don’t think it’s to that extent, but if that’s what he feels... we forgive him.
Something I love about what Jimin said (in far fewer words than I will use because you know me, I can’t keep myself short) is that he essentially did two things at once, being: he assured Tae (and the viewers) that him and the members think differently, don’t see it as severely as Tae does himself, and then he also acknowledged the validity of Tae’s words, that even if Jimin doesn’t agree with him, Jimin knows that those feelings are still valid, that that’s what Tae feels and that, at the end of the day, even if the members don’t agree, they can’t change Tae’s mind, can’t force him into seeing things differently. The only person who can do that is Tae himself, and that’s okay. Jimin and the other members will still quietly support and reassure him when needed until he’ll “fix” this weakness, if that is something he wants to do.
This really shows how in tune with Tae Jimin is, but also how emotionally intelligent he is. Beautiful. Also, notice how Jimin said that without being asked to do so, which will come into play again a little later in this post and why I point it out specifically again.
Listening (or rather reading along) as Tae said that, it reminded me of something he said a few months ago:
Taehyung BE-hind Story Interview from 5:49 min onward:
Q: How do you cope when it’s hard to work/with these situations?
Tae: I’m very true to my emotions so uh...if I can’t write the songs or can’t come up with a title I just don’t. Like now! 
Yoongi: That’s actually the best way. 
Tae: I just don’t write it like how I’m doing it now, and I don’t want to be pressured to create something against my will. 
Yoongi: It’s not like you have to finish a song within a day or two? 
Tae: Right! So I’ve been taking some rest for about four months now. Now that I’m resting for four months... 
Yoongi: Wasn’t your mixtape supposed to be out last year? 
Tae: The mixtape that was supposed to happen last year was postponed. I should be in a state full of emotions right now, but I haven’t reached it yet. It’s like...my first mixtape so I want to feel that satisfaction when I release it whenever that time will be. 
Yoongi: That’s why you have to finish the whole thing while you’re at it... 
Tae: Yes. 
Yoongi: ...or else it takes too long to finish it. So, you have to finish it within that period. 
 Tae: Right. 
Yoongi: I’m guessing you might’ve missed the time.
The thing though is that what Tae said, that if he doesn’t feel it, he won’t do it/finish it, that just shows how much of an artist he is, how much his art truly matters to him, and how important it is to him that his art, in this case his music, turns out just the way he wants it to or else he won’t finish it or release it. And while Tae might call this “irresponsible”, I don’t think it’s that in this case, or that it’s a sign of laziness either, though just like Jimin, I don’t want to invalidate his feelings either. All I want to bring across is how in the context of his music, this isn’t a weakness or flaw, even if it might seem like it, especially in their line of work with deadlines, schedules and plans made weeks and months in advance where, usually, you can’t just take a four month break.
So, in that regard, I can understand how it can feel like a flaw to him, make him feel guilty about it and sorry to the members who in this case might rely on him to get something done on time and he might not do it, or not without forcing himself to do it or being dissatisfied, you know what I mean?
Earlier today Tae was on weverse and answered a few questions about his mixtape (though I have a feeling it really is time for ARMY to stop asking him about it and just let him breath) where he said that even though he got a song from someone and made ten himself, even with that break he took according to his BE interview, the songs just aren’t what he wanted them to be and thus he decided to start again.
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Some could say it’s again a case of him being irresponsible the way he characterized it during the RUN episode, that even though he said last year he was almost done and would release it soon it ended up being postponed and now he started over again, but once again I think it just shows how very important his music is to him, and therefore I’d actually call it a strength. It shows how valuable his artistic expression is to him, to create music the way he wants to, at his own pace, and only release it once he feels it’s right.
One more thing, just like I said in the intro of this post, Jimin and Tae jumping in to assure the other, reminded me of something Namjoon said during his Map of the Soul : 7 vlive last year:
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The context is a little different, but I think it’s still valid here as well, how Tae and Jimin made excuses for each other, how Tae immediately softened how harsh Jimin’s own words about himself might come across, assured both us and Jimin that really he has a kind heart despite this weakness, and then also Jimin by saying that things aren’t as bad as Tae makes them seem either. It’s interesting to really see something play out in a manner similar to what another member said about them based on having been with Jimin and Tae for the last nearly ten years.
Whoever claims that BTS just play out concepts or “plots” and characters given to them by the company really should just take a seat and stop. I mean, sure they all have a sort of persona they embody in front of the camera, at least to a certain degree, they’ve spoken about that numerous times, but they are still humans with flaws and their own dynamics between each other away from the cameras which, logically, also come across on camera as well, not always but enough for us to pick up on it. And in this case, with these confessions during RUN, we saw something that we previously only really heard about happen right in front of us proving (not that they have to prove anything to us, of course, we should simply trust them and what they tell us) that it really is that way.
Here’s the anon I mentioned earlier:
From anon: It might just be me lol but I think rather than Jimin forgetting he's being filmed for a show (with all those members of staff as onlookers as well) and blowing a kiss at Tae / blowing on Tae's chest, he probably just noticed a tiny bit of lint or fluff on Tae's cardigan or mic and decided to blow it off... Of course, if that was the case, that still reveals their high level of intimacy and the fact that even when interacting infront of strangers they seem to be unable to stop showing exactly how tuned into each other they are... I don't think it's a coincidence that Na PD chose to ask Tae, of all the members, to verify Jimin's statement about his flaw. He was probably observing them all day and noticed how particularly close they were, even amongst all the extremely close members.
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fluffi · 3 years
a god’s menu hater?! 😾 jk, i understand. it wasn’t something i liked at first too. then it kept popping up as an ad before left and right by svt played (i was streaming it at the time) but i couldn’t bring myself to skip it? then i couldn’t stop singing it. i actually recall streaming both mvs during finals week instead of studying 😅
this is your sign to dive into wayv but ofc take your time. they’ll always be there if you need a good laugh. and i hope i’ll get into cpop someday, feels like i’m missing out on good music. 😕
shotaro really is up there huh? hope sm revives the nct dance channel and give the man a platform to post on. also have you watched shotaro’s relay cam episode?
yep it’s probably because of the sexual connotation : D i wanna go back to the time when ice cream was just ice cream. and ice cream cake gave me diarrhea once 😭 i still love it but i’m always hesitant bc there’s the slim chance i might suffer through that whole thing again.
i, too, abandon my ult groups when i start stanning new ones. but then again, my ults are an active bunch. with chan going live every week and an nct unit coming back every other month, it’s hard to totally get distant 😂 i used to not watch variety shows because my attention span couldn’t handle it 🤣 also ik you mentioned the groups that you stanned before but who are your ults? (but i think it’s listed somewhere on your blog tho i’ll check it out after i send this)
maybe they don’t read because these are lengthyyyyyy but if they do then 😃🤚🏼AAAAAAA i look forward to these exchanges too úwù
ah yes. those three bring in a lot of fans 🤣 maybe thats why sm put them in the first unit that promoted for nct 2020. strategy worked tho, felt the fandom grow bigger. shotaro edits devastate me whenever they pop up on the tl but i don’t see them often. and come to think of it, i have never seen a soft johnny edit.
spicy genres 😭 i am definitely NOT worthy of that title. but if there’s a specific type of nct fic that you would want to read, i might be able to give you recommendations. oh why would you want to wipe them ☹️☹️ save a copy somewhere at least, you might regret completely erasing them.
and SEUNGMIN. the biggest threat to my loyalty to bang chan. that man just devastates me every. single. time. something about him just makes me go all soft 😔 i had a whole rollercoaster seungmin phase last december bc i subscribed to his bubble and he was active as hell EXCEPT on christmas week. and i got sad bc he didn’t send a greeting..? care to share how it became seungmin for you?
also i have a finished seungmin drabble jailed in my docs based on this devastating gif. want me to tag you when i drop it? 🤣
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also yes that show 😭 i watched that bc i missed dream a lot but i haven’t got around to finishing it. i hope you’re enjoying it tho! they truly are a hilarious bunch. i saw a twt abt them though. that dream is a group of 20-year olds with 35 years of experience 🤣 they aren’t 4th gen but their ages make it seem like they are.
ah repetition both made us fall for gods menu and its glory. i still cant believe it didnt get one single win :( i personally preferred gods menu over back door but at least back door's music wins gave its sibling some justice. ugh same, i tend to stream mvs while studying but i usually end up watching the mv and the people in it instead haha.
also yes! get into cpop. i personally don't find their '4th gen' music (basically the new generation of kpop knockoffs) good because of its horrendous english grammar, but their music isn't mind blowing or anything anyways. i would recommend some ballads though, chinese ballads will remain superior forever.shotaro supremacy! i fell for him before i even started stanning nct, that says so much. and yes, ive watched his relay cam and fan cams multiple times, way before i stanned too haha. hes honestly so likeable.
lmao are you lactose intolerant? /g ice cream doesnt do much to me besides make me feel bloated. nowadays i prefer smoothies over it.
speaking of nct units coming back and skz, hot sauce just happened but we already have a 127 drop. i didnt think id see hyuck and mork in there D': give them a break sm. once again, title track isnt my taste at all, but maybe ill grow to like it after a few listens. ive surprisingly become a fan of hot sauce though. the hook and jaemins intro are super addicitng. 
stray kids world domination too! i didnt watch kingdom because im not available during the airing time but i streamed and looked at their performances and i have to say, no personal bias or anything, skz deserved that win :3 its all in good fun though, atz and tbz caught my eye and i might try getting into them in the near future hehe.
my ults are izone, skz, txt and enha! (i think you probably saw them already haha). my bias ults are jake and wonyoung. to be honest, with the amount of dream content im consuming daily, i think they might become one of my ults soon. argh i really want to write for them though.
no no your fics look so unique and spicy grrr. im really excited to read them! theyre different from typical fanfiction and im a sucker for that. hmm for recommendations, honestly anything sfw and fluffy is fine, i tend to love writing angst but im a sucker for reading fluff. ive been binging on lvdsc's works actually, so amazing argh. as for my works, ill probably private them...or move blogs? im still thinking about it.
skz bubbles! ah theyre always so fun on the app, did seungmin say anything interesting? as for how he became my bias, the memory's hazy but i think it was because i was looking at those september celebration videos (for han, seungmin and lix all together (?)) and just kind of fell for his gahs and his vlives. seungmin vlives are always so fun and relaxing, i like to do homework to them. especially that one vlive where he sang for 4 hours, that just made me fall in love with him more.
based on that gif, im assuming that the drabble is about nose booping? which i absolutely LOVE! YES! in fact, tag me in anything seungmin. anything. literally anything. that boy is my secret ult lmao.
0 notes
calico-daydreams · 5 years
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{ Not A Need, But A Want }
Hoseok x Jimin (ace!jimin, College AU)
Hoseok has been a perfect gentleman throughout the years of their relationship, not once disrespecting Jimin's boundaries. However, Jimin can't help but want to lend a helping hand...
* * * * * * *
A.K.A Jimin is an asexual who wants to rock his boyfriend's world.
Genre: SOFT, mild nsfw (non-explicit), you have to squint really, really hard to see the hint of angst Words: 5,177
{ moodboard | original twt thread | ao3 }
A/N: This was my first time writing an asexual character, and while I’ve received some positive feedback, I still hope I did it justice enough for my fellow aces. ♥
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Jimin is in his favorite place: Hoseok's lap, his arms wrapped around his lover's neck like gentle vines, and Jimin is the flower. Hoseok is always gentle with him, all sweet kisses and soft touches with no sexual intentions; he respects his boyfriend's permanent boundaries, never once suggesting or forcing. "I want to be with you, Jiminie, not in your pants," Hoseok had said when they finally confessed to each other. He had looked at his right hand, "Hello, old friend. We’ll be well-acquainted once more." He laughed carefree, genuine enough that Jimin believed him, loved him for that.
But that didn't stop Jimin from thinking about Hoseok's natural urges. The times his boyfriend's eyes darkened slightly when glancing over his body on days he looked "too sexy with that cute of a face." Even when Jimin would consider himself a mess, bare-faced and fresh out of the shower in nothing but his sweatshirt from middle school and Grinch pajama bottoms in the middle of summer, he still noticed. It never made him uncomfortable - Hoseok would never let it simmer. But it made Jimin felt oddly warm.
He eventually brought it up six months into their relationship, to which Hoseok replied, "Just as your asexuality is valid, I can't deny my own: Jiminsexual. Won't ever dick you down, but wow, you're absolutely gorgeous, and I love you so much." He had let Hoseok pepper his red cheeks with kisses after that, giggling with joy. How he ever came to deserve Jung Hoseok as his partner, Jimin doesn't think he'll understand. However, what he does know is that as he straddles his boyfriend amidst a usual sweet makeout session, he can feel it happening again. Hoseok's hands, which had been caressing his back, are now frozen on his waist as if to still his lover. He keeps kissing him, but Jimin can taste the worry, the hesitation.
In the entire two years that they'd been together, he can only count on one hand the number of times Hoseok had ended their makeout sessions due to an 'uninvited guest.' Hoseok was always apologetic, squishing Jimin's cheeks gently as he said the same thing each time: "I hold back the urges pretty well, but sometimes I feel myself reaching the edge, and I don't wanna push it." It always ended with Hoseok playfully scolding his crotch and Jimin booping his nose, laughing at his silly antics. Then they'd just return to their usual routines (adding a cold shower for Hoseok) and never bring it up again.
Hoseok never seems frustrated by the fact that Jimin will never sleep with him, and while it's highly appreciated, Jimin sometimes wonders if Hoseok can stay this way. If he can really abstain for him. He knows Hoseok would never one to cheat, to seek satisfaction elsewhere - that finally got through Jimin's head two months into their relationship, after a heated argument followed Jimin claiming that he'd be open to Hoseok having a sexual partner. They both knew it was a lie, and Hoseok was adamant to put that to rest. "You are the only one I want, Park Jimin. My heart is yours. My dick? He can go fuck himself."
Well, right now, Hoseok's dick was basically knocking, and Hoseok wanted to lock the door. Jimin quickly threads fingers into his hair, keeping him close. He could feel rather than hear the groan Hoseok was swallowing down, tightening his grip on his waist. "Jiminie... Jimin." He finally pulled away at his boyfriend's firm tone, feeling a little guilty. But even as he nibbled his lip, he kept his eyes on Hoseok's, watching the dark pools crash like waves as emotions fought and he gathered his bearings. The heart-shaped grin he adores is back, ready to spill the same sincere apology. It is halted when Jimin kisses him again, a little firmer. He can feel brows furrow and the warm hands stutter, but when Jimin curiously grinds his hips, he gasps at the strong grip on his hips, halting him immediately. Hoseok had turned his lips away, tilting back out of reach. He looks frustrated, but it's not directed at his crotch this time. "Jimin, what are you doing?"
"I-I just..." Hoseok's face softens at his lover's wide eyes, sighing solemnly as he cups his cheeks.
"I'm sorry if I scared you, baby." His tone is more gentle this time, and Jimin wonders why he doesn't like that.
He murmurs a response, "You caught me off-guard, 's all."
Hoseok breathes a laugh, glancing downwards, "That makes two of us, babe." His hands leave his hips to return to his waist, rubbing gentle circles with his thumb. "Why'd you do that?" Jimin follows his gaze, noticing Hoseok's erection was still there. "Jiminie, you shouldn't worry about that."
"About what?"
Hoseok narrows his eyes playfully, "Don't play coy, now."
Jimin blushes, biting his lip in thought. Hoseok waits patiently, still drawing those invisible circles. Their argument comes to mind, back when he finally voiced his worries that he couldn't give Hoseok what he needed. "It's not a need, Jiminie. It's a want. All I need is you." Hoseok always seems to have the right words and meant every single one of them.
Jimin's mind flashes forward to their hopeful future, marrying the love of their life and foregoing the traditional honeymoon. Hoseok suggested he'd take them to Jeju, where they can vacation off the grid for a while and get used to calling each other 'husband.' Jimin fell more in love with him that day. That future is Jimin's want, but he can't deny the growing want to meet his partner in the middle. He'll never have sex with Hoseok, that's solid in his head as of right now. However, there's nothing wrong with... a helping hand, right?
After months' worth of Google searches, reading ace forums, and confiding in his best friend, Taehyung, Jimin has come to his own conclusion that: yes, he wants to please his partner. He genuinely wants to, and not for the sake of keeping him, but simply out of a desire to tend the fire instead of Hoseok extinguishing the flames entirely. Jimin knows he won't be burned, though. He wants to try this. Worst case scenario: he feels too weird and uncomfortable and knows Hoseok won't be mad. He'd drink a tea, Hoseok would take a shower, and it doesn't have to happen again. Best case scenario...
When he finally nods at his internal monologue and finds his words, he's noticed Hoseok's hands are at his cheeks now. He's greeted with that lovely smile again.
"Hey, baby." He pecks his lips, resting his forehead on his. "You okay?"
"I'm fine..." It comes out as a whisper, so Jimin clears his throat. Here goes...
"Are you hun—"
"I want to dry-hump you." That... didn't sound so bluntly odd in his head, but he's amused (and nervous) with the pure shock and confusion on his boyfriend's face. Jimin feels his cheeks burning - and something twitching.
"You..." He can see those brown pools darkening again, but as always, Hoseok stays afloat. With hands remaining on Jimin's cheeks, Hoseok presses a kiss to his nose, brows furrowed as he gathers his thoughts. "What brought this on, Jiminie?"
Jimin smiles shyly, brushing his fingers over the lines in Hoseok's forehead, coaxing him to relax. "You're so good to me, hyung. Amazing. You make me feel beautiful and cared for and loved. You're just... so respectful of my boundaries, but! But!" He gently shushes his lover, who purses his lips and lets him finish. "But I wanna meet you in the middle. Well, maybe not exactly, but a step towards your comfort zone, anyway."
"Jiminie..." He frowns, pondering his lover's words. "You never have to feel obligated to give me anything, and I mean anything, in return for simply loving you."
"I don't feel obligated. I will never go all the way with you, hyung. Not even second base." Hoseok isn't the least bit offended nor surprised by that statement. He's known this. But he's still confused.
"Then what do you feel?"
"Desire..." He quickly clarifies, knowing that isn’t the best word choice. "N-Not that kind, but... It's like..." He giggles, shaking his head as he searches for words. "Wow, my boyfriend is so fucking amazing, and I love him so much." Hoseok finally cracks a bashful smile, looking away as his cheeks glow pink. "And I will sometimes be in the moment with him and want nothing more than… to just..."
Hoseok braves a glance, whispering, "Just what?"
"Have him give in, so I can give in to my own curiosity."
"Curiosity killed the cat."
"Satisfaction brought it back."
"Shush, kitten." Hoseok finally hugs his waist against, sitting up straighter. "And what are you so curious about, love?"
"How it would feel to help sate your urge instead of hearing you throw a tantrum at the shower wall." He bites down a laugh when he boyfriend splutters, fully blushing now. 
"I-I don't have tantrums! Brisk showers are just... very cold."
"Yeah, it doesn't sound fun."
"It doesn't matter." Jimin drops the teasing smile, frowning a little. 
"I'm sorry. I don't mean to push, but if you don't consent to the idea, then I'll drop it." He feels it. The pause in Hoseok's invisible circles. He sees the slight bob of his adam's apple, eyes closing for a moment.
He finally hears him murmur a quiet, "Of course I want it..."
Jimin responds just as soft, cautious of his reactions. "Why won't you let me give you what you want?"
"I don't want to push you."
Jimin leans into him, resting his forehead on his again. He watches those familiar waves fighting in Hoseok's eyes as he whispers, "Then don't... Don't push me away."
"You don't need to do this, Jiminie."
"I know. It's not a need, it's a want." Those waves are whirling again, and an odd part of Jimin is internally screaming, 'go under. drown in it. please give in.'
"Baby, I... You'll stop? If you feel-" His breath hitches when Jimin adjusts himself, not even meaning to brush against him. "I-If you feel uncomfortable?"
While Jimin bubbles in excitement at the openness in those words, he is fully aware that he's been quite persistent, so he makes sure to ask, "If you still want to drop this, we can. Your consent is just as important, baby." He can feel the warmth growing within the close proximity of their cheeks.
Hoseok gulps, slowly dropping hands from his waist to his hips. "As long as you lemme know when to stop, I'm completely consenting if you are..." His sure grip and sincere tone give Jimin confidence.
"I fully consent to the concept of making you cum your pants."
* * * * * * *
“...I fully consent to the concept of making you cum in your pants.”
The way those words shot straight to his dick, Hoseok forgets how to breathe for a second. It’s like he’s submerged, and his first instinct is to stay afloat. Hot waves of desire crash onto his feet, a warmth tingling up through his body, most of the heat and blood pooling to his ‘uninvited guest.’ He’s always kept that door locked, but Jimin wants to open it for once.
Hoseok knows he can’t change himself – he wants to act on those urges and ravish his lover. He knows that his sex drive is just as valid as Jimin’s lack thereof. All the things he knows about it came from Jimin, to whom he always listened with an open mind and lack of judgment. "I just don't find you, or anyone, sexy," would've hurt his ego, "but trust me..." He remembers the gorgeous flush adorning Jimin's cheeks. "My heart is fully capable of loving yours." That was all Hoseok wanted from him: to love and feel loved. He never asked more from Jimin, and he always made sure his actions and words spoke the same sentiment.
There’s still doubt and selfish guilt screaming in the back of his mind, but it's silenced by the more important rational thought left in the head on his shoulders: this is consensual. Jimin actually wants to do this. His boyfriend wants to rock his world and his hips against his– Fuck! Hoseok wants that so much.
“Hyung…” Jimin’s lips brush against his own as he speaks, and Hoseok can’t look away from them, plump and more pink than usual due to his boyfriend’s nervous habit of biting them. He wants to bite them. Would Jimin like that? Nevermind that he already knows for a fact that he does - Jimin lets him do so in playful kisses after being told, “You’re so cute, I could just eat you up.”
But this isn’t playful - Hoseok is frozen still, but his mind is going a million miles per minute, lewder the second, and he feels like he’s on fire. Maybe it’s the guilt raging against his hormones. Maybe it’s not knowing how to lead into this. Maybe it’s the fact that Jimin had resumed his earlier actions, gentle and light as if he isn’t sure of what he’s doing.
Finally snapping out of his head and really looking at the younger, he realizes that Jimin is nervous. And before he can ask, Jimin beats him to it, stating what Hoseok was already guessing. “I-I’ve never done this before, so… Can you guide me?”
Hoseok’s hands move before his mouth does, directing Jimin’s hips to grind against him stronger, “Like this, baby… Start off slow, just like that.” That part came out more breathy than he intended, trying to hold back a moan as he feels himself twitch, his body grateful for finally receiving some relief. Frankly, Hoseok’s never been more grateful for jogger sweatpants.
Jimin is following his directions well, finding a steady rhythm to fall into. Their breaths mingled together, with Jimin watching his face as Hoseok watches his hips. Hoseok is aware of his stare, but he can’t help himself - part of him feels like he’s dreaming, so he wants to take it all in. He wants this reality to replace any other Jiminsexual fantasy he’s had. His hands are sneaking up on his boyfriend’s sweater before he stops himself, glancing up at Jimin.
The younger, seemingly shy rather than nervous, pecks his lips gently before murmuring, “You can touch me if you want, hyung…” Oh, he wants to, but it's just dawned on him that he hasn’t been kissing Jimin and those soft, pretty pink lips of his. And as hot as he’s found them being so-close-but-not-quite, Hoseok wants to rectify that. Right now.
Hoseok, fortunately, has the wits not to crash their lips together, opting for a much more gentle approach. He faintly feels Jimin’s squeak against his lips before he feels small hands cupping his face. He lets Jimin takes the lead, not wanting to rush him. In fact, he finds himself enjoying it all more than he thought he would. Dry sex was never something he was particularly fond of. Back when he was sexually active years ago, before he met Jimin, it was simply a means to an end. It was brief, rushed foreplay to give his partner a taste of what was to come, what his hips were capable of doing, before impatience set in and clothes were eventually peeled off.
But this was different. This wasn’t an unvalued step before ‘real’ sex. This was a completely new experience. Jimin was going to remain in those adorable pajama bottoms, and he was going to make Hoseok ruin his. Years ago, he might’ve been embarrassed by the idea of cumming in his pants like a teenage boy - now, that’s no longer the case. Hoseok finds himself appreciating the slow build happening, taking the time to memorize how Jimin is making him feel. Jimin pouring his love into their kiss, he feels so content. As his curious hands finally slip under Jimin’s shirt, feeling the muscles contract under his fingertips, he feels excited. When Jimin takes the initiative to pick up the pace? Hoseok barely managed to swallow back a moan, only to find himself whimpering pathetically when Jimin parts away from him, hips stuttering.
“I-Is this okay?” It was very okay, but Hoseok wanted more...
More friction, more closeness, just... more, more, more-
“Hold on, baby.”
* * * * * * *
That was the only warning Jimin was given before he was wrapped up in strong arms, crying out in surprise when Hoseok suddenly picked him up, pushing until Jimin's back met the mattress. Hoseok gives himself a breather, shifting lower and watching those cute, wide eyes stare up at him. Jimin was also catching the breath that was stolen from him, internally questioning the sudden shift. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel more vulnerable under Hoseok, a voice warning him that he should stop him, but he shoved that thought away. He knows that, even if Hoseok is clouded by his heated desire, he wouldn’t use it as an excuse to take advantage of him.
As if seeing the thoughts shift through his lover’s eyes, Hoseok offers a sheepish smile, pecking the corner of his lips, “Caught you off-guard?”
“You could say that.” Jimin realizes his hands have an iron grip on his shirt, quickly relaxing his hold and rubbing his back instead. “Did I…”
“You did nothing wrong, sweetheart.” Hoseok is trailing kisses along his face, going over his cheeks and eyebrows and eyelids as they flutter shut from the tenderness of his lips. He’s still caged in his arms, invisible circles tickling him a little. He feels the kisses turn into smiles, peeking his eyes open to see eyes watching him fondly. “You’re so cute, Jiminie.”
“Shush…” His mumble is clearly ignored when he feels a kiss to his ear before a whisper sends a shiver through his body.
“I don’t tell you enough how gorgeous you are, hm?” He sinks more into the mattress when Hoseok releases his hold, opting to return his hands under his shirt and lips down to his collarbones. It’s a pleasant sensation coaxing him back into relaxation. “So pretty, so so pretty…”
The words have heat flooding to his cheeks and a warm tingle through his body. He places a kiss to Hoseok's hair, running his fingers through the wavy locks. Jimin feels like the tables have turned, that he is the one being treated. The difference is Hoseok's touches lack sexual intentions, unlike what Jimin has been attempting on him. His body is being kissed and caressed so sensually like Hoseok isn't rushing to a destination – instead, he's appreciating each curve and mark and indent - everything in between. Jimin isn't completely sure how he feels about this, but he knows he likes it. Hoseok is making him feel... precious, special. Even more so when Jimin finally notices something: his body is aroused. He barely noticed it when he was grinding on his boyfriend, but he knows Hoseok surely must've felt it. And yet, hands refuse to go near it, not even a hint of acknowledgment. It doesn't surprise him, but his heart swells with appreciation.
That aspect of his (a)sexuality was probably the easiest to explain to Hoseok: the body's response to touch or visuals is not a reflection of whether or not the person wants it. Hoseok had blinked cutely, "Oh. Well, of course... Like getting groped by a weirdo at a party, ugh. Or popping a boner in chemistry 101 with that hag of a professor."
"Hyung, just 'cause she's old–"
"You mean ancient?"
"D-Doesn't make her a hag, haha."
"Fine. A witch, then. I swear she mixes potions in that lab of hers."
"I– Y'know, potions aren't– Ah, whatever. Go on, dear."
"How do you think she suddenly looks ten years younger?"
"Surgery. Or perhaps, a haircut?"
"...Nah, it's gotta be potions."
"Pfft, you're an idiot."
"But I'm your idiot."
And that was that. Jimin wasn't repulsed by it, it was his body's natural response after all. But he did find being stimulated to be annoying (and boring). However, Hoseok doesn't, and he can feel his boyfriend’s erection twitching against his thigh, excited as ever.
"Baby..." Jimin attempts to sound sexy, dropping his pitch some, a bit breathy in Hoseok's ear. "How do you want me?" Jimin knows Hoseok wouldn’t want him to pretend to be into it, but the bratty side of him wants to feed into whatever fantasy is playing out in Hoseok’s head right now. And from the groan he feels against his skin, it’s working. “Tell me, baby. Why’d you stop?” He hooks his free leg around Hoseok’s hips, gently pressing him closer.
Jimin feels his hips jerk against his thigh, and Hoseok lets another moan escape him, “W-Wanted to…” Hoseok actually changed positions to give Jimin a break, knowing it’s tiring doing the same movement over and over. (That, and he felt embarrassingly close and wanted to extend it just a little longer.) Jimin is extending a helping hand, so he doesn’t want to make him do more work than he should just to please him. Hoseok feels beyond pleased, even though Jimin really hasn’t done much. Heck, Jimin already does so much to him without even trying, so he shouldn’t be all that surprised. The way that Jimin touched him, kissed him so tenderly made him feel so taken care of. So special. Fuck, he suddenly felt so overwhelmed with love for this boy that he feared his heart (and his dick) would burst.
“What do you want, hm?” Jimin’s fingers are brushing his hair and dancing across his back, and it’s distracting him. Until a whisper sends a shiver down his spine, “Tell me, baby boy.” God, the mental images flooding his brain are gonna send him straight to hell. He settles on one, where he’s riding his boyfriend into the mattress, pretty moans and praises spewing from his lover’s lips.
“I-I want to... ride you.” He lets his hips jerk again, trying to find a steady rhythm, looking up for permission.
Jimin is biting back a giggle as he brings his hands to his burning cheeks, “Go ahead, you can.” He lets Jimin peck his lips with a whisper of, “Ride my thigh, baby boy.” His skin burns at Jimin picking up on how much he likes that pet name. Nonetheless, his hips obey, settling on a swift speed. When Jimin clenches the muscles, Hoseok buries his face in his neck, muffling his pathetic whines. But it seems Jimin wasn’t going to allow that because he’s immediately tugged back up, a teasing pout on Jimin's lips. “You don’t have to hold it back. I wanna hear you.” Hoseok shakily grabs one of his hands, pulling it away from his cheek so he can kiss the knuckles. Jimin seems to grow a little shy, squeezing his hand gently. “And I wanna see how cute you look when you cum...” Hoseok’s ego should feel somewhat emasculated, but he doesn’t really give a damn. He lets Jimin hear how good he’s making him feel, kissing him deeply with a groan, knowing it’s okay because of the lazy smile he feels underneath. Grabbing Jimin’s other hand, he laces their fingers together and presses both hands into the mattress as he grows weaker, closer to the edge. He eventually manages to separate their lips, wanting to give Jimin what he wanted, even though he feels shy by those cute eyes watching his explicit expressions. Whimpers escape as he tries to speak, but Jimin shushes him gently, pressing his lips against his nose, chin, wherever he can reach. “Keep going, baby. Are you close?”
“Y-Yeah…” His panting increase with his speed, chasing his orgasm. Jimin keeps clenching and unclenching underneath him, and the friction is fantastic.
“I said I wanted to make you cum in your pants,” and boy, he nearly did earlier. “So, do it. Cum for me.”
If Jimin said anything else, Hoseok couldn’t hear it. His moans and Jimin’s whispers blend together as he climaxes, struggling to stay upright. Jimin gently rolls them over and lets Hoseok settle into his side, taking one of his hands back to bring it over his boyfriend’s damp sweatpants, rubbing him through his orgasm. Jimin keeps his eyes on him, watching his lips part, eyebrows relax, and eyes flutter. Hoseok is still clutching his other hand, using his free arm to pull him in, craving the closeness. Jimin can't help but giggle at his cuteness.
He peppers Hoseok’s jaw with light kisses, waiting until he becomes oversensitive. A hand soon swats his back weakly, so he pulls his hand away and embraces Hoseok, playing with his hair as he catches his breath. Jimin hums softly, thinking about how easy this was to do. He didn’t get any gratification from it, as expected, not in way Hoseok did. But he did feel like they grew impossibly closer, in a sense - Hoseok unabashedly gave in to his desires, and Jimin opened himself up to that side of him. They were both vulnerable in their own ways, gaining pleasure in their own ways. He knows Hoseok enjoyed the little help he offered him, but Jimin didn’t know he would like it as much - pleasing his lover like that, after years of Hoseok abstaining from partnered sex. It felt more... sensual than it did purely sexual.
Early in the relationship, Taehyung had put Hoseok through his boyfriend test (it was both embarrassing and hilarious), and he might’ve threatened bodily harm if he ever tried to pressure Jimin into sex or seek it elsewhere while committed to him. (“It was not a threat; it was a warning out of love, Jimin-hyungie.” “Yeah, sure, TaeTae.”) Hoseok, though initially pissed that he’d think that of him, understood Taehyung’s protectiveness.
“Jimin is precious,” Taehyung had told him.
Hoseok agreed wholeheartedly. In fact, he said, “You know the saying... 'My body is a temple'? It is, and I plan to respect that. I don’t need to ‘trespass’ in order to worship the ground he walks on.” Taehyung was stone-faced, simply nodding in approval…
Until he was alone with Jimin later, tearing up, “I like him for you, hyung. He’s a keeper.”
“Mm…” Jimin looked back at the satisfied man in his arms, seeing closed eyes and a dopey smile.
He burst out laughing, “You alright, there?”
“Am a’ight.”
Jimin brushes a few stray hairs out of the way, kissing his eyelids, “You going to sleep on me?”
Hoseok peeks an eye open, “I thought I was already dreaming.” He pokes Jimin’s cheek lazily, “I still must be; there’s an angel in my bed.” He fakes a gasp when Jimin giggles, pinching his cheek gently, “There it is! The sound of heaven!”
“S-Stop it!~” Hoseok relents, chuckling and embracing him again, kissing his nose. “So…”
“That happened.”
“Mhm. And was it okay for you?”
“Was it okay for you?”
“Oh, definitely, but I’m asking you.” Hoseok studies his face, biting his lip nervously.
“It was… very okay. Thank you.”
Hoseok scoffs, “Please, I should be thanking you… So, did it sate your curiosity?”
“Mhm~” A brow is raised when Jimin slowly smirks, “You are cute when you’re cumming… Baby boy.”
Hoseok stills, flushing with after hand embarrassment, “It’s hyung to you, brat.”
“But I’m your brat.” Hoseok’s red ears make his playful glare not at all threatening, so Jimin squishes his cheeks, cooing, “But you were so cute~ Thanks for letting me take care of you.” Hoseok shakes his head free, burying his hot face in his boyfriend’s neck. “Speaking of which, let’s get you out of these yucky clothes and into a nice bubble bath.”
“Will you join me?” Hoseok mumbles against his skin.
“And wash your back and shampoo your hair, yes.”
Jimin laughs when Hoseok rolls them around, groaning, “Aftercare, too? You are a dream.”
“Oh, shush.” He peels himself away, tugging at his hands. “This is reality, hyung.”
Hoseok stands up slowly, giving him his signature heart-shaped smile, “Lucky me.” Jimin rolls his eyes playfully, turning around only to be back-hugged. “Hey, Jiminie?”
“I love you.” Jimin tilts his head for a smooch, giggling on his lips when they begin to waddle to the bathroom.
“I love you, too.”
* * * * * * *
Just as before, they didn’t really talk about it. However, a strange tension they didn’t know existed seems to be dissipating - it’s as if they became more in tune since that night. It no longer feels one-sided; it’s a new balance they’re discovering together. Jimin still doubts he’ll ever go all the way; it’d be unfair to Hoseok, who’s made it clear he wants the other person to enjoy the act. For now, Jimin wouldn’t mind lending a hand every once and while - literally. Which was once again a pleasant surprise to Hoseok only a week later, during their morning shower. Hoseok never thought he’d be in a situation of shampooing someone’s hair while being serenaded and receiving a handjob, but it was a ‘very okay’ experience. In fact, he’s got that signature afterglow - his smile is somewhat brighter, and he seems more content than usual.
“My dudes,” Taehyung is sat across from them at their usual cafe table, making gag sounds every time they make heart eyes at each other. “I love you guys. I really do, but I also love not being a third wheel.”
“Do you want kissies, too, TaeTae?” Hoseok wiggles his eyebrows, holding Jimin securely in his lap as he leaned across the table.
“Jung Hoseok, if you kiss me, I will-”
The couple roll their eyes, reciting in unison, “Cut off his/my baby maker with a rusty pair scissors, we know.”
Taehyung blinks, “…Y’all are too close.”
Jimin sticks his tongue at him, rising to stand, “No, your threats are just unoriginal.” Hoseok kisses his hand as he starts to walk away, going to put in their drink orders before they get kicked out for loitering (again).
He blushes when he overhears Taehyung whispering loudly, “Okay, what love potion did you drink this morning? I mean, you’re always a sun around Jimin, but you’re, like… glowing.”
“Nah, he’s my sun, TaeTae.” Nice save, Hoseokie. Cue another fake gag from Taehyung.
“No, seriously.”
“Okay… See, I know this witch--”
“Ugh!”Jimin stops listening when it’s his turn to order. After he lists off the drinks, he gives the cashier their names to write on each one. His lips twitch to smirk, but he smiles sweetly instead, “Can you write ‘Baby Boy’ on the last one, please.” The girl gives a questioning look but grabs the sharpie anyway.
She’s in the middle of writing it when she throws both the cup and pen in the air, startled by a familiar screech. Jimin spins around, watching Taehyung chase Hoseok out of the cafe, waving one of his Gucci slides in his hand, “COME BACK HERE, TRESPASSER!”
Oh, boy… “Uh, on second thought, I think I’ll take those drinks to go, ma’am.”
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momorabu · 7 years
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Viidog Code Main Story - Episode 1 - 風变わりな探偵たち / The Detectives That Changed Like The Wind (Part 1)
Finally I decided to dedicate time to do some translation of this game - Viidog Code~! I’ve started playing this game from mid December last year, however unfortunately the game closed in February this year due to lack of funds. I really enjoyed the game since it’s pretty much the same as Ensemble Stars, and they too have a range of interesting characters and stories~ <3
I find it a shame that such wonderful characters and fun stories are being buried forever, seeing that I’m a fan of mystery and detectives actually, so I decided to share what I’ve managed to unlock and read over the short one month I have to save all the stories TWT TWT (I didn’t manage to read all the character stories I have, but did cleared all the main and event stories +W+)
So this is pretty much a side translation project that I decided to take up, with a schedule of one story per month (even though I wanted to start last month actually ^^;) So please read on if you’re interested in the world of “Viidog Code”~! +W+
Anyway as always, the summary of the story can be found below. Translation may not be 100% accurate due to my poor Japanese skills~
PS: Since this game asked the user to set a name for the heroine without a default name, I’ve shamelessly used my nickname “Momo” ^^; For the translation, I’ll use “me”, similar to how I translate Ensemble Stars stories~
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Chapter 1: 本物の探偵 / The Real Detective
The story starts where a detective(?) talked to “me”, asking me to talk about the incident “I’ve” asked his help for. And thus “I” started talking about “my” past to him.
What “I” remembered from “my” past was heading out to the woods with “my” parents in an outing, and we’re heading home in the car. However, we met with an accident along the way where the brakes won’t work, and the next thing “I” know when “I” woke up, “I” was in the hospital with “my” grandfather looking worriedly over “me”. He was really grateful that “I’ve” woken up, saying that he had thought he might never see “me” again same as “my” parents. (”My” parents have passed away from the car accident unfortunately)
It seems like after the accident happened, someone has brought “me” to the hospital and had looked after “me” up till the point “my” grandfather came and took over. But “I” have no memory who was that and didn’t even know “I” was saved until “my” grandfather told “me” about it. And by the time “I’ve woken up, two months had already passed since the accident. (Seems like “I” was unconscious for a really~ long time…) Since then, “my” grandfather became the one who took care of “me” even though he knew that “I’ll” be lonely since “my” parents are now gone… (Why is it so sad already in the beginning?~ TWT TWT)
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Now back to the present after “I’ve” finished talking about my past, what “I” need the detective to help “me” with, was to find the person / people who had helped save “my” life back then. And since he said he’s someone who only take payment first before starting work, “I” was just about to pass him “my” payment when…
A guy (Tsubasa) burst through the door, shouting at us to stop the transaction!
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Quickly another guy (Kuki) entered the scene too, and the first guy asked “me” to quickly hide behind him, defending “myself” from the detective. The detective wasn’t happy that his business deal got interrupted and demanded what these “kids” are doing, ruining his plans.
Tsubasa took this chance to diss saying that even though Kuki looks young, he’s definitely not though ^^;
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Anyway, they’ve stopped the transaction saying that it’s not valid, and asked the detective to come along with them, as they’ve been searching for him - a trickster who pretended to be a detective to cheat money out of people! (Which is actually pretty much true since the “detective” was just about to get “my” money at the moment)
The detective is obviously not pleased that these two guys were suspecting him and thus denied about it saying that he indeed in a detective. It was then demanded that it’ll be best to show his detective license to prove himself. The detective reluctantly took out his license, and Tsubasa peered and sniffed at it, saying that even though it looks just like a real one, it has a different scent to it. (Does Tsubasa have a really good sense of smell? O.O”) So he deduced that the license is probably made of a different material and not a true license.
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It’s actually kind of sweet that Tsubasa was assuring “me” that it’ll be safe to be with them for now as they’re the “real” detectives, but that angered the fake detective instead saying that they don’t dress the part like one XDD
This made Tsubasa thinks that maybe they should have changed their outfits to be more like a detective, since it looks like the fake detective seems like a detective than them in appearance XDD (Tsubasa… Looks are not everything since in this case, I think it’s more suspicious wearing a trench coat style detective outfit outdoors actually ^^;)
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The fake detective, being frustrated that this conversation is going nowhere and interrupting his plans, asked “me” to stop hiding behind them and go along with him. He even wanted “me” to hand the money over to him for “safe keeping” =w=“ Tsubasa quickly stopped him though, saying that they actually have evidence of him cheating people of their money. Since the fake detective self pro-claimed that it can’t be and that he have not left any evidence behind (it’s like indirectly admitting you’re a cheater already…), Kuki asked Tsubasa to show the culprit himself what’s the evidence that he had forgotten about.
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Chapter 2: 運命の出会い / The Meeting of Fate
Thus Tsubasa began to take out the “evidence”, showing a photo of a pomeranian that was missing (The photo was given out by the owner to aid in searching it). Then he showed another photo of the pomeranian which the fake detective had found, which under close inspection they’ve realised that the two pomeranians aren’t the same and that means the fake detective had “found” the wrong pomeranian back for the owner.
And now the fake detective started to deny that he wasn’t the detective who took up this case of the missing pomeranian ^^;… But it’s no use denying since Kuki said that they’ve managed to trace the fake detective’s fingerprints on the collar of the pomeranian. The fake detective could of course try to prove that the fingerprints on the collar aren’t his by going with them for a fingerprint match, as Kuki asked Tsubasa to call for “Class 5″ to prepare the procedure for it.
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Seeing that the situation was not looking good for him, the fake detective decided to make a run for it. However Tsubasa was even faster than him as he quickly caught him and even sat / stepped on him to prevent him from running away ^^; (Funny that Kuki actually gave the “okay” for him to do that XD)
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Just then, an unknown stranger actually brushed past “me” and made off with “my” packet of money! Tsubasa had noticed the stranger running away and even though he didn’t manage to catch a glimpse of his face, he might be able to catch up to him following his scent. Realising the stranger is probably an accomplice of the fake detective, Kuki decided to capture the fake detective first and let “others” catch up to the stranger, and thus let Tsubasa handcuff him to the table.
However, Tsubasa is someone who is really bad with handcuffs, that he almost twisted the poor guy’s elbow / hands. (Not that I should take pity on him… =w=“)
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Now that everything seems to be settled, the two guys finally had a chance to do some self introductions! The short guy on the left with red hair is Kuki Michiharu, whereas the tall guy with brown hair on the right is Koganei Tsubasa. And different from the guy that they just captured, they’re the real detectives XD
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“My” money is gone though TWT, but Kuki is willing to hear about “my” scenario on why “I” wanted to hire a detective, so “I” told them “my” story about wanting to find my savior back then.
Kuki can’t help to hide his shock when he realised that the packet of money consisted of all “my” life savings OAO” (So… now I’m totally peniless…!??) Seems that “I” really wanted to find “my” savior and meet him / her / them that “I’m” even willing to sacrifice all of “my” savings…
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(Thanks Kuki, for letting me know that “I’m” indeed broke and peniless… TAT TAT)
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They don’t hold onto the hope of “me” getting “my” money even after they catched the guy that took it just now (seeing how he might dropped it off somewhere or passed it to yet another accomplice), and knowing that “I” don’t really have anywhere to go or anyone to rely on now (apparently “my” grandfather had passed away too recently TWT), Kuki decided to lend a helping hand by asking “me” to go with them to their side. They had a workers’ hostel over at their detective agency and other than there’s no other females, there won’t be any problems at all~ (Is it me or when he said that, it’s like advertising they only have guys there… How can there be no problems when it’s just “me” as the only girl there though =3=“)
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Tsubasa was also glad that “I’ll” be joining them, saying that “I’ll” definitely be able to get along with everyone there~ (Is that so…)First, “I’ll” be their assistant instead of a detective there, as “I” do not have a detective license.
(Yep, as much as Tsubasa said everyone is a “good” person there, Kuki definitely thinks that there’s a couple of troublemakers there ^^;)
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Tsubasa probably called Kuki something that’s considered disrespectful to him, to which Kuki has to clarify that even though he looks young (having a baby face), he’s much more older than him… (Kuki, you don’t have to advertise that you’re THAT old actually ^^;)
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And thus “I” followed them back to their detective agency for now, with Kuki saying that meeting “Class 7″ here can be consider a fate as well~
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Chapter 3: 人とは異なる者たち / The Human and the Weird Beings
On the way to the detective agency, Kuki did a short introduction about it. The detective agency is “D.O.G. Detective Agency” but “I” have not heard about it at all and thus was very apologetic about it, however Kuki just said that’s because they aren’t as well known yet ^^; The detective agency currently houses 25 detectives and that “I’ll” get to know them when “I” meet them ^^ (since Tsubasa said even if they introduced everyone to “me” at once, “I” won’t be able to remember them all =w=“)
Now for the important part, all the staff in the detective agency are part of the “Kenrouzoku” (literally meaning dog-wolf pack…), including him and Tsubasa~ Kuki is more surprised that “I” don’t even seems to know about “Kenrouzoku” at all actually. More about “Kenrouzoku”, they look like human but they possess some special powers that’s from the wolves, for example running fast or having a very good sense of smell. And Tsubasa used his sense of smell just now to identify whether or not the license card is real or fake just now just by using this power.
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It’s best to think of each of them having a species of dog as their spirit animal, which is said that “Kenrouzoku” had received gods’ power in a way. Each person had different species of dog which is according to their families. Kuki’s dog species is “Toy Poodle” (So cute and tiny, just like Kuki in a way XD), whereas Tsubasa’s golden retriever (very similar since he’s tall and hyped like one too~ ^^)
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Apparently Kuki hates people calling him small / short, so when Tsubasa mentioned that he’s tiny like a toy poodle, he warned him that if he said anymore he won’t give him anymore snacks ^^;
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Finally we’ve reached D.O.G Detective Agency after much chatting, and entering the office on the 2nd floor, Kuki called out to someone named “Shiro-chan”, announcing that they’re back…
And this is Kirishima Shiro, one of their comrades. It’s said that it’s usual that he looks fierce and asked “me” to don’t mind about it ^^;
Shiro also belongs to the same class as Kuki and Tsubasa, and was also on the case of the fake detective. However, he was tailing a different target today which is why he didn’t appear with them before.
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Shiro was curious about who “I” am, and thus Tsubasa proudly showed “me” off, announcing that “I’ll” be a part of them starting from today. Kuki added onto explaining my situation, saying that “I’ve” been cheated by the fake detective, and being penniless now, they brought “me” here…
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Funny how Shiro just conveniently blamed “me” of him getting the wrong target today,… (Not my fault that the person he tailed wasn’t the culprit =3=“) And he doesn’t like how “I” started calling him “Shiro-chan” like the others, saying it’s embarrassing… ^^;
“I” got nervous / scared that “my” face twitched to making a scared face but no idea why Shiro thought “I” was smiling instead… =w=“ The other guys quickly helped defended “me” from him, saying that Shiro was the one trying to pick up a fight here.
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Chapter 4: ようこそ, 探偵事務所へ / Welcome to the Detective Agency
In the end, Shiro left in a huff, saying that he’ll not approve of “me”, just because “I’m” a human and not a “Kenrouzoku” =w=“ Kuki dissed at him, saying that “I’m” not needed to be approved by him actually ^^; (since ultimately it’s Kuki who said “I” can stay here)
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A new guy appeared along with another guy with white hair (Shu + Senri) asking what exactly had happened in here, and upon seeing “me”, he thought “I’m” a client who has a new case for them. Kuki quickly clarified that “I” was being picked up by him (sounds like “I’m” an abandoned puppy ^^;), and Shu literally almost face-palm hearing about this, and said that this is not like picking up a puppy or kitten…(Shu thinks the same like me~)
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Kuki said he’ll be responsible of “me” though, and so requested that “I’ll” be placed under “Class 7″. Shu noticed that “I’m” a human, and though there’s no rule that humans aren’t allowed to work at D.O.G agency, the agency is now currently under the lead of Shu so he did have the power to decided whether “I” can stay here… or not… OAO” Kuki helped “me” to plead for Shu’s approval for “me” to stay here, saying that “I” already have no where to go back to and it’ll be heartless to abandon “me”.
Thank goodness, Senri (the white hair guy) stepped in to speak up (for “me”… I hope), saying that it’ll be good to train “me” to be the assistant for all the detectives, and he knew that Shu will be worried later on about “me” if he did kick “me” out of the place. So for now “I’ll” be placed under the care of Kuki, while Shu and Senri will supervise and see how things will go on from here ^^
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They then started to talk about how Kuki and his team used to break a wall while working on a case, and that made the client angry as Tsubasa and Shiro had to spend a day to fix up the wall in the end~ Shu was hearing about this for the first time but ultimately decided to let Kuki off with a warning, that if he cause a big trouble like that again, he might just fire him without any chance of forgiveness OWO”
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And so they called for one of the assistant around here - Leo to guide me ^^ Also Shu and Senri gave their introductions officially, their names are Shimada Shu and Yashiro Senri.
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Next, they taught “me” on how the agency is splits into multiple teams, which they call “Class” actually. The class that “I’m” in is Class 7, where Kuki himself is the class leader, and Shiro and Tsubasa are the members. Shu and Senri are in Class 1, with one more additional member called Rui (But he isn’t here now). In total there are 7 classes, but “I” haven’t had the chance to meet Class 2 - Class 6 yet since the members aren’t here.
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Chapter 5: 事務所を統べる者 / The Rulers of the Detective Agency
(It’s cute that after listening to “my” story, Leo felt sad that “I’m” all lonely by myself now… But it’s okay Leo, I have you and the rest of the detective agency with me wahahaha~ XDD)
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Apparently “I’m” also allowed to stay at the workers’ hostel, as long as “I” work hard to earn my living expenses. Suddenly the guy that they were talking about who wasn’t here finally came into the room (Rui), and upon seeing me, he’s shocked to know that there’s a new member joining them today. (And what’s up with everyone having a problem with “me” as a human =w=“… It sounds kind of racist =w=“…)
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Rui had finished his work early for the day, but decided to go strolling around the neighborhood and went to the bookstore to pick up some books. Looking at “me” again, Rui smiled and made his introduction - he’s Mamiya Rui.
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Kuki had planned to bring “me” around to the hostel since night is ascending, however Shiro, Tsubasa and him all have reports to work on first before they could go. (Shu and Senri had went off to work on something else in the meantime) In the end, it was handed to Rui to help to bring “me “for a tour around the hostel instead…
(It’s funny how Tsubasa realised that Shiro is using the wrong paper to write the reports instead, and Kuki was like… “Shiro, I know you’re used to writing reflections … =w=” Shiro had written reflections way too many times that he just used that paper due to how used he is to it ^^:)
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As Rui led “me” to the hostel, he talked about it, saying that the hostel is actually within the same building as the agency, with it occupying half of first and second storey, as well as the entire third to fifth floors. (Literally more than half of the buildings are for the hostel… O.O”)
However, the mood and Rui’s face changed completely when we reached the hostel’s living room, as he started to confront “me” and wants “me” to come clean with everything regarding the cheater (a.k.a fake detective).
“I” said that “I” do not know anything much about the cheater actually, but Rui did not believe that, and insisted that “I” must be from some unknown informant… (What did “I” do to let you suspect “me” like this?… =w=“)
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Chapter 6: 新しい出会い / New Encounters
“I” couldn’t answer Rui’s questions initially, and thus stayed silent. However Rui doesn’t like it either and hoped that “I” wasn’t buying time thinking up of excuses… (since he won’t believe in them). And so “I” told him the truth that “I” get to know about the fake detective because “I” came across a flyer, but Rui isn’t buying that reason either… (so what exactly do you want me to say sir?!) In the end Rui just wanted “me” to confess that “I’m” the fake detective’s accomplice.
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At this moment, a bunch of new guys came rushing into the living room, excited to meet “me”. Rui, seeing that his plan to confront “me” has been interrupted, “conveniently” dumped “me” under the care of them, saying that he suddenly has things he had to see to… (This guy is really… D:)
(Yep, as if “I” wanted to talk to you again alone the next time, Rui… Ugh D:)
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One of the boys is really very shy (so cute~~ >///<) and thus hid behind the big and tall guy. The tall guy wanted to greet “me” by stepping forward, but almost tripped and landed on “me”, but thank goodness he managed to get his footing back ^^; (If not I’ll be squashed…)
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And so they started off introducing themselves to “me”. The big tall guy is Takayama Hijiri, who upon seeing “me” commented that “I” was smaller than he thought =w=“ (I think anyone would look tiny compared to Hijiri though…). He even bent down to look at “me” at eye level, and ended up being scolded by the guy next to him (Yanagi) that he shouldn’t treat “me” as if “I’m” a child.
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Next will the guy next to him in red spectacles and hair clip. His name is Hosho Yanagi. You might thought he seems fitting for the class leader’s role but unexpectedly the class leader for them (Class 2) is Hijiri instead XDD
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A hyper and active boy next popped up to give his introduction, he’s Uzuki Ryohei.
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And finally it’s left with the tiny shy boy to give his introduction. Hijiri initially wanted to help him but got stopped by Yanagi, saying that this was a good chance for the boy to get over his shyness, and said that “I” won’t eat him so don’t be afraid ^^;
In the end, the boy gathered his courage and introduced himself as Azuhata Yu.
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Hijiri was glad that Yu had made a step forward, and patted his head. He also patted Yanagi’s head, but that made him embarrassed instead ^///^
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Since there’s alot of CGs for the first main story, I’ve decided to split into 2 parts. And the first part is already packed with characters! (We have like 10 new characters to remember?!)
Personally I’m already quite fond of Class 7, since they’re primarily the class I’ve chosen when I started the game (I wish Shiro will get warmer with me over time though~), but Class 2 is pretty fun even though we’ve not met all the characters in that class. For me, I’m not too fond of Class 1 that much, but probably alot has to do with me not liking Rui. Why do I feel like that guy is targeting me for no reason…
More characters will be introduced in Part 2, which hopefully will get translated by me soon =)
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