#i do kinda wish tumblr was popular again
americana111 · 8 months
i love how tumblr is like my little secret. it’s the only social media where like none of my friends use and i honestly feel like i can just be myself here.
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emdotcom · 2 years
I understand all these posts with the angle of "OMG new users don't know how the reblog system works -- we have to tell them so they'll reblog art!" Bc that IS true! I have seen new accounts roll up with 0 reblogs & just likes.
But, also, you cannot fucking pretend that the reblog/likes ratio has not been on a massive fucking decline for literal years before this. It is not just new users suddenly not reblogging -- it is a massive shift in how the Tumblr populace itself regards & interacts with art & artist.
& as an artist, there is very little you can do.
#gale chatter#eh actually yeah there is one thing you can do -- you either post exclusively popular fandom content or intentionally miss or over tag#but after that you just. try to color all your art in try to post digital try to post at the right times#but really how much does that affect notes? do gou get one or two extra? ten?#& how many of those notes are likes#there's a laugh rule for posts i wish there were an appreciation rule for art#if you are in any way impressed moved or want to see more art you need to reblog it. this is not optional.#girl i am hashtag artist struggles right now fuck#NOT to complain i get good notes on that art post & all my friends & homies rolled up to rb#that's a good amount of reblogs for me that's like 7 rbs & 4 of them had really nice tags that's good interaction#i just. kinda miss when a post would have so many reblogs i would lose track. i couldn't have told you how many notes i got#when i was in highschool posting batim fanart. the number was too big to me. looking back i know 200 notes doesn't mean much#but for me? for all the art I've made? shit I've spent hours or weeks on? vs me making a silly animation in about an hour?#the difference is about 190 notes. & that's a damn shame & discouraging.#it makes me think the only way to get notes is to post for big fandoms & that sucks bc i don't like to dance that dance anymore#idk. maybe i move to da or something.#how many other artists do you think go through this? spend hours on something & not get enough interaction#so they decide to pack up shop & go somewhere else#& the only way their art is ever gonna geace tumblr again is by reposters & art thiefs#or maybe they just never post art again period. & ain't that a damn crying shame.
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mayhasopinions · 1 year
Michael in the Bathroom analysis
So i've been getting obsessed with Be More Chill lately, as you do 
I listened to a few of the songs on and off throughout the years, mainly Guy that i'd kinda be into and Michael in the Bathroom, and MITB is my FAVORITE song in any musical so i'm just gonna infodump about why that is here bc this is Tumblr and why tf not :DD (tw: suicide mention, depictions of panic attacks)
So before this song, Michael is presented as a guy that doesn't give a shit. He's not popular, he only has Jeremy as his only real friend, but it's shown that he doesn't care about other people's opinions of him, he LIKES who he is. He's a catalyst for Jeremy's character, who always cares about what others think and wants to be liked, and is insecure about his character, and hates himself, which is why he took the SQUIP in the first place. 
Now, Michael, in my opinion is an autistic-coded character. He stims and has tics as we see in MITB, he has special interests in videogames and comics, and he doesn't pick up social cues all the time, like in 'Two Player Game' when he doesn't realise Jeremy is going through stuff. It's shown there that Michael has a neat and straightforward idea for his future as a cool kid in college with Jeremy. But when he has that fight with Jeremy just before MITB, Michael's whole future, life and 12-year friendship with Jeremy comes crumbling down, after Jeremy called him a 'loser', a label that he used to take pride in. It's a drastic change that happens so quickly, which prompts him to have a panic attack.
With his psyce being utterly shattered, we don't see Michael in his usual positive, upbeat self, we see him as a vunerable, broken guy who had just lost his other half. As the song starts, Michael is initially angry at Jeremy, speaking roughly but managing to hold in his growing pain, as we see him have tics, push back tears ruthlessly, and cope through the door being knocked on which leads to overstimulation. But then he "looks in the mirror" and the mess he's in, and chokes on his tears. It finally comes pouring out. You can practically hear his anguish and despair. And after that, he speaks softly, but after the line "I wish i stayed at home in bed etc", he speaks roughly again, and talks about himself, not Jeremy. 
Before this, throughout the song Michael sings it as if it’s Jeremy’s fault that he no longer wants to be friends with Michael, with the lines “through no fault of mine”, “ignoring all our history” etc. But now, he turns to himself, and sings the lines “Michael who’s a loner”, “god he’s such a  loser” etc, basically turning the blame onto HIMSELF and saying ‘of course it’s your fault. Of course he would want to leave you.’ And the fact that he calls himself a loser, something that he took pride within himself, and says “I wish I’d off myself”, shows that under Michael’s upbeat and positive attitude lies a deeply troubled and insecure kid underneath, who in reality DOES care about what other people think and how he is portrayed.
That’s why Michael in the Bathroom is a masterpiece. It peels back the layers of an already established character and strips that character to their rawest and most vulnerable point, and George Salazar delivers all of those emotions masterfully.
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chained-sweater · 1 month
Rating ships from The Outsiders bc I have nothing better to do. 😗
Ratings: 1/10 (lowest/don't ship) - 10/10 (highest/they're my fucking OTP)
Please keep in mind that these are my personal opinions. No disrespect to anyone who ships any of these. ❤️ (Except if they're illegal. Literally.)
Aight, buckle up, y'all, this is gunna be a long one.
1. Johnnyboy (Ponyboy × Johnny) - 10/10: These mfs were so gay in the book. I shipped them before I even knew what shipping was. 💀 They're so cute. 🥺🌹
2. Jally (Johnny × Dally) - 1/10: 😐 Not a fan. Ik it's really popular among the fandom, but I just can't see it. 🤷‍♀️ They got more of a brotherly relationship than a romantic one. ��✨
4. Stevepop (Soda × Steve) - 10/10: THEY'RE SO CHAOTIC TOGETHER, LMFAO—✨💀 I absolutely adore this ship. 🥺🤧
5. Dal-Bit (Dally × Two-Bit) - 3/10: Another (somewhat) popular ship. I like it platonically, as I hc them to be best friends. (They're so dangerous together. 💀)
6. Charcia (Cherry × Marcia) - 1/10: It's cute, but I don't really see it. (I hc Cherry to be straight, despite a lot of people hc her to be bi or les. No disrespect.)
7. Tally (Tim × Dally) - 1/10: I can't get myself to ship it. It just doesn't make sense to me. 😕
8. Shelderson (Bob × Randy) - 9/10: Another best-friends-turned-lovers trope. They're absolutely adorable together. 😌❤️
9. Purly (Curly × Ponyboy) - 1/10: I personally don't know much about Curly, so I can't see Pony in a romantic relationship with him. 😐
10. Dalry (Darry × Dallas) - 10/10: I forgor how I came across this ship. 😀 (Probs on Tumblr, lol.) All I know is that I thought about it for a bit and it instantly became my #1 OTP of all my OTPs. I could write a thousand fics about them. 😫💕✨
11. Cherryboy (Cherry × Ponyboy) - 1/10: Once again, I can't see it. 😐🤷‍♀️
12. Tarry (Tim × Darry) - 5/10: I kinda ship it. It just depends on my mood, tbh. It's cute, though.
13. Pony-Bit (Two-Bit × Ponyboy) - 1/10: "Sir this is a Wendy's drive-thru—🤓☝️" MINOR × ADULT, Y'ALL. (And before y'all say it, bc ik you will, Dally canonically was 17 going on 18. He and Darry have a 2 1/2 year age gap. And it's a lot better than shipping a LITERAL EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD WITH A FUCKING FRESHLY TURNED FOURTEEN YEAR OLD.) *inhale* I'm fine.
14. Dallypop (Dally × Sodapop) - 1/10: Literally didn't know this was a ship 'til I came across it on AO3 and I—😀 This is a definite "no-no ship" for me. ✋☠️
15. Ponypop [I'm dying, rn] (Ponyboy × Sodapop) - 1/10: THEY'RE BROTHERS, WTF—I read a fic on AO3 that had Darry × Dally in it and I got so excited since nobody writes about them. 😍😍😍 Didn't read the tags thoroughly and was horrified when Soda & Pony began doing the nasty. 😨 (I'm traumatized.) If you ship these two, stay away from me. I will not hesitate pull a Johnny Cade on you. 👁️👁️🔪
16. Any of the Curtis brothers shipped together - 1/10: Istg, they are related. Why would you ship them? 🤮
17. Steveboy (Steve × Ponyboy) - 1/10: No.
18. Dallyboy (Dally × Ponyboy) - 1/10: NO.
19. Dar-Bit (Darry × Two-Bit) - 3/10: Cute, but not a fan.
20. Randyboy (Randy × Ponyboy) - 1/10: What is wrong with you people?
Okay, I'm done.
I'm gonna go to bed now.
Buenas noches. 🥰
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melonteee · 4 months
When I watched most of your one piece videos and before I ever saw your real face I thought you'd be someone around your 30s or 40s. 😁
One reason was your voice and accent. I'm not that familiar with Australian accents except for OzzyMan (I'm ESL).
Another reason was your One Piece Women video. The way you talked about fanservice and women's body types was, not gonna lie, not sth young people in these times say that often because they've been infested by radfems and their rhetoric and espouse them constantly.
I saw the beginning of a video essay recently where the YouTuber straight up said that female characters who have been "sexualized" whatever definition he used there, don't count as good female characters at all and in any sense.
In other words, a female character who in some way shape or form appeals to men in a sexual way doesn't have any worth as a female character. Popular radical feminism on the internet.
When you started talking about the OP women without going into that direction I breathed a sigh of relief. You said that sexy character design for the women wasn't a big deal but that the lack of variety wasn't good.
And that was, at least where I was, the mainstream talking point in the early 10's about anime/cartoon characters. So, yeah, I thought you'd be older. 💕
Haha no I'm afraid I'm in my youthful mid 20s! That radfem rabbit hole was one I remember being in when I was 13-18 on Tumblr, but I avoid that kinda stuff like the plague now because radfem beliefs tend to be a dog whistle for terfs. And I'm saying this because if anyone reading this falls prey to the whole "women are biologically superior to men" rhetoric, I really need you to be careful, as that can and will nosedive into terf territory.
As for the sexualisation stuff, the whole "characters who have been "'sexualized" don't count as good female characters at all and in any sense" is ridiculous, because no matter what kind of female character you make, they will be sexualised in some way shape or form by men who find them attractive.
BUT honestly the biggest thing for me is like, this demonisation of sexuality and sexyness? Because, as a gay woman, I am also sexualising characters like Nami. Just because I'm not a man doesn't mean it's automatically redundant that I also find Nami extremely sexy and stare at her tits waiting for them to bounce. There's literally nothing wrong with Oda enjoying women, or enjoying tits or ass, he is allowed to make a female character that embodies his desires. But, as you said here, and as I said in my video, the problem is he's doing that with EVERY woman. I personally don't have any grudges for how Oda draws Nami and Robin, I just truly wish it wasn't every damn woman in One Piece lmao.
Honestly I'm in such a weird place with it because, again, I like women. I like looking at tits and I like looking at women. My unpopular opinion is I also find Nami's design very sexy and very pleasing because...I like tits too LMAO and I always feel like us gay women are forgotten about in the conversation of One Piece girls and their bodies. I'm not going to pretend I HATE the girl designs in One Piece because I really don't, but of course there is a difference when a man does it compared to when a woman does it.
My view on it will always be...the issue isn't men looking at fictional women in any kind of sexual way, it's that WOMEN are demonised when they do the same thing back for fictional men. If women draw fictional men being sexy, being objectified (although you can't objectify a fictional character really but you get what I mean), they seem to be swarmed by men who find that gross and detestable. But when men do the same thing back to fictional women... it's fine and natural?? So pointing at the one piece girls, saying it's too sexual and demonising it, is counter productive in my opinion.
As an individual, you are allowed to be uncomfortable with it, you are allowed to wish they looked different, but I don't think anyone has any right to say they SHOULDN'T look like that. Because that creates this air of "Well we can't put our own desires in fictional characters full stop!" and then this weird guilt is felt amongst all parties.
Equality to me is not taking away the bikini armour from a female character, it's allowing both the male AND female characters to be able to wear that bikini armour. Everyone is allowed to have their sexual desires and sexual preferences in fictional characters.
I love Nami, I love her big boobies, I JUST wish Zoro's tits bounced as much as hers did. That is all!
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jkgnggj · 2 months
Question, is saiki & toritsuka's friendship better(healthier) or hii and toritsuka's?
Just a question!!! for me it's hii's and tori's
(Is healthier spelled wrong????)(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
Ok so basically I think they're both healthy / unhealthy in their own ways its just up to ur interpretation yk. Like ultimately it's up to everyone to decide whether it's toxic or not in their hcs and fanon aus and stuff bc note everyone's gonna have the same opinion but to me I think both friendships are very healthy in their own right.
I think at first tori's def a bit selfish and only seeks out relationship out of his own selfish desires like he seems out Saiki bc of his cool powers (though there isn't much wrong with wanting to befriend someone bc u think they're cool) but he also mentions he wishes he had those powers and then he goes on to try and make saiki use his powers for saikis benefit (aka be popular and get a girl) which again isn't like the worst thing ever like it's obvious Tori would want his only friend to help set him up with someone but the way he does it is a bit disingenuous bc he's pretending to be something or someone he's not. But regardless saiki always helps him even if he doesn't actually help lol sometimes he sabotages him tho usually Tori does that to himself LMAO. But saikis supportive of Tori even tho he insults him and shit he's just a tsundere who doesn't know how to show affection and his way of doing it is a lil violent but he doesn't actually ever harm Tori he always heals him and stuff when he actually physically does damage so Tori can't even feel it when his insides explode lmaooo. Also saikis constantly helping Tori become a better person and do the right things. And u could say it's "toxic" or one-sided cuz only Tori gets something out of their friendship but that's simply not true bc saiki gets a friend out of Tori and the first friend to know Abt his powers too, the first person out of his family to know him for who he truly is powers and all. He's also really reliable even if he's kinda incompetent or useless he is still a huge help when it counts. Tori's constantly putting saiki above his selfish desires when it really matters. They each give and take from each other which I think is necessary for a healthy relationship tbh. It's not one sided at all bc they each risk their lives for each other (cat tank arc).
As for hiitori like any relationship Tori pursues it's a lil superficial at first bc he's got unpure intentions and like selfish reasons for approaching her. He wanted to flirt with her and date her simple as that he wants to be loved lol. And he's a bit of a jerk Abt it bc altho he's nice and kind to her u could say he's probably mostly or at least partly doing it to end up dating her or so she doesn't end up hating him or losing feelings for him bc he's never really had a girl like him for more than like 0.2 seconds. He approaches Saiki to help cure her unluckiness so that he can date her without the fear of getting killed (which like sorta fair but at the same time still douchey lol). He also gives up and runs away bc he's a coward and tries to dump her into Saiki and Mikos hands bc again he's selfish and prioritizes his life over anything else but he tries to protect her (and himself, or maybe himself and by extension he protects her) when they're together like when he offers to take the dangerous chemicals to class himself instead of letting her touch them. So you could say his motives are more Abt self preservation than love but I do think he still cares about her safety and well being (even if at first it's just bc hes desperately and selfishly attached to her love for him). And he gets a lil "toxic" or like possessive when satous in the pic bc now he's got a love rival and he doesn't really like being dumped over the average dude (like fair again but it's still seen as toxic bc he calls hii-chan his girl LMAO) and so he tries to get between them right but backs off when he's literally almost killed at the stationary store haha what a coward. But then when they find out why she's so unlucky although reluctantly Tori ends up helping Saiki figure out how to cure her misfortune. And u could argue he only did it for Saiki's sake so he could praise. Him or be proud of him but I think the reason (if not most of the reason anyways) he does it is because he does genuinely care about hii-chan's safety at the end. He can't just leave a poor cute defenseless girl with that shitty guardian spirit. She's the first girl who's ever really had feelings for him for this long and like genuinely doesn't hate him or whatever so ofc he's gonna have a lil soft spot for her she's the closest thing he has to a friend in class since most of the girls hate him and call him "pervitsuka" and shit so im sure he was trying to be legit helpful and useful to if he wouldn't get recognition for it. I mean he goes full on mom mode on the guardian spirit and then nendou sr comes and goes mom mode sr on the dude too and cleans him up and then it's still not enough so Tori sacrifices (literally, he holds a fucking funeral for them) his getas burning them at the stake just so the guardian spirit can be happy and protect hii-chan like he should've been. He doesn't even complain about giving up his high heels what a brave girl he is 😔💔 oh u also made a post I think Abt how when tori was missing for a whole fucking week the only one who noticed was hii-chan and she went and told Saiki and that's the only reason he found out lol. Maybe it's because the dude sits next to her in class or bc he was her first friend at pk or her first love of something but whatever the reason it was still incredibly thoughtful of her to worry about him and his wellbeing. That's something that didn't really occur to kusuo so I guess if u really wanna pin them against each other hii-chan wins by being the more thoughtful of the two but hey Saiki felt guilty and wanted to rescue Toritsuka despite him being brainwashed and hating him at the moment that he risked his life for him just so he wouldn't get hurt by the cat tank so I think they can't really be compared since. They're different circumstances lol.
Anyways, I think that although his motives for starting any relationship and approaching anyone are usually selfish, Tori sticks around and helps them when they need it. Both saiki and suzumiya are important for Toritsuka's growth as a person / character and their relationships are both fairly healthy at least by the end. I think toritsuka loves and cares for suzumiya and saiki as much as they do for him <3
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cinnameow-meow · 16 days
10, 25, 28, 32, 45 👀❤️
10. Do you friends or family know about your Blog?
No not at all :D only my tumblr friends who i met irl or the ones we extended out friendship outta here to other social platforms. But at some point i had to mention tumblr to my sis or some friends just to explain the existence of my tumblr friends :3
25. Were you popular in High School?
No, not at all *AGAIN* I hated my high school so bad it hurts me thinking about it but was kinda known for the nerd hardworking girl who doesn’t fit anywhere. So yeh joke on them i was popular for that 😂
28. What was the last thing you Googled?
اخر واحد كان ممل كنت محتاجة اتأكد من المبلغ اللي دافعه دم قلبي فيه 😂كان لازم اظهر التشواوا ( كنت بعمل سيرش اتأكد منها بالإنجلش علشان كنت بقول لأحدهم ان roasting me will be like roasting a lil chiwawa :D )
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32. Is there a smell that reminds you of your childhood?
ريحة الصيف 😃 تحديدا قبل المغرب. الجو بتكون ريحته صيف وطفولة. ومش قصدي الحر الملزق.. بس مكانش مسموح اقعد في الشارع لوقت متأخر فكنت بلعب مان بعد العصر واستنى لبعد المغرب والدنيا تبدأ تليِّل وانا راجعة البيت. ريحة المحشي في بيت خالي. بيرفيوم بابا. ريحة الزرع. الجيلي كولا. الشبشب البلاستيك الجديد :D . الخشب اللي بيطلع من بري القلم الرصاص. ريحة المطر. ريحة الناس الكبيرة في السن في عيلتنا. المهلبية. الترمس.
45. Is there a song you love but you wish it was sung by someone else?
سؤال جامد ملوش إجابه علشان خليتين مخي بيتخانقوا مع بعض دلوقتي علشان يطلعوا حاجة وعاملين دوشة. بس اول حاجة جت على بالي اني نفسي اسمع "من غير ليه" بصوت عبدالحليم. يا ترى هتبقى ازاي؟ اكيد كانت هتبقى ساحرة . عندك اجابة للسؤال ده؟؟
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khaire-traveler · 2 days
Hi, there! First of anything, I hope you had a wonderful day!
I have a question that could be kinda personal so please, feel free to not answer if you do not wish to. The main reason I'm asking you this is because you're one of my current fav blogs.
Could you share us how did you started to post here? And what made you take the decision to share your thoughts and experiences?
I've been wanting to start a blog about my practice lately, but I'm so scared of doing things wrong in the aspect of being disrespectful due to lack of information.
Thank you so much in advance! ✨
Hey, Nonny!
I don't mind the questions at all! I'm glad to hear you like my blog. c:
This response is a bit long, so I'm going to add "read more".
I forget how long ago I started this blog, but I believe it's been at least one year now? It may be two, but I'm unsure. I had a blog before this one that posted similar content. It wasn't as "popular", and at the time when I ran that other blog, I was healing through a lot of trauma. I deleted that blog due to some unsavory people I had met there; it just became too overwhelming at that time.
After about a year and a half, I created this blog. I missed having a community to talk to about my religion, even if no one really interacted with me. No one in my life, at that time, followed my religion, and if they did, they didn't worship any of the same gods. I wanted to have others to talk to that I could share my love for the gods with. I wanted to share some lessons I had learned, too. I felt a lot more ready to run a blog about my religion. It felt safer to do so, and I was much more confident in my practice than I had been. My relationships with my gods had grown, and so had I. Finally, my dear companion, @broomsick , inspired me to create this blog and rejoin Tumblr.
I was actually very hesitant to share my experiences again at the start. On my first blog, some people had weaponized my experiences against me and fueled some major anxiety issues I had at the time. So on this blog, I was very careful with what I shared. Frankly, I still am, but I'm much more open to sharing things I've experienced than I was.
My advice to you is to keep some things sacred and hold them close to your heart. It makes those experiences all the more special when you don't feel pressured to share them with others. My next advice is to start by sharing your random thoughts about your gods and experiences. It might sound silly, but over time, I've found that people enjoy hearing what others have to say. Many things I've posted here have grown alongside my real-life practice. Even now, I'll sometimes come across an older post of mine and see my progress. It's very encouraging when you're able to look back at how far you've come. Another piece of advice I have for you is to post for yourself, not for others. Make sure what you're posting are things you genuinely enjoy sharing, things that you actually want to post. Never feel pressured to post things you don't want to post simply because someone else requests it.
The most important advice of all that I have is for you to do it, and do it scared. It makes you nervous? Go for it anyway. You'll never know what it'll be like until you try. Taking risks is a difficult thing to do, but you could have so many wonderful experiences if you choose to take them, and even though this is just Tumblr, there's no telling what kind of connections and discoveries you could make by creating that blog! If you're new, that's great! Share what you're learning as you learn it, and as I mentioned above, you can look back and see how far you've come in the future and feel proud of it. I don't think it's disrespectful to share your thoughts and experiences, even if you realize you were wrong later on. Your practice will grow as you become more and more comfortable with it, and it's only natural that we say things now that we disagree with later. When we grow, we change, and so do our beliefs.
I say to give it a try and see if you enjoy posting! If not, you can always change your mind. It doesn't have to be a permanent decision.
I hope this answered your questions well. I also hope that the advice I shared is helpful to you. Take care, Nonny, and may you have fun on your new adventure, wherever it takes you! 🧡
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technicianlearner · 3 months
Regarding Tumblr activity (and the future of this blog and the other one)
Heya, Learner here. This is a pretty important news, so listen up. Click below to proceed.
So I have been flashbanged by the controversy Tumblr has been getting itself into. It was so stressing that it caused me to take a even bigger sick leave. In actuality, I lost giant bundles of motivation to write stuff for Tumblr in general, and when I think I should really came back, bang. There is a giant hellspawns of controversies going around, and as if that couldn't be any worse, guess what... AI data feeding. Wow. As if no one wants me to have any reason to come back here huh.
It's. Honestly saddening that I was trying to find a community where I can finally feel accepted without compromising the safety of my stuff. And I will admit. I do wish to rewrite some parts of my AU itself. But stuff like this kinda stunts my willpower to churn things out. Not to mention the engagement isn't as fulfilling as I wanted it to be. No, I get it, Tumblr... isn't the place to find for popularity. But I find it hard to find connections with others without it looking kinda awkward. And that's the hard part really. I'm here to have a good time, share my ideas, share my fun, but... it just feels like no one is spreading the word enough for me to eventually get into the hang of things.
So, I have nowhere to go. Even if I did turn on that one filter that would keep my data safe from AI, I don't know how effective it is. And let's be honest, with the recent controversy that happened prior, I'm genuinely terrified. What if there's going to be something like that happening again? With completely different people, different minorities, etc.
Now, before you ask, yes. I am straight - I will try to word this in a way that doesn't sound condescending, I hope no one finds my opinion offensive. I come from a country that really, *really* does not like LGBTQ+ people in any way, or more like, they have bad rep over here. No, I am not homophobic, or transphobic. Do you do you, buddy. As long as you are nice to me, as long as you DO NOT force me to be LGBTQ+ as well, I am completely okay with befriending you. Be who you are! I will support it either way, it's your life choice. Just don't bother me, who is comfortable with my identity and self as of current. I wholeheartedly support those who wish to be who they feel like they want to be. So yeah, me seeing all that whole debacle? Good god. Not again.
My goodwill to Tumblr has been holed in many holes. And I don't know what to do about it.
So... this will be me announcing some form of indefinite hiatus for both this blog and @technicianuprisingau, until I either 1. have enough bravery to enter Tumblr grounds again and/or 2. I found a different place I can freely get myself into without fearing 28479373947 spikes going to hit my chest for various reasons. I will be active on Discord most of the time, and yes, I am still stuck in RP land, this is a call for help.
I'm... sorry, if I ever offend anyone by writing this in any shape or form, I do not meant to be rude or to be a b^tch - English is my second language, so if anyone wants to scream at me, uh... please don't. I... I'm just babbling at this point.
See you next time, -Learner
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mileven11forever · 3 months
hi! ive been seeing ur posts around a bit and just wanted to ask you a question which honestly isnt related to the show plot because even though i do ship byler i believe mileven is gonna be cannon because a suger mega mainstream show isnt likely to throw away their main ship for an unexpected gay ship which imo would make sense with all the queercoding and would just be sumn new but yknow its unlikely. so my wish for s5 is some serious and good growth for mileven as a couple but back to my question as i mentioned earlier there is quite a bit of queercoding and ig what u could call 'proof' and while i agree some of the byler proof thrown around are stretches and reaches most of it seems pretty plausible which does mean there is a chance that the people working on that show purposely put in those aspects and parallels but for what? (possible queerbait which ick!) and another thing with will and his love arc it seems kinda unfair ik its the 80s and in reality it wouldve matched wills situation but in the end it is a super popular fiction show in 2020s and it does have the liberty to provide some sort of solace to will like everyone else in the show gets some kind of romance but the tortured gay guy should be happy with the acceptance? kinda ouch and on topic of queer characters i personally think robin has one of the most beautiful coming out scenes in tv history but with vickie they did bad to her character like they have barely 5 mins of screen time tgther and theyre basically the same person w the brain and mouth parallel so impo the writers and show producers have sort of messed up with the queer characters(s5 could redeem everything but i have a feeling it rlly wont) plus i mean making will love mike was such a choice like he couldve like anyone else the show has time and time again had clear chances to just either not make will have a thing for mike or get him to confess and or move on and introduce a new guy for him and have a chance of a happy ending but they had to employ the overused gay guy loves his straight best friend trope and drag onto the last season where theres already the battle to the death going on so even if they do get a new guy there will be no satisfying development to their bond. and then practically use his feelings to encourage mike which is just cruel and is kinda harmful for many queer people like i remember just sobbing in my grandmas living room because how horrible that scene made me feel so i just want ur opnions on this as u seem like some1 passionate about the show and an ally. (sorry if its kinda long this my first time ever interacting w anyone on tumblr im rlly unsure how to go about these things)
Yeah, definitely, I think I understand what you mean. Queerbaiting sucks, but I don't personally think that's what this show is doing. I think a lot of the hints people are claiming as Byler evidence is just based on their interpretation, and not what the creators intended it to be seen as. We honestly can't know what they intended without them confirming it, so it's hard to know one way or the other. I don't believe a lot of the evidence for Byler personally, and it just doesn't make sense narratively for the show like you mentioned. I don't know, it's complicated. If anyone else wants to share their thoughts on this, feel free to leave them in the comments. :)
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saltynsassy31 · 5 months
Being a Frye defender hurts so much, I get ya. My first splatfest win was Splatoween, and I'm pretty happy that Shiver didn't win this time but it kinda sucks that Frye can't win. My friend and I were screaming in the school yard when team handshake won because... Shiver man, she has won so many times it isn't fair. And I think Frye's first win was because she has the advantage of "general opinion" because spicy and sour aren't the popular preferences in general. Imagine if either Shiver or Big Man got the "Salty" option then Frye's probably gonna lose too.
I get ya, bud. I get ya... We're on the same boat floating on our river of blood-sweat-and-tears of Splatoon players. I'mnot motivated to play Splatoon again, yes I still fixate on the manga but I mostly play cookie run these days.
I was convinced fustbump would win! Yeah, we had mirror matches, but shiver always won cuz if that anyway, and then...we didn't?
In Japan they got a sweep, so I don't even know what we are doing wrong anymore, I just want to have fun, I want to be silly, I want to enjoy my time playing splatoon, I don't want to feel stressed during splatfest, anxiously going to bed after reset and dreading opening my phone cuz I know my friends are going to update me on who won, and then seeing shiver won again and going to school on a bad mood, I hate this cycle!
I've reached a point of just wishing big man wins more, just so shiver stops winning
I don't wanna be right, but after seeing the the intro dialogue of Shiver, I just gotta except she'll win...again
My sister joked that "watch Frye constantly loose but then win the final fest as a final fuck you", and it'd be funny but man, this is sorta still a shitty situation, but at this point, I'll take it 😭😭😭
Cuz like "Oh it's family, family will totally win!"
But then we look back at first bump and 😐
We get the least amount of votes we loose but shiver wins
We get the most amount of votes but still loose yet shiver wins
Yeah, anything can happen really and I am I'm constant stress about it, imma rant on my tumblr during splatfest, probably, but I won't look into the tag, I am already stressed as is with school
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 4 months
Just saw everything that happened around your recent post about Harry and Ron and I’m really sorry for everything that you had to go through, I hope you are alright. Please do not let unreasonable people bring down your spirit, you are an amazing soul and an amazing writer (thoroughly enjoyed Back to the Eclipse); you have no idea how much your metas have helped people like me.
I have always loved reading but as the rebellious teen that I was I refused to read anything that was very popular so I had never read the Harry Potter books or watched the movies and I was kinda oblivious to the situation of the fandom as well. However last year I decided to read the books and guess what I absolutely fell in love with Ginny and Harry both as individual characters and as a couple(perks of reading the series without any preconceived biases), both of them are my top two favourite characters in the series (though Ginny kinda takes the crown for me). After finishing the series I was really excited to see what interesting opinions and takes people have not just for Ginny and Harry but for other characters in the series as well. However due to my inexperience with fandoms in general, the stupid me decided to start with reddit and quora (I still don’t understand why I did that to myself) and OMFG, the amount Ginny and Harry hate literally drove me crazy.
Honestly from the beginning I didn’t have much expectation from HarryXanyone other than Ginny shippers and Hermione’s arse worshippers; but the romione shippers and Ron fans????
The way the Ron and Romione fans slander Ginny (and also Harry, but to a much lesser extent than Ginny) was truly disturbing for me to read which lead me into questioning my own judgement about Ginny’s character and Hinny and I started believing that maybe I’m completely wrong about everything I thought about Ginny and Harry, because I really love Ron and I like romione as well despite all its problems and I thought that those people on the interenet have read the books so many more times than I have so “inevitably” they have to be right (and all of this I have to say was a very wrong thing on my part, though in my defence I was really busy with my Uni so I didn’t really have the time to think through things).
Then one fine day I stumbled upon your tumblr and you wouldn’t believe my happiness to finally come across someone who shares my ideas and opinions about characters, writing and literature in general but is much better and fearless than I can ever be in expressing those opinions. Your metas have reinforced my love for Ginny and Harry as individual characters and a couple again and has inspired me to be absolutely shameless in expressing my love for them. In fact you have also kinda inspired me to start my own tumblr account and ramble about my favourite characters, books and literature which I might do in near future.
Sorry for the rant
Please continue to be the amazing person that you are and continue to inspire people.
Loads of love from India    
Ok, first of all, you guys are so nice but I swear what happened is absolutely not a big deal.
People are absolutely free to disagree with what I say, even if I wish they did it when there's actually something two people can have different opinions on.
That said, I'm so happy you liked Back to the Eclipse and that my metas arrived to someone. It's really crazy the gaslighting this fandom does when it comes to hinny, isn't it?
Also, I am so happy to have inspired you to share your opinions!
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dozing-marshmallow · 2 months
Anon who requested "Thicc wife" here. Tbh I was nervous making that request, I was scared you would count it as NSFW😭. But i'm glad that you enjoyed writing it, and I want to make another requeste for Noah this time🥰
Ok so on his total drama online biography it is mentioned that hes the youngest od 9 siblings (a vary popular headcanon is that he only has sisters but you can do whatever you want). And Idk but I can just Imagine the moment they all found out that Noah has a crush on s/o they all just tease him endlesly about it, maybe some od them not stoping even when his unknowing crush comes over(cuz he propably did the same when any of them had a crush, let's be honest with ourselfs, his an asshole). And Idk maybe kinda trying to help him comfess but its not nesesery if you don't want to mention it, just teasing is fine.
Again you don't have to do it if you don't want to. Its at least 9 characters after all
Love you'r work❤️.
Hiii!~ So nice to hear from you again! I’m so glad you enjoyed the Chris x thicc wife reader post, thank you so much💖! Sorry I couldn’t get back to you sooner, for the past few months, I haven’t been very active on Tumblr.
Unfortunately, I am not going to be able to do your new request since the premise of this scenario is not necessarily centred around the reader, but more character x character. While I have no problems at all with generally portraying my own interpretation of how certain unseen but canon characters may behave (i.e. Chris’ mother in a previous one shot), I have no leads whatsoever when it comes to Noah’s siblings, especially with nine to think distinct personalities for.
I’m thankful you understand nevertheless and please please PLEASE do not let this hinder with your wishes to send another request in the future, whether it be similar or separate.❤️❤️
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korolife · 2 months
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Blog No.000 24年4月5日
『KoroLife』 : (I wish for) A Colorful Life
in hindsight I probably should've started with this introduction but ah well
Hello! I go by Aki Shourikawa, also known as TheAwesomeAki-kun from DeviantArt. Ever since dA "died" in 2019, I felt like I lost a place where creativity and the fun aspects of making art was celebrated and utilized. With the character-limiting, trend-chasing, confusing censorshipping, popularity-prioritizing algorithms and systems most social media sites use, I lost an outlet for expressing my scattered thoughts and experiences throughout my art journey.
Even though talking to the void for not having a following was normal to me even from my dA days, it felt especially lonely the past few years trying to move everything and start anew to cold, uncaring websites who valued clicks more than integrity or ingenuity. So much so that I just felt like I shouldn't even try doing anything apart from quietly feeling inadequate and too incompetent for anyone else outside my own head.
Outside of being a creator, I can hardly find artists I'd like to follow as a viewer in these sites now compared to before; when all the recommended recommendations tend to be the hundred-thousand-eyeball-popular artists that usually ➀cater to a younger demographic for profit, or just ➁follow along with whatever is currently trending and mirror what other artists already made. Not that there's anything bad about understanding your market and making profit off of it! It's just... art, to me, has always been an escape from ridiculous societal standings, hierarchies, or denomination prejudices present in day-to-day lifeーEveryone is capable of drawing or making art, and that's something I've always liked about it. But even if bad apples with bad takes are probably just a minority to an otherwise wholesome majority of artists out there... the idea of transforming the creation of art into a pure competitive market, or even some kind of 'content' generator somehow leaves a bad taste in my mouth, personally.
I want to see more of artists who create their own art as a showcase of how they perceive the world in their unique sense and style, just because! But those types (especially ones without a following) seem to keep getting shadowbanned, stunted, and pushed away by unquenchable zombie algorithms that push and normalize this trend.
There's a lot of laughably bad things to say about DeviantArt's online reputation, but I found that a lot of like-minded lurkers were easier to find back then + genuinely interact with beyond one-word compliments and befriend over a common interest (art!) regardless of following size, skill level, or what have you...compared to how it is these days where it's a ridiculous..."looking for art moots, but I will be picky❤"-kinda world. It was probably because it was focused as an art website and not just a really broad scope of 'social media' site where everything non-art also goes down the hatch...that was the case for old dA, at least.
Now, enter Tumblr!ーa site that I've been extremely familiar with even before I started uploading my stuff online, even though I haven't used it myself mostly because of DRAMAtical Murder memes ngl- and while I understand it still contains most of the flaws I've listed of other social media websites... it's meant to be a blogging site! With multiple blogs for multiple different things! That'll work great for me!... with my category-varied 2.4k submissions on old dA...I think!!
So instead of moping around for halcyon days as I did the past 4 years or so now, through Tumblr's platform... I wanted to get back to being productive again and document an aspect of my life that I wish to be filled with different colors and flavors. Through this nonsensical ramblingy, longass tangent about not liking other social media sites in comparison to old dAーalreadyーI'm doing it now!!
I want to learn all sorts of things when it comes to drawing, so I want to share all the failed experiments, confusing experiences, and silly things that generally makes me a little happy when I'm drawing. Even though I'll probably still be talking to the void...I think even the void will appreciate having more than 280 characters to use without sounding like an incoherent, shattered fortune cookie prophecy.
And if somehow, somewhere, someone finds and reads through them.... I hope they can give some form of motivation, inspiration, entertainment, or a cautionary tale for your own artistic endeavors, maybe? like, underestimating your deadlines and procrastinating at the last day, then panic upon the realization that you should've started like a wholeass year ago to finish the task at hand, then proceed with praying to a god (of your choice) and cramming until the very last minute til you nearly break your hands! Me and my 7-, 11-, 14-, 19- and 23-year-old selves do not recommend this at all! Tune in next week for more wild experiences that will summon forth bombasticeth side-eyes!!-
See you around, and for now, I hope you have a nice day ahead! 'v')/
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・Art Gallery・Commission Info・Ko-fi shop・
Main blog・Art blog・Non-chatterbox drawing process (KoroLite)
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kurisus · 8 months
Link Click Season 2: Thoughts
Just a post of everything that's been going through my head over the course of this season. First reflections, then theories for next time. Spoilers for all episodes under the cut, obviously. This is also so long Tumblr started glitching out on me, so I hope it reads well~
I know literally everyone had figured this out already but the execution of it was sooooo satisfying. It was to the point where if that wasn't where they were going with him, I wasn't sure what their plans were, and then everything fell into place just perfectly.
I genuinely don't have anything bad to say about that last episode. It was perfectly done in every way, and I'm super excited to see the next season play out--after we get some much-needed conflict establishment in that prequel, whatever it is.
As for the rest of the season though...I agree with the stuff I've seen about the pacing being a sore spot. It didn't ruin the season for me, but the constant recapping of scenes we've already seen + long fight scenes that didn't advance the plot was just kind of frustrating especially watching this weekly as I did and knowing I wasn't going to get answers this time. Episode 2 was the weakest for this, imo, since it felt like half of the episode was made of scenes from the first and the CXS + QL fight, while cool, didn't really do much for me. It felt like I was watching the chimera ant arc from HXH all over again, sometimes.
I've also seen takes that they forced the length of each episode to end on a cliffhanger but I kinda disagree? Season 1 had cliffhangers too, and the episodes were a little shorter. They could have shortened the episodes (to not repeat scenes and not draw out the fights) and still ended on cliffhangers, and I kind of expected those since again they were common in the first season. If I expect anything from Link Click, it's that they'll find a way to make a cliffhanger out of it.
I don't really have an issue with most of the season taking place in a single day either (again...chimera ant arc...literal peak fiction, but holy shit it took like 10 episodes to cover 1 minute in real-time but it wouldn't have been so effective if it didn't take its time), although it is a bit of a change from the first season, which was spread out over months. I rationalize it as the cases themselves happened within 12 hours, so this was kind of just one longer and more detailed case.
The director said he was going for a suspense angle this season rather than heartwrenching, and in that regard I think he succeeded. I didn't cry this season, but I did feel very stressed out the whole time, and the middle chunk of episodes simply flew by every week. They felt 5 minutes long. I have a feeling the next season will balance the best of both worlds--plot-relevant suspense with heartwrenching moments, kind of like the final scene of this season.
So yeah, a sore spot, not really a dealbreaker. I did read the interview with Li Haolin where he acknowledged the pacing issues and said he'll try to do better next season, which I really appreciated. I've seen it happen too often where the following season is too far into production or the showrunner thinks they're above criticism, and the show drops in quality as a result. I think season 3 will be the best yet, but I'm also scared by him saying the main story and ending are set in stone--what are they gonna do to us? How many seasons will they go on? I'd rather have the story come to its natural conclusion than be dragged on because it's popular.
Moving on, I liked the way they used the time travel powers this season to figure out more about the people chasing them, and to give Chen Bin some closure. Basically in a way that was plot relevant as opposed to exposition, although I wish they'd used their powers more in the back half. I thought it was a cool utilization of what we already know.
I liked the new characters we got this season, esp the parts revolving around the twins (and episode 9!!! it was so artsy!!!!). They made for very compelling characters, and I think Qian Jin will be back for more. Though I feel like the Li Tianchen we got was a bit different than his presentation last season where he was a childish, but highly intelligent, serial killer who is single-minded in his ruthlessness. This version seems to be struggling with his own motivations, mainly because his sister didn't follow him down the same path and he doesn't trust the guy giving him orders. It's a more rounded character, but not as compelling of a villain. I'm excited to see what happens when he teams up with Liu Xiao, though, since I have a feeling LX is going to be like my original interpretation of LTC. Redemption arc for LTC? Or will he get worse?
And what was up with Captain Xiao telling the main characters he was planning to resign once he caught Chen Bin's killer, then announcing he was promoted at the end? I know technically Tianchen is still at large, but cmon, he got a promotion for getting his colleagues killed? They should have just omitted the line about him resigning, tbh.
In terms of expectations vs reality for this season, I tried not to have expectations because I didn't want to be let down, but I sort of developed them anyway. My sole expectation was "challenge the idea that death is unchangeable" which they did get to--but only at the very beginning with LG's flashback, and then again in the last episode when they gave more context to it, so it wasn't the focus. This is because my vision for the season was one in which CXS experiences LG's death, then rewinds time to try to fix it, each time getting a step closer to solving the mystery. We didn't end up getting that because he remembered his character development, but I do kind of wonder what that would have been like. Maybe a little too close to Steins;Gate, and then I'd have been disappointed that they did the same thing as another time travel show I love, lol.
In any case, it seems they're going to do that next season. Or the following. However long it takes for them to elaborate on whatever the hell it is that Lu Guang did.
I also felt like they were going to go back in time to when CXS thought LG was dead and absolutely broke down, and how much of that was just a miscommunication, except this time he would be dead for real. But the more I think about it, the more it seems unlikely with the direction the story has been heading. Instead, LAN was simply trolling us with LG's fate for 2 years and pulled a switcharoo that CXS was the one we should fear for next? idk I want them to go back to the absolute despair of thinking your partner/best friend/boyfriend died while you were separated, but not hit the brakes on it so quickly.
Which brings me to my next concern--because of how everything happened so close together, the main characters didn't have much time to process everything that happened to them since last time. Qiao Ling didn't reflect much on her being possessed and stabbing someone she thinks of as a friend (remember how she screamed when she saw the blood on her hands? I wanted more of that), CXS and LG didn't get to talk about LG being stabbed, almost dying, and then kidnapped, also while thinking he was dead for a few hours there; and CXS didn't get a breather after being thrown into an extremely intense domestic violence situation unexpectedly, and coming out of it nearly collapsing. Because of the short timeskip at the end of the season, it seems like they may just skip over this and leave these conversations between seasons. Or the trauma they endured may come back up in new and spicy ways. I'll be interested to see what they do, but I'm going to be kind of bummed if they don't talk about any of what happened to each other, since that was such a big part of season 1.
So from reflections, on to theories...After watching episode 2, I developed a theory that I will lay out here because of how much I got right. Yes, I'm gonna brag a bit:
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I was right about Cheng Xiaoshi dying originally and Lu Guang apparently having both sets of powers, as seen when he clapped back in time, but the rest I have a few questions about.
First, the matter of the powers. I've seen a lot of people saying powers are passed when their user dies, but I don't think they are because I don't know how CXS would have powers in the present day unless a whole character we don't know about died in his arms before he even met LG. I also don't believe that Tianxi is dead either (they didn't show me a body and I won't believe it until I see one), so while I think it's possible QL has her powers and doesn't realize it, she didn't transfer them with death.
Next, how many times has LG rewound time? My gut feeling was that this is his first time because of how much has changed this time around. He didn't know about Tianchen and vice versa, so either CXS died before the twins came into the picture or the timeline has changed enough that now other people with powers are involved when they weren't before. Then again, he leapt so far back in the timeline (that basketball game) it wouldn't surprise me if none of the show's canon was part of the original timeline.
Third, how did CXS die? And who killed him? Maybe it was LX, maybe it was QJ (thinking of how LG's first instinct when meeting the guy was to try to LITERALLY PUNCH HIM TO DEATH), maybe it was someone we haven't met yet...I think we can agree he was murdered, though, and it wasn't an accidental death. Perhaps he was shot, perhaps stabbed, but more than anything I'm interested to see how that unfolds since LG seems to feel responsible and I have to wonder how much is survivor's guilt and how much is because he caused it.
Fourth, if death is a node that can be changed, would it have saved CXS's life if LG had died there? The times we've seen the timeline change, the same person still died at roughly the same time, but the circumstances got altered. I'm thinking here of Emma's death changing from suicide to murder (? I haven't rewatched season 1 since before season 2 started so I could be wrong), and Chen Bin going from jumping off the roof while possessed to losing the possession but being pushed (we saw the door closing on him originally). If someone else had killed themselves at that time, would he still be alive? It seems strange the laws would work as "someone has to die, it doesn't matter who." The only way I can think of this idea working in the context of our main duo is if CXS and LG are somehow the same person and all I can say is, god I hope not lmao, but then what was up with LG thinking "better me than him"?
Fifth, CXS apparently died on September 13 (or September 12, since LG leaped 5 minutes after midnight), but season 1 skipped right over that date and the end and this whole season took place in late October (going by the dates. I have seen the posts about time being broken, though, so let's see if that was stuff changing in the writing process without being fixed or something intentional). Was LG really able to delay his death by a whole month (causing a major timeline shift), or do we still have most of a year left before it happens? CXS was wearing his season 1 outfit when he died, but that could very well be a red herring.
Sixth, does LX have powers? I think he must, but what are they? How much does he know (ie just that the timeline is being fucked with, or does he know who is doing it?), and is he working for a higher power to "fix" time or simply himself? How will Tianchen help him achieve his goals? To me it seems likely LX is aware of other people with powers since he appeared to give advice to Tianchen in a crucial hour, then was in the same foreign country as our main two. Maybe he keeps tabs on all power users, or maybe he actually knows the main two personally but they don't know he's the one after them. He's certainly wise beyond his years is all I can say for now.
My post got so long Tumblr is yelling at me about a character limit, so that's why there's a break here. To the next text block~
I'm curious to see how much of what happened this season will be changed, nullified, or otherwise wiggled around in the timeline. Since it seems like a lot of this didn't happen in the original timeline, what of CXS possessing LG? Were those inconsistencies (how the window was broken, the phone being faceup/facedown, the password knowledge being only incidental) a result of animation errors or small shifts in the timeline? Will these things be important later? Until they say otherwise, my resting theory is that LG took that photo and used his power to read forward into time, see the boat's location, and send it to QL, and the actual hospital breakout was him originally. We have seen now that he can fight.
Link Click's time travel has always been less rules more vibes to me so I don't mind if these inconsistencies don't end up being important after all, but all the same it will he cool if they are.
That scene of CXS and QL as little kids is very precious to me, but it just occurred to me that took place before they knew LG and thus before he started fucking with the timeline. How much of pre-series canon will be changed as a result, ie those memories QL has? We still don't know anything about CXS's parents either, so both of these things may get overwritten in the timeline. Imagine a timeline where CXS was completely lonely...
QJ was built up as a villain a lot this season so I wouldn't be at all surprised if he busted out of prison in the second half or the end of next season. Another one for LX to manipulate? Will he be the one getting him out?
Does QL have powers now? It seems like Tianxi gave her powers at the end there, but she hasn't realized it yet. I was kinda hoping she doesn't since I'd prefer one of the three remains "normal," but if that's the direction they're taking, I trust they'll do something interesting with it, especially since that power is required for Tianchen to kill people.
Speaking of, I'm super excited to find out what will happen when CXS inevitably discovers what LG has been keeping from him. Maybe QL will confront LG first and the two of them will try to figure things out, only for CXS to feel doubly betrayed that the two closest friends he has in his life know he's died and haven't said anything about it to him, and have been actively trying to prevent his death again. The angst fallout with that will be delicious. I'm also thinking of the shot in the season 2 OP of QL turning her back on him once the song reverses, hmmm.
LTC only became aware of CXS in the first place because when he was talking to Emma on the bridge, he said he's a time traveler and gave his name. So, it's a loop, but we have yet to see how LTC figured out where CXS worked and learned who his friends are to go after Xu Shanshan. Will LG reach the same conclusion and somehow cause that action to be undone, and will that in turn affect LX's perception of events?
All in all, despite some issues with the pacing of season 2 dragging it down and making it not quite as good as season 1, I still really enjoyed it and thought the music especially was a big upgrade from what was already so good (VORTEX, Until It Dies, and Mastermind will be on loop for a while longer). I also had a great time checking the tags regularly for fanart, gifsets, and theories, and I'm excited to see what unhinged theories we'll develop by the time season 3 rolls around. Until then, see ya in the prequel!
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nkatr84 · 1 year
Scrooge: Old Vs New
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There’s a few posts I wanted to make. The new Guardians Of the Galaxy Holiday Special. Disenchanted. Slumberland. Wednesday. That one Moon Knight fan fic sitting in my drafts. But I’ve got to talk about this.
Scrooge: A Christmas Carol on Netflix came out this year in 2022. While Critics haven’t been too kind to it (I’ll get to my theory why in a second) y’all on Tik Tok and Tumblr have been losing your minds. You’re falling in love with the music (particularly Later Never Comes). But mostly…many of you have this reaction.
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The surprising hottie in question being this rendition of Ebenezer Scrooge.
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And I get it. As is tradition in animated takes of Dickens immortal classic, the animators clearly took inspiration from their voice actor Mr. Luke Evans. And Mr. Evans is a very handsome man. So I’m right there with you guys simping over an old man with a sexy voice.
But! I would be remiss if I failed to educate my fellow fangirls, fanboys and all between that this movie…is technically a remake.
Directed in 1970 by Ronald Neame, Scrooge was nominated for Four Academy Awards and won a Golden Globe. Quite an achievement in a time when movie musicals were fading in popularity. And it’s composer Leslie Bricusse (who also helped bring Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory to life) was an executive producer and helped write the screenplay for this new version. And since he passed away last year, the animated film is dedicated to him.
Of the original eleven songs, five were carried over to the new movie. Happiness. I Like Life (with updated lyrics). Beautiful Day, Thank you Very Much and I Will Begin Again. Yet while the original movie received generally positive reviews from critics, the new movie only holds a 40% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. What’s the difference? I mean the animation is very nice. Sometimes downright gorgeous. Obviously the music works. I’ve heard people praising both the new songs as well as the older ones. And they actually add depth to the original story.
Well if I had to guess, the new version is very much catering to kids versus families. The Ghost of Christmas Present has cute little Minion like critters. They cut the line of Scrooge saying, “If They (the poor) would rather die then they better do it. And decrease the surplus population!” I guess because it’s too mean? Speaking of, they give Scrooge a dog named Prudence. I guess to show the kids that he’s not all bad. He has a cute doggy! He’s kinda indifferent to the dog but hey! Don’t look at the scary imagery of Scrooge watching his own ghost rise from his grave! Look at the puppy! Look at the puppy! I mean Mr. Magoo kept the mean lines in as did the Muppet’s. Plus they trusted kids with the scary stuff.
Yeah as cute as those reindeer antlers on her looked at the end, Prudence was definitely a studio note and serves no purpose. She could be cut and you wouldn’t miss anything. Plus I’m not a fan of the opening number. Too peppy and modern. I wished they had done an update of the song that opens the 1970 movie, “A Christmas Carol “
Plus I love this song from Cratchit. It’s so Christmas… I wish this one made the cut.
But I do like the new version. Later Never Comes goes way harder than “You” and Luke Evans really balances out Scrooge being an old curmudgeon and a man who knows and regrets his choices. Plus the whole thing is animated like a dream. I love Luke Evans singing “I will Begin Again.” It’s a song of hope, passion and joy. And when Albert Finney’s Scrooge sings it …well… he tried…I can’t post it here but trust me. Luke Evans is a major upgrade. They make up for it with the finale in the 1970’s version where they almost reprise every song in the movie. Plus my parents always like how they made Albert Finney up to really look like a miser than doesn’t cut his hair or even clean his nails or his house. And technically Albert Finney was a sex symbol back in the day. Where he played both the old and young versions of Scrooge. So having a sexy Scrooge is technically precedent…
So give the original movie a watch if you like this one. It can be it’s own kind of goofy at times, but it’s definitely worth a yearly viewing. As is the new version on Netflix.
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